Jerrasterix: Wontonimo, you forgot to look left again :joy:
Zardosh: ugh i just had the most anger inducing clash of code ever
VJsong02: which one Zardosh?
VJsong02: or well
VJsong02: what was the problem about
Zardosh: first lemme explain why it was anger inducing
Westicles: beetles in the anthill?
Zardosh: its cuz if i had 10 more seconds i would have finished it
VJsong02: was it shortest
Zardosh: fastest
VJsong02: oof
VJsong02: oh god those results are fucked
Zardosh: yea the problem had a lot of edge cases
Zardosh: i was almost at 100%
Zardosh: had to treat only one more case
Zardosh: and i knew how to do it
VJsong02: what was the problem about?
Zardosh: theres a random number between 1 and 100
Zardosh: two players (tom and jerry) take turns guessing
Zardosh: if the player guesses more than the actual number, i print 'Lower' and lower the boundary of possible numbers
Zardosh: same thing with 'Higher'
Zardosh: and if the player guesses the correct number, i print 'Correct'
Zardosh: but heres the catch
Zardosh: tom wanted to cheat
Zardosh: and he bribed me
VJsong02: relatable irl
VJsong02: i mean what
Zardosh: so whenever Jerry guessed the number, the number would actually increase by 1
Zardosh: and if it couldnt increase by 1, it would decrease by 1
VJsong02: that sounds cancer ngl
Zardosh: and if it couldnt be increased nor decreased, jerry would win
Zardosh: the last case i was about to finish was this last one
Zardosh: if i had 20 more seconds i would have finished it
Zardosh: i was so angry when it ended, cuz i didnt even have my 60% or so solution as my last submitted one
Zardosh: i had tested it with some prints after that
VJsong02: i think i know how you feel
VJsong02: it's like when i'm doing shortest and i spend 14 minutes golfing
VJsong02: and no one's submitted anything
VJsong02: and i think about how i would've gotten a free win if i just coded the problem normally
Zardosh: true
Jerrasterix: 3 bots in one clash... I have never them these many clash bots at once
Jerrasterix: how to get to top 1000s in CoC
Jerrasterix: I can't finish that achievement
Jerrasterix: :disappointed:
Zardosh: jeez i just got a pathfinding problem in coc
Jerrasterix: me too
Ftyghi: hi
Jerrasterix: hi
Ftyghi: follow me please
Ftyghi: @Everyone follow me please
Ftyghi: its your choice
Ftyghi: I follow whoever follow me
Jerrasterix: Don't worry, someone will follow you soon
Jerrasterix: and followers are here to compete with eachother
Zardosh: cmon bro who gave them the idea to put a pathfinding problem in CoC
Zardosh: if only we had a bit more time it would be doable
Jerrasterix: wait I will search and see who moderated them
Zardosh: i mean, if u are experienced with graph traversal and stuff then maybe u can pull it off
Zardosh: but for me as a beginner id need at least 5 more mins to do it
VJsong02: we just had a dynamic programming one
VJsong02: i got a solid 33%
VJsong02: :^)
Jerrasterix: did you finisih it Zardosh
Zardosh: i was close to finishing it
Jerrasterix: found it ttps://
Zardosh: but i didnt
Jerrasterix: he used Java :scream:
Jerrasterix: to solve
Zardosh: i'll try to continue solving it later to see how long it would have taken me
DarkLord__28: heya
Jerrasterix: hey
DarkLord__28: wassup
Jerrasterix: my internet connection is up as always
Jerrasterix: so nothing much
Thorcode: HI Zardosh i'm struggling with the challenges...
Jerrasterix: what challenge ??
Thorcode: After a while trying solution in onboard I know that almost all langague is likely to each other
Thorcode: so if I learn python sharp I could learn other easily
TheAvengingTurtle: No.
Thorcode: ?
Thorcode: why
Ftyghi: hi
Thorcode: alot of around level 3 guy here
TheAvengingTurtle: First because all languages aren't procedural ones. Try to learn a functional language, you gonna have good time.
Overbed: how to learn python cz i cant participate in these clash of codes
VJsong02: do kattis
VJsong02: solve hundreds of problems
VJsong02: when you know python as good as english
VJsong02: you can farm clashes
VinhDaDen: I want to solo code with everybody
VJsong02: or well
Thorcode: join codewars
VJsong02: whatever your native language is
TheAvengingTurtle: Second, because python is pretty high level. Try to learn C or C++ after python, you gonna sweat when pointers will come.
Thorcode: high level?
VJsong02: python is high level af
VJsong02: it's basically english
Thorcode: really
VJsong02: you know what high/low level means right
Thorcode: well I'm looking for ruby and php
Thorcode: yep
Thorcode: but what af mean
VJsong02: as fuck
Thorcode: ?
VJsong02: af = as fuck
TheAvengingTurtle: Already said to you to not DM like this Thorcode.Not with this acount though, but same for every account. We're speaking on #world, stay on #world.
Thorcode: ok
Thorcode: you like husoki
TheAvengingTurtle: Low level is close of machine language, high level close to human one.
Thorcode: ok
Thorcode: TheAvengingTurtle when you said that
TheAvengingTurtle: With another account.
Thorcode: oh
Thorcode: husoki
dievasen7: HI
vaeng: Python is quick to write and has a lot of qol elements that makes it easy to use in these clashes. but it's pretty satisfying to beat them python guys with c++
TheAvengingTurtle: husoki?
Thorcode: right you taonly husoki told me that
Thorcode: only husoki told me that
VJsong02: it's also satisfying to see the cancer c++ puzzle solution you've spent hours on finally work
Thorcode: ok
TheAvengingTurtle: Well I'm sure I told you that and I'm not husoki...
Thorcode: how
Thorcode: who else told me that ?????
TheAvengingTurtle: I'm honestly sure a lot of people told you that... -_-
Thorcode: no
Thorcode: to my memory only Husoki told me that
TheAvengingTurtle: But you ignore them :smirk;
TheAvengingTurtle: Bad memory so :D
VJsong02: i mean it's common knowledge
Thorcode: and I checked all message
VJsong02: so i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people say that
Thorcode: so who are you TheAvengingTurtle
TheAvengingTurtle: That's a secret. :zipper_mouth:
Thorcode: probably Husoki
TheAvengingTurtle: If you want...
Thorcode: so who are you TheAvengingTurtle I will check in message on codingame
VJsong02: what's up with this guy...
Thorcode: I need to check my stupid brain
Thorcode: cuz I remember almost everyone caht rule I chat with them
Thorcode: when
Jerrasterix: probably your raizobro
Jerrasterix: or some dud like that
AntiSquid: that 2 hour contest is still up ?
Jerrasterix: yup only closes down on Nov. 4 1600 UTC
rizonbro: hi guys
NguyenAnhQuandev: HELLO
TheAvengingTurtle: Don't scream please...
NguyenAnhQuandev: WHY
darkhorse64: Because it hurts our ears
TheAvengingTurtle: Exactly.
TheAvengingTurtle: Oya darkhorse64 btw o/
darkhorse64: \o/
Jerrasterix: This is your third account right ??
derjack: oO
Uljahn: me too
_.Martin_.: who knows how to do this
Uljahn: Automaton2000: help me
Automaton2000: it was a good idea
_.Martin_.: the 2nd one scattered mountain
_.Martin_.: im using javascript
Uljahn: for "The descent" puzzle there are hints on the left panel
Ajdahor: Hello guys. I have a question about how I can write a value in the console. Well, now i play in Clash of code game and i must write conde and turn to play testcase, but I can't write a value in the console and i see only error. but in the code, I have the readline command. I write in c#. what problem and how this working?
Jerrasterix: can you share the code please
Ragin76er: Console.WriteLine();
Ragin76er: Or Console.Write(); if you don't want a line break on every write to the console
Jerrasterix: you need to have the variable name you have to print inside the brackets
PaloAlto: Hello, i'm new, somebody know where can i found good ressources to learn OCaml ?
Jerrasterix: Hello, PaloAlto new coding or to this site
PaloAlto: New to this site, i'm also a beginner in code :S
Jerrasterix: have you tried the official documentation PaloAlto ??
Jerrasterix: you don't have to type "answer" and all
Jerrasterix: just print N
PaloAlto: you think it's a good start to get in step ?
Jerrasterix: Nope, its too deep for beginners
PaloAlto: I'm looking for something more "beginner friendly" step by step i guess
Scarfield: not that i know
Scarfield: oh same link, but google is your friend ;)
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: LmgtfyField
PaloAlto: Thank you so much @scarfield & @Jerrasterix
Scarfield: what is that non-bleu avatar xD
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: TheBlueBan
Scarfield: lol
DarkLord__28: heya
MikeyT: :frog:
Leirn: Hi Guys. Anyone has solved "Breach" ? I managed to get all the locks, there is a strange behaviour on one from the system
jacek: huh
AllYourTrees: i think they need help
Leirn: Who doesn't :)
jacek: _Royale is this NN in onitama?
_Royale: jacek: yes
jacek: :scream:
_Royale: same for you I guess ?
jacek: yes
_Royale: :scream_cat:
jacek: getting right inputs was tricky
Atharv-.-: :)
jacek: :upside_down:
visva: yoooo
visva: anyone there
visva: ???
Kroketych: yo
visva: yo
visva: u play valorant
visva: ???
Kroketych: anyone know how CoC ranking works?
Kroketych: nah
visva: I play that
visva: whats ur tag
Kroketych: i quit playing games a few weeks ago to focus more on coding
Kroketych: tag?
visva: how old are u
Kroketych: 16
visva: me too
visva: u in canada
visva: ??
Kroketych: nah dude i'm czech
visva: what???
Kroketych: LOL
visva: idk what thaat means
Kroketych: do you know where germany is?
visva: nah
Kroketych: uhhh
Kroketych: well
jacek: next to australia
visva: lmao thats an island
Kroketych: yeah close enough
Kroketych: oh there's hope
visva: lol
visva: u know html
visva: ??
Kroketych: yeah
Kroketych: they teach html in our computer science lesson at my school
visva: damn
visva: I learned that in 8th grade
Kroketych: regarding czechia - i live about 6 thousand kilometers east of canada
visva: I am learning java and c++ at the same time
Kroketych: i know some html but so far it's been useless
TimberStalker: I just thought of the greatest programming joke of all time
TimberStalker: I started programming from Scratch
visva: ik its pretty usless
Kroketych: same
visva: I have a tutoring program
visva: I teach html and java script
Kroketych: rn i'm doing python and you dont use much html in the game making industry, but html is good if you're working on the web
Kroketych: javascript is nice
visva: yeah
Kroketych: i started coding with it
visva: damn
visva: goodluck
visva: I gtg now
visva: ltr
Kroketych: cya
5DN1L: Kroketych
Kroketych: thanks!
5DN1L: you're welcome :)
emh: I need ppl for my team
jacek: oO
emh: ahh damn it I don't like this escape room thingy
jacek: oh my
Westicles: I need a better algorithm
Scarfield: int32, set first bit if contains a, second bit if b.. so on, and the numbers of drugs and count set bits ?
Scarfield: "if drug contains an a" *
Westicles: :thinking:
Scarfield: if this is necessary to solve it, it probably wont fit in easy though
Westicles: right
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Drug is good. Gimme some.
Scarfield: btw how did you manage to get banned, thought mods were on strike
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Do you really think a mod will ban me? My bro Astrobytes or my teammate euler? Tss :unamused:
b0n5a1: 🎯
b0n5a1: Beware, you're hunted BlaiseVonEbuthIII ^^
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Death is but a doorway, time is but a window, I'll be back.
BlaiseVonEbuthIII: Anyway. Coffin time. 'nigth all!
Kroketych: when does the contest end?
JayTeeBat: Hey guys, naive question here about Mad Pod Racing: What would be the best way to measure the pod's speed?
JayTeeBat: Ok, that was kindof a dumb question, I'll use the time module to begin with
JayTeeBat: an even worse question, because why not: How can you display other data than the standard (x, y, thrust) values for code development?
JayTeeBat: e.g. speed, list of checkpoints, distance to enemy, lap count, ...
GamingGnawer: I mostly used the error streams for debug data, if there is way to draw that on screen i don't know it
JayTeeBat: Would be cool to find out, otherwise, there are limited options to develop algorithm for path finding and path matching other than very naive onces.
GamingGnawer: starting in gold league the game feeds you more data
JayTeeBat: that's good to knoe
JayTeeBat: shame that I am still a long way from gold... (still in Bronze)
GamingGnawer: lots of fun ahead of you ^^
GamingGnawer: It is ofcourse possible to make very advanced systems in earlier leagues since you can model the enviroment yourself using your memory of earlier turns.
If you store coordinates of next checkpoint until it starts repeating you have aquired a list of all checkpoints
GamingGnawer: but that is not necessary to beat the silver bosses... and in gold you're just handed the map as initialzation input
JayTeeBat: I already started doing exactly that...
JayTeeBat: guess it's a matter of finding the right trade off between the ultimate optimisation and a faster to implement, good enough algorithm
GamingGnawer: but worth noting that much of that infrastructure will be obsolote when you level up
JayTeeBat: awesome :expressionless:
Wontonimo: hey people, it sounds like you are talking about one of the bot battles
JayTeeBat: are the vehicle motion dynamics not changing over the levels? (acceleration, turning rate, max speed, drag,...)
Wontonimo: the dynamics stay the same
Wontonimo: for all levels
Wontonimo: what level are you at now?
GamingGnawer: but what they are you're not told until later ;)
Wontonimo: congrats making it to bronze !
JayTeeBat: ahah, cheers for the encouragement
Wontonimo: oh, GamingGnawer is in gold. how did you get there ?
GamingGnawer: I built and internal model of velocity and global orientation of the pod to beat silver
Wontonimo: cool
JayTeeBat: oh? so there is no point in me asking whether there is a way to retrieve the vehicle dynamics model or if we have to reverse engineer it?
Wontonimo: you can just read the writeup to the left
Wontonimo: it is all there
Wontonimo: you can turn at most 18 degrees,
JayTeeBat: yeah, it is pretty short :)
Wontonimo: you velocity is your old velocity * 0.85 + thrust (all as vectors)
JayTeeBat: ah, that is useful!
Wontonimo: that's most of it really
Wontonimo: you can ignore collision until legend
GamingGnawer: I think that paragraph is extented as you lvl up
Wontonimo: I see you are aiming straight at the next checkpoint JayTeeBat
JayTeeBat: was planning to do so (ignoring collisions) :grimacing:
Wontonimo: do you do that when you drive :P
Wontonimo: or would you drift
Wontonimo: i forget if you have all the checkpoints in bronze
GamingGnawer: If i recall the map pool expands atleast once...
Wontonimo: has anyone told you that there is a debug option in the playback so you can see where each pod is aiming
wq2e: this site does not teach you anything :rage:
JayTeeBat: Seems you know the inside out in here Wontonimo!
JayTeeBat: tell me about that debug option to see where all pods are aiming
Wontonimo: that is right wq2e, this is a "recruitment" site (and so tests you). it isn't an educational site
Wontonimo: in the playback, there is a gear icon. click that and there is an option Debug you can toggle
wq2e: i am learning javasript or python
Wontonimo: this site will give you puzzles and multi bot battles to practice, but it doesn't teach
JayTeeBat: oh, yeah ok, got that in the playback window
Wontonimo: if you hang around long enough and work on some bot battles, then some of the admins enjoy discussing algorithms wq2e, but usually only at a high level
GamingGnawer: I find the site is very good for providing compelling (and animated) problems.
But I keep my text-book pdf on the other screen at all times XD
Wontonimo: JayTeeBat, you can also go to the global leader board and checkout the next league and study better bots
Wontonimo: you can click "view last battles" on anyone in the leaderboard and your debug mode will still be enabled, letting you see where their bot is actually facing
JayTeeBat: cool, I am having a look now, thx!
Wontonimo: you can also start private chats with people here by clicking on their name. For example, I sent JayTeeBat a private chat message
JayTeeBat: btw Wontonimo, what kind of algos are you expecting people to be developing in the higher leagues? pure maths/physics based or also ML ones?
GamingGnawer: Checking out other leagues was a fun tip I didn't know... as I suspected the top of legendary has stopped racign and started fighting XD
Wontonimo: yeah, my algo uses something like a Genetic Algorithm. A dumb inbred cousin of it
JayTeeBat: ok cool, though I am a long way from it still
GamingGnawer: what would the alternative to in-breeding be in genetic algorithms...
when your bot reverse engineers the opponent and uses it's parameters for the next generation? jk
JayTeeBat: the legend league battles are amazing
JayTeeBat: the deterministic races are long behind
Wontonimo: the alternative to what i do GamingGnawer is actual GA.
Wontonimo: a GA has a population. Mine does not. It is 1 single action path, 1 mutation, if it is better then replace. then loop
Wontonimo: hey GamingGnawer and JayTeeBat, reversing the exact game calculation from this site can be a pain so I'll share a trick I learnt that makes it a bit easier
Wontonimo: Write a function that tries to predict the next time frame given an action. Save the prediction and previous state. On the next time frame compare the prediction and if it doesn't match write all the appropriate info to debug.
Wontonimo: Then take the input and output you just captured and turn it into a unit test of your prediction function.
Wontonimo: it won't take more than 2 to 5 simulations to get very very good test coverage and cover all the corner cases you want.
Wontonimo: Be very liberal with ignoring things you can't control, like the other player and collisions with them.
JayTeeBat: makes a lot of sense
Wontonimo: yeah, it seems obvious now but I struggled the first several months doing it dumb ways
JayTeeBat: when you say "write to debug", can you detail what you would output? my console is not happy when I output anything but the sys.stderr...
Wontonimo: what programming lang do you use?
Wontonimo: use print("Debug messages...", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
Wontonimo: you have to make sure you import sys like so
import sys
Wontonimo: does that work for you?
JayTeeBat: well, I believe I need to read the doc for the sys.stderr
JayTeeBat: never used that before
JayTeeBat: still a python beginner
Wontonimo: no need. just use it like that
Wontonimo: print("All my bases are lost", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
Wontonimo: will print "All my bases are lost"
Wontonimo: to stderr
Wontonimo: and flush it right away
Wontonimo: (ie not buffer it)
Wontonimo: no need to understand it atm
JayTeeBat: ah ok, you mean just only display the message when prediction and measurements diverge right?
Wontonimo: right
Wontonimo: remember, you can change who you play against, so you can play against yourself and make them both do something very predictable
Wontonimo: like only thrust forward without turning
JayTeeBat: and yet smth new I didn't know! :upside_down:
Wontonimo: you can also choose your previous submit to the arena
JayTeeBat: that's all great tips!
Wontonimo: so... you could submit a bot that literally does nothing other than get out of the way. Now pick that as your opponent and you can play in an empty board.
Wontonimo: anyway, have fun with it
JayTeeBat: thx a lot! :thumbsup:
Wontonimo: well, i've got to log off and actually get work done that was due hours ago.
Wontonimo: for all those learning python , you may find this site helpful
Wontonimo: :wave:
Wontonimo: gn
JayTeeBat: Great, thanks for the help Wontonimo, see you next time
makerecho: how do I fight the boss in pod racing? It shows I am #1 in wood league, but I never get any fights against boss in arena Oo
MACKEYTH: It will happen automatically. Sometimes there is a little delay between beating the boss and getting promoted.
makerecho: ah, ty
AlPHA_83: Thanks Wontonimo