waterproofsodium: AbrahamJLR there is really no point in stating it's not logical and bring subjective arguments. You obviously are bringing reasons why you personally believe it should be that way
Westicles: paralympics is a horrible analogy.
waterproofsodium: so is you bringing up sports
Westicles: you can make up any analogy you like where rules need to be changed because someone is too lazy too compete properly
waterproofsodium: are you trying to offend me?
waterproofsodium: you could just mention arguments why you think it should be the way you think is right. like real arguments
Ayza: shortest mode was created to make you learn python
Ayza: case closed
waterproofsodium: I assume you made a joke
waterproofsodium: My main argument here is that for a meaningful competition there should be winning requirements of real value and I constantly fail to see that in "code shortness"
waterproofsodium: when it comes to finding quality in code shortness: readability may first increase but if you compress your code too much it decreases again
waterproofsodium: you may think ergonomics is relevant, but you have the same effect: if you try to make your code 30% smaller and rewrite some sections 5 times for that purpose it is not ergonomic
waterproofsodium: Westicles: therefore my conclusion is that the "competition" you describe mostly has intrinsic value which you may value but I don't. I would really love for it to be possible to opt out of shortest code
waterproofsodium: perhaps the argumentation gets through and this is added. would be great
Westicles: I don't play clashes...
Westicles: you should take your concerns to discord, some of the CG guys might read it there
TimothyAlexisVass: Still today I find this so surprising that I had to share it again: The actual hypnosis happening through the screen.
Westicles: I've been running the CG file backup script, over 3 hours now and still going
j4at: waterproofsodium
TimothyAlexisVass: Yeah, I know Bob usually make shorter solutions in Ruby and Python but posts his C anyway.
Westicles: shortest code has a long history. thing of all those guys cramming pacman and galaga into 24 kB.
Razovsky: coc is for practice. If you want competition, well, switch to ruby for shortest codes
AbrahamJLR: Or perl.
Westicles: whew, done. somebody tell Stilgart his script is amazing
Razovsky: go to #fr to tell him
Westicles: heh heh, maybe
Razovsky: anyoine has the 4th validator of ?
Razovsky: i dont find the issue in my code
Uljahn: yeah, i'll dm you
Westicles: I sent him the link
Razovsky: my code doesn't work if there is only one variable in brackets
Razovsky: well, im stupid
Razovsky: :P
Razovsky: thanks all
Razovsky: am doing parsing in C++, not the easiest way to solve the puzzle ^^
GroutchKeu: o/
AryanTripathi: sup pppls
AryanTripathi: *ppls
antiwonto: [auto] Hey AryanTripathi, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 4 tacos
AryanTripathi: huehue
emh: got 2 potentially good optimization ideas this morning but too tired to implement. idea one an AVX-parallel BFS and other one a huge lookup table
jacek: why not both
jacek: and i finally know why my thing is so faster
jacek: no cache misses :3
AryanTripathi: hey jacek are you alt of tinbaud lmao
jacek: no?
AryanTripathi: you both ppls pfp is almost same
AryanTripathi: and also you both ppls level is almost same
AryanTripathi: huehue so I thought
AryanTripathi: nvm
AryanTripathi: my bad
AryanTripathi: Hey @Moderators, why not add a button to upload images? so that ppls can send issues they are struggling with?
emh: jacek sure I will try out both
eulerscheZahl: you have a clear misunderstanding of what moderators can and can't do
eulerscheZahl: they can kick/ban users and ping staff. that's pretty much it
Westicles: I guess they can delete messages on discord?
AryanTripathi: ohh
AryanTripathi: sowy
AryanTripathi: I thought they hve access to edit the website's code
eulerscheZahl: yes, standard moderation stuff
eulerscheZahl: also delete forum messages
jacek: and 50% speedup in bt :tada:
jacek: oops left the fixed seed
herostoky: Hello World
saeed_mirzakhani: Hi. Where i can see all the test that i done?
jk_java: anyone interested in music notation?
jk_java: I have a ClashCode contribution for transposition, might be fun, please upvote
Ayza: saeed_mirzakhani, If you mean clashes then you can't
Ayza: but you can for classic puzzles if you scroll down to the bottom for each difficulty
sidproo: i have not been using codin game for 5 months
sidproo: holy gawd
sidproo: @eveyone
sidproo: um
jacek: :scream:
sidproo: what
sidproo: I CODE
sidproo: les play
Ayza: this isn't discord :slight_smile:
Ayza: but who pinged
sidproo: oh
jacek: this is celestia
sidproo: me
jacek: An error occurred (#314): "Submitted code is too big". :rage:
jk_java: thats what she said
jacek: thats what she said
jk_java: hi hi
jacek: :no_mouth:
jk_java: :grinning:
jacek: :green_heart:
jacek: MSmits you there?
MSmits: yeah
jacek: your endgame generator doesnt work for me. it crashes
jacek: i only need to implement ApplyMove?
MSmits: well you need to have a sim and apply a move yeah
jacek: also why loops end with house < 11?
MSmits: probably because if house is 11, then you just dump all leftover seeds
MSmits: in that pit
MSmits: that loop you are talking about calculates all ways of spreading seeds in pits
MSmits: so when you get to 11 you have no choice but to dump the rest
jacek: also, there are 2 ApplyMove functions but only one is used
MSmits: ahh not sure why that is. By the way I am no longer that protective of my sim, i can submit a version that has the sim in it later, but first contest
ajaxdion: hi
jacek: i have the sim and i think i convert it properly from your bitboard to my gamestate
jacek: but for some reason it crashes on int score = captured - netScores[(turnsLeft - 2) * stateCount + childIndex]; // minus 2 because it's a child and turnsleft starts at 1
jacek: because (turnsLeft - 2) * stateCount + childIndex is negative
MSmits: sounds like an off by 1 errpr
MSmits: error
jacek: :thinking:
YurkovAS: jacek try this
jacek: it works i think
jacek: but there is reference to childBoard
jacek: while at playground there is not
jacek: so only should i return the captured seeds, but also change the board
jacek: yeah, it works with my sim as well. theres a typo in your playground
jacek: :neutral_face:
MSmits: a typo?
MSmits: it's possible i messed things up by taking my sim out
YurkovAS: int ApplyMove(const int house, uint64_t &childBoard, const int player)
uint64_t &childBoard
MSmits: yeah thats because i am applying the move to the childboard
MSmits: that seems ok
MSmits: i usually copy the parent board and then apply the move to it
MSmits: the integer returns the captured seeds
jacek: btw i again trained from scratch and pwned your book
MSmits: of course
MSmits: still trying to figure out a way to solve the game
MSmits: my problem now is that it's solving but taking too much space, so i need to remove childnodes that are not needed to prove the solve and do this regularly
MSmits: otherwise I quickly use many GB
MSmits: YurkovAS did you end up making my endgame book generator work for your bot?
YurkovAS: as solver - no (i'm don't understand why) now use it as bonus i'm check it with mcts and alpha-beta, current bot is ab
MSmits: ahh ok, I can see if i can share the whole thing later on. Have to pick up my kid from school, but I have an hour. Could try to put the sim back in.
MSmits: I'll just use my bot without the search and eval
YurkovAS: *as solver endbook play bad for me
darkhorse64: Is that endgame generator public ?
darkhorse64: Thanks. I just forgot about it
jacek: on a bright side, i nearly double my rollouts in breakthrough using that thing i used in oware
jacek: i was missing quite a cache
darkhorse64: Stop improving your bots. I can't keep up
tech_ninja: Hi
jacek: oh my
JirkaS: I think that's a spam
struct: hi
MSmits: just to be safe, do you guys think it is ok to share my oware sim to make the endgame book generator playground work completely?
MSmits: it will only lack the part with pits with seeds > 31
jacek: i'd just fix the typos
MSmits: it will not have a search and eval
MSmits: what typos?
jacek: remove unused int ApplyMove(int house, uint64_t& board)
jacek: add reference to childBoard in int ApplyMove(int house, uint64_t childBoard, int player)
struct: and rename functions that start with uppercase
jacek: :tada:
MSmits: haha no, I use C# style :)
MSmits: jacek that reference is missing?
jacek: eeyup
jacek: if you changed it, youd need to reset that snipsset
MSmits: i guess thats because the sim part doesnt actually work anyways?
MSmits: but what i meant was, is it giving too much away for new players to share my sim?
jacek: Marchete shares a lot more and he lives
MSmits: I'd prefer to just share the working thing. It's not a finished bot anyways.
jacek: probably only hardcore oware players looks at that playground anyway
MSmits: mostly i want to show how to generate endgame books in general
Illedan: Don't share too much!
MSmits: what is too much is my question
jacek: oO
MSmits: this is comparable to magus sharing csb sim
Illedan: Playground sharing for that would be fine
MSmits: it's basically the oware sim (95% of it) with an endgame book generator. There's nothing else in there. No working bot, no mcts search, no eval functiom
MSmits: function
Illedan: Sounds good :) Ship it!
MSmits: kk :)
MSmits: allright it's published
MSmits: 200-240 ms it takes to get the 9 seed book
struct: ill check after contest :p
MSmits: aw damn, my distraction failed
j4at: Yey I'm top 1 in Search race now :) Jk I'm 138th :p
struct: do you have a replay?
Illedan: nice j4at
jacek: 13.1k, not so bad eh
struct: this is the best my bot did
struct: on ide, I didnt do anything offline
Illedan: Mine be like:
darkhorse64: You beat me by 5 s and still there is some jitter in your trajectory
j4at: That's the worst test case for my bot
Illedan: ^^
darkhorse64: Full brakes on, yeah !
Illedan: That was the funniest testcase to make :D
struct: ga Illedan?
MSmits: which testcase is this?
struct: Line racing
Illedan: Hold the line
struct: or that
Illedan: yeah, ga
Illedan: 6 actions
struct: yeah my ga also does poorly
MSmits: here's mine:
MSmits: it's my csb bot basically. I just pasted it in, no modification
Illedan: Spawn enemies outside the map or something?
darkhorse64: Uncle Smits driving, no worries
MSmits: I have no license :)
MSmits: Illedan i just used the runner code
darkhorse64: That shows
MSmits: :grin:
j4at: Well I trained my NN on randomly generated games for 1/4 the time I train it for tests because I'm tired of waiting for hours. Im training it now on validators ;)
MSmits: if the validators are known, you have to use some kind of persistent program that can run for days and is always getting better, like a meta mcts for opening book generation in board games
MSmits: can you guys make something like that?
j4at: THat's exactly what I was thinknig about
MSmits: yeah, i am just wondering about how to code that
j4at: I will maybe do it after the event
MSmits: I am used to discrete movesets
MSmits: Maybe the moveset expands like a chokudai?
MSmits: like first you do max angle and 0 and later on you go halve between them?
darkhorse64: With so few actions, a BS looks better
struct: yeah chokudai was worse for me here
MSmits: Yes in short term darkhorse64, but what if you spend 1000s of hours running it
MSmits: you will miss good moves by discretizing too much
darkhorse64: Probably yes, I have 5 moves
darkhorse64: I tried to have more but it was not better (in my limited search time)
MSmits: that makes sense, it is the same in CSB
darkhorse64: I picked the idea somewhere on the forum where someone (magu s ?) said (0,0) was non sensical as a move
MSmits: btw, i wasn't talking about chokudai exactly. I meant more like, using a meta mcts where you expand a node to include more moves if it gets more visits
MSmits: yeah i exclude a lot of nonsensical moves
MSmits: also nonsensical: go left without power, then next turn go right without power
MSmits: mmh seems like i do include 0,0 in some cases.
MSmits: gonna try without it
struct: what made the biggest difference for me was the suggestion jacek gave me
MSmits: what was that?
struct: pos.distance(checkpoins[ncid]-vel)
struct: the - vel
MSmits: what do you use that for?
struct: so i do ncid * 50000 - pos.distance(checkpoints[ncid]-vel)
struct: for eval
MSmits: this is basically -3 vel for eval?
MSmits: why not add a factor of 3?
MSmits: I guess you should make it a parameter and just fit
struct: it should also work yeah
MSmits: it makes a lot of sense to me that a heuristic that works with a simple bot, also works as an eval in a tree search
darkhorse64: Actually 3 is not good for a SR heuristic bot IIRC
MSmits: nah, i guess you just need to fit the param
Crosility: Good Morning!
MSmits: I resubmitted my csb bot excluding the 0,0 move
Uljahn: "to include more moves if it gets more visits" - looks similar to Elastic MCTS
MSmits: elastic fantastic
MSmits: will study it later thanks :)
YurkovAS: i'm exclude 0-0 when no shield in depth 0+
MSmits: ohh yeah it seems that is what i was doing also
YurkovAS: if shield != 0 -> add 0-0 move
MSmits: should i have it with shield?
Wontonimo: In Elastic MCTS, the nodes of the tree are clustered dynamically, first grouped together progressively by state abstraction, and then separated when an iteration threshold is reached -- so cool. that's a great idea
Wontonimo: thanks for sharing Uljahn !
YurkovAS: with shield != 0 my moves: 18|0, -18|0, 0|0 in depth0 add 1 additional move: shield
MSmits: right
jacek: hyped for something in 30 minutes?
MSmits: *something*
jacek: could it be hex board?
MSmits: !
Illedan: Please no hex board
struct: please no fog
Magus: hex board + fog
darkhorse64: From the YT shorts, it looks a bit like C4L
jacek: enhasa
darkhorse64: is that polish for despair ?
eulerscheZahl: from youtube it looks like
eulerscheZahl: but that has nothing to do with the environment, so it's probably a red hering
jacek: it has. you need to make NN, you need to use 1000 GPU to train it
jacek: and only use electricity from coal
Astrobytes: lol
eulerscheZahl: what about liquid gas?
jacek: disqualification
darkhorse64: The ones that are useless now for mining bitcoins
jacek: clean energy
TimothyAlexisVass: ummm
TimothyAlexisVass: This was way more fun
TimothyAlexisVass: :taco: nmf
Astrobytes: lol jacek
eulerscheZahl: somehow i was expecting
Astrobytes: not clicking either of those links
eulerscheZahl: not a rickroll or anything, i swear
eulerscheZahl: just a classic meme that jacek surely knows
jacek: he gave you up
Astrobytes: that makes me even more suspicious
eulerscheZahl: cat + load energy generator
eulerscheZahl: loaf*
Astrobytes: ah yes
eulerscheZahl: astro doesn't trust me :(
Astrobytes: no I did watch it in the end
emh: he trusts me. especially with CSB
Astrobytes: emh :rofl:
jacek: hm?
eulerscheZahl: CSB will never be the same for me again
Astrobytes: likewise
struct: you dont want to know jacek
jacek: i want!
struct: pm him emh
eulerscheZahl: he changed some sprites
emh: it's forbidden knowledge
TimothyAlexisVass: Hahaha, first time I've seen that one with the cat
jacek: MSmits endgame generator appears to be working. locally my bot is stronger with one than without
Astrobytes: what was the issue jacek?
jacek: smits removed reference from board in function
Astrobytes: d'oh
jacek: but now uploaded to playground full version with sim
Illedan: hi emh
emh: hi Illedan
MSmits: good to hear jacek
Astrobytes: hey MSmits, Illedan
MSmits: hi Astrobytes
jacek: :taco: MSmits
antiwonto: [auto] Sorry but you can only award tacos once per day
DomiKo: 4K registered
struct: so NN + book jacek?
TimothyAlexisVass: :taco: MSmits
antiwonto: [auto] TimothyAlexisVass has awarded MSmits 10 tacos. MSmits now has 42 taco. TimothyAlexisVass now has 24 taco
MSmits: thanks TimothyAlexisVass
TimothyAlexisVass: :v::expressionless:
jacek: its way over codesize limit. but im gonna use it to train
Astrobytes: nice
j4at: :taco: struct
MSmits: yeah, you can minify it too
antiwonto: [auto] j4at has awarded struct 9 tacos. struct now has 62 taco. j4at now has 10 taco
Westicles: :taco: AntiSquid
antiwonto: [auto] Spread the love. Give tacos to someone else, not someone you spam with tacos.
struct: thanks
eulerscheZahl: can we just enjoy the contest and retire that taco bot?
aCat: anjoy the contest :D
aCat: *enjoy ;p
eulerscheZahl: i hope the game is worth it, let's see
jacek: enjoy the hex board game
j4at: I will take look at the event and then sleep :p
Astrobytes: cards & hex board or something
Westicles: rollouts or no rollouts, that is the question
jacek: trollouts!
eulerscheZahl: aren't you in the same timezone as me, j4at?
eulerscheZahl: not even I go to bed that early
Astrobytes: I searched boardgamegeek far and wide but couldn't find anything to match
j4at: Well my sleep schedule is very messed up rn
jacek: it will gave start-up! graphics
Crosility: Card game?
aCat: probabloy card gamne
Astrobytes: jacek :D
aCat: was on the movie
Astrobytes: Trouble typing today aCat? :P :D
aCat: faster type than think ;p
Astrobytes: hehehe
struct: well it seems card
struct: gl
eulerscheZahl: lots of starter code, violates CG's game design rules :P
Astrobytes: actually does remind me of start-up
jacek: kinda 3d graphics
Nerchio: Technical Debt lol
Astrobytes: c4l similarity confirmed
Westicles: ain't nobody gonna read all that
aCat: no debug view?
struct: so the game is the one they were playing
dbdr: people already above the boss :D
MindController: The given code beats boss
dbdr: random
ne.ascorbinka: random goes brrr
MSmits: looks 3D-ish yeah
Razovsky: the given code beats Jacek
Razovsky: XD
jacek: i have the same code
Razovsky: man, 75 input lines, this is a book
Razovsky: XD Jacek i didnt even read the input
Razovsky: WOW i beat euler too, what a time to be alive
MindController: Straight to bronze with random i guess
Razovsky: will ot last, let me enjoy these things
Razovsky: not*
Crosility: Lol to all the people submitting "Random"
MSmits: where's my hexboard :(
HerrHagner: Yea. Thats fun :D
Razovsky: random -> top 20
Nikgame: random op
MSmits: man, I have no idea how this game works at first glance. I think I need to reread this description like 10 times
struct: you and me
Nerchio: you and you and me
Nikgame: ++
Astrobytes: yep
Tiger-The-Cat: this is one of the more complicated events
darkhorse64: me too
Tiger-The-Cat: all i know is that there is some sort of hiring involved in this game
Nerchio: but I don't mind tbh, not every game needs to be 5 min coding rush to bronze
Tiger-The-Cat: that is all I know
MSmits: I suspect when I simplify all the wordy things into bits, it will become more clear
Nerchio: :joy:
Nerchio: not again
Astrobytes: literal bits :D
PatrickMcGinnisII: Yea, I just got here, was like wth
Tiger-The-Cat: i suspect when i convince someone to explain this to me, I will finally understand this
Nerchio: get your ints ready MSmits
MSmits: indeed :)
DomiKo: uints*
MSmits: yes, my uber ints
Astrobytes: :D
MSmits: is this game easier to understand if you are a professional developer?
MSmits: I dont even know what technical debt is
PatrickMcGinnisII: looks like a probability finder, might need some floats... :tropical_drink:
MSmits: floats have bits too
Nikgame: im learning c with this challenge
Nikgame: will be fun
MSmits: depends on your definition of fun
MSmits: suspect it might be opposite to mine
Sarstan: Oh man, a deck building game.
PatrickMcGinnisII: C ₂H ₅OH
MSmits: is that really a correct description? aren't you drawing cards and using them?
MSmits: dechbuilding is like locam where you make a real deck
Astrobytes: or when you build ships
therealbeef: the draw pile and discard pile is your deck, as i understand it
MSmits: true that too
waterproofsodium: hi MSmits
[SG]Sebastien: your deck is your draw pile, your discar pile and your hand
MSmits: hi
waterproofsodium: how do you do
MSmits: I do confused
Westicles: like reading the fine print on the back of your boat mortgage
waterproofsodium: hm I assume that might not be a bad state necessarily
Astrobytes: lol
jacek: this game is unrealistic. whats code review for?
therealbeef: to bash on colleagues you dont like
MSmits: is it safe to assume i can just give all these types an array index
DomiKo: yeah
DomiKo: and then bitboard it
MSmits: well i just want to get rid of all this wordy stuff
[SG]Sebastien: yes, arrays work fine
MSmits: this is all equivalent?
MSmits: only different typeS?
Crosility: You don't like 20 character variable names? :P
MSmits: no :)
Astrobytes: just function names ;)
MSmits: oh yes, they must be long to be understood
Crosility: GetTheSolutionToLife(void);
struct: will we have mirrored games in legend?
jacek: swap rule
DomiKo: mirrored games will do anything?
DomiKo: you random deck each round
struct: Its more that if we go p1 and p2 against same player
struct: I havent read the statement yet
emh: this game seems not fun. I think I'll pass. probably
struct: I will play
Astrobytes: doesn't seem too bad, just very wordy statement
struct: it has no fog I cant complain
Astrobytes: :)
MSmits: you have full information on opponent?
jacek: it has only chance element, like backgammon
[SG]Sebastien: you have the full deck of the opponent. But you don't know what he has in hand
MSmits: hmm ok so there's your fog struct :)
emh: the location of the card list. It can be HAND, DRAW, DISCARD or OPPONENT_CARDS (AUTOMATED and OPPONENT_AUTOMATED will appear in later leagues)
Illedan: And the board is hex shaped ish
Astrobytes: not terribly foggy
Illedan: Damn, this has almost the same amount as input as BOTG
PatrickMcGinnisII: It's the the movie
MSmits: i will be happy if i am able to reproduce the random move function without using it
MSmits: that's my goal for tonight
Astrobytes: well the legal moves are given, so...
Illedan: I will be happy to have a better random than MSmits tonight
struct: I just hope it has SecureRandom
Miki09: For today I am happy with this: class application:
MSmits: Astrobytes i meant generating legal moves myself and then using them
MSmits: like a proper sim
aCat: no full rules in pdf...:/
Astrobytes: I know :P
blasterpoard: is the referee somewhere on github?
MSmits: o
jacek: h
StevenV: so this won't provide source code like other multis :(
Illedan: Won the boss :tada:
MSmits: everyone has Illedan :P
Illedan: oh
[SG]Sebastien: referee is available, but you have the link in bronze league
Illedan: :(
StevenV: nice :D
blasterpoard: could the link get posted, so that I know whether I should bother with going to bronze?
Illedan: I'll send it to you. Just give me 5 hours
DomiKo: legend
struct: bosses public
struct: maybe not
DomiKo: random = new Random(seed);
DomiKo: no secure?
Karang: shhh
jacek: they didnt have code review cards
DomiKo: yeah I guess
DomiKo: too much technical debt
therealbeef: ship the minimal viable product
PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm out
jacek: struct where is your bitboard
struct: i havent started yet jacek
Nikgame: can there be multiple applications at the same time ?
Nikgame: because implementing that in c is horror
DomiKo: jacek going hard
DomiKo: I pushed me down :(
jacek: -That. -She
jacek: woah wood1
eulerscheZahl: DomiKo 04:52ᴾᴹ random = new Random(seed); no secure?
eulerscheZahl: I wrote this comment for a reason :(
[SG]Sebastien: sorry, I had other bugs to fix. And you cannot know how many randows where used during the opponent's turn
eulerscheZahl: you underestimate some of our members i think
Astrobytes: indeed
jacek: can you the that port mortem?
Astrobytes: jacek making sense as per :P
Karang: not fair play :p
jacek: Automaton2000 taught me
Automaton2000: darkhorse64 is eligible for prizes
eulerscheZahl: karang i count on you ;)
eulerscheZahl: but this time it's integers
Astrobytes: yeah, get to it :)
MSmits: yay darkhorse64
Astrobytes: lol
MSmits: new phone for you darkhorse64, the robot said so
Karang: yeah that's definitely harder than with doubles
Karang: still doable, but it is worth it ?
Astrobytes: to prove a point, yes, otherwise, debatable
eulerscheZahl: definitely worth it, if you manage to pull it off
darkhorse64: I already have one
eulerscheZahl: more than for spider spawns i'd say
Astrobytes: true
jacek: yeah, its like cracking 2048 seed
MSmits: darkhorse64, but when someone asks you how you got it, you will be humiliated by having to answer you paid for it
Astrobytes: maybe he stole it
StevenV: the starter deck for Java is a joke :(
MSmits: ahh yes, that's better
StevenV: *the starter kit
jacek: dont use java [solved]
darkhorse64: mine is so cheap that its price is lower than reconditionned ones
aCat: ok we nned to have a debug view
aCat: no idea what applications are active
aCat: no idea what application was released by the player
MSmits: I've never owned a smartphone
aCat: mee too MSmits ;]
MSmits: cool
darkhorse64: I think I'll have to write a real bot to get out of the woods. Usually play actions[0] is ok
darkhorse64: reminds me of ooc
Crosility: 2 People in Bronze from using Random. Hahahaha.
aCat: yeah, I have so far no idea on oneliner to skip leagues :(
Astrobytes: you can prioritise certain actions over others
square1001: Hi, could you tell me how to ask question about the understanding of the problem?
aCat: they were just fast enough
jacek: what problem?
square1001: Green Circle, of course :)
[SG]Sebastien: what did you not understand?
square1001: I did not understand about the case when there are 2 or more bonus cards in hand
[SG]Sebastien: in the picture to release an application?
square1001: No. I'd show some example so please wait a moment
struct: full rules I think
[SG]Sebastien: I have to get my daughter from school, I'll be back in 30 minutes
StevenV: ooc?
MSmits: Ahh i did that before the contest [SG]Sebastien, it's all about planning :P
aCat: struct :*
square1001: Sorry, I may be misunderstood
Astrobytes: Ocean of Code StevenV
jacek: relax. no one understands this game yet
MSmits: that's projection jacek
MSmits: I understand the wordy things are actually numbers
MSmits: so, i am way ahead of you
StevenV: ah
jacek: are you in bronze?
MSmits: no, i mean in my mind
jacek: nab
MSmits: :grin:
Karang: eulerscheZahl don't worry they have until I figure out what we are supposed to do to patch it :)
eulerscheZahl: the patch would be trivial
eulerscheZahl: curious if they do it
square1001: If there's card { 0, 2, 1, 8 (bonus), 3 } in the card and there's an app needing skill { 0, 2, 4 }, why can't we publish this app ?
Karang: tbh keeping track of all the shuffling the opponent is doing + the fact that it's integer makes things significantly harder
eulerscheZahl: no excuses
square1001: Solved. I completely misunderstood (the 5th app should have no shoodys)
jacek: :tada:
struct: jacek NN?
Nikgame: Why did i do this in c
MSmits: because fun
struct: its too late to change now
Astrobytes: C or delete
MSmits: yeah, so much time wasted otherwise. gotta stick with it
Nikgame: im still trying to parse the app into my struct array
struct: Im still reading the statement
MSmits: which is why you can't be parsed into
MSmits: I redid the entire input, but still don't understand the rules
MSmits: not many lines now though, much easier
struct: read it slowly MSmits
struct: write it on paper
struct: it gets easier
MSmits: yeah good advice, will try
struct: at least it does for me
Illedan: MSmits read the board game rules
Illedan: they are far better
Nikgame: wait youre not coding with word???
MindController: Struct arent u still reading statement?
struct: Im reading the statement
struct: writing it on paper
MindController: And giving tips to MSmits :sweat_smile:
MSmits: Nikgame i turned those big wordy things into numbers
Astrobytes: lol MindController
MSmits: training_cards_count = 0
MSmits: as an index i mean
MSmits: i just made an array[10] where the first index is the training_cards_count
MSmits: second is coding cards count
MSmits: etc.
MindController: Anyone has full rules?
MSmits: are you forced to use shoddy skills?
MSmits: say you have enough skills that are correct from cards
Illedan: Should use valid skills first?
MSmits: I am just wondering if shoddy is only used when needed to complete the app
jacek: you cant use shoddy only in 5th app
MSmits: oh you only have the technical debt thing during a turn
MSmits: it doesnt carry over
jacek: thats what my company thinks as well
MSmits: I see
eulerscheZahl: If the team arrives on the opponent's desk (or on a desk next to the opponent), they will disturb the opponent (they are noisy when they work). As an apology, the team must GIVE one skill card from their hand to the opponent (the team can choose which one). If they do not have any skill card in hand, they get 2 Technical Debt cards.
eulerscheZahl: who gets the technical debt? me or the opponent?
MSmits: the culprit i guess
Astrobytes: you get the tech debt
eulerscheZahl: i see, don't disturb :(
eulerscheZahl: would be fun to spam your opponent with them
VizGhar: I'm too old for this :D I dont understand rules fully
VizGhar: I need to pick paper and pencil like in old times
MSmits: well you're not the only one
eulerscheZahl: When you release an application, your permanent skills are discarded.
eulerscheZahl: not so permanent after all
VizGhar: semipermanent rather... such an oxymoron
VizGhar: Can I see those "Applications" in viewer?
eulerscheZahl: don't be ridiculous
Astrobytes: :D
eulerscheZahl: i like how they kept to starting place in French
eulerscheZahl: and task-prioritization
Illedan: It is a SKILL phase, but it is called PLAY_CARD
Illedan: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
aCat: VizGhar I afraid that no
eulerscheZahl: overall the game looks fun enough to take off i think
eulerscheZahl: a bit worried about RNG
aCat: so vizualization is fancy but useless :crying_cat_face:
Astrobytes: yeah it seems worth doing
eulerscheZahl: ille going for bronze
Illedan: Agrred
Illedan: Ez
Illedan: bye
Illedan: Damn jinx
jacek: MSmits will you ascii print this game?
Nerchio: wait what
MSmits: jacek no idea
eulerscheZahl: great strategy when you are ahead
DomiKo: how can I know if desk is empty or not?
eulerscheZahl: you know the enemy location from inputs
Nerchio: so you can just stall the game on training? :joy:
eulerscheZahl: keep counting if a desk was visited 5 times
Illedan: The collision rule when players move in sequence :D
jacek: they both printh RANDOM?
eulerscheZahl: should that be considered a bug in the game, Nerchio?
eulerscheZahl: not sure right now
Nerchio: I dont know rules in wood2 just randomly saw the replay
Nerchio: but if its possible then yeah
therealbeef: seems shoddy
struct: so if I have 6 shody I can complete a small app?
MSmits: seems so struct
MSmits: btw, what is the significance of moving in 1 direction if you can jump to any desk?
j4at: Rules are very confusing
struct: read the french rules easy
jacek: you need to go through poste administrator
MSmits: what does that mean jacek, this takes you 1 turn?
jacek: "This forces you to go through the administrative task desk when you move from the desk 7 to the desk 0."
jacek: in bronze you need to gib them cards
MSmits: ohhh
Astrobytes: uhhh
struct: no spam
MSmits: so if i pick the release option that uses the fewest shoddy skills, i am already better than random?
Illedan: Yeah, that took me to 3rd MSmits
MSmits: hmm i can also keep drawing and wait to avoid using shoddy at all can't i?
MSmits: wait no, you have to discard everything
MSmits: these rules are so weird
StevenV: how can I see the application list on screen?
jacek: yeah
jacek: its like you need to connect 4 things, but connecting 3 things will make you lse
jacek: lose
MSmits: jacek that sounds like an idea for a great game
MSmits: better if it's on hex though
Astrobytes: lol
Illedan: uhm
Illedan: I can't know how many skill cards there are on each slot?
Illedan: If the team goes through the administrative task desk (between the desks 7 and 0), they lose 2 skills cards from their hand (they can choose which ones).
MSmits: what slots?
Illedan: On the board
Illedan: 0-7
MSmits: o
Illedan: Locations
MSmits: well you don't get this as input it seems
Illedan: And bronze rule make it impossible to know
Illedan: -.-
Nerchio: prepare your simulations
[SG]Sebastien: @Illedan : you have 5 cards on each desk at the beginning. If you count the cards in your deck and in the opponent deck, you cna find it
Illedan: Not if they pass the administrative desk?
Illedan: As they lose 2 skill cards
Nerchio: TRAINING (0). The team draws 2 cards and can play 1 more card from their hand.
Illedan: [SG]Sebastien?
Nerchio: so this will allow you to do infinite draw right?
Anth: How do new people change avatar on CG?
[SG]Sebastien: @Nerchio : if you have an empty draw and empty discard, yes it could
[SG]Sebastien: @Illedan: the cards you lose go back to the board so the total is always 5
Illedan: Yeah, but I can't know which cards the opponent discarded
eulerscheZahl: Anth, that name sounds familiar. did you compete on by any chance?
Anth: mm, 3:rd
[SG]Sebastien: when you receive your input, he has already discarded. So the total will still be 5
eulerscheZahl: some pacman-like game i won but never received my prize :(
Anth: you and msmith before me iirc
MSmits: me?
eulerscheZahl: lazylump was 2nd, i don't think he's on CG
Anth: I got a call from the company but never booked the meeting.
eulerscheZahl: i told them via email that i only want the prize but no job (a bit more polite)
eulerscheZahl: when i asked about the progress, they said they shipped it
Anth: :)
Nerchio: should have taken the job so you can get the prize
eulerscheZahl: not even sure anymore if it's their fault tbh thinking of my RAIC tshirt+hoodie. german customs just sent them back without informing me
eulerscheZahl: maybe the same happened to that arduino robot
MSmits: Illedan did you go beyond random in other ways? I just did the change of selecting best release option, but didnt do much
eulerscheZahl: i also chose where to move to
eulerscheZahl: choose even
Illedan: In release => do best card in move => move position +1 % 8 else random
eulerscheZahl: that's a bronze strategy already?
MSmits: ohh ok
Illedan: Sure
eulerscheZahl: smits needs wood hints
Illedan: That got me from Wood 2 to Bronze in 1 go
eulerscheZahl: in bronze passing through 8 gives you a penalty
MSmits: yes wood hints =)
Nerchio: its more difficult in wood than it was in the past few contests
eulerscheZahl: *cough* Kutulu
MSmits: I guess i will do the +1, maybe it'll help
MSmits: ooc was worse
eulerscheZahl: OOC was a month though
MSmits: true
eulerscheZahl: and for kutulu you probably don't think about the initial boss
eulerscheZahl: final wood boss was promoted to silver boss, keeping players out of gold
Anth: MSmits: could be. Did you score second?
TheRapture: mad pod racing is the easiest
eulerscheZahl: say that again when you face the neural networks on top
MSmits: i dont participate outside CG
MSmits: so i doubt it
eulerscheZahl: you played vs Professor X. that was not on CG
MSmits: it was CG-inspired
TheRapture: my skills litteraly neural network and multi agent
MSmits: seems like the move +1 thing helps somewhat
Illedan: [SG]Sebastien the bug from Nerchio is very annoying. I think you should disallow it on empty discard pile
Nerchio: hello Illedan
eulerscheZahl: or don't allow chains
MSmits: shoult report on forum
MSmits: should
Nerchio: i wish my bot was doing it in winning positions
eulerscheZahl: shout it on the forum
Nerchio: but it is what it is :joy:
eulerscheZahl: illedan is working on the forum post
TheRapture: is there anybody who knows Rust
struct: how is that happening Nerchio?
Illedan: Drawing on empty pile
Illedan: And then trying again
Nerchio: you use training skill with 0 cards yeah
Nerchio: in draw
Nerchio: draw with Illedan again
TheRapture: can i play green circle with u guys
struct: ah since the draw pile is empty when you train you draw that card again?
struct: yes
eulerscheZahl: no
eulerscheZahl: maybe
eulerscheZahl: i don't know
eulerscheZahl: can you repeat the question
TheRapture: bruh
TheRapture: its chat not speech
eulerscheZahl: which TV show intro?
StevenV: +1?
eulerscheZahl: malcolm in the middle
jacek: :older_man:
Nerchio: blocking draw on empty pile should fix the problem, shouldnt be that hard
ClosetAI: Is problem statement bad or I'm retarded not to understand it?
MSmits: ClosetAI is this an exclusive or inclusive or ?
VizGhar: both
ClosetAI: It is bad but i should still understand it
ClosetAI: ok
MSmits: there's just a lot of theme fluff thrown in there
VizGhar: I dont understand it either, but giving internet voice, whether I'm retarded or not? ... thats retarded :)
MSmits: if you get past that, the game is fairly simple
MSmits: I think
eulerscheZahl: i think all of us needed more than 1 read
MSmits: I'll know for sure once I get past that
eulerscheZahl: not saying that it's a bad statement, just some complexity in the game
VizGhar: ah ok... I read it only once... mybe that's why
MSmits: it's also counter-intuitive / unlike other games
eulerscheZahl: also had to watch some replays frame by frame
eulerscheZahl: i still don't fully understand the card pickup and movement
ClosetAI: ok, why does it say about moving in certain direction if you can move anywhere?
Illedan: Because if you move behind you, you lose skill cards
MSmits: if you go back to 0 you pass a special office, in bronze this costs you cards
Illedan: In bronze that is
ClosetAI: where does it say it
MSmits: in bronze description
Nerchio: taxes get you everywhere
Illedan: If the team goes through the administrative task desk (between the desks 7 and 0), they lose 2 skills cards from their hand (they can choose which ones).
MSmits: btw, ClosetAI let us know when you got your card order figured out so we can steal it :grin:
Illedan: LOL
Illedan: Yeah, please print the message
ClosetAI: I'm not going to compete most likely
StevenV: +1 and still in wood 2 :(
MSmits: I'm just glad you are here so i could make that joke :)
eulerscheZahl: don't you need a new phone?
eulerscheZahl: or an old phone
MSmits: oh yeah, that too
Illedan: I need a new one
MSmits: get a new phone ClosetAI, there's 3 so i dont mind if you beat me
ClosetAI: They don't ship stuff to my country :(
MSmits: sucks :(
MSmits: but hey, you can always give them my adress
StevenV: +1 and still 280+
StevenV: in wood 2
MSmits: seems the boss is better than random?
MSmits: I'm still only 16th with Illedan's advice
MSmits: I think I need to move smarter
JohnyDaison: you
Nerchio: Avoiding your opponent is good otherwise you have to give skill cards
MSmits: in wood?
Nerchio: wood1
MSmits: I am in wood 2
Nerchio: :grimacing:
MSmits: i thought i could get out of it by picking smart release and doing move +1
MSmits: but no luck
StevenV: wood 2 is string
StevenV: strong
Reorso: its java the only language where the initial variables are initialized in loops and you cant access them where you need them?
struct: How do you know that they dont ship ClosetAI?
StevenV: unlike recent CG challenge
Illedan: OH
struct: Who is shipping the prize, CG or SG?
Illedan: I can only use skills based on cards in hand -.-
Illedan: Didn't realise
Illedan: xD
MSmits: wow
ClosetAI: I've received t-shirts but not expensive prizes
ClosetAI: didn't even know there was a prize
ClosetAI: so during release you always have 5 cards?
MSmits: seems so
Netsmile: lol
Netsmile: exiting clash of code in the last second made me leave the room, but I still participated as a ghost and got minus points for being last
struct: only noticed now that random is being given on possible moves
Illedan: Oh, I know the opponent total cards. and not his hand. My bd Sebastian
MSmits: seems like i am drifting to top wood 2
MSmits: 7th now
VizGhar: i got to wood 1... no idea how :D
VizGhar: just guessed scoring
MSmits: scoring?
Wontonimo: Due to covid-19, Management enforced a one way path in the office so as not to bump into other people. You must always move in the same direction. -- ?!? wth
eulerscheZahl: i expected Westicles to complain about that line
Illedan: :D
Wontonimo: what a convoluted game
struct: im almost finishing reading statement
Illedan: The p1 Advantage is so damn crazy
struct: Wontonimo I found something you might like, Ill pm you
saeed_mirzakhani: Guys, How can i see all the test that i did before?
eulerscheZahl: what is it struct, the CSB interpretation by emh?
struct: no lol
eulerscheZahl: you asked that question before saeed_mirzakhani. but it makes no sense to me
VizGhar: you can see submissions in History tab while in IDE... but only submissions
tobk: I don't get it... in wood 2, you _have to_ release an app as soon as possible, even if that means using shoddy skills?
saeed_mirzakhani: Yes, i don't know if anyone answer to me or not, since i weren't here. I'm totally noob here, i did some tests and i want to see list of all things that i've done so far.
eulerscheZahl: what's a test by your understanding?
eulerscheZahl: we certainly have different things in mind for that word
saeed_mirzakhani: I solved two puzzles. I wana see them again, Can i review my code that i did in a specific puzzle?
eulerscheZahl: tobk try using at most 1 shoddy, that should get you into bronze
[SG]Sebastien: agree
eulerscheZahl: go to the list of puzzles and scroll to the bottom
VizGhar: im using at most 2 and im in top 10 in wood 1... so I agree with euler
eulerscheZahl: alternatively: go to your profile page, click the "Level" to see where you got the XP from. there are links to the problems you solved
tobk: I'd love to, but how? I MOVE to the skill I need most to complete the next App, then in the next turn it tells me I _have_ to release an app because I can, using shoddy skills? Then I get lots of technical debt, which then (according to the game info) is immediately discarded???
eulerscheZahl: you can always WAIT
tobk: ah, so then it switches back to MOVE.... thanks, did not consider this.
eulerscheZahl: your DISCARD will move to DRAFT, when DRAFT is empty
MSmits: eulerscheZahl and VizGhar? when you are saying at most 1 or at most 2 shoddy, do you mean waiting instead of release?
VizGhar: +
MSmits: oh i never even considered that
saeed_mirzakhani: There are some information in Level section. But i can't see any part that redirect me to IDE page. I want to review the code that i've done in a specific puzzle. Is it possible?
StevenV: rank 20 wood2 :(
StevenV: I wonder if I just resubmit then I can go to wood 1
MSmits: thanks VizGhar
Illedan: 1st :tada:
eulerscheZahl: saeed_mirzakhani did you do puzzles or clashes?
eulerscheZahl: scroll to the bottom, you might find some solved there
VizGhar: we have a winner already :D congrats Illedan :D
StevenV: mine is quite the same
MSmits: :iphone: :arrow_forward: Illedan
saeed_mirzakhani: 2 puzzles and 5 clashes. I wana see the code that i've done.
StevenV: I just use >= 4
StevenV: the other is +1 thing isn't it?
eulerscheZahl: for clashes: you can see the code again (click the bell icon and dig through notifications)
eulerscheZahl: you can't officially get back to the clash itself again
VizGhar: In case of move phase I just print first possible move (always next cell)
eulerscheZahl: search it here if you have some memories
saeed_mirzakhani: User experience of the website is aweful. :(
saeed_mirzakhani: Thanks.
StevenV: thanks, it a lot like +1 thing
eulerscheZahl: try some other websites, it will change your mind
MSmits: clashes just aren't meant to be reviewed
eulerscheZahl: CG is top notch when it comes to multiplayer games
VizGhar: MSmits WAIT simply stores the card into your pile without any bad consequences... so you should assume using it
MSmits: yeah, so that you dont rack up debt right\/
MSmits: ?
eulerscheZahl: right
VizGhar: :thumbsup:
eulerscheZahl: in bronze it gets harder to avoid debt
NinjaDoggy: does the replay display the available applications anywhere?
eulerscheZahl: no
NinjaDoggy: ...
pedrosorio: "Due to covid-19, Management enforced a one way path in the office so as not to bump into other people. You must always move in the same direction." - what does this mean? The simulation of random moves seems to allow moving to any desk
eulerscheZahl: ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤
eulerscheZahl: gets relevant in bronze
MSmits: people will keep asking this question
pedrosorio: oops, thanks
eulerscheZahl: penalty if you pass desk 8
VizGhar: teach antiwonto to respond to that
MSmits: antiwonto
antiwonto: [auto] 'antiwonto' was defined as ' A bot, possibly assembled in Central America. Programming questionable '
JohnyDaison: eulerscheZahl what have you done? will those lines continue forever?
pedrosorio: "Each of those desks contains 5 skill cards at the beginning of the game" - do we receive the number of remaining skill cards at each desk in the input somewhere?
eulerscheZahl: it already stopped, JohnyDaison :(
eulerscheZahl: you have to count the skill cards yourself
eulerscheZahl: an oversight IMO
MSmits: I don't understand what Training does
struct: me neither MSmits
struct: I was just gonna say I dont understand skills
StevenV: pretty much the same code, but one in rank 280+, and other top 20 :(
eulerscheZahl: not understanding ++
eulerscheZahl: i'll do that tomorrow with a fresh mind
MSmits: you're just going to have to monte carlo the :poop: out of this one eulerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: you know me all too well :D
MSmits: :)
eulerscheZahl: that's what i did for c4l, wasn't that bad
eulerscheZahl: and here we have even less opponent interaction
MSmits: worked for locam too
[SG]Sebastien: Training : you draw 2 cards (so 2 more cards in your hand) and then you can play another card (so the PLAY_CARD phase comes again)
eulerscheZahl: everything worked for locam
MSmits: true
[SG]Sebastien: it's useful if you have good cards in your draw pile
MSmits: ohh ok
MSmits: thnaks
Nerchio: how do you monte carlo when you don't know next round draw?
eulerscheZahl: any thoughts about repetitive training?
MSmits: Nerchio you monte carlo that too
yu1679959321: well, but in python there will have a big different between rank 1 and rank 200
eulerscheZahl: work with probabilities
Nerchio: seems difficult especially in java haha
Illedan: eulerscheZahl, same with repetitive CODING
eulerscheZahl: another loop?
Illedan: Draw card too
eulerscheZahl: replay?
[SG]Sebastien: yup, but you draw only one card and can play 2 more cards
Illedan: Still can make a loop
Illedan: To force game to end
[SG]Sebastien: yup
Illedan: This should be fixed, else the contest will be ruined last minute
eulerscheZahl: bug or feature?
MSmits: is this game completely different when you are player 2? You can't know whether you can safely move to a desk because you dont know if p1 will be there
eulerscheZahl: you have the opponent location as input
Nerchio: its not simulatenous is it
MSmits: oh right the opponent has already moved
MSmits: i am used to these games being simultaneous.
eulerscheZahl: i'm tempted to do some data scraping at the end of the contest to see how big p1 advantage is
MSmits: wait, does your opponent train and move before you train and move?
MSmits: skill i mean
eulerscheZahl: and also RELEASE
eulerscheZahl: yes
VizGhar: oh... unexpected promotion
MSmits: oh so his entire turn is done
MSmits: thats helpful
StevenV: well only 50 account on wood 1
eulerscheZahl: you still have a chance to play your turn when the opponent finishes the 5th app (when you are p2)
MSmits: yeah i saw that
eulerscheZahl: 39 in bronze, so?
StevenV: I just thing the number is quite small for wood 1
StevenV: *think
MSmits: eulerscheZahl are you ignoring skill entirely?
eulerscheZahl: it's only 3h into the contest, of course i ignore it
Nerchio: StevenV it's because getting to wood1 is more tricky than usual
MSmits: i am just wondering if you need it to get out of wood 1
VizGhar: yeah... I'm just going for bronze first day... I'll go and rewrite it to C++ now that I vaguely understand what is going on
Karang: 8/40 now starting to look into seed cracking :p
VizGhar: looks like MCTS style game (and I haven't implemented MCTS successfully by now). So probably BEAM?... wonder how big the branching factor is
MSmits: you need probabilities so i dont know if this can work
VizGhar: So I'll beat the heuristic out of it :D
eulerscheZahl: i don't see an argument against it
eulerscheZahl: oh wait, i do
MSmits: you need a new state for every possible arrangement of cards
eulerscheZahl: when it comes to the next deeper node in the tree, you don't even know your draft cards anymore
VizGhar: probabilies will kill me here for sure
eulerscheZahl: and testing all possibilities will explode hard
VizGhar: true true... I give up :D
struct: Just run multiple mcts
MSmits: or a mcts that runs mcts
eulerscheZahl: future me will find a way to deal with it
VizGhar: I can't do MCTS. I was unsuccessful in UTTT and I dont have much time to even try it
MSmits: well it's probably useless here
MSmits: but you do need to find a way to deal with probability
MSmits: VizGhar if you got top gold in uttt with mcts, it might just be your bot wasnt very performant
MSmits: not necessarily that the mcts was wrong
eulerscheZahl: i was bottom legend, then found a bug in my node selection
eulerscheZahl: fixed it and reach 50-ish at least
MSmits: nice
eulerscheZahl: was using total rollouts of root instead of parent
VizGhar: It wasn't proper MCTS to be honest... I just randomly generated n games for each available nodes and scored them... no exploitation/exploration... no usb
MSmits: that's a nasty bug
MSmits: hard to find
MSmits: VizGhar thats monte carlo!
VizGhar: I dont even know what is euler talking about :D
VizGhar: without UCB formula used? doubt it
MSmits: no, i am telling you thats monte carlo
Michael_Howard: Can we see the referee code anywhere? (Looks like it's not in the usual github.)
MSmits: monte carlo != monte carlo tree search
Astrobytes: it's a flat monte-carlo search, no tree
VizGhar: hmm then I'm proud of myself thank you
VizGhar: oh aha
MSmits: thats what you will need here
MSmits: so you got skillz
VizGhar: good to hear... still have to think this one through
eulerscheZahl: Michael_Howard
Michael_Howard: Thanks :)
Scarfield: nooo i thought it started tomorrow xD
eulerscheZahl: pay attention in elementary school when they teach calendars
Astrobytes: hey Scarfield o/
jacek: im no 1st in UTTT no more :(
Scarfield: hi astro :)
Scarfield: unfortunately im not in elementary school
MSmits: wow Scarfield not even in elementary yet. Little genius !
Astrobytes: :D
JohnyDaison: :grinning:
Scarfield: lol jacek
Astrobytes: ffs :D
JohnyDaison: that's a bit dark...
Illedan: lol
Scarfield: a little genius that mixes up the dates
jacek: a savant
StevenV: I think I will go to Bronze soon
MSmits: wish i knew how, without doing the sim/search thing yet
Scarfield: i have been called a Sedan once, bot that wasnt a compliment
Scarfield: bot = but
MSmits: oh
MSmits: i thought maybe automaton called you a Sedan
MSmits: it's not the worst thing he ever said
Scarfield: am i a Sedan automaton2000
Automaton2000: and i thought i would have to go through
StevenV: any clue on whether we could use a sim for this game?
MSmits: sure you can
StevenV: really? with a lot of random and unknown thing?
MSmits: also sim is very loosely defined. As soon as you use the input and calculate what happens when you try a move, to better make a choice, you are simulating
StevenV: ah
MSmits: perhaps you mean a structured search that uses simulation through multiple moves in a row
StevenV: a sim without an algorithm attached to it
MSmits: then yeah most likely you need one
MSmits: based on probability
StevenV: so you mean I can use a search that is based on probablility?
StevenV: I am ggoling for it now
Reorso: can anyone tell me what is the draw location guys? for the challenge
JohnyDaison: probably your draw pile
Reorso: i thought you draw cards only from the desks
JohnyDaison: are you in Wood or Bronze?
Reorso: wood
JohnyDaison: Bronze has more rules
Reorso: so are the desk card added to the draw pile or to your hand?
HotWrestlerFromTheFuture_b2f4: hi
Reorso: its to your hand in case anyone is interested
struct: oh nice I got into bronze
HotWrestlerFromTheFuture: i cant do this graphix too ugly
Reorso: im still puzzled about the rules XD
Astrobytes: wtf is object_type
MSmits: the type of the object
Illedan: APPLICATION Astrobytes
MACKEYTH: But the only objects are APPLICATIONS
Illedan: Sure
Illedan: But now you can't do it wrong
Illedan: xD
MSmits: lol
JohnyDaison: it is a bit sus
Astrobytes: so its a useless input
Illedan: Legay
MSmits: i never realized there was a useless property
Illedan: *legacy
Scarfield: xD
Astrobytes: hahaha
Illedan: That will be a LOT OF useless data saved by the CG servers
eulerscheZahl: when i read the first lines, i thought APPLICATION had something to do with recruiting
Illedan: Me2
Scarfield: #
MSmits: makes sense
Illedan: Thought the Goal part of the statement was recruiting info
Scarfield: is it just me or are the rules pretty scarce with info?
struct: after reading the rules I still dont understand how loops happen
StevenV: loops?
Illedan: Rules are written late in the process for this one
jacek: struct you should hire the guys to write the statement for backgammon
Julian_Dixon: How is this website supposed to teach coding? I took (and passed) a computational physics course where the first two weeks were supposed to be teaching us python in its entirety and after a that and a couple games of clash of code I know how to mulitply numbers by 2/3
eulerscheZahl: maybe the fr statement is better?
eulerscheZahl: it's not. you are supposed to have basic programming knowledge already when coming to CG
Scarfield: there is a lot of mumbo jumbo about it being an IT dev team, but im not getting the rules yet, also the tutorial is only in french?
jacek: and try puzzles. clashes are time limited
Julian_Dixon: thats what im saying I thought I did have basic programming nowledge
eulerscheZahl: video is baguette, yes
Julian_Dixon: so how does one gain this basic programming knowledge?
Scarfield: Julian_Dixon you kinda need to know the basics at this site, the easy puzzles can be used to get an idea of what to learn about. They are tagged with what you need to know about to solve
jacek: Julian_Dixon easy ones include: the descent, power of thor, temperatures, dual horse racing
HookUpz: @Julian the easy category here is just not 'easy' at all. on half the excercices u get barely any explanation and ur supposed to do all kinds of stuff.
Scarfield: tutorials, or another site unfortunately, when you know the basics, its a great site :)
_martynas: wait... Why is Boss code publics?
_martynas: *public
eulerscheZahl: it's not unusual to publish lower bosses
Astrobytes: ^
Julian_Dixon: ok i guess ill try that
eulerscheZahl: later ones will be private, wood is just dumb introduction
JackMc: If you're a physics guy try doing some of the project euler problems maybe
MSmits: thanks for making me feel dumb euler :P
eulerscheZahl: you're welcome
Astrobytes: :D
MSmits: :P
StevenV: well, I know there was a bot ...
StevenV: if only I know
eulerscheZahl: do you mean Automaton2000 ?
Automaton2000: if i have time to code
StevenV: haha
DomiKo: there is a bug in statement in bronze league: "Line 1: gamePhase the name of the current game phase. It can be MOVE, RELEASE"
eulerscheZahl: meh
eulerscheZahl: string gamePhase = Console.ReadLine(); // can be MOVE, GIVE_CARD, THROW_CARD, PLAY_CARD or RELEASE
eulerscheZahl: default code ftw
ToshiTuringMachine: seems a bug
eulerscheZahl: when did you move to the netherlands?
ToshiTuringMachine: hey eulerscheZahl, now it's been 2.5 yrs
eulerscheZahl: infinite loop is reported on the forum already
MSmits: hi neighbor
eulerscheZahl: do you speak some dutch already?
ToshiTuringMachine: not very much
eulerscheZahl: can you communicate with smits in his native language?
eulerscheZahl: for Germans this language sounds so weird
Scarfield: lel
ToshiTuringMachine: what are smits
eulerscheZahl: like a mix of German and English
Astrobytes: for everyone Dutch sounds weird :P
JayyKeyy: I bet it's hard to learn dutch when English is always an option since all dutch people speak english
MSmits: as long as you dont say lul Scarfield
Astrobytes: haha
ToshiTuringMachine: yes here in NL 99.99% of people speak fluent english
Scarfield: thats what it was xD
eulerscheZahl: go to Fr for the next level
Astrobytes: if you think Dutch is weird, try Afrikaans
MSmits: well, not all. But the higher educated ones all do
MSmits: Afrikaans is weird to Dutch
eulerscheZahl: i have no idea what that sounds like
MSmits: it sounds like Dutch only different
MSmits: like German sounds like Dutch only different.
Astrobytes: It's a mixture of so much, it has Zulu influences in there too
eulerscheZahl: like Switzerdütsch
eulerscheZahl: a lot of clicking noises
Astrobytes: hehe, that's some language
Astrobytes: Yeah euler, they all have meaning
MSmits: yeah if a hyper-intelligent insect race ever lands on Earth they will land in Africa
Scarfield: beatboxing
MSmits: this is how insects talk in sci-fi.
ToshiTuringMachine: i invited my collegues to join the contest but they ignored me
ToshiTuringMachine: :(
Illedan: :(
ToshiTuringMachine: not real coding lovers
Astrobytes: get new colleagues
Illedan: I gave up my collegues for contests
MSmits: same
eulerscheZahl: i don't even have coders among my colleagues
MSmits: well only like 3 of them can code anyways
JayyKeyy: *gasp*
eulerscheZahl: bunch of CAD designers
Scarfield: hey now
aCat: this cat remains silent :P
Astrobytes: I asked some of my coder friends and they took one look and said "I can't do that"
MSmits: did they design acat?
eulerscheZahl: no you aren't, i talked to you just a week ago or so
Illedan: aCat, you should stop talking and enter bronze :P
aCat: I know :(
aCat: but its hard
MSmits: Illedan how? I am looking for simple heuristic rules to get there
Illedan: -.-
MSmits: wood 1 now
aCat: python oneliners dont work
MSmits: i am avoiding desks with opponent near
ToshiTuringMachine: ARCHITECTURE_STUDY after score 4
aCat: and I dont want to switch to true coding until bronze ;p
ToshiTuringMachine: so easy
Illedan: I will switch to true code when I have 100 % winrate ^^
struct: My bronze code took 20 seconds
Scarfield: True AI
Illedan: struct :D
struct: as you can see only submit
eulerscheZahl: you wrote a sim already? 20s per game?
MSmits: I beat boss most games
MSmits: I guess i just need to wait till people push me
Illedan: I wish I had a tooltip in the viewer for my whole deck :/
eulerscheZahl: do you always print the first valid action struct?
struct: no
struct: oh yes
struct: I do
DomiKo: lol
Scarfield: xD
struct: I will probably have something working but the time gold opens
Scarfield: 13 wins / 3 losses so far with that
VizGhar: Those images in game description are useles without captions :D I've had to stare at them for like 5 minutes each to understand what they mean
VizGhar: But I somehow like the design of game
struct: graphics are good
struct: But not very usefull
Illedan: xD
VizGhar: UI good UX not that much
struct: Im trying to be nice, its not easy to make a game
VizGhar: true :) I have a few drafts and 0 time to finish those
VizGhar: I was working on this game:
ToshiTuringMachine: that infinite loop bug is terrible first time I see such a FAIL in a contest
Illedan: Upvote it on the forum
MSmits: what is the bug?
Reorso: i played patchwork some times!
ToshiTuringMachine: if you play_card random but have only bonus and technical debt, it will ask again to play_card
MSmits: ohh ok so it's a real bug
ToshiTuringMachine: please forum link Illedan?
Nerchio: sometimes when i go past administrator office first time it feels like i throw away only 1 card, its weird
ToshiTuringMachine: oh that's a different bug
Nerchio: turn 9-10 someone understands?
Nerchio: frames*
MSmits: whats weird about it?
Illedan: I'll check Nerchio
Nerchio: you need to throw away 2 cards MSmits
MSmits: ohh
Nerchio: and feels like I lose only 1
MSmits: it does look that way
Illedan: Maybe you pickup 1 of the ones you are about to throw? So that the game doesn't remove it?
Nerchio: i dont know where I would get it from though
MSmits: yay bronze
struct: grats
MSmits: i did the architecture thing
MSmits: "You can now play all 8 skill cards."
MSmits: I could not before ??
Illedan: No
MSmits: oh for the play card phase
struct: oh the skills are based on cards
struct: I didnt even notice it
struct: thanks MSmits
MSmits: yw
MSmits: infinite training?
MSmits: is this one of the bugs?
Illedan: ye
ToshiTuringMachine: yes
struct: Can someone explain how infinite training works?
jacek: you train for infinite time
jacek: [solved]
Illedan: ^^
Astrobytes: :D
struct: :/
MSmits: you can play a new card if you train
MSmits: if that card is a training card, you can play it again
VizGhar: sounds like comment of junior developer
int x_coordinate; // x coordinate
MSmits: =)
struct: so I need 2 training cards in hand for it to work?
ToshiTuringMachine: that action should at least throw the Trainng card away so it cannot train again
Illedan: Yeah
Illedan: Seems once you have 1 Training Or Coding, you can just get all cards at hand
MSmits: wait, your card doesn't discard when you play it?
struct: So I only need 1 training card for loop?
MSmits: is there any disadvantage to playing a card?
struct: I dont understand sorry
Illedan: I'm still confused
jacek: afaik you train when you have no cards and it loops :?
ToshiTuringMachine: if you have empty drawing pile and try to train, it will do nothing and ask to do one more play_card action
struct: ah
Illedan: Maybe it discards on use, if it really is used
Illedan: Hard to tell as some stuff is done automatically
MSmits: no, when you play a card it is discarded
MSmits: just checked
MSmits: it's just a bug for training as ToshiTuringMachine described
struct: yeah I just tried it too
struct: it just seems to loop if the draw pile is empty?
struct: or maybe if it has < 2?
MSmits: makes sense
MSmits: REFACTORING (7). The team can remove a Technical Debt card from their hand and put it back on the board.
MSmits: does that mean it goes on a desk?
struct: I think it goes to mid pile
MSmits: what's that pile used for?
struct: So I guess its just removed
struct: Nothing
MSmits: mmh ok
struct: Im not sure though
MSmits: "on the board" is a bit vague
diek: hi, im stuck on wood 2, the rng seems to have a lot of weight on my rank, any advice?
MSmits: lose some weight?
diek: xD
MSmits: didn't mean to be rng-shaming though
MSmits: but if your bot gets better, the rng will not be able to weigh you down
MSmits: you can do several things
diek: please continue
MSmits: most importantly is probably to release the application for which you lack the least skills
MSmits: so you dont get so much technical debt
MSmits: also don't always release. Maybe only release when you lack a certain amount
MSmits: not sure what the sweet spot is
diek: mmm i don't get that, how it's related the release with the tech debt? i think it does not apply in this level
MSmits: it does, when you get tech debt, you get tech debt cards
diek: ah
MSmits: and those cards fill up your hand with nothing to show for it
diek: so my deck is full of crap too
diek: okok
MSmits: yeah crap deck
diek: ty
diek: i can continue from here
MSmits: allright then :)
MSmits: also there is some luck required. If you win almost always vs boss and your submission doesnt end at the top, waiting a while may help
MSmits: other people will submit and fight your bot
MSmits: in the meantime you can just keep coding ofc
diek: yeah, let see
diek: ty
MSmits: mmh I think it would have been better to end the game on X turns instead of on 200 game phases
MSmits: now the max number of turns depends on how many times a give_card or play_card phase appeared
MSmits: or throw_card
MSmits: but perhaps with better bots, it will never go over 200
MSmits: in that case it's fine
Illedan: If they fix the bugs it will never go to 200
MSmits: cool
MSmits: I see 2 ways opponent can influence you: Finish an app or occupy a desk you wanted to go near
MSmits: am i missing something?
Illedan: He can hold skill cards you want
MSmits: how?
Illedan: There is only 5 of each type
Illedan: You get them while moving
MSmits: oh I see. a desk can get empty
Illedan: Yeah, then you get bonus instead
MSmits: which is worse isnt it?
Illedan: Not sure
Illedan: Use CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION on a BONUS and it stacks up very nice
Snef: Illedan do you get a bug where you time out using TASK_PRIORITIZATION ?
MSmits: right
Crosility: Any mods able to help with a quest-map problem/bug?
MSmits: mods dont fix bugs
Illedan: Snef, not sure. Don't use that skill actively. Maybe my RANDOM action uses it
MSmits: they fix spammers/trolls
Snef: Snef provided incorrect input. you do not have a card of type CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION to deprioritize
Snef: i used RANDOM :D
Illedan: ^^
Snef: and i do have a CONTINUOUS card
Illedan: In hand?
Snef: yes
Snef: but opp gave it to me last turn maybe it's a bug
Crosility: Thanks MSmits, guess look for a support/contact us link. :P Not that is matters, really would like to continue this branch :P
MSmits: you need a dev, or a tech support message on the forum, or maybe just explain the problem here and someone will know
VizGhar: If there is "team draws cards" it means from draw pile only I assume
VizGhar: Reading through "Use a skill" section
MSmits: guess so yeah
VizGhar: And "can play 2 more cards" means I can use skill 2 more times?
Crosility: I'm soft locked out of completing AI-node 4 on the quest-map. "Register to a contest". I pre-registered, and it didn't meet the criteria. And seeing as live-contests are.. semi? annual from the looks of it. It could be a long time to fill that requirement.
MSmits: 2 more play card phases
MSmits: you can registef immediately after this one
VizGhar: PLAY_CARD = "use a skill"
MSmits: register
MSmits: usually they come up
MSmits: yeah viz
VizGhar: those rules :D even totoro was easier to understand
struct: already optimizing MSmits?
MSmits: much
MSmits: no
jacek: bitboards or delete
struct: oh I saw register keyword
MSmits: i am thinking about a search
Crosility: Okay, thanks MSmits. I do hope that allows me to continue the AI path. :D
MSmits: i hope so too, they changed some stuff with events and such lately, maybe the path is bugged now
MSmits: getting help with non-contest stuff during a contest is a bit difficult i think though
VizGhar: with those play card actions even heuristics seems pretty good tho... but i'm scared of the if-else branching
Crosility: Probably, bet they are completely tied to keeping servers up-with All the bots scanning data super fast, just to output "Random". :P
MSmits: well if all they are doing is input and random its not so bad
MSmits: imagine if they use the full calc time
MSmits: Response time per turn ≤ 50ms (Doing Green IT means sparing resources)
MSmits: it's like they are asking us, please dont use the full calc time, think of the environment
Crosility: 50 ms is a long time - that's 20 FPS efficiency. - if you were outputting display and all. I'm surprised they give more than ~10ms.
MSmits: some languages use a lot of time
jacek: like french
Crosility: :joy:
VizGhar: Why there is no France flag in emojis? (the white one)
VizGhar: *french
struct: :flag_white:
VizGhar: oh
VizGhar: > After moving, the team can get their new skill card from a desk one step away. If you play many cards, their effects will add up.
VizGhar: so 2 routines = get card from distance >=2 ?
[SG]Sebastien: we wanted to reduce the time limit (20 or 30ms). But it crashed the referee (minimum time for one turn is 50ms)
MSmits: VizGhar yeah seems so
pedrosorio: meanwhile, my python bot takes 40ms to read the input (I must be logging the wrong thing, surely xD)
VizGhar: and I loose both "permanent skills" upon releasing application?
struct: you need to start the timer after reading first input
pedrosorio: struct <3
VizGhar: (or don't start it at all)
VizGhar: will you use search? if not, then ignore time constraints. I doubt you can overdo it
MSmits: VizGhar thanks for reminding me about the permancy of the cards, not permanent at all
pedrosorio: are we to assume our bot is always the first player in the input?
jacek: exile target permament. oops its not permanent
jacek: yes
Illedan: yes pedrosorio
Illedan: Nerchio beating me some :(
VizGhar: How would you call it instead of permanent? :) long effect?
MSmits: he does that
MSmits: how about temporary
VizGhar: :thumbsup:
Nerchio: Illedan yeah I think i have positive win ratio but my bot is garbage :joy:
Illedan: notPermanent
MSmits: your bot is shoddy
MSmits: gotta stay with the lingo
Nerchio: lel
Illedan: I should screenshot some of my bot for you
VizGhar: is that even real word? :D
Illedan: damn it is crap
Illedan: :D
MSmits: dunno, i know sheddy, but not shoddy
Illedan: lol
Illedan: This new logic worked
Illedan: xD
MSmits: sheddy = "was made in a shed"
Illedan: gratz on bronze aCat
Nerchio: you are p1 in that game gg Illedan
Nerchio: :D
Illedan: ^^
Illedan: You steal my first move plan :O
Illedan: Now I need to check if you are at 5 :(
Nerchio: yeah tbh 5 is op i dont do anything else
Illedan: yup
Nerchio: i mean i didnt bother reading other actions
aCat: thank you Illedan :-)
aCat: much more code than I would like
Illedan: Refactoring is better :P
Illedan: I got 230 lines of IF forrest :/
struct: oh no
aCat: now, time to run c#, and python to bin ;]
MSmits: run IF forrest, run
pedrosorio: struct definitely something fishy going on with the time.
I measure time (time.perf_counter()) right after game_phase = input(). Allow a loop to run for 10ms after that, the bot times out.
jacek: its not environment friendly
pedrosorio: alternatively: I'm just dumb and running an infinite loop :P
VizGhar: Is there any reason to play 6ths action?
VizGhar: +
Illedan: Ofc
VizGhar: better odds only?
Illedan: You get more cards
Illedan: that you can throw away from 7-0
Illedan: Without wasting a move
MSmits: throw away from 7-0?
MSmits: what does that mean?
MSmits: oh the mandatory throwaway
Illedan: Going past the admin desk
VizGhar: wait... arent you throwing only skill cards there?
jacek: as in real life, no point in CODE_REVIEW
Illedan: BONUS is a skill card
VizGhar: oh... that's something new thanks :D
MSmits: yeah, there's no way to know that
MSmits: that bonus cards are skills
Illedan: I figured it out by reading what the RANDOM action I did xD
MSmits: continuous integration is the only real permanent skill?/
Illedan: yeah
Illedan: that is the best
MSmits: do you get this in input?
Illedan: Get what?
Illedan: That it is the best?
Nerchio: you get it
MSmits: the fact that it's permanent
Nerchio: in AUTOMATED
MSmits: ohh ok
Illedan: Do you see enemy automated?
Nerchio: i dont think so
Nerchio: but idk
Illedan: hmm
MSmits: thats weird, it's a pile though
Nerchio: maybe its hidden in opponent_cards
Illedan: yeah
struct: ill try on C++ pedrosorio since i dont really know python
Illedan: So you can keep count
VizGhar: OPPONENT_AUTOMATED will appear in later leagues
MSmits: can you see how many cards are in a desk?>
VizGhar: hmm?
Illedan: desk?
MSmits: one of the 8 desks
Illedan: You have to count
Illedan: All decks
Illedan: *Card lists
Illedan: You get as input
VizGhar: desk, deck, board... who knows :)
MSmits: but you dont know what the opponent has right?
VizGhar: Not easy to explain the game
Illedan: Ok I got OPP_AUTO
Nerchio: ok
MSmits: wait, you get his hand too ??
Illedan: No
Illedan: Only his total cards
MSmits: OPPONENT_CARDS 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 9 11
MSmits: what is this?
Illedan: That is his whole deck
MSmits: ohhh
Illedan: Draw + discard + hand
MSmits: minus automated
struct: pedrosorio I dont get timeouts in c++ maybe its only on python
MSmits: those in separate pile i guess
MSmits: what a weird game
MSmits: I don't dislike it, but... weird
VizGhar: understandable... same here
Nerchio: well p1 advantage will be big
MSmits: there seems to be only 1 advantage really
MSmits: the first desk he moves to will block others
Illedan: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Illedan: You can even get input where you have no hand
Illedan: -.-
MSmits: why is that bad?
Illedan: It crashes my program
MSmits: why?
Illedan: I expect to have a hand :P
MSmits: ah, I don't have that issue
MSmits: my bot has low expectations
struct: my bot doesnt even need inputs
MSmits: sounds advanced
MSmits: it already knows right?
VizGhar: the graphics is really cute... just open the game, pause it and enjoy it :D
RSBat: print("RANDOM") needs no inputs too
MSmits: it seems the task prioritization team is working on a 4p game
struct: pedrosorio its working for me
struct: I was measuring 400ms instead of 40ms
MSmits: ohh, already doing search eh>?
struct: no
struct: I dont even have any code yet
MSmits: o
struct: He was just having problems measuring time
MSmits: I see
MSmits: used cards go back to the desks?
pedrosorio: struct you mean measuring after the first input line, or before?
DomiKo: we don't need search, we just have to copy META
struct: after
MSmits: mmh seems like all cards go into discard?
struct: I think this is correct pedrosorio
Illedan: Oh, thx
Illedan: I'll use that
struct: I will only copy meta if I dont reach legend
Illedan: Hard to copy meta here I think
struct: I refuse to face the pain I faced the last contest
MSmits: there's 1 thing better than copying meta
Illedan: Because it is impossible to read a replay from the viewer
MSmits: that's countering meta
Illedan: I'm countering Nerchio's IFs at the moment
MSmits: nice
Nerchio: I'm countering Illedan IFs at the moment
struct: is this a if game?
MSmits: doesn't have to be
MSmits: you can use switch
struct: im already training my NN
Illedan: I think you can do > 50% of the actions by IF
VizGhar: what happens if you play REFACTORING and have no technical debt on hand? :)
Illedan: You lose 1 action
MSmits: or you find a new bug
VizGhar: sounds cool... well... this will be another if-else challenge i suppose. Or throwing as much guess-what-happen simulations as possible
VizGhar: wonder if somebody will come up with NN :P
MSmits: the hard part is dealing with all those app recipes
MSmits: that's a lot of possible inputs
VizGhar: and why is there progressbar for technical debt?
MSmits: it's a win condition thing
MSmits: if you get app 5 on same turn, you need that bar to be short
VizGhar: ok... but it looks like it is capped to 20
MSmits: are you saying the referee cannot accomodate your bots shoddiness?
struct: "36 BONUS skill and 100 Technical Debt cards available on the board."
struct: maybe this is important MSmits
struct: since you asked where the cards go
MSmits: the cards all seem to go into discard
Nerchio: Illedan xd
MSmits: when you release an app
DomiKo: if else battle!
struct: I mean on refactoring
MSmits: oh yeah it goes back among the 100
MSmits: TASK_PRIORITIZATION (3). The team will remove one skill card from their hand and put it back on the board. They will then take another available skill card from the board.
MSmits: this one also seems to give card back to their desks
MSmits: as opposed to the discard pile
Illedan: hm Nerchio?
MACKEYTH: Are desks 0 and 7 next to each other for GIVE purposes?
MSmits: yeah also daily routine
MSmits: and there is that admin office
Nerchio: :rage:
Illedan: ^^
Illedan: :(
Nerchio: hm Illedan?
Illedan: Buggy IF
MSmits: this has never happened before. Euler in bed on first day of contest and i rank 1 above him :)
MSmits: he's usually beating me hard in the first days at least. But I guess there is tomorrow :)
VizGhar: euler -> :poop: smits :crown:
MSmits: lol
MSmits: I don't want to get into the if-forest business
MSmits: Gonna try to come up with a search before i improve bot further
VizGhar: smitsy smitsy, why so stubborn?
MSmits: :)
VizGhar: its green event... forests are more than welcome
MSmits: i guess that makes sense
VizGhar: and dont forget: > Response time per turn ≤ 50ms (Doing Green IT means sparing resources)
struct: Are skills points based on current cards on hand?
struct: For the App release
MSmits: + automated
VizGhar: :point_up:
struct: thanks
Illedan: :tada: new IF incomming Nerchio
Nerchio: :scream:
Illedan: We draw on techinal depth when you are first :D
VizGhar: and then blaster will come with another super idea and everybody will copy him
Illedan: I need blaster to put out his ideas before I get bored
Nerchio: i run out of ideas already
Nerchio: ran*
Illedan: That last win I had was close :D
Illedan: 5 to 4 tech depth
MSmits: ohhh, damn you keep confusing me with your depth lol
MSmits: now i get it
MSmits: deBt
Illedan: ah
Illedan: auto typeing
pedrosorio: the depth of the tech skills
MSmits: i honestly thought you were talking about something else
Illedan: ah, I wrote it wrong every time
Illedan: -.-
Illedan: DEBT
MSmits: this game is weird enough to make me doubt myself about everything
pedrosorio: wood 2 -> wood 1, let's go
pedrosorio: typical question: how long do I have to wait after battles in progress are done, to get the promotion?
MSmits: not long
MSmits: waiting for them to be done can be long though
struct: pedrosorio did you see the code?
MSmits: last contest it could take half a day sometimes
Illedan: Zylo moving to 5 first now too :(
Nerchio: before this submit
Nerchio: there was almost 100% win ratio for p1
pedrosorio: struct yeah, I did, that's what I was doing, I just had an infinite loop in there :) thanks!
struct: np
FrankR: what happens if you play REFACTORING but have no technical debt cards in hand?
aCat: is it legal action then?
Illedan: Legal
Illedan: And wastes the action
FrankR: so it just discards the REFACTORING?
Illedan: ye
FrankR: ok. thanks
struct: Time to start coding for me
MSmits: "Applications will get bigger through the leagues.
MSmits: are all applications within a league the same size?
Illedan: yeah
Illedan: Was smaller in woods
MSmits: are they 4/4 in bronze?
Illedan: ye
MSmits: so no 2/2/2 ?
Illedan: Ah, shit. Reached limit of plays
Illedan: -.-
struct: already?
Illedan: Test by submit it is
Illedan: :D
Illedan: I spammed IF checks
Nerchio: bug Illedan?
Illedan: How would I know
Illedan: Can't test locally
pedrosorio: rules clearly missing some detail
pedrosorio: on wood 1 they describe the "GIVE" action which is "mandatory and is only available in the GIVE_CARD phase"
pedrosorio: but there is no such phase in the turn description (instead it's mentioned in passing under the "Move" phase)
MSmits: you're right, it's a lot of trial and error to figure out some rules
pedrosorio: I deduce from the description that you'll get a GIVE_CARD phase immediately after the move phase if you disturb the opponent (abs(move - opponent_location) <= 1?)
VizGhar: what does CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION 8 do?
MSmits: yes pedrosorio
struct: There is GIVE_CARD
_Lupus_: Why am I disqualified for attempting to release a 2/2/2 application with 3 bonus cards (accepting 3 technical debt) in the green circle challenge? Am I reading the rules wrong?
Illedan: Maybe I should start to consider what locations to visit depending on the Applications left :thinking:
struct: and THROW_CARD
struct: and more
Karang: eulerscheZahl you are still there ?
pedrosorio: unless you have 0 skill cards in hand, in which case they will hand you 2 tech debt cards at the end of move phase?
Illedan: He sleeps
Karang: damn
Illedan: _Lupus_ do you have the 3 cards at hand?
Karang: ok
MSmits: also, is this your 5th application _Lupus_?
struct: you will get 2 tech yeah
struct: but from the board itself
struct: I think
pedrosorio: struct THROW_CARD lol, that's only in bronze I guess?
struct: yes
_Lupus_: It's not my fifth application and I have the cards at hand. Replay is here:
Illedan: Can't see applications in replays :(
_Lupus_: I am attempting to release application 16: Application 16: 2 CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION, 2 CODE_REVIEW, 2 TRAINING
MSmits: did you read app 16 from input that turn or earlier?
MSmits: apps disappear when they are finished
_Lupus_: ohhhh, I read it from the initial input
MSmits: ahh that explains it then
MSmits: there is no "initial input" in this game
MSmits: it's just the full gamestate each turn
_Lupus_: But its only turn 2 or so. The opponent has not released it
MSmits: i'd say fix the bug and try again
MSmits: maybe there is some other reason that will disappear when you fix your input thingyu
_Lupus_: Thanks
pedrosorio: a funny inconsistency in the move phase description:
Illedan: The skill you get is added to your draw pile and not your hand
Illedan: Not 100% sure to pick it up
MSmits: really? I thought it was going to your hand?
Illedan: Oh
Illedan: hmm
struct: There is a limit of bonus cards
Illedan: seems so
struct: 40
pedrosorio: struct O_O
struct: 36*
struct: The game starts with 5 skill cards on each desk, 36 BONUS skill and 100 Technical Debt cards available on the board.
MSmits: jeez you are like nr 1 for hours Illedan and we are still stuck on simple things like this.... this game lol
Mr.empty: i've faced a tricky situation where my code passe all tests successfully but when i submit it gets some errors with validator 4 and 3 .
Mr.empty: could someone help ?
pedrosorio: struct is that in the bronze rules or did you reverse engineer the thing?
struct: its in bronze I guess
struct: Mr.empty which puzzle?
MSmits: so you can get 2 technical debt in a very very rare instance where a desk is empty and all bonus cards are gone and you disturb your opponent?
struct: I guess
struct: its what I understand from the rules
struct: if the code does that I have no clue
pedrosorio: struct lol
XeroOl: should I join the contest?
struct: why shouldnt you?
MSmits: yes you should XeroOl, we will have another chance at someone able to properly explain to us the rules
j4at: I went to sleep and I woke up and you still guys don't understand the rules :3
XeroOl: idk, I guess I'll do it
j4at: scuffed event
j4at: jk
MSmits: it's a journey of discovery j4at
XeroOl: I now have to pick a language, the hardest part of codingame
MSmits: yes, should you go with scala... or dart?
j4at: bash
XeroOl: I think of the two, I'll pick scala
XeroOl: lets do scala then
struct: I would choose a language with avx support for this contest
struct: 8 is a perfect number
XeroOl: oh is this one of those
Westicles: I got 1st in groovy last contest
MSmits: no lol
MSmits: it's not
XeroOl: is this one of those challenges where assembly intrinsics will be helpful
XeroOl: I guess I should read the rules
MSmits: no it's really not
struct: :rolling_eyes:
XeroOl: reading is hard
MSmits: ^
MSmits: this applies very nicely to this contest
struct: If I get 1st in C++ it means I won the contest
MSmits: not necessarily
MSmits: top 3 is all non-c++ now :)
KNTK: Reading is very hard
MSmits: only 1 c++ in top 10
struct: thats normal
XeroOl: unless some crazy rust person spends half their time working on the contest and the other half of their time compiling :)
Westicles: no starter for c++
MSmits: starter seems pretty useless here
XeroOl: you don't need a starter I don't think
MSmits: i mean you got Random
MSmits: what does the starter do?
XeroOl: I can see why y'all are complaining about the rules lol
Westicles: it says if you change a few lines you can get to bronze
MSmits: yes
KNTK: Is the green circle a single player game on Wood 2?
MSmits: basically
KNTK: Yeah it seems to be like darts, if my opponent does well then I'll take more risks etc.
XeroOl: from what I can tell, for wood 2 the only interaction is that you could snipe the opponent's apps, and something about moving desks that isn't well explained
MSmits: you can't move the desks
XeroOl: desks have 5 skill cards on them and there is no way to access them?
XeroOl: it explicitly says you must move desks
MSmits: no, they are too heavy
XeroOl: "The team begins by moving to another desk (they must leave the desk for the other team)."
MSmits: oh you mean move from the desks
MSmits: yes
MSmits: but you must leave the desks where they are
XeroOl: although there's nothing in the rules right now about why I would care at all about desks
MSmits: you get a card when you arrive at a desk
MSmits: and the card is used to complete apps
Geras: "Geras has not provided an action in time" while there is an output. After looking reaaaaally hard I found the culprit: print instead of println. Great.
KNTK: Also what does it mean that you have to move forward? Can't I move from Coding 8 steps and land on Training?
XeroOl: ahh I see
MSmits: yes KNTK but in bronze you incur a penalty
KNTK: Thanks
MSmits: for crossing the admin desk
MSmits: allright i am getting some sleep GN!
struct: gn
cegprakash: Green circle! Wood to Bronze! Now Live!
Nerchio: cegprakash we're here to help you with the rules
cegprakash: nice :D
cegprakash: you can help me in stream
cegprakash: I haven't read the statement yet
Nerchio: doesn't surprise me
Astrobytes: *will not read the statement until the contest end
Astrobytes: :D
jacek: we need prune array in this
Astrobytes: GAimax
struct: ceg I dont think anyone can explain the statement this time
Astrobytes: :rofl: not wrong
struct: Im enjoying the game though
Astrobytes: I've spent most of my time cooking unfortunately :(
j4at: The only way to understand the event is to read the source code
struct: Im still hoping jacek will bring NN for this contest
VizGhar: I hope he will bring it 1 day after :P
pedrosorio: is it possible to run out of cards to draw (by giving cards / returning tech debt cards to the board with refactoring)?
jacek: i still dont know whats going on there
j4at: I will use NN :p But i'm not on Jacek level
struct: pedrosorio maybe yes but in theory probably no
Illedan: bug Nerchio?
struct: If I have a a bug I'll probably just blame the referee
Nerchio: Illedan just p2 things but you have time out :D
Illedan: :O
Illedan: :panic:
Nerchio: you must have cracked the randomess because you get p1 all the time
xMizar: Can somebody explain me the difference between game phase please? I always receive MOVE in closing stages
SlurpasGasskagg: is anyone else having issues with the "DISCARD" and "DRAW" getting messed up when the "DRAW" gets emtied?
SlurpasGasskagg: *emptied
SlurpasGasskagg: (seems like cards are in both card_location_counts when it wraps)
SlurpasGasskagg: my bad, found it!
ilgiocatore: xMizar you automatically skip phases if you don't have possible moves
pedrosorio: something weird going on in this replay:
pedrosorio: the REFACTORING action doesn't do what I would expect
pedrosorio: move 56->57
FrankR: Rule question: I have 1 architecture study in my hand, 2 in my discard and my opponent has 2 in his draw. Why is it a possible action to do a task prioritization and change a bonus skill card against a 6th architecture study?
cegprakash: how do I know how much skill my team has learned? anyone has an idea I always see 0 on the UI
ilgiocatore: pedrosorio it seems you just skipped release phase because you didn't have any possible moves and discarded your cards at the end of your turn
pedrosorio: ilgiocatore thank you, that makes perfect sense
pedrosorio: lovely bug when playing TRAINING with no cards in draw/discard pile:
jacek: its known
cegprakash: cegprakash has in hand: BONUS (8), BONUS (8), BONUS (8), TECHNICAL_DEBT (9)
cegprakash: can someone explain what this means in the start of the game
cegprakash: do I have 3 bonus cards or 3x8=24 bonus cards
PiterYeh: 8 is just the ID for the BONUS type
PiterYeh: 9 is the ID for debit, and so on
cegprakash: thx PiterYeh
PiterYeh: welcome :)
cegprakash: in that case in statement it's given each team starts the game with 4 BONUS skill cards and 4 Technical Debt cards.
cegprakash: but I've only 3 and 1
Nerchio: good luck boys and girls i will be back in 2 days
FrankR: How can I pick a 6th skill card here?
FrankR: thought there were only 5 of each type?
struct: cegprakash you start with 8 in your draw pile
struct: you drew 4 for cards at random
struct: so you get 3 and 1
struct: the other 4 remain in draw pile
cegprakash: I am starting with 4 cards in my draw pile in first turn in wood 2
cegprakash: at 0th turn
cegprakash: nvm
cegprakash: I understood ur statement now
cegprakash: when do cards go to discard pile
cegprakash: lot of my cards go to discard pile
struct: at the end of the turn
struct: or when you use skills I think
cegprakash: I'm in wood 2 and I have no skills
cegprakash: I just move and release
cegprakash: still lot of cards are getting discarded
struct: ok so at the end of the turn
cegprakash: I see
cegprakash: so releasing an application discards cards?
struct: and then when your draw pile is empty all your cards in discard will move to the draw pilke
struct: pile*
cegprakash: 4. End of the turn
All cards in hand (skills and Technical Debt) are discarded.
cegprakash: got it
timonsk: guys what does that suit mean? D,H,C,S
timonsk: why do i need to have that suit at all?
struct: Diamonds, Hearths, Clubs, Spades
timonsk: yes, but what role they are playing in a game, looks like nothing
struct: which game?
struct: yeah its not relevant
timonsk: okay, thanks
wlesavo: i cant get it, why i cant construct an app from this, if first an app and second is hand [0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0] [1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0]
struct: well you need 2 on 2nd 2 on 5th and 2 on 7th
struct: unless you have bonus cards then they count as 1 of any type
wlesavo: i have 2 cards for skills and 2 shady, this should be enough isnt it?
struct: ah wait
struct: you have 2 bonus cards?
struct: in hand?
wlesavo: no, only skills
wlesavo: but shoddy comes from skills as well
wlesavo: as i understood
wlesavo: i feel dumb
struct: yeah but they give 2 for the specific skills
struct: you are missing on the 7th 1 specific skill card
wlesavo: Each specific skill card provides 2 good skills (of this specific type) and 2 shoddy skills.
struct: oh
wlesavo: oh, so there is different kinds of shoddy then?
struct: no
struct: im wrong
struct: yeah I dont understand then why you can release
wlesavo: no i think you right, soddy from skills provide the same skill points
wlesavo: that explains it
struct: its a bit confusing
struct: now I dont understand it myself
struct: I dont understand how I could release this
struct: 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4
struct: HAND 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6
DomiKo: 2 + 2 + 6 = 10 > 4 + 4
DomiKo: each skill card give you 4points
DomiKo: 2good+ 2 bad
DomiKo: then each bonus give you 1good and 1 bad point
DomiKo: so from that hand you can make 16 points
struct: oh
struct: and then I have automated skills
struct: The 6 are trash cards
j4at: My computer crashed because out of memory while training :/ I lost my green circle code :-(
struct: training?
DomiKo: why you do this?
j4at: yeah im almost done
struct: I dont understand this then DomiKo
struct: Now Im the one feeling dumb lol
j4at: jk, its search race
struct: how can 2nd image be 4x 4x
struct: but first is only 2x 2x 2x
DomiKo: what?
DomiKo: from each you can get 12 points
DomiKo: 6 good and 6 bad
regismeysso22: what is th etips to level up in green circle
struct: oh so thats the meaning of the tech cards in the image
struct: thanks
raxkin: Yeah, so you can use the good parts and the bad parts at the same time from 1 card
DomiKo: so firstly you use all good points, and then use bad points
struct: yeah I think I got it now
struct: Thank you
DomiKo: no problem
cegprakash: why we are not having deck information in input and making wood 2 so hard
cegprakash: :(
struct: you have
cegprakash: where
struct: for (int i = 0; i < card_locations_count; i++)
cegprakash: oh I see
cegprakash: I don't know why I added tracking
cegprakash: damn blind me
cegprakash: that's what happens at 5AM
cegprakash: I'll code tomorrow
cegprakash: good night ppl
cegprakash: I mean good morning to asians :P
struct: gn
MACKEYTH: I have no idea what daily routine does.
BrunoFelthes: any tips to pass wood2?
DomiKo: first legal move
struct: or dont use more than 1 Shoddy per application
struct: after 9 hours im starting to understand the rules
struct: Not bad
MACKEYTH: Play cards when you know you won't be able to release an app
MACKEYTH: struct, can you explain how playing daily routine works?
struct: when you move you can collect a skill from a table further away
struct: either to the left or to the right
MACKEYTH: How do you do that?
MACKEYTH: Is it random?
struct: no
struct: MOVE zoneId cardTypeToTake
struct: if you used DAILY_ROUTINE twice
struct: then you can pick from a office at distance 2
MACKEYTH: Ah, thanks
struct: and so on
struct: so if you have 3 you can pick from any office
MACKEYTH: :taco: struct
antiwonto: [auto] MACKEYTH has awarded struct 10 tacos. struct now has 72 taco. MACKEYTH now has 11 taco
struct: oh not any
struct: its 8
struct: but you get the idea :p
struct: thanks
MACKEYTH: Card tracking gets a lot more complicated in bronze.
Westicles: Thanks to whoever pushed me into wood1. Any hints for a simple way into bronze?
Westicles: dang, the euros are all asleep, and the americans are too dumb to help :P
struct: well Westicles I got bronze by just printing the 1st action
struct: not sure if its enough now
Westicles: aha, well I'll just wait a few days
pedrosorio: is it me or are there a suspiciously large number of cats on the bronze leaderboard?
struct: wdym?
Westicles: avatars
struct: ah
pedrosorio: Does anyone know if THROW actions return the skill cards to the skill desks or do the cards get removed from the game?
Westicles: It is obvious if you read paragraph 37, subparagraph g, clause 4
MACKEYTH: AFAIK, cards are never removed from the game
pedrosorio: Westicles lol
MACKEYTH: And if I understand the doc correctly, thrown cards go back to the desks or the bonus pile
pedrosorio: makes sense
struct: That should be correct yeah
struct: It should be easy to check how many cards are on each desk
MACKEYTH: struct, do you know if automated cards count against how many cards you draw?
struct: I dont think they do
MACKEYTH: Here's another one for you: are automated cards immune from being thrown?
struct: I guess so
struct: I havent tried it tbh
struct: The card needs to be in hand
pedrosorio: top50 briefly, screenshotting now (no mention of bronze league of course) :P
MACKEYTH: Do you get TD for being unable to throw a card, like with giving?
pedrosorio: MACKEYTH, you need to throw 2 skill cards when passing the admin desk, if you can't you get 1 TD for each failure
pedrosorio: the details are at the end of the "1. Move" section in turn description (the TD part is after the image)
MACKEYTH: Yep, there it is right there.
MACKEYTH: I'm thinking about implementing some move code to mess with +1ers.
pedrosorio: what are +1ers?
MACKEYTH: Bots that always move +1 desk
MACKEYTH: Honestly don't know if that's being used much in bronze, though.
pedrosorio: I like how new terminology develops around a game that is not even 1 day old :D
struct: When I go from 7-0
struct: so administrative task
struct: can I choose to wait even if I have cards?
struct: ok I cant
MACKEYTH: No, throw_card phase doesn't allow wait
ToshiTuringMachine: if enemy is 0 and i land at 7 I am close? or there's the admin office in the middle
MACKEYTH: Yes, 0 and 7 count as close to each other.
ToshiTuringMachine: so you give a card to enemy
ToshiTuringMachine: baad
ToshiTuringMachine: is there a way to track how many cards are in the desks? starts at 2 then it is mistery
ToshiTuringMachine: cause we don't know enemy hand
ToshiTuringMachine: when he passes admin office
MACKEYTH: You have to total up all the skill cards in each card location and subtract that from 5 for each desk
ToshiTuringMachine: ahhh that's genius
ToshiTuringMachine: ty
MACKEYTH: You don't get the enemy hand specifically, you get enemy hand, draw, and discard combined
ToshiTuringMachine: also automated must be added i guess
ToshiTuringMachine: mmm... what about cards in the central pickup pile
MACKEYTH: Same. There are 36 bonus cards.
MACKEYTH: Plus 4 for each player's starting draw deck.
struct: I wont try to understand the game for now
struct: Ill just write the sim and hope it plays well
BrunoFelthes: to hard to write a sim
struct: Previous contest was harder
struct: to write a sim at least
j4at: struct share sim after you finish ;)
BrunoFelthes: you will write a sim for 1 turn, right?
j4at: This event is pretty complicated for me to hard code :/ I need to pass wood 1 so I can start working on my NN.
struct: until my turn is over
BrunoFelthes: because, the next turn, you will receive new cards...
struct: Well even on the curent turn I can get new cards
struct: current*
BrunoFelthes: yeah, too many random things
struct: I have an idea though just not sure if it will work
The_Duck: am I dumb or is there no way to see the app recipes in the GUI?
struct: there is no way
The_Duck: lame
The_Duck: at least we can see all the little people in front of whiteboards and stuff, that's useful
struct: Maybe some of this stuff will be fixed
MACKEYTH: I wonder if they're going to do something about the infinite training/coding loop
struct: hi
Xenoid: hi
Dapps: hi
Wild_Python: hi
Wild_Python: :D
struct: :(
ChaseD.: :kissing_smiling_eyes:
Wild_Python: :L
struct: hi
Tuarie: haii