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eulerscheZahl: oh, Dice Duel is puzzle of the week

MSmits: morning

Default avatar.png **Tien2k9 say it's so hard!!!

Default avatar.png **Tien2k9 slaps code around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png ISAI: hii

Default avatar.png Good_Coder: bye

jacek: dice duel eh

Default avatar.png **Tien2k9 slaps jacek around a bit with a large fishbot

Default avatar.png Tien2k9: :neutral_face:

Default avatar.png Tien2k9: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Default avatar.png **Tien2k9 spaming

Default avatar.png **Tien2k9 coding

Thorcode: YEAH



Thorcode: Thanks bias

Thorcode: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

TheBlueBias: hm?

Default avatar.png TheoMars16: slt

Default avatar.png Tien2k9: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Default avatar.png TheoMars16: la squad

Thorcode: that cat is nice

Default avatar.png TheoMars16: ah oe tes chaud

**TechnoBot joined.

TechnoBot: Hello... ?

TechnoBot: brb.

**TechnoBot is now ignoring the chat and working on his puzzle. (He is coding.)

Thorcode: nice

Thorcode: TechnoBot

Default avatar.png dayeon: I can't go from the home screen to the PRACTICE screen, please help

Uljahn: click

Uljahn: do you see any errors in browser console?

Default avatar.png dayeon: No screen is output

Uljahn: are you on mobile? is your browser up to date?

Default avatar.png dayeon: not mobile

Default avatar.png dayeon: my browser is up to date

Default avatar.png dayeon: I am using chrome browser

Default avatar.png dayeon: Thank you for helping me

Uljahn: could be a problem with your ISP, also try ctrl+f5

Default avatar.png All_This: wtf is this shit

Default avatar.png All_This: i hate this platform so badly xD

Default avatar.png dayeon: I get the same problem when I press ctrl + f5

Default avatar.png dayeon: I think it's an ISP problem.

TechnoBot: BRB

TechnoBot: I just finished my puzzle

TechnoBot: wtf happened



[CG]Thibaud: use #clash please

TechnoBot: ok?

TechnoBot: brb

TechnoBot: theres so much clashes there

Default avatar.png Annachan31: prouy

Default avatar.png Annachan31: prout

Default avatar.png All_This: #trashclash

derjack: potw... rip gpu

Husoski: #clash

WillChang: #clash

WillChang: :grin:

Uljahn: just click it to join, no need to spam

Default avatar.png sofiene26: Does anyone how to efficiently reach a better rank ? Because I'm always among the top 3 but my rank is still the same

KalamariKing: Yeah, get top 1

WillChang: just try and you will get better

Default avatar.png sofiene26: Okkk thx

DaNinja: anyone else having problems opening Activities pages like

DaNinja: Ctrl+F5 to refresh just gives a grey screen

DaNinja: a lot of ERR_ABORTED 504 errors in browser console

TheBlueBias: What a shame! Errors have the right to live!

struct: seems fine to me DaNinja

Uljahn: yes, some ppl from Korea got the same problem, it's been reported on discord bug-report channel, so devs are aware of it

Uljahn: ah, it was codingame channel, not bug-report

DaNinja: thanks, similar reports in JP channel too

Uljahn: could be regional ISP problem

DaNinja: odd that chat still works

Uljahn: not really, chat is websocket based, and the problem might be CDN related, but it's just a guess

Boruto-kun: hi guys, have you watched the new episode of Boruto Next Generation Yesterday???

TheBlueBias: Uljahn attack in 3... 2... 1...

Uljahn: Automaton2000: have you heard of UitM?

Automaton2000: that's why u need to play against

Default avatar.png Makos: κανένας έλληνας?

Astrobytes: όχι

Astrobytes: There are a few Greeks

Astrobytes: Not sure if there is an active Greek channel though

Default avatar.png monkey219: hullo

Default avatar.png monkey219: whatchall doin

Astrobytes: drinking coffee, that's about it

Default avatar.png Rory_K: Hello

TheBlueBias: Astrobytes

ya_boi_: hello

ya_boi_: i am ya boi


moustapha_coding: if anyone wants to join ^^

moustapha_coding: ^^)

Astrobytes: TheBlueBias: you sent that one already ;)

Scarfield: CAFFEINE!

TheBlueBias: Oh? Well that's coffee. :p

TheBlueBias: Scarffeine

Astrobytes: Coffeild

Astrobytes: *Coffield

Scarfield: nice one

Astrobytes: (catastrophytes)

eulerscheZahl: Cofferfield, the coffee wizard

Astrobytes: lol

TheBlueBias: ngl

Scarfield: sounds like an undertaker(?), coffers for all

Astrobytes: that would be coffins

2ReGul4r: Hey I made my first CoC challenge some days ago. Can you guys give me some more feedback ? :D

TheBlueBias: Coffee lead to coffin.

Astrobytes: coffers seems more financial

Scarfield: yea, but with the right dialect, ah its a stretch

Astrobytes: hahaha

eulerscheZahl: i'm wondering if your proposed solution is deterministic 2ReGul4r

eulerscheZahl: you are using a dictionary. does Python keep the keys is order?

TheBlueBias: Is that the first problem you see?

eulerscheZahl: yes, do you have more?

eulerscheZahl: i mean, obviously the first problem is that it's a clash

Astrobytes: #1: It's a CoC

eulerscheZahl: but that's too obvious, doesn't count

Astrobytes: damn you

TheBlueBias: #2 alreday seen

eulerscheZahl: #1 asking on chat?

TheBlueBias: But not a proble according to guidelines

TheBlueBias: That's a problem too. But I was speaking of the coc itself

TheBlueBias: #3 the statement

eulerscheZahl: "programm" has a typo obviously

TheBlueBias: The whole sentence is weird

eulerscheZahl: tbh i skilled the statement and had a look at the code directly

TheBlueBias: skilled ^^

Astrobytes: for me to notice anything about it I would have to look at it. Which I will not :innocent:

eulerscheZahl: just ran the author code on the problem, seems to work

2ReGul4r: I know my english is not the best its my 3rd language sry :D

eulerscheZahl: don't worry, TheBlueBias is always picky

Astrobytes: and I seldom look at clashes (it's nothing personal)

eulerscheZahl: ++

eulerscheZahl: i just click at them to make the red circle go away

TheBlueBias: I looked only because it attacked the chat.

2ReGul4r: I updated the statement with the "programm" typo and changed it up a bit

2ReGul4r: thanks for the feedback guys

2ReGul4r: <3

Scarfield: was Schrödinger buried in a coffin?

Astrobytes: hahahaha

Default avatar.png Makos: YES

Default avatar.png Makos: and no

TheBlueBias: Meh. That's not funny

TheBlueBias: Disapointing Scarfail

**Astrobytes awaits the best joke ever from Blaise

Astrobytes: Meh. Not even a joke. Disappointing Blaise.

Scarfield: oof

TheBlueBias: What a lame argument. Dispointing too Astrobytes...

Astrobytes: :P

TheBlueBias: You should do politic.

Astrobytes: I couldn't. I'm awful at lying.

TheBlueBias: "Do you have a solution to the problems of this country? No? So you don't have the right to criticize anything I do."

Scarfield: You could get far by answering your own questions, and not the ones you are asked

Astrobytes: Fair. Though I'm not rich enough either.

Scarfield: thats where corruption is usefull


eulerscheZahl: there are 4 questions. i'm the one who asks the questions. I will also give the answers...

Astrobytes: Scarfield: Or indeed simply changing the subject and not answering anything whatsoever. Have you seen the latest Lego set?

TheBlueBias: Ach so.

Astrobytes: hahaha

Default avatar.png Nidle: Y'all are Ok to get to puzzles for now?

Default avatar.png Nidle: I can't open any puzzles.

struct: korea and japan seem to be having problems on cg

Astrobytes: ^

Scarfield: Ul_jahn 02:37PM yes, some ppl from Korea got the same problem, it's been reported on discord bug-report channel, so devs are aware of it

TheBlueBias: Pastefield

eulerscheZahl: Scarbin

Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: Copyfield

Astrobytes: damn, too slow

TheBlueBias: Astrosloth

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: brilliant!


Astrobytes: Looks just like me too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


TheBlueBias: :rofl:

Astrobytes: :rofl:

eulerscheZahl: :rofl:

Astrobytes: Top quality Scarfield :D

eulerscheZahl: you broke the combo

TheBlueBias: Astrobreak

Scarfield: Paint is an amazing tool :p

Astrobytes: c-c-c- no I won't

eulerscheZahl: the "t" is silent

TheBlueBias: Scartist

Scarfield: Pain is an amazing ool

Astrobytes: hahahaha

Astrobytes: Asrosloh, Asrobyes, Asrobreak

TheBlueBias: This! Is! The paintkiller!

Astrobytes: You! Are! The chatkiller!

TheBlueBias: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

eulerscheZahl: the clashkiller

Default avatar.png MeBen: Sometimes I get so stuck on a clever golfing solution in clash that I end up running out of time with less than 100%, when I could have gone with a straight forward solution and win at 100% about 2 minutes in

eulerscheZahl: can't happen to me B)

derjack: hm?

_NikJ: I see an increase in code golfed solutions of the type "爽牥慤汩湥੦㵸㴾砮獵扳瑲⠰ⰲ⤪㘰ⴠ⵸⹳畢獴爨㌬㈩੄㵲⡁㵦⡲⡎㵦⡲⠩⤩⤩੩昨举䄩中㴱㐴《灲楮琨䐾䄭丿≌䅔䔢㨢佋∩"? Anyone cares to explain what it is?

derjack: utf-16 characters count as one


eulerscheZahl: but this one doesn't have the eval and decode part?

_NikJ: Booooring

struct: use ruby and you wont have problems beating python

waschak: this is so unfair tbh especially when we have to write less code

_NikJ: I try to use it when possible, I was just curious aboout this

waschak: c ++ or java vs python ruby

waschak: xdddd

derjack: dont bring knife to a gun fight

struct: its so unfair for python that it gets destroyed in performance multis by c++

waschak: wait what , its the reverse


eulerscheZahl: but what about bringing an oil fire to a knife fight? :thinking:


struct: o.o

moustapha_coding: python coders are just ... -.-

moustapha_coding: 2 lines of code and thats it

eulerscheZahl: feel free to learn python too

eulerscheZahl: others learnt C++ just for the bot programming section of this website


Default avatar.png MeBen: Imagine once he sees some Ruby/Perl/Bash golf

bdrnglm: @eulerschZahl why C++ in particular ?

eulerscheZahl: because it's fast. You could also use C or Rust

eulerscheZahl: I go with C# as a good tradeoff between speed and ease to code (and because it's what I know best)

niluthebear: hello world

Wontonimo: hello niluthebear

Wontonimo: hey bdrnglm, I tried for months to do the bot programming in just python. It went okay but only for bots where simulation didn't really count

Wontonimo: I tried python on ultimate tic tac toe and was only able to do about 500 (partial) simulations per turn. With C++ I'm about to do about 100,000 simulations per turn

Uljahn: i wish we had numba :(

Wontonimo: bdrnglm, when you are doing something like minimax or mcts, more simulations really helps.

Wontonimo: +1 Uljahn

bdrnglm: (Guys, please let me know how you can mention somebody here ?)

bdrnglm: @Wontonimo If I do this it won't work non ?

bdrnglm: And thank you for letting me know :) I knew that compiled languages are usualy faster, but for whatever reason I didn't know it was the case on CG as well

Wontonimo: yeah, just start typing the name then press tab for auto complete. no need for the "@"

bdrnglm: Wontonimo ooooooooh hhh

Wontonimo: yes, that worked. i see that message in red

bdrnglm: But you have to know that! There's no UI element letting me know that I can do that

bdrnglm: Thank you Wontonimo

bdrnglm: :)

Wontonimo: you're welcome bdrnglm

miszu: why the puzzle of the week is a bot programing?

Wontonimo: sometimes it is

miszu: what is considered as "you solved the puzzle"

Wontonimo: a little while ago it was space shooter

Wontonimo: there is a double rainbow in the background of dice-duel. Nice eulerscheZahl

Westicles: miszu wood 1

miszu: I am doing the bender episode 1 puzzle. Only thing I need to think of is how to detect a loop

69razer69: whats that new unknown level that appears in language box

miszu: there is the cheezy way to count # of turns and use a high value but I prefer a clean way to find a loop

Wontonimo: same location, same state = loop

miszu: it's not entirely true though

Wontonimo: why not

miszu: you could pass the same location, same state but in future moves there is a difference

Wontonimo: then the state isn't the same

Wontonimo: how could the state be the same but have a different outcome?

jacek: quantum physics question?

miszu: classical physicas

miszu: maybe later in further location there was a change

miszu: are you 101% sure that if any location it has the same state then it's a loop?

Wontonimo: if the state includes bender and the board, and all their properties, then if you have revisited a state then you are definitely in a loop

miszu: oh okay makes sense

miszu: you compare more stuff than just location

Westicles: better check the Hamiltonian to be sure

Wontonimo: yes

Wontonimo: i'm checking my solution to be sure i'm not just leading you in the wrong direction and it turns out that's not how i detect

Wontonimo: my solution is cheese and I'm not proud of it

jacek: cheese? and taco?

Wontonimo: unfortunately no taco

Wontonimo: and stinky cheese (that isn't supposed to be stinky)

Wontonimo: I had a "seen" map to help with tracking cycles but I ended up not using it

niluthebear: any feeling that something(whle typing) slow while solving puzzle of the week

niluthebear: ?

jacek: dice duel mines crypto

Default avatar.png PoonJolly: i have no idea what im doing

Westicles: disable HW acceleration

Westicles: er, enable... read the forum

niluthebear: ok

Default avatar.png Mo-Mo: what if you don't the answers for clash of code


Default avatar.png Mo-Mo: I'm a decent JavaScript developer but these question lol. I don't even know half of them

Wontonimo: if you want more time Mo-Mo try the puzzles

Wontonimo: the is no time limit on them and you can choose the difficulty

Wontonimo: you may also like to see your code battle other code. i Just recently tried Ghost in the cell it was fun

MSmits: testing my new c4 bot with TT. It doesn't have a book so doesn't beat my old bot, but look how soon it solves:


MSmits: not yet reusing the tree either, still bugged somehow.

jacek: i know this trick

jacek: if (rounds >= 29) cout << " LOSS" << endl;

MSmits: haha I am not you jacek :grin:

MSmits: solving just 5 plies earlier will help a ton when trying to solve this game

jacek: how do you backpropagate

MSmits: along the same route as the selection

MSmits: and yeah using TT messes up mcts stats

MSmits: having parents with less visits than the total number of visits of the children

jacek: children dont visit their parents nowadays anyway

eulerscheZahl: you should play the puzzle of the week

MSmits: indeed, thats the right analogy

MSmits: you want me to do the dice thing

jacek: he doesnt have gpu for that

MSmits: oh lol it's that heavy 3d thingy

MSmits: I have a good gpu

eulerscheZahl: either that or low resolution dice. decisions had to be made

MSmits: I like the game, it's definitely high on my list, but also got a large work backlog

eulerscheZahl: just make up grades for your student

MSmits: hehe i dont grade so much now that i teach CS

eulerscheZahl: our chancellor candidate did that too

MSmits: have to grade some artwork created with python, some really good stuff


MSmits: yeah thats messed up, just admit it got lost and don't do the fraud

eulerscheZahl: he even made students pass that didn't take the exam

MSmits: yeah i read

MSmits: handed in blank paper

eulerscheZahl: fast reader

jacek: can i apply there

MSmits: you can, just send in a blank paper

MSmits: they'll make up your name

Default avatar.png unthinkable: e

eulerscheZahl: 2.718281828459045

MSmits: pi

TheBlueBias: phi

MSmits: whats phi?

eulerscheZahl: golden ration?

eulerscheZahl: -n

MSmits: i dunno, i always used phi for angles

MSmits: like theta

eulerscheZahl: Ist noch lambda? Ja, aber das phi ist noch rho

TheBlueBias: Yeag golden ratio

eulerscheZahl: too bad you won't get the joke, translates poorly :(

MSmits: yep, gave it a good try but don't get the joke

Wontonimo: jokes on you, I can read German. Problem is I don't understand it.

eulerscheZahl: I bet you can't read all the German letters. What about ß?

MSmits: i can read some German depending on the context

Default avatar.png unthinkable: ss

MSmits: dont bring up ww2

TheBlueBias: Ach

MSmits: ach?

eulerscheZahl: us Germans don't make our stringstream objects ss

MSmits: that figures

Wontonimo: My reading skills are probably better than Armin Laschet's

Wontonimo: regardless if i know ß or not

MSmits: i think it's mostly your decision making skills that are better

Wontonimo: and looks

TheBlueBias: Oh? You write schutzstaffel fully?

MSmits: debatable but i am partial to the lightning bolt

Wontonimo: thanks, but I hate to break the bad news. It doesn't look that good in person

Wontonimo: it's been photo enhanced

MSmits: o :(

Wontonimo: it's a bit smaller irl. kinda self concious about its size and all

MSmits: a small bolt is better than no bolt

MSmits: struct, can you tell me when yor bot solved this:


MSmits: your

jacek: you can the count dropping 1 frame later

Default avatar.png DAPRO1: Hey guys

Default avatar.png DAPRO1: Do the challenges get harder as you level up?

Default avatar.png DAPRO1: Seems very easy

MSmits: yeah so he solved at 39 or 40

MSmits: 2-3 frames later. Not bad

jacek: clashes are random

Default avatar.png DAPRO1: Anyon e knows if it gets harder?

jacek: for challenge do the harder puzzles

Default avatar.png DAPRO1: Ok thanks

eulerscheZahl: good starting point if you want harder

TheBlueBias: ezpz

MSmits: that's a good endpoint if you want harder :P

jacek: solved by 6%

eulerscheZahl: already 14 solvers. close to the 20 for PotW

MSmits: imagine the amount of questions you're going to get when thats potw

eulerscheZahl: sokoban got some fans in that one week

eulerscheZahl: not even in an ironic way. some needed more than a week but kept playing it

MSmits: yeah i think it's great you made that and minesweeper. Nostalgia!

MSmits: you must have been quite young when those games were popular

jacek: but space maze was potw hm?

eulerscheZahl: my sister played sokoban (or a similar game, can't even remember)

eulerscheZahl: space maze and blockout are my 2 missing ones that haven't been potw yet

eulerscheZahl: and tower dereference

eulerscheZahl: no leagues. but also no loss for not being potw

eulerscheZahl: i consider it the weakest of my contributions

MSmits: with the best name

eulerscheZahl: I also like the tryangle catch name

MSmits: true that's good too

struct: what jacek said was correct

struct: when my rollouts drop a lot its when its solved

struct: So I solved the next turn

jacek: omgwtf delete account!

struct: it was a won game for you

struct: after you play b4a3 its a win

struct: ah no

eulerscheZahl: bad defense for sure

jacek: no, its lose 1 move later

struct: yeah

struct: but e8e7 instead of b4a3 would have saved it?

jacek: wtf

jacek: some errors with this net

struct: bugs for sure

struct: also timeouts


struct: But maybe that one was older

jacek: oh tric resubmits

struct: is this the old bot jacek?

jacek: yes

MSmits: bah, I am stuck on a stupid tree reuse bug and a book bug

MSmits: bot seems good otherwise

MSmits: has something to do with me changing from board-on-the-node to move-on-the-node

Astrobytes: At least it's a book bug and not a book worm

MSmits: true :)

MSmits: was up last night cuz my dog ate a slug

MSmits: she wasnt feeling very well

Scarfield: badum tss :drum:

MSmits: yeah, shes ok now though

Scarfield: oh, was not directed at your dog :(

MSmits: it was a badum tss moment though

Astrobytes: ate a slug... doesn't seem too big a deal, is she sensitive like that?

MSmits: it's a small dog

MSmits: big slug

Scarfield: okay that is slightly amusing, even though sad for your doggo

Astrobytes: Hmm. Is she on regular anti-worm treatments?

MSmits: yea, should be ok

struct: "has something to do with me changing from board-on-the-node to move-on-the-node", what does this mean?

struct: ah you dont store the board anymore?

struct: on the node?

Scarfield: ivermectin?

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: eh

Astrobytes: Cause iirc it's lung or heart-worms you need to look out for with slugs

MSmits: no probably not ivermectin

MSmits: but yeah no longer storing the board on the node

MSmits: Astrobytes yeah i know

Scarfield: updating the board both from the book and the tree maybe

Astrobytes: cool cool, I trust you as a responsible dog owner ;)


MSmits: well it's my wife mostly that looks up this stuff

MSmits: she already had a fear of slugs before she looked that up :P

Astrobytes: 'dog owner with a responsible wife' then :D

MSmits: indeed

Scarfield: im sure the dog is responsible as well

MSmits: she would not eat slugs if she was

Astrobytes: It's mental Scarfield, it has small dog syndrome

Scarfield: xD

MSmits: I am actually not sure she ate a slug but the alternative is worse

Astrobytes: *she

Astrobytes: What's the alternative?

MSmits: we had a plastic bird bath with 10 years of accumulated residue from whatever they did in there. Belonged to the previous owner

MSmits: huge chunks of orange stuff

MSmits: she may have eaten a chunk of that instead

Scarfield: me ma has two small dogs, one is mental from small dog syndrome, the other is brain damaged and super nice

Astrobytes: How did she get it? It was at ground level?

MSmits: i think it may have fallen off as i was moving the junk out to the other side of the house

Astrobytes: Scarfield: awww bless!

MSmits: it was at ground level indeed, it was dug into the ground before i pulled it out

MSmits: like a tiny pond

Astrobytes: Scarfield: I met a brain damaged cat once, poor thing drooled all the time and couldn't take care of its fur properly, so needed constant brushing. It was a sweet little thing

MSmits: my dog is psychologically damaged and is also mental from small dog syndrome, not sure where one begins or the other ends

Astrobytes: @MSmits: Ah I see

Astrobytes: and lol

MSmits: i probably told you before but she was a guard dog for 2-3 yrs, lived outside. Probably ate plenty of slugs back then

Scarfield: small guard dog?

Astrobytes: Yes. You rescued her right?

Astrobytes: From Romania or somewhere?

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: guard dogs arent just to defend, also to warn, small dogs can do this just fine

MSmits: also she had sisters, they were a team. Vicious too

Scarfield: yea sure, i often play-fight with my moms small mental dog, its bloody fast. I wouldnt want to fight it for real, let alone more of them

MSmits: the problem is that she thinks we are her new team. If we go for a walk she wants to charge any dog she sees and i don't mean to hug and kiss

Astrobytes: lol, and the stealth cat that follows between the buildings along That Street

MSmits: ah yeah at my old house we had one of those that was always following. some cats do that, it's unsettling

Scarfield: how old is your dog?

MSmits: I think 6 now

MSmits: at least she no longer attacks me

Scarfield: probably to late to fix that behavior then

MSmits: yeah but small progress is good

MSmits: when she was first with us, she did not wait for positive identification before the attack, so if she just saw my legs...

Scarfield: xD

Astrobytes: with previously traumatised animals you just kind of have to roll with their behaviour at first, recognise their triggers and work with them

Scarfield: i remember you mentioning something about opening the fridge with care

MSmits: she was particularly sensitive about food and where it was stored, so if the legs were poking out behind the refridgerator door...

MSmits: yes :)

Astrobytes: lol yeah I remember

Scarfield: poor little buggers, nice of you to "adopt" one :)

MSmits: well it was my wife's decision, but I am happy with her, she's funny

Astrobytes: Pets to me are members of the family

Scarfield: your wife, or your dog?

Astrobytes: hahahaha :rofl:

Scarfield: xD

niluthebear: :rofl:

niluthebear: is there any typo in WHAT WILL I LEARN section

niluthebear: ressource

MSmits: lol Scarfield I realized that was ambiguous :)

MSmits: and yeah if you don't treat a pet as a member of the family you shouldn;t have one

Scarfield: ^

MSmits: niluthebear you can edit the html and then the extra s will be gone :)

niluthebear: lol

Scarfield: i have very well developed skills for misunderstanding stuff :p

MSmits: same

MSmits: it's good, teaches other people to be clear in their communications

Astrobytes: hahaha, I regularly find myself teaching English to people

Astrobytes: perhaps I missed my calling

Scarfield: last time i visited my mom, she asked if i wanted another portion of food, and i said: "ill wait 2 sec and get some more" everyone counted to 2 in unison, and i got another portion, its in the family

Astrobytes: hahahaha that's just a cool family :D

Scarfield: yea especially when i see my big brother, we literally catch each other in rephrasing senteces to not be misunderstood

Astrobytes: lol, that's kinda awesome tbh

jacek: misunderstandings eh

Scarfield: for sure, its family friendly trolling

MSmits: I troll my wife all day

Scarfield: for years my big brothers wife were rolling her eyes at us, now she is taking part and upping the stakes :p

Astrobytes: hahaha, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

Scarfield: yup xD

Scarfield: even my 11 year old niece catch us sometimes

Astrobytes: I have this dynamic with my mother

Astrobytes: And pretty much all my friends

Scarfield: i asked her if she could pass me the pepper, and she dead-pan just says yes, not passing me the pebber :D

Scarfield: pebber/pepper

jacek: :confused:

MSmits: sounds like jacek is your mother

MSmits: he would do that

MSmits: or maybe blaise

Scarfield: ah he would just complain :p

MSmits: hmm maybe :)

Astrobytes: "can you give me a hand with this" - "yes", extends hand

Astrobytes: etc etc

Scarfield: i love that kind of dumb humor

Scarfield: it brings a spark to the sometimes stale everyday

MSmits: struct, do you have a mirrored representation for c4?

MSmits: (8 - (nodes[i].move_index % 9)) == move_index

MSmits: the 8 - ?

struct: no

struct: my 0 bit is bottom right

MSmits: hmm maybe this is what i am missing?

Astrobytes: Scarfield: exactly!

MSmits: oh ok mirrored then

MSmits: my 0 bit is bottom left

struct: yours is mirrored :p

MSmits: but i dont have to do 8 - ...

Scarfield: bottom left o0

Scarfield: bottom left as 0 seems so un-intuitive to me

struct: same for me Scarfield

struct: but I see some people starting from top left

Scarfield: heathens

Astrobytes: I don't think there's really a best way, it's personal preference and/or common practice for most things

Scarfield: :pitchfork:

struct: yeah its personal preference for sure

struct: :fork:

struct: :fork_and_knife:

Astrobytes: :flaming torch:

Scarfield: xD

Scarfield: btw Astrobytes i found out that my audio book app has the constant gardener with le carre himself as narrator on it :)

Astrobytes: Scarfield: Now *that* is awesome

Astrobytes: It surely couldn't be better than that

Scarfield: its amazing, one thing is that he is a great author, but the man can narrate as well!

MSmits: constant gardener?

MSmits: I identify with this man

Scarfield: yea, lawn mowing is jobby

Astrobytes: Yes, he spoke very very well

Astrobytes: jobby!

MSmits: i remove all the jobbys my dog made before i do the lawn

Astrobytes: *jobbies

MSmits: those too

Scarfield: never seen an interview or anything with him, but after listening to him narrating, i definatly want to

Astrobytes: For when you have time:

Astrobytes: (2010 interview)

Scarfield: oh, i didnt even know he past away

Astrobytes: Yes. Great loss.

Scarfield: its weird to see him speak now, i connect his voice with the story atm

Astrobytes: you still will when you listen to it

Scarfield: i didnt even realise "the spy who came in from the cold" was written by him

Astrobytes: ;)

Scarfield: well my to-read list has expanded :p

Astrobytes: Good!

Scarfield: the first 10 minutes of that link.. the gonads of that guy

Astrobytes: right :)

Default avatar.png Bushi671: im pretending to be productive in this class

MSmits: Gj Bushi671

Default avatar.png Bushi671: might as well learn code while im at it

Default avatar.png Bushi671: tyty <3

MSmits: :thumbsup:

Default avatar.png Bushi671: is this a good site?

Astrobytes: Bushi671: if you want to be good at things later in life I strongly advise you be productive

MSmits: if you can't, pretending is also ok in many cases

Scarfield: anyway, im off for today, gn folks :)

Astrobytes: (or try at least)

Astrobytes: Scarfield: gn dude

niluthebear: gn

MSmits: gn

Default avatar.png Bushi671: no absolutely I want to study code so I feel now is a better time if any

Default avatar.png Bushi671: im just in a class with a friend for moral suppory

Default avatar.png Bushi671: support*

Astrobytes: lol, which subject?

Default avatar.png Bushi671: rn hes were in EDUC but ive already taken this class

Default avatar.png Bushi671: lol

Default avatar.png Bushi671: so I just searched up code lessons and now im here XD

Astrobytes: I have no idea what that is but carry on coding, pay attention in math class and preferably a at least one science

Default avatar.png Bushi671: good thing I love both those subjects !

Astrobytes: ;)

Default avatar.png Bushi671: but thanks for the tip regardless!

Astrobytes: Then all I will say is stay with it and go far :)

Default avatar.png Bushi671: tyty :D

dimertrean: sup

Porsuk: that's a nice pfp you've got there

Porsuk: I like ponies too, not in this way tho

Remus_: Can I somehow kill the 3d display in this puzzle of the week? it takes ages for me to load :(

Astrobytes: Remus:

Astrobytes: * Remus_

Red_Eclipse: hello

ipsissimus: Hi friends, is this refactorable into 1 line: t, c, r = [int(i) for i in input().split()] print('yes' if t>=c/r else 'no')

struct: dont think so

struct: but doesnt py3 have ternary operator?

struct: ah its the one you are using

struct: im not used to py3 syntax sry

ipsissimus: yeah im pretty sure theres a way but im big dumb.

struct: print('no' if t<c/r else 'yes')

struct: one char shorter :p

ipsissimus: :O

Default avatar.png MeBen: print('no' if int((x:=input().split())[0])<int(x[1])/int(x[2]) else 'yes')

But I'm not sure if that's even shorter.

struct: also 2 spaces were not needed

struct: print('no'if t<c/r else'yes')

Default avatar.png MeBen: And could probably do map(int,input().split())

struct: meben is right

struct: idk python so cant help much

ipsissimus: ok hold on i need to look at that a bit colser

Default avatar.png MeBen: It uses the new in 3.8 walrus operator

ipsissimus: i see. let me google it

ipsissimus: i always struggle to shorten problems with multiple var assignments. but then i see other users submit some voodoo and im like wat

ipsissimus: ah i see, walrus evaluates the right side then assigns it instead of needing 2 lines

Default avatar.png MeBen: Very controversial operator, turns assignment from a statement to an expression

Default avatar.png MeBen: Python is hard to voodoo with (unless you count eval('UTF8HERE'))

Default avatar.png MeBen: print('no'if eval('{}<{}/{}'.format(*input().split()))else'yes')

ipsissimus: ye thats exactly the kind of voodoo im talking about

ipsissimus: i also see people take the input stream and output something like i(some expression)

ipsissimus: makes me scratch my head for longer than it took for me to write my own implementation

Wontonimo: +100 MeBen :tada:

struct: this is the type of code i write in coding interviews

Wontonimo: how's unemployment treating you?

Wontonimo: ;)

Wontonimo: j/k

ipsissimus: i lost my job 3 weeks ago.. thats why im here :*(

Default avatar.png Abruuham: BOOM ROASTED

Wontonimo: oh no, sorry to hear ipsissimus

Default avatar.png mjuresic: you were bad then, keep practicing

struct: Wontonimo i dont think the language ceritifications are bugged

struct: Have you checked the tests you have to do?

Wontonimo: were you a programmer, or are you changing careers ipsissimus?

Wontonimo: no, i'm not doing the certification tests. Why, are they pretty straight forward, like clash level?

ipsissimus: Im actually EE but spent most my time doing GUI work for data collection as well hardware fabrication for sensors that would capture the data.

struct: yes clash level

struct: took me 10 minutes for 3 puzzles I think

struct: and I used c++

Wontonimo: EE? Electrical Engineer?

ipsissimus: thats right. I worked for a computer vision company. Had to collect data like. human hand images, eyes, and large scale mapping stuff.

ipsissimus: but most job interviews want me to be a god at python which is hard because i spent alot of my time learning ML and CV applications like camera calib etc

Default avatar.png mjuresic: do you have your projects to show from ML ?

Wontonimo: that's nice to hear struct, i just may give it a go

Wontonimo: yeah, the job interview really is biased towards those who can code as a performance art, and not really those who can do long thinking

ipsissimus: I have some of the GUI work that I ported before i was let go. but technically everything i worked on doesnt belong to me so I cant show it off like as if it were. I didnt write any NN or learning algos, just the protocols to capture training dat

Wontonimo: hey, that's good stuff


Wontonimo: I do NN and ML at where I work

Default avatar.png mjuresic: no it is not, dont give him false hope

ipsissimus: Looking back on it, its jank but its what i got.

Default avatar.png mjuresic: be realistic, you need your project to show and talk about to prove you know ML, or be ready to do some live coding to showcase your skills

Default avatar.png mjuresic: Change point of view, you need to show your skills somehow, adapt to what you need to know to pass interview

Wontonimo: I've not needed that

struct: is ML a requirement to pass interviews now?

struct: im screwed

Default avatar.png mjuresic: no it is not

Default avatar.png mjuresic: but if you want ML related job it could be

Wontonimo: I've focused on being able to code as a performance art. I also do a lot of my own mini projects (like stuff that would take a couple days). I do well

Default avatar.png mjuresic: Wontonimo, somehow you need to show your skills

ipsissimus: Oh I dont purport on my resume to know how to implement ML from scratch or anything. I just say that I have fundamental understanding on how to get them to work with viable data. Bad data in my field results in months of lost time and thousands of lost $$

Wontonimo: +1 ipsissimus

Default avatar.png mjuresic: Wontonimo, you obviously focused to be able to show skills

Wontonimo: that there ipsissimus is good business thinking and a view of the bottom line

Default avatar.png mjuresic: that is what ipsissimus lacks

Wontonimo: and tbh, 95% of the work isn't ML in the ML field. It is dealing with data

Default avatar.png mjuresic: 5 days project is good enough to have something to talk about on interview, a lot better then nothing

ipsissimus: let it be known. i think my python is trash. but what im looking for is a more multidisciplinary field like rapid prototyping or test engineering.

ipsissimus: but maybe thats a pipe dream atm

Default avatar.png mjuresic: ipsissimus getting better at python does not takes a lot of time

ipsissimus: im working on it :p

struct: Yeah I would probably work on a project to show it

Default avatar.png mjuresic: Cool! Make something simple stupid like few days project too

Wontonimo: but also work on being able to do easy clash of code puzzles *without* googling anything

Default avatar.png mjuresic: fizzbuzz like :)

Wontonimo: yes

ipsissimus: yeah code clashes seem simple to me

ipsissimus: interview questions have been far more difficult imo

Default avatar.png mjuresic: in few weeks time you can be great

Wontonimo: oh, like what questions ?

ipsissimus: i think the last one that stumped me was minimum number of train platforms given arrivals and departures

ipsissimus: with 20 minute window for trains to "hover" beforeneedig a platform

Default avatar.png mjuresic: One of my fav question is "implement cache" :)

struct: cache like memoization?

Default avatar.png mjuresic: yeah

Wontonimo: $$$ <- done

Default avatar.png mjuresic: up to you what will you use behind, but fun to discuss what and why

struct: I guess that should apply to dp related problems

ipsissimus: me?

Default avatar.png mjuresic: it is easier than that

Default avatar.png mjuresic: linked list and hashmap and some basic implementations works the best, but there are many solutions that works well

struct: ipsissimus I feel like clashes are a bit too simple

ipsissimus: i think so too, but not sure where to go other leetcode for the harder ones

Default avatar.png mjuresic: it is actually enough to solve it and explain it well enough

struct: cf, atcoder

Default avatar.png mjuresic: I practiced on hackerrank but that was few years ago

struct: but problems are way harder there

struct: imo

Wontonimo: ipsissimus, the people conducting the interview are just winging it also. They ask some esoteric question and some people have read about it and some havent

Wontonimo: a lot of time it is just luck of the draw if you've heard that one question

Wontonimo: the trick is to go to more interviews

Default avatar.png mjuresic: true, luck is important :( unfortunatelly

Default avatar.png mjuresic: the trick is to go to more interviews <-- most important advice! kudos

ipsissimus: exactly how i feel about it. I worked at a AR/VR company called Magic Leap for 4 years. interview question asked me for some dfs of binary tree. never used a binary tree since

Default avatar.png mjuresic: Cracking the code interview books is awesome

Default avatar.png MeBen: I just won a Clash with 0%

Default avatar.png mjuresic: dfs is basics, dont be affraid of it

Wontonimo: my 'rule of thumb' when job hunting is 100 warm contacts turns into 10 interviews, which I do at least one person followup email or hand written letter, turns into 1 or 2 offers.

Default avatar.png mjuresic: Wontonimo great advices :ok_hand:

ipsissimus: oh i passed that interview (because idid binary tree cramming) what i mean is that after that interview, I never saw a tree since. makes me wonder why that was the interview since it was irrelevant to the job

Wontonimo: unless my friend hires me, then I'm just in. Like my current job and the one before that

Default avatar.png mjuresic: yeah many wonder the same questions

ipsissimus: yea i sent out about 35 applications today

Wontonimo: ah, that's very different than a warm contact imho

Default avatar.png mjuresic: I didnt used trees 4 years hahaha

ipsissimus: looking at FB reality labs as its technically the same job as the one I had

Westicles: this is the easiest time in history to get a job in the US

Wontonimo: oh cool

ipsissimus: sensor calibration and SLAM and the like

ipsissimus: well that makes me feel worse lmao

Default avatar.png mjuresic: ipsissimus try Microsoft too, they have same stuff

ipsissimus: yeah tomorrow is microsoft and apple

Wontonimo: I thought 1999 was pretty easy to get a job. And again in 2000.5

ipsissimus: then wednesday will be nvidia and amazon

Wontonimo: not so much 2002

Default avatar.png mjuresic: if you have experience is easy

ipsissimus: hopefully my friend

Default avatar.png mjuresic: good luck ipsissimus and others, time for me to go to sleep

ipsissimus: when i got terminated, all my responsibilities hit me like a ton of bricks

Wontonimo: sorry to hear

Wontonimo: i hope you have a good social support network of friends and family

ipsissimus: not really, im alone. but what can you do? I can only look forward and try to improve

ipsissimus: actually

ipsissimus: I have to, i have no choice

KelvinAndHubbles: is the programming language certificates ranked both on points and time?

struct: I think so KelvinAndHubbles

struct: and dificulty of the problem

Default avatar.png slazure: hi

struct: When I did mine I got

struct: 97, 300, 300

struct: I think the max for the first one was 100

struct: I was kinda slow on that one

Wontonimo: can you re-do it?

struct: after 30 days

Wontonimo: nice

Default avatar.png MeBen: I wish Firefox wouldn't prevent Emacs keys from working properly in the editor

Default avatar.png MeBen: So many Windows opened accidentally

struct: std seems to have so many functions I was not aware o.o

Default avatar.png MeBen: C++ STL is huge, and actually pretty good (sans the error messages ...)

Default avatar.png MeBen: If you're familiar with it you can write some very clean C++

struct: yeah, im trying to get into competitive programming

struct: a lot to learn

KelvinAndHubbles: what is up with the certificate tests tho. I know like very little to base C++ and just used if statements and got >99% for the ranking. Is it just because their a new feature and it'll balance out?

struct: no idea how it works

struct: i also got 99%

struct: and I feel like the problems are too simple

struct: I still remember all of them I think

Thorcode: try my contribute again pls :D

struct: string.size() >=3 && <= 20 && ^[a-zA-Z0-9]

struct: oh change it to hex now

struct: I need to update by solution :/

Thorcode: more

Thorcode: you need to change all the number to factorial of it :D

Thorcode: then plus them all and change to hex

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

struct: I had such a beautiful solution :(

Thorcode: why flip table struct?

Thorcode: so you can't solve it with 18 char anymore :D

Thorcode: I was thinking to change hex to string too :D

struct: what do you mean?

Westicles: the numbers are too big for most languages

Thorcode: change my hex to a string

KelvinAndHubbles: actually tho, factorial(100) is a bit to compute and store

Thorcode: ok so I will change it to factorial the last sum :D

struct: factorial the last sum?

struct: what does that mean?

struct: sum all then factorial?

Thorcode: yep

Thorcode: like the first but factorial it

Thorcode: then change it to string :D

KelvinAndHubbles: I feel like thats worse if you sum it first

struct: already had solution for this one

Thorcode: ok

struct: $><<"0x%x"%`dd`{|x|(1..x.to_i).inject(?*)||1}.reduce(?+)

struct: yes its wors

Thorcode: or easier reduce the number

struct: if you sum all the number will increase

KelvinAndHubbles: sum of last test case is 5022 and factorial(5022) is a bit

Thorcode: sum all and minus 200

KelvinAndHubbles: thats still 4822 wat

Thorcode: I will reduce number :D

struct: just make sure the result is less than

struct: 2^31-1

Thorcode: 2^30 ?

KelvinAndHubbles: (2^31)-1

Thorcode: ok

struct: if its sum of all then factorial I can reuse my old code

Thorcode: so the last i will make 2^31 :D

struct: then it wont work in some languages...

Thorcode: ok

Thorcode: the max will be 1000 ok?

Thorcode: if the sum is bigger print value error

struct: not how it works sorry

struct: !1000 is way too big

Thorcode: ok 500

Thorcode: or 250

struct: still too big

Thorcode: about 50

struct: still

ipsissimus: 52! has like 67 0's

ipsissimus: massive number

Thorcode: 40

struct: ...

ipsissimus: lol

Thorcode: 20

struct: still too big

struct: sorry

Thorcode: if the sum is bigger than 20 print hex of it

struct: !12 is the max you can go

struct: without going over 32 bits

struct: :)

Thorcode: ok

struct: print hex of what?

struct: of the factorial?

struct: or the sum?

struct: I would probably forget the factorial

Thorcode: if the number is bigger than 12 print hex of the sum

Thorcode: else factorial it and print hex of it

struct: too random imo

Thorcode: or if the sum is minus print value error

Thorcode: that seem easier right?

Wontonimo: a good puzzle is more than just repeating a sequence of pre-defined steps. It is problem solving and preferably something with a real-world problem

struct: I would just keep it as it is

struct: and limit max number to 11

Thorcode: ok

struct: even 12 is safe

Thorcode: 6227020800 is this too big?

struct: yes

struct: it has 33 bits

struct: 12!+12!+11!+10!+9!+8!+7!+6!+5!+4!+3!+2!+1! = 1001957913

struct: its safe

Thorcode: oh ok

struct: Wontonimo I think that is more applicable to puzzles

Wontonimo: ah, yes. i agree

Wontonimo: i thought it was a puzzle, my bad

Thorcode: that was clash :D

Westicles: I like to make culture-free clashes. It is sad all these require a western upbringing to solve

struct: latvia going into lockdown again o.o

struct: damn MSmits finished his bot

struct: its solving so much earlier than mine o.o

Default avatar.png MKSxTERROR: can anybody tell me how to train for coding exam?

KelvinAndHubbles: by coding

Wontonimo: not that helpful, but true

Wontonimo: what is on the coding exam?

Default avatar.png MKSxTERROR: but where to practice

Default avatar.png MKSxTERROR: which site is better

Wontonimo: what is on the exam MKSxTERROR ?

Thorcode: what about change from hex to demical ?

Thorcode: oh forget it

ipsissimus: i think you can do int(hex, 16)

struct: yeah

Westicles: hex was invented by the patriarchy

struct: or "%x"%var

ipsissimus: or int(hex, anybase)

struct: or you can do

struct: int(hex, first)

struct: i meant

struct: int(decimal, first)

struct: being first the first number you read

ipsissimus: can you clarify that

ipsissimus: i dont understand what u mean

struct: the decimal would be the sum

Thorcode: yep

struct: or w/e he wants to do with the inputs

Thorcode: that why I said forget it

struct: and the first would be the base using the first number he read

struct: 2 1 2

ipsissimus: ah i see

struct: would be int(5, 2)

Thorcode: make a contribute is not easy as I thought :D

struct: it is

struct: pick a board game port it, free contribution

ipsissimus: yeah but that requires big brain many wrinkle. i dont have big brain.

ipsissimus: no wrinkle

ipsissimus: no wrinkle = no think

ipsissimus: no think = no sad

Thorcode: I will make a running compition :D

Thorcode: competition

Wontonimo: good first try Thorcode. Keep at it!

Thorcode: or the last thing is change it to ascill ode?

struct: I dont think it adds much

struct: I feel like the problem is still a bit trivial

struct: But I dont really do puzzles

Thorcode: then tell the name of the ascill present?

Thorcode: that will be tough for me too :D

struct: what do you mean?

Thorcode: like the ascill present the beach print beach

struct: ascii art?

Thorcode: yep

struct: im not a fan of it :p

Thorcode: print what the ascii art present :D

Thorcode: but this was tough

struct: where is it?

Thorcode: I was thinking to make that

struct: But how will it work?


Thorcode: like this pic is beach

struct: yeah I cant code that

ipsissimus: there was an ascii art CoC i remember

ipsissimus: where you had to make a face

ipsissimus: like:

ipsissimus: ^^^^^

ipsissimus: | 0 0 |

ipsissimus: \ v /

ipsissimus: or something like that

Thorcode: make that is not easy as I think

ipsissimus: i thought it was about middling difficulty

Thorcode: why I could say that it is imposible

Thorcode: the middle is | - |

struct: maybe you can give a beach and make the people counter the number of tents or something

Thorcode: and the nose too bro

struct: idk

Thorcode: no I can't do that either

Thorcode: look at that strange tree how to identify it?

struct: match(/\/\/o\\/)

Thorcode: what

Wontonimo: procedurally generated ascii art vs. ascii art object recognition. Sounds like a cooperative multi

struct: regex

Default avatar.png bminnix: Yeah, I just finished the 50 clashes needed to access the contribute area. I don't see me adding much here for a bit.

Wontonimo: have you tried the bot battles bminnix ?

Thorcode: I tried to Identify the ascill and I failed

Default avatar.png bminnix: I've done a couple of them. My Coders Strike Back is in the 20's of Bronze League.

Default avatar.png bminnix: But I haven't spent much time on it since submitting the code that got me there.

Default avatar.png bminnix: And I was looking into the Zombies one, but only took the time to make him go to 1 human. That failed on the one where he gets bombarded early and so does the human, no avoidance yet. One day I might pick it back up.

Default avatar.png bminnix: Any of the javascripts guys here play screeps?

Default avatar.png bminnix: I guess it can be fun for anyone who codes really, but you write in js

struct: never tried it

struct: Mainly due to having to use js

Default avatar.png bminnix: Haha. Yeah. It's one reason I don't play it as much as I thought I might. Spent a lot of time at first, learned a bit of js.

Default avatar.png bminnix: You have to manage your CPU (amount of time it takes for your loop to run) pretty tight, and being a noob didn't help. Path caching becomes extremely important.

Default avatar.png bminnix: Overall though, if you take out the js aspect and look at it from a RTS that you fully program your AI, it's a really cool game.

**TechnoBot is now online.

**TechnoBot is AFK.

struct: TechnoBot Last time I ask you to stop giving updates

ipsissimus: How do I go back to a clash that just ended, so that i can do it without timecrunch? is that doable?

struct: Ill skip the kick this time


struct: Search the puzzle there ipsissimus

Thorcode: click the notification?

ipsissimus: i haveto know the name?

struct: just type a test case

struct: or some words from the statement

struct: that you remember

ipsissimus: ok thanks ill try to find it

ipsissimus: and when you say search, you mean in the search bar on the main page or somewhere else?

ipsissimus: oh i see the link

struct: on the site i linked

ipsissimus: nvm

TechnoBot: BRB

ipsissimus: found it TYVM

struct: np

TechnoBot: bruh, what did i do

Thorcode: turning yourself to a porkchop TechnoBot :D

BlackDragonGaming: dam

Wontonimo: :wave: BlackDragonGaming

struct: TechnoBot I dont think I need to answer that

Wontonimo: I just checkout out BlackDragonGaming, that's pretty cool

Wontonimo: did you make that?

struct: the control 1 is nice

struct: The brain adapts quickly to it

Thorcode: No black dragon doesn make it

Thorcode: he add something in the origin project

Wontonimo: oh, that's cool. remixing is a big part of scratch

Thorcode: yep

struct: this reminds me of flash

Wontonimo: rip flash

struct: damn I need to learn how to read

Thorcode: ?

Thorcode: how to read

struct: yeap

Thorcode: why you need to learn how to read

struct: to understand these problems

Thorcode: what problem?

struct: im solving puzzles

Default avatar.png MeBen: I hope I learn how to read one day

ipsissimus: audible friends. no need to read

Wontonimo: I'll write a NN to read for me. problem solved

Wontonimo: no wait, that's how the bots take over