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Default avatar.png DominikR: Im coding with R basically, which of the available languages is the most similiar to that?

Default avatar.png MeBen: I don't know much about R but I would guess Python

Default avatar.png MeBen: Especially with numpy, which is included

Default avatar.png gigabuffoon: wait

Default avatar.png gigabuffoon: we have numpy??

Default avatar.png gigabuffoon: sick

BlaiseEbuth: People that read the faq...

BobTheBuilder888: me being confused

Westicles: Reading #fr has me anxious. They said my definition of group is wrong but not how

BlaiseEbuth: Hm?


BlaiseEbuth: Oh. And that's false?

Westicles: Not sure. Just something about west of the testicles defined group wrong

BlaiseEbuth: When? Hadn't seen that.. :thinking:

Westicles: Couple days ago. Maybe he meant the fix Benoi helped me with

Westicles: I think abstract algebra must be taught more in france than the US

littlebear: In codingame login page why animation in background is not working

BlaiseEbuth: There's a couple of professors and math phd among the #fr regulars... Not being one, I don't see anything chocking in your statement ^^'

Westicles: Hopefully it is just incomplete. I mean, you would have to write a book to capture everything

[CG]Thibaud: nice catch littlebear, thanks

littlebear: :)

Default avatar.png MeBen: Any way to find clash problems in the contributions so I can access test cases afterwards?


Uljahn: try this

Uljahn: MeBen

Default avatar.png MeBen: littlebear sent me a MSG with that already, but thanks to you too! :)


ProCoder03: Does any one know a nice tutorial for verlet physics in C++...

Default avatar.png smallPPperson:

littlebear: -> #clash

TimothyAlexisVass: What does this do in Python?

  • L=open(0)

Default avatar.png rak1507: 0 is stdout, open(0) opens stdout, *L=open(0) unpacks

Default avatar.png rak1507: so L is a list of all the lines of stdin* not stdout

TimothyAlexisVass: oh

TimothyAlexisVass: Thank you

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

struct: These damn NNs

TimothyAlexisVass: ..\_o_/..

Default avatar.png Krenar: Is the coding society welcoming to beginners?

Default avatar.png Krenar: Fuck off noob

TimothyAlexisVass: ...

struct: he has been dealt with

Default avatar.png Maxim251: I have problem with priority_queue in C++.

Default avatar.png Maxim251:

Default avatar.png Maxim251: Why operator dont want to work?

Default avatar.png Maxim251: Its because of inheritance?

Default avatar.png Maxim251: Or maybe I should put operator also in child classes and in base class use virtual operator?


Wontonimo: :thumbsup: Thanks!

Default avatar.png ghassanmas: hi

MSmits: mmh I discovered something weird with windows forms / C#

MSmits: I used a text box and then double.parse, but it wanted me to use a comma instead of a dot for decimal separator

Default avatar.png Maxim251: Shock... Sorted by pointer value

MSmits: did not know it would be sensitive to the settings on your operating system

Astrobytes: that's a feature

MSmits: it's a bug to me :P

Astrobytes: I thiiiink you can mess with locale settings and have it how you want

MSmits: i ran my meta mcts for a day with an exp par of 25 instead of 2.5 because of this. Well got some good exploration in i guess :)

Astrobytes: but I'm no C# wiz

Astrobytes: lol

ProCoder03: windows API's use your current windows settings..

MSmits: apparently so :)

Astrobytes: I think we established that

MSmits: yes but he used the correct language

MSmits: like a pro

Astrobytes: :P

ProCoder03: change your language to English(US) to make dot as decimal seprator..

MSmits: yeah, but this would have tons of side effects I would not be happy with

Astrobytes: System.Globalization -> CultureInfo ... could be tweakable in there

MSmits: I'll leave it as is. Just have to remember to use comma's in windows forms is all

Astrobytes: actually, just in System.Globalization

MiyamuraIzumi: What is meta mcts then?

MSmits: a mcts program that runs bots instead of a normal simulation phase

MiyamuraIzumi: is this an existing concept ?

Astrobytes: That's when you think about doing MCTS really hard without doing it.

MSmits: that too :P

MSmits: MiyamuraIzumi yeah it is

Astrobytes: :D

MSmits: basically i start a game, like one on CG to replace simulation with

MSmits: a game with 50 ms turns and all that

MSmits: which makes the search much stronger

MSmits: it runs for days, weeks or months, whatever you want

MSmits: you gather information about the best opening moves and you can often solve parts of games

MiyamuraIzumi: oh, I see

MiyamuraIzumi: I found this


MSmits: yeah that's similar to what i do, but somewhat different. I also took it to another level. But that's good reading

MiyamuraIzumi: this should be one of it use

MiyamuraIzumi: thanks

MSmits: thank jace k , he wrote it. We started using meta mcts at about the same time

MSmits: he mostly does NN's now

MSmits: I still like running them

MiyamuraIzumi: for NN's

MSmits: i plan on using meta mcts info for NN's as well yes, but I am not sure how effective it will be

MSmits: but before this i was just using it to generate hardcoded opening moves

MiyamuraIzumi: oh, I see

MiyamuraIzumi: can I use this for hard code end-game?

darkhorse64: You need a solver for endgames

MSmits: depending on the game you can use an endgame book generator instead. You would not use mcts for that, but more a minimax style solver

darkhorse64: first

darkhorse64: :stuck_out_tongue:

MiyamuraIzumi: :D

MSmits: indeed :)

MSmits: MiyamuraIzumi i have written something about generating endgame books for oware

MSmits: it's a playground, should be on my profile

MiyamuraIzumi: thanks

MiyamuraIzumi: I will check that

MSmits: but it requires that you're pretty familiar with oware

MiyamuraIzumi: I don't know oware actually

saad_here: anyone up for coc?

MSmits: for which game would you like an endgame book?

ProCoder03: UTTT ig..

MiyamuraIzumi: UTTT

MSmits: would not really work for uttt

MiyamuraIzumi: oh

MSmits: you can look up the last miniboard result

struct: game is decided early

Default avatar.png C26_1: Oh hello stuct

Default avatar.png C26_1: struct

MSmits: or you can *maybe* lookup the last 2 boards

struct: wont work for games like c4 and uttt

MSmits: but you'd use a huge amount of space to do this

struct: it can be good for breakthrough but its not massive because early game is also important

struct: hi

MSmits: games need to be convergent for it

Default avatar.png C26_1: I've made my demo of theory about base analysis

MSmits: checkers and chess converge

Default avatar.png C26_1:

MSmits: bandas and oware do too

Default avatar.png C26_1: It's pretty hard to see as pastebin

MiyamuraIzumi: is this the oware:


MSmits: yes

MiyamuraIzumi: thanks

struct: I cant play that game

MiyamuraIzumi: why?

struct: sim seems a mess

struct: same for yavalath

MSmits: yavalath sim is easy

Default avatar.png C26_1: simulator needs a lot of "random" variable

MSmits: coding heavy rollout is hard

Default avatar.png C26_1: so yea that's why sim is a mess

MSmits: oware sim is messy yes, because of the exceptions

MSmits: C26_1 what do you mean a lot of random?

Default avatar.png C26_1: I mean sim means simulation of something right

MSmits: yes

Astrobytes: oware sim is just a bit fiddly, not straight up difficult

Default avatar.png C26_1: For example, you need to simulate the life of a human

MSmits: yeah the exceptions are just annoying to code and when you've done that you're left with a feeling that maybe there's still a bug you're never going to find

struct: now that i print my rollouts on c4

struct: I think I have a bug

Astrobytes: this is why we test our sims thoroughly

Default avatar.png C26_1: then you have random variables like stock market variables, shop price, the odds of being born at somewhere, etc...

ProCoder03: That's what I am exactly facing with UTTT..

MSmits: C26_1 we're talking about simple board games here :P

Default avatar.png C26_1: oh

Default avatar.png C26_1: ok

Default avatar.png C26_1: sorry if misconception

MSmits: np

MiyamuraIzumi: just a bit: do we have any new info on FC2021 ?

Astrobytes: It will probably be around Halloween

MiyamuraIzumi: is it still a multi?

Astrobytes: That's all

MSmits: ProCoder03 yeah uttt sims can have bugs and sometimes it's annoying to find, but it's not as complicated as oware.

MiyamuraIzumi: ummm

struct: yes

struct: practice beam search

MiyamuraIzumi: do you mean we should practise beam search for FC2021?

MiyamuraIzumi: struct?

struct: maybe

MiyamuraIzumi: FC2020 and Spring 2021 is beam search

ProCoder03: Well it turns out.. My sim is correct, My Ultimateboard is messing up something

Astrobytes: The point is we don't even know if it will be multiplayer bot programming

ProCoder03: bcoz of that I get invalid output :angry:

MiyamuraIzumi: maybe FC2021 is an codingEscape game haha

ProCoder03: For heaven's sake, Nooo......

Astrobytes: I really hope not.

Astrobytes: But we will wait and see.

ProCoder03: where can I learn Beam Search. ??

MSmits: beamsearch is super intuitive if you've done other searches

MSmits: make a list of moves

MSmits: generate new states

MSmits: score each state

ProCoder03: Ohh... I have not done any...

MSmits: keep the best X

MSmits: if X is smaller than the beam width, keep all

struct: I dont think it can even be a escape

MSmits: i mean if the number of states is smaller than X

struct: It doesnt make sense

ProCoder03: like FlatMC execpt for the last one ....

Astrobytes: unless it's single player escape

struct: that goes against escape

ProCoder03: I would need 2 hrs to find it :rofl:

Astrobytes: ProCoder03: it's more like a BFS

ProCoder03: I have never done any search in my life....

struct: Its BFS with pruning

ProCoder03: execpt for MCTS...

struct: if you can do mcts you can do beam

MSmits: ProCoder03 mcts is a much more complicated search

MiyamuraIzumi: MCTS is still a search

MSmits: BFS, DFS, beam are all a lot easier to do

MSmits: you can do a BFS in 10 lines of code or something

**ProCoder03 notes down the list to learn before FC2021

MiyamuraIzumi: then FC2021 is a CodingEscape

ProCoder03: commit suicide..

ProCoder03: just kidding..

MiyamuraIzumi: haha

struct: I dont think I know DFS/BFS

MSmits: this has BFS and I think other algos


ProCoder03: Thank you so much struct

MiyamuraIzumi: actually Spring2021 is quite interest in that pure Heuristic can go very high rank

struct: ah I know bfs

struct: because I did it for stc to calculate all possible game states depth 4

eulerscheZahl: you did it to find regions of the same color

MSmits: even if you didn't know bfs, you would have invented it alreadty

struct: depth N*

eulerscheZahl: or the distance between 2 cells on tron

struct: I never calculated distance on tron :(

struct: but you are right

struct: floodfill is bfs

MSmits: I invented binary search for batman without ever knowing the algorithm. Some stuff is so simple you can think of it yourself

Astrobytes: *can be BFS

eulerscheZahl: in discovered dijkstra myself on project euler problem 80-ish

MSmits: that's cool

struct: hmm graphs


struct: my kryptonite

struct: Maybe I should learn graphs for next contest

MSmits: I am half-proficient with graphs

Astrobytes: a grid is a graph

MSmits: yeah, i mean I know how to find an algorithm to do a specific thing in a graph, more or less, but i dont know many of the names of these

struct: hmm, cant imagine connect 4 as a graph

Astrobytes: Plenty places to practice. I found using some kind of visualiser helps get the ideas down

MSmits: the gametree is a graph

struct: But im also bad in grid games

struct: grid and graphs

MSmits: for graphs, try eulerscheZahl's tryAngle game

struct: maybe im bad in all the games

sprkrd: hello all

struct: :p

ProCoder03: okay guys can someone tell me what I *must* learn before FC2021 :pleading:

MSmits: you're good at boardgames now struct

sprkrd: what do you need to know about graphs. I know EVERYTHING about graphs :)

Astrobytes: hello sprkrd

struct: yeap ive become good but now its too late

MSmits: if you had played them 2 yrs ago when nn's weren't here, you'd be top 3 in every one of them

struct: NNs have appeared

struct: also I would not say im good, I mostly reuse the mcts and just make a fast sim

sprkrd: (in case it wasn't obvious, my display of arrogance was a joke)

Astrobytes: I thought it was obvious ;)

struct: where to start sprkrd?

MSmits: fast sim usually means having some insight into the game

MSmits: not just avx-ing stuff

Astrobytes: unless you are struct, in which case start by avx-ing everything

MiyamuraIzumi: @ProCoder03, playing escape more

struct: i always wanted to write an AI for gitc

struct: but dont know how to start

ProCoder03: Urghhh.... why are you so stubborn on it MiyamuraIzumi

MSmits: struct can't help you there. It's hard

ProCoder03: I also completed all the freely available ones...

MSmits: i think what people do is use a lot of heuristics to generate strategic plans

MiyamuraIzumi: haha

MSmits: then run them for X turns against an assumed opponent

MSmits: and keep the best version

struct: ah

ProCoder03: what's gitc ??

MSmits: ghost in the cell

struct: I always struggle in multiple units games

eulerscheZahl: ghost in the cell

eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

MSmits: you lost to a 40+ yr old man euler

Astrobytes: :older_man:

MSmits: just rubbing it in

eulerscheZahl: i've reached the 30+ myself :(

MSmits: ah yes you did

MiyamuraIzumi: I watched the vids about xor NNs, but don't really know how can I apply it for a multi, could any one give me an advice?

MSmits: start practicing with small projects before a multi

Astrobytes: first half of your 30s is great, it's the second half that sucks

MSmits: what i did (and which is not necessarily best) is adapt the xor example to learn gamestates for normal TTT

struct: 30s? whats that


Astrobytes: You young ones these days

MSmits: so i generated all gamestates for TTT, calculate their endgame result with minimax and taught a NN to output these results

**Astrobytes shakes fist at clouds

MiyamuraIzumi: oh, thank you all

MSmits: this oware azero implementation is *not* a good place to start with NN's

MSmits: but it is very good nonetheless

MSmits: start simpler though

MiyamuraIzumi: well the point is I only know some basic syntax of Python

MSmits: i learned python by practicing puzzles here

MiyamuraIzumi: does this mean I should learn Python first before learning NNs

MSmits: i solved around 30 and then i moved on

struct: I would focus in other skills before attempting NNs

struct: specially for cg

ProCoder03: if u know C++, then python is a breeze MiyamuraIzumi

MSmits: yeah nn is a high end skill i think

MSmits: I would say learn all the basic search algorithms, make some bots for all sorts of games first. Broaden knowledge before deepening it in some area you might not even like

MiyamuraIzumi: well then NNs later :D

MSmits: learning NN just because it seems the new hot thing that beats other types of bots, is a bad motivator. You'll quickly get discouraged

MSmits: yeah, we'll still be talking about it a year from now, so no hurry :)

MiyamuraIzumi: why a year from now on?

MiyamuraIzumi: what can we say or do in a year?

MSmits: i just mentioned a random long seeming amount of time

MSmits: if I were euler's age, I might have said month. To those youngsters it seems like a much longer time

MiyamuraIzumi: well, but do I need python to learn NNs

Uljahn: no

MSmits: mmh it's not 100% necessary, but pretty convenient

Astrobytes: When you get to that point I think you can pick up what you need along the way

ProCoder03: it just easier in python

MSmits: python is like reading English anyways

MSmits: if you know a different language, using python is not so much learning as it is getting used to

MiyamuraIzumi: then I will try on with some more multi then

**eulerscheZahl is playing a contest in JS right now, despite not really knowing the language

eulerscheZahl: and it's not even a big deal

MiyamuraIzumi: :D

MSmits: he plays kotlin heroes too, without even really being a hero

eulerscheZahl: i am

Astrobytes: :D

eulerscheZahl: story time :D

eulerscheZahl: so, last sunday. I had a flat tire again (the 4th this year)

eulerscheZahl: was pushing my bicycle to my brotzer in-law to fix it

Astrobytes: the pizza day right

eulerscheZahl: then 2 teenagers behind me screaming "what do you want from us! heelp!" and the guy "stop running away"

eulerscheZahl: and all of the sudden, those 2 teens were hiding behind me

eulerscheZahl: i tried to deescalate and calmly asked what's the matter, what they have done

eulerscheZahl: "the problem is what they have not done! they shall go back to Afghanistan"

Astrobytes: Ugh, seriously

eulerscheZahl: so i was facing this violent and angry man

MSmits: ohh, they were refugees?

eulerscheZahl: they looked and sounded really German to me

Astrobytes: Grown men picking on teenagers is never a good thing

eulerscheZahl: said they didn't even know him, were just passing by and then he chased them

MSmits: maybe he had mental issues

eulerscheZahl: so we were facing each other, only my immobilized bicycle between us

eulerscheZahl: glad he left after maybe a minute or so and it didn't get to a fight

eulerscheZahl: serious WTF moment

Astrobytes: Heeeere he comes to save the dayyyyy Miiiiiighty Toad is on his wayyyyy

eulerscheZahl: :cape:

eulerscheZahl: oh :(

struct: 4th tire o.o

ProCoder03: is pathfinding algorithm same as BFS ??

eulerscheZahl: yeah, that sucks. got a new tire now

Astrobytes: Ribbit-ribbit-ribbit-ribbit TOADMAAAN

struct: but do they always replace the tier?

struct: or jsut the inner tube?

eulerscheZahl: just the inner (first 2 times at a bike shop)

eulerscheZahl: 3rd time: the brother in-law who found some glass

Default avatar.png Maxim251: OMY God, it works :D

eulerscheZahl: 4th time: well, there was some damage done to the tire (because of the pushing?)

struct: I would ask them to put a solid inner tube next time

Astrobytes: Brother-in-law fixed it 4th time too?

eulerscheZahl: i hope it's not the metal part of my tire. i'll see in a few weeks i guess

MSmits: well gj on the hero thing eulerscheZahl

[CG]Thibaud: huh feels bad, for both the tire and the people chasing the refugees

eulerscheZahl: yes. i owe him another puzza now

Astrobytes: Was gonna say, double pizza debt

eulerscheZahl: there weren't even refugees (which wouldn't make it better)

MSmits: i feel bad for the refugees tbh, not the people chasing them :P

Astrobytes: lol

[CG]Thibaud: yeah that's what I meant :D

[CG]Thibaud: had a flat tire too 2 days ago

MSmits: I know :)

Astrobytes: (we thought so :D )

Default avatar.png Maxim251:

eulerscheZahl: at least I don't go to work these days, so I can survive a few days without bicycle

eulerscheZahl: tomorrow i'll show up in office again. seeing my boss for the first time in almost a year

eulerscheZahl: i see some code. with just 2 spaces for indents. what's your message?

eulerscheZahl: fix the compiler errors?

Astrobytes: I think he's showing how he got the priority_queue sort to work

Astrobytes: from earlier in chat

eulerscheZahl: ah, i lacked that context

eulerscheZahl: too busy with yare

Astrobytes: It took me a few minutes

Astrobytes: How is it going?

eulerscheZahl: still in group stage

Astrobytes: nice

Astrobytes: enjoying it?

eulerscheZahl: kind of. a bit much trying to counter specific strategies i think

eulerscheZahl: i don't see how to write a proper search on this thing. and heuristics always turn into a mess for me

eulerscheZahl: improving one thing makes it fail somewhere else

Astrobytes: Aye, that's never much fun

eulerscheZahl: when you switch from "standings" to "matches" above the groups, you can see a replay link in the game details

eulerscheZahl: there's just a variety of highly different bots

eulerscheZahl: and as you can only test vs online players, it's hard to get feedback

Astrobytes: wow, you got rekt in the game I just watched

eulerscheZahl: i changed a line of code and didn't test it :(

Astrobytes: That round thing came along and zapped all your triangles

eulerscheZahl: then my units always thought they were in imminent danger

Astrobytes: Yeah they looked a little indecisive

ProCoder03: At least you are in the tournament, I am still trying to find my algo work haha..

eulerscheZahl: i think i could have just rushed that opponent. but didn't want to show him his weaknesses that early in the contest

Astrobytes: fine line between progressing and managing to keep a secret strategy for later

eulerscheZahl: yes. now it's just the group stage. elimination round comes after

eulerscheZahl: and the best 4 out of each group proceed

Astrobytes: The game itself seems pretty cool, just find the platform mechanics a bit odd

eulerscheZahl: and I have a bit of simulation for the fighting at least. I know when I should attack

eulerscheZahl: i would really like the possibility to submit a bot so you don't have to stay online

eulerscheZahl: and you can buy extra colors for you bot :D

Astrobytes: Yeah, that part pretty much ruins it for me

struct: p2w

Astrobytes: BUY as in real money??


Astrobytes: lol wtf

struct: Good idea for cg to do next contest

struct: :p

eulerscheZahl: i've seen 1 green player so far, rest uses the standard colors

eulerscheZahl: so they got 2 euros for implementing that feature at least

dreadylein: solid ^^

eulerscheZahl: sold*

dreadylein: :P

Astrobytes: lol

BlaiseEbuth: ngl

struct: its a way to show support I guess

Astrobytes: I think putting up with playing it is all the support required :P

Default avatar.png biaf: here comes to rain agaiiin

littlebear: in chat help "Commands" section there is a typo : "optionnal"

[CG]Thibaud: :eyes:

struct: Thibaud was the type of game decided for the contest?

struct: or will it only be announced when the official date is

eulerscheZahl: i still have a lot of holidays to take. please give me a reason

ProCoder03: competing in yare

eulerscheZahl: took a week off before the contest so i don't start with a completely broken bot

MiyamuraIzumi: Escape

ProCoder03: Urghhh,,,, WTF are you so interested in it MiyamuraIzumi

eulerscheZahl: that's the elephant in the room, that we fear

struct: also thanks for giving me yavalath back :p

MiyamuraIzumi: :D

Astrobytes: I wouldn't be happy with a puzzle contest either. Opinions vary on that though.

MiyamuraIzumi: puzzle contest?

MiyamuraIzumi: is multi consider a puzzle?

BlaiseEbuth: 5% weirdo

Astrobytes: No. It's like how CG did contests back in the day. A lot of the official puzzles were contests at some point.

eulerscheZahl: except for the last crusade, which was considered too hard

[CG]Thibaud: yes game format is decided and some of you probably won't like it :worried:

MiyamuraIzumi: they are old, I don't think CG will do like it

Astrobytes: Oh dear.

MiyamuraIzumi: ohhhh

BlaiseEbuth: 5% of you

Astrobytes: Can I read that as 'not a multi'

eulerscheZahl: i read it as "raising popularity for a new format"

ProCoder03: yes ig...

MiyamuraIzumi: can I read that as "Coding Escape"

[CG]Thibaud: will be a Coding Escape. Should be announced beginning of next week

MiyamuraIzumi: :D

ProCoder03: No....

**ProCoder03 + gonna commit suicide

struct: I believe he is trolling

eulerscheZahl: i saw it coming, so the disappointment isn't even that big at this very moment

MiyamuraIzumi: learning beam search for Escape ProCoder03

MiyamuraIzumi: you'll need it

eulerscheZahl: still sad

ProCoder03: Bruhh... sometimes I prefer doing it by hand compared to writing code..

[CG]Thibaud: I'd have preferred a bot programming game too

Astrobytes: Gonna be a bunch of very p***ed off people who only come around for contests...

[CG]Thibaud: still I'm curious if this can bring unregular players

Wontonimo: I just stopped in and saw the announcement about the format. Thanks for sharing Thibaud

Astrobytes: Personally I think replacing multi bot contests with escape is silly, separately it would seem to make more sense

Astrobytes: But I get that CG is pushing that format

eulerscheZahl: it's just completely different user bases

struct: constests /= 2; :(

[CG]Thibaud: I don't know. Let's see how it goes

Astrobytes: Yes euler

eulerscheZahl: i think that escape contests can work. like can too but you'll have a hard time promoting it to the right people

[CG]Thibaud: haven't you all played a few coding escapes on your own?

ProCoder03: Atleast, is it solo or team [CG]Thibaud

[CG]Thibaud: team

Astrobytes: I think the escape thing for companies as teambuilding is a great idea

littlebear: wow

struct: I played as a team yes

eulerscheZahl: i played 0.5 escapes then I got sleepy and ditched the team

MiyamuraIzumi: Escape for 11 days

Astrobytes: I played a few with struct, Scarfield and TBali

struct: But I cant really compare a cg contest to a escape puzzle

[CG]Thibaud: for sure

struct: its not even remotely close

Astrobytes: indeed

ProCoder03: Done for !!, Where is the heck can I find teammates :confused:??

[CG]Thibaud: in this chat?

eulerscheZahl: the contest is an ongoing thing where you reserve a full week and get as much spare time as you can to invest into this huge event. go to bed and see how much you dropped the next day

eulerscheZahl: you are happy when it starts. then you are again when it's finally over

darkhorse64: ^

MiyamuraIzumi: ~

eulerscheZahl: that escape contest will be done after a few hours. then the activity will quickly be back to normal

Astrobytes: Yes. Our yearly doses of pain and misery.

ProCoder03: But I suppose everyone will have a pair or grp of friends

[CG]Thibaud: yes, the peak of activity will be really short

Astrobytes: But you're looking to retain those new users

ProCoder03: Ig got to search from now on !!

[CG]Thibaud: those who can't invest the needed hours for AI contest could participate

[CG]Thibaud: probably not new users Astro

Astrobytes: gotcha

[CG]Thibaud: just users we've been excluding for years with AI ^^

eulerscheZahl: decision is made, so let's see how it will work out. despite being disappointed personally, I still hope that you succeed with your contest

[CG]Thibaud: thanks

Astrobytes: Yes, I wont lie and say I'm not disappointed but I hope it works out.

BlaiseEbuth: The advantage is that CG will get a lot of new accounts! Most of them will be dropped after a few hours, but statistics gonna inflate! :tada:

[CG]Thibaud: obviously not the goal Blaise

Astrobytes: Can't even console ourselves with RAIC this year either :(

eulerscheZahl: RAIC is just postponed, not cancelled

eulerscheZahl: but i haven't heard anything about mini RAIC recently

Astrobytes: Yeah but postponed til next year though

[CG]Thibaud: why was it postponed?

Astrobytes: And they said mini RAIC would happen this year too, which it hasn't

eulerscheZahl: i have to take my days off before april, so i'm fine

eulerscheZahl: RAIC in February

eulerscheZahl: not sure why

Astrobytes: might have to start doing the load contests

eulerscheZahl: highloadcup?

Astrobytes: yeah lol

eulerscheZahl: they are much more work to set up and get started

Astrobytes: Yeah I've checked it out

eulerscheZahl: there are these occasional surprise contests on codeforces

eulerscheZahl: optim

Astrobytes: true

Astrobytes: and atcoder sometimes

struct: time to delete :(

Astrobytes: Oh no you don't :P

darkhorse64: time to write a new multi

struct: no ideas for multi

eulerscheZahl: so much effort for just a few players

darkhorse64: pick your favorite board game of the moment, clone

struct: i dont play board games

MiyamuraIzumi: haha

darkhorse64: I don't too except here

struct: I never played any of the games I ported

ProCoder03: Wontonimo had some ideas about some doll boxing using verlet physics..

eulerscheZahl: port "Mensch ärger dich nicht"

eulerscheZahl: or Memory

ProCoder03: is it Ludo ??

struct: seems like it

struct: isnt it just rolling a dice?

eulerscheZahl: a die

struct: ah but you have multiple pieces

eulerscheZahl: 1 die 2 dice

eulerscheZahl: and yes, multiple move options

Astrobytes: You play chess darkhorse64 no?

ProCoder03: we have chess already right :thinkingL

darkhorse64: I used to

Astrobytes: Before CG

darkhorse64: I have been playing chess seriously for 20 years

Astrobytes: I haven't played seriously since I was quite young

darkhorse64: But I was not strong. My best was 1960 ELO

Astrobytes: my grandfather used to organise the chess conference & tournaments in and around my town

Astrobytes: I suck pretty badly these days

eulerscheZahl: i played against a classmate once, who was really good at chess. told be 3 moves in advance that i'm about to lose my knight. but he was wrong, I lost my rook :D

Astrobytes: lol

MSmits: you showed him

Astrobytes: Did you see the news MSmits

eulerscheZahl: the contest news?

Astrobytes: Yes.

MiyamuraIzumi: beam search for finding escape path

struct: I guess ill just pick a multi now and play it like it is a contest

eulerscheZahl: inspect page source code

eulerscheZahl: i wonder if this contest will reflect back on the contest leaderboard

MiyamuraIzumi: 11 days

MiyamuraIzumi: for beam search

Astrobytes: Not 11 days. A few hours. And no search.

Samzok123: hi

darkhorse64: DP puzzles did

Astrobytes: DP?

eulerscheZahl: dynamic programming?

darkhorse64: Detective picaptcha

Astrobytes: Oh the pikachu thing with the not Moebius strip

eulerscheZahl: that fake Möbius strip :rage:

struct: ill port ludo, not sure how bots plays there

struct: But it can go over 150 turns per player I guess

Astrobytes: Ludo? Isn't that random based on die roll?

eulerscheZahl: you can have 300 turns per player (1 vs 1 game, 50ms/turn)

struct: yes astro

struct: also I dont need to give the turn to player if its only 1 move

struct: I can just play that move on the referee

struct: so it doesnt take time

Astrobytes: Snakes & Ladders next? :P


Astrobytes: or

Astrobytes: (I read "escape the cannibal's soup pot" as "escape the cannabis soup pot" lol)

darkhorse64: head already into the pot ?

Astrobytes: hahaha

Astrobytes: afk for a bit

[CG]Thibaud: > i wonder if this contest will reflect back on the contest leaderboard it will not eulerscheZahl

MiyamuraIzumi: * haha

MiyamuraIzumi: too silent

struct: yes im finishing ludo

MiyamuraIzumi: what is ludo

struct: its a board game

MiyamuraIzumi: I mean do you port a game for it?

MiyamuraIzumi: can you give the link?

MSmits: I did not see the contest news Astrobytes

MSmits: where do i see it?

darkhorse64: Just announced on the chat

darkhorse64: by tibo

MSmits: oh

darkhorse64: The contest is a team coding escape around Halloween

MiyamuraIzumi: :D

MSmits: i see. Not sure if I'll compete. Will have to be with one of you guys if I do.

MSmits: if it's only a few hrs it has to fit my schedule too. Usually thats possible

struct: MiyamuraIzumi check here


MiyamuraIzumi: thanks struct

MSmits: btw, I think I would prefer a solo puzzle speed like detective pikaptcha over escape even

MSmits: even though i am not that good at those puzzle things

darkhorse64: Not so surprising given CG will push to push these kind of events. They are also promotiing it rather than hackathons which means that semi private contests may also disappear

darkhorse64: *will to push*

MSmits: well I don't mind them pushing those really if this is good for CG

MSmits: as long as I can do my multis :)

MiyamuraIzumi: Did you ever play Escape MSmits?

MiyamuraIzumi: at least finish one of them?

MSmits: No, but just the fact that it's a team thing turns me off already :)

MSmits: I mean, i would not mind trying it once, in this contest with some of you

MSmits: but the general concept does not appeal to me

darkhorse64: RL escapes with friends are fun

MSmits: i did a break in room, which is kind of the same but reverse

MiyamuraIzumi: yes, to some extent

MSmits: they just gave me all the paper puzzles and stuck me somewhere while the other guys did all the running and picking up of stuff

darkhorse64: sane labor division

MSmits: indeed


MiyamuraIzumi: :D



MSmits: "He did call 911. That's not a win. He quit,"

MSmits: very funny

Default avatar.png DJFunkyMaster_9a81: q ondaaaaaaaaaaaa

Astrobytes: As a teenager I had to escape from someone's house once without being seen by their parents...

Default avatar.png DJFunkyMaster_9a81: piola

darkhorse64: someone = girl ?

MSmits: bad boy Astrobytes

Astrobytes: guilty as charged darkhorse64

MSmits: the main question is though. Did you succeed or did you drop off a roof or something?

MSmits: or both

Astrobytes: I climbed out her window, went down the drain pipe about halfway, jumped and legged it through the neighbours garden

MSmits: ahh ok

Astrobytes: Wasn't so hard to do

MSmits: you could have just gone out the front door and said: Sorry, wrong house

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: fun times

TimothyAlexisVass: 1 more approval

eulerscheZahl: somehow i'm always attempted to do the exact opposite

eulerscheZahl: same as when youtubers tell me to like and subscribe

TimothyAlexisVass: tempted? ;)

eulerscheZahl: yes :/

TimothyAlexisVass: It happens

eulerscheZahl: and last time you posted that clash, i told you that you should indicate the direction of the rotation

eulerscheZahl: clockwise/counterclockwise

TimothyAlexisVass: OK

TimothyAlexisVass: - is counterclockwise and + is clockwise, I thought it was obvious from the examples..

eulerscheZahl: your 2nd reviewer even wrote that as a comment. and still approved

eulerscheZahl: the statement should be clear enough that you don't need examples to fully understand the task

Samzok123: hi

TimothyAlexisVass: Feel free to improve the contribution, I always do that when I think something can be better. Between you and me, I see it as a matter of opinion.

eulerscheZahl: meh, clashers should decide about their puzzles. i'm just passing by because you linked it on the chat. my interest is more in the multiplayer section

TimothyAlexisVass: OK

eulerscheZahl: and i'm a bad and selfish user: wanting others to review my puzzles while ignoring theirs

struct: Same

struct: I dont think I ever reviewed one

struct: I think bit runner is the exception

eulerscheZahl: good thing we have jacek and tric trac

TimothyAlexisVass: ^ _ ^

eulerscheZahl: anyways, gtg :soccer: see you tomorrow

struct: hf

Illedan: bye

struct: hi Illedan

Illedan: yo

struct: any recent improvemnt on fb?

Illedan: Mostly random stuff that doesn't work

struct: I feel your pain

struct: its still impressive regardless

Illedan: But I pushed everyone down. So I need a lot of wins to gain top 2

struct: ah yeah

struct: its way harder now

struct: unless you have > 60% win rate vs top 2

Illedan: Best I had was 75%+ vs rest and 50% vs top 2. Still 1 point below pb :/

struct: so it has similar strength

Illedan: I guess they win more vs the rest

struct: probably, cant remember it was a long time ago

struct: recurse bot was also a bit stronger than pb4

Illedan: This is the earliest screenshot I have from their previous ranks

pb4: hi

struct: hi pb4

pb4: Just in case, because we got very frustrated back in the day with Neumann

pb4: If someone has a good AI and feels that the ranking system is holding them back, I'm open to a simultaneous resubmit to give more chances

pb4: (back in the day on CSB)

pb4: Would need some kind of cgbench stats showing >50% winrate with 95% confidence interval for example

pb4: hi struct :)

Astrobytes: Thyl: Be patient. He will either get bored or escalate, in which case he will get banned.

Thyl: thx Astrobytes

struct: o.o

Astrobytes: Just some idiot kid that Uljahn banned the other day

struct: I see

struct: Usually they pm me Hi

struct: and thats about it

Astrobytes: This one thinks he's real smart.

Default avatar.png shonal45: hi

Default avatar.png shonal45: im new

Default avatar.png shonal45: in the game

struct: hi

TimothyAlexisVass: Do you like nutritional yeast?

struct: never had any

Astrobytes: if used sparingly as part of a flavouring involving other herbs and spices it can be good, otherwise its like an inedible bad cheese

Astrobytes: What's with all the weird questions recently? Dapo's shoes, Timothy and the nutritional yeast...

Astrobytes: CG chat is becoming a self-help group

BlaiseEbuth: Hello. My name is Blaise. And today, it's been 5 months I haven't participated to a bot contest.

Astrobytes: :P

struct: hmm floodfill distance seems to be working

struct: maybe ill try tron after all

TimothyAlexisVass: ..(\ /) ..(•.•) c(")(“)

struct: i have ascii art ptsd

TimothyAlexisVass: oh goodness I'm so sorry

MiyamuraIzumi: you can't participate to ... well

TimothyAlexisVass: Sometimes when I answer a captcha, I try to answer it without clicking all of the traffic lights.

MSmits: when you're feeling robotty?

Default avatar.png JBM: i usually click on as little as i think i can get away with

struct: usually when I finish them they make me repeat it :(

Westicles: so they verified escape room contest?

BlaiseEbuth: Yup...

struct: yes

Westicles: Huh. I wonder if it gives CP. They'll have a revolt if it doesn't

struct: Maybe it will give cp, but it wont count towards contests rating

Astrobytes: I don't think it will be particularly successful. I wish them the best with it but I'm not convinced. Time will tell.

struct: I just dont know how it can be a contest

struct: does it start at the same time for everyone?

BlaiseEbuth: :smiling_imp:

struct: Can be quite hard to get everyone to play at the same time

struct: But Im sure they thought of that

BlaiseEbuth: :zipper_mouth:

Wontonimo: i haven't really loved escape room irl, so i'm not all that jazzed :shrug:

Wontonimo: and I hear you have to work as a team. I come here to get away from having to work with a team ;)

struct: hi Wontonimo

Wontonimo: hi hi

Wontonimo: i won't üse a ü in your name anymore

Wontonimo: struct

struct: lol

struct: im trying tron atm

struct: ill try to check if depth 1 voronoi is really enough for legend

struct: I dont want to put a lot of effort on this game

Wontonimo: if I had stayed focused and not just dabbled I'd have an iterative deepening minimax by now. just played with flat MC far too long

Astrobytes: don't go too deep in the alphabeta is what I'd recommend

Wontonimo: deep as in optimization, or deep as in plies ?

struct: i always go straight into mcts tbh

Astrobytes: plies

Wontonimo: why not?

Astrobytes: It's not great to get too deep in 3-4 player games

Astrobytes: Too much uncertainty imo

Astrobytes: I had far better luck limiting the depth somewhat

struct: So my first step should not be optimize :(

Astrobytes: As always YMMV

Wontonimo: thanks Astro

Astrobytes: And I don't know if MaxN, paranoid or only closest opponent is best

Wontonimo: i gotta go. my got has that "i'm so bored that i'm gonna get in trouble" look. Going for a walk. seeya

Wontonimo: my dog

Astrobytes: I will experiment at some point

Astrobytes: Wontonimo: lol, clears the head too :)

struct: cya

Astrobytes: finally banned that knobend from the discord

struct: who?

Astrobytes: The one I mentioned earlier

struct: ah

Astrobytes: Yazuni

Astrobytes: Give 'em enough rope

struct: Don't think I ever saw him

struct: But I'm not really active on discord

Astrobytes: Well his posts have been deleted from the past 24 hours, still some left in General I think

Astrobytes: Just a kid with too much time on his hands evidently

Default avatar.png shonal45: hi

struct: hi

Default avatar.png Mithrandir017: hi

CodeKing45: hi

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: knock knock

Default avatar.png ashwin_h26: whos there

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: nobel

Default avatar.png ashwin_h26: nobel who

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: nobel... thats why i knocked

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Default avatar.png ashwin_h26: :sweat_smile:

CodeKing45: :joy::laughing:

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: lmaoooo

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: knock knock

BlaiseEbuth: Nobody in there...

Lord_Binary: timers for puzzles start counting when I read the first input, right?

CodeKing45: some of these questions are difficult to decipher even with a coding book.

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: knock knock

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: what

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: you say whos there silly

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: who is there

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: water

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: water who?

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: water you asking so many questions for?

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: thats how a knock knock joke wors

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: *works

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: no

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: yes

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: lets try again

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: whos there?

darkhorse64: stop spamming the chat

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: stop spamming the chat who?

Uljahn: pls guys, go be funny somewhere else

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: pls guys, go be funny somewhere else who?

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah this chat is gor borring people

BlaiseEbuth: *for

Uljahn: this chat is for people interested in coding, not some lvl4 trolls

BlaiseEbuth: Go lvl up and come back trolling when you'll be experimented enough.

struct: how did i type != 4 instead of != -1

struct: ...

VeryPoliteCat: where can I see the history of my clash of code games ?

Default avatar.png JBM: browser history

struct: or click the bell icon at the top right

VeryPoliteCat: well that's not convenient

VeryPoliteCat: so I should never mark my notifications as read

Default avatar.png JBM: no, it isn't

Default avatar.png JBM: you can mark as read, they're still there

VeryPoliteCat: ah, yes

Default avatar.png JBM: not sure you can retrieve an infinite backlog of them, though

Default avatar.png JBM: count on 1k

MSmits: got my new Y bot working without book


MSmits: loses to arena bot (with book), but look how soon it knows it's lost compared to my old bot :)

struct: thats a lot sooner

MSmits: frame 41 new bot says LOSS. frame 48, old boss says WIN :)

MSmits: old bot

MSmits: yeah, it's the late game pruning I think

MSmits: prunes equivalent safe moves.

struct: Which rank do you think it would get?

struct: without book

MSmits: crap rank. I already tested it vs dafish, tric trac etc.

struct: ah

MSmits: It does well vs darkhorse

MSmits: problem is early game traps, mcts is just bad with that

struct: yeah

MSmits: those minimax bots find em

struct: I made 1 ply for tron

struct: Lets see if I can get legend

MSmits: nice, if you do, you beat mine :)

struct: I need to improve it a bit though

struct: i already did :p

MSmits: good :)

MSmits: this is a graph game btw

MSmits: there's some tricks around separating out areas that are only connected by 1 tile

MSmits: because you cant go to one area and then back

MSmits: so your floodfill cant count them both

MSmits: these are graph tricks

struct: I just reused my floodfill from stc

MSmits: yeah thats fine to start with

struct: i added distance too it and it seems to be working

MSmits: nice

struct: But I probably wont waste a lot of time on it

struct: Im not really a fan of 3+ player games

BobTheBuilder888: why not?

MSmits: me neither. It's hard to write a search that makes sense

struct: And this game is not balanced at all

BobTheBuilder888: true.

struct: There are starts that is obvious which player will win

MSmits: yep

MSmits: they do rotate, but then you just get a draw

MSmits: like uttt mirror with p1 win advantage

BobTheBuilder888: i would only be able to make a stable 4+ player site if i was block coding ;-;

MSmits: block coding?

BobTheBuilder888: you know, with those blocks

BobTheBuilder888: they are reactangle blocks and its so much easier to code with, but you cant block code a site.

BobTheBuilder888: rectangle*

struct: like scratch?

BobTheBuilder888: yeah

BobTheBuilder888: i learnt from scratch but... im banned

struct: banned from scratch?

struct: how?

BobTheBuilder888: i got muted alot because all these kids were coming at me being racist and sexist

BobTheBuilder888: but i found another game like that, but it also had python 3, html/css, javascript, ps.js and java

BobTheBuilder888: anyways, does anybody know how to code a cps test using javascript? Im gonna make one today because i wont code for a while after today..

struct: whats a cps test?

BobTheBuilder888: clicks per second test.

struct: change image start timer wait for click stop timer

struct: ah clicks per second sorry

struct: i thought it was reaction time

struct: but should still be similar

BobTheBuilder888: i guess


BobTheBuilder888: thanks

ZaAinavolTrash: yo

struct: yo

BobTheBuilder888: yo

Default avatar.png Shil8: yo

BobTheBuilder888: hello everyone, im bored, and you may be aswell so..

Legedy: yo

BobTheBuilder888: yes?

myNickName01: in the clash of code, there should not be an option to share code, it should auto be shared

BobTheBuilder888: nah because what if your embarrassed of your code?

altr: ^

ZaAinavolTrash: Insert your depression here:

altr: i can write code, but normally i dont

altr: good code*

BobTheBuilder888: i can write code, but im not good at it

altr: i feel like if im on this site too much ill start writing i=input in my regular scripts

struct: I usually golf production code

Wontonimo: it's a good way to keep noobs out of it

struct: hi mr Wontonimo

struct: today I tried tron

Wontonimo: and?

Wontonimo: how did it go?

struct: im at 87 gold

Wontonimo: i guess i can check

struct: I did 1 move and voronoi

**Wontonimo looks at my rank. sad face

struct: I can help you if you want

struct: im still trying to get legend

Wontonimo: i should just implement minimax

Wontonimo: wait ... 1 move and voronoi? not minimax or mcts?

struct: yes just 1 move

struct: for my bot

Wontonimo: okay, please help

struct: ok 3 moves

struct: left up or right

struct: or down

Wontonimo: all first moves

struct: yes

Wontonimo: 1 move

Wontonimo: cool.

struct: Ok so this is what I do

struct: I try all those moves

Wontonimo: i'm all ears

struct: and score to see if I can reach them before enemy

struct: so basicly voronoi

struct: and I keep the best one

struct: actually i check against all opponents

Wontonimo: you only do 1v1 for each opponent?

struct: i do 1vs all

ZaAinavolTrash: How is everyone doing with their sanity..

ZaAinavolTrash: bc scripting could trigger something ngl--

BobTheBuilder888: im starting to think to learn C++ instead of javascript, any tips?

Wontonimo: maybe my voronoi is different. how does yours work?

BobTheBuilder888: or C#

struct: I do floodfill to calculate distance to every cell

struct: so shortest distance

Wontonimo: and what do you do with distance?

Wontonimo: don't you use area?

struct: I keep the distance for all the bots

struct: so I know how much it takes for a bot to reach each cell

struct: then I just compare my cells distance from opponent

struct: and check the ammount of cells that im closer

struct: and choose the highest one

BobTheBuilder888: lice is very dangerous

BobTheBuilder888: my mum got lice and she died

BobTheBuilder888: my uncle got lice and he died

Wontonimo: be nice, stay on topic, talk about coding or coding game. dems the rules

BobTheBuilder888: my grandma got lice and she lived, but she lived a very licey klife.

struct: yeah lets keep it coding related

struct: while people are talking about it

BobTheBuilder888: i am coding a story?

struct: if people are not talking about it im a little more lenient

BobTheBuilder888: anyways


BobTheBuilder888: other than if else

BobTheBuilder888: damn the questions inside the pastebin

struct: you are printing the word thrust

struct: you need to print ' 100'

BobTheBuilder888: no thats my variable

BobTheBuilder888: it equals 100

struct: like that it isnt

BobTheBuilder888: oh, and im on wood 2

Westicles: plus it is trust

Default avatar.png gggsfjw: im new to coding what are the 5 most important things

Wontonimo: tell me more, i don't quite understand this - "then I just compare my cells distance from opponent and check the ammount of cells that im closer and choose the highest one"

struct: i sum them all

struct: the ammount that im closer

BobTheBuilder888: important thing

BobTheBuilder888: 1. Variables

BobTheBuilder888: 2. Functions

BobTheBuilder888: 3. Testing your code

Wontonimo: 4 arrays

struct: Bob its enough spam

Wontonimo: he is answering gggsfjw

struct: oh sorry

struct: :p

Wontonimo: but he could have done it as one line

BobTheBuilder888: oh

Wontonimo: at first i thought it was spam also lol

BobTheBuilder888: nah

Wontonimo: that's what happens when you did a little, people start to assume you are doing more

BobTheBuilder888: me dont spam unless i hate the devs or something

BobTheBuilder888: and i like the devs here

struct: Wontonimo this is what I do


struct: distance is 3d array

struct: distance for each player to each cell

BobTheBuilder888: hey struct, should i swap javascript for a better coding language like C# or C++


struct: depends on what you want to do

Wontonimo: back to floodfill with distance 2 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 * * 1 M 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 *

  • * 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 E

struct: yes

struct: that what mine looks like

struct: So i use that to score in the array distance

struct: store* in the array

Wontonimo: let's say M is my move and E is enemy move.

Wontonimo: what is the score in this case?

Wontonimo: oh, let me look at the pastebin

struct: 14-10 I think

struct: 14-9*


BobTheBuilder888: anything wrong with it?

Wontonimo: how is this different than area?

struct: sorry i did not know what you meant by area

struct: should have asked

Wontonimo: Bob, this is what you want


Westicles: ha, that's mean

CodingBugs: How do I approve a community submission? I have over 50 games clashes played which the forums say is the requirement

Wontonimo: if it isn't a clash, you need other requirements

Wontonimo: like having done a lot of puzzles

Wontonimo: or unlocking the ability in the quest map

Wontonimo: it should tell you

CodingBugs: Ah okay, I see now! Thank you!

CodingBugs: I can only approve clashes, not classic puzzles

Wontonimo: your code l looks like each player does its own flood, like this 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * * 1 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * <-- where the enemy is here

  • * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Wontonimo: because : distance[i][y][x] <= distance[0][y][x]

struct: ah yes

Wontonimo: wouldn't work unless each player filled their own map without considering the other players fill

struct: im not being of much help

struct: yes each player does his own fill

Wontonimo: THIS IS VERY HELPFUL ! That is the insight i'm missing

BobTheBuilder888: ill wait later to ask you why my codes not working............

struct: We told you

struct: First you are using wrong python syntax, second you are using python mixed with javascript, third you are printing the word thrust instead of the value of the var

Wontonimo: i was doing sync fill on a boolean board and I'd get nearly similar scores but in edge cases it's different.

Wontonimo: oh, that's why you said that's mean. haha, i didn't really notice

Wontonimo: what lang are you using bob?

Wontonimo: probably javascript

Westicles: I just meant the trust/thrust thing

Wontonimo: thrust = Math.abs(nextCheckpointAngle) > 90 ? 50 : 100; console.log(nextCheckpointX + ' ' + nextCheckpointY + ' ' + thrust);

Westicles: anyhow bob, programming isn't for everyone. the world needs fry cooks as well

Wontonimo: that's Westicles' way of encouraging you (I think) to learn faster

Wontonimo: thanks for sticking with explaining your approach struct! much appreciated

struct: np

struct: Ill stick for a bit

struct: trying to find a bug

Wontonimo: i'm not going to code it tonight. i'm kinda bagged from a long workday of coding stuff I really don't want to be coding which is fairly untestable

struct: i had it easy

struct: I just reused my floodfill from stc

struct: but needed to add distance to it

Wontonimo: stc?

struct: smash the code

struct: puyo puyo

struct: I dont have a finished bot there but I do have the sim

Wontonimo: legend "I don't have a finished bot" lol

struct: yeap

struct: I think the current submit is a very handicapped version

Wontonimo: i think we use the word "computationally challenged" now

struct: ah sorry

Wontonimo: lol

Wontonimo: hmm ... bob went away. i even reached out on private with better and correct code

Wontonimo: also, looks like West left also

BobTheBuilder888: im back

struct: wb

Wontonimo: how did you come up with that version of voronoli ?

struct: hmm I thought it was like this

struct: I didnt read anything

Wontonimo: i'm really trying to see how this is different than area. i'm stumped actually

Wontonimo: oh my, i didn't disable dead enemies in my flood fill

struct: lol

struct: maybe thats the problem

Wontonimo: for some reason it is doing a lot better in this submit

Wontonimo: :eye: :regional_indicator_l: :eye:

Wontonimo: I'm "taking the L"

struct: lol

struct: i guess ill try bfs depth 1 and then add 1 extra ply for me

struct: and eval

Wontonimo: wow, my score was -0.02 for a sec

struct: close to demotion

Wontonimo: hmm... that's weird. my rank isn't any higher. it's actually lower

struct: With the bug fix?

Wontonimo: yea

struct: We call those features

Wontonimo: re-submit!

struct: gl

Wontonimo: thx

Wontonimo: well, that is for me for tonight. thanks for the insight

struct: np, gn

ZaAinavolTrash: Yo

struct: hi

BobTheBuilder888: im back

BobTheBuilder888: but i guess alot of people left

Default avatar.png STOP4643: hi

Default avatar.png sio0322: hi

Default avatar.png Leejuwoo: hello

ProCoder03: Good morning!!

BobTheBuilder888: good afternoon!

Default avatar.png Leejuwoo: good lunch

Alex4200: good morning.

Default avatar.png JustinZhang: how to read the color in smash the code?

Default avatar.png JustinZhang: how to input the color