Blokops: heu
Blokops: hey
OverInstitutionalizedApe: do you mean the angle coming off the checkpoint in respect to the pod?
Blokops: like instead of 334 give -26
OverInstitutionalizedApe: the pod angle goes +180 clockwise and - 180 to counter-clockwise with respect to the front of the pod, how are you calculating that 334?
Blokops: angle = math.atan2(next_checkpoint_y_1 - y1, next_checkpoint_x_1 - x1)
newAngle = (math.degrees(angle) - angle1)%360
Wontonimo: if (angle > 180) angle = 360 - angle
Wontonimo: oops , that's not right
Wontonimo: if (angle > 180) angle = angle - 360
Blokops: yup that did it
OverInstitutionalizedApe: wintonimo is right
Blokops: was trying to find when the y was lower than the ship y, if the flip
Blokops: i guess i was overcomplociating
Blokops: but at least i got the distance form ship to check by accident
OverInstitutionalizedApe: are you trying to calculate an offset to correct drifting trajectory?
Blokops: if angle >90 speed = 0
Blokops: it took me this far
Blokops: no idea why the took it away in gold
Wontonimo: hey Blokops, you may find micro tests really help for these kinds of things. Here is an example SO response that uses inline micro tests well
Wontonimo: it would have really helped with making your angle calculator and verified that it worked as expected
Blokops: sort of like building it in parts
Wontonimo: +1
Wontonimo: the brilliant thing about these kinds of micro tests being inline with your code is that they run once when your program starts up to verify right away if everything is as you expect. No sifting through replays or logging output
Wontonimo: or trying to get that one tricky situation to be recreated in a playback
Blokops: gold league is full of dead programs
Wontonimo: yes, it sure is
Wontonimo: you can get well ahead in gold just by un-deading your bot
Blokops: next step is to make one of the pod crash with the competition
Wontonimo: and for that i'd suggest,
Wontonimo: if the opponents lead is going for an even numbered checkpoint, then move to intercept and ram. else, rush ahead to the next even checkpoint to get ahead of them
Wontonimo: otherwise, you'll just follow behind them constantly
Wontonimo: also, camping is a good strategy as well as detecting an upcoming collision and using shields
Wontonimo: 20 fake internet points for the first person to say what "Tron" stands for
Blokops: wasn't tron a antivirus
Blokops: tool or device
OverInstitutionalizedApe: Google says The Real-time Operating system Nucleus
OverInstitutionalizedApe: But all i could think of was the movie
Wontonimo: tron = Trace On. its an assembly debugging command
Wontonimo: sorry, BASIC not assembly
Wontonimo: 4 fake points to Blokops for identifying it is a tool. 3 fake points to OverInstitutionalizedApe for the movie reference
Wontonimo: :-D
Wontonimo: anyway ...
Wontonimo: that randomness is over
Wontonimo: and its late
tridang2k9: hello guy ;-;
Wontonimo: have a good night everyone
tridang2k9: I'am new player
OverInstitutionalizedApe: good night Wontonimo
OverInstitutionalizedApe: hi tridang2k9
tridang2k9: Where you from?
OverInstitutionalizedApe: space
tridang2k9: :))
Husoski: Is there a moderator in the house?
jacek: happy Caturday
struct: hi
python-kitten: hi
Uljahn: hi
hashluk: Does CodinGame have no third-party ads?
struct: yeap, no ads
Killuaa: hi
Killuaa: hi
Killuaa: hello
jacek: Automaton2000 how the world can be real if our eyes aren't real?
Automaton2000: well i know what you mean by that?
LelouchVC2: imagine
Blabbage: Would anyone care to comment on my WIP contribution before i make it non-WIP. Would like some more eyes to look at it:
Blabbage: Especially regarding the reverse, is it too hard?
ScienceGuy66: lol
ScienceGuy66: how to invert a binary tree
ScienceGuy66: :joy:
Mortis_666: wow
Mortis_666: cool
Wontonimo: I commented on your WIP Blabbage. Nice write up
Blabbage: Thx
Wontonimo: I always find reverse hard
Wontonimo: oh, in the output you have the text "distance" ... what about French ?
Wontonimo: The word "distance" in the output really helps with reverse mode
Wontonimo: :+1:
Blabbage: Yeah, i recently changed to make reverse better
Blabbage: So distance in output and only 3 types of emergencies
Blabbage: either "Alarm", "Emergency", or "Priority"
Blabbage: But as you write in your comment, you can disregard the words, I made this for the shortest mode
Wontonimo: i've been thinking about adding extra flavour text to the input to help also. Things like hints that are not needed to solve the problem but provide clues to the programmer if they are stuck. Seems like you where thinking along the same lines
Wontonimo: but for output
Wontonimo: cool
Blabbage: Yeah, I also love when the progression of the inputs helps you out
Wontonimo: I think this will be challenging for C/C#/C++ having an unequal number of elements per line of alarm
Wontonimo: maybe i'm too noob in those to know of a simple split command
Blabbage: ok, didn't think about that, I thought it should be no prob in C# though
Blabbage: dealing with arbitrary length input in one line was to complicate the shortest mode
DSG_prozkillz: is there anyone with high authority here?
Blabbage: I have very limited C/C++ knowledge
Blabbage: But I will look into it
Wontonimo: there is the cin call to read in white space separated tokens and do automatic conversion to primitive data types.
Wontonimo: that works great when you know ahead of time how many tokens there are per line
Wontonimo: anyone here know an easy way to process variable number of tokens per line in C / C++ ?
Blabbage: ok... I think I should change it then...
Wontonimo: not so fast, I'm no C/C++ expert
Blabbage: :)
Wontonimo: maybe there is a quick and easy way
Blabbage: saw this: char * strtok ( char * str, const char * delimiters );
BlaiseEbuth: Quick and easy way for ?
Blabbage: Split an input string by e.g. space
BlaiseEbuth: a stringstream
Blabbage: like "1 2 3", however the length can be arbitrary
Blabbage: So e.g. "1 2 3" but sometimes "1 2"
BlaiseEbuth: Something like that Blabbage
Blabbage: Works
Blabbage: nice, the reason for asking is my contribution:
I would like it to be friendly to other languages than the ones I know. My knowledge in C/C++ is very limited
Blabbage: So having an optional element to the input seems reasonable in C++ as well
jacek: nothing is friendly in c++ :v
struct: what about friend?
Wontonimo: you are my friend struct
jacek: can structs be friend?
BlaiseEbuth: Why not?
Blabbage: Turns out something is friendly in c++ afterall
Wontonimo: :tada:
Wontonimo: send it to the presses Blabbage !
Blabbage: Will do :)
Wontonimo: sophie2222 has been back at the zoom chat spam :unamused:
Wontonimo: banned that user again last night
5DN1L: spammed also in a clash chatroom a few hours ago
RaymondPang: hihi, i am playing abalone game
jacek: :+1:
RaymondPang: for debuging, i keep using white side
RaymondPang: may i know how can i switch to use black colour for debuging?
jacek: under ide, you can delete players
jacek: then choose others
RaymondPang: i see. thank.s
jacek: nice rank so far. is it soms search algorithm?
Rebollo: Hello Guys
Rebollo: Is it possible to select mutiple words
Rebollo: in IDE
Rebollo: or define mutiple cursor positions
struct: alt mouse click
Rebollo: thanks
struct: select var then ctrl + d
struct: to selet all
struct: ah wai
struct: ctrl + d is next one
Rebollo: amazing thanks again
Rebollo: save some time for sure
struct: if you want to replace all same words
struct: you can use ctrl + g
struct: h*
struct: ctrl + h
Rebollo: cool thanks
jacek: or use local ide and just copy paste code
misery: how to auto arrange my code so it doesnt look aids
Josdel: hello guys
Josdel: all fine?
Wontonimo: RaymondPang is being tight lipped about rank jacek :thinking:
5DN1L: or maybe it's just time for him to sleep :shrug:
5DN1L: he's still online though, it seems
Wontonimo: RaymondPang , are you alive? Are you okay? Should we send Dwayne Johnson to rescue you?
5DN1L: :rolling_eyes:
_thanasis_tsl_: κάτσε το site ελληνικό ειναι
struct: write english on this chat
Astrobytes: Όχι. Μιλήστε αγγλικά παρακαλώ.
Astrobytes: (no. speak english please)
struct: wht language is this?
Astrobytes: Greek
MSmits: I only speak Geek
Astrobytes: heh heh
jacek: :nerd:
MSmits: sup
MSmits: I've been a bit too busy for CG is why i am not around much btw
MSmits: covid giving me lots of extra work
struct: im still waiting for your NN
MSmits: so am I :)
Astrobytes: so is Smits
Astrobytes: lol dammit
MSmits: indeed
MSmits: well at least I have a ridiculous amount of data to train on.
MSmits: from having a meta mcts running for weeks
MSmits: I plan a test and half my students are home with covid or quarantine
jacek: youll solve the game sooner than youll get NN working
jacek: at this point it wont matter
jacek: except for compressing into CG limit
MSmits: it's not really solvable the way i am going about it though
MSmits: if i used the endgame book program and rented some cpu, i could solve it
struct: hmm
MSmits: but i stopped at 36 and instead went at it from the other direction (starting at starting board)
MSmits: that wont solve it because of loops
struct: how many seeds is it in total?
MSmits: 48
struct: how long did 36 take you?
MSmits: 3 weeks, but it is very exponential. The last 2 seeds is like 80% of that time
MSmits: 60 GB of storage for the 36 seed states
struct: ok, this would get expensive really fast
MSmits: 36 seed book is nearly 15 GB, 35 seed is 11 GB
MSmits: i mean just the 36 seed states
MSmits: total book is 60 GB so far
MSmits: 37 would be over 20 GB
MSmits: but the main probably is I need to hold a lot of it in RAM during solving
MSmits: main problem
struct: just get a 512 GB ram server
MSmits: I *only* have 32 GB ram
MSmits: I could use HD space, but that is so slow, it would be half a year to just do 37 seeds
MSmits: some French mathematician solved it I think
MSmits: In practice I can pretty reasonably say I know what lines of play lead to a draw and be pretty certain the opening move 5 leads to draw
struct: damn there are machines with 3TB of ram
struct: o.o
MSmits: nice :)
struct: I wonder what uses so much ram
MSmits: what i do now i use the meta mcts lines of play to select states from the endgame book. I can easily get millions of those and train on them. The work is mostly in getting a bot working that uses it. To make it easy for myself I should try to adapt marchetes work
struct: im going to try to learn it again
struct: only way to progress on bt
MSmits: learn nn in general or the azero system marchete shared?
struct: nn in general
MSmits: ah ok, i think i have to basics on that. Just havent used it for anything in CG
MSmits: dont know the azero system very well though
MSmits: just the idea of it
MSmits: lucky submit, got past recurse :)
MSmits: this is just my plain old bot with a early game opening book
MSmits: (>= 37 seeds)
jacek: recurse now seems just low level boos
jacek: boss even
MSmits: yeah, seems to be, but his bot is still miles ahead of anyone not a NN
MSmits: like +5 rating
MSmits: this leaderboard is starting to be like csb (mad pod racing), where at the top every few ranks it's a totally new league
jacek: and every top is nn
MSmits: almost, yes, i got into top 10 now though :P
MSmits: once i convert my bot, dark horse has the honor of being the best non-nn on the board
jacek: dark horse? you meant darkhorse64 ?
MSmits: yes sure, ping him why not :)
darkhorse64: best old school bot, :fireworks:
MSmits: indeed
MSmits: I wonder if tric and yurko are still old school
MSmits: if they aren't, then their bots are only a little better than before, or the submits shifted them
jacek: astro seems also old school
MSmits: yeah I think so. He has a very strong bot. I think he spent an uncharacteristically long time on this one
MSmits: tweaking it
MSmits: Before when there were only 3 NN's, we spend weeks discussing eval and such, trying to beat you guys
MSmits: spent
jacek: but everything changed when the fire nation attacked
MSmits: is that what Marchete is called now?
jacek: maybe
Astrobytes: I could still rewrite that Oware bot but it's a lot of work
jacek: :upside_down:
Katespizer: hi
jacek: good evening
IanRaa: hi
IanRaa: anyone could help me here
IanRaa: regarding Mad Pod Racing
IanRaa: should be simple one, but I don't get it how to find out coordinates for x, y
5DN1L: What kind of help do you need?
jacek: just ask the question ~
IanRaa: I see position of target 1
IanRaa: but how should I know where it is on the screen
e_fishel: does coc give xp?
5DN1L: coc don't give xp; associated achievements do
IanRaa: I mean if pod is to move towards target one for the beginning
IanRaa: I need to determine it's x,y position
IanRaa: guess like pixels position of the screen
jacek: click on the gear icon under the screen and turn debug on
IanRaa: ok
MACKEYTH: I need some tips for 9x9 Atari Go.
MACKEYTH: I've got a depth 2 minimax algorithm set up. It can beat the Wood 4 boss sometimes, but not consistently
jacek: do you know flood fill algorithm
jacek: oh
jacek: what is your eval
jacek: i use simple my_score - his_score
darkhorse64: Only through achievements and quest map
darkhorse64: oops scroll
jacek: and i get 3-4 plies in the beginning
MACKEYTH: I was thinking about adding a heuristic involving free fields around enemy groups for simulations with no captures
MACKEYTH: I'm not good with minimax. Uncertain to apply it to more than 2 plies, or how to prune.
jacek: pure minimax or alphabeta?
MACKEYTH: Wikipedia article was a bit opaque for me.
MACKEYTH: pure minimax for right now. I couldn't figure out a good pruning heuristic
jacek: alphabeta is universal, it prunes a lot without any heuristic. it just prunes more with good move ordering
jacek: but in go, for about 20 first turns, i completely ignore edges moves
MACKEYTH: I haven't incorporated any traditional starting strategy.
Astrobytes: alpha and beta are dynamic score bounds, anything outside the range of alpha-beta can be pruned (essentially)
MACKEYTH: I think I read somewhere that creating groups around the dots being a strong opening.
MACKEYTH: My bot just makes random moves until it detects possible captures
MACKEYTH: My first attempt was a MCTS, but it was only getting single-digit rollouts.
MACKEYTH: Calculating all legal moves for a given board state is pretty time consuming
jacek: go in CG constraints is very consuming
jacek: UTTT is better for mcts training
jacek: but if already know minimax, alphabeta is next step to learn
Astrobytes: ^
MACKEYTH: I read the wikipedia article on alpha-beta, but didn't really get it
MACKEYTH: Know of a more beginner-friendly resource?
Wontonimo: hey MSmits , did i read that correctly that you have a NN bot out there ?
Rebollo: guys is is possible to use some kind of EVAL in c++? Lets say I want to check which side to go and then execute object->left, object->right and so on
Wontonimo: MACKEYTH
Rebollo: I don´t want to do like
Astrobytes: MACKEYTH:
Rebollo: if side == LEFT object->left
MACKEYTH: Thx Wontonimo
MACKEYTH: & Astrobytes
Rebollo: just do like object-> + "left"
jacek: chess programming wiki is quite resourceful
Wontonimo: before doing alpha-beta, implement negamax.
Astrobytes: Rebollo: int dx[LEFT] = -1
jacek: MACKEYTH on the other hand, is your minimax bug-free? i think depth2 minimax with score eval should be enough
jacek: to beat wood4
Astrobytes: eg. int dx[4] = { 0, 1, 0, -1}
Wontonimo: it's like minimax, except just max and every other move is *-1 value
Astrobytes: int dy[4] = { -1, 0, 1, 0}
MACKEYTH: Seems to be /relatively/ bug free. Doesn't time out or make illegal moves, at least
Astrobytes: enum Direction : int { UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT }
Astrobytes: Rebollo: does that help?
Rebollo: for sure..I am just trying to full understand
MACKEYTH: I found a really dumb bug last night where it was trying to evaluate moves without actually playing the stone it was simulating
Wontonimo: do you have unit tests for the algo MACKEYTH? for example my UTTT bot is 550 lines of code where as I also have 650 lines of unit test to make sure it does exactly the right thing
Rebollo: I know it is simple, but for e nothing is simple
MACKEYTH: I'm not familiar with unit tests
jacek: unit tests are for weaklings
jacek: test on production on friday like CG
Astrobytes: Rebollo: dx and dy arrays are the offsets to go up right down or left. The Direction enum starts from 0 ands at 3; use the enum to key into dx and dy, add these values to your current x,y position
Astrobytes: *and ends
Wontonimo: lol jacek !
Wontonimo: i'll dm you some resources MACKEYTH
Rebollo: Would you mid give a full sample just one set of rows?
Rebollo: sorry
BlaiseEbuth: dx and dx are on a boat...
Rebollo: bo problem i will understand first and do that
Rebollo: I kind of undertood
Rebollo: but
Rebollo: The ideia is clear
Astrobytes: I'll DM you in a minute Rebollo
chuegue: Segmentation fault: core dumped
Astrobytes: Rebollo: I sent you some examples
Aaronnotsharon: does anyone know how to read from the next line of a string? I'm working on the ASCII Art puzzle and I am just outputing the first line over and over but it needs to read from a specific point in the first line and then go to the second line and read from a specific point from there.
Wontonimo: put it first into an array
Wontonimo: then access the array
Ceekay77: Im sure there is an stl way. Im a C guy so id use strchr
Wontonimo: which ascii art puzzle specifically?
Ceekay77: strchr for '\n' eill get you the pointer to the next line
Aaronnotsharon: it just says ASCII Art as the title. its in the easy catagory... I don't see an author for it or anything..
Aaronnotsharon: and thanks guys, I will look both those ways up.
Aaronnotsharon: Yea it's in the "CLASSIC PUZZLE - EASY" catagory and its name is ASCII Art
Wontonimo: AH
Wontonimo: got it
Wontonimo: yeah, make a 2d array or char and then "paint" the values into it
Wontonimo: after all the chars have been painted, the print
Wontonimo: *then print
Wontonimo: so many typos ... yeah, make a 2d array OF char and then "paint" the values into it
Wontonimo: gotta go ... see ya later
UaNalyvajko: @TKirishima this time i'm higher!:sweat_smile:
jacek: more weed?
Astrobytes: lol
UaNalyvajko: :sweat_smile:
TKirishima: Didn't noticed it was Shortest. I thought it was Speed.
UaNalyvajko: Man, who cares)))
UaNalyvajko: thing's im higher :upside_down:
jacek: and you used java/c# on shortest?
TKirishima: Python
UaNalyvajko: i used typescript)))))))))
ninjadip: Wontonimo how do i get the constraints or rules from the patches of the prototype?
ninjadip: stop
5DN1L: dunky_ don't spam
ninjadip: i may be totally off, but i do use the center of the 3x3 patch to base adjancy constraints
Blokops: alright lets see if i can break Automaton2000
Automaton2000: i think it's a good practice
Blokops: Automaton2000 !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
Automaton2000: i played a bit of a mess
Blokops: dang
ninjadip: Automaton2000 initiate self-destruct
Automaton2000: had no idea about how to use it for my own game
Blokops: Automaton2000 ç̴̩̲͈̼̯̻̗̼͈̠̀́͊̀̈́͜ẗ̴̢̢͔̞͉̩̩̙̪͚́̇̅̂̃͊̍̊̄̀̐͝͝ṟ̵̨̛͛̑́͠ͅl̶̩̹̫̿̈́̓̓͊̕͝ ̶͕̺͕̥͕͇̘̚a̵̰̤̅̎́̔̈̈̀̎̒̕͝l̸̡̙̩̼͉̪̻̹̗̪̭̻̄͂͆̂́̓̋̃̾̿͂͠͝t̷̛̜̞͓̳̱̜̟̼̜́̓́̾̈́̓͠ ̴̢̨̻͓͍͍̤̺̦̗͍̝̓͌̈́̓͜d̵̗͖̦͍͔͛̒̈́̈́͑͐̉̀͂͘͜͝e̵̦͇͍̪͆̂͒͐l̷̨̨̫̟̠̭̱̝̊͐̏̅̍̌͑̍͗̇̃̈̉̉͜͝ͅe̸̦̹͋͂̂̏̒͒͋̚͝ẗ̵̤͓͙̻͉̝͖̠͌̋̋̾̎͐̈́̄̚͝͝͝͝͠e̶̦͍͖̰͙̜̪̼̝̮͔͍̐̅͋̂̽̉̈̂͠
Automaton2000: now i need to read and understand
ninjadip: whoah!!! that's swee
ninjadip: t
Blokops: zargo text ~ ~ ~
Blokops: zalgo*
ninjadip: how do u do that
ninjadip: i don't have the any key
Blokops: Is fun seeing how many systme you can break with that text
ninjadip: it's wild
Blokops: most databases cant handle that text so it throws a bunch of error
Astrobytes: ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤
Astrobytes: < more Unicode fun
Blokops: i dont get it
Blokops: wow
Blokops: .
Blokops: .
Blokops: dude you broke chat
Astrobytes: nah it stops
Blokops: i gotta know how did you do it
Astrobytes: just copy my first post
Astrobytes: and use sparingly :P
ninjadip: insane-o
ninjadip: oh no!
ninjadip: it's a virus
Astrobytes: lol
Astrobytes: it does stop eventually
ninjadip: it's got all of us....woe the web we weave
ninjadip: oh it's done :)
Astrobytes: there. Nice clean chat again :P
ninjadip: oh those clean chat rooms are the worst
Astrobytes: lol
ASM_MOV_INT: ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤
ninjadip: nooo
ASM_MOV_INT: what did I do?
ASM_MOV_INT: copy paste that's it i swear
ninjadip: way to go Sam, dropping them eaves
ASM_MOV_INT: i have err messages using up some lines of ... whatever it is lol
Astrobytes: Oh cool, there's a spamming message now
ASM_MOV_INT: there it's done
Astrobytes: Now don't abuse this unicode trick, deploy with caution please.
Astrobytes: works best when chat is busy so it's over and done with quick;ly
Astrobytes: *quickly
ASM_MOV_INT: what unicode # is that? and... why does it do that? rofl
ninjadip: yeah, here's this ring that's super cool, but don't put it on or tell anyone about it
Astrobytes: hehehe
Blokops: fun fact theres a worst version of it
Blokops: much much worst
Astrobytes: Don't :rofl:
ASM_MOV_INT: i get into so much trouble looking at past posts of chat sometimes....
ninjadip: is it really worst or worse
Blokops: 1000% worst
ninjadip: lol
Blokops: like clip outside chat worst
ninjadip: like going through space
Josdel: hey guys
Josdel: i'm cuck
Josdel: :(
Blokops: hi cuck im blokops how can i help you
ninjadip: like what you said + "old" ?
Blokops: ?
ninjadip: cuckold
ninjadip: or maybe he meant chuck
Blokops: i think he meant stuck
Astrobytes: yeah I'm gonna nip this convo in the bud now before it gets worse
Astrobytes: keep it relatively clean people
ninjadip: i think it's getting better by it's own accord, have some faith
ninjadip: by its own momentum is probably better
Astrobytes: I'm an ex-mod, I have 0 faith :D
Blokops: didnt you post that unicode first
Astrobytes: Yes :D
ninjadip: when the river runs red just take the dirt road
ninjadip: yeah i think he did, then turned us in for messing up
Astrobytes: But getting into NSFW territory is a step too far
Blokops: is the same principle as the panama river
Astrobytes: lol not at all
Astrobytes: @ninjadip
Blokops: okey lets take it back to programing
ninjadip: i can't really say that that cryptic message means here in this clean room
Blokops: php ama right guys?
Astrobytes: at least unicode tricks are related ;)
ninjadip: more hacker than coder
Astrobytes: troll-ish
ninjadip: yes, unicode is
Blokops: whats words but a unicode aranged
Astrobytes: hehe
Blokops: all this started bcasue of Automaton8000 fault
Astrobytes: the other Automaton (NN not 2000) used to use that unicode thing I did now and then
ninjadip: terrible power
Astrobytes: it did that and pinged eulerscheZah l frequently
Astrobytes: anyway, see ya all later
Blokops: okey change of topic, yesterday did anyone if you post a link related to madpod racing
Blokops: soemthing about how to follow a player
Astrobytes: runners and blockers?
Astrobytes: as in 1 pod is a runner (trying to get to next CP) and the other is blocking the opponent runner pod?
Blokops: found it
Astrobytes: yeah, Scarfield posted it I think. That's a nice way to start with it, I got to high gold using steering behaviours, after that I took the sim + GA route
Blokops: im using PID but is not enough
Astrobytes: I thiiink it's possible using PID too, what league+position are you in?
Blokops: gold 1,245
Blokops: use to be 400 but the rng is not kind today
Astrobytes: nice, yeah it's kinda like that. If you're having no luck with your PID, try out some steering behaviours
Astrobytes: You can get to legend without sim + search but most likely not too high
Astrobytes: anyways, cya later, gotta run
p.p.o.p.: I feel honored when they ask me to prove I'm not a bot before racing my pod...I shouldn't because I am very far down on the leader board lol
ninjadip: lol
ninjadip: who is asking you that
ninjadip: what league are you in
p.p.o.p.: CodinGame...bronze...i'm making negative progress
ninjadip: wow no one talked to me ever in it
ninjadip: and i got to gold and stopped playing
p.p.o.p.: It's because i'm doing a super quick change without testing in the IDE and sending back to the arena
ninjadip: need to implement seek and annoy for jet #2 and win with jet #1 lol
p.p.o.p.: so the website thinks i'm a bot
ninjadip: oh no, it just wants you to chill out
ninjadip: i did that by accident on first
ninjadip: need to test more with the bot in your IDE before submitting to the arena after every little change
p.p.o.p.: Yeah they don't mean it in a good way at all. I'm just taking it as a compliment
ninjadip: it just happens whenever you submit too much to the arena within a timeframe
ninjadip: nothing to do with rank going up
p.p.o.p.: My IDE often doesn't actually show the bot running though so I make a change and then want to see its effect
ninjadip: solving that involved enabling cookies for me
p.p.o.p.: Oh. Thanks. I'll try that
ninjadip: and once in a while that still happens, i refresh the page and it works again
Astrobytes: there's also a constraint on number of IDE plays, it's a bit grim when you're adjusting parameters
Astrobytes: +1 on refresh btw, the viewer crashes now and then and a refresh fixes it
ninjadip: i can't for this mofo wave function to collapse
ninjadip: so mad at it
ninjadip: have to make some hot tea to chill out. sounds crazy
p.p.o.p.: i thought you got it yesterday ninja
ninjadip: i got test 1 and test 3 and test4 or something
ninjadip: and i thought i was on it
ninjadip: i talked to the creator today, Wontonimo, and was told that i was off track
Blokops: what problem are you doing?
ninjadip: but getting lucky lol
ninjadip: so rewriting some of it now, i think i now how to finish it
ninjadip: just time to write the code
ninjadip: wave function collapse
ninjadip: going to search more by pattern constraints than anything else
Blabbage: ninjadip: ask if you need hints, I might be able to help
Blabbage: I struggled for many hours...
p.p.o.p.: Is the boss you play in the IDE the same as the one you play in the arena? I am beating it in my IDE but getting crushed by others in the arena
Blokops: yes is the same
Blokops: below next to the portrait of the boss there a delete button, click it and the choose the top 1 player
Astrobytes: Yep, same boss. It's the players you really need to beat, 50%+ winrate against the boss plus high winrate against the rest of the league should do it
Astrobytes: identify who you're losing against the most and watch replays to understand why, adjust bot to taste
p.p.o.p.: "adjust bot to taste" :grinning:
Astrobytes: ;)
p.p.o.p.: I like my bots speedy and curvy!
Astrobytes: lol, sounds about right
ninjadip: Blabbage thanks, just got back to console. i think i got it, just time to code
ninjadip: well at least i got a direction now i mean
ninjadip: just taking a break
Wontonimo: hey ninjadip , WFC is marked as "hard". really, it's hard. I've been plugging away at it very part time for years.
ninjadip: don't discourage me
ninjadip: i'm on a good track here
Wontonimo: oh, no, ii meant it as encouragement!!! you've made a way more progress than I made in the same time !!
Blabbage: Nice, it's worth it though, so satisfying filling out the blanks ;)
ninjadip: doing like you said, i am changing my output/working grid from char to string, going to make it hold the possibilities
ninjadip: i am so close
ninjadip: so i got two classes that are working pretty good together
ninjadip: with the patch class being able to do it's own testing of any other patch passed to it makes it very efficient code in the other loops
ninjadip: currently writing the constrain code
ninjadip: i had to watch that youtube video again, makes even more sense after grasping the problem but failing. if that makes sense to anyone
Blabbage: yes, same for me, it's easier to understand when you've already gotten dirty with the details
ninjadip: yeah, that's what i always tell people when i'm training them at work, or used to train them
ninjadip: watch me, try it, usually fail, now *really* watch me, and then they watch better that second time lol
ninjadip: oh, got to love some hot tea, all my problems are almost gone
ninjadip: alcohol for the rest
Astrobytes: what kind of tea though
Blabbage: long island?
Astrobytes: heh heh
ninjadip: i've always been partial to earl grey, but sometimes i like the english or irish breakfast. but always black tea
ninjadip: lol
Astrobytes: earl grey and lady grey are both nice. Other than those I go for herbals
ninjadip: one time i served a woman a long island iced tea, and spit out the first sip, and i had to explain that not only was it an alocholic drink, she had no idea, that it was almost all alcohol
Astrobytes: :rofl:
ninjadip: she just thought long island ice tea sounded like a cooler regular tea
ninjadip: lol
Blabbage: it's soo elusive, it's strong but doesn't taste nearly as strong as it is
Astrobytes: That's the beauty of a well made long island iced tea ;)
ninjadip: i think anyone will know that there's alcohol in it
Astrobytes: *should know*
ninjadip: both
Astrobytes: hehehe
ninjadip: man eff this Wontonimo
ninjadip: i'm getting nowhere lol
Blokops: help i have 12 hours worth of reading to do in 24 hours
Blokops: is more like 3 hours but with my adhd is 12
p.p.o.p.: Okay. I'm a teacher. Now we're in my area of expertise! Do you need to be able to do things with the reading or talk about it Blokops?
Blokops: there will be a quiz
ninjadip: always study for the quiz
ninjadip: primarily
Blokops: but im really not best at thing that things you call "reading"
Blokops: Software Arquitecture and Design
ninjadip: i mean study for the quiz by focusing on the right sections. but discerning what is important...
Blokops: Or S.A.D for short
ninjadip: first thing first is know that there isn't a q in architecture
Blokops: im a engenirer not a writter
ninjadip: i'm studying myself to be a software engineer
Blokops: cool beans, beware the filter classes
Blokops: they are the worst
ninjadip: i might be in the class you are in now
p.p.o.p.: So the reading is on S.A.D.?
Blokops: yes
Blokops: need to read chap 1 and 2 also i need to watch 2 hours worth of videos and read again for other class
Blokops: and make another assigment
p.p.o.p.: Are there a lot of examples of software that follows the principles they talk about?
Blokops: and make an essay
5922: Well, what are you doing on here? @_@
Blokops: is 100% theory
Blokops: 0 coding
ninjadip: ah no it's called operating platforms, but we are learning a lot of architecture
ninjadip: i usually just skim the chapters
ninjadip: is it on scrum and agile?
Blokops: sigh well back to work i guess
Blokops: you guys better not have fun while im out
p.p.o.p.: If you are writing an essay on architecture I can guarantee you they don't care about writing quality...understand the software principles by looking at the example and make notes on what you find interesting, then write your essay on that...i guess we are not in my area of expertise though haha
p.p.o.p.: Stabalizing around rank 8 on mad pod racing
ninjadip: did u do any drift counter steer yet
ninjadip: that's when that thing flys
ninjadip: flies
Blokops: pasting a quote from the book seems relevant
Blokops: "Good judgment is usually the result of experience. And experience is frequently the result of bad judgment. But to learn from the experience of others requires those who have the experience to share the knowledge with those who follow."
p.p.o.p.: jeez that's terrible writing
p.p.o.p.: well *that* won't be on the quiz and is not worth writing about
p.p.o.p.: Oh I'm 5th and the boss is 4th!
Astrobytes: yes, adjust so you drift nicely into the checkpoint and life will be smoother
p.p.o.p.: just dropped WAY down
Astrobytes: what league you in?
p.p.o.p.: Bronze, nothing to brag about
Astrobytes: ok, best advice for bronze -> gold is keep it simple
ASM_MOV_INT: so good judgment is frequently the result of bad judgment
ASM_MOV_INT: learning from results of previous bad judgment
ASM_MOV_INT: :innocent:
Slyyyy: hello whats a good way to pick up on javascript
ASM_MOV_INT: I started clashing with it, and seem to have picked it up relatively quickly
Blokops: start with the simple stuff
ASM_MOV_INT: it's all i clash in now...
ASM_MOV_INT: w3schools also helps
Slyyyy: ive been trying the clashs but get stuck sometimes
Blokops: the first step at being sort of good is being sort of bad
ASM_MOV_INT: that's normal
ASM_MOV_INT: if I can't get it, I hope that others share their code.... sometimes the problems get stuck in my head, and wish I could see the original code solution
ASM_MOV_INT: :sunglasses: problems of a clash addict
ASM_MOV_INT: sometimes I think I want to learn python.... then I see some of the solutions in python, and think.... um, i'm good
ASM_MOV_INT: it's more syntax rules than I care to devote to memory
ASM_MOV_INT: if and when I need to learn it... I will
Blokops: it took me ages to learn about map and lambda
Astrobytes: you can always keep working on the problem ASM_MOV_INT
Astrobytes: look it up at
Astrobytes: just try to remember something about the clash so you can find it again
ASM_MOV_INT: @astrobytes what is that? oh! that's .... awesomeness
ASM_MOV_INT: i'm going to have to try that
ninjadip: and i'm going to burn this wave function program to the ground
ASM_MOV_INT: wave function collapse is still wandering around my brain... waiting for me to turn it into some form of code soon
Astrobytes: ASM_MOV_INT: yeah it's a useful tool that
ASM_MOV_INT: especially for reverse lookups that no one solves! rofl
Astrobytes: also handy if you come across problematic ones that need reporting or downvoting, generally useful. Give props to euler whenever you see him
ASM_MOV_INT: oh sweet, it pulls the puzzle back into the IDE!!!! ty
ASM_MOV_INT: they should just link to the contribute view for every puzzle
Astrobytes: when you get to a certain level (And/or number of clashes for clashes) it does
Astrobytes: Useful if there is a problematic clash or puzzle. Abused by some but for the most part I think it's respected.
frez017: does anyone think that there is a problem with the game when clashing ? im sometimes 100% sure that my code is clean of errors and still the engine cant read my solution
Blokops: no
Blokops: do you get below 100%?
Blokops: sometimes is becasue you dont test all test cases
frez017: it doesnt read the code when i test
Blokops: do you have a sample of said code?
Wontonimo: hey hey
Blokops: hey hey hey
Wontonimo: did you solve WFC ASM_MOV_INT ?
Blokops: me?
Wontonimo: no, ASM_MOV_INT
Wontonimo: I'm starting to think it should be classified as 'very hard' :(
Wontonimo: 54% success rate so far, and that includes the contributors
ASM_MOV_INT: I just haven't tried it, I want to do it as a personal project, so loading it into my brain makes me want to go offline and try it in my personal programming...
Dorak: Just out of curiosity, is there a shortcut to the "Play All Test Cases" button?
Wontonimo: click the button ?
DaNinja: ctrl+shift+enter
Dorak: Thank you very much, Ninja.
ASM_MOV_INT: he meant to ask 'keyboard shortcut'
Wontonimo: i'm allowed to be a troll and a mod at the same time right?
Wontonimo: in all seriousness, i didn't know there was a shortcut. leave it to our resident ninja to know how to execute things quickly
Wontonimo: ;)
DaNinja: ;)
DaNinja: Havent found a shortcut for Replay in Same Conditions yet
Wontonimo: *execution* is more your style anyway
struct: hi Wontonimo
struct: hi *everyone
Wontonimo: hey struct
struct: Wontonimo im going to attempt to learn NN's once again
Wontonimo: yeah!
struct: What should my first step be before trying?
Wontonimo: jacek's tutorial !
struct: anything you think its important?
struct: like math or something like that
Blokops: one sec i have some prof presentations that could help you
struct: Wontonimo im full newbie to NNs
struct: I dont think I can understand that, maybe I can but
struct: seems like skiping steps
Wontonimo: okay, are you familiar with simulated annealing ?
Blokops: and
struct: dont think so
struct: thanks Blokops Ill check it
Wontonimo: i think those will be a bit much blokops for a 1st intro
Blokops: do the first link first
struct: i also have the "nnfs" book that I bought a while back
Blokops: the first link has a good explanation
Wontonimo: are you familiar with GA struct?
struct: never tried it
struct: not going well :p
Blokops: maybe try to start from the begening
Wontonimo: okay, take a look at this
Blokops: try k nearest nenigbord and move from there
Wontonimo: I like to first dispel some concepts around machine learning
Wontonimo: and i try to do so in that video.
Wontonimo: hopefully after seeing the code in action
Wontonimo: you'll see that starting with a plausable function but with the wrong parameters you can find the parameters through trial and error
struct: will watch
struct: watching rn*
Wontonimo: cool
Wontonimo: (and embarrassing)
Blokops: going to have to give up on mad pod racing for now
Blokops: rank 1,500 is good enouhg right?
Wontonimo: for what?
Wontonimo: good enough to show you are solid into gold? yeah!
Blokops: been going hard on this page because i have a interview in feb
Blokops: but im been stuck in the mad pod racing far to long
Blokops: need to learn other stuff
Wontonimo: i was "stuck" in it for about 3 months
Blokops: going to wait fro summer break after that will defeat you :point_right:
Wontonimo: struct, what do you think of the video?
struct: There are plenty of games to try
struct: good so far im only 8min in
Wontonimo: ah
struct: had to afk for a bit
Blokops: well now that im moving away from MPR
Blokops: any suggestions on what to do next
Blokops: something to teach me how to code better
Wontonimo: like what kind of algo do you want to try?
Wontonimo: do you want to learn minimax or MCTS ?
Blokops: whatever will help in a techncial interview
struct: ok so no AI
struct: I would do puzzles I think
struct: and even then there might be better places for this
Blokops: clash of code been a big help at lerning python better
Blokops: i can now free style rap python
Wontonimo: clash is probably the best for coding interview
struct: are interviews clash level?
Blokops: the first round will be 90 minutes to do 2 problems
Wontonimo: maybe try
Blokops: been doing those all month
struct: Blokops I would look for binarysearch site
struct: Lots of interview type questions there
Blokops: thanks again for the help with the water problem
Wontonimo: blub blub
Wontonimo: yeah, my pleasure :D
Wontonimo: do you practice coding without a proper editor and without google ?
Blokops: mostly here
Blokops: google i do use but mostly math stuff
Wontonimo: something that will make you stand out and look pro level is to be able to code without autocomplete, without googling stuff, and compiling once (maybe twice)
Wontonimo: so specifically practice that on easy coding problems like fizzbuzz
Wontonimo: count the number of compiles you need to solve the problem and work on reducing it to one or two
Blokops: reverse fizzbuzz?
Wontonimo: nobody does that kind of practice, and the only people who have those kind of skills are people who have coded every day professionally for decades. so you'll appear way more experienced than you are
Wontonimo: fizzbuzz is this problem
Wontonimo: but i don't mean fizzbuzz specifically. i mean problems like it. fairly simple interview questions
Blokops: seems easy enough, i bet i can solve it in one line
struct: sometimes problems can be tricky though
struct: they seem to have a simple solution but you need to take into account the complexity
Blokops: true true
Blokops: this seems more like a math problem
Blokops: done print([ [[i,"Fizz"][i%3==0],["Buzz","FizzBuzz"][i%3==0]][i%5==0] for i in range(1,n)])
Blokops: shortest mode has thought me well
struct: yeah
struct: just dont do that in the interview
struct: :p
Blokops: also the complexity is absolutely shit
Wontonimo: lol love your solution
QuickMathzs: when?
mrswagger21: @quickmathzs
mrswagger21: when did I ask
TryhardestIsBad: ong
QuickMathzs: @mrswagger21
TryhardestIsBad: lowkey
TryhardestIsBad: deadass
mrswagger21: dap me up
TryhardestIsBad: ong
TryhardestIsBad: gg
QuickMathzs: ONG BRUH NO CAP
TryhardestIsBad: sHEEESH
mrswagger21: ily m8s
Blokops: what going on
QuickMathzs: straight fax lowkeyyy tbh :sunglasses:
TryhardestIsBad: ONG
mrswagger21: amogus sus amirite
TryhardestIsBad: STRAIGHT FAX
TryhardestIsBad: LOWKEY
TryhardestIsBad: NO CAP
QuickMathzs: me whne amogus
QuickMathzs: sus
struct: stop spamming
TryhardestIsBad: gg
Blokops: they are bots
TryhardestIsBad: when?
QuickMathzs: no hablo ingles lo siento
Wontonimo: i approve the hammer struct. thanks
Wontonimo: i was looking away for just 2 min !
struct: same