Wontonimo: ah
Rebollo: :slight_frown:
Rebollo: Folks, what if I have this class structure:
Rebollo: Class A {}
Rebollo: And you are ature
Rebollo: mature
Rebollo: np
Rebollo: Class A{}
Class child1 : public A{} Class child2 : public A{}
Rebollo: And a Need to print its childs contents
Rebollo: having a array o A
Rebollo: But each of the childs require diferent logic on print function because the are different types
therealbeef: you have an array of A or pointers/references to A?
Rebollo: the Array contains child1 and child2
therealbeef: hmm, is this about c++?
Rebollo: yes
Rebollo: Class A (parent) Class child2 Class child2
Rebollo: Array of type A = [child1Obj, child2Obj]
Rebollo: would like to call
therealbeef: that's impossible :)
therealbeef: all elements of an array have to be of the same type
Rebollo: A[0]->print()
kurtesy: Aloha
therealbeef: it's useful to distinguish two different kind of types: static type and dynamic type. Static type is what you actually say it is in the code. Dynamic type is what the object actually is in memory. so when you have std::array<A*, 2> you get an array where all elements have static type 'pointer to A'. But they can have dynamic type child1 and child2: std::array<A*,2> = {&child1Obj, &child2Obj};
Rebollo: like this right?
Rebollo: This works
Rebollo: different types in the same array
Rebollo: Now how can I genericly print their values, onde they have different properties?
Rebollo: once*
therealbeef: In your code the array consists of objects of type Area (not pointers). When you then assign an object of type Grass to it, it converts the gg object to an Area object, so area[1] is not pointing to the gg object
therealbeef: polymorphism only works through pointers or references
Rebollo: :nerd:
therealbeef: Area** array = new (Area*)[10]; array[0] = bb; array[1] = gg;
BobaAndBiba: hi i Boba , your ban my brother Biba, i angry:rage::rage:, За россию !!!!!:flag_ru::flag_ru:
Rebollo: OMG
Rebollo: I just used Area** to create a matrix of Area
therealbeef: nah, just an array of pointers :-)
denis_semen_danil_777: :flag_lr:
therealbeef: in c++ it's best to use std::array or std::vector when you need an array. that makes it clearer
denis_semen_danil_777: :pig_nose:
denis_semen_danil_777: :flag_ua:
denis_semen_danil_777: :cherries:
denis_semen_danil_777: :underage:
denis_semen_danil_777: :ok_hand_tone5::point_left:
BobaAndBiba: Росссия вперед!!!!:muscle_tone1::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::flag_ru::point_up_tone1::pray_tone5:
derjack: where is that cat
BlaiseEbuth: He's not working on caturday derjack
Hubertinio: :bow::radioactive::flag_fo:
Uljahn: im here
Rebollo: I created a array like this
Rebollo: Area** array = new Area*[10];
Rebollo: added this childs (different types)
Rebollo: but still cant acess a propertie
Rebollo: only related to one child
Rebollo: Ball* bb = new Ball(5,5,5); Grass* gg = new Grass();
Rebollo: But can´t reach a propertie of Ball
Rebollo: inside the array
Rebollo: array[0] = bb; array[1] = gg;
Rebollo: A propertie only related to the child
Rebollo: for example Ball->Size
Rebollo: or even distinguish the types
JL727: no
Uljahn: no spam guys
Uljahn: this channel is English-only
derjack: sacre bleu!
Fasader: greetings fellow coders
Uljahn: you're on thin ice
BlaiseEbuth: Caturday on ice.
5DN1L: Wow, are we reliving Thursday? Many lines in the chat are the same as yesterday's
5DN1L: the spam lines
BlaiseEbuth: Euler Phi Function
5DN1L: :rolling_eyes:
BlaiseEbuth: <3
5DN1L: How many mods have kicked you out so far, BlaiseEbuth? :smirk:
BlaiseEbuth: Hmm... Wonto for joking and euler for a test. :thinking:
Fasader: gotta catch em all?
Fasader: but they're mods, not pokemons
Fasader: smh
Uljahn: why not pokemods?
BlaiseEbuth: :D
Fasader: pocket moderators, hmm
Fasader: would they be pocket sized or would the moderate pockets?
Assasint: Ho is a mother here
5DN1L: Assasint Do you have better things to say? Why don't you solve more puzzles or build some AI bots or play some clashes?
NgoVu: today is my birthday but i don't have friends
Rebollo: the reason is clear
5DN1L: Automaton2000 do you have a botday?
Automaton2000: in the end you have a sim for this game
Rebollo: Folks, in the console output, c++, by using COUD: Is it possible to use colors?
Rebollo: COUT*
5DN1L: why colors?
Rebollo: just want to show the results graphically withou affecting the data, for better understanding of the behavior
Rebollo: like the colors representing states
Rebollo: or something like that
Rebollo: because let´s say I have 5 states for each char
Rebollo: I would like to see it in a understandable way instead of choosing diferent characters for each state for each character
Rebollo: would result in a huge combination and I will not be able to understand it anymore
Rebollo: cout << "\033[1;31mbold red text\033[0m\n";
Rebollo: trying to use something like that but
struct: yes its possible
struct: but cg doesnt handle it
struct: so its not possible on cg
Rebollo: thanks
Rebollo: is this because of the server type? What the reason? Operational system? Just for curiosity
struct: because its handled as html
struct: or just text I think
Uljahn: might be a unification (and simplification) of the output console to equally support 27 programming languages
Uljahn: also custom colorizing might conflict with dark/light themes or something
Rebollo: nice to know thanks
Uljahn: also colorization works in snippets
Rebollo: folks:
Rebollo: In c++ I am able to call a copy contructor while creating a new object
Rebollo: Area* tempArea = ballsVector[ballIndex];
Rebollo: sorry
Rebollo: like this
Rebollo: Area* tempArea(ballsVector[ballIndex]);
Rebollo: but I can´t make it work when I need to assign a existing object to another
Rebollo: like a simple assigment
Rebollo: is it possible to call a copy constructor?
Rebollo: Because when I do the assigment with simple =
Rebollo: I dont want to copy all the properties
Uljahn: do you want to copy/assign a selected set of properties to another object?
therealbeef: what you're assigning in the code you posted is a pointer
Rebollo: I have two nodes, they are in diferent positions of my tree.. I want to swap their references of LEFT and RIGHT
therealbeef: Area a; auto b = a; calls the copy-constructor
Rebollo: Like change the position of the nodes
Rebollo: without changing their data
Rebollo: NodeA->left = NodeB->left
Rebollo: NodeA->right = Nodeb-right
Rebollo: and vice-versa
therealbeef: are left and right pointers to objects? if so, what you wrote would work (though probably needs a tmp variable); it swaps the addresses pointed at
Rebollo: yes they are pointers
Rebollo: Hum I think I got it
Rebollo: but there is something wrong because no matter how distant I go to the right
Rebollo: I never get segmentation error
therealbeef: you think there is a loop?
therealbeef: editing trees can be tricky
Rebollo: At least there is no explicity loop
Rebollo: I just doing like this
Rebollo: I think its poiting to itself somehow
YurkovAS: *sourceObj = *targetObj;
Rebollo: What?
YurkovAS: this work as: auto b = a; calls the copy-constructor
YurkovAS: *b = *a;// for pointers
Rebollo: I am trying I think it is working
Rebollo: 1 more minute
Rebollo: something wrong like a cirsular reference
Rebollo: but could figure out why
Rebollo: circular*
Rebollo: i think it is not calling the copy constructor
Rebollo: I put a cout inside the copy constr
Rebollo: but is not showing in the console..
Rebollo: I did the copy contructor like this
struct: why are you overwriting the copy constructor?
struct: do you only want to copy certain elements?
Rebollo: Example
Rebollo: I have two Nodes:
Rebollo: A
Rebollo: and B
Rebollo: each one has their own left and right pointers
Rebollo: I want that e B start poiting to the a left and right
Rebollo: and vice versa
Rebollo: At the end I want to swap their places in the data structure
struct: swap the place of a and b?
Rebollo: yes a will point to the b pointers
Rebollo: and b will point to the a pointers
Rebollo: humm
YurkovAS: maybe this is copy assignment
Rebollo: is it possible to swap the memory adress? so I keep track of all the others nodes the were pointing to them?
Rebollo: Because there might exist other nodes the point to them and If I change only their (A e B) reference
Rebollo: this can be a mess
Rebollo: basically
Rebollo: Swap nodes in a linked list without swapping data
struct: well you will have the problem that will still point to the same address
struct: if you swap A with B
struct: everything that was pointing to A will now be poiting to the same address which is B
therealbeef: if you have x - a - y - b - z, remember you will need to edit all 5 nodes
struct: wich has B on it
struct: unless i missunderstood
Rebollo: Yes I think u get the problem
Rebollo: So I need to handle manually
Rebollo: no "smart" way or common used way to solve this problem?
therealbeef: but why not leave a and b in place and just swap their content?
therealbeef: the common way is never to use linked lists ;-)
Rebollo: because they have different types
0xanas: :eyes:
Rebollo: One node is type of ball
Rebollo: the other is grass
Rebollo: There is a parent class commom to them
Rebollo: And in order to access specif properties of the childs
Rebollo: I am doing
Rebollo: dynamic cast
Rebollo: I though linked list were the best options for graphs
Rebollo: binary trees
Rebollo: fast searches
Rebollo: why not?
Rebollo: but each node hs up, down, left, right
Rebollo: lots of references
therealbeef: well, binary trees are not actually faster than vectors with linear search until you have a million nodes
Rebollo: what about graphs
Rebollo: Where some problems to be solved
Rebollo: I dont need to much data que start getting slow
Rebollo: like Waze
Rebollo: routes
Rebollo: Like a want to visit 100 places
Rebollo: What would be the best track
Rebollo: to save oil for example
Rebollo: I can´t simply test all possibilities
therealbeef: same. problem with linked lists is that they are scattered around memory, so it can't be optimized very well by the cpu
Rebollo: humm
therealbeef: you can represent a graph with a vector too
Rebollo: I really like to swap their values only, but once they are different types
Rebollo: But how would a represent a graph with a vector
Rebollo: without keeping the positions references?
therealbeef: instead of memory addresses you store indices
Rebollo: sorry I don´t want to question your knowledge
Rebollo: is the opposite
Rebollo: I am trying to learning
therealbeef: me too :)
Rebollo: nice
Rebollo: hum like hash?
therealbeef: This is a nice presentation about performance of different data structures in c++:
therealbeef: from c++ conference
Rebollo: let me have a look
therealbeef: basic message: use vectors unless you have really good reason
Rebollo: it seems it is a common issue
Rebollo: I found lots of references
Rebollo: and like doing only for one pointer like next
Rebollo: is already a big code
Rebollo: At first glace seems simple
Rebollo: I am trying to solve a puzzle which probably doest need that much care about the performance
Rebollo: But I am focused in learning
therealbeef: I think it's good to try different things and learn from them. so making your own linked grid can be very instructional, but you asked for common approach ;)
Rebollo: sure cause I thought I was going to far, wrong way, worst way
Rebollo: I would like to hear some reference
therealbeef: you approach should be possible to make it work, just a bit of headache :)
therealbeef: *your
TimV13-BBG-: it depends on what kind of software you make when it comes to performance. Higher performance usually means less readability.
TimV13-BBG-: try making clean code at first, then look at performance
Rebollo: you are right
TimV13-BBG-: trying to make something run 'fast' can take a lot of time and will cause headaches xD
therealbeef: *cough* data oriented design *cough*
Rebollo: I was watching a sql expert developer that says that he prefers to create a readable code, maintainable to to the detriment of performance for example
Rebollo: of course there are cases and cases
Rebollo: Also he mentioned that you need to avoid comments
Rebollo: The code mmust talk for itself
Rebollo: because sometimes the speak language can be ambiguous or just don´t represent what the code is doing
Rebollo: That´s why I don´t understand ruby, do you?
therealbeef: and functions should be 4 lines at most ;)
Rebollo: I went to a business intelligence pproject for exxon mobil
Rebollo: SAP HANA database
Rebollo: It a in memory data base
Rebollo: I started to create the reporsts
Rebollo: the goal was to run everything live
Rebollo: without materializing the results
Rebollo: I created a generic recursive function
Rebollo: You just need to maintain a table
TimV13-BBG-: never done anything in Ruby but code should indeed speak for itself
Rebollo: to create all the metrics
Rebollo: It turned out that the solution is too hard to maintain
Rebollo: too hard to undertand
Rebollo: And I realized the SQL is a static language
Rebollo: So it would be better to have redundant code
Rebollo: instead of generic things
Rebollo: because once you have some problem
Rebollo: All the solution depends of it
Rebollo: I learned by making this mistaake
Rebollo: never try to do a generic stuff anymore
Rebollo: at least for this kink of language
Rebollo: now I am not in the project anymore
Rebollo: And I wonder how the guys will understand that sutff
Rebollo: :grin:
Rebollo: Once I crashed the server because of this recursive body was able to kill the processes
Rebollo: the were generated in paralell..
therealbeef: code that speaks for itself is a good ideal, but in practice not really maintainable. Imagine a small function in a chain of functions; not always easy to see what it tries to do... but I agree it's something to strive for; at least have descriptive function and variable names
Rebollo: perfect
therealbeef: Interfaces are a different story of course ;)
Rebollo: actually there are some directions / best practices, but there is no wrong or right
Rebollo: lways depends on the scenario
Rebollo: but is awesome to take into account this aspects
Rebollo: Folks
Rebollo: Is it ok to use a Class function inside the contructor?
Rebollo: Like lets say I need to generate a id
Rebollo: And a call a generateIdFunction inside de contructor?
Rebollo: Lets say this function is part of the same class
therealbeef: sure, that's fine. sounds like it would be a static function though (so different instances of the class could have unique ids)
Rebollo: different istances could have unique id? What do you mean? The same ID can be created in different instaces?
Rebollo: or the Opposite?
therealbeef: opposite
Rebollo: I got
Rebollo: yes no problem
therealbeef: static int get_id() { static int id = 0; return id++; }
Rebollo: the ID will make sense only on the instace
Rebollo: I will never compare different instances for example
Ose: 5
Ose: I'm back
Ose: And I can talk!! woohoo! I am no more blocked
jacek: oh my
Ose: what
Uljahn: you'll be blocked again if you don't follow the Code of Conduct
SpaghettiMaster456: CODE of conduct
Ose: oh ok
5DN1L: Well Ose was kicked out by mistake amid chaos yesterday
Uljahn: low level accounts flooding casually are sus
5DN1L: true
Ose: yeah i know that
jacek: oO
Godichou: Hi, I have a question about the exercice "temperatures" in Python, someone did it and is ready to help me? go dm me
IamFish: sent DM
jacek: huh
Nachosauce: You guys are great.
5DN1L: What do you plan to do next, Nachosauce?
5DN1L: Continue with Mad Pod?
5DN1L: Or something else?
Nachosauce: Working on mars lander
Nachosauce: On lunch at work right now, then have meetings through the end of the day :grimacing:
5DN1L: a lot of work :P
5DN1L: Ah I remember you
5DN1L: oops
5DN1L: i mean I remember now
5DN1L: You started Mars Lander 2
5DN1L: but then went back to Mars Lander 1
5DN1L: ah no
Nachosauce: I think I have something flipped somewhere on my landers velocity :sweat_smile: By the time I get to scoring the solution it seems like it might have horizontal and vertical velocity backwards. Ruhroh.
5DN1L: it's somebody else...
5DN1L: haha
5DN1L: easy to fix?
Nachosauce: I sure hope so. Still have to find where/why
5DN1L: ah i see
jacek: so quiet and peaceful
princess_of_zeal: what has changed?
jacek: Automaton2000 changed
Automaton2000: why would u want to do them all at once
princess_of_zeal: Automaton2000 seems the same spammer as before :-)
Automaton2000: no, just a few turns
guylevitsky42: how do I continue after winning Wood 1?
5DN1L: Your games are still running
5DN1L: Please wait
5DN1L: Click LAST BATTLES to see the progress of your races being run
5DN1L: You're in Bronze league now
always0I: some suggestions for beginners to play this
kubus765: depends on what level you are
Rebollo: OMG my steps sre soo small and slow
Rebollo: Every challange I win another think which is suposed to be easy became a nightmare
Rebollo: If you guys can give me a tip
Rebollo: I am trying to sort a vector
Rebollo: of pointers
Rebollo: by the object id propertie
Rebollo: Pointers->Ball->objId
Rebollo: trying this
Rebollo: static bool before( const Pointers& c1, const Pointers& c2 ) { return c1.area->uniqueId < c2.area->uniqueId; }
Rebollo: but I don´t know if I declare that in the Pointer class
Rebollo: or in the ball class
Rebollo: The vector is type Pointer
Rebollo: has child type area
Rebollo: that has child types
Rebollo: ball
Rebollo: grass
Rebollo: water
Rebollo: but all of the childs has a common uniqueId propertie
Rebollo: And I want to sort the aarray by them
Rebollo: uniqueID
ninjadip: a vector of pointers? why not a linked list
ninjadip: which sorting technique are you using
Rebollo: I don´t know the name
Rebollo: but
Rebollo: using this sintaxe
Rebollo: static bool before( const Area& c1, const Area& c2 ) { return c1.uniqueId < c2.uniqueId; }
Rebollo: like a compartions function
Rebollo: I dont know if it is lambda
Rebollo: and calling sort
Rebollo: but once I have a array of Poiters of Areas of Balls
Rebollo: Pointers > Areas > Balls
Rebollo: I don´t know where to declare this comparison function
Rebollo: Class GolfGame
Rebollo: Has an array of Pointers
Rebollo: Which has a pointer to Area
ninjadip: i have more questions then answers, so sorry, i can't help
Rebollo: Which point to Ball
struct: sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&](Node* a, Node* b) {return a->visits > b->visits; });
struct: you want something like this?
ninjadip: that looks good
Rebollo: yes
Rebollo: but where do I declare it?
Rebollo: which level?
struct: what do you mean by level?
Rebollo: I have 4 classes
Rebollo: GolfGame has
Rebollo: a array of POinter
Rebollo: that has
Rebollo: a pointer to Area
Rebollo: That has childs of many types
Rebollo: but all the child types has a uniqueId in common
Rebollo: And I want to sort the a array of POinter by the uniqueId
Rebollo: of their lowest level in the hierarchy
struct: well I guess you either store in area the lowest unique id yet
Rebollo: Class 1 has a vector of Class2 of type Class 3 which has objects of Class4
struct: or you loop them when you sort
struct: which wont be as efficient
Rebollo: Its pretty small data set
Rebollo: I wa trying to use this approch
Rebollo: sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&](Node* a, Node* b) {return a->visits > b->visits; });
Rebollo: But in my scenario
Rebollo: in which level should I declare this guy?
Rebollo: I am getting this error
Rebollo: #include <algorithm>
struct: you need algorithm for sort
Rebollo: In file included from /usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_algobase.h:71,
Rebollo: Like manually?
struct: I think this is your error
struct: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘const Area&’ from expression of type ‘Pointers*’
struct: Can you pate your sort here?
struct: paste*
Rebollo: I don´t have a sort function..I think that using this guy:
Rebollo: static bool before( const Area& c1, const Area& c2 ) { return c1.uniqueId < c2.uniqueId; }
Rebollo: I just need to call sort begin... etc
Rebollo: std::sort
Rebollo: trying to follow this stack overflow code
struct: doesnt the first sort work?
struct: which one is throwing the error?
struct: the 2nd or 1st'
Rebollo: hum I think it worked
Rebollo: I use * instead of &
Rebollo: like u said
Rebollo: But in stack is using &
Rebollo: worked
Rebollo: NICEEEE
Rebollo: :grinning:
Rebollo: uhulll
Rebollo: thank you guys
Rebollo: this platform is amazing
Rebollo: Like some of your questions and tips open my mind a lot
Rebollo: now I will implement this guy
Rebollo: returnStringOfPossibleWaysToGoForEveryBallIndenpendenTly
Rebollo: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Rebollo: I still dont understand the pointers
Rebollo: sometimes use *
Rebollo: sometimes &
Rebollo: sometimes new
Rebollo: sometimes it overwrite the copy
Rebollo: sometime don´t
Rebollo: like the IDE quick fixes kind of perform a lot of work to me
Rebollo: in this aspect
struct: Which part dont you understand?
Manchi_o6o7: Hey guys. Can someone maybe help me out with some tips where to start and how to start learning about machine learning in C++
Rebollo: Like, when I am using a custom type, a class such as Ball..I alway create like basic types without pointer
Rebollo: And custom type as pointer
Rebollo: when I create a pointer
Rebollo: It is necessarily a vector?
Rebollo: When I need to instantiate with new
Rebollo: And when don´t
Rebollo: A vector is always apointer?
Rebollo: A matrix is two pointers?
ninjadip: two-dimensial array
Rebollo: but internally
Rebollo: it is a pointer?
Rebollo: Why sometime a * is interpreted sa pointer
Rebollo: and sometime as array?
ninjadip: yay i finally landed this mf*?! mars lander
5DN1L: :clap: ninjadip
Rebollo: :heart_eyes:
ninjadip: lol
ninjadip: sorry, was stressful, they just kept dying... over and over
Rebollo: Best sensation
struct: so you have pointers inside the Ball?
struct: this is not always needed depends on what you are doing
Rebollo: I have a class called Game is like the engine of everything
Rebollo: The class called Game
Rebollo: Has an array of pointer (I created this level to ecapsulated the different child objects)
Rebollo: The pointer has a pointer os Parent
Rebollo: which has pointers of balls
Rebollo: grass
Rebollo: water
Rebollo: hole
Rebollo: Game>Pointers of Parent > Parent > Balls/Holes/Grass
Rebollo: The only way I could ass different type in same data scructure
Rebollo: add*
Manchi_o6o7: *arr = new int[10]; you make basically 10 spots in the memory or 40 bytes to store your values. arr is holding the first value and when you for example type arr[4] it means that you want the element which is 16 bytes from the starting element in the array
Manchi_o6o7: if this makes sense to you
Rebollo: YES
Rebollo: nice
Rebollo: what if i do like this?
Rebollo: int *a = 10;
Rebollo: it is 16 bytes only
struct: that doesnt work
Rebollo: what about
Rebollo: Ball *b = new Ball()
struct: int* a = new int(10); cerr << a << endl; cerr << *a << endl;
struct: will print address then print 10
struct: Ball *b = new Ball() works yes
struct: Ball a = Ball(); Ball *b = &a;
struct: and b will point to a
struct: everything will change either on b or a will affect both
struct: since its pointing to the address of a
Rebollo: Why would I need to create another then
Rebollo: if is exaclty the same
Rebollo: Ball a = Ball();
Rebollo: Now I want ot create a copy of a
Rebollo: not a reference
struct: because it wont copy
struct: it will save the reference
Rebollo: and if I need to copy?
Rebollo: to create to separated object that the change wont affect each other
struct: Ball *b = new Ball(a);
struct: it will copy it
Rebollo: I have to create a special contructor for this?
Manchi_o6o7: this is a copy constructor
struct: no
struct: maybe if you have pointers inside of what you are copying, im not sure
Manchi_o6o7: It depends if you need to make a deep copy
Rebollo: ok
Rebollo: why u have to use * in this case
Rebollo: Ball *b = new Ball(a);
Rebollo: And the argument must be a pointer?
Rebollo: a argument
Rebollo: "a"
Manchi_o6o7: it can also be Ball b=*a;
struct: because of new
Manchi_o6o7: but it depends what you want from the "b"
struct: it will store on the heap
struct: You can also do
struct: Ball b = a;
struct: but it will be stored on the stack
Rebollo: I have to check what is heap and stack but I will take it a homework
Rebollo: dont worry
Manchi_o6o7: try to learn from the basics
Manchi_o6o7: Then everything will be easier
struct: hi
Notter2: Why can't I access CoC chats?
Rebollo: When I use struct and when I use class?
Rebollo: I see a lot of sample using struct
Manchi_o6o7: Struct is more a C thing. In C++ you use classes.
Manchi_o6o7: The default privacy in a struct is public, while in a class it is private
Rebollo: cool
Rebollo: I have seen guys instatiating pointers with void type
Rebollo: but couldn´t use
Manchi_o6o7: You can use a struct for example if you want to make a struct for a node inside a graph class
Rebollo: And the same concept of pointers and etc?
struct: pointer is the same thing as a class
struct: but class is private by default and struct is public
Rebollo: I see
GBDev13: hi!
struct: hi
struct: i didnt meant pointer, i meant struct :p
WalkersApple: When the booleans are sus: :P
FORMS1: Did anyone find a way to do the ASCII Art puzzle without manually assigning each letter?
Husoski: FORMS1 Huh? The raster map is given at the end of the input. There's no need to "manually" do anything. Just read it in and organize it. What sort of "manually" did you have in mind?
Rebollo: Guys, everytime I need to get a single character from a string like this stringSample[0], it necessarily return a char?
Husoski: I did manually type in the string version of the characters, 'ABCD...XYZ?', but that was easier than, generating the range from ord('A') to ord ('z') and tacking on a ? at the end.[*range(65,91),
Rebollo: It alway a mess to convert to String again
Rebollo: if is a number return wrong results
Husoski: Rebollo what language?
Rebollo: c++
Rebollo: I hate char
Rebollo: :yum:
Husoski: yes, it's a char in C++
Rebollo: ok, how can I converto to a string wihthout messing yhe value
Rebollo: like if it is a number
Rebollo: '5'
Rebollo: and I use
Rebollo: std::to_string
Rebollo: I got the wrong result
Husoski: ...checking cppreference...
struct: so you wan to convert '5' to 5?
Rebollo: to "5"
Rebollo: char to string
Rebollo: to_string got different value
Thorcode: what the difference between "5" and '5'
struct: str += '5';
struct: should work fine
Husoski: you can use std::string(1,c) to make a single character string.
Rebollo: thankl you guys
Husoski: .,.or string(42,c) to make 42 copies of c in a single string
Rebollo: nice to know
Rebollo: thanks
ninjadip: EFF YEAH 100% on mars lander level 2
Husoski: struct good call. I'd forgotten that string::operator+ can take a char.
Rebollo: Is that one nice Nija?
ninjadip: now i can go do my actual homework that i've been avoiding
Rebollo: Which concepts to learn?
ninjadip: this was a pain in the but
Rebollo: lol
ninjadip: one trig function to figure angle
Rebollo: trigonometry?
ninjadip: it says i learned distances and trig
Husoski: Lots of physics in Mars Landers
ninjadip: lots
Rebollo: nice
ninjadip: but very cool to me cause i love space
ninjadip: let's see, under 200 lines of code, c++. so not terrible. just a lot of conditions
Rebollo: Have you seen a actual rocket landing back on earth exaclty in the target? I think few months ago?
ninjadip: for all the physics factoring
ninjadip: if i'm going this fast but want to go to this way.. is a mountain coming up, do i have to wait to steer just to stay up? blah blah blah
ninjadip: ok later everyone
ninjadip: oh, i've seen some spaceX landings
ninjadip: failed and succesful
ninjadip: interesting
Rebollo: yes but, there is no try and error
Rebollo: you have one chance
Rebollo: of course there are powerfull simulators but
Rebollo: unimaginable the mind of this guys