TechnoBot: Hi
VizGhar: chuvak1221 just dont use p for printing strings (puts instead)
SoNervous: there is no Erlang programing language:disappointed_relieved:
jacek: oO
jacek: happy Caturday
Rycoff: hello someone pls can tell me what meens ?array on the fnct function initUserFolders(string $rootFolder, array $users): ?array
zsltg: @Rycoff I'm guessing that's PHP, in that case it should mean a "nullable type", so the function can return either an array or a null
Zorg1: SoNervous : yes it's a shame :(
jacek: oh my
VizGhar: Hello. When you do pruning, do you compare some hashes of computed game state, or are you doing something else?
jacek: pruning where?
SNEEDSTER: How are you always in the world char
jacek: where
dGrayCoder: Fall challenge is not multiplayer?
jacek: no :(
Thyl: Hi
ProCoder03: Hi
AntonCosmin: hey how do I print in C#?
AntonCosmin: like, for debugging?
AntonCosmin: thanks!
MSmits: darkhorse64 I implemented the pessimistic/optimistic bound thing
MSmits: it helped
MSmits: naive application of mcts solver to C4 7x5 requires 2 million meta mcts nodes. With the pessimistic/optimistic bounds it's below 50k.
MSmits: I already had it below 100k with my own version, but this shaved off quite a bit
MSmits: it's just sad that the paper uses a minmax style, so a max-player and a min-player (instead of negamax style). So I had to pretty much write the whole algo myself, but the idea was good
MSmits: Also, not sure if jacek intended this, but I think he suggested I use more information out of my playouts. I now do that, I put the whole gametree into my metamcts after a playout (so the played moves, not the random ones). This also helped quite a bit.
jacek: :tada:
jacek: its always about those crappy pseudocodes eh
MSmits: yeah
jacek: so when do you solve 9x7
MSmits: not for a while. I am reproducing the result from John first
MSmits: the 0, + and - are the ones I checked
MSmits: The list below are the ones that are possible with 64 bit
MSmits: most checked by John, some aren't (those have a ?)
MSmits: i remove them from the list as i check them
MSmits: yeah :)
MSmits: Usually when you go to bigger sizes, the time required goes up exponentially, so checking the others first shouldn't be too bad. And if it is, then i shouldn't even be trying 9x7
MSmits: doing 11x4 currently
vaeng: I'm playing the pod racing game and don't know how to progress. I beat the boss3 and then did test in arena, but I don't get a new boss ?
jacek: you need to wait till your submit finished
jacek: if you will be above boss, then you will advance next league
vaeng: There is "list of the last battles" 65%
jacek: youre at 65% then
vaeng: so I have to wait until 100%?
jacek: yes
vaeng: the other leagues were almost instant
jacek: early wood leagues have very small number of games played per submit
vaeng: okay, I get that, thanks for the quick reply
jacek: :tada:
vaeng: okay, all 100%, but boss has no ranking
vaeng: okay, i have to get back to the quest map!
jacek: nice
jacek: and did they name it mad pod racing for the madknight?
darkhorse64: A tribute to the 100k users driven here by MK
GamingGnawer: My Pod racing video feed has repeatedly stopped working (I still get the simulation data), anyone know how to fix? Restarting browser made it work again for one run only...
jacek: oO
ninnghazad: GamingGnawer i have the same problem, using chrome stable on debian, no fix besides restarting so far. but i have the problem with most games i use for a while at a time.
ninnghazad: for code of the rings, do you folks go down the rabbit hole to write some kind of AST and optimize on that or bunch together efficient short forms for stuff you can think of? or optimize the generated code?
jacek: oh my, python second on clobber :v
jacek: and sixth on connect 4. python is dominating world :scream:
ninnghazad: because python is written in c++ that is
ninnghazad: ;)
AllYourTrees: rust also getting renamed to python
jacek: :unamused:
ninnghazad: however python4 will only backward compatible with python2, but not python3. they said this move was long overdue and will benefit everybody in the end.
AllYourTrees: is python 4 a thing :O
ninnghazad: nah, im trolling
jacek: ban for trolling
ninnghazad: i mean , maybe, sometime it will probly
ninnghazad: tldr? python3 good enough?
jacek: i dont use python except for simple scripts
jacek: and the most change from python2 in python3 is that ( ) are neccessary for print
ninnghazad: now that is trolling =)
jacek: trolls everywhere :unamused:
Fenomenal: bruh, my foreach loop adds a negative number at the end of string[] xD
Fenomenal: and it's just suppose to show the array
jacek: \0
DustinWestGlow: ninnghazad what would you say if I told you
DustinWestGlow: that Assembly is better to learn first and make memory thingies than C++ making difficult class things
jacek: trolling eh
DustinWestGlow: Hey woah not a troll just an honest inquiry
DustinWestGlow: Can someone explain why learn to code programs start with console programs? Wasn't Python made for much more than terminals? Experts don't use terminals, right?
Waguirre: because this training your logic to develop and solved problems
DustinWestGlow: Great answer. But wouldn't an experienced backender know console i/o is a stream and programs are ASCII files and all that?
jacek: experts use terminals all the time
DustinWestGlow: Can someone slide into a terminal and change the output to fool a victim? And mess up a really important math calculation?
ninnghazad: you can mess up any calculation by placing a big chunk of uranium nearby - it mess up the computer and the programmer at the same time!
DustinWestGlow: That's great I'll try that one day :)
yamin2000: how to improve my coding skill if i could not solve any question ?
yamin2000: i know all the basic
yamin2000: do i need data structure and algorithm now ?
jacek: have you tried the descent, temperatures or dual horse racing
jacek: :upside_down:
yamin2000: i am reading it trying to understand it
jacek: :+1:
ninnghazad: yamin2000 max_height is just where you remember the highest mountain you have seen so far.
ninnghazad: when you look at the next mountain you can compare and see if this one is even higher.
FlatPostItNoteEater_63d5: like my code
FlatPostItNoteEater_63d5: i used c++ for ,pastebin
wassim.benamor: Hello, how do you win clash of code (less characters task) with JS? Python players always write very less code
puppey: need to switch language haha
Westicles: it isn't about winning, it is about... well actually the whole thing is kind of pointless, really
Westicles: so it is about winning, which you won't do with JS
Shymurskyy: Wow nobody uses c#
Shymurskyy: I guess I have to learn python or js for this game
ninnghazad: really, but microsoft told me *EVERYBODY* uses it!
DustinWestGlow: Westicles what do you consider when you look at the mostly irrelevant problems solved in learning environments? We may find the solution to On^3 problems if we solve PvsNP first. Why not centralize our efforts onto PvsNP worldwide?
DustinWestGlow: What do you consider, sir?
ninnghazad: those things don't mean what you seem to think they mean.
Westicles: I think we should drop almost everything and concentrate on immortality research
Westicles: I mean, how hard can it be? They've had the whole genome for decades now
ninnghazad: make a CG puzzle, maybe somebody cracks it =)
ninnghazad: "Solve to make all humans immortal" - 50 points.
DustinWestGlow: To be honest, I apologize.
DustinWestGlow: If only I paid more attention before I got here I wouldn't be operating on fumes.
DustinWestGlow: well I'm taking a break
tweeker: лохі
tweeker: пака
tweeker: С# тоооппп niga
tweeker: nigger
tweeker: python govno
Dilduck: C# enjoyer
tweeker: virgin
Wontonimo: this is a public chat tweeker. Be respectful, keep the conversation (mostly) about coding or codingame.
Wontonimo: that's right. this is not discord