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Wontonimo: no and no (imho)

RandomAustralian: ihdaioshdioashdas

RandomAustralian: I never see a ruby person in the time based ones

RandomAustralian: yet as soon as it is a codesize based one

RandomAustralian: They mAGICALLY APPEAR


Default avatar.png SeanDaSheep: LOL

Codeab: afternoon Wontonimo!

Wontonimo: hey Codeab

eulerscheZahl: good morning

Wontonimo: :wave: :coffee:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: wow

Default avatar.png ZXC01: you are second!!!

eulerscheZahl: yes, trictrac got me in the end

Codeab: sad

Codeab: common eulerscheZahl beat trictrac

Default avatar.png ZXC01: in what game??

Wontonimo: overall

Default avatar.png ZXC01: oh

eulerscheZahl: i still have some games that I haven't even started. just low motivation

Codeab: lol

Default avatar.png ZXC01: wow

eulerscheZahl: 20 games already, they are getting more :scream:

Wontonimo: lol indeed. "just low motivation" - says 2nd place out of 1 million ranks

Default avatar.png ZXC01: are you in legend in most games?

eulerscheZahl: there is no legend league without me

Default avatar.png ZXC01: lol

eulerscheZahl: i used to be motivated. but at some point (especially the board games) it just feels repetitive to me

Wontonimo: yeah, i echo that. you have way more staying power than I have.

Wontonimo: i have been enjoying helping new coders though even though I haven't really done any new multis myself

Wontonimo: I haven't followed Marchette's tutorial on how to make a NN in CG. That's still shiny and interesting

eulerscheZahl: same, i should really read it

eulerscheZahl: the helping of noobies is another repetitive thing. help one to understand that thor doesn't update the position or how the CSB angle works. within less than a week you can do the same again

eulerscheZahl: i used to be active on a German comp sci forum and answer questions. that has a bit wider range but also got boring

Wontonimo: it isn't like stackoverflow where the answer is there to stay and be shared

rizonbro: uljan

Wontonimo: so, yeah, it repeats

Wontonimo: i try to spice it up by not giving the same answer each time

rizonbro: banned him if he here bannde him ok team works

Wontonimo: what?

Codeab: wontonimo im new help me ! :)

Wontonimo: yeah, i'm up for it. what would you like help on ?

Wontonimo: are you looking for a puzzle? I could suggest one

Codeab: i was kidding lol were u sarcastic or wat

Codeab: ooooh wat puzzle

Wontonimo: haha ... sorry man. just checked your rank Codeab

Wontonimo: you are working on ultimate tic tac toe right

Codeab: erm ya i dont like it :P

Wontonimo: why don't you like it?

Wontonimo: you are very near the top of silver

Wontonimo: crickets ...

Wontonimo: :cricket:

Default avatar.png cipwns: Can you debug code here?

Wontonimo: yes

Wontonimo: add debug messages

Wontonimo: add micro tests

Default avatar.png ZXC01: the ones in green

Wontonimo: use 'asserts'

Default avatar.png ZXC01: to debug:.......

Default avatar.png cipwns: I was doing micro tests and debug messages already :) Just that it's annoying sometimes

jacek: happy Caturday

humanbeethoven: Hi

humanbeethoven: what is going on

H00n: hey, time to work on my Code Royale bot :>

H00n: stuck on place 4... so close yet so far

Default avatar.png MeNinjaHEEheehawpaw: Hi

Default avatar.png BadBob: how is this fun, but somehow it is

king_akshat: hiii

DialFrost: *when u struggle with the easiest puzzle "Temperatures" :|*

jacek: oO

H00n: don't sweat it, take some time off and think about something else. Come back at the puzzle at a later point and you might have a better time. Helps for me

DialFrost: :| still cant

Default avatar.png PATTRIM: LOL

Moctrof: Anybody hiring remote .NET dev ?

Prabah: ha ha

Prabah: me too looking for freelaunce projects

Default avatar.png giaco: there are other syte as this one?

eulerscheZahl: there is and if that's what you mean

jacek: i dont think there are other sites with clashes and escapes like this one

eulerscheZahl: isn't codewars about clashing too?

eulerscheZahl: or codecombat?

eulerscheZahl: i forgot

jacek: :upside_down:

AntiSquid: how was reply challenge this year, euler

Default avatar.png Jasmineker: hello world

eulerscheZahl: reply was fun overall. the coding was easier than last year IMO. we managed to solve all 5 tasks there

eulerscheZahl: for the rest i was mostly clueless, dready got 2 binary tasks at least

eulerscheZahl: for coding you had some kind of jigsaw puzzle: lots of pieces each defined by 4 numbers (the edge shape). all edges were unique, which made solving it pretty easy

eulerscheZahl: then a rubik cube solving task

eulerscheZahl: and something with captchas. i did them manually as did the top teams who wrote post mortems

AntiSquid: :thumbsup:

Default avatar.png gb26: prev

Westicles: two approvals in french for my drug puzzle. this is a new age of harmony and peace

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: A swiss...

Westicles: we are all brothers

Wontonimo: siblings

Wontonimo: or sisters

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Humans these days...

Wontonimo: mammals

Default avatar.png Resizt: Guys, I have an interview assessment coming up soon and I'm really stressed out about it

GamingGnawer: do you know anything about what they'll have you do?

Default avatar.png Resizt: Just learning about this site and seeing how things are approached from a whole unique side of things, what is a way i can be more familar with this stuff in a day?

Default avatar.png Resizt: yea, its a codingame assessment @GamingGnawer

eulerscheZahl: do some easy/medium puzzles to understand the platform

Default avatar.png Resizt: its 2 hours in total but seeing these clash of code reverse mode, and crazy algorithms I'm 2nd guessing really hard

Default avatar.png Resizt: @eulerscheZahl thank you, that make a lot of sense

Default avatar.png Roby5791: Who is the first in rank ? (1/2...)

Default avatar.png Roby5791: hii

eulerscheZahl: Resizt also have a look at

eulerscheZahl: that explains the process from a recruiters point of view but also contains some screenshots of what you will get to see

Default avatar.png Resizt: wow, they can flag your thing for cheating? how does that happen? I wanna avoid that

Default avatar.png Resizt: i have so much background stuff running, idk if that would interfere with the test

eulerscheZahl: i don't know, just some guessing: repeatedly tabbing away while you do research on the web and copy-pasting code

eulerscheZahl: at least that's what i can think of, that's possible for a website to track

eulerscheZahl: you could also search your company on a website like glassdoor. some candidates describe the hiring process

Default avatar.png Resizt: thank you very much

jacek: oh my

vaeng: is Jian-Yang the most often picked profile pic?

Dren: lol this is the first time I've passed all the tests and they give me a 20% after submit

jacek: oO

Dren: it was reverse too

Dren: how am I supposed to figure out a pattern in reverse if the test cases mean nothing lol

jacek: generalize more :v

Westicles: which puzzle is it? yo

Dren: you get a string and have to map fibo sequence onto it

Dren: so

 in: abcdefgh
 out: aabceh

Westicles: this one?


Dren: yeah how did you find it

Westicles: I searched for aabceh here:

jacek: plot twist: he made it

Dren: welp with that 20% I was still second xD

Westicles: you can give bad feedback. if it gets enough it will be auto-removed

GER-NaN: For Crystal Rush game, is there a method to detect enemy traps?

jacek: nope, just educated guess

3141948: Detect suspicious enemy's activity

Wontonimo: Resizt :wave: welcome to the platform !

surgutti: hi, how is the checkpoint reaching in csb calculated. is it point point distance after each round or point line in between the collision simulation?

Uljahn: the latter, it's a ray-circle intersection

Wontonimo: I just made a new puzzle. Feels good. Took it from an old SO answer I gave regarding DFS and turned it into BFS for CG.

Wontonimo: I rated it as "Difficulty: Medium" because it is a DFS problem. That feels like a medium to me. Certainly harder than "The Descent"

Wontonimo: if anyone here has any rules-of-thumb for difficulty level easy-vs-medium, please let me know

Wontonimo: mine is : if/else and possible a loop is 'easy'. Recursion, DFS, BFS, Minimax is 'medium'. Tricky or mathy stuff with multiple steps is 'hard' or 'very hard'

darkhorse64: looks sensible

Mr.Presqu: hi

Wontonimo: hey Mr.Presqu, what are you working on?

Mr.Presqu: I'm on the CodinGame Sponsored

Mr.Presqu: Reverse

Wontonimo: oh nice

Mr.Presqu: Hello Wontonimo

Mr.Presqu: yes it is

Wontonimo: without posting any spoilers, how's it going on the reverse game?

Mr.Presqu: Its quite ok,

Mr.Presqu: but

Mr.Presqu: :)

Mr.Presqu: one of the "submit" cases fails,

Wontonimo: weird

Mr.Presqu: I dont really understand how I can debug these

Wontonimo: you are talkking about this one right

Mr.Presqu: yes indeed

Mr.Presqu: others have gotten 100% with python so I know its my doing

Wontonimo: did you look at the hints on the left hand side (the light bulb that has the word "hint" under it)

Mr.Presqu: hmmmm

Wontonimo: it kinda spoils it a bit

Wontonimo: but if you are really really stuck they are great hints

Mr.Presqu: I mean, all of my IDE tests pass

Mr.Presqu: ill check the hint thing

Wontonimo: it's not really about passing the test cases, it is about maximizing your score

Wontonimo: a higher score means you *probably* understand the puzzle more

Mr.Presqu: yes, was gonna say

Mr.Presqu: I don't do gaming code

Mr.Presqu: so I know-ish how to return proper values

Mr.Presqu: but I have no idea of what it implements :)

Mr.Presqu: ok the hints do help

Wontonimo: have you figured out what the initial input means and what the input per round means (don't post if you know, no spoilers plz)

Mr.Presqu: Thankyou Wontonimo

Wontonimo: no

Wontonimo: np

jacek: you cant fail the sponsored puzzle, can you

Wontonimo: i used a LOT of printing to stderr

jacek: a languages achievements fest

Wontonimo: haha , never thought of that

Wontonimo: that's cheese

struct: hi

Wontonimo: :wave:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: could you help me with legends of code and magic?

Nickkname: I feel like there are not many real ppl playing codingame

Nickkname: Lots of them are bots

burger4d: yes

Nickkname: .....

Nickkname: I thought you are bot

Default avatar.png renanMX255: hello world

Default avatar.png C26_1: Can I ask something

Default avatar.png SmartnessSDA: pffff classic programmer

Default avatar.png C26_1: What is this kind of method?

Nickkname: You appear in every single of my clash and leave without completing the code or get 100% right way lol

Nickkname: @burger4d

Nickkname: Are you an admin?

Default avatar.png C26_1: I don't have a keyword to search them so I'm gonna ask in here

Default avatar.png C26_1: @Nickkname

Default avatar.png C26_1: Can you help me

Nickkname: Sure ask

Nickkname: Hope I can answer

Default avatar.png C26_1: def Password(text):

Dren: I hate that CoC doesn't let you work on the code after the time is up

Default avatar.png C26_1: This is the code to make a text to a number, only lowercase letter. I left this as an exercise for all you guys to find a reverse function of that

Nickkname: Well, first you need to identify if it is reverseable

Default avatar.png C26_1: yea

Nickkname: Is it?

Default avatar.png C26_1: idk if in programming language there is a way to know if a function is reversable

Default avatar.png C26_1: I'm gonna search

Default avatar.png C26_1: Sadly enough, there's no anwser

Jerrasterix: you could crack it but will have numerous results

Default avatar.png C26_1: yea

Jerrasterix: Its a really good hashing algo, you have found i guess

Default avatar.png C26_1: yea

Default avatar.png C26_1: @Jerrasterix

Default avatar.png C26_1: Can I say something to you

Default avatar.png C26_1: I mean you say that my algo is very good but is there a standard table about how a character trranslate to a number

Default avatar.png C26_1: Somethings like ASCII table

Default avatar.png C26_1: Or Unicode table if you can

Default avatar.png NijeByteNo: Hi , I am Okay

Thorcode: what do assert_equals() do? after a while reading I do not understand about that function

Default avatar.png NijeByteNo: yes

Nickkname: I just came out a way to identify if your method is reversible @C26_1

Default avatar.png C26_1: ok

Default avatar.png C26_1: @Nickkname, I'm so proud of you

Default avatar.png C26_1: Your googling search is better than me

Nickkname: A true hash function is not reversible if we know sha_256 is reversible, then there will be a way to make sure sha_256 is reversible

Nickkname: Just find that way and apply the same thing to your function

Default avatar.png C26_1: ok

Default avatar.png NijeByteNo: if you want to win, you musn't loose

Nickkname: The secret of not dying is being alive lol

Default avatar.png NijeByteNo: Hard statement

Default avatar.png NijeByteNo: I beleive there is never an end