TechnoBot: #Why ain't there nobody
TechnoBot: srry accidentaly clicked #
TechnoBot: uhhhhhhhhhh
C26_1: if stockPrice(0) > stockPrice(1):
C26_1: stockPrice(seconds) = check the price of stock in the last #seconds ago
C26_1: sell(stockAmount,seconds) = sell #4stockAmount after #seconds
TechnoBot: What the hell r u doin' ????
C26_1: buy(stockAmount,seconds) = buy #4stockAmount after #seconds
C26_1: I'm gonna make a bot to trading
TechnoBot: What r u doing
C26_1: how can I improve my algo-trading
Coding_Aria: Hello
Coding_Aria: Hi
raizbro: hi
raizbro: guys
raizbro: guys
raizbro: any
raizbro: see thorcode
raizbro: ?
raizbro: what sup
RemUrs: hey, trying a AI challenge, new around here and am wondering how do i print stuff in python WITHOUt passing it as output ?
RemUrs: print seems to be considered for output and i just want to debug :D
derjack: print to stderr
derjack: there are comments there
TheBlueBias: print("something...", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
RemUrs: til, thanks
Cyber_Loki: Hello World
IfIHadATail: how do i fix this? An error occurred (#73): "Only 1 executor running at the same time for a test session".
IfIHadATail: it was taking forever to validate a testcase then I press "play all testcases" and now it gives me that error
gemaaaaaa: me too
WhaIe: @IfIHadATail I got that in my last clash too, 4 people's submissions are stuck in pending in my last lobby
gilufin: me too
IfIHadATail: OOF must be server side then
IfIHadATail: I reported it in the Discord in the #bug-report channel. hopefully that'll get it some attention
gemaaaaaa: :thumbsup:
Tien2k9: i have error #73 pls help
IfIHadATail: we all are getting it. we suspect it is due to something with the codingame server or something
IfIHadATail: it just started happening a couple mins ago
derjack: ovh is down. coincedence :thinking:
IfIHadATail: is that where they host codingame?
Tien2k9: i almost done the horse riding dual test T_T, i only have 63% in the test
TheBlueBias: Fire again?
GeRRy02: didnt ovh had a fire in the spring?
IfIHadATail: ha ha I feel ya I was about to submit my puzzle as well :P
PakSmith: Funny that the ovh status page is down.
IfIHadATail: really? ha ha that doesn't sound good
derjack: dunno if CG hosts in ovh. could be some more internet stuff down
IfIHadATail: got ya
PakSmith: I was in a clash where you have to draw a xmas tree, counting out the number of characters for each row. I hate those, so I'm not too bothered!
IfIHadATail: lol yeah I hate those too XD
IfIHadATail: codingame staff just reported "[CG] G-Rom: I just sent the feedback to our dev team, but it seems to be related to ovh outage"
IfIHadATail: so we know they are aware of it : )
RemUrs: you tell me actually have to work instead of coding random stuff on coding game :expressionless:
RemUrs: you tell me I actually have to work instead of coding random stuff on coding game :expressionless:
IfIHadATail: XD
IfIHadATail: I feel that lol
ESMAKING: you tell me I actually have to work instead of coding random stuff on coding game :expressionless:
Sandborg: you tell me I actually have to work instead of coding random stuff on coding game :expressionless:
derjack: c-c-c-combo breaker
IfIHadATail: I can hear what you typed :P
RemUrs: i'd like a new one to show up :) just some new graphics, no need for more chars, the game was great as it was :D
ESMAKING: can we have a gamemode where python is banned
IfIHadATail: XD
RemUrs: :)) python is op, let's ask the devs of the world to nerf it
ESMAKING: :nerd:
RemUrs: at least add some weirdly named functions so it's less easy to write and learn ... something like .Select to mean Apply this function on List (looking at you c#)
IfIHadATail: yeah I've been meaning to learn python but I never seem to get around to it lol
IfIHadATail: coming from Java C# List anger me lol
ESMAKING: i will never learn python cus its shit compared to javascript
RemUrs: to each his own :) i like them all
IfIHadATail: I agree but it is just fast and quick and all that
RemUrs: python for math is bae, javascript for hacking RESTful sites <3
ESMAKING: No, it's objectively shit compared to javascript !!
IfIHadATail: I never disagreed :P
RemUrs: idk man "is objectively shit compared to" sounds likea wrong setence no matter the context unless we talk about actual shit in the toilet and something else =)))
ESMAKING: Great <3
Thorcode: :)
ESMAKING: A wise man (Bill Gates) once said that Python is so bad compared to javascript
eulerscheZahl: what's wrong with .Select()? LINQ is somewhat oriented on SQL, there's also this 2nd way of writing it (which I never use)
IfIHadATail: well I hate all languages I don't currently know at the time so there is that
RemUrs: the naming, how does "Select" makes sense to apply a function ?
RemUrs: as in the definition of "making a selection" would be more towards filtering
eulerscheZahl: it returns something for each item of a collection
eulerscheZahl: list.Select(item => item.ID)
RemUrs: i'd think apply makes more sense :D
eulerscheZahl: so it selects a property of the object
RemUrs: not necessarlily, you can .Select(item => func(item))
eulerscheZahl: but that's not the intention of Select. It has a return value
RemUrs: it's more often used like that from my exp
eulerscheZahl: also translates directly to SQL select if you use EntityFramework
RemUrs: for example i want to multiply all the elements of a list by 2
TheBlueBias: Well, Bill Gates released Windows, so I'd not rely too much on his evaluation of what is good or not.
RemUrs: newList = list.Select(x=>x*2)
RemUrs: yeah the SQL translation is also amazing with LINQ
eulerscheZahl: Would you rather call it .Map() as other languages do?
RemUrs: that is a bit odd also but i said i would call it apply :))
RemUrs: or translate or smth
eulerscheZahl: Apply feels off for me
IfIHadATail: I just want to be able to use ArrayList in C3 like i do in Java :P
IfIHadATail: C#*
eulerscheZahl: while C# has an ArrayList, you should use the generic List<T> instead
IfIHadATail: right. I read it is not "safe"
eulerscheZahl: and C# even has operator overloading so you don't need list.get(index)
IfIHadATail: taht i do like
derjack: forums are down :scream:
Thorcode: really
TheBlueBias: There's a forum?! oO
Thorcode: yep
IfIHadATail: yeah, but IDK why but I can't stand forums. I never really got any good at using them lol
Thorcode: I think that Raizbro is following me
TheBlueBias: Just a joke... Anyway, there's no more.
eulerscheZahl: report a bug on the forum
eulerscheZahl: sounds stupid but that logic applies at my company when you have problems with your account: login to open a ticket
IfIHadATail: you can watch it live :P
eulerscheZahl: oh great, my codeforces submit is also stuck in queue again
IfIHadATail: yes that's there way of telling you to "fuck off" :P
TheBlueBias: Yeah! Status page is back...
IfIHadATail: progress
eulerscheZahl: so, this peak is when they hired the guy who was fired from facebook?
IfIHadATail: lol I'm not getting their status page at all
TheBlueBias: No. It's down too...
eulerscheZahl: green=good, red=bad
eulerscheZahl: you don't see this?
IfIHadATail: oh yeah on the uptime page
TheBlueBias: Not the ovh status page Euler.
eulerscheZahl: redirects me to which works fine
eulerscheZahl: just writing everything in German. but good news is that I can understand it
TheBlueBias: The front page works well...
WildSiphon: not the server :'(
IfIHadATail: lol do they host their front page on someone else's servers?
eulerscheZahl: but when did CG move there? my last status was that they switched from AWS to Azure
fztik: is clash down?
TheBlueBias: Or in another data center...
Thorcode: is that get a job in Codingame true?
eulerscheZahl: yes fztik, a lot is broken at the moment. not even CG at fault but their cloud provider
TheBlueBias: For once...
IfIHadATail: get a job in codingame?
TheBlueBias: :speak_no_evil:
Thorcode: yep when you level up you will have an anouncement
eulerscheZahl: really? never seen that
IfIHadATail: oh right that is not working for coding game but they can help people find a job
TheBlueBias: And when you reach lvl50 you got the job
Thorcode: no
eulerscheZahl: i level up so rarely these days, I don't even remember how it looks like
Thorcode: click at get a job
Thorcode: next to community
TheBlueBias: Why? I already have one.
IfIHadATail: yeah they have companies they work with that you can use codingame to get a job with said companies
eulerscheZahl: I still have my triumphant level 40 screenshot
Thorcode: oh I just try to figure that is that true
TheBlueBias: eulerscheShot
IfIHadATail: this is my first day back to codingame in forever :P
eulerscheZahl: so they might have even placed the "get a job" there recently
IfIHadATail: fun tiimes lol
TheBlueBias: Of course it's true. Even got contacted once.
Thorcode: yeo
Thorcode: after you click keep coding
eulerscheZahl: i only know that you can apply when you solved the CG reverse game
IfIHadATail: Hi, my name is IfIHadATail I am level 14. Can I haz job plz
Thorcode: I don't know
Thorcode: click at get a job :)
IfIHadATail: lol yeah I am garbage at coding. no one wants to hire me I know this already :P
Thorcode: bruh
meneerbrouwer: Hi everyone, whenever I run a test I get a 73 error code, does anyone know what that is?
Tien2k9: i'm still have error #74 when i'm run test
RemUrs: you'd be amazed by the level of programming some people have when being hired :))
Thorcode: ?
IfIHadATail: yes servers are down ATM everyone is getting the same errors
IfIHadATail: np : )
IfIHadATail: yeah I'd probably look up to those people lol
Thorcode: can I make a private contest
IfIHadATail: anyways, you peoples have a good night. it is past 1am here so I think I am not going to try to wait this out
Thorcode: pl
Thorcode: bye bye IfIHadATail
IfIHadATail: if you talk to the staff of codingame you can. I have seen people do it.
PakSmith: Are we back?
horse_3903: anyone know what is error 73
Thorcode: ?
PakSmith: ovh is back up, to some extent at least
eulerscheZahl: ovh could hoster has some problems horse_3903, you have to wait
eulerscheZahl: cloud hoster*
Thorcode: what is ovh
eulerscheZahl: a provider name
PakSmith: Yep, tests are running in clashes now
Thorcode: ok thánk
Thorcode: how can I know how many line of input?
Thorcode: there is how many line of input
eulerscheZahl: usually the puzzle gives you that number
Thorcode: ok
eulerscheZahl: like: first line is "n", the number of lines then n lines follow
Thorcode: if not is there a code to know that ?
eulerscheZahl: while (true) { read line, process line } usually does the trick
aangairbender: its so sad we dont have bot programming contest this time:disappointed:
eulerscheZahl: yes, sad times :(
Thorcode: escape fun too :)
eulerscheZahl: i even went to codeforces and do their optim contest instead
aangairbender: nah, not for me
eulerscheZahl: now i'm stuck, ran out of ideas
aangairbender: eulerscheZahl 2021 ICPC Communication Routing Challenge: Marathon ?
Thorcode: try codewar?
eulerscheZahl: that will be the first CG contest since the accountant in 2016 that i'm missing. even played the puzzle contest
eulerscheZahl: yes that one aangairbender
eulerscheZahl: if i could at least find another 100 points, i would be less stressed out
casmith789: I only really came to codingame because of the contests. sad to see they are removed
eulerscheZahl: for now it's just that one contest to try a new format. I don't think the future is decided yet
eulerscheZahl: the contest page has a poll at the bottom right corner where you can tell if you like the idea. make sure to vote
Thorcode: fall challenge has prize?
eulerscheZahl: tshirts for top5 teams
Thorcode: nice
Thorcode: CG tshirt
eulerscheZahl: last time you could choose between these 2:
eulerscheZahl: and
eulerscheZahl: not sure what happened to and
casmith789: oh - have the levels for languages gone and been replaced by a test?
Thorcode: nice
casmith789: interesting
TheBlueBias: I want a "Not a priority" t-shirt.
Thorcode: I like the first one I will try to get it
eulerscheZahl: the cube?
eulerscheZahl: did you see the glitch?
Thorcode: no
Thorcode: oh
Thorcode: I don't even realize that
eulerscheZahl: me neither, until Thibaud pointed it out :D
Thorcode: well after that I will try for a bot hand :)
eulerscheZahl: as I said: after the last contest you could only choose the cube or big CG logo
eulerscheZahl: there were other designs in the past that you can't get anymore
Thorcode: oh ok
Thorcode: So I will keep use the cube
Thorcode: what happedn
Thorcode: there have certification too
TheBlueBias: No more yellow sqares...
Tien2k9: i got 100% in horse riding duals :D
TheBlueBias: gg
derjack: pony riding?
TheBlueBias: Pony pony run run.
Relfa: hola
ipsissimus: o7
gustasazelis: zigmantas smirda
Relfa: salam
Nacer_212: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
OmegaTurboGaming: bro I just be ban from a fcking modo from my local chat
bearpoohcf: stop spamming little kids
Relfa: calm down
MathysV: fortkid
OmegaTurboGaming: are you talking to me
R0m_Hein: hello im here today :)
Magus: Just in case, I am also present here ;)
R0m_Hein: tg$=
R0m_Hein: =
raizbro: oh god
derjack: oO
bearpoohcf: when i click on someones profile, in the programming languages section it shows unknown level, is that for everybody or just me ?
Uljahn: same for me
bearpoohcf: oh
Gabeee: it's been a while since I said hello, so hello :D
bearpoohcf: hi
NoelleSilva: helo
NoelleSilva: im stuck learn algorthim
derjack: stuck in local optima eh
Atomic_coder: hai
Manjius: how do i create a clash of code with a friend
Uljahn: click "create private clash" and send him the link
Uljahn: i mean "start a private clash"
Manjius: oh ok i see it now thanks
fist3dpancake: wasup faggot
Ifighter: lets goooo
Ifighter: doin some acc learning in class
Ifighter: gunna flex my coding muscles or some shit
fist3dpancake: bet
Ifighter: wait i think this is public chat
Ifighter: shit
eulerscheZahl: next is ban
derjack: :scream:
Gabeee: waoh
eulerscheZahl: be we need more free kicks?
Akshei: Is there a reason, why there are so many people for CoC? I think it's great :D
TimothyAlexisVass: What do you mean Akshei?
Akshei: As I recall the situation six months ago, it was difficult to find people to play. So I am pleasantly surprised that as I arrived today there is no problem finding the game.
Uljahn: activity may vary throughout the day
ProgrammingTheABC: Is there a way to re-play or extend your time in CoC? Like if you didn't solve it in time but you want to work on it some more?
Uljahn: try to search for the clash here
ipsissimus: i also wanted to know that. alot of these REVERSE coc's make me brain crunch for 10 minutes, and then i cant finish implementation in 5 and makes me :(
Strombrigner: lol I know so little python syntax
jacek: :(
Falkern: pancake
JacobTheCoder: hi
struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
miszu: what happened?
jacek: ga happened
miszu: oh it dooesn't find the 6
struct: what do you mean?
jacek: oO
Uaenalu: How can I get the second person’s answer?
TheBlueBias: Second person?
Uaenalu: emmm I mean 'Second place'
TheBlueBias: Same answer. You're on the general chat, so we don't know what you're talking about.
Uaenalu: sorry my English is terrible
struct: from clash of code?
struct: if they didnt share it you can always try asking them
TheBlueBias: Dreams everybody!
jacek: lucid?
struct: gn
TheBlueBias: Pink Floyd reminiscence again...
TheBlueBias: How's your ICPC struct?
struct: I probably will stop
struct: I stopped to do the contest of div 3
struct: and it tilted me
struct: I cant understand the statement well but pass the test case
struct: but fail the validators
struct: No way to check where my program fails
struct: Because I cant understand the statement
TheBlueBias: Same. I pass the five firsts but not the last two ones...
struct: are you also doing the div 3 contest?
TheBlueBias: Div 3?
struct: division 3
struct: there was 2:30 hours round I think
TheBlueBias: :thinking:
struct: its stil going but 3 minutes left
Uaenalu: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
TheBlueBias: Is it a CF thing? I registered for ICPC so I absolutely don't know the rest of the platform...
struct: ah yes
struct: its not related to ICPC
eulerscheZahl: that ICPC is stressing me out
struct: why euler?
eulerscheZahl: so close in prize ranks
eulerscheZahl: i don't want to lose at the finish line
struct: damn 11th
eulerscheZahl: i just don't want to drop to 17 and i'm happy
miszu: come on euler you can do this!
miszu: just one position
eulerscheZahl: just sold their last smartwatch, don't need another one :D
eulerscheZahl: 1 rank bout 130 points to the smartphone. not realistic
eulerscheZahl: i still have 1 idea that might or might not work out. but not 130 for sure
struct: bad prize for the US
struct: since huwaei is banned
eulerscheZahl: Trump is stupid but getting off topic
struct: sorry :p
TheBlueBias: Don't worry. I'll push you when I'll found the bug in my code. :3
eulerscheZahl: totally unjustified, it's the NSA that's been proven to place spyware everywhere
struct: how much penalty do I get for each failed submission?
eulerscheZahl: in the 2.5h rounds? 50 points i think
eulerscheZahl: but only if you solve it in the end
eulerscheZahl: don't quote me, better look it up. i rarely play in regular CF rounds
struct: ok I failed 8 times but didnt solve it at the end
TheBlueBias: Yeah! -400 \o/
TheBlueBias: Sorry :speak_no_evil:
TheBlueBias: Time to delete account right? :3
TheBlueBias: :speak_no_evil:
eulerscheZahl: aaand my new feature makes it worse :/
TheBlueBias: Spam submit.
eulerscheZahl: that's why I use git. 1 click and it's gone
eulerscheZahl: might really be time to spam different random seeds and prays
jacek: struct loa awaits your approval
TheBlueBias: Don't pray me unless you do some sacrifices.
eulerscheZahl: struct doesn't approve. struct only waits for others to approve his work
eulerscheZahl: i'm the same kind of parasite
TheBlueBias: Far less harmful than approvers though... :smirk:
leojean890: where is Illedan's snake ?:P
TheBlueBias: JBM's troll ate it
leojean890: didn't republish it
leojean890: in contrib section
leojean890: speaking of approves .. I only approve multis and optims, I don't bother checking COCs ^^
leojean890: and yeah only 1 person missiong for LOA and for nine mens morris (7 months later:))
leojean890: missing*
darkhorse64: people keep on upvoting my comments. Only need 2400 of them to level up
TheBlueBias: Who said parasite?
darkhorse64: Why parasite ?
darkhorse64: me ?
TheBlueBias: :speak_no_evil:
darkhorse64: you'd better not to. It can be dangerous
leojean890: your game is cool, my eval is still depth 1 (simu) but I will go on later with valid moves generation
jacek: so you didnt thorougly tested it :police_car:
Westicles: darkhorse64, I would level you up but I might get in trouble again
leojean890: jacek it's a way to see it:)
leojean890: not test the valid moves generation^^
leojean890: == not complete test:p
struct: the move gen is right
struct: unless mine is wrong
darkhorse64: westicles has too many fingers
eulerscheZahl: no darkhorse64, I called myself a parasite. As I require attention from others (waiting for approvals) but don't review anything myself
darkhorse64: I know board games are not really your taste
Astrobytes: *toes :P
darkhorse64: In french, we say "coded with feet"
Astrobytes: I did not know this
darkhorse64: only for poor code
Astrobytes: Makes sense
eulerscheZahl: my code looks like cabbage and turnips
eulerscheZahl: "sieht aus wie Kraut und Rüben"
Astrobytes: lol, that one's awesome
Astrobytes: we could say the code looks like a dogs breakfast
eulerscheZahl: not directly code related, just describing a general mess
Astrobytes: yep, same for mine
eulerscheZahl: race condition, I got yours
eulerscheZahl: but didn't want to delete half of my sentence
Astrobytes: hah!
eulerscheZahl: aka you were faster this time
Astrobytes: :D
eulerscheZahl: sometimes my codeforces submits are heavily underperforming for no reason. looks like server hiccups to me
eulerscheZahl: from 33.7k to 32.6k just by changing the random seed, which the usual variance is in +-20 or so
TheBlueBias: Well, even French people don't eat toads...
Westicles: you guys who make all the nice tools should make one that shows which puzzles each person has published
struct: I think euler tool kinda does that
TheBlueBias: Euler's one does
Westicles: I mean solutions
TheBlueBias: Oh
struct: ah
Westicles: Then you could add a macro to upvote all you have access to...
Westicles: well, maybe not that last part
Westicles: Actually, can you guys even see who has published what? I might be the only one with visibility to (almost) everything
struct: let me check
struct: I can see who solved
darkhorse64: for who solved what
struct: but cant access them
TheBlueBias: Well there's the list, Westicles can handle the automation, right? :3
struct: he wants the list for the solutions and for each language
Westicles: Yeah. Like if I want to give darkhorse64 some pity XP, I could look up his list of published solutions
Westicles: I think euler is the only one with a crazy number of them. Over 500 I think
darkhorse64: stilgart has solved nearly nearly all puzzles
Westicles: right, but he doesn't publish solutions to most of them. plus few people can get view haskell solutions
darkhorse64: don't mess with my XP, please
Stilgart: and don't ping me when talking with W
casmith789: which players does that include? only the top players I'm guessing?
Stilgart: lvl 40 and above for the time being
Chrisidris21: Is lua coding a complex thing to learn?
struct: I would pick something else
casmith789: makes sense
Westicles: is the teads puzzle the only one missing? everything is off a little
struct: A lot of lua stuff is in pt-br
eulerscheZahl: there is this one chadok bot account that will follow you if you are considered worthy
Stilgart: you can have the list here:
Chrisidris21: Which one do you recomend
Chrisidris21: struct
struct: depends on what you want to do
Chrisidris21: game design
Westicles: teads and great escape, at least
Stilgart: Westicles: for removed puzzle, I have only access to puzzle for which I did submit something
Stilgart: TGD is missing
Stilgart: and I won't add it (I can, be not without leaking something that CG don't want to be leaked)
struct: Chrisidris21 im not sure
Chrisidris21: alright
struct: c++?
Chrisidris21: Thanks for the help
Stilgart: teads just was renamed as far as I know
Westicles: Stilgart, got it, thanks
Chrisidris21: alright ill check out that one
Stilgart: and I have absolutely no idea why I have so many puzzles solved in Haskell
Astrobytes: CG did say we could re-implement TGD if we wanted
eulerscheZahl: but we can't hide validators
Astrobytes: true
Stilgart: my opinion is that TGD should be rewritten as a 1v1 bot programming
Stilgart: this way, you can randomize the input
Westicles: maybe the tensorflow problem counted as well, but that would be python only
eulerscheZahl: a multiplayer with 0 interaction. just feels miscategorized to me
Astrobytes: Interesting idea Stilgart
Astrobytes: I'm sure with a little imagination it could be reworked euler
Stilgart: eulerscheZahl: we may add interaction too
jacek: TGD?
Astrobytes: the Great Dispatch
Stilgart: the great dispatch, a sponsored puzzle that was "remobed"
Stilgart: removed*
eulerscheZahl: how would you interact?
Stilgart: and like all removed puzzles, you can still solve it if you know the correct URL to the IDE
eulerscheZahl: tgd-disabled something like that
Astrobytes: eulerscheZahl: that's where creativity comes in
Stilgart: I won't leak the correct prettyUrl :)
eulerscheZahl: all creativity lost for huawei. still almost 6h
eulerscheZahl: that will be a rough night where I can't sleep and check the results in the middle of the night
Astrobytes: Maybe you have to collect the items in the trucks or something
Westicles: I didn't have any luck with this one
Stilgart: pretty sure you can't solve it anymore anyway
Astrobytes: it was python2 only
eulerscheZahl: what I see as a missed opportunity (or call for an episode 2): search race you have to reach all checkpoints. but not necessarily in order. CSB meets travelling salesman
Astrobytes: Nice idea
eulerscheZahl: i'll message Illedan :D
Stilgart: no exactly TSP
Astrobytes: lol, maybe it can be 'collect the diapers/nappies' instead of checkpoints
Stilgart: approx-euclidean TSP is not NP-hard
eulerscheZahl: :(
eulerscheZahl: hi, aren't you the one from yare?
eulerscheZahl: name looks familiar
Stilgart: as for TGD, maybe we can ask to add / removing boxes for the opponent along the way
Carsair: yes from yare small word
Stilgart: or maybe we can ask CG to add the feature of "1v1 optimization arena"
Astrobytes: Make the pickup locations of the boxes a graph, then you have the added task of optimally collecting as well as packing
Stilgart: (christmas is coming)
Stilgart: competing for the most flexible boxes then
Illedan: Yeah, eulerscheZahl. It crossed my mind after SR was done. As it would be a better game
Illedan: Should be fast to make
TheBlueBias: Not a priority Stilgart
Stilgart: :santa: is not happy
eulerscheZahl: but first you have to finish your snake
eulerscheZahl: and the number shifting app
Illedan: Yeah
Illedan: I wont do this in a while
Illedan: The SR part
Illedan: First I have to fix my own todo app. As LiteDB fails for no f****** reason suddenly -.-
Illedan: But first, not fail too hard on Huawei
Illedan: I'll add Number shifting above snake
Illedan: I guess I can learn Firebase while I make it
eulerscheZahl: sounds like a lot of tasks. you should finish your TODO app first
eulerscheZahl: then you can also remove Huawei from the list as it will be over
eulerscheZahl: 2 for 1
jacek: number shifting?
Astrobytes: Yes. But a mobile app version.
eulerscheZahl: he already had a prototype but then stopped
jacek: yet we have working mobile solution for :notebook: :soccer:
Illedan: Where?
struct: play store
Astrobytes: the day I install anything made by jacek on my pc or phone will be the day pigs fly over a blue moon :P
eulerscheZahl: and if you don't know that it's from jacek?
titanshange: im in robotis clas lol
Astrobytes: then I'm at his mercy
eulerscheZahl: i'm at home
jacek: good for you
Ran_42: Im groot?
Illedan: I'm in my good chair
Illedan: With a glass of milk
AymenS: this is my first time on this website
AymenS: trying to learn haskell
Illedan: Nice, I recommend you to use Haskell on Fantastic Bits :)
AymenS: how do i do that :sweat_smile:
Astrobytes: "my good chair"
Astrobytes: :D
AymenS: im the biggest noob here, i have no idea what im doing
trictrac: hi darkhorse64, leojean890 & jacek, , i just validate LOA, multi is online:slight_smile:
AymenS: im taking a university course on haskell and i wanna understand it but the course is so bad at teaching
Astrobytes: nice one trictrac
Astrobytes: :+1:
jacek: :tada:
Illedan: I guess clashes is a good start Aymen5
Astrobytes: in haskell?
jacek: clashes? :scream:
Illedan: :D
Astrobytes: Puzzles I think :D
Astrobytes: I would go to the Practice section and do easy puzzles
jacek: temperatures puzzle is good for functional programming i think?
Illedan: True
Illedan: I like to learn syntax in clashes :P Better to be under pressure while googling.. And the problems are easier
jacek: uh oh, lines of action have no banner
Astrobytes: lol Illedan, I see the reasoning but :P
AymenS: ohh i tried clash of code, its too hard
Illedan: Yeah, I know
Illedan: I'm trying to be helpfull
AymenS: thank you illedan, i appreciate it
Illedan: Solve this AymenS
Illedan: And share you solution
Illedan: then look at other Haskell solutions
miszu: I am about to do my next optimization problem which is the mars landing. Any advice before I dig in?
darkhorse64: GA does the job
Astrobytes: get your GA working properly
struct: yeap I have GA on loa
darkhorse64: on loa ?
miszu: perfect I will use that
miszu: CMA ES the math are too heavy to implement to be worth it
Astrobytes: I do think it's overkill for CvZ at least
miszu: problem is to derive it
miszu: in python with numpy, you have a method that gives you a sample from multivariate gaussian distribution. In c++, well you have to do it from scratch
darkhorse64: lol, trictrac plays 2 matches and is alread above the boss
darkhorse64: already
derjack: :angry:
struct: oh it was approved
miszu: boss be like: alright I ma heading out
struct: cant wait to get destroyed by him :(
jacek: or jacek
Astrobytes: it's motivation to work harder ;)
struct: is jacek bot better?
miszu: you guys talking about the CTTT?
jacek: nah, i still have my that basic bot
struct: i will lose the rest of the games
struct: but at least i won once :p
darkhorse64: Lines Of Action. The shiny brand new multi
struct: nerf trictrac
darkhorse64: upvote here: :money_mouth:
eulerscheZahl: did you know that you can see who upvoted you? but downvotes are anonymous
darkhorse64: no. Tell me
eulerscheZahl: go to your profile page and click the XP/level thing so that the history opens
eulerscheZahl: the API also sends the user ID of each upvote
Ran_42: Anyone knows how the score in the clash of code leaderboard is calculated?
eulerscheZahl: TrueSkill
eulerscheZahl: basically you gain for wins and lose points for losses. but it also depends on the rank of your opponent how much you win/lose
Ran_42: Is there a general rule when I win/ lose?
Ran_42: Like if in a clash of 8 im number 4 for example
eulerscheZahl: no, really depends on whom you play against
Ran_42: ok
eulerscheZahl: look up TrueSkill. but it's really math-heavy
Ran_42: ok thx
jacek: everything is math heavy nowadays :(
miszu: this is why you get paid good money if you know math
jacek: id get better money for meth
Astrobytes: :rofl:
miszu: many years ago, a phd grad got an offer in a startup in silicon valley for $500 000 per year. He refused because..
AymenS: thats why im taking mathematics and computer science degree
Astrobytes: org. chem. isn't that hard jacek, go find your true calling lol
miszu: Google poatched him with a $2 000 000 per year
miszu: morale of the story: git gud at math
eulerscheZahl: if you don't enjoy it, don't. no point in earning lots of money when you hate your job
Ran_42: Did they changed it in your profile that now your programming languages says unkown level instead of how many puzzles you solved?
miszu: my bad, it was 3 millions
miszu: yeah do what you love
eulerscheZahl: interesting Ran_42, almost looks like a bug to me
eulerscheZahl: Astrobytes have a look at Ran_42's profile. what do you think?
casmith789: yes they did, you can now do language tests instead if you click on it
casmith789: I think that's deliberate
Ran_42: ye yesterday it wanst like it
eulerscheZahl: oh wait, my profile too
eulerscheZahl: nevermind then
Ran_42: :p its not a bug its a feature
casmith789: I don't know if it gets updated if you do one of the language tests but I assume so
eulerscheZahl: i'll remain at unknown level then, no time nor motivation for that stuff
Astrobytes: Someone else mentioned this earlier
eulerscheZahl: i don't want the "certifications" either
Astrobytes: I couldn't care less so didn't bother looking
eulerscheZahl: they didn't exist when I clicked the quest map, was a mistake to click there in hindsight
Ran_42: why?
casmith789: what is the quest map path for speed, is it just more and more clashes required? that path is long and I almost want to do 50 to find out what is next
eulerscheZahl: just adds clutter and gives a false impression that makes me look more skilled than i really am
Ran_42: how do you know that much proggraming languages I know it all similar but its crazy :)
jacek: says the guy who has participation basge
eulerscheZahl: it's just some educated guessing and a bit of google
eulerscheZahl: and i only did the easy ones in the more obscure languages
Ran_42: ye makes sense
eulerscheZahl: that's an ironic badge to make a bad profile page worse
Ran_42: "Groovy"
eulerscheZahl: the coolest thing about Groovy is the name
Ran_42: lol
eulerscheZahl: can't ICPC just end? :(
jacek: oO
Astrobytes: "groovy" just makes me think of Evil Dead
Ran_42: they should add the best language -
Ran_42: buffalo
eulerscheZahl: another graph marathon
DomiKo: love it
eulerscheZahl: love what? buffalo?
DomiKo: love another graph marathon
jacek: graph games?
Ran_42: where is this graph marathon
eulerscheZahl: this one is about to end
eulerscheZahl: big prizes
jacek: routing challenge? like the one from ovh this morning?
mrfacysus: eulerscheZahl, wouldn't you want >99% on all languages tho?
struct: is cg stats multi list updated daily?
jacek: darkhorse64 has the same number of points as boss :thinking:
darkhorse64: make an educated guess
Scarfield: chance?
eulerscheZahl: no mrfacysus, i have other priorities
eulerscheZahl: mostly i'm just idling here on chat outside of contests. real contests I mean
StyllyMyle: Hey guys
eulerscheZahl: struct you can manually enter the game in the URL
struct: thanks euler
StyllyMyle: can someone give me link for coding game api documentation?
eulerscheZahl: there is no official documentation
eulerscheZahl: there is:
StyllyMyle: not this xD
struct: :/
eulerscheZahl: was about to link that one StyllyMyle but you beat me on it
eulerscheZahl: and also
StyllyMyle: Yea i saw that already
eulerscheZahl: cgstats has a dark mode? or some browser extension?
StyllyMyle: but dont need it, becz it has common stuff, I wanted to start clash of code and do stuff
ipsissimus: programmers prefer dark modes
ipsissimus: because light attracts bugs
StyllyMyle: but neverthless thank you eulersche :DD
Astrobytes: StyllyMyle: If you want to start automating clash of codes or something then that's a fast way to a ban
StyllyMyle: Lol I am not automating my account
StyllyMyle: using bot account to create links for clashes
StyllyMyle: and then inviting my main or others
Astrobytes: Ah there's something for that
StyllyMyle: Wait there is?
eulerscheZahl: some twitch streamer did that
StyllyMyle: Ooooohhh
eulerscheZahl: #clash
StyllyMyle: discord bot?
StyllyMyle: xDD
StyllyMyle: Nice
StyllyMyle: people really are genius
Astrobytes: Details are on discord or in forum, can't remember where it is
StyllyMyle: ooohh
eulerscheZahl: there used to be a bot on CG chat too. but looks inactive recently so no more chat history
Astrobytes: (I don't clash or I might know)
Astrobytes: just ask around
eulerscheZahl: i muted the clash channel on discord
Astrobytes: discord has a clash channel? :innocent:
StyllyMyle: I see
StyllyMyle: thank you all, gotta see what i can do now xD
eulerscheZahl: now a random change helped. now i have to stay up to spam more seeds with it. damn contest
struct: how much did it help?
eulerscheZahl: +24 points
eulerscheZahl: not bad considering how close it all is
struct: yeah
eulerscheZahl: sometimes a thing doesn't work. then you change your code somewhere else and try the previous change again in combination. and then suddenly it does help
jacek: teapot pwned in the league
darkhorse64: Do not make me angry or I make the boss stronger
struct: :zipper_mouth:
darkhorse64: :wink:
mrfacysus: eulerscheZahl what would you say makes you improve the most coding wise?
ChubbsMcFly: I'm a bit confused, I'm trying out this "Coders Strike Back". I'm on the level where you get BOOST, and I beat the boss but it's not letting me advance to the next level. Not sure what else to do?
Astrobytes: mrfacysus: you won't find Old Man Euler online at this time
mrfacysus: Astrobytes oh well, what would your answer be kind sir
darkhorse64: ChubbsMcFly: you have to run your code in the arena
ChubbsMcFly: I have a few times ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ChubbsMcFly: Do I have to beat a certain number or % of people in the arena?
darkhorse64: You have to be ranked above the boss at the end of the run to access the next level
ChubbsMcFly: It's showing the boss as ranked above EVERYONE. I see "Dereda" as rank 1, and then above him is "Boss 3" with an empty box to the left
Astrobytes: mrfacysus: Practice above all else, but not just coding, logic above all
Ran_42: What do you mean by logic?
Ran_42: solving puzzles efficiently?
darkhorse64: Then, your bot is not strong enough
ChubbsMcFly: Even tho I beat the boss when I hit `PLAY MY CODE`?
darkhorse64: Yes
darkhorse64: PLAY MY CODE tests your bot in a single game against the player of your choice
Astrobytes: Ran_42: learning a little formal logic goes a long, long way imo
Ran_42: A lot of what I know is self thought, what do you mean by formal logic?
Astrobytes: Ran_42: rather than flooding chat with definitions I refer you here:
Ran_42: Ok ty
Astrobytes: It's worth doing first-order logic at the very least imo
Ran_42: I will defintly check it out
Astrobytes: I'm also mostly self taught but I did cover this in a foundation mathematics for computer science course
Astrobytes: And it helped a lot
Ran_42: nice I learnt boolean algebra and solve problems in project euler to improve my math thinking
Astrobytes: yep, do some first-order logic stuff, then maybe proofs if you don't know those, I also recommend relational algebra, it depends on what you need or want to learn. Lots of discrete maths topics are very useful
Ran_42: Ok thanks :)
Ran_42: just a few days ago I learnt about mathematical induction in number theory which sound super useful
Astrobytes: Yeah, that's one type of proof. Can be very useful indeed. Regarding number theory, it is something I should improve tbh, it's 'on my list' :P
Ran_42: ye same
Ran_42: so much things to learn :p
Astrobytes: It's a journey of knowledge :)
leojean890: Astrobytes did you push me ?
leojean890: still have depth 1 algo
Astrobytes: possibly, didn't look tbh"
Astrobytes: *tbh
leojean890: but I'm the last of W1 now^^
Astrobytes: Still > Wood 2 :)
leojean890: when I pushed our winrates were close (just behind the boss) and then did you push again
leojean890: ?
leojean890: yes > W2
leojean890: hopefully
leojean890: maybe I will develop legal moves computation and pass the same eval depth 2 or 3 ^^
Astrobytes: Yeah, I changed eval a bit
Astrobytes: (for 2nd submit)
darkhorse64: I did that too. Now, I need to write a real bot
Astrobytes: hehehe
Astrobytes: darkhorse64: Not a bad bot though I have to say
leojean890: same, I improved my eval while removing a feature :P
Astrobytes: that counts as adding a feature right? :P
leojean890: I just minimize the sum of dists between my pawns and that's it xD
leojean890: and I reckognize win when a bfs says me so :)
leojean890: my eval depth 1 is only that
leojean890: not very bad^^
leojean890: depth 2 or 3 I can change that considering the adv pawns
leojean890: depth 1 when I consider adv pawns my eval is less strong
Astrobytes: there are squares on the board that are nice to be on
Astrobytes: or close to
leojean890: the middle to improve the chances to regroup pawns ?:)
Astrobytes: :zipper_mouth:
Astrobytes: :grin:
leojean890: I ddin't take into account the pawns positions for the moment
Astrobytes: I'm gonna do a rewrite sometime this year
leojean890: mcts ? :P
leojean890: I didn't finish any mcts for the moment :P
Astrobytes: no I'll stick with alphabeta for this
leojean890: I'm everywhere with eval, for each multi^^
Astrobytes: You would enjoy MCTS-EPT
leojean890: I think that it can make me climb a little for some multis
leojean890: like UTTT, connect 4 .. maybe clobber
leojean890: but I have to learn how to do good perfs with C++^^
leojean890: else mcts is average
leojean890: MCTS-EPT ? is that a variant ?
Astrobytes: Yeah, EPT = early playout termination
Astrobytes: So you eval at depth n
leojean890: I see:)
Westicles: Huh, didn't know you can see who upvoted you
Astrobytes: rather than a full playout
leojean890: sometimes it may work better yes
leojean890: if the eval is good:)
Astrobytes: Westicles: yeah that's known for a long while, surprised you didn't know that one
Westicles: Oh, not on contribs though
leojean890: I eval depth N for minmax, bfs, beam search.. never tried with MCTS :)
Astrobytes: leojean890: Any place you have a good alphabeta eval it's worth considering to try EPT
leojean890: and I do rarely GA/SA
leojean890: only for some puzzles and optims
leojean890: never with multis for the moment
Astrobytes: Oware: depth 0 MCTS EPT
leojean890: I see, indeed I could try that (and mcts!)
leojean890: depth 0?:P
leojean890: still didn't read playgrounds about oware, I heard there are interesting ones:)
Astrobytes: well, depth 1 as in 1 play
leojean890: seems to be instant eval after simu:P
Astrobytes: yes
leojean890: my LOA-like
leojean890: ^^
Astrobytes: You still build a tree though
leojean890: idem my atari-go :p
leojean890: for the mcts part ?
Astrobytes: It's a full MCTS but instead of simulating til the end you just eval after a move
Astrobytes: (or n moves, very much game-specific)
Astrobytes: Works well on Breakthrough and a few other board games afaik
leojean890: only a move is less strong, no ?
leojean890: for BT I believe you
leojean890: because too long fames
leojean890: games
leojean890: maybe going to depth 10 or 20 with eval is stronger
leojean890: than 100 or more :)
Astrobytes: Yes, that's why I say (or n moves, very much game-specific)
Astrobytes: *said
leojean890: the branching is big and the total depth too, so stats are maybe incomplete if you go till the end
leojean890: (not enough branches crossed)
leojean890: but with a good eval..^^
Astrobytes: it's essentially a kind of pruning really
leojean890: it's hard to eval correctly BT
leojean890: yes you can prune with an eval
leojean890: some people did that well for SC2021
leojean890: top 10 MCTS
Astrobytes: BT is a tough game indeed, and a fun one
leojean890: BT, I have an easy eval depth 2 now
leojean890: but I'm like 72th
Astrobytes: I can't even remember what the SC2021 was lol
leojean890: so need maybe to find better :)
leojean890: SC2021 was totoro :P
Astrobytes: I was 20th in BT
leojean890: better than futureFC2021 of course xD
Astrobytes: Ah right, the tree thing
leojean890: yes^^
leojean890: it was a mcts fight as the top^^
leojean890: but doing good evals in BT with MCTS EPT is surely hard to do:)
Astrobytes: ugh, now 22nd in BT, I must improve
leojean890: gg
leojean890: better eval than mine, it's sure:p
Astrobytes: Well, that's my alphabeta, apply that to EPT
Astrobytes: *MCTS EPT
leojean890: which depth ?
leojean890: do you use iterative deepening ?
Astrobytes: it's iteratively deepening yes
leojean890: yes you can change and choose EPT with the same eval
Astrobytes: with move ordering based on that
leojean890: oh nice, move ordering to find better moves
Astrobytes: I'm lazy to rewrite
leojean890: with higher depth
leojean890: my eval is too simple
leojean890: that's why it doesn't work so great
leojean890: you can just keep the N best actions when you iterative deepen
Astrobytes: my eval is a mess, but it works OK
leojean890: for ex the 3 best actions of depth 5 are kept to simulate until 6, you earn time a little :p
leojean890: sounds like my COK eval xD
Astrobytes: Hmm, not quite, but you at least order them in order of best score, alphabeta takes care of the pruning
leojean890: 300 lines eval mdr
leojean890: my cok is a huge mess
leojean890: I'm around 50th gold I think with that..
AntiSquid: man these acronyms ...
leojean890: I see what you mean, with move ordering, you earn time with the pruning
Astrobytes: mines not quite that large! (CoK) I was about 90th in gold last I checked? Just heuristics with a lookahead on 1 or 2 things iirc
leojean890: COK is not understandable by everyone I believe you :)
leojean890: code of kutulu for people who don't know :P
Astrobytes: (lol, my CoK is not large)
Astrobytes: awesome
Astrobytes: I did not spot that before I wrote it
leojean890: I see:) I'm depth 2 with heuristics
leojean890: (== eval)
leojean890: using a voronoi and other stuff
leojean890: taking really 300 lines
Astrobytes: I don't have a voronoi but I have various tile scoring heuristics iirc
Astrobytes: Been a while since I looked at it tbh
leojean890: all my heuristics are based on my distance from ennemies/players/health recuperation areas/short ways
leojean890: this game is one opportunity to try smitsi^^
Astrobytes: yeah, pretty much the same, with some spells/effects thrown in
Astrobytes: Hm
Astrobytes: I donno, he doesn't recommend it iirc
leojean890: my uses of spells are not great
leojean890: except maybe health areas
leojean890: "plans"
leojean890: but light and yell I didn't implement them correctly, I could do that..
Astrobytes: I *have* to rewrite this, the code is actually disgusting
leojean890: like most of my codes^^
leojean890: (on CG I mean xD)
Astrobytes: ~780 lines of duplication, code smells, bad practice, mistakes, sheer idiocy lol
leojean890: I often do that here as well:)
leojean890: or too long functions:)
leojean890: too much fors imbricated
Astrobytes: hehehe, it happens
Astrobytes: Especially under time pressure
leojean890: in cg yes^^
leojean890: at work I don't do that xD
Astrobytes: hahaha, a quick road to unemployment I think :D
Astrobytes: Anyway, I'm out for tonight, good to see you again, been a while!
leojean890: yes D
leojean890: XD
leojean890: some companies prefer code quick and dirty and mass productivity xD
leojean890: but some prefer maintenable clean code^^
leojean890: => deliver fast or clean^^
leojean890: good night:)
leojean890: yes been a while I should come discuss more often:p
Astrobytes: hah, I know what I prefer lol I've not been so active recently anyway tbh, feeling a bit more motivated this week though! bn :)
leojean890: I go more often on FR and I go not often on CG those times^^'
leojean890: activity depends on what time you have:)
leojean890: while quarantaine you have more time^^'
Wontonimo: hi slazure :wave:
Wontonimo: what brought you here salzur?
KalamariKing: interesting hypothesis
Wontonimo: who you?
gemaaaaaa: what is up people
KalamariKing: not much, redoing old puzzles and seeing how horrible the code was
Frost_Child: hey, I just got started and know basically nothing about code. Where do I begin in this site?
KalamariKing: codingame isnt exactly geared towards beginners, but there's tutorials and such online to help you learn the concepts needed to solve the first easy practices
KalamariKing: old me was *really* stupid
Frost_Child: Cant be any worse than me. My code is literally timing out
Frost_Child: on the easiest puzzle
zzvcc: @Frost_Child I recommend codeacademy to start
NoobDevSayswhat: Hi guys! I need some help with the pod racing game, anyone can give me a hand? I'm really a beginner and I feel my if statements are not being considered since the pod is not slowing according to angle or distance... any idea what can I be missing?
NoobDevSayswhat: nvm I think I have an idea
struct: NoobDevSayswhat did you solved it?