ProCoder03: not per move, totally in the game !!!
derjack: :upside_down:
Y.Srihari: Hi gayes
Y.Srihari: Can you help me
Y.Srihari: by deliting all
Y.Srihari: It is so dullcult
Y.Srihari: This is your hint
water_man: Which man has passed?Help me!Thanks!!!
water_man: This is my code.
water_man: I can not understand what should I need to do.
water_man: :grimacing:
Uljahn: modify your print like this: print(next_checkpoint_x, next_checkpoint_y, thrust)
derjack: alternatively, there is no " " between y and thrust
LaoFeng: Thanks very much
Uljahn: you could also use string interpolation like print(f"{x} {y} {t}")
akashhuyaar: from where should I start leaning algos ??
akashhuyaar: I mean practice not learning
darkhorse64: you could also look at what you emit and discover it is not consistent with the statement requirements. CG tells you that your output is incorrect. Listen
derjack: space shooter quadrapled users ~
It_potato: Hi guys
ProCoder03: how player do you need to open bronze league in a community multiplayer ??
Butanium: SDK question : Is there a difference between setVisible(false) and setAlpha(0) for entities ?
Butanium: I'm trying to reduce the amount of datas sent in the viewer
RickJ: @ProCoder03 Community games only habe wooden league, no matter how many players :/
RickJ: have*
RickJ: and @Butanium: Setting visible to false is faster - that way all event listeners are ignored
Arcadia17: Hi guys, I have a question. In the profile page there is a certification called "Coding speed". What does it depend on?
jdsigg: It is directly related to achievements completed in Clash Mode
CoonCoder: I think it is based on how fast you submit the solution
Arcadia17: Ok thank you
jdsigg: If you are on your main page, follow the clash of code tree and you'll see little "graduation caps" along its path. Hitting those goals helps you level that up
jdsigg: np
TimothyAlexisVass: T_T
MiyamuraIzumi: when can I gain grandmaster titile :(
MiyamuraIzumi: too far
smacker01: how do you even gain grandmaster title?
MiyamuraIzumi: I think around 40k CP
MiyamuraIzumi: Just feel unmotivated with writing simulation
MiyamuraIzumi: any tips?
dreadylein: tips about ? :)
MiyamuraIzumi: like improve speed to code a simulation
smacker01: i ma crafter and done nothing but clash of code what tip i can give u
dreadylein: repetion prettymuch :)
MiyamuraIzumi: It take me alot of time, that why I just feel lazy
dreadylein: it will get easier after a while
dreadylein: try to target something you like
dreadylein: maybe if you are someone that likes optimization, think about what parts could be done nicer while coding the base
MiyamuraIzumi: what part could be done nicer?
MiyamuraIzumi: like I am simulate Marlander for example => what par for this ?
MiyamuraIzumi: (I already finish ML, I just want to get some idea, as I take a lot of time for it, that why I just feel lazy after ML)
dreadylein: multiplayer challenges are nicer as you can work on it and see the benefits of optimization, but overall, trying to save the state of a simulation efficient, caching, math heavy paths, compare heavy paths, allocations (if you are using a managed language, gc pressure) etc
dreadylein: there is tons of stuff to toy around with :)
MiyamuraIzumi: I see, so It is actually finding the joy to optimize the simulation
MiyamuraIzumi: thank you
dreadylein: in the end its up to you, maybe you love to organize your code extremly tidy, maybe you are incredible competitive and just want to beat everyone else
dreadylein: prettymuch find fun in doing the boring stuff by thinking about howmuch realy cool stuff you can do with it in the end ;)
Butanium: thanks @rickj
MiyamuraIzumi: oh, actually "just want to beat everyone else" is my very goal, thank you dreadylein, I will keep that in mind for motivation :D
Justin-Truong: Space shooter is hard :grin:
Mohammed_Galal: Good afternoon guys
Uljahn: bot games are hard when you can't copy-paste a bot from github :smirk:
akashhuyaar: @Justin-Truong yeahhh
akashhuyaar: I can't even understand the problem statement
akashhuyaar: wtf is tick ???
Wontonimo: hey hey, great to see so many familiar people here !
PatrickMcGinnisII: damn, still need 111 xp to lvl
PatrickMcGinnisII: a puzzle a day keeps CoV away
Wontonimo: have you done unflood the world or the lucky number?
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm, haven't lucky number
Wontonimo: i don't think lucky number should be in "very hard". Maybe hard or medium.
PatrickMcGinnisII: 10^18....hmmm, yeah not that hard
Wontonimo: you may find this handy
PatrickMcGinnisII: looks like just a memoization puzzle
Wontonimo: and it isn't 10^18. It's more like 18
PatrickMcGinnisII: yup max loops are like 18*8=144
Wontonimo: I just turned off the memoization part of my solution and it still solves it in time. Actually
Wontonimo: without memoization it can solve the 'Biggest' test case in 0.0033 seconds
PatrickMcGinnisII: a(n) = 9^n - 8^n .. i don't get it
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh just combination
Wontonimo: for a number with n zeros, that is the number of combinations that has a 6 or an 8
Wontonimo: for 1000, there are 9^3-8^3 six's
Wontonimo: you can easily brute force the solution up to 10,000 which gives you a great unit test set ... 10,000 unit tests to be precise
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmmm, I think IP mask calc and Lucky number would get me closer to lvl the fastest, but still 1 puzzle short
PatrickMcGinnisII: I could just do an easy one in another lang
PatrickMcGinnisII: i think that gives more xp
PatrickMcGinnisII: *shrug*
Wontonimo: are you trying to get to lvl 40?
PatrickMcGinnisII: just 37 for now
PatrickMcGinnisII: been 36 for like ever
PatrickMcGinnisII: feels like
Wontonimo: do you get xp for doing the same puzzle in a different lang?
PatrickMcGinnisII: i think you get achievements, i dunno about base xp
PatrickMcGinnisII: Astrobytes ?
jdsigg: I believe solving a puzzle once gives you XP, and some puzzles have extra achievements like "solve in language <x>"
Separately, there are achievements for solving <n> puzzles with a language. For these, you can solve the same puzzle with two different languages to further both language challenges
Wontonimo: ^^ yeah, that is my understanding
darkhorse64: You get 75 XP for solving 15 puzzles in a given language
jdsigg: Horse-Racing Duals is an example of a puzzle with a special language achievement (I don't know if they differ per person, but I can get an extra 25xp for solving this particular puzzle in Bash)
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm, homepage shows languages...hmm says I've done 355 in PHP, 7 in java, and 1 in C++ lol
PatrickMcGinnisII: and says if I do 1 in java I'l level up, but I assume that is for an already unsolved puzzle
PatrickMcGinnisII: er 6 in java
Wontonimo: nope, you can solve the same puzzle in every lang to get the lang count
jdsigg: Check out my page. I mainly do JavaScript, but all other "solved 1 with language x" badges came from the same puzzle
(tried to solve one puzzle with all languages)
jdsigg: Only got big XP for the first solve, like Wontonimo mentions
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh +10xp for 1 puzz in a lang
darkhorse64: optims count as puzzles
darkhorse64: code golf too
jdsigg: Some languages translate quite nicely to others. Could be favorable to pick solutions to repeat in groupings!
I find JS, TS, Java, and Ruby are nice to transition between :)
darkhorse64: TS = JS with a twist
jdsigg: ^
jdsigg: or JS = TS :dizzy_face:
darkhorse64: I mean you can tell TS to use your JS code
PatrickMcGinnisII: number of 6's in 1 digits = 1 number of 6's in 19 digits = 1206736529597136217
PatrickMcGinnisII: tx Wontonimo that's kinda fun
Seiryn: TS = JS but more safely
darkhorse64: When I say TS = JS, I am referring to the fact that you can run JS under TS hood (unsafe mode ?) and farm achievement languages more easily
Wontonimo: :unamused:
Wontonimo: what's the point?
darkhorse64: farming
Wontonimo: sounds like work
darkhorse64: yeah, it's boring
darkhorse64: but it's here ...
Wontonimo: if i want to be bored I could just log off CG and actually get back to work
darkhorse64: With CoC, language achievements is the thing I least appreciated
darkhorse64: afk
Wontonimo: "Solve clashes with 3 different languages" - I forgot about this achievement
Wontonimo: the "win 3 games in a row" was the one I least appreciated. Made me not like CoC
PatrickMcGinnisII: the play 50 games sucked, now it wants 100
PatrickMcGinnisII: is there an achievement after 100?
Wontonimo: 500
PatrickMcGinnisII: no wonder people are trying to bot CoC
piratas: for me the hardest achievement was win 3 shortest clashes
piratas: after that i got almost everything without even doing it
PatrickMcGinnisII: damn, raining...was gonna cut the lawn
PatrickMcGinnisII: might finish these puzzles
Wontonimo: it's not raining here, so come on over and cut my lawn
Wontonimo: you'll have to watch for the dog bombs though
Wontonimo: gtg , see ya later
PatrickMcGinnisII: glhf
Aman918an: hi
Maazo_o: hi
PatrickMcGinnisII: 1 more puzzle done
Aman918an: how should i start
Aman918an: i am new
Aman918an: please help
Maazo_o: Are you here to learn coding for the first time?
Aman918an: yes
Cybertron415: anyone?
Aman918an: anyone please tell me how should i start coding for python
Mohammed_Galal: yeah sure Aman918an
end-y: find a project that u need and start coding
PatrickMcGinnisII: 1 more puzzle down
PatrickMcGinnisII: that's 3 today
PatrickMcGinnisII: 11 xp to lvl, sigh
eulerscheZahl: just create a game but keep it WIP for years. easily worth 3000 points
PatrickMcGinnisII: fer da votes?
eulerscheZahl: 10XP per upvote. 0 per downvote
PatrickMcGinnisII: lvl will have to wait, RL calling.
Westicles: must... not... level... him... up
PatrickMcGinnisII: don't worry, no one is catching up to you
Westicles: I meant it is hard to resist the urge to do it
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, i heard it in a classic capt. kirk voice
PatrickMcGinnisII: glhf...:pizza: :point_right:
Westicles: congrats
king_akshat: hii
Maazo_o: hola
Comrade_Thotsky: joe
jacek: :upside_down:
MiyamuraIzumi: goooooo
MiyamuraIzumi: :expressionless:
MiyamuraIzumi: :cooking:
eulerscheZahl: the chat is getting spammy, isn't it?
BlaiseEbuth: Ban everyone
eulerscheZahl: shall I start with you?
BlaiseEbuth: Do your job
BlaiseEbuth: Do what you must because you can
eulerscheZahl: i see my appearance on the chat as an official warning. further emoji spamming or similar will result in a kick
eulerscheZahl: only 4 mods online, 2 of which rarely show up on world
jacek: frog apperance on wednesdays is a tradition
eulerscheZahl: frog going to bed as well
eulerscheZahl: Astrobytes you are in charge of the trolls now
Astrobytes: I'm busy but pingable
Uljahn: Automaton2000: no fun allowed
Automaton2000: actually that long vertical line was "invented" by automatonnn
Astrobytes: :D
Astrobytes: That's a classic right there.
BlaiseEbuth: What line?
Wontonimo: Aman918an if you are learning python you may find this site useful
Wontonimo: This site is better once you know about concepts like: "if/then", "for", "arrays", "dictionaries", "functions", and "loops"
Astrobytes: You're a natural. Get on the standup circuit immediately.
Gvinfinity: lol, I actually laughed at this...
Astrobytes: Which part?
Ashraful: The website is behaving slowly
Ashraful: The progress bar fills up and goes down again
k2xl: clash of code broken?
Justin-Truong: really
Justin-Truong: Is there anyone free
Wontonimo: no one owns me
Wontonimo: arn't we all free?
Justin-Truong: Yeah
Wontonimo: nice
Wontonimo: do you want help with something?
Justin-Truong: Play codeescape
Wontonimo: no thanks
Justin-Truong: Ok
Justin-Truong: What is the best place to learn many language like you Wontonimo
Wontonimo: job dissatisfaction
Allison: ^ best encouragement to learn ever.
Wontonimo: seriously, when I'm not all that happy with what I'm doing at work I use that to look around at what interests me
Wontonimo: learn that in my spare time, try to weave it into my current job if possible, then take the plunge in a new position or job
Allison: Or when the company you work for completely screws you over? :P
Wontonimo: are you spying on me? :P
Justin-Truong: Oh I can't learn that method :grin:
Allison: Nah, just recently happened to me.
Wontonimo: okay, said another way that may apply to you Justin-Truong - each language has certain benefits. Embrace a new language for its benefits
Justin-Truong: Ok thanks :open_mouth:
Allison: Used to be in a super high stress/busy position at work that basically helped the company I work for do what it needed to do every night. They then said, hey, you can either go to this position that is a hell of a lot less stress, no longer doing what you're currently doing, and get paid more, or you can keep doing what you're doing, and then some, and get paid less. Whatcha want?
Justin-Truong: You guy all cool can learn from stress :scream:
Allison: More like anger/job dissatisfaction, like Wontonim said.
Justin-Truong: Thanks all
Wontonimo: learn one language really well first
RoyGerman: is this website better than leetcode ?
Wontonimo: i don't go to leetcode. this site has BOT BATTLES !
Justin-Truong: Just in bot programe
Justin-Truong: Leetcode is nice to
Justin-Truong: too
Wontonimo: yeah, i was able to improve my Space Shooter bot
Wontonimo: finally broke into the top 20
Wontonimo: using .... wait for it ... ** PID Controllers **
Allison: PID controllers =/= healthy. :P
Justin-Truong: yeah I just use wait and i got to top8 in wood 2
Wontonimo: what? oh come on Allison
Allison: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Wontonimo: oh, you got into GOLD today
Wontonimo: but your bot is now broken because there are 2 pods and you are not reading the input correctly
Allison: Yeah, it literally went Bronze -> Silver -> Gold all within an hour or two.
Justin-Truong: so fast
Allison: Yeah, been working on fixing it and it currently errors out.
Allison: It's all Wont's fault. >___<'
Wontonimo: there is a circle arrow in the upper right hand corner
Wontonimo: click that to get the new default code
Wontonimo: then you can access your old code in the history
Allison: Yeah, just working on parsing it through, since I'm kind of refactoring it at the same time.
Wontonimo: the new code is just boilerplate code but will actually read the data properly
Allison: He like... slammed my face into a rough understanding of PID controllers.
Allison: I'm just having issues with how I'm refactoring it and kind of throw it at a wall for now to fester while I think about it.
Wontonimo: just start with getting the code to aim the pods directly at the checkpoint and submit that
Wontonimo: it will surely do better than the current code that errors out
Allison: Truuuue. Will definitely jump at least a few hundred places, since right now everyone else I'm around is also just erroring.
Allison: Omg... I just figured out *why* it was erroring.
Wontonimo: and why?
Allison: Wasn't initializing a variable.
Wontonimo: i'm waiting for you to submit :sleeping:
Allison: Patience young skywalker. :D
Allison: I may have figured out why it was erroring, but I still need to figure out some other things.
Allison: And promptly broken again. :D
jdsigg: Any tips on the problem "Heart of the City" ?
I have a solution that is not efficient enough. It is correct, but not valid for massive inputs. Would welcome a discussion
Wontonimo: oh wow, i got 7th in space shooter :O
Wontonimo: sure, let me take a look jdsigg
jdsigg: cool cool
Wontonimo: it definitely is a pattern
Wontonimo: how are you solving it (high level, don't paste code plz)
Wontonimo: what i can tell right off is that you only see 1 builting NSEW no matter the size
jdsigg: Sure. I have recognized that once I see a vector branching from the origin to a point, I can no longer see a vector with that same slope
So, basically, iterate over all possible vectors in one quadrant, use a set to track the slopes, the size of the set after this represents the number of buildings in one quadrant I can see. size*4 + 4 (one for each cardinal direction) is the answer
Wontonimo: and that the 4 corners are just mirrors of eachother, so there is only a point of solving 1 and then *4
jdsigg: Sounds like we are saying the same thing. The problem with my approach is definitely the "iterate over all vectors in a single quadrant"
Wontonimo: okay, so you have a brute force solution that works up to what size?
jdsigg: First four test cases pass. Test case 5 is first failure: 999999
jdsigg: Time out error, not incorrect answer
Wontonimo: test 4 is 33. Okay, so you can do up to 33 which means you have from 1 to 33 that you can generate all the answers to as unit tests for once we uncover the "magic" solution
Wontonimo: Can you also generate pictures like the example? Could you generate a picture for n=11 for us and paste it here?
jdsigg: Sure. Give me a sec
Wontonimo: :thumbsup:
Wontonimo: if you can replace B with "." that would be better
jdsigg: sounds good
jdsigg: Standard Output Stream:
jdsigg: Here is the upper right quadrant
jdsigg: For N = 33, also
jdsigg: Standard Output Stream:
Wontonimo: just a sec
jdsigg: no rush
Wontonimo: okay ... interesting. could you also print out the answers for 1,3,5,7 ... 33
jdsigg: Standard Output Stream:
jdsigg: That ok?
Wontonimo: oh, sorry, i should have been more specific. i meant the output. like n=3 answer=8
jdsigg: No problem. One sec
SlumDawgg: has anyone solved "the lucky number" in java? i havent found any solution that has passed all test cases
jdsigg: Standard Output Stream:
jdsigg: SlumDawgg that is also a problem I am struggling with because of runtime
SlumDawgg: yeah, those last two cases are unsolvable imo, ive tried literally everything in Java
SlumDawgg: even using Big Integer class
jdsigg: I don't think brute force is the approach. There is a pattern of sorts. Probably something Number Theory wise
Wontonimo: yeah i solved lucky number
Wontonimo: you may find this link useful for lucky number
Wontonimo: hint, for a number for 16 digits, it is solvable with 16 iterations. For the hardest test case my python code takes less than 0.004 seconds
jdsigg: Gonna take a break for the evening on this one. Might be good to sleep on it
Thanks for the extra set of eyes Wontonimo. Feel free to pm me if you have thoughts
jdsigg: Tried fitting it with a regression btw. No luck
Wontonimo: well, that puzzle has me stumped tbh
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm, someone pushed me over the lvl 37