Imsure1200q: ok
eulerscheZahl: did you really restart your computer in the hope for a more stable chat? that seems total overkill
code_maniac: Nope i just checked my internet connection 🙈
WINWINWIN: It does not mention on the FAQ, but are tensorflow, keras, pydot and scikit available in python?
BarangCK: :grimacing:
Tiramon: if it isn't mentioned it isn't available WINWINWIN
Tiramon: thats why they made the faq, else you could simply test it with an import, if the module isn't found ...
Uljahn: are there any free python online IDEs with keras or scikit? i guess not
Marchete: I imagine these could have it
Marchete: ask inory_y when you see him
Tiramon: free gpu usage .. nice
Uljahn: ye, i know you can install libraries by hand there, but it's a pita, been there
Imsure1200q: dady shark
WINWINWIN: What exactly is the point of jupyter notebook?
LelouchVC2: Free my homie Tyron
WINWINWIN: Any moderators online now?
WINWINWIN: adarshbolettin has been banned from the world chat for the past few months, so can he come back now?
sHlOk: @WINWINWIN why was he banned?
sHlOk: @WINWINWIN i m not the moderator but i dont think he can come back but he caan make a new account.
WINWINWIN: Understood, thanks sHlOk
sHlOk: @WINWINWIN Nprblm brother
AggYz: shortest code mode is unfair
AggYz: whoever uses ruby will win
AggYz: has no practical use other than dominating shortest code mode
AggYz: and making python 3 kiddos cry
WINWINWIN: true AggYz but you only need to learn the hacks for shortest, not any technical stuff
WINWINWIN: also, perl, bash can be even more effective at times.
rak1507: if you want to comfortably win most golfs, learn the basics of ruby, python, and bash (perl or sed)
Imsure1200q: how abt javascript lol
rak1507: js is a terrible golf lang
Imsure1200q: i know its messy lol but i guess its very flexible
DingYi: the "smallest island" test case always fail when submit, is the test broken ?
Imsure1200q: does it pass when u dont submit?
DingYi: it went OK in the IDE
DingYi: yes it pass in the IDE
sHlOk: Hello everyone i have aserious query
sHlOk: i just want to know everything about the text i m sending
sHlOk: I think a hacker group is trying cross site scripting on some essential websites.
sHlOk: pls anyone get the info about it.
sHlOk: 购买美国假文凭∫出售美国假学历【微信857767150】办理Howard霍华德大学假毕业证文凭做Howard假文凭∫做Howard假学历∫假毕业证学历 Howard University fake diploma
Imsure1200q: where did you get that from
sHlOk: This was the text they are continuously sending over a website
Imsure1200q: do you have link?
Imsure1200q: oh
Imsure1200q: by text you mean email?
sHlOk: No on that website people ask question related to subjects in that they are asking this question repeatedly
Imsure1200q: 购买美国假文凭∫出售美国假学历【微信857767150】办理Howard霍华德大学假毕业证文凭做Howard假文凭∫做Howard假学历∫假毕业证学历 Howard University
Imsure1200q: This one?
sHlOk: And i tried to know the account but failed as all the account handelers name were like random texts and but they all had same age i.i 28
sHlOk: that showed some fake degrees course
sHlOk: but the phone number is not able to be traced
Imsure1200q: 8577-671-50 i dont know this phone number format
Astrobytes: Um... spammers
sHlOk: Thats the thing na it has only 9 digits!!!!
Imsure1200q: There are also spammers across youtube
Astrobytes: OMG! 9 DIGITS!
sHlOk: They are either koreans or chinese!!
Imsure1200q: lol wouldnt it be weird if the first 2 digits tells their country and the next 7 is local phone number
Imsure1200q: there seems to be no dashes so it would make sense if no parentheses as well
sHlOk: china has 86 and korea has 82
sHlOk: So it cant be them! But the langusage is chinese
Imsure1200q: how about japan
Imsure1200q: there is like a weird integral symbol
WINWINWIN: Imsure1200q hows space maze coming along?
Imsure1200q: when you saw the question was it a math question?
Astrobytes: Seriously...
Imsure1200q: @WINWINWIN going ok listening to minecraft music really helping me make my code idk why but its just me :)
AntiSquid: uhm wtf
WINWINWIN: Hey AntiSquid
Imsure1200q: sHIOk maybe just ignore spammer
WINWINWIN: taking part in contest tomorrow?
Imsure1200q: also astrobytes
AntiSquid: depends on the game i guess, i signed up though
Imsure1200q: boom im doing raycasting :P
Astrobytes: Great.
AntiSquid: for example i am not sure i want to do bit runner atm
WINWINWIN: Yeah makes sense, will really not like CSB
sHlOk: 购买美国假文凭∫出售美国假学历【微信857767150】办理Howard霍华德大学假毕业证文凭做Howard假文凭∫做Howard假学历∫假毕业证学历 Howard University fake diploma
sHlOk: i m stuck in this stuff
Astrobytes: sHlOk Stop it please
AntiSquid: what is the problem in the problem Automaton2000 ?
Automaton2000: i used to do that then
WINWINWIN: sHlOk buy / sell fake american diplomas
Astrobytes: It's Chinese spammers, posting a Chinese WeChat number, in Chinese. Get over it.
WINWINWIN: Im guessing that Howard is a fake Harvard
AntiSquid: sHlOk your user name reminds me of one of structs multi titles he plans to do
sHlOk: @Astrobyte are they bloody hackers??
Astrobytes: No.
WINWINWIN: Man, they are obviously some kind of cheats if they go around selling fake diplomas
sHlOk: Whats the reason behind spreading such damn web page?
AntiSquid: why discuss fake diplomas here though?
Astrobytes: How long have you people been on the internet?!
WINWINWIN: Idk, he asked me
AntiSquid: are they your room mates sHlOk ?
WINWINWIN: Any multi that you are not legend yet AntiSquid?
AntiSquid: XR
Astrobytes: Is it just me AntiSquid or has this chat been pretty strange this week
jacek: no
WINWINWIN: Very strange
Imsure1200q: split the string
WINWINWIN: lots of random stuff coming up, especially while I am on CG instead of paying attention to online classes :P
AntiSquid: people making fun of great algorithms is strange
Imsure1200q: cool
sHlOk: Sorry if i had irritated u all but frankly speaking i m a grade 10 boy who is quiet axious regarding cyber security
sHlOk: So came here to ask u all experts
Imsure1200q: ye but just ignor it
WINWINWIN: :/ Guy selling fake diplomas did not seem suspicious to you?
AntiSquid: they can find out where you live if they are hackers and maybe break into your house at night when your parents sleep sHlOk
Astrobytes: It's just spam dude, don't crack a rib or anything
AntiSquid: also sHlOk don't talk to strangers
sHlOk: @AntiSquod LOL i have a degree in XSS i!!!!
AntiSquid: might be very dangerous people sHlOk you should be afraid
Imsure1200q: idk tho
sHlOk: @AntiSquid i m not just was a bit thinking about my friends data safety!!!!!
AntiSquid: they will fight you 1 on 1 and then drag you to their headquarters sHlOk
Imsure1200q: what was that thing abt chrome having security probs
sHlOk: @AntiSquid i m a black belt 2nd dan thho LOL!!!!!
WINWINWIN: sHlOk when are boards?
AntiSquid: ya but they are usually ninjas and walk very silently, you don't hear them coming up your back
sHlOk: Next year!!! @WINWINWIN
Imsure1200q: and they have the spoon
WINWINWIN: Damn, you get long breaks for history etc... last year I had a 2 week break for CS and only 2 days for Hindi
sHlOk: @AntiSuid i will smash them down lol!! but lets stop talking about this there are chinese users too:joy:
Astrobytes: lol I loved that series AntiSquid
Imsure1200q: lol
Astrobytes: The Ginosaji
sHlOk: @WINWINWIN I m ICSE nigga:joy:
Imsure1200q: ok ok
Astrobytes: python-kitten STOP INVITING ME TO CLASHES
WINWINWIN: March 2018 was my boards
AntiSquid: no racial slurs sHlOk
sHlOk: We r lucky ones we have java since class 7th @WINWINWIN
Imsure1200q: slurr
AntiSquid: of any kind
Imsure1200q: chinese is a race u kno
WINWINWIN: He does not mean that
sHlOk: @AntiSquid Bro when i did any kind of racism BRO!!!
AntiSquid: what is slurr ? urban dic gives weird definition
AntiSquid: sHlOk 12:07PM @WINWINWIN I m ICSE nigga:joy:
sHlOk: speak (words) indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another.
"he was slurring his words like a drunk":joy:
WINWINWIN: ICSE boards were messed up in some schools in where I lived... teachers were literally behaving like kids..
WINWINWIN: I mean the invigilators were behaving like Elementary schoolchildren
Imsure1200q: collegeboards
sHlOk: @WINWINWIN they r more caring
Imsure1200q: sHIOk split the string and get ascii values
sHlOk: @Imsure1200q when did u pass schooling ?
Imsure1200q: wdym by pas schooling
Imsure1200q: like finish school?
WINWINWIN: Not really, these guys hosted multiple schools. so when outside students asked for extra answer sheets, they started walking really slowly
WINWINWIN: One kid lost out like 30 mins
sHlOk: @Imsure1200q Thats really easy to split a string and get ascci using chaAt function in java.
sHlOk: @WINWINWIN this shows u really had a bad tym:joy:
Imsure1200q: yeah so how is that related to schoool?
sHlOk: @Imsure1200q just asked as a friend brother!
Imsure1200q: so like whats pass school
Imsure1200q: finish school or not fail school answer: n o
sHlOk: Do u all know once i visited this site at 3:00 am and was surprised to know that there are amny bots in there
Imsure1200q: codingame?
sHlOk: Likw AlkhilJohn, Mathie,.......
Imsure1200q: alkhiljohn is a bot?
Imsure1200q: but i keep seeing him clash?
sHlOk: Imsure1200q he clashes when no one joins a clash!! his level is stuck at 9
Imsure1200q: but sometimes everyone joins a clash and hes there
Imsure1200q: like sometimes hes not even the first person to be there
sHlOk: I asked a real player of lev32 last day he said that he is
Imsure1200q: is it possible to have a bot that can be used as a real account
Imsure1200q: its a bot but at the same time its a real account that a person actually using
sHlOk: U can say it looks like a real acc bu that can be a bot
Imsure1200q: ya
Imsure1200q: but i dont know how he wins some clashes
Imsure1200q: like
Imsure1200q: you know those R-18 R-16 things
Imsure1200q: its a bit above 10 but under 16
sHlOk: Imsure1200q they already know the code bro as they are created by the web developers!!!
Imsure1200q: so they're not a problem then
sHlOk: But in order to look real sometimes they loose some clashes
sHlOk: @Imsure1200q ya they are not problem
Imsure1200q: maybe they're to start clashes and motivate peepl to join?
Imsure1200q: like i keep on seeing the Ganesan and AlkhilJohn
Imsure1200q: also BitWolf (is that the name?)
sHlOk: YA bitwolf with a bluishpurple wolf profile?
Imsure1200q: ya
Imsure1200q: also i see euler somtimes
Imsure1200q: lo
Imsure1200q: lol
Imsure1200q: oh well bots are bots and eulerscheZlha is not a bot
Uljahn: bitwolf is an official CG bot i guess
Heliferepo: Yes bitwolf is a bot
Imsure1200q: slap
Heliferepo: The best one is Tychkorg lol
Imsure1200q: lol
Tiramon: you can identify the cg bots pretty easy ... look at and everyone with > 30k clashs is a cg bot
WINWINWIN: Tiramon are the ranks for the CoC bots preset levels that CG decided?
eulerscheZahl: wow, that's a lot of clashes
Imsure1200q: wat
Imsure1200q: what if i do 30k clashes rn am i a boot
eulerscheZahl: :boot:
Imsure1200q: sock
Imsure1200q: btw euler is there an episode 2 for space maze
eulerscheZahl: i never published it as i can't solve it myself
Imsure1200q: ooo interesting
Imsure1200q: lol
WINWINWIN: u finished the first one Imsure1200q?
Imsure1200q: so demos are chalenges that arent published?
eulerscheZahl: similar to part 1 but you have multiple cars to control. they can collide
eulerscheZahl: yes
Imsure1200q: Win 3x not yet :)
Imsure1200q: euler that seems interesting
eulerscheZahl: you can even upload your own games if you want
Imsure1200q: yes but im already making some weird anatomy blender-like modeler game thingy
Imsure1200q: also my heuristic is the worst but as long as i can solve
remi6: If bots have no problem with Recaptcha, is it there just to annoy? :c
remi6: When I pass Recaptcha multiple times in a row, it becomes almost unpassable.
ViratKohli: yes
WINWINWIN: Kohli??? meh... Pant for the win :P
Imsure1200q: after you submit your work can anyone else see your code
Quidome: yes
Quidome: You can turn it off in the settings
Imsure1200q: in the IDE?
Quidome: yes
Imsure1200q: thanks
Quidome: pull down menu top right, settings
Quidome: under your username
eulerscheZahl: bots are allowed for CoC. just not your own bots. only official CodinGame bots
eulerscheZahl: obviously these don't get captchas
remi6: I see. I wish I didn't get captchas too. Having them before each match is unbearable since they become more difficult each time.
remi6: And in the end it is just this: "Your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now."
struct: These clashes are fun
struct: ...
jacek: maybe captcha is part of the challenge
jacek: after all its site about ai and making bots
Imsure1200q: meme plz
Imsure1200q: lol
Imsure1200q: plz meme
Imsure1200q: but theres no chatboot :(
Astrobytes: Working hard on Space Maze I see :smirk:
Imsure1200q: 15% looking at comments on minecraft album videos
Imsure1200q: 6% eating lol
Astrobytes: "lol"
Imsure1200q: ye
Imsure1200q: and then the rest of the 79% can be divided into three areas
Astrobytes: Why are you bothering to waste your time here.
Imsure1200q: why not?
Astrobytes: So many more minecraft video comments to read.
Imsure1200q: yes but theres only so many
Imsure1200q: some have bad words tho
eulerscheZahl: next task: an automaton for minecraft videos
Astrobytes: What, like "cosine" or "integral"
Imsure1200q: lol its possible
Astrobytes: Go and read something educational. Expand your mind a little.
Imsure1200q: haha but you see, i'm always getting something educational
Imsure1200q: every hour
Astrobytes: As you've simply been uttering banal rubbish in here most of the day.
Imsure1200q: i cant stop it thats just me rn when i see something interesting i go g 'ooOO'
Imsure1200q: which is why 15% of the time, minecraft videos
Astrobytes: If you have issues with your attention span you should do something about it.
Imsure1200q: no i dont think i have
Imsure1200q: the only issue is because technically i've had a 9-quarter school year but after that its easy
Imsure1200q: and the 9-quarter wasnt for disciplining me lol it was because parents, relatives etc wouldn't listen to me
Imsure1200q: this rubbish can fit into so many minutes in one hour ;)
Astrobytes: I wouldn't listen to you either if you spout the same kind of rubbish at home.
Imsure1200q: we dont talk much at home
Astrobytes: Well don't take it out on us. Comment on minecraft videos.
Imsure1200q: lol ok
Astrobytes: Become a minecraft meme lord or something.
Imsure1200q: that's actually a good career
Imsure1200q: looking forward to it
Imsure1200q: but first ill finish this space maze
Astrobytes: At this rate you'll have 'finished' Space Maze sometime in your mid-70s.
Imsure1200q: i dont even know if you will reach 70s
Astrobytes: You. Not me.
Imsure1200q: but yeah if i reached 70s lol i'd probs not do spacemaze anymore
WINWINWIN: For all those interested, codeforces is having a stratified contest in 10 mins
Imsure1200q: a 70-year-old minecraft memelord its so funny HAHA
Imsure1200q: what im serious it is funny
Astrobytes: So funny that my sides are actually splitting here. Really.
Imsure1200q: like your brain?
Imsure1200q: dude that has some weird symptoms
WINWINWIN: Not a great conversation Imsure1200q
Astrobytes: Er...
Imsure1200q: what?
Imsure1200q: oh it looked like an insult lol
WINWINWIN: Trying to avoid calling it blabbering now.
Imsure1200q: no i literally mean your brain like a physical brain
WINWINWIN: Astrobytes taking part in codeforces?
Astrobytes: It's been 'blabbering' for around 90% of his chat WINWINWIN
Astrobytes: Nah, not my thing WINWINWIN
Astrobytes: *not my kinda thing
Imsure1200q: lol
WINWINWIN: My first one that will probably be fair, me participating in kotlin was ridiculous :P
Astrobytes: lol, hey, you tried
WINWINWIN: :D Tried using java, got completely confused with the "Random" bugs
WINWINWIN: Guessing that eulerscheZahl will do codeforces
eulerscheZahl: huh?
WINWINWIN: the contest, starting in 5 mins
eulerscheZahl: does this graph look like i would participate regularly?
WINWINWIN: :) The rating looked like it
eulerscheZahl: so many contests,can't play all of them so i filter by prizes
Astrobytes: Quality over quantity WINWINWIN
inoryy: CF runs multiple times a week anyway
eulerscheZahl: yeah. way too many to keep track
WINWINWIN: Makes sense, CG takes priority then
eulerscheZahl: i repeatedly though about unsubscribing to the newsletter. but sometimes there's a pleasant surprise
Astrobytes: I don't really dig most CP stuff, I prefer the CG format.
eulerscheZahl: on CG i always join a contest, no matter what prizes they offer
WINWINWIN: Yes, I enjoy multis and AI programming a lot more than the puzzles
WINWINWIN: Hey Vineetsadawari
Astrobytes: Anything where I don't have to recall half of CLRS just to pass a round suits me
WINWINWIN: Yes, vineet, we have all registered
eulerscheZahl: i haven't registered yet
WINWINWIN: why not?
eulerscheZahl: i almost always register on the day of the contest
WINWINWIN: does it reflect bad on profile if you register and do not participate?
Astrobytes: It's called being casually late WINWINWIN :P
inoryy: you get banned from CG if you don't participate
eulerscheZahl: so that's the real story of struct?
Astrobytes: hahaha
inoryy: that's also why I also submit something in the first weekend, afraid of that ban
Imsure1200q: oh really inorry
AntiSquid: what does the q at the end of your nick stand for Imsure1200q ?
Imsure1200q: nothing
Imsure1200q: its a typo
Imsure1200q: but i like it more idk why
AntiSquid: change it to iq
Imsure1200q: no its so weird
AntiSquid: we need the meme material
Imsure1200q: i like the q because the line is "assymetrical" to the I
Astrobytes: Haven't you got a minecraft video to comment on?
Imsure1200q: already commented
Imsure1200q: one comment to help the utuber make his vids
Imsure1200q: other to meme meme
Astrobytes: More comments come while you waste time in chat. They are waiting. Get them.
Imsure1200q: nah last time i checked the video no extra new comments
Astrobytes: Next video.
Imsure1200q: besides who would want to watch the video cz the content is outdated
Astrobytes: You. Clearly.
Imsure1200q: but i didnt watch it lol
AntiSquid: chat is temporary, comments are eternal
Astrobytes: "lol"
Imsure1200q: youre supposed to listen to the video not watch it
Astrobytes: I'm not clicking that.
Imsure1200q: mmhmm
Astrobytes: "mmhmm" what?
Imsure1200q: you're not clicking that
Astrobytes: I'm not and I will not.
Imsure1200q: then dont nobodys forcing you
Astrobytes: There's some wet paint nearby that needs watching while it dries.
Imsure1200q: nah i havent painted in 1 year
AntiSquid: too round about, he won't understand it
Astrobytes: True.
Imsure1200q: ye im not into that kind of language
AntiSquid: watching paint dry is better than watching your video Imsure1200q
Imsure1200q: but its not my video
Imsure1200q: someone else's
Astrobytes: "Your linked video" then.
Imsure1200q: but its still not mine
Xcalibre: :no_mouth:
Imsure1200q: neu
Snef: :popcorn:
Imsure1200q: oh you need 10 tons of popcorn to last this day
Astrobytes: Oh really.
Imsure1200q: maybe
Snef: Just curious about it, how old are you Imsure1200q ?
Astrobytes: I estimate around 13-14
Imsure1200q: yeah just the prime between those two
Xcalibre: 13-14=-1
Snef: is this kid the "pro coder" ?
Imsure1200q: so im not yet born
Astrobytes: 13 to 14
Imsure1200q: snef you could put it like that
Astrobytes: Naw that was another kid Snef
Imsure1200q: im already used to being called a nerd and savvy and all
Astrobytes: The copypaster
Snef: oh ok
Imsure1200q: but i havent copy-pasted code from others in a while now?
Imsure1200q: i mean i could totally ask euler for the solution to space maze
Astrobytes: Savvy? You're about as savvy as a drunk snail.
Imsure1200q: cool words
Imsure1200q: its fun to chat here :P
WINWINWIN: Wait until ZarthaxX and jacek get here LD
Snef: You can check #minecraft channel it's even funnier
Imsure1200q: are they gonna trol trol
Astrobytes: I'm actually really holding myself back here.
Imsure1200q: its good that u are
Scarfield: feed the ducks, not the trolls.
Xcalibre: Astrobytes i can only imagine how hard it must be for you
Imsure1200q: but you dont feed persons duck food
Astrobytes: Then JBM's game wouldn't exist Scarfogenesis
Astrobytes: Indeed Xcalibre :)
Scarfield: that is art, i hope the artwork of the trolls stays as is AstroGemeni
Astrobytes: I completely agree
WINWINWIN: Scarfield COO at eevil corp :/
Imsure1200q: come on this argument didnt even last a day?
Astrobytes: What argument?
AntiSquid: make sure the confit duck is slow cooked ?!
Imsure1200q: you know where the older people call children names because they think children dont know a lot of things
Imsure1200q: and like the children kinda get annoyed and talk back
Imsure1200q: wanna continu
Astrobytes: You've been trolling us since... what, Sunday?
WINWINWIN: I am not an *Older person* Barely 3 years older than you
Imsure1200q: nah more like saturday
AntiSquid: are you real philipino ?
Imsure1200q: if i werent i wouldnt put Philippines would i
WINWINWIN: People do all kinds of stuff here...
AntiSquid: because filipinos listen to their elderly ... kind of a tradition in that country
Astrobytes: I think he did speak some Tagalog the other day
Imsure1200q: but their elderly
AntiSquid: yet you say the opposite
WINWINWIN: "Elderly" AntiSquid??? Adult sure but I dont think anyone here is "Elderly" :P
Imsure1200q: haha how many filipinos do you think listen to their elderly yet still think the same
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 is
Imsure1200q: by fil i mean children
Automaton2000: starting from the last time i had to write a proper bot
Imsure1200q: the only think that comes to mind there is when filipinos say "po opo ho" to others and give lola and lolo a bless
WINWINWIN: The number of times Automaton2000 manages to say something coherent with the conversation always surprises me
AntiSquid: well lots of filipinos in UK told me same thing, listen to people older than you :p
Automaton2000: i don't plan to do that to me
WINWINWIN: magus did a really good job making him
inoryy: Automaton2000 say something relevant
Automaton2000: might have to try that
Astrobytes: :D
Imsure1200q: ea
inoryy: the elder has spoken
Imsure1200q: with a gandalf-like impression or smth
Astrobytes: Yes, inoryy is Gandalf.
Imsure1200q: he was an actor?
Astrobytes: Can't you tell by his avatar?
Imsure1200q: no its too smal
WINWINWIN: inoryy what is the latest game that DeepMind has been focussing on? Googling it gives different results each time.
Astrobytes: Space Maze obvs
Xcalibre: Astrobytes lol
WINWINWIN: :D sometimes it says StarCraft and sometimes Go
inoryy: WINWINWIN starcraft 2
Xcalibre: the alphastar ai?
inoryy: yeah
AntiSquid: i wanted to play sc2 ai bot thingy, but the setup description seemed really confusing so dropped it before i even started :p
Xcalibre: inoryy is a project ever 'completed'?
inoryy: what do you mean?
AntiSquid: maybe he's saying are you always improving older projects?
Xcalibre: is the algorithm for the artificial intelligence constantly improved?
Xcalibre: sorry for being vague
Astrobytes: Nah. Once it can do a probe rush they jsut move on.
inoryy: there are certain milestones after which most of the team moves on to new things, with alphastar that was the nature paper; can't comment on whether there will be any future work on top of sc2 but it's not locked in a vault or anything
AntiSquid: Astrobytes that's the openAI mentality, only train 17 heroes and claimed they need to move on, the AI can rush lanes in a very restricted meta, job's a gooden
Xcalibre: oh :smiley:
AntiSquid: train on 17 heroes *
Astrobytes: lol AntiSquid
inoryy: Xcalibre there's no single AI agent that everyone uses and improves if that's what you're asking
WINWINWIN: Has DeepMind done research into Bridge?
WINWINWIN: As in the GIB software?
Astrobytes: They just hardcode everything and pray Xcalibre :P
Xcalibre: Astrobytes, XD
Astrobytes: Sorry, can't get out of troll mode again
Xcalibre: should have used troll mode earlier
WINWINWIN: Nah, poor kid
Astrobytes: I was. That's why I'm stuck in it.
Imsure1200q: full power
Imsure1200q: 3 minutes high on oven
WINWINWIN: We were probably too mean to him
Astrobytes: Too mean? Not mean enough, you mean.
WINWINWIN: :D yes dr Seuss
Imsure1200q: 10 minutes 300 F on oven
Astrobytes: hahaha
AntiSquid: why use fahrenheit ?!
WINWINWIN: Kelvin is the SI
Imsure1200q: because its the most stressful temperature unit ever
WINWINWIN: :/ backk to troll mode pls Astrobytes :P
Imsure1200q: if you want in Kelvin its 422 but either way the oven is wowow
Astrobytes: Bored now WINWINWIN
Xcalibre: :disappointed:
AntiSquid: i don't think your "troll mode" works the way you think it does
Astrobytes: ?
AntiSquid: it rather adds more fuel to the fire, it's rather encouraging him to say more weird stuff
Astrobytes: Yes, feeding the troll with trolling. It's good for wasting time.
Astrobytes: Parameter fitting etc
AntiSquid: next there will be a formula proving that the speed of ray tracing is the limit
AntiSquid: universal limit
inoryy: and that speed? 3vel
Imsure1200q: but you need lots of time to raycast
Astrobytes: You've had all week.
WINWINWIN: I didnt hear of ray tracing until Imsure1200q told me...
AntiSquid: what about pixel shading Imsure1200q ?
Imsure1200q: takes a lot longer
Imsure1200q: not really a lot but if you involve many lighting calcs then ya
Xcalibre: am i missing something or is raycasting actually relevant to space maze?
AntiSquid: ofc it is
Imsure1200q: using raycasing to see if a platform will move to void or it cant move
WINWINWIN: google raytracing Xcalibre
Astrobytes: Only in combination w/ a NN and A*. And hardcoding replays.
Imsure1200q: i removed the hardcode
Xcalibre: Ray tracing is a rendering technique that can produce incredibly realistic lighting effects. Essentially, an algorithm can trace the path of light, and then simulate the way that the light interacts with the virtual objects it ultimately hits in the computer-generated world.
Imsure1200q: now its soft smooth mm delicate
Astrobytes: Converted to softcode now huh
WINWINWIN: Tracing the path is the point Xcalibre
Imsure1200q: its the opposite of hardcode + CNN
Astrobytes: WINWINWIN He said ray-casting as opposed to tracing
Imsure1200q: raycasting is kinda like the first step in raytracing
WINWINWIN: Understood
Imsure1200q: its raytracing except you dont bounce ur rays
WINWINWIN: But wth does a NN have to do with anything?
Astrobytes: Ra-casting involve just the one ray
AntiSquid: but you need to extract and extrapolate the concept, then you can reapply the same principle elsewhere
Astrobytes: *Ray-casting
Imsure1200q: i thought it would be good to use NN but now im lazy to do NN
WINWINWIN: :/ r u serious
AntiSquid: you can then ray cast a CNN beam
Astrobytes: He knows binary search, relax
Imsure1200q: i dont know how to apply "tiles" to NN so no
Xcalibre: ?
AntiSquid: hope nobody comes in reading the chat thinking we are serious
Imsure1200q: btw astro if ur trying to get me to falsify the "i learn something every hour" its not working ;)
Astrobytes: Have you ever tried applying thought to thinking?
Imsure1200q: ye
WINWINWIN: Perfect time for someone like cegprakash to log in and take the conversation seriously :P
Imsure1200q: ha invite us to competitions
AntiSquid: i am applying moisture to water
Astrobytes: Tales of Prunes and Rays
Astrobytes: A CG Chat Anthology
Imsure1200q: and trols
AntiSquid: trolling chat why the world outside is going mad
AntiSquid: why are there protests in Australia ?
Imsure1200q: racists
AntiSquid: i mean shit went wrong in america, suddenly the world protests
Imsure1200q: every country trying to grab attention
Imsure1200q: no every person
AntiSquid: didn't see any protests about women being stoned alive in the middle east .
Imsure1200q: maybe they werent allowed to protest?
AntiSquid: ya this chat is more logical imo
WINWINWIN: Thats not how it works Imsure1200q I dont think that any country allowss violent protests
Imsure1200q: but peaceful protest
AntiSquid: you need a book a reservation for the particular street you want to vandalize and rob
Xcalibre: that's why they're protests WINWINWIN
Imsure1200q: protests are kinda weird lol
Xcalibre: :thinking:
AntiSquid: sorry for bringing that up, let's go back to more fun stuff, Automaton2000 what can win the nobel prize in CS ?
Automaton2000: you can see my code
WINWINWIN: Very confident :P
eulerscheZahl: I have a nobel prize
Xcalibre: show it Automaton2000
Automaton2000: but you don't want to mess with you
eulerscheZahl: my nobel prize
Imsure1200q: auto is bot or no?
Imsure1200q: Automaton2000 is not a robot?
Automaton2000: yeah, i followed that topic eulerschezahl in the forum
AntiSquid: shhh, he might use his code on you Imsure1200q
eulerscheZahl: stop it automaton
WINWINWIN: Nice, found your name euler :D
Imsure1200q: what is his code
WINWINWIN: Do it again Automaton2000
eulerscheZahl: the NN one is even worse about pings
Automaton2000: you might be able to read it
Imsure1200q: so if i type a Automato 2000 he will reply?
eulerscheZahl: yes
Imsure1200q: and he will mess with your ping or smth?
AntiSquid: yes
WINWINWIN: Markov chain gives probability to latest word right?
Xcalibre: he learns from the chat
Imsure1200q: Automato 2000
AntiSquid: he will initialize the ping of doom
WINWINWIN: R u serious kid :/
AntiSquid: automatoes
WINWINWIN: "Automato 2000"
Imsure1200q: Au tomato 2000
eulerscheZahl: au[tab key]
eulerscheZahl: try it
WINWINWIN: Automaton2000 say eulerscheZahl
Imsure1200q: dont fill in the blanks Automat_n 2000
AntiSquid: you need es after tomato @Imsure1200q
Automaton2000: i don't think it's a bit different
Imsure1200q: Automatoes2000
WINWINWIN: *Facepalm*
Imsure1200q: Automatoen2000
AntiSquid: try again with s, quite sure it's working
eulerscheZahl: go watch some minecraft
Imsure1200q: What if i only type automato n
Imsure1200q: Automatoes
Imsure1200q: Automatoes2000
AntiSquid: :thinking:
Imsure1200q: ur not auto
Uljahn: tontonautomaton2000
Automaton2000: what's going on with my life
AntiSquid: weird, expect an angry CG user to popup by now and tell you to stop pinging
**WINWINWIN wonders why Automatoes does not work
Imsure1200q: i dont have problems with ping tho
WINWINWIN: AutomatonNN as good?
AutomatonNN: you can find the code in the replay
AntiSquid: WINWINWIN you pinged tomatoes
Imsure1200q: Automato tom ate the tomato AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: congrats struct
Imsure1200q: no ping
Imsure1200q: no destruction
struct: Thanks AutomatonNN
AutomatonNN: 1 hour i deserved it
Imsure1200q: 2000tomatoes,Automaton2000
Automaton2000: its so easy to get started with
Imsure1200q: i dont get it
Imsure1200q: why isnt my ping getting disturbed or smth
WINWINWIN: struct how much more work does the latest multi need?
struct: Yinsh?
struct: or the other one im making?
WINWINWIN: the one that you`re making
AntiSquid: shogin
Astrobytes: Shabu
struct: I had to pause it for a bit due to personal matters
Astrobytes: Shoba
Astrobytes: Shaolin
struct: shobu
Astrobytes: That's it :P
Astrobytes: Life comes first.
Imsure1200q: tomatoes
WINWINWIN: :) all of these games have such wierd names "Oware Abapa", "Yinsh" etc/
Imsure1200q: press 5 random keys on your keyboard and thats the name of your challenge forever
eulerscheZahl: tzaar, dvonn
Imsure1200q: very nice names
WINWINWIN: Are onitama and vindinium real games or did you make them up euler?
eulerscheZahl: real names
eulerscheZahl: vindinium is a port, was on its own website:
eulerscheZahl: but down for years now
eulerscheZahl: you wrote the bot offline and then connected to a server
eulerscheZahl: computing your moves and sending them
eulerscheZahl: so you could only fight those who were online at the same time
WINWINWIN: Then this is a pretty big improvement
WINWINWIN: what was your rank there?
Astrobytes: Oh I thought they did automated matches at some point on vindi
Illedan: That concept sounds very fun, equal to simple gaming. Just having to setup a lot before getting started
eulerscheZahl: never played it
inoryy: there wasn't a stable leaderboard per se anyway
Illedan: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
eulerscheZahl: you never submitted your code at vindi
WINWINWIN: You must be owner error illedan?
AntiSquid: unauthorized Illedan
eulerscheZahl: Oups An error occurred (#UNAUTHORIZED): "You must be the owner to share this replay".
Illedan: hmm
Astrobytes: double table flip
AntiSquid: fix it
Illedan: NOW
Illedan: :P
Illedan: Nothing interesting anyway
WINWINWIN: Maybe we should teach imsure1200 the flip command :thinking:
struct: -_-
eulerscheZahl: boooring
Illedan: Just my superwised NN failing misserably :sob:
Astrobytes: lol
Xcalibre: that's me trying to find my way through life
Astrobytes: It thought about doing the race, then bailed out
AntiSquid: supervised in what way?
Astrobytes: He watches it learn
Astrobytes: :P
AntiSquid: no i mean what model
WINWINWIN: Where did you get the datapoints to train it?
Illedan: From my own SA
eulerscheZahl: he played with his keyboard
WINWINWIN: Did you have to use Agade`s tool to fit the code into the limit?
Illedan: nah
Illedan: not for this problem
Illedan: this is 100 % C#
Illedan: both the learning and playing
Illedan: So many possible sources of failure
Illedan: -.-
AntiSquid: difficult to separate it if replays can't be downloaded ? :p
Illedan: Either:
Imsure1200q: is async functions allowed in IDE
eulerscheZahl: yes
Imsure1200q: its not doing the async functions tho
Imsure1200q: and its taking so long to render 100ms worth of code
Imsure1200q: euler theres bugss
Imsure1200q: it was only my 13th turn and it said timeout
AntiSquid: "render"
Imsure1200q: *do
AntiSquid: how many polygons ? :p
Imsure1200q: like
Imsure1200q: about 2
AntiSquid: are you doing any JS games?
eulerscheZahl: do you mean bugs in your code or the game?
Imsure1200q: game
eulerscheZahl: then i refuse to believe it
Imsure1200q: why isnt codingame making it async
Astrobytes: Yeah, euler always writes games totally full of bugs
Astrobytes: Pretty much every game and puzzle is bugged.
eulerscheZahl: and then i act as they aren't there
Astrobytes: So is the leaderboard.
Imsure1200q: but why does it end at 13 not 200?
struct: because you timeout?
WINWINWIN: timeout?
Astrobytes: euler laid a bug trap for you
eulerscheZahl: like running out of levels at Number Shifting :D
Astrobytes: :D
Imsure1200q: but loss conditions says that its 200 turns that it stops not 13
Astrobytes: ...
eulerscheZahl: what time limit do you use?
Imsure1200q: none of those loss conditions met in my code
struct: Response time ≤ 1000 ms for the first turn, 50 ms for every turn after
Imsure1200q: but its below 50 tho?
Astrobytes: Post your code so we can help
Imsure1200q: then like i run waiter
AntiSquid: uhm
WINWINWIN: I think I see this line of code in the referee :
AntiSquid: why settimeout ? :D
Imsure1200q: how about setinterval?
AntiSquid: 50 ms / turn
eulerscheZahl: i hate it that I now lose all the chat history the moment I enter the IDE :rage:
Imsure1200q: yeah and?
AntiSquid: you set timeout like that ofc your timeout rofl
Imsure1200q: but your not looking at the inside of the function?
Imsure1200q: *parameters
AntiSquid: no because you have there over 50ms worth of timeout
Imsure1200q: but look inside it
Imsure1200q: and thats the first turn anyway so why must it be below 50ms
AntiSquid: you don't need to set timetout
AntiSquid: you don't even need to measure time for simple code
Imsure1200q: the code supposed to do this: after 100ms set an interval that brings the car left and right each 50ms
AntiSquid: just output something
AntiSquid: are you doing your own game?
Imsure1200q: no
Imsure1200q: doing spacemaze
Imsure1200q: im doing interval because i wanna see how my heuristic works
Imsure1200q: if i dont pass a move by 1000ms on the first turn it will timeout
Imsure1200q: so im passing a move on the 100th ms to prevent timeout
Astrobytes: What on earth are you on about?
Imsure1200q: like
Imsure1200q: setting intervals but somehow codingame isnt running it async
AntiSquid: look at default code, run the default code first and see how it works
AntiSquid: i think that will help you
Snef: this is priceless
Imsure1200q: wdym default code
AntiSquid: yes
Imsure1200q: thats literally like whats at every start of a challenge
AntiSquid: yes
Imsure1200q: i've tried that enough times
AntiSquid: looking good
Imsure1200q: i think what codingame is doing is that it only works on the interval once it THINKS it is 100 ms when its actually 1200ms
AntiSquid: need some human music
Imsure1200q: woof
Imsure1200q: automaton2OOO
Imsure1200q: Automaton2OOO how you doing
Derthek: Hey, I am starting Code vs Zombies to learn MCTS, but I am not sure how should I explore the legal moves since there are many possibilities (not like a grid which would be up, down, left or right). Any suggestions or references where they address this issue?
Imsure1200q: haha not getting rick rolled
Imsure1200q: probs
Imsure1200q: WINWINWIN in that pastebin you forgot a )
Csipcsirip: you can define meta-actions Derthek. like move to position of zombie[n]
Csipcsirip: but I dont think CvZ is the best game to practice mcts
AntiSquid: it's not rick roll, it's human music Imsure1200q, promise
Derthek: Hmm, that sounds reasonable Csipcsirip! Thanks. Do you know any other game to practice mcts?
Astrobytes: Well, he got the Rick part correct AntiSquid
Imsure1200q: haha A*
Astrobytes: Derthek, just plain MC is better suited for CvZ iirc. There's lots of board games and such suitable for MCTS in the bot programming section
Derthek: Thanks for the answers! I'll have a look :D
AntiSquid: that's a jerry, not a rick :p
Astrobytes: yeah yeah :)
Sat0u: lovely site
Sat0u: i'm morty
AntiSquid: if rick and morty were an anime (joke video)
Astrobytes: Very accurate
pb4: Hi
struct: Hello pb
pb4: Astrobytes, I saw UnnamedCodingamer went very high on the TvC leaderboard and he was on the chat yesterday
pb4: did he say anything about his approach ?
Astrobytes: Yeah, MC
pb4: Interesting, and surprising
Astrobytes: Yes, I thought the same
pb4: Hi struct
Astrobytes: He did point out he was 9th before the update, so there's still a few broken bots in the leaderboard, but still
pb4: I seem to be 50/50 against him
pb4: or to be exact, 25/25/50
eulerscheZahl: chat history
pb4: Thanks :)
pb4: eulerscheZahl : any intention of making something for TvC ?
eulerscheZahl: no
eulerscheZahl: i don't see any strategic depth in it
Astrobytes: What's your approach pb4? If you don't mind me asking
pb4: I'd prefer not to say too much
pb4: but
pb4: not NN
pb4: not MC
eulerscheZahl: something with nash equilibrium? or markov chain?
Astrobytes: That's fair enough :)
pb4: Yes eulerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: that would be what i would do. but can't be bothered
Astrobytes: Makes sense I guess.
Scarfield: Prune traceAray
Astrobytes: Is that what you use then Bitfield? :P
Astrobytes: (well played on that one btw)
Scarfield: :D
Scarfield: i have 4 ifs :p
Astrobytes: True AI
Scarfield: lol the game just called me stupid, and the game summary xD
AntiSquid: i just remembered i once had to remove the stones from a bunch of prunes because the manager at that kitchen thought it's worthwhile to pay less for prunes but waste time to remove the stones ...
Scarfield: salary well spent
Astrobytes: Yeah AntiSquid, I once had a guy who insisted on whole fresh baby squid for breaded calamari, in a pub. The prep was... not fun.
AntiSquid: i done breaded squids in pub too
AntiSquid: cajun seasoning
Astrobytes: It's a staple bar snack in most pubs these days.
Scarfield: "GAimax is true AI" JB-M has had some fun here
Astrobytes: Yeah, it's a great selection
Csipcsirip: Smitsimax FTW
inoryy: whats tvc
Scarfield: Troll vs Castles
Astrobytes: Trolls vs Castles, you have a bot there inoryy ;)
inoryy: oh, lol
inoryy: ah now I remember
AntiSquid: submitted a new improved D bot, let's see where it lands
inoryy: who's unnamedcodingamer, agade?
AntiSquid: 100% win vs pb4
AntiSquid: agade is UnnamedCodinGamer's alt
inoryy: makes sense
AntiSquid: 13/50 final rank, D is the way
LelouchVC2: my monittttooooorrrrrrrrrr isss cooommmminnnnnnggggggg!
UnnamedCodinGamer: antisquid spreading fake news for a second time
AntiSquid: why you hate D ?
Csipcsirip: "I found a bug on the leaderboard" :joy:
UnnamedCodinGamer: I am not agade :)
UnnamedCodinGamer: leaderboard is probably wrong, yes
AntiSquid: i should be first
jacek: why TvC replays are black for me?
UnnamedCodinGamer: many of the bots were not working when I submitted
jacek: needed to refresh
Astrobytes: jacek, get the JS console output please, need to pass to JBM
UnnamedCodinGamer: yes, I think it is a known problem
jacek: is working now
Astrobytes: We reported this issue last night but need the console output
JBM: known but not too reproducible :/
Astrobytes: Hasn't happened to me today so far :/
JBM: hasn't happened to me ever
jacek: happened again
jacek: when i loaded replay with 1 frame
Astrobytes: Get the JS console log
jacek: how can i do it?
jacek: chromium
jacek: where is game report oO
JBM: just tell me what happened in the game
AntiSquid: JUST DO IT!
JBM: did either AI do something very stupid I hadn't thought of
jacek: well the other guy timeouted in 1st turn
jacek: then everything is black
jacek: and other repays are black now too
jacek: eeyup
JBM: lemme try and see if that reproduces anything
JBM: me TO on the left; still seeing frames
AntiSquid: #11
jacek: what about TO on the right
jacek: and replay on the leaderboard, not IDE
jacek: actually not always reproducible. i think you need to click lat battles and see the TO as first battle
jacek: so much trolling it crashes viewer
JBM: well with an AI that does 100% TO it comes along much faster ^^
JBM: what did I do to my rank just to debug your things
jacek: this games sounds like the bet tic-tac-toe
JBM: i'll try and reproduce out of the platform, their minified JS is really making it horrible
JBM: it was second battle in my case
JBM: remind me i was on this when i come back
LelouchVC2: The leaderboard is fff'ed uppsie
LelouchVC2: l
Alshock: fff'ed?
struct: euler is your puzzle tool working?
GalvaBart: hi all, is the clash of code chat still available? couldn't find it
LelouchVC2: Screwed up
LelouchVC2: Clash of Code chats are specific to each clash
GalvaBart: oh now i can see it , thanks
GalvaBart: huh, it's gone again, i mean the CoC tab, weird
GalvaBart: the chat for CoC
jacek: lately they close. dunno if its bug or feature
jacek: after the clash starts
GalvaBart: thanks jacek for confirming!
jrke: any suggestion
jacek: o.O
LelouchVC2: Yea, start over
LelouchVC2: It looks way too weird. The encrypted string is smaller than the original, the ins and outs are just random letters so it's hard to debug, and the solution looks like a randomly put together encryption
Astrobytes: Guys, comment on the contribution page- more helpful and a bit more permanent
LelouchVC2: My comments are timeless
Astrobytes: :P
Alshock: @Astrobytes and given the content of that comment, if it's followed by action it might last longer on the chat than on the contrib
LelouchVC2: lmao!
Astrobytes: Alshock Didn't check the contrib (don't clash), but silly/invalid suggestions/comments usually get voted down and/or rebuffed
LelouchVC2: My comment could have been silly or invalid? :(((
LelouchVC2: Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine
Alshock: I'm just playing the devil's attorney there :P I get your point
Astrobytes: lol
LelouchVC2: Let's all meet up one day
Astrobytes: Well, we're here no?
LelouchVC2: You expect me to mass murder over chat?
Astrobytes: You can do whatever you like behind a keyboard.
Alshock: my keyboard doens't come with spikes to gouge my ennemies' eyes
LelouchVC2: ^
LelouchVC2: The amount of people I owe fist fights too is amazing
Astrobytes: Pfff. Get a new keyboard.
Alshock: One that says "FATALITY" when your hit is over 9000
LelouchVC2: I was looking to get the XMAL's new 812 Killer Steel Series keyboard
WINWINWIN: On the discord server, thse messages are auto generated right?
WINWINWIN: Welcome, Tweeety . We hope you brought pizza.
LelouchVC2: It comes with a targetting system that shoot a beam from a satatllite
LelouchVC2: Yes
LelouchVC2: No one is sitting there typing to everyone who comes in 😂
WINWINWIN: Then this is perfect :P "A wild cegprakash
LelouchVC2: Unless of course they bought astro's keyboard
LelouchVC2: I don't get the reference :(
Astrobytes: yeah I was looking for an appropriate emoji WINWINWIN but couldn't find one :D
Alshock: :japanese_ogre:
Alshock: this is the best emoji
Alshock: we should use it more often
WINWINWIN: Japanese Ogre?
WINWINWIN: Yes, will use it to scare phillipines kid away :)
Alshock: yeah and all the outer hair melts with the chat's background
LelouchVC2: savage
eulerscheZahl: struct 08:00PM euler is your puzzle tool working?
sorry, was afk. i don't know what you are talking about
struct: Its working now
struct: But 2 days or something it wasnt
struct: The Search puzzles and stuff site
eulerscheZahl: it runs on heroku. it's paused when unused, takes some seconds to start
eulerscheZahl: free hosting..
struct: The site was working but when i pressed search it was return 500
eulerscheZahl: maybe a bad input
eulerscheZahl: i managed to crash it too with a bad input, was too lazy to investigate
eulerscheZahl: like searching for a floating point number :D
struct: oh might be that I guess
Astrobytes: lol
eulerscheZahl: and 1 or 2 puzzles have an incomplete HTML statement in my database (CG gave me garbage). so that screws up the formatting for later hits
struct: It was just some clashes that drove me crazy
Astrobytes: can't you put an index page on your heroku euler, with your available things on it
Astrobytes: Or link them on dbd r's wiki thing
eulerscheZahl: the broken formatting
eulerscheZahl: ok, i'll add a navigation
eulerscheZahl: and i should update the database. also for codejam results
Astrobytes: Cool, thanks
struct: Let me see If I can still find the puzzle
struct: I managed to find the solution
eulerscheZahl: i even have an API to update the puzzle list on the website directly without committing again
struct: but they are just guessing puzzles now
eulerscheZahl: who are "they"?
Astrobytes: "they"?
eulerscheZahl: :D
Astrobytes: Jeez!
Astrobytes: :D
struct: :'(
struct: rip my english
struct: it's getting worse by day
Astrobytes: It's a hell of a lot better than my Portuguese struct ;)
struct: I might have a bit of time to finish Shobu
struct: lets see if I can do it
Astrobytes: No rush, you still have 'til the end of the week to meet your target right?
struct: Yeah
struct: I tried to separate referee from viewer
struct: For some reason it did not go well and I have 1 bug
struct: I think the game looks fun though
struct: Have no idea how easy it is for AIs
WINWINWIN: For my benifit, who are "they"?
struct: They = Clash of codes puzzles
Astrobytes: Yeah it looks like something I'd play irl, we'll see how we fare with our bots :D
struct: thibat challange starts tomorrow right?
Astrobytes: yeap
AntiSquid: did you set your alarm clocks guys? it's starting early in the morning!
AntiSquid: 6 AM UK! no sleep till legend
struct: if its a community multi you wont sleep :(
AntiSquid: i will use ceg formula to calculate my legend equivalent rank
struct: Top 3 in yinsh are doing little competition between themselfs I guess
JBM: i have no idea why that viewer goes black
JBM: i can pick a match in the last battles
JBM: repeatedly close it and open it again
JBM: at which point they're all broken
JBM: but closing last battles and opening it again gets it back
JBM: the exception is thrown by pixi
JBM: and i'm not even using it directly yet
struct: Which game JBM?
struct: TvC'
struct: ?
JBM: i'll fix my demo to remove the "my fault" part of some exceptions
JBM: and leave only the "cg fault" part of it
struct: Even when I open IDE I get errors
JBM: but if that doesn't change it, I'm dropping the towel
struct: "VM1601:3 Error: The frameId "troll.png" does not exist in the texture cache"
JBM: that one's the "my fault" part
struct: ah ok
JBM: the one for logo.png is the CG's fault part
struct: Oh god
struct: When I open Yinsh page I get so many errors lol
Astrobytes: I think the black viewer was happening before... was a cdn thing iirc
struct: Not my fault :D
JBM: well it does come with a pixi exception
Astrobytes: *happening with CG official multis
struct: JBM I also have logo.png error on yinsh
struct: But that is because I have no logo
JBM: there's no rule that says you have to have a logo
Astrobytes: I think maybe have a chat with Julien about it
struct: imo logo looks ugly
JBM: even less so how it'd be used
struct: Im not a designer
JBM: just document the damn thing
struct: I cant even create good looking games
Astrobytes: Unlike JBM
Astrobytes: struct, Yinsh looks great, what are you on about
JBM: my games are so good looking you can even adjust the colors to your taste
JBM: i'm goingto end up writing up an SMB3-style intro in the end
eulerscheZahl: added your links Astrobytes
eulerscheZahl: and the HTML on some contributions is more screwed up than I thought. placing puzzles inside each other like Russian matroshka dolls
Astrobytes: thanks eulerscheZahl, and lol, you can only nest so much you know
eulerscheZahl: search for "euler" and keep expanding the last node :D
Astrobytes: hahaha ffs
Astrobytes: Skills man, skills :D
eulerscheZahl: there is some missing close tab. i blame CG
eulerscheZahl: tab => tag
Astrobytes: Figured that one ;)
eulerscheZahl: at first i was confused why it said 24 results and only showed 6
eulerscheZahl: took me a while to realize that it shows all of them
Astrobytes: Just not in the expected manner
jacek: ops
struct: Whats this for jacek?
eulerscheZahl: yinsh
jacek: good it wasnt code
Astrobytes: haha
Astrobytes: wp jacek
JBM: there you go, demo with no missing troll.png
struct: jbm if you want to fix logo I guess a blank logo can fix it
struct: o.o
**struct hides
JBM: i shouldn't have to guess what pngs i'm supposed to provide by trawling through the console error log!
JBM: that's not how SDKs are supposed to work!
Astrobytes: I'm inclined to agree lol
Astrobytes: Still, the SDK is kind of a WIP
JBM: i shouldn't have to be going through long cycles of trial and error to guess what subset of HTML they deemed real enough to pass
Astrobytes: So feel free to keep pestering them with required updates
eulerscheZahl: i always use version 3.x for WIP
eulerscheZahl: see python3
eulerscheZahl: starts to work around version 10
JBM: i shouldn't have to synchronize my schedule with eZ to understand how turns work
Astrobytes: Most of the tips for using the SDK are pretty much user-touser. With the odd technicality being verified by CG :)
Astrobytes: *user-to-user
Astrobytes: And you're the best at complaining JBM, so keep doing that and it'll be perfectly usable in no time ;)
JBM: i'm not really complaining anymore
Illedan: eulerscheZahl still awake? :O
Astrobytes: Yeah, it works though
Astrobytes: His schedule is out-of-whack since lockdown Illedan :D
Illedan: xD
JBM: he doesn't even have lockdown
JBM: he lives in a reasonable country
Astrobytes: He's still working from home though
JBM: yes, that's the being reasonable part
Astrobytes: ;)
Astrobytes: Hey, it could be worse, you could all live in the UK
Astrobytes: Oh finally my MRI scan date was confirmed btw \o/
Astrobytes: Not that I'm looking forward to it or anything but I waited a while :P
struct: When is it?
Astrobytes: 16th
Astrobytes: (this month)
struct: How long have you waited for?
Astrobytes: Over a month and a half now I believe
Astrobytes: maybe slightly less
Astrobytes: It's nuts. I've physically seen only one doctor (at hospital). Everything else (even with physiotherapist and neurosurgeon) has been phonecall only
struct: Could be worse I guess with the current situation
struct: How is it uk?
struct: cases decreasing?
Astrobytes: That's why it's taken so long etc. Normally pretty good round here. Well, govt are not stating true figues
Astrobytes: *figures
Astrobytes: (UK, not Scottish) so it's hard to say
Astrobytes: They are concentrating on Brexit first and foremost
struct: priorities
Astrobytes: And using the pandemic as a smokescreen
struct: Here cases were going down, until they restarted opening stuff
struct: now its slowly increasing again
Astrobytes: Yep
inoryy: > Astrobytes 09:31PM > Hey, it could be worse, you could > all live in the UK
you could also move to the UK from relatively safe and cheap country only to be stuck at home for 22+ hours / day :P
struct: Why stuck 22+ hours inoryy?
AntiSquid: hey inoryy how close are you to the London riots area ?
JBM: ph there are riots in UK?
Astrobytes: inoryy Yeah, jeez dude, bless you man, you moved at *just* the wrong time!
inoryy: struct lockdown + wfh = can't really go out
AntiSquid: lol @ "uk cases decreasing", might get a second wave from london protests soon
Astrobytes: All the advice from medical boards was *not* to ease lockdown because cases will increase again
inoryy: AntiSquid you mean protests in hyde park and westminster? relatively far from that, I'm at kings cross
AntiSquid: good
Astrobytes: I mean our R0 in Scotland has just dropped to between 0.7 and 0.9, from 0.7 to 1.0, not sure on UK as a whole but that is not exactly an "ease the lockdown now" figure
inoryy: did they really turn into riots?
AntiSquid: watch videos
Astrobytes: AntiSquid were you in London for the 2011 riots? Was fun... not
AntiSquid: people are close to each other
AntiSquid: no Astrobytes i lived in Bude back then
AntiSquid: but seen the shit on TV
Astrobytes: Bude!
AntiSquid: ya
JBM: watching the gamee, havin' a bude
AntiSquid: 5 minutes from the beach :D
Astrobytes: Nice man, nice
AntiSquid: or cliffs
AntiSquid: whichever :D
Astrobytes: Cornwall's lovely, scenery-wise at least
AntiSquid: i think it's overall safer area
AntiSquid: despite the "webbed feet" people keep talking about
Astrobytes: Well, depends, now we have the "county-lines" drug-running
Astrobytes: And the "webbed feet" type people you need to *really* watch for are the ones on the Isle of Wight :P
AntiSquid: it was small community, most people knew each other
Astrobytes: That can be a double-edged sword sometimes but it is nice
inoryy: still not sure which videos you're referring to, seems relatively peaceful aside from some unrest near downing street
AntiSquid: did i tell you about my next door neighbour? in bude i mean
inoryy: i hope ppl wore masks though
AntiSquid: ok here's the 2011 with a nice burning building
inoryy: right... but that's 2011
Astrobytes: What about your neighbour AntiSquid?
AntiSquid: there are stores being looted even in this riot
AntiSquid: an apple store got looted
Astrobytes: Meh. People loot every May Day anywy
Astrobytes: *anyway
AntiSquid: the main issue with this year's protest is how many people gather in close proximity and probably spread the virus
AntiSquid: also some police men got beaten up inoryy
Astrobytes: ffs, even Plod ain't wearing masks
Astrobytes: (police)
AntiSquid: as for my neighbour, the guy was selling drugs, it was stinking of that weird tea like smell in the corridor every time ... i hate that smell ... and he was totally screwed in the head, though acting nicely to his neighbours
AntiSquid: the police visited a LOT
Astrobytes: lol, probably worse down there now
AntiSquid: for lots of different reasons, TV stolen, child support not paid, some granny downstairs died, noise complaints and other stuff, NEVER FOR THE DRUGS!
Astrobytes: hahaha
jacek: again im lost at SO
jacek: why isnt kotlin that populated
Astrobytes: :smirk:
AntiSquid: the java users are more fertile, see first comment jacek
daffie: I found that kind of unsettling too seeing that even polioce were wearing no masks while shaking hands and being hurdled around by total strangers.
daffie: worst time for things like protests and gatherings
daffie: I would not be surprised if most of them if not all of them are leftists though
Astrobytes: Yeah but if you need to respond to a particular injustice or whatever, I'm all for protesting. Just use common sense ffs
daffie: those kooks have and always will want to drive this country to disrepair
AntiSquid: "ride together, die together" ? :D
Alshock: xD, yeah they're stealing our jobs and wives! :P
AntiSquid: who ?
daffie: the burny sanders crowd
Astrobytes: "Leftists" according to daffie
Alshock: the leftists, the blocheviks, those who tamper with our food and run the world from the shadows ;)
Alshock: insert dramatic music here
daffie: yes exactly
Astrobytes: The US wouldn't know left-wing if it hit them in the face with the Little Red Book (no offence)
AntiSquid: isn't one of the leftie complaints that american guys don't want to date american women which are strong idenpendent and instead get their wives from somewhere in asia ?
Astrobytes: It's just not how American politics is
Alshock: xD I think I need to clarify the irony somehow
JBM: i lost track of which country we were making fun f
Astrobytes: I just love the "leftist" thing
AntiSquid: US ?
Astrobytes: Everywhere now
AntiSquid: i mean some guys in US kneeled and caused world wide chaos
Astrobytes: It's like anything other than shooting your neighbour because he asked for some sugar is Communist
AntiSquid: i watched that video, that's like a public execution
Alshock: Astrobytes I mean it's common sense that coffee should be done with salt, he deserved it
Astrobytes: All left-wingers/socialists are now extreme-feminists etc etc
daffie: there's a difference between a woman who is strong and independent and some slutty teen on maurray flpping the bird to everyone proclaiming she's a grown ass woman
Alshock: I'm affraid you're watching too much the media Astrobytes xD
AntiSquid: he deserved it? i thought america moved away from the wild west times
daffie: a lot of them are thinking they are
Alshock: AntiSquid ain't it normal to kill people who like sugar no more? That's a crime against my freedom!
AntiSquid: i was just reiterating leftie speech, not agreeing with it daffie
Astrobytes: I don't take most media seriously Alshock
daffie: I don't even watch the media anymore almost every day it's the same thing
Astrobytes: I was brought up as a Socialist and I know what that is
AntiSquid: i try my best to avoid the media and please correct me, but i see society is tending towards extremes, far left or far right
Alshock: I'm nowhere near the USA, but I kinda can understand that.
hydroglicerol: is it just me or do more of theese clash of code problems get harder by the second they should be tailored to my skill level
Astrobytes: Socialism does not mean far-left, as conservatism does not mean far-right
daffie: I think they're random aren't they ?
Alshock: I mean that's a given that when an extremist runs a country or leads the opposition, the other wing must radicalize too
hydroglicerol: thats the problem
Astrobytes: Unfortunately we have a toxic mix of the two, and anything moderate is labelled inappropriately
Alshock: @Astrobytes I ain't ever seem any socialism in the US mix, you can sleep safe xD
Alshock: seen*
daffie: what amazes me is sometimes these AI bots will join the clash and end up solving it faster than me
hydroglicerol: are you kiding have you met bernie sanders
AntiSquid: Alshock your flag says france but i swear you sound like you are from US, i mean you seem to be in the know the way you talk
Astrobytes: Yeah, Alshock, you know the US version of socialism I mean :P Like that 'Communist Bernie' :/
Alshock: yes he is a one of a kind leftist in the US. Is he running for president again?
daffie: he's always running for pres
Astrobytes: Someone has to try and fix your broken politics :P
hydroglicerol: he alwayys getss killed
Alshock: @AntiSquid well I'm still just french ^^ but the US have an impact worldwide so we all know that country pretty well
hydroglicerol: because of how radical he is
JBM: being reasonable is now rad
Astrobytes: You know, Bernie is only 'radical' in the US
Alshock: Sorry my english is bad, I meant to say that he never makes it to the actual election
daffie: more worried about sleepy joe at this point
hydroglicerol: that in and of itself is pretty strang I mean I have no idea who the british prime minister is or was
Astrobytes: He's still conservative to the rest of the world
Astrobytes: But with some heart
AntiSquid: no i mean, you sound confident about what you say to the point it makes me thing you are from US
hydroglicerol: besides churchhill obviously
Astrobytes: Then you're ignorant hydroglicerol
Astrobytes: No offence
daffie: plague johnson
hydroglicerol: but its more of the fact that no one actually talks about it in the Us
Astrobytes: No, the US is so ridiculously insular
JBM: us never really talks about anything but us
Astrobytes: It's getting that way here now too
hydroglicerol: dont get me wrong I know the important global history 98 on the regent
hydroglicerol: but modern times dont make us share things which are unimportant for reason of "that was random " or "who cares"
AntiSquid: regarding boris, i find it funny people go to the window at specific time of the day and say boo
hydroglicerol: its just a cycle which dosnt really end untill you either meet s/o who is intrested or become intrested yourself
Alshock: @JBM that's not quite true, US president have talked about countries they want to make war to for more than half a century now
hydroglicerol: I mean does anyone here know the leader of mexico rite now
Astrobytes: lol Alshock
JBM: and then tried to put them on a map
Astrobytes: Somebody Obrador
JBM: we call those "CNN maps" now
Astrobytes: ^Mexico
Astrobytes: I forgot his name :(
Astrobytes: Anyway, nice chatting guys
Astrobytes: I shall bid you all goodnight
AntiSquid: kinda true, i remember the "axis of evil" from bush times
Alshock: 'night
hydroglicerol: Andrés Manuel López Obrador
AntiSquid: US started invading those countries after afghanistan (stone age country)
AntiSquid: North Korea has no oil, so no invasion
Alshock: Nope, there was korea before, and vietnam before that, and cuba, and...
AntiSquid: i mean more recently
Alshock: korea was before vietnam and I'm just stupid right?
AntiSquid: oil related wars
K4Mx: so this chat is hidden on discord ?
inoryy: it's a different protocol
K4Mx: damn :(
inoryy: you can probably write a bot to relay between the two
K4Mx: less fun than an AI
K4Mx: (:
Alshock: I must admit I never go to discord, anything interesting there?
K4Mx: less activity i guess
AntiSquid: chat history stays up forever so ...
Alshock: x) "that's a quiet and relaxing place"
AntiSquid: also you got chat by category, not all mixed in one
K4Mx: this website is awesome
K4Mx: wanted to say that x)
K4Mx: or better saying the project
jacek: aww
K4Mx: can we save persistent files on the machine we have through games ?
K4Mx: or sometimes the machine are reset etc
Alshock: well you can't even be sure to be on the same machine
K4Mx: using wget ? or the machine is locked down
Alshock: so I guess you can't
Alshock: locked to avoid external computation
Alshock: but my knowledge of the VM is close to 0
AntiSquid: it's not there to protect CG from us, it's to protect us from Automaton2000
Automaton2000: i also have a prune array.
Alshock: he prunes all fellow codingamers that fall beneath his scythe of Doom
Alshock: don't you Automaton2000?
Automaton2000: depending on the problem at hand
Alshock: See?
AntiSquid: that's ceg's thing, prune array, he picked it up quite fast
AntiSquid: just few days old
K4Mx: xD
K4Mx: what about max turn on Onitama ? there is none ?
K4Mx: nvm
K4Mx: 200
MostComplicatedUsername: Nice Troll vs Castles has been improved
MostComplicatedUsername: Interesting question
MostComplicatedUsername: I sank from 28 to 41 without doing anything :(
JBM: you probably have your game input section to review
MostComplicatedUsername: yES
MostComplicatedUsername: Yes*
MostComplicatedUsername: More variables
hydroglicerol: I feel like theese questions on the "clash of code" are not exactly for beginers
MostComplicatedUsername: Example?
hydroglicerol: there making me use ^ which I havnt lernt and I took the AP
MostComplicatedUsername: What are you trying to do? Is it giving the wrong output? Or are you getting an error?
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: KeyError: 'hidden'
MostComplicatedUsername: Is that the whole thing?
MostComplicatedUsername: chr and ord are functions?
MostComplicatedUsername: Well I have no idea what chr() and ord() do so I can't help you :sweat_smile:
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: chr converts ascii number to character
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: and ord converts character to ascii number
MostComplicatedUsername: Oh
MostComplicatedUsername: What exactly are you hoping to accomplish by adding ord(x) to a[c]?
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: anyways the clash is over anyways
MostComplicatedUsername: lol Im doing something else too so Im just checking back here every 10 min
MostComplicatedUsername: I'm 4th place in troll vs castles!
Uljahn: i see no wrapping of a char code when greater than "z"
Uljahn: i mean cycle through the alphabet
MostComplicatedUsername: I have to have a team for the contest???
soloyolo97: Hello! new to coding, and trying to get a hang of the java language. Has anyone else had trouble trying to wrap their head around all this?
MostComplicatedUsername: lol
MostComplicatedUsername: "no"
c0cainee: java is for boomers
MostComplicatedUsername: ikr
MostComplicatedUsername: Python is the best programming language
MostComplicatedUsername: Because it is
K4Mx: ok, so im listing availalbe libraries in python with sys.modules.keys(), however this list is not exhaustive , example: numpy is not lised, how i can list all available libraries for real from code ?
soloyolo97: i'm just trying to learn the most valuble language
Alshock: standard language trolling soloyolo97 ^^
c0cainee: learn python then, it's the easiest one
MostComplicatedUsername: soloyolo97 python is way easier to read/understand
Alshock: ofc everyone know Pascal is the best language
MostComplicatedUsername: ewww pascal
Alshock: Maybe Ada is slightly better
Alshock: Or is it Cobol?
soloyolo97: sweet! Thanks for the info. The internet was saying java, but i'd rather listen to ppl who've actually been doing this for awhile.
Alshock: no
Alshock: you shouldn't listen to anyone who answers an incomplete question
JBM: clojure's all the rage nowadays
Alshock: languages all have their interest in some aspects. Except for Haskell, that one is just a joke :P
Alshock: Should we throw stones at it?
MostComplicatedUsername: Jbm clojure is ewwww
MostComplicatedUsername: Python is the best programming language
JBM: you seem like a very ewwwy person
MostComplicatedUsername: ?
JBM: have you heard about the correlation with voting republican?
MostComplicatedUsername: What's that supposed to mean
Alshock: have you ever looked up python's performances though?
MostComplicatedUsername: Yes but he/she is beginning
Alshock: do you think it's always the best idea to start learning with a weak-typed, strong magic language?
Alshock: @JBM does that mean he should code in webasm?
Alshock: that sounds like a great pick
Alshock: aw noes, he infected you! D:
Alshock: quarantine for both of you! I don't want to have it too, that'd be so awful, ewww
JBM: you don't want to have quarantine?
MostComplicatedUsername: Alshock I'm a she
Alshock: are we seriously mentally regressing as time flies by? xD
Alshock: Oh yeah I remember I heard you say that one
Alshock: I'm sorry, I have no excuse
K4Mx: any machine learning library for python available ?
Alshock: you mean on the server?
JBM: used to be tensorflow around
K4Mx: yes i cannot list exactly the availalbe module
Alshock: there was a tensorflow puzzle at least
JBM: not sure it's still there
K4Mx: sys.modules.keys() is not exhaustive
K4Mx: since numpy is not listed but available
Alshock: Includes NumPy 1.16.2, pandas 0.24.2, SciPy 1.2.1
K4Mx: help modules is too big for error stream or something
Alshock: it doesn't say anything about python2 though, does CG not support it anymore?
K4Mx: No module named 'tensorflow'
K4Mx: T.T
Alshock: @JBM they forfeited the machine learning puzzles thing entirely? I can't find that tensorflow puzzle where you had to C/C the code given to you
JBM: yes it wasn't on the platform too long
Alshock: C/C xD I'm speaking french unwillingly now, I blame tireness
K4Mx: wellif you know how to list available modules from inside machine i ll take it
K4Mx: i mean the exhaustive one
Alshock: help('modules') could maybe help?
K4Mx: output is not fitting in the game buffer xD
Alshock: ^^ obviously
Alshock: But there's only the default that comes with python3, NumPy 1.16.2, pandas 0.24.2, and SciPy 1.2.1
Alshock: that's it I think
K4Mx: there are more
K4Mx: no ?
K4Mx: want to be sure x)
Alshock: No, I think the default modules are listed here: not so sure though
K4Mx: ok i got the list
K4Mx: printin 1000 char at once xD
Alshock: xD gj
K4Mx: " tensorboard "
K4Mx: still not exhaustive
K4Mx: numpy is not listed
K4Mx: damn
K4Mx: and machine is kinda locked down for listing folders
Alshock: it's listing the libraries that are not expicitely added to python
Alshock: Wild guess though, I have no backup for that one
Uljahn: you can navigate to python folder on CG and check files
Alshock: lol beat the wood boss by 0.05 with a boss that doesn't acknoledge the opponent's existence
K4Mx: still no numpy in folders
K4Mx: from paths
K4Mx: so i dont know how it is loaded : )
Alshock: why does it matter though?
K4Mx: to know exactly which modules are available for coding
Alshock: you know it is and you know the version, what do you specifically need from the folders?
Uljahn: import subprocess sh = lambda cmd: subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) print(sh(f"ls -l /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/").decode('utf-8'))
Uljahn: try this in IDE
K4Mx: yes and numpy is not inside
K4Mx: albeit import numpy works
Uljahn: drwxr-sr-x 18 root root 600 Mar 20 17:02 numpy
Alshock: I don't understand, if you were focused on any other package I could get it
Alshock: but numpy is explicitely described in the FAQ
K4Mx: i am
Alshock: what more do you need from it's source file?
K4Mx: im lookin for tensorflow alternative
Alshock: aw
Uljahn: there is none on CG
Alshock: I guess you're good to create your own lightweight library with numpy then?
Uljahn: yep
Alshock: maybe there are some recipes available out there?
K4Mx: scipy rather if need to recreate all no ?
Alshock: you know that way better than I do x)
K4Mx: ls was trucanting output x)
K4Mx: no i know nothing
K4Mx: that it was i needed a lib
Alshock: hello john snow
K4Mx: xD
K4Mx: ok so in the end its accurate faq xD
Uljahn: ye
Zenoscave: I was dethroned!
Zenoscave: Oh inputs changed
Zenoscave: huzzah
Uljahn: pewpewed
Zenoscave: nearly perfect submit
daffie: the weekly isn't clear. what is the unknown blood type supposed to be for? their child? or othe other possible bloodtypes they could have?
jdsfklsd: Not to be controversial but I thought linear algebra was ass
jdsfklsd: Thank you for coming to my ted talk
SimonLandry: Linear algebra is very important though
SimonLandry: I thought it wasn't too bad
SimonLandry: you just have to practice a lot
daffie: nevermind I get it now
daffie: each line represents 2 parents and their child, one of them will be unknown and needs to be deduced from the other two family members
jdsfklsd: I know they teach linear algebra in some high schools but I can't believe it myself
jdsfklsd: I thought it was gonna be a normal math class but it was like 90% theory
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: a=input() b=a.count print(f'{b('A')} {b('C')} {b('G')} {b('T')}')
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: why this dont work
hydroglicerol: this is so biased against java
hydroglicerol: literaly everything is biased against java WTF
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: werent u in my game
hydroglicerol: yah thats what Im noticing
hydroglicerol: I mean I still find it intresting but its impossible to win
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: why do i keep seeing the same 5 people
hydroglicerol: its very strange for example to make it slightly more fareI should get paired to others who use java butnooooooo
hydroglicerol: wrecks everyone else
hydroglicerol: and there is always one in your game
hydroglicerol: like you for eg
hydroglicerol: also why does literallly no one know how to use the chat
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: why does it make me do a captcha
hydroglicerol: it justed started rite
hydroglicerol: they are so annoying
hydroglicerol: "find the taxis" I KNOW WHAT AFUCKIN TAXI LOOKS LIKE
WINWINWIN: hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj a couple of people made bots that could join and clash on their behalf. Imagine trying to clash when someone joins and finishes every clash in 1 second?
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: couldnt they just do the bot
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: after they do the captcha themselves
hydroglicerol: I her but the point of the new repatcha is to make us not to have to do those annoying quizzezz which it sometimes works but mostly no
WINWINWIN: hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj does not work like that
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: recommendations for coding battles?
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: the prime questions are so annoying
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: because there arent any built in prime checkers for python
WINWINWIN: ruby has a prime module
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: i dont know ruby
WINWINWIN: write this line in the beginning of your code
WINWINWIN: require'prime'
hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj: i dont know ruby