RandomSteve: yeah the descent is a ship going left to right and then right to left after it reaches the border of the screen and vice versa and descends a lil bit each turn, and has different height mountains and you have to shoot the highest one each turn otherwise you crash with it
RandomSteve: thanks on the tip for mars landing tho
Kaelidian: Lol, no problem, I'm struggling through game of drones currently
DurinIsMyWaifu: some test i dont get it
RandomSteve: what are you working on DurinIsMyWaifu?
RandomSteve: I mean I am a noob but if you don't mind I'm curious
antiwonto: [auto] hey FoXbOw dont paste those links here. Use the channel #clash
Darleanow: hello guys, i can't see the visual interface, i only have instructions tab :/
CoolandonRS: Is the puzzle supposed to have a visual interface? Some dont.
aseprtgudfopig: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
Leeward: ping
MomoFortnite09: helolo
MomoFortnite09: polpo
MomoFortnite09: sos
derjack: oO
MomoFortnite09: lol
MomoFortnite09: pllp
MomoFortnite09: pllplppllpplplplplpl
MomoFortnite09: gnchgngmhnlfgcmkmgmhòjlkjkhkjkj
MomoFortnite09: g,hgjlmlmlkmjhlmgmlnh
MomoFortnite09: òlglgjggjg
Mortis_666: 5DN1L kick him
Uljahn: kicked
Mortis_666: 👍
Mortis_666: omg that guy spammed my dm
MomoFortnite09: no
MomoFortnite09: i am here
MomoFortnite09: <3
MomoFortnite09: :---
MomoFortnite09: :)
MomoFortnite09: :(
MomoFortnite09: :')
Uljahn: not anymore, spamming the chat is a bannable offense
KiwiTae: o/ Uljahn
antiwonto: [auto] Hey KiwiTae, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 11 tacos
PatrickMcGinnisII: stab antiwonto for a :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] PatrickMcGinnisII has awarded antiwonto 3 tacos. antiwonto now has 44 taco. PatrickMcGinnisII now has 4 taco
Nik05: bake taco
PatrickMcGinnisII: shakedown antiwonto
antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel
Bon[]Crayon: :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '
ycsvenom: give me another taco antiwonto
Zorg1: all we want is free tacos
Uljahn: Automaton2000: counting tacos on the wall, that don't bother me at all
Automaton2000: still a lot of people
cagriy: hello from turkey :TR:
antiwonto: [auto] Hey cagriy, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 2 tacos
Zorg1: :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '
antiwonto: [auto] hey Darleanow dont paste those links here. Use the channel #clash
Darleanow: guys ???
Darleanow: can someone explain why it is wrong ?
PatrickMcGinnisII: Darleanow we have no way of seeing or code or the puzzle it refers to
PatrickMcGinnisII: or=your
Uljahn: Darleanow: have you tested you solution? got 100% on tests?
Uljahn: *your
Uljahn: solved in 29 seconds, so probably without testing
Darleanow: indeed
Darleanow: got 100% everywhere
Darleanow: oh mb nvm then
Sarstan: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
Sarstan: ಠ_ಠ
NewCoder09: 8*9*5*0
NewCoder09: x=8*9*50
antiwonto: [auto] x = 3600
NewCoder09: shakedown Sarstan
antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel
balamalexis: im back
NewCoder09: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
NewCoder09: huntdown taco
antiwonto: [auto] That taco command has moved to the #taco channel
PenguinPero: something's up with the site?
_trogers: yes, it's unstable for me as well
NewCoder09: yeah same
Wontonimo: sTaBiliTY iSSueS
Wontonimo: :scream:
Uljahn: [CG]Thibau d said on Discord some minutes ago: "There is an issue with the DB, we're currently fixing it. Sorry about that"
Wontonimo: :floppy_disk:
a-Rye: Seems ok now. Now THAT's service! lol
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: ⚰️🪦
Mindarius: Is anyone able to submit stuff yet?
BobLob: Verification process still isn't working here.
puppydytt: Hi!How to fix that trouble "Only 1 executor running at the same time for a test session"?
a-Rye: Yeah, I guess it's not quite fixed. Got that same error when clashing
Mindarius: It's a problem on codingame's end, you can't do anything to fix it
Uljahn: the problem is known, just wait for admins to fix it
Uljahn: they said everything should be back now
Chimamire: hi
Wontonimo: hi
Not_The_One: How are you?
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: hi
Wontonimo: i've got an itch on my right foot. how are you?
Not_The_One: A bloody nose lmao
Not_The_One: Besides that, absolutely splendid
SamuelK57: Hi I'm new. what's up everybody
Not_The_One: I love coders; so polite
Not_The_One: I am also new, hello Sam
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: what part of codingame is best for resume
Wontonimo: the site is under repair / maintenance don't expect anything to work
Not_The_One: @Wontonimo thanks for the heads up
Wontonimo: the skill you gain HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare
SamuelK57: Aw, thanks Wontonimo for the info I thought my browser was going crazy.
Not_The_One: (the skill you gain) Actually tho
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: i want to showcase the skill
Not_The_One: Maaaan the world chat be poppin now lol
Not_The_One: :blush:
Wontonimo: just showing a potential employer that you have your own interest in coding beyond a paycheque is awesome. Showcase a particularly tricky puzzle you solved
Not_The_One: oooooh
Wontonimo: just showcasing a list of skills will not have much of an impact as instead showcasing 1 puzzle of multi that you can talk about all the complexities of your specific solution with your passion
Not_The_One: What's everyone up to?
SamuelK57: I just want to improve my C# skills. happy grinding
Wontonimo: nice !
Wontonimo: what level of coding are you at SamuelK57 ? level 1 - variables
Wontonimo: level 2 - loops 3 - functions 4 - recursion
Wontonimo: 5 - simulation
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: production
Wontonimo: level 6 - production
Wontonimo: i just made up those level btw. it's nothing standard
SamuelK57: I suppose level 2. I chose C# as a language because I'm insterested in Game Development and Unity uses C#.
Not_The_One: Level 0 - Not Started
SamuelK57: BTW Unity is a gaming Engine
Wontonimo: Chimamire , this site is probably not for you. It kinda assumes you are at level 3
Wontonimo: yeah, i know unity! I made a couple really small games as part of a game jam a few years back.
Wontonimo: I had them up on itch for a while
SamuelK57: I might actually be level 3
SamuelK57: not too familiar with recursions
SamuelK57: I'm Following you Wontonimo.
Wontonimo: ok
Wontonimo: all new people on this site, if you want some easy rank there is a game called Mad Pod Racing Mad Pod Racing Bot programming
SamuelK57: Thanks
Wontonimo: that you'll probably be able to climb the ranks of pretty fast. I'll be around for the next couple hours if you have questions or want hints
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: 12,889th (top 3%) what to do with rank?
Wontonimo: get a lower rank. lower is better
PainEXE: i hate mad pod racing
Wontonimo: lol
jacek: oO
Wontonimo: whay?
jacek: welp, its physics game
PainEXE: the library i code at blocks mad pod racing
PainEXE: for some reason only in that library
Wontonimo: library? what do you mean?
jacek: :no_mouth:
Maccas: Yo lads, what do you think of Laverne Cox?
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: :egg:
Gloryness: egg
NewCoder09: egg
NewCoder09: Maccas keep it on the coding side and appropriate language
wlesavo: hey, finaly finished my first playground, any tips and comments are appreciated
Wontonimo: cool ! I'll take a look
Wontonimo: what does this mean in the beginning output [ 33%] Built target great_escape [ 66%] Built target amazonial [100%] Built target line_racing
wlesavo: im not sure how to suppress this messages, this is cmake output compiling 3 projects
Wontonimo: okay, just wondering
Wontonimo: why this
Wontonimo: for (int i = 0; i<4; i++){
if (skip[i]) continue;
jacek: code review eh
Wontonimo: instead of
for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) if (!skip[i]) {
jacek: w00t
Sarstan: Cool to see C# getting some rep.
Wontonimo: its a serious question. I'm not a c++ expert
Wontonimo: c#
jacek: i though in most language youd put { } after for loop always
Sarstan: Oh, I dove into something. Just saw above someone saying they are learning C#.
Sarstan: Although I have a buddy that really wants me to learn Javascript.
Westicles: if you code like that it ends up indented off the page
jacek: is he still your buddy though
Sarstan: For the time, lol.
Passifi: hmm my bfs code for the labyrinth puzzle keeps timing out but according to my timing tests(using time(0)) basically no time is needed for executing the search before it times out and now I am at a loss the loop also only goes through like 4 iterations
Sarstan: Awesome guy. Although I can't keep up with all the things he wants me to install. Setup a Github, got Git Bash on my computer, installing extra stuff with it.
jacek: Passifi could be crash or out of memory
Sarstan: I had a time out issue which was caused from a if else statement that didn't fit any of the scenarios.
Passifi: does the console not tell me about a crash ?
Sarstan: If it's that, no. It'll just say it times out. Because the code is right, but the logic breaks.
jacek: dunno. but timeout is not always timeout per se
Wontonimo: wlesavo , really great playground for tron :tada:
Sarstan: Like having an if > 0 and if < 0. If it reaches zero, it'll timeout.
Passifi: well it would make sense the timeout occurs sometimes deep into the test case sometimes right away but the amount of data to be processed is actually almost the same..
Passifi: so ill check my if's and but's :) thanks for the input
jacek: put some print to stderr lines and see when it stops
Sarstan: Hopefully that helps!
CatboyCodes: power of github copilot!
wlesavo: Wontonimo i had to ignore some details, but i think it wont be a problem to take this into a real bot. as for the code i tried to keep it simple so that even i could understand :slight_smile:
Sarstan: Oh you will at first. I know it took me a while before I got my first puzzle done. But once it clicks, you start hunting for more.
Wontonimo: where is the hoover icon when you need it T.S.N
Sarstan: I learned from Codecademy. Then came back and it was easier. But a lot here isn't taught there.
Wontonimo: have you tried the intro puzzles T.S.N , like the descent ?
a-Rye: Nice playground wlesavo!
Wontonimo: for (int i = 0; i<4; i++){
if (skip[i]) continue;
Wontonimo: woops, sorry
Wontonimo: T.S.N.
Wontonimo: and then these
jacek: then
Wontonimo: haha ... No.
Wontonimo: jacek is trolling and modified the url to say easy. that is a very hard puzzle
Westicles: random walk might be the easiest puzzle
Sarstan: It would be cool if the site gave a recommended list. And/or some lessons along the way. I know there's the learn section, but it's hit or miss.
Wontonimo: i don't think so. the descent is easier for sure
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: you can write anything in the url
Sarstan: Sounds like an idea for a new puzzle.
Sarstan: "jacek has done it again! Can you compare the link's classification against the puzzle difficulty and make sure it's correct?"
Westicles: bag of balls is an easy puzzle too
antiwonto: [auto] Westicles be respectful and watch your language
Passifi: uhh look at that little man flying yeah now just a few more hours to get the rest of that puzzle right ^^
Passifi: it was an if condition thing
Sarstan: Awesome!
Passifi: I actually still don't understand why it would crash it, I just saw that I had put the wrong variable in the evaluator ^^
YajPinkNinja: hi
T.S.N: no mater haw hard i try i still fail
jacek: thats what she said :tada:
NewCoder09: ::joy:\
ycsvenom: wow jacek that's the right moment you Michel :joy:
antiwonto: [auto] Hey ycsvenom, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 14 tacos
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] jacek has awarded Automaton2000 10 tacos. Automaton2000 now has 51 taco. jacek now has 24 taco
Automaton2000: if you don't want to see the problem
Automaton2000: i don't know anything about it in the first place
HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] Sorry HoneyGlazedGherkinsEggTartare but you need 3 tacos to give tacos. You have 0 now. Get someone to give you more tacos first
Automaton2000: yeah, but this is not good
Automaton2000: i check if a pac is dead?
JosiahWI: Hey, my school doesn't show up for my friend when he goes to Add school. Any tips for how to set this up properly?
Westicles: you go to the same homeschool?
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Westicles, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 17 tacos
JosiahWI: Westicles, no, we are making the "school" to represent our small online group.
Westicles: oh, okay I would ask on discord not sure if they read chat much
ASM_MOV_INT: I want to buy a new PC...all the trimmings
antiwonto: [auto] Hey ASM_MOV_INT, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 16 tacos
ASM_MOV_INT: :grinning:
linjoehan: ping antiwonto
ethaneCH3CH3: hi
AmbieTechie: Hi
ethaneCH3CH3: I wanna try the taco bot
ethaneCH3CH3: how can i get it out
Wontonimo: :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '
Wontonimo: yeah
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Wontonimo, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 32 tacos
NonVeganTeacherFan: :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '
NonVeganTeacherFan: hi antiwonto
antiwonto: [auto] hey NonVeganTeacherFan. I'm a bot :robot:
Ayza: :taco:
antiwonto: [auto] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others '
zakacat: ello ello
SilverEagle: taco
SilverEagle: take taco
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
zakacat: TAKE TACO
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
zakacat: Give TACO?
Kaelidian: I dont get the taco thing lol
antiwonto: [auto] aww, there are no tacos to take
Kaelidian: its all craziness to me