Jerrasterix:, is this the wrong westicles ??
Wontonimo: yeah, he changed his profile recently ... let me see if i can find his old profile
Wontonimo: ^^ that's his original account
Wontonimo: or dummy account
Wontonimo: or hacking account
Wontonimo: idk
Jerrasterix: He is a legend indeed!!
Jerrasterix: he seems to have done all the puzzles CG has
Flaise: Man...
Wontonimo: well, there is an easy way of getting the solutions, so he doesn't actually have to do them
Flaise: Makes me totally question my philosophy of doing it the hard way
Jerrasterix: how ??
Jerrasterix: same Flaise
Wontonimo: don't spoil the site for yourself and go looking for the solutions. just dont
Jerrasterix: I used to when I learnt programming last year....
Jerrasterix: now I am as honest as I can be
Wontonimo: if you want fake internet points, yeah, his way is best. if you want to have fun and learn stuff, his way probably isn't going to get you there
Jerrasterix: I have a doubt, How did my bot went from bronze 30s to gold in botters of galaxy :confused: ??
Wontonimo: oh, congrats!
Jerrasterix: I am still bluffled
Wontonimo: i can't get a break iin that game
Jerrasterix: dude I didn't touch that for months
Wontonimo: nope, i'm still in bronze
Jerrasterix: Mine was just attacking, retreating and buying whatever I could...
Jerrasterix: for Tron battle, did you use Voronoi diagram ??
Wontonimo: yes, but more specifically synchronous flood fill.
Jerrasterix: ohhh,,,, I tried it a couple of days b4
Jerrasterix: Its suiciding...
Wontonimo: your tron?
Jerrasterix: yeah
Jerrasterix: Its moving for some 20 moves and crasjing into itself :(
Jerrasterix: *crashing
Wontonimo: yes, i see
Wontonimo: how are you using flood fill to drive decision making?
Jerrasterix: Nope
Jerrasterix: Class started for me :( , Bye Wontonimo
Wontonimo: later
Jerrasterix: Idk flood fill btw
Wontonimo: here is the puzzle that will help with synchronous flood fill
Flaise: Wontonimo: Fair point about the "fake internet points". I'm here to practice and hopefully present a genuine-looking profile to potential employers.
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: "his way"? What is that supposed to mean?
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: Several french have done more puzzles than me, do they have a "way" as well?
Iamcarrot: Can Somebody Tell Whats The Mistake in this
Flaise: Looks like you didn't turn your throttle all the way up.
Jerrasterix: wait boss1 is -2.35 ??
Jerrasterix: WTF ??
DialFrost: lmao fewest ppl i've seen online
DialFrost: 3 ppl in chat only
jacek: happy Caturday
DialFrost: :)
DialFrost: anyone here willingly to check something real quick
DialFrost: rly easy qns
DialFrost: im asking this cuz i dont want random ppl stealing the code
DialFrost: and i wont pm ppl without getting their consent first
jacek: Automaton2000 will you look at that
Automaton2000: it's about the fact that you have a good reference
BlaiseEbuth: and people will not accept to help you without even knowing what is it about.
DialFrost: fine its about mad
BlaiseEbuth: *it is
DialFrost: plus all one needs to do is understand wat it means
DialFrost: done
BlaiseEbuth: -_-
DialFrost: elo
DialFrost: lo
DialFrost: whoops
DialFrost: ello*
BlaiseEbuth: And people are supposed to go ahead to try to help you without knowing what language you use, or what league you're in? You know, all this details that can help someone to know if he even could help you ?
DialFrost: thats the thing
DialFrost: u dont need to know
DialFrost: cuz its not mine
DialFrost: its magus's or well from his website
jacek: oO
BlaiseEbuth: And you don't want people to stole the code he shared publicly?
DialFrost: steal*
DialFrost: actually u have to find it if u wanna see it
BlaiseEbuth: Dude... This site is linked about 50 times one the MPR's forum topic
BlaiseEbuth: *on
DialFrost: and if ur not answering my question then stop
DialFrost: js pm me if u wanna lecture me
DialFrost: instead of filling the chat so no one can see the question
BlaiseEbuth: I didn't see the question either...
DialFrost: very funny if u didnt see the qns how'd u know to "lecture" me hmm?
BlaiseEbuth: "Do someone want to help me with something? I will not give any precision because mean people will steal the code" isn't a valid question... You can insist, correct my english, say me to stop, that doesn't change the fact that people here will not take on their time to help you without knowing if they can before, or even the time that will take.
DialFrost: nice speech
LelouchVC2: Ladies, your both beautiful
LelouchVC2: But I'm not interested
LelouchVC2: I'm sorry
DialFrost: should i consider that a compliment or an insult
DialFrost: ur first line
rekaxem: why am i getting so many security checks
DialFrost: captcha?
DialFrost: er idk
DialFrost: depends if u like click submit too many times
rekaxem: im just playing clash of code
DialFrost: oh
DialFrost: idk
jacek: too much clash oc coding
BlaiseEbuth: The link is even on the game front page :rofl:
Jerrasterix: may I know who in this f**king world gave logical opertaors a lower precedence than equality ??
jacek: oO
BlaiseEbuth: Isn't equality a logical operator?
Jerrasterix: Woops I meant bitwise operator
BlaiseEbuth: Seems logical. No?
wlesavo: yay carebaens legend :slight_smile:
DialFrost: congrats!
Jerrasterix: Congrats !!
DialFrost: btw guys in this code
DialFrost: wat does this.angle mean
Jerrasterix: Not for me BlaiseEbuth
wlesavo: pushed 7 people in the mean time :smiley:
Jerrasterix: you must be feeling happy for that :laughing:
wlesavo: DialFrost the code is for a method of a class, so this.angle is a property of an instance of a class the method is called for
DialFrost: er since this is mad pod racing
DialFrost: is it the angle of the pod?
BlaiseEbuth: Why Jerrasterix? I mean, why 'a&b==c&d' is more strange than 'a+b==c+d'?
Jerrasterix: Its not stranger than it !! That's what I am saying
Jerrasterix: Then why does bitwise have a lower precedence than equality ?
BlaiseEbuth: bitwise produce diversity of values while equality can only be true or false. When the choice of precedence had been made, it seemed more useful to favorise comparison on bitwise operation results rather than use of bitwises on booleans. :shrug:
Jerrasterix: Ohhhh....
Jerrasterix: Thanks for explaining BlaiseEbuth :)
BlaiseEbuth: When in doubt, put brackes everywhere!
BlaiseEbuth: That's the angle you get in input DialFrost btw
DialFrost: ic
DialFrost: thx blaise~
DialFrost: <33
TimothyAlexisVass: Is this the same guy as AlkhilJohn?
TimothyAlexisVass: :joy:
Jerrasterix: ig not
Thorcode: nah
Thorcode: he is a real person
Jerrasterix: well, they seem to be from a korean drama
Thorcode: actually he's from australia
Jerrasterix: What the ??
5DN1L: Wait until you see him:
Thorcode: nah I chatted with him on discord
Jerrasterix: he is a real person
Jerrasterix: but is he like on his pfp
5DN1L: AlkhilJohn, AlkhilJohn., AlkhilJohnStan
Jerrasterix: that's question ??
Jerrasterix: even a mod is spamming :unamused:
5DN1L: it's information provision
5DN1L: letting you guys know two other profiles which copy from the clash of codes bot
Jerrasterix: you can't copy humphh ??
Jerrasterix: Yeah, even I was thinking him as a bot till this morning when he posted a contribution
5DN1L: it's a bit confusing to say the least. but well, at least better than that day the other guy copied MY profile >.<
5DN1L: or i should say, not worse instead of better
Jerrasterix: what did you do
5DN1L: i told Thibaud who took that guy's account off
5DN1L: who then*
Jerrasterix: well by copying , wdym ??
5DN1L: use my profile pic
5DN1L: and use a name very similar to mine
5DN1L: even existed on this chat for a while
Jerrasterix: :laughing:
5DN1L: claiming that he was the real one
Jerrasterix: he went far on that
5DN1L: yeah, he did
5DN1L: luckily it was resolved quickly
Jerrasterix: yup
Jerrasterix: You used MC in CSB??
5DN1L: who, me?
Jerrasterix: yeah
5DN1L: no, i just duplicated my first pod's simplest behaviour for my second pod :joy:
5DN1L: too busy to do anything more complex than that
TimothyAlexisVass: Can I see a clash again after I've done it? It was a pathfinding task and I didn't solve 100% in time. I Want to solve it...
5DN1L: try searching the clash here:
Jerrasterix: you are faster than me :(
5DN1L: bookmarked it :P
Jerrasterix: ohhh lol
TimothyAlexisVass: Found it, thank you
5DN1L: :)
TimothyAlexisVass: Lol, I will be impressed to see someone solve this in 15 minutes, even the author of this one.
5DN1L: is it a dragon one?
Jerrasterix: The deadliest part is it was approved
Jerrasterix: nope a simple one "as per author"
TimothyAlexisVass: Doodler about 4 years ago
5DN1L: i mean there
TimothyAlexisVass: "The mere fact that I solved it, urged me to approve it. One of the toughest clashes ever I think."
5DN1L: oops
TimothyAlexisVass: lol
TimothyAlexisVass: hands up
TimothyAlexisVass: Contributor wrote "I myself barely finished in 15 minutes. So not sure whether its okay..."
5DN1L: i do have a generic code for something like that. not sure if 15 minutes is enough to adapt to the inputs and stuff
Jerrasterix: where did you learn pathfinding algo from ??
5DN1L: Google?
Jerrasterix: like any resource ??
5DN1L: lots of resources on the web
TimothyAlexisVass: DFS or BFS
jacek: he used pathfinding to find it
Jerrasterix: i need both
Jerrasterix: ohhhh you need graphs for both ??
TimothyAlexisVass: Not reallyl
Jerrasterix: idk graphs :(
5DN1L: graphs just a way to connect the dots with lines i think :think:
TimothyAlexisVass: You don't "need" graphs
Jerrasterix: ohhh
TimothyAlexisVass: You can use DFS to find the shortest path from point A to B in a graph structure.
TimothyAlexisVass: You have a bunch of nodes with links to other nodes
TimothyAlexisVass: What is the shortest path from node A to B ?
Jerrasterix: okay how do you get the route from the stack...
TimothyAlexisVass: What do you mean?
Jerrasterix: They say, you have push the starting to stack and keep on pushing the adjacent unvisited nodes to it
Jerrasterix: and you have to do that till you reach the end point
TimothyAlexisVass: What programming language are you using?
Jerrasterix: C#
Jerrasterix: why ??'
jacek: DFS - stack. BFS - queue
jacek: kthxbai
Jerrasterix: I know about stacks and queues
Jerrasterix: okay, the order of points in a stack or queue is the path right ??
TimothyAlexisVass: "okay how do you get the route from the stack..."
TimothyAlexisVass: The stack is the route
TimothyAlexisVass: yeah
Jerrasterix: okay, I messed up on understanding that one :P
Jerrasterix: Thank you everyone
TimothyAlexisVass: You can generate an array of all possible paths
TimothyAlexisVass: and then draw conclusions based on that for example, which one is the shortest
Jerrasterix: :+1:
TimothyAlexisVass: I need to learn pathfinding better myself obviously because I didn't solve this clash. :)
Jerrasterix: dude no one solved that one
Jerrasterix: I once had it for clash
TimothyAlexisVass: But apparently, the author barely did too :D
Jerrasterix: everyone 0%
TimothyAlexisVass: I think, if I had more experience with DFS, I could have solved it easily.
TimothyAlexisVass: especially with itertools
5DN1L: I think you need BFS for shortest path
Jerrasterix: do you write a Node class to represent the nodes ??
5DN1L: Ah, this is a puzzle to practise path finding too:
Jerrasterix: Thanks
5DN1L: In python for simple pathfinding I don't need any node class. Just simple dictionary
Jerrasterix: I am doing
Thorcode: how to make a program check the element next to each other in a list that lower or higher than each other?
5DN1L: apparently i can't see that link of yours Jerrasterix
Jerrasterix: hmmm strange why ??
5DN1L: maybe it contains your code in progress?
Jerrasterix: I got this link from forums
5DN1L: oh really
Jerrasterix: yeah
Jerrasterix: Its a training puzzle
BlaiseEbuth: Quit the IDE and share the puzzle page link
Jerrasterix: now not there in CG
5DN1L: yeah some training puzzles were gone
Jerrasterix: This is remains of it
BlaiseEbuth: Thorcode ?
Thorcode: what?
BlaiseEbuth: Don't understand your question.
Jerrasterix: found the link
5DN1L: nice
Thorcode: ah i solved it
BlaiseEbuth: Wut? Never saw that before
5DN1L: I should try to look for the other training puzzles then. Maybe they still exist.
5DN1L: I know there are a few of them
Thorcode: it just a puzzle from another website
Jerrasterix: from where ??
Jerrasterix: thorcode ??
Thorcode: I'm training on codewar
Thorcode: I'm kinda trash when asking that question
Jerrasterix: wait does codewars have path finding algo question ??
5DN1L: why not
Thorcode: it have alot
Thorcode: I'm training 2d array I'm kinda suck in that part
BlaiseEbuth: Pretty old thing...
5DN1L: the training puzzles hidden on CG:
Jerrasterix: I can only find 1 pathfinding algo in codewars
Jerrasterix: I will give it a try
BlaiseEbuth: How did you hear about it 5DN1L? You readed all the forum from the start? ^^
jacek: not so hidden anymore eh
5DN1L: some other forum threads mention that post :P
5DN1L: the evolution of CG or something like that
5DN1L: it's stilll hidden in the sense that you can't search it in the usual way
Jerrasterix: but only 2,... disappointed
BlaiseEbuth: Well... Even already beeing there at this time, I didn't know about it... :sweat_smile:
5DN1L: it's kind of an experimental thing i guess
BlaiseEbuth: Aborted thing...
BlaiseEbuth: I'm so old... :older_man:
5DN1L: You don't age
Thorcode: Finally after a month my python3 certification is better than >99%
BlaiseEbuth: 99% of the pros are better than >99% of the pros...
Thorcode: Ps(a month ago my score are 10%)
jacek: participation medals eh
Overbed: gm
Overbed: 5DN1L weren't you not mod a few days ago?
TimothyAlexisVass: a = [[2,'aaa'],[1,'aaa]] a.sort()
TimothyAlexisVass: print(a)
5DN1L: Overbed, right, I wasn't a mod a few days ago
TimothyAlexisVass: expected result: [[1,'aaa'],[2,'aaa']]
Overbed: how do you even get mod?
TimothyAlexisVass: I got some error
5DN1L: Automaton2000, how do you even get mad?
Automaton2000: oh and i have a project to work on the game
Overbed: Automaton2000, how do you get mod?
Automaton2000: only if i can do anything
Overbed: ?
5DN1L: missing a quotation mark
lakaoe: [[2,'aaa'],[1,'aaa']] (solved)
Overbed: how to put spaces inbetween words for output in python
Overbed: not every letter/number
5DN1L: words=['abbb','fdf','fdffd'] print(" ".join(words))
Overbed: i did something like for i in e: if i in w and i in e and i in t:
Overbed: w+=i
Overbed: print(" ".join(w)) but that printed all numbers seperated
5DN1L: w is a single string?
Overbed: i had w=""
5DN1L: after your for loop, it's still a string
Overbed: but i cant add .split() can i
5DN1L: you can if it is correct to do so
Overbed: where?
Overbed: w=w.split()?
5DN1L: before you print your final output perhaps?
Overbed: w=w.split() just for the print
lakaoe: how do i make a code not only print the sum of one line but both lines
lakaoe: xxxxxxxxxx 1111111111 0 10
5DN1L: what do you mean lakaoe
Overbed: we are in private coc
5DN1L: xxxxxxxxxx is not a number?
lakaoe: i got a program that counts how many digits in input
lakaoe: but i have to do both lines
lakaoe: and the output is 0 10
Overbed: he wants to count the numbers in a sentence
Overbed: like
lakaoe: but its only printing out 10
Overbed: araw23576 = 5 wu4634 = 4
Overbed: print is 5 4
5DN1L: isdigit
Overbed: why the w+=0
lakaoe: but its only printing ow many digits in the last line
lakaoe: thats when there are no digits overbed
5DN1L: is your identation wrong
lakaoe: but its only printing how many digits in the last line
lakaoe: i have to do the first line to
5DN1L: your code doesn't do the below for loop until after it's finished the reading for loop
5DN1L: i think your indentation is wrong
5DN1L: (and identation is spelled wrong, sad)
5DN1L: push that indentation to the correct position?
Bon[]Crayon: Hi Automaton2000 !
Automaton2000: or maybe you just need to find some way to get crypto closing prices with 1 min interval instead of ...
TimothyAlexisVass: How do I get 2 space separated integers from input in Ruby?
5DN1L: you've picked up that line fast, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: i just don't like it
Thorcode: Automaton2000 where is AutomatonNN
Automaton2000: i would not be in the right way to do it
BIPIN_THE_KING: hellllooooo
BIPIN_THE_KING: anyone there
Flaise: Yaaaaaaaaaaaay got my first legend achievement
5DN1L: :thumbsup:
TimothyAlexisVass: What was it?
TimothyAlexisVass: :trophy::regional_indicator_f::regional_indicator_l::regional_indicator_a::regional_indicator_i::regional_indicator_s::regional_indicator_e::trophy:
TimothyAlexisVass: waod?
TimothyAlexisVass: o/
LordMoopCow: What is your guys controller like
Flaise: lol
Flaise: TimothyAlexisVass: It was the Babylon Tower achievement. AKA: The "can't make up your damn mind" achievement.
TimothyAlexisVass: I have no idea what that is
Flaise: 100% score on a puzzle on 15 different languages
TimothyAlexisVass: oh
Flaise: It was interesting to learn in more detail the languages I've only barely dabbled in before.
Vienkk: where is my history clash?
Vienkk: Where is my Participations?
5DN1L: What do you mean Vienkk?
lakaoe: Mismatch with the stub generator input: Input not read entirely (6)
5DN1L: That means your stub generator reads fewer variables than your specified inputs probably
lakaoe: how do i add a variable in the stub generator
5DN1L: are you making a contribution?
lakaoe: yeah, its for my nephew that wants to start coding python a bit
lakaoe: so i made a code where he has to solve it using if, else function
Vienkk: I played 3 games but I can't find my code history
lakaoe: you cannot find your history i think Vienkk
5DN1L: I agree with lakaoe
5DN1L: lakaoe
5DN1L: :)
5DN1L: great
TimothyAlexisVass: Today I learned math.hypot() in Python :D
Uljahn: :tada:
jacek: oO
Ukraineboi86: where can i go to learn c++
TimothyAlexisVass: Try :earth:
NotANick: You will use ISO/IEC 14882:2020 pdf's for c++ standarts you can find free versions on that pdf in everywhere and they are not illegal they are just incompleted(like beta but %99 completed) versions
jacek: 2020? i barely use c++11 features
NotANick: yes but its standart
NotANick: and everyone already use minimum c++11 in their projects
BlaiseEbuth: I'm sure you still can find companies who works on older versions.
jacek: like CG
Lambert_W_Function: gaming
Rddevelop: given a puzzle all the 12 testcases pass but after submitting the testcase nº 12 fails and i have no clue why
Rddevelop: any idea?
jacek: validators are different from test cases
jacek: so youre solution isnt generic enough
5DN1L: Automaton2000 404!!!
Automaton2000: and there is the original name, the new name, and the user's aproximative name...
Rddevelop: yeah i understand that but the testcase that failed is called "random small number" so i was hoping there was a way to see the input that the testcase used
Flaise: You can print that to stderr
Rddevelop: my bad i meant validator, testcases passed but a validator failed afterwards
Flaise: Oh you mean when you click submit
TimothyAlexisVass: It happens...
Rddevelop: yeah
Flaise: Unfortunately, they can't share those because it would defeat the hard-coding protection
5DN1L: Better test your code on all the small numbers offine
Flaise: I had a Clash of code give me a 50% or something on the validation after all tests were green in the IDE. I was miffed.
Rddevelop: yeah i ll do that
5DN1L: For some puzzles it's easier to test offline. I know it's difficult for some other puzzles and that's frustrating. nothing can be done about that except to seek help and be more patient to go through the code again and again
TimothyAlexisVass: hhmmmmm
TimothyAlexisVass: Can't connect to recaptcha
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: we usually just share the validator if someone is stuck on just one
jacek: "we"?
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: we helpful frenchwomen
Astrobytes: (shared in private message ofc)
TimothyAlexisVass: Frenchwomen?
jacek: whats frenchwo?
Rddevelop: actually i want it yeah, i message you
5DN1L: helpful frenchwomen will get more private messages from now on :D
jacek: Automaton2000 message me a solution
Automaton2000: but if you use visual studio
Rddevelop: guys
Rddevelop: some1 remember the river ll puzzle?
Rddevelop: so the validator that was failing is 40, its expecting a YES, but 40 is never a meeting point of a single river besides himself
5DN1L: {7, 14, 19, 29, 40, ... }
5DN1L: Exactly the example given in the puzzle statement
Rddevelop: yeah
Rddevelop: i mean
Rddevelop: i should get some sleep XD
5DN1L: :smirk: good night
Rddevelop: yeah finally 100%, lets just say that i have no clue how it passed 91% tests with the error i found
5DN1L: :tada:
TimothyAlexisVass: -_- -_-
danieeeeeeel: last christmas
danieeeeeeel: i gave you my code
danieeeeeeel: but the very next day
5DN1L: you gave me a bug?
Majeck: you handed it in late?
danieeeeeeel: thiiiiiiiiiiis year
danieeeeeeel: to save me from tears...
ardacera: im a terrible programer i should die
5DN1L: That reason is not good enough
BADSUGAR: I just don't understand the simplest exercise haha
5DN1L: is it something on this website?
BADSUGAR: Oh yeah, I'm trying to understand the first pod race
ardacera: i am not even enough for finding a valid reason to die. Ohh god!
danieeeeeeel: start using javascript
BADSUGAR: Yeah I'm using Javascript because it's the only language I have "seen" so far
BADSUGAR: I'm more used to the syntaxe. But I'm still clueless on how to make this darn pod move
jacek: the tutorial should tell you
jacek: is this the one with nextCheckpointY +" " + nextCheckpointY?
BADSUGAR: Yeah it's this one
5DN1L: y-coord + y-coord
5DN1L: is
5DN1L: wrong
BADSUGAR: I don't understand haha, i wrote something that doesn't move my pod but I still completed the race :joy:
BADSUGAR: from clueless to abuse haha
jacek: you wrote the X + Y?
BADSUGAR: Hm not the numnbers
BADSUGAR: Am I suppose to write words or numbers :joy:
5DN1L: depends on whether you want fixed values or variable amounts
5DN1L: and BOOST is the only word command you'll need
5DN1L: it can be used once only
5DN1L: at this stage
BADSUGAR: I can't even make the pod move in any direction, even when I write the checkpoint coords
BADSUGAR: I'm not boosting soon haha
5DN1L: in which league are you now?
BADSUGAR: How do you check this ?
5DN1L: look at the top bar
BADSUGAR: It just says Mad Pod Racing
5DN1L: And next to that?
BADSUGAR: Nothing :)
5DN1L: Does your url include "ide"?
BADSUGAR: yes sir
5DN1L: How curious :joy:
BADSUGAR: I'm resetting the game haha
5DN1L: Did you even receive any message telling you that you've been promoted, the rules have been updated, that sort of things?
BADSUGAR: Not at all
5DN1L: Meaning: you've made no progress probably :smirk:
5DN1L: That's why I can't find you in the leaderboard
5DN1L: I guess
BADSUGAR: Ok I'm making progress ..
5DN1L: :clap:
BADSUGAR: It was a space missing somewhere I guess
5DN1L: That could happen, yeah
BADSUGAR: Wood 3 finally! :D
5DN1L: Wood 3 is the starting league
BADSUGAR: Yeah but I understood, now I'm ready to fight my way up :D
BADSUGAR: I'm not that stupid :joy:
5DN1L: Of course not :)
5DN1L: Newcomers need time to get used to the interface
BADSUGAR: Yeah it's just that I typed the good thing pretty early but I placed two ' ' without any space inbetween. The log returned that a ) was missing and from this attempt I went to far. I tried adding new console.logs, get rid of the newCheckpoint const etc
BADSUGAR: I tried basically everything haha
5DN1L: and you figured it out finally
5DN1L: :tada:
BADSUGAR: Thank you for the help and the time you spend on my case :pray:
5DN1L: You're welcome :)
5DN1L: jacek also helped
BADSUGAR: True, thanks Jacek too!
BADSUGAR: You guys are amazing
5DN1L: :blush:
TimothyAlexisVass: -_-
Darkblade5641: i'm trying to implement the trigonometry feature for better hitting the checkpoints. anyone know a direction? i'm just not sure how to integrate the sin and cos functions properly...
skotz: for csb? iirc magus had a good postmortem. might find a link in the forum
DialFrost: morning guys
Darkblade5641: if speed is prev_distance - distance, and i store distance into prev_distance after this calculation, how do i make this work in python? anyone?
Darkblade5641: i tried to store as None when initializing, but then there's a type conflict with the subtraction
DialFrost: idk mate sry
DialFrost: although im working on csb too <33
Darkblade5641: awesome! what league you in?
DialFrost: gold
Thorcode: wwood 2
Darkblade5641: are you using trig?
TimothyAlexisVass: I code with fingers on keyboard
AlkhilJohn.: Damn it
AlkhilJohn.: Shit
AlkhilJohn.: Hacking codingame is hard
AlkhilJohn.: I tried hacking my username and rank and stuff to that of AlkhilJohn
AlkhilJohn.: Too many network requests and nodes and stuff
AlkhilJohn.: I changed all data stores to empty disctionaries
AlkhilJohn.: But I couldn't change my IP and id to that of AlkhilJohn
AlkhilJohn.: lmao
Flaise: Yeah I code with fingers on keyboard too.
struct: AlkhilJohn. you need to step it up
struct: not even the image is the same
AlkhilJohn.: I know