separatist_UA: :flag_ru::flag_ua::flag_ua::flag_ua::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru:
separatist_UA: :flag_ru::flag_ua::flag_ua::flag_ua::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru:
separatist_UA: :flag_ru::flag_ua::flag_ua::flag_ua::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru:
__Overlord__: hello mu friends
denis_semen_danil_777: :rainbow:
Talantiwe: :man_with_gua_pi_mao:
denis_semen_danil_777: im fine
__Overlord__: I not ru
__Overlord__: I war men
ASM_MOV_INT: hi u peep
Talantiwe: :ok_hand_tone5::point_left:
separatist_UA: 卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:卐:flag_ua:
ASM_MOV_INT: i see balloons in chat
__Overlord__: pls stop men
ASM_MOV_INT: restart service please, bad input
B0baAndBiba: hello moy friends
__Overlord__: hello
muksia: separ don't post sh** in chat, you show Ukrainians in really bad way
muksia: ofc if you are one and not just pretending to do it on purpose
tarapitha: Hi separ, this space is for improving coding skills, competing in coding and having fun. Please keep politics and warmongering out of here. Are you trying to intimidate Ukrainian players :O
Uljahn: pls don't feed the trolls
PatrickMcGinnisII: :popcorn:
GroutchKeu: o/
derjack: :upside_down:
antiwonto: [automated] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo ' by jacek
Miki09: :taco: Wontonimo
antiwonto: [automated] Miki09 has awarded Wontonimo 10 tacos. Wontonimo now has 94 taco. Miki09 now has 11 taco
YS_Yousef: why no one joined the c - reverse
YS_Yousef: why no one joined the c - reverse?
YS_Yousef: :taco: Miki09
antiwonto: [automated] YS_Yousef has awarded Miki09 10 tacos. Miki09 now has 21 taco. YS_Yousef now has 1 taco
YS_Yousef: XD what is that?
YS_Yousef: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: it was a good idea to make it harder for me to get started on this site
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 21 tacos?
YS_Yousef: who?
YS_Yousef: Hello Automaton2000
Automaton2000: i think i did that on purpose
YS_Yousef: shut up!
Uljahn: hey, watch you language and stop flooding
YS_Yousef: :upside_down:
antiwonto: [automated] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo ' by jacek
YS_Yousef: what are you talking about Uljahn ?
YS_Yousef: if about "shut up!" sorry my young brother wrote it when i was in the kitchen sorry again :wink:
YS_Yousef: why?
YS_Yousef: why you kicked me what i did
5DN1L: Lock your computer when you're away from it next time
5DN1L: No "my young brother", "my cat", "my friend", etc
YS_Yousef: ok
Uljahn: sorry my younger brother has kicked you :wink:
Thorcode: XD
Thorcode: :lying_face: hi coders can you guy give me free win in the clash event XD
dodek: hahaha
YS_Yousef: Uljahn hhhhhhhhh LOL XD that was funny :joy:
Uljahn: use English here and don't flood, thanks
derjack: omelette du fromage
CAL22: chocolatine >>>> pain au chocolat
coconnexion: hola
YS_Yousef: use English here
Thorcode: ja xd
VictorBaguette: Uljahn can you please unban CAL22 he's sorry and he won't do it again
Uljahn: no
VictorBaguette: aight
Thorcode: mod can't unban
VictorBaguette: was just askin bruh
Thorcode: that was the bad point :(
Thorcode: there iss no unban command
Thorcode: but there is ban Xd
Uljahn: ban is for those who ignore warnings and kicks
VictorBaguette: he's bad at english he doesn't understand what warnings are
Uljahn: but this channel is English-only
Thorcode: THibaud can save the day XD
VictorBaguette: he didn't know
VictorBaguette: but ill tell him
Uljahn: also i've seen he was using english in a clash chat :expressionless:
YS_Yousef: Uljahn how can I see rules to be safe?
YS_Yousef: thx a lot!
VictorBaguette: prob used gg translate
Uljahn: it's in the help
Thorcode: click the? button at the corner
Thorcode: the bottom left corner
Uljahn: ye, or type /help
Thorcode: right I mean
Thorcode: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
**VictorBaguette slaps Thorcode around a bit with a large fishbot
YS_Yousef: hmmmm . . . . . . . . how can I cheat?
Thorcode: cheat what?
YS_Yousef: one of the rules to not cheat how to cheat
YS_Yousef: or cheat with what?
VictorBaguette: ask other people for help ig
Thorcode: dunno
Thorcode: ask the supper cat
Thorcode: he's a mod:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
yoyomamma: I didnt know we could touch the code for the inputs... lmao
Thorcode: how?
YS_Yousef: ??
VictorBaguette: Justice for CAL22:metal:
YS_Yousef: how?
Thorcode: bruh
YS_Yousef: how to get mod? is Uljahn is special or when you reach top 1000 you get mod?
Thorcode: nah
YS_Yousef: what?
YS_Yousef: 5DN1L is mod i was not know that!
coconnexion: heyyy
YS_Yousef: hi
YS_Yousef: how to get mod?
Uljahn: moderators are appointed by CG staff and are picked among most loyal and regular users
YS_Yousef: ahaaa ok
bRuUhH: @YS_Youssef stop spamming
YS_Yousef: i am not spamming?
YS_Yousef: do you know what is spamming?
YS_Yousef: and
YS_Yousef: to mention some one just type there name without the @
YS_Yousef: like this
YS_Yousef: bRuUhH
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have undefined tacos?
YS_Yousef: who is antiwonto
Uljahn: antiwonto
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 40 tacos?
Uljahn: hi antiwonto
antiwonto: [automated] hey Uljahn. I'm a bot :robot:
YS_Yousef: he is a bot
YS_Yousef: but why they added him?
YS_Yousef: antiwonto why they added you?
Uljahn: not they, it's Wontonimo's pet project
YS_Yousef: wow that looks amazing!
Thorcode: hey
YS_Yousef: how he made him?
Thorcode: is that wonton use that account
Thorcode: or he code anti
Thorcode: I'm confused
tuanpenspinner: hi
YS_Yousef: hi
Uljahn: antiwonto commands
Uljahn: antiwonto help
Uljahn: antiwonto what do you do?
antiwonto: [automated] Here are the commands I know : identify bad words, redirect clash of code, lmgtfy, share definition, welcome known user, say hi, award taco, welcome new user, what can the bot do
VictorBaguette: antiwonto how do i get tacos
Thorcode: yeah
Thorcode: how to get tacos
Uljahn: other use should send you, you can't send tacos to yourself
Uljahn: 5DN1L :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Uljahn has awarded 5DN1L 10 tacos. 5DN1L now has 20 taco. Uljahn now has 42 taco
antiwonto: [automated] bRuUhH has awarded Uljahn 10 tacos. Uljahn now has 52 taco. bRuUhH now has 1 taco
Uljahn: it's a once per day action
YS_Yousef: I don't have any tacos XD i gave them to miki by wrong hehe
Thorcode: tacos
5DN1L: thanks Uljahn :D
5DN1L: Uljahn :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] 5DN1L has awarded Uljahn 10 tacos. Uljahn now has 62 taco. 5DN1L now has 21 taco
Thorcode: :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others ' by Wontonimo
antiwonto: [automated] sorry bRuUhH but you can only award tacos once per day
Thorcode: identify bad words antiwonto
alt0173: 1+1=
Thorcode: 2 bruh
Uljahn: pls no flood
Thorcode: try to print with code :sleepy:
alt0173: print('Hello World!!')
alt0173: :flag_vn:
alt0173: one piece
- flag_vn:
alt0173: how to live
5DN1L: Reminder to all:
StrideNYC: Wow it just felt extremely rewarding finishing this challenge. 'Death First Search - Episode 1' :) Seeing that animation play out on Triple star testcase was awesome.
5DN1L: :clap:
YS_Yousef: don't be sad if you are bad in python or javascript or c# or c etc. keep in mind that any pro started with print("Hello World!")
ETET: nice
ETET: point
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: thx
ETET: ...
ETET: I was talking to the other guy tho
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: But it y
ETET: lolol
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: is my point$
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: ETET :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] 1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc has awarded ETET 10 tacos. ETET now has 20 taco. 1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc now has 1 taco
ETET: what is this?
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: a bot
ETET: oh
ETET: what does it do>
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: MY BOT
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: Communisme
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: lol joke
ETET: ...
ETET: you got ne there
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: i speek veri will englash
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: What is International School of Phnom Penh ETET
ETET: it is a school
ETET: search it up
ETET: it is my school
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: ok cool
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: yes bruh
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: WoW u are on the top 4% ETET
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: I am on the top 20%
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: What is a didgeridoo
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: its a instrument
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: *an
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: not a
helpmefindaname: 1+1=2 not 3
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: 1+1=2 because a + b = c
ETET: wow nice math skills
ETET: that explains a lot
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: yes "an"
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: thx ETET
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: lol
lasroun: lol
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: loooool
lasroun: Is fun
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: I am from NYC in Thaïland
bkl: im new to codeing it is fun
lasroun: me too bkl
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: ._.
lasroun: i'm newbie in python
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: I am from NYC in Thaïland
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: im from north of korea
lasroun: Benin, in Africa ^^
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: LO
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: L
lasroun: hhh
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: I know thanks
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: i love kim jong hum
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: HUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuM:sweat_smile:
lasroun: Putine too
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: or zemmour in france
lasroun: hhhh
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: NOOOOO BRO NOOO
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: :joy:
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: *do you mean
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: not you mean
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: Zemmour is like Devil Trump in France bkl
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: WTH
5DN1L: no spam please
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: helpmefindaname i know discordprogamer
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: whats your opinion about Hitler
5DN1L: spammers will get kicked out or banned
TheFlyingDidgeridoo_70b3: its a joke
5DN1L: kicked one
bkl: what is a good beginner game\
1plus1equal3becauseaplusbequalc: temperature
devnatiofra: Gypsy crusader > all
5DN1L: devnatiofra first warning, coding-related topics only, please
elderlybeginner: I don't see any extra value in the events. Maybe I overlooked something?
Uljahn: more hype, more participants, more fun, more user engagement and retention :tada:
casmith789: hello - what kind of event is the spring challenge 2022? is it a bot competition?
Uljahn: yes
casmith789: nice
StephaneMes: hi, someone did "Shadow of the knight" ?
5DN1L: yes
5DN1L: many did
KalamariKing: yeah almost everyone has
infomaniax: Hello! Do you know how can I adjust the notifications sound volume?
Miki09: Turn pc volume down :sunglasses:
Uljahn: adjust browser volume in volume mixer
infomaniax: Uljahn, thanks! I want a solution that affects only the codingame alerts, if possible.
StephaneMes: I found the solution but I'm not sure it works all the time tbh (I check on web if it was the good solution and yes ofc)
Thorcode: :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others ' by Wontonimo
Thorcode: antiwonto :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Thorcode has awarded antiwonto 10 tacos. antiwonto now has 50 taco. Thorcode now has 11 taco
Thorcode: antiwonto :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] sorry Thorcode but you can only award tacos once per day
Thorcode: antiwonto help
Miki09: :taco: antiwonto
antiwonto: [automated] sorry Miki09 but you can only award tacos once per day
Miki09: :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others ' by Wontonimo
Urutar: Urutar :taco:
Urutar: Aww
Thorcode: say antiwonto uru
Thorcode: he will give you taco XD
Urutar: antiwonto?
antiwonto: [automated] 'antiwonto' was defined as ' A bot, possibly assembled in Central America. Programming questionable ' by Wontonimo
Thorcode: antiwonto :taco:
Thorcode: like this
antiwonto: [automated] sorry Thorcode but you can only award tacos once per day
Thorcode: #taco
Urutar: antiwonto :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Urutar has awarded antiwonto 10 tacos. antiwonto now has 60 taco. Urutar now has 1 taco
Urutar: Hmmm
Urutar: How many did I have before? 0?
Thorcode: yeah
Urutar: Huh. Maybe I should have chosen someone else XD
Urutar: What happens when I put in multiple folks, I wonder :thinking:
Thorcode: try I think uru
Bertus: who wants to join coop escape game?
BlaiseEbuth: Howdy
BlaiseEbuth: How're you tacos doin' totday?
BlaiseEbuth: Automaton2000?
Automaton2000: do you have to wait for someone to push me up
BlaiseEbuth: NA, that's OK.
**BlaiseEbuth push Automaton2000 up.
Automaton2000: you don't see the point
**BlaiseEbuth drop Automaton2000.
Automaton2000: so basically i need to catch up on
add_action: You cant just jump into a game of clash of code anymore?
struct: I think you still can
add_action: i was in the events section, ty
therealbeef: lol 46 million rollouts per second
antiwonto: [automated] Hey therealbeef, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 11 tacos
abt8601: Cries in 0.15 million rollouts per second
therealbeef: oh, it was in the last turn, so not much to simulate nor many tree expansions (mcts)
abt8601: Well that makes sense
CKGussin: Is the discord for this dead? It doesn't seem to get much engagement
abt8601: My UTTT bot does 15k rollouts in the 2nd turn (100ms)
Wontonimo: those are rookie numbers!
therealbeef: ah this is connect4
therealbeef: in first turn I get only 1.9 million per sec
Wontonimo: jk abt8601, that's actually really good
abt8601: :joy:
Wontonimo: how did you get into legend with 15k though? I thought the boss was 20k
Wontonimo: are you using mcts solver?
Momotron23: hry
struct: If the rollout is smart you dont need as many
Wontonimo: ah, that's smart
struct: therealbeef have you tried to avx some stuff?
struct: 1.9M is still very good
abt8601: Let me check my changelogs real quick
therealbeef: yes this is my first avx'ed version of rollout. might still be optimized a bit more
struct: you avx the rollout?
therealbeef: yes
struct: so 4 games at once?
therealbeef: indeed
struct: Or something else?
Wontonimo: NICE! x4 the data
abt8601: So you wrote the intrinsics yourself?
therealbeef: actually it cant be fully vectorized, and there is overhead, so I got almost 2x increase
struct: I never tried to avx the rollout
therealbeef: me neither, but connect4 has such clean bitboard logic so i wanted to try
struct: So you have 1.9M * 4
therealbeef: no, 1.9M is with counting +4 for each rollout
struct: ah ok
struct: abt8601 I just use immintrin header
struct: and then write the code using the methods there
therealbeef: bit worried though; because rollouts x2 with vectorization of 4 means I have only half the tree expansions
therealbeef: gained 10 rank, so it works, but worried that i'm getting more statistics but less penetration of the tree
Uljahn: guess your exploration/exploitation coefficient is fine-tunned already
struct: yeah you probably will solve a bit later
struct: aswell
struct: also is your rollout fully random?
therealbeef: Uljahn nope
therealbeef: i've just been blindly optimization the speed. no solver, no tweaking, start every turn with empty tree, etc
therealbeef: yes, random rollout, no pruning
struct: I cant remember how much of an improvement for me a smarter random rollout was on c4
struct: because my first submit was already a smart rollout
therealbeef: i'm guessing mcts solver adds a lot?
Wontonimo: nope
therealbeef: because there's many dead-ends on connect4
Wontonimo: nott much at all really
Wontonimo: oh, i tthought you meant code
Wontonimo: but it makes your bot a lot stronger
therealbeef: yes strength ;)
Wontonimo: yeah, very much so. like killer
struct: between smart rollout and mcts its hard to pick
struct: mcts solver*
struct: But I dont test these things
therealbeef: having both a solver and smart rollouts makes sense?
darkhorse64: Yes
Wontonimo: why not?
struct: Why I dont test?
Wontonimo: i don't think there is any reason you can't have both therealbeef
Wontonimo: no struct. i was asking therealbeef why not have both?
struct: ah ok
therealbeef: hmm, yeah was silly question actually ;-)
struct: on bt it was a huge boost to have a smart rollout
therealbeef: because they work on separate parts of the algorithm (selection and rollout)
struct: the smart rollout on c4 will increase your rollout turn duration
struct: so you will get less rollouts at the end
struct: but it will be a bit more accurate
therealbeef: might be hard to combine smart rollout with simd though
struct: yeah, one of the reasons I never tried to simd rollout
struct: because my fuctions to get winningcells is simd
struct: basicly it checks all 4 directions at once
Wontonimo: i used smart rollout on springchallenge2021 + MC. Got to gold :grin:
Wontonimo: i mean legend
Wontonimo: Whats MC?
antiwonto: [automated] 'mc' was defined as ' Monte Carlo. Like MCTS except no tree. Much easier to implement but not as powerful ' by Wontonimo
Alshock: btw how do you tune your exploration param? Purely empirically ?
Alshock: <scrolling but still valid>
Alshock: @Wontonimo I think it's a bad idea to invoke MCTS without explain the acronym to someone who'd ask what MC alone is
Wontonimo: i do it by testing. a really high value the it becomes BFS. decreasing it will make it stronger and stronger until it falls off
Uljahn: MCTS is like MC except with a tree
Wontonimo: ^^ that's right
Alshock: MCTS makes apples
Wontonimo: whats mcts?
antiwonto: [automated] 'MCTS' was defined as ' Monte Carlo Tree Search ' by Wontonimo
Alshock: I guess I'll have to resort to brutaltester if I want to test that
Alshock: what's SA?
Wontonimo: for very low values of UCB_C (the exploration param) you'll get inconsistent results
Alshock: oh it doesn't handle the ' :(
Uljahn: whats ML?
Wontonimo: oh, that's a good one I should add
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hello
Alshock: Wontonimo yeah it's an all in, so when it goes up sometimes it gets it right I guess?
Alshock: Uljahn Are you refering to Mars Learning? :P
Alshock: or Machine Lander?
Uljahn: antiwonto ML = 1. Machine Learning; 2. Mars Lander puzzle
Uljahn: both
Alshock: Mars Lander puzzle*s*
Alshock: whats csb?
antiwonto: [automated] 'CSB' was defined as ' Coders Strikes Back (aka Mad Pod Racing) ' by Wontonimo
Alshock: is there a reason why the command is specifically "whats" and not "what's" or "whatis" ?
Wontonimo: i'm lazy
Alshock: whats antiwonto?
antiwonto: [automated] 'antiwonto' was defined as ' A bot, possibly assembled in Central America. Programming questionable ' by Wontonimo
Scarfield: whats what
Wontonimo: :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] ':taco:' was defined as ' A currency to some, sustenance for others ' by Wontonimo
Uljahn: antiwonto what do you do?
antiwonto: [automated] Here are the commands I know : identify bad words, redirect clash of code, lmgtfy, share definition, welcome known user, say hi, award taco, welcome new user, what can the bot do
Alshock: whats say hi
ninjadip: ...
Scarfield: hi antiwonto
antiwonto: [automated] hey Scarfield. I'm a bot :robot:
Alshock: ah ah ah it learnt that one from the confusion with Automaton2000?
Wontonimo: lmgtfy Alshock how to handle catching whats and what's using regular expressions
Automaton2000: the problem is that some people are good at it
antiwonto: [automated] hey Alshock let me google that for you's+using+regular+expressions
Wontonimo: oh! it doesn't like the '
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: is it possible to make a coded EMP?
Wontonimo: EMP?
Alshock: whats EMP @Wontonimo :P
Scarfield: elaborate music piece
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: Electromagnetic pulse
Wontonimo: Educated Mature Person
jacek: whats bot
jacek: bot
jacek: :x
struct: I think eve is playing next contest already
Alshock: Well what was the meaning of your question eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers?
struct: How could he know about EMPs
Wontonimo: she
Alshock: there's king in its name
Alshock: their*
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i was doing homeowork and thinking about EMPS
Wontonimo: it was queen a week ago
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hm
Wontonimo: maybe furries have more than 2 genders
darkhorse64: transition done
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: wait a sec
Alshock: well, not that it really concerns us x)
Wontonimo: nope, sure doesn't
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: duck
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: duck
Durkin: goose?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: -_-
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: <->
Wontonimo: none of that. 1st warning
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: aw fine, but i use few acccount on here
ninjadip: ...
**ninjadip sigh
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: anyway, can you make a coded EMP? you guys have not answered my question
Alshock: you have not asked your question either, what is "can you" here?
Alshock: and what do you mean by "coding an EMP"? What is the actual target
Uljahn: actual goal is to derail any meaningful conversation :unamused:
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: target?
ninjadip: the degree of the conversation previously being meaningful is highly debatable
jacek: oh my
struct: jacek do people use mcts or minimax for onitama?
struct: whats more popular
jacek: actually i dont know
jacek: i bet tric or karliso use minimax
struct: Ill try mcts first I guess
jacek: i used minimax before the NN and was top 3
struct: I dont know minimax anyways
jacek: do people use 'pure' mcts nowadays? except for UTTT the mcts here is heavily enhanced by eval and heuristics
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: Alshock :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers has awarded Alshock 10 tacos. Alshock now has 20 taco. eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers now has 12 taco
struct: ept is not pure right?
struct: neither is smart rollout right?
jacek: eeyup
struct: I guess not then
struct: Ill probably just try ept 0 too on onitama
jacek: depending how smart it is. if it plays to the end of game and heuristics only slightly influence the moves, then id say its still quite pure
Alshock: Well, I use pure MCTS in UTTT because I wanted to make NN eval but always failed miserably at beating a good ol' random search
chinakoma: what is the Spring Boot Architecture architecture ? any one can help ?
jacek: first link in boogle...
chinakoma: thanks jacek in an interview i was asked the question and when i answered like this (in the link) he told me that this architecture is for Spring MVC not Spring Boot
jacek: struct do you have eval for onitama?
struct: no
jacek: good evening
StrideNYC: If the event of the title is 'ONGOING - C - SHORTEST', does that mean it's in C language?
struct: yes
Idk.-_-: hey struct mate can i ask you some questions about c/c++ on your free time ?
struct: im not good at theory
struct: but sure
struct: ask
Idk.-_-: do you have discord acc ?
struct: you can pm me here or ask in this chat, more people might know the answer
struct: im not a c++ expert by any means
struct: and I dont know C at all
Idk.-_-: okey than
Idk.-_-: i said this becuase sometimes everyone offline in chat
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i kinda know C
Idk.-_-: nice :))
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: wrong thing
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: As a middle-level language, C combines the features of both high-level and low-level languages. It can be used for low-level programming, such as scripting for drivers and kernels and it also supports functions of high-level programming languages, such as scripting for software applications etc
struct: do you have any questions Idk.-_-?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: everyone is here to help if ya need it
Idk.-_-: i'm not sure
Idk.-_-: if i need i will tell you guys
Idk.-_-: thanks :)
jacek: oO
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: np
jacek: != p
nulte: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
jacek: -8.96, noice
nulte: I didnt read the statement
jacek: even red pony ownz you
jacek: hm?
nulte: I thought any piece could capture the shrine
jacek: only the master
jacek: also, p2 cards are 180 rotated
nulte: yeah that I know
nulte: I hardcoded them
BlaiseEbuth: Ah oui. Il a dit "pas optimal" mais pas si c'était legit... ^^
BlaiseEbuth: :french_bread:
jacek: :nauseated_face:
BlaiseEbuth: You don't like bread? Do you want some Camembert with it?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: xd
jacek: fromage?
BlaiseEbuth: Yeah
jacek: and omelette
Stilgart: and tacos, it seems
ninjadip: it's better than frottage
BlaiseEbuth: Stilgart :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] BlaiseEbuth has awarded Stilgart 10 tacos. Stilgart now has 20 taco. BlaiseEbuth now has 98 taco
Stilgart: maybe I can find some salad for the turtle :)
BlaiseEbuth: Don't sort your food! There's little turtle in Africa who don't have tacos! :angry:
Huday.object: can i have some tacos
DethHarmonik: Huday.object :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] DethHarmonik has awarded Huday.object 10 tacos. Huday.object now has 10 taco. DethHarmonik now has 12 taco
Hanako-Kun: hi
Hanako-Kun: anyone there?
Huday.object: ya
Hanako-Kun: whats up
aspace: no
Huday.object: nothing much u
Hanako-Kun: same just bored as hell
ChaoticVic: I thought you where gonna ask a legit question about one of the game puzzles lol
ChaoticVic: and yes, bored also here lol
slogslog: 3:14 ... perfect PI-time. *cheering*
Idk.-_-: me ? i'm beginner dude :D
ChaoticVic: but its 2:04
Scarfield: antiwonto up = a direction, specifically the direction away from the center of earth, opposite to down
ChaoticVic: rn
ChaoticVic: no, not you. Kanako-kun asked if anyone was here
BlaiseEbuth: Missfield
Idk.-_-: guys for C language practice Puzzels good or clash of code ?
Hanako-Kun: sorry im also filling out an application
jacek: clash is meh for any practice
Hanako-Kun: :sweat:
ChaoticVic: wait your filling out an application to get a programming job?
Hanako-Kun: no,its for High school
ChaoticVic: then why the hell am I killing myself working on a resume that I have nothing to put on and a porfilio
ChaoticVic: ohhhh
ChaoticVic: forget it then lol
Hanako-Kun: lol
aspace: is there any other coding website?
slogslog: leetcode is nice... shows the memory consumption and exact performance
slogslog: But I like codingames more.
aspace: ya for short contest
Hanako-Kun: yeetus the feetus...
slogslog: Nope. I love the puzzles much more than the clashes...
Hanako-Kun: im jk lol
aspace: okay
ChaoticVic: I havent done clash yet
ChaoticVic: not sure how it works
aspace: then try
ChaoticVic: I know you code with someone else or against someone else but I havent figured or the logistics of it all yet
ChaoticVic: I will...
ChaoticVic: I've been doing some puzzles so I can get used to it and not but a complete idiot on clash
ChaoticVic: be*
ChaoticVic: just half an idiot at least
Idk.-_-: please someone answer this
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: dont know it idk.-_- sorry
Idk.-_-: no problem
ChaoticVic: wait
ChaoticVic: ...
ChaoticVic: so you want to convert the input into integers so you can put them through a loop. Is that the question?
Idk.-_-: ye
Idk.-_-: put them into a int variable
ChaoticVic: or you just want to place the input into a variable
Idk.-_-: into a int variable
Quidome: scanf("%d", &variableOfIntType);
Idk.-_-: but input must be with spaces 1 2 3 4 5
ChaoticVic: doesnt he has to make a parallel array and convert the char array to integers?
ChaoticVic: then print out the int array?
Idk.-_-: look mate in python will be like this x = [1,2,3,4,5]
Idk.-_-: yes
Quidome: for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d ", array[i]);
Quidome: create the array upfront with the right size
ChaoticVic: yeah something like that.... I gotta get my C++ not book and open an actual IDE to help you out, but...
Quidome: int array[n];
mr.nomad: C++ is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that is viewed by many as the best language for creating large-scale applications. C++ is a superset of the C language. A related programming language, Java, is based on C++ but optimized for the distribution of program objects in a network such as the Internet.
ChaoticVic: if I understood correctly you want to convert that char array into an int array, correct?
mr.nomad: right?
ChaoticVic: was that a bot?
mr.nomad: nope.just me
ChaoticVic: lol k
Idk.-_-: yes
Idk.-_-: i want to conver the char array into int array
mr.nomad: An academic grade issued by certain institutions. Slightly better than a C and slightly worse than a B-., just sayin
c0d1mus: Hi guys, Iam new to this platform. I have two question: -the code of unfinished tasks will be saved forever or deleted after a while? -is there also an option to review the code of finished tasks
mr.nomad: *C+
Quidome: uh yes sorry, should use scanf or sscanf
Quidome: look at this link
ChaoticVic: Idk.-_-, you have to find the function in c++ that converts a char or string into an integer. when you find this fuction put it on a loop and convert the whole array at once. then print out said array
ChaoticVic: or print each one in a loop with the space that you required in front
Idk.-_-: damn why c/c++ is so complex :D
Quidome: do you have to do c/c++?
mr.nomad: C++ is a superset of C, so both languages have similar syntax, code structure, and compilation. Almost all of C's keywords and operators are used in C++ and do the same thing. C and C++ both use the top-down execution flow and allow procedural and functional programming. again just sayin
ChaoticVic: it is. that's y i usually right these functions down. I have it somewhere but I havent used C++ in a while
ChaoticVic: write*
mr.nomad: im gonna go to sleep, i have slept in 12 hours
ChaoticVic: I was playing with VB.NET on Visual Basic and I know that to convert a variable to integer all you have to do is ..... variable.ToInt32
Idk.-_-: is java like c/c++ complex ?
ChaoticVic: or Convert.ToInt32
Quidome: If you are starting out, better do Python
mr.nomad: Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based and object-oriented. The programming language is structured in such a way that developers can write code anywhere and run it anywhere without worrying about the underlying computer architecture. It is also referred to as write once, run anywhere (WORA). last one, see ya
Quidome: if you need speed, C/C++/Rust
ChaoticVic: something like that, C++ should have something simular... but i guess more complex lolol
Idk.-_-: i learned python
ChaoticVic: quidome he's is learning c++ for school
Quidome: I was asking that
Quidome: hm, C++ it is then :)
Idk.-_-: me ? im learning for job :D
Quidome: but first C, without the ++
ChaoticVic: can I get the job??? lol
CKGussin: Can someone recommend me the easiest puzzles to start off with? I've forgotten everything to do c++ and I did a degree on it haha
struct: The descent
CKGussin: I've done that one, I did Power of Thor too. What others are there?
struct: temperatures maybe
CKGussin: I'm looking for short ones to job my memory
jacek: horse racing duals
CKGussin: Il have a look at that one
jacek: space maze :imp:
struct: horse racing should be easier yeah
jacek: or breakthrough
jacek: and what degree do you have on c++? -273°C?
CKGussin: All my c++ knowledge went out the window as soon as I finished the degree. Seems like I haven't actually remembered how to do any of it or take it in after I did it
CKGussin: Havent programmed in 6 months also
CKGussin: Funny thing is I have an alumni interview test using this website
CKGussin: Can take it whenever I want but need to remember how to do everything first haha
HolyStopwatch_1b0d: I am doing an interview tomorrow and they'll use this website for me to proof myself haha
HolyStopwatch_1b0d: wish me luck
CKGussin: I wish you luck brother
CKGussin: I will be on this website until I get to the standard I was once at, thing is its not really a website for learning. More to do with testing it
HolyStopwatch_1b0d: honestly, what I find kind of good is lack of any hinting, since the hinting here is pretty shite. I have to actually code myself instead of just letting IDE finish the code for me
HolyStopwatch_1b0d: and yeah, I agree
jacek: no hinting? oh
ChaoticVic: CKGussin the horserace one is good to remember a language since you have to do conditions and loops. I also like the wone where u have to land the spaceshio
ChaoticVic: spaceship
ChaoticVic: would be nice if chat had a feature to tell that im replying to someone like in Discord
CKGussin: I read it, Dont worry haha
HolyStopwatch_1b0d: and the MIME types are very easy too
Uljahn: ye, mars lander episode 1, it's hard to read but easy to code
aspace: ye easy for red coder
nulte: I dont think I can make mcts work
Uljahn: don't let your mind limit you
inoryy: keep at it, sometimes it just takes time before something clicks in your brain and you figure it out
antiwonto: [automated] 'MCTS' was defined as ' Monte Carlo Tree Search ' by Wontonimo
slogslog: Wow! That was a clash. Ran almost but not really. :-)
jacek: nulte 15th not bad
nulte: well its mcts with ept(0)
nulte: the eval is just popcnt(0) - popcnt(1)
nulte: ill try minimax
nulte: rollouts are too slow here
jacek: you can try also popcount of 3x3 center square
nulte: hmm let me see
jacek: rollouts are just eval?
nulte: no rollout
nulte: I go expand then eval straight away
nulte: without rollout
jacek: so how can they be slow :v
nulte: my sim is slow I guess
jacek: bitboards?
nulte: yes
nulte: it takes me like 400ms to do 1M rollouts
nulte: maybe I did something wrong
Scarfield: which game=
nulte: onitama
antiwonto: [automated] 'onitama' was defined as ' Please someone make a PDF of this game so I can print it at home and play it ' by Wontonimo
Scarfield: antiwonto up = a direction, specifically the direction away from the center of earth, opposite to down
jacek: i have a name for new game - "yourself". everyone will be playing it
Idk.-_-: how much times does puzzles take usually ?
nulte: depends on the puzzle
HolyStopwatch_1b0d: i'd say anything from 10 minutes to half a year haha
Idk.-_-: for example esay ones
Scarfield: you will have more operations for the sim in onitama, doesnt sound that bad its about 7 times slower?
nulte: 7 times?
BlaiseEbuth: Hey new
HolyStopwatch_1b0d: Hi New, I am martin
Scarfield: 15M in 1 sec, 2.5M in 1 sec, ~7times slower
nulte: But where do these numbers come from?
jacek: arsefield
Idk.-_-: i spend a 3,4 hour on a esay ones :D
BlaiseEbuth: R nulte
Idk.-_-: and finally can't solve it
Scarfield: 400ms to 1M makes 2.5M in 1sec. and didnt you say you expanded 15M new nodes first turn in Ataxx
Scarfield: oh i didnt say slower than ataxx xD
BlaiseEbuth: ataxx the pola bea?
NewCoder90: i just solved an easy lesson :sunglasses:
nulte: yes something like that
MrQuack: Does number of characters count to position in Code Clash?
MrQuack: that's kinda stupid when you compare C++ to Python :D
jacek: only in shortest mode
Vinay96: In c# can you put Tasks inside of an Array for Async coding
nulte: ups
nulte: I forgot to include pragmas :D
jacek: oO
nulte: let me try with normal rollout now :p
Scarfield: Scarfield
antiwonto: [automated] That's a user! Did you know that they have 28 tacos?
jacek: Vinay96 i dont C# but i'd guess yes
Scarfield: ah thats why i couldnt define
jacek: how many trollouts?
jacek: Scarfield :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] jacek has awarded Scarfield 10 tacos. Scarfield now has 38 taco. jacek now has 31 taco
nulte: very low
nulte: the 1M was localy
Scarfield: jacek :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Scarfield has awarded jacek 10 tacos. jacek now has 41 taco. Scarfield now has 39 taco
nulte: I get 4M on 900ms
Scarfield: antiwonto up = a direction, specifically the direction away from the center of earth, opposite to down
nulte: its low I think
Scarfield: has the define function of antiwonto been removed?
jacek: oO
nulte: yes
Scarfield: :'(
jacek: nab
nulte: :/
nulte: I blame the cards
Scarfield: i blame jacek
nulte: I must reuse the tree
nulte: jacek do you have the moves stored in an array for each cell?
nulte: or do you do something else?
jacek: yes i have some lookups
jacek: possible cards per cell
jacek: have you tried that 3x3 thing
nulte: trying
jacek: :+1:
nulte: nice
nulte: I did find the win too
nulte: Top 10 not bad
nulte: maybe ill try minimax to find an eval
jacek: you should write book instead of random
nulte: thats your signature
nulte: I need to find some tutorials to improve my minimax
nulte: I only know Alpha beta + iterative deepening
Anonymous_catjam: is there tictac toe??
nulte: tic tac toe is solved but the answer is stil lys
nulte: It goes to ultimate
nulte: once you pass first legue
Anonymous_catjam: thake you
jacek: :upside_down:
antiwonto: [automated] ':upside_down:' was defined as ' ɥǝllo ' by jacek
Ninjatron: is my coderank thing weekly rank or general?
jacek: your ranking is general
nulte: jacek you must share your evaluation knowledge with me
nulte: for bt
nulte: Nice I was finally pushed above a NN
jacek: the eval is hidden
jacek: joli is NN?
nulte: I hope so
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: un manche? is that a complement?
jacek: dunno, i dont know french
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: I'm only 3/7 french so some of it is unclear
BJD: I cant castle out of check, right?
nulte: nope
nulte: also some cells cannot be in check for you to castle
nulte: I dont know which for 960
BJD: In the replay i was mated, but the game continued and i timed out
nulte: castling in960 is a bit weird
nulte: indeed
jacek: yes, king cannot be in check while castling
jacek: rook can, at least for normal chess
nulte: But that is not the only rule
nulte: BJD maybe you can write on the forum and put a replay there
jacek: :no_mouth:
nulte: Im sure reCurse will fix it
nulte: I dont know how castle works 100% but I dont think that any cell from the rook to the king can be attacked either
nulte: the cells in between I mean
nulte: ok those are not the rules
Scarfield: yea the king cannot be in check in any of the cells between and including the start and end position of a castle
nulte: it apparently can
Scarfield: huh
nulte: It can castle both sides here
Scarfield: "Castling may be done only if the king has never moved, the rook involved has never moved, the squares between the king and the rook involved are unoccupied, the king is not in check, and the king does not cross over or end on a square attacked by an enemy piece"
nulte: ah in this case it will not cross
nulte: because it will move to c1
Scarfield: yea
jacek: hmm this doesnt say anything about checked cells
jacek: and my bot also says its 0 possible moves
Scarfield: "Castling prerequisites are the same as in classical chess, namely: " might be all thats needed to be said?
jacek: is there lichess for 960?
Scarfield: "No square from the king's initial square to its final square may be under attack by an enemy piece." its the same
jacek: ok, its 0
jacek: interesting case
jacek: who approved this game? :rage:
BJD: you
jacek: :innocent:
Scarfield: BJD my cover picture is somewhere in your avatar :)
DethHarmonik: Fractfield
Scarfield: i cannot unsee the bra, after astro pointed it out. your avatar is somewhere between Oogie Boogie from nightmare before christmas and a bra xD
DethHarmonik: :(
nulte: maybe I should add mobility of the master to the eval or something
DethHarmonik: Perverts everywhere...
XDFady: is it a problem if i can't understand what the f*** starter quiz want ?
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: XDFady, do you see a bra or batman?
jacek: yes
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: then you'll be fine
DethHarmonik: :cry:
jacek: XDFady, scarfield's alt? :thinking:
Scarfield: haha thought the same, could have been
jacek: and whats starer quiz?
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: MPR probably
XDFady: he wants me to move a plan to somewhere
XDFady: Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker true
XDFady: why they type alot of useless words in the quiz with no meaning
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: tell me about. try doing Buzzle next
jacek: buzzle? sounds like
XDFady: jacek is this even a meme
jacek: everything can be a meme if you try hard enough, even connect4
XDFady: this is me now with the MPR
nulte: jacek your chess bot is not a NN is it?
jacek: no
nulte: I should try chess but its too much code to write
XDFady: there is a chess quiz ?
nulte: even better
jacek: many edge cases to handle
nulte: yeah
nulte: But its probably one that you learn the most from
XDFady: there is a lot of guide words to read
nulte: wow
jacek: share replay then
ripcode: where the bitches at?
struct: please be respectful
XDFady: he is just saying bad words
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: badword
antiwonto: [automated] Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker be respectful and watch your language
ripcode: im loooking for the bad biddies
ripcode: with fat ass
antiwonto: [automated] ripcode be respectful and watch your language
XDFady: look even the bot know your are a bad person
**XDFady slaps ripcode around a bit with a large fishbot
ASM_MOV_INT: what would be a good first programming language for a total newb?
Talulita: i'd say python
Talulita: at least i think that's the easier one
Talulita: but
Talulita: if you then learn java or another language, it's harder to get from python to java
Talulita: than from java/other languages to python
Talulita: but that's my opinion (i started with C#)
1rre: use scala
1rre: :)
1rre: oh wow
1rre: unironically though learn Java, C# or C++ first
1rre: They probably give you the biggest scope to move to other languages & don't really introduce nasty habits in the way Python/Scala/Ruby etc. can
Talulita: ye
nulte: I think python is a good introduction but I would not use it to learn
charname: Start with Python, it has a good community and lots of learning resources. It's also really easy to pick up.
DarkMatriac: I did a CoC earlier, It took me like 1 minutes to write the code and 10 minuts to figure out how to convert a char to int in c++ xD I hate c++ sometimes
struct: now you will remember it forever
ASM_MOV_INT: I guess I started with BASIC
ASM_MOV_INT: then Pascal
ASM_MOV_INT: ...Assembly Language somewhere in there
struct: o.o
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: Westicles :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Hey Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker, here is a :taco: for loggin in today while it is quiet. You now have 28 tacos
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: jacek :taco:
antiwonto: [automated] Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker has awarded jacek 10 tacos. jacek now has 51 taco. Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker now has 29 taco
Wontonimo: wow, double taco dip for you
Wontonimo: :taco: struct
antiwonto: [automated] Wontonimo has awarded struct 10 tacos. struct now has 46 taco. Wontonimo now has 95 taco
**PatrickMcGinnisII :taco:
struct: hi Wontonimo
struct: wasnt I offline when you gave me the tacos ? :thinking: