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ipsissimus: *theyve learned to open doors*

**TechnoBot says:"What's up?"

Default avatar.png GrandReclaimer: Hey has anyone encountered any problems with Ghost In the Cell?

Default avatar.png GrandReclaimer: Looking back at the games that I lost " lost", I basically captured every factory except the enemy starting one

Default avatar.png GrandReclaimer: all they submitted was "wait" and it still says they beat me?

Default avatar.png All_This: Hey has anyone encountered any problems with Minecraft? Loocking back at the games that i lost "lost", I basically captured every potato except the rotten meat...

ipsissimus: did you get the poisonous potato?

ipsissimus: thats how they get ya

Default avatar.png All_This: i ate my zomby brazzer

Default avatar.png GrandReclaimer: :(

Default avatar.png All_This: and slept with my Step Creeper

Default avatar.png All_This: so... yea

Default avatar.png GrandReclaimer: why do yall gotta be meanies

Default avatar.png All_This: So my Villager in law doesnt want to see me in the shed anymore

Default avatar.png All_This: <3

Default avatar.png All_This: we are getting you ready for the real world bro

Default avatar.png GrandReclaimer: Yeah I guess it was my bad to assume this place had people interested in helping one another

niluthebear: GrandReclaimer you send some invalid action and you disqualified so even if your are winning the last score is 0

niluthebear: take a look at this reply you can see an action in yellow color

Default avatar.png All_This: xD dont be a little sissy,, one joke and u already assume world is against you xD

Default avatar.png **Tien2k9 slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

GrandReclaimer: @All_This "sissy"? Really...

Default avatar.png All_This: *eats it instead*

GrandReclaimer: Thanks niluthebear

Default avatar.png **Tien2k9 slaps GrandReclaimer around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png All_This: ty for fishbot

Default avatar.png All_This: very yummy

GrandReclaimer: Do you know when exactly it happens? I cant see it

niluthebear: can't send a troop to the factory it is issued from (8)

niluthebear: it says this check 45/45 test

GrandReclaimer: Hm is it at the very end?

niluthebear: yes

Uljahn: ye, "MOVE 8 8 3" is wrong

GrandReclaimer: huh I see, thanks!

GrandReclaimer: Im not too sure what could be causing it. It looks like all my factories go neutral at the end?

GrandReclaimer: Is there a way for me to check if its valid before sending?

Uljahn: check the source and the target, isn't it obvious?

GrandReclaimer: I guess not for someone who is learning

GrandReclaimer: yeesh

Default avatar.png All_This: Ok, back to MC my friend

derjack: oO

Default avatar.png All_This: lets build a shed, where we can cry togeather

Default avatar.png All_This: like true programmers

ipsissimus: i built the mines of moria in mc survival. took about 300 hours. i was like 17

derjack: in mote carlo?

Uljahn: monte carlo tree survival

Default avatar.png All_This: yikes

Default avatar.png All_This: too bad MC is too f easy to survive after you punch ur first tree

Default avatar.png All_This: guess thats why mc is so good for ppl with spectrum, they can drown in that ez world

Default avatar.png gerasimos_rav: :D

Murat_Eroglu: minecraft tree searc

Murat_Eroglu: minecraft tree search

martinpapa69: Microsoft Tree Search ™

Thorcode: oh

Thorcode: not micraft

Thorcode: print(nums[target])

Thorcode: is this work

Thorcode: target is an int

ipsissimus: should work then

ipsissimus: if nums is a list

ipsissimus: and target is in range

Thorcode: yep

Thorcode: target is a number

Thorcode: nums is a list

Uljahn: unless the list item doesn't raise an exception in its __rerp__ method

ipsissimus: i think you mean__repr__ ?

Uljahn: true, need more coffee

ipsissimus: 420 am :upside_down:

radm: can you change the editor to support vi keys?

radm: nvm, got it

Default avatar.png quixotical: anybody know how to increase the difficulty of private game challenges?

Uljahn: there is no way, they are random


Thorcode: pls join my team :D

Default avatar.png quixotical: ok thanks

Thorcode: thanks

69razer69: why i have unknown level in my language skill meter

Uljahn: you should pass a test to make it known, just click on it

ESMAKING: i love boobs

ESMAKING: sorry wrong chat

derjack: oO

SNEEDSTER: Right chat

Uljahn: you might love bans then

Default avatar.png clashplayer: lol

ESMAKING: No sorry it was wrong chat

Uljahn: idc

Sandborg: hahahah

ESMAKING: Pls, i beg you

Jasperr: xd

SNEEDSTER: Come on, let a man love what he love

Default avatar.png Rosheed: Yeah

Manjius: :muscle:

Default avatar.png Rosheed: hello guys

Default avatar.png OzzWizard: hi

aangairbender: is cg alive? it wont open multiplayer page

WhaIe: @aangairbender it's working for me

Uljahn: users from korea and japan are having issues with CG in past two days

aangairbender: I see, I am accessing cg from Japan, thanks

TimothyAlexisVass: -_-

Default avatar.png pangge:

Default avatar.png pangge: 怎么做

Default avatar.png pangge: ???

Default avatar.png pangge: 求助

Uljahn: from itertools import combinations...

Default avatar.png clashplayer: or * operator :p

Default avatar.png clashplayer: n(n-1)/2

Default avatar.png pangge: 我是中国人,可以发中文吗

Default avatar.png pangge: ???

Default avatar.png pangge: ???

Default avatar.png pangge: ???

Default avatar.png pangge: 重要的事情说三遍

Uljahn: speak english here

Default avatar.png pangge: 算了吧

Iwillgetmy: lol

Iwillgetmy: hi

jacek: opening books everywhere :scream:

Uljahn: utf-16 PTSD :smiley:

Default avatar.png Tien2k9: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

eulerscheZahl: no spamming Tien2k9

eulerscheZahl: i've missed the opportunity to take action a few times. but now i'm here

Default avatar.png Plus_Ultra_My_Hero_Academia: new here clash of codes kinda hard send help

eulerscheZahl: Automaton2000 help

Automaton2000: i started with c++ and i am sure you can

niluthebear: Automaton2000 why clash is hard ?

Automaton2000: that depends on the type of game

niluthebear: yes

jacek: Automaton2000 i started with basic

Automaton2000: what happens if you try to do both

Shrimpster: In MCTS yall take the most visited node right? Or the highest avg?

eulerscheZahl: most visited. but shouldn't make a difference as you will visit the node with a higher score more often

Shrimpster: okk ty ^.^

DomiKo: what is this why CSB is called "MAD POD RACING"???

Shrimpster: CSB? As in Cool story bro?

TheBlueBias: In memory of MK. LIA

TheBlueBias: Epitaph "Hey! Hey! How's your CSB? Use my starter and go legend. Ezpz."

eulerscheZahl: hey DomiKo, who is magmasa?

eulerscheZahl: your alt account?

TheBlueBias: Hey hey! eulz

TheBlueBias: euler

eulerscheZahl: hi

DomiKo: he is my friend

TheBlueBias: How's your csb

eulerscheZahl: almost non-existent

TheBlueBias: Fix it:

eulerscheZahl: no

TheBlueBias: Use my starter

TheBlueBias: Go legend

TheBlueBias: EZPZ

eulerscheZahl: i am legend

TheBlueBias: Level up your legend

TheBlueBias: Right AutomatonNN?

eulerscheZahl: rip

TheBlueBias: Well, two dead legends of the past

eulerscheZahl: AutomatonNN and me?

TheBlueBias: Didn't you noticed my splendid MK imitation? :(

eulerscheZahl: i did

eulerscheZahl: i still have that wordcloud somewhere

TheBlueBias: wordcloud?

TheBlueBias: :white_sun_cloud:


eulerscheZahl: that's 1 year of MK chatlogs

TheBlueBias: Is the words sizes frequency related?

eulerscheZahl: yes

Default avatar.png chin_utd: what is csb

TheBlueBias: CSB isn't that big... Disapointing

eulerscheZahl: coders strike back, a game here

Default avatar.png chin_utd: oh thanks probs too hard for me

TheBlueBias: With what tool did you generated it euler?

eulerscheZahl: i did that a while ago, don't have much of you:

eulerscheZahl: generator:


eulerscheZahl: to download the chatlogs I did something like

wget -erobots=off -r -l 1

eulerscheZahl: now there's a 2nd page of chat logs. if you want to repeat, make sure to get all of it

TheBlueBias: The last one is from my logs?

TheBlueBias: Thanks, will give it a try.

eulerscheZahl: yes, the 2nd cloud is you

eulerscheZahl: from mid february

TheBlueBias: Cat? :thinking:

DomiKo: cat is very common

DomiKo: :cat:

DomiKo: :cat....

eulerscheZahl: you were only the 78-most active user. i don't have that many messages of you I think

eulerscheZahl: while Smits was the most active (when counting the number of characters)

Astrobytes: lol, those word clouds again :D

Queuebee: hmm word grin

eulerscheZahl: blaise is just 3 spots ahead of Memo12334 in activity. I have no clue who that is :D

Astrobytes: never heard of 'em

eulerscheZahl: also i probably nuked my ranking at topcoder :(

eulerscheZahl: decided to just a marathon 1 day before the end

TheBlueBias: I don't see "kick", but "warning" is verry small nect to "ban". :smiling_imp:

eulerscheZahl: *just decided to enter

TheBlueBias: *next

Scarfield: you have a word cloud of me euler? wonder how big xD will be

Default avatar.png Rosheed: hey guys let code a game now

TheBlueBias: It's the only word

eulerscheZahl: blaise already made a new one?

eulerscheZahl: scarfield from February:

TheBlueBias: Hm no. I was searching kick on mine

eulerscheZahl: that is: March 2020 - Feb 2021

Astrobytes: HAH :rofl:

Astrobytes: EcksDee

Scarfield: :rofl:

eulerscheZahl: p is from :P

eulerscheZahl: the lib removes some chars

TheBlueBias: Well: xD :p and lol What an expressive guy

eulerscheZahl: yea

Default avatar.png Rosheed: Lol

Queuebee: cat

eulerscheZahl: one will something maybe

Default avatar.png Rosheed: what the heal

TheBlueBias: dont and havent are pretty big too, negaField

eulerscheZahl: when I generated these plot, at first I did on just 1 day. looked so random that I had to verify by hand as I couldn't believe it

Queuebee: @eulerscheZahl I worry about the order of words in the top of the t of the cat word in

eulerscheZahl: smits had some random word very big. "broken"?

Default avatar.png Rosheed: yea

Astrobytes: Scarfield: I watched Den skyldige last night

TimothyAlexisVass: Why?

eulerscheZahl: chinese cat?

Scarfield: nice, i dont know that movie though astro :)

Astrobytes: Watch it

Astrobytes: They remade it this year, I won't watch that. The 2018 Danish original is absolutely outstanding

Astrobytes: I don't think I've ever been on the edge of my seat from the start to the end of a movie before.

Default avatar.png Rosheed: oh ok

Astrobytes: Stayed up till 4am cause I couldn't not watch the rest of it

Scarfield: nice will check it out, Jakob Cedergren is usually great

Astrobytes: He is absolutely stellar.

Default avatar.png Rosheed: i have check it

Scarfield: "Don't" be mean TheBlueBias, i "haven't" done anything to you :p

Scarfield: Astrogren

Astrobytes: Cederfield

Astrobytes: WTAF is Line Racing?

Astrobytes: Ohhh tron

Astrobytes: MPR is just not as eloquent as CSB

Scarfield: Line Racing?

Astrobytes: Yeah, they renamed Tron as well as CSB

Default avatar.png Nilukumar: hey kitkat

Scarfield: o0

Default avatar.png Nilukumar: gavin hand

TheBlueBias: codepad want cg, not their copyrigth infractions. :smirk:

Default avatar.png Nilukumar: copyright

DomiKo: why they are renaming multis :((

Astrobytes: copyright issues DomiKo

eulerscheZahl: they did already?

TheBlueBias: Did you read my messages?! :rollin_eyes:

Scarfield: tron makes sense, but why csb?

DomiKo: that's because of merge?

eulerscheZahl: but it's a good sign that they invest time in that and don't just take it down

Astrobytes: Maybe, not sure, Thibaud mentioned it a while ago

eulerscheZahl: the copyright discussion popped ...

eulerscheZahl: damn you Astrobytes

Scarfield: also Den Skyldige is available for stream on the DK national TV distributer :)

Default avatar.png Nilukumar: hiii. I am new.

Astrobytes: :D

TheBlueBias: (╯°□°)╯︵ oʞıɯoᗡ

Astrobytes: Scarfield: Nice! I have a feeling you'll enjoy it

Astrobytes: afk for a wee bit

eulerscheZahl: "mad pod racing", looks like they went with the squiddy nonsense suggestions

eulerscheZahl: but API still uses the old names

TheBlueBias: They love nonsense

Scarfield: its a nice easter egg for MK to notice eventually

TheBlueBias: Who's MK again?

Default avatar.png Makea84: Hi, is there a way to create a private league for a game?

Scarfield: Mila Kunis?

niluthebear: Makea84 private clash you mean ?

eulerscheZahl: i suggested to rename "game of drones" to "drone wars" thus changing the reference from "game of thrones" to "clone wars" and not making it any better. I hope they got the joke and don't rename it that way

Default avatar.png Makea84: niluthebear, i want to create a group of user to create a tournament related to a game

Default avatar.png Makea84: is this possible?

niluthebear: i don't know sorry

eulerscheZahl: you can upload the game as a private contribution and share it with your friends. but there will only be 10 matches played per submit

Default avatar.png Makea84: it is ok, i just already ask to codingame developers

eulerscheZahl: ask [CG] Thibaud

Default avatar.png Makea84: do you mean @eulerscheZahi a game created by us? or a game that exists in the platform?

eulerscheZahl: works for both, as long as it's built with the SDK and open source

Default avatar.png Makea84: ohhh i see

ProvencalLeGaulois: Bonsoir,

J'aimerais pouvoir parler à un dev expérimenté de l'industrie du dev, parce que je commence à désespérer... Je suis junior et je commence à désespérer de toujours tomber sur des projets sans tests unitaires, sans CI, 100% legacy, avec interdiction de refactor... je suis le seul dans cette situation ?

TheBlueBias: C'est pas faux.

TheBlueBias: Demande leur d'être traité en tant que tel.

ProvencalLeGaulois: j'aimerais pouvoir le dire ...

[CG]Thibaud: english here please. Go #fr ProvencalLeGaulois

ProvencalLeGaulois: sorry, I mismatched channels

[CG]Thibaud: no worries :)

Rosheed: ok

Default avatar.png mohamad890: can share code with us

Default avatar.png mohamad890: can you

Scarfield: depends, asking for solutions for puzzles you havent done yourself is frowned upon, but after a clash of code you can hit share, and other participants from that clash can see the submitted code

Scarfield: if you want help with an issue, you can share the particular code that doesnt work, and maybe someone will look at it and help

Default avatar.png mohamad890: thank you my brother

Scarfield: np :)

jacek: pretty, isnt it

jacek: eulerscheZahl wait till they rename onitama

jacek: or take it down for copyright

eulerscheZahl: :scream:

Wontonimo: just logging on and seeing the chat about multis being renamed. "Line Racing" oh my.

Wontonimo: That name is sure gonna sell that multi. Better prevision some more servers for the coming onslaught of users

Wontonimo: jacek - is that your implementation of breakthrough as an app?

eulerscheZahl: looks like squiddy won

Wontonimo: honestly, I can't think of anything better. It's just sad to see the old name go away

jacek: Wontonimo yes

jacek: i plan to make it functional to play against ai in week

eulerscheZahl: you can't stop me from saying CSB

jacek: whats CSB?

Wontonimo: that's cool. nice to see a multi turn into an app

jacek: now imagine someone even ported chess

dreadylein: i wonder why they didnt renamed it to csb in all honesty :P

Wontonimo: it doesn't show up in search anymore :(

Wontonimo: i'm assuming that will eventually become a permalink redirect to

jacek: and why they renamed tron battle? i saw papers saying that name

Wontonimo: FUD

Wontonimo: lots of FUD

eulerscheZahl: on it's called wormageddon

eulerscheZahl: still better than line racing IMO

Wontonimo: ah, CSB still says its original name in the animation. That'll be a little bit more work than just changing text. Not much, but it's something

Scarfield: word art, done

Wontonimo: or just remove it

Wontonimo: the animation that is, not the game

Scarfield: or word art

Scarfield: i mean remove it

TimothyAlexisVass: -_-

TheBlueBias: Word art... It's so Word 2003...

eulerscheZahl: that linewrap...

TheBlueBias: :scream:

sangokuhomer: Could you give me cool thinks to do beside clash of code?

sangokuhomer: things

Scarfield: learn french

Scarfield: 3 things :p

sangokuhomer: thanks

eulerscheZahl: and 1 more to get down to 2 cool things again

Scarfield: oh you are from france xD

jacek: doesnt imply he knows french

Default avatar.png isimkullanmiyorum: hi

BlackDragonGaming: Wassup guys


eulerscheZahl: is it me or is chat quality degrading?

jacek: thats what you get when you merge without review

Astrobytes: It's not just you.

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png ButterChicken: hello world xD

Default avatar.png clashplayer: hey chicken

TimothyAlexisVass: -_-

darkhorse64: I can understand there is IP attached to Tron but Coders Strike Back !?

eulerscheZahl: I asked the same. "The Empire Strikes back" is the answer I got

TimothyAlexisVass: :banana:

jacek: oh my

jacek: what about bender?

eulerscheZahl: the list is longer than what's changed already

darkhorse64: I got the reference ofc, but it's like Microsoft attempt to trademark "windows", Disney does not own everything that ends with "strikes back"

Astrobytes: Should be safe to rename to Disney Strikes Back

Scarfield: coders counter strike

eulerscheZahl: we should mix some things so they can't agree whose turn it is to sue. Dumbledor strikes back

**eulerscheZahl didn't even get the CSB reference until pointed out. And had to look it up again to answer you

IfIHadATail: honestly I'd be honored to get large enough to have any of those companies decide to sue me

IfIHadATail: it's more like a right of passage than anything XD

Scarfield: honored and poor

eulerscheZahl: don't worry, they also sue normal people

eulerscheZahl: just share via torrent

IfIHadATail: lol

MSmits: hey, I think I made the weird c4 state representation work


MSmits: ah no thats the wrong one


MSmits: the * cells are the ones that can no longer be part of 4 in a row

MSmits: I use them to get more transpositions

Scarfield: interesting idea

MSmits: as long as a board has some combination for these * cells that makes sure they can't be part of 4 in a row, the board will be identical to any other for which this is true

MSmits: i guess it works best further into the game

MSmits: just locally ofc, it's too expensive to find these cells during a live game

Scarfield: arrays of bit board values for each 4 cell line including each cell, if each line is blocked by opponent, the cell is "void"

MSmits: well it can be blocked multiple ways

MSmits: a line is 7 long

MSmits: if there is an opponent piece at 1, it can still go from 2 to 5

Scarfield: thats why im thinking each 4 cell line which includes a cell

MSmits: oh ok, yeah that sort of lookup works

MSmits: but still expensive

MSmits: btw


MSmits: more effective, this is a solved draw

MSmits: a lot of * cells

jacek: oh my

MSmits: you can do this for yavalath too, but because in yavalath 3 in a row is also a thing, it's much more rare to find * hexes there, so i don't even bother

MSmits: oh and also, there is no gravity, so hexes aren't bunched up as much

Scarfield: "as long as a board has some combination for these * cells that makes sure they can't be part of 4 in a row, [the board will be identical to any other for which this is true]"

Scarfield: what do you mean by the [] part btw?

MSmits: ok, say you fill these * cells with blue and red chips

MSmits: and you do it in such a way that these * cells cant be part of 4 in a row

MSmits: you can do this multiple ways right? Especially in the example i shared

MSmits: all these ways are identical

Scarfield: ooh yea i get you

MSmits: thats why it's a nice TT upgrade

MSmits: took me all day debugging it though, it's difficult to get it to work right

Scarfield: thought you meant when a specific pattern of * cells arises the rest of the board with red and blue cells would always be the same, had it "upside down"

MSmits: ahh i see

Scarfield: "just locally ofc, it's too expensive to find these cells during a live game" you could do it for the current board starting each turn, for some improvement from midgame and onwards?

Scarfield: ah no, wont change anything

MSmits: I think it's not worth it, but I find it hard to explain. not 100% sure

MSmits: I am hoping to solve the game with this and the better solver bot I have

MSmits: probably still outside my reach but worth a try

MSmits: i am also thinking of making it scalable to test it for smaller boards

MSmits: supposedly 6x7 solves really fast

AntiSquid: oh wow, the artwork and names are really changing

MSmits: which one did you see?

Scarfield: yea, missed my chance to propose some anagram names


AntiSquid: and thor golf lost it's cover art, made me think it's a new one

MSmits: was it really necessary to change this or are they overly cautious?

AntiSquid: there's a long list

MSmits: yeah but is there any copyright violation here?

Scarfield: csb apparently is too close to Empire Strikes Back

MSmits: but parodies are usually ok aren't they?

jacek: space balls eh

AntiSquid: hm i don't see any other changes

AntiSquid: csb only has ingame screenshot as coverart

Scarfield: tron -> line racing

AntiSquid: indeed

AntiSquid: MSmits i don't know much about copyrights regarding games and art style, not for CG's case anyway

AntiSquid: post 3 hours ago

Scarfield: you could suggest new names somewhere?

jacek: :smirk:

AntiSquid: idk, do you have some brilliant ideas ?

Scarfield: "Discard Flex" for LoCaM

Scarfield: Scarfield xD anagram

MSmits: thanks AntiSquid will read that

MSmits: ye thats what we need, all multis as Scarfield anagrams :P

Astrobytes: It's a really really long post MSmits, be sure to set aside a few hours...

Scarfield: i mean, im all for it

AntiSquid: ya, take your kindle to the park to read that post

Astrobytes: :rofl:

MSmits: thanks for the warning. I'll bring a coat and nightlight in case it gets late

Scarfield: a tent as well

Astrobytes: don't forget a flask of hot mushroom tea and a spliff

MSmits: good suggestions all

AntiSquid: a hammock is fine too

Scarfield: i like to think smitsi is super gullible, and currently packing

AntiSquid: vagrant tourist inspired suggestion

Astrobytes: Scarfield: :rofl:

Astrobytes: I've been a vagrant tourist for a week, sort of

MSmits: sorry was afk, could not find my bag

Astrobytes: Slept on the beach for 5 nights in Corfu in between changing apartments.

Scarfield: xD

AntiSquid: dog won't fit in any bag ?

Astrobytes: lol

MSmits: i cant take the dog to the park, it's not safe

MSmits: (for everyone else)

Scarfield: too many slugs?

Astrobytes: *for the animals in the park

MSmits: yeah

AntiSquid: ah cool astro, well i never done anything like that but watched some fun videos, not for me that kind of tourism

AntiSquid: here's a fun video :

Astrobytes: I wasn't technically a tourist since I was working but it was only temporary

Astrobytes: lol these people are crazy, love it

AntiSquid: ah ok, you immediately made me think of some pub coworkers (back in the day) that told me they slept on the beach in tenerife

Astrobytes: The only issue was dragging all my stuff to and from work each morning/night, was tedious

Astrobytes: That and I used to have nightmares about Hairy Naked German Tai-Chi Woman beating me up in the morning

Astrobytes: (she was there for like a month)

AntiSquid: :thinking:

Astrobytes: (6am to 7am, the aforementioned woman would do Tai Chi in front of a big wall at the beach)

Astrobytes: Completely naked.

Astrobytes: Resembled Thor.

Scarfield: xD

AntiSquid: closest i got to vragrant holiday was back when i went with some scouts summer camp (was a bunch of kids from different churches - religions) slept one night under the starts :D

Scarfield: "nightmares" .. more like wet dreams

MSmits: Astrobytes was this before or after the eyepatch?

MSmits: also did she do tai chi with a hammer?

AntiSquid: come on MSmits, she was doing the mating dance, you know like birds do

MSmits: i dont look at birds that way

Astrobytes: MSmits: don't take the Thor ref. too literally. "Built like Thor" I should say

MSmits: ahh ok

MSmits: blond hair though?

Astrobytes: Scarfield: Just no. All nooooope. So no it's just no.

Astrobytes: MSmits: Grey hair

MSmits: I think this was more Odin tbh

Astrobytes: Details

JFB: "Build as Thor" in last Avengers? ;-)

AntiSquid: MSmits

MSmits: sigh, bird porno


MSmits: oh they are just dancing

MSmits: then that's ok

Astrobytes: The only thing better than the mating dance of the blue-footed booby is its name

Scarfield: yea its the best

Scarfield: im gonna find my blue flippers and go clubbing soon

Astrobytes: There's also the shag, another bird species

Astrobytes: Well, a type of cormorant I think

AntiSquid: when someone makes a bird name suggestion for fun and it actually gets accepted, think that's what happened there

ja_fica: MSmits?

ja_fica: different algorithm in C4?

Astrobytes: AntiSquid: I can only agree with you

MSmits: yeah I added transpositions

MSmits: mostly just helps to solve sooner

ja_fica: you solve the game so soon

ja_fica: amazing work

MSmits: thanks

ja_fica: previously you would solve almost at the same round as me

MSmits: yeah it's 3-5 frames earlier now i think

ja_fica: you use your trick?

MSmits: the trick is local only

ja_fica: here you use 128bit keys?

MSmits: but i could use the trick to generate books more easily i guess, i am not doing that now though

MSmits: i am locally also

MSmits: so yeah both 128 bit

MSmits: or do you mean the hash scheme?

ja_fica: no, the key

MSmits: sec

ja_fica: that TT doesn't affect you?

ja_fica: the simulation count?

Scarfield: common shag (Gulosus aristotelis) is a species of cormorant


MSmits: this is most of it

Astrobytes: Thanks googlefield :bird:

MSmits: TT affects me a little bit i think

MSmits: didnt do a good test

MSmits: probably 10-20% drop

MSmits: I use the same method in yavalath, but it hurts less there because the hashing is done on expansion and Y has 61 hexes

Astrobytes: I think the benefits of the TT should outweigh the simcount loss, but I'm not experienced with TT in MCTS

Scarfield: Im off for today, gn folks gonna go watch Den skyldige i think

MSmits: TT in mcts is very weird

MSmits: gn Scarfield

Astrobytes: Scarfield: Enjoy man! gn :)

ja_fica: TT in MCTS i guess it is good for fast solving

Scarfield: :wave: :)

MSmits: yeah ja_fica that was my main goal

ja_fica: but you only read state in expansion?

ja_fica: and write in propagation?

ja_fica: I guess it is a litle more complicated then that

MSmits: on expand i check if i already have the state and then i use the previous childindex and childcount so it takes the same children

MSmits: so two parents will have the same set of children

ja_fica: great

MSmits: but this can really mess up statistics

ja_fica: yes

ja_fica: the UCT formula can get hurt

Astrobytes: I was about to say that I can see how this would get very tricky very quickly

ja_fica: because of the exploration

MSmits: well it doesnt get tricky, if you just ignore the problem

Astrobytes: hahaha

MSmits: I do this locally also on meta mcts and i can see the effects happen very clearly

Astrobytes: do you alter UCB to compensate?

MSmits: I don't think there's any way to do that. Anything you think of has new sideeffects

Astrobytes: *UCT

MSmits: and i dont just mean it slows things down

MSmits: it messes up statistics in a new way

ja_fica: what you do to your exploration side of the equation?

MSmits: nothing, i keep everything the same as it was

MSmits: so parents might have a lot less visits than their children

ja_fica: interesting, it will favor exploitation on that node

MSmits: yep

Astrobytes: good point

ja_fica: there is no way to actually solve that problem

MSmits: it's too complicated to really reason about. This is mostly something you just try out to see what works

MSmits: yeah i havent found a good way

MSmits: solving is also interesting with this

ja_fica: even with an array of parents and propagate multiple paths on the tree, it would not compensate

MSmits: you can expand a node into a set of children that are already solved

MSmits: so on selection you always need to check for solved nodes

MSmits: because the co-parent might have solved and the other parent hasnt yet

MSmits: one child could be a win, then all its parents are losses. On mcts solver this is automatically handled, but not for all parents, just for the one you selected that time

ja_fica: it is definitly not an easy implementation

MSmits: it's not, but i've done it a few times now so i know where the bug may pop up

MSmits: the thing that really made this feasible is learning how to write my own hashing

MSmits: i was using unordered set before.

Astrobytes: heh

MSmits: yeah i know, thanks again Astrobytes :)

Astrobytes: and Marchet e

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: hashing seems like a magical unfathomable thing when you're using libraries for it

jacek: you roll your own hash now?

MSmits: yeah but lossy

jacek: :upside_down:

MSmits: so i do % capacity and then loop 4 times to find a free spot

MSmits: seems to be close to optimal

MSmits: usually capacity of 400k states

MSmits: oh and for C4 you can do some pruning to overwrite previously stored states by checking with the current gameboard. if the state lacks cells that are in the current turn start board, it can be overwritten

MSmits: that way 400k capacity is plenty

MSmits: ohh ja_fica thanks for pushing me to nr 1. I have a lot of problems with Robo

ja_fica: FastRand(HASH_TRIES)

MSmits: yeah that's when all spots are filled

MSmits: i just pick a random one to overwrite

MSmits: so the spot in the hash table that the key leads to + random(0,5)

MSmits: i don't know if it happens often that all spots are filled

MSmits: it would require some serious amount of collisions

ja_fica: I would always overwrite

ja_fica: but that seems smart

MSmits: this is what marchete told me to do with hashing

ja_fica: I have a NN agent in C4, that is bad against my opening book bot

MSmits: NN's have to be super strong to beat an opening book in a simple fixed start game like c4

MSmits: well i guess it depends on the quality of the book as well

MSmits: I expect if you have a perfect book and use the full codesize, it's pretty much impossible to win vs a normal ab/mcts bot that uses it

MSmits: (I only ever used like 5% of codesize here)

MSmits: it's different in more complex games ofc

struct: hi

MSmits: hi struct

struct: idk how to make improvements on the c4 bot

struct: I think ill just leave as it is

struct: until I come up with someihting

struct: something*

jacek: any improvements in bt?

struct: I paused, im working on competitive problems instead

struct: competitive programming problems*

DomiKo: O.o

struct: im very bad at them DomiKo

MSmits: probably better than i am

MSmits: or at least much faster

DomiKo: no one is good from the start

struct: yeah

MSmits: yeah that makes sense

ja_fica: are you programming from KickStart?

MSmits: though i think for the really speedy stuff it also helps to be under 30 years old

ja_fica: or CodeJam, or CodingGame?

struct: cf

ja_fica: I hate getting old :(

ja_fica: luckly im just 24

struct: and atcoder

MSmits: getting old is not so bad yet for me and i'm 40 :)

MSmits: just gotta know your limits

ja_fica: I feel like im 18 xD

MSmits: you are

MSmits: hexadecimally

ja_fica: ahahha good point

MSmits: see at 40 you can be sharp enough to point that out

Default avatar.png Durnholde: can i somehow finish my clash code ? so i can check if it would pass test cases ?

ja_fica: you can test before submit

struct: whats the clash?

Default avatar.png Durnholde: time ended and clash ended automatically, needed like 15 more seconds

MSmits: dont think there's a fix for that Durnholde =/

MSmits: but try puzzles instead

MSmits: no time limit

Default avatar.png Durnholde: sure, I just tried this randomly, didnt know it is time based and now i just wanted to finish

jacek: :thinking:

Default avatar.png SHEEPGAMIN: how to clash

SNEEDSTER: Press alt and f4 to start a clash

Default avatar.png SHEEPGAMIN: ok\

TheBlueBias: jacek

TheBlueBias: Well, that's not a surprise but :D

Default avatar.png DemonPlayz1st: coding is easy.

Default avatar.png SHEEPGAMIN: man

Default avatar.png SHEEPGAMIN: :grinning:

Default avatar.png DemonPlayz1st: :eye::lips::eye:

Default avatar.png MATBA: can anyone help with stall tilt in c++?

struct: whats the question MATBA?

struct: I havent solved the problem but I can try to check it

azeddinebouabdallah: Hey

struct: hi

ipsissimus: man im trying to do this chuck norris binary/unary conversion puzzle and idk what im doing. i thought this was the 'learn' section, not the 'figure it out lol' section :rage:

struct: ipsissimus

struct: you need to convert each char given to 7 bit binary

struct: so you need padding zeroes

struct: 1011 needs to become 0001011

struct: and then you convert it to unary

ipsissimus: well the first is C which is already 7 bits long

struct: yes

struct: Your code should work on that solution right?

struct: testcase*

ipsissimus: well no, its after that that im stuck

struct: ok so after converting to 7 bit binary

struct: you should do a for loop

ipsissimus: i got for digit in binary:

ipsissimus: then i need to count them WHILE digit is the same

struct: and while the number is the same

struct: yeah

ipsissimus: yeah i got that, i set current = digit

struct: that step is also right

ipsissimus: then while current == digit:

ipsissimus: ?

ipsissimus: but that will always be true

ipsissimus: since the line before is literally the assignment

struct: ok so let me try some pseudo

ipsissimus: for dig in binary:

       curr = dig
       while curr == dig:

struct: which language do you use?

ipsissimus: this what i have

ipsissimus: python

struct: ok

struct: i dont know py3

ipsissimus: i know its wrong and not sure how to deal

struct: But can i write in c++ like?

ipsissimus: sure

ipsissimus: my algos are so weak, once i have to step into like 3 levels of for/if/while depth, i get overwhelmed and have no idea how to continue


struct: something like this

struct: ('0' * size) is like a repetition

struct: repeat 0 n times

struct: feel free to ask any question

ipsissimus: yeah let me look at it and brain crunch for a bit

struct: binary would be a string

ipsissimus: the first line already has me asking questions

struct: ok

ipsissimus: if you set current to binary[0]

ipsissimus: then what happens when you get to a new section that isnt the same char

ipsissimus: ?

ipsissimus: like for 1000011

ipsissimus: current would be 1

ipsissimus: but then you hit 0 immediately after

struct: yes thats expained in the for loop

struct: i start the loop at 1

struct: current is 1

struct: on that example

struct: when i = 1 it would be 0 because binary[1] == 0

struct: then if (current == binary[i]) is false

struct: it goes to the else

struct: and adds it to the solution

struct: and sets the current char to 0

ipsissimus: so i need to set current prior to for loop

ipsissimus: i was doing this part backwards

struct: I would do it yes

ipsissimus: and start for loop at binary[1]

struct: at index 1 yes

ipsissimus: ok, hold on i need to rewire my logic here

ipsissimus: this what i have so far:

ipsissimus: hopefully this logic is correct up to this point

struct: you set current before the loop right?


ipsissimus: yeah ill post everything

struct: also I think print creates a new line everytime so you might need to store it first and then printit at the end

ipsissimus: right, i can deal with formatting without issue, im just trying to get each section to print correctly

struct: also for char in message wont work I think but you can fix it later I think

ipsissimus: i expect: 0 0 00 0000 0 00

ipsissimus: char in message works:

ipsissimus: binary is 1000011 at line 3

ipsissimus: str

ipsissimus: unless you mean something else

struct: for i, dig in enumerate(binary[1]):

struct: this doesnt seem right I think

struct: but i dont really know py3

ipsissimus: i do enumerate so that i can get both the index, and the digit

ipsissimus: if i do for dig in binary[i] its just the content not the index

struct: but this binary[1]

struct: you are only enumerating that char

struct: that is inside the binary1

struct: so it will always be only 1 iteration of the loop

ipsissimus: ah i mistyped, good catch

ipsissimus: should be binary[1:] to mean from 1 onwards

struct: whats the correct syntax?

ipsissimus: output is this so far:

ipsissimus: 0 0 00 0000

ipsissimus: missing final 1's

struct: ah yes

struct: because I didnt add a condition to the final number check

struct: you need to check if its the final iteration

ipsissimus: thats gonna complicate things..

ipsissimus: and i still am not sure why im not getting my final count of the 1's

ipsissimus: im expecting 3 prints 1st> 0 0 2nd>00 0000 3rd? 0 00

ipsissimus: but im not getting the 3rd

ipsissimus: ah i see why, you trying to tell me

ipsissimus: once we get to the final 1's, my if statement is always true

ipsissimus: so we never hit the else's that print

struct: 1 sec

struct: yes

struct: you can do this

ipsissimus: ok, i got my 3 printouts correct

Default avatar.png GomezJuanEfe: Hi

struct: nice

ipsissimus: now let me format :O

Default avatar.png GomezJuanEfe: I'm new

struct: hi GomezJuanEfe

ipsissimus: Hi :D

Default avatar.png GomezJuanEfe: How can I debug on the console?

ipsissimus: i just spam prints everywhere

ipsissimus: usually helps me to see whats going wrong

ipsissimus: test case 1 solved

ipsissimus: now onto test case 2

struct: GomezJuanEfe which language?

Default avatar.png GomezJuanEfe: Ok, but I don't know how to run the console

Default avatar.png GomezJuanEfe: JavaScript

ipsissimus: you can hit play all testcases

struct: ipsissimus you will have problems on test cae 2

struct: console.error("debug");

ipsissimus: @struct ya, i need to build a string

ipsissimus: like u said

struct: yes

Default avatar.png GomezJuanEfe: Ok, I did it

Default avatar.png GomezJuanEfe: Thanks!

ipsissimus: ok, for test case 2 i think i need to add zeros to get 7 bits

ipsissimus: to the binary message

struct: you dont

struct: because they are both character C

ipsissimus: i mean testcase 3

struct: ah yes

ipsissimus: i skipped testcase 2

struct: you do

ipsissimus: cuz its hard

ipsissimus: so im trying the ones that seem logically sequential in difficulty at least

ipsissimus: ok, so we got testcase 1 and testcase 3 solved, any single char is solved. now i have to figure out whats wrong with my testcase 2

struct: its quite simple

struct: so

struct: you are currently doing for every char

struct: you convert to binary

struct: and then unary

struct: but you need to convert every char

ipsissimus: yes

struct: and add it to a var

struct: and the loop that var in the enumerate

struct: binary = ""; for char in message:

   binary += bin(ord(char))[2:]

struct: similar to this

struct: and then you call your enumerate

Default avatar.png 5922: Are you still doing the Chuck Norris puzzle?

ipsissimus: yea :\

struct: do you understand what I mean ipsissimus?

ipsissimus: i do, but im struggling with where to define binary so that i can call it to add to it

struct: define binary before for char in message

ipsissimus: as empty string right?

struct: ye


ipsissimus: i think maybe my second for loop

struct: no

ipsissimus: and everything after needs to be dropped 1 indent?

struct: you are iterating many times no

struct: now

ipsissimus: yeah..

struct: you just need a shift tab

struct: so the enumerate wont be inside the for char loop

ipsissimus: but also the "current" and "size" assignments

struct: yes

ipsissimus: also need to be dropped

ipsissimus: ok ill try it out

struct: but the binary[0] needs to change

struct: oh no

struct: it doesnt

struct: it stays at that

ipsissimus: no, its not quite from size down.. its obviously nesting and too much iteration, but i gotta figure out where exactly

struct: for char in message:

ipsissimus: yeah i tried that i think, but it messes up even my first test case

ipsissimus: oh, i figured the issue

ipsissimus: my line 20

ipsissimus: where i had ans =


ipsissimus: was one nest too high

ipsissimus: so thats 3 testcases

struct: now it only fails the last one

ipsissimus: but now the hard one

struct: and I cant see why

struct: ah I see why

struct: :)

struct: lets see if you can find out :p

struct: its just before the print

ipsissimus: i think im assuming that the last binary digit is going to be a 1

struct: yes

ipsissimus: and thats not necessaryily the case

ipsissimus: so what im thinking is to check what the final char is, and set ans prefix accordingly

ipsissimus: final char of binary*

struct: its just an if else

struct: you already have one in the loop

ipsissimus: right

ipsissimus: woo\


ipsissimus: solved

struct: gj

ipsissimus: i wish i couldve done it alone

ipsissimus: thank you for you sage wisdom

Default avatar.png Jake354: lol

ipsissimus: but srsly, that was really hard

ipsissimus: for my smooth brain at least

struct: just keep practicing

ipsissimus: it put the fear in me

struct: why?

ipsissimus: if level 8 puzzles this difficult

ipsissimus: i have no hope on higher levels :O

struct: well it will take time obviously

struct: But im sure you will be able to solve them

Default avatar.png 5922: The level of difficulty even in the sections can vary greatly.

ipsissimus: ty again for the help. i will forge ahead and try my best

struct: np

ipsissimus: are there maybe video explanations or article explanations for these puzzles?

ipsissimus: i cant be the only one who hits a wall

Default avatar.png Good_Coder: idk

Default avatar.png 5922: You can look at the solutions that other members have submitted and published after you finish a puzzle.

ipsissimus: most people probably to reserved to ask for help and give up

ipsissimus: well if i finished it, i dont need help anymore lol

Default avatar.png 5922: You might find interesting ways of doing it that you haven't encountered before.

Default avatar.png 5922: Maybe not, though.

ipsissimus: sure, im confident that smarter people than myself have optimal solutions with voodoo implementations

Westicles: well, considering you don't have any brain wrinkles you did very well :P

ipsissimus: definately good to learn that, but what i mean is like answers to questions like "why build a string to print instead of printing each section?" the answers arent so apparent until after you hit the testcase that makes you refactor

ipsissimus: wrinkles+=1

ipsissimus: also, i cant take too much credit, struct has wrinkles to spare

Default avatar.png clashplayer: lol power of thor image now in puzzle, come on

struct: you can enable expert mdoe

struct: mode

struct: which allows you to see the full answer

struct: that you need to give

ipsissimus: wheres that?

struct: on ide

Default avatar.png clashplayer: left side

ipsissimus: ah found it

ipsissimus: also, remember to change to dark ide

ipsissimus: because light attracts bugs

Husoski: :) Light attracts bugs :) rofl

ipsissimus: ;)

ipsissimus: its how i made it this far with no wrinkles

Husoski: @ipsissimus by the way, you can simplify conversions to binary using Python's format() function or string method. bits = format(n,'07b')

ipsissimus: is that better? or just different?

Husoski: Just shorter, faster to type. Faster and small to run than coding loops, too.

Husoski: *smaller

ipsissimus: so youre talking about changing the line: binary += bin(ord(char))[2:].zfill(7)

ipsissimus: where i fill for 7 bits

ipsissimus: with format?

Husoski: The '07' in '07b' does the zfill; the 0 specifies '0' as a fill character and 7 says the minimum field width is 7.


ipsissimus: so if i have a binary var:

ipsissimus: or do you mean it does the conversion as well

Husoski: That converts a Python integer n to a 7-character string of 0's and 1's that is the "binary" representation.

ipsissimus: without 0b prefix i assume

Husoski: Yes, just read your pastebin. Yes...better than bin() in two ways!

ipsissimus: yeah sounds better actually, less esoteric than ord/bin/zfill + slicing

Husoski: Have you got Python installed locally?

ipsissimus: yes

Husoski: Run Idle (or interactive if you like) and try things out as you learn them. That is one of the best learning habits I ever got.

ipsissimus: yeah im practicing unloading JSON and CSV on the side at the moment, gotta be prepped for these interviews

Husoski: Another good one is "don't copy/paste while you're learning".

Husoski: By the way, struct was giving you good advice (as usual!). One thing I'd suggest is when a problem has too many layers for you to get, simplify into smaller subproblems.

ipsissimus: sure, googling is a skill in the workplace, but isnt conducive to learning. Im here to try and understand WHY i need to implement in a certain way.

ipsissimus: if I can understand why, i wont need to rely on "o ive seen this one before"

Husoski: In this case, you can take 3 steps. Convert input to single stream of bits, then "run length encode that" into (char, count) pairs for each group of repeated bits, then convert those pairs into the final output.

Husoski: Not trivial, but each is much simpler than an all-in-one approach.

ipsissimus: i agree, this site has done a great job identifying my weaknesses and sticking its finger into it and twisting and jabbing and all around slapping me around

ipsissimus: i also seem to run away from the learn section and hide in CoC :nerd: where its safe

Husoski: Try this a couple of ways, see what works better for you.

Husoski: Writing code (and getting it working) is where the real learning happens.

Husoski: Also, having a tab open on the docs for quick reference helps. I've been doing Python for 15+ years and still do that. It's a big language with a *huge* library.

ipsissimus: yeah theres always a new builtin i learn exists and im like "that wouldve made this so much easier"

Husoski: My back-burner challenge is to learn enough Ruby to be effective; and then Haskell to see I'm too old a dog to get that new trick.

Husoski: Have fun. Dinner time here...

ipsissimus: o7

Default avatar.png Huon.K: Are there any problems with this site right now?

Thorcode: no?

Thorcode: I have no problem

Default avatar.png Huon.K: The game doesn't load

Default avatar.png Huon.K: Games doesn't load

Default avatar.png Huon.K: All games are not loading

Default avatar.png Good_Coder: mine loads

Thorcode: try another browser Huon.k

Thorcode: or use guest mode

TechnoBot: Hi

Thorcode: hi

Husoski: Guest mode?

Thorcode: yep

Husoski: What's that?

Thorcode: in chrome that worked for me

aangairbender: Husoski Ctrl + Shift + N

Wontonimo: hiya

Wontonimo: i am online

Thorcode: hi

Wontonimo: bow to my presents

Wontonimo: or not

Wontonimo: hey Thorcode

Wontonimo: how are you ?

Thorcode: nice

Wontonimo: good to hear

Wontonimo: i have done nothing in codingame for a few days. just stallking

Wontonimo: how about you? what have you been up to Thorcode

Thorcode: Coding escape and some puzzle

Thorcode: no one puzzle

Default avatar.png cookiecutter: hi

Default avatar.png LualOVER: hello


scripto_entity_1010: shit wrong send

scripto_entity_1010: lel

Wontonimo: hey new people! :wave: :wave:

Wontonimo: nice to meet you

Default avatar.png Makos: :)

Wontonimo: hey Makos, looks like you've only done clash of code. have you seen the other awesome things there like bot battles and puzzles?


Wontonimo: oh, a fellow Canadian eh? Nice to meet you cookiecutter!

Wontonimo: time to break out the tuque soon, esp when going for a rip, eh?

Wontonimo: by the way, if the text is red it is only because your name is in it

Wontonimo: it doesn't mean anything bad

Wontonimo: for example

Wontonimo: hi Makos

Wontonimo: hi cookiecutter

Wontonimo: ni LualOVER

Wontonimo: hi*

Wontonimo: hey struct, what time is it for you?

struct: 0448

struct: hi

Wontonimo: woh. that's early/late. just too close to both early and late

Default avatar.png RAPU: hola

Wontonimo: what the heck are you doing up at this hour struct?

Wontonimo: :wave: RAPU

IfIHadATail: it's 8:48pm in the real world

struct: not much, i have trouble sleeping

Default avatar.png RAPU: soy nuevo en esto alguien que me ayude que casi no entiendo

Wontonimo: if the real world is on the other side of the planet IfIHadATail, then okay

Wontonimo: it's nearly midnight where i am

IfIHadATail: yeah well you are just the internet and here it is real :P

Default avatar.png RAPU: a qui son las 10 pm

Wontonimo: omg, i feel like free guy IfIHadATail. a revelation of my quasi existence as a virtual entity

IfIHadATail: ha ha ha ha <3

struct: anyways I should go sleep a bit :p

struct: and probably try to fix my sleep

IfIHadATail: I feel you though I am a night owl as well so I'll be in your position soon enough XD

Wontonimo: oh, you are a Douglas Adams fan IfIHadATail. I read Hitchikers to my kids when they were 7 and 8. They though it was super funny

struct: my main problem is if I code then go to bed I take a lot of time to fall asleep

struct: my brain is active

IfIHadATail: ha ha ha I am indeed a huge Douglas Adams fan : )

struct: anyways gn everyone

struct: or good morning :p

IfIHadATail: yeah I have to nt play games or code for a bit if I ever expect to sleep :P

IfIHadATail: night o/