n0b1e: you ok
Aaronnotsharon: anyone know the league that gives you veloxity as a new input in Mad Pod Racing?
Wontonimo: you can calculate it
Wontonimo: just store your previous location
Wontonimo: velocity = current location - previous location
Aaronnotsharon: ohhh.. ok thanks. I saw some people talking about it and thought it would be a new input thanks.
UZUHAMA: How do you know the angle to opponent's pod in Mad Pod Racing?
Wontonimo: trig
Wontonimo: gotta calculate it
UZUHAMA: I saw the boss ramming straight to my pod
Wontonimo: oh, you don't need the angle
Wontonimo: you can just aim for the enemies x,y
UZUHAMA: Oof yeah
UZUHAMA: Why didn't I think of that
UZUHAMA: I do need the angle
UZUHAMA: Do I really have to use trigonometry...
Wontonimo: why do you need the angle?
Wontonimo: just aim straight at the opponent
UZUHAMA: I'm trying to stop if opponent is right behind me
Wontonimo: oh interesting
UZUHAMA: so if angle to opponent = 180 then stop or something like that
Ghouljokes: wouldn't you need to also work the angle to the next point in? Because I don't think there's a stat for which direction you're currently facing, or if there is I sure haven't seen it.
derjack: huh
elderlybeginner: there are some name changes of puzzles and bot/optimatization. When did it happen?
ZXC01: they could happen any time i think
ZXC01: as log as the maker of the puzzle wants
5DN1L: As long as the codingame staff sees fit
5DN1L: they're trying to avoid copyright infringement issues
5DN1L: so they're in the process of renaming the puzzles recently
TheToeConnoisseur: how do i porgoram my mother to be better at motherhood
5DN1L: ZXC01 Have you solved your puzzle issue you raised yesterday?
Uljahn: CG's been acquired by CoderPad, that's the root cause of recent changes
[CG]Thibaud: community puzzles and games shouldn't be impacted (at least for now)
NotSureWhyThisWorks: Does anyone know how to make good solutions to problems like Search Race with Python without using NN?
NotSureWhyThisWorks: Genetic algorithms are common with other languages but python seems too slow for them
derjack: you can hardcode the solutions and print in python
derjack: [solved]
NotSureWhyThisWorks: True
Alshock: Python is slow by definition, you can either get around the issue by using C libraries or ty to be clever to avoid machine iterating
Alshock: both seem boring to me
n0b1e: I have held off learning c , is it worth it
NotSureWhyThisWorks: Alshock Is there an option that doesn't seem boring?
Alshock: to make a good Python AI?
NotSureWhyThisWorks: yeah
Alshock: well python is slow. So it's always gonna get on your nerves at some point. But if you really like the language you'll want to play with numpy and manage to code in python without running any python
NotSureWhyThisWorks: Thanks for the advice, have you ever been able to code a decent GA/search AI or similar in python on codingame?
Alshock: hmm, I've done some but they were all prototypes and I always switch to C++ at some point when I need to optimise
n0b1e: Is it possilbe to reach highest league with python only?
Alshock: yes it is
n0b1e: albeit harder?
NotSureWhyThisWorks: AIshock fair enough
Alshock: I can't say harder as some like te language syntax and libraries, but I can say though that at this level of optimisation the interpreter mostly just runs C code
n0b1e: I see, thank AIshock
Alshock: I can say harder if I only look at the languages used by the people in legend
Alshock: but there's some reputation effect as well
C26_1: Is there some kind of another program when deal with multi programming language
C26_1: Like when we want to share a variable between a python file and a C++ file
derjack: mixed language application?
C26_1: Most of the time, you don't need deal with that
C26_1: But I think someone make a program where Python is calculation, C++, C, C# for fast, Java for object, something like that
derjack: maybe
derjack: for java you can use c/c++ via jni
Sandra_28: vania durak:innocent:
Aquajag: i'm new here. i'm not new to coding but it's been a long time and im trying a new language. a lot of the "easy" starter things in loop also use concepts not yet introduced, like arrays. where do i go on this site to learn about how to walk through an array, manipulate values, etc.
n0b1e: Acrivities > learn > choose your language
n0b1e: np
Aquajag: funny that when following the tutorial the first thing they do is throw me into clashes before they teach me anything....
n0b1e: yea i think its good to learn first, can be difficult for complete beginners
n0b1e: hang in there
n0b1e: go through algorithims and data structures first
Press_F_to-Cesar: i am without pants
[CG]Thibaud: Aquajag
xangeliczx: i just solved that one lol
2010david: not completed
Uljahn: why post then? to get some downvotes?
Westicles: aren't downvotes going away?
Cybermonkey2023: Does anyone know a good C++ tutorial video?
Westicles: I saw some discussion on discord mod channel...
Uljahn: already having two WIP contributions, guess it's better to invest in quality
eulerscheZahl: "I saw some discussion on discord mod channel..." nice try, we didn't discuss that on the mod channel
eulerscheZahl: only here in public
Westicles: oh, I was confused
Copy05: this game showed me how much i suck at coding
Press_F_to-Cesar: fgff
Manjius: what game
Medoo: codeine
linjoehan: hey I forgot it's AOC time again
Illedan: AOC :tada:
eulerscheZahl: you guys play that for real?
Illedan: Sure
eulerscheZahl: but tasks open at 6am, no way to compete
Illedan: Got some nice stories
Illedan: Why compete?
Illedan: Do it for fun
eulerscheZahl: nah
Illedan: And look down on the rest of my company that chickens out around 16th of December when it gets harder xD
BlaiseEbuth: You're so 5% toad... :smirk:
eulerscheZahl: got one of my colleagues into NNs :D
eulerscheZahl: he has these plastic stones that he wants to sort by color (about 16 different colors). has a sensor and some mechanic to move them separately, controlled by arduino
eulerscheZahl: asked me for a good way to detect which color it is. told him NN if he wants to learn something. and he really started
eulerscheZahl: these ones, not sure how to translate
eulerscheZahl: oh, it even says "pyssla Beads", stupid me
Illedan: Sounds like a fun project xD
BlaiseEbuth: Sounds like it'll be faster by hand...
eulerscheZahl: he already got it moving so far that he gets single ones in front of the sensor and reads the color code
eulerscheZahl: next he has to drop them at the right place
linjoehan: lol I'm at a new company so still tryingto get em into it
linjoehan: Also I just learned python It's a nice way to learn a new language properly somewhat
Ben...: :expressionless:
Andrisssd: Whats up friends
Ben...: he
Ben...: he
Ben...: he
eulerscheZahl: 1 is enough
Wontonimo: that sorting project sounds great eulerscheZahl. I think probably a classic support vectors or principle component analysis would also do the trick without having to dive into NNs. Possibly just classic feature engineering
Wontonimo: like taking the average colour of the image
eulerscheZahl: i told him that it's total overkill but also a fun way to dive into it. he watched a youtube intro (from 3brown1blue) hours later in his lunchbreak
jacek: who uses NNs for trivial matters :unamused:
Stephen20: WHAT NNN IS
eulerscheZahl: neural network
jacek: no nut november
eulerscheZahl: i mean NEURAL NETWORK
Stephen20: like what the heck does that mean
leojean890: Hey :) do you know why there is no RAIC this year ?:)
eulerscheZahl: postponed to February
leojean890: oh I see^^
leojean890: thanks:)
eulerscheZahl: neural network: given some known inputs (e.g. picture of a digit) and output (the digit value) you try to extract patterns with fancy math
eulerscheZahl: describing supervised learning here. there are more types
eulerscheZahl: but that's the simplest one
jacek: or
e_fishel: can someone type a backtick please
jacek: `
jacek: oO
e_fishel: thank you
TimothyAlexisVass: :D
xangeliczx: lol
SomeWaffleV1: A
SomeWaffleV1: :nerd:
SomeWaffleV1: drip
SomeWaffleV1: DRIP
Emanuele.Fasano: How can I solve the "Test before Validate!" challenge?
Emanuele.Fasano: I can pass every single test, but I reach only the 75%
[BDX][2020]cheval_8: Can someone tell me why I can't use std::vector<<std::vector<int>> on Death First Search challenge
BlaiseEbuth: Because there's too much < ?
jacek: Automaton2000 whats is death
Automaton2000: you do not have the same problem
jacek: good evening
n0b1e: hi
RandomCuber0107: cottage cheese
jacek: he discovered the secret password :o
Astrobytes: Not sure why I bother with this webchat any more
Dr_Dealdoe: Why is it even a thing?
Astrobytes: It used to be good
Dr_Dealdoe: It's not like someone is gonna come across these puzzles and say "Gee, the chat might be good at suggestions!"
Astrobytes: Well, actually, it is if you come at the right time and ask a reasonable question
Astrobytes: Far better during contests
Dr_Dealdoe: A reasonable question for a contest?
Astrobytes: No the chat is far better during contests
Astrobytes: Discussing strategies etc
Astrobytes: Generally speaking, people will help you out in the chat if you have a legit question about something specific, relating to a multi or puzzle
Astrobytes: Just there's a lot of spammy crap these days
Astrobytes: Illedan: ping
Westicles: I think I should be appointed CG ombudsman
sauceyo: why is print() a thing in js
Westicles: sauceyo, if you want to file a complaint about it, I'd be happy to arbitrate
BartholomewIII: sauceyo it's to remove an advantage to some languages during a shortest CoC since you normally have to use console.log
BartholomewIII: Then again, ruby just uses `p`
BartholomewIII: *grumbling*
xangeliczx: bro what
BartholomewIII: You can use `p` instead of `puts`
BartholomewIII: Yep
sauceyo: The amount of times ive looked up how to use ruby on shortest mode
BartholomewIII: lol
UZUHAMA: Hello world
BartholomewIII: 0/
ahmadw2: How is everyone doin
n0b1e: good and u
ahmadw2: Also good
Abdirizaq: im beginner in coding does this website help
[Xander92]: yes it helps
n0b1e: go to activities learn and choose your programming language
n0b1e: learn about data structures adn algoritihims
Abdirizaq: i want to learn c but theres only C# and C++
ch1ck3nnu99ets: which country u from
ch1ck3nnu99ets: i didnt know it does that automatically
ZXC01: hi
UZUHAMA: Just wait a little longer
UZUHAMA: Somebody better than me will come to help you
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: quite true
Superwog1: I am so addicted to this I do clash of codes more than all the times kids in my class have gamed
Superwog1: (didn't ask + didn't care + ratio)
ZXC01: ok
UZUHAMA: I'm so addicted to this website itself
UZUHAMA: So many interesting things
Rin_Smd: exactly buttrying to solve one makes me depressed ..hahah
UZUHAMA: But it feels so good when you actually solve one
UZUHAMA: I think that's why I like coding
Rin_Smd: its glad to hear that... but i just after burnout phase after few months of intership and now im ready to learn new things ...
UZUHAMA: Ooh an internship
UZUHAMA: I heard that's really tough
Rin_Smd: yes, developing edu management website for gov..
UZUHAMA: That's an awesome job!
Rin_Smd: ahahahha.. then burnout and now I'm back hahahah
ZXC01: .......
UZUHAMA: I did felt burnout, too
Rin_Smd: just realize that i need to learn alot and lack of know
UZUHAMA: Yeah, me too
UZUHAMA: When I finished online course on programming
UZUHAMA: I thought I was ready to program
UZUHAMA: But then I realized I'm the biggest noob in the world
Rin_Smd: which online course did you enroll?
ZXC01: never heard of it
UZUHAMA: I think it was called Programming Languages
UZUHAMA: Not Cabada
ZXC01: you should start with some easy languages
Rin_Smd: exactly same with me... while solving the puzzle games. I realized how stupid i am
UZUHAMA: Hey, but that's ok
Rin_Smd: great, have u try the Havard one, i heard about free courses there (online)
UZUHAMA: I mean, look at my profile picture
Rin_Smd: i saw that (ur's profile)
ZXC01: lol heart attak
UZUHAMA: But I still love coding
Rin_Smd: yes heart attack, while me stay unknown (my proflile pic)
UZUHAMA: I know that I'm getting better and better at coding, even if I don't realize the difference at first
UZUHAMA: You're same
UZUHAMA: You're getting better
UZUHAMA: So don't give up now
UZUHAMA: Burnout doesn't last that long
UZUHAMA: Cheer up
ZXC01: bye gtg
UZUHAMA: What happened
MynameisDuy: I RANKED 1/5 :DDD
UZUHAMA: Today, I got to the 1st place for the first time too
ZXC01: hi
UZUHAMA: I thought you were gone
ZXC01: i m back
UZUHAMA: :thumbs up:
UZUHAMA: no space
ZXC01: :thumbsup:
ZXC01: lol
ZXC01: :happy:
ZXC01: ...
Rin_Smd: having my lunch right now
UZUHAMA: Hey burnout man
ZXC01: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
UZUHAMA: It's 8 PM in Canada
**ZXC01 slaps around a bit with a large fishbot
UZUHAMA: How you do that
Rin_Smd: its 12 :03 pm in Malaysia
ZXC01: use slash
ZXC01: then type slap
**ZXC01 slaps someone around a bit with a large fishbot
MynameisDuy: i got 1st for the second time
**Rin_Smd slaps around a bit with a large fishbot
UZUHAMA: MynameisDuy it's not too bad, right?
**UZUHAMA slaps around a bit with a large fishbot
Rin_Smd: can i know what competition did u all talk abt?
UZUHAMA: Clash of Codes
ZXC01: olol
ZXC01: coc
ZXC01: what are your ranks in coc?
UZUHAMA: Is it clash of clans reference
UZUHAMA: I didn't knwo that
ZXC01: ye
UZUHAMA: I just realize
ZXC01: gtg
MynameisDuy: im ready for my next 1st
Rin_Smd: i play it yesterday but i give up hahahah.. i need practice alot, so i am doing other practices first
MynameisDuy: *take a long breath*
UZUHAMA: Good luck, Duy