Tubbo_: hello
Tubbo_: do you any of you people do c programming
Tubbo_: ?
ProCoder03: was learning
Tubbo_: cool
ProCoder03: ??
Tubbo_: ik I'm sad ;-;
Tubbo_: anyway goodbye I am leaving this world
ProCoder03: :scream::thinking:
KiwiTae: see you o/
KiwiTae: world chat right? lo
KiwiTae: i do C too
Westicles: too late, he ded
Jumong: hey
Phoenix.: hello everyone
ericlovesmath: When I'm doing leetcode problems in Python, should I preallocate lists for Python just for readability / easier to translate to other languages?
ericlovesmath: Yes I'm aware that in Python this is pointless
derjack: huh? martinpapa69 didnt submit to oware in over 24h :o
ProCoder03: Can someone explain Chuck Norris,
ProCoder03: please???
culetto: How do I change my programming language in Clash of Code?
Uljahn: there is a drop-down menu at the top-left of IDE
ZywOo: use google chrome and click "translate this page"
culetto: Awesome, thanks Uljahn
derjack: :thinking:
darkhorse64: For those interested in the Sogeti contest,
Razor.Blaze7: hey guys is this supposed to be helpful for absolute beginners?
Razor.Blaze7: it sent me to a clash of code that i knew absolutely nothing about and i just typed "what the heck is this bruh"
MSmits: how come you don't know that bredda?
Razor.Blaze7: i don't know anything about coding and i thought i could start learning here
MSmits: ahh
MSmits: well
MSmits: you can learn here
MSmits: but not from 0
MSmits: it is expected you know the basics
MSmits: like, loops, conditions, functions and the syntax of at least 1 language\
derjack: oh my
Razor.Blaze7: where did you guys learn this stuff?
MSmits: i taught myself while modding games mostly
Razor.Blaze7: outside of school or college i mean
MSmits: but there's easier ways than that
MSmits: tons of free python courses out there
MSmits: or some other language
Razor.Blaze7: kinda wanted some recommendations to learn python from scratch but i guess i'll google it
Wontonimo: oh, there is another python thing here
Wontonimo: which is really nice practice
ansh10121012: sorry I am not good in touch typing
Wontonimo: ok
derjack: :(
ProCoder03: Ig you are not calculating the new position of thor as he moves
AlexandrPetreniuk: Yes, thanks, my bad
ProCoder03: your welcome
Meksandor: :grinning:
WakimMRT: my home is nigthtime
tealfrog: Any hint where can I find full info on regexp ranges? Is it asci order?
tealfrog: I am surprised [0-z] range in python includes :;<=>?@[\\]^_`
Xaniouks: Part of regular ASCII table
Xaniouks: nothing surprising as 0 - z is 48 - 122
tealfrog: My intention is to match [a-zA-Z0-9], no underscore hence I cannot use \w
gilufin: you can use the i flag
tealfrog: It is clear from ASCI table, I was looking into string.printable which is not in ASCI order
tealfrog: thanks gilufin
tealfrog: and Xanioks
Natekrth: Help
Silambarasan_RD: Hello
Silambarasan_RD: It seems something wrong with "MANHATTAN with another ASCII representation" test case
Silambarasan_RD: when I try to console.log the 'ROW' variable inside the loop, the printed letters are not correct.
Silambarasan_RD: did someone face the same issue?
KiwiTae: Silambarasan_RD fix your code o/ its working fine
Silambarasan_RD: Not sure, what do you mean to fix? FYI I'm using javascript "readline()"
Uljahn: inputs can't be incorrect, probably you've misunderstood the task
Uljahn: i recall how i failed the first attempt to the puzzle with hardcoding all the ascii arts lol
Silambarasan_RD: Yes, I understand. but I'm not hardcoding.
Silambarasan_RD: Is it possible to share screenshot here?
KiwiTae: share your code its easier~
KiwiTae: or imgur for images
Uljahn: your debug output is too large
Uljahn: so some part of it is skipped
Silambarasan_RD: okay, thanks. Let me check.
Silambarasan_RD: yup, I finished it :innocent:
KiwiTae: gg
Lisa-Has-Ideas: Hey -- Question:
Lisa-Has-Ideas: These are such good learning exercises, but there are lots I can't finish in 15 minutes. Is there a way I can continue on after the 15 minutes... for no points/credit/whatever... just so I can finish ??
Wontonimo: nope
Wontonimo: just do challenges instead
Wontonimo: like these
Wontonimo: no time limit
Plink: @Lisa-Has-Ideas there is
Plink: You can get them all under contributions
Plink: Or search them all here:
Plink: Which links to their contributions page
eulerscheZahl: a surprise ping. hi
Lisa-Has-Ideas: Cool. Thanks so much
FlatSaxophone_d99a: :skull::skull:
xxd: get back to work
FlatSaxophone_d99a: I just won a coding match
xxd: thats great
FlatSaxophone_d99a: In Codechef
xxd: see above comment
FlatSaxophone_d99a: That's a contest
Plink: @eulerscheZahl ha. It's a good page, I get a fair bit of use from it. Thanks!
Wontonimo: watch your language FlatSaxophone_d99a, Br* is not server approved slang on this site. One more offence and I'll throw a taco at you
FlatSaxophone_d99a: Ok Sir no problem
xxd: currently trying to solve The barnyard using np.linalg. will be super satisfied if this works
KiwiTae: >< anyone else got the Congrats youre in top3 of sogeti contest email :joy:
eulerscheZahl: oh nice. can you claim your prize now?
eulerscheZahl: did the use the BCC at least?
KiwiTae: :joy: i didnt submit a bot ~ they failed the mailing header maybe
eulerscheZahl: is there a link where you can order the headphones?
eulerscheZahl: when CG sends tshirt links, it's the same for all 20 winners
KiwiTae: no just the header is wrong ~ the content is telling me "Whilst the prizes may not be in sight this time, Sogeti are always on the lookout for future stars."
RoboStac: yeah, I got an email with that subject too. Contents were correct though saying I hadn't won a prize
KiwiTae: gathering training data is time consuming :( so lazy
reCurse: That's why it's the most important part
Wontonimo: FlatSaxophone_d99a has been rather abusive in private chat
reCurse: Bye
Wontonimo: oh, and here too it seems
reCurse: Sadly not abusing me in private chat
Wontonimo: lol
Wontonimo: o/
1needl3rn: i need help im playing the descent and i need destroy mountains
xxd: np.linalg.solve is a godsend
Wontonimo: what programming language are you using?
Wontonimo: sorry, that's a no go for me
1needl3rn: which language is better
reCurse: If you can't solve descent chances are you need to learn programming basics elsewhere
reCurse: This is more of an exercise website than a learning one
Wontonimo: look for a basic course (free) that covers if / while / for / functions
Wontonimo: and arrays
1needl3rn: I'm looking at what to study and never in my life have I programmed anything, and I wanted to see what it is like ...
Shorre: What kinds of things are you interested in programming?
1needl3rn: more than anything games
Shorre: Well the two most common programming languages in games are probably C# and C++
Wontonimo: have you coded anything at
Wontonimo: i know it isn't "real" programming, but it has all the basics
Wontonimo: if it is your first week of coding, it's worth checking it out then moving onto go, java, c++, python, javascript
Wontonimo: it'll give you a visual of whats going on
1needl3rn: Which one would you recommend
Husoski: I semi-disagree. The Easy puzzles are a good place for beginners to build skills. But yeah, CG is certainly not W3Schools!
Shorre: Youre going to get a different answer from pretty much anyone you ask
Wontonimo: to start, i'd recommend the language that you have a couple friends who also are learning. failing that, the language that you can find a good teacher/ mentor
ConnorKrakosky: just use basic. it's called basic because it's easy
MForoutan: david david ooo sss aaa
Xaniouks: I think I found a bug in scrabble :/ test 8 has two possible solutions, whereas I have the other as the one that is checked.
Xaniouks: in the dictionary, both napster and pastern are present, which both have the same letters and thus value.
Xaniouks: Ah, it says so in the rules :/
jrke: read rules
jrke: `If two words win the same number of points, then the word which appears first in the order of the given dictionary should be chosen.`
jrke: np
jacek: who reads the rules ~
reCurse: Is anyone interested in chess bot games? Wondering if I should keep posting games from my bot I find interesting or not.
jacek: talkchess doesn't have that?
reCurse: I don't know anyone there
jacek: post here anyway
jacek: we lost you in that chess hole, so this is a way to stay with us
jrke: is there 100% accurate chess solver exists?
Louzy: yes
reCurse: Didn't give a damn about being down material the whole game
reCurse: Eval was positive all the way
reCurse: This is so much harder than anything I've done on CG
jacek: no opening?
dbdr: jrke, no, chess is not a solved game
Arteries: nice, did you use machine learning?
reCurse: Yeah
reCurse: It's the main reason I'm doing this
reCurse: Tinyzero
Arteries: that was a pretty impressive game
reCurse: I'll send the compliments to my bot
Arteries: like deepmind vs stockfish with two bishops
Arteries: lol :)
jacek: will you ever submit it to cg
reCurse: Hm
reCurse: Ever is a long time so I'll say yes
jrke: that was a great bot
FalINTOblivion0112: wait you guys use lichess
FalINTOblivion0112: i love lichess
reCurse: Thanks
reCurse: I really enjoy watching the games
reCurse: Not sure what it's up to most of the time
dbdr: reCurse, is lichess a good platform for bots?
dbdr: if I see correctly, your bot is solving some puzzles but not playing official matches?
reCurse: Oops had no idea I did some stuff on that account
dbdr: :D
reCurse: I only posted there so it's easier to watch
reCurse: No bot activity, not my main account, etc.
dbdr: ok
reCurse: I play matches locally with 1sec/move
reCurse: I don't think it's a good platform for bots because it runs on the player's hardware
reCurse: So who knows what's actually powering it
reCurse: But otherwise it's the best platform yes
reCurse: My only gripe is they GPL'd instead of MIT'd so I can't use any of their code :/
Astrobytes: Nice game man :)
dbdr: you can use it, you just can't redistribute it
reCurse: Yeah and then will come the time maybe I want to show something
reCurse: Out of principle I just never use GPL
reCurse: I mean libraries ofc
reCurse: Thx Astrobytes
dbdr: you would want to include some of their code into your bot?
dbdr: which part is useful?
reCurse: The frontend
reCurse: I was considering using their chessboard for visualization
reCurse: But it's gpl so
reCurse: I found alternatives just not as nice
jrke: btw in cpp does vector[i] works?
jrke: or i have to do
Astrobytes: [i] works
Maxim251: How I can include time to count how long take function to proceed?
Maxim251: Nice wuld be get example
jrke: in c++
jrke: here is my timeout class
jrke: headers -
jrke: #include <chrono>
ESilguero24: can someone help me figure out how to make the pod thing display a message
jrke: ESilguero24 just add the text after your command
martinpapa69: if(duration.count() > MAX_USE_TIME) return false;
return true;
martinpapa69: wow
martinpapa69: return duration.count() < MAX_USE_TIME
jrke: i created this class long ago
Astrobytes: martinpapa69: he's 14 ;)
reCurse: That's a very minor thing to nitpick about
ESilguero24: jrke what would that look like?
ESilguero24: I'm using python btw
martinpapa69: stuff like this rly hurt my eyes sry
jrke: ESilguero24 print(x, y, thrust, textMessage)
MSmits: i did that stuff like a year ago
ESilguero24: would the message be in quotations?
MSmits: if(a) return true else return false
MSmits: never realized i could just directly return the boolean expression
MSmits: until someone pointed it out
martinpapa69: ye every1 did that, but after few months, years in programming you find it ugly
MSmits: the point is not finding it ugly or not
MSmits: the point is realizing there's an alternative
MSmits: tons of things are ugly and have no alternative
martinpapa69: the other thing i love to see:
martinpapa69: if(a > b) b = a;
MSmits: whats wrong with that
martinpapa69: a = max(a, b)
martinpapa69: i mean
MSmits: sure if thats all you're doing
martinpapa69: b = max(a, b) :D
jrke: b = max(a, b)
jrke: yeah
reCurse: I usually spare my rage for stuff that actually makes no sense
reCurse: :P
MSmits: like pie rule
herosnowman: god I need to up my wpm
Astrobytes: Your method names trigger me MSmits
MSmits: ah, they're usually not that bad
Astrobytes: ThisIsTheMethodThatDoesTheSameAsTheOneAboveButSlightlyDifferent()
Astrobytes: :D
MSmits: I only have 1 like that and it's because i ran out of descriptive names :P
martinpapa69: noo i worked at a company, every1 coded like that
martinpapa69: ThisMethodAddsTwoIntegersUp
Astrobytes: ugh
dbdr: what code from MSmits are you reading Astrobytes?
Astrobytes: lol, it was from a while back
Astrobytes: it was worse than structs function parameters
Astrobytes: Can't remember what it was for
MSmits: D&B
reCurse: The one time I show code here and I get crap for my trap function, I know better now ;)
jacek: welp
MSmits: no longer using that anymore though
MSmits: it's totally bitboarded now, no more graph stuff
Astrobytes: the void pointer one?
reCurse: y
Astrobytes: I got no issue with that :D
martinpapa69: sometimes you just have to use void*
reCurse: There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's code. And PHP programmers.
dbdr: nice :D
Astrobytes: lol
dbdr: being intolerant of their poor choice of language is fine, though ;)
jacek: what about html programmers
martinpapa69: html what ?
Astrobytes: back in your box jacek
jacek: :upside_down:
martinpapa69: oh im too tired to recognize trolls
reCurse: jacek-in-the-box?
Astrobytes: heh indeed
jacek: martinpapa69 you havent submitted your bots in 2 days. what happened
martinpapa69: im working on quantized inference
xxd: for ultimate tic-tac-toe, where is validActionCount documented?
xxd: (wood league)
Astrobytes: Documented? It's the number of valid actions...
xxd: yeah but is it like a random number etc
xxd: nevermind i'll figure it out
jacek: Next validActionCount lines: 2 space separated integers row and col, the coordinates you're allowed to play at.
jacek: in the... statement :o
xxd: yeah but what is the valid range of numbers
jacek: [0..8]
xxd: oh nice, so one can just win on the first turn possibly?
jacek: or [0..2] for wood league
xxd: that would be me :sunglasses:
jacek: this is just list of valid actions you can choose at random.
xxd: oh i completely misunderstood
jacek: or see if your game simulation is correct
Astrobytes: No. You can only play a single action per turn. the given valid actions are the range of valid actions you can choose from.
xxd: oh god
xxd: i cant read
xxd: please forgive me
jacek: never
xxd: nooooo
Astrobytes: 1000 Hail Knuths and a week off CG for you
MaXsTyLe: фвфв
Maxim251: Thank You for timeout class. Its simple and do what I want
Noxious12: hello y'all
TobiasA: :wave:
xxd: i want to try writing a MCTS but i do not know how long it will take to implement
xxd: i have never written one before
xxd: how long can i expect it to take?
martinpapa69: my first one took a lot. you write simetingm it looks like its working, but its actually not
martinpapa69: and you just cant find out why
Astrobytes: Pointer issues, sign errors in backprop, general weirdness :)
martinpapa69: :thumbsup:
xxd: what level of math would be recommended?
martinpapa69: there is only 1 line of "math" in the mcts algo
xxd: oh, interesting. guess i have no excuse not to learn it
Astrobytes: that's the UCT
Astrobytes: look up UCB1, check how it works. Then that's applied to trees (UCT)
Astrobytes: (essentially)
Astrobytes: It's not complicated but there's a rabbit hole there
Astrobytes: Basic competence with stats will help you
Astrobytes: imo
xxd: thank you for the info
xxd: i am going to take a statistics class this coming year, so maybe i can learn it in tandem
Astrobytes: Stats is always useful, never found it fun but used it all my life :D
Astrobytes: *always a useful subject
Astrobytes: :smirk:
Weasel83: :nerd:
FalINTOblivion0112: yay im back in the top 2000 in clash of code now
FalINTOblivion0112: finally
FalINTOblivion0112: back from the dead
jacek: :tada:
xxd: i wonder if i can make it into silver league for LoCM completely ignoring items
xxd: it is making my game logic so much more complicated
TobiasA: what is LoCM?
Astrobytes: Legends of Code and Magic
Astrobytes: xxd: did you check the contest post-mortem reports? Also, I heard reCurse has a 2-part series involving traps and bitstreams! ( :P )
TobiasA: that looks fun
Astrobytes: 'Fun' is relative.
reCurse: Relative to uttt it's fun
Astrobytes: :)
Astrobytes: sorry but not sorry for the ping btw reCurse :)
reCurse: np Astrobytes
xxd: yeah i read the post mortem but its so complex and i'm not that good
Astrobytes: Keep it simple, start from the simplest things
TobiasA: it is funny the number of possible emotions one could pass across with this emoji:slight_smile:
Astrobytes: for everything else there is /{x}
xxd: i'm experiencing some lag in the GUI battle viewer, I'm on SD not HD. any other tips?
Astrobytes: Refresh.
reCurse: Print less logs
Astrobytes: Close most other things.
TobiasA: close the browser
xxd: 500iq
xxd: Would it be possible by chance to view a text form of the battle vs in the browser GUI?
TobiasA: print every variable in the game
TobiasA: :relieved:
Astrobytes: Hm, does eulers replay extractor still work?
TobiasA: yesh
Astrobytes: Otherwise download the json for yourself and have a lot of fun
xxd: i see, thanks
xxd: Is the technique described in this video in agreement with the papers on MCTS?
xxd: doesn't look _that_ hard
TobiasA: aaayyy that's the same video i watched today
xxd: nice
TobiasA: i also said it didn't look hard:cry:
xxd: did u try implementing it?
TobiasA: and now my tron bot that uses minimax is addicted to suicide
TobiasA: again
xxd: damn
TobiasA: i wanted to use mcts but i decided to start with something more simple
Hoyer: CSB leaderboard is fake
xxd: wym?
reCurse: Probably referring to the fact a large portion of it is flattened by repeated submits of top bots
reCurse: Otherwise idk
Wontonimo: That MCTS video is very good. It describes only single player or cooperative situations. Like minmax with the min.
Wontonimo: To handle adversarial play, one way to do that is to update a nodes score with respect to the players move that the node represents
Wontonimo: during the backprop phase. Otherwise it is identical iirc
reCurse: I have a hard time grasping mcts and the non-stationary nature of adversarial
reCurse: Or at least trusting it
Hoyer: What I mean is that my last submit was years ago and it reached #25 at the highest point. Then I check a few months ago and it was around #30 which made sense to me, since more people would've joined. Now it's #16 with no change, and I see some bots I remember as within top 10, being top 30+ now :thinking:
Hoyer: It seems a bit too random
Hoyer: Most importantly I see some bots that I am sure are superior to my own in lower positions, and it weirds me out
reCurse: CG leaderboards are skewed to whoever submits more often
reCurse: And since the top 4 easily 100% everyone else, it flattens the scores and creates the disparity you noticed
reCurse: Well I guess Yurkov also made a little league of his own since as well
reCurse: So yeah in a nutshell they're mostly bad
reCurse: The leaderboards I mean
reCurse: Hmm I can't decide between getting an intel 11900k now or wait for 12900k in november
Hoyer: I guess it makes sense when you explain it like that
BlaiseEbuth: Are the reports of old semi-private contest available somewhere?
**BlaiseEbuth take his whisk.