MiyamuraIzumi: Hello guys
holyterror: hi
derjack: ttt eh
mailbox: this website is good for learning but def urges you to do bad practices lol
mailbox: i almost named my variable "a" when i was programming normally lol
derjack: codegolf isnt for good practices
derjack: heck most stuff here isnt for good practices. my code here is hackatonish
Uljahn: this site is about learning dirty hacks :smiley:
Uljahn: e.g. how to fit NN in 100k or to use bitboards and AVX
derjack: bitboards arent dirty :o
mailbox: i mean, when are you going to need to micro 1 byte
derjack: bitboards are for speed. NN quantiozation for speed also, due to cache coherence and whatnot. but normally they would be encapsulated in nice classes etc.
derjack: c-c-c-com...
islander4059: henlo
chop-chop: Hi
ProCoder03: What is an optimal time in space race ??
ProCoder03: *search race
ProCoder03: and what is that collision time in it ??
derjack: probably lower than 1st
ProCoder03: :unamused:
TimothyAlexisVass: Why did this stop further code? :\
ProCoder03: ???
MiyamuraIzumi: 492180 Points
TimothyAlexisVass: if(row.split``.every(c=>c=='#')){b=true;break;}
TimothyAlexisVass: even if it evaluated to false, the code after didn't run...
TimothyAlexisVass: Will it break if row is empty or something?
ProCoder03: MiyamuraIzumi, What are you talking abt..... CG points...
chop-chop: wrap into try{}catch(e){/*you-code*/}
chop-chop: probably there are some error
MrBest: Hello guys
ProCoder03: :wave:
MiyamuraIzumi: ProCoder03, I just excited on my improvement on CvZ, this is the new point :D
derjack: oh my
Paper_Was_Taken_Sad: script no worke
Paper_Was_Taken_Sad: print("help')
chop-chop: "help"
C26_1: I'm gonna ask a question
derjack: hm?
C26_1: Does using a lot of variables make you bad at programming language
derjack: no
derjack: sometimes you need a very lot of variables
C26_1: I don't have exprience with any real work, but at least knowing some coding
C26_1: Thank you for answer my question
C26_1: At least if you do some simple code, you don't need a lot of them
Uljahn: just make sure your variable names are meaningful and you're good
pikachutiya: i honestly find it better if there are multiple clearly defined variables, keeping in mind that you only use variables when its absolutely necessart
derjack: oh my that turtle is about smits in c4
C26_1: Im gonna copy my post from Reddit (Bc I'm inventing Base-Divide notation)
C26_1: Oops, the text is so large that it is meaningful to paste them as pastebin
derjack: any question?
C26_1: So I'm inventing something called Base-Divide Notation (Or you can called it as Base-Power Notation bc it's related)
C26_1: the things that it'll do is store a very very large to some small way
C26_1: The notation in general is:
C26_1: where k is the length of the notation, and b is the base
C26_1: 1. You cannot have a digit in number that is larger to the base (EX: 1234, no digits in 1234 is larger the number 10 - the base)
C26_1: 2. You only use that notation for some very large and unusual base like base 13, base 41, base 100
C26_1: 3. Just to know, writing wrong digits in notation isn't "wrong" but to keep base analysis clear, you just have to do that
darkhorse64: ProCoder03: what do you mean by optimal ? Shortest ? Something you can reach with a moderate effort ? The collision time is the time at which you reach a checkpoint during your turn. A turn duration is 1s
C26_1: 4. You can plugin real numbers in digits of the notation, as long as the digits smaller than the base, and you know the converting formula from any base to base 10
C26_1: Ok, done the introduces
C26_1: Back to the conversation
C26_1: We write the notation with the open bracket first "(" , with the following "|" for every digits in the numbers. After that, you use the closed bracket ")" to close the number, and finally plug the base as a number
C26_1: How to convert the "number" in base "b" to base 10 for our human-purpose reading
darkhorse64: You have a clash of code subject with this notation
C26_1: @darkhorse64, what clash tho?
darkhorse64: short time span (5 min) problem solving
C26_1: formula for converting base "b" to base 10:
darkhorse64: You can make contributions to CoC too
C26_1: But can I typing the text fully in this chat
C26_1: So back to notation converting
darkhorse64: A wall of text will be turned automatically to a pastebin
C26_1: It just as easy as doing carry sums in elementary schools so don't worry if you scare math or hardcore one
C26_1: You want to converting that number into base 10 right?
C26_1: I don't know the general step, so I'm just writing step for this EX, just to so if you can figure out
C26_1: Divide 14/30: remainder: 14, carry sums: 0
C26_1: Step 1: Compute 13*30^2 + 29*30^1 + 14*30^0
C26_1: Sorry again, Carry sums and remainder is in part 2: Rewriting the wrong notation to the right one
C26_1: Part 2: Rewriting the wrong notation to the right one
C26_1: So, there are only 2 ways to writing the wrong notation, either writing less symbols as it needed, or if the digit is larger or equal to the base
MiyamuraIzumi: nice haha
chop-chop: how to open such links
C26_1: This is a wrong notation
MiyamuraIzumi: just text alot
C26_1: We need to rewrite it, as we need base analysis to be neutral
MiyamuraIzumi: chop-chop
C26_1: Step 1: Compute 14/21, remainder = 14, carry sums = 0
C26_1: Step 2: Compute 12/21, remainder = 12, carry sums = 0
C26_1: Step 3: Compute 30/21, remainder = 9, carry sums = 1
C26_1: Step 4: Compute 1/21, remainder = 1, carry sums = 0. End digits
C26_1: Rewrite (|30|12|14|)21 as (|1|9|12|14|)21
C26_1: End of the notation conversation
C26_1: Note: You only need use that notation if you stored a super large number ino small numbers
chop-chop: C26_1, it looks interesting!
C26_1: In computer science, you can use that notation as an array, where the last number in array is the base, all other are just digits
C26_1: If you ever use my notation in math paper or the other way around, just writing this line of text: "The Base-Divide Notation is invented by user C26_1 in"
C26_1: I don't need (money, or credits in general)
chop-chop: @MiyamuraIzumi, I insert a long text and it was converted to link. But how to see content of this link?
Lanfeustdedeux: Hello guys! Do you know if there are any tools for debuging?
derjack: most decent IDEs allow for debugging
derjack: on codingame, you can print values to stderr
derjack: what language
Lanfeustdedeux: I'm using python, but I guess you just meant to use print("....", file=sys.stderr)
Lanfeustdedeux: I realised that there was an comment that was automatically generated that said we could use that for debugging x)
Lanfeustdedeux: I should have RTFM as we say
derjack: nah, its always better to ask in chat than to read the statement :v
chop-chop: ^ true
MiyamuraIzumi: gooooooo
KalamariKing: stoooooop
KalamariKing: hey!
MrBest: hey THERE!
JacobTheCoder: i thought it said mrbeast xD
JacobTheCoder: anyone got tips for C++?
KalamariKing: c-- is better smh
JacobTheCoder: havent really tried it
derjack: oO
GoodGuss: I want to learn to write code, but I think I am not smart enough
Lord_Binary: everyone can learn to write code, but don't expect it to be fast and easy to learn
Lord_Binary: as long as you put in the time and effort, I am sure you will learn :)
automata: I am playing clash of code after not playing it for a very long time. People seem not to share their code mostly these days. Maybe it is just my impression, but it used to be very collaborative back in the day. Top players used to share and now it is the opposite.
Wontonimo: GoodGuss, learning to code is like learning to read. It takes daily effort over a long time. And like reading, it can be fun if you choose
Wontonimo: maybe play the challenges instead. There you can see lots of shared solutions
Wontonimo: Lord_Binary ^^
Wontonimo: oh, sorry, that was meat for automata
C26_1: Does fast code rely on programming language (like C++ vs Python) or Algorithms (Like Binary Search or Linear Search)
Wontonimo: both
C26_1: I need to learn C++ quick
C26_1: Because I knew that C++ is a lot faster than Python
Wontonimo: if you have to use a language, then you can improve speed using efficient data structures
C26_1: But its syntax is horribly hard to read or even translate it to Python
C26_1: What a cool trae off after all
Wontonimo: I'm not trying to talk you out of learning C++, but why do you want code to be a lot faster?
Uljahn: how fast do you need your code to be? in most cases python is more than enough
Wontonimo: +1 Uljahn
C26_1: At least if runtime is not larger than 1 seconds for any function
automata: Wontonimo, my point was that people should share their code. Especially if they win.
Uljahn: it all depends on data though
struct: learn logic first
Wontonimo: +1 ^^
struct: you dont need to speed if you dont know how to code
struct: dont need speed*
automata: C++ is not a lot faster than Python per se
struct: You dont want to learn a language, you want to learn how to code
struct: if you are a begginer
DamCoder: But u need "Speed" - if u want to code faster :o
automata: But to be constructive, you can use Cython
C26_1: I mean programming language are for human reading after all, so don't use list comprehension or if-trick in python if you want your code need to be readable
C26_1: if you make your code to be fast and also readable to your team, then
Uljahn: i use numpy and numba when i want my python to go faster
Wontonimo: Here is an example A brute force attack on this problem will time out for any language. My plain python solution that uses some logic takes 0.3 milliseconds
struct: i use c++ when i want my c++ to go faster :)
Uljahn: you mean pragmas
C26_1: Make your function store in 1 file where you do the readable one and send it to your team, and make the fastest one to your own
C26_1: Then use fastest function to public if you ever post it in Github
derjack: or use OOP, encapsulate parts of codes into functions and classes. if there is critical part of code that needs to best fast but not readable, then only that part will be unreadable, but you can still use comments there
struct: if you want readable code use perl
derjack: and avoid using structs ~
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: hm
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: cool
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: im bored, anyone wanna chat about games and anime?
derjack: that would be quite offtopic for this chat, wouldn't it?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: hmmm... yea but im asking if anyone wants to
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: and im really bored
automata: not if talk about the codingame :joy:
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: ok
chop-chop: Do we have any clash of code about anime related theme? >.|.<
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM??????
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: boys and girls, we have a job to do
xspeedasx: cwash of cwode uwu
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: a furry?
xspeedasx: in a blender
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: hm
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: well time to make a furry account
derjack: are bronies furries?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: nah
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: i can say that cuz im a furry and bronie and a weeeb
xspeedasx: hmm no judgement, most of them probably are
derjack: :scream:
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: hm
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: illl be back laters
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: seee ya boys and goirls uwu
Astrobytes: This chat sometimes makes me feel so dead inside when I read it back. Grim af.
derjack: yeah :unamused:
derjack: and smits still didnt notice hes not first in Y
xspeedasx: at least its not about antivax or flat earth :D
xspeedasx: that would be grim
Astrobytes: I'm sure there'll be some of that at some point too.
struct: just need to open twitter
Bobbelo: Hey guys, when you are doing the practices, is there any way to see what the input is for the test cases?
Bobbelo: Its really annoying that I can't find it because knowing what the inputs are will make it easier to debug
xspeedasx: there's a "list" button to the right of TEST CASES | CUSTOM |
xspeedasx: too slow :D but np
xspeedasx: i like to take the inputs and use them to solve it in IDE then just copy-paste the code back to CG
xspeedasx: if its a puzzle
Bobbelo: Would there be a way for me to ask for help here? is it okay if I just paste code?
xspeedasx: use pastebin :D
chop-chop: @kumabearr, carbon - its nice one, thx
struct: Bobbelo
struct: You turn negative into possible
struct: and then save it has negative
struct: your comparison is always checking the positive value vs negative
chop-chop: how to mention some one?
struct: if unsign_temp < closest_temp:
struct: This part
struct: if last temperature was -12
struct: you stored -12
struct: you understood?
Bobbelo: yeah, but now I'm completely lost on how to fix it
struct: do you know abs?
xspeedasx: suggest to have another closest_temp but with a sign. ala closest_real_temp and assign t to it when you assign unsign_temp to closest_temp
kumabearr: :clap:
Bobbelo: Thanks for the help guys
Bobbelo: Now I can rest peacufully
Lanfeustdedeux: Hey guys! Do you know if we can battle a friend?
Lanfeustdedeux: In "Coders Strike back" sorry
Lanfeustdedeux: The game with the pods racing x)
Wontonimo: yeah, if they are in the same league
Wontonimo: you can remove the boss and then add them
Wontonimo: you can then share the replay with them
struct: only if they are on top 1k of the league though
Wontonimo: can't you search by name struct?
struct: no
struct: it will still only get based on the 1k
Wontonimo: Lanfeustdedeux - it looks like your bot is broken and isn't reading the new data for gold league. You can get the new template by clicking the circle arrow in the upper right of the IDE
Wontonimo: then you can get your old code from history and copy it in where it is expected.
Wontonimo: you will immediately jump 1000 ranks just by having working code that simply flies directly to the next checkpoint
JacobTheCoder: im new to coding and want to know the best way and what type (C++, JS, etc.) to code
struct: both have their uses
JacobTheCoder: what would be the best for like addons or whatever
struct: what do you mean by addons?
JacobTheCoder: lemme rephrase that lol, for games
JacobTheCoder: so like say for instance shooters, car games ya know?
struct: both work
struct: js for mostly browser
struct: c++ for desktop
JacobTheCoder: where is the best place to start with no experiance
Wontonimo: there is a really good youtube channel called "the coding train"
Wontonimo: he does some really good intro to programming videos
Wontonimo: he has over 1000 instructional videos on programming
JacobTheCoder: cant really watch it rn cause im in school but ill watch it when i get home
struct: I remember seeing some of his videos long ago
JacobTheCoder: so like is he #1recommended?
Wontonimo: if you have zero experience programming, you can play with coding concepts using
Wontonimo: that is a fun way of starting to visualize coding structures
Wontonimo: later
Wontonimo: :wave:
struct: I see you made it to gold Wontonimo
Pinggo: please teach me to use js
MONIGMA: You don't know how to use JS
struct: 0=="0" true
struct: All you need to know
MONIGMA: me too but I use Python and Java
Pinggo: i'm stil confuse. cos my english is not good
struct: Pinggo usually you wont find someone that will teach you a language
Pinggo: im didnt go to college too
struct: You dont need to go to college to learn js
struct: First challenge to learning js is learning how to google
struct: Then you find a tutorial that suits you
struct: Some people like videos, some like books, some learn by doing
JacobTheCoder: but not for long cause i have to do work D:
Pinggo: i'll try to watch youtube
struct: good luck
Wontonimo: if you are total newbe, try
Pinggo: this is my first day open this web
Wontonimo: yeah struct, thanks for noticing
struct: are you aiming for legend?
Wontonimo: i've got a major bug and i also want to switch to minimax or mcts. those two things combined i'm confident will get me to legend in tron
struct: do you use bitboards?
Wontonimo: not yet. i'm going to see if i can get away without it for now
jacek: wgat game
Wontonimo: it's a large board with multiple players. makes life simple to just use uint8_t
Wontonimo: Tron !
struct: yeah
struct: Olá mundo
Wontonimo: and if you can get away with not saving the board, then it can be mostly all in L1 cache anyway
struct: should still fit in L1
Wontonimo: i was thinking DFS implementation of Minimax with iterative deepening. Are you working on tron anymore and what's your plan?
struct: no
struct: I only have been working on "dumb" games
struct: Games where I dont need to think
Wontonimo: :)
jacek: like amazons :v
struct: jacek bot still undefeated :(
Wontonimo: yeah, i hear that struct. I did that for about 4 months.
Wontonimo: helping so many people with PID really got my pid game improved and helped with space shooter
Wontonimo: hey Jacob
JacobTheCoder: but anywho ima go ahve fun coding goodbye :)
Wontonimo: sorry to hear. call 1-888-1hearse
struct: hf
JacobTheCoder: idk where to start
jacek: from the beginning
JacobTheCoder: this feels like a populated discoed server lol
struct: you should come here during a contest then
Wontonimo: it's almost too much during contests
Wontonimo: i get very distracted
struct: Ill ban you from chat if you dont want to get distracted :p
Wontonimo: i'm here now and being distracted ;)
Astrobytes: instaban offence
struct: this ludii games thing is crazy, I should make a module for sdk that can do this, but I think its way too far from my knowledge
Astrobytes: Could be an interesting side project, you can only gain knowledge from it right
struct: Yeah, also their code is open source
struct: this is their code for breakthrough
Astrobytes: indeed
Astrobytes: Yeah, I've checked it out before
jacek: !
jacek: general game playing game?
Astrobytes: framework
jacek: i mean new game for CG
jacek: no need for statement, the game will be generated on the fly
jacek: and rules provided in 1st turn
Astrobytes: lol
Astrobytes: sounds like a plan
struct: gl jacek
struct: you must do it now
Astrobytes: ^
jacek: good. writing the statement is the hardest part anyway
struct: I think everyone can agree to that
jacek: or does ludii generate the statement based on rules? :thinking:
struct: nah
Astrobytes: modify the Automaton to generate statements
jacek: Automaton2000 eh
Automaton2000: even though it is not a language
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: IM BACK!!
jacek: uwu
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: but im gonna go to another class
Astrobytes: Great.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: i hate art -_-
MONIGMA: art is greatOUCH!
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: but thats u and others
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: ill be back
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: love ya lovely
MONIGMA: ooooookaaay
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: be a good lil person BYEEEEEEEEEE! uwu
eulerscheZahl: i think that's enough okays
Astrobytes: Seriously...
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: lol
jacek: classes these days...
MONIGMA: Youre one to talk
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: yup, they are fulled with people like me or like u
Astrobytes: Can you give it a rest please. This is not your classroom. This is not your playground.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: fine fine, ill take it down a few (to alot) of downs
MONIGMA: The code iis my playground
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: see ya, i need to go to class, i shall be back
Astrobytes: Don't hurry.
MONIGMA: ok im in class right now
MONIGMA: bye everybody
Wontonimo: vi
eulerscheZahl: vim
WWFYMN: can i say cum?
Astrobytes: You just did.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: -_-
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: bruh
WWFYMN: can I?
WWFYMN: again
eulerscheZahl: no
Astrobytes: say it again and I'll kick you
eulerscheZahl: i had already typed the kick, still in my clipboard
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: this dude is worser than me
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: and i did ALOT of bad stuff
WWFYMN: not as bad as a certain failed artist?
eulerscheZahl: so, this yare contest... hard to test your bot when there are only 3 bots to play against. and other players only if they are online at the same time as you
struct: whats the contest euler?
Astrobytes: Say what?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: well im in art class rn
struct: focus on class
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: cant
Astrobytes: or we'll kick you
eulerscheZahl: that game is running live right now struct
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: OKAY OKAY!
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: we're doing alleys
Astrobytes: Hm. Somewhat annoying situation euler
eulerscheZahl: and it's more of a heuristic contest than a simulation. so you have to cover those corner cases yourself
Astrobytes: Kinda surprised you're bothering with it
struct: 0.6 ethereum
struct: o.o
struct: thats 10k $
eulerscheZahl: yeah, not bad. and only 30 players qualified for the finals
struct: When does contest end?
Astrobytes: Oh right.
eulerscheZahl: you can't join anymore
eulerscheZahl: and $10k?
eulerscheZahl: last i checked it was about 2k
struct: ah sorry
struct: yeah
struct: i had in brazilian currency
struct: sorry
struct: Similar $
Astrobytes: Still, wouldn't sniff at 2K
struct: but has an R before
eulerscheZahl: tbh that prize money is my main motivation right now
struct: i was shocked when i saw 18k
struct: gl euler
Astrobytes: Reais
Astrobytes: (the R)
struct: 1800€ is a good prize
Astrobytes: about £1500
eulerscheZahl: not like i really need the money. but i've never grabbed such a big prize before
Astrobytes: So if you win you'll be donating it to charity then :P
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: im lookin for a alley that looks very dirty
Astrobytes: I'll kick you into one if you don't stop talking bollocks
Wontonimo: talk about coding, stay on topic, be respectful
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: okay, how do i code a alley into a coding thing
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: okay im done joking around, ill do my class
struct: Whats the reason for both players having to be online though?
Astrobytes: Poor design choices I suspect.
eulerscheZahl: it's a semi-bot contest actually
eulerscheZahl: you can edit your code while the game is running
struct: o.o
Astrobytes: interesting...
eulerscheZahl: but i have better things to do than babysitting my bot for a full 2 weeks tournament
struct: So write a bot that writes a bot
struct: :p
struct: But yeah
struct: doesnt seem fun
eulerscheZahl: i just have other things to do. like my normal job. and doing real life hobbies
Astrobytes: Football and catching mice?
eulerscheZahl: yes :D
eulerscheZahl: the mouse escaped again
Astrobytes: hahaha
eulerscheZahl: useless cat
Astrobytes: Some cats have that instinct, some don't. And when they don't - they *really* don't.
MONIGMA: exactly
eulerscheZahl: at least I managed to scrape replays from yare. So I can reproduce a certain frame offline without submitting a new bot and hoping that the same situations occurs
eulerscheZahl: my cat is just old (16 years)
eulerscheZahl: there were times when she brought 2 mice in a single night
Astrobytes: awww, she's an old lady!
eulerscheZahl: and released them in my room
MONIGMA: That cat has some energy
Astrobytes: Great when they do things like that.
eulerscheZahl: she liked those rainy nights when the mice had to leave their holes
MONIGMA: YEah until they kill the mouse then drop it
Astrobytes: Birds flapping around the house, half dead rats squirming across the floor, mice with 3 legs hopping around
eulerscheZahl: once there was a mouse living in my shoe and I didn't notice at first
eulerscheZahl: was full of cat food and mouse poop, had to throw it away
Astrobytes: lol, not a frequently worn shoe then :D
**eulerscheZahl puts it on ebay, "barely used"
Astrobytes: :D
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: im almost done with my class :)
jacek: no do the struct
struct: structs are bad
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: did anyone have a good day so far?
Astrobytes: Gonna take your attention deficiency issues somewhere else eh?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: u talking to me?
Astrobytes: Yes.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: im already done with my class
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: so im gonna try to code something
Astrobytes: Good. Stay off the chat.
Illedan: :(
struct: whats wrong Illedan
Illedan: Astro wants me to stay off chat
Illedan: :P
Astrobytes: lol
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: i didnt do anything wrong......................yet
Illedan: and my 5 million last fb tries fails
eulerscheZahl: thank you astro
Astrobytes: np
Astrobytes: You were 3rd at some point Ille
Illedan: Sure, I'm 100 % 3rd when I submit the best
struct: premeditation, should be banned
struct: :p
Illedan: Just autokick everyone below level 40
struct: hi
Astrobytes: I better get my level up!
struct: Illedan I would not mind rank 3
struct: knowing who top 2 is
Astrobytes: He's going for the top
eulerscheZahl: can't find a monocle emoji
struct: not worth the trouble
struct: trust me
Illedan: Give me a value between 1 and 0 for a test?
Wontonimo: :nerd: dual monocle
eulerscheZahl: pi/4
Astrobytes: 0.03145
struct: :spy_tone1:
Illedan: 0.78 that is euler
eulerscheZahl: only for small values of pi
struct: which algo do you use illedan?
Illedan: I simulate the game
Astrobytes: :grin:
struct: ...
eulerscheZahl: ̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤̤
Illedan: ^^
Illedan: Simultaneous GA
Astrobytes: ffs
Illedan: Same as sogeti
struct: I dont know what you used on sogeti
eulerscheZahl: read his forum post (is there any?)
Illedan: nope
eulerscheZahl: read it anyways
Illedan: Yeah, it's called void
struct: Why did I open forum...
Illedan: 16 wins in a row with 0.78. Lets go
struct: git copilot in coc discussion
eulerscheZahl: so that the "last seen" timer updates
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: b
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: oh it worked?
eulerscheZahl: much better than astro's value
Illedan: Yeah his value is bad
Astrobytes: shh
Astrobytes: Stop mocking my value.
Illedan: It is the distance between his furthest wizard and my goal for where I want to defend :P
Astrobytes: Well if you said that I'd have given a sensible number :P
Illedan: Which would be?
Astrobytes: 0.785
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: duck
eulerscheZahl: mocking such a value, hmm :thinking:
eulerscheZahl: should I write and implement an interface for this case?
eulerscheZahl: and do I really have to mock it?
Astrobytes: Not that kind of mocking.
eulerscheZahl: :P
Illedan: Always mock
Astrobytes: :D
Illedan: Mock the cut too
Illedan: then mock the mock
Astrobytes: And everything becomes a mockery of itself?
Illedan: 3-0 vs reCurse. Lucky today. Soon crash and burn
Astrobytes: never say never
Illedan: 0.4 had 6-13 vs recu and 6-16 vs pb
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: wha ya guys and girls coding?
Astrobytes: Programs.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: okay, how long has everyone been coding?
Illedan: 30 min
Astrobytes: About 15 minutes
Tenttsotne: among us candice sugondese obama ur mum deez nutz
eulerscheZahl: longer than you are old
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: oh
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: so 58 years?
Astrobytes: ty euler
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: jk
mkkhell: i created C++
mkkhell: thank me later
eulerscheZahl: I invented christmas
Astrobytes: I am Santa Claus.
eulerscheZahl: and i got you from the streets, you were unemployed
Astrobytes: Eternally grateful
jacek: but you have to work on holidays
Illedan: I'm just a man, sitting in front of a computer, wanting his fb bot to reach first.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: anyone ever made a dating sim?
struct: yes
Astrobytes: Yes, it simulated an entire day ahead.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: oh,
eulerscheZahl: mine broke in September 1752 :(
Astrobytes: Give me my 11 days!
mkkhell: how can i learn advanced C++
mkkhell: ?
Astrobytes: Learn basic C++ then ++ it
jacek: is that true?
mkkhell: XD
eulerscheZahl: to C#?
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: im gonna to my new class, bye good luck with ya codes
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: i'll try to stay off the chat during class
Astrobytes: you're on thin ice, it's a ban next time
mkkhell: class or object?
Astrobytes: jacek: yes.
struct: This is the number you are looking for Illedan
struct: 0.84669248029520630246
struct: Thank me later
mkkhell: :radioactive:
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: class mr. mkkhell
Illedan: 0.78 is too big
Illedan: I'll go down
eulerscheZahl: smaller pi
struct: pi/(e**2)
struct: 0.42516833158763632844
eulerscheZahl: i like the e part
Astrobytes: 0.27182818284
Illedan: I had 0.4 earlier, I'll try 0.55 now
jacek: e^pi - pi
Illedan: Too high
eulerscheZahl: looks familiar. is that the =20 thing from xkcd?
Astrobytes: hahaha
jacek: eeyup
struct: from my personal experience with breakthrough
struct: its never worth to change values
struct: just add features to eval
jacek: yeah, most time the first guesses on hyperparameters are close to optimal
jacek: which sucks if you want to learn to automate tuning those
jacek: and youre done with breakthrough?
struct: No, I opened ludii breakthrough eval
struct: now I cant unsee it
Astrobytes: :D
jacek: we lost him
jacek: just like we lost reBless to chess
Astrobytes: Hey, reBless has other duties too these days
jacek: he also does shogi?
Astrobytes: :smirk:
Astrobytes: aka Hell on a Chessboard
jacek: kriegspiel?
Astrobytes: wouldn't that be kriegsspiel?
Astrobytes: Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut.
jacek: :scream:
Astrobytes: But I remember such useful things as die Apotheke, die Bibliothek and other exceptionally useful things
jacek: hande hoch!
eulerscheZahl: i'm with astro on the Fugen-s
eulerscheZahl: and it's Hände, not hande. You would be a bad robber
Astrobytes: yay, I remembered something correctly from a long time ago
jacek: i knew. i dont have ä in my keyboard
eulerscheZahl: i speak astro's language better than he speaks mine. But jacek is better at German than I am at Polish
eulerscheZahl: kurwa
Astrobytes: Always preferred kurwa mać myself
**Astrobytes kicks himself
jacek: oO
jacek: now learn the pierdolić
Astrobytes: That looks fun
darkhorse64: struct: ludii breakthrough eval ? Is there a paper or a website that I can look at ?
Astrobytes: Caralho! Now look what you've done! :P
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: im done with class and just ate, can anyone help me with coders strike back?
struct: might be a bit hard to understand
**Astrobytes runs off to modify his BT eval
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: how hard?
struct: but if you search cornerProximity on the search bar of github
struct: or the keywords that you want
eulerscheZahl: where do these constants come from? they don't look random
jacek: hand crafted :v
struct: it should find the java class
darkhorse64: thanks. Even more code to browse
MONIGMA: Im still on Coders Strike back too
MONIGMA: EVE, whats your rank
struct: csb is only the begining
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: <->
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: let me check
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: 26,459th rookie
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: and im level 4
Astrobytes: rank IN CSB
jacek: i wonder if i could extract simple piece-square tables from the NN for breakthrough
MONIGMA: Im in CSB 5298th/54694
jacek: wood?
Astrobytes: Didn't you try that already jacek?
Astrobytes: piece-square tables I mean
jacek: i dont remember. long ago a tried texel tuning for psqt
Astrobytes: that might have been it then
jacek: yay im 3rd
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: soo? is there any code programs you think i can try for a rookie like myself
Astrobytes: Nice work jacek
struct: games that dont have a result yet are still ongoing right?
struct: in little golem
jacek: yes
struct: one of them seems won already
jacek: i have 3 ongoing games. 1 is proven win
struct: at least is easy to see
struct: yeah
jacek: other one is like 80%
Astrobytes: Just wait, 5 more years and you'll be first!
struct: do top 2 players every challenge you?
eulerscheZahl: that website sends a full request every time I step back and forth, not just client side updating :o
jacek: i participate in some 'infinite' tournament
jacek: every month or so a bunch of new games are played
struct: Is it the same bot since the start?
jacek: there was 1 major rewrite
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: can i ask something about codeing things?
struct: sure
jacek: i used entirely new learning framework i use for CG now
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: what was the hardest thing you ever coded?
Astrobytes: A diamond simulator.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: oh, whats that?
jacek: graph traversing algorithm that generates possible moves for paper soccer
jacek: that was hard
jacek: ~
Astrobytes: :drum:
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: the hardest i ever coded was a dating sim
Astrobytes: Getting a girl/boyfriend might be easier and a little less creepy.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: ehhhhhh.........true enough
jacek: getting a waifu is hard
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: most of the people i meet........i made them hate me
Astrobytes: I cannot imagine why that might be.
jacek: i wonder why :thinking:
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: cuz i made them
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: i love making people hate me sometimes
Astrobytes: I recommend you leave the chat and re-evaluate your motives and goals in life.
eve_va_hooves_the_king_of_wifes: already did that
**Astrobytes shakes fist at clouds
eulerscheZahl: :older_man:
eulerscheZahl: jrke updated his rubiks cube
Bobbelo: Hey guys, is it not possible to scroll through the previous messages in this chat?
eulerscheZahl: not directly
eulerscheZahl: there is
mr.nomad: i blame myself for that
eulerscheZahl: will update chat logs once a day, next time in about 10h
eulerscheZahl: except for august 28th+29th, dbdr stole them
Bobbelo: @eulerscheZahl When was the last time you updated the chat log?
Bobbelo: Wait, nvm I can now scroll through the chat. I couldn't earlier for some reason
eulerscheZahl: i don't update the chat log, that's dbdr's project. and it was 14h ago
eulerscheZahl: Fr more active than World these days
Astrobytes: Is there some smoothing that jrke can do on that cube that wouldn't slow things down too much? The aliasing is making me itchy.
Astrobytes: It's very nice though, he's done a damn good job
eulerscheZahl: it took me 1 or 2 days to get the rolling animation working as expected for dice duel. these things really mess with your brain
eulerscheZahl: and he combined pixi + three.js
eulerscheZahl: while I just deleted pixi entirely
Astrobytes: Yeah rotational stuff gets a little unwieldy in 3D at times.
Astrobytes: It's really rather good though, I am impressed.
eulerscheZahl: the nasty part is that you have to rotate around the internal axis of a die while still looking from an external perspective
Bobbelo: @eulerscheZahl Thanks for letting me know. Also I'm fairly new at programming, and I thought I had at least a foot in the basics until I started doing the simple exercises you guys provide XD. It's been quite reassuring when I finally get past them though. I'm really enjoying the feeling of finally finishing one of them. (Not being stuck on them though XD)
eulerscheZahl: i'm impressed too. I wasn't sure if he's going to make it going by his questions on discord
eulerscheZahl: how did that not turn into a pastebin?
Astrobytes: All typed in one line
eulerscheZahl: there's a char limit too
Astrobytes: char limit not exceeded clearly
eulerscheZahl: congrats on making progress Bobbelo
eulerscheZahl: the first steps are always the hardest
eulerscheZahl: you will still scratch your head at other things. but it gets easier when you understand the basics
Astrobytes: Yeah well done Bobbelo. Keep working away at them, the more you learn the... yes, what euler said :P
eulerscheZahl: bed time, see you
Astrobytes: night man, take care
jacek: :older_man:
Wontonimo: gn
Astrobytes: I'm out as well actually, but I'm gonna practice my guitar now that my hand seems able again
Astrobytes: See ya's later or tomorrow
jacek: hand able again :smirk:
ja_fica: jolindien?
ja_fica: nn or opening book?
ja_fica: in C4
AllYourTrees: :eyes:
struct: nn is most likely
jolindien: hi
jolindien: nn
ja_fica: top 5 corresponds to offline training
ja_fica: impressive being in C#
struct: its a wrapper
struct: it uses c++
Okido: Ignore Browser Shortcuts (Ctrl+C):
struct: darkhorse64
struct: 19.4
ja_fica: C# is easier to implement?
darkhorse64: reading it
struct: ja_fica im not sure why they use C#
jolindien: c# because an encoder was available
struct: But the ai runs on c++ right?
jolindien: yes
jolindien: ja_fica, for you it's MCTS ?
ja_fica: with opening book
jolindien: nice
ja_fica: makes a big differenece
jolindien: no evaluation function ?
ja_fica: I wouldnt call it an evaluation function but I choose to simulate first the moves that result in higher winning positions
ja_fica: I do this only in expansion
jolindien: higher winning posiions ?
darkhorse64: still MCTS with full rollouts at #7
struct: maybe I need to resubmit
struct: my bot fell down a lot
struct: :(
jolindien: you certainly have performant sims
ja_fica: yes, you bot was in #2 if not rank #1 back in the days
struct: yes I have around 3M sims/sec
struct: rolouts*
struct: not sims
ja_fica: I think struct and darkhorse have the best bots without offline training
darkhorse64: did you get what is Pawn1, Pawn2 in Ludii ? 2M rollouts for me. I feel like a dinosaur
jolindien: what is the idea to find quickly winning moves (killer moves)?
struct: jolindien so you dont make a move that make opp win
jolindien: i mean with bitboards
struct: darkhorse64 your pieces and opp pieces
struct: I think
darkhorse64: make sense
darkhorse64: *makes*
ja_fica: I forsee 4 positions at the same time using AVX
struct: jolindien you want to know how to do it?
jolindien: yes
ja_fica: without AVX I have only arround 45% of rollouts
darkhorse64: The idea is to find winning moves for the opponent to avoid them in rollouts
struct: My way is based on that
ja_fica: mine 2 with another step ahead
jolindien: my issue is not about algo
jolindien: ok
ja_fica: You use alpha0 pipeline right?
struct: whats is your issue?
struct: I can try to explain.
jolindien: ja_fica, I have re-written a sort of alpha0
jolindien: thx struct, I think it's compute_winning_position() function
ja_fica: struct is climbing the ladder like a boss xD
struct: robo had too many battles vs me
struct: it was like 50+ loses
struct: My bot cant handle him at all
struct: With my bitboard I had to use both shifts << and shift >> to get winning position
struct: if I only use << it would make bits go out of range(?)
ja_fica: I had to use MASK, rigth and left
struct: yeah I also use masks
jolindien: because of weird size
ja_fica: jolindien have you tried to apply the same algo in UTTT?
jolindien: not yet
jolindien: I heard it's really hard
AllYourTrees: i found C4 plenty hard lol
struct: im still amazed that royale got 1st in yavalath
jolindien: for me it was easier than oware
struct: vs msmit book
struct: and bot* his bot is strong
jolindien: royale uses mcts ?
struct: im not sure
struct: I just know its NN
jolindien: he is high in many board games
AllYourTrees: hes using nn in c4
jolindien: ahh ok
ja_fica: my opening book only have 600 positions and it is enought
ja_fica: I get to 15 plays book often, you can see it by my output
struct: msmits book on yavalath is different
struct: its a trap based game
struct: so its a bit different from c4
struct: maybe ill make a bot for it and submit a bos
struct: so it can get potw
Illedan: jolindien, did you get your Sogeti price?
jolindien: no
jolindien: Pb neither
jolindien: (Pb4_)
Illedan: :+1:
Illedan: Mine was still shipping
jolindien: don't have news
jolindien: at all
ja_fica: Why most top programmers in CG are from France?
Illedan: CG is a france based company
Illedan: Gotta start somewhere
jolindien: french are smart
Illedan: ^^
ja_fica: it seems that way
jolindien: and arrogant
Remi_avec_un_i: hey ! french people can read that ! ^^
ja_fica: The rate of French/Rest of the world is not even near Male/Female
ja_fica: I guess its because of preferences
ja_fica: BTW does anyone else found out that having a larger constant in UCT on MCTS is better in case of a better processor?
ja_fica: winrate + CONSTANT * exploration
jolindien: makes sense
ja_fica: at night I submit my bot with 1.5, at day I submit at 1.4 because the server are busier, I guess I could test the processor speed on the precomputation in pick the constant from there
jolindien: if you can spend more time in exploration
jolindien: *if you have more time ...
struct: let me see which NNs still have the problem of playing poorly vs bad bots
struct: robo fixed it
struct: for his
jolindien: I have
ja_fica: royale loses games at 35 plays
struct: yes you have that problem jolindien
jolindien: what is the solution ?
struct: I never asked robo
jolindien: more exploration during training or inline ?
ja_fica: In the offline training play it against regular MTCS as well instead of just nn vs nn
jolindien: I have to work on my UCT formula
jolindien: I don't like PUCT
jolindien: ja_fica, good idea
ja_fica: you have the transition probabilities as well?
jolindien: yes
ja_fica: PUCT may fives some advantages as you spare time using the last layer vector in the NN to get the transition probabilities
ja_fica: *may give
struct: this is my bot with 1000. exploration factor
struct: so its random
struct: but still has the tree
jolindien: problem with PUCT is that it gives too much priority to probabilities
jolindien: with small nn, my probas are not so reliables
ja_fica: yes you can add do a (x+p)/(1+x) to reduce the factor
jolindien: oh bad loose
struct: this one is worse
AllYourTrees: i think its just that the number of tree expansions on CG is so high that with lower puct constants, PUCt converges really quickly
jolindien: yeah I loose some games in 9 turn :)
ja_fica: basicly, the training fase you cannot just play against your better nn
jolindien: with an eval .98 ...
ja_fica: it will be blind to other bad plays
jolindien: it is the alpha0 algo
jolindien: but here again it is designed for really performant nn
AllYourTrees: its annoying how important the parameters for alphazero are
struct: I cant remember if robo uses 16 bits or 8
struct: I remember that he increased performance a lot
struct: I think it was from 32 bits to 16 bits
struct: But not the weights
struct: I dont know the term for it
JacobTheCoder: is it possible to shit
AllYourTrees: quantization
struct: Yeah I think that was it
ja_fica: he uses 8 bits
ja_fica: but floating 8 bits?
ja_fica: or integer 8 bits...
struct: well he uses avx I guess
struct: So it must be int8
ja_fica: has anyone though of using the neuralnetwork to just the UCT constant in each node?
ja_fica: to ajust*
ja_fica: it can only be trained using ARS but it seems worth it
jolindien: I saw a paper on that
jolindien: ARS ?
ja_fica: augmented random search
ja_fica: it works better then drl for many tasks
ja_fica: but like days difference better
ja_fica: in openAI gym there is an environment, bipedalWalkerV2 where ARS is around 10x faster to learn then the usual deep reinforcement learning algorithms
jolindien: would you have a ref ?
JacobTheCoder: i am super new to coding, dont know a single bit any suggestions on where i sohuld go?
ja_fica: I had a project to test it
ja_fica: JacobTheCoder, start with the puzzles in you most comforting programming language
ja_fica: I also developed a even faster version GRS - genetic random search
jolindien: thx !
_Royale: jolindien: MCTS with transpositions, NN with value/policy outputs (on Connect4, Othello, Yavalath and Oware)
jolindien: hi _Royale !
jolindien: transpositions ?
jolindien: do you mean for cache ?
jolindien: (for nn cache) ?
Chighsmith: how did you all learn to coode
struct: by doing
Chighsmith: here? or just working on projects?
struct: I learned quite a bit here
Chighsmith: i just seem a bit lost im a cs student and Im doing well in the classes it just seems hard to apply it
struct: Yeah, its not very beginner friendly
Chighsmith: I guess you feel bad at coding for a long time until one day you realize you don't lol
struct: How long have you been a cs student?
Chighsmith: about a year so im still intro but I dabbled in it in my last degree which brought me over to cs
struct: With 1 year I think you should be able to solve some puzzles
Chighsmith: Did you ever have a mentor or anybody to help you learn?
Chighsmith: I'll give that one a go
struct: no, but chat helps sometimes
_Royale: jolindien: transpositions for the nodes so I can reuse already explored sub-trees
jolindien: are you inspired by alpha0 too ?
_Royale: yes I did NN before but only for the value (like jacek)
struct: is your breakthrough bot NN?
_Royale: reCurse PM on last contest and Marchete motivated me to try harder with policy :-)
Marchete: :thumbsup:
jolindien: gg
_Royale: struct: on breakthrough I did logistic regression
struct: thanks
_Royale: and no policy
jolindien: Marchete did you see alpha zero pseudo code ?
jolindien: ( in additional material)
jolindien: it provides some parameters which are not in the paper
_Royale: yeah more parameters to tune \o/
jolindien: no policy ... so logistic regression on value ?
jolindien: -1 / 1
jolindien: I thought policy was more important with a large branching factor ...
Medoo: Good night everyone
C26_1: In Vietnam, this should be day not night so.............
Medoo: Well, its almost 4 am in here. Have a great day for you.
C26_1: Can I post a challenge in here
C26_1: Statement: John is a base analysis, he needs to make a program where he could take a number in his own notation and translate it into base 10
C26_1: <<Line 1:>> A variable "N" and base "B" with space seperated
C26_1: <<Line 2:>> An array contains N numbers in them
C26_1: Output description: A number in base 10
waffles: C26_1 is that a question?
Justin-Truong: How
VeilTape: str.maketrans is a useful trick
VeilTape: for shortest mode python
holyterror: hello
pythonforfun_2: VeilTape i was literally just talking about maketrans like 2 seconds ago