Thorcode: what do the i -- : do?
Schwase: i -- is i = i - 1 in java and several languages
Thorcode: ah thanks
Lambert_W_Function: c like languages have taht for qol
Lambert_W_Function: c-inspired languages
ChickenCoder123: hey guys does anyone know a good java course
ChickenCoder123: cos i only know python and I want to learn java
UZUHAMA: Is there such a thing as "Hash list"?
UZUHAMA: Or did I just get confused over hashmaps and hashtables
DialFrost: there is such thing as a hash list
DialFrost: but its in java
DialFrost: if im right
Schwase: ok well i mistyped one character and didnt get 100% in code golf, time for me to get off
Schwase: its been real
DialFrost: hai schwase
Schwase: howdy
DialFrost: i see that ur a pro at optimization/CoC
Schwase: uh thanks?
DialFrost: how did u do Cfungeprime
DialFrost: shheeeeesh thx
Schwase: also it took me about 10 days
Schwase: to get to 6th
Schwase: and i honestly cant be bothered to get to 1st
DialFrost: lol
Schwase: i could get like 100 or so less characters easily
Schwase: i could get to 3rd place i think
Schwase: but i dont want to
Schwase: beating the creator's score is good enough for me honestly
UZUHAMA: I can't find anything about hashlist...
UZUHAMA: I guess it was something that's made up in my head
Wontonimo: hash map
Wontonimo: aka, associative array
Wontonimo: aka dictionary
DialFrost: hai wontonimo long time no see sup
AlkhilJohn.: Wontonimo got demoted
AlkhilJohn.: ha
Thorcode: I don't think won got demoted
jacek: promoted to non-mod
LelouchVC2: howd u get in my house?
Thorcode: why I print out this but it found nothing
Uljahn: most likely because of a newline
Thorcode: a thanks
Overbed: i want to print the highest and lowest but first the lowest and then the highest
Overbed: but it prints out the lowest and then under it the whole input
Uljahn: if i > i: :scream_cat:
Overbed: yes ik but it doesnt work when its if i > input()
derjack: oO
Uljahn: input() returns a string btw
Uljahn: and each time you call input() it's a new string :smirk:
Uljahn: is comparing strings really what you need?
Overbed: wow i just need to reverse the input i think
Thorcode: bruh
Thorcode: you could just make a list then add all of the input then print max(list name) min(listname)
darkhorse64: Oui
darkhorse64: oops
Thorcode: how to add \ as str?
5DN1L: \\
Thorcode: thanks
Overbed: why does my reversed function not work
Overbed: message = input() for i in message:
w=reversed(i) print(i + w)
Kanerix: message[::-1]
Kanerix: That's a better way to reverse a astring
Overbed: i want to print the input from down to above and reverse
Kanerix: oh
Overbed: and a space inbetween
Kanerix: Can't you just revese message like i told you and then loop through each charand print it?
Kanerix: message=input()[::-1]
Kanerix: for c in message:
Kanerix: didn't finish it but you get the idea
Kanerix: message2 is message1 reversed
lakaoe: it misses the first letter on the second line
Overbed: huh i got it right i think but it went wrong
lakaoe: hte second -1 hsa to go aawya
LelouchVC2: no one knows anything
LelouchVC2: go to sleep
ManeatingGiant_d83c: okey i think that it is great idea, goodnight
LelouchVC2: <3
LelouchVC2: where's that hexagon guy so he can ban me again?
DialFrost: bruh
BlaiseEbuth: Hexagon? :thinking:
BlaiseEbuth: struct ?
LelouchVC2: Yea that sounds right
DialFrost: lol
LelouchVC2: i literally said, "Hey im not banned anymore"
LelouchVC2: and he insta banned me LOL
BlaiseEbuth: Oh pinged him :speak_no_evil:
LelouchVC2: funny guy
LelouchVC2: he'll get places
BlaiseEbuth: Don't feed the troll hey
LelouchVC2: yea, he's a troll with admin powers
BlaiseEbuth: Being a troll is a prerequisite to be mod here.
LelouchVC2: honestly
LelouchVC2: someone made a 9/11 joke. i laughed
LelouchVC2: i got banned and he got nothing
BlaiseEbuth: This is a new account so ?
LelouchVC2: Me? didn't make a new account. it wasnt perma ban apparently
BlaiseEbuth: So it was not a ban.
BlaiseEbuth: But a kick
BlaiseEbuth: You can come back in the minute
LelouchVC2: it was a year i believe
LelouchVC2: the first one
LelouchVC2: 2nd one was a month at least
BlaiseEbuth: Na. Only kick for a minute or definitive ban here
LelouchVC2: maybe someone decided to unban me
LelouchVC2: i was banned for a while
BlaiseEbuth: Or the chat bugged... That can unban people, and mod/unmod people :p
LelouchVC2: my sql injections must have worked!
Thorcode: the chat was reseted by thiba I think
LelouchVC2: ahh idk, doesn't matter i suppose
BlaiseEbuth: The chat reset itself when coc rooms make it crash... -_-
LelouchVC2: chat here gets toxic
LelouchVC2: that's hilarious
ShaneCope: Why are most of my arena matches ending in 1 round with no results and a seemingly random winner?
ShaneCope: The ones that play I dominate but some just... dont?
LelouchVC2: might be a bug causing both players to crash
BlaiseEbuth: Can you share a replay ?
BlaiseEbuth: You programm didn't output anything.
LelouchVC2: looks like none of ur pieces moved, so ur program might have crashed
ShaneCope: Why would it only happen sometimes D:
BlaiseEbuth: Can you share a replay where it works?
LelouchVC2: could be a lot of things, like your program cant handle certain starting positions
ShaneCope: I made sure my bounds are within the board and even if I did outside my pieces would just sit at edge
BlaiseEbuth: My guess is a problem of player id. Works when you're p1, crash when you're p2.
ShaneCope: Didnt think it mattered, but maybe it does
BlaiseEbuth: Don't remember the input format for cr...
ShaneCope: It even says type 0 is one of your robots
ShaneCope: which is what I base it on
BlaiseEbuth: True. So perhaps it's not that...
LelouchVC2: I had a bug in a different one where it would give me IDs of dead things
LelouchVC2: So my program would just insta lose whenever a bot died. Couldn't participate in it anymore until they fixed the bug over 2 weeks later
ShaneCope: Nothing starts dead tho
LelouchVC2: tru, could be something similar. but comb through ur code and make sure u didnt screw something up
LelouchVC2: have lots of error outputs
ShaneCope: Looking over all the arena fights
ShaneCope: its true that the ones I lost are the ones where I am P2
ShaneCope: No losses of me as P1
ShaneCope: When I flop it... it works the other way lmao
ShaneCope: Now I need to find the condition for which player I am this is silly
Uljahn: you click "delete" buttons below players' avatars in IDE to add them in reverse order to test it
ShaneCope: oh nice. Thanks for that
BlaiseEbuth: Strange. As you said and reading back the statement, the inputs seems to be independant of which player you are...
LelouchVC2: 10 billion IQ design
ShaneCope: I had been incrementing my bots via index
ShaneCope: And when Im p2 my bots come after their bots
BlaiseEbuth: Ah!
ShaneCope: Just gunna save their ID I guess
LelouchVC2: as u should. a bot class where they all have their own id
ShaneCope: I did have that but I was inserting their update by index instead of id cause I built that before I built the object and changed my code :'D
LelouchVC2: pro gaming
LelouchVC2: progaming
LelouchVC2: programing
BlaiseEbuth: There's a script to improve ux in bot programming btw
BlaiseEbuth: With a 'swap' button :p
derjack: and crypto mining in background
ShaneCope: A crypto miner would be extremely upset if they tried to use this PC
ShaneCope: IIRC the video card in this old desktop is a... GTX 640?
derjack: not if there are 1000s of them
derjack: all the moneys collected go to raises for the mods
LelouchVC2: where do i apply to become president?
LelouchVC2: I will make an executive order to ban all mods
LelouchVC2: then i will become a mod
derjack: #fr
ShaneCope: this is tons better now I am not ranked awful haha
Uljahn: low leagues are tutorial
ShaneCope: Nah man league 1 is the true master class obvs
Thorcode: pobably
Manchi_o6o7: Hey guys. If someone help me out. I am thinking how to overload the operator [][] in C++. Is there any way?
Manchi_o6o7: [ ] [ ]
LelouchVC2: yes, you can google it, you can overload that operator
Manchi_o6o7: can you send me a link, cause I am not able to find it
Manchi_o6o7: But I am looking for double indexing
Manchi_o6o7: not only [ ], but [ ] [ ]
LelouchVC2: you can't directly do that
LelouchVC2: i can think of a few ways that you can kinda do that, but depends on ur situation
Manchi_o6o7: can you give me a clue
LelouchVC2: this has some interesting answers you can look through regarding this
LelouchVC2: such as an overloaded function calling another:
Thorcode: hello, could anyone help me to learn code? I'm kinda new, which site should I learn? pls help me. thanks guy alot
Uljahn: :rolling_eyes:
Thorcode: wdym Ulja?
Thorcode: pls super-duper cat pls help me
Thorcode: I mean for ruby I could not find any site to learn that code
Uljahn: start with learning how to search then
Uljahn: that's the most important skill
Thorcode: Thanks ulja I finaally find a good site to learn
Thorcode: it seem that learning ruby is harder tahn python
Westicles: beginning to think this chat should be discontinued
Uljahn: agreed
Thorcode: agreed
Westicles: it was nice before all the bot guys left
Thorcode: I'm learning
darkhorse64: The issue is not with the chat
Thorcode: ? wdym
darkhorse64: It's a content/communication problem. Regular bot guys like to discuss about bot programming while CG focus shifts to something else
Thorcode: I understood.
xxXUltaSpiritus_L1ghtS4suk3Xxx: i do like lasagna
xxXUltraChakratus_DarkS4suk3Xxx: me too
xxXUltaSpiritus_L1ghtS4suk3Xxx: 👍
TheModified: is it ever possible to see the tests ran on your code in ClashOfCode?
Pretzel7g: you can just print the input
Pretzel7g: it will automatically invalidate the test, but at least you can see what you're dealing with
handrianina: or just error log
derjack: there are test cases visible, but not validators
derjack: adn you can print to error without breaking the code
Pretzel7g: or you can print to stderr (in python print(x,file=sys.stderr)) and it will be omitted in the test
Mason...: what are some more things to learn python from?
Wontonimo: python cookbook
Wontonimo: python mini challenges (ad free)
Wontonimo: Mason... ^^
Wontonimo: also and filter on python on the left
VisionaryM: why c++ coder has to suffer in clash of code ???
TimothyAlexisVass: c++ is simply not for clashing
TimothyAlexisVass: It's too explicit
GamingGnawer: So that we don't get mad with the power of our superior language choice XD
VisionaryM: well i love c++ more than i love my girlfriend but why there is character count in clash of code
GamingGnawer: Yeah code-golf is sometimes instructive but rarely fun in c++
VisionaryM: ahey
Abdirizaq: hi guys using c language how should I calculate flight passengers seat
Abdirizaq: output should look like this '
Abdirizaq: Seat 14A: Fred Flintstone paid 323.21 Seat 3C: Betty Ruble paid 232.30 (Alpha Airlines likes them) Seat 5C: Betty Smartie paid 230.13 (Alpha Airlines likes them) Seat 5B: Joe Bob Smartie paid 134.78
5DN1L: hi guys I'm doing an assignment / a puzzle / a clash of code, the output should look like this and that, please tell me the answer directly. Thanks.
5DN1L: Automaton2000, please help me.
Automaton2000: i kind of want to try and do all the work for me
jacek: oO
5DN1L: Enough hi
supermliu: wow ignoring me now
5DN1L: You don't flood the chat to get attention. At least the good kind of attention.
supermliu: are you like the moderator of this chat?
5DN1L: I'm not
supermliu: Yeah I didn't think so
Uljahn: he knows what a moderator would've said
jacek: does he know what a moderator would have done by now?
supermliu: i think he left chat
5DN1L: Think as you like :smirk:
noahm9: hello
noahm9: imagine banning school IP
noahm9: SUIIII
noahm9: :hotdog:
noahm9: initt
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: whats up?
noahm9: yooo my g
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: U guys in scool?
noahm9: ye
noahm9: rate how i look in my PFP
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: yeah my g
noahm9: from Afghanistan
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: aye, cool
supermliu: im from the virgin islandss
noahm9: who
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: supermilu fire
noahm9: asked
supermliu: @Nuclear Brocolli ty
supermliu: but i live in nigeria africa
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: pretty cool
supermliu: but i truly live in berlin germany
noahm9: can i come visit with tom the bomb
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: id see why not
noahm9: state post code
supermliu: yo nuclear brocolli do u like cock
supermliu: wait nuclear brocolli i can guess ur name
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: what is it?
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: WTF???????
noahm9: what
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: HOW?????
supermliu: wait is it actually
noahm9: made u think i care
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: No, it is
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: How??????
noahm9: whats mine :smirk:
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: Wait, you know where I live?
supermliu: @Nuclear Brocolli i can guess ur location i think
5DN1L: Enough introduction and location sharing. Please move on to coding topics. Thanks.
noahm9: who
noahm9: queen
noahm9: d
supermliu: 1922 Wonder Lane Street Albany, New York
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: WTF?????????
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: This is creepy
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: How the fuck did u know that?
noahm9: doesnt even exist lad
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: Shut the f up
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: PLSS NAH
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: My parents will detroy me
supermliu: @noahm9 i meant 1921
noahm9: you got the whole world chat laughing bro :expressionless:
5DN1L: Not funny
5DN1L: Please stop flooding the chat
supermliu: u shouldnt be talking
tom_the_bomb: whats the point in a chat if we cant tlk
noahm9: just making friends
5DN1L: This is a public chatroom for codingame
5DN1L: Not your private chatroom
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: LMAOIAOAOAOAOA
tom_the_bomb: but he can say that
supermliu: ur literally a cock
tom_the_bomb: do u want to lick him?
bigman122333: so funny
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: Maybe :wink:
supermliu: nuclear brocolli is laughing
bigman122333: er
tom_the_bomb: ye cuz hes ur m8
bigman122333: tramp exposed
Uljahn: :hammer:
bigman122333: why did you ban tom the bomb
NuclearBrocolli_ed12: Thats not cool
bigman122333: inittt
Uljahn: im helping them to focus on coding :innocent:
5DN1L: :clap:
bigman122333: unban him please
bigman122333: thanks
bigman122333: he needs help from people in this chat
Uljahn: too late
bigman122333: never too late
End_Shadow: IAIAI
bigman122333: who
bigman122333: #unbanthebomb
jacek: oO
amriswil-it-9: sorry that was my friend
5DN1L: Saying sorry while flooding the chat has to be the best strategy, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: still early in the contest is going to be the best move from the previous depth
KalamariKing: idk i think the best move would be found late game
KalamariKing: what about that Automaton2000
Automaton2000: glad you like it :d
wowzers36346: hey
wowzers36346: Im good, good
TTV_Sweaty22: u finna hop on to fortnite???
anonymertypmytypsylon: please unban End_Shadow he needs help
wowzers36346: How are you fine gentlemen?
wowzers36346: Fornite?
wowzers36346: Any day
TTV_Sweaty22: HBU MAN
wowzers36346: Gamer tag?
TTV_Sweaty22: my epic games name is: TTV_Sweaty22
wowzers36346: Mine is @urmomisRLLYHOT
TTV_Sweaty22: Oh that's similar to my alt's name
wowzers36346: Funny
TTV_Sweaty22: also I agree
wowzers36346: But fr
wowzers36346: thats it
wowzers36346: Add me
TTV_Sweaty22: alr bet
wowzers36346: bet
wowzers36346: lets goo
wowzers36346: "imagine coding"
TTV_Sweaty22: can't imagine
wowzers36346: lol
TTV_Sweaty22: fortnite is the only way of live
wowzers36346: fr
wowzers36346: no fornite, no life
wowzers36346: My fav
wowzers36346: I love it
wowzers36346: Sometimes more than myself
5DN1L: Go somewhere else to chat about that
wowzers36346: Where?
wowzers36346: To mars?
5DN1L: Just not here, please
wowzers36346: I havent been there
TTV_Sweaty22: Sometimes i love it more than ur mother
TTV_Sweaty22: fortnite is so good
wowzers36346: what??
TTV_Sweaty22: @5DN1L can we play fortnite
TTV_Sweaty22: I can carry you to champs
5DN1L: You can, just leave this chat in peace
anonymertypmytypsylon: can you endban End_Shadow please he needs help and he plays also fortnite and does giveaways :point_right::ok_hand::tired_face:
jacek: is this school break yet?
5DN1L: Is this school broken yet?
TimothyAlexisVass: What's the equivalent of this Python code in Ruby? a,b=map(int,open(0))
murata: yall im new to this shi im so confused.
5DN1L: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We'll try to answer
murata: Okay ill try to explain the best I can. SO im coding with Javascript and im doing Code breaker Puzzle and im pretty lost on what to do. I completed the first Test case but I dont know how to do the second one.
5DN1L: murata, there can be other values involved, you have to test them one by one until you find the correct one for each case
BlaiseEbuth: Your code is supposed to be generic and be able to solve any testcase. You don't have to write a code for each test.
murata: damn I think im more confused I guess im going to keep trying
BlaiseEbuth: (Any inputs formatted as wrote in the statement and fulfilling the constraints) -> YOUR CODE -> (The answer corresponding to the inputs according to the statement)
murata: Is there any videos i could watch for a better understanding?
BlaiseEbuth: You should probably try an official easy puzzle before this one.
BlaiseEbuth: Try this one
Stilgart: ho wait... il est à l'envers à la fin du handle ?!
murata: Alright, im in it right now
**Stilgart n'avait pas capté ça
BlaiseEbuth: Baguette Stilgart :french_bread:
Stilgart: damned stupid chat
BlaiseEbuth: :grin:
Stilgart: i was on #fr before some stupid guy mped me ...
TimothyAlexisVass: What's mp?
BlaiseEbuth: dm
jacek: what's dm?
BlaiseEbuth: pm
jacek: french as so reversed
BlaiseEbuth: Of course. :french_bread::wine_glass::cheese:
anonymertypmytypsylon: montanablack
anonymertypmytypsylon: iaiaiaiaiaiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiaiiaiaiiaiia
FUFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU: I got ban from #fr I did nothing
TimothyAlexisVass: Perhaps your nick is "FUFUUUUUUUUUU"
TimothyAlexisVass: or something...
FUFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU: so? Even if my nick is dumb, it doesn't mean I'm, does it?
sebisgreat: suckssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss to suck
Notgoodatcoding5: hi
Wontonimo: hi
Wontonimo: this is a public chat. please be respectful and act according to the code of conduct. Keep conversation mostly focused on coding and codingame.
Coach_Robi: Good morning everyone!
jacek: morning?
jacek: canada eh
Coach_Robi: yes! north of 50 haha
NoamNaim: Who know how to code?
Wontonimo: does anyone really "know"?
Bhan.Teja: Fresher here! are we all playing the same game?
jacek: no, this is public chat
NoamNaim: Did someone is a pro here?
jacek: but if you have some problems about a game (mad pod racing?), you can ask
Wontonimo: yes, we are all playing Tron
Wontonimo: hint : turn left
jacek: or samegame
Bhan.Teja: cool, thanks for the hint 😅
Bhan.Teja: I'm currently playing Shadows of the Knight, something seems fishy in the question!
Wontonimo: I don't remember any aquatic life forms in that puzzle. You must be imagining things
jacek: hint: use binary search
takearest: hi ı am girl
takearest: please help me
jacek: kitchen is over there
takearest: ananı sıekyım senin
takearest: jacek
takearest: take a rest
Bhan.Teja: bad joke Wontonimo!
Wontonimo: the worst. I've specialized in that genre for decades and have honed it to a fine dull
Bhan.Teja: Not because it's a nice justification but cuz you think a lot!
Wontonimo: but seriously takearest, what jacek means (I think) is we don't care about gender or other identity. we help all (other than people causing trouble), and your comment kinda seemed like stirring trouble
jacek: mod sense is tingling
takearest: bro this is memes
takearest: sorry everyone
Wontonimo: bro, okay bro. I don't know your memories.
Soltane: hello
struct: Wontonimo you should write on discord mod channel
struct: so they give you mod here again
KalamariKing: ^
jacek: he doesnt have mod? hes free!
Nandita: The IDE is not allowing me to add headers in C++ I want to add cmath
struct: it should work
struct: #include <cmath>
jacek: make your own math functions :v
KalamariKing: exactly
KalamariKing: just rewrite advanced algebra
Nandita: It wont even let me create any function. Its asking to work only within a highlighted section
struct: which puzzle?
struct: I guess you need to follow the tutorial
struct: which league are you in?=
jacek: tutorial for the first league, then when you pass you can write anything
Makea84: Mad Pod Racing is awesome
Makea84: im in silver league
struct: follow the tutorial
jacek: :+1:
struct: I think you only need to replace output
struct: on first leaguew
jacek: destinationY destinationY to XY
Nandita: but how to calculate to change the output
Makea84: First of all you have to check the tutorial
Nandita: float angle = atan2(next_checkpoint_y-y, next_checkpoint_x-x) * 180 / 3.141;
Uljahn: just correct the mistake, don't write anything else
jacek: you are given the angle
struct: you are given the angle on the next league
struct: just follow the tutorial :p
jacek: overthinking eh
Makea84: Yes, you already have the angle
struct: not on the first league only from the 2nd and so on
codergautam: hi
struct: on the next league you will have the angle
struct: but you need to complete the first part of the tutorial
Makea84: Can you share the code? cause i dont remember the code on that league
struct: paste it here
KalamariKing: can you share your credit card number as well
KalamariKing: yknow just in case
jacek: 80085
e_fishel: bruh
Makea84: 11223344
jacek: cout << next_checkpoint_y +x << " " << next_checkpoint_y +y<< " " <<thrust << endl;
jacek: to cout << next_checkpoint_x << " " << next_checkpoint_y << " " <<thrust << endl;
Uljahn: guess you'd better revert the code back to default wit the round arrow in the top right corner
Uljahn: *with
Nandita: this is the default one
struct: cout << next_checkpoint_x << " " << next_checkpoint_y << " 80" << endl;
Nandita: Ok it worked not it moved ahead
jacek: :tada:
jacek: now submit code to the arena
Wiilss: console.log("Hello")
jacek: pow
Illusive: console.log("std::cout << "Hello"")
5DN1L: mind your quotation marks
Wiilss: Who here is in the Christmas spirit!
Illusive: me i absolutley l;ove santa claus
Wiilss: @Illusive
Wiilss: :thumbsup:
Wiilss: :couple_mm:
struct: lets stop with the spam
struct: final warning next one is a ban
Illusive: oi struct respond to the dms
Wiilss: I am sorry great struct
Wiilss: please forgive me
Wiilss: as I bow down to you
Wiilss: ok
struct: well you are out of luck
Wiilss: :rage:
struct: you want to be next?
Wiilss: Not really
Wiilss: :pray:
struct: oh well you pushed it
jacek: oh my
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: well done
Hjax: huh, clash of bots is nearly identical to an old programming site i used to compete on
Hjax: called RobotGame
jacek: ohai
Hjax: hi there
jacek: welp the github says it was inspirited by RobotGame
Hjax: makes sense lol
jacek: nad i believe this is crystal rush graphics?
Hjax: that site has been dead for years, makes me happy to see the game given new life here
Hjax: i should submit something
Hjax: i still have my old code somewhere, as well as the code of a few other top competitors on that site
Hjax: iirc the strongest robotgame bot used simulated annealing to optimize against a set of open source bots
Hjax: one of the targets was one of mine
Hjax: the game isnt an exact replica, the map shape is different, and robot games map didnt wrap around
jacek: did they get random inputs?
jacek: i wonder if top players try to make a whole map of the arena
Hjax: what do you mean?
jacek: did you play clash of bots?
Hjax: not yet, i just learned about it 10 minutes ago
Hjax: i played robotgame about a decade ago
jacek: ahh. well each robot has 5x5 vision. and you get randomized visions, so you dont know the whole map
Hjax: ah, robotgame was perfect information
struct: oh no
struct: multi agent with fog o.o
jacek: but im not sure if perfect information is needed at this level
Hjax: seems like theres quite a few new bot programming games here
jacek: i mean this is perfect information because you know the 5x5 cells, so no hiding or surprise attacks
jacek: but no new contests
jacek: oO
codergautam: Oo
Wontonimo: hey jacek struct
Wontonimo: is it just me or does it feel like friday?
struct: hi Wontonimo
BlaiseEbuth: Why friday? Did CG released something?
Wontonimo: no, it's just quite and relaxed at my work. so few meetings. just kinda has a friday feel
pardouin: here you go:
pardouin: and don't pretend you didn't ask for it!
struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Wontonimo: i'm not clicking
Wontonimo: not after that table was abused
pardouin: too bad they removed the dislike count
ShandonM: I killed a dog in Minecraft
struct: bad idea from ubisoft to release a video about adding nfts to their games when the dislikes would still show
struct: it had around 95% dislikes
struct: or 5% likes :thinking:
jacek: oO
Ocean_Arbeit: How do you make a group chat on this or can you only do dms
struct: you can create a chat
struct: but it will be puclib
struct: public*
struct: just type /join nameofyourchat
Ocean_Arbeit: Ok
Ocean_Arbeit: thanks
struct: np, just remember anyone can access it if they know the name
Ocean_Arbeit: Ok
struct: also external clients show all the chat rooms I think
jacek: oh?
Wontonimo: it's probably broadcast to all clients like {'room':'super_private','message':'hey guys'}
Wontonimo: and your client just filters what you can see
struct: I think pidgin showed it
struct: not sure how it works
struct: but to load all the chat rooms it takes > 5 minutes
Wontonimo: that's ridiculously long
Mrs.GloriaZindlebocker: millions of clashes
jacek: 1 2 7 3, down the rockefeller street!
e_fishel: eurovision 2011 estonia?
e_fishel: which failed horribly
e_fishel: and azerbaijan won
jacek: nightcore stuff.
e_fishel: well then i'm wrong
jacek: ahh pinnacle of human culture
e_fishel: i remembered this video
e_fishel: oh wait
e_fishel: it's basically the same
e_fishel: but yours is edited
jacek: and has nice picture
Manchi_o6o7: Can someone help me to find an idea about a graph problem
Wontonimo: any idea, or a specific idea?
Schwase: when you want to get into silver and think that getting out of wood 1 means you get into silver :(
ChuckTheNinja: Is there a specific time each day that rankings are updated?
struct: 1am CET
ChuckTheNinja: Thanks!
>min pos estimated : 2390 >max pos estimated : 2389
Sideway: >PHYSICS : "am i joke to you ??"
Sideway: struggling on mars lander :'(
LelouchVC2: Dont worry, even people with PhDs have crashed their landers
Sideway: can't get the kinematics right, although it seems right on paper :/ ^^'
Wontonimo: ah, mars lander... i love that series
Wontonimo: anyone want help on it?
Sideway: i do like the animations :c
Sideway: eventhough i'm at stage 1 <3
Wontonimo: mars 1 ?
Wontonimo: that's cool. what have you tried so far?
Sideway: hmm to make it simple
Sideway: 1) Given my entry parameters, determine the min and max power to stay within the speed range
Sideway: 2) Then pick the right amount of power given my position from ground
Wontonimo: let's just stick with num 1. how have you translated that into code?
Sideway: min_power = ceil( GRAVITY + (-MAX_VSPEED - v_speed)/TIME_BASE );
Wontonimo: what's time base?
Wontonimo: right
Wontonimo: it'll always be 1 sec for all 3 episodes, so you can simplify that
Sideway: right after that i check if my min_power is < 0, if so i set it to 0
Sideway: and i do something similar for my max_power
Wontonimo: how about something simpler, like, if going down faster than you want, use full thrust
Wontonimo: else dont
Wontonimo: how fast are you allowed to descend onto the landing platform?
Sideway: hmm wouldn't that be fuel consuming ?
Sideway: (even if i don't need to bother about fuel yet though..)
Wontonimo: no need to overengineer a solution if something simple works great
Sideway: i am asked to land with 40 m/s at most
Wontonimo: okay, so... let's say -30m/s on the safe side
pmor: suicide burns are generally more efficient
Wontonimo: this will be nearly a suicide burn
Wontonimo: *nearly*
pmor: gotta add in that fudge :)
Sideway: if i remember well, real-life boosters apply a huge burst just before landing
LelouchVC2: I nearly jumped off a bridge
Wontonimo: that's a suicide burn as pmor said
Sideway: then they adjust their thrust with smaller engines
LelouchVC2: Didn't produce quite as much momentum as jumping
Wontonimo: so, back to a really good (but not perfect) first implementation,
Wontonimo: use full thrust if descending more than a crash speed, otherwise don't use much thrust at all
Wontonimo: here's kinda what it will look like
Sideway: aaaa i want to see my animation before being spoiled ;')
Wontonimo: and to please pmor, here is the suicide burn
pmor: :D
Sideway: wow that explosion scared me so much
Sideway: @Wontonimo your solution seems to work, i just need to apply a smaller max_speed
Wontonimo: and here is a straight average of 3.5 thrust as reference of how INEFFICIENT constant thrust is
Wontonimo: notice that it burns nearly all the fuel
Success: Mars Lander landed hard but Opportunity is ok!"
pmor: woot
Wontonimo: excellent !
Wontonimo: show us a replay !
e_fishel: ☺
Wontonimo: i wanna see
Sideway: shall i paste the url of the animation ?
Sideway: (never shared before, i'm a beginner ^^=
Wontonimo: yes please. there is a share link
Wontonimo: 238 litres of fuel left ! great job
Sideway: MAX_VHSPEED 30 for this test, and still approaching the 38 m/s
Sideway: as you said before, i was overthinking my problem
Wontonimo: to really do the suicide thrust thing to the max, what you can do is account for the fact that your max thrust is more than gravity (but just by a little)
Sideway: basically i was going into dark differential equations... for nothing in the end ^^
Wontonimo: that means you can actually fall at a speed greater than your max landing speed so long as you have distance enough to lower your speed
e_fishel: hello
Sideway: what i should test then, is estimate the current time before reaching ground, and how much vertical speed i can regain before hitting the ground
Sideway: since, as you said, if i go full throttle i can reduce my speed before hitting the ground ^^
Sideway: so at each second i could set up a bool "Can i still recover if i go full throttle", or sthing like that
Wontonimo: i just used a physics equation because i know it. V^2 = 2aS + Vo^2 and solve. but you can also do this as a simulation and just playout different scenarios
Sideway: oh i do know that one ^^
Wontonimo: yeah, your boolean idea is a good one
Sideway: if i remember well, time doesnt interfere in your equation, since you have a constant acceleration
C26_1: So V = sqrt(2aS + Vo^2) ?
Wontonimo: yeah. but I solved for S not V. S gives me my safe distance. if the ground is closer than S, i'm dead
e_fishel: x_x
Wontonimo: one of the V's is current speed. one of the V's is max landing speed
Wontonimo: hey e_fishel, what are you working on?
e_fishel: there is no spoon - episode 1
Wontonimo: there really isn't a spoon
UZUHAMA: Hello world
e_fishel: i'm making a grid that has the distance to the nearest node to the right
Sideway: bool AmIDeadSoFar(int y_curr, int y_ground, int v_speed)
Sideway: how about that one :')
Wontonimo: excellent! It's bound to work because the name is very meaningful
e_fishel: :rofl:
DialFrost: morning <33
Sideway: " DialFrost 01:23AM morning <33 "
DialFrost: lol its 8:23am here
UZUHAMA: Wontonimo, is there such a thing as "hashlist"?
Wontonimo: not that i'm aware of. that is what you called it when we first talked about hashmaps
UZUHAMA: Idk why I remember that name
e_fishel: is a hashmap the same as a javascript new Map() ?
UZUHAMA: I have no idea
UZUHAMA: I heard somebody saying hashlist only exists in Java
UZUHAMA: After that I'm even more confused
pmor: hashlist? a list of hashes? or a hash of lists?
UZUHAMA: A list of hashes,
pmor: though hashmaps are usually implemented by using lists for their buckets
UZUHAMA: Ok I have to do some research about this
pmor: In my experience, 95% of the time you would use a vector over a list
UZUHAMA: Vector is a flexible list, right?
pmor: vector is a resizable array
UZUHAMA: I mean array, yeah
Wontonimo: e_fishel, a hashmap is the same as an associative array in javascript
Wontonimo: in my experience noone uses vectors
pmor: really? we use it all the time in game dev
Wontonimo: in what language?
pmor: c++
Wontonimo: ah! i don't c++, so that explains it. i thought you were talking about java
Wontonimo: i bet vectors are implemented well in c++. in java they are garbage
pmor: ah, nope. Not too familiar with java.
Wontonimo: have you gotten much into data-driven-design with game dev c++?
pmor: its an allocated array that has element tracking.
pmor: yeah, its critical
Wontonimo: cool
UZUHAMA: I can't understand you guys' ancient language
pmor: 'modern' c++ ;)
Wontonimo: i've hardly done any other than here. work for me is financial systems and so it is inheritance hell
pmor: cobol?
Wontonimo: because they all think they know OOP but actually they hard code everything to the implementation, so it is COP (class oriented programming)
Wontonimo: java !
Wontonimo: perhaps the architects used to be cobol programmers
pmor: I took a class on cobol when i was in school. It was not something i really enjoyed
Wontonimo: what kinds of development practices help maintain a longer lived data-driven-project? Like, once you've exceeded 100k lines and it's more than 2 years old ?
struct: some people dont use vector a lot on cg
Wontonimo: is it just the usual unit tests ?
struct: its good if you allocate all the memory needed though
Wontonimo: pair programming , integration tests?
pmor: try several million lines and >10 yrs old
Wontonimo: even better, how do you keep cost of ownership down?
struct: some people do vector<Node> nodes(10'000'000);
struct: which is fine
pmor: struct - check out polymorphic allocators
pmor: we have some unit tests. spend a lot of time design. we have a lot of automated testing
Wontonimo: there is this whole movement to 'micro services' which is supposed to address some of the concerns of maintaining and replacing parts of these larger financial systems. it add a lot of cost of communication between parts, but it buckets problems so they can be worked on in isolation
Wontonimo: is there something like that for data driven design, or some other business driven solution of the day that you are seeing trending?
pmor: those are two different things
pmor: microservices are a way to really enforce designing your interfaces between systems
Wontonimo: yeah, i'm telling you something i'm seeing in my world. i'm wonder what is trending in your world
Wontonimo: it's certainly NOT micro services
pmor: data driven design determines how you structure your data and code to take advantage of the hardware
e_fishel: so
e_fishel: is a map an associative array?
Wontonimo: yes
pmor: microservices are used in anything that is web-based. We have a few tools that run like that
Wontonimo: ah, so probably something that is a much larger topic in your world is hardware
pmor: otherwise the game itself is a pretty big monolithic beast
Wontonimo: and compatability
ZXC01: Hi
pmor: yeah. we try to abstract away the hardware as much as we can. That's why engines are so popular
pmor: unreal, frostbite, crytek, tec
pmor: ^etc
pmor: but data driven design is really about taking advantage of memory access patterns
pmor: so if youre ripping through data processing it in some way, you want that data, and only that data, to be in an array or vector
struct: how do you take advantage of it?
struct: you want it to be next to each other?
pmor: exactly, because then the cpu can prefetch it into the l3, l2 & l1 caches
Wontonimo: struct, your code is data-driven-design in UTTT and C4 (and others i'm guessing)
struct: I dont do anything special
Wontonimo: but you are ;)
pmor: for example, check out this snippet
pmor: the second struct is a basic example of data driven design
struct: so 2nd should be better?
Wontonimo: if you want to process all a's at once
struct: ah
Wontonimo: or all c's at once
struct: of
pmor: if you operate on all individual members at a time
pmor: yeah
struct: but if I want to process element 0 of a,b,c the 1st one should be the one to go right?
pmor: correct
pmor: its determined by how you access your data
pmor: but you try to access it in a way that you are ONLY accessing the data you need right then
Wontonimo: you already do that struct. if you don't and you are killing me in c4 and uttt i'll do something rash which i'll regret
struct: well the rollouts ammount is probably the difference
Wontonimo: hey e_fishel, how is the spoon coming along?
pmor: The second thing about data driven design that I see on CG a lot is shrinking down the size of your structs as much as possible
e_fishel: i succesfully made a 2d array for both axis
pmor: because then you end up with less cache misses
pmor: since more structs can fit into a cache line
e_fishel: now i only need to go through every position and check it's position in the array
pmor: essentially , L1 is 10x faster than L2, which is 10x faster than L3, which is 100x faster than main memory
pmor: so having cache friendly code is very important for performance
struct: yeap usually my mcts nodes are 16 bytes
pmor: thats crazy small
Wontonimo: yeah, like i said, you are already doing it struct. and you say you are not doing 'anything special' but if you look at your ranking you can tell it is "pretty special"
pmor: trees are not good for cache performance so having really small nodes helps
struct: the avx of checkwin and getwinningmoves also help
struct: yeah mcts is not cache friendly at all
struct: the most cache friendly algo I used here was beamsearch
Wontonimo: that's an interesting point
struct: where I just switched back and forth between 2 arrays that would fit in L2(?) cache
pmor: well, like i said...if you're iterating through an array a cpu can detect that and prefetch a cache line
pmor: so it may not exactly fit, but you won't see much loss of performance because the cpu has your back
e_fishel: it's falling apart x_x
pmor: Im good at writing fast code, but my AI skills are noob :\
struct: which games are you interested in pmor?
pmor: right now Im working on a company specific challenge that CG is hosting
struct: I see an hackathlon
pmor: yup...i can tell its based off of the witches brew challenege
pmor: but they changed a few things that make simming it harder
struct: Well I did use beam search on that one
pmor: That's what I'm trying here
pmor: I can get ~160k sims in 30ms
pmor: though I have a bug somewhere that's causing my bot to do stupid things
struct: Do you sim both you and opponent?
pmor: yeah, though I'm not 100% sure that's working yet
ZXC01: hi Automaton2000
Automaton2000: so i guess that's what i plan to do that
ZXC01: ...
pmor: I think my issue is due to the possibility that a player can play multiple turns in some cases
pmor: so the beamsearch would then have states where p0 played and some states wehre p1 played
struct: multiple turns without the other player playing?
pmor: yeah
struct: you should check maybe the previous contest postmortems
struct: we used "synced" beam search
pmor: you can get these bonuses. If you use the bonus, your turn doesn't end
pmor: yup, I've scoured through all of them
pmor: Im currently restructuring everything so that it's 'synced'
struct: ah ok
pmor: basically, i bundle up all those actions and pass it to the sim
pmor: i then sim both p1 and p2
pmor: so the ending state is the end of turn for both p1 and p2
pmor: I *think* that's what my problem was
struct: sounds about right
pmor: but i'm an ai noob, so i'm stumbling around :)
e_fishel: it hadn't fallen apart
e_fishel: i'm just super dumb
e_fishel: i was doing [x][y]
e_fishel: when in reality, it is [y][x]
ZXC01: hi Automaton2000NN
Automaton2000: i want to know if there is no such thing
ZXC01: hi AutomatonNN
e_fishel: YESS
e_fishel: there was no spoon, but it's solved
Mortis_666: Automaton2000 hi
Automaton2000: kiwibleu what u mean by that
ZXC01: lol
Mortis_666: lol
ZXC01: wheres automatonNN?
ZXC01: Automaton20000000000000000000000000000000000
Automaton2000: but i can't find you
Wontonimo: congratulations e_fishel !! :tada::tada::tada:
e_fishel: i'm working on the weekly puzzle
e_fishel: 🤔
e_fishel: i guess i'll implement some sort of spreading algorithm, not quite sure yet
VisionaryM: Best Engine to built a game using c++
Wontonimo: compiler
e_fishel: *discord*
e_fishel: i'm kidding
Wontonimo: i'm not wrong
pmor: i agree. If youre new, go small
e_fishel: YO
e_fishel: i did a thing
Wontonimo: what did you do e_fishel ?
codergautam: ruby people are insanely fast wtf
ZXC01: not really
ZXC01: they are just short
Mortis_666: ya
VisionaryM: yes you're right
e_fishel: it works but then it doesn't
e_fishel: it tries to access it at an index that is not in the array
e_fishel: but i'm overcoming it with optional chaining
e_fishel: yes!
e_fishel: optional chaining does the trick
e_fishel: instead of calling it foo[bar]
e_fishel: you call it foo?.[bar]
e_fishel: and it doesn't throw an error if it is null, undefined or void
e_fishel: ☺☺☺☺
e_fishel: basically, i got it working
DialFrost: anyone willing to help me in mean max
Wontonimo: double yeah e_fishel
e_fishel: have you solved this week's problem?
e_fishel: i'm in the process of doing so
DialFrost: guys how i find dist between 2 pts
e_fishel: straight line?
DialFrost: cuz in mean max my functin isnt working
e_fishel: in a 2d space?
DialFrost: ye
DialFrost: mean max
DialFrost: def distance(x1,x2,y1,y2):
return math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
DialFrost: is this corrcet
e_fishel: that looks right to me
e_fishel: assuming it's python
DialFrost: but my code isnt running right
e_fishel: wait
DialFrost: yes its python
e_fishel: take the absolute value of the subtractions
DialFrost: k lemme try
e_fishel: both x as well as y
DialFrost: er are u free to look at my code for mean max
DialFrost: its fine if u dont want
e_fishel: sure
Dren: distance between coordinates
e_fishel: i don't know python but meh
Dren: is sqrt((x2-x1)^2 +(y2-y1)^2)
Dren: probably
qpi: ** instead of ^
struct: his math.hypot should work though
DialFrost: i made my bot to use to grenade when the dist <=1000 using the math.hypot but it never shoots
DialFrost: mean max bot progamming btw
struct: is it calculating the distance correctly? sup how is everyone?
struct: hi