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eulerscheZahl: i can't make a new shield before the old disappeared? sad

aCat: no you cant

eulerscheZahl: oh, there it is "SHIELD also protects entities from receiving a new SHIELD."

dbdr: yeah, need to be vulnerable one turn :D

aCat: bot its only one turn - even if he controls you

eulerscheZahl: what bot?

aCat: reapplied shield protects you

aCat: *but

aCat: damn how do i program if i miss the keys :P

eulerscheZahl: fr chat is asking that for years :P

eulerscheZahl: oh, blaster came out of the hide

VaseSimion: Anyone knows when the gold league starts?

jrke: ig today maybe not sure

_NikJ: jesus, that elo gap on blaster is insane :D

AshKetchum: i think it's 48 hours between each league opening

VaseSimion: Thanks

IvesL: how could we chat previous chat history?

IvesL: check*

eulerscheZahl: usually it's Monday, Wednesday, Friday but silver was already off from the schedule, so...


logs from last 24h should be updated in 30min or so

eulerscheZahl: it says 5:29am but the server clock is off

Fubuchi: judging from the top 1, early push is meta now?

_NikJ: early push + stacking your wind, because obviously double wind - double the distance

eulerscheZahl: does this bot try to protect both sides?


eulerscheZahl: good morning PatrickMcGinnisII

Fubuchi: this look easy to implement. Dunno what will happen when more people switch to this strategy. Too see who is faster? :grimacing:

PatrickMcGinnisII: catuesday moanin

Default avatar.png CodeVixy: why does health, mana = input() and entity_count = input() work one after another if there is a line in between input for enemy health and mana..

eulerscheZahl: because there is a loop around health+mana

eulerscheZahl: and actually it does not work that way, as you overwrite these values in the loop

eulerscheZahl: it's just a starter template, you still have to modify it (it's auto-generated)

PatrickMcGinnisII: u see this craziness?

eulerscheZahl: MOB_SPAWN_RATE=0

eulerscheZahl: funny

Default avatar.png CodeVixy: thank you, im struggling with the 'for i in range' bits and not having named objects.

eulerscheZahl: i think nerchio could handle it better

eulerscheZahl: check this out CodeVixy

PatrickMcGinnisII: php tarter, well there' a irs for everything

PatrickMcGinnisII: er starter

PatrickMcGinnisII: first

eulerscheZahl: so you have to pay taxes for the tarter?

jrke: i have my 10th grade final paper starting from tommorow but i a coding

jrke: :grinning:

_NikJ: I honestly saw IRS as well and was like tf

PatrickMcGinnisII: i had to pay $5288 in taxes yesterday... :(

SashaNukem: damn

eulerscheZahl: i'm pretty sure mine are higher

eulerscheZahl: but we have public health insurance

PatrickMcGinnisII: that was for just propery, IRS was last week

PatrickMcGinnisII: crooks

eulerscheZahl: everyone just wants your money

eulerscheZahl: not me, all i want is legend

PatrickMcGinnisII: I have a water well pump, had it fixed yesterday too... they kept trying to lie to me to pad the bill. crooks everywhere

PatrickMcGinnisII: you will get legend

PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm doing ok, but i bet it will be hard to get out of gold

PatrickMcGinnisII: waiting to resub ide code if I don't make it

PatrickMcGinnisII: heh

Default avatar.png jamil321: Is there any way I can go back to a previous codebase?

Default avatar.png jamil321: I thoroughly messed up my code :(

ceggart: History, you will se your submitted code of the arena

Quidome: Always use git and commit often

Quidome: but yes history in codingames can help out

eulerscheZahl: SpringChallenge2022 git:(master) ✗ git log --oneline | wc -l 4

eulerscheZahl: i have 4 commits, not that much

Quidome: 4 is far better then zero

Quidome: :punch:

eulerscheZahl: and the branch is master, not main my political correctness can be improved

_NikJ: oh how dare you use master instead of main, you're so InSeNsITiVe

Quidome: I think master is the current default isn't it?

eulerscheZahl: my git version should be recent and it's a fresh repo

eulerscheZahl: i want a BOMB spell in the game, too many spiders at once

_NikJ: that would actually be fun

_NikJ: cost like 200 mana

_NikJ: and a lifepoint :D

dbdr: or chain reactions

_NikJ: or if you hit an enemy with 3 winds, it goes 3 times as far

_NikJ: oh wait, that exists :d

eulerscheZahl: about 5 years ago at Russian AI Cup there was a too dominant strategy evolving around placing all units next to each other. organizers responded by adding an atomic bomb right before the end of beta testing

karliso: ironic

dbf: and it was easier to heal units after the bomb if you put them together, as earlier :)

eulerscheZahl: and then they sent you a tshirt with an explosion that looked like a hamburger

dbf: and hoodie!

eulerscheZahl: not for me, i opted for rage-quit early

dbf: ah, sad. there were interesting strategies with simulation and potential fields

dbf: eulerscheZahl looks like you submitted this morning, are submits fast now?

eulerscheZahl: yes

dbf: thanks, will try a couple of minor fixes, hope gold will be open today

jrke: what can be the expected cut off for gold?

jrke: 600-700?

eulerscheZahl: honestly: really hard to tell

eulerscheZahl: silver opening may have been a boss that existed before the CG contest, as this was an internal hackathon first

jrke: :neutral_face:

eulerscheZahl: if so, maybe it's the same for the next boss. i remember an internal contest where we were allowed to participate. all league up to gold existed before contest start already

eulerscheZahl: the fact that a league opened on sunday supports my hypothesis. usually they open leagues on workdays

jrke: so if bosses are fixed so does that means gold boss is already there?

eulerscheZahl: gold boss probably not. but silver boss might be determined already. i don't have any insider info

dbdr: scripted boss opening? that's brave

jrke: ah oki, thnx

eulerscheZahl: have you seen the league opening? they resubmitted all 2000 silver players at once

dbdr: yeah

eulerscheZahl: they haven't done that in ages, always just moved the bots while keeping the scores

jrke: maybe because they decreased total no. of battles in bronze league

eulerscheZahl: they did? it's always less for bronze

Illedan: They did

eulerscheZahl: missed that. did they say so here on chat?

Illedan: Nah

Illedan: It was 90 and suddenly it was 45


jrke: maybe during this time ^

dbf: yes, after the game stuck on second day

eulerscheZahl: i know. gets slow again now

dbf: yes :(

dbf: just after my submit :joy:

dbf: and only 202 are computing - not too much


dbdr: ah, it's _NikJ

eulerscheZahl: that was a decent game with balanced spells

MindController: Guys, if I control an monster

eulerscheZahl: just not open source

MindController: Does his V.x and V.y changes in input?

eulerscheZahl: no, it's a bug

eulerscheZahl: CG agrees that it's a bug but hasn't decided if they want to fix it

_NikJ: what's that dbdr? Work proxy is blocking access, can't see it :

eulerscheZahl: FLIPENDO

MindController: Man, its already second bug with the input

dbdr: you printin Flippendo _NikJ

eulerscheZahl: so yes, that’s a bug in the input : vx and vy should be updated too. We’ll see if we fix it tomorrow or decide to let it as it is.

_NikJ: ah yes, back from Fanstastic bits contest :D

eulerscheZahl: what's the other input bug?

MindController: Sometimes monsters with threat_for being 1 or 2 just walks out of the map

_NikJ: I print HP spells on all of them, Protego, Imperio, Flipendo

eulerscheZahl: oh, funny

MindController: When the end point is very close the 5000 mark

eulerscheZahl: didn't even notice. i initially ignored the flags and computed on my own

eulerscheZahl: but the CONTROL input bug made it impossible

MindController: Sometimes threat_for gets confused

eulerscheZahl: we can neither trust the v to compute on our own nor the threat flag, great

_NikJ: is there anything we can trust except that the whole thing is broken af? :D

MindController: But how do i compute v from enemy control spells then?

eulerscheZahl: you can trust me when i say i won't pursue after i reach legend

eulerscheZahl: you don't, that's the problem

dbdr: I just assumed opponent control was intentionally hidden

dbdr: curious if they will change it

_NikJ: I won't even bother with legend tbh, I've lost 500 ranks by going from 3 def to 2 def 1 atk mode

_NikJ: I suck at defending with 2, obviously

dbdr: try 2 attackers ;)

jrke: :grinning:

_NikJ: and stack the winds? :D

blasterpoard: it's a bait, don't

_NikJ: rather not

_NikJ: "it's a bait, don't" said blaster, while being ahead of everyone by 7 elo

aangairbender: btw will the bug about mob speed after control be fixed?

aangairbender: just had a match with blasterpoard and lived 211 tickes. kinda achievement

eulerscheZahl: aangairbender read my last messages

dinggg: Anyone know how many people join Gold straight away? Or is it based on the bot's grading/scroring?

eulerscheZahl: so yes, that’s a bug in the input : vx and vy should be updated too. We’ll see if we fix it tomorrow or decide to let it as it is.

eulerscheZahl: usually it's about 20-30% of silver to gold. but that's speculation, a lot of things are different this contest

dinggg: Okay, thanks.

aangairbender: thanks eulerscheZahl

_NikJ: Internal error. An error report has been sent to the CodinGame team.

_NikJ: say what

eulerscheZahl: what did you do to trigger it?

_NikJ: clicked replayed in same conditions lol

msumera: and do you know how many will go to legend? not sure if my 22th place bot is safe or i need to work on it a bit more :)

blasterpoard: msumera its' not safe, it will

blasterpoard: go to rank 100+ before legend

aCat: gold confirmed today?

msumera: and how many bots are usually in legend?

dbdr: around 20 when it opens

_NikJ: never stop improving it, there are people who are hiding their bots

mokinau: hi how much do you get paid bros

mokinau: :money_mouth:

eulerscheZahl: last time legend was much bigger than 20

Illedan: Nothing is confirmed here. You have to guess it based on the direction of the starts at any given time.

mokinau: get sum bitches fr

eulerscheZahl: mods here?

eulerscheZahl: right, we have dbdr

mokinau: mOdS heRe? :nerd:

eulerscheZahl: grow up

eulerscheZahl: or i'll tell RamDeath

Ramdeath: yea?

eulerscheZahl: your student?

Ramdeath: sec checking

JozefPro: svx bicai

Ramdeath: its Konstanta students

Ramdeath: LSMU gymnasium

JozefPro: yeah

eulerscheZahl: oh, konstanta is another teacher?

Ramdeath: yeap

Ramdeath: sec i call him

eulerscheZahl: nah, don't bother

_NikJ: extra tough exams for this one

cegprakash: I just found someone who has very high win rate against blasterpoard

cegprakash: but he's not in top 100

cegprakash: and it's not me

cegprakash: ;)

aangairbender: replay?

cegprakash: secret

cegprakash: or blaster will counter that counter

cegprakash: I need to implement it first

cegprakash: :P

blasterpoard: yes, I definitely don't know about my bugs

cegprakash: it's kinda obv how to defend from blasterpoard tho

_NikJ: but you can't really know that you're playing against him, can you?

cegprakash: that's right _NikJ that's why he's not in top 100

dbdr: detect the behaviour, not the player

_NikJ: behaviour being losing a point within he first 10 turns? :d

cegprakash: blasterpoard: hint for u are stopping being aggressive if someone survives after 100 turns

cegprakash: may be coz of less mana

blasterpoard: cegprakash please, realize that I wrote that bot, I saw hundreds of its games and stop thinking you know something about it that I don't

Default avatar.png samon27: Hi, does anybody noticed this thing: I'd like to set up a debug massage under each hero ( Append text after any command and that text will appear above your hero), but how should I append a text? just cout << CommandStr << debugMsgStr << endl; doest not work

cegprakash: add a space between commandStr and debgMsgStr samon27

Default avatar.png samon27: omg really, thx!

derjack: :upside_down:

Ramdeath: mob takes damage before he moved or after?

eulerscheZahl: before

eulerscheZahl: so you have a final chance to kill the mob

Ramdeath: so hero do full move, hit mobs around 800 distance and then mobs move, right?

eulerscheZahl: correct

Ramdeath: tnx

dbdr: before

eulerscheZahl: chat scroll?

dbdr: yep :D

Rhadamanthus: lol that moment when I send what I think a better script but it does worse :sweat_smile:

eulerscheZahl: might be randomness in submits

Default avatar.png DanTheMan832: can you recover previous code?

ItsNotABug: yes

Default avatar.png DanTheMan832: how?

eulerscheZahl: left side => history

Rhadamanthus: Yeah I'm committing all versions in git. It's still at 14% or so, maybe it will get better

IvesL: only for previous submission

Rhadamanthus: Oh!

Default avatar.png DanTheMan832: ty

Rhadamanthus: Thanks!

Default avatar.png TheDiscoCarnivore_7d72: what's up!!!

Default avatar.png TheDiscoCarnivore_7d72: y batman task really is hard?

cegprakash: how do I find if a enemy hero is casting control this turn or casted control in the last turn

ItsNotABug: You wouldn't know this turns actions until they're cast

Fox787: Some people run a sim on the enemy for a small time and then run their own turns. could use that to predict the enemy is going to spell control, but otherwise no way to know until it's active

Pentracchiano: How do you run a simulation without knowing the enemy's strategy?

Fox787: you run your sim, as the enemy, in the enemies position for a small time, then assume that the best action, is what they'll do against you

Pentracchiano: So you run the sim as the enemy assuming it would behave like you do and then pick the best action you would do in their situation?

Pentracchiano: (thanks btw)

Fox787: Yeah at least that was one of the leading strategies from previous contests


antiwonto: [auto] hey GuillaumeDrillaud dont paste those links here. Use the channel #clash

Pentracchiano: thanks fox-man

elderlybeginner: When gold league opens?

eulerscheZahl: we don't know

_NikJ: I no longer care about it, my bot sucks, it can't reach gold

cegprakash: oh come on _NikJ u are at 800 u can do it

cegprakash: and u are wrecking me even tho I'm top 100

_NikJ: I went from 200th to 800th when I improved my bot :D

_NikJ: so at this point, I don't even know where to go from here


cegprakash: look at u u dominate me

eulerscheZahl: "and [yo]u are wrecking me even tho[ugh] I'm top 100" the whole game is a rock paper scissors festival

Uljahn: Thibaud said on discord the gold opening is 4 hours and a half from now

eulerscheZahl: ah, gold still on friday or also a day earlier then?

eulerscheZahl: legend*

Uljahn: dunno, most likely a day earlier

cegprakash: the whole game is a rock paper scissors festival - except that we have tables, chairs, ladders, rocket launchers, butterflies and so and so

_NikJ: cegprakash eh, looks cool at times, but it fails often

eulerscheZahl: i hope so, that would result in a weaker boss

cegprakash: _NikJ fix one game at a time

eulerscheZahl: weak is good when you don't want to play

_NikJ: when is this replay from? cegprakash I believe I've ruined the bot quite a lot since then :D

eulerscheZahl: it's your arena version

eulerscheZahl: you see that from the rank in the star. doesn't show for older versions

cegprakash: just now _NikJ

raxkin: I have a question. If i do a WIND spell, it will move 2200 only or will move 2200 + the 400 unit that the monster will normally move(if the push was in the same direction)?

_NikJ: cegprakash it's weird that I kept pulling you out of base, I thought I put cooldowns on spells

_NikJ: Anyone else using cooldowns on spells?

Dapps: Do you mean so you don't keep spamming the same spell?

cegprakash: _NikJ if it works it's a feature

_NikJ: yes

Dapps: I don't.. i usually end up in wind battles over a single spider lol

ZndrBrok: o/ humans

ZndrBrok: and not humans :P

Pentracchiano: @raxkin the wind spell prevents the monster's move in the same round

Pentracchiano: you can find it in the action order rules for a turn

Pentracchiano: rule 7

Pentracchiano: Are submission times still quite long? It discourages me a lot from playing :/

Dapps: How long is long.. mine were taking 2-3 hours yesterday evening

Pentracchiano: you're asking the right questions

Pentracchiano: i'll just revert to how long are submissions now in silver?

Jerrasterix: just now submitted will let you know when done :wink:

Jerrasterix: long time no see automaton200

Jerrasterix: long time no see automaton2000

Automaton2000: if mob is used instead of monster, you safe 50% of chars per use

Jerrasterix: aren't both mob and monsters the same Automaton2000

Automaton2000: does anyone know the best way to learn a new language

Thyl: gg jrke !

cegprakash: the game sometimes is asymmetrical

dbdr: in corner cases cegprakash?


cegprakash: same code no random

cegprakash: turn 189

_NikJ: I've noticed that too

dbdr: assuming your code is symmetrical ;)

dbdr: but I think it's true because of off by one differences

_NikJ: I thought maybe my positions were not "symmetrical" when playing both sides

burnpanck: @cegprakash

eulerscheZahl: we had much worse than that (code royale)

struct: hi

eulerscheZahl: The Gold league opens today at 3 pm UTC. The Legend league will open on Thursday at the same time.

Thorcode: kinda fast

Illedan: Isnt Legend on friday?

Illedan: Is the wind outside the map by blaster fixed?

Illedan: Frame 109 to 113 Blue hero right side

eulerscheZahl: check your emails Illedan, it says Thursday

dbf: I hope that CG team still has access to website - they send an email instead of specifying date at the top of the page as usual :)

Illedan: Huh?

Illedan: Oh

Illedan: Legend

Bezbiletnik: How to exit from insert mode(vim) here? Because escape does not work

eulerscheZahl: settings on the left, set to normal mode

dbf: reset button is a nice control for vim

eulerscheZahl: or re-install your browser to undo any settings you've made by accident

eulerscheZahl: "I hope that CG team still has access to website" nice trolling

Bezbiletnik: Hah, okay thanks

eulerscheZahl: and not even a holiday in France. no idea why not friday but i'm happy with it

dbdr: can quit earlier? ;)

dbf: :joy:

dbf: also if legend starts earlier and they cut the same number of people it means that bot is easier

dbf: boss is easier

eulerscheZahl: exactly, the rage quit is near

eulerscheZahl: and my submit is top20 somehow

eulerscheZahl: don't ask me how, it's garbage

dbdr: or they troll boss = #1

struct: Illedan I dont think you will see any fixes

eulerscheZahl: no, that would scare the newbies

Illedan: What about that replay then?

eulerscheZahl: last time the gold boss was around rank 50

dbdr: the new meta

eulerscheZahl: even the discussion about meta... you don't have that during simulation heavy contests

eulerscheZahl: at least not to that extent

Illedan: Then we talk about sims

Illedan: :P

struct: Where should the spider be pushed too?

eulerscheZahl: the firepit

Illedan: Depends on your location struct

struct: if you aimed with your hero x it would go down

struct: But this seems weird that it doesnt move at all

SashaNukem: can I use multiple file in this?

eulerscheZahl: only with some offline setup to bundle them

dbf: eulerscheZahl "don't ask me how, it's garbage" - still no sim? :flushed:

Thorcode: this puzzle is hard to control the knight around but the killing and using spell is easy

eulerscheZahl: i have a sim but it's disabled

eulerscheZahl: hero, not knight ;)

Thorcode: it just a knight with spell

eulerscheZahl: it has a pony tail, maybe it's a queen

Thorcode: ah yeah

Kellthazar: Well pointed, euler, :D

burnpanck: we don't want to judge the gender people identify with just from their appearance, do we? :wink:

Thorcode: knight could be a women

Kellthazar: Brienne of Tarth

Default avatar.png Spressed: is the ASCII art challenge easy?

Illedan: eulerscheZahl, not even sim for mana?

eulerscheZahl: oh, that. yes

eulerscheZahl: and spots where the bug will be in the next turns to properly intercept the path

eulerscheZahl: and picking a spot to slap multiple spiders at once

Illedan: I need that intercept thing too :thinking:

eulerscheZahl: spider slapping, that sounds weird

Illedan: I'm not judging

WannaBeHum1n: how does monsters heath scale

WannaBeHum1n: is it always 12 to 15 to 17 to 22 ,

WannaBeHum1n: ?

eulerscheZahl: it starts with 10

SlurpasGasskagg: Regarding "health and mana", do you always get your health+mana first and second is the opponent or is it always upleft first and then downright player?

eulerscheZahl: you, then opponent

SlurpasGasskagg: thx sir! :)

eulerscheZahl: "First 2 lines: two integers baseHealth and mana for the remaining health and mana for both players. Your data is always given first."

Default avatar.png Tuo: Formula spider maxHp = 10 + turn // 10 works pretty well

SlurpasGasskagg: @eulerscheZahl u know blindness always starts with the eyes :P

ThomasNicoullaud: eulerscheZahl road to top 1 without submit

eulerscheZahl: not sure if i get that sentence. you mean i get pushed up by other submitters?

eulerscheZahl: rock paper scissors is strong in this game

ThomasNicoullaud: I mean the last time I looked the leaderboard you were +50 :D

eulerscheZahl: i submitted in the meantime

eulerscheZahl: was 16th during the submit temporarily

struct: are you enjoying the game more euler?

MACKEYTH: blasterpoard's success drove me to switch to a double wind bot.

eulerscheZahl: i still passionately hate it

MACKEYTH: Doing so-so so far. Not as good as my single attacker bot. yet.

wlesavo: MACKEYTH that was his plan all along

struct: has any bug been fixed yet?

eulerscheZahl: but legend is near, which gives me the strength to keep going

eulerscheZahl: no idea, let me check the inputs again

eulerscheZahl: i coded around the v bug

eulerscheZahl: still wrong

struct: thanks

struct: I just canceled everything I had for the next days, time to aim for legend

TobiasA: I can't wait for the next contest

eulerscheZahl: more escapes?

TobiasA: this one is irritating

TobiasA: no bot programming

struct: Im also not a fan of it

struct: But I havent really tried it yet

struct: I'm sure there are people that enjoy it

TobiasA: yea I can hear their evil laughter from here

aCat: struct sim or heur ;-)?

struct: I'm not a fan of heur

aCat: I just can't focus to write eval and search, adding more heuristics is too easy

struct: I'll try sim

struct: But maybe a mix of both

aCat: :+1:

aCat: yeah probably mix will be

wlesavo: just add more heuristics into your eval :slight_smile:

struct: wlesavo the problem is that my evals usually are

struct: hasPlayerWon(id);

struct: :)

wlesavo: that is one of the best heuristic there is

struct: Yeah, i just cant use it on turn 1

DaNinja: sim to turn 220

Dapps: That's what I use first turn for

eulerscheZahl: clever

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: I literally don't know what I'm doing

dbf: I added a lot of heuristics to fix particular game issues and got ~-200 in total rank

dbf: probably they made something else worse :(

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: you guys are too smart for me

derjack: :blush:

cegprakash: I can't believe I lost to a bag of rice

cegprakash: how is a bag of rice beating me

_NikJ: It's been asked at least 93483 times so far, but I still don't know: If a target's shieldlife is = 1, can you cast shield so it starts from the next, or does it have to be vulnerable for 1 turn?

SadKris: Can 3 people do better than me in Clash of Code? I'm currently rank 1334

BJD: you can't, it will be vulnerable

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: Is it true you guys have PhDs in mathematics and computer science?

Default avatar.png Hamp: who has the best "turtle" bot? (Just going for wild mana and defending)

cegprakash: false. I don't know how to generate a 30 degree vector andyyyyy

_NikJ: Nerchio or something I believe, Hamp

Default avatar.png ScifiSpirit: I'm afraid i just saw the kind of bot behavior that makes me think that defensive strategy is unviable against aggressive opponent. Or at least not sure how to counter it.

Default avatar.png ScifiSpirit: I'm fairly sure that the aggressive strategy is prevalent in higher leagues.

_NikJ: I don't think many people know how to counter those super aggressive people, as we can see by blaster's bot shredding through silver

Madara-Uchiha: phew

Madara-Uchiha: the chat isn't dead for new account now

Default avatar.png Hamp: Defensive strategy can definitely be countered, I was just curious since I seem to lose to them most of the time

Default avatar.png Hamp: and so far I have lost every fight vs nerchio even though I'm rank 18 and he is 400ish

_NikJ: weird, he was like top 10 last night

_NikJ: or perhaps I'm mistaken

Aya_Noaman: is there any way i can hide even the sidebar of this chat because it's a bit distracting every time an icon moves

_NikJ: by using an external editor :D

Default avatar.png Hamp: Oh, he just submitted it seems, nevermind

Default avatar.png fsoares-: @Aya_Noaman Arrow button in the bottom left

_NikJ: I'm sure you can remove the whole thing through inspect element though

Default avatar.png ScifiSpirit: Just like how it is in Mad Pod Racing, nothing but colliding bots there. I guess that's where they got the idea for the name.

Default avatar.png fsoares-: I don't have that high of reading comprehension

Dapps: Been trying to counter blaster bot for last hour.. nothing. Not smart enough to beat it.

dbdr: tfw your first match is against blaster :D

Clagus: does shield block from wind?

ahorling: yes

Thorcode: i think no

Alurian: yes

Alurian: why wouldnt it

Clagus: so if I have shield, wind will not move me?

BJD: yes

ahorling: correct

Clagus: thx! crazy!

Thorcode: that's good

Thorcode: thanks for the infor

Alurian: half an hour!!

Default avatar.png Abdi-29: i can't advance in silver:sob:

Thorcode: me too xd

Alurian: i'm hanging around 500 atm. but i'm confident the next upload will bring me lower

Kellthazar: wild mana farm seems be very effective

ahorling: able to beat the AI pretty consistantly

Alurian: jup

ahorling: its the other players that mess me up now lmao

Alurian: 70% or more of the winds are through wild mana for me

PatrickMcGinnisII: Have mercy on me...I shield, enemy controls same mob simultaneous, result is a mob that can't be spelled going the wrong wtf

therealbeef: i don't think that is correct. do you have a replay?

Default avatar.png Tuo: what happens if you give spell coordinates outside of the map?

PatrickMcGinnisII: frame 173

PatrickMcGinnisII: shileld on mob 115, control on 115

jrke: damn what i did gold in 5 mins and i made submit lol

WolfDarrigan: That seems to be what is intended.

therealbeef: ah ok, i thought you we're talking about a bug ;-) yeah that move sucks

dbf: ok, where is The Boss?

Alurian: it wil come in a min

Nerchio: perfect time for submit

Alurian: how many will be in gold?

MeWhenI: 2

DaNinja: tree fiddy

blasterpoard: 450-ish, give or take a hundred

Alurian: damn

jrke: i will go 600+ bet

Alurian: then im barely in or out

msumera: 1000

Alurian: boss here

Waffle3z: o boy

Nerchio: 457

Nerchio: boss place

msumera: yay, i'm in gold

Default avatar.png kreska: me too with my lousy bot:D

Waffle3z: hopefully fewer than 2000 being promoted today

VizGhar: 450? too much

MeWhenI: 2000 would be like the whole silver league

msumera: 80 promoted for now

_NikJ: oh look, ANOTHER samsung sds :D

Alurian: i beat boss

Nerchio: boss feels weak

jrke: ah man again recomputation in gold

DomiKo: can we guess how it is?

DomiKo: who*

msumera: boss writes hero ids on each move, it would be possible to guess that

Jerrasterix: wait but why is blaster not in gold yet ??

msumera: it takes time to process all bots

Jerrasterix: ahahah....

Jerrasterix: I am sus of this samsung SDS _NikJ :thinking:

Murat_Eroglu: ah crap, here we go again

Fubuchi: easy win silver bot. Time to rest for a day and change to an aggressive bot. My current attack strategy is is too weak

cegprakash: lets have 10 seconds silence in the chat to pray for the servers which is gonna burn for the next few hours.

dbf: yep, recalc - no submits in several hours

Default avatar.png conejoAndy:

Whiskee: gold is much smaller than silver was, so maybe not as many hours

cclaude42: Hey everyone! Quick question : what's the best way to know if new code does better without going through two hours of Submit ?

msumera: you can try to challenge some players in IDE

IvesL: manually beat higher ranking palyers?

msumera: or your own submitted bot

PatrickMcGinnisII: .5 below boss, fml

PatrickMcGinnisII: er ,05

DuckyLuckVN: Hello guys, I don't know why the error is always display :( Game Summary: Bad command

cegprakash: cclaude42 play ur IDE code vs arena code

_NikJ: what rank is the bot

Mortis_666: seeing myself at top 10 is very weird lol

jrke: geez the servers are not gonna burn that much cause total no of battles are less

cegprakash: Mort

PatrickMcGinnisII: now above by .04

cegprakash: Mortis_666 same here..

PatrickMcGinnisII: such suspense

cegprakash: okay there comes the promotions

Mortis_666: 😂

dbf: looks like very few games in gold? I have 6 for now and I'm on 19%

jrke: yeah

dbf: or it is just for initial recalc?

jrke: for now maybe

aCat: that would be reasonable

Dapps: rank jumping like crazy every few seconds

aCat: surprisingly for cg oO

Nerchio: i am stuck in silver on 18% submit

cegprakash: my promotion is stopped till all the bots above me finishes computing?

cclaude42: Thanks for the answers! How do I "manually" try against other players though ? Do I need to run it locally with the referee code ?

SirLoxley: omg, such suspense, I am bouncing between just above the line and beneath

cegprakash: cclaude42 below ur browser IDE u can choose the player cclaude42

cegprakash: u can even try as 2nd player.. u can even play you against you

cclaude42: Wait you can add players to that little "players" box ?

Waffle3z: was in 800th and added a line to save mana by avoiding using wind for defense unless there's an opponent hero nearby, gold opened while my submit was calculating

cclaude42: I thought it was just me and boss

JohnyDaison: not add, but delete and put someone else

Waffle3z: conserving mana gained about 350 places though so I should end up in gold

cclaude42: Ohhhhh cool! Had no idea

VizGhar: you can even swap position / color cclaude42

Waffle3z: you can also delete yourself and run 2 other people against each other

Dapps: everytime i tried conserving mana i did worse.. i basically let the bot do whatever it wants for now

twopheek: had this change in my todo for a long time.

twopheek: I will implement it to see :grinning:

Kururugi: any new rules in gold?

aCat: no new rules after bronze

Default avatar.png ashiknur: how many will advance to the gold?

cclaude42: Does the rule "if you're better than the boss you're promoted" still apply here to us silvers ?

Kururugi: yes

Kururugi: if your ranking is better

cclaude42: Oh nice

MichExpatMatt: Good morning, I see there is suddenly a silver boss

Kururugi: not just boss

cegprakash: ashiknur already about 400 are in gold and many are in submission phase.. so I'm guessing 1000 ppl on gold in next 1 or 2 hrs

JohnyDaison: Does language choice affect execution time? Like if wrote the same thing in C++ rather than C#, would it automatically execute in less ms?

jrke: boss was at 457 ner chio mentioned

jrke: so maybe 700-800 in next 1-2 hrs

Nerchio: jr ke yeah

VizGhar: way too much

Jerrasterix: JohnyDaison, yess since C++ is compiled

Nerchio: boss doesn't seem very strong but I mean its silver ^^

Jerrasterix: now it is in 75

JohnyDaison: so does it hold true even here on CodinGame? I don't know how they process our code.

Jerrasterix: yup

JohnyDaison: Hmm, now seriously considering rewriting it from scratch in C++

Jerrasterix: well do you have a calculation heavy sim ?? if no, it is a waste

JohnyDaison: I don't, I have a heuristic ATM, but I wanna rewrite it to be more intelligent and I'm already at 20-30 ms range, so I'm thinking maybe it's worth it

PatrickMcGinnisII: looks like top 500 should end up in gold

cegprakash: top 1000 will PatrickMcGinnisII I see 10 promotions a min at least

cegprakash: it was like 380 4 mins back.. now it's 422

PatrickMcGinnisII: i'm right near silver boss

PatrickMcGinnisII: so what is in gold plus the 50 above boss ~500

PatrickMcGinnisII: I have better code, but want to promote first

aCat: aaand you are above ;p

aCat: I'm 5 places below ;]

aCat: ouh, above :-)

DomiKo: :smile_cat:

MichExpatMatt: these ranks and scores are really moving this morning, I take it they are still filtering people into gold


Amiral: Is anyone facing an issue with the battles?

PatrickMcGinnisII: it's wild mana not all mana

BJD: the score is based on how much mana you earned outside your base, not your remaining mana

PatrickMcGinnisII: my coffee machine has more wild mana

Amiral: Oooh!! I miss that part, thanks for the explanation

Default avatar.png Ratosh: "wild mana: mana gained outside the radius of your base. "

NewCoder09: gold league is open

ClockSort: cool, i should be out of Wood 2 soon

lolTempest: you can get out of wood 2 with the first video guide on the codingame youtube channel

ClockSort: I'd rather get out of Wood 2 with DUCT MCTS

lolTempest: understandable

lolTempest: im just trying to finish the optimization path

lolTempest: Im top 3% on the optimization leaderboard but they want me to be top 2% :C

ClockSort: oh, interesting.

ClockSort: we can't all be top 2%

lolTempest: exactly

lolTempest: i wish it was based on country rankings and not world rankings

Clagus: any ideas how to defend vs CONTROL -> SHIELD on high level monsters?

VizGhar: actively look for opponent hero and deny him :)

burnpanck: Clagus push the enemy hero away before it does CONTROL -> SHIELD:grinning:

Default avatar.png Tuo: 2 heroes defend with early wind on spiders works

Aramang: if its already happened double teaming the mob should be enough

Default avatar.png Tuo: danger with that is if you get stuck in own base and dont make any wild mana

Aramang: youd only need 2 right near the end

dbf: lol

PatrickMcGinnisII: aCat your defense is good

Nerchio: "your defense is good" and you provider a replay where he loses

Nerchio: :joy:

lolTempest: i thought i was the only one who noticed that

lolTempest: xD

PatrickMcGinnisII: it is good tho, not a backhanded compliment

aCat: these are just a few damn rules

aCat: half of the constes and I still can;t decide heur or sim

aCat: but thanks ;-)

aCat: I put some thought into this nevertheless ^^'

Th1nhNg0: I'm currently training deep reinforcement Learning with the env that I use from java source code, and it look very promise

PatrickMcGinnisII: you make my ide code go to 220, and you farm better, so u win against me. I may get a mob in there now and then, but u defend against my main att everytime

Emmus: aCat, when you control, do you send the spiders to the opponents base?

Th1nhNg0: my RL AI is winning 30% vs my current code xD

PatrickMcGinnisII: i'm below boss again

PatrickMcGinnisII: wth

Jerrasterix: you wrote a RL AI Th1nhNg0 ??

aCat: Emmus nope

aCat: I play ping pong ;]

Th1nhNg0: yes Jerrasterix

aCat: sending them on diagonal, so I can farm them

aCat: going on a perimeter of the base

DollarAkshay: @Th1nhNg0 how many hours of offlijne training ?

aCat: that was the idea, but I will probably turn this part off :(

Th1nhNg0: DollarAkshay 8 hour till now

Emmus: Well try to send them to the opponent base, and see if it woks better :) your idea is also good ;) @aCat

DollarAkshay: @Th1nhNg0 Share some winningreplays. I am curious

Th1nhNg0: I'm still dont know how to put it on codingame

Th1nhNg0: because no library xD

DollarAkshay: You have to put the weights and biases in the source code

DollarAkshay: But the source code has a limit of 50k characters I think

therealbeef: 100k

JRFerguson: i don't quite understand this

JRFerguson: After an entity moves towards a point, its coordinates are truncated (when below halfway across the map) or rounded up (when above halfway across the map)

Th1nhNg0: hmm

Th1nhNg0: I will try it

JRFerguson: what does it mean "halfway across the map" ?

DollarAkshay: @JRFerguson it is truncated towards the origin point

DollarAkshay: origin = middle point

aCat: Emmus but such approaches end with not having manna

aCat: I've seen such tries

Wontonimo: half way ? like, the point at witch continuing to go towards the center results in you moving away ?!?

Wontonimo: aww ... I didn't get into Gold ;(

DollarAkshay: @Wontonimo I think you are talking about something else

Wontonimo: I was responding to JRFerguson

Default avatar.png l10r: Did anyone encounter a problem where he didn't get the opponent heros?\

Wontonimo: when going towards the center of something, once you get half way across it you are now going away from the center

Wontonimo: I was trolling, if that wasn't clear

Emmus: |10r like the coordinates of the heros?

DollarAkshay: @l10r Yeah once you reach Wood 1, there is fog of war you cant see everything

Default avatar.png l10r: @DollarAkshay thanks!

Jerrasterix: I have a doubt, how did you guys manage to individually constrol the units

DollarAkshay: Jerrasterix you can use the CONTROLL spell

JRFerguson: i still don't get that trouncated and rounded up rule

JRFerguson: can someone post a pseudocode ?

Jerrasterix: I am talking about controlling my own units as different ones

JRFerguson: *truncated


aCat: search referee

DollarAkshay: The symetricTruncate function in this file

aCat: yeh, there it is :-)

JRFerguson: yeah, that uses functions that i don't get what are doing

Shrimpster: Whats up people!!

cagriy: hello from ISTANBUL <3

Shrimpster: Hello Istanbul! Sherefe!

Shrimpster: :beer:

DaNinja: for symmetric truncate I used if (x<width/2) ceil(x) else floor(x)

Murat_Eroglu: Cheers komsu

DaNinja: not sure if its correct, but results seem to match the next turn inputs

JRFerguson: DaNinja, thanks. It seems to be the opposite to what i understand the rules say, but i will try it that way

Waffle3z: heroes move before monsters, so if a hero is within 1600 units of a monster, it can move directly towards it and hit it on the same turn, right?

Nerchio: yes

BJD: yes

aCat: yes

Waffle3z: yes

Default avatar.png ARKAquatic: yes

BrunoFelthes: yes

Dapps: maybe

Waffle3z: trying to position the hero between 2 monsters so it hits both of them, but it keeps missing one around frame 70

Waffle3z: it only goes in-between if the distance between the 2 monsters is less than 1600

JRFerguson: take into account that heros move first, then damage is computed, and then monsters move

Nerchio: looks too far

rcrl: Hey Waffle3z, make sure the distance between your hero and the destination is less than 800 units

Default avatar.png ashiknur: what is the rank of boss4 now?

rcrl: Else he will go too far

rcrl: (Kudos for using LUA)

ceggart: 30.62

Waffle3z: kinda unbelievable how it whiffed that purple monster at frame 80, I can see the sword animation go through the spider

Waffle3z: ig the animation doesn't exactly represent the state

DollarAkshay: The attack is calculated before the monster moves

DollarAkshay: Waffle3z

avdg: hmm silver boss seems easy for me and I'm not yet in gold

I guess ranking is still in progress?

Nerchio: you won't be gold without submit

avdg: ah and I discovered a bug in my bot that I want to fix first :p

avdg: but my bot still can beat it though without the fix

Nerchio: you need to beat others too, not just the boss

MeWhenI: where can i find the puzzle of the week?

TobiasA: Damn I don't think I have strategy I reach gold:disappointed_relieved:

TobiasA: but at the same time I want to reach legend

avdg: hmm mine mostly gains it strength by defending

TobiasA: what the hell am I typing

avdg: the planner is quite simple strat, but some code planning is required compared to ah-this-one-goes-there

Default avatar.png aatj: Is there a cut off for gold league, or can we continue to improve the bot if we miss the threshold at the first sort?

avdg: just beat the boss, nothing more

avdg: as long as your bot confronts it in the arena

Default avatar.png aatj: Ah, I thought you had to get above the ranking of the boss.

avdg: yeah, if you win you go above

eulerscheZahl: where did my last battles go? doesn't even show 50 of them

avdg: though if you rank lower than the boss a few times too much, you will not gain leages either

therealbeef: after submit, after 100% of battle done, if rating > boss rating then you promote, simple as that

Default avatar.png aatj: Thanks.

therealbeef: well, even after 100%, if you are lower rating, but then someone beats the boss a few times and lowers its rating to below yours, you still promote

avdg: probably depend on point of measurement

avdg: because I had it a few times as well

avdg: accidently bump

therealbeef: the point of measurement is any time after you've played the necessary number of matches

Th1nhNg0: I think only cast spell after specific turn is a better strategy

avdg: hmm I loose my games now against the ai after I made my fix

LLG: yeah I save up mana for a big push

LLG: unless if I absolutely have to use it defensively

avdg: basically I had a bot that didn't move when it started on the bottom right

avdg: and now I fixed it, I loose games

avdg: hmm I had an off by 1 bug in a weird way because of refactorings at a few places

Th1nhNg0: how the rank system work? is it in the codingame FAQ

eulerscheZahl: TrueSkill algorithm

Th1nhNg0: thanks

Westicles: trivia question... how many of the 50+ CG contests have been won by americans?

lolTempest: 37

lolTempest: random guess

eulerscheZahl: 0? other random guess

Westicles: euler got it

lolTempest: zamn

eulerscheZahl: but how many by French players?

lolTempest: 20

lolTempest: 29**

TobiasA: 600

eulerscheZahl: Canada got a few thanks to a single user. but 2nd place in country rating is probably Russia

ryannnn: im streaming clash of codes with my chat if anyone wants to join in?

lolTempest: I would join it ryannnnn but im on my school computer :C

Westicles: good for you ryannnn, touching balls just got approved maybe you'll get it

lolTempest: :skull:

lolTempest: im dead

Westicles: ooh, thanks lolTempest

lolTempest: :D

PatrickMcGinnisII: looks like imma stay in silver w/o resubmit cause boss pulls my defenders

lolTempest: unfortunate

cegprakash: lol PatrickMcGinnisII

cegprakash: shield urself -_-

PatrickMcGinnisII: yea just enabled that

PatrickMcGinnisII: but i didn't wanna resub, too many in silver

cegprakash: rank?

PatrickMcGinnisII: about 7th when everyone finally promotes

Illedan: eulerscheZahl, seems the low game count is only for today

eulerscheZahl: i see. screenshot time because it gave me a high rank

eulerscheZahl: oh, nevermind. already dropped again

Illedan: lol

PatrickMcGinnisII: silly boss4

eulerscheZahl: just need to get lucky with rank fluctuation when legend opens

burnpanck: I hate this game. This morning I completed a full MCTS, using a value function that sees everything, with the goal to train a NN player. Then, I did just a tiny improvement to make my stupid heuristic bot make it to gold; and now I'm at Rank 9 - without using anything but WIND. And I even beat blaster:

burnpanck: (once)

Illedan: Lol

Default avatar.png RIPS10: This is a good way to learn a new language :grinning:

PatrickMcGinnisII: now I'm right below boss again, probably geet pushed into gold if i wait

VizGhar: PatrickMcGinnisII just wait... this boss is week, somebody will pull him down

VizGhar: I can beat him 90% of time, but loosing to other bots :P

PatrickMcGinnisII: ide bot is better, but trudging thru 2.6k silver bots is not ideal

PatrickMcGinnisII: oh crap, just got promoted, tx CG gods

VizGhar: :thumbsup:

elisaado: hello world

SirLoxley: the things you learn while doing codingame ... never would have heard about LiangBarsky algorithm

TobiasA: LiangBarsky alogorithm?

SirLoxley: given a rectangle and a(n intersecting) line, tell me where it intersects

jacek: geometry :scream:

jacek: and why do you need it

Nerchio: :grin:

lolTempest: :laughing:

Nerchio: stay away from geometry not worth it

SirLoxley: I want to know where the critters would leave the map

eulerscheZahl: hey Nerchio, any plans to finish your submit and promote to gold before legend opening?

SirLoxley: to avoid pursuing a critter which isn't worth it

Nerchio: eulerscheZahl if codingame gods allow

Illedan: xD

SirLoxley: still working on defense only ... which got me to gold league

PatrickMcGinnisII: legend will take an almost complete rewrite for me

Illedan: I need 2 rewrites for legend

eulerscheZahl: did you reach legend before Patrick?

VizGhar: I need to start writing :|

Nerchio: not going to lie i mostly fix bugs instead of code something useful

eulerscheZahl: i procrastinate

PatrickMcGinnisII: eulerscheZahl hmm, not during a contest...maybe after when it went multi... dunno would have to look

eulerscheZahl: i have a feeling that legend is doable for you this contest

Illedan: :door: I'm out of this contest for a few days.

JB5: wild mana, is it obtained from attacking monsters outside 5000 units from home base? or 6000 units?

Dapps: lol that's quite a statement game Illedan

VizGhar: :D

Illedan: I submitted that Dapps

Dapps: :joy:

PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm, Line Racing. forgot original name of it

Nerchio: i am afraid it will win some games Illedan

Illedan: Sadly

jacek: tron

Illedan: Bye for now

jacek: oO

PatrickMcGinnisII: yeah i need achievments

eulerscheZahl: that came unexpected

eulerscheZahl: easier to burn bridges and do a rewrite when you don't permanently look at the ranking?

Illedan: Yes

eulerscheZahl: blocking the rank in the IDE with an ad blocker also helps

Illedan: I tried, didn't work

Illedan: In every game I'm looking at. All I have to do is to fix a stupid IF and I win

JB5: is wild mana obtained outside 5000 units from home base or 6000 units?

BJD: 5000

JB5: thanks

PatrickMcGinnisII: I've never been competitive on here like that. The process is the fun. lthough despite my crappy lang. (*cough*) still haven't gotten top 4 in lang

PatrickMcGinnisII: er top 3, i think achievvment is

PatrickMcGinnisII: or is it just 1st?

eulerscheZahl: top1, 3, 10 there are multiple

PatrickMcGinnisII: top 10 in USA would be a good goal for me on this contest

PatrickMcGinnisII: when it's done recalculating me, I'll submit with newest version a bit later

PatrickMcGinnisII: I gotten drive my daughter 3 hours round trip now tho. So yall glhf.

Nerchio: I simulate bugs for 75 turns but 2 different controls took its speed down to like 5 pixels so I reached the end of the array

Nerchio: I somehow thought bugs will always do 400 steps if they can

Waffle3z: don't they? take the position and add the velocity and that's their position on the next turn

eulerscheZahl: we should suggest a rule change so that they really move with 5 pixel per turn

eulerscheZahl: would make it easier to defend

Waffle3z: new rules in legend. monsters don't move. you have to use wind to send them at your opponent

PatrickMcGinnisII: i need to sim defending variations and separately attacking variations ... the issue is fog prediction. I'll think abou it on my drive

kovi: but you cant see them...unless it is possible to wind out them from spawn?

Nerchio: I was thinking about writing in-base sim for most optimal movement but I guess that shouldnt happen too often should focus on other things

blasterpoard: kovi it was possible, now it shouldn't be

PatrickMcGinnisII: rule change...hmm only 1 i can think of is the simultaneous Control and Shield...mobs should take damage and heros...maybe move 1/2 distance of con

PatrickMcGinnisII: I'll shuttup

eulerscheZahl: only control 1 hero each turn instead of all 3 at once

Westicles: screen needs to wrap around

eulerscheZahl: torus?

jacek: torus?

jacek: :x

eulerscheZahl: so the bases are connected

eulerscheZahl: oh, i got an echo

Nerchio: oh, i got an echo

eulerscheZahl: i totally saw this coming. just expected it to be from jacek

msumera: new rules in leged: heroes have health and can be attacked by enemies and monsters

NewCoder09: oh thats cool

Default avatar.png JasonMep: hi guys

NewCoder09: hi

jacek: :upside_down:

Nerchio: take me out of silver pls I don't want to butcher them anymore

rcrl: That kind of butcher ?

Nerchio: rcrl legend

rcrl: ;D

Nerchio: but you are too far down we don't play any meaningful games

Nerchio: :sunglasses:

rcrl: I just re-run ;D

Nerchio: redirect into my own base into a loss

Nerchio: legendary

Default avatar.png LaurensD: haha, did not know you can yeet them outside

Nerchio: yeah its spectacular for sure

Nerchio: goodbye silver peeps :kissing_heart:

dbf: tried to stay for them as long as possible? :)

Charwie: Woah

Charwie: so many smart people

Default avatar.png LaurensD: haha

Default avatar.png LaurensD: lucky gold boi

Default avatar.png LaurensD: will probably be for a while at silver

awesomedude123: guys I need some helo

awesomedude123: I am doing this practice code and for some reason my conversion from char to binary is not working

awesomedude123: Mainly, converting % to binary is not working as well another test case which I believe would work if I solve this issue. pretty much, when converting, I get the string 100101 but the "right" string according to the answer is 0110101. I am not sure how that is right as I am not getting it at all

Default avatar.png LaurensD: @nerchio you wild mana beast

awesomedude123: the first two test cases passed with my code for letters

jacek: awesomedude123 its always 7 bits long. add leading zeroes if needed

awesomedude123: ohhh

awesomedude123: is that for each one?

Nerchio: LaurensD take notes

awesomedude123: thank you so much

awesomedude123: i was stuck on that for two days and was confused

jacek: :tada:

dbf: nice trick from #2 - no defence and triple wind

Wontonimo: "Boss 4" ?!? That is so unimaginative

Nerchio: so we don't get info about monsters until they are inside the map zone? like x < 0 no info

Default avatar.png LaurensD: @nerchio ~ throwing the enemy outside as fast as possible to get more wilds, looks delicious ~ made a little tweak for the monster controlling, they could have at least a certain amount of health

Nerchio: yeah the health thing i dont know I lose games to monsters with low hp pushed into my base

Nerchio: cause i dont cast spells on them

Waffle3z: strategy idea: use wind spells to round up your opponent's heroes and trap them in a corner if they never shield themselves

Nerchio: and you will spam wind to keep them there? :D

Waffle3z: yes

Waffle3z: then use your other 2 heroes to farm enough mana to keep it going

Dapps: seems like it could be the new meta

Nerchio: i dont think it would ever work and they can shield themselves too you know :D

Waffle3z: right, but who does that right now

Default avatar.png LaurensD: me

Default avatar.png LaurensD: randomly

Default avatar.png LaurensD: lol

Waffle3z: collect enough mana to afford the set up, dedicate one hero to the corner, use the others to guide the opponent's 3 heroes into that corner, then maybe you can skip farming/defense and just try to kill them

Default avatar.png LaurensD: make a hyperloop with 3 heroes (wind tunnel ):joy:

TobiasA: phew it was close but i'm now clear for gold:relieved:

Waffle3z: 754 computing

Waffle3z: another strategy idea: save up a ton of mana, then send 3 monsters toward the opponent's base and control spam their heroes so they can't move or shield themselves

Default avatar.png LaurensD:

Default avatar.png LaurensD: pretty crazy match =P

Default avatar.png LaurensD: well, mostly struggling

Default avatar.png LaurensD: need to make some mana checks

Default avatar.png LaurensD: wasting turns :/

Default avatar.png LaurensD: what is health? above mana?

Default avatar.png LaurensD: it seems always to return 3

jacek: baby dont hurt me

jacek: if spider attacks your base, you lose 1 health

daffie: how many monsters can enter your base before you lose

Default avatar.png LaurensD: oh

avdg: hmm lots of winds back and forth

Default avatar.png LaurensD: those heart, haha

daffie: attack your base I mean

avdg: I like how the ai keeps my defenders away from the monsters

Default avatar.png LaurensD: I assume you are dutch then

Default avatar.png LaurensD: hehe

avdg: I'm closest to being dutch while being not dutch I guess

Nerchio: what i dislike about the game, i didnt get info about mind controlled bug that was turned around into my base at 108

Nerchio: I don't know I guess you could deduct from enemy mana and them standing in place that something was casted

NewCoder09: Hey Nerchio

daffie: "If an entity is being moved via a WIND from multiple sources at once, it will move to the sum of all given directions."

does this make it possible to push a monster all the way into enemy base if all three heros are able to hit it with wind at once?

Default avatar.png dloukadakis: yes

aCat: no

aCat: about half of the map

Default avatar.png aatj: Pretty aggressive strategy: from skotz:

daffie: the aggro range of the base is 5000 units and wind spell pushes a monster 2200 units, 3 heros casting would make the sum 6600 units?

Default avatar.png dloukadakis: u can push a monster 6600 away

Default avatar.png dloukadakis: assuming all the heroes are within 6600 of enemy base they can push it all the way in

daffie: yea so it is possible to push it into their base far enough to damage it

Waffle3z: if wind is used on a monster, does it still move on its own at the end of the turn?

daffie: yea except if it's pushed out of the base then it goes in a random direction

Waffle3z: so if a monster was moving directly toward the enemy base, 3 heroes could blow it from 7300 units away and damage the base on the same turn?

_NikJ: yes Waffle3z

daffie: thats what I am wondering

Waffle3z: and the heroes could be standing 800 units away from the monster, so they take a life from 8100 units away

_NikJ: It's been tested, if you put 6 heroes in the same spot and cast wind, monster flies into base sonic speed

Waffle3z: your opponent probably will not cooperate

daffie: lol sounds like an OP strategy

_NikJ: well obviously not, we just wanted to show how broken it is :D

_NikJ: but yes, if you can get 3 heroes in the center of the map, you can score a goal from there

Waffle3z: from 800 units away, blow the spider 6600 units ahead and then it walks another 400 and stops 300 units from the base and damages it

_NikJ: because you know, 3 players can kick 1 ball 3 times as strong as one

_NikJ: aka 9 women can give birth to a baby in 1 month

Waffle3z: not only that, the heroes could have been 1600 away at the start of the turn

Wontonimo: sounds like a new meta

Mindarius: sounds fun

Waffle3z: so really you could be 8900 units away from the enemy base and still damage it

NewCoder09: Wontonimo where have you been?

Waffle3z: walk 800 towards a spider 1600 away, blow it 6600 forward, then it walks 400 and lands within 300 units of the base

**Wontonimo looks left, looks right, stares blankly forward, shurgs

daffie: OP

Waffle3z: oh, wind range is 1280, so you could do it from 9380 units away

_NikJ: his beard's gotten even more gray or rather white

Waffle3z: 1280+800+6600+400+300

Nerchio: you could also push bugs into your own base surely they wont expect it

Waffle3z: you only need to blow monsters beyond the opponent's reach, not even directly into the goal

Default avatar.png LaurensD: oh god what the hell is it doing lol

Default avatar.png LaurensD:

Default avatar.png LaurensD: seems like because I'm to far from my base the enemy can crawl in :/

Default avatar.png LaurensD: avoiding detection?

Waffle3z: if a monster is pushed inside the radius of a base, does it target the base immediately on the same turn, or will it still move with the same velocity it had at the start of the turn?

Waffle3z: if you blow it to the edge of the base, could it immediately walk out right afterwards in the same turn, or will it then walk another 400 towards the base

Uemu: Hello, I don't get the "Spells are cast in the order of the received output" thing, if my first input is a self shield and enemy's first input is a control spell on my hero, what would happen ?

aCat: its not about this

aCat: the order of applying is as in statement 1 2 3 4 5

aCat: but your mana spent is in order

aCat: which is I suppose not actually trube but meh

aCat: the ordering is pretty well descibed

aCat: (in order of your heroes I meant but not surre of this)

Uemu: Sorry if I didn't get your point by I'm asking about cases where my first hero and the enemy's first hero cast spells at the same time, would his control work first or my shield on the unit he's trying to control ?

daffie: his control

Default avatar.png aatj: It doesn't depend on who is blue?

msumera: controls casted in the same turn are summed and applied in the next turn

daffie: control is applied before shield is applied

Uemu: Thank you

Default avatar.png Mattant: Is it really going to judge my bot for two hours now?

Default avatar.png Iugi: but you still get the shield

Default avatar.png Iugi: uemu

jacek: its always slow when they open new league

Nerchio: its always slow

Default avatar.png Bbrainstormer: regions are awesome

Default avatar.png Mattant: I'm not even in the new league tho

Default avatar.png LaurensD: well haha

Default avatar.png LaurensD: had a nice little skip in my code, where I always skipped the first monster

Default avatar.png LaurensD: so it was always leaving one monster alone that'll likely get into my base :grin::joy:

cegprakash: well first monster is a trial monster anyway

Default avatar.png LaurensD: :joy:

cegprakash: only 30 games in gold league for 100% computation -_-

cegprakash: admins care more about silver league now -_-

jacek: silver is cheaper

avdg: hmm the silver bot exposes some of my very hidden bugs

avdg: didn't had many bugs earlier, but the bugs are relative small

avdg: now the issue is that my defends code works well enough, that my attacker gets in front, unknowingly that it should stay away from monsters near enemy base

avdg: so basically, my ai attacks monsters going to opponent base

Default avatar.png LaurensD: the boss 4 is pretty annoying

Dapps: easy fix is to use the threatfor field

Waffle3z: 781 computing

struct: nice

struct: The bug has been fixed :D

jacek: hm?

struct: the threatFor bug I reported

struct: where vx and vy did not get updated after control

struct: but threatFor was getting updated

yhyoxx: yay

Waffle3z: gold league rank 1/2587

Waffle3z: there it goes, took a moment to update

struct: grats

cegprakash: even siman stuck at 28th rank coz of less games in gold

Waffle3z: battle progress 33% already?

Default avatar.png LaurensD: congrats

cegprakash: only 30 games in total Waffle3z

struct: They said they will add more games once servers can handle

struct: it

cegprakash: to speed up Silver servers lol

Astrobytes: there will be more games in gold when the servers calm down a bit

struct: its only fair

Waffle3z: is default always the same as the boss of the previous league?

jacek: plot twist: never

Astrobytes: :P

struct: yes Waffle3z

cegprakash: default bot is usually weaker than the boss on previous league

struct: I think it depends

struct: So not always I guess

Astrobytes: it is mostly, I believe

Astrobytes: ie. the previous league boss

Astrobytes: which will surely seem weak once you've passed it...

cegprakash: can I move/use spells when I'm under controlled spell?

struct: I would try it

struct: Maybe its buged and you can do it

struct: Since bug fixes was released there must be some new features

Astrobytes: :D

cegprakash: ok it says overrides.. so no matter what I print it's like a WAIT action

Yanek: is the bottom-right base at (17630, 9000) or (17629, 8999)? I'm off by one pixel in my simulations

struct: The inputs say 17630

struct: Im not sure if I can trust it though

Waffle3z: ig that's why it rounds up on one half and down on the other half

Default avatar.png axel2103: hey LOL

Default avatar.png BenThor414: hola beaner

Waffle3z: which way does it round in the middle?

Default avatar.png axel2103: stop it!

Default avatar.png BenThor414: I know Axels mom

Astrobytes: kid alert

struct: Stop spamming

Yanek: It's not symmettric really if it's at 17630. Y=0 is part of the map but Y=17630 is considered outside of bounds

Default avatar.png axel2103: his name is ben

Counterbalance: player 2 base was outside of the map, now the map width is actually 17631 etc.. in most places.. it's quite inconsistent

Default avatar.png axel2103: his moms name is lisa

Nerchio: we could protect ourselves from bugs but not from this

Default avatar.png BenThor414: My deepest apologies seniors, I will proceed to stop talking

struct: yes you will

Astrobytes: :tada:

Default avatar.png LaurensD: Master senior for you, my little pedawan :nerd:

Default avatar.png LaurensD: Jk Jk

Default avatar.png LAGA97: Hello, does it happen your code is correct but the test keep returning wrong outputs ?

struct: not really

Default avatar.png LaurensD: you are supposed to always send output in order, perhaps you missed one? \

jacek: your code is incorrect then

jacek: additional new line or space at the end

Default avatar.png LAGA97: its impossible because i copied paste in other IDE , working like a charm

Yanek: oh, they fixed the symmetry 5 hours ago. I was referencing old code :v

Default avatar.png LAGA97: anyways i thought someone working here could give me some explanations

jacek: what do you print and what do they expect

Astrobytes: did you miss a space, newline etc

Astrobytes: or indeed, add one

Default avatar.png LAGA97: they always print 0

Default avatar.png LAGA97: if u can look at my last clash , i shared the code..

Astrobytes: we can't

cegprakash: I'm at a sexy 69th rank


Default avatar.png LaurensD: 1371 rank, nearly 1337

Default avatar.png LaurensD: Boss 4 feels impossible lol

Default avatar.png LaurensD: pretty sure it's stronger now than it was when it got released :upside_down:

Default avatar.png Tuo: nice game


Default avatar.png Tuo: number of the beast x 2

Default avatar.png Tuo: and a first Tie i have ever seen

SemChumboPT: how do you print the code on top of your player on the challenge?

cegprakash: cout<<"MOVE "<<x<<" "<<y<<" "<<your code<<endl; SemChumboPT

Astrobytes: in other words, append a space followed by what you want to output to your command, followed by a newline

SemChumboPT: thanks

Default avatar.png LaurensD: time to give up

Default avatar.png LaurensD:

Astrobytes: Remember when the bosses (And contests) had names? Good times

DomiKo: Good old times :(

Default avatar.png Tuo: LaurensD less shield and more wind and you would do ok

blasterpoard: less defense, more attack

Default avatar.png Tuo: that too :)

avdg: I should focus on attack more too

avdg: Made my defence less strict already today on some conditions

blasterpoard: #1 vs #3 looks like this; tells you how far you get by defending passively

Default avatar.png Tuo: defense get boring after a while, still many in gold top 200 full 3 hero defense :unamused:

avdg: This is my bot now

Nerchio: Tuo only way

ThomasNicoullaud: 100% winrate blasterpoard, you broke the game

Astrobytes: :D

avdg: actually my defense is almost becoming an attack in some areas

blasterpoard: ThomasNicoullaud I submitted a bad bot everyone optimized against yesterday, now I changed it a bit

blasterpoard: and everyone needs new ifs again

Astrobytes: heh heh

ThomasNicoullaud: wait the last minute :D

Default avatar.png Abdi-29: yooo is someone doing the codingame in python?

Astrobytes: nobody at all

SemChumboPT: me, trying it for the first time on the spring challenge

avdg: typescript here

blasterpoard: too bad gold has so few games now, this bot could go really far up

Astrobytes: blasterpoard: games will increase when the servers are quieter :D

Default avatar.png Abdi-29: i just need a tip to make the hero to not attack the spider already targeted

Astrobytes: apparently CG suddenly became dynamic wrt battle count during contests

SemChumboPT: what that has to do with python?

avdg: my bot doesn't mind having 2 near the same monster, mostly it means faster kill

avdg: though it shouldn't put 2 heroes on 1 monster for now (in some scenario you still want to though)

Default avatar.png Tuo: you get mana for both hits right?

SemChumboPT: yes I saw one guy that was placing all 3 heroes on the same spider if he had no other spider near

Astrobytes: yes Tuo

Default avatar.png Tuo: so the only problem is that after that spider dies both heroes are idle

Default avatar.png Tuo: not that bad

avdg: well, the more your ai idles, the better, in the sense it has time to do other things, the bad part, you need new tasks

ThomasNicoullaud: have a good night blasterpoard :D

ZarthaxX: astrobyto

avdg: hmm my basic attack logic is not effective at all now it seems

avdg: probably an upgrade for tomorrow

avdg: monday evening: code cleanup, this evening defence, tomorrow attack and planning

Astrobytes: yo Zartho

ZarthaxX: mah mann

ZarthaxX: i just finished the final exaem 20 mins ago

Astrobytes: :tada:

ZarthaxX: god it was hell but 1 out of 2 done hehe

Astrobytes: Nice one brother!

Astrobytes: Almost there :)

ZarthaxX: gotta hold a bit more

ZarthaxX: and blaster destroyed the contest meanwhile, ok :rofl

Astrobytes: yeah, you got this, don't lose the focus

Astrobytes: lol, yeah

ZarthaxX: yeeees, will take a little break tho

Astrobytes: of course, clear the head a lil bit

Astrobytes: time with gf & fam, chill time

ZarthaxX: time to cg to clear my mind (?

ZarthaxX: *goes wrong*

Astrobytes: well.... if you feel so inclined :D

ZarthaxX: i got the theory that doing cg to "rest" is not actually resting

ZarthaxX: you end quite stressed

ZarthaxX: even more on contests ofc

Astrobytes: You are correct

ZarthaxX: so sad programming requires thinking

ZarthaxX: hehe

Astrobytes: It's more of a 'recreational pursuit' :D

cegprakash: too much rock paper scissor in gold

ZarthaxX: accurate definition right there

ZarthaxX: astro shooting for that goldie?

ZarthaxX: hi ceg

blasterpoard: cegprakash I don't see any

cegprakash: I tune my bot against two attackers now it doesn't do that good against regular players

cegprakash: like shield players

cegprakash: coz I protect the double push

cegprakash: but shield players come

Astrobytes: meh, still old code I just keep adding stuff too/removing, servers only recently became responsive again. I have a rewrite on t he go but not motivated much

ZarthaxX: uh :(

ZarthaxX: the contest lacks cg past contests right

Astrobytes: Yes

ZarthaxX: the boss names is heartbreaking

ZarthaxX: that part specially

Astrobytes: lol, kind of a minor issue but contributes to the overall feel I'd say

Astrobytes: whole thing smells of lack of effort and willingness. Not their fault I guess with their now limited resources. At least we have a contest.

ZarthaxX: right

ZarthaxX: why limited resources tho?

ZarthaxX: im not up to date

yhyoxx: cg should hire top players

Astrobytes: All but one (at last count) staff were working solely on CG for Work (the business side), the free CG we know is not a priority.

Astrobytes: Makes sense ofc

yhyoxx: or atleast ask them for input

ZarthaxX: oh... ok :(

Astrobytes: since the acquisition by CoderPad etc

Astrobytes: It's cool for them as a company just sad to see the community part going downhill

ZarthaxX: that day always come sadly :(

ZarthaxX: comes*

Astrobytes: yeah, indeed

ZarthaxX: had the same problem with a card game i liked, and now it's ded

avdg: community can always outbreak, as long as there are enough resources not stuck within the company

Astrobytes: building a platform is a massive effort, plus server costs etc

avdg: oh yeah, ofc, other costs

Astrobytes: and that's before even running a contest (hiring extra servers etc)

Astrobytes: It was amazing while it lasted, for that at least I'm thankful :)

ZarthaxX: yup

ZarthaxX: the sad part is no other platform has come to be like cg

Astrobytes: Yeah. There are other competitions but nothing comes close

ZarthaxX: right :(

Astrobytes: Not the end of the world dude, life goes on :)

ZarthaxX: what matters is the friends we made in the journey

ZarthaxX: or smth like that

Astrobytes: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: *when i see you again*

ZarthaxX: aight stahp

ZarthaxX: hehe

Astrobytes: hahaha

ZarthaxX: continue coding astro!

Astrobytes: going to bed in 10 mins

ZarthaxX: good night then hehe

Astrobytes: not enough hours in a day to make more than 1 full submit

ZarthaxX: gotta close this chat to achieve that

Astrobytes: server time I mean

ZarthaxX: i thought you meant that too

ZarthaxX: but both apply

ZarthaxX: hehe

Astrobytes: i only chat here when I'm doing unimportant things

ZarthaxX: you are better than me then

Astrobytes: lol, mostly :D anyways, I'll see you later dude, take care

ZarthaxX: take care mah man!

Default avatar.png Hamp: I beat him :O (one time)

struct: nice

struct: hi ZarthaxX

blasterpoard: Hamp my bot assumes the bots I'm playing agains won't have 2 heroes in their corner without being forced to...

blasterpoard: just fog of war things

ZarthaxX: hi structo!

ZarthaxX: howdy

Wontonimo: i'm sad. my basic bot that hasn't had any improvements since Friday and is basically "hit closest thing" didn't make it to gold.

Wontonimo: :grin:

avdg: my bot wins sometimes against the ai, which I guess isn't enough to proceed

Wontonimo: no. you need to beat everyone below also

Default avatar.png yord47: anyone can confirm if shield works on your hero ?

Wontonimo: confirmed

Default avatar.png yord47: okay ty i dont see the shield when applied which seems strange

Waffle3z: worried about having heroes go to the edge of the range of a monster and being 1 unit out of range due to rounding

struct: just make there hero range be 799

yhyoxx: 799 as the range to be able to attack a monster ?

yhyoxx: yes, just checked the rules

Waffle3z: or binary search for a target coordinate that works instead of doing it nicely in a single calculation

yhyoxx: or perfect coodinates using maths

struct: the range is 800 yhyoxx

yhyoxx: yes, 800 - 1 to avoid rounding errors

Waffle3z: calculate and then check if it's 1 off and then adjust by 1 unit in each direction

Waffle3z: I can calculate the trajectory for the hero to precisely intercept the monster at its center, but really I only need to get 800 away from it, which means not going as far, which means the monster doesn't go as far, which means the time to intercept is shorter, which means the calculation is different

SashaNukem: If I control a monster and set it in the direction of enemy base will it also change threatFor to 2?

BJD: yes

BrunoFelthes: the control command will block the action this turn, and move the next turn? or do not block the action this turn?

SashaNukem: Thank you

SashaNukem: I have not used the control spell but I think there is no reson for it to block since wind does not block either

BrunoFelthes: what means when I receive that my hero "isControlled"?

JRFerguson: hi bruno, only blocks next turn

JRFerguson: if is controlled his action on this turn won't get executed

BrunoFelthes: and the action that i did at the turn that i receive the controll, was executed?

JRFerguson: yes

Default avatar.png MarcelHJ: What's changed in gold league?

Waffle3z: the boss

icecream17: I'm in wood 1, what's new in the future leagues?

struct: spells

Waffle3z: did wood 1 introduce fog of war I skipped it

EvModder: [ GET A JOB ]

EvModder: the button is mocking me

mybk: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

mybk: I need a job :'(

EvModder: apply to 600613

mybk: what's that ?

EvModder: google in 1337 (leet) speak

Default avatar.png Tuo: what happens if you answer the CG "want a job" question?

Default avatar.png Tuo: do they actually ever offer a job?

EvModder: not sure, but my guess it it sends your info to a recruiter for one of CG's sponsor companies

EvModder: if it works anything like other job-finding websites, CG probably gets a $ bonus for anyone they recommend who ends up getting hired

EvModder: (like a referral bonus)

Westicles: they said on discord they are discontinuing that

EvModder: ah ok

EvModder: so the button will stop taunting me :)

Default avatar.png Tuo: sad times no jobs to be had :( good thing tho no-one will ever read my crappy AI code :D

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: hi

EvModder: ai code was never meant to be pretty lol

EvModder: there's something beautiful about ugly code (self-contradictory, but i dont mind)

EvModder: alright, code talk time: does SHIELD protect from WIND spell?

WannaBeHum1n: yes

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: yes

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: pfc

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: *ofc

EvModder: ok, i wasn't sure because wind doesnt have a target entity id

EvModder: per documentation: "The target entity cannot be targeted by spells for the next 12 rounds. "

EvModder: i'll test it just to be sure but i think you guys are right

EvModder: can confirm, shield blocks wind, which makes sense :D

Default avatar.png Tuo: wind targets everyone(exept your own heroes) in 1280 radius

Firlain: 4 am in the morning and finally silver, i can die in peace :')

Default avatar.png yord47: :D

SashaNukem: :D

DaNinja: JRFerguson did you get symetric trunc working?

JRFerguson: hey DaNinja, i still have some issue

JRFerguson: sometimes my rounding/truncation doesn't work and i get 1 pixel of difference

JRFerguson: but it does the job for now

DaNinja: yep, same

JRFerguson: anyways i'm not sure what to do with my sim engine yet so i'm tweeking my heuristics bot

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: Are you guys pros?

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: I kind of get stuck on thinking what to do

JRFerguson: we all do andy ;)

JRFerguson: check the starter kits

JRFerguson: start simple, test ideas and you add complexity as you gain understanding from watching games

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: The thing is that i'm not creative, I think i have a decent grasp of programming (500+ solved on leetcode for example) but when it comes down to many things i get very stumped

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: and easily confused...

JRFerguson: divide and conquer

JRFerguson: don't try to program a complex bot, start with some basics

Default avatar.png andyyyyy: Fair enough I guess I just need to think of building blocks for it to start