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Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: There you go

Chidori: añañin




Codyz: join this

flipped_a_bit: haha using rust instead of python lets me avoid some of the optimizations that the puzzles expect to need in order to pass the time limit

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: Hey! Rude...

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: (not that big of a deal)

Daxlo: @flipped Because Rust runs way faster than Python?

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: yeah, pretty much

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Default avatar.png ZXC01: can anyone help

Default avatar.png ZXC01: when should i use sheild command in mad pod racing silver league???

Uljahn: you shouldn't, but you may

Default avatar.png ZXC01: you mean i shouldnt use it?

programX: hihik

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hi

Uljahn: i mean in silver you can skip using shield

Default avatar.png ZXC01: ok thanks

Uljahn: guess you can use it when the angle to the next checkpoint is larger than 90 + 3 * 18, so you won't use thrust in 3 turns either way

Default avatar.png ZXC01: oh thanks!

Default avatar.png ZXC01:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: whats wrong with my code???

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: Can you search existing CoC to check if your idea already exists?

Default avatar.png ZXC01: Timeout: the program did not provide 1 input lines in due time... ZXC01 will no longer be active in this game.

5DN1L: Bartholomewill you may search here

Default avatar.png ZXC01: thanks

5DN1L: ZXC01 Your thrust formatting is wrong, your if-else-elif indentation is wrong

Default avatar.png ZXC01: thx

Uljahn: i see you have no idea what you're doing

Default avatar.png ZXC01: ........

Default avatar.png ZXC01:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: im using this now but cant win

Default avatar.png ZXC01:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: i mean this

Uljahn: nice

Default avatar.png ZXC01: i cant win.....

Uljahn: it happens a lot

Default avatar.png ZXC01: :cry:

5DN1L: Have you checked how many spaces you have printed before the thrust if thrust = 0 or thrust = 2?

Uljahn: analyze replays of matches you lose, think of improvements, code it and test in arena

Default avatar.png ZXC01: ok thanks

programX: anyone play clash of code?

Default avatar.png ZXC01: i play a bit

Codeab: hi guys

Codeab: is there a way to access all the puzzles of the week

Default avatar.png ZXC01: idk

Thorcode: how can i take the second element from the list?

Codeab: list[1]

Codeab: as the start of the list is index 0

Thorcode: oh

Thorcode: I know that

Default avatar.png Freezing_Hell: bande laulyquon

Codeab: mods?

Codeab: is there a way to access all the puzzle of the week?

derjack: the previous puzzles of the week?

Uljahn: click notifications, then click "show read"

derjack: :upside_down:

tulipe475: cc

Default avatar.png ZXC01: helppppp i still cannot pass mad pod racing silver league

Default avatar.png ZXC01: this is my code

Default avatar.png ZXC01: while True:

Uljahn: trust = str(100) will never be reached, fix it

Default avatar.png ZXC01: why?

Default avatar.png ZXC01: so change it to 99?

Uljahn: hmm nvm

Thorcode: bruh

Uljahn: next boost will be equal to thrust 100

Default avatar.png ZXC01: but only one boost what......

Uljahn: ye, the first boost has an effect of 650, and the next is just 100

Default avatar.png ZXC01: hmm

Default avatar.png ZXC01: how should i change it then???

5DN1L: trust is 0. if condition 1/2/3 is met, trust is changed. else if trust < 80... but trust must always be < 80 because trust is 0 if conditions 1/2/3 are not met.

Uljahn: ^

Default avatar.png ZXC01: erm lemme think...

Default avatar.png ZXC01: so change to:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: else:

Default avatar.png ZXC01: <50???

Thorcode: how to change from int to binary

Default avatar.png ZXC01: wait oh i understand

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: Thanks 5DN1L for the link, btw

5DN1L: You're welcome :)

Thorcode: pls help me

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: In python: int(f"{num:b}")

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: *without the int

Thorcode: bin(n).replace("0b", "")

Thorcode: it was this :(

vaeng: Are there any stats for the clashes? I would be interested what languages are most often the winners at shortest and fasted and their percentages

Default avatar.png ZXC01: so should i just use boost at the start???

Thorcode: no

Default avatar.png ZXC01: erm......

Default avatar.png ZXC01: then howwwwwwwwwwwwww

Thorcode: you should figure out it yourself

Default avatar.png ZXC01: :sob:

SergeyShirokov: Why does Spring Challenge 2021 include "Graphs"? Isn't it straight up easier to just go with axial coords? Do you really want to use graphs there anywhere except the states graph in minmax?

Thorcode: Automaton2000 will you join Spring Challenge?

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: i remember i had a bug in my code...

Thorcode: AutomatonNN will you fight with Automaton2000

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: i think it's too much

Uljahn: SergeyShirokov: i guess it might be convenient to represent the game grid as a graph, you could use bitboards though but it is kinda advanced approach

Thorcode: Automaton2000 Is Thorcode is a noob?

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: i find it hard to think of it as a loss

Thorcode: Automaton2000 do you want to be banned?

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: do you think it's a little bit of experience

Thorcode: why Automaton2000 can answer so quick

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: i spent way too much time on this one :d

Default avatar.png AstroChap: lessgoooooo clash of code

Default avatar.png AstroChap: cracked

LelouchVC2: cracked in the ass bro

LelouchVC2: so good

SergeyShirokov: Uljahn: maybe it's a bit above my understanding, but are there any benefits of using the graph? Like, first thing I did there is converted everything to axial and it's a bit easier to work with directions (distances from point are easy with both approaches, I think)

Thorcode: Automaton2000 beat me

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: i hate the fact that the map is symmetric

Default avatar.png ZXC01: for x in range(0,10):

Thorcode: Automaton2000 how can you chat

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: how did you even look at the top

Default avatar.png ZXC01: helllllppppp i just dont get it

Default avatar.png noobestnoob: im noob

Default avatar.png ZXC01: me toooooo

Thorcode: ZXC01 try another puzzle

Default avatar.png ZXC01: ..........

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: Or at least take a break and come back to it. If we gave the answers instantly, you wouldn't learn as well.

Default avatar.png BartholomewIII: And besides, what's the point of a puzzle if you never get stumped?

Thorcode: yep

5DN1L: ZXC01 Have you read all the external resources on the page?

5DN1L: Many articles there to read and things to learn

5DN1L: Simple if-then-else won't get you very far

Spaghetti_Code: Would be really cool if they made a battle royale clash of code mode

Default avatar.png noobestnoob: yeah battle royal would be nice

AntiSquid: how would that work ??

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: You kill the clashers.

AntiSquid: you execute someone each time you win? because that's what battle royale is

AntiSquid: BlaiseVonEbuthIV would CG need to provide / pay for your weapons of choice?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Already has 9mm. :3

AntiSquid: would take an extra weapon if it was for free?

AntiSquid: with CG logo on it ofc, maybe clash logo too

AntiSquid: Spaghetti_Code do you mean a tournament with brackets or do you mean it would be nice to have a chainsaw keyboard ?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Deadly goodies

Default avatar.png Shiki_Himura: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Default avatar.png lakaoe: hi\

Default avatar.png salimFan01: hi

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: hello

Default avatar.png NoAimMarci: How can I cout different int type variables in c++? I´m doin the Ghost in the cell challenge and made some int Variables for my factory, enemy etc. and wanted to cout them with the "move" command together.

5DN1L: cout << "MOVE " << source << " " << destination << " " << cyborgCount << endl

5DN1L: Like this I think?

5DN1L: add semi-colon after endl

Shoyo_Hinata158: hello

Default avatar.png Jealous: how can I use 'boost' in C

Shoyo_Hinata158: how do i do this

Shoyo_Hinata158: it's clash of code

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: How to change head

Shoyo_Hinata158: no nvm

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: There are Chinese people?

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: ???

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: I am very lonely

programX: hi

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: ???

Shoyo_Hinata158: what are you talking about

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: I want to find a friend

Default avatar.png TojoOlivier: Hi

Shoyo_Hinata158: that still sounds like a you problem have you tried going outside

5DN1L: this is a coding website not a dating website chenhaorantianjiayi

Default avatar.png TojoOlivier: I need help to solve solid integer anayone can help me here ?

[CG]Thibaud: did you check the forum thread TojoOlivier

Shoyo_Hinata158: thank you for saying that

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: @5DN1L Find a friend to brush, I have been wrong?

Default avatar.png TojoOlivier: Yes but i can't understand

Default avatar.png chenhaorantianjiayi: Find a friend coding, is wrong?

[CG]Thibaud: try coding first, you'll find friends this way. First warning chenhaorantianjiayi

Shoyo_Hinata158: yes bro

Shoyo_Hinata158: try to do what you need to do on this game alr

[CG]Thibaud: try to explain what you don't understand TojoOlivier

Default avatar.png TojoOlivier: in the forum they explain that we need to use base 9 conversion but the think that I need to know is the way to convert base 9 not with 0-8 digit but 1 to 9 digit

nolcoder: hiiiiiiiii

YCSVenom: Helllo

YCSVenom: i was wondering how CoC scoring system works?

5DN1L: Which aspect do you mean? For individual clashes or for overall ranking?

YCSVenom: for ranking

5DN1L: It's explained here:

YCSVenom: thanks

YCSVenom: what does resp meaning?

5DN1L: respectively i think

YCSVenom: thanks again

5DN1L: you're welcome

programX: how to trim string in python

programX: anyone can teach me?

Default avatar.png DarkVampire_19c5: google is your best friend!

Default avatar.png DarkVampire_19c5: also stackoverflow and python website

Magus: I don't know python, but "python string trim" gives the response in the first link : .strip()

programX: thanks

Blanch: .strip() will remove any spaces at the beginning and ending of the string.

Blanch: you can also use string[begin:end] if you know how many chars to trim

pingi2015: how do the clash of code leaderboards work?

5DN1L: It's explained here:

DaveWhiting: eilpsunaf1_20211118T160000Z

pingi2015: thank u kind stranger

cLaIRe.smith: sussy

Default avatar.png .shao1in: help me nowww plsssss

pingi2015: if you want to be helped, it might be a good idea to ask your question first

Default avatar.png .shao1in: hhheeelllppp mmmeeeee ppppppllllllllllleeeeeesssssss

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: *now

Default avatar.png .shao1in: yyyeeesss

Default avatar.png nijo: she needs help!

5DN1L: he needs a working keyboard which doesn't repeat letters for so much

Mortis_666: what is the difference between bio and about me 🗿

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: size

Default avatar.png .shao1in: p

Default avatar.png .shao1in: STOP CLAIRE

Default avatar.png .shao1in: CLAIRE IS LIKnjc,n bv

Default avatar.png .shao1in: ]

Default avatar.png .shao1in: \?" "]

pingi2015: hmm yes i think he does need a new keyboard

Default avatar.png .shao1in: Clarie keeps typing on my computer where in school

Default avatar.png .shao1in: i don't need help

Default avatar.png .shao1in: im fine my keyboard is fine

cLaIRe.smith: who is claire my name is your mom

Default avatar.png .shao1in: you are ;-;

cLaIRe.smith: niot

cLaIRe.smith: not

cLaIRe.smith: tell shalon to give me beck my lanyard

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Kids these days...


cLaIRe.smith: shut up

Default avatar.png .shao1in: no

pingi2015: this is an interesting monologue

Default avatar.png .shao1in: VERY

eulerscheZahl: did anyone call for a ban hammer?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Automaton2000 your point?

Default avatar.png .shao1in: no

cLaIRe.smith: i was talking to the person who said kids theies days

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: but i need a friend

cLaIRe.smith: i am not your friend

Default avatar.png .shao1in: rude

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Oya eulerscheZahl o/

cLaIRe.smith: shut up shaolin

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Yeah cLaIRe.smith called for :hammer:

eulerscheZahl: kick for now, but ban is near

eulerscheZahl: the main question: which mod will be the first to lose patience?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Still mods on this chan ?

jacek: lets ask Automaton2000

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: no idea, but i think a lot of problems

eulerscheZahl: no, let's not ask Automaton

Default avatar.png .shao1in: ok

struct: lucky

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: "The Automaton2000 is in another castle. - Toad"

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: let me see if i can find the puzzle of the week

eulerscheZahl: "lucky" as in "struct was about to ban"?

struct: I was waiting for a bit more

cLaIRe.smith: hi

Default avatar.png .shao1in: wait whta

cLaIRe.smith: i left ande re joined so now ni can cha

eulerscheZahl: behave better this time or you can't get back that easily

struct: o.o

Default avatar.png Katelynn.Morg.: hi

cLaIRe.smith: 111bg.`jko

eulerscheZahl: "Warning, Kick, Ban: notify the abuser with a public warning first, then kick if necessary, then ban if necessary" sticking to the protocol

cLaIRe.smith: sorry my key bored dose not work very well

struct: sorry i have no patience

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Proto? what?

eulerscheZahl: > cLaIRe.smith has been banned by struct.

Uljahn: :thumbsup:

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: :wave:

Default avatar.png .shao1in: thank you

Default avatar.png 987RPZ: hello world!

jacek: would something like optim for br2048 be feasible?

eulerscheZahl: optimize for touchdowns in game?

eulerscheZahl: technically: of course it's doable

eulerscheZahl: not sure if interesting, as you know I usually skip the physics games

jacek: so do i

struct: would it be that different from SR?

eulerscheZahl: you can pick your own ball (next checkpoint)

eulerscheZahl: but probably it would result in reusing most of the code

jacek: just a loose thought. just like search race is solo csb, the optim would be solo br2k

jacek: like get as most balls as possible in shortest time

pengie: anyone here a girl?

pengie: i know c++

eulerscheZahl: but what if br2k == csb?

pengie: i no know engwish

pengie: こにちは

pengie: せんぱいさん

struct: English or kick

pengie: o o sowie

eulerscheZahl: "sowie" is German

pengie: NOOOOO

pengie: IM ENGLISH


eulerscheZahl: yeah, kick that carnivore

struct: it was because he is english

jacek: :scream:

surgutti: @jacek what did you used in br2024 visualization, and why white theme?

Joshua_Soto926: no

eulerscheZahl: 2024? that number looks off

eulerscheZahl: I say that as a programmer and as someone living in the present

surgutti: *2048

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: Living in the present is so 2021...

surgutti: although I am in the math class, I have a slight dyscalculia

jacek: oO

jacek: its java gui stuff

jacek: jframe jpanel etc

Default avatar.png davidpusmc: I hate when people don't share their code in clash. what are you protecting lol

Default avatar.png davidpusmc: I wanna see what this guy did different :cry:

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: He won.

surgutti: oh, im coding csb and looking for some nice way to check the physics and stuff, but im in c++ and wont change to slow java.

Default avatar.png davidpusmc: lmao no he didn't I just wanna see how hes programming in php lol

jacek: well i have the search race thingy in c++ qt


DomiKo: you can always try c++ SFML. It's pretty easy framwork

Default avatar.png flakerimi: @davidpusmc, I agree.

Miki09: Whats the easiest very hard puzzle?

struct: probably The Resistance or Shadows of the knight 2

eulerscheZahl: spaze maze

eulerscheZahl: space*

eulerscheZahl: the hardest puzzle that is not in "very hard": freecell

Miki09: thanks

Schwase: recurring decimals is pretty do-able

eulerscheZahl: first we should decide if we take community puzzles into consideraetion

Default avatar.png flakerimi: with php is impossible to get shortest code challenge

eulerscheZahl: it's also impossible to beat C++ in terms of sim count. choose the right tool for your problem

eulerscheZahl: you don't eat soup with a spoon either

struct: I do euler

eulerscheZahl: fork*

eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

eulerscheZahl: i'm not that experienced in soup consumption

struct: not common in germany?

eulerscheZahl: at least not for me. i don't care about what's common in general

eulerscheZahl: but I realized that it's more common in Austria (at least in the part of it where i've been)

struct: in portugal is very common

eulerscheZahl: seen 2 restaurants where the soup is included in your lunch in Austria

Joshua_Soto926: so i´m a young developer younger than you think i´m just wondering where i should start

jacek: fomr the beginning

eulerscheZahl: from home. avoid the virus

Schwase: at what point do you go from "wanting to be a developer" to being a "developer"?

eulerscheZahl: with your first paycheck i would say

Joshua_Soto926: ayo @jacek it´s from not fomr

Uljahn: nice catch :tada:

Joshua_Soto926: ok :upside_down:

Joshua_Soto926: legend of zelda type game ideas i need them

Default avatar.png yourmomanddad: ayo can someone help me

Joshua_Soto926: @yourmomanddad

Joshua_Soto926: @yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad@yourmomanddad

Joshua_Soto926: idk why i did that:confused:

eulerscheZahl: don't do it again

Joshua_Soto926: yeah i agree that i won´t do it again

jacek: i think its the mod presences that provoke that kind of behaviour

Westicles: freecell isn't too tough

eulerscheZahl: do you want to see another strike to confirm your hypothesis jacek?

Joshua_Soto926: no it´s my mom that provokes that kind of behaviour @jacek

eulerscheZahl: 2 things annoy me at freecell:

  • the autoplay feature
  • how can you publish such a thing as a creator without having a working solution yourself? how can you even judge difficulty that way?

BlaiseVonEbuthIV: "Was my mom writing" first time I hear this one :D

jacek: well, with that strike my urge for trolling subsided a little

Westicles: Lanfeust has a very clean 600 line solution. I have a nice 900 liner that was mostly from some chinese guy I happen to know

eulerscheZahl: still a lot for the hard category

jacek: with chinese characters?

Westicles: nah, mostly english

jacek: mostly :thinking:

jacek: freecell: Community success rate: 5% :thinking:

jacek: also, i 5-starred it

Default avatar.png Mar-Cos: what is the best way to learn C#?

jacek: learn java. then wear glasses to C# :drum:

Anventia: lol

Default avatar.png flickixYT: lol

jacek: Automaton2000 how to learn c#

Default avatar.png Automaton2000: i hate when that happens

jacek: oh my

Default avatar.png holdendeeez: :ok_woman_tone2:

Default avatar.png Holden_James7: :rage:

Default avatar.png GirlHolden: :kissing_heart:

Default avatar.png Zak_P: I have no idea where to start on here..

Default avatar.png GirlHolden: cope

Default avatar.png holdendeeez: same brother

Default avatar.png Holden_James7: I concur

jacek: start?

Default avatar.png Zak_P: It gives three paths and I don't know which one is best to start learning from. Should I do A.I. algorithms or clash?

jacek: clash might seem easier but there is not much value in it

jacek: algorithms would be better fit for beginning

Default avatar.png Zak_P: Ok, Ill start there. Thank you!

Default avatar.png n0b1e: hi, for challenge of the week I managed to get all test cases except 4 and 5 (large number input), any tips for the large number inputs?

GamingGnawer: which is the puzzle of the week?


Default avatar.png n0b1e: thanks jacek yes its that one

Default avatar.png n0b1e: have been stuck for a while now

jacek: have you read the forum

darkhorse64: use 64 bit integer for calcculation. Other tip: brute force does not work

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png n0b1e: thanks for the tip much appreciated and jacek yes i have checked it out thanks

jacek: of course someone named 64 would recommend using 64bit

Westicles: I used __int128_t

GamingGnawer: so... brutefocing didn't work.. but I guess you already figured that out ;)

darkhorse64: 32 is so last millenium

darkhorse64: the forum gives so many hints it spoils the puzzle

Default avatar.png n0b1e: thanks a lot tbh i tried to stay away from forums for that reason lol

Default avatar.png n0b1e: i think i got it

GamingGnawer: Great! I wanted to try something cheeky by pre-computing chunks and making a shorcuts for the brute force algorithm.,,

GamingGnawer: But i could only do about 10 000 000 per run, target to reach i around.... 4611686018427387904

GamingGnawer: so that was a Baaad idea ;P

Default avatar.png n0b1e: haha yeah tried something along those lines too ended miserably :D

GamingGnawer: I think I woul have need 100 million if else -statements befor the brute force even started XD

Default avatar.png n0b1e: yeah :DD

Manchi_o6o7: Hey guys. Can someone help me out why are these two different calls of my constructor.

Manchi_o6o7: Point x(2, 2); Point z(4, 1); Rectangle myRec((2,2), (4,1)); Rectangle myRecTwo(x, z);

Manchi_o6o7: the first call is setting my y coordinates to zero, the second one works

Default avatar.png Stephen20: Can anyone recommend any websites where I can learn python?

Default avatar.png Stephen20: My level is intermediate

TiopazHc: Te extraño wontonimo :'v

astora: really tough trying to complete a clash solution in under 3 minutes for the challenge. is C# possibly holding back my speed? are other languages quicker?

TiopazHc: yes

Default avatar.png PB-79: hey guys can someone help me cuz i am struggling with one puzzle and only got 76% and i dont know where is my mistake

Default avatar.png n0b1e: which puzzle pb?

Default avatar.png PB-79: horse-racing hyperduals

Default avatar.png PB-79: i finally thought i got it figured out and bam 3 test cases are failing and i dont know why

Default avatar.png PB-79: bam = boom*

Default avatar.png n0b1e: I put all the powers in a list, sorted them, got the len of that list created a new list comparing the old list than sorted that too and printed the 0 of that new list

Default avatar.png n0b1e: theres a much easier condensed solution but I would be giving too much away lol

Default avatar.png PB-79: do u have discord

Default avatar.png PB-79: I wont call u dont worry only want to ask 1 or 2 questions :)

Default avatar.png n0b1e: Sure send me your discord in dm

struct: you can also press hints on the left

struct: ah hyperduals sorry

struct: But you dont really need to sort since N <= 600

struct: O(N^2) should work

n0b1e: yep true thanks for the input struct


Codyz: help me solve this puzzle

struct: have you checked the hints?

nullaf: right

WolfChen: Hello, I wonder that is there a command to print a log in codingame?

WolfChen: Such as console.log

struct: yes there is

struct: console.error

struct: it will still show in ide though

struct: but it wont make illegal outputs

WolfChen: Thank you, let me give it a try

Default avatar.png intellagent: java is such a terrible language for coding competitions. 20 lines of java == 3 lines of python

Default avatar.png intellagent: this is a fantastic site, found a gold mine. it actually makes coding fun!

Default avatar.png asioud: it keeps saying "SyntaxError: invalid non-printable character U+00AD" and i dont get why

Default avatar.png asioud: anyone know the cause?

struct: what are you tring to print?

Default avatar.png asioud: if v_speed ­­­­­> -35:

       print(0, 0)

Default avatar.png asioud: the mars lander episode 2 if you know it

Thorcode: bruh

Default avatar.png asioud: is it obvious?

struct: There is nothing wrong on that code

Thorcode: I will not print that in mars lander ep 2

Default avatar.png asioud: struct do u have a discord i can show u the code

struct: send it on pm or something

Thorcode: asioud shall we solved that puzzle together

Default avatar.png asioud: lmao

Default avatar.png asioud: solved it already

Thorcode: wow

Default avatar.png Avocari: So one question:

Default avatar.png Avocari: Game information:

struct: maybe the validator is slightly different

Thorcode: or this is not the last test case?

Default avatar.png Avocari: it is

Default avatar.png Avocari: after 10 runs with same result I now finally got it ^^

Wontonimo: W :O W

n0b1e: hi anyone know how to convert an interger to base 9, but with no 0s using python3?

n0b1e: i have a long way but would like a more condensed solution

Wontonimo: with no zeros?

Wontonimo: like, using a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i ?

struct: does 0 equal 1, 1 equal 2 and so on?

Wontonimo: so weird

struct: sounds like a clash

Wontonimo: how do you print 7 + 2 ?

Wontonimo: 1?

Wontonimo: no, definitely base 9 comes up a lot in financial transactions in Germany but the whole "no zero" thing seems more like Brazil.

struct: guess we will never know

Wontonimo: :thinking:

Wontonimo: the practical applications are endless

Thorcode: what is base 9

struct: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Thorcode: thanks

Thorcode: print 30-21?

struct: so base 10 9 == 10 on base 9

Thorcode: really

struct: well you can check it yourself to confirm


n0b1e: yeah sorry for late response but base 9 with no zeros. like a function translates n into base 9 with its digits 1-9

n0b1e: its a part of a solution for a puzzle here im just looking to optimize

n0b1e: so normal base 9 is 0-8 but i want 1-9 if that makes sense

IndecisionTree: Sounds like the puzzle of the week

n0b1e: yep

n0b1e: it is

n0b1e: i have a long code for it and i want to condense, any tips

IndecisionTree: No idea. I just solved it too, but by just mimicing the test patterns. I dont understand the reason behind the actual solutions.

n0b1e: ah I see, it seems by working with base 9 and 10 i can get a solution v similar to test cases

IndecisionTree: Also, you can check the 'solutions' tab if you've solved it already to see other people's more elegant solutions

n0b1e: Okay sounds good

OofButBetter: :taco::bellhop: