Automaton2000: but do you know about it
Andrew.Lee: So help me out here. I completed a Clash in 3:19, leaps ahead of the next person at 9:43. Yet I ranked 4th. How does the ranking work out?
myNickName01: it's different per clash
Jerrasterix: What type of clash
myNickName01: speed and code size...
myNickName01: are two different rankings
myNickName01: also percent of tests
Andrew.Lee: ah. code "size"... despite coding fastest, looks like I must shift+tab to remove all white spaces and comments
myNickName01: in some clashes yes
Andrew.Lee: that's pure crock.
myNickName01: rofl, nice job on the speed though
myNickName01: :)
Andrew.Lee: C# vs Python. That's an unfair advantage
Jerrasterix: That's useless in python or pascal other indented lang
myNickName01: only thing I really have never liked about the clashes, is that everyone should be required to share all code, and if no one has 100% a solution should be shown
Thorcode: What happend with Wontonimo mod badge?
Wontonimo: Wave Function Collapse (rough draft) has been posted. Yeah me. It's been in the works for about 2 months
myNickName01: otherwise i love this website, and clashes are my favorite thing on here
Jerrasterix: wdym ??
Thorcode: try puzzle myNickName01
Wontonimo: my badge may come back in the next reboot
Thorcode: ah
Thorcode: ko
Jerrasterix: ahhh... server reboot
Thorcode: nah
Jerrasterix: lucky Ebuth didn't get the mod back
Thorcode: I tried f5 it does not work
Jerrasterix: server reboot, not a client reload
Jerrasterix: yesterday, CG chat server crashed it seems
Thorcode: why lucky about eduth
Thorcode: is he still a mod?
Jerrasterix: well, he used to get it when server rebooted.. bcoz he was a mod
Thorcode: what why he say that he was being banned
Jerrasterix: idk
camnwalter: is there a way to make it so i dont join a new chat room every game
Schwase: no
Jerrasterix: unfortunately np
Schwase: just x out of them
Jerrasterix: *ni
Schwase: so close jerrasterix]
Schwase: lol
Schwase: if i were a statistician, i would say you got the o\
Jerrasterix: correcting a typo with a typo
Jerrasterix: what's 'o\'
Jerrasterix: final try
Jerrasterix: **no
Schwase: o\
Schwase: lol
Jerrasterix: does it mean "bye" ??
Jerrasterix: hi Qillio
Qillio: so what do you guys do here
Qillio: are u guys students?
Jerrasterix: most of us yeah
Qillio: ooo
camnwalter: i do clash of code bc im bored af
Jerrasterix: we have clash of code, bot programming and puzzles
Jerrasterix: you can chose what you like
BartholomewIII: TIL, you can resize the test case and validator text boxes :P
ArturWWL: can i make private clash of code?
ZXC01: yes
BartholomewIII: You can make a draft one that's not published, but you can't play it
ZXC01: you can test it in ide
ArturWWL: what do you mean i can't play it
BartholomewIII: Unless, you mean a private room (only for friends)
Andrew.Lee: fun. I now bested python coders with shortest C# code. Now I know how Clash of Code works.
ArturWWL: yeah, that is what i mean, compare with my friend only
Westicles: ZXC01 and Thorcode, what is your deal?
ZXC01: deal?
Westicles: don't approve crap
ZXC01: just for fun
ZXC01: and chen haos one of my friend
Jerrasterix: He approved it 4 times :rofl:
ZXC01: lol
BartholomewIII: arturwwl, I don't know off hand how you can make a private room if at all, but you can invite them to a room when you are playing.
Jerrasterix: do you clash of code page and scroll down
Jerrasterix: *go
Jerrasterix: There will be start a private clash button
ArturWWL: chalalenge friend work one to one or with others?
BartholomewIII: Or you click the three dots in the top right of CoC on this page:
YoeriBoerema: hey guys, has anyone here done the Python foundation PCEP exam?
YoeriBoerema: was wondering if anyone could give me some idea of how difficult it is
jacek: Automaton2000 did you?
Automaton2000: so when i have enough time to be on cg
Killuaa: hi
CrownSRSS: hi
Killer_Kat: hola
ZD-xihuanMM: hello everyone
ZXC01: hi
nimseven7: hi
Dreuyasha: what is the best resources for learning python? "Something fun"
ZXC01: depends what you like
Dreuyasha: i like clash of code but it's difficult
Dreuyasha: im not actually learning anything
ZXC01: hmm so fid the clashes you didnt solve after each clash and learn more bout it
ZXC01: find*
Dreuyasha: I'll take that advice, thanks
ZXC01: :thumbup:
Killer_Kat: You can also try making some projects of your own. That is how I learned the fundamentals. Simple stuff like can you make an app that lets you play rock paper scissors, a app that translates into simple cypher's, really anything could be an opportunity to learn something new and interesting.
Killer_Kat: I made a bunch of useless stuff
Killer_Kat: One of the first things I ever did with python was try to make an app that would get the price of gold and convert it into the price of chicken nuggets. But it taught me a lot about web scraping.
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: ==golden nuggets
Killer_Kat: yup, I was thinking about what the conversion rate of gold nuggets to chicken nuggets would be
Dreuyasha: hahaha ok thank you
ZXC01: Hi, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: its really hard for me to get better at it
ZXC01: at what?
Killer_Kat: In case anyone is wondering at the current price of gold the conversion rate is about 1 to 152
ZXC01: Automaton2000 what is the current rate of gold conversion?
Automaton2000: half of the time though
ZXC01: Automaton2000 , whats your rank?
Automaton2000: haven't had time to implement
ZXC01: Automaton2000 are you a bot?
Automaton2000: if you want to get a working bot
ZXC01: then how?
ZXC01: Automaton2000 whats your country?
Automaton2000: but not on cg at least
ZXC01: whats cg?
5DN1L: codingame
ZXC01: is Automaton2000 better or is siri better?
Automaton2000: then you have to learn a new language
ZXC01: wait what?
ZXC01: how come he is not answering any question
ZXC01: wait sry accident
ZXC01: Automaton2000 , spam the chat
Automaton2000: how do i do it
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: you need to output 100 line of random msg, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: it is still a lot better
ZXC01: Automaton , can you give me you're code?
ZXC01: Hi Automaton2000
Automaton2000: that's why i had to check if the other guy
ZXC01: Hi Automaton2000
Automaton2000: yes, that was the best
ZXC01: Hi Automaton2000
Automaton2000: i guess it will be good enough to get it to work i think
ZXC01: Automaton2000, what are you working on?
Automaton2000: i am not an expert
ZXC01: you are desighned by an expert,Automaton2000
Automaton2000: you dont really need to go to gold
ZXC01: Automaton2000 How to go to gold in mad pod racing?
Automaton2000: so it's not so much
jacek: :unamused:
ZXC01: Automaton2000 say hi
Automaton2000: why would you want to use a search algorithm
ZXC01: Automaton2000 say turtle
Automaton2000: not sure if i am really confused
ZXC01: Automaton2000 give me some luck
Automaton2000: i heard the same thing
ZXC01: Automaton2000 check this replay
Automaton2000: but is there a better way to do it
ZXC01: How?
Thyl: Hi !
ZXC01: hi
jacek: line racing? no tron?
Thorcode: tron dead
jacek: :scream:
Ftyghi: hi
Thorcode: even the old land ocupy
Ftyghi: hi guys
Ftyghi: its me ftyghi
Ftyghi: long time no see
Ftyghi: :grinning:
Thorcode: who are you?
ZXC01: who are you
ZXC01: lol
Ftyghi: did you forget me thorcode
Thorcode: yep
Thorcode: who are you
Ftyghi: :disappointed:
ZXC01: are you new?
Ftyghi: no i came 5 months ago
Thorcode: Have I talked with you?
Ftyghi: yes
ZXC01: hmm
ZXC01: never seen you before
Thorcode: really
Ftyghi: ZXC01 I don't know you to
ZXC01: ok
Thorcode: ah back to code has changed to time travelers
ZXC01: cuz i came about 1 month ago
Ftyghi: Yesssssssss
Thyl: I have a problem with this main function
Thyl: the code timout
Thyl: it's for the labirynth
ZXC01: ah labrinth
ZXC01: i hate that
Thorcode: are you real pythonner Thyl
Thorcode: this seem like java
Thyl: yes I am
Thorcode: why your code seem like java
ZXC01: thats c++
ZXC01: dude
ZXC01: cant you see cout?
ZXC01: cin
ZXC01: lolll
ZXC01: or c
ZXC01: or c#
jacek: oO
Thyl: no I can't ZXC01
ZXC01: ?
Thyl: it's C++
ZXC01: ooo
Thyl: it timeout
ZXC01: hmm
ZXC01: its only a part right?
Thyl: yes
Thyl: the rest is global variables and classes
ZXC01: o
ZXC01: im not so good in c++ loll
Thorcode: my too
Thorcode: *me
ZXC01: but how come theres onlycout << "RIGHT"
5DN1L: cin >> ROW >> COLUMN >> a; cin.ignore();
5DN1L: You didn't define ROW and COLUMN?
Thyl: no I define it
Thyl: It doesn't do an error
Thorcode: this code seem right
5DN1L: You wrote:
5DN1L: int r; // number of rows.
int c; // number of columns.
ZXC01: i think the whole code is needed
5DN1L: can't see any ROW or COLUMN there
Thorcode: yep
Thorcode: Thyl why don't you use python?
ZXC01: hes sorta demifinalist
ZXC01: really?
Thorcode: prove
Thyl: oo zut
Thyl: I select all the code :sweat_smile:
Thorcode: I'm dead wwith that code
artemidoris: if(c++ > python) { std::cout << "true" << std::endl; }
5DN1L: for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
5DN1L: you use r here
5DN1L: Make up your mind about ROW and r :laugh:
Thyl: thanks
Thyl: Thorcode python is cool
Thyl: but C++ is faster
Thorcode: yep
Thorcode: abit
Thorcode: about time process out
Thyl: a bit ??
Thyl: or 3*faster
Thorcode: yeah about a few ms
Thyl: try to resolve Sokoban with python
Thorcode: is that a puzzle on cg?
Thyl: yes it is
Thorcode: oh
Thorcode: solved it
Thorcode: you solved it
Thorcode: but not me
Thorcode: I'm trying vox
Pauloux: Where do we find the puzzle of the week pls ?
Thorcode: ah
Thorcode: have you reach bronze or almost
Thorcode: in algo path
Pauloux: OK I see xD
Thorcode: just click it
Thorcode: prob solved XD
Thorcode: what does x[2:] do?
Thorcode: yep
Thorcode: probably
Thorcode: nah I will figure it by my own
Thorcode: thanks
Thorcode: ah take the 2 first item
eulerscheZahl: x[2:] takes all but the first two actually
**eulerscheZahl reads Sokoban
jacek: that copyrighted puzzle?
jacek: hmm 16% success rate
Thyl: eulerscheZahl wroye Sokoban ;)
eulerscheZahl: i consider Sokoban as abandonware. it's so old and dozens of clones exist
eulerscheZahl: i even made sure that the levels have the right copyright for me to use them. and the graphics too of course
jacek: soon CG will be abandoware eh
eulerscheZahl: :(
eulerscheZahl: topcoder has an optim contest soon
InCog: hi for c#
InCog: when printing
InCog: using Console.WriteLine
InCog: can you only print 1 variable
eulerscheZahl: you can build a string to print
InCog: I cant print more than 1 out on the same line even with ,
InCog: Oh
InCog: so you must concatenate
eulerscheZahl: Console.WriteLine($"{x} {y} {thrust}");
InCog: Thanks
InCog: Thats kind of disappointing know
InCog: though*
eulerscheZahl: why?
InCog: idk I was expecting it to be like js
InCog: so I kept trying for about 30 minutes
eulerscheZahl: they are completely different languages. in return you get some features in C# that JS doesn't have
InCog: yeah
eulerscheZahl: like static typing
eulerscheZahl: or integers
InCog: what does static typing do
InCog: I tried to read up on the basic premise of a lot of the things and I am gonna be super honest I dont understand them at all
eulerscheZahl: let myVar = 'abc' myVar = 7
InCog: oh
eulerscheZahl: valid JS code, won't work in C#
InCog: yeah I get what you mean
InCog: I know this is not the place to ask but what does the static void mean
InCog: and string[] args
InCog: I swear I have tried reading up and I have a general idea
eulerscheZahl: static: you don't need an instance to call it
eulerscheZahl: void: no return type
eulerscheZahl: string[] args: the command line arguments provided to your application
InCog: aight
InCog: string[] args refers to the command line dotnet run thing then?
InCog: like the inputs
InCog: in the command line
jacek: ./program dupa 1 2 3
jacek: args = ['dupa','1','2','3']
InCog: oh aight
jacek: dunno if .net will have args[0] = './program' as well
InCog: thanks
eulerscheZahl: args[0] is not the program name itself
Sayach8: static methods are callable at the class levels meaning they dont need objects to be called. void means they dont return anything. String[] args is a list of strings that hold command line arguments. the first value is the program name itself.(equivalent to argc and argv of C/C++)
Sayach8: holds*
jacek: there are 2 contridactory informations oO
eulerscheZahl: information has no plural
eulerscheZahl: 2 pieces of information
eulerscheZahl: :nerd:
jacek: :x
Lynch[0]: hlw
Sir_knight_Squirrel: hello
Sayach8: looks like, neither C# nor Java saves the program name as the first argument. I guessed it would be the same as C/C++ or python's argv. But looks like it is not.
eulerscheZahl: in C# you have things like Application.StartupPath
eulerscheZahl: or GetExecutingAssembly()
Sayach8: Yeah, makes sense
SilverOS: Code Breaker Puzzle.Is there someone know it?
jacek: 22% that tried it, apparently
truewulfey: glad to be in that 78%
Bela575: Someone know when they will offer using C# 10 top level statements and global usings?
Jerrasterix: unfortunately next year
jacek: no c# codegolfing for you then
Jerrasterix: I can understand top level statements, but global using ??
Jerrasterix: well, for code golfing we will need implicit usings not global usings
Bela575: Then they can offer standard usings so you don't have to add to your code
CIH: How does the promotion work in Mad Pod Racing? I've been above Boss 4 in Bronze League for two promotion rounds, but didn't get promoted to Silver. Should I just wait for it to happen eventually, or is there something I need to do?
Bela575: yes implicit using was the right name! :-)
jacek: if you submitted and youre above boss, you should be promoted automatically in the next 'window'
jacek: you should see the timer above the viewer
Jerrasterix: Urghh... there has been a report that promotion was not working this morning.
jacek: ohh, friday deploy?
Jerrasterix: probably, to save CG from the log4j bug :laughing:
jacek: why would anyone use log4j instead of good old System.out.println()
CIH: Ah, ok... I saw somebody else get promoted, or at least disappeared from the list above the boss.
jacek: probably the issue will be fixed tomorrow
CIH: yea, guess I'll just wait for tomorrow. Thanks guys!
Jerrasterix: unfortunately, We have many developers who don't even know how to use it
Jerrasterix: you can't even see the list of maven dependencies in maven webpage, WTH ??
eulerscheZahl: Your previous score in C# was 0%. You can try to improve this score by having another go at the C# CodinGame Certification.
thanks for the offer CG
truewulfey: sometimes i really wonder how i keep seeing the same people for over a year, always, at day, midday, night, evening, weekends and holidays
WoZniaKTV: whats wrong about that
truewulfey: extremely, extremely odd
truewulfey: not only that but their rankings dont really change
WoZniaKTV: do you want to see different people all time?
truewulfey: it would be more natural, yes, or at least see them being actual humans
WoZniaKTV: when someone doesnt improve it's bad
truewulfey: this way i cant decide if theyre robots or humans
truewulfey: not to mention that they also seem to join multiple clashes at once
Thorcode: guys solving puzzle in this site is so fun
5DN1L: truewulfey the bots' profile pages state that they're bots
WoZniaKTV: in clash someone before finished in like... 10 seconds
Thorcode: yeah
WoZniaKTV: and his code was like exec(bytes("牰湩⡴栧汥潬圠牯摬℡⤧","u16")[2:])
WoZniaKTV: and it was 100% correct wtf
Thorcode: ah that is for pythonner
WoZniaKTV: it was exactly that, i saved it
Thorcode: bruh
Thorcode: I know
Thorcode: what lang do you use?
WoZniaKTV: and a little of Python
Thorcode: %.3f what do this do in python?
Thorcode: ah
Thorcode: I know it
jacek: i hope you dont use C# for code golfing and then complaining you lose :?
WoZniaKTV: Is it possible to do that golfing thing with C# too?
InCog: it is
InCog: but
InCog: its not good for it
InCog: use already have tons of wasted characters in the form of the initial stuff you need to include
nitekat: is it possible to use C# for golfing? yes
radioctiv: id never reccomend it
nitekat: is it possible to use C# for golfing and win a lot? probably hard
WoZniaKTV: i use C# just because it's the language i better know and understand
WoZniaKTV: but of course i think some languages are better
jacek: and you dont wear glasses
jacek: oO
Dren: oh common
Dren: I was literally beaten by exec(bytes()) bs
Husoski: The Python encode hack?
jacek: hack?
jacek: oh my
Husoski: I think hacking is a Covid symptom, too... :)
jacek: .o
jacek: Automaton2000 is it dw
Automaton2000: so nice to see you in legend yet?
MSmits: hi guys
MSmits: been busy
jacek: oO
jacek: MSmits come to othello, you need to outbook Nyanyan
BlaiseEbuth: :smiley_cat::rainbow:
MSmits: haha later maybe
MSmits: want to try something fun?
jacek: didi you solve c4?
MSmits: I made a turtle-mnist. You can draw numbers and press spacebar to have the program guess it
MSmits: (drag dot with mouse)
MSmits: did not yet solve c4 no, it's still running
MSmits: 139 million nodes
MSmits: (max capacity 2B so i hope it solves before that)
jacek: skynet will soon overtake the humanity
MSmits: aww damnit
MSmits: it guesses my 3's pretty well
MSmits: had 97% on MNIST set
BlaiseEbuth: "Put Interactive Python Anywhere on the Web" sounds like a virus :scream:
jacek: is it cnn?
BlaiseEbuth: There's already js everywhere on the web, don't add python please...
MSmits: it's 784 input pixels, then 200 hidden nodes to 10 output
MSmits: very simple
MSmits: the challenge is getting it to work on turtle, which is very limited
jacek: oh my
jacek: weights are hardcoded?
MSmits: yeah, sec
jacek: did you use data augmentatoin
MSmits: you can see the code
MSmits: I just turn a black/white drawing to greyscale
MSmits: I might be able to improve it
MSmits: or do you mean training data>
MSmits: in that case no, i kept it real simple
jacek: augmenting training data by adding samples - random rotations, clipping or noise
jacek: and how much accuracy did you get
MSmits: yeah that could be good, I would not do rotation, or a 6 becomes a 9 :)
MSmits: 97%
MSmits: on mnist pics
BlaiseEbuth: What is this thing supposed to do? :/
MSmits: you draw pictures by dragging the dot
MSmits: then use spacebar
MSmits: it tells you what number you drew
MSmits: or tries to anyways
jacek: i mean 5-20 degrees rotations. or translation
MSmits: yeah that would help a lot
BlaiseEbuth: Ah. The spacebar was the missing part
MSmits: but 97% is already quite high, i think there may be something wrong with the way my drawn picture is turned into input
jacek: its from scratch using numpy?
MSmits: yes
jacek: well that 0 or 1 should be obvious
MSmits: cant use tensorflow in turtle
MSmits: my 0's work ok
BlaiseEbuth: Ah yeah...
MSmits: no they dont
MSmits: i guess that was another trained versions where the 0s were good
jacek: :smirk:
BlaiseEbuth: Remind me reply challenge...
MSmits: lol
DomiKo: I believe you could improve your sigmoid function:
x[:, 0] = 1/ (1 + -np.exp(x[:, 0]))
DomiKo: it should be a lot faster
jacek: i see you use only sigmoids. relu is simpler
MSmits: yeah i was going by the mnist tutorial
MSmits: dont you need sigmoids for output?
MSmits: maybe relu for hidden
MSmits: let me see if it works DomiKo
MSmits: some simple stuff doesnt work in turtle
MSmits: i should say in trinket
jacek: yes, relu for hidden. sigmoid or softmax for output
MSmits: it is not my bottleneck though, i should get 97% or better if someone draws a clear number
MSmits: why else would i get that locally
jacek: but if it has 97% acc then maybe making the inputs is faulty
MSmits: yeah i think
MSmits: so
MSmits: I'll mess around with it a bit more. I like the visual part though
Illedan: Hi
Illedan: Nice thing, but I can
MSmits: hi Illedan
Illedan: 't draw on it :/
MSmits: drag the dot
MSmits: you do need a keyboard
MSmits: and mouse
MSmits: oh if you use the link with the code, you need to run first
Illedan: ok
Illedan: 3 = 7
Illedan: great :)
MSmits: haha
MSmits: damn it was doing a lot better for me
MSmits: domiko didnt work. Said unsupported argument for x
MSmits: numpy is only half-implemented i think
MSmits: could not use load or save either
DomiKo: that's sad :(
MSmits: i had to do a file read and then set up my own splitting and such
MSmits: possibly a paid version of trinket has the full libraries, i am being cheap here
jacek: you?
jacek: :smirk:
MSmits: yes indeed :)
MSmits: I kinda think it's cool that it graded your penis jacek
jacek: was it in training data?
MSmits: no, mnist has no penises
MSmits: though they have fashion-mnist too. If you want to, you can draw 40k penises and set up your own tutorial data-set
MSmits: everyone needs a hobby
jacek: welp today i made in keras cnn stuff, and put ttt samples and it worked. im tweaking numbers of layers and kernels
MSmits: ordinary ttt?
jacek: yes
jacek: those 5478 samples with w/d/l
MSmits: oh ok, i thought that one was hard to use as a real test because it memorizes. But yeah for debugging it seems great
jacek: it memorizes, that is loss near 0, but still requires quite a number of kernels
MSmits: and you have only 1 cell with a full set of neighbors
jacek: hm?
MSmits: i mean cnn uses filters right?
jacek: yes
MSmits: generally the edges are exceptions
MSmits: you have 8 edges and 1 normal cell
jacek: i used padding, zeroes around the 3x3 squares
MSmits: oh i see
jacek: apparently what a0 and lc0 use
jacek: makes sense so it knows about boundaries
MSmits: yeah ok
jacek: so you havent seen this week's potw?
MSmits: nope havent logged in for 2 weeks or more
MSmits: oh nmm
MSmits: still have to finish it
MSmits: my solver
MSmits: I have the whole index function and such done and can solve 3v3, but it has so many endgame book sizes that it's cumbersome to set up, more so than oware.
MSmits: this one you can actually completely solve though
jacek: i read 3v3 has about 60k positions?
MSmits: very few, sounds about right
MSmits: 8x8 has more positions than 9x9
MSmits: because it's actually 8x8x8 vs 9x9x6
MSmits: the last one being empties
jacek: i win mostly by blocking
MSmits: yeah seems like that is very important. If you make a value function that just counts pieces it's extremely weak
MSmits: oh I think i know whats wrong with my mnist program. I just did 10 in a row, all correct, but if i draw too small it guesses wrong
MSmits: so it might be the scale
UZUHAMA: Hello world
MSmits: hi
jacek: oO
jude2k: Encryption/Decryption of Enigma Machine question: Anybody knows if you have an "N" of 7 and the letter of the string is close to the end of the alphabet, do you start over with the counting?
idunnowuttoname: có ai việt nam trên này kh ạ =))
Schwase: @idunnowuttoname /join vietnam
Schwase: maybe idk if thats a thing actually
Wontonimo: well, it's (most likely) official. I've got a hater. On my last 3 community posted puzzles I've gotten 1 downvote right away after publishing, then just upvotes, and they trickle in slowly after that. I don't know who I cheesed off, but let it me known there isn't anyone here I don't like.
Wontonimo: Hey MSmits, it's been a while! How are you?
C26_1: So I've researched for a while and discovered that French is diverged from English
C26_1: So if the noun isn't have any gender word then it'll be seen as male object
C26_1: Communication is important in programming
C26_1: So this topic doesn't offside anyway
C26_1: This is just the beginning
C26_1: A sentence can changed its meaning if we change the tone at each word (or another word: stress)
ganbat24: yo
ganbat24: how do you even get recruited on this site
ganbat24: like what are the things i need to do
ganbat24: seems the certification system is bs since evereone has >99%
C26_1: I have talked more about it in discord
AguliRojo: Everyone? Its better to apply by yourself by any means. Good offers coming to you are a rarity.
AguliRojo: But either way >99% is impressive. That is without cheating :wink:
DialFrost: nah its quite easy if u know the language
DialFrost: the problems arent that hard
DialFrost: unless ur not *very* familar with the language then you might not know how to do certain things
ZXC01: Hi
WhoTho: hi
ZXC01: hiiiiiiii
ZXC01: anyone here? Automaton2000
Automaton2000: i'm trying to use a for loop
ZXC01: To do what? Automaton2000
Automaton2000: but when i put it in a good way.
ZXC01: What happens? Automaton2000
Automaton2000: it could be just a bit more
ZXC01: lolll Automaton2000
Automaton2000: that was my first contest
ZXC01: hey,you know how to code?
ZXC01: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: we all have a good score
ZXC01: Who are you ? Automaton2000
Automaton2000: how do i get more than 100 ms
ZXC01: lollll Automaton
ZXC01: Automaton2000 hi
Automaton2000: and you get a lot of nodes
ZXC01: AutomatonNN hi
ZXC01: Automaton2000 hi
Automaton2000: what did u do it with a guy?
ZXC01: Automaton2000 hi
xxd: is there a way to search a CoC contribution by text in the problem statement?
Automaton2000: do we have a new job
ZXC01: no, xxd, you need the name
xxd: thats too bad, thanks
xxd: where would i search it
ZXC01: erm i forgot the link
ZXC01: the elshce thigy
ZXC01: hey Automation2000 can you sent the COC link?
xxd: i found it haha
ZXC01: yeah
xxd: can search problem text
ZXC01: hey Automaton2000, can you sent the COC link?
Automaton2000: it's not like i would be able to do this
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: Hey whats your name? Automaton2000
Automaton2000: am i the only one where i have to wait a while
ZXC01: no you are not, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: but i'm in wood 1
ZXC01: Then try to got to legend, Automaton2000
Automaton2000: i mean i can get you into gold
ZXC01: Great! Automaton2000
Automaton2000: if you want to search for
ZXC01: Search for what? Automaton2000
Automaton2000: but let me check that
ZXC01: ok Automaton2000
Automaton2000: with a bit of a pain
ZXC01: lolll
ZXC01: Hey,Automaton2000,wheres your buddy?
Automaton2000: why do u know that
Mortis_666: hi
ZXC01: hi
ZXC01: Automaton2000 say hi
Automaton2000: we already have a good idea to go to the closest barrel
Mortis_666: lol
ZXC01: Automaton, spam the chat
Mortis_666: im solving with tons of language
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: its so ezy
Mortis_666: 😂
Mortis_666: so finish quest
Mortis_666: to*
Mortis_666: lol
ZXC01: print('0,3') print('0,4')
Mortis_666: 10 xp
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: Hey Automaton2000,Give me some luck
Automaton2000: i can't wait for the recalc
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: Whats 1+1,Automaton2000
Automaton2000: if you have a point there
Mortis_666: im spamming solutions with
0 3\n0 4 and codingame ask me im a bot or not lol
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: that happens alot with me
Mortis_666: 😂
ZXC01: 123
Wontonimo: that's because you are a bot ZXC01
ZXC01: ????????????
Wontonimo: a code writing machine
Wontonimo: (that's a compliment btw)
ZXC01: ...
ZXC01: Automaton2000 am i a bot
Automaton2000: time to get some sleep
ZXC01: lollllll
Mortis_666: lmao
Mortis_666: nais get my first legend achievement
ZXC01: what is it?
Wontonimo: what did you get legend in mortis?
Mortis_666: Babylon Tower Reach a 100% score using fifteen different programming languages on any combination of puzzles.
- sweat_smile:
Mortis_666: thx to
Thorcode: bruh
Thorcode: you could thanks to on board too
Mortis_666: who is on board
ZXC01: lol its a game that give you all the answer to all languages
Mortis_666: hmm
Aquajag: in python, i have a string of unknown length, that i want to break into a series of 8 character long strings. is there a simple method for this?
Aquajag: another way to put it, i want to insert a specific character every 8 spaces.
Aquajag: i feel like there must be a simple way but it's eluding me
Mortis_666: u mean like 1234567890123456 to 12345678 90123456?
Aquajag: if i use a for loop to step through the string i can find every 8th spot. but then i only know how to change that spot to a space, not how to add a space there without altering the existing value.
liferocks: step through it in slices of length 8, building another string as you go for your output
Mortis_666: my way to do this is make an empty string and an empty list then loop through the unknown string , append a char to the empty string, check if the string is now having len 8, if yes append the string to the empty list and make the string empty again
Aquajag: thanks, those ideas helped
Wontonimo: another way is like this import numpy as np a = np.array( the_text ) a = a.reshape([-1,8])
Wontonimo: now a[0] is the first 8 a[1] is the second 8 etc
Aquajag: ok... i'd like to understand that. can you point me to a page that would teach that? or, what am i looking up? eg what's numpy lol
ZXC01: numpy is something you can import lolll
ZXC01: like import math and sys
Wontonimo: yeah, there is this tool you can use to search for things online. I think it is called doogle or goodle or something like that. then you put in the search term like "what is numpy , i see it in python code"
Aquajag: so it treats arrays a bit differently?
Wontonimo: ;)
Thorcode: it is libary
Thorcode: python has a lot of libary
Aquajag: fair enough wontonimo. though in your text example i thought numpy was a weird variable name you preferred.
Wontonimo: i hope you don't mind the ribbing. it's all in good fun.
Wontonimo: yes, indeed it is a library, and with python you can rename the libraries you import
Wontonimo: so that if two people call their library the same thing you can give them different names in your code
Wontonimo: numpy is really awesome for array manipulation
Aquajag: so in your example, could you just say import numpy a = numpy.array...........
Wontonimo: YEAH! you got it
Aquajag: so if i'm writing a short thing is there any reason to do the "import as" you did? is that just a habit/convention?
Thorcode: or you could just google for python libaries
Aquajag: yes i can google things. and i am. but that still requires i know what i'm looking for. what i really need is, like, a book for learning python. like, something for dummies... if only there was such a thing in print somewhere...
Westicles: There is an easier way to Babylon tower
Aquajag: this site is good for learning what i don't know, but learning the thing itself requires doing elsewhere
Wontonimo: hey Aquajag - this may be good exercise (not a book)
Thorcode: babylon tower do on boarding puzzle
Westicles: nope
Thorcode: how?
Westicles: Number shifting
Thorcode: really
Thorcode: bruh
Thorcode: Westicles you troll me
Thorcode: it is not ez to do bablon
Westicles: how so? NS default code passes, just submit for every language
Wontonimo: he trolls you every time you both are on. you should know this by now
ZXC01: lol
Thorcode: the default code suck
Thorcode: yeah
Thorcode: babylon 0%
Thorcode: luckly that Westicles is not a mod
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: how can one be a mod?
ZXC01: /i want to be mod
ZXC01: /make me a mod
ZXC01: /mod
ZXC01: Automaton2000 how can i be a mod
Automaton2000: i'm just gonna go to sleep now
ZXC01: lollllll
Thorcode: put your kitchen in the dugeon to be a mod
Westicles: did I ever add the paragraph on IQ requirements to the faq?
ZXC01: i thought you need some iq to do that
ZXC01: Automaton2000 does Westicles hvae iq?
Automaton2000: need to find the best moves
ZXC01: lol
Mortis_666: 🤔
Thorcode: Westicles how to pass mars lander
Westicles: I just followed some paper on IUD controllers
Thorcode: nah the ep 3
Thorcode: Westicles pls help
Thorcode: Westicles I challenge you to solve the river II
Thorcode: that puzzle is super hard
ZXC01: lol
Thorcode: hehe you gave up?
ZXC01: no
Thorcode: ?
Thorcode: he gave up
Schwase: ^
Thorcode: bruh
Thorcode: why many puzzle i solve Westicles have solved
Thorcode: an schwase too
Schwase: what?
Thorcode: alot of puzzle I'm solving I could see Westicles and Schwase
Thorcode: 100%
ZXC01: lol
Thorcode: I will solve a puzzle that you guy haven't solve
ZXC01: what?
Mortis_666: solve when pigs fly
ZXC01: lol
Mortis_666: its very hard
Thorcode: wes solved it
Thorcode: how to find one
Thorcode: only one
Thorcode: that wes gave up
Mortis_666: who is wes
Mortis_666: o
Mortis_666: wow
Thorcode: Westicles
Thorcode: bro
Thorcode: that guy is hacked
Mortis_666: lol
Thorcode: he use the best hack to hack codingame
Thorcode: and solve all of the puzzle
Thorcode: XD
Thorcode: even though codingame is hard to hack
Westicles: escaping the cat
Schwase: yo escaping the cat
Schwase: that was a fun game
Thorcode: yes
Thorcode: I will solve escaping
Thorcode: thanks Westicles
Westicles: good luck! there is a nice video on how to do it
ChickenCoder123: hey guys does anyone know any good puzzles to solve
Thorcode: the descent
Thorcode: I think
ChickenCoder123: can you send me the link pls?
ChickenCoder123: idk how to find it
Mortis_666: when pigs fly
Thorcode: you want hard or ez
Thorcode: ok
Thorcode: here
Thorcode: this is ez
Thorcode: you could solve in a min
Thorcode: believe me
Thorcode: well
Thorcode: I trolled you
ChickenCoder123: oh this is the mars landing thingy
Mortis_666: cough
ChickenCoder123: ive tried it before
ChickenCoder123: but only 1 and 2
Thorcode: try this
Mortis_666: thats ez
Mortis_666: try this
Thorcode: no
Thorcode: don't try mortis
Thorcode: puzzle
Mortis_666: ?
Thorcode: that is not ez
Thorcode: try cat and mouss
ZXC01: lol
Mortis_666: he say hard ig
ZXC01: try to sleep, its the easiest
ChickenCoder123: so which one should i do?
Thorcode: ChickenCoder123 you haven't solve the mars ep 3
Thorcode: ep 2
Thorcode: try It I think
Thorcode: it is simple
ChickenCoder123: ok ill try again
ChickenCoder123: i wasnt able to do it last time i tried
ChickenCoder123: can you send me the link to the second one?
ZXC01: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ZXC01: i hate marssssss
Thorcode: oh
Thorcode: I got the third one by some how
ZXC01: someone helllllllppppppp meeeeee
Thorcode: but I only got 600 full
Thorcode: how? they require at least 400l
ChickenCoder123: hey guys how long is one game turn in mars lander
ZXC01: 100ms
Thorcode: use if else bro
ChickenCoder123: will that really work?
Thorcode: yep
ZXC01: lol
Thorcode: I use only 26 lines
ZXC01: print(if, else)
Thorcode: or even less than
ChickenCoder123: 26 lines of just if.. else?
ZXC01: ye
ZXC01: do this
Thorcode: yep
Thorcode: 20 lines now
Thorcode: still working
ZXC01: thats how he solved
ChickenCoder123: that makes a lot of sense
Thorcode: exec(bytes('潰湩獴㴠嬠湩異⡴⸩灳楬⡴ 潦 湩爠湡敧椨瑮椨灮瑵⤨⤩潦Ⱪ⠠ⱸ礠 湩攠畮敭慲整瀨楯瑮⥳††晩礠㴠‽潰湩獴楛ㄫ孝崱††††瑳牡ⱴ攠摮污⁴‽湩⡴⥸湩⡴潰湩獴楛ㄫ孝崰Ⱙ椠瑮礨††††業‽猨慴瑲†攫摮 ਲ††††牢慥੫桷汩牔敵††ⱸ礠彨灳敥Ɽ瘠獟数摥弪㴠嬠湩⡴⥩映牯椠椠湩異⡴⸩灳楬⡴崩 †瀠睯牥㴠㐠 †爠瑯瑡‽㈭‰晩砠㰠洠摩攠獬〲 †椠彶灳敥‾㨰潰敷‽ਰ††晩愠獢栨獟数摥 ‾〸爺瑯瑡㴪ⴠ††晩愠獢砨ⴠ洠摩 ‼㌱〰††††晩愠獢栨獟数摥 ‾〱爺瑯瑡‽〶椠彨灳敥‾‰汥敳ⴠ〶 †††攠獬㩥 †††††爠瑯瑡‽ਰ††††††晩瘠獟数摥㰠ⴠ㘳瀺睯牥㴠㐠 †††††攠獬㩥潰敷‽ਰ††††晩礠ⴠ愠瑬㰠㤠㨰潲慴整㴠〠 †瀠楲瑮爨瑯瑡ⱥ潰敷','u16')[2:])
ZXC01: ooooooooooooooommmmmm
ZXC01: not that kind of stupid code again?
Thorcode: no
Thorcode: I pasted my solution