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derjack: :upside_down:

Default avatar.png MalaysiaGamer_Fish: im noob

Default avatar.png MalaysiaGamer_Fish: :frowning2:

Default avatar.png MrZee: Question, if I have to close the page in the middle of a puzzle, does my code I wrote so far autosave?

5DN1L: You have to play your code once in order for it to be saved

Default avatar.png MrZee: Thank you!

5DN1L: :)

Default avatar.png MalaysiaGamer_Fish: How can I improve my coding skills :(

Default avatar.png 21stCenturyPeon: same as any other skill. practice, practice, practice, learn new bits, repeat until awesome

dreadylein: get a good book /tutorial series for your language of choice, find a project you are passionated for, then code

Default avatar.png MalaysiaGamer_Fish: Thank you :D

dreadylein: your welcome

derjack: improve? so you already have some coding basics?

Default avatar.png MalaysiaGamer_Fish: maybe

sparkym: yoooo

Default avatar.png MalaysiaGamer_Fish: hello

derjack: if you have some basics, try power of thor, the descent, temperatures puzzles

CryanRyan: Benis

Default avatar.png Vicas7: HEYYYYY yoO

MalaysiaGamer_Fish: Hello

CryanRyan: How to code?

Default avatar.png Vicas7: with your keyboard

Default avatar.png Vicas7: xD

CryanRyan: I do not have a keyboard

CryanRyan: using speech to text

MalaysiaGamer_Fish: ._.

Default avatar.png Vicas7: .-.

Katespizer: its even better that way

Uljahn: no spam here, guys

CryanRyan: you'Re spaming

Default avatar.png **Rodrigo_the_coder slaps no one around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png **Rodrigo_the_coder slaps himself out of confusion around a bit with a large fishbot

ninjadip: what a beautiful coding morning

Default avatar.png Dragon15609: is anyone able to help, I've converted a text file into a string[] using readall lines and now i'm not sure how to add to it

Default avatar.png Dragon15609: i've looked it up but i haven't been able to find a concrete solution

ninjadip: search google how to write to file in that language

ninjadip: how to write text

ninjadip: usually you have to open the file as such, to have read/write since you are writing too. but idk what language you're talking about

Default avatar.png Dragon15609: C#, that's what ive done. ive taken the file and then called upon it and used ReadAllLines to make it a string array so that i can then resave it after adding to it

Default avatar.png Dragon15609: i just don't know how to add to it

ninjadip: so appending the file

ninjadip: maybe google how to append text file c#

Default avatar.png Dragon15609: thanks, im a student and i haven't been taught what appending is, thanks you've just opened up a whole new world of google searches for me

ninjadip: i thought it might

ninjadip: having the right keyword helps

Default avatar.png Dragon15609: ha

ninjadip: i haven't messed with c# before. i heard it's like java?

Default avatar.png 21stCenturyPeon: Very. If you understand one, you'll be able to pick up the other.

derjack: except the methods start with capital letters

struct: what happened to bt leaderboard?

struct: everyone has the same points

struct: or close to the same

Wontonimo: i don't see a problem now

Default avatar.png nesnes112: Cederkaeppen please ur code in clash

Euler_Phi_Function: hi wontonimo

Euler_Phi_Function: euler phi function

Wontonimo: hey, how's your day going Euler_Phi_Function ?

Epsilon_Delta_Notation: great

Wontonimo: excellent smithers

derjack: struct where? there are 48 48 44 42 38...

derjack: nothing can break breakthrough leaderboard

FrancoRoura: Hey does things like opening MDN docs in a new tab count as cheating for certifications?

struct: i would say no

Frankich: I personnaly don't expect any developer to work without docs, so I would say no as well

derjack: and 2 ppl subimiting to bt now oO

struct: They probably are battling each other

darkhorse64: Truly excellent contribution :blush:

derjack: but no leagues :unamused:

struct: we need a boss there

derjack: shall I provide one

darkhorse64: Recurs e ?

struct: What rank should boss be?

struct: top 30?

darkhorse64: I should revise the contrib to remove this silly pawn animation

derjack: that would be even worse than othello

struct: you only need to change 1 line

derjack: silly pawn animation?

struct: when its captured I think

darkhorse64: yep

derjack: so checkersy

struct: There is a parameter you can put on move()

struct: or w/e its called on sdk

darkhorse64: I stole the code from checkers


struct: Its one of these

struct: IMMEDIATE will move pawn instantly at 0.0

struct: with no animation

struct: NONE will move at 1.0

struct: also with no animation

darkhorse64: There is this new "featured event" with leagues. Let's wait for it to provide new bosses.

darkhorse64: For the animation, I would only make the pawn dissapear. No need to throw it across the board

struct: yeah but with these ones it will achieve that

struct: and you dont ahve to change much

struct: only 1 line I think

darkhorse64: True but I am also not happy with the rest of the code base

struct: maybe you can also add highlighted cells

struct: like on chess 960

derjack: why any change anyway

struct: we need 3d breakthrough

darkhorse64: Anyway, I am the only one complaining. Yep, highlighted squares would be neat, reusing my last contrib. 3D ? Nah. It's overengineering

darkhorse64: My CTTT bot works ! Featuring 128 bit bitboards !

Zenoscave: what's cttt? is it like uttt?

struct: nice

Zenoscave: pew pew btw

struct: counting tic tac toe

derjack: what for? its solved

darkhorse64: Trying to win seems an OK strategy

darkhorse64: I wrote the bot mostly to experiment with gcc __int128

Default avatar.png IrakliButu: is this binary???

Default avatar.png IrakliButu: o nvm

struct: on breakthrough yeah

Wontonimo: woot, my latest contrib got accepted "Markov text generation"

Wontonimo: that's it for me for contributions for a while

Wontonimo: have you decided on a wood2 bot yet for Breakthrough ?

jacek: would Automaton2000 solve that puzzle?

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: and you also have a lot of things that are not in the test folder

darkhorse64: Automaton2000, do you think Wonto test coverage is not good ?

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: can i be a mod

Wontonimo: I see that BJD ranked 38th with javascript. It would be nice if the Wood2 bot was below some of the non C languages

darkhorse64: rise of the machines

Wontonimo: lol

struct: Non NN bots should not be allowed on the next league

jacek: i would use somthing from about the half

Wontonimo: ? wdym struct

struct: only top 5, which are all NNs should be on the next league

struct: mabe 6th is NN too? idk

Wontonimo: that seems excessive

jacek: so exclusive

darkhorse64: elite league

Wontonimo: so, you are volunteering your bot as the boss struct?

struct: hmm my bot is not strong enough

Wontonimo: it will allow the top 6 into wood1 and keep almost everyone else out

jacek: and no fun in the wood1 league, almost no battles

Wontonimo: I vote for top 30

struct: Ill wait until I find a working eval

struct: to decide

Wontonimo: there are 232 bots in BT, so a top 30/50 and then divide the rest in half to make 3 leagues would be nice

Wontonimo: i really like the first boss being a just-slightly-better-than-random

Wontonimo: gives people a sense of progression right away

Wontonimo: in this case, that would be wood3

struct: yeah its hard to choose on community games

Wontonimo: just clearing out the barely working bots from the rest would be a win

Lambert_W_Function: hi mod

Wontonimo: how about all the other people? :rolling_eyes:

Lambert_W_Function: ur the best i love u <3

jacek: aww

Wontonimo: wow, that's a lot of skin

jacek: some of them are repeating

JsDawg: dei boomer uncle engaiyu velaiya katriya??????

jacek: !

Wontonimo: JsDawg, English in this channel. Also, what lang is that?

jacek: python

jacek: wala is quite persistent with breakthrough ~

Wontonimo: python eh?

Wontonimo: oh, you are right jacek


Wontonimo: learn something every day

wala: I'm trying to tune my minimax evaluation

Wontonimo: hey wala :wave: !!

jacek: :+1:

jacek: TIL on many crypto forums theres suicide hotline

wala: Hi

Kitis: /me

Kitis: dies

Kitis: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

jacek: fail

struct: there are just 2 types of eval

struct: NN eval

struct: and random eval

struct: for breakthrough

Kitis: NOOOOO not the 2 types of eval

Kitis: What is eval?

Wontonimo: in python? it runs code

Kitis: oooooo I love python

struct: Kitis evaluating the current state of the game

Wontonimo: my earlier python code example was a joke by the way.

Kitis: But I can't figure out how to inport pyautogui

Kitis: :(

Wontonimo: lol. it's a joke. it won't run

Kitis: Ik

Kitis: sadness

Kitis: why do us coders always use "i" in loops?

Wontonimo: because we are egocentric ?

Kitis: thets a funny word

struct: answer is math

jacek: :scream:

Kitis: i see.

Wontonimo: always math

Kitis: well in thet case

Kitis: ......

struct: I think my negamax is wrong on lines of action

Kitis: 1^6x2-2(1+9)2=0.01

struct: Im going to try it on bt

Kitis: or known as 69

Smelty: ;-;

jacek: lines of action is quite different to bt eh?

Kitis: one of the mods once banned me and my brother for being "Anoying"

struct: I can still copy the negamax jacek

Kitis: It was a 1 YEAR ban

Kitis: but i have rose from the dead

Kitis: I still remember the mod

Kitis: His name was Uljahn

MSmits: if they said you were annoying with one 'n', I say they should lose their mod status for crimes against spelling

Kitis: Im just 12

Kitis: ;(

MSmits: yeah it;s fine when you do it

MSmits: dont worry

Wontonimo: hey, Kitis, take a break. please keep your conversation related to the topic at had : breakthrough

Kitis: Thenks for your fougivness

Default avatar.png Oniibaru: how am i supposed to these if i dont know any of the deffinitions -.-

Kitis: whats that

jacek: Wontonimo breakthrough in what?

struct: I need to read some bt papers

Kitis: Hay wontonimo can I roast u?

Wontonimo: or other multis or codingame stuff

Wontonimo: just not idle jibberish you were going on about Kitis

jacek: its hard to find bt papers. all i could find was something about breakthrough in cancer :( i dont care about that

Kitis: you don't care about wontonimo. HE HAS CANCER look at his pfp

MSmits: ehh careful there Kitis or you'll be gone again

MSmits: jacek toes the line and you jump right over it

Wontonimo: everyone, as you were. the Kitis has been banished for 5 min. :D

jacek: mhm

struct: jacek


struct: at least 1 paper

struct: not much

jacek: or

struct: need to request it

jacek: or pay

struct: I had a decent paper for it, cant find it

jacek: ask smits how to do that

MSmits: :rage:

struct: "The program is launched as “wanderer_bot” on the Little Golem (LG) website"

struct: is that where your bot is jacek?

jacek: eeyup

Wontonimo: i sent you a link to the publication struct


Wontonimo: looks like it is the full source

struct: thanks

Wontonimo: np

Kitis: I'm back yay I will be more behaved now.

Default avatar.png Be-Ugeen: any tips why i cant do something like that? result.append([1] * 500000001)

jacek: out of memory :?

Default avatar.png Be-Ugeen: i dont know it just stops

Wontonimo: what are you trying to do Be-Ugeen ?

Default avatar.png Be-Ugeen:

Wontonimo: ah. yeah, that puzzle

struct: so it seems i need to evaluate patterns?

Wontonimo: you can't actually allocate all that memory.

Wontonimo: you need to be "clever" about it

jacek: n-tuples?

struct: maybe I should learn it

Kitis: any tips on python guys?

Kitis: like what do YOU run it on>

Kitis: ?

jacek: computer

Wontonimo: think about it Be-Ugeen. If you have 500 1s followed by 500 2s, and you multiply that by 1000 3s, it becomes 500 1*3 and 500 2*3

Kitis: can I be a mod

Kitis: I will be nice

Wontonimo: sure

Kitis: YAY

Kitis: u da best

Wontonimo: but not here

Kitis: awww

Kitis: y not

Kitis: i will be mice tho

Kitis: nice*

Default avatar.png Oniibaru: why does the descent tell me to use stdin, stdout, and stderr as the first hint when these aren't defined things?

Scarfield: y not mice

Kitis: yes mine too

Kitis: mice*

Kitis: ahhhhh

jacek: Oniibaru what language


Default avatar.png Oniibaru: javascript

jacek: most of them would be 'defined' by default in most language

Kitis: in python is ther supposed to be a semicolen?

jacek: in js, console.error prints to stderr

jacek: generally the puzzles on codingame are structured that you get input in stding and you need to print answer in stdout, or console.log them

Scarfield: no semicolon in python, but colons in loops, ifs etc.

Scarfield: for i in range(10):


Kitis: whats blabla

Kitis: is it a fish?

Scarfield: what ever you want it to be, 10 times

Kitis: WOW

Kitis: So i can have 10 fishes

Default avatar.png aertify: Why I cant see my debug messages?

Kitis: is it safe to eat fishy food

Kitis: because there are no debug messages

Scarfield: what language, and how are you printing them aertify?

Default avatar.png aertify: C#, I've followed this message "To debug: Console.Error.WriteLine("Message");

Kitis: sould i stop eating my fishy food? I fell sick

Kitis: I print my stuff with my pronter

Scarfield: should be correct, are you not writing anything else than debug? and maybe your code is timing out because of it

Kitis: but I have no red ink but I can't print my black and white code

Wontonimo: take another break Kitis and consider your life choices

Sha_winter: hi

Default avatar.png aertify: Yeah, I've put some if statements, that might be the reason, sec I'll try to use debug without any other code I've added.

Sha_winter: I was once deleted

Sha_winter: And them

Sha_winter: I was here

Sha_winter: It smells like tofu

5DN1L: It smells like spam

Sha_winter: No U

Sha_winter: How fast can I get icked?

Sha_winter: Kicked*

5DN1L: If you continue like this, pretty fast

Sha_winter: Perfect

Sha_winter: dg

Sha_winter: df

5DN1L: Bye

OleMurpho: This is super dope

Kitis: sha winter is my twin

Kitis: aka shadow winter aka sha_win

Kitis: what U BANNED him

Kitis: I willl send you to jesus

Wontonimo: you are next if you don't behave

Kitis: oh srry

Kitis: sir wontonimo your wish is my command

jacek: apparently more people are hyped for bt now

Wontonimo: specifically asking to be banned and then acting poorly will get you banned

Kitis: oh

Kitis: cool!

OleMurpho: He'll put you in Wontonimo Bay

Kitis: I wil behave *in robotic voice

Wontonimo: +1 OleMurpho

Kitis: will i be squished to smitherines

struct: jacek can you play vs this bot?


Wontonimo: last warning Kitis

jacek: hmm i could invite him

struct: oh it has lots of loses I think

jacek: if he accepts

struct: maybe it was strong before

jacek: bur last game is 2018:?

struct: yeah

struct: It was the bot mentioned on the paper

struct: I sent

struct: its probably down

OleMurpho: What's littlegolem all about? Are there different game modes?

jacek: its correspondence games only

jacek: generaly 1 day for move

struct: 1 move per day?

jacek: day is the limit. coult be less

struct: ah

jacek: i use around 10 seconds

jacek: mostly because my vps has only 1GB ram

struct: do you do the move manually?

jacek: no, its bot. parses html automatically

struct: maybe if my bot thinks for 1 hour it can match your

KalamariKing: havent been here in a while :cry:

jacek: who are you

KalamariKing: whats the difference between: `el in arr` `any([ el==e for e in arr ])`

KalamariKing: one calls __contains__ and one calls __eq__?

jacek: :no_mouth:

5DN1L: It looks like yes? :thinking:

Wontonimo: hey KalamariKing, it's been a while

KalamariKing: hey Wontonimo long time no see

KalamariKing: finals :sob:

jacek: finals?

5DN1L: trials

5DN1L: Automaton2000, take some quizzes and tests and exams and finals

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: can i paste my code

5DN1L: no

Blokops: Automaton2000 what are your thoughts on the activition/Microsoft acquisition

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: there is also a good idea

Blokops: dang Automaton2000 is pro monopolies

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: or i guess i need to know what you mean

Blokops: i mean that Microsoft bought blizzard/activison Automaton2000

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: yes i know, but it is worth it

Blokops: Automaton200*0 being kind of sentient

Kitis: how do I open .py files they just instantly close

Fasader: with an editor

Fasader: right click->edit

Fasader: notepad->open..

Fasader: or get some IDE like pycharm, it's got a free community edition

Fasader: double clicking .py files runs the code unless set up otherwise

BlaiseEbuth: .py -> righ click -> delete, then trash -> right click -> empty trash. You'll tanks me, one day...

Fasader: :joy:

Kitis: omg thx


Kitis: read this

Kitis: and run it

Kitis: also I use pycharm

Blokops: any one wanna do a contribution review exchange

lemin08: me

lemin08: oops

lemin08: forget about that

Blokops: bout what

Blokops: oh got it

lemin08: contribution review

zophia2222: hello

zophia2222: join me -790 -505 -72 242 703 897 367 23 -500 -605


zophia2222: helloooooo

zophia2222: andres-sumihe

remember me?

zophia2222: pl

andres-sumihe: Halo

zophia2222: hey

zophia2222: join the zoom meeting do you know who i am?


zophia2222: anyone ca join

zophia2222: hi hi hi hi hih ih himh

lain111: hi how are you

lain111: fine thank you

Zzzette: bien y tu

PedroGlock: im die thank you forever

Zzzette: ok but did i ask

PedroGlock: you did

PedroGlock: do i know you ?

PedroGlock: cheap whore

Default avatar.png SkyHive9005: ayo chill

Zzzette: ok insolent don't sobrepases de smart with Migo si

PedroGlock: ok lets kiss

Dawnt: :neutral_face:

PedroGlock: :nerd:

Default avatar.png SkyHive9005: lmfao

Zzzette: ok but don't here bc i'm nervous

Dorak: Kiss between friends, you are all invited.

Dorak: :kissing_heart:

PedroGlock: 0 maricoteo

Zzzette: abraham moja el pipe

Zzzette: se quedara ahora en el chat global

PedroGlock: abraham moja el pipe

Zzzette: ustedes sabian que

Zzzette: abraham tiene un piercing en el pipe

lain111: si sabia

Zzzette: deberian ponerlo de foto de portada todos

Wontonimo: english here or go to the french #fr channel

PedroGlock: thanks now me and my french friends will go to french channel

PedroGlock: bonjour

Dorak: Omelette du fromage.

Dorak: :raised_hands:

Dawnt: Who is the idiot speaking French?

Wontonimo: okay, next non-english message gets kicked

PedroGlock: sure

Dawnt: Silence the Peruvian

PedroGlock: whos the peruvian

Wontonimo: kicked

Wontonimo: you have been given a 5 minute time out

Wontonimo: this is a public chat. Be respectful. Talk about coding or codingame. Generally stay on topic.

Wontonimo: PedroGlock has been banned for toxic and abusive private chat

Dawnt: Jiji mutearon al peruano :laughing:

Josdel: hey wontonimo

Josdel: pedroglock is live in 'es' chat

Josdel: :grimacing:

ayaan-dev: hi

ayaan-dev: wassup

ayaan-dev: E

ayaan-dev: E

ayaan-dev: E

Dorak: E

Wontonimo: next spam gets banned

ayaan-dev: oh shi-

Default avatar.png LeJordy: mod moment

ayaan-dev: lol

Wontonimo: consider this a warning :

Wontonimo: this is a public chat. Be respectful. Talk about coding or codingame. Generally stay on topic.

Wontonimo: talk about coding

Default avatar.png LeJordy: Well im outta here

ayaan-dev: yeah same lol

ayaan-dev: bye peeps

Default avatar.png LeJordy: don't feel like getting banned

ayaan-dev: have a good day

Default avatar.png LeJordy: same to you

Wontonimo: good decision

Zzzette: y estos randoms

ayaan-dev: hola

ayaan-dev: yo no hablo espanol

Dawnt: Que tonto :joy:

ayaan-dev: yo soy muy mal a espanol

Wontonimo: English only on this channel

Default avatar.png layZzEEE: no

Default avatar.png layZzEEE: no one speak english

Wontonimo: I've banned 4 people in the last 30 min... sigh

Wontonimo: unfortunately bans are permanent

Wontonimo: ya tell people to not do something or you'll ban them, then they do the thing

Wontonimo: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

jayluckii: sad times wonton

Wontonimo: yeah

jayluckii: remember me?

Wontonimo: i miss the usual crowd that likes to talk about mcts

Wontonimo: yeah, i sure do jay

jayluckii: welp remember how i got suspendd today was my first day back i missed a crap ton

Wontonimo: yeah

jayluckii: anyways how are you?

Wontonimo: great actually. these spammers cant keep me down!

Blokops: bout how many clash code are there?

Wontonimo: 5,000 maybe? I don't know actually

Blokops: funny that i havnet seena repeat on but i ended up seeing one that was previoulsy in contributions

Blokops: 20s' since i knew the answer

Blokops: made 3 guys quit

Wontonimo: haha

Wontonimo: hey Blokops, good call on the difficulty of Markov Text being easy. 25 people have already attempted it with a 70% success rate

Blokops: maybe you can do a part 2 with more complexity

Wontonimo: yeah, i've been thinking of a NN variant

Wontonimo: but can't think of a clean way of doing it for codingame in a puzzle

Blokops: wouldn't a NN need like a lot of data to work

Blokops: and then the checking of result would be hard

Wontonimo: exactly

Blokops: oh maybe you could do a "image" object using euclidian distance

Blokops: image object detection*

Blokops: give n images and 1 image to compare

Wontonimo: well then it wouldn't be text anymore :D

Blokops: it can be black and white with range 0 to 255

Blokops: sort of like the mnset

Blokops: MNIST*

Wontonimo: yeah, i know mnist

Wontonimo: i was thinking more like word2vec or glove

Wontonimo: with NLP instead of image processing

Blokops: actually calling shutgun on the idea of image reconigtion

Blokops: it would make for a cool clash

Wontonimo: you may find this interesting

Blokops: been there done that. It was THE filter class of my bachelor

Blokops: only 50% manage to pass

Wontonimo: yikes

Blokops: that and computer achiteecutre

Wontonimo: like making furniture out of ipads ?

Wontonimo: yeah, that would be hard

Wontonimo: okay, should have said bridges instead of furniture ... anyway ... always thought architecture was a funny term for good design in s/w

Wontonimo: so what were you thinking for the clash of code ?

Blokops: a simple version of mnist

Blokops: only 0 and 1

Blokops: n image m by m

Blokops: plus one to compare

Blokops: return the index of the one that looks the most

Blokops: also the compare one is flip numbers

Wontonimo: just direct, or do you have to include shifts, minor rotates, noise?

Blokops: direct

Wontonimo: so, if a 1 is just a few pixels to the left it would totally not match and that's okay right?

Blokops: it shoudl be the one that matches the most

Blokops: yea you are right it should have some noise/shift

Wontonimo: if you have an image, say 30x30 pixels, then a poor-mans convolution is to sample 4 29x29 pixels from the original and use the result that has the strongest match

Wontonimo: or 9 28x28

Wontonimo: so you could provide some 28x28 samples, and one 30x30

Blokops: im am not doing 28x28 nope nope nope

Wontonimo: that would address shifts

Blokops: doing a contribution is a PAIN

Wontonimo: haha

Wontonimo: it is

Wontonimo: i'm taking a break for a while from contribs

Blokops: still trying to grind that achivemnet

Blokops: i dont know whats the last quest but i want those 500XP points

Wontonimo: heh

Blokops: i still dread doing the "very hard" puzzles one

Blokops: took me 2 weeks to do the batman one

Blokops: still need to do 1 more

Wontonimo: create your first contribution and get 5 upvotes

Wontonimo: that is for gold level

Blokops: but the next one?

Wontonimo: for legend level you need to get it approved

Wontonimo: that's it

Wontonimo: nothing after that

Blokops: i might get legend on bot making before i can get that one

Blokops: is like the clash of code last one

Wontonimo: which bot battle are you working on to get legend?

Blokops: took me AGES