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BlackGriffin03: In Horse-Racing Duals , shouldn't the second test case answer be 2 because 17 & 15, is the closet strength with minimum strength difference

BlackGriffin03: But the correct answer according to the test seems to be 1 .How is is it possible ???

eulerscheZahl: because there is a horse with 6 and one with 7

eulerscheZahl: and some more pairs with distance 1

BlackGriffin03: okay :thumbs_up:

Default avatar.png Queen29: I don’t understand this stuff.

Default avatar.png CarrotCode: hi

KiwiTae: o/

tealfrog: How does Edit option in CoC puzzle approval work? Is it like a suggested changes?

Batfly: One question about C++ : why " int h = list[ i ] ; " don't work ?

Batfly: list is... a std::list<int> I created

Batfly: (Oh, and I forget to say : Hi ^^" )

KiwiTae: Batfly use std::vector instead

KiwiTae: u can't access list element like that

Batfly: oh, ok, that's work ^^ thanks

Batfly: (Still, why using list if vector work better ? :s )

RoboStac: list is a linked list so you can insert / remove elements in the middle very quickly but indexing to elements is slow. Vector is a dynamic array so can only add / remove elements at the end quickly but indexing is very quick

Batfly: okey, so it's just a question of convenient speed . Thanks ^^

Default avatar.png HornedRabbit: Hi everyone. I have a question about Racing Duals optimization thing. I'm relatively new and I really don't have an idea for how to sort out this massive list without timng out...

derjack: you said it yourself

derjack: 'sort'

Default avatar.png HornedRabbit: Well. Any sorting i try to do still results in timing out...

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: What sorting algorithm are you using?

Default avatar.png HornedRabbit: I tried "quick sort", but I figure it's not a right solution gere.

Default avatar.png HornedRabbit: Or maybe i just screwed the implementation...

derjack: what language

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Probably that second one, implementing sortin galgorithms can be tricky.

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Yeah what language.

derjack: and do you still have nested for loops

Default avatar.png HornedRabbit: yep...

derjack: once sorted, no need for that

derjack: you can compare horse and horse+1 in single loop

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: You could try merge sort if you're comfortable with recursion.

Default avatar.png HornedRabbit: Thanks. I'll try to work more with the sorting and possibly get back once i get somewhere.

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Good luck. :)

Default avatar.png akhil2310: hi

Uljahn: use built-in sort

Uljahn: oh, chat froze

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: If the language has it available.

Uljahn: which language does not have it?

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: C, Haskell

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Far as I'm aware at least.

Default avatar.png HornedRabbit: thanks Slayer. Merge sort did it. Now I'll try a few more things to take it apart and understand it better.

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Glad to hear it.:)

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Glad to hear it. :)

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Oh, no editing, only repeat messages huh? good to know.

derjack: oO

Default avatar.png Jothegeier: hello

Default avatar.png Vortakis: heeey devcs

Default avatar.png Vortakis: fellow devs

Illedan: Hi

Wontonimo: roll-over seems like it is fixed, or is it? :unamused: still cutting off when near the bottom or edge

Wontonimo: hello fellow devs to you too Vortakis and Jothegeier

Default avatar.png Xaniouks: Hi guys, is there a way to do some profiling on the code to see what the worst parts are?

Default avatar.png ansh10121012: hello boys;

darkhorse64: dapo - 9h30 ?

Astrobytes: he has or had a bot in bronze, so I guess yes

Astrobytes: bronze, what am I on about

Astrobytes: don't listen to me, but I think so yes

darkhorse64: ironically, the sogeti challenge has been highly beneficial to my FB ranking (#42 to #23) but I believe the top has improved even more their eval

BlaiseEbuth: Hey there.

BlaiseEbuth: Speaking sogeti, how do you discretize the possibles actions ?

BlaiseEbuth: Eval ? What algo ?

darkhorse64: To be fairly honest, my code is based on Magus sim/GA and pb4 eval with various performance improvements

Magus: yeah my code is alsed based on Magus sim/GA

Magus: *also

darkhorse64: but much more improved

BlaiseEbuth: I thought about ga too... But someone spoke about mcts, and I really don't see how to discretize enough...

Illedan: ga ftw

darkhorse64: You could discretize the same way you do for a GA but the branching would be overkill

darkhorse64: afk for a while

BlaiseEbuth: Anyway, no matter the algo, it's a little utopian to imagine I'll get it working before contest end. :p

AllYourTrees: woohoo top 10 in C4! :scream:

BlaiseEbuth: Top 10 on 11 players? :o gg!

AllYourTrees: :sob:

BlaiseEbuth: Na... 298! gg AllYourTop

AllYourTrees: ty Blaise :P

ProCoder03: what's C4 ??:thinking:

ZarthaxX: connect 4

BlaiseEbuth: :bomb:

ZarthaxX: or that :P

ProCoder03: thanks

BlaiseEbuth: Wut. CG put my arm to uppercase! :scream:

Default avatar.png stuxen: yo

KiwiCoder69: new to python and i just beat power of thor! :smile:

ProCoder03: I fail in temperature code golf validator 1 & 12 , is it a problem with size of code

darkhorse64: No, your golfed code does not provde a valid answer

KiwiTae: KiwiCoder69 o/ are you a fan?hehe

KiwiCoder69: ?

KiwiCoder69: ?

KiwiTae: because we both kiwis

ProCoder03: :thumbs_up:

ProCoder03: darkhorse34

LazyMammal: @ProCoder03 it could also be slow server (if it is a timeout). retry and see if the same test cases fail

ProCoder03: Actually now, it seems the servers are all heavy because every validator execpt for third is failing

MSmits: err temperatures requires no heavy calculation I think?

MSmits: my meta mcts for oware with 36 seed endgame book is functional btw

MSmits: now I need to wait a while to get enough data

MSmits: assuming i don't run into more bugs. This stuff is hard

MSmits: earlier i ran into a problem where my windows forms text box was updating too much because games run so fast

MSmits: led to crashes.

reCurse: You should stick your computation stuff to a console app

reCurse: UI is sometimes a bottleneck

MSmits: that's a really good idea

MSmits: I might do that once I am sure there are no more bugs

MSmits: the ui makes it easier to spot them

MSmits: what confuses me a bit is that I have a 10 core cpu and if I run 10 games at the same time, they all use 6.7% of the total cpu. So 67% of core so to speak. I know cores and threads are different things, but it always seems to be 6.7% somehow

MSmits: thats what the task manager tells me anyway, no idea how accurate that even is

MSmits: maybe it's hyperthreading or something that accounts for the lower cpu use

MSmits: or the UI is just bottlenecking things hard like you said...

derjack: 6.7% for 10 threads? theres some (i/o?) bottleneck for sure

MSmits: per thread

MSmits: so 67% of total cpu

MSmits: "wasting" a third

eulerscheZahl: wasting 2 thrids

MSmits: but possibly not, as i dont know for sure why this is the case

MSmits: lol

MSmits: you know what i mean :P

eulerscheZahl: :P

eulerscheZahl: your constant chatting made me take a quick look at dots and boxes btw

MSmits: oh cool

eulerscheZahl: i won't go into that rabbit hole

MSmits: no it's really something else

eulerscheZahl: and my eyes hurt with that black background and yellow dots

MSmits: thats what re curse said

MSmits: didnt bother me too much

eulerscheZahl: maybe your screen isn't good enough to show the black properly

MSmits: who knows, maybe :)

eulerscheZahl: UI rule: never use #000000 for black

MSmits: why is that

MSmits: too much contrast?

eulerscheZahl: at least not for bigger areas

eulerscheZahl: hard for the eyes when you look at it for a while

MSmits: mmh ok

jacek: thats racist

MSmits: well I dont often look at those replays anyway, I was mostly coding and looking at my own pretty map outputs

jacek: MSmits have you seen

eulerscheZahl: a hex board

MSmits: i've seen yeah

MSmits: only 5 players so far

eulerscheZahl: and the start setup where wikipedia suggests it's prone to passive gameplay

jacek: you can be top10 easily

MSmits: lol

MSmits: thanks jacek

MSmits: eulerscheZahl you mean he should have gone with a different setup?

jacek: passive opening

MSmits: what does that mean?

eulerscheZahl: there are different ways to arrange the spheres at the start of the game

MSmits: right

jacek: inactive opening

MSmits: I guess i dont know how to define "active" in this game

eulerscheZahl: i read a bit about it because one day i considered porting that game too. decided against partially because of that possibly passive gameplay

MSmits: a jrke just appeared on that leaderboard

jrke: yes

jacek: so lets make meta mcts

jrke: random.choice(moves)

MSmits: no thanks, i need my cpu for my oware NN data generation

MSmits: and later for training i suppose

MSmits: jrke random moves are better than bad moves

eulerscheZahl: is it me or does the leaderboard only show the first player? and load the rest when you scroll

MSmits: happens to me all the time

MSmits: also sometimes if you wait

MSmits: instead of scrolling

Illedan: Same for me euler

eulerscheZahl: i'm inpatient

eulerscheZahl: ah, there it loaded without scrolling

MSmits: in which hospital?

eulerscheZahl: :/

eulerscheZahl: is that bug reported already?

MSmits: i havent

**eulerscheZahl uses Chromium. When I say that, they close the issue right away (only firefox + chrome are supported)

MSmits: I see

MSmits: well make the bug report and says msmits and illedan have the same issue on chrome

jacek: try ie

eulerscheZahl: ok

eulerscheZahl: i try to write a slightly more detailed bug report

eulerscheZahl: "When opening a leaderboard, only the first player will be shown. The rest are rendered when scrolling or waiting a few seconds only."

eulerscheZahl: illedan: "Leaderboards only load the first player."

Astrobytes: Minimalist! :P

jacek: jacek: "not enough ponies"

eulerscheZahl: he was faster

eulerscheZahl: now i won't report

Illedan: Maybe I can shorten to "Leaderboards"?

Astrobytes: LB

Illedan: BUG

eulerscheZahl: "fix whatever the hell is broken"

MSmits: or just: :bug:

Astrobytes: Just !

eulerscheZahl: and illedan reacted with :plus: to his own bug report :D

Astrobytes: lol

MSmits: good, reinforce that

jacek: now add the eyes

Illedan: So you didn't have to find the proper emoji

Illedan: You clicked it instantly

Illedan: #win

eulerscheZahl: sometimes i accidentally react with plug instead of plus

Illedan: Fixed

jrke: so a laptop confirmed for pb 4

eulerscheZahl: wait if dapowill join

Astrobytes: dapowill? His brother? :P

eulerscheZahl: missing space

Astrobytes: You don't say!

jrke: how much time is left for that contest?

Astrobytes: ~5.5 hours

jrke: oh

Astrobytes: ~5.0 hours my bad

Illedan: Code wont climb up again :( juli is harder to beat now -.-

Victor_Baron: Heya

JHowell: How can I see how many non-private clashes I've done? I got the 50-clash quest (a lot of them were private) but I still can't approve/reject clash contributions.


eulerscheZahl: you have 27

JHowell: Thanks!

jrke: btw i have made a clash bot its working should i report this to someone?

eulerscheZahl: why report it?

BlaiseEbuth: Burn him!

eulerscheZahl: it's known to be possible. that's why captchas got added

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah of course...

Astrobytes: Just don't use it.

eulerscheZahl: +

jrke: captchas are now bit rare event as far as i discovered in clashes till now

jrke: yeah i won't

eulerscheZahl: tradeoff between stopping bots and not annoying human players too much

martinpapa69: after 2 days of research.. my quantized dense layer is working... :D totally worth it

FalINTOblivion0112: my ranking is going down...

FalINTOblivion0112: :disappointed_relieved:

AntiSquid: should i make a tutorial on how to make clash bots in a really easy way ?

jrke: which library?

AntiSquid: you're overthinking it already

jrke: selenium?

jacek: magnesium!

eulerscheZahl: use a human bot? outsource the clashing work to someone from fiverr

Westicles: another mod dancing around the precipice

AntiSquid: what like World of Warcraft gold farmers from china? that's basically close to slavery

AntiSquid: either way it's a bot programming site, if people can't figure it on their own, i guess they lack creativity :P Westicles

eulerscheZahl: may I push him and yell THIS IS SPARTA?

AntiSquid: what's better on CV : done clash of code or done a bot for clash !!

xxd: bunch of kids in a basement googling solutions for you

xxd: a Bot Programming challenge where the game is just clash of code

KiwiTae: Daporan a pas submit sur sogeti?

KiwiTae: oups:(

KiwiTae: french sorry

FalINTOblivion0112: if i can create an undefeatable clash of code bot...

eulerscheZahl: and then let it play against itself...

KiwiTae: a better metric would be how long can the bot survive before getting spotted

FalINTOblivion0112: right

FalINTOblivion0112: yes

jrke: i think clash of code bot won't work in shortest mode

jrke: efficiently*

xxd: why

jrke: atleast not the one i have made

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Is it the case some puzzles do not display console output? I'm expecting either some debug prints or at least a compilation error but I'm not getting anything but the test case is failing regardless.

Wontonimo: you probably did something wrong then

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Yeah I got that far, but without console output I can't really see what I did wrong.

Wontonimo: is it the test or validation?

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Testcase

Wontonimo: put a print right at the top and see if that does anything

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: I did, and it does not print anything, so I'm assuming it's a compilation issue.

Wontonimo: if it doesn't compile, you should see a red error message.

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: But it's not giving anything.

Wontonimo: what language?

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: Rust

Wontonimo: sorry, I know a few languages but not rust. is there an end-of-line token in rust? like newline?

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: After locally compiling it I figured out it does indeed have compilation errors, but in previous puzzles these showed up in the console.

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: '\n' generally.

eulerscheZahl: i should not try to compute -int.MinValue :/

jacek: huh

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: compute uint.MinValue instead. It's easier.

Default avatar.png SlayerOfTheBad: :P

FalINTOblivion0112: fyi its my birthday today

FalINTOblivion0112: remember

LeviathanProgramming: happy budday

FalINTOblivion0112: august 4th is my birthday

FalINTOblivion0112: thank you everybody here at codingame

LeviathanProgramming: obviously

FalINTOblivion0112: you guys are awesome :grinning:

jacek: we are? :thinking:

BlaiseEbuth: I am. Are you?

KiwiTae: FalINTOblivion0112 time to get tipsy

Wontonimo: i'm in

Wontonimo: :beer:

Default avatar.png Amir.IV: :birthday: :beer:

dbdr: RoboStac, what kind of hiding is this? ;)

RoboStac: the worst kind where it's just a completletly unfinished bot

RoboStac: but still slightly better than my old one

dbdr: sorry to hear

dbdr: what kind of search?

RoboStac: ga

dbdr: lack of time?

RoboStac: that and a failure to notice how long the contest was

dbdr: ouch

dbdr: enjoying rust at least? :)

RoboStac: yeah, I use it quite a bit outside of cg

dbdr: nice! for work?

AllYourTrees: :cheer:

RoboStac: nah, just for other stuff (parts of my nn backend is in rust) + been using it for codeforces / codejam etc.

AllYourTrees: since you have stuff in C++ also, whats your take on efficiency of rust vs c++ on CG? i've been wondering about that lately

RoboStac: I think it's pretty close but probably still a small advantage for c++

YurkovAS: i'm hear that not possible make big static array of structs without constructor in rust (10mln+)

AllYourTrees: yeah last time i tried to do anything with statics in rust it didn't end well

AllYourTrees: i think there's a crate to improve the use of statics, but i don't think CG has it

RoboStac: I tried to get my nn code working in the past but the lack of const generics meant it couldn't optimise as well so was about 10% behind my c++ one. Might be better with the newer versions but i've not tried

mihei: o7 comrades, can someone explain a bit, what I need to do to get "examiner" achievements?

Illedan: Hi

Illedan: I had hopes jolindien :P

Illedan: but gg it seems

jolindien: thanks

jolindien: I tried other things

jolindien: but comed back to previous

Illedan: I have tried so many things -.-

jolindien: good game! it is tied

Illedan: Yeah, very. Gg

jolindien: me too!

Illedan: What algo?

jolindien: I hope it's the last time I tried so many evaluation functions

Illedan: Did you have offline fitting of the evals?

jolindien: AG evaluated on two opponent solutions

jolindien: no

Illedan: AG?

Astrobytes: GA

jolindien: yeah GA

Illedan: k

jolindien: AG is french

Illedan: I have SGA

Illedan: :)

Astrobytes: Algorithme Genetique

jolindien: SGA ?

Astrobytes: génétique


jolindien: speak french Astrobytes ?

Astrobytes: un peu

jolindien: interesting Illedan

Astrobytes: Oh same approach this time Ille?

Illedan: yeah

Illedan: but I had to tweak a lot because of having ball vs not having ball

Astrobytes: Yeah, that kinda changes a lot

Illedan: and only 36 angles :(

Astrobytes: Doesn't smitsi/UCT forest work on this?

Astrobytes: Thinking of BR

Illedan: Too high branching afaik

jolindien: I tried, I failed

Illedan: You need the details of the throws

Illedan: to get perfect Bludger bounces

Illedan: which is very strong

Astrobytes: Hm, yeah, it's a little more involved, very true

RoboStac: I've tried on fb in the past and even removing spells couldn't get a version that beat my ga

Illedan: Might work with beam search, but had no time to try

Illedan: Because most of the games are just optim

Illedan: I need more games vs Jolindien :D seems I counter you a lot

Astrobytes: Well, anyways, hope everyone enjoyed it. Not likely to see much more of these contests.

Illedan: Sadly

Astrobytes: Yea. It is what it is I guess :/

Illedan: Life goes on

Astrobytes: It most certainly does.

Illedan: Going to miss my main source of procastination

Astrobytes: There will always be community multis to waste time with! (well, I hope)


ViviCode: Can anyone help me solve this mystery in Ghost in the Cell?

See link in previous message :)

ZarthaxX: ViviCode one did an invalid action and the other timeouted

Astrobytes: Your opponent played an invalid move and you timed out

ZarthaxX: Astrobytes ;)

Astrobytes: Zartho :D

Default avatar.png stuxen: :)

Default avatar.png stuxen: ;)

Illedan: ViviCode, read the tooltip on the vier line + read the game summary, which tells the reason for the final score.

Illedan: *viewer

RoboStac: I'm guessing neither player handles the case where 1 player doesn't have any controlled factories

Astrobytes: Seems that way yeah

Bon[]Crayon: frame 80 'ViviCode : timeout!'

Illedan: Robo submitted 30 sec before? :P

ViviCode: ah, that's true I didn't account for that, because I figured the game would be over if my opponent doesn't have any factories. But they can still have cyborgs on the move, true.


Astrobytes: No Dapo with ~5 sec left

Illedan: gg

Astrobytes: I think the top 3 are pretty clear :D

Illedan: I'm surrounded by French :O

RoboStac: trying to fix a crash that I don't understand

RoboStac: should have stuck to languages where you can just do silly things and it'll continue on without crashing

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: The joy of C++ :P

Astrobytes: "can't be wrong, it runs!"

dbdr: RoboStac what's the symptom?

RoboStac: getting a nan score from somewhere and then using that in a way that causes an exception

RoboStac: pretty sure it's a bad spell target as it wasn't happening before i tried to enable magic

dbdr: don't all float operations saturate to nan?

dbdr: there are no exceptions in rust, by the way, I guess you mean a panic?

RoboStac: yeah

RoboStac: I'm trying to sort a list of floats using partial_cmp (as floats aren't ordered) and I'm assuming nan is what breaks it

dbdr: ah yes

dbdr: you could always decide to order nan as you want. but the right thing to do would be to reproduce the bug and fix it ;)

RoboStac: yeah, fixing where the nan was coming from was my goal

Dohmanlechx: Can someone take a look on my C code for that Thor game? Solved it with C++ but having issues appending char list with chars in C

ViviCode: OMG, I just fixed my code with an else:


and I went from ranking 256th to beating the boss! Thanks again :)

RoboStac: but with 30 seconds left just doing unwrap_of(f64::MIN) seemed more likely to work

RoboStac: *unwrap_or

dbdr: :D

dbdr: nice last minute hack!

Illedan: :ninja:

Illedan: I'll finally have some break now. Cya around people :)

dbdr: good rest!

ViviCode: cya illedan :)

RoboStac: might be enough to break back into top 10 which I'll be happy with


dbdr: yeah, probably two rust in top 10 :)

Default avatar.png ElmerZig: what game is most fun/interesting?

ViviCode: Clash of Code :) at least if it's not fun/interesting, it is over in 15 minutes anyway

RoboStac: Dohmanlechx - you can't use individual chars as strings in c like that as they aren't terminated

RoboStac: also you need direction to be size 3 so it has room for the terminating null at the end

Default avatar.png ElmerZig: cool. thanks vivi

Dohmanlechx: RoboStac - that makes sense. Solved it now with your hints, thanks


therealbeef: is there any way to retrieve the code for the sogeti contest? forgot to save it :expressionless:

therealbeef: wanna reuse some of it for a FB bot

Westicles: hypnosis maybe?

reCurse: There's no report for semi-private contests so it's lost unless you convince [CG]Thibaud to look it up for you

Astrobytes: Who doesn't back their code up anyway? Shame on you therealbeef :P

therealbeef: got caught up in the excitement

Illedan: I think thibaud can give you the link, because there is a page. You just need the id

therealbeef: thanks, i will ask him. although 90% was trash code that needed a rewrite anyway

Illedan: Mine was enough for Legend :)

Astrobytes: He's on holiday for this week therealbeef so hang on til next week before asking him

easdasd: hello guys

easdasd: I love pyton

Wontonimo: that's great

Wontonimo: python loves you too easdasd

reCurse: With a cold embrace until it chokes you and swallows you whole

ViviCode: lol

Wontonimo: it's hot in my house. i welcome the cold feel.

Astrobytes: Technically anacondas ain't pythons though, so that would be unlikely. They're a type of boa iirc

Astrobytes: (wrt "swallows you whole")

Wontonimo: i thought we were talking about the cult of python programmers

Astrobytes: Both.

Wontonimo: ah

ViviCode: I just googled "death by Python" and got this:

(CNN) An Indiana woman found dead with an 8-foot python snake wrapped around her neck died from asphyxiation, officials said Friday. The snake was a reticulated python, which is native to southeast Asia and is considered to be the longest snake in the world.

reCurse: Um

reCurse: Pythons can certainly do that

reCurse: Though I'm no snakologist

Astrobytes: Swallow you whole?

Astrobytes: Highly unlikely. A very small child perhaps.

reCurse: Did you just assume his/her/its age?

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: The reticulated pythons will struggle with anything smaller than you're average adult

Astrobytes: *your

reCurse: Well python typically comes with an anaconda distribution

reCurse: So there

Astrobytes: There are always exceptions ofc

Astrobytes: I know, that's why I brought up anacondas ;)

Wontonimo: facinating

Wontonimo: *not

Default avatar.png ReyZis: anaconda distribution

Astrobytes: Yes. Something you use to fill your house with very large snakes.

Astrobytes: Anyway, I feel like death with a pulse. See ya's later

Wontonimo: l8R

Wontonimo: rrr

Wontonimo: when do scores get recalculated?

Wontonimo: 1am in France?

Wontonimo: 11pm?

Wontonimo: anyone know?

Wontonimo: Hey ReyZis, are you doing Clash of Code?

Westicles: usually done by 2:15 am paris I think

Wontonimo: thanks Westicles ! I appreciate that

Wontonimo: oh, it's already 1:47 in paris

Westicles: Hmmm, interesting. If your contrib gets approved twice you only get the 50 XP once

Wontonimo: ;)

Westicles: As it should be...

Husoski: I didn't get extra for solving Mars Lander in Pascal, either... boo hoo

Wontonimo: were you expecting extra for pascal?

Husoski: Maybe for bash, I guess.

Wontonimo: i'd give you extra for pascal. i haven't seen pascal used in production since 1995

Husoski: I have a friend who was doing a bunch of consulting in Delphi until quite recently.

Husoski: I haven't used it professionally since '92, though.

Wontonimo: hey, has anyone told you the -3v trick for Coders Strikes Back?

Husoski: I don't think so...but I'm stupid in CSB, so I decided to set aside bots until I learn a bit more about AI.

Husoski: So, what's -3v?

Wontonimo: oh!

Wontonimo: let me make a short replay for you

Wontonimo: just a sec

Wontonimo: Here is a mars lander where it speeds to it's target, and the target is the landing pad

Wontonimo: in this example, instead of aiming at the landing pad, it aims at the landing pad MINUS 25 times its velocity

Wontonimo: The first video was supposed to be this

Wontonimo: oh.. it was right

Wontonimo: cool

Wontonimo: so, in CSB, you can use this to correct your steering. Instead of aiming for the checkpoint, aim for it minus 3 x your velocity (not thrust)

Wontonimo: The concept comes from PID controllers, and here is the best and easiest to read paper on it

Husoski: Nice! I wonder where the -3 comes from?

Husoski: Oh...the paper. Yes, I'll bookmark that!

Husoski: Oh rats, I gotta fiddle with it. My old Adobe Acrobat doesn't understand the format. Thanks, though, and I'll get it untangled soon.

Default avatar.png dsfjkfdls: I forgor :skull: how to code

Default avatar.png dsfjkfdls: I rember :grinning:

Default avatar.png jraewilson: omg same:thumbsup_tone2:

Wontonimo: hey Husoski , the -3v means to target checkpoint - 3 * velocity

Wontonimo: the 3 comes from experimentation

Wontonimo: try -1* , -2* and so on

Wontonimo: it's different for every scenario. For mars lander, the factor that works best for me is -25v

xxd: How do I go back to a closed CoC chat

Wontonimo: remember the chat room

xxd: 0/10

Wontonimo: and then put a "#" in front of it and type it here like

  1. chat12423

Wontonimo: #coc3532

xxd: yeah but like

xxd: i have the clash report

xxd: and i want to access its corresponding chatroom

xxd: like im on the results page

Wontonimo: like you have to remember the name of the chat room

xxd: thats so dumb

Wontonimo: like dude, yeah

Husoski: @Wontonimo I guesssed that when the coefficient for Mars 2 was -25. Thanks a ton for the tip and the pdf. (SumatraPDF reads it just fine.)

Husoski: (stuck scroll buffer)

Wontonimo: hey, no prob

Wontonimo: another cool trick that you'll probably find really straight forward is a simple drift detection like so:

Wontonimo: calculate if at the current velocity your pod would be within 400 units of the current checkpoint within the next 5 rounds, and if so,

Wontonimo: don't target the current checkpoint, target the one after that

Wontonimo: and you'll drift through the checkpoint and look like a pro

Wontonimo: the -3v and the drift will get you to mid gold

Wontonimo: you'll get a list of checkpoints when in bronze or silver

Husoski: I tried drifting like that and made it to a second Wood league. That's about when I ran out of original ideas.

Husoski: (I just made a list of the checkpoints as they came up and noticed when they repeated.)

Wontonimo: nice

Wontonimo: total overkill for wood. crank speed up to 100, implement -3v, and you'll rocket up to silver

Wontonimo: that's it, nothing more or less

Husoski: I think I'll try the ideas on Mars 2 first, but yeah...I see the possibilities

Wontonimo: so, i lied just a little about mars 2.

Husoski: Tsk.

Wontonimo: which is to say, I have 2 levels of sideways thrust

Wontonimo: angle 15 w/ power 4 if within 200 of the adjusted x target

Wontonimo: angle 25ish w/ power 4 if outside 800 of the adjusted x target

Wontonimo: so, on top of the -25v, there is a different thrust.

Wontonimo: that's part of PID though, to have a thrust that is related to the distance

Wontonimo: the -v part is to adjust the distance target

Wontonimo: i don't have anything in either mars lander or CSB that integrates error. that part of PID I've just skipped

Wontonimo: nood gight every1

Husoski: I'll be starting simple and adding stuff as I understand it. I tend to take a lot of this offline so I can crash at a faster pace. :) No graphics, but that's not too awful for someone who started in the teletype and punched card era.

Husoski: Ditto!

Wontonimo: oh! very nice! punch card all the way! I started in the vic20 era

Husoski: I have a VIC20 story for later, then... type at you later!

ProCoder03: Hi for drift detection , see if our current velox and veloy will reach the checkpointX and CheckpointY and make thrust to 0 and aim for next checkpoint .Am i right. because I tried implementing at Gold and it doesn't seem to work for me ??

Michael_48: cool on the output log for only representing printing null if prints follow it. totally doesn't lead to 10 minutes of trying to find an invisible bug...