Chat:World/2021-11-05 bruh why is simple auto-scaling so hard
MSmits: bruh
derjack: sees
**rizonbro slaps uljahn: sends a slap action around a bit with a large fishbot
rizonbro: rizonschool_will_join_the_chatroom channel.
[CG]Thibaud: we've extending the duration of the Fall challenge to allow late teams to participate Mudabir HunterX
[CG]Thibaud: we're*
rizonbro: you stupid
rizonbro: msg Uljahn : starts a private
[CG]Thibaud: rizonbro first warning
rizonbro: nooooooooo
rizonbro: pls
rizonbro: I dont do that anymore
rizonbro: plwssssssssssssssssss
**rizonbro message: sends an action message.
rizonbro: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
rizonbro: pls
JHBonarius: e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
derjack: oO
MSmits: is that what you've been doing after you left us JHBonarius?
MSmits: cheating on us with math...
rizonbro: plassssssssssss
rizonbro: plas
rizonbro: I am sorry guys
MSmits: niet plassen in de chat
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: English here MSmits :angry:
MSmits: hey, i was just helping him out with some friendly advice in his own language
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Indonesian?
MSmits: Dutch
MSmits: He was speaking Dutch so...
MSmits: we colonized it before and now they are peeing in the chat as a form of revenge maybe
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Yeah. Know this feeling when schoolguys from Reunion come spam #fr at 7pm...
MSmits: yeah thats exactly the same thing
MSmits: hey do we have 1 second at the start of counting TTT?
MSmits: it just says. Response time per turn ≤ 100ms
MSmits: but a lot of games neglect mentioning the full second
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Read the referee.
MSmits: lazy, but ok
rizonbro: stupid I am sooooooooooo stupid
OzzWizard: ok
rizonbro: here school higth
rizonbro: help me guys I am girl
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: No surgeon here...
rizonbro: wait what
rizonbro: noo I am girl
FreeVbucksOnxGames: so bad suck cock so bad explanations
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Poets...
rizonbro: fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NotGoodatall: hi
dinopriyano: hiii
Milanovich: Hey, i'm doing the weekly puzzle and i'm beating the Boss in the first league, when/how do i get promoted?
MSmits: when you rank above the boss and your submit is done
MSmits: (Test in arena makes a submission)
Milanovich: BATTLES IN PROGRESS 49% ah so when this reaches 100%?
MSmits: if you rank above boss then yes
MSmits: if you win vs boss and lose vs other players, you migth fail
Milanovich: Thanks alot :)
MSmits: any time
MSmits: btw, you say beating boss, but there are like 40 arenas
MSmits: you speak as if there is 1 :)
Milanovich: Right, so i'm only beating the boss in the first arena xD
MSmits: there is no first
MSmits: thats just 1 of many
MSmits: there is no order to them
MSmits: unless you mean leagues within a single arena
MSmits: mad pod racing has several
MSmits: you could play a different game at any moment, you're just playing that one right now
Milanovich: This is my first attempt at bot programming, ill take a look at that link to understand it a bit more. I thought each league had its own boss to beat or something.
MSmits: it does
MSmits: but there are many games
MSmits: a new league is just the same game with more rules or better opponents
Milanovich: I had a lower score than Boss 1 in the end haha, and i was so confident too. Anyway talk to you later
MSmits: good luck, you'll get there
MSmits: there is some randomness in submissions
MSmits: having 50+% winrate vs boss means you will probably promote if you submit multiple times
GamingGnawer: what is "best practice" for solwing harder puzzles or writing better bots , should I be developing in a standalone IDE with debugger and file-strucutres support and then only use the browser for verification?
Or am I better off doing all my coding on the site?
MSmits: definitely don't do all your coding here
MSmits: I just use visual studio
MSmits: others use more tools. Up to you
MSmits: I don't bother with multiple files btw. I just work in a giant file for a bot. But some people do use separate file and join those files before sending to CG
MSmits: I never used those tools so dont ask me about those :)
GamingGnawer: ok, thanks! I just noticed there is an extension for syncing with external files, which should make the whoel thing easier!
MSmits: yeah there is
GamingGnawer: Can I also get the extension to download test-cases or do I have to implement them manually if I want to use debugger on them?
Dedytes: Hey, can you listen my mixtape ? Please ! It's fire !
-oa-: Are threads supported for the bot-games? If so, how many can run concurrently?
darkhorse64: No
-oa-: rip
-oa-: ok
dydyxX_04: someone would know how to find my erection problem
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Is it as small that you need help to find it?
darkhorse64: :see_no_evil:
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :spy:
ftg93420: Bonjour tout le monde
MSmits: #fr
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :french_bread:
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Didn't saw you at halloween MSmits, you missed the fantastic euler's Sweeney Toad costume...
MSmits: aw damnit
derjack: :upside_down:
dydyxX_04: why I love men and the sweat between their butts
MSmits: why are you spoiling the title of your autobiography
Schwase: gottem
dydyxX_04: Why do I have a pimple on my dick?
MSmits: most searched google phrases ?
KalamariKing: wtf did i join to
MSmits: sorry :P
MSmits: will stop feeding
Luigis3: I was responding to what dydyxX_04 said
MSmits: Luigis3 I suspect we aren't to view this as a medical help channel
Luigis3: Not too familiar with the rules but I apologize for what I said
DylanGTech: On a whole different topic, I actually got curious today about how recursion could ever be more useful or efficient than a series of loops
rashadsprings3: hello
MSmits: DylanGTech i think that depends on the language
MSmits: the way it handles the stack of function calls
MSmits: functional programming languages are better at this I believe
DylanGTech: I found the Tree Traversal example of recursion, and I suddenly had like a flashback moment to when my college professor made me write tree traversal library in C with AND without recursion
DylanGTech: It wa sa multi-week assignment thankfully
MSmits: tree traversal is just very hard to do without recursion
DylanGTech: It's a bummer because I have forgotten a LOT about trees since that time
FaisalDev: HELLO
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :evergreen_tree:
MSmits: :palm_tree:
MSmits: mmh blaise, it looks a lot like your name is butthill now...
DylanGTech: Back to what you were saying though MSmits, my understanding is that the languages that use recursion effectively just convert it into a loop when compiled, right? I can imagine interpreted languages struggle with this a lot more
MSmits: the extra III is unflattering :P
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :unamused:
MSmits: DylanGTech i'm not sure exactly but functional programming is very different.
MSmits: if by a loop you mean repeated instruction then probably yes
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Not my fault if they prefer add loading yellow pie than space support in nicknames...
MSmits: I agree that's not your fault
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Automaton2000! The Firefox console display a turtle next to if you launch a network analysis! :rofl:
Automaton2000: if you remember the name
MSmits: turtle is a bad thing?
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Bad? Just slooowwww... :turtle:
MSmits: steady wins the race
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Don't think the fable's turtle was carrying half the js libraries and web trackers... :smirk:
MSmits: no, but it uses shell scripting
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :clown:
MSmits: only in c++ can you overwrite an array with 4x the size of itself using memcpy and then only suffer a weird error output and still win a game
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Of course.
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: dbdr'll say "Use rust, it's mem safe :nerd:"
MSmits: with rust I would have crashed
MSmits: I won!
AllYourTrees: did someone say rust
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: I'm not someone
AllYourTrees: oh nm then
rashadsprings3: what are yall talkin bout
MSmits: turtles
Martin17: Hi, welcome :)
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Hello new here.
AntiSquid: we dont like new ppl go away new
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Evil mod! :scream:
MSmits: I agree with buthill, that's evil
AntiSquid: wasnt talking to bianca
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :thinking:
AntiSquid: it's not evil, it's exorcistic
MSmits: is that a word?
AntiSquid: sure
MSmits: ok
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Yeah! CG Survey!
AntiSquid: i just created it, but it's not uncommon in books to find newly made up words, so it's a legit word :P
MSmits: it needs time before it's a legit word. you need to repeat it every day several times for 3 years or something
MSmits: so get crackin'
Wontonimo: hey new people :wave:
MSmits: hey Wontonimo
MSmits: I've been beating your counting TTT bot with a silly bot that's kind of cheating
Wontonimo: the people here are actually helpful if you ask questions directly (and don't ask for your code to be rewritten)
Wontonimo: that's fun MSmits
MSmits: for a little while I am moving on now
MSmits: It's just mirroring your move until it solves the game, then it plays the solved moves
Wontonimo: if it is the "mirror once winning" cheat, that's fine
MSmits: not mirror once winning
MSmits: mirror until solve
Wontonimo: nice
MSmits: I just solve a bit sooner I guess
Wontonimo: that's actually not so bad
MSmits: I use negamax + ab + TT + a weak form of move ordering
Wontonimo: the first person leads the mirror, but the second player can diverge at any time for a win
MSmits: I think it's possible to solve islands separately, but thats hard and i cant be bothered
MSmits: Wontonimo actually no, player 1 can keep mirroring
MSmits: he just mirrors the diverged moves
MSmits: the only reason my solve sometimes wins is that not everyone mirrors, so it makes use of that
Wontonimo: ah, so now p2 is leading the mirror, but it's off by one
MSmits: yeah
Wontonimo: oh
Wontonimo: so sad
MSmits: yeah, it needs a fix
Wontonimo: oh well
MSmits: which is why i am stopping here
Wontonimo: good call
Wontonimo: i like the idea of just adding a few random initial moves or dead squares
MSmits: bot cant lose, but it also cant climb very fast if it can only draw against the best players and against mirror-ers
MSmits: yeah that should work
MSmits: wafflez says it also works to use an odd size
MSmits: and it may, but I am not 100% sure
Wontonimo: i don't want to code dead squares, but i think dead squares is "more fair" than random moves
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: all you need is an assymetric map
Wontonimo: it was fun for a while at least
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: all you need is love
Wontonimo: oh, like a maze
MSmits: indeed blaise
Wontonimo: and water, food, and shelter
MSmits: that follows automatically from love
MSmits: people who love you will feed you
Wontonimo: i don't know about you, but I don't trade love for those thing. That occupation has a name
MSmits: hey that's not what i meant :P
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :thinking: business?
Wontonimo: haha
Wontonimo: guaranteed person basic income is all you need
Wontonimo: it also solves the love trade thing (mostly)
MSmits: it's the perfect fix for unemployment
MSmits: people will work part-time because of it and then everyone who wants a job has a job. Just gotta tune the right amount of the basic income
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Automaton2000 this chat turns red!
Automaton2000: this is my first time doing it
Wontonimo: :scream:
martinpapa69: Automaton2000==chat?
Automaton2000: i don't like the coderpad news. i think it will be fun
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :grin:
martinpapa69: ok he is drunk again
jacek: oh my
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Pretty lucid in fact...
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Anyway. New meeting report
jacek: post it in discord memes
MSmits: where does the yellow pie appear?
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Reload the page.
jacek: MSmits has fast internet
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Me too but I still see it for 1 or 2 seconds
MSmits: i saw it!
MSmits: was very quick though
MSmits: I think they should slow it down. I did not fully enjoy it
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Post it yourself jacek, discord is out of my circumscription.
Wontonimo: i like the yellow loading pie
MSmits: me too, but it's too fast
Wontonimo: it's way better than the very slow yellow loading line at the top of the page
MSmits: is that still there?
MSmits: oh right
MSmits: it's too thin
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: "If nobody can see the problem, there's no problem"
MSmits: Wontonimo
Wontonimo: that's why some of the devs where I work make their application pages blank
MSmits: you can see what the mirroring does
Wontonimo: i know, mirroring is *the way to go* in this game
MSmits: top 3 are prolly just good bots.
Wontonimo: i just haven't done it
MSmits: but if I had a better solver I'd beat them too
MSmits: well i did beat nr 3
Wontonimo: nr?
MSmits: rank 3
MSmits: got 1 win, rest draws
MSmits: so he is not mirroring
MSmits: neither is rank 1 and 2 i think
MSmits: but my solver is not good enough to beat them. They play the best moves at the end as well, so they just draw
Wontonimo: yeah, my bot is total overkill for the low rank that it is. My solver is being beaten by heuristic-only bots
MSmits: ah yeah, i suppose you can get into wood 1 with just heuristics
MSmits: i didnt manage too. I did another 500 line just to get into wood 1 :P
P3N1SL0V3R: is there a way to change my nickname?
MSmits: reminds me of when i solved the game to get from wood 2 to wood 1 in D&B :P
P3N1SL0V3R: I'm sitting in class and i dont want my teacher to see my user
Wontonimo: i was very surprised. the boss is a solver that plays many thousand full playouts :( , so obviously the way it is doing random playouts is shortsighted
MSmits: yeah you can do it in profile options
MSmits: ohh, so it's not a bad boss then
MSmits: usually those bosses are just a random move, or a 1 line heuristic
MSmits: btw I am a teacher and I already saw your user so
Wontonimo: it is my bot, but obviously my bot needs serious work if it can be beaten with a fairly simple heuristic. I just have no idea what that heuristic could be
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: :eggplant::heart:
MSmits: me neither, i was just counting 3 in a rows depth 0 and it was not enough toget to wood 1
MSmits: Btw. I solved 6x8 C4 earlier today. took less than 2 million nodes. But still working on 11x4 with over 30 million nodes searched
MSmits: the width is so much more important than the height
Wontonimo: hehe ... you are loving that game and your solver
MSmits: yup
MSmits: solved this so far
Wontonimo: what have i done lately? Not much. I started to write a new contribution based on WFC (wave function collapse) for automatic content generation
MSmits: sure.... solve one of the major problems in quantum physics and then use it to auto generate more cat memes
Wontonimo: it is based on this repo
MSmits: ohh thats not quantum physics
Wontonimo: nope, it just borrows ideas from it
MSmits: I see
MSmits: sounds really cool
Wontonimo: for a pretty neat solver that propagates pattern probabilities
Wontonimo: i've not figured out how to do it in a computationally efficient way
Wontonimo: but i really haven't spent much time on it
MSmits: well it's a nice project
MSmits: I'm thinking about nine mens morris
MSmits: it's finally out there
MSmits: this is one i know i can solve easily with available hardware, but could still be hard to code
MSmits: and making a good bot from that is not easy
MSmits: but you can train a nn using only supervised learning which is cool
Wontonimo: the paths remind me of pacman
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Yet another yellow pie...
jacek: :v
Wontonimo: if you encode the paths and positions, then it is a 13x13 bitboard
MSmits: you mean for nine mens morris Wontonimo?
Wontonimo: yes
MSmits: I would only use 2x 32 bit for this
Wontonimo: ah, i thought you could play all along the outside
Wontonimo: *lag*
MSmits: yeah laggy
MSmits: it has the most symmetry of any board game on CG afaik
MSmits: square rotation/mirror = 8x
MSmits: but because you can switch inner and outer ring it's 16x
jacek: even more than Y?
jacek: :scream:
jacek: and 9mm is apparently occupied by most french
jacek: in the meantime, no one talks about puzzle of the week? :thinking:
MSmits: yep more than Y
MSmits: didnt see it
MSmits: is it paper soccer?
jacek: night of war
jacek: paper soccer was during earlier contest :unamused:
MSmits: ahh
Wontonimo: that looks like a neat multi
PluckyPenguin: how do i capture blocks in night of war? is it the ones i can walk to or is it the ones i attack and win?
Illedan: When you walk on them
PluckyPenguin: thanks :)
jacek: i think euler had some issues with night of war, being it unbalanced
PluckyPenguin: So if I need to walk on a tile to make it mine and there is someone 2 spaces away from me i want to attack, does that mean I will get 2 spaces or 1?
Wontonimo: attacking doesn't move your piece
Wontonimo: it just costs money and kills them
PluckyPenguin: ah ok. there goes my "boost" idea lol
MSmits: not the weirdest thing anyone has ever thought reading a CG ruleset
MSmits: I remember thinking my sub could teleport to any part on the map by surfacing :P
PluckyPenguin: speaking of weird things....
PluckyPenguin: does anyone know of a vscode plugin that works with codingame? Not a huge fan of the web based IDE and i'm lazy....CTRL+C - CTRL+V is too many keystrokes
MSmits: sorry cant help you there. I am pretty lazy but not that lazy :P
zero_one: a while ago I had a userscript which synced a local file into the IDE
MSmits: i just do the copy paste from visual studio
Wontonimo: spending 2 days finding, building, installing, and debugging a plugin to save 2 key strokes ... only a programmer would do
PluckyPenguin: lol fair enough i'll stop being so lazy :P
MSmits: well there's ways to do these things PluckyPenguin, i just dont know them
PluckyPenguin: maybe i could even write my own...have to learn the basic hello-world equivalent of a plugin first
zero_one: haven't tried it, but sounds promising
MSmits: i dont think that works
MSmits: very old
MSmits: but you can take the code and adapt it maybe
PluckyPenguin: sounds like a massive detour this...i'll stick to the challenge for now but thanks all :)
MSmits: hf :)
jacek: challenge?
MSmits: weekly puzzle i guess
PluckyPenguin: Night of war im doing atm
jacek: ahh
_Gird_: how hello world to ehllo dlorw
jacek: good evening
brend0g: ilove children
VizGhar: Hi guys... very simple idea (implementable in like 8 hrs) for multi:
what do you think?
jacek: looks good
banshiicodes: i dont know how to code my teacher put me here oh god
AllYourTrees: gl
banshiicodes: :raised_hands_tone3:
Vintarel: lmao
jacek: oO
Vintarel: is it the best place to start learning code from scratch ?
jacek: unlikely
Nyemi: any platforms to introduce ??
Carnages: Mayby
Carnages: :dizzy_face:
Carnages: violent monkey
Franky-Boy: how do I find the answer?
Carnages: violentmonkey,,com
jacek: oO
banshiicodes: im confused
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Hi confused, I'm Blaise.
banshiicodes: ...
banshiicodes: :owl:
jacek: :drum:
jacek: Automaton2000 what blaise is doing
Automaton2000: you could also use c or rust
MemeSkreet: Hello there, I'm MemeSkreet and I know absolutely nothing about coding except it's hard.
MSmits: then you know absolutely nothing about coding because it's easy :)
Larnth: You're just like the rest of us.
MSmits: welcome
MSmits: tbh coding can be as easy or as hard as you make it
MSmits: I make 13 yr old kids draw pictures using code after a few hrs and no coding experience
MSmits: for them, coding is easy
jacek: talking about child labor ~
MSmits: yes, they do it for no pay either. So it's slavery
zero_one: I'm sure its about education ;)
MSmits: well that too i suppose :)
banshiicodes: well, that thread made me feel inadequate
MSmits: thread?
MemeSkreet: What thread?
MSmits: I think he failed at some needle stuff?
MSmits: not sure what he means, but some general advice: If you've never coded before, this is not the place to start. You can come here probably after a week or so spending some hours learning the basics. Many websites for that
MemeSkreet: What websites should I use?
MSmits: I havent learned to code lately, but codecademy is "ok". is supposedly better
MemeSkreet: I'll go check them out. brb
MSmits: I did the hour of code thing they have with some students. It's block code (not written code) , but it helps if you've never done it before
MSmits: on i mean
MSmits: you wont get stuck at least
MSmits: probably from there you can find other resources
MSmits: you should not have to pay anywhere i think. Enough free stuff
jacek: exactly
jacek: dont pay for papers either
MSmits: :rage:
MSmits: one time!
Master_Zain: helo
MSmits: hi napof and Master_Zain
Laatas: hello wordl
Laatas: *world
MemeSkreet: CodeAcademy is not being the biggest help and I just want to learn how written code works
MSmits: mmh
MSmits: try using this:
MSmits: make an account
MSmits: start drawing pictures. You can go as far with it as you want
MSmits: I made whole games with this
MSmits: I have a course for learning this but it's not public =/
MSmits: but you can learn it by experimenting using that manual and others
jacek: is this what you made octapawn in?
MSmits: yep
MSmits: tic tac toe as well
MSmits: plays perfectly, so i might as well have hardcoded the player score to 0 :P
MSmits: but literally just do:
MSmits: import turtle
MSmits: turtle.forward(100)
MSmits: and you got a line
MSmits: for i in range(4):
turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90)
MSmits: that's a square
MSmits: and so on
MSmits: if I were better at web stuff I'd try to make an interactive course thingy for public use
MSmits: but i suck at that
MSmits: which game?
jacek: thid?
MSmits: three hours in danger?
MSmits: no idea what you are going on about :P
jacek: :thinking:
MSmits: jacek do you know if nine mens morris has the 1 second start time?
PluckyPenguin: Has anyone done the code golf temperatures puzzle? I can't get validator 2 to pass :(
MSmits: probably has something to do with nearest to 0 being positive or negative
MSmits: use error output in between your coding lines
MSmits: to see if the code does what you expect
MSmits: that's almost always the way i find my errors
PluckyPenguin: hmm i'm pretty sure it's doing what I expect even with the error output but i may have found the issue in my way of thinking
jacek: MSmits dont all games have 1 second start?
MSmits: not sure
MSmits: PluckyPenguin I think it's not just a code golf puzzle, but also a normal puzzle
MSmits: and that one may have hints
PluckyPenguin: i've passed the normal puzzle version just going 2 copy my code to see if that works in this
MSmits: it should
MSmits: i just copied all my code to the golf puzzles when i saw that i could
jacek: i did time.sleep(0.85) in first turn and it didnt timeout
MSmits: ohh great thanks
PluckyPenguin: yep that my thought process is wrong. It was a good while ago since I passed the regular puzzle lol
MSmits: code golf does that to you
MSmits: it's intrinsically wrong
jacek: oh my, i think i found solution to angle discontinuation input
jacek: just make it 2 inputs - sin(angle), cos(angle) and theyll be smooth
woful: :flag_al:
MSmits: what did you use that for jacek?
jacek: search race nn
MSmits: ahh ok
jacek: where car angle 358 may become 10 but in reality its not much different
Laatas: hello
MSmits: right
MSmits: yeah using angles that way is not good
MSmits: sin/cos seems better
MSmits: surprised me for a second that you didnt run into this before, but i realized you mostly did boardgames
jacek: i only did board games
MSmits: oh so really the first then
MSmits: cool
jacek: also, this time i try ga/neuroevolution
MSmits: sounds funky
jacek: yeah, it works by just randomly tweaking weights, look at the red
jacek: of course so far its no match for good ol' GA, but im working on it
MSmits: whats the black one?
jacek: i dont remember, maybe 1st generation
MSmits: i remember you had one that just turns one way
jacek: they like turning a lot
MSmits: ah, dancing squares algorithm.
jacek: rectangles*
MSmits: couldn't tell, too fast
MSmits: hi beast
jacek: :no_mouth:
Wontonimo: oh no Neo, did Agent Smith take your mouth away again?
jacek: looks better doesnt it
PluckyPenguin: Any PHP people around? How are people getting sub 100 submissions in code golf's? It takes a minimum 24 chars to read something in from stdin
jacek: tricks :v
Westicles: python3 -c
H00n: As soon as a clash starts, I hear the windows XP shutdown sound and my brain just shuts down...
Wontonimo: good, you have ascended. Now work on more meaningful things like or
GamingGnawer: will night of war get more leagues?
jacek: no, its community game
jacek: no more than wood
YCSVenom: how i can check my recent clashes
TenOldMen: click on the bell on the top right
TenOldMen: notification
YCSVenom: no i mean reread it
Stephen10121: do you want to see a recent clash?
marcelodelazari: do you guys think that practicing here is good for code interviews?
zero_one: maybe, never had a interview where code was relevant
AnneNg01: lol i had a coding interview same like here. nailed it since it's relevant with what I did here but never got back from that company
Wontonimo: you are still stuck there? omg
Wontonimo: while you are stuck there AnneNg01, do something more meaningful things like
tiagopotencia: Hi, guys! Do you know a good challenge to practice big O notation?
Jerrasterix: do you mean optimization
Jerrasterix: you can't practice big O notation, Its a "notation"
tiagopotencia: ok optimization
tiagopotencia: But undestanding the Big O Notaion to know how complex an algorithm is
Jerrasterix: That's something, we look at in every puzzle
Jerrasterix: Most puzzles have separate test cases called crunch test for these
SoloTheCoder: is anyone here from 2020