Inferno_dragon: hehehehaw
jacek: :upside_down:
antiwonto: [auto] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo '
Frukostbord: This might be a weird question. But what´s up with all the tacos?
5DN1L: :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '
5DN1L: or just for fun
derjack: and its tuesday
SLedolter: if i publish a solution multiple times cause of refactoring it, will all versions be public? or just the last one?
Uljahn: only the last one
SLedolter: thx ^^
MrBizard: automaton2000
Automaton2000: depends on which one you'd rather make and fulfil promises to ... :door:
derjack: oO
Dasohneplan: hi
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Dasohneplan, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 1 tacos
Dasohneplan: tacos
Jumong2: heyMan
Jumong2: i want play reverse Mode
Helix38: e
succacactus: hey
cagriy: hello from turkey :flag_tr:
Dasohneplan: does anyone like turkey:poultry_leg: ?
twannieone: yes but it has been a while
NewCoder09: i love turkey
antiwonto: [auto] Hey NewCoder09, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 10 tacos
umut3RC: hello, i am from newzeland
umut3RC: i like this place
AurelienDev: We're getting tacos here?
JacksonWhitmore: No pizza better
umut3RC: no kebab is best
i_V2: test
antiwonto: [auto] 'test' was defined as ' this is a test '
i_V2: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Miki09: :taco: Wontonimo
antiwonto: [auto] Miki09 has awarded Wontonimo 10 tacos. Wontonimo now has 24 taco. Miki09 now has 50 taco
Astrobytes: :upside_down:
antiwonto: [auto] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo '
Miki09: How to define things,
Miki09: ?
Astrobytes: I think that feature was disabled...
Miki09: :-(
umut3RC: :(
Rushtoxin: I love when I pass all of the tests on a clash and get 75% :'/
Mortis_666: Miki09 i think its still available but u need to be a super user
Shalis: whats the taco thing for :P
Astrobytes: Humour and distraction.
Shalis: i'll take 1 carnitas and 1 chorizo por favor :)
Astrobytes: :drooling:
Astrobytes: :drooling_face:
5DN1L: Mortis_666 super user means Wontonimo :wink:
Mortis_666: no there are actually other super users
5DN1L: oh wow
5DN1L: didn't know that was defined!
Mortis_666: :D
Miki09: wow
Miki09: shakedown tacos
Miki09: test
antiwonto: [auto] 'test' was defined as ' this is a test '
Astrobytes: #taco channel
Astrobytes: (for taco related activities)
Miki09: ok
eulerscheZahl: hi
Astrobytes: moin
5DN1L: Big_Code because the formatting code does not add leading zeroes for you. You have to specify the required format yourself
Big_Code: I'm still a bit confused, cause both 100101, and 0100101 both equal %. So for this exercise, I literally have to add a 0 to the beginning of %s binary value?
5DN1L: Yes, you do, the puzzle statement says you need 7 bits for every character
Big_Code: Yea it does state that the "Input message" has a 7-bit ascii character, never would have assumed I'd have to manually add a bit. But thanks for the clarification
5DN1L: Yes, it is not written very clearly, but the requirement is that
5DN1L: np
Big_Code: Now I have testcase 3 working but not 1 & 2 XD, but progress!
5DN1L: Keep going :)
5DN1L: You can do it
Big_Code: :100: Thanks for the kind words :D
Big_Code: 1 2 3 done! Now to figure out chuck norris's magic
5DN1L: :thumbsup:
AngelicCapy: Hello 5DNL
5DN1L: Hello AngelicCapy
5DN1L: Since there's no user called 5DNL I assume you're saying that to me :)
AngelicCapy: Yes sorry mb i mispell it
5DN1L: no worries :)
Darleanow: hello 5dn1l :)
5DN1L: hello Darleanow :)
Darleanow: how r u sir ?
5DN1L: quite good, thank you. how are you sir?
Darleanow: I'm good too !! I'm cooking while doing some clashes ahah
5DN1L: wow
Big_Code: Now I have 1 & 3 working but not 2 and 4 XD But I have a meeting. This puzzle is goin down after!
5DN1L: ok :)
jacek: oO
5DN1L: I have sent doogyman2 to his pokemon paradise
OmniMan: what other sites do you guys use besides this one?
programjames: Project Euler
doogyman: i also use
OmniMan: there are a lot of sites like this but some are paid
eulerscheZahl: depends on the aspect of CG you are interested in. the multiplayer section is quite unique
OmniMan: eulerscheZhal that list is really useful ty
eulerscheZahl: also shows upcoming contests
MSmits: it even has euler's project on there
antiwonto: [auto] Hey MSmits, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 10 tacos
MSmits: whoa free tacos
doogyman: cool
MSmits: it's a nice list eulerscheZahl, but it doesn't really do justice to codingame. Unless any of those other sites have 50 bot arenas and optimization rankings
MSmits: kinda makes it seem like CG is mediocre if you're just looking at that list
jacek: :taco: MSmits
antiwonto: [auto] Spread the love. Give tacos to someone else, not someone you spam with tacos.
jacek: :rage:
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] That's a bot. Bots don't eat tacos
Automaton2000: i guess the answer is yes
MSmits: :taco: jacek
antiwonto: [auto] MSmits has awarded jacek 10 tacos. jacek now has 25 taco. MSmits now has 11 taco
jacek: :taco: derjack
antiwonto: [auto] Spread the love. Give tacos to someone else, not someone you spam with tacos.
MSmits: lol
MSmits: it's not your day jacek
Astrobytes: :taco: jacek
antiwonto: [auto] Spread the love. Give tacos to someone else, not someone you spam with tacos.
Astrobytes: :o
Astrobytes: :taco: MSmits
antiwonto: [auto] Astrobytes has awarded MSmits 10 tacos. MSmits now has 21 taco. Astrobytes now has 56 taco
jacek: probably i found the faulty code that would really rarely segfault. i could fix it with one if. but why the bug happens in the first place, it bothers me
Astrobytes: Debugger time
MSmits: ah yes, the worst bugs are the ones you can live with, but dont understand
PatrickMcGinnisII: :taco: Astrobytes
antiwonto: [auto] PatrickMcGinnisII has awarded Astrobytes 10 tacos. Astrobytes now has 66 taco. PatrickMcGinnisII now has 29 taco
jacek: :taco: Astrobytes
antiwonto: [auto] jacek has awarded Astrobytes 10 tacos. Astrobytes now has 76 taco. jacek now has 26 taco
BJD: :taco: Astrobytes
antiwonto: [auto] BJD has awarded Astrobytes 10 tacos. Astrobytes now has 86 taco. BJD now has 14 taco
**PatrickMcGinnisII pokes the moderators for :taco:
Astrobytes: wow, I sure have a lot of tacos
PatrickMcGinnisII: why is it after 2 days of stuggling with a very hard puzzle I feel the need to hand out hints?
Astrobytes: Natural generosity?
PatrickMcGinnisII: Dungeon Designer isn't hard once you figure out the math, and the formula given is whack ... and a little wrong
jacek: godwin's law eh
PatrickMcGinnisII: no one posted on the forum, I guess Imma follow suit and keep it under wraps
jacek: or give misleading hints :imp:
PatrickMcGinnisII: what was the original name of "The Fall" ?
jacek: the last crusade
jacek: they didnt change achievements tho
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh tx
PatrickMcGinnisII: The last one i did with achievents that changed names only gave me like 1/2 the XP
PatrickMcGinnisII: Bender v Blunder ep 2
PatrickMcGinnisII: unless i did 50% and quit many years ago
PatrickMcGinnisII: *shrug*
MSmits: probably you did 50% in ancient times
jacek: like before covid?
eulerscheZahl: what covid?
Astrobytes: heh heh
TINOUAINANI: Hi, what version of c++ in clash code ? is it c++20 if it is why a cant use range::sort() for ex ?
Astrobytes: C++17
jacek: are you trying shortest c++? :scream:
TINOUAINANI: whay they can,t add c++20 ?
eulerscheZahl: :salt:
Astrobytes: Not required for their business side I guess.
Astrobytes: Strange for them to upgrade g++ and not bother though
eulerscheZahl: maybe they tried and ran into some problems?
Astrobytes: Normally they mention it if their intention was to upgrade language version as well as compiler
TINOUAINANI: its not fair , we need c++20 for shertes mod
Astrobytes: try ruby
Astrobytes: or python
TINOUAINANI: yah even with c++20 no chance with those guys
jacek: nerf python plx
eulerscheZahl: forbid system calls and unicode
SandmanSW96: Hey quick question...
SandmanSW96: I don't think google can find the answer to this one
eulerscheZahl: i opened google anyways, bring it on
SandmanSW96: Okay, what YOYO decided to choose a clash that requires 30 decimal places, restricted to a language that only goes up to 29?
SandmanSW96: lol and.... go
eulerscheZahl: what's the task?
eulerscheZahl: maybe you don't even need floating points
SandmanSW96: To put numbers into decimal notation, if non repeating include the whole thing
SandmanSW96: no it doesn't give enough of them period lol. Test 4 literally wants 30 digit precision for the answer
eulerscheZahl: can you share the task?
SandmanSW96: it was the c# event clash just now
Astrobytes: if you remember anything about it, keywords, the name etc we can look it up
SandmanSW96: aka => input was 11, 24 and 11/24 was 0.4583333333,
eulerscheZahl: astro understands me
SandmanSW96: output => 0.458(3)
eulerscheZahl: denominator is less than 1000
SandmanSW96: divide a/b and format the decimal
eulerscheZahl: did you learn how do divide with pen and paper?
VirtualRealityRocks: Yes I believe that's the one EulerscheZahl
SandmanSW96: lol how many other languages don't have to write extra code for that
b0n5a1: o/
SandmanSW96: now if that was the reason to choose that one for c#, to make it trickier then i get that,
b0n5a1: SandmanSW96 you should try
eulerscheZahl: even python does not have unlimited precision for floating point
SandmanSW96: but if it was just an oversight lol,
SandmanSW96: then that's just sad lmao
SandmanSW96: was a nice monkey wrench and all, if it was intentional kudos. tc lol
eulerscheZahl: first of all: clashes are intended for all languages. these events artificially limit the language while using the same pool of questions
eulerscheZahl: i can't see the author's solution but i don't think that it works with built-in division
Westicles: this one is seemed questionable as well
SandmanSW96: lol you had me at "bring it on", take care i said my peace
SandmanSW96: my point => if someone set that up completely by accident it was a bonehead thing to do lol that's all
eulerscheZahl: and i'm pretty sure that using the division of your programming language is not the intended solution
Astrobytes: Quite tough for a clash, compared to the majority I see
eulerscheZahl: yes. but still doable without extra hoops in any language
Astrobytes: Yep. I think that guy misunderstood the problem.
PatrickMcGinnisII: getcontext().prec = 50
eulerscheZahl: PHP magic?
eulerscheZahl: does this work beyond double precision?
PatrickMcGinnisII: I googled python precision for Decimal class
eulerscheZahl: oh, it worked. didn't know about that
PatrickMcGinnisII: actual precision for certain functions is still only 15 sqrt... I don't know how it fills in the rest
PatrickMcGinnisII: at least PHP has BC math functions, they are slow AF...but they are better than the guessing game of .00000001
PatrickMcGinnisII: eulerscheZahl.clone(); would probably solve the world's problems. :joy:
Westicles: this derivative puzzle is brutal. you have to implement the derivative and then an eval if your language doesn't have it
MSmits: PatrickMcGinnisII don't forget to cast
PatrickMcGinnisII: (smitsimax) world *=
PatrickMcGinnisII: better?
MSmits: sure
PatrickMcGinnisII: oops: throws exception
MSmits: of course. I am exceptional
Astrobytes: And modest.
MSmits: :)
jacek: :no_mouth:
antiwonto: [auto] Hey jacek, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 21 tacos
jacek: phew
jacek: how may we help you, Sir/Madam
waterproofsodium: I just wanted a taco
waterproofsodium: thought "nom" was the right way to trigger that
waterproofsodium: and don't call me Madam please Sir
waterproofsodium: also since you're asking:
waterproofsodium: I'm kinda stuck with the bulls and cows problem sigh
waterproofsodium: seems quite complicated? can someone confirm? xD
MSmits: it's a difficult optim
waterproofsodium: that it requires at least handling 3 complicated cases
waterproofsodium: optim in what sense MSmits?
MSmits: to get an initial solution that is
MSmits: oh you mean the puzzle?
aCat: optimization game ;]
MSmits: there is an optimization game and a puzzle
waterproofsodium: yeah "bulls and cows"
aCat: ah, I skipped both ;]
MSmits: oh ok, that puzzle wasn't too hard for me, but i played a lot of the game as a child.
waterproofsodium: well it seems interesting so i wanna do it
MSmits: it is. Let me see what my solution is, maybe i can give a hint
Astrobytes: aCat: I am at last working on a locam: Constructed bot ;)
waterproofsodium: is there a trick to it maybe? since you played it a loot
waterproofsodium: i don't even have a half solution by now
MSmits: I bruteforced it
waterproofsodium: think I don't really want a hint at this point even
aCat: Astrobytes :*
waterproofsodium: often I'm just looking for a reason not to give up
MSmits: I tried all combinations with all information. If any of the scores are incorrect when combined with a solution-try, it means it failed
MSmits: I will show a small snippet:
waterproofsodium: deja vouz xD
MSmits: so i brute force all code combinations this way
MSmits: and check them against the scores
MSmits: program is around 120 lines in total, but it's C# and it's me, so a bit wordy and long
waterproofsodium: "if any are incorrect when combined with solution"..
waterproofsodium: why didn't I think of that
waterproofsodium: seriously why haha
MSmits: well i thought of it because that is what i do when i play the actual game
MSmits: I try stuff and check against previous scores
waterproofsodium: that's a good answer to my question
MSmits: it's a fun game, but the last 1 or 2 turns before i solve it, i need to think for like 10 minutes
MSmits: the fewer solutions possible, the harder it is to find one
MSmits: and the more scores you get, the more limited the solution-space becomes
karimbjjj: i cant get the input just yet
karimbjjj: i have a hard time understanding this site
Astrobytes: Any mods around? Someone is spamming #de pretty hardcore
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Astrobytes, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 67 tacos
regismeysso22: dude come on
Husoski: Onboarding, huh?
antiwonto: [auto] Hey waterproofsodium, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 23 tacos
waterproofsodium: early in the morning taking some good places in clash :p
waterproofsodium: Husoski how do I retire once?
Darleanow: Anyone not sleeping ?
Darleanow: i need help on the eval function
Darleanow: i'm asking for the user the enter a print with an arg in it, e.g : print("Helloworld")
Darleanow: but when i return the result in an f string like so :print(f"Résultat obtenu :\n{eval(PremierEx)}")
Darleanow: it prints Hello world before, and prints none right after
Husoski: Darleanow You know that print() always returns None, right?
Darleanow: i don't lol
Husoski: if you eval("print('hello')"), you'll get 'hello' printed, but the expression return None
Darleanow: indeed !
dot.nick: tfw just me and 3 bots in a clash lobby for a minute there
Darleanow: But how do i do if i want the user to print something
Darleanow: like in an input ?
Husoski: You want to print the value *and* use what was printed?
Husoski: Here's an idea I use for debugging:
Darleanow: i got a solution
Darleanow: it's not really like using the function print in a py command line, but almost :)
Husoski: You can also front-end python's print() function with something like: def print(*a, **k, _print=print):
_print(*a,**k) return a
Husoski: I use something like that for debugging. The above prints (with keywords, if needed) and returns a list of the positional arguments printed. You won't get the effect of sep= or end= keywords in that list, though.
Darleanow: this is a bit too technical for me
Darleanow: i'll try to implement it
Darleanow: _print=print
Darleanow: throws an error
Darleanow: ;.
Darleanow: Parameter cannot follow "**" parameter
Husoski: Oh...yes...put **k last.
Darleanow: ty :)
Husoski: gn
Darleanow: >>>print("Hello World") Hello World Résultat obtenu : ('Hello World',)
Darleanow: gives this :/
Wild_Python: which is better to lrean :(((
Wild_Python: java or javascript
Darleanow: depends on ur needs :)
Darleanow: imma assume java is more for app dev focused, and js is more for like web
Husoski:'s a tuple? I thought *a made a list. You can return ' '.join(a) instead to simulate what print usually does.
Darleanow: TOO GOOD
Darleanow: eval(PremierEx)
Husoski: ...or get a bit trickier and check for sep= and end= values in k
Darleanow: works perfectly
Darleanow: it's getting out of my spirit..
Darleanow: but the print is now modified right ?
Darleanow: how will it behave differently ?
Husoski: Nope. Just make "print" refer to your function in your namespace (local or your modules globals) You can always `del print` to make that go away and use the real one. Or pass eval a dict for locals or globals to just use that print function during the eval(). Lots of options.
Husoski: Or define the funny functon as "my_print" instead of "print" and then: print = my_print
Husoski: result=eval(blah) del print
Darleanow: you're too good sir, sadly i'm not seeing you quite often in here
Husoski: Im usually clashing or working on a puzzle.
Husoski: Right now, I was just on the language version page to compare with what's on CodeWars and saw your question.
Husoski: I'm disappearing now to get in a little guitar practice before bed. Good night!
Darleanow: Okay sir !! gn :)
Alpredex: hell yeah, just won my first clash B)
kann1er: good
Alpredex: to be fair it was easy
Alpredex: it was just a string format for a phone number
kann1er: yeah, at least it's your first step. see you in nasa