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derjack: good morning

BlaiseEbuth: 'n

Peached: a

juice0: s

cheraigel: Good morning good people

derjack: who

GroutchKeu: No such thing as "good people" :|

Default avatar.png Altonormz: good morning good, people

Default avatar.png brotatotes: good morning

sapfeer0k: Morning, the website is repaired, good :)

derjack: repaired?

Default avatar.png TimGas: good morning

Default avatar.png TimGas: help me please

Uljahn: pls elaborate

Default avatar.png zax121: how do i do this?

Default avatar.png zax121: im doing what it says

Uljahn: this is a general chat, it's not specific to the problem you're on

Uljahn: so pls give more details

KiwiTae: Uljahn o/

Uljahn: hi Kiwo

Uljahn: Automaton2000: we need more context

Automaton2000: even if they dont have to be

Default avatar.png zax121: i just started this thing that said ai and im suppose to make the thing go to the targets but it's not moving

KiwiTae: coder strikes back?

Default avatar.png zax121: yes

KiwiTae: theres a hint button on the left

Peached: i also struggle alot at it

Peached: just takes time

Peached: ill just never make it to legend my 2 pods are idiots

Default avatar.png zax121: theres no hitn button for me

Default avatar.png zax121: *hint

Peached: i dont think theres hints in ai games

Peached: what code u got so far

Uljahn: coders strike back is a tutorial game, so it gives some popups with hints which can be dismissed

Peached: ohh. guess was too long ago for me

Uljahn: zax121: paste your code here

Peached: hm

Default avatar.png zax121: k

Default avatar.png zax121:

Peached: problems

Peached: print(str(next_checkpoint_y) + " " + str(next_checkpoint_y) + " 50")

Peached: they are both y

Peached: the first one should be next_checkpojnt_x

Peached: and idk u pasted the code like 3 times i guess its fine

Default avatar.png zax121: what do i change

Uljahn: guess you should first click "restore default code" at the top-right corner of IDE

Peached: change line 24

Uljahn: then fix your output to be x, y instead of y, y

Peached: coders strike back teams when

Default avatar.png zax121: like this print(str(next_checkpoint_y) + "x,y " + str(next_checkpoint_y) + " 50")

Peached: no

Peached: print(str(next_checkpoint_x) + " " + str(next_checkpoint_y) + " 50")

Peached: you made a mistake, both of the 'next_checkpoint' should not be y

Thyl: Peached

Peached: hi

Thyl: print in python has a super power :)

Peached: fax

Thyl: print(x,y,"50")

Thyl: is :


Peached: wait thats possiblr?

Thyl: <value of x> <value of y> 50

Peached: *i use too much f strings and in codingame im just useless

Peached: lemme try that

Peached: genius

Thyl: f string is good....

Peached: idk y i dont do it in codingame

Thyl: read the docs and you will have no problem with f string

Default avatar.png zax121: thanks im on the second part now

Peached: kool

Peached: how do i fix the thing that it often does a wrong turn like it wouldve been easier if it turns left but it does a 360 right?

Peached: im raging of that

MSmits: calculate the angle difference between your heading and the angle you want to have

MSmits: pick the change in angle that is in the direction of the smallest change

MSmits: just make sure you do it right around 0

Peached: idk how to count the angle i want to have

MSmits: well you have to error output all your input every turn. See what it tells you about how angles work in csb

MSmits: then check different frames

MSmits: see which way the pod is facing

Peached: hmmmmmmm

Peached: ill try

MSmits: remember that when angles become negative, there's a point where they become maximal

MSmits: not sure if it;s [0,360] or [-180,180]

MSmits: have to account for this with some kind of condition

MSmits: this is probably the reason it does the wrong turn

MSmits: oh and your language might use radians

MSmits: check that too

Uljahn: guess the reason is he doesn't account for the next next checkpoint, also what's "a 360 right" thing?

MSmits: thats when you want to do 1 degree left

MSmits: to get to the correct angle

MSmits: but instead it does 359 right

MSmits: to get to the same angle

Uljahn: is it possible in csb gold?

Default avatar.png zax121: im stuck again

MSmits: this is possible whenever you code something to do with angles

MSmits: it might just be something in his code. Possibly overcomplicating things

MSmits: but yeah it's possible

Uljahn: but you output x and y, not the angle

MSmits: of course

MSmits: but you could be using angles in calculation

MSmits: and come out to some x and y that reflect this problem

MSmits: who knows what he;s doing in his code

MSmits: it's just a common angle problem

Uljahn: zax121: and?

derjack: "step mod, help me"

Uljahn: :smirk:

MSmits: zax121, wriggle it around a bit, maybe it'll come loose

MSmits: good to see you can still type though

IamQuan: :>

Default avatar.png zax121: im suppose to change my thrust and i did but its not moving

Peached: higher or lower?

Default avatar.png zax121: i think higher

KiwiTae: zax121 share your code so w can see maybe

KiwiTae: or maybe u did i wasnt checkin hehe

Wontonimo: yippie, I finally got around to porting to C4

Default avatar.png Louzy: My question is:

Can i complete the "challenge" with the information that is provided in the exercise ?

Wontonimo: which challenge?

Default avatar.png Louzy: Platinium Rift - Episode 2

AntiSquid: what do you mean by C4 ?

Wontonimo: connect 4

AntiSquid: oh ... nvm then

Wontonimo: Louzy , i haven't done Platinium Rift

Default avatar.png Louzy: Hmmm ok

Default avatar.png Louzy: Should i start with Platinum or do you recommend another one for starters ?

Wontonimo: if you haven't done coders strikes back, start there

Wontonimo: here's the link Louzy

Default avatar.png Louzy: Thank you

Wontonimo: what language do you prefer to use for programming? c++, rust, python, java, javascript? And how much experience do you have?

Wontonimo: :( looks like the roll-over to check peoples standing is no longer working

Astrobytes: yeah, I reported it on the weekend

KiwiTae: my fav feature :( :p

derjack: theyll fix it on next friday deployment cycle

Wontonimo: thanks derjack

struct: hi

Wontonimo: hey struct - i've finally joined C4 :D

struct: nice, feel free to ask if you have any questions

Wontonimo: thanks. i got the 63bit state per player implemented. Super fast win condition check implemented.

struct: also dont worry too much about performance

struct: its not very important

Wontonimo: ooohhh

Wontonimo: i was going gangbusters on performance

derjack: says the guy who has 4.5 rollouts ~

Astrobytes: 4.5 eh

derjack: speed

Astrobytes: 4.5 rollouts per turn? :P

derjack: eeyup

darkhorse64: x 1M

derjack: its implied

Default avatar.png 4DsErfan: write ur discord bellow

Astrobytes: I don't have a discord bellow

struct: I dont know my discord

Astrobytes: And even if I did I wouldn't let you hear it

MSmits: come on, share that bellow with us

Astrobytes: :grin:

MSmits: or just DM me the bellow. But let me dial down my speakers first

Astrobytes: hahaha, I'll pass

MSmits: aww ok

Astrobytes: some other time perhaps :P

MSmits: sure

MSmits: btw, almost done with D&B, got one more thing to try

Astrobytes: What's left?

MSmits: a loopy heuristic I can use when my calc time is reserved for nim and score solving

MSmits: works for marchete

Astrobytes: was about to say is that something to do with marchete

MSmits: yeah, he still beats mikla a lot when i try in the IDE, more than me

Astrobytes: You still up top?

MSmits: i didnt submit so yeah, but my wr vs mikla is <40%

MSmits: so if i submit a lot, i am 2nd

Astrobytes: Hm. Sounds worth trying the loopy thing

BlaiseEbuth: If I stand on a chair, I'm tall.

MSmits: yeah, should not be too hard and not be too much code

MSmits: good for you BlaiseEbuth

BlaiseEbuth: Thx. You too

Astrobytes: thanks for sharing Blaise!

MSmits: not me, I'm short when standing on a chair

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah... But you're second if you submit a lot. Not me, he.

dbdr: for me it depends on the size of the chair

Astrobytes: If I submit a lot CG stops me submitting

struct: but submit is the only way to test

Astrobytes: therein lies the problem

BlaiseEbuth: And if in addition you rank well, you could lose your mod status! Be careful :scream:

struct: im not good enough to rank well

Amir50: :laughing:

Default avatar.png 4DsErfan: still waiting for discord tags

MSmits: you were asking for discord bellows, that's not the same

**BlaiseEbuth write 'Anarchy' with paint on the wall.

struct: are you a recruiter?

BlaiseEbuth: Who ?

struct: 4d

Default avatar.png 4DsErfan: whats dat

BlaiseEbuth: See 4DsErfan, I made a discord tag on the wall.

Astrobytes: Digital Audio Tapes, used to be the standard in most recording studios

Astrobytes: (dat)

Astrobytes: For instance, I could have recorded my discord bellows on it

BlaiseEbuth: Recording studios doesn't use .wav ? :o

Astrobytes: *used* to be standard

BlaiseEbuth: And they use wav now? -_-

BlaiseEbuth: Was a joke

Astrobytes: oh, sorry :grin:

BlaiseEbuth: :(

Astrobytes: was crazy how fast HDD recording took over from DAT though

BlaiseEbuth: Hoooooo Doobi Doo ?

Astrobytes: Yes. The industry standard :P

BlaiseEbuth: Haven't sleep since more than 24 hours. I'm looking a t my code like:

Astrobytes: lol, take a nap dude

BlaiseEbuth: :sleeping:

struct: I just become a zombie at the keyboard

struct: after so much time

Astrobytes: sure-fire way to introduce bugs and weird code

BlaiseEbuth: Some call that 'features'.

Astrobytes: :D

MSmits: :raised_hand:

struct: we need knightthrough

Astrobytes: the breakthrough variant that nobody asked for?

struct: yes

struct: instead of pawns its knights

Astrobytes: does it exist?

struct: yes

Astrobytes: madness

Astrobytes: any good?

BlaiseEbuth: madknightthroug

Astrobytes: lol

struct: no idea

struct: I dont really play any of these games

Astrobytes: well, give it a shot and see what happens

MSmits: he says after being stuck on breakthrough for a month

Astrobytes: hehehe

AllYourTrees: more like lamethrough amirite

Astrobytes: Limpthrough

AllYourTrees: lol

BlaiseEbuth: ngl

Default avatar.png Louzy: why did i reach

Default avatar.png Louzy: A limited number of plays

Default avatar.png Louzy: ?

Default avatar.png Louzy: And how do i remove it

MSmits: because the number of plays is limited

MSmits: and you wait

Default avatar.png Louzy: Haaa k Ty

Default avatar.png Louzy: How long if i may ask ?

BlaiseEbuth: Until it disapeat

MSmits: not sure, a few mins

BlaiseEbuth: *r

MSmits: maybe 10-15, not sure

Default avatar.png Louzy: how many plays do i have ?

MSmits: it's not a set number

Default avatar.png Louzy: And why cant it be infinite ?

MSmits: you can probably do it 50 times in an hour or so

BlaiseEbuth: Cause you don't pay servers

MSmits: because it costs money

Default avatar.png Louzy: That was a stupid question ngl i didnt even think

MSmits: if you spend some more time coding and debugging before you try, you should never reach it

MSmits: mind you, i sometimes hit it, but not often

Default avatar.png Louzy: But thank you MSmits and BlaiseEbuth

AllYourTrees: i hit it all the time lol :D

MSmits: did you change things between tries?

AllYourTrees: i just randomly comment out parts of my code and play a few times to see what happens

Default avatar.png Louzy: Me 2 xd

MSmits: ahh ok

Default avatar.png Louzy: I did alot

MSmits: yeah thats a fast way to hit it

BlaiseEbuth: AllYourTry

Default avatar.png Louzy: I cant pass the first coders strike back the one where you have to use the if statment

Default avatar.png Louzy: When i thought i got it i got the error

Default avatar.png Louzy: xd

Default avatar.png Louzy: Can i ask questions to users here ?

MSmits: yeah

Default avatar.png Louzy: I tried to google and search but cant find anything related to this thrust exercise

MSmits: what excercise?

Astrobytes: thrusting exercise?

struct: csb

Default avatar.png Louzy: So ive got my ship to move and go to each checkpoint the problem is the ship stays in the same checkpoint for 3 times

BlaiseEbuth: Thrust me, I'm a pod

Default avatar.png Louzy: print x y thrust

Default avatar.png Louzy: idk what code should i put here

struct: coordinates of the next checkpoint

struct: replace thrust by 100

Astrobytes: checkpoint.x checkpoint.y 100

Default avatar.png Louzy: im in C


MSmits: I think i did it

MSmits: see me lose the nim

MSmits: and then win the gaME

MSmits: machete-style

struct: weird game

MSmits: I even enlarged my score a lot using score solver

Astrobytes: nice

Astrobytes: Louzy: do you know C?

BlaiseEbuth: Enlarge tour score in only a week with this score solver!

BlaiseEbuth: *your

MSmits: took more than a week :P

Astrobytes: Nim solvers hate this trick!!

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: unfortunately, i might be shooting myself in the foot vs other players, but we'll see, first testing cg bench vs mikla

BlaiseEbuth: Well, you have another foot.

MSmits: true

Astrobytes: Hopalong Smits

BlaiseEbuth: Always two there are, no more, no less.

Wontonimo: hey Louzy, send a replay of your current bot in action. Use the "share" button that looks like three blobs connected beside the gear

BlaiseEbuth: You need a replay of his bot staying in place?

Wontonimo: yeah, how it stays in place is telling

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Wontonimo: Louzy, iirc the default code has your pod steering to Y Y instead of X Y. First the first coordinate to X

Astrobytes: yer supposed to make 'em look for it !

BlaiseEbuth: First the first, and then the second.

Wontonimo: always, other than under special circumstances


MSmits: going well :)

Wontonimo: "First things first, but not necessarily in that order." - Dr Who

BlaiseEbuth: Dr who?

MSmits: the doctor

eulerscheZahl: knock knock who's there doctor

eulerscheZahl: doctor who? correct

MSmits: this is how you lure euler back into the chat

eulerscheZahl: just got online

MSmits: oh

MSmits: I thought you were just drawn to lame sci fi banter :P

eulerscheZahl: had a walk in the park, slowly feeling better again

eulerscheZahl: i know another knock knock joke

eulerscheZahl: but you have to start

MSmits: oh right, from the vaccine side effects right?

eulerscheZahl: yes

MSmits: knock knock

eulerscheZahl: who's there?

MSmits: eh me?

eulerscheZahl: that's lame

MSmits: I agree, but it's your joke so...

eulerscheZahl: my joke is leaving you clueless how to continue

MSmits: ohhhh

MSmits: i turned it around on you then

Astrobytes: Germans doing jokes eh. It's all in how they tell 'em :P

eulerscheZahl: actually knock knock jokes aren't even a thing in German

MSmits: Germans don't knock?

MSmits: kick your door in eh?

Astrobytes: Are any jokes a thing in German? :P

Wontonimo: now now

MACKEYTH: euler, is your nick wordplay around e in German?

MSmits: he can take it Wontonimo :0

Astrobytes: Hey, euler actually has a good sense of humour

eulerscheZahl: it means e

MACKEYTH: Oh, literally? Not a pun?

eulerscheZahl: it's German for Euler's number

Default avatar.png Louzy:

eulerscheZahl: my lack of creativity..

BlaiseEbuth: Google say germans klopf klopf.

MACKEYTH: I wasn't sure how the -sche- part translated.

eulerscheZahl: printf(next_checkpoint_x,next_checkpoint_y, "BOOST")

MSmits: eulershce just means eulers, of euler

Astrobytes: So you don't know C Louzy?

Default avatar.png BobLob: Has anyone experienced the enter key not working in the IDE on clash of code? It just started for me.

MSmits: euler's number I guess

eulerscheZahl: -sche just marks the possession

Wontonimo: yeah, BobLob, there is a fix for that. Play a multi like Connect 4

Default avatar.png Louzy: Astrobytes no xd

therealbeef: don't be irrational, euler

Default avatar.png BobLob: ok, will do. Thanks for the assist.

MACKEYTH: How many devs does it take to change a lightbulb?

Astrobytes: What languages do you know Louzy? Or you have to use C for some reason?

Default avatar.png Louzy: I have to use C for some reason

Astrobytes: you might wanna check the documentation for printf

BlaiseEbuth: More seriously BobLob: alt+f4 then retry.

eulerscheZahl: printf("%d %d BOOST\n", checkpointX, checkpointY)

Wontonimo: you can change the language Louzy, use the dropdown at the top

eulerscheZahl: and I just undermined astro's educational approach

Default avatar.png BobLob: I'll do that next time. The connect4 thing actually worked out :)

Astrobytes: yes but he doesn't know what the %d 's mean

Default avatar.png Louzy: I will know

Default avatar.png Louzy: And thanks

Astrobytes: Louzy: you will need a reasonable grasp of basic C to continue

Default avatar.png Louzy: Thank you eulerscheZahl

Astrobytes: as in the fundamentals

Default avatar.png Louzy: Alright will do

Astrobytes: good luck :)

Astrobytes: Right, afk for a bit

Default avatar.png Louzy: Thank you

BlaiseEbuth: Oh. Bring me back one too!


MSmits: I got on marchetes turf I suppose, makes me more vulnerable to him, but thats ok :)

MSmits: ohh i have an idea. I should reverse the loopy heuristic when i have control

AntiSquid: some nice 100% there, what do you use ?

MSmits: nim solver + score solver + a heuristic to make the map have more loops and shorter chains

AntiSquid: loopy heuristic ? wow ... :D

MSmits: score solver has a bug too, i have to fix

MSmits: almost done, but not quite


Default avatar.png Louzy: Does anyone know if it is possible to use the thrust without placing the position of the checkpoint ?

eulerscheZahl: that's a lot of horses struct

struct: knightthrough

eulerscheZahl: is that a thing?

struct: Im using ludii

struct: to try it

struct: yes

Default avatar.png Xascoria: j8n

struct: omg knights cant move backwards

struct: why didnt I read the rules

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

jacek: knight moves forward?

struct: L shape

struct: but cant go back

struct: so 4 moves in total

jacek: hmm, is it NNable?

struct: well

struct: its very similar to breakthrough

struct: but its knights

eulerscheZahl: i don't think that we need an extra contribution for this

jacek: lets make rookthrough

eulerscheZahl: :D

struct: thats solved jacek

struct: for white

jacek: oh? :(

struct: im sure its easy to prove

struct: euler we need more contributions where I just can recycle my mcts

eulerscheZahl: no, we need less of that kind

jacek: you mean we need to downvote one now to take some off?

eulerscheZahl: jrke started with a rubiks cube optim. i think that idea had potential to be interesting

eulerscheZahl: at least if you don't give a solvable cube. so the usual strategies won't apply and you have to get as close to solved as you can

eulerscheZahl: sadly i couldn't convince him about the impossible aspect of it :(

jacek: impossible?

eulerscheZahl: like a cube with 10 white surfaces instead of 9

Wontonimo: +1 (with 2 meanings)

martinpapa69: its crazy how effective quantization is compressing nn weights. 75% compression, no noticable accuracy loss

dbdr: 8 bits martinpapa69?

martinpapa69: ye int8. float32->int8. hence the 75%

MSmits: martinpapa69 do you train on 32 bit values and then compress, or use 8 bit during training?

martinpapa69: i train with float32

MSmits: is there any way to use 8 bit during training too?

MSmits: or would the weights not be able to change

MSmits: because of jumps that are too great

martinpapa69: ye

dbdr: yeah, I expect for training the precision helps

dbdr: you care less about speeed and not at all about size :)

MSmits: with a larger learning rate you might be able to solve this problem

dbdr: but what benefit? well I guess it's easier conceptually

MSmits: well at least it's "what you train is what you get"

MSmits: if you compress after, you cant be sure

martinpapa69: basically thats the case with compression too

MSmits: thats what i mean

martinpapa69: there is a rly good vid about it

MSmits: if you compress you cant be sure the bot you trained is the bot you're using


MSmits: oh nice, favoriting this

RoboStac: are you only using 8bit for transferring to cg or do you do the int maths too?

martinpapa69: only transfer atm. quantized inference looks a bit complicated at first look

MSmits: well i figured out what half my losses vs marchete were about. I was ignoring these objects in my score solver:

MSmits: of course only Marchete makes those...

MSmits: so i got solved scores of 86

dbdr: :D

RoboStac: the stockfish article is the best I've seen at showing quanitized inference doesn't have to be as complicated as some articles suggest

RoboStac: I don't do exactly what they do but it helped a lot

martinpapa69: how big speedup did you achieve with that ?

RoboStac: it's about double for inference speed compared to what I had before

martinpapa69: wow thats nice

martinpapa69: this one is the article you mentioned ?


RoboStac: yep

AllYourTrees: robo what kind of nn structure are you using in C4? also do you have mcts solver in your nn mcts implementation?

AllYourTrees: im unsure what to do next for C4. at the point where im just fiddling with hyperparamters which i hate

struct: paramaters o.o

struct: I only have 1

AllYourTrees: for training a NN

AllYourTrees: mcts params, learning params, replay buffer params, neural network structure params, noise params

AllYourTrees: so annoying


struct: you have NN?

AllYourTrees: yeah but i must be doing something wrong lol, haven't been able to break into top 10 yet

dbdr: are you using cgzero?

AllYourTrees: nope custom

AllYourTrees: so entirely likely that there are bugs

AllYourTrees: have a pretty small nn, not sure if thats the issue or something else

jacek: one hots?

AllYourTrees: nope just 63 floats

AllYourTrees: i tried one hots but didn't make that much of a difference

AllYourTrees: used to have conv, but implementation was slower than just straight linear

MSmits: all bugs solved, all WR green: On to a different project now

Astrobytes: gratz MSmits

MSmits: thanks

Astrobytes: What's next?

MSmits: my oware project I was thinking

Uljahn: MSmits: gratz, what was the approach?

dbdr: gg MSmits, nice lead!

dbdr: are you beating mikkla >50%?

MSmits: thanks, the approach is as follows

MSmits: yes dbdr, seems so, barely over 50%

MSmits: if i dont have anything else to do, i use loopy heuristic

MSmits: to make the map loopy

MSmits: i try to nim solve every turn

MSmits: if thats done, I try to score solve

MSmits: if i nimsolved and not yet score solved, then if i win the nimgame, i play a anti-loopy move and if i lose the nimfame i play a loopy move

MSmits: nim game, not nim fame :P

dbdr: solve nim, get famous!

Uljahn: thx

MSmits: hehe yeah

struct: now do it again on clobber

struct: :)

jacek: oO

struct: im just trying to keep him away from bt

Astrobytes: :D

jacek: he cant do much with math in bt

eulerscheZahl: it's all nice and fun until he plays a game that I won't mention by name

jacek: onitama?

eulerscheZahl: not that

jacek: Y?

eulerscheZahl: one that he hasn't played yet

jacek: :notebook:

struct: DD?

eulerscheZahl: no idea what that even is

Astrobytes: TryAngle Catch?

struct: dice duel

eulerscheZahl: oh :D

Astrobytes: oh

Astrobytes: Didn't get it either lol

jacek: :game_die:

eulerscheZahl: obviously i don't want him to play a game where i have a high rank :zipper_mouth:

FalINTOblivion0112: my clash of code is going down

struct: well you are high rank in a lot of games

dbdr: MSmits, just stop playing games then :D

dbdr: ezpz

eulerscheZahl: but only 1 where i'm at the top

jacek: realm?

eulerscheZahl: mostly because no one gave much attention to it

Astrobytes: cotr

Astrobytes: 1v1

eulerscheZahl: code of the ring?

Astrobytes: realm

eulerscheZahl: just don't play that one smits

eulerscheZahl: or you other evil guys who are no fun to fight against

Astrobytes: *everyone* starts playing CotR immediately

eulerscheZahl: that's not how it works

dbdr: is 1v1 that different?

eulerscheZahl: i haven't tried the 4 player version for more than 1h

Astrobytes: It should have been one or the other tbh

Astrobytes: not both

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah. There's less players in 1v1.

eulerscheZahl: just a port of my 1 vs 1 with some features removed as i couldn't easily make them work

jacek: hmm why there is something about bronze when there is no bronze league

eulerscheZahl: i agree: should not be 2 different games

eulerscheZahl: and has some graphics glitches

eulerscheZahl: tryangle catch also mentions bronze in the rules

eulerscheZahl: i couldn't be bothered changing it when reality struck me

_Royale: martinpapa69: thank you for the video link about quantization

jacek: so its a lie, who approved that!?

eulerscheZahl: you didn't. Judas!

Astrobytes: Burn the traitor.

BlaiseEbuth: No. Stop polluting when there's clean ways to kill people. :rage:

MSmits: I'll do oware guys. Was tempted to try to do math in clobber, but I want to do something else first

MSmits: have to finish NN projects, 3 weeks of vacation left

eulerscheZahl: i tolerate both oware and clobber

Astrobytes: :D

MSmits: tolerate?

martinpapa69: you're welcome _Royale

eulerscheZahl: as in: allow without intervention?

Astrobytes: You have Toad Approval to play those MSmits

MSmits: oh ok

MSmits: got it :)

eulerscheZahl: otherwise i would have to create and release a new game that gets you hooked

MSmits: no more euler, I have a lot of your stuff I have yet to try

eulerscheZahl: i finally hardcoded CGFunge yesterday

MSmits: unless it's better than whats already on my euler-list

dbdr: something bookable and mathy

dbdr: what/s your score eulerscheZahl?

BlaiseEbuth: A toado list ?

eulerscheZahl: 5.9k

MSmits: 6th, not bad

eulerscheZahl: once i lost my column and was too lazy to delete half of it to repair my mistake

MSmits: dbdr, there's a cat above you on funge

jacek: dbdr, hows france

eulerscheZahl: the end is a bit chaotic, going in spirals

MSmits: columns, spirals?

dbdr: 2d programming

eulerscheZahl: obviously it's not about primes at the top

MSmits: is this not the prime number thingy?

MSmits: oh ok

eulerscheZahl: hardcoding validators. binary search

MSmits: the guy that beat you at cg funch is lvl 4 dbdr

eulerscheZahl: wrote code to find a good tree. and then placed it in the grid by hand

dbdr: I know. but great at optim

dbdr: did a few

eulerscheZahl: that guy is also very high at number shifting

MSmits: oh I see

eulerscheZahl: was first before marchete won the game

MSmits: oh yeah thats really good then

MSmits: that marchete really has a habit of coming out of nowhere

eulerscheZahl: just not in contests

MSmits: true


MSmits: who won the FB copy?

struct: time to make a bot for all popular abstract games so I can get ready for next contest

eulerscheZahl: still running

MSmits: oh really


eulerscheZahl: 2 more days

struct: pb4 is first with his bot that is rank 8 on fb

eulerscheZahl: and not even using spells

MSmits: well it is rank 8 on fb because other bots use spells

struct: yeah

struct: maybe dapo ran has a bot ready

Astrobytes: I would assume so

dbdr: pb4 walked but dapo ran

MSmits: there have been FB copies before

MSmits: did he participate then/

MSmits: or am i confused with that weird ghostbuster game

struct: I dont think there was a copy

MSmits: ah ye, then it was the ghostbuster game

dbdr: there was a kind of football game once


BlaiseEbuth: FowBuster

eulerscheZahl: oh, that's what you mean with "copy"

MSmits: a sponsored contest

MSmits: there have been multiple csb copies right?

eulerscheZahl: afaik the 3 day soccer contest was the only one reusing the FB engine until now

BlaiseEbuth: FootBall

dbdr: it was only 3 days?

dbdr: I did that on from scratch in java :D

eulerscheZahl: maybe 4. at least short

reCurse: Yeah it was ridiculous

eulerscheZahl: CSB had that "capture the flag" version

Astrobytes: There was another soccer-like semi-private, but was more like CSB

eulerscheZahl: and the recent one with only 1 pod and 360° angle

BlaiseEbuth: SofiaLab

eulerscheZahl: what did I miss Astrobytes?

eulerscheZahl: soccer CSB?

reCurse: CTF

dbdr: Coders Stike the Ball

reCurse: Decathlon was FB

MSmits: oh so there was a FB copy before?


Astrobytes: Yeah, my bad, the Thales CTF one


eulerscheZahl: damn you struct

reCurse: The real tragedy is the semi-private amadeus game with planets that didn't have a close equivalent

MSmits: gitc

Astrobytes: Yeah, that was a damn fine game

reCurse: NO

reCurse: MSmits: :door:

MSmits: it looked like gitc :P


struct: this one?

MSmits: i know it was way different in mechanics

eulerscheZahl: yes

Astrobytes: yep

BlaiseEbuth: in Perl you bless reference, here toad damn struct...

eulerscheZahl: that was an original idea. and the only semi-private contest that I played

MSmits: thats the one where they called me to ask me to apply for a job :P

struct: gitc?

eulerscheZahl: i remember

eulerscheZahl: and you didn't want to move to the UK

MSmits: ye

BlaiseEbuth: Seems reasonable

Astrobytes: Who would!

dbdr: someone has the decathlon URL?

eulerscheZahl: scroll up



Astrobytes: Thales CTF one here btw:

dbdr: ah yes, that's the one, thanks Astrobytes!

eulerscheZahl: before that thales-2018 contest I shared a leaderboard on the forum with the exact same game

eulerscheZahl: CG reacted by taking that leaderboard offline. So I know what game to expect :D

MSmits: funny

Astrobytes: hehehe

struct: time to take a break

struct: cya all next contest or not if its not a multi

AllYourTrees: :wave:

Default avatar.png skinz11: HELLO

eulerscheZahl: oh, that sounds like a long break. even if it's a real contest, it will be around November :o

eulerscheZahl: farewell struct :(

Astrobytes: whaaaat, come back soon struct

reCurse: How do you know it's november

eulerscheZahl: just guessing. was november last year and with 2 contests per year i think it will be around the same time

eulerscheZahl: continue the sequence

reCurse: Hm

Default avatar.png Louzy: Where shall i find the tips for Coders Strike Back

Default avatar.png Louzy: ?

FalINTOblivion0112: i am legit beating my own programming teacher at clash of code

FalINTOblivion0112: my ranking is higher

struct: I need the break

struct: might not be that long

struct: But I feel like im way too invested on cg

AllYourTrees: balance is good

eulerscheZahl: no accusation. if you need the break, take it

eulerscheZahl: i don't want an exhausted struct who keeps going until the big mental breakdown

reCurse: Did you try deleting your account

eulerscheZahl: just saying that we will miss you while you are on leave

eulerscheZahl: even more as a chatter than as a competitor

struct: to soon recurse :)

struct: I need to wait until contest anoucement

eulerscheZahl: i'm prepared for the worst

eulerscheZahl: is it still called disappointment if you expect the worst case scenario to happen already?

AllYourTrees: yeah you're just disappointed for much longer

struct: well you know you were right all along

eulerscheZahl: i announced an escape room contest even before the spring one started

eulerscheZahl: remember my words

Astrobytes: Pessismism has always worked for me. I'm never disappointed ;)

Astrobytes: But yeah struct, take regular breaks, don't want a real long one like last time. Look after that brain :)

struct: yeah, thank you all, and see you all soon

AllYourTrees: gl!!!

Astrobytes: Take care man, see ya later

jacek: another one bites the dust

jacek: rebless lost due to chess, blaise lost mod rights... who else?

FalINTOblivion0112: we will miss you struct

FalINTOblivion0112: blaise lost mod rights what was the exact reason tho

Astrobytes: Why isn't there a sin bin or a naughty step that we can use for jacek

jacek: hm?

Astrobytes: FalINTOblivion0112: If Blaise wants to tell you he will. It's not our job to tell you.

jacek: i bet he wanted his dignity back

jacek: :smirk:

reCurse: If that bin existed we could just lock it and forget the key

FalINTOblivion0112: oh okay

FalINTOblivion0112: thanks artrobytes

FalINTOblivion0112: uhhh i cant type today lol

Astrobytes: reCurse :)

jacek: :scream:

eulerscheZahl: i get the naughty step. but a sin bin? never heard about that and not sure what to imagine there

eulerscheZahl: a bin big enough to put someone inside?

Astrobytes: It's like a box or a special bench where you get put for fouls in some sports

eulerscheZahl: ah

eulerscheZahl: the 2 min penalty time

eulerscheZahl: codejam gives you 4 just for a bad submit

Astrobytes: Ice hockey, rugby etc

reCurse: That would lock out half of the 5%

Astrobytes: lol

eulerscheZahl: ice hockey was my first thought after your explanation

Astrobytes: Fun game, I don't mind watching that actually, after going to a few matches in Sweden

reCurse: It's the only sport I can tolerate watching

eulerscheZahl: i never see the puck

jacek: thats a bold statement from a canadian

Astrobytes: Yeah, I'm pretty much with you on that reCurse. I can watch rugby sometimes.

eulerscheZahl: i prefer doing sports myself over watching

FalINTOblivion0112: i agree

FalINTOblivion0112: i love basketball but i dont really watch basketball

eulerscheZahl: even missed the game where Germany won the soccer world championship

eulerscheZahl: to my defense: i didn't really care and it started at 9pm

eulerscheZahl: talking about the time... good night, see you

jacek: soccer?

KiwiTae: struct byebye :D come back to us soon

jacek: and youre from germany!?

Astrobytes: gn euler

Astrobytes: Ille top 5 in Sogeti

jacek: good for him

reCurse: Where's the country police when you need it

jacek: cavalry brigade?

jacek: martinpapa69 is this some bot autosubmit?

martinpapa69: nah, i just submit a lot

Astrobytes: watch out for that limit

martinpapa69: when i play on cg i play 0-24, than im gone for half a year

Astrobytes: :)

FalINTOblivion0112: imagine me coming back on here 10 years later when im a grown up

reCurse: So you're like the CG swallow

jacek: when i take longer breaks, then i make some breakthrough

Astrobytes: Well, he is a martin ;)

jacek: (not to confuse with that game)



Astrobytes: (swallows and martins are both Hirundinidae)

jacek: :thinking:

Astrobytes: Similar type of bird

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah. But european or african ones ?

jacek: yes

Astrobytes: I refer to European but they're all related

martinpapa69: wow i didnt know that there are birds with name "martin"

Astrobytes: Now you know :)

**BlaiseEbuth start hitting coconuts and flee away from Astrobytes who didn't get the ref.

Astrobytes: That one 'flew over my head' BlaiseEbuth

jacek: ref? like &


Astrobytes: Back in your box jacek.

jacek: youre jealous of my box, cat

Astrobytes: AH ofc BlaiseEbuth

BlaiseEbuth: I'm dead, just looking at this... :rofl:

Astrobytes: Classic stuff :D


alex1272162: join

Astrobytes: No.

jacek: :upside_down:

alex1272162: pls

BlaiseEbuth: Mods these days...

alex1272162: plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls


FalINTOblivion0112: huh?

alex1272162: join

BlaiseEbuth: AstroBan !

alex1272162: huh

alex1272162: whats that for

martinpapa69: AstroBahn. a german railway into the sky

FalINTOblivion0112: yes

FalINTOblivion0112: very much yes

alex1272162: ok

alex1272162: pls just join

DmytroZerbino: hi guys. has anybody done "Bender - Episode 1"? how to deal with loops:grimacing:

Astrobytes: There's a channel on the discord where you can request participants

Astrobytes: alex1272162

jacek: any channels on celestia?

Astrobytes: Stop spamming the chat alex1272162 or you'll get kicked, then banned

Astrobytes: martinpapa69 :D

dbdr: great name!

jacek: dbdr how do you like eiffell tower

dbdr: french people don't like it as much as foreigners do ;)

reCurse: Do french people like something?

dbdr: :D

Astrobytes: Complaining

BlaiseEbuth: Themself

Default avatar.png MichaelOverhorst: croissants. :P

Astrobytes: Complaining is the national pasttime

Astrobytes: *pastime

ANONYMOUS42: I live 40 minutes from the tower

ANONYMOUS42: but i only went there like twice

ANONYMOUS42: kinda boring ngl

jacek: hm

BlaiseEbuth: Same. 40 minutes with a jet

dbdr: I like that new protocol

jacek: :s

FalINTOblivion0112: did you know that ';' is a thing in python

Astrobytes: I lived in London for 17 or so years and never went to Buckingham Palace or half the other tourist places

reCurse: That syndrome is mostly for japanese I think

Astrobytes: Yes FalINTOblivion0112

ANONYMOUS42: look at this guy not knowing that ; is a thing in python

reCurse: Because they have some sort of extremely idealized version of it that's somehow popular

ANONYMOUS42: amirite guys

ANONYMOUS42: it's just full of scammers lmao

jacek: dont we all

Astrobytes: No.

jacek: oh

Astrobytes: I mean, Paris is full of Parisians for starters :P

reCurse: I thought Paris was pretty aggressive on the tourist scammers

TBali: Is Stockholm syndrome the same with visiting Sweden?

reCurse: And then I visited Rome

jacek: oO

ANONYMOUS42: no it's when the victims start to romanticize their abusers

Astrobytes: Never visited Rome (or Italy for that matter)

reCurse: Probably the most tourist-aggressive place I've ever been to

FalINTOblivion0112: wut really

FalINTOblivion0112: i have been to italy when i was like 6

Astrobytes: TBali nah, Sweden is an amazing place to visit

FalINTOblivion0112: sweden?

Astrobytes: Yes. A Scandinavian country. You may have heard of it.

reCurse: It's a cool place in all meanings

jacek: ill visit it next time i get a nobel prize

Astrobytes: Summertimes are nice and warm though. But it's hell trying to sleep.

reCurse: Warm?

reCurse: Oh right you're from scotland nvm

reCurse: I didn't say anything

TBali: beware, you can get brännvin syndrome there

jacek: and you are from...

ANONYMOUS42: I refuse to take nobel's blood money

reCurse: From a place where summers get a lot warmer than both those places

Astrobytes: reCurse: I lived in London when I went to Sweden in the summer, and we were having 36C in London

reCurse: Ok so there's no way you can say Sweden is warm then lol

Astrobytes: It was warmer than I expected. Pushing 30

reCurse: That sounds rather exceptional

Astrobytes: Not really. Depends where you are though.

reCurse: Not in my experience

TBali: 30F

Astrobytes: Actually I think you're right. IT was only that one time it was warm, otherwise it was 20-25C

reCurse: Exactly

reCurse: And that was for a month tops if you're lucky

Astrobytes: 2 weeks usually :D

reCurse: Yup

reCurse: And more in spring than summer

Astrobytes: Yeah for sure

reCurse: I did enjoy the super long days though

reCurse: Felt surreal

Astrobytes: Same in Scotland, late spring early summer is summer, then it's over

Astrobytes: Yeah it's pretty weird, had so much trouble sleeping at first but you get used to it soon enough

reCurse: I remember going back from a party at around 3-4am and it was literally same lighting as late dusk

reCurse: Heard winters get pretty depressing though, glad I didn't stay then

Astrobytes: lol, in Örebro it started getting light at not long before 1am. After 1am it was essentially daytime :D

reCurse: Oh boy

Astrobytes: Got dark about 11 :D

Astrobytes: Winters aren't toooo bad tbh. If you're having a s**t time of things it can be a bit depressing but it's just something you get used to

leojean890: never went there hehe ^^I prefer going to Guadeloupe at my grandparent's during winter :P

reCurse: I already have a tough time with the lack of daylight here in the middle of winter, so I could see how worse it gets

leojean890: not fan of cold :P

Default avatar.png boterham: can somebody help me?

Astrobytes: leojean890: lol, don't get me wrong, Guadeloupe would be my first choice if I went by ideal climate :D

MSmits: I like our climate

MSmits: most of the year no air conditioning needed

Default avatar.png boterham: can somebody help me with coding a AI

Astrobytes: That should be changing soon MSmits

MSmits: how so

Astrobytes: Uhm

leojean890: Astrobytes hehe :) some people like Norway for example for "aurores boreales" (how to say that in english xD)

TBali: These tales of such long days and nights sounds like heresy. How would it be possible as the Earth is flat?

Astrobytes: "aurora borealis" :D

MSmits: if you're referring to global warming it is not soon and when it happens, as far as i know, my country will freeze instead :P

FalINTOblivion0112: where are you?

MSmits: Netherlands

FalINTOblivion0112: oh

leojean890: long days and nights I wouldn't like much :P

Astrobytes: TBali :rofl:

leojean890: tried that in Norway in summer (night during 3h)

MSmits: TBali it is because when you are closer to the ice wall, the sun is visible for a shorter amount of time

MSmits: you know, the icewall that is around the earth disk

Astrobytes: Yeah was like that where I was in Sweden for a few weeks leojean890

Astrobytes: MSmits: Not soon?

leojean890: I see^^I tried that in 2013 :)

leojean890: summer only for the moment :P

MSmits: soon in geographical timescales

MSmits: not soon as in I'll live to see it

Astrobytes: You're already seeing it surely

MACKEYTH: Tell that to Oregon, MSmits

MSmits: whats happening in Oregon

TBali: so global warming means ice on the rim will melt, and all these water will pour on poor elephants?

Astrobytes: Have you not seen the incredible heat across the North Americas and Canada?

MSmits: Astrobytes we were talking about my entire countries yearly climate changing to a degree noticable by me

MACKEYTH: Record-destroying heat wave. Beat the maximum recorded temps by 10 deg F for weeks

MSmits: that is not happening soon

MSmits: i dont mean measurable by scientists. Of course it's measurable

Astrobytes: Oh. Ours is.

MSmits: people tend to confuse yearly fluctuations with global warming. The yearly fluctuations are larger than the overall trend.

MSmits: but the overall trend is of course measurable

MSmits: but whenever theres a hot summer it's "global warming"

Astrobytes: I'm not a stranger to the scientific method.

MSmits: that's nonsense

TBali: global warming is not just about extreme records, but more about the increase of yearly average, no?

MSmits: yes TBali

Astrobytes: No, not about hot summers. About regular extremes.

MSmits: we're having a very mild and rainy summer this year

MSmits: well the rain is not mild

MSmits: the temperature is though

TBali: but there is a perception bias for recent events as well.

MSmits: massive flooding in our most southern province and in Germany too

MSmits: but i have no idea if you can attribute that to global warming. People tend to do that with everything

TBali: In my childhood there were also extreme weather every year. I more believe in long term measured trends then headlines

Astrobytes: We are getting warmer and wetter, extreme rainfall and flooding are on the increase in most of the UK. That trend has been continuing for the past what, decade? Maybe more.

MSmits: wetter here maybe, not sure

MSmits: warmer, i dont know. I thought so, except for the last 2 years

TBali: 2 year do not count. Decade yes

MSmits: yeah but my personal experience is too inaccurate to mean anything

Astrobytes: My town is gonna rip down a huge amount of trees to build a wall around our burn (small river) for flood protection and is currently installing additional piping for the water drainage.

MACKEYTH: Granted, no individual weather event is evidence of climate change by itself, but extreme events are occurring with greater frequency

Astrobytes: Yes. You have to look globally.

MSmits: sure, but it's different all over the world

Astrobytes: Different?

MSmits: it is entirely possible that some regions get more stable due to global warming

MSmits: even if most do not

MSmits: some places could get improved weather conditions

Astrobytes: The unexpected thing was the North Americas and Canada being hit so bad with the heat, this was predicted for other areas.

TBali: global warming might evne result that one region microclimate actually becomes colder

therealbeef: global warming is the perfect enemy; intangible, undefeatable, never ending. yet you can blame everything on it, and use it to push through any policy. better than wars. </cynicism>

MSmits: many forest fires i hear

MSmits: therealbeef first half of what you say is true

MSmits: but it's almost impossible to push through any policy

MSmits: because it is intanglible

Astrobytes: therealbeef: What? In my country they try their best to ignore it.

reCurse: So like covid?

MSmits: it just doesn't draw the votes as well as any other issue

Astrobytes: Yeah, quite.

therealbeef: covid ends

MSmits: like covid does for example, covid draws the votes

Astrobytes: I'm currently sick and am waiting on my tests arriving.

MSmits: climate change is low priority for most people :(

reCurse: covid ends?

TBali: it must

MSmits: Astrobytes did you not already have covid before?

MSmits: covid will not end, it will change only

Astrobytes: It's happening far faster than they predicted MSmits. And since absolutely nothing is being done about it, it will get worse sooner rather than later.

MSmits: yes, that is exactly what will happen

Astrobytes: MSmits: Yes. It is 100% possible to get it again.

MSmits: and when it does, the emphasis will still be on fighting the symptoms

MSmits: instead of the cause

Default avatar.png RuderLaplace: Greetings.

Astrobytes: Even with full vax it's possible to get it.

MSmits: i know

MSmits: chances are just lower, especially when you're not around too many people

MSmits: i see you on CG a lot so...

Astrobytes: I try to limit my contact but I still have to go out and about

MSmits: well i guess you could be chatting on CG at a party

Astrobytes: And there are many, many maskless people

MSmits: on a phone

Astrobytes: No. Fk that :D

MSmits: I think it's very hard to pick up covid when getting groceries tbh

KiwiTae: i did go to ktv while doing code of kutulu

Astrobytes: You haven't been to my local supermarket

MSmits: i hold my breath whenever someone is within 6 feet and use the scanning device when paying

TBali: beware CG is infectious. I was exposed shortly and can't get rid of it for 2 years now

MSmits: so i dont have any interaction

TBali: zero interaction? hard to acomplish

Astrobytes: We have a lot of empty shelves and a lot of angry people, that doesn't help (did someone say Brexit? :D )

MSmits: i dont think there's a risk of getting it from touching stuff. Or at least it's very near 0

MSmits: oh

MSmits: is this from brexit?

Astrobytes: Yes.

MSmits: did not know it was so noticable in daily life

TBali: empty shelves? really? in UK?

Astrobytes: Yes.

TBali: It is not the Soviet Union

Astrobytes: We import almost everything.

MSmits: what a dumb move was that

TBali: Why empty. It would be just a bit more expensive because of extra taxes, sutiesn no?

MSmits: very self destructive

TBali: =duties

Astrobytes: So many crops are not harvested because we expelled or disallowed all the migrant workers that picked the veggies and fruits

Astrobytes: EU rules

dbdr: brexit was pretty clever (from the point of view of putin)

Astrobytes: UK disobeying

Astrobytes: dbdr: Yes. The plan has come together very well

MSmits: wait so they brexited and then broke the rules also?

MSmits: way to make it worse..

Astrobytes: Yes. Northern Ireland protocol for a start.

Astrobytes: Anyway. Let's drop the politics

MSmits: sure

MSmits: well this time it was not so bad since we were in agreement :P

Astrobytes: hehehe

TBali: I am quite surprised on the empty shelves aspect. Wouldn't have thought

MSmits: i am adapting my D&B solver to solve smaller versions of the game. It's pretty easy

MSmits: want to compare solve times with those in the papers

dbdr: do you need a food package Astrobytes? ;)

TBali: play a bit Code a la Mode

MSmits: cool

MSmits: if you're playing with my bot

MSmits: take the damn plate !

Illedan: Hi

dbdr: lol MSmits

Astrobytes: TBali: there are trucks that can't pick up from farms more than once a week. They used to have pickups every day. 3-5 day shelf life on the veg-fruits. Go figure.

Astrobytes: dbdr: I'm good for now :D

dbdr: good. if that changes tell us ;)

MSmits: I got 2 months worth of powder

MSmits: just remember, mix with water, don't snort through nose

MSmits: thats another kind of powder

jacek: oO

jacek: that would explain the d&b progress

MSmits: lol

dbdr: what powder is that?

MSmits: for food shakes



MSmits: btw the guy who runs the company is an ex-drugdealer

MSmits: so not that far from the truth jacek

TBali: what, more money in this stuff than what he traded earlier?

MSmits: i think he just went around party selling ecstacy pills

MSmits: but the company he has now supplies all around Europe

Astrobytes: *ecstasy

FalINTOblivion0112: yes

MSmits: sorry, i never used it so i dont know how to spell it :P

TBali: X Stasi

Astrobytes: I've done a lot. Finished with that, was fantastic.

MSmits: maybe you bought his stuff too then

Astrobytes: Not at parties in NL

MSmits: ahh ok

Astrobytes: And you never buy in parties.

TBali: not my world, not my stuff

Astrobytes: Anyway, moving on.

Illedan: How did you guys end in this kinda discussion? xD

TBali: global warming is to blame

MSmits: wait, you were just going to tell us how to get our pills Astrobytes

Astrobytes: TBAli: well played sir :D

Astrobytes: That is left as an exercise to the reader MSmits

MSmits: I see

TBali: qed

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: lol, the endless submits of martinpapa69 continue :P

Illedan: Where?

Astrobytes: Guess :P

Illedan: Sogeti?

PebblesN: good morning everyone from Viet Nam

Astrobytes: Oware!

Illedan: ok

Illedan: So last year

Astrobytes: grats on top 5 btw Illedan

reCurse: Illedan the sogeti country police wants to speak with you

Astrobytes: Usual GA or did you get all fancy NN on us?

Astrobytes: heh heh heh

MSmits: ohh is illedan being an illegal alien?

Illedan: I have trained my NN for so damn many hours and I still can't make it converge to something reasonable :P

reCurse: I did say NN on FB was a bad idea

Astrobytes: :grin:

Wontonimo: it's divergent, burn it!

Illedan: I just wanted the movement reCurse

Illedan: This game is far simpler than FB

MSmits: does anyone remember if 2x2 was solved as 3-1 or as 1-3 ?

Illedan: because the spell is less strong

martinpapa69: thats how i monitor my training progress Astrobytes, no cpu capacity for pitting

Illedan: *weaker

Astrobytes: All good martinpapa69, for games I don't have a local runner for it's how I test anything since the new IDE play restrictions :D

Illedan: BUt that damn bludger is too stronk

Wontonimo: i miss the score arrows on the full leader board

jacek: hm? the score arrows are there

Illedan: Not on Sogeti

Wontonimo: yeah, if you watch around scores that are computing , you'll see the neighbours that are modified up or down have an up or down arrow beside them

Wontonimo: now you only see an arrow for the computing bot

jacek: martinpapa69 you pit every generation on leaderboard?

martinpapa69: i just submit time to time during training. i have new "generation" every few minutes

Illedan: Test it offline?


martinpapa69: zero bs

martinpapa69: but for some reason it diverges. it reaches a peak

martinpapa69: than it goes down

Illedan: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

martinpapa69: and i think i find the reason: too big LR

Illedan: I do action selection based on a changing env in sim, but not when picking the actual move -.-

jacek: martinpapa69 or too small buffer?

AllYourTrees: martin i have that same issue

martinpapa69: ye, i increased the buffer size too as well a bit

martinpapa69: still only 400 replays every generation

AllYourTrees: though im running with a bigger network now and it doesn't appear to have same issue?

AllYourTrees: whats your network size

martinpapa69: 374, 128, 64, 64......

AllYourTrees: hmm that seems decent, is that for oware?

martinpapa69: yep

martinpapa69: thats the max i can fit atm

martinpapa69: my quantization is not working well atm

martinpapa69: with that i can fit 374, 256, 128

martinpapa69: idk if its necessary tho

AllYourTrees: hmm

jacek: 374 isnt divisable by 4 eh

AllYourTrees: i think you want divisible by 8, but yeah

martinpapa69: ye, lame, i should add some random features

jacek: and here i am with 192x16 -> value only

martinpapa69: like temperature outside, my mood in a skale from 0 to 8

jacek: oh you meant the possible inputs?

jacek: i thought it was hidden nodes

martinpapa69: 374 : my input size

jacek: but 14 'ones' :?

AllYourTrees: does your NN library auto avx stuff for you?

martinpapa69: 12 + 2 onehot, ye

martinpapa69: my " nn lib" is like 30 lines. only dense layer

martinpapa69: idk if it gets autovectorized

martinpapa69: i want to move to quantization

martinpapa69: Robo told me about this great article:


Peterpanda: can anyone here give me some pointers on what is the most space efficient way to include binary data in c++ source code? so far i'm looking at base64/base85. is there anything better/close to 1:1?

martinpapa69: i use this


Peterpanda: what would be the encoding ratio?

Peterpanda: (e.g. for base64 3:4, base85 4:5)


martinpapa69: ahh nice pasta

martinpapa69: 6/5 i think. at least he preallocates a 6/5 * originalsize buffer

AllYourTrees: whats a site you can use to test your source code size

Astrobytes: Do it in the codegolf on here

AllYourTrees: ?


Astrobytes: Any of the code golf puzzles, it'll give you a count

Astrobytes: Just paste it into the IDE

AllYourTrees: got it ty!

Astrobytes: :+1:

MSmits: tested my solver on smaller D&B boards

MSmits: 2x2 uses about 50 microseconds

MSmits: 3x3 uses about 0,1 seconds

MSmits: 3x4 50 seconds

MSmits: havent tried 4x4 as it will be hours

MSmits: I verified the results for 2x2 (3-1, win for p1) and 3x3 (3-6, win for p2)

MSmits: is there a table somewhere?

MSmits: mmh got it down to 8 seconds for 3x4 but the paper does this in 1.5 seconds

MSmits: I will try the depth priority thingy for hashing. You said this will help right Astrobytes?

MSmits: preferring low depth results to be stored

Astrobytes: You'll have to experiment with a replacement strategy to find what works the best

MSmits: so far i just always replace something if necessary

Astrobytes: Half the fun is the experimentation

Astrobytes: So much for "done with D&B" :D

FalINTOblivion0112: D&B?

FalINTOblivion0112: Drum n' Bass

FalINTOblivion0112: I like Drum and Bass songs on NCS

MSmits: well i am still kinda done. But this is such an easy thing to do. The solver is there, I just wanted to compare with the "professional" solver from the paper :P

Astrobytes: Not that DnB FalINTOblivion0112 :)

FalINTOblivion0112: oh lol

martinpapa69: Dudes 'n' Babes

Astrobytes: Diapers and Babies

Default avatar.png Ezyh: hey

Default avatar.png Ezyh: whatsup guys

Wontonimo: Diapers and Babies i guess

Wontonimo: you got either?

Wontonimo: when are scores recalculated?

Wontonimo: for global leaderboard, or is that down until friday also?

MSmits: meh with depth preference still 8 seconds

MSmits: I guess i can use symmetry

Default avatar.png Ezyh: I got a pfp now

Default avatar.png Ezyh: wait why's it not showing here ._.

MSmits: no diapers and babies here

Astrobytes: Wontonimo: Not these days thankfully, I raised two of my sisters kids from babies though

Ezyh: there, now its showing

Ezyh: astro you're a good man

Astrobytes: I have 'experience'

MSmits: that he is

Ezyh: I plan on being a badass uncle too when I grow up

Ezyh: teach my nephews the ways n shizz

Ezyh: you know

Astrobytes: It's the only kinda way to be an uncle

Ezyh: yeh man, ima make sure they get what I didn't have

Ezyh: what y'all think about this website tho

Ezyh: is it good for learning stuff

Ezyh: I just got here

FalINTOblivion0112: this website has become my life

Ezyh: ow yeh

Ezyh: want tell us why that is

Astrobytes: Hm. Learning algorithms and techniques for sure, for the basics not so much

Ezyh: like, you learn a lot, or is it fun, or is it the community

Ezyh: I see

MSmits: community is cool too

Astrobytes: You can learn a *lot*

Ezyh: yeh I been coding for about a week, I learnt most of the basics

Astrobytes: Time + engagement + self-learning

MSmits: and fun is a personal thing. People do different things on CG

Ezyh: astro, what's that little thing next to your name

Ezyh: circle thing

MSmits: his superpower

Astrobytes: lol

Astrobytes: Moderator badge, nothing special

Ezyh: damn nice

AntiSquid: pokeball

Ezyh: btw, idk if any of y'all here lift

MSmits: I lifted my glass just now

Ezyh: but I hit a 175kg squat today

Ezyh: I'm proud of myself lol

MSmits: nice one

AntiSquid: when world championship ?

Ezyh: goal is 180 kg (400lb)

AntiSquid: fake abalone got approved is it any fun ?

Astrobytes: Fake Abalone?

Ezyh: never heard of it

AntiSquid: i can't stand real abalone (the sea citter) :P

Astrobytes: Oh right, lol. Abalones are nice sliced real thin

MSmits: with a Japanese chef knife

Ezyh: :sunglasses:

MSmits: I clicked on a video about these when i was bored

Astrobytes: *a very sharp knife

AntiSquid: japanese black smith damascus knife

Astrobytes: I have a japanese carving knife

AntiSquid: i wouldn't like to be near it regardless of how thin it's sliced

Ezyh: damn nice

Ezyh: my bro got me a butterfly knife lol to practice

MSmits: you're allergic AntiSquid ?

AntiSquid: i find it gross

MSmits: oh

Astrobytes: I don't think butterfly knives would do you any good in a pro kitchen Ezyh. The chefs would overpower you in seconds

MSmits: does anyone here know how to rotate bitboards cheaply?

MSmits: for symmetry reasons

Astrobytes: rotateBitboard(uint64_t& b)

MSmits: I always have these super expensive ways

MSmits: lol

Ezyh: am I the only one who sees your writing as red?

Ezyh: and uh, its just for fun lol

MSmits: Ezyh

Astrobytes: Yes, if I tag you by using your name

MSmits: notice

martinpapa69: first thing i found on google

Ezyh: I like cool shizz


martinpapa69: looks nice tho

Ezyh: aah I see

MSmits: thanks martinpapa69

AntiSquid: some things i can't help but find repulsive MSmits :

Ezyh: astrobytes test

martinpapa69: np

Ezyh: @astrobytes

Astrobytes: Ezyh passed

Ezyh: lol how you tag someone

Astrobytes: You don't need the @

MSmits: CG chat is next level

Ezyh: ow so it worked the 1st time?

Astrobytes: Yes

Ezyh: Msmits is this red

Astrobytes: Yes

MSmits: wth, how did you make it green

Ezyh: :joy:

AntiSquid: =>@Ezyh: ya no worries it works

FalINTOblivion0112: codingame chat is the second best chat i have been chatting in

Ezyh: any of y'all do python btw

FalINTOblivion0112: I LOVE PYTHON

Ezyh: yeh fall, I just got here bro. these guys super chill

FalINTOblivion0112: python has become one of my essential organs

AntiSquid: ok, i'll bite, what's the best chat then FalINTOblivion0112

FalINTOblivion0112: unvoided guild discord server

Astrobytes: MSmits: some of that might be avx-able

MSmits: yeah, probably

Astrobytes: But I think a few are fast already

MSmits: don't think I am getting into that though. I just wanted to know why the paper thingy is faster.

MSmits: 2x2 and 3x3 were equally fast with my solver even though i dont use this symmetry

MSmits: but 3x4 they are 5 times faster

Astrobytes: Send them an email

MSmits: no they use symmetry, it says so in their paper

MSmits: so that's clear enough

Astrobytes: Oh, fair.

Ezyh: ok ima get to some coding. time to explore this place :neutral_face:

MSmits: just gonna finish 4x4 and then stop. 4x5 is what they managed to do and it took them 10 days

Astrobytes: I imagine that's not a linear solving time for larger sizes

MSmits: no

MSmits: 3x4 -> 1,5 seconds 4x4 270 seconds, 4x5 -> 10 days

MSmits: 5x5 is like a year or so, some guy from littlegolem did it

Astrobytes: damn, fair play

MSmits: I'm just happy my solver is on par and I am not missing any significant features. Aside from the symmetry thing, which is useless on CG

Astrobytes: Side project perhaps ;)

MSmits: nah, i am really done now :)

Astrobytes: I never believe that statement but OK :)

MSmits: I want to write at least 1 thing this vacation

MSmits: was gonna do uttt, but maybe i'll do D&B instead

MSmits: plenty to share

Astrobytes: write?

Astrobytes: Oh write a paper

MSmits: yeah, like a guide

MSmits: to writing a bot for it

Astrobytes: Hm, I think UTTT would be more beneficial for more users

MSmits: yeah

martinpapa69: hmm, uttt, sounds like a happy place for nn bots

MSmits: it's surprisingly difficult to pull off apparently

MSmits: nr 1 is still not a NN

Astrobytes: But don't let that stop you doing a D&B one either

MSmits: afaik. let me check

MSmits: nope karlis o still nr 1

MSmits: but this bot is insane

MSmits: so strong

MSmits: uttt leaderboard is: super strong karlis o, then 3 NNs with re curse as strongest, then 3 roughly equally strong normal mcts bots

martinpapa69: looks kinda trivial to port nn for this tbh

MSmits: it's not

MSmits: because of the miniboard switching mechanic

MSmits: you need to have a way of dealing this, to structure the input properly

MSmits: or your NN will be weak

martinpapa69: hmm

MSmits: afaik re curse and jace k both have custom nn's specifically for this reason

MSmits: dont know about robo's method

MSmits: btw, the main reason karlis o is able to hold out is that his bot plays nearly perfectly. The NN's also play nearly perfectly

MSmits: NN's dont have that much of an advantage over normal bots if the normal bots are already playing nearly perfectly... or at least 1 is

martinpapa69: sure

MSmits: I think karlis o has massive pruning in his expansion function. Lots of rules that he handcrafted

MSmits: his random rollout is nothing special anyways, he does have good performance though

MSmits: he did share that he has a 3k line bot

Peterpanda: do strong uttt bots use opening books?

MSmits: that depends on what you consider an opening book

Peterpanda: when i look at their games they always produce the same kind of patterns

MSmits: ahh thats not an opening book

MSmits: thats a heuristic

MSmits: player 1 always sends player 2 to the same board if the board is empty

MSmits: i used to have opening books but they are fairly weak

Peterpanda: that seems simple enough

Peterpanda: thx for the free elo XD

MSmits: unless you target them to specific players, which is a bit cheest

MSmits: np :)

MSmits: brb

Peterpanda: i have some ideas for using offline precomputed solver results, maybe you can tell me if they sound stupid or worthwhile to try

Peterpanda: this person has some pretty sophisticated solver that could be used offline to solve games after ~20plys

FalINTOblivion0112: guys what is really minimax

reCurse: I mean you're going for uttt so it's hard not to answer with the former

FalINTOblivion0112: like what things can minimax be useful for

Peterpanda: i would precompute a whole bunch and store as many as codesize allows (just boardstate, no subtree)

Peterpanda: then use those nodes as pseudo terminal nodes for mcts to converge to

MSmits: Peterpanda the statespace is far too large for this method I am afraid

MSmits: you'll be able to store maybe 5-10k states this way

MSmits: uttt is not suitable for an endgame DB

MSmits: we have games that are

MSmits: oware and bandas for example

MSmits: i know that website you shared btw, i used some ideas for my expansion function

MSmits: also, the version of uttt he solves is not exactly the one we use

Peterpanda: ok, guess i should work on my expansion strategy than to gain more elo

Peterpanda: he doesnt have the board count wincon right?

MSmits: exactly

MSmits: this makes it harder to solve in our case

MSmits: his games can fairly quickly end in draw or become impossible to win for one side or other

MSmits: locally, I can fairly easily solve from ply 22-23 in a similar amount of time, but not 20

MSmits: I think it's even the case that his version, when fully solved, would be a draw

MSmits: and our version when fully solved would be a win for p1

MSmits: it's doable for p2 to counter p1 getting 3 in a row, but not to also avoid p1 having more won boards

Peterpanda: it seems you spent a lot of time on uttt :o

MSmits: too much

MSmits: there's a few games i spent too much time on

MSmits: uttt, oware, bandas, yavalath and now D&B

Peterpanda: i just started on here/first dive into ai programming/c++/optimizing code

MSmits: welcome

Astrobytes: These are timespans he will never get back, but he passes on the knowledge :D

MSmits: I try, but I should spend more time writing

Astrobytes: Truth.

MSmits: i mean in an article, instead of on chat

MSmits: eulers stats already show me at 1 for typed words

Astrobytes: Yes, many chat sermons can be condensed with the benefit of hindsight and experience

Astrobytes: He has a tool for that?

Astrobytes: Or that was just that day with the guessing game?

MSmits: yeah the guessing game

MSmits: but i think he used a tool

reCurse: Here is maximum condensation

reCurse: Don't uttt

MSmits: bah, haters gonna hate

Astrobytes: :D

reCurse: Hate is subjective, it doesn't apply to objective facts

Peterpanda: where does that sentiment come frome recurse?

reCurse: Condensation of hindsight and experience

MSmits: he has some good reasons that he finds more important than I do

reCurse: It's a really bad game

reCurse: There is so much better use of your time

MSmits: uttt is unbalanced between p1 and p2

MSmits: so you'll get relatively many draws

Peterpanda: pie rule could solve that no?

MSmits: yes, but it has no pie rule

reCurse: PIe rule is garbage

MSmits: it's not

MSmits: but there are better ways, i agree

MSmits: we agreed upon this last time

reCurse: You have the burden of not only figuring out the best move, but also figuring out the most balanced move because the game designer couldn't be bothered to balance it properly

reCurse: So you do two jobs

FalINTOblivion0112: what is pie rule

reCurse: Not fun

MSmits: no need to rehash the discussion, your point is clear :)

reCurse: Was he part of that conversation?

reCurse: He/she/it

MSmits: Peterpanda uttt is fine if you want to learn to code mcts and need a simple sim to test it with

MSmits: but i agree that, unless you enjoy it, you should not spend too much time after you're done experimenting with this algorithm

Peterpanda: yea i already spent some time on it (legend24 atm)

MSmits: there arent many games where just plain mcts will do very well

MSmits: oh thats very good Peterpanda

Peterpanda: but after you squashed my opening book and endgame db dreams i think there is not much left :)

reCurse: That is correct

MSmits: 24 these days is where the nr 1 was 2 yrs ago

MSmits: for a whole year

reCurse: Not true?

reCurse: He's 13 now

MSmits: oh is he?

MSmits: I thought he was around 20 by now

reCurse: Well it fluctuates because the game is so contrasted

MSmits: true

MSmits: Peterpanda are you looking for a game where you can do things like opening books or endgame db or both?

Peterpanda: not really, i was mostly looking to learn mcts

Peterpanda: and then rank up as high as possible

MSmits: ahh ok, connect4 and bandas are 2 games where you can quickly code a good mcts and have the best algorithm for the game afaik

MSmits: connect4 can use a smart rollout for better result

MSmits: if you want to do away with random rollouts and use eval functions in your mcts, there's games for that too

MSmits: it works well in oware for example

MSmits: onitama also

Peterpanda: sounds good, maybe i'll try those next :)

MSmits: if you try oware, just remember it's infested with neural networks. If you get to rank 15 or so, you did great

Peterpanda: nns have to be pretty small on CG right?

Peterpanda: no alphazero like

reCurse: Ironic

MSmits: they're all azero Peterpanda, almost

reCurse: The reason oware is infested with neural networks is because someone published a repo with cgzero

Peterpanda: ok :P

MSmits: azero is a method, it's not a size. It can be any size really

MSmits: they are of course nowhere near the ones produced by the original azero, but the games are simple enough

Peterpanda: well that was what i meant :P

Default avatar.png Dohmanlechx: Isn't the Temperatures test broken? It says always display the positive value if there are two numbers equally close to zero (-5 and 5, then display 5).

Still the test expects -5 and not 5

MSmits: their networks can still have like 100k weights if they want to

MSmits: just not millions

reCurse: 192 thousand persons beg to differ Dohmanlechx

Default avatar.png Dohmanlechx:

MSmits: maybe the correct answer was -5 and there was no 5 in the set

Default avatar.png Dohmanlechx: Oh, I just realized my mistake! Was logging absolute value in between

MSmits: yeah

Peterpanda: anyways, i'm going to bed. thanks for the chat msmits :)

MSmits: gn!

Dominic_007: gn

Default avatar.png swanton: why is there ablm fist in the word calsh

ericlovesmath: I mean I see that fist everywhere in non-BLM contexts

ericlovesmath: I think you're reading too much into it lol

Astrobytes: hm?

Default avatar.png Dohmanlechx: I solved the temperatures task, time to sleep! BTW, I can recommend TIS-100 game on Steam!

Default avatar.png Guju: can you play clash of code but with a friend only?

Default avatar.png Guju: like 1v1?

xxd: private clash

Default avatar.png Guju: how?


Scroll down to "Start a private clash"

Default avatar.png Guju: cheers

Default avatar.png Dohmanlechx: Can I find all my solutions at one place?

Astrobytes: Dohmanlechx: All the Zachtronics games are awesome tbh

FalINTOblivion0112: yes

FalINTOblivion0112: i am doing clash of code nonstop

xxd: What are the requisites to go to the next league/division? Is there a specific place I need to be

jacek: be above the boss

xxd: Thanks

xxd: How do I play the boss though?

ViviCode: choose "test in arena", your ranking is calculated automatically

jacek: you submit the code to arena and fight others in the leaderboard

xxd: Yeah... I'm 156th and I don't think I got high enough to even have a chance against the boss

ViviCode: you need to be 0th :)

xxd: ;-;

jacek: what game

xxd: Legends of Code & Magic

xxd: Bronze 2 : (

ViviCode: I'm currently 143rd in wood 2 league of Ghost in the Cell, I feel ya ;)

xxd: what is a good, introductory bot-programming challenge that isn't so overwhelming with rules

xxd: like LoCM is pretty fun for me because i used to love hearthstone but there are so many dastardly rules (imo)

juice0: ultimate tic tac toe is relatively straightforward, at least out of the handful i've tried so far

FalINTOblivion0112: YES

FalINTOblivion0112: top 2000 clash of code

FalINTOblivion0112: 1000 more to go

ViviCode: grats!

FalINTOblivion0112: thank you

FalINTOblivion0112: the codingame community is awesome

FalINTOblivion0112: who needs a girlfriend when codingame is a thing

ViviCode: lol

xxd: i love clash of code but i think i've plateau'd at ~120th

FalINTOblivion0112: well im around the 1900's

FalINTOblivion0112: not even close to the 1000's

xxd: When creating a contribution, when should Variable style and Constant style be used?

KatMan911: if you want to annoy the fuck out of many people, make up the longest, most descriptive, var names possible

xxd: But my question was when to use Variable vs Constant

KatMan911: ah. I'd just follow accepted rules for that particular language

FalINTOblivion0112: you use variable when the value varies and constant if the value stays fixed

KatMan911: yeah, which is pretty much what the rules are normally :)

xxd: yeah, but i think i've seen conflicting usage in clashes so i got a bit confused

10Casac: wouldn't it be for describing the variables passed as input? The bottom of the statement help shows examples when creating. Not sure about constants, usually puzzles don't use them.

xxd: I see

xxd: I don't see the styles render in my private contribution though so I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly...

10Casac: when you're done you can test in IDE and it renders it for you

KatMan911: did the site change its behavior recently for anyone? I don't see the mouseover popups for users anymore, all of a sudden.

FalINTOblivion0112: same! can the codingame mods do anything about that?

ZarthaxX: its just broken

ZarthaxX: will be fixed eventually

Wontonimo: friday, from what i hear

Wontonimo: until then, we are all equal

Wontonimo: mods are just regular users who have been trusted with the ability to kick. they don't have anything more than that I believe.

ZarthaxX: i can just look up your profile :P

Wontonimo: noooooooo

ZarthaxX: right

Wontonimo: okay, take a quick look

ZarthaxX: i already did :P

Wontonimo: it's totally normal because we are both wearing socks

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: the heck

KatMan911: Wow. All this intimacy and lovey-dovey crap. I'm just here for some hard CoCs.

Wontonimo: what are you coding these days ZarthaxX ?

Wontonimo: I finally shook my apathy away and ported my UTTT to C4. I'm happy enough with it.

Wontonimo: KatMan911, step away from CoC and come join the cool kids battle bots against eachother

Wontonimo: Check out these peoples bots that are programmed to race around the checkpoints

Wontonimo: they are not even slowing down properly to make a turn! Surely you can beat them KatMan911!

Wontonimo: come join the bot battles!

ZarthaxX: i havent been coding anything

ZarthaxX: busy studying

ZarthaxX: oh btw finished that course, got a 9/10

ZarthaxX: how is that C4 bot?

Wontonimo: NICE !

Wontonimo: that was a crazy week (or was it 2, i forget)

Wontonimo: i'm happy with my 17th place in C4. It's just MCTS + solver. Nothing "special" specific to C4.

ZarthaxX: one week

ZarthaxX: but was an easy exam anyway

ZarthaxX: hell yeah 17 :O

Wontonimo: but i did optimize the snot out of MCTS and the C4 rules, using uint64 for the state

ZarthaxX: i want to go back to bots ;(

Wontonimo: :D thanks

ZarthaxX: but i really want to do this final exam

ZarthaxX: oh uint64 in C4 is amazing

ZarthaxX: the operations to find a win are awesome

ZarthaxX: bits ops i mean

Wontonimo: yeah, struct said it was possible and gave a very small snip of code to get available next moves

Wontonimo: so i decided to actually puzzle over it

Wontonimo: before that I was going to use 128

ZarthaxX: oh cool

ZarthaxX: i thought this C4 version had modified width & height

Wontonimo: it's 9x7, so first in 63bits.

Wontonimo: another reference i read on bitboarding such games is to put a boarder around the game so when you shift and & the board to

Wontonimo: find pieces in a row you don't end up wrapping around

Wontonimo: ah, the trick here is to blank out all the illegal wrapped around bits of the shifted board when &'ing it with the original

Wontonimo: well, that's what i thought the "trick" was, and that's how i did it. maybe there's a sneaker way.

Wontonimo: there has to be, because struct has many times more rollouts than i do

ZarthaxX: oh 63 bits, nice

ZarthaxX: but if you add that border thingie you cant fit it in 64 bits

Wontonimo: yeah, so i dont

ZarthaxX: you could just ask struct :P

ZarthaxX: ah okey

Wontonimo: ahah, yeah i could

Wontonimo: it was very rewarding to work it out myself

ZarthaxX: bit tricks are always satisfying to discover

ZarthaxX: :D

Wontonimo: i don't think i could go back to arrays when working with such small boards.

Wontonimo: the bots that beat mine set up traps, such that in a column they have two wins in a row. If they build up to the first and i block, they win with the second

Wontonimo: very consistantly

Wontonimo: i have no "special" code to try that

ZarthaxX: did it just emerge??

ZarthaxX: you are missing the last part, play against your bot and get demolished haha
