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Tien118: anyone here?

Default avatar.png FriendlyKh1: heyyy

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: i have no clue what im doing

Tien118: :)_

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: someone help me i have no clue what this is

Tien118: what?

Ayza: what's your problem?

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: i don't know how to code at all

Tien118: oh

Ayza: I don't think this is a great website for starting to code

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: i want to learn but it did not guide me

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: do you know a good site to learn?

Tien118: hmmmmmm

Tien118: idk

Ayza: which language have you decided to learn?

Ayza: maybe I can guide you to some videos

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: c++ but i don't know what that is

Ayza: you sure you wanna start with it?

Ayza: It's a bit discouraging as a beginner

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: i don't know what it is

AbrahamJLR: You could start in the Practice section with easy problems.

AryanTripathi: hello

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: ok what am i looking at here?

AryanTripathi: hru all doing


Tien118: here

AryanTripathi: thanks for your review guys I fixed all the issues you named :mhmf:

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: i don't know what the stuff is man'


Ayza: good starter, then you can decide on what to learn

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: ok im going to stay up all night learning

Default avatar.png TheOfficialVirus: thanks guys

Ayza: good luck

Ayza: np

TimothyAlexisVass: :taco: Ayza

TimothyAlexisVass: :v::expressionless:

AbrahamJLR: :taco:

smhb: anyone can approve this?

VizGhar: no

VizGhar: just wait

smhb: :(

Ayza: :taco:

Ayza: no tacos I guess :slight_frown:

Tien118: bot is already left

Default avatar.png Harsh_Chourasiya: Hey

Default avatar.png xzxy: hi

llenn: hi

j4at: /message j4at

Default avatar.png FriendlyKh1: hi

Bari: Hi

Bari: What are yall doin

_kebab_: Hi guys,

_kebab_: One question:

_kebab_: I dont understant why in python:

_kebab_: this return a string

_kebab_: print(*[len(i) for i in input().split()])

_kebab_: Here what mean "*"?

Ayza: it's the unpacking operator

Ayza: you can read more about it here

Ayza: a,b,c = [1,2,3] would be a=1, b=2, c=3

Ayza: a, *b = [1,2,3] would be a=1, b=[2,3]

_kebab_: Thanks, I will read it :+1

_kebab_: :thumbsup:

Ayza: np

Tanvir: I din't understang what nextCheckpointAngle is in Mad Pod Racing puzzle. if someone could provide a drawing of the angle on a screenshot and explain e a bit it would be very helpful

Default avatar.png Joker6996: anyone know good YouTube channels for extremely newbie python

Tanvir: @Joker6996 I would suggest Socratica

Default avatar.png Joker6996: I'll look over it right now, thank you

Manchi_o6o7: How can I open up an old chat with someone

derjack: struct is this the great escape?

derjack: Manchi_o6o7 you cant unless he follows you or says something here

derjack: Tanvir // angle between your pod orientation and the direction of the next checkpoint

derjack: if i understand correctly, 0 means checkpoint is straight ahead, 30° is slightly left and -30° is slightly right

Manchi_o6o7: Why is the Travelling Salesman problem NP Hard, when we have the Hungarian algorithm which solves it, and it works in 0(n^4) ?

derjack: does this algorithm work for any type of graph in TSP?

Uljahn: does it really solve TSP?

Manchi_o6o7: I can't find any article on the net where it says that it doesn't finds the optimum path

derjack: i think the burden of proof is on to prove it finds the optimum path

b0ot: roughly speaking how many loops before a program timesout

darkhorse64: derjack; quoridor is almost the great escape with two major differences: two player only, a player jumps above the other player when in contact

derjack: player jumps? oO

derjack: oh, he does

DomiKo: Hi

b0ot: Has anyone done the 'Robot Show'... I'm struggling to see how I wouldn't need to check 2**N starting positions

GroutchKeu: o/

derjack: youre gonna need... math

b0ot: well I solved it off of test cases, but I don't really understand why that is the case

AryanTripathi: hello

AryanTripathi: when can I approve puzzles?

AryanTripathi: what level I need to approve

Default avatar.png Joker6996: C:\Users\Jhorm> python_examples 'python_examples' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Default avatar.png Joker6996: what does this mean

Default avatar.png PawkoKoks: uwu

derjack: oh my

emh: damn. without avx I get 3M iterations, with avx on gcc9 and gcc11 I get 2M iterations and on gcc12 with avx I get 4M iterations. seems like the older versions are bugged

emh: hope CG will upgrade to gcc 12 then

emh: ahh well.. I found a workaround, enabling avx2 only for specific functions and got 3.8M

struct: derjack I finally managed to get sub 100

j4at: nice struct what did you use ?

struct: still beam search, I just made the sim a bit faster

struct: ok I improved it a bit more since that replay

struct: sub 99


struct: it finally can go full speed to last checkpoint now

derjack: :tada:

ethaneCH3CH3: hi, why do I get this error?

ethaneCH3CH3: Couldn't find the question related to this contribution

j4at: Well, im training my NN rn almost done :) The first time i didn't copy an invisible character!! So had to retrain again because I didn't save the parameters!! I don't know about beating beam search but I Hopefully I beat Wontonimo atleast!

Gr0mph: Hi, In C, what is the best method in codingame to get time ?

Default avatar.png TNL: ZXHDB

struct: top NN is rank 3 j4at

Default avatar.png TNL: yasuo gank team 20gg

Gr0mph: I have find two that seems work: gettimeofday with sys/time.h and clock_gettime... is it enough good ?

j4at: ow damn

j4at: Did they use GA or RL ? or other ?

struct: no idea j4at

struct: Gr0mph I dont use C, in C++ I use high_resolution_clock but I dont think C has it

struct: I guess you could try one of these


struct: Just make sure to start the timer after you read the first input

Gr0mph: Hi, Thanks

Gr0mph: I have check the article and I found the two method that I have already find. So that's the solution. :)

j4at: I'm reimplementing the "GAN RL" idea now but with 4 actors and 4 critics. struct mine rn doesn't have NN's with "-" So no "GAN RL"

struct: I will have to look up what GAN RL is

derjack: for mad pod racing?

j4at: Search Race

j4at: Well you need to look up GAN and RL separately. Because I made up GAN RL

darkhorse64: struct: what kind of eval are you using for SR ?

struct: nc_id * 50'000 - pos.distance(checkpoints[nc_id] - vel);

struct: On that replay I used 7 actions but my bot on arena doesnt do that well with it

struct: the submit one has 5 actions

darkhorse64: I use nc_id - distance to checkpoint(nc_id)/distance between checkpoints(nc_id, nc_id -1). The vel is an interesting idea

struct: it was suggested by jacek

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: hello,

darkhorse64: I'll try it. Thanks

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: is this chatroom exclusive for the Search Race minigame, or is it common across all challenges

struct: its common

mistcutter713: ji

mistcutter713: masd'

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: When a challenge is tagged to be solved through a genetic algorithm, and the response time per turn is <= 50 ms, how am I supposed to control the algorithm convergence time? Should I keep trying or just try to solve the Search Race puzzle using bare trigonometry

struct: you can use whatever algorithm you see fit

struct: on search race there is a bug for some reason, I'm only able to use 30ms per turn

struct: You need to start the timer after reading the first input

struct: Then you must check it to see if you still have time, I check the timer every N iterations because its expensive.

j4at: I think you are asking about how to train the NN in 50 secs? elie.f.asmar. Use a simulation and train the NN locally and then copy the parameters to cg

j4at: ms*

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: not a neural network

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: a genetic algorithm that needs time to mutate an optimal solution

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: The basic genetic algorithm implementation

j4at: ow

j4at: I don't think that's a good idea

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: I learned that, the hard way :p

struct: I think some people do use GA here

DomiKo: ofc

struct: I think jacek uses it

darkhorse64: It works. You run it for 50 ms, pick the best move and reuse your populations

DomiKo: yes jacek uses it,I uses it too

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: Regarding simulations, does that mean I have to code the exact game engine, train my neural network and then generate the model

struct: with my beam search I get around 30ms 800'000 avg sims per turn

j4at: Jacek uses GA in Search race ?

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: @struct, do you use c++ with multithreading and optimization?

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: (pragma)

struct: There is no multithreading here

struct: I do use pragmas, but thats about it

j4at: yep 1 core

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: Well I am using JavaScript which is theoretically much slower than c++ in terms of execution time

DomiKo: "theoretically" lol

DomiKo: it won't be a problem to make it work

DomiKo: you need very little time to have a decent result

Default avatar.png elie.f.asmar: consequently I think that I need to optimize my algorithm

struct: Maybe I'll try to use GA, I never used it before

darkhorse64: I have got the best results with BS but GA is close

struct: Whats your beam width?

struct: I use around 10k

darkhorse64: depth 30, width 8K

AryanTripathi: sup guys

j4at: using utf-16 I always get 1 character missing :(

derjack: yes, jacek uses GA

derjack: you can never be sure of 'optimal' move, so you use all the time available

AryanTripathi: why even use utf 16

derjack: GA, SA, BS... given the same eval they should be equivalent given different hyperparameters

j4at: To compress my NN

darkhorse64: I tried BS because aftezr quantization, I had very few actions left (-> low branching factor)

derjack: how big is your NN you need to compress it?

j4at: 80k weights

j4at: parameters*

derjack: oh my

j4at: Go big or go home :p

derjack: -That.- She.

DomiKo: 80K is ok. Around 40K chars

j4at: float16 so 80k chars using only utf-16


j4at: Anything wrong with my code ?

j4at: Okay I found the problem :)

DomiKo: was is there?

DomiKo: was it there*?

j4at: Yeah

j4at: Not sure how this works but this fixes the issue

j4at: parameters = np.round((parameters - min_)/(max_ - min_) * 50000+5295).astype(dtype=np.uint16)

j4at: my guess is you can't have 0 as first byte

j4at: or 2 zeros "0"

j4at: I will try

therealbeef: certain byte combinations are illegal in utf-16, iirc

thethiny: Thanks @AbrahamJLR I saw your response now

derjack: so youre gonna submit?

j4at: I will need to train again! :3 Didn't save parameters again

derjack: quite forgetful

j4at: Well, i though i will not need to save parameters uncompressed bc I was so confident :'D

j4at: perfect solution is this

j4at: parameters = np.round((parameters - min_)/(max_ - min_) * 55038+256).astype(dtype=np.uint16)

j4at: for maximum accruacy

j4at: 55039*

derjack: why 55039

derjack: is this because above the utf16 char count as 2?

j4at: I don't know :'D If I use +55039 i get an error :3

j4at: I don't know how utf-16 really works only utf-8. too lazy to check

derjack: some are illegal and can be intepreted as \n for example

j4at: well solution for "\n" is to use three double quotes strings in Python. I think there is only 2 illegal characters.

j4at: ignore what I said above

j4at: 55296 is out of range not "illegal". all illegal characters are smaller than 256. other than 2 cases which doesn't include \n

panarelli: cipo

TimothyAlexisVass: :taco: panarelli

Default avatar.png OEtzi007: anyone interested looking at a code clash suggestion?

Default avatar.png Simone-Riva: bella raga

Default avatar.png Simone-Riva: hello guys

Default avatar.png AlexV06: ciao

Default avatar.png AlexV06: helo

Default avatar.png stagomon: helo

Stromtropers: Hello everyone

Salyx: hi

jacek: :upside_down:

Default avatar.png JoLorva: Hi

oRobozinho: hi

Default avatar.png RandomSteve: hi

Default avatar.png Randomness: hi

Default avatar.png Randomness: hi

Default avatar.png mljhuo: cha r

KNTK: Love these people who want 500 CoCs done, so they just submit empty code.

eulerscheZahl: Love these people who create a bogus contribution just to complete the quest map and ruin a clash for everyone playing it in that process

Stromtropers: Hello

Stromtropers: I am gonna change my name to Vader

Vaders: hello hello

Vaders: #welcometotheworldofhapinnesseeyyaboy

j4at: you surely are not talking about me right ? KNTK eulerscheZahl

j4at: surely :)

jacek: huh?


jacek: oh my

j4at: It got 1 upvote atleast

Default avatar.png **HenroLST slaps HenroLST around a bit with a large fishbot

rexblade21: hi

Razovsky: Di_Masta if you are here i don't like you XD

jacek: oO

Razovsky: :taco: jacek

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: How hard is getting used to javascript from python?

Ayza: well it isn't that hard but it depends on you and the time you've used python for

Ayza: the hard part for me was getting used with the curly braces and to put brackets in if statements

Ayza: but didnt take long to get used to

Ayza: (conditional operators aswell)

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: what I can't get used to is how much smaller the standard library is

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: and how many things are much different

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: like for example .sort() sorts a list of strings based on the first indice value...

Ayza: that too, I was used to rely on python's standard library

Ayza: str.isdigit(), str.isalnum(), etc

Ayza: while in js you have to use regex

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: or relying on collections or itertools libraries :)

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: defaultdict or Counter is my favourite

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: Do you have any suggestions on how I can learn JS better then

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: im thinking i shouldn't think of JS as "python with extra syntax" but just learn it from the ground up.

DonLarry: maybe just practice

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: Yes I just wondered how best to learn and practice :)

Ayza: what I would do is remake projects I did in python in js

Ayza: and focus on coding in js more to get used to the syntax

Ayza: ^^that alone teached me a lot by googling

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: true just kinda unsure of what is best practice in python not so much in JS

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: like i can probably hack it together to work, but will it be good is the question

Default avatar.png OEtzi007: Anyone here interested in giving a final approval to my Clash of code contribution :) Would be greatly appreciated:

Ayza: there, nice puzzle

Default avatar.png OEtzi007: thanks :)

thethiny: yo

thethiny: can anyone give me an example of a test case validator?

thethiny: I don't understand what that is

thethiny: okay I thin I got it

thethiny: if the question is to convert abc to ABC

thethiny: then test case1 would be abc, ABC but validator would be aaa,AAA

thethiny: right?

Ayza: A validator gotta test the same case for it's testcase but stay different

Ayza: for an example if you need to get the nth prime number: if the testcase is a small number try to make the validator a number that is in the same range or slightly bigger

thethiny: alright, thanks

bobth: i threw three games of clash of code and dropped 40 ranks

Default avatar.png HenroLST: is there anyone well versed in c++ online? I have a small question to ask

Default avatar.png HenroLST: oop nvm worked it out

bobth: don't askt o ask, just ask

thethiny: that's sad bobth

thethiny: hope you get back up

Ayza: yeah, as bobth said, you will more likely get an answer if you get right into the question

bobth: thethiny thanks I sure hope I can

thethiny: Submitted my first submission, let's see the community feedback so I know how to improve on it

thethiny: it's still loading 🤔

thethiny: the yellow bar is stuck at the end hope this is normal

thethiny: alright it's here


struct: hi

Ayza: hi

Dzuma: how do i make a clash of code thing private game

Default avatar.png HenroLST: scroll down on the clash of code page

Dzuma: I dont see


Ayza: go to the bottom

Ayza: you'll find "start a private clash"

j4at: Hi struct. I finally tested my Search race NN in CG for the first time. It's okay, I found a bug I fixed it and I'm training again. I have a very op idea. I will get first place :)

struct: Do you have a replay?

struct: Also top might be hardcoded

struct: I know rank 3 isnt but dont know about 2nd and 1st

j4at: Yes, But i prefer. To show you the new version.

j4at: I will dm you my idea don't steal it :)

struct: ok

KAITOKID_1412: hello

Westicles: hardcoded?

struct: I think it is westicles

struct: not sure though

struct: the validators are public

Westicles: oh, sorry I was mixing it up with BR2048

Default avatar.png HenroLST: uh to contributions auto save? Or if I take a break to stop working on it it'll disappear

struct: you can save it I think?

struct: if you click send it will save

struct: you can make the status private if you dont anyone else to see it

Default avatar.png HenroLST: Okie, thanks!

Default avatar.png HenroLST: I haven't gotten around to working on the solution because Im too tired :sweat_smile:

Default avatar.png HenroLST: Oh it seems i cant send unless my solution actually works

Default avatar.png HenroLST: Oop just had to set to private

Mykes: java is such an ugly language smh

Lisa-Has-Ideas: Question: I have submitted several puzzles for approval, and they seem stalled. No one is approving them, or rejecting them. On one, there are 2 down votes but no comments. Any ideas how I could nudge them along, or figure out why one got down votes.