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VeilTape: Nice, yeah it's a cool trick

DarkLord__28: :open_mouth:

Default avatar.png mailbox: lol i was way too greedy

Default avatar.png mailbox: i submitted my code without testing on a speed competition

Default avatar.png mailbox: after testing on the first test and then i only got 20%

holyterror: F

Default avatar.png BeginnerCoder1: Hello

derjack: aww

Default avatar.png BeginnerCoder1: what is it?

derjack: woah royale 1st in c4 ~

Default avatar.png BeginnerCoder1: Ok

Default avatar.png BeginnerCoder1: I'm Just Playing Some Clash of code


Default avatar.png bear314: who's a student :D

Default avatar.png BeatulTreaz: present :nerd:

ProCoder03: me!!!

Default avatar.png trique667: prejent

Default avatar.png trique667: ERICO

Thibb1: ✋

Default avatar.png TrinhCuongCoder: hi

Default avatar.png Hugh_Jass: hi

chop-chop: hi

Default avatar.png The_Else: hello how are you doing?

ProCoder03: what's collision time in search race ??

jrke: its the time taken to reach the checkpoint in current turn

jrke: colliding time with checkpoint

ProCoder03: Ohhh.... Thanks jrke

jrke: np

PKX: can someone join me at this coding escape game?

Default avatar.png C26_1: Lol

Default avatar.png C26_1: I find a programmer who use import calender to calculate how many days in month and in years

Default avatar.png C26_1: Im such a dumb and stupid

derjack: why

Default avatar.png C26_1: Because I don't know techonology

Default avatar.png BeatulTreaz: yeah google is 18 yo

Default avatar.png C26_1: I mean people are inventing technologys everyday everytime and yet I'm don't know 99.99% one of those things that you can import directly in Python

Default avatar.png C26_1: Cmon, man

Default avatar.png C26_1: You can use import calendar to calculate days, given the month and the years in just many character

Default avatar.png BeatulTreaz: But then you don't learn the algorithm

Default avatar.png C26_1: um, excuse me

Default avatar.png C26_1: I use else if to calculate the day according to month and year

Default avatar.png C26_1: and someone just use import calendar and bam get the result

Default avatar.png C26_1: I don't think i'm suited with this job tho

Default avatar.png C26_1: Because ya know tech

Uljahn: python standard library is huge but possible to learn

derjack: python is batteries included

Uljahn: exactly, those are time saving

BlaiseEbuth: C programmers code, and python programmers import what C programmers coded.

struct: :scream:

Default avatar.png C26_1: hey

Default avatar.png C26_1: I know a little bit about pointers in C++

Default avatar.png C26_1: I know its very abstract

BlaiseEbuth: it's not...

Default avatar.png C26_1: But c'mon, do you know your house's address

Default avatar.png C26_1: Yes, and you use it everyday it papers

Default avatar.png C26_1: Haizzz

Default avatar.png C26_1: But...

Default avatar.png C26_1: Teacher aren't teach that anyway

BlaiseEbuth: Good teachers do.

Default avatar.png C26_1: Example:

Uljahn: don't rely on teachers, learn it yourself

Default avatar.png C26_1: This is a spreadsheet about address of each house

Default avatar.png C26_1: @Ulijahn, yeah don't rely it, because in this "summer", I learn programming language more than my schools cold ever had to learn

Default avatar.png C26_1: could*

struct: well when you learn by yourself you can focus on one thing

struct: its harder to that if you are a teacher

Uljahn: on the other hand teachers tend to give you systematic knowledge, not just excerpts from here and there

Default avatar.png C26_1: I don't know if programming knowledge will ever help me to become a police

Default avatar.png C26_1: BTW, in Vietnam, police wear green not blue

Uljahn: :thinking:

Default avatar.png C26_1: blue is for protector in shops

Default avatar.png C26_1: Unless

Default avatar.png C26_1: You do some research on internet and capture some fraud

Default avatar.png C26_1: For example, if you ever want to clean http website. you can use your lnowledge to do that

Default avatar.png C26_1: knowledge*

struct: im confused

struct: Why did it go from programming to police

Default avatar.png C26_1: Do you know hobbyist

struct: ah

Default avatar.png C26_1: Im sure that I'm hobbyist

Default avatar.png C26_1: Just learn for fun

struct: so your hobby is programming

struct: thats fine

Default avatar.png C26_1: Yea

Default avatar.png C26_1: wow

Default avatar.png C26_1: I find a player who write this code

Default avatar.png C26_1: t=input() print(.join([x for x in t if x.isupper()]+['\n']+[x for x in t if x.islower()]))

Default avatar.png C26_1: basically you take a input string and extract all upper letter in order and lower letter in order

Default avatar.png C26_1: My code is like this

Default avatar.png C26_1:

derjack: oh my

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah! Python has list comprehension! Hurray! \o/

derjack: oO

eulerscheZahl: t=input() s=[,] for c in t:s[c.isupper()]+=c print(s[1]+'\n'+s[0])

eulerscheZahl: that's shorter

eulerscheZahl: to verify correctness

eulerscheZahl: s=[]*2 even 1 char less

eulerscheZahl: and with inlined input()

eulerscheZahl: s=[]*2 for c in input():s[c.isupper()]+=c print(s[1]+'\n'+s[0])

derjack: you sound like someone who does clashes :thinking:

eulerscheZahl: no, then i would probably know some bash syntax

eulerscheZahl: replacing c.isupper() by ord(c)<90 cuts off another 2 chars

eulerscheZahl: 91, otherwise Z would count as lower

RoboStac: if you change it so s[0] is upper you can do "print(*s,sep='\n')" to save some as well

eulerscheZahl: ah, right

eulerscheZahl: we would have won the clash

RoboStac: it sounds like no-one was utf'ing it anyway so it should have been easy to win

eulerscheZahl: true

eulerscheZahl: even now we are above the magic 50 chars limit

Default avatar.png C26_1: What the hell is this again

Default avatar.png C26_1: a=input() print(["loses","wins"][a==a[::-1]])

Default avatar.png C26_1: I don't know how to exaplin

Default avatar.png C26_1: explain

Default avatar.png C26_1: I'm in clash

Default avatar.png C26_1: Check if a number is palindrome

eulerscheZahl: a[::-1] is the reverse

eulerscheZahl: a==a[::-1] checks if it's the same in reverse

eulerscheZahl: this will be 0 (different) or 1 (equal)

eulerscheZahl: and that matches the array index

Default avatar.png C26_1: wow

BlaiseEbuth: Thx eulerGle

BlaiseEbuth: gooZahl

BlaiseEbuth: eulerDoc

BlaiseEbuth: ?

Default avatar.png C26_1: byebye

eulerscheZahl: Ruby is shorter

a=gets puts (a==a.reverse)?"wins":"loses"

eulerscheZahl: looks like I could win some clashes if I would try

struct: $><<(a==...

struct: instead of puts

BlaiseEbuth: print(["loses","wins"][input().isPal()])

struct: I won

struct: ah wait

struct: mine doesnt work :(

eulerscheZahl: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'isPal'

**eulerscheZahl slaps BlaiseEbuth around a bit with a large fishbot

BlaiseEbuth: Oh. I really thought that such an essential method will be in core python...

eulerscheZahl: and not even a believable fake, considering that python uses snake_case and not camelCase

BlaiseEbuth: You still have runned it... :3

Uljahn: should be in line with isalpha() and isdigit() though

eulerscheZahl: runned? fix your English

BlaiseEbuth: No.

Uljahn: you have ruined the joke, Automaton2000

Automaton2000: which multi are you working on ?

BlaiseEbuth: Verbs in situation of irregularity I send them back to their countries.

struct: im porting quake Automaton2020

Default avatar.png JeremyNguyen: AlkhilJohn is a BOT?

struct: yes

Uljahn: there are some official bots in clashes

Im9: my IQ on this is 16%

sirsatan: what happen with starter kit in ColM ?

Uljahn: you mean this?

sirsatan: YES thank you. Github link was in description at the beginning.

sirsatan: oh it is inside source code

derjack: that where no one looks!

derjack: that and the statement

eulerscheZahl: and the 2nd page of google search results

eulerscheZahl: and the memes you share, jacek

derjack: and onitama leaderboard below 1st

Default avatar.png Giovanick03: want to do a clash?

Default avatar.png Giovanick03:

Default avatar.png Giovanick03: :grin:

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: im brand new and have no clue what to do ;(

Uljahn: what are you aiming for?

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: to learn javascript at least

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: idk...

Uljahn: what do you need to learn js?

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: idk

Uljahn: so how do you know you learned it?

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: idk!

Uljahn: nice

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: :(

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: what should i learn? or what i mean is bc im new, what should i try to learn that is easy

Giovanick03: i need help too :sweat:

Giovanick03: just pratice and well get better :confident:

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: how do i practice when im new, not even 40 min ago

Uljahn: have you tried to search for a tutorial?

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: wdym?

Giovanick03: :v:

Default avatar.png Mc.Flury: well, imma go and take ur advice on tutorials, imma go play angry birds

Uljahn: investing time in playing makes you proficient with the game, the same applies to learning a language

Giovanick03: Thats it Uljahn ! :sunglasses:

Giovanick03: Mario World took a lot of coding like a lot lot lot LOT! :no_mouth:

Giovanick03: Imma try bash tutorials and thanks :slight_smile:

Giovanick03: Uljahn want to clash :smile:

Giovanick03: Uljahn? :neutral_face:

Giovanick03: Want to do some Quizziz?

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Marchete: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

struct: Marchete are you doing any multi atm?

Marchete: naah

Marchete: idle mode since end of July

struct: was hoping to see you on c4

struct: so many NNs

struct: next oware

Marchete: top what?

struct: top 3 is NNs

struct: rank 6 and rank 10

struct: rank 4 and 5 have opening books

Marchete: and why did you flip?

Marchete: bugs?

struct: nah

struct: I just cant improve my bot

struct: on bt

Marchete: go to NN then

struct: easier said than done

struct: :p

Miki09: @magus

Miki09: ?

Magus: ?

Miki09: I've been doing your csb tutorial

Miki09: it didnt worked

Miki09: i've changed boost method angle to radian coversion

Miki09: from float ra = this.angle * PI / 180.0 to float ra = this.angle * PI * 180.0

Miki09: and now it works

BlaiseEbuth: Your fault Magus, fix your tutorial.

PKX: excuse me, but what is ascii 7 bit encoding format called? utf7?

Marchete: yeah, fix it

BlaiseEbuth: ASCII...

BlaiseEbuth: :3

PKX: just ASCII? im using bytearray rn

PKX: lol

PKX: thx

BlaiseEbuth: Oh you mean, for an encoding function ?

PKX: yea

PKX: btw i found the documentation

BlaiseEbuth: You probably have to use utf8 and remove the trailing zero

PKX: "The input message consists of ASCII characters (7-bit)" it says

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah. But in fact there's 8bits, with the first one always to 0.

PKX: so imma just remove the 0 before the loop

Miki09: @magus i'm sorry it was another bug i've made :(

Miki09: I've figured it out now

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: can someone help me with "coders strike back"?

Astrobytes: You again.

eulerscheZahl: exactly my thoughts

Astrobytes: Sometimes they just can't help themselves.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: im just here for coding now, im not changed but im not gonna do the things i do

Astrobytes: Correct. Or I'll ban you again.

mkkhell: what did he do

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: you banned me like 2 times before and i get it i'll code and ask for help

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: anyway, can someone help me with coders strike back?

Astrobytes: No one will help you unless you ask about something specific.

eulerscheZahl: and you were never banned, just kicked. otherwise you couldn't chat anymore

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: AI control of system program

Astrobytes: No I banned his other account yesterday.

eulerscheZahl: oh

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: and mr.nomad too

Astrobytes: Lucky I didn't ban you on sight today.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: can we get back on the road?

Astrobytes: The ball is in your court.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: how can i make a AI system program

struct: hmm

eulerscheZahl: there are helping links on the puzzle landing page, like

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: thanks

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: also if i get off the road, tell me so

Default avatar.png Mr-S: pdf

Default avatar.png Mr-S: sds

Default avatar.png Mr-S: cccc

Astrobytes: Stop it Mr-S

eulerscheZahl: that's off the road

eulerscheZahl: have i told you the flat tire story Astrobytes?

BlaiseEbuth: If you can't see when you get off the road, don't drive...

Astrobytes: No I don't think so eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: had a flat tire earlier this year, got it fixed at a local repair shop

struct: I remember

eulerscheZahl: then again a month later, told them to look for the cause

KalamariKing: story time

eulerscheZahl: then a 3rd time, got it to my brother in-law

struct: bike tyre right?

struct: tire*

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: now ya guys for the most part are getting off the road

eulerscheZahl: the first 2 times did cost me 40€ each

eulerscheZahl: the 3rd one costs me a pizza. that's why I have to leave now, see you

struct: lol

struct: cya

eulerscheZahl: yes, bike tire

Astrobytes: lol

BlaiseEbuth: ngl

struct: Maybe ill move to germany to replace euler tire

Astrobytes: For the pizza!

struct: 40€ is the price of a premimum tire

struct: premium*

Astrobytes: Good point. I'd never pay that.

struct: time to replace is 5 minutes max

struct: at least for road cycling tires

BlaiseEbuth: 40€ is the price of a premium pizza

Astrobytes: I've always fixed my own over the years. Either repair, replace inner tube or tread, or a new one

struct: oh yeah

struct: He might not even have to need to replace the tire

BlaiseEbuth: Patch it

struct: Replacing the tire is rare

BlaiseEbuth: ezpz

struct: inner tubes are quite cheap

Astrobytes: Yeah, usually when you've buckled it in some way

struct: like 4-5€ for decent quality

Astrobytes: Yep. And it's easy to patch up if not too bad. Easy to find the puncture too.

struct: i had punctures over 50km/h

Astrobytes: I haven't had something like that since I was a teenager

BlaiseEbuth: old time

struct: Well I did triathlon, maybe ill go back into it again

Astrobytes: Nice!

BlaiseEbuth: A rare picture of young Astrobytes on his first bike

Astrobytes: I always thought everyone learned bike maintenance as a young kid.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: do ya guys have coding as a job?

Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth: cheeky git

struct: maybe one day eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers

struct: Im not a good enough coder

Astrobytes: brb

BlaiseEbuth: :kissing_heart: Astrobytes

Astrobytes: :D

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: should i change my username? and who coded the whole web

BlaiseEbuth: Me

BlaiseEbuth: That drifted away

BlaiseEbuth: a little...

struct: maybe you contributed to it

Astrobytes: 1. Yes. 2. Don't be ridiculous.

struct: I probably did

struct: There is yavalath, yinsh, othello, amazons

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hmmmm...........i want to code a dating sim game again

struct: So do it

struct: I cant help you

Astrobytes: I'd like to kick you again.

jacek: oO

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i didnt do anything wrong, im talking about coding

struct: he is following the script

Astrobytes: Don't get smart. You're doing the same old crap again.

BlaiseEbuth: I'd like to put your head in my fridge...

struct: only the head?

BlaiseEbuth: Yes. Why?

Astrobytes: Is there cheese in there?

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: oO

jacek: thats my line!

struct: is it an expression?

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: not the weirdest thing i ever read before

BlaiseEbuth: Expression?

struct: puting the head on the fridge

struct: Where did that come from?

BlaiseEbuth: No...

Astrobytes: That's just Blaise being Blaise.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: now we'll all getting drafted away

BlaiseEbuth: Just a momentary desire

Astrobytes: Shut up and code.

Default avatar.png Mr-S: ccccc

struct: Time to find a game to port

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i got something to ask

BlaiseEbuth: Nevermind. No more space in the fridge...

struct: lol

struct: eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers when you want to ask something

struct: just ask

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: okay, what made everyone want to code?

BlaiseEbuth: Power, sex and money.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: oO

BlaiseEbuth: And food.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: okay

BlaiseEbuth: Food first

struct: pain is the reason

struct: I need to be carefull on which game I port

BlaiseEbuth: Le pain est la raison :french_bread:

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i wanted to code cuz i was bored and all my work was done

struct: maybe ill end up porting the next contest

Astrobytes: I doubt that.

BlaiseEbuth: A port of port of the contest of contest!

struct: its not unlikely

struct: just filter by abstract top games

struct: in boardgamegeek

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: does anyone do 3D designs more than coding?

struct: nope

Astrobytes: A regular contest is unlikely so far.

BlaiseEbuth: But a baggy contest...

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: XXXL

struct: I heard its 1M$ prize pool

struct: this is the reason of only 2 contests

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: so, how do they make the money up for the prize pool?

BlaiseEbuth: Selling kids.

BlaiseEbuth: Or parts of

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: I should start my own contests. I'll bake the winner a kouign amann

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: oh, not the other weirdest thing i ever read

BlaiseEbuth: Kouign amann :yum:

Astrobytes: See? It would totally be a hit.

BlaiseEbuth: I'll win such a contest

Astrobytes: Hey I said I'd bake one. I never said I'd give it to the winner :P

BlaiseEbuth: I can free some space in my fridge. OO

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: afk for a bit, back later

BlaiseEbuth: Away for Kouign aman I guess...

struct: never saw that food

BlaiseEbuth: One year of calories in a cake. But so tasty... :heart_eyes:

MACKEYTH: Ooh, I've heard of kouign aman. You make it?

BlaiseEbuth: Astrobytes will make one. :yum:


BlaiseEbuth: Meh... Putting it in little part like this will alter the cooking...


struct: what about these?

MiyamuraIzumi: you make me hungry

MiyamuraIzumi: STOP!!!

BlaiseEbuth: Take a head in the fridge...

MACKEYTH: Your PotW problem desciption is fun, @BlaiseEbuth

BlaiseEbuth: Oh! A person who take it in the right way! :o

Default avatar.png codingbossdevolment: heyyy

Golyator: Join the dark side and our private lobby

jacek: do i look like a man with a plan?

MiyamuraIzumi: hi

MiyamuraIzumi: I am learning MCTS

MiyamuraIzumi: for MCTS should we have score for draw

struct: I think so

struct: usually i do -1/0/1

struct: lose, draw, win

MiyamuraIzumi: oh

MiyamuraIzumi: thanks

struct: 0.0/0.5/1.0 also works

MiyamuraIzumi: I am doing for UTTT

Wontonimo: :thumbsup:

MiyamuraIzumi: my previous was 0/0.5/1.0

Wontonimo: previous what?

MiyamuraIzumi: but I am thinking about changing this rate

MiyamuraIzumi: rate for win/draw/lose

MiyamuraIzumi: score on MCTS

Wontonimo: oh, you already have a strong UTTT bot

Wontonimo: have you added solver to mcts?

MiyamuraIzumi: yes, I do alot of optimize as you mentioned earlier

struct: I dont think change 0/0.5/1.0 to -1/0/1 will have any different results

MiyamuraIzumi: nope

struct: try adding mcts solver

MiyamuraIzumi: what is solver?

MiyamuraIzumi: I am still learning

Wontonimo: i have a short memory, sorry MiyamuraIzumi

MiyamuraIzumi: yes

Wontonimo: are you familiar with negamax (a varient of minimax) ? It is fairly similar

MiyamuraIzumi: I know about it

Wontonimo: in that if you know for sure the opponent has a winning move, then your move is losing

Wontonimo: and if you know for sure your opponent only has losing moves, then your move is winning

Wontonimo: so, with that knowledge, you can change your backprop to send positive and negative infinity in those cases

Wontonimo: and otherwise send 1/0/-1

MiyamuraIzumi: so just add that, and it is a solver, right?

Wontonimo: anything more than that struct?

Wontonimo: that you can think of?

jacek: i have flag solved in node

Wontonimo: +1

struct: yeah the difference is that I use a flag

Wontonimo: i have a backprop function, and a backpropsolved function.

Wontonimo: backprop is regular

MiyamuraIzumi: I am still confuse

Wontonimo: backpropsolved is only called if select gets an end state (or a solved state) and it does the solved backprop until it can't, then it calls backprop

MiyamuraIzumi: do you have any link for this?

Wontonimo: i don't have anything good

MiyamuraIzumi: I search on gg, but not quite sure on which page that I can understand

BlaiseEbuth: gg\o/

jacek: that mcts solver paper? :scream:


BlaiseEbuth: rickroll :smirk:

MiyamuraIzumi: a lot of text :(

BlaiseEbuth: reader gonna read

MiyamuraIzumi: thank you all, I will research on this

Wontonimo: my explanation is concise. Use paper and pencil to go through some TTT end game moves while re-reading what I wrote and I'm confident it will click

struct: Dont read the code

struct: is the worst code ive seen

Astrobytes: the paper itself is nice and clear though

Wontonimo: another good background concept is negamax variant of minimax. It is what solver is doing when the conditions are right

Astrobytes: +1

jacek: +inf

Astrobytes: :smirk:

BlaiseEbuth: +nan

MiyamuraIzumi: thanks :)

Lord_Binary: Just completed the silver certification for "Coding Speed" on the quest map. And immediately jumped to completing legend, as I had already completed the rest of them :upside_down:

Lord_Binary: so much for being hyped for a new quest to work towards

Astrobytes: Quests are overrated. Pursue glory in other ways.

BlaiseEbuth: Kill goats and children for Satan!

Astrobytes: Not quite what I had in mind.

BlaiseEbuth: Virgins?

Astrobytes: Nope.

BlaiseEbuth: :thinking:

BlaiseEbuth: Ponies!

Astrobytes: Close but no cigar.

BlaiseEbuth: Unicorns? :unicorn:

Astrobytes: Getting legend in multis, improving your optims etc

Astrobytes: I like the unicorn thing though. So patriotic.

BlaiseEbuth: Patriotic?

Astrobytes: The unicorn is the Scottish national animal.

BlaiseEbuth: Not the haggis?! :scream:

Astrobytes: Indeed. You can find them playing together sometimes in the darker areas of the highlands and islands, if you are lucky.

Astrobytes: :P

BlaiseEbuth: Well. I can totally imagine the clans marching to war with purple kilts on rainbow unicorns...

Astrobytes: Actually, unicorns are vicious creatures

jacek: vicious?

jacek: no more than pegasi

BlaiseEbuth: Or purple horses

Astrobytes: This is not a pony conversation.

BlaiseEbuth: lasagna with a horn stay lasagna

Astrobytes: Unicorns were natural enemies of the lion, the symbol that the English adopted

BlaiseEbuth: "Naturak enemies"

Wontonimo: don't play leapfrog with unicorns

Astrobytes: Sound advice. Up there with yellow snow consumption.

BlaiseEbuth: #ZappaKnown

Astrobytes: Blaise is the Central Scrutiniser! :o

Wontonimo: "don't accept wooden nickels from strangers" - I have questions, like why only not from strangers

Astrobytes: Never heard it paired with "from strangers" tbh

Wontonimo: and wouldn't a well crafted wooden nickel be more valuable than a real one with todays lumber prices?

Astrobytes: Fair point.


Astrobytes: I approve.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: hows ya coding goin?

Astrobytes: I actually had a conversation with a Brazilian yesterday about a fart-powered bagpipe.

BlaiseEbuth: :thinking:

Astrobytes: That wasn't even the strangest part of the conversation.

BlaiseEbuth: Fart will not be enough...

BlaiseEbuth: What about decomposition gas? OO

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: ...

Astrobytes: If you've ever been around me you'd know that the bag could be filled pretty quickly.

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: and im gonna go back to drawing ponies and coding

Astrobytes: Anyway this conversation is rapidly going downhill.

BlaiseEbuth: Like a chopped head...

Astrobytes: Your puzzle is puzzle of the week Blaise

Astrobytes: congrats

BlaiseEbuth: \o/

Astrobytes: I haven't looked at it since it was in Contributions, maybe I'll do it tomorrow

Westicles: Only one new published solution

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah!


jacek: that sounds like a plan

Astrobytes: Did you draw that scary bagpipe-monster BlaiseEbuth?

Westicles: Someone needs to show zeno how to unpublish

Astrobytes: where is Zeno anyway? I know I've been absent a fair bit recently but normally catch him once in a while

Default avatar.png Satyawashere: whats up

Astrobytes: :point_up: that way

Default avatar.png Satyawashere: D:

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: nothin but drawin some art

Default avatar.png Satyawashere: bad joke

Astrobytes: I didn't say it was funny.

Default avatar.png Satyawashere: :(

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: ooof

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: im gonna code that coders strike back thing now


MONIGMA: I'm back

MONIGMA: peoples

Westicles: daniel?

Westicles: I haven't been keeping up who was who

eulerscheZahl: i'm back. did you also get the RAIC email Astrobytes?

YurkovAS: i'm also received RAIC email and confirmed delivery again

eulerscheZahl: was about to advice you to click "submit" again

eulerscheZahl: last year kovi thought he had already ordered it and ignored the 2nd email. and received nothing

eulerscheZahl: and I have a feeling that I'll get an M hoodie again :(

eulerscheZahl: somehow they won't let me pick M for tshirts and L for hoodies

YurkovAS: in delivery card info click (expand) "My deliveries" and in the list choose not filled prizes

eulerscheZahl: i really struggle with this poorly translated site


YurkovAS: and change language in top right

Astrobytes: Yes euler

eulerscheZahl: the language selection doesn't translate everything

eulerscheZahl: i have that list of deliveries. that YES is not a link

Astrobytes: As YurkovAS says it's just to confirm your details are correct, so you can just click the button

jacek: those russians eh

YurkovAS: Prize columns is link

eulerscheZahl: initially I ordered: tshirt in M, hoodie in L

eulerscheZahl: now I opened both links again. And both sizes were L

eulerscheZahl: so I saved the tshirt again as M

Astrobytes: I can't do it twice as delivery is confirmed now, but if anything is different, change it then confirm

eulerscheZahl: and tried to go back to the hoodie and save as L. But it's already ordered now that I saved the tshirt

BlaiseEbuth: Found it in a youtube video Astrobytes

Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth: Ahh, it's great :D

eulerscheZahl: i never got to confirm the hoodie

Westicles: they are just excited, first guy that isn't XXXXL

eulerscheZahl: also: highloadcup, YurkovAS? did you like it?

eulerscheZahl: I have the mini AI cup in my list

eulerscheZahl: got emails about the highload but didn't look that interesting to me. almost like real work

Astrobytes: Yeah, I checked a few of those out over the past while, didn't seem overly fun.

eulerscheZahl: that last validator :D

eulerscheZahl: Stilgart your turn

Butanium: hi !

Astrobytes: lol what

Stilgart: eulerscheZahl: wanna get me banned?

Stilgart: :D

Default avatar.png MH125: hi

eulerscheZahl: i can ban you if you want ;)

struct: great clash

struct: specially the last validator

Stilgart: btw, abs (-2147483648) is -2147483648 assuming OP has a machine from the last millenium (ie 32bits integers)

Astrobytes: It's certainly very... 'special'

Westicles: There's also that one with special characters


Stilgart: at that time, people already knew that 2's complement was the thing to do

YurkovAS: eulerscheZahl Short answer - yes. I'm like Highloadcup 2018, maybe because this is my first contest. And also solve 2017 - this is easy version of 2018. But last 2020 is was distinct, more similar to optimization problem: where i'm is not good.

Westicles: Can all languages handle that now?

Butanium: Guys I need your imagination, there are 2 contrib named "clash of bots". I accepted to add a subtitle to mine because the other author made a thesis in which he mentions the name. Do you have any idea of what subtitle would sound good ? 😅

struct: bots of clash

Astrobytes: Bot Clash

Butanium: I thought about "clash of bots : arena" but idk if it sounds good for people who really speak english

eulerscheZahl: i remember there was a task on that asked you for which input a given Java program would throw an exception. was also about abs(int.min)

Butanium: I already have a banner that's why I want to add a subtitle

Butanium: I'm lazy to make a new one x)

Astrobytes: I think you might have to overcome the laziness ;)

eulerscheZahl: "Death First Search" is still free, somehow no one wanted to take it

Astrobytes: :D

Butanium: ahah

eulerscheZahl: i also try to sell "Anonymous Algorithmics" for years

eulerscheZahl: but would be better for a fog of war game

eulerscheZahl: and if you don't like AA as the acronym, you can just take the first 2 letters of each word

Astrobytes: *"Algorithmics Anonymous"

Butanium: what's the play on word with anonymous algorithmics?

eulerscheZahl: alan? like alan turing?

eulerscheZahl: anonymous alcoholics?

Astrobytes: Stop being German and doing it backwards!

Astrobytes: :P


Butanium: oh ok nice one x)

eulerscheZahl: viewer died long ago after some breaking update

Astrobytes: Alcoholics Anonymous, ALgorithmics ANonymous

Astrobytes: I liked the concept

YurkovAS: eulerscheZahl And HL-cup community maked new similar tasks platform:

Butanium: well I think I'll go for either bots of clash or Bot Clash

Butanium: bots of clash sounds a bit weird doesn't it ?

Astrobytes: Yes.

Astrobytes: Bot Wars?

Astrobytes: Battle Bots is most likely a copyright issue

eulerscheZahl: gchebanov at #3 i remember that nick. some cryptography background, solved nintendo with ease

Astrobytes: Cool that the community made a platform for those tasks

eulerscheZahl: but no D support

Astrobytes: :D

struct: write the fastest code o.o

eulerscheZahl: "Try to find the sum of these numbers for the shortest time. In case of an integer overflow, just ignore it."

struct: but fastest time or fastest code?

Illedan: hi

Butanium: hi

Astrobytes: Wording is a little ambiguous to say the least

Astrobytes: Fix your FB Illedan

Illedan: In submit

Astrobytes: :)

Butanium: Bot wars or bot wars 🤔

Butanium: *bot clash

Astrobytes: Or Bot War (many clashes/battles == war), or War of the Bots, or Bots of War

Astrobytes: Warbots

Astrobytes: Wombles

Astrobytes: I donno, be creative :D

eulerscheZahl: finding a good title is hard

eulerscheZahl: writing a statement too

YurkovAS: Or current contest (1place prize $6.5k): top1 - Oleh Kuznetsov = Recar

Astrobytes: (not Wombles though, that was a joke)

Butanium: I was very happy with clash of bots x)

Butanium: also I already have almost 1000 views on my contrib

Butanium: so maybe I should just aadd a subtitle

Butanium: so that player can still recognize it

Astrobytes: Nice YurkovAS

Butanium: "Clash of bots : ANNIHILATION"

eulerscheZahl: too bad that yandex algorithms isn't as international anymore :(

Butanium: I don't know if it really sounds good or not x)

struct: YurkovAS on the site you linked we are supposed to write optimized code?

Westicles: Just leave it as is

Westicles: You had it first

Astrobytes: They limited the Yandex one to Ru only?

eulerscheZahl: the algorithms part (codejam-like) is free for everyone. but much less prizes (30 tshirts?) - used to be 512

eulerscheZahl: there were optim contests too. those are Ru only now

Astrobytes: Ah right. Yeah I'm familiar with the formats

YurkovAS: struct yes in c++, rust or go.

struct: ok

struct: ill try to see how bad I am

Illedan: Hmm, this seems to work :O Unless it crashes and burns soon

struct: nice

struct: which number did you change?

Illedan: 0.25 => 0.1

struct: not the answer I wanted

Illedan: :D

Illedan: Decay of a Genome from 1 iteration to the next

struct: 0.1 => 0

struct: rank 1

struct: Does your bot do the accio trick Illedan?

Illedan: trick?

Illedan: Tell me more

struct: carry a ball then use accio on another

struct: ball will collide with the one you were carrying

struct: causing massive boost

Illedan: Sometimes

Illedan: but I only sim 4 turns ahead, so sometimes my Accio throws the ball in the wrong direction :P

struct: still nice improvement

Illedan: This makes no sense

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: i got my new pfp

Illedan: but i accept it

eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_losers: also im done with coding in another web

struct: now port it to c++

struct: and get rank 1

struct: or wait even better

struct: you dont need to use C++

struct: C# has avx

Butanium: A friend of mine gave me a good subtitle

struct: :thinking:

Butanium: Clash of bots : *explode another day*

Astrobytes: I don't get it.

Default avatar.png lStevenmo: Hola

darkhorse64: die another day, a James Bond movie

Astrobytes: Oh. I can't stand James Bond movies.

struct: i barely can watch movies

struct: I only enjoy tv shows now

struct: movies feel too short

Astrobytes: I try to minimise exposure to both these days.

struct: ofc tv shows where most of episodes are fillers its a no go

jacek: have you tried... anime

struct: not really

struct: do you jacek?

jacek: maybe

Westicles: Going to movies is awesome these days. Nobody there but me

Astrobytes: anyway, later everyone

struct: cya

Butanium: cya

Default avatar.png TheMDStyle: суа

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: cya

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: wattup homies

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: whats up chat?

Default avatar.png pythonforfun_2: i don't know, the sky

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: that was a pretty funny joke

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: hahahahah

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: u so fummy lmao

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Default avatar.png BrandonPetersen: :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: :eggplant:

struct: chill

Default avatar.png Ryan_Brighton: :peach:

Default avatar.png Stinkyfish: Did u do a loop to print the emojis?

Wontonimo: hey struct

struct: hi Wontonimo

Wontonimo: are the kids behaving? i see some graffiti on the walls here

struct: well they did stop

struct: after i asked them

struct: no further action was needed

Wontonimo: the emoji was almost in the shape of a G. Perhaps a C before it would have been on-theme eh?

scripto_entity_1010: print('hello people')

struct: I didnt understand the joke :(

struct: hi scripto

struct: 2 am i need to wake up early

Default avatar.png Starting_Coder: Hey can the creators make the code blocks and have a see code button,so when we put blocks together we click see code and it shows the script?If so that would be easy.

Default avatar.png Starting_Coder: Hey can the creators make the code blocks and have a see code button,so when we put blocks together we click see code and it shows the script?If so that would be easy.

struct: but I cant stop :(

Default avatar.png Starting_Coder: Hey can the creators make the code blocks and have a see code button,so when we put blocks together we click see code and it shows the script?If so that would be easy.

struct: I think you only need to ask once

struct: you mean to compare code versions Starting_Coder?

Default avatar.png Starting_Coder: yes

struct: usually I use vscode to check it

struct: it has inbuilt tool for that

struct: I guess you could suggest that feature on the forum

Default avatar.png Starting_Coder: like making them blocks then,Having a button that shows the script.

struct: Wontonimo have you ever use mmap by any chance?

Wontonimo: no. i've used map

Wontonimo: what's mmap?

struct: its to optimize reading

struct: not important on cg


Wontonimo: oh, yeah there was something like this in CP/M

Wontonimo: that was OS based

struct: what is CP/M?

Wontonimo: not quite the same

Wontonimo: an old operating system

struct: oh

struct: way older than me

struct: :D

Wontonimo: using the os you could specify a part of RAM "as a disk drive"

struct: o.o

Wontonimo: so, not quite the same but smells similar

Wontonimo: man, that drive was FAST (as you could imagine)

struct: for the time I would guess so

struct: 16kb of ram

struct: damn

struct: cpus caches are bigger than that now

Wontonimo: yeah, huge change

Wontonimo: i guy i met at a coding meetup told me about how he optimized IO by prepacking the output data to be exactly the disk block write size

Wontonimo: really reminds me of data-oriented design

struct: wow

struct: I dont think I can do anything close to that

Wontonimo: what? I see your UTTT bot and C4 bot. That's some serious data-oriented design there to get that high

struct: But it might be easier to do now

struct: Than it was some years ago

Wontonimo: C4 was much more recent right?

struct: I think they have 1 month difference at most

struct: it uses the same mcts

struct: my bt, c4, uttt all use same mcts

struct: the main difference on bt is that it is ept

struct: maybe I can add some features to the mcts

struct: that I havent fully implemented yet

Wontonimo: i haven't tried BT yet

struct: is quite hard

struct: at least it was for me

struct: mcts with solver was like top 30 at best

Wontonimo: like what? (wonto drops jaw thinking there is more than solver lol)

struct: with full playout

struct: if its a forced move, you dont backprop

struct: but do expansion again

struct: same if it was only 1 node expanded

struct: small things

Wontonimo: oh yeah

struct: you can even check if opponent only has 1 move next turn

struct: and expand again

Wontonimo: where have you seen these?

struct: the implementation?

Wontonimo: the ideas? was it in a mcts review paper?

struct: no, I just thought of it when I was doing breakthrough

struct: I wanted to handle zugzwang

struct: and this way should cover it

Wontonimo: i like these ideas

Wontonimo: there was another one about doing all expands at once

struct: I expand all every time and rollout all

struct: in all games I think

Wontonimo: and the handling is different than just regular backprop. i don't remember

struct: except on bt where I prune my moves

Wontonimo: i tried the expand all rollouts for uttt. didn't work as well

struct: yeah its a hit or miss

struct: msmits does only 1 rollout

struct: me and darkhorse do all

struct: we both are similar rank, me and darkhorse

Wontonimo: i do 2 rollouts

struct: hmm

struct: the 2 best ones?

Wontonimo: so, regular mcts, and when a rollout is supposed to happen, do a second one and backprop them

struct: ah you do 2 rollouts for the same expanded node

Wontonimo: yeah

struct: It performs better?

struct: or is it similar strength?

Wontonimo: better for sure. at least 1.5 truescore better

Wontonimo: it was originally a stopgap because my select and expand was way too slow

struct: do you know what your ndoe size is?

Wontonimo: it's really small now

struct: < 32bytes?

Wontonimo: 24 bytes

Wontonimo: just checked

struct: Its good then

struct: My bt node is that size

Wontonimo: it was giant before

struct: yeah some people have > 100 bytes on node

struct: it doesnt help on selection

Wontonimo: then after fixing it i forgot to remove the extra rollouts. a couple days later while reviewing the code to try and find new ideas it was surprising to see it there. i had forgotten about it

struct: But not everyone needs performance

Wontonimo: removed it and it performed worse

struct: lol

Wontonimo: tbh, i did reduced it from 3 down to 2

struct: I think I tried something similar on c4, but it performed worse

struct: I even wrote my worst code to date to try doing selection with avx

struct: It works but did not gain any performance

Wontonimo: that's some dedication!

Wontonimo: i considered trying that for 2 days, then thought maybe i should spend quality time with my dog instead

struct: avx is worth but not for selection ofc

struct: On c4 to check win and opponent winning moves

struct: it helps a lot

struct: But can be a bit tricky if you are not familiar with it

Wontonimo: i saw lots of chat here about BT being special in-that finding long chains of that lead to a sure win is very important

struct: yeah

struct: I never implemented it successfully though

Wontonimo: ah. do you remember the gist of any of the ideas?

struct: Well its easy to see has a human

struct: But I dont know how really code it

struct: At least without it being expensive

struct: I can currently check if its a win if I have a piece in 6th row and is my turn

struct: inclunding multiple captures

struct: if you are attacking a 7th row twice its a win

Wontonimo: if only there was some way to get computers to see somewhat how humans see :smirk:

struct: and if its your turn

struct: This part I could code it

struct: But I want to check on opponent turn

struct: which makes it way harder

Wontonimo: well, i think i'm just about burnt out of helping with CSB

struct: can be hard

Wontonimo: pretty tired of being asked crazy personal questions after helping someone with how to use sqrt

struct: :/

struct: are the questions that bad?

Default avatar.png Starting_Coder:

Wontonimo: just stuff that can identify

Wontonimo: that's pretty good advice Starting_Coder

Wontonimo: oh wow Starting_Coder, you have just joined days ago!

Wontonimo: what brought you here?

struct: nice im making progress

struct: went down from 33 sec to 1 sec

Wontonimo: in what?


struct: I only tested localy yet

struct: its taking 1 sec to reading and sum 100'000'000 numbers

struct: localy

struct: I have no idea if its good or not tbh

Default avatar.png C26_1: Wait

struct: The default code is the one that takes 33 sec

Default avatar.png SnakeDad24: I don't really understand how to do these games.

Wontonimo: which game?

Default avatar.png SnakeDad24: All of them ._.

Wontonimo: that's too many for me to help with

struct: snake I would with puzzles

Wontonimo: if only it was 1 or two

struct: To understand how the site works

Default avatar.png SnakeDad24: Right now I am doing temperatures

struct: The descent should be the easier one

struct: then thor

Wontonimo: were you able to do the onboarding one?

struct: There is abs function in most languages

Default avatar.png SnakeDad24: Just not understanding how to output the results.

struct: Its usefull for temperatures

struct: which language?

Default avatar.png SnakeDad24: C++

struct: cout << value << endl;

Default avatar.png SnakeDad24: Yeah

Default avatar.png C26_1:

struct: cerr << val << endl; sends to stderr

struct: which allows you to debug

Default avatar.png C26_1: Um, wait

Default avatar.png C26_1: how to know if the input stdin out of inputs in python

Default avatar.png SnakeDad24: Right.

Westicles: I've been hanging out with the twitch clashers. Those guys are incredible at golfing

struct: They are good Westicles?

struct: which languages do they mostly use?

struct: bash/perl?

Westicles: Mostly ruby from what I've seen. But then they ban one language at a time and they seem to manage in whatever is left

Hakyoma: Hey, do you get more clash point the more people are in the same clash?

struct: its based on other players rankings

struct: *** stack smashing detected ***: terminated

struct: o.o

struct: Never saw this error before

Wontonimo: what's that from?

struct: gcc

Wontonimo: me neither!!

struct: its time for me to go

struct: gn everyone

Wontonimo: bye

MiyamuraIzumi: hi

Wontonimo: hey

Wontonimo: how goes the solver MiyamuraIzumi ?