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Thorcode: def digital_root(n):

Thorcode: how could I do this

Thorcode: return 0 if n==0 if n % 9 == 0 9 else (n % 9)

Thorcode: if n==0:return 0 else:return 9 if n%9==0 else n % 9

Thorcode: done

Schwase: yo finished CGFunge Prime. LOVED that puzzle so much, cant wait to improve my solution

Wontonimo: :tada: congrats! :tada:

Wontonimo: I've not started that one

AzerSD: coding at 5am ;)

eulerscheZahl: glad to hear Schwase :)

Default avatar.png NoahW: so... has anyone here gotten a job from this website?

Thorcode: not me

Mortis_666: hi

Thorcode: hi

MASTER123: :grinning:

Thorcode: HI master123

MASTER123: hi

TimothyAlexisVass: I already had work NoahW

Default avatar.png NoahW: TimothyAlexisVass sharing is caring

Default avatar.png MikeNinja102coder: a

TimothyAlexisVass: NoahW I think you can get work through here by talking to people. I told someone I was looking for work and he said he could hook me up.

Default avatar.png MikeNinja102coder: can an 11 year old work?

TimothyAlexisVass: You're asking this in a world where 170 million children are slaves? :\

Default avatar.png Newbiegod: sup boiz

Thorcode: how can I find comunity puzzle

Default avatar.png MikeNinja102coder: Not like that,I mean like work as a scripter AND GET PAID

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: UK hey... Wrong country dude.

Default avatar.png NoahW: I probably would not want to use code an 11 year old wrote for anything serious ngl

Default avatar.png MikeNinja102coder: I am serious

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: I wouldn't use the code a lot of people wrote, no matter if they're adults or not...

Default avatar.png NoahW: I am serious as well, at 11 years old you have 4-7 more years worth of core education before most would consider you ready for an entry-level job.

It would also violate child labor laws in pretty much every country

Thorcode: why my code could not buy item in botter of the galaxy


       if gold>=item_cost:print("BUY"+item_name)

Default avatar.png ZXC01: ??????

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Because your code is poor

Default avatar.png NoahW: Thorcode: Did you need a space between "BUY" and item_name? Just use a comma instead of plus

Default avatar.png MikeNinja102coder: But it doesn't make sense, I've done a job before

Thorcode: nothing happend

Thorcode: A hero can purchase an item with the BUY item_name command.

Thorcode: I type exact what it say

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hmm

Default avatar.png NoahW: is item_name defined?

Thorcode: probably bro

Default avatar.png ZXC01: overhere say there is no '_'btw item and name

Default avatar.png ZXC01: BUY itemName

Thorcode: bruh

Thorcode: try that

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: -_-

Thorcode: blaise could you help me with that

Default avatar.png NoahW: Thorcode: what programming language are you using?

Thorcode: python

Default avatar.png NoahW: copy and paste your code to

Uljahn: use debug output [solved]

Default avatar.png ZXC01: try make them on diff lines

Thorcode: after a while I don't know how to debug

Thorcode: I tried

Default avatar.png ZXC01: print("Debug messages...", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)

Default avatar.png ZXC01: put the thing in Debug messages

Uljahn: or make a function like this: def debug(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr, flush=True)

Thorcode: use debug is hard

Uljahn: but it's beneficial for learning

Thorcode: yep

Default avatar.png PATTRIM: hey guys

Thorcode: ?

DialFrost: wat does debug do

DialFrost: cuz i havent used it bfr

Default avatar.png NoahW: Hi PATTRIM

Default avatar.png PATTRIM: hi

Default avatar.png NoahW: CodinGame says I'm better than 99% of python programmers :sunglasses:

Thorcode: ok

Thorcode: nice

Default avatar.png Overbed: i just completed my first clash of code yess

Default avatar.png NoahW: noice, are ya winning?

Default avatar.png Overbed: it was just private clash so the difficulty is a whole lot lower but ive been struggling for weeks to trying to understand python and finally i get some work done :sunglasses:

Master_Yi: Yenidena

Master_Yi: Do you know the Turkish song by Ragga Oktay called Yenidena

Default avatar.png NoahW: Congrats!


Uljahn: DialFrost: it gives you possibility to inspect variables

DialFrost: uhhh ok

Uljahn: in programming you shouldn't rely on guessing

derjack: no?

derjack: then monte carlo methods are a fraud

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: *in general

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: DialFrost moreover, a debugger allows you to pause your program at *breakpoints*, inspect variables, step through the code one line at a time, and depending on the debugger, changes values and replay code. It's much more convenient than spamming print statements throughout your program that you have to clean up later.

Default avatar.png 333e8: ar you a

Default avatar.png 333e8: jus

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: ?

Default avatar.png 333e8: sorry it's my cat ... have a great day :)

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: Okay...

DialFrost: lol

Default avatar.png MysticDust: uh

Default avatar.png 21stCenturyPeon: Also, it's useful when your code is buggered.

Uljahn: some people tend to blame everything but their code being bugged though :smirk:

Uljahn: many such cases

Dasun_Thathsara: hi

Jerrasterix: hi Dasun_Thathsara

Default avatar.png pat_vik: sup

Jerrasterix: nothing much !!!

Jerrasterix: how about you ??

Default avatar.png pat_vik: I am good

Default avatar.png pat_vik: where u from

Default avatar.png Sheewiiiine: Hello world !

Default avatar.png pat_vik: nvm saw your profile

Default avatar.png pat_vik: I just discovered this website yesterday

derjack: :+1:

Default avatar.png C26_1: @all, does cryptography has some thing called string_input and string_key

Default avatar.png C26_1:

Default avatar.png C26_1: Go to this link to know what is string_input and string_key that I've talked about

Default avatar.png C26_1: SImple def: string_key is a string to made password and therefore protect and encrypt a string_input

struct: Usually is salt + hash algorithm

derjack: its password + salt. sometimes hmac-hash is used

derjack: look for pbkdf2 to read more on it

Default avatar.png pat_vik: students here? or doing job?

Default avatar.png C26_1: hobbyist

derjack: job, but not ai in job

Almin5k: nigger

Almin5k: .

Almin5k: NOT ME

Default avatar.png pat_vik: Cool, where u working @derjack?

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: how hard are codingame evaluations

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: interviewer gave me one

TimothyAlexisVass: They're easy

TimothyAlexisVass: like clashes

GER-NaN: unless you cant code....

Default avatar.png yuenhy: what do you guys think of mthree? is it worth the low pay

Spaghetti_Code: I heard about mthree, is it truly low pay?

Default avatar.png yuenhy: people on the internet seems to say so

Default avatar.png yuenhy: 65k in new york

Default avatar.png yuenhy: not from us so i dont know how low that is

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: Thank you Timothy

Default avatar.png yuenhy: an allowance during training, 6 months review for the next 24 months

Default avatar.png yuenhy: rumor has it their commission is close to 50%

Default avatar.png Tohsakaa: hi'

GER-NaN: 65k is very low for New York, but if you get commissions then maybe that compensates...

Default avatar.png yuenhy: ah sorry i mean 50% of the salary of the company (that youre assigned to) goes to mthree

Default avatar.png TinkerSticks: ini7

Default avatar.png yuenhy: guess it is quite low then

Default avatar.png yuenhy: better of applying directly to the partner companies

Default avatar.png yuenhy: off

struct: 50% seems extremely high

Default avatar.png starz-]: im in grade 6

Default avatar.png Ben...: e

Default avatar.png Ben...: is anyone on?????

Default avatar.png Ben...: pls

Default avatar.png Ben...: :cry:

Ben...: im not good at coding

Default avatar.png yuenhy: practice

Aderner: practice is a good way :D

Ben...: oke

Aderner: and search sites like stackoverflow

Aderner: if you stuck on something

Ben...: do you like badboyhalo

Ben...: plz respond

Ben...: ?

Uljahn: we don't like spammers here

Ben...: f u

Ben...: that was my freind

Ben...: im sorry

Default avatar.png yuenhy: a child

Thorcode: Search in this site, I learned a lot from that site

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: I'll said it only one time: Don't spam me starz-]. Don't even dm me.

Uljahn: Automaton2000: get a life

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: most of them are bits

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: "I'll said" -_-

eulerscheZahl: I'll have said

GER-NaN: Is it common for Timeout to occur when you Submit, but when you send Game params to IDE, it doesnt time out?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Welcome on cg...

eulerscheZahl: is your own bot deterministic? is your opponent?

eulerscheZahl: might be some randomness involved so you don't trigger the same corner case. or you just get close to the time limit and get unlucky in that one match

GER-NaN: Cant say about apponent, but thats a good point, any random will change things between runs

eulerscheZahl: what I usually do: print all input to stderr, then copy that turn input to test offline

Uljahn: also games can be executed on different CPUs

Ben...: o

Default avatar.png BinarySearch: students here? or doing job?

**eulerscheZahl is employed

Uljahn: plenty of both i guess

**BlaiseVonEbuthIV is rich and don't need a job.

Default avatar.png BinarySearch: Cool, I just discovered this website today

Uljahn: welcome, so much to explore here

eulerscheZahl: BlaiseVonEbuthIV doesn't need grammar either

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: German grammar-nazi heh?

Default avatar.png BinarySearch: @Uljahn @eulerscheZahl You guys have an impressive profile. How long have you been here?

eulerscheZahl: a bit over 5 years for me

eulerscheZahl: uljahn even longer

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: kids

eulerscheZahl: how about you BlaiseVonEbuthIV? 1 month?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Already? :o

Default avatar.png BinarySearch: You guys must be into competitive programming, right?

DirkieDurky: Yup

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: 5%...

eulerscheZahl: mostly into the longer rounds with 1 or 2 weeks duration

eulerscheZahl: i'm too inconsistent in the 2-3h ones

Schwase: I did a coding competition in high school where you all go into a room and we literally just TANKED it. It was for internships at Lockheed Martin

Default avatar.png BinarySearch: you do codeforces?

eulerscheZahl: not much

eulerscheZahl: mostly their unrated marathon rounds with prizes for grabs

Default avatar.png BinarySearch: Awesome

Default avatar.png BinarySearch: How about leetcode?

eulerscheZahl: their contests are in the middle of the night for me

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Ya ya. Good toad. You'll get a fly

Default avatar.png BinarySearch: Are you a student? Maybe I should dm, is there an option?:sweat_smile:

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: dm :scream:

Schwase: Fun fact, frogs eat turtles

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: French eat frogs

Adam798: Hello ! Does anyone know what is the "Budding examiner" achievement ?

Adam798: I can read that is says "Participate 3 times in the ranking of puzzle solutions." but i'm not sure what it means

eulerscheZahl: step 1: solve a puzzle

eulerscheZahl: step 2: click on "view other solutions" or whatever it is called

Schwase: ^

eulerscheZahl: before you can see them, it shows you 2 solutions and you shall click which one is better

Adam798: did the first two steps multiple times but never saw the last. Is it for all puzzles ?

Schwase: maybe they have to be published solutions?

Schwase: maybe go to the most commonly solved puzzles?

Schwase: or its an out dated achievement possibly?

Uljahn: no, it's kinda very newish

Adam798: I can see a lot of published solutions for many puzzles and I can upvote or downvote but it does nothing

Adam798: It's not very important but I was curious.

5DN1L: Not that page

5DN1L: You don't leave the IDE page

Schwase: it matters to me lowkey too im looking for my daily dose of dopamine

5DN1L: Click Results on the left of the IDE page

Schwase: thank you

Schwase: cool

Adam798: Oh ok I see it now, never clicked on that link ! thanks

5DN1L: Then "Learn from best coders"

Schwase: i am now learning from the best coder, i bow in the presence of 5DN1L

Adam798: +1

5DN1L: It's kind of pointless because it says you have to rank first before accessing the top solutions. while actually you can access the top solutions elsewhere (as Adam798 did) without performing any ranking at all lol

Schwase: yeah and i feel like the upvoting doesnt really take place

eulerscheZahl: Uljahn check discord in case you haven't seen it already. struct too

Adam798: I just came back to codingame (did not play in 3-4 years) and was used to look at other solutions the old way I guess !!

Uljahn: done

Adam798: I also get notifications that are 3 years old !!

5DN1L: Adam798 same here. i never access the top solutions from where I described except for getting the achievement :joy:

Adam798: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

eulerscheZahl: are you Amurushkin Adam798?

eulerscheZahl: the profile pic looks familiar

eulerscheZahl: wait no, amurushkin is someone else

eulerscheZahl: but i've seen that profile pic still

eulerscheZahl: the nick on the other hand doesn't ring a bell

Adam798: Well its really a picture of me when I was a kid so if someone else is using it they stole it !! And I haven't change my nick

eulerscheZahl: then just my bad memory i suppose

eulerscheZahl: i remember half of you after all those years

Adam798: I was not really in the chat at that time, but I battled good in "ghost in the cell" contest, finished 20th maybe you "saw" me there I believe you did great on that contest.

eulerscheZahl: that sounds possible. I finished 6th so I surely must have seen you

Westicles: uh oh, what's up on the discord mod channel?

[CG]Thibaud: about the review of solutions, when we implemented it, we used the previous upvotes to initialiaze the new system. I wanted to double check how new "votes" impacted the ranking of solutions

[CG]Thibaud: welcome back Adam798 . I have fond memories of GiTC

struct: will check euler

Westicles: it's a big change, but I think the time is right

Adam798: [CG]Thibaud thanks! I really love GiTC too !

jacek: and how long it still will be GiTC eh

Default avatar.png tsbtsb: i am struggeling to make a meaningfull graph in Ghost in the cell (using python) tips?

Uljahn: use scipy

Uljahn: i mean it has Floyd-Warshall for you, also check contest feedbacks on the forum

Default avatar.png tsbtsb: thanks - googled scipy and think this will do the trick

struct: Westicles mods got a raise

Uljahn: and vacations enlargement

jacek: 100% raise?

Schwase: yo sounds like my job, my pay gets doubled every week

Wontonimo: I'd be happy with getting my pay doubled every 7 years

Westicles: hmmm

eulerscheZahl: and extra mods to intimidate other users even more

Westicles: I'm afraid Wontonimo is too gentle to be a mod. Don't know if he is up for the :hammer:

eulerscheZahl: he can do some cleanup while the rest of us is sleeping

Westicles: absolutely, that is needed for sure

eulerscheZahl: quick instruction: type "/kick username" to kick. /ban for ban that easy

eulerscheZahl: you can't kick or ban other mods

Westicles: Zorg might be another good choice

Wontonimo: thanks

Wontonimo: i can't imagine using ban with what i've seen

struct: I cant imagine using kick, you can have mine

Wontonimo: perhaps it's because the other mods are doing a great job taking out the trash

eulerscheZahl: usually when I want to take action, someone else has done it seconds before

Westicles: every ban means a new subscriber 5 minutes later. it is good for the numbers

Wontonimo: lol

Default avatar.png [James]: hi

Wontonimo: :wave:

Default avatar.png [James]: hello again

Default avatar.png [James]: bye

eulerscheZahl: you intimidated a new user Wontonimo :D

Wontonimo: it was a very intimidating wave. I'll have to not shake it so violently next time

jacek: try particle next time

Ben...: e

Ben...: hi im in grade 6

Wontonimo: hey, you are using Hecker image from Beluga. Nice

Wontonimo: don't hack me

Ben...: ok

AntiSquid: too late to ban Wontonimo now :(

eulerscheZahl: maybe not. wait until the chat dies and he loses the badge again

Wontonimo: :O

eulerscheZahl: not even kidding, happened a few times

Wontonimo: maybe i should replace the bolt on my head with a CG mod badge

Westicles: just add the d on your name

Wontonimo: nope, it's stuck

Wontonimo: may be Wontonimo(d)

eulerscheZahl: no () in the name

eulerscheZahl: only []_

Wontonimo: because arrays are allowed but functions are not

eulerscheZahl: no script injection

AntiSquid: make it capital D to pass for a D-lang supporter

Westicles: ban for making D jokes

Default avatar.png Aifos: Is it possible to fight versus a specific player AI (from contact list or not) on Mad Pod Racing game or any other AI game ?

5DN1L: Yes, it's possible

eulerscheZahl: you can only select top1000 within your own league or below

Ben...: wut dose that mean

Schwase: I'm curious about contribution editing/commenting etiquette, if someone makes a choice that is not consistent with the syntax typically used, can I go ahead and edit the problem?

Schwase: Here's the contribution I'm looking at:

eulerscheZahl: as there are 100000 bots in the arena, you have a 1% chance if fighting your friends that way

Schwase: I now realize why I'm wrong about changing the contribution in the way I had in my, but im still curious if its ever okay to make a change that would not change the problem but just make the syntax more typical

eulerscheZahl: there is no written rule about it Schwase. personally i think you should give the author a chance first and just mention it in the comments (generally speaking) for very minor things like typos go ahead

Ben...: the only thing that i can do is use scratch

eulerscheZahl: whenever it can possibly break existing solutions: tell the author when it's pending. don't, when it's approved

eulerscheZahl: and for SDK contributions: just don't, the author might not notice your change and undo it on a later upload by accident you can also mess up badly on an approved contribution (opening new leagues, clearing the leaderboard for an optim)

Schwase: does changing the statement break exist solutions / remove solutions? I was reading something (I think you had said it on CG Funge Primes) about that breaking in the past?

eulerscheZahl: CGFunge Prime is an SDK contribution, very different

Schwase: gotcha

Ben...: hello im in grade 6

eulerscheZahl: breaking solutions in context of classic puzzles: changing the input format so that the parsing will fail

eulerscheZahl: hi, I would be in grade 24 but they didn't want to teach me that long

Westicles: so of the clash guys edit to make snippets bold, I usually change them back for mine

Westicles: *some

eulerscheZahl: i'm conservative about editing unless something really bothers me. e.g. a list of numbers given like "1 2 3 4 " (trailing whitespace)

eulerscheZahl: that even makes some default codes crash

Wontonimo: hey Ben... you may really like and learn a lot by watching "The Coding Train" on youtube

Wontonimo: I've really enjoyed it

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Oh. You finally evolved in Wontonimod.

Wontonimo: this is not even my final form

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: I hope so... -_- (For you)

Wontonimo: well, after the holidays my form is probably going to be +2Kg, so yeah

5DN1L: Final form may be [CG]Wontonimo?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Naa. Wontrollnimo incoming. Just let him some time to get jaded and disgusted.

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: I'll be looking. :popcorn:

Wontonimo: I went through my jaded and disgusted period in life in my late 30's early 40's. Not promising it won't happen again, but here's hoping it wont

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Just about cg, not you whole life, don't worry.

5DN1L: BlaiseVonEbuthIV got jaded and decides to remain at Level 3 for ever?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Just have more interesting things to do than reaching back lvl30+ on a new account each time [CG]Thing feel the need to show he's the boss...

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: I did well at my codingame test!

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: I hope I get the job

5DN1L: I see BlaiseVonEbuthIV

5DN1L: Good luck! localpoubelle

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: What a nick...

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: Oh well I hope they don't see it

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: Forgot about this

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: I don't think you use your account to get the test.

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: *take

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: :grimacing:

Wontonimo: just change it now

Wontonimo: it's super easy

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: No need I have another account

Wontonimo: top right dropdown, pick profile, then click on your profile name


Wontonimo: please paste clash of code to #CoC

Wontonimo: not here

Wontonimo: (is that the right channel?)

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: I was looking at your website BlaiseVonEbuthIV, I noticed you made a tool called CGppMerger. I had been looking for such a tool for some time! You are a blessing.

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: #clash I guess Wontonimo

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: A blessing? Me? :innocent:

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: Your website has a great design

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: While you don't try it on small devices. :p

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: Hahaha

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: You should change the href of the top left text

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: And remove the www.

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: It's causing an error

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Adding mediaquerries is on my todo list since centuries.

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Hm? Which one?

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: On top of the image

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: BLAISE'S UNRELIABLE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Oh right. I migrated it recently, and now I have only the certificate while I had the www. too before.

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: :monkey:

Default avatar.png lucapalermo: :hamburger:

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Thx

Default avatar.png lucapalermo: np

Default avatar.png localpoubelle: I have no idea what's the use of www and how certificates work but no problem :D

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Fixed.

jacek: unreliable opening book?

struct: ah yes I forgot to tell wontonimo

struct: if you see opening books you ban them

struct: !

Westicles: tomorrow we celebrate sailing away from the awful europeans who wanted us to marry our cousins like they do

Default avatar.png mman777: what is a good score for certification

struct: whats that day called Westicles?

AntiSquid: Westicles what ? lol

AntiSquid: struct thanksgiving

Westicles: yes, that's the one

AntiSquid: how can you celebrate when you can't afford turkey anymore due to bidenflation ? can you even afford the fuel to go to the shop to buy it ?

AntiSquid: and you dare talk about europeans, please

Westicles: we can just go out and shoot a turkey with our many wonderful guns

AntiSquid: make sure you report your boating accident afterwards

Westicles: that one went over my head... did trump shoot somebody?

eulerscheZahl: because Americans think that turkeys live in the water? i don't get it either

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Isn't thanksgiving more about natives who kindly welcomed you before you start to stole their lands, kill them, rape them and park them in small reserves? :thinking:

AntiSquid: google: gun boating accidents

jacek: i know when thanksgiving is thanks to a one week break in us tv shows :f

AntiSquid: anyway good point blaise, Westicles give them their country back!

Westicles: oh, haven't you heard? the figured out the so-called native americans were a bunch of europeans who actually killed off the guys who were there before

Westicles: *they

AntiSquid: no, that's a first

AntiSquid: heard they came from asia during last ice age ... or something along those lines

AntiSquid: the vikings went over there before columbus Westicles ... they met with the natives too

Westicles: Yeah, it is all very sad. Thank goodness we were able to set things right

AntiSquid: united viking states would have been better :thinking:

GER-NaN: damn, code is too long... Anyone know a good c# minifier thats online? The top few in google dont work well

eulerscheZahl: you exceeded the 100k char limit?

GER-NaN: yup, i have tons of lib classes, that auto combine into 1 file for CG submission

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: ok idk how to code at all lol

GER-NaN: I have big library project with lots of helper classes, then I combine those library classes with my CG code so I can submit as 1 file.

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: um ok

AntiSquid: swagzzbtw start somewhere else

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: like where

AntiSquid: something like intro to coding

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: ok ill see that

AntiSquid: but you have to use the forbidden google magic

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: what do i search up

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: jsut codes

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: just*

AntiSquid: you need to figure out the correct incantation yourself

jacek: kree java!

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: i dont have word magic

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: i just came on this site from yt

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: to cure my boredom'


Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: i feel like thats a virus lol

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: oh well'

AntiSquid: unplug your modem, i promise that will keep you safe from viruses

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: haha defo

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: i mean i coded a roblox game

Default avatar.png swagzzbtw: from yt ;/

AntiSquid: why would i link a virus in chat? would have private messaged it to you instead so nobody sees it ...

jacek: :thinking:

Default avatar.png Huarck: GUys

Default avatar.png Huarck: is this game alive ?

GamingGnawer: It's ALIIIIIVE

GamingGnawer: what game though?

Default avatar.png Huarck: codinGame

Default avatar.png Huarck: I'm new to this

GamingGnawer: welcome!

Default avatar.png Huarck: wonder if it will help improving my skills!

Default avatar.png Huarck: Thx

Default avatar.png Huarck: Is there a forum for this game /

Default avatar.png Huarck: ?

GamingGnawer: It's not very educational in and of itself but if you have some idea what you're doing (or can use google) I think it's good practice and fun


GamingGnawer: yes and also a discord (bug button near top of this chat)

GamingGnawer: big*

Wontonimo: better than for

Wontonimo: if there is a game in particular

Wontonimo: that you want to see a forum of

Wontonimo: then click on the discussion tab

Wontonimo: for example

Wontonimo: there are three tabs : details , leaderboard , and Discussion

TechnoBot: huh

Default avatar.png Nat1022: can someone look over a code challenge code for me

Default avatar.png UZUHAMA: Hello, anybody?

Wontonimo: :wave:

Wontonimo: hey UZUHAMA, looks like you are from the great white north

Default avatar.png UZUHAMA: Is this an actual person?

Wontonimo: yessss... are you an actual person?

Wontonimo: maybe i shuld spel things worse and use mor punctuation!!!


Wontonimo: y does everyone ask if i'm an actual person *sigh


UZUHAMA: I don't know I just faced too many bots

UZUHAMA: And every bots did :wave: to me

Wontonimo: what brought a Canuk like you to a chat board like this?

UZUHAMA: Oh Canucks? haha

Wontonimo: i'll remember the wave thing. thanks. now thatyou mention it, there is a relationship eh

UZUHAMA: Well, I like coding

Wontonimo: that's good, because this isn't a cooking channel


UZUHAMA: So I guess

UZUHAMA: You're an actual programmer

Wontonimo: yeah, i am. proud to say so. how about you, how much coding have you done?

UZUHAMA: Well, since I'm a baby programmer, I have many questions I want to ask you

Wontonimo: what do you mean baby? how many weeks or months have you been at it?


UZUHAMA: oh um

Wontonimo: how many?

UZUHAMA: Actually it's been few years

UZUHAMA: But I started coding when I was like, 13 or something

UZUHAMA: And well

UZUHAMA: I don't remember anything from back then

Wontonimo: oh, on my profile. no, i just learnt enough of each to complete a challenge


Wontonimo: in my day job I code Python, Java, and Typescript

UZUHAMA: Typescript?


UZUHAMA: JavaScript with types

Wontonimo: yeah, it is Javascript with a wraper


Wontonimo: would you like a recommendation of a puzzle to try?

UZUHAMA: Well yeah sure

UZUHAMA: Java is my main I guess..?

Wontonimo: if you tell me about the last thing you've coded I can probably find something close so it is a good match

UZUHAMA: I haven't coded in a while...

UZUHAMA: After I finished my online course few months ago

UZUHAMA: Hmm let me think of one

Wontonimo: nice, what was in the course?


UZUHAMA: Basics of basics of programming

UZUHAMA: Then quiet advanced Java

UZUHAMA: (My brain meltdown after thread or something)

Wontonimo: threads are so cool

Wontonimo: come back to that after a while. you'll love it once you've mastered other things

UZUHAMA: Yeah I guess

UZUHAMA: I like Java

Wontonimo: there is this thing called a producer-consumer pattern which is a fantastic use of threads

UZUHAMA: It was my first language to actually study that far

UZUHAMA: Oh no...

Wontonimo: and Java has a lot of really great support for threading

UZUHAMA: Synchronizations are killing me

UZUHAMA: I barely understood about it

UZUHAMA: But still finished the course so :)

Wontonimo: if you hang around here a while and actually show an interest in learning, I'd be happy to tell you about synchronization like in a month or so and I'm sure I could de-mystify it in 1 hour

Wontonimo: anyway ... sounds like you got past variables, functions, and loops

UZUHAMA: Well that's pretty basic stuff


Wontonimo: try this


Wontonimo: and ... if I can suggest using bitboarding it would make this puzzle SO MUCH EASIER

UZUHAMA: bitboarding?

UZUHAMA: I think I kinda understand about it

UZUHAMA: Just Googled it up

Wontonimo: want an example?

UZUHAMA: ...and this was the last project in Java

UZUHAMA: Example, sure

UZUHAMA: Oh, another thing that caused me a headache was the "bit", too

UZUHAMA: Modifying bits were terrifying

Wontonimo: oh oh ! I'd love to explain it

UZUHAMA: Yeah, sure


UZUHAMA: Should we move somewhere else?

UZUHAMA: Because it's a global channel, so you know

Wontonimo: if we do it here then if someone is interested or has another idea then they can join

UZUHAMA: Oh yeah

Wontonimo: i'm NOT going to solve tic tac toe

Wontonimo: just share ideas


Wontonimo: so, one way to store the game state is with an array. let's say we have 1 array for player A and 1 array for player B

Wontonimo: it could be a [3][3] array or a [9] array

UZUHAMA: Oh, mutidimensional arrays...

Wontonimo: but let's stick with [9]


Wontonimo: there are 9 spots on a tictactoe board, so we need a size of [9]

Wontonimo: and for each player we will store if they own that square or not

Wontonimo: simple right?


UZUHAMA: Please keep going

Wontonimo: cool, so we could represent that a player has the last three squares like so 000,000,111

Wontonimo: or the first three like so 111,000,000

Wontonimo: or all the corners like 101,000,101

UZUHAMA: So the first "row"s and things like that


Wontonimo: now ... if you squint your eyes and look real hard ... it looks suspiciously like .... drum roll

Wontonimo: binary

Wontonimo: 9 bits, 1 or 0

Wontonimo: so, you can store that in a 2byte slot in memory

Wontonimo: like a java int base type

UZUHAMA: My heart rate is going up, palms sweaty

UZUHAMA: But please keep going

Wontonimo: okay, in a lot of programming languages we write binary like so 0b000000111 // would be last 3

Wontonimo: 0b111000000 // would be first 3


Wontonimo: now, lets say you have a list of all the winning possible moves like

UZUHAMA: But wait

Wontonimo: 0b000000111,

Wontonimo: go on

UZUHAMA: How does binary format work..?

Wontonimo: ah, it is a number in base 2

UZUHAMA: The very beginning number representing whether the number is positive or negative?

UZUHAMA: No wait...

Wontonimo: 1 in binary = 1 in decimal 10 in binary = 2 in decimal 100 in binary = 4 in decimal

UZUHAMA: I understand that

UZUHAMA: But my byte is in

UZUHAMA: 00000000

UZUHAMA: Binary is in

UZUHAMA: 0b000000000


Wontonimo: hmm ... the "0b" at the beginning just denotes that what comes after is in binary so that

Wontonimo: int x = 111; // this is 111 in decimal int y = 0b111; // this is 7 in decimal

UZUHAMA: Ooooooh

UZUHAMA: Ooooooooooooooooh

UZUHAMA: I got it

Wontonimo: super

Wontonimo: now comes the 'magic'

UZUHAMA: I'm ready

Wontonimo: but to fully appreciate the magic i have to start by asking you a question. Using an array like [9], how would you check if someone has 3 in a row along the bottom of the tic tac toe board ?


UZUHAMA: By checking last three elements in the array

UZUHAMA: Which will be

UZUHAMA: array[6] == array[7] == array[8]

UZUHAMA: Something like that..?

Wontonimo: == 1

Wontonimo: yeah

UZUHAMA: 1, yeah

UZUHAMA: I almost forgot about empty space

Wontonimo: so, that is 3 array look ups and 3 equality checks


Wontonimo: the array look ups may require a few clock cycles each

Wontonimo: so, maybe something like 3*2+3 clock cycles

Wontonimo: okay, here is the magic

UZUHAMA: Clock cycles..?


Wontonimo: operations of the CPU

Wontonimo: the main cost of a program



Wontonimo: okay, so here is the magic

UZUHAMA: :no_mouth:

Wontonimo: if the players data is instead stored as binary

Wontonimo: and say they have the current ownership 0b10100110

Wontonimo: we can check if they own all of the bottom row 0b000000111

UZUHAMA: uh huh

Wontonimo: by using the binary and operation like so playerA & 0b000000111

Wontonimo: which would result in

Wontonimo: 0b000000110

Wontonimo: because it is only what is in common

Wontonimo: so the full test is

Wontonimo: playerA & 0b000000111 == 0b000000111

Wontonimo: this is only 2 operaions


Wontonimo: not 9

UZUHAMA: More efficient

Wontonimo: furthermore ... and this is super important

Wontonimo: the bottleneck of modern computers isn't usually the CPU. It is moving data from RAM to the CPU and back

Wontonimo: so the less data you have to move, the faster your program will be

UZUHAMA: Oh, really?

UZUHAMA: I knew that RAM was super important

Wontonimo: instead of storing [9] elements for the board, you need only 2 words (which is technically 4 elements)

Wontonimo: 2 bytes per word

Wontonimo: 2 words = 4 bytes total for our bitboard solution

UZUHAMA: Each element = one byte ?

Wontonimo: it could be. it really depends on what you store in each element. but let's just assume you just store something small and simple like a boolean or small int


UZUHAMA: But each int would be stored as 00001010 format, right?


Wontonimo: right

Wontonimo: okay, so i've babbled on about bitboards


Wontonimo: give the tictactoe puzzle a try

Wontonimo: you don't need to do it with bitboards. it only needs arrays

Wontonimo: what is cool is that once you solve it you can see other peoples solutions and learn from them


UZUHAMA: I'll try my best

UZUHAMA: Are you here everyday?

Wontonimo: most days around this time

Wontonimo: until i get a life

GamingGnawer: how do you use the chat pastebin?

Wontonimo: pretty easy. if you paste way too much in one go or it has too many special characters, a pastebin link will automatically be generated

Wontonimo: don't paste solutions

GamingGnawer: that's clever

Wontonimo: hey Astrobytes

Wontonimo: hey jayluckii , what language are you using for ghost in the cell ?

jayluckii: python 3

Wontonimo: i'm dumb, yeah you already told me that

Wontonimo: okay, so what happens when you run the default code ?

Astrobytes: hey Wontonimo, just realised I left this open, on my way to bed lol, congrats on mod promotion, well deserved brother! :tada:

Wontonimo: thanks ! :D :D

jayluckii: i start off winning and then they start winning and then get to 100

jayluckii: 1000

jayluckii: what does mod do?

Wontonimo: can kick people who are naughty

jayluckii: online daters?

Wontonimo: back to ghost in the cell

jayluckii: yuh

Wontonimo: when i run the default code my bot just loses

Astrobytes: lol on that note, I bid you goodnight Wontonimo :D

Wontonimo: gn Astrobytes !

jayluckii: same

jayluckii: wait wdym like theres only one tturn?

Wontonimo: who said that?

jayluckii: said waht?

Wontonimo: "wait wdym like theres only one tturn?"

jayluckii: i said that

Wontonimo: lol

jayluckii: so waht i do

Wontonimo: you are given all the info for all the entities

jayluckii: uh

Wontonimo: perhaps make an array of factories to start

Wontonimo: and for you move,

Wontonimo: send some troops from one of your factories to one of the enemies

Wontonimo: you can make an array of factories like so

Wontonimo: factories = []

jayluckii: and put a number?

Wontonimo: then use arg_1 to arg_5 to populate the data for the factories like so

jayluckii: so factories= [arg_1]

Wontonimo: factories.append( {

   'player' : arg_1,
   'cyborgs' : arg_2 } )

Wontonimo: but only do that if entityType == "FACTORY"

Wontonimo: ignore the troops for now

Thorcode: oh you guy are talking about ghost in the cell

jayluckii: yub

Wontonimo: yeah!

Thorcode: i used to like that game

jayluckii: yuh*

Wontonimo: you can get a list of all your factories like so

Thorcode: Congrat wontonimo

Thorcode: for being mod

Wontonimo: my_facts = [ x for x in factories if x['player'] == 1 ]

Wontonimo: HEY, THANKS Thorcode ! I really appreciate it

Wontonimo: thanks for noticing

Thorcode: I just realize it

Wontonimo: and you can get a list of all enemies similarly but instead of "== 1" you use "!= 1"

Wontonimo: then you could randomly select one of your factories and one of the enemy factories (or just for first, whatever) and send units

Thorcode: else print("inc")

Wontonimo: what do you think jayluckii ?

**antiwonto I don't think jay is listening to you anymore

jayluckii: i am

jayluckii: just confused

jayluckii: it seems easy but i just idek

Wontonimo: have you tried what i've suggested yet?

Wontonimo: not really doing anything with it, just pasting it in into the right place ?

jayluckii: trying to figure out the right place lol

Wontonimo: oh

Wontonimo: okay

Wontonimo: first paste one of the lines that you are trying to figure out where to put it

Wontonimo: then lets discuss where

jayluckii: i put the factpries append stuff under # Any valid action, such as "WAIT" or "MOVE source destination cyborgs"


Thorcode: or we could make a ghost in the cell channel

jayluckii: or put it under the game loop stuff

Default avatar.png omarbenmegdoul: Anyone done job interviews on this platform? Got sent a link ahead of an interview, wondering if there's anything I should know ahead of time

Default avatar.png omarbenmegdoul: er, technical tests not job interviews

jayluckii: how would you do that thor?

Thorcode: to save the discusion

jayluckii: hm?

Thorcode: Hey jay I know how to win gosh in the cell ez

jayluckii: interested go on

Thorcode: while 1:

      print("MSG"+"I am the winner")

Thorcode: you will win

Thorcode: trust me

Mundgus: omarbenmegdoul, it is mostly same as a certification

Wontonimo: such a troll thor

Thorcode: no

Default avatar.png omarbenmegdoul: Ah I see, I've done one of those for react/js actually

Thorcode: it help me win

Default avatar.png omarbenmegdoul: i'm rusty though lol

Wontonimo: the factories append goes right after getting the info for the factory while in the loop

Thorcode: why don't you try that wontonimo

jayluckii: i lost still

Thorcode: no

Thorcode: you don't have luck

Mundgus: I mean a codingame certification

Mundgus: If you go to your profile and choose a language you can see it

Wontonimo: maybe start on something a little easier. this game requires you to save a lot of game state

Wontonimo: and the recall it and sort it

jayluckii: whats easie

jayluckii: r

Thorcode: change the + to ,


Thorcode: it will help you win


jayluckii: i made a google doc named ghost in the cell wonton info and put all the stuff you recommendeed

Thorcode: while 1: print("MSG","I am the winner")

Thorcode: this is the best code

Thorcode: it will help you reach legend if you are lucky

jayluckii: wonton hes trolling rii?

Wontonimo: yes

Thorcode: no I reach bronze with it

Thorcode: only that code

Thorcode: ok

**Thorcode say Thorcode lied

jayluckii: what do you think i should start with Mr.Wonton

Thorcode: mad pod race bro

jayluckii: fancy writing

Wontonimo: oh ... sorry jayluckii, i totally forgot about the connects between entities

Wontonimo: you need to store that also

jayluckii: i did map pod race

Thorcode: league

jayluckii: uh

Thorcode: what league bro

jayluckii: gotta check jit

Wontonimo: i really like line racing

Wontonimo: (tron)


Thorcode: hey

jayluckii: woodd leuge 2

Wontonimo: pretty straight forward (pun intended)

Thorcode: have tron battle renamed

Wontonimo: yeah, got renamed to "Line Racing"

Thorcode: in tron I would like to go to center then flood all of my angle

Wontonimo: you only have 4 directions to travel

Thorcode: yep

Wontonimo: keep a map of what has happened

Thorcode: I know that

Wontonimo: i'm telling jayluckii

Thorcode: ok

jayluckii: so

jayluckii: like

Thorcode: hey jay

jayluckii: left right up and down

Thorcode: you could make your pod to bronze

Thorcode: it is simple

jayluckii: if i felt like it

Thorcode: or even gold

Wontonimo: it's not so simple Thorcode, don't be like that

Thorcode: no from wood to bronze it have instruction

Thorcode: just follow that to get to bronze

Wontonimo: link?

Thorcode: mad pod race


Wontonimo: to the instructions

Thorcode: the rules

Thorcode: it have all

Thorcode: even pesua

Wontonimo: to go from wood to bronze

Thorcode: yep


UZUHAMA: Hello guys

Wontonimo: no, we are talking about Tron (Line Racing) Thorcode

Wontonimo: hey UZUHAMA

Wontonimo: i'm not a bot

Thorcode: oh Tron is not that ez

UZUHAMA: hahaha

UZUHAMA: I'll be working on my project

Thorcode: I was talking about mad

Thorcode: bc jay only in woood 2 of that game

jayluckii: wonton

antiwonto: hey

Wontonimo: yeah?

Thorcode: hellow pokemon

UZUHAMA: Two wontons!

Thorcode: so I think that site could help him

Wontonimo: no. the other is an impostor

Thorcode: the pokemon


jayluckii: uhm

jayluckii: hold on wonton\

Thorcode: the pokemon guy so cute

Thorcode: I challenge you guy to play this supper hard game: codecombat :joy:

jayluckii: whos pokemon guy

NoahW: You know, the coding challenge paradigm is kinda funny

NoahW: Like, do I write an interpreter for this, or should I just pass unsanitized inputs to the exec() function and call it a day?

UZUHAMA: I have no idea what you're saying :(

Wontonimo: what puzzle/multi are you talking about NoahW ?

NoahW: Dice probability calculator

antiwonto: 1:6


NoahW: I suppose I could just hardcode the inputs, but what if there is an invalid input?

Wontonimo: the validators are different than the test cases

Wontonimo: hardcoding it is a sure way to fail

NoahW: well, I guess either way I gotta use regex

Wontonimo: interesting. i wonder if a recursive solution would work