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Default avatar.png shadow_one: gn

Mortis_666: ga

UNs2725: hi

Default avatar.png BeardedKitten_5f8d: I am used to seeing multi dimensional arrays written like this (Array[i][i]) I would be very appreciative if someone could explain how to access the full array. Thank you

Default avatar.png BeardedKitten_5f8d: or how i can find the information

C26_1: @BeardedKitten_5f8d, if you want to print an element that;s an array in multi dimesional Array then print(Array[n])

C26_1: where n is an index

C26_1: For example: [[3,4,5],[1,9,8]]

C26_1: If you want to access [3,4,5] then print(Array[0])

C26_1: It's like having a big boat contains small boat, and each of these small boats has some containers

C26_1: It's some analogy of course, to have a better understanding about 2d-Array

Sl0ppy: basically array[0] is also an array

Sl0ppy: so u need array[0][0] to get to a value

Sl0ppy: and if u want to access it all, u have to either use nested loops

Default avatar.png BeardedKitten_5f8d: nvm haha i feel like a buffoon i was interpreting the c# input[] as an multi dimensional array, which had me really puzzled, but now i realize its just putting out data

Sl0ppy: actually idk if there is any other option besides nested loops

Sl0ppy: got it

Default avatar.png BeardedKitten_5f8d: Thank you though

Default avatar.png Nija12345: I have a daddy chocolat

5DN1L: We have Automaton2000

Automaton2000: csb is a good place to learn the basics

derjack: field3 already made bot for ataxx eh

field3: I'm happy with the new multiplayer game after a long absence.:grinning:

derjack: :upside_down:

xyh_from_China: @field3 What's that game?

field3: It is Ataxx in PENDING CONTRIBUTION.

field3: Proliferate or move your pieces. You can turn over the opponent piece of one square vertically, horizontally and diagonally from the destination or the breeding destination.

Stilgart: csb is no more Automaton2000 :(

Automaton2000: i have to do a few more times

Miki09: Can someone please help me with the minesweeper?

Stilgart: have faith and spam submit

Miki09: lol

Stilgart: (and try to remove bugs in your code first)

Miki09: Yeah

Stilgart: ~50 submits should do the trick

Miki09: I have reCaptcha now :)

Miki09: You have reached the maximum of submissions in a row. Please try again in a few minutes.

Miki09: lol

Stilgart: ask Automaton2000 to anwser the captachas for you

Automaton2000: do i have to do them

Default avatar.png Zeishy: nigger

Default avatar.png Zeishy: not me

Miki09: instaban

Uljahn: done

Default avatar.png d3dpanda: Bruh

Sl0ppy: he was only 3 lvls old :cry:

5DN1L: You're going to shed a lot of tears if you become a mod :thinking:

5DN1L: I won't

therealbeef: minesweeper shouldn't require more than a few submits, or your solver is just not so good

Default avatar.png Zbouig: hello i'm celestin

adolfzahid: hi :wave:

nicola: :eyes:

Default avatar.png RemekP: ello

Default avatar.png RemekP: ...

Default avatar.png RemekP: ...

Default avatar.png RemekP: ..

Default avatar.png RemekP: .

struct: stop

Default avatar.png RemekP: wdym

struct: stop spamming

Default avatar.png RemekP: who u

Default avatar.png rbarker: helo

Dark_Hack: he's moderator dude

Default avatar.png AshWoolley: Siuuuuu

Dark_Hack: be careful

**Tien2k9 say hi!

struct: hi

Default avatar.png h.a.r.u.l.d: e

Default avatar.png h.a.r.u.l.d: a

5DN1L: Reminder:

5DN1L: If you don't observe the code, you'll be kicked out the chatroom

Default avatar.png Daniels112: siuuuuuuuuu

Default avatar.png Daniels112: Remek

Default avatar.png Daniels112: -p

5DN1L: Could you guys please behave nicely in this chatroom and not spam? Thanks.

Default avatar.png rbarker: help

Default avatar.png Daniels112: lol no

5DN1L: No what :expressionless:

Default avatar.png Daniels112: hello 5DN1L

5DN1L: hello

Default avatar.png Daniels112: how was your day?

5DN1L: my day's ok, unless you guys create chaos in this chatroom

Default avatar.png Daniels112: us?

jacek: uk

Uljahn: lvl3

5DN1L: uk AND lvl3

Default avatar.png Daniels112:

jacek: ok, ataxx logic done i think

struct: logic?

5DN1L: oops

5DN1L: sorry Daniel_Leidenheimer

jacek: i parse board at first turn, and just adjust my board and generate actions on my own. it seems compatible

struct: ah move gen

jacek: though no passes

struct: you are going to ignore them?

jacek: for now

PBM: hello

struct: for minimax do you just call the same player again with passes?

jacek: i havent done minimax yet

jacek: at first ill assume if current player cant move the game is over and winner is pieces + empty

Default avatar.png DESSSY: hi

Default avatar.png DESSSY: do any of u want to hang out :)

struct: wrong site

Default avatar.png DESSSY: k, u wanna hang out tho ;)

5DN1L: Keep spamming and you'll be kicked out

Default avatar.png lollyman213: i wanna die

GoldenRose: you cant lol

5DN1L: no spamming guys

Default avatar.png lollyman213: i have a noose

GoldenRose: you still have to initialize your codes

Default avatar.png lollyman213: true

GoldenRose: okay sorry

GoldenRose: I am new here

GoldenRose: and kinda new in programming

5DN1L: new or not, no spamming

GoldenRose: I have a question does anyone have a study buddy

GoldenRose: you in the nights not to feel alone

5DN1L: kicked. kicked.

Default avatar.png DESSSY: why you so mad no one even spamming, they just asking questions

Astrobytes: good afternoon

Default avatar.png DESSSY: fuck fuck

Miki09: instaban

antiwonto: [automated] DESSSY be respectful and watch your language

antiwonto: [automated] Miki09 please don't repeat yourself

Astrobytes: ^ lol it's misfiring again

Default avatar.png Shmalf: free DESSY

struct: Impossible

Default avatar.png Shmalf: oi struct

Default avatar.png Shmalf: u wanna fight

Default avatar.png Shmalf: i could take you

struct: I won

5DN1L: :clap:

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: struct: How is Ataxx coming along?

struct: its on contribution page

struct: im making an ai then ill improve graphics

Astrobytes: ah nice, will check it out later. You were fast :)

Default avatar.png rbarker: how do i get past wood 2 its unclear and i ned

Default avatar.png rbarker: need help

Default avatar.png olindley: sem i need help

nicola: struct: :muscle:

5DN1L: If you're referring to Mad Pod Racing, read the hints in the puzzle statement

5DN1L: If you don't know the basics of any programming language, learn it elsewhere first

nicola: Or learn it in the classic puzzles here.

Default avatar.png d3dpanda: nigger

Default avatar.png LennyFMG: instaban

5DN1L: banned

C26_1: What

Astrobytes: One of those afternoons again it seems :rolling_eyes:

C26_1: What does d3dpanda says? I think it's sus to say it here anyway

5DN1L: Google yourself C26_1

C26_1: ok

C26_1: And There's event

C26_1: Called Minsweeper

C26_1: Minesweeper

ninjadip: yes

ninjadip: man i just had to learn how to play minesweeper before i could write a strategy up

ninjadip: lol

ninjadip: never bothered during the win 3.1 phase

5DN1L: wow, ok :joy:

C26_1: @ninjadip, the rule is pretty easy to remember:

BZIClaw: Hello

Miki09: hi

BZIClaw: Well

ninjadip: yeah it's easy, meaning i already got it

ninjadip: but was new, all i was saying

jordan_codingame: moo

Wontonimo: :taco: Astrobytes

antiwonto: [automated] Wontonimo has awarded Astrobytes 10 tacos. Astrobytes now has 22 tacos. Wontonimo now has 33 tacos

Wontonimo: thanks for pointing out the repeat Astro

Astrobytes: woohoo

Wontonimo: i see it in the logs ;(

Astrobytes: no worries, it did it last night too

struct: time to add mod to that bot

Wontonimo: it's looking for repeat from the same person in the same day. need to change it to be the same person without someone else saying anything

Astrobytes: both occasions there were active spammers, then it told off the wrong people :D

Wontonimo: ha

struct: maybe add a timestamp to when the player last tsaid the same message

USSR_Chicken: hiii

struct: It also happened to me yesterdafy

5DN1L: yeah, timestamp is better

Wontonimo: hey struct, i tried using mod commands with the bot from my account. it doesn't work. the mod feature is through the web

Wontonimo: hi USSR_Chicken

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: did the chat logger get kicked again?

struct: ah

USSR_Chicken: so i made a discord bot but none of the commands are working

Astrobytes: what are you using for your bot btw Wontonimo? I was thinking of making a 'help' bot

struct: Automaton2020 should be up

struct: I can tab it

Astrobytes: was just gonna do it in python

Wontonimo: i sent you the code Astrobytes

Wontonimo: it's javascript

Astrobytes: gotcha thx

Wontonimo: it's the same connection code as Automaton2000

Automaton2000: what is the point where i am

Astrobytes: ^ kinda profound

Astrobytes: Much appreciated Wontonimo, will do a js and a python version since I need the js practice ;)

Astrobytes: right now though, back to boring stuff, see you all in a bit

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: 13 minesweeper solutions published in the last day, not bad

Default avatar.png emadUO4: new here

BlaiseEbuth: Make a rtfm bot Astrobytes

BlaiseEbuth: Or a lmgt one

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: and now a puzzle with unicode inputs. weird string of puzzles

Wontonimo: :wave: emadUO4

C26_1: @Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker, About solutions of Minesweeper events, what would you rank the solutions overall?

Wontonimo: you don't need to put the "@" in the front C26_1

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: I haven't looked at them. Somebody should run each of them 100 times and rank how well they do

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: I guess that somebody is me or CG, I guess nobody else has access

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: not sure if they are planning to show them all to everybody, not sure how these events work

USSR_Chicken: i figured out how to make my discord bot work!

USSR_Chicken: out of all the code all it was missing was a comma

5DN1L: :thumbsup:

USSR_Chicken: now i can play minesweeper in discord lol

USSR_Chicken: and now imma go code one to respectfully nuke discords

USSR_Chicken: im gonna try to make it so it destroys one channel and it says "respectfully, im sorry"

USSR_Chicken: but it will also have a 10s countdown which all of this will take a while but it is my next project

C26_1: USSR_Chicken, maybe you can design a NUKE button to click whenever you want

C26_1: And 10s countdown video after that

USSR_Chicken: ah yes, make them more mad that i gave them plenty of time to kick it :joy:, after that "nuke" countdown and siren

USSR_Chicken: then walla, one channel that says "respectfully, sorry" pop up lol

ninjadip: cool now i got a good mine detector

USSR_Chicken: nice

ninjadip: next is to figure out where to go based off of detected mines vs unknowns?

ninjadip: haven't read that far into strategy yet

ninjadip: just glad the mine detection is working for simple patterns

USSR_Chicken: :thumbs_up:

USSR_Chicken: the emoji didnt work D:

USSR_Chicken: oh but that one does

USSR_Chicken: makes sense

USSR_Chicken: anywho ima go work on that nuke bot

ninjadip: maybe like if the tile says there are X nearby mines but i have detected the X nearby ones already and there is still one more unkinown, then that must NOT be a mine right?

therealbeef: indeed

ninjadip: Awesome, i'm on a good path

ninjadip: ty

Wontonimo: it is a constrain propagation problem. there are other constraint problems here also ... like Wave Function Collapse :wink:

therealbeef: haha shameless

Wontonimo: yes :grin:. But skipping the shameless part, you'll see in the write up of WFC a good method of keeping 2 data structures: patches and symbols


5DN1L: interesting application

Wontonimo: as an upshot, WFC will also report relative probability in the case where it isn't certain :grin:

struct: damn py3

5DN1L: :confused:

struct: found the bug

struct: Now I can beat python

5DN1L: :thumbsup:

jacek: oO

Winner_for_ever: :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:

5DN1L: no spamming please


struct: Lol

jacek: yeah, no js pls


struct: I thought I had a bug

struct: but no

struct: bug on referee side

jacek: oh my

DethHarmonik: Still your bug...

struct: its not a bug

struct: I thought it was, my wording was confusing

DethHarmonik: Of course. It's a feature. ^^

struct: ofc it is

struct: three fold repetition

Wontonimo: hmm, i prefer a simpler rule : no move such that the board returns to a previous configuration

struct: hmm that is easier to code

Wontonimo: that's why i like it

Ftyghi: hi

Wontonimo: hello there new person Ftyghi

Ftyghi: did you forget me

Wontonimo: yes

Ftyghi: ok

Wontonimo: are you having trouble with ultimate tic tac toe in beating the wood boss ?

Wontonimo: if you work on this puzzle Ftyghi

Wontonimo: then you can use it to see if your next move is a win, and if not can you block the opponent forr a win. that will beat wood

Wontonimo: and struct, you don't need to save all previous boards either. only boards with the same number of occupied spaces (since spaces cannot become unoccupied)

darkhorse64: no because of jumps

DethHarmonik: Someone: "hi" Wontonimo: "You just activated my trap card!"

Wontonimo: do jumps remove pieces or change them

darkhorse64: yes

Wontonimo: which?

struct: where it lands

struct: all neighbors

darkhorse64: ^

Wontonimo: it changes, replaces, not removes. there are no fewer pieces on the board

Wontonimo: lol DethHarmonik

darkhorse64: I see your point Wontonimo: you are right

darkhorse64: good clue for updating a transposition table

Wontonimo: i check their ranking DethHarmonik, and if they haven't reached top 2000 and have tried a multi, I give pointed direction to *go play that multi more*

Wontonimo: weeds out the people who can't code and just wanna spam chat

darkhorse64: give kids homework to keep them busy and avoid them getting nasty

DethHarmonik: You're like the Google's profiling algo personified :scream:

Wontonimo: not something i'll be able to do from discord ;(

Scarfield: they dont reduce the piece count, one piece is moved, some might change color

Scarfield: oh chat scroll, nvm

struct: guess Ill need to improve my mcts to work better on this game

darkhorse64: ept ? full random ?

struct: i have ept atm

ninjadip: finally getting somewhere in minesweeper

ninjadip: yay

darkhorse64: you solved one ?

DethHarmonik: somewhere can be 'on a mine'...

ninjadip: i'm making my own strategy up

darkhorse64: as late as possible can be a progress

ninjadip: without reading anything out there

ninjadip: huh

struct: is there any benefit of having 3 fold repetition over 1 fold repetition?

ninjadip: what is that

struct: 1 repeition = the position repeats 1 time

jacek: not really. in checkers durnig search if posiion repeats i assume its drawish

jacek: ok, playable bot is somewhat playable

ninjadip: grr... 135 moves with no bombs then i get a timeout

struct: jacek activated his NN

jacek: nah

jacek: good old score diff

struct: minimax?

jacek: eeyup

Scarfield: depth?

jacek: 5 plies near beginning

Scarfield: not bad, iterative deepening?

jacek: yes

jacek: TT and killer moves

Scarfield: :muscle:

struct: how many gamestates ?

struct: or how many evals w/e

Wontonimo: what algo did you use ninjadip ?

jacek: 500k per 50ms

Miki09: Someone please help I'm struggling with the minesweeper for like 5 hours, submitted about 200 times and its still not working

struct: must be the algo then

DethHarmonik: Keep submitting!

Miki09: lol

Wontonimo: break your code into small functions and add tests for each. here is an example

Miki09: Too fast You have reached the maximum of submissions in a row. Please try again in a few minutes.

Miki09: Thanks wontonimo

Miki09: I'll check it

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: Is there an easy trick to convert c++ code with ascii strings to unicode strings?

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: frame the picture is killing me


Default avatar.png QJS: :yum:

DethHarmonik: wstring Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker?

struct: my goal is complete I stopped jacek 100% win rate

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: yeah, I tried wstring/wcin/wcout but still having errors. but I'll figure it out if that sounds like the way to go

DethHarmonik: Was unicode really required here... :/

Default avatar.png Manishgru: could somebody help me i'm trying to chat with my friends in private clash but there is no chat box in my friends'

jacek: hm?

Uljahn: CG is AB testing the site without the chat for new users

Astrobytes: RIP

Uljahn: also your friend should be lvl 3 to gain access to the chat

jacek: really?

Astrobytes: Yes.

jacek: alphabeta testing eh

Uljahn: Thibaud said that on discord mod channel

BlaiseEbuth: Pruning the 5%

Uljahn: "the experiment (AB test) to remove the chat to newcomers has been running for 2 weeks now. There has been no impact on retention so far."

Uljahn: Automaton2000: sayonara

Automaton2000: and it still has a lot of work

Astrobytes: I like how this came out on the very day I was going to start on my help bot for chat

5DN1L: make a discord Automaton :thinking:

DethHarmonik: You didn't know Astrobytes?

Astrobytes: Not before this afternoon

DethHarmonik: Erf...

Astrobytes: I knew it was a long term plan

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: put your smurfs on ebay

Ose: hi guys

Ose: hm

Ose: ok then

Ose: I know what you're vthinking

Ose: thinking*

Ose: That you want to code!

Ose: nevermind

Ose: :rage:

Uljahn: im thinking that i want to ban you :thinking:

5DN1L: Ose please don't

Ose: ok

Ose: no problemp

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle. — General Norman Schwarzkopf

Ose: I seriously get that

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: coool

eulerscheZahl: oh, they removed the hypnotoad animation for minesweeper :(

eulerscheZahl: first the animated gif, then the chat. sad times

Astrobytes: Copyright infringement

eulerscheZahl: oh right, good point

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: oof

ninjadip: my hypnotoad is still there

eulerscheZahl: with animation?


yaziel: hello

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hello there

jacek: no copyright on the minesweeper?

ninjadip: maybe expired?

struct: I think comunity contributions fall under another license

eulerscheZahl: it's community content. CG only has to take action when they know about it

eulerscheZahl: clearly they haven't seen yet

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: or maybe they dont care

jacek: maybe we should PM them about minesweeper

eulerscheZahl: no, let it live

eulerscheZahl: or i'll report paper soccer in return

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i just beat minesweeper in two beats XD

struct: I better delete all my multis then

struct: ataxx owner is capcom I think

eulerscheZahl: i have some problematic contributions the longer i think about it

eulerscheZahl: onitama, blockout, bender 4

DethHarmonik: ataxx is the pola bea ight?

jacek: huh

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: who made minesweeper?

eulerscheZahl: "Minesweeper has its origins in the earliest mainframe games of the 1960s and 1970s"


eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: thank you

jacek: :drooling_face:

struct: so for ataxx to check repetitions I can store only the move right?

struct: or move + player

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend. — U.S. Army Training Notice

struct: I think im wrong

jacek: repetitions dont need to be consecutive

struct: yeah you are right

Scarfield: hmm only a jump can result in repetition, but same jump doesnt garantee same game state :thinking:

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: im making a pixel art for a game

struct: I guess I can clear the tt when I make a spawn

Scarfield: yea

Scarfield: there can never be fewer pieces

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason. — Ernest Hemingway

Scarfield: wrote a new MCTS, it so much nicer than my previous ones, but still buggy :'(

struct: ok lets stop with the random quotes

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: whyyyyyyyyyyy

Astrobytes: oh quit it will you

struct: Because its in the guidelines

DethHarmonik: "You're a wizard Frodo." - Yoda, in Back to the future.

struct: Scarfield I had some bugs I was calling rollout but the player had no moves

struct: maybe you will run into it

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: one last quote then i'll stop, okay?

struct: no

struct: Ill ban you

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: fineeeeeeeeeee, i'll stop

eulerscheZahl: doesn't matter, soon CG will ban all of us

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: for now aleast

Astrobytes: euler bringing the :salt:

eulerscheZahl: :P

Astrobytes: hehehe

DethHarmonik: No salt on my frog, only garlic, thanks.

Quidome: I was away for a year or so, since is this turned into a 'normal' chatroom??

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: and who is CG

Scarfield: i think both my expand and rollout should hande pass moves, but just "finished" the outline of my bot, lots of testing neglected :p

Quidome: since when*

Quidome: amazing

DethHarmonik: Who are you calling normal? :/

Astrobytes: Quidome: you mean the spam level?

Quidome: yes

Astrobytes: It's got quieter regular user-wise

Astrobytes: So spam is more visible

Astrobytes: And all the best moderators resigned (I'M KIDDING :D )

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: am i regular?

Quidome: well not a big problem for me, but it is visible

Quidome: but forget my regression, sorry :)

Astrobytes: yeah, less active regulars == less on-topic chat == spammy kids

BlaiseEbuth: Do like CG: Don't look.

Astrobytes: Still, hoping the chat will be here for the contest at least

eulerscheZahl: if it dies before, i'll get less distraction

Scarfield: yea, would be sad without it

Astrobytes: and won't leak your strategy

Quidome: are they planning to kill the chat?

eulerscheZahl: i'll find other ways

Astrobytes: :D

**BlaiseEbuth clear is throat.

BlaiseEbuth: Ahem.

BlaiseEbuth: At what hour the next league open?

eulerscheZahl: "the experiment (AB test) to remove the chat to newcomers has been running for 2 weeks now. There has been no impact on retention so far."

eulerscheZahl: there's a spy on the mods channel who discloses such information

Scarfield: retention of newcomers must be the same as retention for all users

BlaiseEbuth: Nope

Astrobytes: What, low? :P

Quidome: aha, well it would be bad to kill the chat, at least for me

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: we need to form a convoy around CG headquarters like they did with Castreau

Quidome: really love to see ideas floating around

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: let's nuke everything

Astrobytes: Yeah Quidome, it's nice for discussing ideas, brainstorming etc. And MSmits sermons of course

Scarfield: long time since he has made a wall :/

Scarfield: at least since i have seen on

Scarfield: e

Astrobytes: Not too long ago, he's real busy with school stuff, exams being postponed, moved around etc

Wontonimo: i love the distraction from work this provides. line none other

Quidome: And I agree, a contest without a chat is no good

Astrobytes: hehehe, CG: killing tech employee productivity worldwide

Quidome: well we will see, thnxs for your thoughts

Astrobytes: indeed :)

Scarfield: if they will check for retention of users after removing world chat, and the retention drops (it will for me im sure), we can hope they will bring it back

BlaiseEbuth: That's probably why they also plan to remove contests! :o

Astrobytes: I doubt that highly Scarfield


BlaiseEbuth: You should now that their stats always say what they want them to say...

antiwonto: how do you relate users back to CG accounts using discord? :rolling_eyes:

Quidome: Discord is also an option of course, but integrated is nice

Astrobytes: Yeah I'm hoping this isn't a 'farewell' contest but, I'm grateful there is one regardless :)

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: blackmail

eulerscheZahl: i haven't given my daily taco yet

Scarfield: +1 astra

eulerscheZahl: :taco: Quidome

antiwonto: [automated] eulerscheZahl has awarded Quidome 10 tacos. Quidome now has 11 tacos. eulerscheZahl now has 22 tacos

Scarfield: astro *

Quidome: It would be really sad if they kill the contests

antiwonto: and the tacos

Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: Time will tell. Still other contests elsewhere

Quidome: :joy:

Miki09: :taco: Wontonimo

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: time will tell, nah, time will show

antiwonto: [automated] Miki09 has awarded Wontonimo 10 tacos. Wontonimo now has 43 tacos. Miki09 now has 1 tacos

BlaiseEbuth: Only time will tell :musical_score:

Astrobytes: Scarfield :taco:

antiwonto: [automated] Astrobytes has awarded Scarfield 10 tacos. Scarfield now has 21 tacos. Astrobytes now has 23 tacos

Scarfield: Astrobytes :taco:

Scarfield: heey

antiwonto: [automated] Scarfield has awarded Astrobytes 10 tacos. Astrobytes now has 33 tacos. Scarfield now has 22 tacos

Astrobytes: lol

Astrobytes: I'm rolling in tacos now

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: kinda weird but okay

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: BlaiseEbuth :taco:

antiwonto: [automated] Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker has awarded BlaiseEbuth 10 tacos. BlaiseEbuth now has 10 tacos. Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker now has 3 tacos

Astrobytes: It's the Taco-bite Rebellion

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hm

**BlaiseEbuth slaps Scarfield around with a :taco:

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: how did this start?

Scarfield: mmm

BlaiseEbuth: Oh thx Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker

Quidome: OK on minesweeper, I saw a suggestion from wontonimo on combing numbers to gain information when stuck

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: is that a Jacobite joke? I;m sure all the 12yos got that :P

Scarfield: how could this not be what CG wants on their site :thinking:

Astrobytes: Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: At least someone did!!

Quidome: I was thinking along the lines playing out what if questions will that work?

Scarfield: i still dont get it

jacek: ?

eulerscheZahl: Quidome did you check the forum? pardouin wrote a nice explanation for a specific case

Astrobytes: The '45 Rebellion? Jacobite Uprising of 1745? Bonnie Prince Charlie?

BlaiseEbuth: Hey Wontonimo there's 7 words in my message! Why can't I slap Scarfield with that taco! :rage:

Quidome: aha, ok, going to look there

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: <-> wonder how many people the U.S. killed for no reason

eulerscheZahl: of course there are still the bad cases like

Astrobytes: wonder how many users were banned for legitimate reasons...

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: someone finally published a c++ solution for frame the picture. lots of tricky stuff to handle unicode

eulerscheZahl: credits to fr chat for this replay

Scarfield: no idea, history is not my thing

Astrobytes: Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: don't you have to mess with locale methods and all that horrible stuff?

BlaiseEbuth: Probably not so more than Japan...

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: yeah, wcin .imbue(locale(""));

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: russia

Astrobytes: Yep. All that stuff. Nightmare.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: gulag

BlaiseEbuth: Just survival camps...

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: the gulag was built in 1930

KadonWills: ok

DethHarmonik: Old survival camps

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: The Gulag was a system of Soviet labour camps and accompanying detention and transit camps and prisons. From the 1920s to the mid-1950s it housed political prisoners and criminals of the Soviet Union. At its height, the Gulag imprisoned millions of people.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: The Gulag system ended definitively six years later on 25 January 1960, when the remains of the administration were dissolved by Khrushchev. ... The author likened the scattered camps to "a chain of islands", and as an eyewitness he described the Gulag as a system where people were worked to death.

eulerscheZahl: no mods around?

5DN1L: kicked

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: fine, i'll stop

BlaiseEbuth: I prefer goulash anyway

Astrobytes: Yes, you said that earlier

Astrobytes: @eve

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: but that was for the quotes


Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: so if he's banned he can never chat again unless he has another existing account?

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hm

BlaiseEbuth: :scream:

Astrobytes: It does, iirc

antiwonto: BlaiseEbuth , i reduced max words to 5 ... sorry

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: that's not true

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: it is more like a timer

BlaiseEbuth: Oh. That's getting trickier... :thinking:

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i was banned (last time) for about few weeks at best

Astrobytes: That'll be the server reset magic

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: who was that guy who always banned me?

Astrobytes: Me

Ziatzoraf: hello world

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: you?

**BlaiseEbuth slaps Astrobytes with :taco:

Astrobytes: Yes. When I was still a mod.

antiwonto: [automated] BlaiseEbuth has awarded Astrobytes 10 tacos. Astrobytes now has 43 tacos. BlaiseEbuth now has 11 tacos

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: long time no see

Astrobytes: Holy Taco!

BlaiseEbuth: Can't even put a 'a'

BlaiseEbuth: ...

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: well im gonna go sleep, night or day

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: it was nice seeing you asrobytes

Astrobytes: See you in 10 minutes no doubt

BlaiseEbuth: Hell... Already 43, you should rename Tacobytes.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: dont be nice astrobytes, its prob 5 mins

Scarfield: AstroTaco is not bad either

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: What should the #fr version give away?

antiwonto: baguette ?

Scarfield: free tacos

BlaiseEbuth: tortues!

5DN1L: why?

Astrobytes: Pâté Hénaff obviously

KadonWills: 2500$ lol:money_mouth:

5DN1L: Reminder:

5DN1L: No spam, or get kicked away

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: I could stop with the tacos and start complaining about unicode again...

Scarfield: my MCTS has 16 child nodes for 1st turn, one child has 168.816 visits out of 168.850, wonder if thats a bug :p

antiwonto: need a higher UTF_C value maybe

antiwonto: UCB_C

antiwonto: what's a utf_c ?

Astrobytes: unicode related?

jacek: wtf_c

BlaiseEbuth: Wild Turtles from France _ Corporation

eulerscheZahl: how did they take the news of chat removal?

jacek: who

eulerscheZahl: fr chat

BlaiseEbuth: Not as a news.

Wontonimo: jacek UCB_C = upper confidence bound constant for MCTS

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: lol

jacek: impossibru

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: but the new event system is based on chat

eulerscheZahl: s/chat/discord ezpz

Astrobytes: I would assume they wish to remove the discussion to the forum for non-discorders

**eulerscheZahl will miss the webchat

Scarfield: RIP

jacek: when they are going to delete it

Scarfield: ^

BlaiseEbuth: Somebody took a look to the discord? ust to know if the 'event' created more move than here

Astrobytes: tbf, it would be a lot easier and quieter being a mod without it!

Wontonimo: mod of nothing = easy job

Wontonimo: and i just got my mod badge ;(

BlaiseEbuth: In mod we trust

Astrobytes: discord + forum

Wontonimo: i don't mod discord

Wontonimo: i hardly use that other than for private chat

Astrobytes: Ah, yeah, still you have The Power

BlaiseEbuth: You'll be fired so...

Wontonimo: they can try to claw back my pay

Astrobytes: lol

BlaiseEbuth: Hop you didn't already spent all the insults you got...

eulerscheZahl: i guess we'll find out how others coded their bots in the post mortes afterwards and not on chat, depending on how fast they will implement the change

Astrobytes: I honestly hope for post-contest removal, but guess we have to wait and see

eulerscheZahl: fun fact: post mortes is the correct plural form

Astrobytes: you and your Latin :D

Astrobytes: What did the Romans ever do for us eh

eulerscheZahl: lingua Latina meque

Astrobytes: You like talking to Latinas?

jacek: quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur

Scarfield: seems it was a backpropagate issue, might actually work now

Astrobytes: :tada:

BlaiseEbuth: Latin is a dead language since a drunk roman summoned me by trying to sing...

jacek: passing moves backpropagate?

Astrobytes: usually sign errors in backprop!

Scarfield: i havent tested yet if passing moves work, but they should :fingerscrossed:

jacek: fingerfield

Astrobytes: Scarfinger.

Scarfield: xD could have sworn i had seen a crossed fingers emoji

BlaiseEbuth: crossedfield

Astrobytes: :fingers_crossed:

BlaiseEbuth: crossesfield

Scarfield: i knew it, couldnt see it when i scrolled through them.. that eye surgery

Astrobytes: gotta add the '_'

Astrobytes: heh heh

BlaiseEbuth: Scarface so

Scarfield: thats half of the origin of my nick, you will never guess the other half

BlaiseEbuth: cloverfield

Scarfield: yellow cat related

BlaiseEbuth: garfield

Astrobytes: Definitely not Garfield

Scarfield: ding ding ding


Scarfield: is that sub even sfw?

Astrobytes: It's Tuesday, at least he's happy

jacek: everything is sfw

Scarfield: true, havent had lasagna in a long time though :'(

Astrobytes: lo, that sub is... intriguing

Astrobytes: *lol, I'm not talking in ye olde Englishe

BlaiseEbuth: ngl

Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: Of harmes two the lesse is for to cheese.

Astrobytes: Chaucer! Jeez

Quidome: I found all the mines but the test case is still red


eulerscheZahl: how many mines are these?

eulerscheZahl: 99 or more?

eulerscheZahl: top right corner

Scarfield: i can see at least 2 mistakes top right bottom left

eulerscheZahl: you have a 3 with 4 cells around

eulerscheZahl: and maybe on the very left too, not sure

eulerscheZahl: there's a cell with no neighbor revealed

Quidome: hm, that's interesting

eulerscheZahl: oh, i maximized the board and missed Scarfield

eulerscheZahl: sorry

Quidome: I misinterpreted the 099 nu,ber

eulerscheZahl: 99 missing

Quidome: ok, not good, thnxs

eulerscheZahl: will go down to 0 when you place flags

Quidome: Yes, but that was purely visible but maybe still helpful :)

eulerscheZahl: but you have to reveal all non-mines. flags are just "comments"

Quidome: So you HAVE to place flags

eulerscheZahl: no

eulerscheZahl: but it help you to debug when you are done

Quidome: yes, I see, thnxs

Quidome: going to do that first

Scarfield: after looking again, it seems you only need to "click" (29,0). (0,12) has to be a bomb, so close

eulerscheZahl: the 5 at the top right has 6 neighbors

Scarfield: lol yea, but at least 0,12 cant be a bomb, so that leaves the top right

eulerscheZahl: did you count them?

Scarfield: sigh, there could be a 5 at 0,12

Scarfield: xD ill stop trying to help

Quidome: Testcase in the green for the first time with flags :D

Scarfield: im confusing myself even more now, can there be a bomb without any numbers around it? because if not, then 0,12 has to be a 5 ie not a bomb?

Scarfield: :muscle:

jacek: this is real minefield

Scarfield: we killed the chat before they even removed it :o

xxx_newbiehackerxz: what

xxx_newbiehackerxz: im new

xxx_newbiehackerxz: can yoyu teach me

struct: how much does the tt slow the code usualy?

jacek: hmm i get 500-600k moves with tt and 750k-850k without

jacek: but less depth without tt

jacek: i use unordered_map and typical hashing than zobrist

struct: ok I need to figure it out

struct: I get 5x worse performance

jacek: you want tt for minimax or 3-fold repetition?

struct: 3 fold repetition

jacek: oh, i checked only minimax. i dont have 3 fold repetition detection yet

jacek: but for checkers and chess i clear tt after non-reversible move

struct: Oh I fixed

struct: my hash was terrible :)

struct: maybe not

jacek: stop smokng

struct: Do you also store the game state on the map jacek?

jacek: just hash

struct: so you ignore collisions??

jacek: for my purposes there are (almost) no collisions

jacek: even so, if i store best reply there, i still check if the move is valid

struct: I see, Im checking for collisions that might be one of the problems

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i wanna make a bot that says just quotes

5DN1L: aren't you the bot that says just quotes?

Default avatar.png Chickins: ?

Scarfield: definately didnt implement pass moves correct xD well, thats for tomorrow, gn folks

struct: gn

Default avatar.png Ben_Sundheim: gn

One-Six: hey guys, am I allowed to plug a WIP CoC contribution in world chat?

Wontonimo: no

Wontonimo: feel free to plug it to your friends though

One-Six: ok. Looks like they get more care as it approach end of 30 day though, guess I'll just be patient

Astrobytes: it's a big list

Wontonimo: yes, that's a good idea

struct: yeah usual it gets more views the closer it is to the deadline

struct: Unless its bot programming or optimization

Wontonimo: then it gets all kinds of early love

struct: its interesting that I dont need to tell my bot to not fill the board if the fill would lose

struct: It will just keep repeating moves unaware that it will end in a draw by repetition

C26_1: Hello everyone

struct: hi

C26_1: So I have an idea

C26_1: I'm gonna test if there's something that SQL cannot do as Excel

One-Six: it that because bot and optimization are challanging and rare?

C26_1: One-Six, game coding is hard,

struct: One-Six they require a bit more effort in general

Astrobytes: One-Six: pretty much, plus the above. It's more effort required from author and player

struct: But if you do contributions similar to mine they dont require much effor

struct: effort*

One-Six: XD

struct: You only need a few hours

Astrobytes: 1. Copy nearest matching board game 2. Rewrite the rules. 3. ??? 4. Profit

One-Six: XDD

struct: thats what I did

Astrobytes: Hey it works, and there's a nice variety too

struct: I think 5 times now?

One-Six: Guess I know what I should try to do in another two contributions XD

struct: Yavalath, Yinsh, Othello, Amazons and now Ataxx

Astrobytes: Something like that yeah struct :D

C26_1: Copy-paste is the best skill that programmer should have XDD

One-Six: I have a simple idea that can probably turn into two CoC and one Puzzle, so I will do that first

C26_1: I mean why would waste hours of hours just to make code that's already in source-code mode and online

struct: I still dont know what to expect from backgammon

One-Six: (The last one I need to do more research though

struct: Isnt it too luck based? I dont know much about the game

struct: I know its played on new york parks

struct: But thats about it

One-Six: I think anything that heavily utilize dices should be more luck based?

Astrobytes: Yeah, there is dice rolling involved, but there might be some virtue to having it

struct: Im sure there is some strategy to it

One-Six: I always learn and forget about how backgammon works

One-Six: xd

Astrobytes: Yes, there is. And games involving chance are a special case for AI

One-Six: ah...

Astrobytes: Also many variants of it too

Noneoneoneone: heyo

Noneoneoneone: hows everyone doing/

elderlybeginner: This event thing (minesweeper) - I don't see it to be different then other puzzles. Am I wrong?

Astrobytes: It's the same yeah

elderlybeginner: is there anything specific in regards to events?

elderlybeginner: beside some new marketing

Astrobytes: There will be bot-programming ones, and a clash one soon

Astrobytes: Other than that it's just as you said

Astrobytes: I think there is more solution-sharing than normal

One-Six: wooooh

struct: Is there any way to create a template for shifts?

struct: Im not very familiar with templates

Default avatar.png dunky_: joe

Default avatar.png dunky_: new to the community

Default avatar.png dunky_: finishing up ASCII art

Noneoneoneone: ascii art is a thinker

Wontonimo: looked at minesweeper. coded a random bot. thought about making an algo... got tired

Wontonimo: congrats dunky_

Wontonimo: what are you woking on now?

struct: Wontonimo you can always try ataxx, we need someone to dethrone jacek

Wontonimo: haha ... it won't be me

Wontonimo: jacek will just up his game when he sees someone coming

Wontonimo: my CG game isn't good enough to beat you or jacek

struct: im only "good" at bot programming

struct: and usually I dont do anything smart beside the sim

struct: Make sim fast, bruteforce, profit

Wontonimo: how's the NN stuff going?

struct: I paused it for a bit during backpropagation

struct: its a bit confusing

Default avatar.png dmuraco: what's for dinner?

dooge: eheheh

dooge: aahahahahhahah

dooge: l

dooge: ll

Default avatar.png koiee: hi

Default avatar.png koiee: how can we get harder questions in private clash

ASM_MOV_INT: ...there is no way to determine or select difficulty in the clashes, as far as I've ever known

ASM_MOV_INT: the rating system helps them determine that behind the scenes for the selection process