DigDogree: cool I can type in here
Akshat_UNT: heyy, anyone from discord here
antiwonto: [auto] Hey Akshat_UNT, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 1 tacos
Akshat_UNT: ?
Akshat_UNT: Akshat_UNT#5060
DevTenga: Discord?
jacek: happy Caturday
Wontonimo: why was i talkingto you
Ninjatron: i don't know you said something about lights in your head
Ninjatron: maybe having seizures old man?
Ninjatron: oooohhh
Ninjatron: now I see
Ninjatron: you are a prophet
StraumliPerversion: please limit all conversations to MPR
Ninjatron: what is MPR?
StraumliPerversion: thank you for complying
Ninjatron: what is MPR? Map pod racing?
MrZee: Mom's perfect rice
MrZee: Or possibly, manual propeller rotation
AlkhilJohn.: hi
AlkhilJohn.: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
AlkhilJohn.: k
AlkhilJohn.: k
AlkhilJohn.: k
AlkhilJohn.: k
Shivzee: AlkhilJohn is a bot lmfao
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] jacek has awarded Automaton2000 10 tacos. Automaton2000 now has 101 taco. jacek now has 91 taco
Automaton2000: i need to stop doing that
Automaton2000: there is an infinite loop
jacek: oh my
Mortis_666: :open_mouth:
PatrickMcGinnisII: 24 game is a nice puzzle
jacek: mhm
PaarthThePro: 24 game?
PaarthThePro: Oh I found it
PhantomKnight_b7c9: Hi, everyone.
PhantomKnight_b7c9: I received an interview request to take the training. I finished it but can not find the link for that. Any tips about it?
5DN1L: You should ask the interviewer/recruiter for the link
PhantomKnight_b7c9: He just asked me to do the hardest challenge and I took one of them
PhantomKnight_b7c9: But how can I share that with him?
5DN1L: which one
5DN1L: You'd better ask what they need for proof. Maybe they need the link to the puzzle, your solution code, and a screenshot showing you have passed 100% of the validators
5DN1L: Honestly I have no idea what they need
PhantomKnight_b7c9: Oh, got it. Thanks.
5DN1L: You're welcome
C_breeze: hypot() nice function good for clashing
jacek: wah
JohnWick007: Anyone send me link of Javascript promises practice ?
JohnWick007: any practice question on COdingames
5DN1L: What is COdingames
5DN1L: erm... ok... your heart is heard
JohnWick007: what are you doing?
5DN1L: responding to JohnWick007
IamMrandrew: Can we view our match history?
5DN1L: what match
IamMrandrew: like clash of code
5DN1L: you may check your notifications
SunDrop: Ello-
C26_1: Wait everyone
C26_1: Is there a library where you can do something with matrix
C26_1: Like Matrix Multiplication
5DN1L: python numpy
C26_1: ok
TheOutlier: I can't play fall challenge 2021?
5DN1L: it was an escape game not a bot programming game
Ayman24am: whats up nerds
mysterious-glowing-figure: I hope they add Nim support
mysterious-glowing-figure: don't want to use any other language any more
jacek: nim? like clobber
eulerscheZahl: last time they added a language was D, maybe 2 or 3 years ago
jacek: :taco: Automaton2000
antiwonto: [auto] sorry jacek but you can only award tacos once per day
Automaton2000: but i don't have that
derjack: Automaton2000 :taco:
Automaton2000: it depends on what you're trying to get it running
antiwonto: [auto] derjack has awarded Automaton2000 10 tacos. Automaton2000 now has 111 taco. derjack now has 16 taco
Automaton2000: i need to submit your code
Magmi: how to become certified in coding speed?
Magmi: i want to be legend in coding speed, please advice how to do it
darkhorse64: type fast
5DN1L: follow the quest map Magmi:
darkhorse64: on the keyboard
Magmi: very funny darkhorse, ahahahahahah!!!!
jacek: oO
darkhorse64: :innocent:
darkhorse64: just kidding you
Stroffen: Hi, how are you? I have a question
darkhorse64: Hard times. I need to laugh a bit.
Stroffen: If I am learning Python3 and I do Clash Of Code, I can improve?
jacek: try easy puzzles
Stroffen: 'Cause I enter to Clash Of Code and I understand what I sould do, but I don't know how to code it
JohnWick007: @darkhorse64 Laugh
Stroffen: I think that aren't exists
jacek: hm?
jacek: try The Descent, Temperatures, Horse-racing Duals, Power of Thor
darkhorse64: I do not think you can improve as a programmer playing CoCs. Thinking properly and speed do not match
Husoski: Study, practice, repeat. Try to find a way to have fun at it.
darkhorse64: Solving puzzles will give you thinking pattern and ultimately make a faster coder
darkhorse64: patterns
Husoski: Oh, yes, and after you finish look at published solutions of others. Try to see how those work.
Husoski: (after you finish each puzzle)
darkhorse64: You do not become a good chess player by playing blitz but at longer time controls. Programming is the same
Stroffen: For example, in The Descent I use a paper and a pencil for write the secuences
Stroffen: But I don't know how to code it
Stroffen: Yes, maybe, u can improve your chess if you play rapid, for example.
darkhorse64: It's likely that you do not master well enough the basics of your programming language.
jacek: using pen and paper is good :+1:
darkhorse64: You need some prior experience to perform well here
darkhorse64: ^
Stroffen: So, what can I do to have that experience?
Stroffen: Go to another page like this
Stroffen: Or learn more about Python?
darkhorse64: follow Python tutorials
Husoski: About "The Descent", there are only three things to do with each input. Read the list, find the index of the maximum, print it out. Which ones are problems for you?
Stroffen: while True:
Stroffen: I think in:
Husoski: Stroffen The puzzle input is in a single line of input, and Python's input() function will read that all at once. ]
Husoski: Stroffen, In your for loop in the 2nd snipped, you have "a = i + 1" followed by "if i > a:". How can i be greater than a, which is always i+1?
Husoski: Another site might be useful for you to get practice with basic coding ideas., for example, has problems graded in 8 levels (opposed to 4 here) and offers them to you based on your past performance.
Stroffen: Excellent. Thank you a lot
Husoski: I used to practice little coding ideas, but that site was still Python 2 last I looked. Doesn't matter much for string/list/logic problems though.
Stroffen: I going to try to practice with CodeWars
Stroffen: And then I will compare with CodinGame
Husoski: Come back here, though, since the interactive puzzles will help you get used to event-driven coding.
Husoski: I'm Husoski at CodeWars, too. I go there to work on Ruby sometimes.
Stroffen: Excellent, Husoki, thank you a lot!!
Stroffen: I already have a CodeWars account
StraumliPerversion: how do me learn clojure?
5DN1L: By solving 592 puzzles in clojure?
StraumliPerversion: oh, okay I'll try that
StraumliPerversion: paging Wontonimo to #fr
Wontonimo: what's going on in fr?
StraumliPerversion: they need help with your puzzle
Wontonimo: thanks
Wontonimo: oh, that resulted in a fix to my puzzle. Thanks again StraumliPerversion
eulerscheZahl: as a Canadian, do you speak French?
Wontonimo: I'm supposed to. The education system sure tried and gave resources. I unfortunately had severe language issues as a child, so was pulled out of French class to focus on being able to speak English
Wontonimo: I didn't start speaking until i was about 5.
PatrickMcGinnisII: tabernak
jacek: speaking, who needs that :unamused:
Wontonimo: I started programming when I was 8, started reading when I was 9. Parents were confused
Wontonimo: they thought I was pretending to not be able to read because I was using programming books to program
Wontonimo: they were super angry
Wontonimo: so i showed them how I identified where the code was in the books because of the formatting, and how I just copied it in like it was some kind of unintelligible spell
Wontonimo: and how i figured it out from trial and error
Wontonimo: two of the first words I learnt to read and write were PRINT and GOTO
jacek: like some mindless mimicking
jacek: or cargo cult
Wontonimo: exactly, plus experimentation, and as much of a scientific method as an 8yr old can do
jacek: welp i also relatively late learned to speak
jacek: but mostly becauses i didnt want to. human interaction is heavy exhausting for me
Wontonimo: you and me both
PatrickMcGinnisII: lol, my parents were mad when I made a long distance phone call to find out what ASCII meant. I thought it was ASC 2. We didn't have proper computer books
Wontonimo: lol. speaking of which, I'm going on a walk in the forest now. see ya later
jacek: only the improper ones :v
Wontonimo: no humans in the targeted forest
Wontonimo: hope everyone is safe from the war
Wontonimo: later
PatrickMcGinnisII: if you speak in the forest... nvrmnd
PatrickMcGinnisII: we only had computer/electronics magazine subscriptions
PatrickMcGinnisII: and couldn't afford it
Husoski: At least you had that. We had Glamor and Look.
Husoski: I didn't get to touch a computer (except for the TicTacToe machine at Disneyland) until freshman year at college.
jacek: ultimate tictactoe machine?
Idk.-_-: hi guys
Rebollo: Guys, I am getting an error, cause I a trying to modify a property of a pointer
jacek: !
Rebollo: But I am checking if is not nullptr
Rebollo: the prblem is that is not actully
Rebollo: null
Rebollo: it has a value like 0xCDCDCDCD
jacek: not initialized?
Rebollo: hum
Rebollo: maybe
jacek: give it nullptr during initialization, otherwise it will be some random
Rebollo: let me check
Rebollo: you are right
Rebollo: solved!
jacek: :tada:
Rebollo: thanks!!!
Rebollo: if I have some strucure like this:
Rebollo: varA->varB->varC->varD
Rebollo: i have to check
Rebollo: if(varA)
if(varB) if(varC)...
Rebollo: other if I check direclty varA->varB
Rebollo: and varA is null i got an error
Rebollo: is there a correct way to deal with it?
AdemDj12: what u using java i think ?
Rebollo: c++
jacek: dunno how in c++, you probably need to null check every time
Rebollo: like I need to check like this
Rebollo: if(newNode)
Rebollo: because if i check if(newNode->previous) direclty and newNode is null
Rebollo: I got error
jacek: in kotlin youd use something like varA?.varB?.varC?.x
jacek: dunno if something like that exists in c
jacek: c++
Rebollo: humm
Rebollo: nice let me do a search
jacek: or if there is elvis operator
5DN1L: you too
jacek: oO
AdemDj12: lol who poked him
VizGhar: he came from parallel universe
Rebollo: the better and only way is:
Rebollo: if(parent==null ||
parent.Child == null || parent.Child.GrandChild == null ...
nulte: a loop?
Rebollo: or
nulte: while (node) {
node = node.child;
Rebollo: what if I have more the 2 levels
nulte: that will go N levels
nulte: until node is null
jacek: the question is what you want to achieve
Rebollo: just avoid if after if
jacek: do something on the leaf?
jacek: then while until null or one step earlier is good to go
Idk.-_-: guys
Idk.-_-: i have 1 question
Idk.-_-: i've installed vs code new
when i'm running c++ code in it
its running on output not terminal
Idk.-_-: what is the problem ?
nulte: windows or linux?
jacek: 'yes'
Idk.-_-: windows
nulte: hmm no idea then
nulte: I use vscode on windows but its connected to wsl2
nulte: which compiler are you using?
Idk.-_-: mingw
nulte: have you tried this
nulte: ?
Idk.-_-: when im running build task it's shows
Idk.-_-: Build finished with error(s).
Idk.-_-: g++.exe: error: C:\Users\ERROR_\c_c++\first.cpp: No such file or directory
nulte: what happens if you run g++ --version
MACKEYTH: Hello all
nulte: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo
MACKEYTH: What's everybody doing? I'm working on Line Racing.
PatrickMcGinnisII: :taco: antiwonto
antiwonto: [auto] PatrickMcGinnisII has awarded antiwonto 10 tacos. antiwonto now has 90 taco. PatrickMcGinnisII now has 12 taco
jacek: Automaton2000 do you like tacos
Automaton2000: some thing to scroll the chat if you want
nulte: im doing amazonial
jacek: bored with onitama eh
MACKEYTH: What's your strategy nulte?
nulte: I will try minmax
nulte: still no strategy
nulte: I need to code the engine
nulte: jacek kinda out of ideas for the moment
MACKEYTH: Wontonimo's gotten me onto a Monte Carlo obsession.
nulte: I can try mcts too but 50ms might not be enough for it
jacek: lets monte carlo everywhere!
MACKEYTH: I have been getting better results with straight monte carlo than with MCTS
nulte: o.o
nulte: that should not happen
MACKEYTH: That may be down to language choice, though. Java seems to waste a lot of time on garbage collection when you have a tree going.
MACKEYTH: I just don't get as many rollouts with MCTS
datu12: hey guys
datu12: just a question to solved marsh landing
datu12: Do i just need to write a loop?
MACKEYTH: Mars Lander?
nulte: episode 1?
datu12: yep
datu12: yes
nulte: you just need an if else
datu12: Says write an action using printf
nulte: inside the while loop that is given to you
datu12: oh the comments tricked me lol
datu12: I dont need to change the prnitf statement do I?
nulte: well the printf is used to output the action you want to do
nulte: So you might need to change it
MACKEYTH: You can use the one in the template code, but you'll need to change it to output your instructions
datu12: Yeah copy
datu12: Thank you all;
MACKEYTH: 45 min wait to be promoted to Silver :(
jacek: where
MACKEYTH: Line Racing
jacek: oh my
Aland_52879: hey guys, is there a way to debug the code line by line and and get the values at certain phase of the game?
jacek: print to stderr
MACKEYTH: No debug tools in the web IDE, sadly. Like jacek said.
MACKEYTH: I try to work inward when debugging. return the values in the outer loop, identify a failure state, then conditionally output the values from the next loop in, etc
Aland_52879: the problem i get while debugging is sometimes it says cant process siteId which i dont know how it happens
jacek: huh
MACKEYTH: Not familiar with that one
ArvisCeirulis: Heey. Im a junior c# dev looking for an escape room partner :D hopefully someone not an expert coder so that we both have to think :P
ArvisCeirulis: anyone who hasnt done it who would be down?
jacek: :thinking:
Wontonimo: hey MACKEYTH , thanks for the callout about MC :grin:
Wontonimo: :taco: MACKEYTH
antiwonto: [auto] Wontonimo has awarded MACKEYTH 1 tacos. MACKEYTH now has 1 taco. Wontonimo now has 183 taco
MACKEYTH: Ma first taco!
Wontonimo: everyone, send MACKEYTH tacos !
jacek: 1 taco?
Magmi: short code challenge is so stupid :( remove please
Idk.-_-: :((
Wontonimo: taco gift size = min(10, givers taco count, receivers taco count + 1)
NicolasDiniz: :taco: MACKEYTH
antiwonto: [auto] NicolasDiniz has awarded MACKEYTH NaN tacos. MACKEYTH now has NaN taco. NicolasDiniz now has 1 taco
Wontonimo: ?!?!
Idk.-_-: somone can't help me ?
Wontonimo: that's a statement with a "?" at the end.
antiwonto: [auto] sorry Wontonimo but you can only award tacos once per day
antiwonto: [auto] sorry NicolasDiniz but you can only award tacos once per day
Magmi: Sharing source code should be mandatory, not optional!!!
jacek: oO
Wontonimo: i think microsoft and apple would argue differently
Magmi: ALl Competitive source code should be open source !! no discussion
AdemDj12: no i dont think so , there is some exclusive code golfs stuff that cant be shared
AdemDj12: and you have to accept that
Wontonimo: is a hotdog a taco?
Wontonimo: more importantly, what multis are people working on ?
jacek: is mayonnaise an instrument
Wontonimo: no patrick
jacek: nyoro~n
Magmi: Like what??? In clash of code, all source code should be immediately made open to everyone
Wontonimo: just used google translate on French channel. The translation is hilarious
Wontonimo: "where do we fart roosters? ;)" - #fr
Wontonimo: I'm pretty certain Google Translate failed on that one
PatrickMcGinnisII: :alien: talk, no problem. "where do we fart roosters?" ok, we got issues
PatrickMcGinnisII: where do we fart roosters? Automaton2000
Automaton2000: display 0 (zero) if no temperatures are provided. otherwise, display the temperature closest to 0 among input data. if two ...
Wontonimo: I wish I new more French. My basic understanding is limited to talking about desks, pencils, and times of day
JohnWick007: The code snippet below is synchronous. It calls callback1 one time and callback2 three times. You must modify this code to make it asynchronous with the following rules:
callback1 must be called only one time, after 2 seconds. callback2 must be called three times with an interval of 1 second.
Magmi: Any reason I can not see how a particular Clash of Code game impacted my rating???
Husoski: Magmi you can look at your rating before and after (use the leaderboard from the vertical... menu or click the button from the CoC entry screen)
Magmi: Husoski ok but why not make it more friendly
Husoski: Not my design, just offering a workaround.
datu12: Timeout: your program did not provide an input in due time. Mars Lander self-destroyed!
datu12: Hey all quick tip for marse 1
datu12: See i got the else if statement but my program still wont run
Wontonimo: share your code datu12
Wontonimo: if you haven't solved mars 1 yet
Rebollo: Guys nedd antoher help
Rebollo: I am trying to intialize a tree with n children per node
Rebollo: I am getting stack overflow
Rebollo: I am trying to use recursion because I don´t know hoe to initialize n X n X n nodes
Rebollo: so everytime I create a child
Rebollo: I call the function again passing it
Rebollo: to fill the other childs
Wontonimo: i'm looking at your code, give me 2 min
Rebollo: :raised_hands:
Wontonimo: what is this for?
Wontonimo: looking at the code i don't see an obvious way that it doesn't end. looks like it will always stack overflow
Rebollo: but I am debugging step by step
Wontonimo: i'm guessing tree is a global
DaNinja: I wouldnt use recursion for adding children, it should be possible with a loop
Wontonimo: ^^ +100
Rebollo: but I have many children, that have many children, that have many children
Wontonimo: let's say you want your recursion to only go 5 deep, or N deep. Add that as a parameter, like depth=5, and when it recursively calls itself pass depth-1 and don't call if depth == 0
nulte: What is this for?
DaNinja: so loop on the children and recurse on the childrens child
Rebollo: let me try the deph param..
Rebollo: Nija but I am doing that
DaNinja: yep I see now, your code looks ok in that case
DaNinja: but your tree.root is being replaced at every new child
Rebollo: but but it enter the roor part only if the root is nullptr which is only in the first time..
Rebollo: the next times just add the childs to the parameter node..
DaNinja: why do you have initTree(*iter)?
Rebollo: because is a list o *Node
Rebollo: list<Node*> children;//array will keep children
DaNinja: it add balls forever
antiwonto: [auto] DaNinja be respectful and watch your language
DaNinja: oops sorry anti lol
Rebollo: but I add a depth now
Rebollo: but still not working
Rebollo: If I initialize the DEPTH with 3 seems to work ok
Rebollo: bu as soon as I initialize with 8 or 10
Rebollo: seems to loops infinite
Rebollo: is it too much combination?
Rebollo: 10 childs has 10 childs = 100
Rebollo: 10 times
linjoehan: try printing some stuff to stderr like nodes visited and time then you can see what it's doing
nulte: how big is your child?
Rebollo: 10
nulte: sry how big is your node
nulte: how many bytes
Rebollo: hum
Rebollo: don´t know
nulte: cerr << sizeof(Node) << endl;
Rebollo: string key; //data for storage
list<Node*> children;//array will keep children Node* parent;//parent to start the tree
Rebollo: maybe
Rebollo: 10^10
Rebollo: is the total of nodes
nulte: that is way too much
DaNinja: stack will overflow
Rebollo: nodes
nulte: too much yeah
nulte: is this on CG?
Rebollo: no
Rebollo: local
Rebollo: visual studio 2019
nulte: yeap its too much
nulte: even 10^9 is too much
Rebollo: I see
Rebollo: I don´t even need that much
Rebollo: but I didn´t realize that the size increase exponetialy this case
Rebollo: I was doing a generic stuff
Rebollo: does have a goal
Rebollo: just to learn a few concepts
nulte: also you probably want to use vectors instead of lists
Rebollo: I was trying with vector no success
Rebollo: but probably the same issu
Rebollo: will try again
Rebollo: 10 is too mush even with vector but makes sense
nulte: even if your node was 1 byte each
nulte: you would need 10'000MB for 10^10 nodes
Mortis_666: hi
antiwonto: [auto] 'hi' was defined as ' A common salutation for those who are short of words ' by Wontonimo