Wontonimo: not everyone says hello back, but I did
Wontonimo: i submitted a bot to platinum rift ep 1
Wontonimo: a random bot is beating wood 2 and wood 1
Wontonimo: lol
DialFrost: lol
Wontonimo: you've got to know about dictionaries or associative arrays
Wontonimo: and random numbers
Wontonimo: otherwise it is pretty straight forward to get out of wood league
Wontonimo: beyond that, idk. haven't done any more
Ajaiy: Can anyone suggest me a hard problem to start with? I already finished CGX formatter btw
Ajaiy: Not that hard, just hard puzzles
Uljahn: Vox Codei in two episodes, after that you can try Hypersonic multi
Ajaiy: thanks
jacek: oh my, nmm potw :3
derjack: :upside_down:
DialFrost: hi guys i was wondering what [CG] means
DialFrost: cuz i see it in some ppl's username
5DN1L: [CG] = CodiGame staff
5DN1L: CodinGame*
C26_1: Some "special users" that I've meet:
C26_1: So I'll test my twitter webcam
C26_1: How I can see the chat?
5DN1L: Special? How am I special?
C26_1: I meet you a lot though
C26_1: What does category mean in Twitter?
5DN1L: I don't use twitch
C26_1: I don't know what to type in category box
5DN1L: This guy uses "Software and Game Development"
5DN1L: I think
C26_1: I'm gonna change the SSD
C26_1: My computer is running good
C26_1: And I'm setting the quality to the lowest
C26_1: How can my test said it'll bad?
C26_1: If I ever tried to stream
Uljahn: pls stop flooding the chat
5DN1L: This page will show your stream if you set the title and category as instructed there:
NotANick: good morning
C26_1: wait this is afternoon @NotANick
NotANick: ik
Mortis_666: hi
DialFrost: hai
Firez69: im at the mad pod racing and my line is "if next_checkpoint_angle > 90 or next_checkpoint_angle < -90 "
Firez69: is there a invalid syntax?
PolentaEater: depends on the language :)
Firez69: does any of you know a idea how to fix it?
PolentaEater: does the "if" end with a colon ":" ? is the following block indented?
Firez69: do i have to wirte after else this(":") too?
PolentaEater: if condition:
PolentaEater: mmm perhaps you should start with some basic tutorial first
C26_1: In python, the if statement is called branch-flow
C26_1: It will change the flow of a program depend on some condition
C26_1: To know if a line of code is in the if-block then we need to indent it 4 space (default). The number of space when indent has to be consistent
C26_1: The structure of a if-statement in Python might look like this:
C26_1: if (condition):
C26_1: if (condition):
derjack: no need for ( ) in python
C26_1: @derjack, yeah you're right, but I internationally write that becuase I don't wany any confusing for others who learn other programming language or someone who is completely new to programming language
C26_1: We have someone who write the description of Python that looks something like this
Ajaiy: like what
Uljahn: like this
C26_1: Python is a high programming language for multi thread, by Guido van Rossum created and firstly introduced in 1991. Python is designed with advantages of 'easy to read, easy to learn and easy to remember', very useful for newbie
C26_1: Python is widely used in machine learning and AI. The structure of Python can also minimize how many keys did the coder has to type in compared to other programming language
C26_1: In July, 2018, van Rossum has resigned (or not doing his job anymore) in Python community after working for 30 years
Uljahn: what's your point? don't flood the chat pls
Jerrasterix: he doesn't have coordinates
C26_1: Does this paragraph talk about true description about Python
C26_1: I know a lot of people will hat Python
Jerrasterix: :rolling_eyes:
C26_1: But cmon, if you hate them then you must have at least 1 reason for that
C26_1: So I translate this paragraph to discuss
Jerrasterix: Its duck typed, terribly slow, interpreted, have to wait for 1000 loc to execute before it lands on a f**king indentation error, where It looks its correct but I messed up with tab and space
Jerrasterix: I could go on list it.....
Uljahn: breaking news
xangeliczx: breaking news?
Jerrasterix: he is jokin'
C26_1: This is another paragraph
C26_1: that is so wrong about Python
Jerrasterix: CAN YOU STOP FLODDING THE CHAT please....
Jerrasterix: enough with python nonsense
Jerrasterix: *FLOODING
C26_1: Python is 100% dynamic programming language with automated memory, so it is the same as Perl, Ruby, Scheme, SmallTalk, Tcl. Python is an open-source project by Python Software Foundation manage
C26_1: enough with the nonsense
C26_1: about how Python is introduced in Wikipedia
C26_1: For those of you don't know about automated memory, that means you can assigned a variable with only values and don't need to type in the data type of that variable (like int, float, arr, vector, class, inf, None)
Uljahn: hey, nobody asked for this
Jerrasterix: unfortunately at the moment everyone in chat knows what it is !!
Uljahn: also i think in python syntax errors are handled by parser before the code execution
Jerrasterix: Then why did a final ML (changed from ipynb to py to run it in a server), I made some last minute changes using notepad and ran it, It didn't tell that I messed up till about 3 hrs later
Jerrasterix: I had to re run it again :disappointed:
Uljahn: you mean jupyter notebook?
NotANick: Can I sync my IDE with your IDE? If I can how? Because I feel way more comfortable with my IDE.
NotANick: If not, can I write an extension for this? Is it legal?
Uljahn: never used it, but you can look at this or that
NotANick: thank you very much
Jerrasterix: well I did it in jupyter notebook but I converted it to py script for a final run in a server
Jerrasterix: idk how to run cells in a jupyter notebook thru cli
Killuaa: anjaymabar
Jerrasterix: wdym ??
Malouvid: bite me
Thorcode: for pythonner :joy:
Thorcode: ref:
Yytsi: lately the chat panel opens itself upon starting a clash of code game. why does it happen and how can I turn it off?
SATANSPAWN: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Yytsi: interestingly it happens about 50% of the time
Yytsi: maybe it's gone now
DoggoIsCoolerThanJack: hellooo
LazyfromDiscord: Yytsi you are good
Jerrasterix: If I am right, you can disable chat Yytsi
Jerrasterix: but I forgot how to do it...
Jerrasterix: you have to append something to the url
eulerscheZahl: there is ?disableChat which you can add to the URL. not sure if it works for clashes as the website sometimes does a total reload
eulerscheZahl: seems to work, at least for puzzles
eulerscheZahl: We're excited to announce that the prizes are finally ready and we're starting to ship them out next week! [...] The event is Russian AI Cup 2020
eulerscheZahl: they haven't forgotten it :)
derjack: 2020?
eulerscheZahl: yes, it took them a while
eulerscheZahl: i'm also waiting for a topcoder tshirt that I won in April
eulerscheZahl: as a rule of thumb: the smaller the organizer, the faster the prize delivery
Bob_Rocks: I'm finally bronze league in Ghost in the Cell
Bob_Rocks: 😤
eulerscheZahl: took you so long that it's not Ghost in the Cell anymore
eulerscheZahl: Cyborg Uprising
**eulerscheZahl suggested: Exp(ansion)
Bob_Rocks: Yeah I saw
Bob_Rocks: I thought it was weird
Bob_Rocks: but I'm still gonna call it Ghost in the CEll
Bob_Rocks: Cell*
eulerscheZahl: so do i
derjack: and im gonna call the cops
Bob_Rocks: 😱
Bob_Rocks: why
derjack: the copyright cops
Bob_Rocks: lol
Bob_Rocks: is it actually a copyright problem?
Bob_Rocks: is Ghost in the Cell too close to Ghost in the Shell
Bob_Rocks: I mean I guess
eulerscheZahl: at least CG is worried about it, maybe a bit paranoid
eulerscheZahl: that's why they remained a lot of games recently
Bob_Rocks: Is that why they also changed Coders strike back?
Bob_Rocks: 😔
eulerscheZahl: looking at the list of games, they aren't even done yet
eulerscheZahl: game of drones (game of thrones) was on their list too
Bob_Rocks: bruh
Bob_Rocks: well that's tough
eulerscheZahl: we still have as a community contribution
eulerscheZahl: but Bender 1-3 are gone / renamed
eulerscheZahl: we still have the old titles here at least
Bob_Rocks: lol
NotANick: So console output says me function shift not found but its here
NotANick: oh sorry its array_shift
TimberStalker: I just got a 66% score even though i used the exact same solution as someone else who got 100%
eulerscheZahl: i doubt it
Westicles: minesweeper?
eulerscheZahl: share both your and the other solution
eulerscheZahl: minesweeper only has 0% and 100%
TimberStalker: Its not minesweeper, its CoC
eulerscheZahl: can you paste your solution here?
eulerscheZahl: and do you remember parts of the task statement?
TimberStalker: Should i use pastebin or something?
eulerscheZahl: just here in the chat
eulerscheZahl: let the magic happen
TimberStalker: Basically its an input string in the format of hh:mm:ss, and you need to compare them to see if a flight was delayed or early or on time
eulerscheZahl: you failed the 3rd validator
eulerscheZahl: 23:23:23 24:00:00
eulerscheZahl: DELAYED
you printed EARLY
TimberStalker: I see the problem
TimberStalker: I didnt multiply the hour enough
eulerscheZahl: replace 360 by 60*24 and it's green
TimberStalker: one zero is the difference between first and last
TimberStalker: Question, for the Quest thing, are there any more bubbles that require you to win shortest code clashes other than the first one?
eulerscheZahl: win 3 reverse, win 3 shortest, solve 3 in a row, solve with 3 different languages, reach top1000 of the CoC leaderboard, win 3 clashes in a row
TimberStalker: good because i only got one shortest clash to magic my way through with c#.
eulerscheZahl: you can pick another language if you want
TimberStalker: I dont really now code tricks in other languages
eulerscheZahl: time to learn then
Lavanda: Hello
ProMikeSundays: what's your opinion on reverse vs fastest vs shortest
Lavanda: all the same
TimberStalker: shortest sucks because my main language is c#
jacek: use shorter language
TheAlps: Hey i am new in codind field and somehow i noticed that i dont enjoy coding in javascript and css and html so front end, but i like coding in c, c++ and java, which way should i follow ? Any suggestions ?
jacek: does anyone enjoys coding javascript ever? :thinking:
TheAlps: Ahahahah thats a general problem ? :)
jacek: java? so maybe android. or try similar language like c#
Wontonimo: for those who care the epic game "while true learn" is available for free
TheAlps: Well, i want to switch careers but most of these jobs about javascript, or phyton, i think web development is very demanding
TheAlps: Oh i can try c # as well :)
jacek: machine learning eh
g19lok: how do i slow down standard output stream to turn slower
Wontonimo: ?
Wontonimo: in what game?
g19lok: doing mad pod racing just dont understand the thrust mechanic and slowing down for turns
Wontonimo: reduce thrust to slow down
Wontonimo: paste your main print statment here. if you have multiple print statments, just paste one
g19lok: thats what im having proplems with :3
Wontonimo: you can't copy paste code from the IDE to here?
eulerscheZahl: "if you have multiple" that would sound like a problem on its own
g19lok: print(str(next_checkpoint_x) + " " + str(next_checkpoint_y) + " 100")
Wontonimo: there you go
Wontonimo: see that last number 100 ? that is your thrust
g19lok: ive been messing around tryna slow it down at the turns to beat boss
Wontonimo: you can reduce that to not apply so much thrust
Wontonimo: and what have you come up with so far?
g19lok: im pausing to see the game info, boss is dropping to 50 right at the next checkpoint to turn sharp. im having problems figuring THAT out.
g19lok: but hes starting with 100 like me just changing mid turn
Wontonimo: okay, so what data do you have in your program that you can use to make a decision to slow down?
Wontonimo: you have coordinates of a few things and also angles and stuff
g19lok: i have no earthly idea :sweat:
g19lok: ive been trying i promise
jacek: oO
jacek: do you print 100 always?
Wontonimo: okay, so the angle show tells how away from true your pod is facing from the checkpoint
Wontonimo: +5 means pretty dead on,
Wontonimo: -98 or +87 means nearly right angle
Wontonimo: so something like abs(angle) < 90
Wontonimo: will let you know if your pod is pointing more towards the next checkpoint than just perpendicular
g19lok: yes i print 100 always
g19lok: idk how to change the 100 to 50 thrust
Wontonimo: if angle low:
print with 100
print with 50
Wontonimo: ^^ that's pseudo code, you have to translate that into the programming language you are using
jacek: what language is that oO
g19lok: it was right infront of MEEE
5DN1L: that's not python3
g19lok: im using python3. thats the pseudo code algorithm it says
5DN1L: ok
5DN1L: do you know how to turn the pseudo code into python3 code?
Wontonimo: pretty close actually
Wontonimo: but use abs instead of < then >
Wontonimo: like this
5DN1L: g19lok You probably should start with learning writing simple python3 code first
Wontonimo: if abs(nextCheckpointAngle) > 90 then:
Wontonimo: I agree with 5DN1L
lucas0: Hello, is there a hotkey to 'play all testcases'?
5DN1L: g19lok We can tell you all about how to pass the boss in Mad Pod Racing, but you won't be able to write the code
lucas0: and to sumit solution?
g19lok: this is confusing, should i use something simpler. maybe Bash... i just chose it thinking it looked a bit simpler
Wontonimo: i'd argue bash is harder unless you are a bash expert
g19lok: this is the place to learn all this isnt it?
struct: I would never use bash here
lucas0: start with python and when you learn a bit of bash you won't need much more
lucas0: Hello, is there a hotkey to 'play all testcases'?
struct: ctrl enter?
Wontonimo: press button?
5DN1L: g19lok, this is the place to learn, yes, but not the place to learn the very basic
lucas0: any for the submission?
struct: ctrl shift enter to test all sorry
struct: dont think so
eulerscheZahl: ctrl+shift+p to see all shortcuts
lucas0: ctrl+shift+p gives me the printing overlay
eulerscheZahl: wait, just ctrl+p
lucas0: that gives me the browser printing overlay haha
eulerscheZahl: for VS Code it's ctrl+shift+P
eulerscheZahl: huh?
struct: you must have ide selected
struct: to press ctrl + p
struct: right click ide
eulerscheZahl: i get this on CTRL+P
eulerscheZahl: and i need a new extension to replace lightshot, it fails too often
eulerscheZahl: getting stuck at 0% upload
jacek: mod priviliges eh
diellatseng: Could anyone help and tell me why my array of numbers are printing a space in the beginning and in the end of the array?
it prints [ 1, 2, 3 ] but not [1, 2, 3]
diellatseng: the goal is to print unique square number btw
eulerscheZahl: i have no idea. just wanted to mention that JS tends to sort alphabetically instead of numerically
diellatseng: true, I forgot to verify that... the first few cases all have the correct answer though, just that mine have spaces around...
5DN1L: That's the default way of how js prints array I guess
5DN1L: If you want to print it some other way, you have to code it yourself I think
5DN1L: this is a chatroom
5DN1L: Automaton2000, what's this?
Automaton2000: everyone is a winner, even if 0% of the tests provided in the ide
jacek: oO
eulerscheZahl: good one, fits to the new philosophy
eulerscheZahl: BlaiseEbuth have you seen this Automaton quote?
BlaiseEbuth: :nerd:
diellatseng: @5DN1L @eulerscheZahl Thanks, pal
5DN1L: :)
eulerscheZahl: jacek your turn
BlaiseEbuth: That's what sh... :speak_no_evil:
5DN1L: yeah, it's hard, learning takes time and effort
struct: just choose some basic project that you think you can accomplish
Wontonimo: no way! You just watch the right tiktok and then you know the trick. it's that easy
Wontonimo: just keep scrolling tiktok, don't practice.
eulerscheZahl: confession time: i've never been on tictoc
Wontonimo: that's more like a brag
Passifi: I am waiting for something more succinct then tiktoks my brain just can't be bothered to focus for 30 sec like a caveman
Wontonimo: how long were vines back-in-the-day?
Wontonimo: 10 sec?
BorisBeast: 7
BorisBeast: 7 seconds
Nikita499: i just watch video from tiktok and im join this website
Passifi: just saw that the notification queue showed me everything i have missed the 10 months I was gone ... now I just wonder how long it would fill up befor flowing over, and I noticed that java_coffee_cup still provided the puzzle of the week every other week or so ;)
jacek: nine men morris eh
Wontonimo: any suggestions or links to suggestion for episode 1 of platinum rift ?
BlaiseEbuth: Fix it.
Wontonimo: wow, that did it. THANKS YOU SO MUCH BlaiseEbuth ! Holy cow, such awesome insight
BlaiseEbuth: :thumbsup:
Wontonimo: :P
5DN1L: Wontonimo Have you studied the external resources listed on that game page?
Wontonimo: oh, actually that is a good reminder.
5DN1L: And there's always the forum
Wontonimo: i feel dumb now. Thanks 5DN1L, it's something i remind noobs to do
5DN1L: heehee
Wontonimo: i read through the forum and didn't see much other than basic bugs reports
5DN1L: oh really? lol
Wontonimo: there seems to be no way to switch land masses
Wontonimo: ah, i didn't notice that. that is super important
BlaiseEbuth: Wontonoobmo
Wontonimo: yeah, that's how i feel for real
BlaiseEbuth: "Do what I say, not what I do"... :smirk:
Wontonimo: oh man, there is a link to the post mortem right on the main page :rolling_eyes:
Wontonimo: sigh, i was looking in the discussion tab
BlaiseEbuth: :zipper_mouth:
rotten_man: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Wontonimo: this is a public chat rotten_man be respectful, no spamming, talk about coding or codingame (mostly), stay on topic (mostly)
jacek: does this chat ever get offtopic?
AntiSquid: never
Westicles: that's why there needs to be an english chat
AntiSquid: #in is english
Westicles: ooh look, a hii
AntiSquid: might be a typo, but someone should ban just to be safe
struct: It has bean dealt with
jacek: Automaton2000 what language is this
Automaton2000: i'm tempted to try to get the answer
struct: bean :p
AntiSquid: ok Mister
IamTheSmix: Hello Community,
IamTheSmix: is there any good game to practice python
IamTheSmix: recent ones
jacek: clash of bots? its just heuristics, bunch of ifs and print
TimothyAlexisVass: IamTheSmix What level of Python are you at?
IamTheSmix: advanced
AntiSquid: then any game
AntiSquid: advanced means you can do pretty much anything in python
struct: ghost in the cell has python bot at the top
struct: its heuristic heavy too
jacek: well except for heavy calculations fast
AntiSquid: why not spring challenge 2021, it's heuristic heavy
IamTheSmix: thanks
IamTheSmix: :)
struct: ghost in the cell was renamed to cyborg uprising
struct: I would just watch replay and pick a game that you think you will enjoy
AntiSquid: what's the new "budding examiner" achievement?
5DN1L: After you solve a puzzle, click RESULTS on the left of the IDE screen, then click LEARN FROM THE BEST CODERS, and rank the solutions
Cruiser18: Is it possible to use multiple files for a solution in CodinGame, or does a solution have to be one long super file?
jacek: 1 file
struct: I use local ide and the run a script to merge it into 1
jacek: there are some tools to convert multiple files into one
Cruiser18: Damn. Alright then. Guess I'll just have to live with that. :P
struct: which language are you using?
struct: Never tried it
struct: so not sure how it works
AntiSquid: so you're prescribing him an experimental tool ?!
struct: yes
Westicles: can someone take all the chats, translate into english as needed, and put them on one channel? thanks!
Filippo-Fracascia: hey all, is there any graphic programmer?
AntiSquid: what do you mean
Filippo-Fracascia: vulkan,openGL etc.
AntiSquid: does webpage UI count ?
jacek: people would use graphic engine/framework like unity than 'program' in opengl themselves
Filippo-Fracascia: well, I guess so. Three.js?
struct: well I did use three js before but im not very familiar with it
AntiSquid: what is your actual question
AntiSquid: is it really broad enough to cover so many topics
Filippo-Fracascia: just wanted to know if there's some graphic's a specific role
AntiSquid: specific role defined by whom ?
AntiSquid: i agree with what jacek wrote btw
Filippo-Fracascia: Ok, I get it. By graphic programmer I mean people interacting at low-level between the machine and it's gpu. These people would not use Unity because their job is to build game engines itself
Westicles: you want to talk to madknight. he's always talking about shaders and whatnot
AntiSquid: you want to build your own engine and want some advice on it ?
Filippo-Fracascia: Thank you Westicles :)
AntiSquid: there's some fun videos out there, including some built to display as ASCII for command line or notepad
Filippo-Fracascia: No, my goal is to learn vulkan and openGL and I just wanted to find someone more experienced than me who could tell me a things or two. Never in my life I'd be able to build such a complex engine like unity, or unreal. The thing is, almost every game company uses it's own game engine, and graphic programmers are those who build these engines.(hence why I said specific job, even 'tho it's not well defined). Sorry if I sounded rude about that
AntiSquid: no, we're good, i was confused about what you want and i would simply search for a tutorial on what you want, plenty out there
Filippo-Fracascia: i understand, thanks
Wontonimo: Filippo-Fracascia , have you used ?
Wontonimo: there are a lot of examples there with full code available
Filippo-Fracascia: awesome man, thank you!
NotANick: hmm your c++ compiler cant write your input
NotANick: test 5
NotANick: write row
NotANick: because i passed all other tests except this
IamTheSmix: Hello Again
IamTheSmix: what about some games to implemente DRL ?
Wontonimo: DRL?
IamTheSmix: Deep Reinforcement Learning
Wontonimo: use any game
Wontonimo: but you'll have to simulate it locally
IamTheSmix: ah okay
Wontonimo: just a sec, i got a link for you
IamTheSmix: simulating DRL is more complicated to implemente DRL :D
5DN1L: NotANick Not sure what your problem is? My C++ code is able to pass test case 5.
Wontonimo: IamTheSmix this site is more about classic AI and optimization of limited resources. DRL isn't that
IamTheSmix: I have Open IA gym that offer some enviromnent, but I felt having no fun, I need to competewith ppl :D
NotANick: ok i found my problem but i still cant write your rows tho
Wontonimo: some people have made NN bots for Ultimate Tic Tac Toe , Oware Abapa, Spring Challenge 2021. All those have been crushed recently by NNs. Check them out
Wontonimo: oh, and the top bots in Mad Pod Racing is NN
Wontonimo: try to get to num 1 on any of those using DRL. If you do then you can be pretty sure you've mastered DRL
Wontonimo: (and optimization)
struct: so many NNs nowadays
struct: Most board games have NNs
AntiSquid: IamTheSmix there are sites for that too
Wontonimo: Automaton2000 how do we say hello to noobs ?
Automaton2000: so where do you get an idea of what i am talking about the same amount
Wontonimo: that's the least sense that bot has made all day
Wontonimo: heyy rocio19 , this is an open chat. talk about coding here
Wontonimo: if you see text in red it is either because you r name was mentioned or because you are having a panic attack
IamTheSmix: thanks for informations
IamTheSmix: I was looking forward to redo another code for TicTacToe
IamTheSmix: I have done one i python
IamTheSmix: in*
IamTheSmix: Python is not the best language for this kind of games
Wontonimo: nope
IamTheSmix: cuz it need 100ms response
IamTheSmix: so I will try C++
Wontonimo: how many simulations per frame were you able to achieve using python?
IamTheSmix: I was able to do 400 as big max
IamTheSmix: I knew after that N*1 was doing like 26000
IamTheSmix: hahaha
Wontonimo: honestly, i'm amazed you got to gold with python. That frankly is incredible
IamTheSmix: I used Montecarlo
Wontonimo: plain MC or MCTS ?
IamTheSmix: I will try it in c++ combined with alphe beta
IamTheSmix: MCTS
Wontonimo: cool. combining with alphabeta is also called MCTS Solver
IamTheSmix: I though it was called hybrid
IamTheSmix: anyways...
Wontonimo: to beat the gold boss you'll need about 20k simulations for MCTS without solver. i don't know what you would need if you had solver .. i'm guessing 16k
Wontonimo: perhaps as low as 12k
IamTheSmix: do I need to do pre-calculaton ? I saw in some forums that to get legendary you need to precalculate
Wontonimo: no you dont for UTTT
MyMonkey: Precalculate win/loss/draw on miniboards: a 512 array
Wontonimo: serious optimization though. Like, keep your Node class to less than 30bytes, reuse memory instead of using delete
Wontonimo: yes, I was thinking that too MyMonkey, but actually you can get to legend without doing that and instead using avx
Wontonimo: so it isn't needed, but it's easier for sure
Wontonimo: optimize the calculation of UCB, allocation of Nodes, memory usage, log calculations, and random number generation
IamTheSmix: big optimization of code indeed
IamTheSmix: use of binary representation of the board is primary
GamingGnawer: is there a natural way to binary encode the board when each cell has 3 states?
GamingGnawer: can I do better than 2 bits per cell? By being.. cleverer?
Wontonimo: 3 boards , 1 for player 1, 1 for player 2, 1 for tied
Wontonimo: for the miniboards, use 2, one for each player
Wontonimo: unavailable = player_a | player_b
GamingGnawer: That would use the same amount of memory as my idea of a -setbit and player-bit for each cell, but the look-up would be faster, since the bit-set is smaller... right?
pmor: you can use 2 boards for the macroboard. test if both bits are set on the other two boards to determine a tie
GamingGnawer: but is the test more expensive than the board?
pmor: possibly. For me an inplay board takes 3 bittests
pmor: though now that I think about it, I could invert the tests I'm doing so that I can determine if the board is still in play with only 1 bit test
Codyz: when should i use SHIELD in mad pod racing?
GamingGnawer: when tackling or possibly to mitigate being tackled
Thorcode: I duno
ZXC01: hi
Thorcode: How can I know my team id in botter of the galaxy
Wontonimo: Codyz , you don't need shields until you are in gold
Thorcode: yeah I told him that
Wontonimo: did he listen?
Thorcode: yep
Thorcode: bc I help him fix the BOOST
Wontonimo: not the boots ?
Thorcode: yep
GamingGnawer: :joy:
Wontonimo: ah, those tricky boots
Thorcode: he probably did not know about vel
Wontonimo: hey GamingGnawer , how goes?
GamingGnawer: Is good
GamingGnawer: reworking the UTTTT code with bitset
Wontonimo: very nice
GamingGnawer: also not entirely sure if red messages are whispers
GamingGnawer: in which case others might be confused :P
Wontonimo: they are not
GamingGnawer: learned something today then ^^
GamingGnawer: I did the certification for c++ earlier
GamingGnawer: and now I'm concerned for the state of industry :P
Wontonimo: i see you are >99% That's good
Wontonimo: just like 50% of the people who take the test
GamingGnawer: not for the world... XD
GamingGnawer: so it compares not to people who test, but to all who interact with the puzzle?
Thorcode: I'm just 10%
struct: i think is just score based
struct: i would ignore the %
Wontonimo: here is an example of the kind of bitboarding I do : it is an example of solving 3x3 TTT using MC (not MCTS) with bitboards
Wontonimo: in 99ms it is able to preform 205,428 simulations
GamingGnawer: I used bitset<9> for my masks instead of uint16_t
Wontonimo: yeah, that works
GamingGnawer: does it actually save any memory?
Wontonimo: does what save memory?
GamingGnawer: using bitset<9> over unint16_t
GamingGnawer: or does my 9 bits just have some spare room :P
struct: it costs more memory actually
struct: cerr << sizeof(uint16_t) << " " << sizeof(bitset<9>) << endl;
struct: 2 8
struct: I would use uint16_t since most of the bit operations you are going to be using are simple
struct: at least on uttt
GamingGnawer: wow 2 to 8 that's baaad
Wontonimo: oh my! i didn't know
Wontonimo: for MCTS, instead of pointers to children and parents, I use uint16_t also.
GamingGnawer: another question, which really puts the >99% into perspective... I thought you could no initialize static class members in the class... But you do?
struct: thats inside a function
IamTheSmix: Hello again
IamTheSmix: can we push another program with other language without taking out the previous one ?
struct: in bot programming?
GamingGnawer: hmm curiously bitset<9> requires static constexpr whereas unint_16 is happy with static const
IamTheSmix: I have done one in UTTT with Python and I want to push another program with C++
struct: you will replace your current bot
struct: with the latest submit
struct: no GamingGnawer
struct: you can still initialize in a struct/class
struct: if its a static constexpr
Wontonimo: IamTheSmix your previous code is saved. you can find it in the "History" button on the left
GamingGnawer: yeah I missed making it constexpr and googled something bad to be convinvced I had to move initialization
struct: sometimes the behavior might be different based on the c++ version
Thorcode: hey what does mana do in botter
struct: where?
Thorcode: botter of the gala
Wontonimo: special abilities
Thorcode: and it is for bronze??
Wontonimo: idr
struct: i think so
Thorcode: sad, I want to do it too
struct: maybe you can check the cg youtube channel
struct: There is a recap of the stream I think
Thorcode: yes
Thorcode: I mad it to wood 1
struct: nice
Thorcode: bronze now
struct: o.o
Thorcode: yes Finnaly I understand that bot
Thorcode: seven(times(five())) = 35, could you guy help me rate a puzzle like this?
Thorcode: if I can make one
Thorcode: I have solution for it
struct: would maybe be to easy for a puzzle
struct: maybe a clash?
Thorcode: nah Ithink I will make an easy puzzle
struct: yeap is solvable in under 2 minutes
Thorcode: realluy
struct: yes
UZUHAMA: Hello world
Dren: hello there
Thorcode: hi