hinammmm: hi guys
sad_nigglet: sad
sad_nigglet: need some friend :(
eulerscheZahl: word unknown. Did you mean "frontend"?
hinammmm: i can your friend, but i not good at english
hinammmm: some one else can add friend me in fb
grindy: hi
AliRazzaghi: hi
AliRazzaghi: i'm gay
grindy: ?
grindy: ?
UnidentifiedX: hi gay, I'm dad
grindy: stop
Naknik: anyone remembers the name of the challenge where there's a string like '5+4' and you have to output 9?
Husoski: Naknik: "Order of Oopserations!" is like that, but with a custom order of operations. That's a nice touch since it tends to defeat using things like Python's eval() to avoid writing code. Listed as "Hard", but it's easier than many "Medium" challenges.
sad_nigglet: does anyone know how to optimize this: check if there exists a number x such that x^x + x = n, where n is a big integer
java_coffee_cup: find root n, which is a good appropriation of x
java_coffee_cup: add something to x to find the correct x
java_coffee_cup: approximation
Westicles: which root?
java_coffee_cup: root of n
Westicles: sqrt?
java_coffee_cup: y
java_coffee_cup: mis-read the question
java_coffee_cup: it was x^, sqrt does not work here
TobiasA: i got promoted to master:sunglasses:
TobiasA: the breeze up here is so nice
Akshei: Cannot we just make x^x + x - n = 0 and try to calcualte delta?
TobiasA: use quadratic formula
java_coffee_cup: you are same as me -> x^x is not x^2
Akshei: ouch, you're right
TobiasA: facts my bad
Akshei: cannot we root to the power of x?
Akshei: and just make special case where n == 2
TobiasA: that equation is true assuming n is a multiple of 6
TobiasA: or 2
TobiasA: no nvm
TobiasA: if n is even then there exists a number that satisfies that equation
TobiasA: i finally got it:runner:
TobiasA: who?
Haftbefehl: the azzlack from frankfurt
TobiasA: ok
TobiasA: what's azzlack
Haftbefehl: and we are the biggest in germany
TobiasA: sheesh
Haftbefehl: you can google azzlacks
TobiasA: really?
martinpapa69: "Herr Haftbefehl , owner of Azzlack Gmbh, the biggest music label company in Germany"
martinpapa69: ye it looks like he is not lying
Haftbefehl: I make gangster music
TobiasA: well congrats on being you
Haftbefehl: thanks and what is your job?
TobiasA: i don't have one
TobiasA: i dunno
milf_hunter_69_gg: i need help
milf_hunter_69_gg: hafti abi
milf_hunter_69_gg: ich liebe dich
Junior.18: with what do u need help
Haftbefehl: Was wissen MCs schon von Haram Massari? Fick ihre Mütter, verpass ihnen Narben mit der scharfen Maché Schreib den Text während der halbe Block wartet bis der- kracht Zwölfhundert Gramm Schnuff im Dickdarm vom Nigerian
milf_hunter_69_gg: null sechs neun
Haftbefehl: ich ficke deine tante
Ricos.eltern.sind.Geschwister: ricos eltern sind geschwister
Haftbefehl: Ich bin wieder am Block, denk nicht, ich liebe den Job
milf_hunter_69_gg: hahahahahahaha
maximssis69: alle die das lesen sind keks
Junior.18: i wanna fuck all of u
milf_hunter_69_gg: ich will ein kind von dir
milf_hunter_69_gg: sippi
milf_hunter_69_gg: nutööö
lucaderhund: noel steht auf kinderpornos
Ricos.eltern.sind.Geschwister: d
Ricos.eltern.sind.Geschwister: d
Ricos.eltern.sind.Geschwister: d
Haftbefehl: Nix mit Hollywood Frankfurt Brudi
Haftbefehl: Amina kodum es geht um schwarze Porsches mit den magnum Motors
milf_hunter_69_gg: ich steh mit rücken an der wand
Haftbefehl: Wie er grade Nasen snifft
Haftbefehl: farid ist mein bruder
Westicles: ich bin ein berliner
Haftbefehl: berlin cöp frankfurt cho
KeeN: ништяк
AntiSquid: quite lively in here
captnBill: :eye:_:eye:
Astrobytes: base
Astrobytes: eg. binary = base 2, decimal = base 10, hex base 16 etc
Astrobytes: yeah
MSmits: hi Astrobytes
MSmits: I finished an article last saturday
MSmits: finally
Astrobytes: hey MSmits, caught ya finally. Didn't pick your message up til far too late
MSmits: it was late
Astrobytes: I picked it up about 4 hours after that lol
MSmits: lol
MSmits: I think the article is not easy to understand. I underestimated how complicated it actually is to generate endgame books
Astrobytes: Still haven't read it properly, just had a quick look - looks very in depth, you put some work into it!
MSmits: thats what happens when you gradually code something, you forget how complicated the whole thing is.
Astrobytes: This is very true.
MSmits: thanks, anyone who is serious about doing it should get some value from it i think
Astrobytes: Yeah, you seem to have covered all the required parts anyway
Astrobytes: I'll finish reading it later today hopefully
MSmits: sure, let me know if any part is unclear. The index function is hardest to explain.
MSmits: they also have them for checkers and chess and they are tough
Astrobytes: Yeah I've come across them previously
MSmits: I managed to do it for checkers too, but i quickly learned it's useless for CG
MSmits: takes too long to generate and too much space to hardcode it
MSmits: 3 pieces max if you're really good
Astrobytes: jeez, hardly worth it really
MSmits: yea
Astrobytes: How long did the article take you btw?
MSmits: I am guessing a total of 4 hrs, mostly because i had to do some coding to change from my own bot
MSmits: the writing was fast
MSmits: my own bot has a lot of peculiarities i dont want to confuse people with
Astrobytes: Yeah, I mean you've been pretty involved with the whole thing, you could probably present lectures on it by now :)
MSmits: I can easily do lectures on any of these games I've been obsessed with. Kinda comes naturally when you have my job :P
Astrobytes: Good point :D
MSmits: this is my first workweek btw, i am a bit lucky
AntiCheap: anyone got suggestions for the resistance
MSmits: only teaching one morning, other than that some meetings
MSmits: cuz i am not mentoring any classes
Astrobytes: Nice! Sure it'll get busier soon enough
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: have to brush up on SQL
Astrobytes: that won't take long, it's like writing English sentences
MSmits: only done SQL in the context of internet security, so injection
MSmits: yeah it wont be hard, it's just a bit of a boring subject to me
Astrobytes: I liked relational db theory
MSmits: whats that
Astrobytes: relational algebra and stuff
Astrobytes: SQL is like an abstraction of that
MSmits: oh I see
AntiCheap: lol I didn't see it was shortest mode hahaha
BobbyAt: when working on a learning algorithm, is there any way to save training data between play throughs?
BobbyAt: Would be super slick to have some sort of scratch space for each user, or a small database to store stuff.
Astrobytes: No, you have to download replay data yourself, or generate it offline
Astrobytes: when it comes to NNs etc, everything is done offline, then you upload your bot code with the weights you've obtained
BobbyAt: for downloading replay data is it just per play through?
BobbyAt: As in from the game information section of the ide?
Astrobytes: Easier to use the unofficial API
Astrobytes: I recommend reading this:
Astrobytes: You're welcome
pumpkin-sweet: Who can teach me C++?
Uljahn: can't you learn it yourself (in 21 days)?
BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES: what are some good resources for learning c++?
jdsigg: Looking more for learning syntax? Or making a small project
jdsigg: Can always just do a beginner coding course somewhere. I've used Sololearn to gather basics on languages before
jdsigg: For C++ they have basic stuff and then accelerate into more complex OOP topics
ludowsky: Hi all. Does someone know how to complete the "Budding examiner" familly of achievements? I do not understand the "Participate x times in the ranking of puzzle solutions.".
eulerscheZahl: 1. solve a puzzle
eulerscheZahl: 2. the website shows you 2 solutions that you shall rank (which is better / more readable / whatever)
eulerscheZahl: vote for one of them
ludowsky: I see thank you.
BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES: thanks jdsigg i'll give it a look
derjack: oh my, the oware will be the most researched game on CG i think
eulerscheZahl: what about chess?
eulerscheZahl: (in terms of time invested, not successfully solving it)
derjack: are there any articles on chess on cg?
eulerscheZahl: no?
eulerscheZahl: you said "most researched on CG", not "researched by CG members"
derjack: welp i meant people putting effort
derjack: on CG
eulerscheZahl: is that playground new? probably with only 52 views
Astrobytes: As of the weekend, yes.
derjack: now wait till people combine nn and endgames
derjack: that would be a enndgame for oware
Astrobytes: I see what you did there.
eulerscheZahl: i'm rolling my eyes already
biwanari: hi any tips on how generate shadow ascii character?
TobiasA: you guys i made it to gold yesterday in uttt
TobiasA: it turns out all i needed was that pragma stuff
BlaiseEbuth: Hey there.
LuaCultist: anyone else doing clash of code during class
BlaiseEbuth: Can somebody confirm me that the "last battles" tab doesn't update without being closed/re-opened in multi?
martinpapa69: its working fine for me
BlaiseEbuth: 'k. So I probably have a bad interaction with a ff extension. thx
AllYourTrees: it happens to me in chrome sometimes
AllYourTrees: ive also been having issues with CoC not putting me in once it starts
BlaiseEbuth: Well... Seems to work now. Without changing anything.
ja_fica: BlaiseEbuth yes it happens to me as well
ja_fica: in learderboard section it need to reopen, in code section it does not need to reopen
ja_fica: at least for the other players
Wontonimo: congrats on getting to gold TobiasA!
TobiasA: thanks:smiley:
ikustom: I haven't coded in so long..
ikustom: I am so bad at coding..
martinpapa69: dont worry dude there will be moments when you feel like a programmer-god
michaellan: yeah but those moments dont last for long
jacek: oh my
Marchete: 5 minutes, top
michaellan: oh, congrats TobiasA
michaellan: road to legend :)
BlaiseEbuth: Gold on what?
TobiasA: thanks
TobiasA: toetactic ultimate
eulerscheZahl: i don't think anyone ever congratulated me on reaching gold :(
TobiasA: congrats eulerscheZahl
eulerscheZahl: thanks \o/
BlaiseEbuth: You're only gold eulerscheZahl?! Fix it!
eulerscheZahl: ezpz
BlaiseEbuth: Use my starter
eulerscheZahl: there are some games where i'm only in wood
AllYourTrees: lol noob
AllYourTrees: if you want to be #1 on this site you have to get out of wood leagues!
eulerscheZahl: petition for higher leagues on community games
AllYourTrees: +1
eulerscheZahl: at least I got an :eyes: on my feature request
eulerscheZahl: "Feature request: on a puzzle overview page with a viewer (like the current puzzle of the week): move the replay above the statement. It's so much more telling about what's going on than a lengthy block of text."
AllYourTrees: is it possible to upvote it somehow?
eulerscheZahl: go to discord and react with :plus:
BlaiseEbuth: No need. It's not a priority anyway...
eulerscheZahl: but i think it shouldn't be too hard to implement (we never know, sometimes those seemingly easy changes aren't that simple)
BlaiseEbuth: You don't get what I said. No matter the difficulty, the cost or what else. It's not a priority.
AllYourTrees: what are the priorities?
eulerscheZahl: CG escape
BlaiseEbuth: Money
eulerscheZahl: CG for work stuff
BlaiseEbuth: :money_mouth:
eulerscheZahl: if it only takes 10 minutes to change and doesn't turn into a lengthy discussion if it should or should not be changed in the first place, it might happen. we'll see
eulerscheZahl: still waiting for an easy way to spot timeouts :(
BlaiseEbuth: Priority: CGEscape > CG for works >>> Things THEY want add to CG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Community requests.
eulerscheZahl: i know my place
eulerscheZahl: but thanks for the reminder
BlaiseEbuth: You're welcome.
eulerscheZahl: the bug i reported last week (solutions not getting published anymore) is already fixed btw
BlaiseEbuth: Of course. 'cause that could be a problem for their BEAUTIFUL and USEFUL new feature of solutions review.
eulerscheZahl: :salt:
BlaiseEbuth: Not because you have pretty eyes.
Westicles: that was a regression
BlaiseEbuth: hm?
Westicles: regressions always get fixed quickly, since it is possible to actually track down the specific guy who broke it
BlaiseEbuth: Theory...
BlaiseEbuth: For instance, languages that don't work anymore are also regressions but take months to be fixed, if they are.
Westicles: Well, you can blame those on language updates, so the responsibility is outside the organization
BlaiseEbuth: Making the updates is a decision from inside the organization. (I'm speaking about CG)
eulerscheZahl: or the tensorflow digit recognition puzzle
eulerscheZahl: it was broken after language update so CG just removed it completely
BlaiseEbuth: And languages already broke without language update.
Westicles: It is a rich tapestry :P
Westicles: euler you were right, my Abusing the system contrib no longer works after the last update
Westicles: C#, kotlin, ruby, and scala all died
eulerscheZahl: c# died but no and F#?
Westicles: Oh, those were the two I never figured out in the first place
jacek: what you didnt figure out
Westicles: how to launch them from bash
jacek: oh my
trulynameless.: now that's a lotta damage
jacek: ohai
jacek: :+1:
trulynameless.: c is a good language lol
trulynameless.: but i like c# better
karter1231211: hey
Illedan: Hi
jacek: :tada:
Mahin1729: yo
charqwer: hello
Mahin1729: :)
Mahin1729: >:(
Mahin1729: <(")
Mahin1729: 🐧
BlaiseEbuth: Kick incoming...
Astrobytes: Chat is great as usual I see.
BlaiseEbuth: So much much
michaellan: hihihi
michaellan: bob
BlaiseEbuth: bob?
LittleFlea: CSB was great for new user. which online game should i try next .code 4 clash need a loooot of work before being able to work.i'd like something that i can try quite soon
BlaiseEbuth: Tron
LittleFlea: will check .thx
Wontonimo: :wave:
BlaiseEbuth: Wontoniyo
Wontonimo: hey BlaiseEbüth
Wontonimo: i notice that some people don't use others actual name. I've just been copying that. Is there anything behind it? or is it just so that the other doesn't see red?
BlaiseEbuth: To avoid ping, yes.
LittleFlea: and i was wondering if i called my own name LittleFlea, would i see it red.
LittleFlea: nope.
Wontonimo: i sent you a pm LittleFlee
BlaiseEbuth: Caribou conspiracy! :scream:
Wontonimo: Tuque wearing conspirators even
LemonPi314: do you ever spend hours wondering why your code isn't working until you realize that you're reversing the list wrong?
LemonPi314: this has happened to me too many times than I care to admit, using list.sort(reversed=True) instead of list[::-1] lol (python)
Wontonimo: ;)
Link_jon: that feels awefully familar
ProCoder03: "c# died but no and F#?" , what does euler means by C# is died :scream:
ProCoder03: ikt its a 9hr old message
Westicles: We were talking about a contribution
pythonbro: does anyone know how many problems are in coc?
Westicles: Around 1379, but 103 have been deactivated by the mod bot