jaHSHuaBRu: First timer here.. coding in Python. Embarrassed to say it but seeing other peoples solutions is first ive heard of F#!
jaHSHuaBRu: had to google it... lol
jaHSHuaBRu: why are more people not using Python?
therealbeef: it makes me itchy ;-)
therealbeef: and performance
Wontonimo: lots of people do use python jaHSHuaBRu
Wontonimo: LOTS of people
Wontonimo: it is a very popular language with a lot of support and lots of jobs
Wontonimo: it just doesn't do well here in the multiplayer bot competitions
Wontonimo: because of what therealbeef said about performance
SmachnayaBebra: hello:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Niko121699: i feel that i dont know nothing jajaja
DashXz: hello to all the game devs
Jerrasterix: hello !!
Galena: :regional_indicator_g: :regional_indicator_f: :regional_indicator_n: :regional_indicator_f: :regional_indicator_o: :regional_indicator_n: :regional_indicator_t: :regional_indicator_o: :regional_indicator_p:
Jerrasterix: Guys Please STOP SPAMMING
Dreuyasha: is there any communities where noob programmers can interact?
Uljahn: Automaton2000: can i interact?
Automaton2000: where do i need some help
mub2l6: I need a help
BlaiseEbuth: I need coffee
5DN1L: You need CoffeeScript
C26_1: #PrivateChat
C26_1: You could use, #[name] to make your chat for others
BlaiseEbuth: Don't say horrors like this 5DN1L! :scream:
C26_1: @BlaiseEbuth
C26_1: Are you online now?
C26_1: I need your test
BlaiseEbuth: What?
C26_1: Click the yellow text "PrivateChat"
C26_1: I don't know if this is make a chat
BlaiseEbuth: It does. #knack open a chan
C26_1: Um
C26_1: But can we chat normally like in World chat?
C26_1: I don't see you chat in #PrivateChat chat
BlaiseEbuth: Because I didn't opened it... ^^
C26_1: Ah ok
C26_1: So, #[name] to make a chat for your friends
C26_1: Bye Bye, I'm gonna do something
BlaiseEbuth: Yeah. But you can use /join name too
C26_1: That'll make you go to the chat directly
BlaiseEbuth: Just opening a new chat tab
Katespizer: hi
5DN1L: smallDick First warning. Please mind your language, or you'll be kicked out.
ASM_MOV_INT: ...first glance at this chat, and I thought 5DN1L was the one needing a warning....! lol
5DN1L: I hope people don't come up with even worse names
Katespizer: what in the world possibly could be worse than having smallDick
5DN1L: Don't even start this discussion
C26_1: So, people with unappropriate names should be banned, right?
5DN1L: I guess so
C26_1: or at least tell them to change their name
Uljahn: yeah, such people're clearly not interested in coding, so showing them the way out is a favour for the community
Nachosauce: But what defines inappropriate? Perhaps smalldick refers to a food, like spotted dick. We live in a weird world
5DN1L: I don't care if he's describing himself
5DN1L: Don't spam, guys
Nachosauce: I love you guys. I'm trying to decide if I should do the mars lander optimization one for a medal, or some hard puzzles for a medal
5DN1L: Automaton2000, should Nachosauce do the mars lander optimization or some hard puzzles?
Automaton2000: i want to make the code so i can start with a very high level
Wontonimo: mars 3 is a hard puzzle
Wontonimo: so, best of both worlds : still on mars, and hard puzzle
5DN1L: Rarely see you at this hour of the day, Wontonimo
Wontonimo: i'm rarely up at 5am
Wontonimo: only because i'm still up
5DN1L: oh
Wontonimo: it's too early to wake up
Nachosauce: I wake up at 4:30 to work on codingame and exercise before work. It's a terrible way to live.
ASM_MOV_INT: clash of code wakes up my coding brain
ASM_MOV_INT: anytime of day or night
Blabbage: I am trying to create a contribution. Fiddling with the stub generator i want an output somewhat like this in python:
Blabbage: Also i want some good way of reading this input:
5DN1L: Blabbage Check out other contributions which may give you an idea of how to write the stub generator, e.g. this one may be doing what you want?
Blabbage: Thanks
Blabbage: Ok, nice solved my first problem
5DN1L: :D
Blabbage: with variable length space separated input, I will just supply the string in the same way you do with the rows...
Blabbage: thx
C26_1: And I want to make my contribution has many tests as possible
C26_1: avoid hardcoding
C26_1: Why would some guys just hardcoding somethings that's so easy
C26_1: Wait for me
C26_1: I'm gonna change the condition required in the contribution
C26_1: cuz the output so redundant
C26_1: Given a positive number N in decimal, print all the numbers in decimal that satified all conditions below: - Each numbers have the number of digit '1' the same as N when converted to binary - The value of that number must larger than the input
5DN1L: C26_1 Please do not flood this chat with details of your contribution, thanks.
C26_1: ok
5DN1L: no spam, please
R0m_Hein: bdg
Nachosauce: They're keeping you busy this morning
5DN1L: sigh
BlaiseEbuth: 5DN1L: I already told you that a good chat is one where all the users are already banned.
5DN1L: ok, let's start with you :D
Nachosauce: :joy: well damn
Alshock: o/ BlaiseEbuth <3
BlaiseEbuth: :flushed:
BlaiseEbuth: \o Alshock :hugging:
C26_1: Wait
C26_1: Everyone
C26_1: Have everyone heard of some hot news
C26_1: Microsoft has buy Activision
5DN1L: not "has bought"
5DN1L: the transaction has not been completed yet
C26_1: Ah, I forgot
C26_1: But if the transaction is complete (Maybe for many next years) then it'll be the "biggest" transaction ever (I must put the word biggest in quote in case there's a transaction that's even bigger)
Alshock: Well "has bought" is not entirely false, the claim is always made before all technical detials are dealt with
Nachosauce: There was a $183B transaction in 1999
C26_1: @Nachosauce, ok so it's not the biggest, it's just the most recent
Alshock: the most recent transaction ever? That's gonna need more quotes than "biggest"
C26_1: And I found that the price is 68,7 billion$
Some news just rounding to $70 billion to make the news even hotter and more viral
C26_1: Let me check the search-wird "Microsoft buy Activision" in Google Trend
C26_1: word*
Mulberg2009: some one got discord
C26_1: After some minutes, I found out that the keyword is most viral at 18/01/2022, 22:00 and SIngapore is by far the country that has the most search that are related to the keyword
C26_1: But it drops a lot since
5DN1L: You mean "keyword" is the most searched keyword?
C26_1: keyword here is "microsoft buy activision blizzard"
C26_1: And that's why I've never heard of someone else talking about this news until.... I don't know, I'm easy to forgot
Alshock: no offense but no one really care about your analysis of the deal's buzz
C26_1: yea
Uljahn: still lvl 9, eh? seems you like to annoy people with off-topic more than solving puzzles :slight_smile:
Alshock: Well, that applies to me as well xD
5DN1L: that applies to Automaton2000
Automaton2000: how do you like challenges?
WillChang: ok Automaton2000
Automaton2000: yes but it will make a bot that has a good bot
WillChang: ah ,I see, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: took me too long to realize that i have already solved the puzzle of the week
MikhailChernov: Can anyone tell me what this code mean?
Winter476: exes(bytes('Japaneses
MikhailChernov: Just interested how it could passed 100% of tests
Sl0ppy: ya, i found that interesting too :D
Sl0ppy: that was a rly 0.o clash
5DN1L: Read this for more info, MikhailChernov
Sl0ppy: guy literally submitted this piece of code at 00:20
Sl0ppy: and had 100%
MikhailChernov: 5DN1L, thanks
5DN1L: :)
Sl0ppy: that's pretty neat
AveragePythonEnjoyer: Well, as for me it seems kind of cheating if it is used in code golf.
Uljahn: using language features is cheating :scream_cat:
AveragePythonEnjoyer: No, but he didn't write that code by himself. He just generated it. It's like copy-pasting the solution.
bonsaifree: how do you read problem, find the solution and copy pasta it in 20 seconds?
bonsaifree: didn't he just wrote a few lines and submitted?
AveragePythonEnjoyer: Writing this by hand is impossible
Uljahn: clash pool is finite, so there's a chance of repetition
Uljahn: solve it once, then copy-paste the solution
bonsaifree: wow, okey
bonsaifree: still it is impressive that he found the proper answer and finish in 20 seconds
bonsaifree: my best was 35 seconds, but an easy problem
Uljahn: i think it could be automated with a user-script or a browser extension
bonsaifree: selenium
bonsaifree: hi
nesnes112: what is the equivalent of the python chr function in javascript please
struct: String.fromCharCode(n);
yuutz: im currently in ib comp sci and I have no clue how to do this class welp
derjack: huh
5DN1L: yuutz Why don't you ask your teacher?
Alaory: any Arabs in the chat
Alaory: ?
Uljahn: Automaton2000: any cats in the chat?
Automaton2000: i can see that your bot is good
Wontonimo: Automaton2000 , yo mamma's so FAT32, she eats by taking Gigabytes
Automaton2000: i would be interested in the game i think
5DN1L: :rolling_eyes:
Wontonimo: you know i'm bored when ...
5DN1L: now I know
5DN1L: Wontonimo maybe you wanna read a comment to your puzzle on the forum? That may relieve you of your boredom
derjack: what puzzle
5DN1L: Wave Function Collapse
derjack: read forums on the current potw. they proved the draw and there is 1 crash
Wontonimo: thanks ... checking wfc now
BlaiseEbuth: Pow these days...
Wontonimo: found it. Thanks 5DN1L
5DN1L: My pleasure :)
ninjadip: if(bored) {//TODO... }
ninjadip: lol
ninjadip: just started this mars lander.. fun fun
5DN1L: Expect to crash often :upside_down:
Wontonimo: ninjadip, which one? 1,2,3 or opti?
ninjadip: i think it's starting me on the second one
Wontonimo: don't skip mars 1
ninjadip: yeah, i see it now, it says second level
ninjadip: why
ninjadip: this is where my chart has taken me
5DN1L: why do mars 1 when you can do mars 2 lol
ninjadip: says i don't need to do first
Wontonimo: X and Y are actually quite different. Mars 1 lets you improve Y before really having divide your attention
ninjadip: oh
ninjadip: which one lets you smoke astroturf
ninjadip: ok i'm on the first one now
C26_1: Oh hello everyone, I'm comeback
C26_1: Nut I'm guessed it's already too late to talking
C26_1: it's 10:06PM now
Brody_The_Vegan: I want to learn ruby
5DN1L: If your brain can't take it, you can't learn it
TeslaRam: C26_1 there aren't just people from vietnam hi
5DN1L: Telling yourself you're willing to learn rather than your brain can't take it, would be a better starting point
5DN1L: Automaton2000 write some code in Lua
Automaton2000: the game is not easy
Brody_The_Vegan: Can anybody teach me ruby, i want it to be my first coding language
5DN1L: don't spam
Brody_The_Vegan: Still confused
ninjadip: enough with the snake
5DN1L: ok, you're out for a while, Brody_The_Vegan
TeslaRam: Brody_The_Vegan learn somethink easier for start
5DN1L: you need some time to think over it
5DN1L: It's sad when you see someone who doesn't even try to google to learn stuff
Fasader: :snake: attack
ninjadip: tell mne about it
ninjadip: ahh no more snakes or snakes on planes
Fasader: effortless learning :D
5DN1L: If you don't want to read, you can still choose to watch YouTube videos which teach programming
ninjadip: yep
5DN1L: But some just want to be spoon-fed...
ninjadip: just thinking, do they have a game where you code a bot to do the old "snake"/"worm" game? like where you keep getting bigger and not eat yourself
5DN1L: they mean CG? i think there is
ninjadip: yes
ninjadip: oh cool
5DN1L: i think it's Line Racing
jacek: there was WIP snake contribution long time ago
ninjadip: line racing is not it
ninjadip: oh cool
5DN1L: Line Racing is not it because you don't have to bite any apples? :thinking:
ninjadip: no because it's not it at all
ninjadip: it's more about a set area and not killing yourself more than trying to kill anyone else
ninjadip: getting bigger but not infinite
5DN1L: ah, ok
ninjadip: i can see in the coding world, having a great pattern that lets you get as big as possible without turning in on yourself
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: oh dear, the #fr are doing their 1-star tricks again with wfc
jacek: huh
jacek: oh my
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: waz up
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hello
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: who are you?
Brody_The_Vegan: a guy in the internet
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: okay? a weird guy or what?
Emmus: heya
rabee12: how i can solve one problem
Emmus: send it
rabee12: but i want to under stand
Emmus: What language do you work in?
Emmus: I work in python
Emmus: ok, i have the problem solved, but i need to understand my own code, so ill be back in a minute XD
jacek: oO
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: im gonna go, bye
rabee12: i will try to solve it
Emmus: I can help you
rabee12: i don't understand the problem
Emmus: Ohh, thats well a problem lol
rabee12: is there any problem solving website
Emmus: lol i dont know
Wontonimo: play Tron light cycles instead
Wontonimo: Turn right
5DN1L: Automaton2000 make the right turn, don't blindly turn right
Automaton2000: ok at least i think so, but not sure it would work
5DN1L: that's the spirit
Keve: hey guys, I'm trying to get my head around genetic algorithms, and I feel like I starting to get it. I still struggle to understand how Chromosomes of variable lenghts are handled best. May someone willing to give me some advice? Can further explain my problem in privat chat.
Wontonimo: sure
Wontonimo: hi
Wontonimo: first , what kind of problem are you looking to solve with variable length chromosomes ?
JavaliMZ: Hello. I can try to pass certifications multiple times?
struct: I think you need to wait 30 days after you complete it
struct: to try again for the same language
JavaliMZ: ok =) That was very fast response!! tanks
BlaiseEbuth: Don't worry. You'll be better than >99% of the pros too.
jacek: if everyone is >99%, who is <99%?
foxforfoxes: can you learn coding here?
foxforfoxes: like HTML coding
foxforfoxes: i cant learn javascript until i do
jacek: html isnt programming language :v
foxforfoxes: oh lol
foxforfoxes: so i guess ill just keep doing javascript
jacek: you can do other languages
foxforfoxes: i think ill try python
foxforfoxes: is it weird i'm 9 and i'm programming
struct: whats weird about that?
struct: ah the language
struct: python is fine
foxforfoxes: ha thanks and im gonna try
BlaiseEbuth: 'python is fine' :scream:
foxforfoxes: what?
5DN1L: ignore BlaiseEbuth, he's the weird guy :upside_down:
foxforfoxes: is ccs a programming language tho and thanks
BlaiseEbuth: struct say 'python is fine' and I'm the weirdo...
BlaiseEbuth: Of course, css is turing complete.
foxforfoxes: oh
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: as far as I can tell, the french hate python because stupid people can use it to solve difficult problems
foxforfoxes: so? im nine
foxforfoxes: i kinda need to do it
foxforfoxes: or learn html
foxforfoxes: dont know javascript yet
foxforfoxes: i need to use html to learn javascript
5DN1L: foxforfoxes This website is for more for practising than learning. You'd better go elsewhere to learn the basics of a programming language and come back here later to practise
jacek: struct any breakthrough in your bt stuff?
foxforfoxes: idk where to go to do this stuff
foxforfoxes: im in school right now so i cant ask my parents to do anything
5DN1L: foxforfoxes google "learn html", "learn javascript", "learn css"
foxforfoxes: true i could do that
foxforfoxes: but im trying to do python
foxforfoxes: i already looked that up to
Quidome: This one maybe:
foxforfoxes: thanks
foxforfoxes: ill try that but im trying to learn python
Quidome: Oh ok, wait...
superpenguin612: ur not allowed to have an acct here at 9 lol
foxforfoxes: haha i have my own gmail and stuff so i used that
5DN1L: superpenguin612 which term and condition says that?
superpenguin612: you're not allowed to have an gmail account before 13
foxforfoxes: haha
foxforfoxes: idk how it let me but it did
superpenguin612: um
superpenguin612: you put an incorrect birthday
Quidome: they also do python
foxforfoxes: thanks
Quidome: looks fun to me :)
foxforfoxes: im logging in right now
Quidome: gl, you now how to get an account :D
foxforfoxes: yea
foxforfoxes: i do it all the time for stuff
foxforfoxes: im really good at block coding i use scratch
foxforfoxes: oh yay tynker worked
Quidome: nice!
foxforfoxes: i can show you what java script i know
Quidome: well have fun there, when you ready to do AI stuff come back!
foxforfoxes: ok
foxforfoxes: wanna see what java script i know?
Wontonimo: something for Keve
Quidome: I don't javascript, but I bet it's nice :)
Wontonimo: hmm ... no paste bin
foxforfoxes: like i know <button onclick = 'yellow'" </button>
foxforfoxes: opp i messed up
jacek: hmm
foxforfoxes: its <button onclick = 'yellow i feel boring... please click me </button>
foxforfoxes: Quidome my class dosnt do coding i try to learn it on my free time
foxforfoxes: do you know any others?
Lagal3re: hello every body ! somebody could tell me how a char[4][4] could change with different length without asking it. And I finished with a first line at 7 caracter, 2nd line at 3 caracteres and 3rd line at 6 caracteres ?
Quidome: c?
Quidome: are you using this array as strings?
Quidome: If I am correct c uses 0 terminated strings if you are not correctly terminating it will just go on until it finds a zero
Lagal3re: yes i think in my case i well initilised it with 3 char + 1 for '\0' but then i update with strcpy function and i think my table is broken at this moment
Quidome: You can overwrite the zero with a character you got the behaviour you describe as a result
Lagal3re: hmmm ok i understand i'll check that thank you
Quidome: the strcpy will not look for a zero while copying just copy until finished and than place a zero
Lagal3re: actually, i am copying a table char in an other one with both same init
Quidome: can you share your code?
Quidome: No
Quidome: there is another trick see it happening all the time
Quidome: don't know how to do it :(
Quidome: well got to go, you can probably figure this one out now :) gl
5DN1L: ^ Good summary of what appears here most frequently
Brody_The_Vegan: and i can code ruby now
Fasader: :snake:
5DN1L: Don't encourage that...
jacek: :upside_down:
Fasader: hullo
5DN1L: Automaton2000, clean up the chat a bit π§Ή
Automaton2000: i am in the same language
5DN1L: Time to brush up your communication skills then
jacek: Automaton2000 whos the best pony
Automaton2000: i would say it is
jacek: Automaton2000, Princess Luna?
Automaton2000: and i had a bug in my code :d
jacek: :s
5DN1L: broken
Nerchio: ryna
Fasader: prove it
Brody_The_Vegan: puts "bitch i learned way more code in 10 minutes than your lifetime"
5DN1L: mind your language
Fasader: solve 13 puzzles with ruby and certify 100%
Fasader: dunno mang, looks like you're stuck at a single puzzle with ruby. a mungos would've done 15 by now unlike a snek
5DN1L: Fasader Do you plan to solve more puzzles yourself?
Fasader: maybe. mostly doing coc now
5DN1L: I see
Fasader: why do you ask
5DN1L: Just curious
HamzaMerini: :grin:
Brody_The_Vegan: pls play
HamzaMerini: wp mate
TheRedSuperstar_4026: were are you from guys?
Brody_The_Vegan: did you play it
Samuel_Croteau: I dont think you sent the good link brody
TheRedSuperstar_4026: I'm new on the platform
Brody_The_Vegan: what do you mean
Samuel_Croteau: it was made by agorneo 2 years ago
HamzaMerini: it worked for me
HamzaMerini: it's nice
HamzaMerini: :thumbsup:
Thorcode: please speak english
Thorcode: orr easier use auto detec
rectile: I don't speak much in English
ASM_MOV_INT: so in clash of code, if you get 100% in the tests, but the hidden tests give you a lesser percent, should you report that as an issue? I always do
Thorcode: nah
Thorcode: some test they could troll you
ASM_MOV_INT: but other players get 100%, so i'm just like... reported!
Thorcode: can someone help me to find the index of the first max value in the list?
Thorcode: bruh
Thorcode: check their code
Thorcode: and you should read the goal of the clash carefully ASM_MOV_INT
Thorcode: some of them could have special rule
ASM_MOV_INT: hmmm... something to think about, but yeah
therealbeef: I think it's good to report, because the test cases apparently don't cover the requirements. although if it's a reverse engineering type clash, then the maker doesn't want to give too many hints obviously
postrelV8: why im not in the next golden league for around 2 days, i beat all of silver league and my place in leaderboard above boss
Thorcode: not really, most clash I meet I often read the goal too fast and forgot their special rule in the test case I usually got 100% but the test I got lower
ASM_MOV_INT: see it just happened, I received 100% on all tests, then 50% on total with hidden....
ASM_MOV_INT: reverse mode
therealbeef: postrelV8 did you wait until your bot finished 100% of its games?
ASM_MOV_INT: I think they should allow clash of code to be tried (submitted at 15 minutes fine), but continue to try indefinitely as an option... some problems I want to continue to try if I've been working feverishly for 15 minutes....
postrelV8: i waited fo 24 hours after ranking
therealbeef: without resubmitting?
ASM_MOV_INT: resubmitting after 15 minutes.... shouldn't be allowed, unless they make like two types of clashes per each clash, one 15 minutes, and one post 15 minutes lol
ASM_MOV_INT: and sharing code, shouldn't be optional
rectile: oye porque solo hablan de el juego
postrelV8: therealbeef, now im remaching
ASM_MOV_INT: if you score 100%, code is shared automatically
Thorcode: bruh postrelV8 just patient,
Thorcode: They need time to check if your score below the bot XD
Thorcode: like other player submit again then him beat you
Thorcode: up to the league
Thorcode: gold often 4-6 or more
postrelV8: but why there is that note: Those better than the Boss will be promoted to Gold League at 05 H 52
therealbeef: It should be quick. usually you get the notification that you will be promoted within a minute of finishing all battles and being above the boss. Then the wait to actually be promoted can vary but there should show a countdown at the top of the screen
ASM_MOV_INT: they should have a screen for clash of code statistics, like total clashes, clashes per day, most positive reviewed in each category, etc. that'd be cool
C26_1: Oh hello everyone
C26_1: I have thinking about patterns in binary numbers
C26_1: Like the set of numbers that contain 2 digit '1' in binary
C26_1: {3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 17...}
C26_1: I don't see any patterns yet
C26_1: The set of numbers than contain 1 digit '1' in binary has pattern though
C26_1: The pattern is 2^n - 1
C26_1: Where n is cardinal number, 1st, 2nd, 3rd,...
C26_1: What
Mortis_666: ...
molly.pears: mortis where are u from?
molly.pears: i think russia or niheria
Mortis_666: wrong
C26_1: @smallDick, @AlekseiZay, To speak russian, go to this channel #ru
C26_1: @piskagriZ, no spam
Mortis_666: cough
smallDick: ΡΠ°Π· Π³ΠΎΡΠ»ΠΎ Π±ΠΎΠ»ΠΈΡ
smallDick: ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΎΡΠΊΡΠ΄Π°
struct: Enough spam
postrelV8: im still not in the gold league, the timer was just updated from 5:52 to 8:52 ind im also in the first place in silver league in Mad Pod Racing, what is wrong?
Thorcode: yeah struct is here to save the day