Dandanman: Given a list of integers, multiply the even integers by 3 and the odd integers with 5. Return the sum of all the items after the multiplication.
Dandanman: please help
Dandanman: 177out
Saunuri: what is the expected out
King007: Hi
Thorcode: hi
Thorcode: play some private clash?
Thorcode: :( bored
DonFruendo: the clash has been cancelled
FBF_Luis: I'd be up for a clash :)
Thorcode: yep
Thorcode: I cancelled cuz no one join :(
FBF_Luis: anyone knows which version of c++ this site is using?
Thorcode: no
FBF_Luis: hum... I getting an error when using ":" in a for loop
Thorcode: I use python :grin:
TheBlueBias: : works
FBF_Luis: I prefer python aswell, but work exists
FBF_Luis: I know ":" should work, must be something else then :/
TheBlueBias: Well since you asked for the C++ version I wanted to confirm that you can use it on the site.
FBF_Luis: I think the problem is that I want to loop through a queue but the queue is not well initialized
FBF_Luis: and I have no idea why xD
FBF_Luis: I deleted the code, wrote it again and the error dissapeared. Great
TheBlueBias: Are you sure? You shouldn't be able to itterate over a std::queue...
FBF_Luis: well, I have no red line now
TheBlueBias: Yeah, but did you ran the code?
FBF_Luis: oh, the line is back
TheBlueBias: ^^
ProCoder03: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
TheBlueBias: You don't want to itterate over a queue. Or you don't want a queue.
FBF_Luis: if I want to print the elements, do I have to pop them?
ProCoder03: yup
ProCoder03: you have to pop them till the queue length is zero
ProCoder03: that need loop
FBF_Luis: ok, then I can't print it for debug
FBF_Luis: unless I save a copy somewhere
ProCoder03: yup...
TheBlueBias: Or you can use a deque instead.
FBF_Luis: that is probably a good idea, but I want to practice queues ^^
ProCoder03: wait shit, my bad... , queues has dequeue only, pop is for stacks
ProCoder03: :sweat_smile:
TheBlueBias: So just copy it before printing.
FBF_Luis: queues also have pop according to c++ documentation
TheBlueBias: Yup
TheBlueBias: Btw queue use an underlying container that can be a deque. So you could create a deque, use it with queue in your code, but iterate directly over the deque when you want to print it.
FBF_Luis: you mean using a deque but only use functions of queue? (except the iteration)
TheBlueBias: You can do that.
But in fact I'm not sure of what I said before... :thinking:
TheBlueBias: Yeah. No standard way to do that. My bad.
FBF_Luis: oh man, had to restart my pc and my code is gone
TheBlueBias: The code is saved only when tou run it.
FBF_Luis: I can confirm I had not run it
TheBlueBias: :/
Husoski: FWIW, a (proper) deque doesn't let you read the contents without emptying it any more than a queue does.
TheBlueBias: Meant std::deque not theorical deque.
Husoski: Yeah, but that's C++'s idea of a deque. Python's collections.deque also has extras.
Husoski: Like I said, FWIW...doesn't guarantee being worth anything... :)
Husoski: Anyway, I do the same thing as you in C++, use a std::deque directly instead of wrapping with std::queue. I'll put up with push_back instead of push as a small price to pay for being able to get debug output.
TheBlueBias: Didn't know the acronym. ^^
Another way to do is to inherit priority_queue to get access to its underlying container which is protected. So you can have your queue class with an extra "print" method for instance.
Husoski: I should have read farther back. I didn't see that the queue was a priority queue.
TheBlueBias: *queue
TheBlueBias: Sorry ^^'
Husoski: oooh. never been tl;dr-ed like that before...
TheBlueBias: True.
Husoski: Good night (2am here). Nice chat.
TheBlueBias: Gn!
Vintarel: In cTTT : am I alone to have a timeout at the end of the game ? After the boss has won ?
Vintarel: And why does he play afterwards ? :joy:
jrke: Vintarel the match is consist of two games
derjack: the statement should reflect that though
Vintarel: oO indeed it's not written, i could never have guessed alone. Thanks for the answer though
darkhorse64: I made a post on the forum to explain this rule. Sorry for missing that in the review.
Shrimpster: so... in a MCTS, if Im playing against an opponent, do I need to switch the average value in the UCB to (1-average) so that my opponent takes the best move for him?
darkhorse64: No, you should rather store the result from the point of view of the player: my loss/ your win. If you score 0, I score 1
darkhorse64: This way the UCB formula is not dependant of the player
Shrimpster: and reverse the result as I return it up the tree?
darkhorse64: yes
darkhorse64: A very common error is to back propagate the wrong value. If it's your first MCTS, it's likely it will happen. Everyone has done it wrong the first time:sweat_smile:
Shrimpster: theoretically those should give the same result right? Switching the result and the UCB I mean
darkhorse64: yes
Shrimpster: Yeah its my first how did you guess xD I did it wring at start and then just switched the UCB (instead of the result), I don't see the error. Is it incorrect?
darkhorse64: no, just inefficient. I advised to use -1/0/1 for L/D/W. This way, when you backprop, you just have to reverse the sign
darkhorse64: s/advised/advise/
Shrimpster: Ahh okay thanks ^.^ will do
darkhorse64: :raised_hand:
alhiane: how are you doimg bro
Uljahn: great, we are practicing coding here, you?
derjack: code? here!?
alhiane: Shadows of the Knight - Episode 1
WillChang: what?
Uljahn: use binary search there, one dimensional case is easy but you should extend it to 2D
derjack: Shrimpster if changing value to -1/0/1 dont forget to adjust exploration constant
eefunn.uwu: ayo i dunno anything about coding lmfao
FBF_Luis: so, what should I do when I pass all the tests except one where the game has 1262 rounds and the problem is somewhere around round 250?
Uljahn: hope for telepaths to decrypt your message
miszu: I guess for GA chosing a random angle between 0 to 359 is too much
miszu: can't figure out the base case even
Uljahn: use predefined angles, like 0, 18, 36 etc
miszu: yeah this is where I am going towards
Uljahn: it's called discretization
miszu: I am sad that you need to use discretization
miszu: I thought that he will be able to figure something out
Uljahn: it's not a requirement though, just some optimization technique
miszu: but when you do crossover, I guess averaging them should be fine
miszu: is it truely optimization?
miszu: or more a hack?
Uljahn: yeah, you trade precision for speed
Uljahn: it's better to find a suboptimal solution than nothing
miszu: and I guess same thing for distance
miszu: instead from 0 to 1000 use discretization
Uljahn: sure thing
miszu: I truely believe GA > MC
Uljahn: also there is SA
miszu: SA = Silent Assassin?
Uljahn: simulated annealing
miszu: too much hitman I played :P
miszu: is it good?
Uljahn: i mean the underlying concept of lowering a temperature (or e.g. a mutation rate) is not very hard to understand but it could enrich your mindset i guess
miszu: no fore sure
miszu: looked at wiki
PhungVietAnh: Line 1 : The length l of the arm (in meters)
Line 2 : The rpm r of the attraction
Line 1 : Your linear speed in m/s
Uljahn: PhungVietAnh: please no spam
miszu: Uljahn for crossover for two floats you would simply do an average?
Uljahn: it depends
Uljahn: there is a substitution strategy where you take either one or the other
miszu: so if I have two floats you take one from each different parent
Uljahn: i don't know what are those floats
miszu: angle and distance sorry
Uljahn: averaging could be a good idea, you need to test both
miszu: yeah gonna do that
miszu: start simple
eulerscheZahl: moin
Kairu111: I need to count the sum of all digits of a number until there is one character left. 192 = 1 + 9 + 2 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3.
(n-1)% 9 + 1 does it successfully, but how and why? Can anyone explain?
jzen: What language are you using? And what have you tried so far?
jzen: Oh I missed the last part, my bad
jzen: Have you tried going through and proving it on paper?
Kairu111: This method works for sure, but I don’t even come close to understanding why.
miszu: my GA does super well for combos but when he can only make one good move which is going straight line to the other end of the map, he fails to see that
Uljahn: that's why MC with heuristics is a viable choice
derjack: so use GA when there are many good choices and nonGA if there is one. [solved] :x
miszu: flat MC
Uljahn: guess it's not very flat when there are heuristics involved
miszu: also it's because he starts in a corner, so the deltas go out of bounce and only output as you lost. I should give a bigger negative score if you are out of bound
miszu: if he starts in middle of map let's say then he can figure it out
miszu: I will show you two scenarios
miszu: my bot derping here
miszu: my bot being 007
Uljahn: i like how CMA-ES guides the search, another amazing concept to learn
Uljahn: consider adding angles directed towards humans to the genome, should be better
Uljahn: i mean with slightly higer probability
miszu: what Iwill do in my eval function is if you are out of bound I give an exponential negative value
miszu: so the earlier the move you are out of bound, the bigger the number
miszu: so if you are in a corner, moves that go out will be out of calculations
struct: what do you mean out of bounds?
struct: ah
struct: I just limit the position to
struct: max(0, min(x, 16000))
struct: out of bounds move is still legal I think?
Uljahn: Constraints:
0 ≤ x < 16000
0 ≤ y < 9000
struct: but the coordinates you output can be out right?
Uljahn: Game information:
invalid input. Expected 'x y' but found '-8250 -4500'
struct: ah
eulerscheZahl: evil Uljahn
Uljahn: not evil just dark :cat:
struct: the icpc starts in 9 hours?
eulerscheZahl: 9h 37min
struct: yeah
struct: the timing is a bit bad for europe
eulerscheZahl: i ttok off for monday+tuesday, hope it's worth it
eulerscheZahl: multiple of 24h, so I don't see a problem
eulerscheZahl: CG contests are more biased towards a region (which is not Europe)
struct: the first one is only 4 hours
eulerscheZahl: no
eulerscheZahl: the short one was for ICPC world finalists only. it's already over
struct: whats this?
eulerscheZahl: 4 days 0 hours 0 minutes duration
eulerscheZahl: 4:00:00
TheBlueBias: :3
struct: oh
struct: lol
eulerscheZahl: either that or their other contests are 2-4min on average
struct: yeah i dont usually see this format
TheBlueBias: Unicode... :rolling_eyes:
jacek: opening books...
eulerscheZahl: escape contests...
alaama: game
NotGoodatall: hi
System.out.println((4*6*a*5 - c >=b));
Illedan: :dance:
Illedan: 8 hours eulerscheZahl :D
Illedan: Wonder if I stay up until it starts or wake up early
Illedan: :thinking:
eulerscheZahl: wake up early
eulerscheZahl: i hope it's an interesting task
Illedan: I think I'll wake up at 2 am. Read the statement. Then sleep again
eulerscheZahl: somehow i don't like those hashcode-like problems with a huge input, asking for a heuristic
Illedan: Good prizes
Illedan: can do some work for those
eulerscheZahl: you'll pay yourself less than minimum wage - but that's not what it's about :D
Illedan: Ofc not
eulerscheZahl: wining something is always more rewarding than buying with your own money
Illedan: It's about beating you
Illedan: #Priceless
eulerscheZahl: the old rivalry
Illedan: I put the headset from Sogeti on the shelf as I have a newer version myself
eulerscheZahl: i sold the Huawei smartwatch on ebay, that I won in their last contest
eulerscheZahl: i don't wear watches
TheBlueBias: Don't like hour.
jacek: do you watch wears
TheBlueBias: Winner of this contest will get a phone while a multinational will use his algorithm to earn billions... Seems fair.
eulerscheZahl: don't forget about the $5000
eulerscheZahl: and i think it's a laptop, not a phone?
TheBlueBias: Ah yeah. Great diff against billions. :p
miszu: graciously provided by KGB
Wontonimo: the codeforces contest is interesting. What is "successful hack" mean? It awards 100 points
Illedan: Hack?
Illedan: You looking at the ongoing normal contest?
Illedan: No hacking on the Marathon right?
Wontonimo: there is
successful hack = +100
unsuccessful hack = -50
eulerscheZahl: that's for puzzle contests
eulerscheZahl: there are some, but incomplete tests during the contest when you submit
eulerscheZahl: so you might fail the final system test
Wontonimo: ah. nice, like a validation set
eulerscheZahl: but when you solved a problem, you can lock it. that gives you access to solutions from others. you can read their code and check for mistakes, corner cases that they will fail
eulerscheZahl: so you try to "hack" it by giving an input that you think causes the other program to timeout, print a wrong result, ...
TheBlueBias: :smiling_imp:
eulerscheZahl: if you rightfully claimed the other program to be faulty, you get those 100 points
Wontonimo: oh, i like that
eulerscheZahl: the code is given to you as something like a picture. you can't just copy it and run it offline
Saunuri: is there any way of seeing the validators for the code golf puzzles? I'm clearing the tests but getting 60% on submit
happy searching Saunuri
Wontonimo: once you finish all your puzzles, you go on to brutalize everyone else code
eulerscheZahl: when you found it, open it on codingame to see the validators
Wontonimo: resist Saunuri, resist!
Wontonimo: which puzzle are you trying?
eulerscheZahl: codeforces also has a concept of rooms. you can't hack everyone but just your room of about 50 users. random distribution to rooms
eulerscheZahl: to prevent your buddy adding a bug on purpose that you can then hack
Wontonimo: you will learn more about how to find corner cases Saunuri if you try it yourself instead of looking up the answer. It is a very valuable skill.
Saunuri: I am doing the temperatures one
jacek: did you do the non code golf temperatures first
Saunuri: Yeah I have done it with C# just wanted to see if could get a bit shorter one done with JS
eulerscheZahl: oh, temperatures..
you can only see the validators for community contributions
jacek: community what?
eulerscheZahl: the things that falls apart when there is no contest
TimothyAlexisVass: Is there some simple way in Python to convert this string:
"a 1 b 2 c 3"
To this dictionary?
{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
TimothyAlexisVass: I did:
Wontonimo: dict(zip(a.split(" ")[::2],a.split(" ")[1::2]))
Wontonimo: a = "a 1 b 2 c 3".split(" ")
TimothyAlexisVass: d={s[i]:s[i+1]for i in range(0,len(s), 2)}
Uljahn: maybe dict(zip(a[::4],a[2::4]))
TimothyAlexisVass: hmmmm
TimothyAlexisVass: Wow that's clever Uljahn
Wontonimo: it only works for 1 char & 1 num
Wontonimo: won't work for "a 1 b 12 c 7"
TimothyAlexisVass: yep
Wontonimo: but, yes, I like it Uljahn !
TimothyAlexisVass: is a.split() is the same as a.split(" ")?
TimothyAlexisVass: I think space is the default
jacek: "By default any whitespace is a separator"
Uljahn: there is some difference when splitting multiline strings i guess
Uljahn: i may be wrong though, don't remember exactly
NiamNiam: Is it me or is this website puzzles / games kinda hard? I feel like you already need to have a solid understanding of a lot of things before starting :/
fkberthold: NiamNiam, yeah, it's a common problem. This site is geared toward people who already have a solid grasp of at least one programming language.
MiyamuraIzumi: Hello guys
fkberthold: Greetings!
NiamNiam: Yeah, I did notice a trend in websites introducing "let's help you land the job / help with puzzles / etc", but the barrier to entry or to enjoy it is high.
I want to enjoy and I want to learn, but this produces a contrary effect for me - it makes me switch off :)
jacek: you need at least some basics, it isnt complete beginner's tutorial site
fkberthold: I can't blame you for your frustration. I'll be honest, I code for a living, I use this site to relax and have a bit of fun. So this is perfect for where I'm at.
fkberthold: So, for you, why do you want to learn. Did you have a language in mind?
NiamNiam: lol I didn't say I was a beginner. I am working on frontend side of things, so JS is not used that extensively, unless a certain feature needs implementing
jacek: also depends what you do at work. frankly i almost never touch pure algorithmic stuff at work
NiamNiam: Same here. Which is why I wanted to come here and learn at a leisurely pace. But I am finding the puzzles UI tiresome to look at - maybe it's just something to get used to haha
jacek: i/o of this site was the biggest stuggle for me at first
NiamNiam: not familiar with "i/o" abbreviation
jacek: input output
fkberthold: Alright, so what part of the UI is giving you trouble?
eulerscheZahl: i've always seen the UI as one of the main arguments pro CG. of course it's useless and total overkill for the onboarding. but really helps to visually debug multiplayer games
fkberthold: And honestly makes them more fun (for me at least).
jacek: ui is fun. maybe ui-less puzzles trouble him
eulerscheZahl: talking about the interactive viewer here, in case you mean other parts of the UI
NiamNiam: "Check your code
Do you think you fixed the problem? Run your code to check if it works!" <- this is annoying. No way to close it either or remove it for good.
Too much text in very little space. Not great use of spacing. Everything seems cramped. Until I am accustomed to where things are positioned, I didn't even notice there were rules if I scroll down below the video / game part
fkberthold: Are you on the onboarding puzzle?
eulerscheZahl: the onboarding with all the tooltips. yes, that's too much if you have a bit of knowledge or common sense
eulerscheZahl: don't worry, only 2 games/puzzles have these
eulerscheZahl: the rest of the website is free of them
jacek: tutorial game like onitama doesnt have it oO
NiamNiam: I am past onboarding, was trying things out with bots / pods
jacek: coders strike back?
jacek: this is another 'onboarding' game
eulerscheZahl: the multiplayer onboarding
eulerscheZahl: move to (x,y) instead of (y,y)
then set thrust to 100
and you are done with the annoying part
eulerscheZahl: i'm not a fan of coders strike back, as the input format changes a few times between leagues. CSB is the only game that does this nonsense
NiamNiam: I suppose I'll stick to it for a bit and see what happens :)
Arridian: Just when I get back, people happen to be talking about that game again,
Arridian: What insight have you gained, Niam Niam?
fkberthold: Just my opinion on this, CG pushes the competitions pretty hard (with good reason), but I'd suggest hanging out on the puzzles for a while first, especially if you want to focus on sharpening your algorithmic skills.
jacek: CG pushes to escape now :F
NiamNiam: So far? That it has potential to be fun for me - but maybe further down the line... Also, I like to skim read a lot and that didn't help. :D
TheBlueBias: "CG pushes the competitions pretty hard" :rofl:
Arridian: Does anyone have any tips on how to beat boss 4 in the pod racing? Bronze league? I asked yesterday and didn't get any good answers.
fkberthold: Yeah yeah, I know, everyone hates escape. I can only figure they're hoping to find a way to make money off the corps.
NiamNiam: @fkberthold - fair enough! I'll stick around for a bit
Arridian: It is the one where they turn on colliding.
Arridian: They kind of stopped telling me how to improve my pod, so I'm not sure how to proceed.
jacek: Arridian target - 3 * velocity
jacek: find the current velocity of your pod (hint: current position - last position) and substract from the next checkpoint
Wontonimo: I'm not giving that hint away anymore
jacek: oO
Wontonimo: instead I tell people to read up about PID controllers
Wontonimo: and maybe direct them to
NiamNiam: is it just me or does the animation of our code gets frozen after X attempts?
Wontonimo: yes, it's a known issue
Arridian: What is a PID controller, wontomino?
Wontonimo: it's the same thing that cruise control and autopilot uses
Wontonimo: it really isn't advanced code, it's fairly doable control system code with really fancy names
Wontonimo: like jacek said, one part of it is to correct for velocity
Wontonimo: imagine you are driving up to a red light. Depending on your velocity as you approach the light you will press on the break with more or less force
Arridian: Okay, I will read the pdf.
Arridian: If I have any questions, can I ask you wontonimo?
Wontonimo: I sent you a PM with an example of PID in action
Wontonimo: yeah, sure
jacek: math :unamused: physics :unamused: who needs them
olaf_surgut: does anyone know how to find timeouts on CG? when i measure code localy with sanitizers vs himself and random enemy it works perfectly
olaf_surgut: reading and printing output is reliable
DomiKo: at which game?
olaf_surgut: clobber
jacek: timeout could mean a crash
olaf_surgut: sanitizers would detect it localy
DomiKo: hmm I can use 145ms without any problems
jacek: only thing you could do on CG is put cerr lines here and there and narrow it down
DomiKo: it could be too much memory too
jacek: that what happened to me with cttt
Westicles: somebody give me an idea for a reverse clash. I only need around 70 more to reach level 50
DomiKo: very clean
miszu: is there something shorter in python than: while 1
jacek: apparently not
LiquidBacon: where my java gang at
mrfacysus: C# > java
jacek: no love for kotlin?
Astrobytes: Kotlin is fun...
TheBlueBias: Yeah. I read referee in kotlin everyday.
Astrobytes: You missed the joke
jacek: he didnt konvert to kotln
TheBlueBias: Hadn't read previous message.
TheBlueBias: +s
TheBlueBias: A man came on #fr to ask for a python starter code like the SC2021 one, but without sayin' for what. And I got scolded for sayin' I can't guess for what multi he wanted it, 'cause it was obviously for the new contest: Code vs Zombies. :3
jacek: those toxic #fr people ~
TheBlueBias: Nyoro~n
Arridian: Does anyone know any other easy puzzles for noobs? Other than coder strikes back?
Arridian: For bot programming specifically.
jacek: connect 4
miszu: ghost in the cell
Arridian: Okay, thanks guys.
Arridian: Which one of the two is easier?
Westicles: These guys think all the 8x8 and 9x7 grid games are easy since it is the same approach over and over
Arridian: Do you disagree with that?
jacek: easy to learn, hard to master
Westicles: I guess it depends if you are in an mcts mood or not.
jacek: gitc can be done in few lines of code
Arridian: Okay, thanks.
jacek: connect 4 is easy 'classic' board game, but top leaderboard require some knowledge of minimax and/or mcts, nn stuff
Arridian: okay, lol
Arridian: I have no clue what those are.
Arridian: I just need to get bronze so I can progress with quest
jacek: ghost in the cell it is then
jacek: ahh, connect 4 has no bronze
Arridian: oh, rip
Westicles: might as well go for two silvers since you'll need it later. FWIW, the only two I have are CSB and FC2020
Arridian: What is FC2020?
Westicles: fall challenge
Arridian: Oh, okay
Arridian: How should I get started with ghost in the cell? I have no clue what to do.
jacek: miszu ^
jacek: first, read the statement
Kingooooo: How do I use the variables defined in a for loop outside the for loop?
Schwase: define them before the loop
Schwase: set their values inside the loop
Schwase: what language btw?
Schwase: if java that is what you have to do
Schwase: im not sure idk JS but in java you would need to do that
Schwase: like
Arridian: I sent you a PM jacek
Arridian: What is the max number of links a facotry can have in Ghost in teh shell?
Arridian: *cell
struct: max number of planets -1?
struct: so would be 14
Arridian: lol, this challenge is showing me how bad at coding I am
Arridian: The coder strike back one was easy tho
Kingooooo: This whole website shows me how much I suck
Shrimpster: alright... so ive made a fairly descent MCTS algo for tictactoe that got me to top 100 in gold, to beat the bot what do I have to do? Just optimize machine circles?
Kingooooo: I can't complete this apparently super easy CoC
Schwase: which one?
Schwase: was i in it or no?
Schwase: what mode
Schwase: f
Void9080: How did u do it so fast goddam
Westicles: never fear, I have been steadily adding many high quality clashes. eventually all clashes will be by me
Kingooooo: Can I look at other people's solutions?
Void9080: wait how u do that
Kingooooo: these people doing moon runes the frick
jacek: Shrimpster how many simulations per turn do you get
jacek: yes, uttt is optimization fest. though some universal mcts enhancements apply
Void9080: How do you see other people solution?
jacek: like C exploeration tuning,; checking for mate-in-one in tree and/or simulations every turn; mcts solver
jacek: Void9080 if you solve puzzle you can see others people solutions
Void9080: well f
Void9080: im not gonna solve this hahaha
jacek: oO
Schwase: yo i levelled up yooo
jacek: :tada:
Arridian: How do I solve the error: not in a function on line 25?
Arridian: I tried googling it, nothing comes up.
Arridian: Like 25 simple is while True:
jacek: whats on line 25
Arridian: It is just a "while True:"
TheBlueBias: problem's before
jacek: whats before and after
jacek: is indentation ok
Arridian: Before is the stuff they gave me when I started, I haven't changed it:
Arridian: for i in range(link_count):
factory_1, factory_2, distance = [int(j) for j in input().split()
Arridian: And after if the entity_count = int(input())
Arridian: idk what could cause it
Arridian: ima just reset the code
Arridian: Okay, I got it to work, but for some reason after the first two turns it just stops working and just sits there. LEtting the enemy win.
Arridian: This is my code:
darkhorse64: reset troops
Arridian: wdym?
jacek: what error do you get?
Arridian: After a few minutes I get the error: Can't send a troop from a factory you don't control (7).
jacek: you have biggest_factory before the loop. what if there is no biggest factory?
Arridian: But for some reason my troops just stop sending after two turns
Arridian: Then shouldn't it just use 0? as default value?
darkhorse64: I mean that 'troops' keeps on growing
Arridian: Oh, I see what you mean
Westicles: Hey blaise, tell your french buddies to try my DAWG puzzle
Arridian: What?
TheBlueBias: DAWG?
Westicles: just a contrib, don't want to spam it here
Astrobytes: /ban :P
jacek: oh, a nine men's morris yet again on cotributions
struct: i had to scroll so much
struct: to get to the bottom
Arridian: lol
TheBlueBias: Graphs! Graphs are cool :heart_eyes:
Westicles: I hate graphs. I was just trying to fit in
Arridian: lol
Schwase: graphs *shudders*
jacek: graphs?
Schwase: physics major. PTSD. dont wanna talk about it
jacek: physics?
Schwase: what is...
Schwase: PHYSICS?!?!
Arridian: Does anyone know how I can solve the "Can't send troop from factory you don't control" in Ghost in the cell? My answer didn't work.
Arridian: My answer was here:
jacek: umm Westicles is this phone numbers thing?
TheBlueBias: Was thinking about this too.
struct: target_factory is not updated
struct: is always 0
Arridian: Oh, good point.
Arridian: ty
jacek: Westicles
Westicles: That is only first digits. A DAWG shaves nodes in other places as well
struct: is this ddawg or nddawg?
JHowell: Is there a way to go back to see the problem on a Code Clash after submission?
SNEEDSTER: I don't think so
JHowell: I thought I saw some one post some sort of database with all the clash problems but not solutions.
JHowell: Found it:
Arridian: Does anyone know a simple way to find whicever one of my factories has the most cyborgs in ghost in the cell?
Dren: depends on how you store data
Arridian: Well, yeah.
Arridian: I currently just have an array of "myfactories" and an array of "oppfactories"
Arridian: And in each array is a tuple for factory id, cyborgs, and rate of creation
Arridian: I tried to make a for statement that loops through and finds biggest, but it returns at not in a function on line 31
Arridian: idk how to fix it, because nothing comes up when you google it
JHowell: so the cyborg count is the second value in each tuple? Are you recreating your array on each game loop, or updating an array created outside the loop?
Arridian: I am rewriting with classes now, because I think it will be better.
Arridian: But thanks!
JHowell: Yeah, I'd just suggest printing debugs to make sure the values you think you're comparing are what you think they are.
Arridian: Okay thanks
Westicles: ddawg
Wontonimo: hig hdawg
Wontonimo: :wavw:
Wontonimo: :wave:
Wontonimo: what a happy wavy group we have
Wontonimo: hey Cyber, how did you hear of codingame ?
Cyber_Glitch: um can anyone help me with this one
Dren: depends on the language i guess
Dren: what do you need help with
Westicles: I can tell you the validators are the same as the tests
Wontonimo: ^^ Cyber_Glitch that is for you
Westicles: ooh, me next. escaping the cat please
Wontonimo: there exists a distance from the middle such that the mouse is able to make a revolution around the pool faster than the cat but just barely. stay at that distance and revolve until the cat and mouse are on opposite side, then head straight to the outside
Wontonimo: the distance is pool_radius * mouse_speed / cat_speed
Wontonimo: just shy of that
miszu: datastructure question for c++. Let's say you have an array of something and you want to get rid of the middle one, how could you do it so you don't compromise the array? Like I want to replace my vector with array
Westicles: okay, I guess I should try it. I hate 360 degree trig problems... always so many sign errors
Wontonimo: are you going to insert something later?
miszu: no, either iterate it or remove it
Wontonimo: if it is a list of large sized classes, i manipulate a list of ints instead that point to their ordinal
Wontonimo: i'm sure there is a better way
Wontonimo: if it is a linked list, just change the link pointers. again, ints can be used instead of hard pointers
Wontonimo: for most CG games I don't do garbage collection in c++
Wontonimo: no need
miszu: alright
miszu: I want to improve my speed at some point
Wontonimo: i used singly linked list in UTTT for a very long time and it was pretty fast for dynamic addition and subtraction of elements. Now I only add elements.
Wontonimo: Westicles, I just finished
Wontonimo: thanks for suggesting that puzzle
Westicles: nice
Wontonimo: it wasn't as straight forward as my write up made it sound. There were 2 hyper parameters that I had to tune because of the 350 frame limit
Wontonimo: at a high level, certainly my original hypothesis was correct, just that the mouse radius has to be closer than I suggested so that it is solved in time.
Wontonimo: there was a numberphile on this exact problem a couple years ago and I just remembered it. Otherwise I wouldn't have had a clue
Wontonimo: found it
Westicles: Yeah, I saw that. Others said at the time you can run for the edge and zigzag and that works as well
Westicles: Make the cat continually change directions
Wontonimo: nice
Wontonimo: which one was that?
Westicles: not sure, that was from an old chat by Uljahn
Wontonimo: oh, that wasn't your replay
Thorcode: Given a list of integers, multiply the even integers by 3 and the odd integers with 5. Return the sum of all the items after the multiplication.
Thorcode: this puzzle is like an old puzzle yesterday a guy asking on this channel
Thorcode: oh fortget it
Westicles: the one you approved without solving it
PatrickMcGinnisII: die(array_sum(array_map(function ($a) { $a*=($a%2?5:3);},$list)));
Thorcode: ?
Thorcode: ?
Thorcode: oh I know what puzle
Westicles: and everyone complained because it was clearly not ready
PatrickMcGinnisII: did i not solve it right?
Westicles: I meant Thorcode
Thorcode: I solved it
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh i forgot the return
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh well, i don't CoC
Thorcode: I forgot the question
Westicles: it was a big scandal. the validators and testcases are the same
Thorcode: oh yeah so pp can use alot if
Thorcode: well this puzzle could be shortest
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok i did it
Thorcode: nice
Westicles: PatrickMcGinnisII, here's a special puzzle just for you