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MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: MSmits could you help me with something? :)

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: I have a function to calculate the values of the next turn:

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: def calcNext(list):

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: I made the input and output both lists so I can plug it into the function multiple times to predict multiple turns ahead

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Are there any errors you can spot?

dbdr: Illedan?

DaNinja: MaliciouslyCrypticUsername atan2 returns the angle in radians between PI and -PI

DaNinja: need to convert it to degrees

DaNinja: and subtract your pod current angle to get the angle to target

Default avatar.png halloweens: guys, how to see the code that ppl submitted to the leaderborad, I can't find one in the mars lander optimization

DaNinja: you cant see other solutions for optimizations

Default avatar.png halloweens: okay then, thank you btw

Default avatar.png Diptastic: fyi Chuck Norris' keyboard has 2 keys: 0 and white space.

Illedan: yes dbdr?

Illedan: Solved 1 food map now?

Marchete: "will code for food"

struct: "will give food for eval"

martinpapa69: ok, so feeding binary encoded integers to nn does not work

Marchete: hmm, as one-hots :D

Marchete: but (float)(intval)

martinpapa69: ye sounded like a smart idea. but it just..baD

Marchete: I don't thin so

Marchete: afaik NN search gradients

Marchete: so it assumes -1 bad 1 good

Marchete: and all between are gradients

Marchete: for turn?

Marchete: I thought about some turn%12 (a full rotation)

Marchete: then some encoding

dbdr: Illedan you appeared online, I guess you just left your machine running :)

martinpapa69: hm. i used it for cell values

dbdr: not solved 1 and 2, but made a few optims. and thought about odd levels, but not implemented anything

Illedan: Yeah :) Tend to happen. Every day

Illedan: I started the JS thingy atleast, hopefully done tonight :)

OldJohn: @matrinpapa69 yes binaries values of integer does not work easily with oware since it is harder to encode necessary if conditions such that if cell_value[5] = 13 and cell_value[6]=0 and ... : Here onehot encoding is perfect. That ma explain why onehot is better here. However, it is natural when you have just to use add,minus,multiply and so one on input values which is often the case with NN in real life.

OldJohn: OneHot is perfect for categorical values :-) A, cat, dog. And here in fact it is nearly categorical inputs :-)

jacek: and it will grab the concept that empty house, or 1-2 seeds houses are much different than the others

jacek: implicit little domain knowledge

jacek: + it's faster

martinpapa69: the information is still there in binary encoding, but ye the network needs to use more weights to learn, when a house has x seeds. i thought after long training it could be maybe possible to teach it, so i can save space

dbdr: if you need more weights, it might not save space

martinpapa69: I mean. if you use one-hot, the network needs 1 weight, to know if you have lets say 5 seeds in slot 1

martinpapa69: but if you use binary encoding, needs more

Marchete: how do you encode a binary on a float?

martinpapa69: input[0] = val^0

martinpapa69: input[1] = val^1

Marchete: so each bit on 1 input float?

martinpapa69: yep

Marchete: ahhh

Marchete: ok, then maybe it's ok

martinpapa69: it worked...but performed much worse

struct: story of my life

jacek: oO


jacek: quite speed vs accuracy tradeoff in sf14

struct: so i must make my bt bot slower

struct: got it

OldJohn: Did you find on which games NNUE is trained ?

jacek: just reading random snippsets from sf discord

jacek: but lately theyve been training on leela zero games as well

OldJohn: OK so singular extensions on MCTS does not improve the edngame play too much

MSmits: it should not, because the endgame is usually solved

MSmits: if neumann pops in, tell him his cg bench overrides my request cooldown

MSmits: requestCooldown: 80

MSmits: it does 30

MSmits: and then hits the limit

MSmits: it will then double the 30 and keep doubling it until it no longer hits the limit. I prefer to just set a value that never hits it

jrke: MSmits thanks for pushing me 3rd in D&B lol

MSmits: yeah, you know how i do that?

MSmits: I have a mcts for early game

MSmits: and I can make it create a ton of loops and short chains if i want to

MSmits: in that case, it doesnt help to be in control in the late game

MSmits: your bot is better than other bots at playing out the late game

MSmits: you get wins vs me

MSmits: I did some testing and i get around 50% wr vs mikla with this

MSmits: unfortunately a bunch of losses vs lower ranked, like you

MSmits: you'll see the games you won are all narrow score wins

MSmits: score solver paying off in the end eh?

jrke: my current submitted bot is having end game solver which is bugged intensionally to make it work under 100ms

jrke: and the non-bugged solver is ready but it takes 100ms+ in many games

jrke: so can't submit it

MSmits: I know your pain. Spent a lot of time speeding up mine

MSmits: it's hard

MSmits: btw i recommend you also do the mcts thing

jrke: i in my solver i only evaluate heuristically in which only closed chains are there

MSmits: it's really easy, just do a basic mcts and your eval just has to make an educated guess about how "loopy shortchainy" it is

jrke: i think adding looped chains in that can optimize it a bit

MSmits: oh right

MSmits: do you need the function i shared with Marchete

jrke: which one?


MSmits: ControlledValue(int b, int l4, int ll, int c3, int cl)

MSmits: b is boxes left, l4 is loop4count, c3 is chain3count, cl is number of long chains

MSmits: assuming all are isolated

MSmits: so no fancy 3 joins and 4 joins

MSmits: this is an exact solution coming from scientific research

MSmits: and extremely fast

MSmits: oh and ll is long loops

MSmits: (6+

MSmits: the end result is the board value

struct: o.o

jrke: thenks

MSmits: dont try to understand it really, just test it

MSmits: make sure you handle short chains (1 and 2 long)

MSmits: and also chains that have been opened already

MSmits: once those are gone, you can use the formula

MSmits: I kinda understood it when i coded it, but have no clue now

jrke: int GetValueRecursive(int b, int l4, int ll, int c3, int cl)

jrke: what does this do?

MSmits: thats the function you call

MSmits: it calculates the value of the board

MSmits: pass it the boxcount left on the board

MSmits: and the loop4count

MSmits: looplongcount (6+)

MSmits: chain3count

MSmits: and chainlongcount(4+)

MSmits: it's recursive in the sense that it calls itself multiple times in case of 4 loops

MSmits: removing loops each time

jrke: does l4 consist all loops count or just loops of 4 boxes?

MSmits: loops of 4 boxes

MSmits: they are special

MSmits: chains of 3 also

MSmits: btw tb = terminal bonus, it's the bonus you get from capturing the last object

MSmits: because you dont need to give up boxes in that one

MSmits: 4 loops have a tb of 8

MSmits: normall you give away 4 boxes, but on the last one you gain 4

MSmits: 4 -- 4 = 8

jrke: hmm

MSmits: I dont mind giving you the paper this all comes from but it's one of the worst you'll have ever read

MSmits: not because it's wrong, but because it's textwalls with math sprinkled

jrke: my current heuristic eval is here


MSmits: yeah that will have similar speed, but will be wrong some of the time

jrke: but i looped handler is incomplete

jrke: else { }

MSmits: oh right

MSmits: well thats where the complexity is

MSmits: if you have only chains you can just always play the shortest one

MSmits: if you also have loops,then sometimes it's better to play a 4 loop first, sometimes a 3 chain

jrke: yeah

MSmits: btw

jrke: btw i calculated how many unique states can be in dots and boxes

MSmits: if you just have loops you can also just always play 1 and 2 chains before loops

jrke: ohk

MSmits: around 6000 if you have simple loony endgames right?

MSmits: i created lookup tables for this

MSmits: and i needed 6000 sized array

MSmits: but my lookup table was slower

jrke: no i am talking every state of game from turn 0 to turn 112

MSmits: oh I see

jrke: 2^112 if i am not wrong

jrke: cause we can define each state under 112 bits

MSmits: hmm well yes thats the first order calculation

jrke: and all combinations will be 2^112

MSmits: but you dont include symmetry in that

MSmits: 2^3 ways to rotate and mirror

MSmits: so that'll make it 2^109

jrke: yes no symmetry in that

jrke: ohk

MSmits: also the corners have a little bit of symmetry

MSmits: but that's mostly negligible

MSmits: the game is mostly simplified by it's graph-nature

MSmits: once you have isolated chains it doesnt matter where they are

jrke: yeah

jrke: just play smaller ones

MSmits: also even with complex objects, you can do all sorts of rotations and twisting and it will stay the same object

MSmits: so many D&B maps are equivalents

MSmits: but in your case, if you dont like using that function i just gave you, you can also generate all possible states and use a lookup table

MSmits: generate them all locally

MSmits: you'll have 6k values

MSmits: compress them and put them in your bot

MSmits: then in the first second, generate the states, but dont solve them

MSmits: instead add the hardcoded value to those states in a lookup table

jrke: i will only hardcode when i failed to make solver working under 100ms after trying too many things

MSmits: well you cant hardcode complex stuff so this is just to replace that function

jrke: how you handle loops bigger than 4?

MSmits: 6 loops are "somewhat" special, but only in the presence of complex objects

jrke: btw loops have only even numbered boxes right?

MSmits: anything bigger can just be ignored until the final solve of a simple state

MSmits: jrke yes in D&B they do

MSmits: I also ignore all chains 4 and up

MSmits: during solve

MSmits: except in the final use of that function

jrke: maybe one reason of slow speed of my solver could be this

jrke: int map[7][7][4]

MSmits: sure

jrke: i am using 7*7*4 array for game state

MSmits: I generate a graph from my map

MSmits: so i am no longer placing edges during solve

MSmits: i am playing whole loops and chains and such


struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

struct: how can a 1 line eval have like 40% win rate vs my current bot

struct: ....

MSmits: yes that's very disturbing

MSmits: I also dont know how to eval breakthrough

struct: I dont know how to eval.

struct: Doesnt matter which game

MSmits: eval in general is just, identify features, give them a parameter, fit the parameters

MSmits: identifying features is the only hard part

MSmits: the rest is boring and time consuming

jrke: i went at wrong path for evaluating func in spring 2021 during contest

MSmits: i succeeded at it in some games, most notably oware

MSmits: until everyone and their mom beat me using NN

dbdr: you handcrafted an oware eval?

MSmits: yes

MSmits: far better than the rest

snacker_X: print("hello world")

struct: dbdr you eval breakthrough?

jrke: what depth you go in oware MS?

dbdr: honestly I don't remember how I eval bt

MSmits: no idea, it depends on the state of the game, probably 20 or so

MSmits: it's mcts with ept

struct: But you do eval right?

dbdr: I guess

dbdr: sorry, it's in swap right now

struct: swap?

dbdr: what is my snake doing, avoiding the good?

dbdr: swap out of my brain-RAM

dbdr: the *food

dbdr: the good food

struct: maybe Illedan should change the head of the snake

dbdr: yeah, I requested that too :)

dbdr: :snake:


dbdr: oh, I think I know!

dbdr: yeah, finishing levels again now :)

MSmits: is this one of those GA/SA games?

dbdr: we don't know yet :)

jrke: Hamiltonian cycle is easiest way to solve snake game until and unless you don't have turn boundation

MSmits: I dont think it's supposed to be solvable

MSmits: so you need some optimization algorithm

Default avatar.png billalxcode: verse mode

MSmits: it's like the travelling salesman problem

MSmits: quickly grows in complexity with the number of food thingies

MSmits: I suppose you can solve a few simpler cases exactly using that hamiltonian thingy and then use them as a benchmark for your optimization

dbdr: solved as in: found a way to visit all cities

MSmits: no i mean maximum score

dbdr: not found the probable optimal one

dbdr: I know

MSmits: with TSP anything < 20 is possible to solve exactly I think

MSmits: not sure where the exact limit is

dbdr: when jrke says solved, he does not mean optimally

MSmits: It's (N-1)! / 2 I think

MSmits: ohh

MSmits: did not get that

jrke: yeah i didn't meant optimal

MSmits: soo I know how i can get to nr 1 in D&B now

struct: o.o

MSmits: I just spam a 51% wr bot forever and pull down mila

MSmits: mikla

dbdr: lol

MSmits: and then lose the nr 1 as soon as 1 person resubmits

MSmits: because my bot loses vs lower ranked, the way i made it now

dbdr: sounds like a plan

jrke: and push me up till you push down mikla lol

MSmits: hehe yea

dbdr: good use of resources

MSmits: i am doing that jrke

MSmits: probably i should just improve my solver so i dont get so many lower ranked losses and get a bit more wins vs mikla as well

MSmits: my scoresolver currently starts at endgame, but the simple endgames take like 5 microseconds to solve

jrke: wht thats great 5ms

MSmits: so plenty of time left to bring the frame of solving earlier

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: on average it's 80 microseconds

MSmits: oh wait no

MSmits: thats nim solving

MSmits: hmm score solving was 1 millisecond average

MSmits: no, 300 micro

jrke: :scream:

MSmits: but the simpler ones are faster than average

MSmits: and the whole idea is to make the board simple and losing for mikla

jrke: my solver breaks 100ms when there are more than 15 chains lol

MSmits: the number of chains is irrelevant for me, just the number of 4 and 3 degree joins matters

jrke: i have minimax thingy for solver

MSmits: some of them are crazy complicated. I found one with 12 joins that took the full 100 ms

MSmits: yeah mine uses negamax, which is basically minimax

MSmits: frame 61, this took 111 microseconds to solve

jrke: my internet is working like snail

jrke: very slow

MSmits: ye, looking at the games on the leaderboard 100 micro is average for solving time when no safe moves are left

MSmits: but this is with my loopy mcts that creates simple endgames

jrke: nice

MSmits: yeah so what i was thinking about doing is extending this to before the endgame

MSmits: with another negamax that runs the solver at endgame

jrke: i am very much interesed to know what does crazy remi prints in message

MSmits: problem is you need sacrifice moves and pre-emptive sacrifices as well

MSmits: me too, i have no idea

MSmits: his bot is very weird

MSmits: i suspect he uses some sort of mcts with nim-components

MSmits: without a nimsolver, his bot crushes you, so he does have some nim in there

jrke: it looks like time taken in seconds

MSmits: hard to say

MSmits: ahh gotta go, visitors today

MSmits: ttyl

jrke: ohk

jacek: whats with that utf16

reCurse: I'm starting to wonder if I should have used randomized openings for chess instead of 960

struct: unbalanced starts?

struct: I mean unbalanced on 960

reCurse: No

struct: What is the problem?

reCurse: No problem per se

reCurse: Doing most of my testing with random chess engines and most of them just do classic chess

reCurse: So I use random openings and it's working pretty well

reCurse: And it's easier to watch

reCurse: shrug

reCurse: Pretty satisfying to defeat minimax engines with positional play

jacek: random openings, but castling as in classic chess?

reCurse: It's exactly the same as classic chess except forced openings from a book like they do in most competitions

struct: im probably done with bt, its impossible to bench atm

struct: I was not aware it was this bad since I never used cg bench

MSmits: I get to 48 games and then it stops, I think authentication fails

Marchete: on CGBenchmark?

MSmits: yeah

Marchete: hard limits

Marchete: they are very limited now

MSmits: not just that

Marchete: like unusable even with IDE tests

MSmits: it also logs me out or something

MSmits: so even with 1 min time

MSmits: at some point it says i am not the right codingamer

MSmits: usually after half an hour or so

struct: I can run brutaltester, but I just end up creating a version that can only beat my bot

struct: unless I test vs multiple versions of my bots

MSmits: struct what helps a little bit is adding randomness to your moves

MSmits: so when making the move, add % randomness to the value of each move

Marchete: brutaltester is the "my mom says I'm the best basketball player"

Marchete: version

Marchete: just like NN sometimes

MSmits: yes, fitting params is like that

MSmits: you can use tricks to reduce overfitting outside of NN's also

MSmits: well I guess CG bench is not completely useless. I can run it maybe 4 separate times and add up the result for 200 games or so. Then I can at least tell if a bot is obviously better or not. If they're close, it's not enough

struct: but you are only testing vs 1 player

struct: on bt that is not enough

MSmits: in my case that is fine

struct: yeah

MSmits: I also have a lot of testing tools for D&B outside of cg bench though, so it's easy for me to see if i improved

MSmits: i just dont know if its better than mikla

MSmits: unless i cg bench

MSmits: my current leaderboard version is 50% WR btw, as far as you can tell with a near even 100-100 score

MSmits: but it sacrifices a lot vs lower ranked. So my next goal is fixing that

MSmits: this is typical:

MSmits: all green, but well... I am not supposed to lose any games below mikla

struct: I would try chess, but if I struggle with bt eval I cant imagine how I would do in chess :D

MSmits: well

MSmits: plenty of features to choose from

MSmits: also more literature

MSmits: but fitting params is a huge problem

MSmits: you need to learn how to do that

MSmits: automatically, not by hand

struct: I probably need to upgrade my cpu

struct: if i want to do that

MSmits: nah

MSmits: sure, it helps

MSmits: but you can also just wait twice as long

Marchete: if WR >50 just spam submit :D

MSmits: or do it less often

MSmits: Marchete i could get >50 but i want to make it so that i get 100% below me


MSmits: like it was before

struct: I cant test on ide though anymore

struct: due to cd

MSmits: it's literally 1 minus sign between this and being 100%

struct: cooldown*

MSmits: but then my mikla wr becomes 40%

Marchete: yeah sometimes I can beat you on my broken bot :D

MSmits: thats the sort of loss that should not happen

MSmits: but there's a difference with your bot

MSmits: you get loopy maps even if i am not trying for them

MSmits: so your bot does something

Marchete: I think it's that

Marchete: my bot tries something

Marchete: and by chance it gets the right point to win

Marchete: like it's still too much randomness

MSmits: could be

Marchete: to say you domain the game


MSmits: but i did discover that it's possible to force loopyness. If everyone did that, it would kill miklas bot

Marchete: at first match I tried

Marchete: so you have room to improve

Marchete: or maybe it's just 1st player having advantage

MSmits: nah not really

MSmits: i gave away 2 boxes btw

MSmits: because my bot wants to have control

MSmits: thats why i lose

MSmits: control is pointless with loopy maps

MSmits: I should just detect this and stop sacrificing


MSmits: here i beat mikla like you beat me

MSmits: let him have control by sacrificing boxes, then win by score

MSmits: dunno why my happy and sad face emote got broken btw

Marchete: hmm I thought it was due to the position, but I can win you also as blue player

MSmits: yeah that doesnt matter

MSmits: the game has too much branching to make use of any p1 or p2 advantage

MSmits: and it's impartial

MSmits: you both use the same board

MSmits: the only difference is who's turn it is

Marchete: 5x5 is proven win for p1

MSmits: sure but this is meaningless if it's not solved

Marchete: at some point in time it had "too much branching"

MSmits: 7x7 is also a win for either player

MSmits: one of them i mean

MSmits: there is an enormous difference between 5x5 and 7x7

MSmits: like checkers and chess

MSmits: 5x5 was not at all easy to solve

MSmits: mostly because nim stuff is useless for this kind of solving

MSmits: score solving uses plain old negamax

MSmits: there's a table somewhere that showed the difference in time required for 4x5 compared to 5x5

MSmits: it was like 1000 times or something ridiculous like that

struct: ok maybe this version is better

struct: now I need to wait for cooldown

jacek: you cant submit on cooldown?

MSmits: and then you use your ultimate?

struct: I wont submit I dont want to lose my top 10 :(

struct: only if im 100% sure that its better

struct: It does play different



struct: 2nd is old bot

MSmits: i just love we brought you over to the dark side of board-game botting :)

struct: I only learned bitboards due to spring contest

MSmits: you picked it up fast

struct: I knew the basic like set and clear bits

struct: but that was about it

MSmits: thats how it starts

MSmits: you will also go through a phase where you are bitboarding everything, even when it doesnt help at all

MSmits: or maybe thats just me

struct: if its easier sure

MSmits: earlier I was trying to calculate mex, by setting bits on a bitboard and then using builtin ctzl to get the lowest bit

struct: mex?

MSmits: but turns out just filling an array and looping to the lowest unset array item was faster

MSmits: minimum excluded value

MSmits: so i started with a full set bitboard

MSmits: and unset bit

MSmits: when i found values

MSmits: then took the minimum set bit with ctzl

MSmits: but just having an array with 16 values and setting the items was faster

MSmits: because to modify the bitboard i needed |= 1uLL << s

MSmits: and thats slower

MSmits: slower than just setting an item in a 16 sized array

MSmits: this is what i meant with unnecessarily bitboarding everything

reCurse: That seems incredibly specific advice on micro-optimizations heavily dependent on the context they're used in

MSmits: yes, the point was really, not to jump to bitboards at every occasion

MSmits: not this specific example

MSmits: I also did a bitboarded floodfill for tron

MSmits: which was slower I think

MSmits: maybe a did it wrong, not sure

MSmits: I

reCurse: Probably did it wrong I'd say

reCurse: Bitboards are very good at that

MSmits: well maybe, the idea was to floodfill in parallel, but it works poorly on long corridors

Default avatar.png NVT_Nguyen: gg

MSmits: i did use it on D&B succesfully, but the bitboard is just a single uint64_t

MSmits: for tron i needed like 29 ints

MSmits: that complicates things

MSmits: if you're just floodfilling along 1 corridor on 2 ints and you have to check if your map changed to see if you're done floodfilling, you need to check the whole board

MSmits: because you dont actually know it's just a corridor

reCurse: I maintain my guess :P

MSmits: fair enough :)

reCurse: Speaking of benching I was afraid this would happen since the public release of CGBench, still took 2 years eh

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: it always surprised me they just let us do it

MSmits: just a bit worried they might limit submits next

MSmits: as you mentioned

MSmits: well you mentioned that people submit more

reCurse: During contest yeah

MSmits: probably also outside contest

reCurse: That's the thing the site is dead outside contests

reCurse: That's why it upset me quite when they made the limit permanent

MSmits: relatively speaking sure

MSmits: well contests arent happening all the time

MSmits: there might be more activity outside contest

MSmits: but it's spread out

MSmits: over a long period of time

MSmits: if you limit it there too, you migth save a bunch of $$ in the long term as well

MSmits: just have to be honest about it

reCurse: I still think we talk about thousands of times

MSmits: I remember a time where I personally CG benched 10k games in a week and that was just me alone

MSmits: outside of contest

MSmits: in contest i benched less

reCurse: That's nothing in the grand scheme

MSmits: nothing if it's just me

MSmits: we dont really have the numbers, so we can only guess

MSmits: i just accept the new reality. The new normal is testing locally

reCurse: The new normal is to leave CG lol

MSmits: not me :)

MSmits: anyways gotta go get some food, ttyl

reCurse: bye

**jacek never used cgbench

jacek: im so ecological

Youssef_kessentini: f word

jacek: fail

antiwonto: fortran

Marchete: F#

antiwonto: Furby

antiwonto: Furry

Youssef_kessentini: female?

Youssef_kessentini: ferrari?

antiwonto: ban

Marchete: Press F to pay respects

Youssef_kessentini: k

TobiasA: F

Wontonimo: i'm with ya MSmits, i've taken up residence here


jacek: oh my, +350 elo in a year

struct: it did not look like 350 in this site


jacek: different time control maybe

struct: ah probably

jacek: plus this is test against last classical sf, which was sf11

struct: that one is against sf7

NinjaDoggy: 10 seconds + 0.1 time control ._.

NinjaDoggy: wtf is that

struct: ultra bullet

NinjaDoggy: not sure how meaningful 350 elo at ultra bullet is :/

jacek: also, could be different openings

reCurse: Why wouldn't it be meaningful

reCurse: Are you saying CG bots aren't meaningful? lol

sprkrd: 10 sec + 0.1 is plenty for a computer

sprkrd: most CG games have 100 ms per turn

reCurse: Anyway I'd rather use CCRL as a reference since they play against various different engines

darkhorse64: CG is 1s + 0.05 right ,

darkhorse64: ?

reCurse: Not really

reCurse: There's no timebank on CG

NinjaDoggy: but no official/ranked games are played at 10 + 0.1 so saying "350 elo increase over sf11" is pretty misleading

NinjaDoggy: at longer time control the elo gain is much smaller

reCurse: I don't get it

sprkrd: I don't understand your point

reCurse: Elo is always in a frame of reference

reCurse: By itself it never means anything

reCurse: Just like I could say self-play elo is meaningless

reCurse: Doesn't mean it is

NinjaDoggy: my point is if someone says "SF14 is 350 elo stronger than SF11" most people would think that's it's 350 elo higher in normal time controls for competitive games

NinjaDoggy: not 350 elo stronger at ultra bullet 10 + 0.1

reCurse: I disagree since what is the normal time control? TCEC? CCRL? CCRL Blitz?

reCurse: On what hardware?

sprkrd: why would be elo be something particular for "competitive human time controls"? It's not even specific to chess

sprkrd: point is, computer has a budget of 10s to make its move (let's forget about the increment for now), it can manage its budget anyway it wants. Under those circumstances, there's a 350 elo difference between approach A and approach B

reCurse: It's exactly like saying your new version has 90% winrate vs the old one

reCurse: What it actually means depends on the context

struct: If I check the win rate with "random" openings will it be more accurate to check bot strength?

NinjaDoggy: yes but, if you just say "SF14 is 350 elo stronger than SF11" most people agree SF11 is around 3400-3500 in most time controls used in competitions but SF14 is not 3750+

reCurse: It actually is


jacek: busted

jacek: what is fat fritz doing there :s

reCurse: They decide not to dive in politics

reCurse: Something like that

reCurse: shrug

reCurse: Also the fact the statement says "vs SF11" implies to me self-play which means the measure is in no way usable in regular tables

reCurse: Because otherwise they'd have to say what is the reference pool used

NinjaDoggy: I mean... that's my point that you shouldn't expect to find in any of these tables stockfish 14 being 350 elo higher than stockfish 11

reCurse: I don't think anyone is

reCurse: That's why I don't get the misleading claim, the statement is actually accurate

NinjaDoggy: yes so saying "350 elo higher" is kind of misleading and imo "not meaningful"

NinjaDoggy: ok i guess misleading is too far, but not meaningful

reCurse: If someone says "the new version has 90% winrate vs the previous one" is that misleading?

reCurse: Because elo == winrat

reCurse: e

NinjaDoggy: yea nvm, not misleading just not meaningful :)

reCurse: Sure, though if you look in the tables the jump between 11 and 14 is still very meaningful

reCurse: Whether it's 100 or 300 elo isn't that big of a deal

reCurse: It's an exponential metric

NinjaDoggy: not disagreeing the jump is crazy

NinjaDoggy: but the claim of "350 elo over sf11" is not meaningful imo that's all

reCurse: Also FWIW my chess bot self-play elo sort of matches CCRL elo as well

reCurse: So it has value

struct: chessbase might need a bot

reCurse: And personally I find there's a lot more value on a chess bot that plays well with less resources than more

reCurse: But to each his/her/its own

NinjaDoggy: I agree with like all of your points,

NinjaDoggy: oops codingame doesn't like essays ._.

reCurse: I wouldn't fault them for making that statement since it's actually correct and doesn't lead more credence to a format or a competition more than another /srhug

reCurse: If we have to worry about how everyone can interpret a statement we're actually doing PR work for free

reCurse: And then you have corpospeak

reCurse: No one likes that

reCurse: Haven't they historically always said the elo improvement in self-play for like all their releases?

sprkrd: actually I somewhat agree with NinjaDoggy. I don't like corpospeak either, but saying "SF14 has a 90% win rate against SF11" is not corpospeak and is both clearer and scientifically accurate

reCurse: ??

reCurse: Elo is the exact same thing as winrate

reCurse: It's just exponential instead of linear

reCurse: I think you attribute way more to "elo" than it actually means

reCurse: It's just a unit

sprkrd: But for elo you need a pool of players

reCurse: No you don't

reCurse: You can have elo with just A vs B

sprkrd: elo when there are two players is just... complicating things unnecessarily

reCurse: No again

reCurse: The exponential measure has more value than the linear one

sprkrd: when you have two players you can report wr be much more straight to the point

reCurse: Tons of people measure improvement in elo over winrate

reCurse: I actually found it to be a much better unit after giving it a try

reCurse: In fact I'd say most release notes I've seen express elo improvement by self-play, otherwise they specifically mention +50 elo in CCRL or whatever

reCurse: If you need it to be more palatable

reCurse: 80 vs 90 winrate doesn't seem like much but it's actually huge

reCurse: The elo unit correctly shows that

sprkrd: i don't know... I think if I had to report a figure in a paper and there are only two contestants, WR is much more straightforward. Elo is good when you have several players, you assign an elo to each one and then you can estimate the win rate between any two players taking the difference and then the exponential (using the appropriate normalizing factors and all that)

sprkrd: if there are only two players, I don't see why elo would be a more intuitive figure

reCurse: It's less approchable but more useful

sprkrd: so at first I was with you, now I changed my mind, sorry :cry:

reCurse: A winrate delta is useless without the winrate basis

reCurse: A elo delta is always useful

reCurse: Because 50 vs 55 doesn't tell nearly the same story as 90 vs 95

sprkrd: I'm talking merely from an outreach point of view. I understand that, as you say, elo would be more useful in your technical work depending on what you're doing. But for communicating scientific findings, maybe WR is clearer?

sprkrd: Like, if I say SF14 wins against SF11 90% of the time, wouldn't that be somewhat clearer than saying it has +350 elo points?

reCurse: You took the original debate and completely changed it to another one

reCurse: But I think the chess community at large is much more used with elo as measurement so I disagree

MSmits: Marchete I submitted my non-loopy version again

sprkrd: I'm sorry if I shifted the debate, I was under the impression that I was making a valid remark, but I don't want to press further, it's not something I care all that much anyway.

reCurse: No worries I was just saying

reCurse: Also don't mind me I'm just a cranky jerk :P

MSmits: I'm a :poodle:

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: o.O

sprkrd: I'm a bit of a cranky jerk too. I'm pretending here, but I actually went to my boxing bag and hit it with all my might imagining it was you :eyes:

struct: got a lucky submit I guess

reCurse: Wow ok

sprkrd: (just kidding :joy:)

sprkrd: (or not :eyes:)

struct: I cant beat pamplemus though

struct: and any NN :/

MSmits: wreck those NN

KiwiTae: sprkrd its not possible we are all nerds nobody doing sports here hehe

struct: MSmits only possible with a NN im afraid

reCurse: I guess I'm what they call a people person

MSmits: hey, i sit on my hometrainer cycle watching netflix a lot

MSmits: like a pro

KiwiTae: MSmits you are on ZWIFT?

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: MSmits is what we call an "athlete"

MSmits: is that a machine?

Astrobytes: Do you also actually cycle or just sit there?

MSmits: lol Astrobytes

MSmits: no i actually cycle

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: XD

KiwiTae: its for virtual rides you can use it with a hometrainer

MSmits: oh, nah

MSmits: i just watch some shows i would normally not spend time watching but want to know what happens anyway

MSmits: to clear my netflix queue

reCurse: Funny I just stop watching instead

reCurse: :P

sprkrd: KiwiTae I wish I could contradict you (regarding the sports bit), but it's been a while I have not done any sport due to a knee injury :(

MSmits: you are a more logical person

sprkrd: since I've done any sport*

KiwiTae: sprkrd I am recovering from double surgery i got your feelin~

MSmits: not sure what knee injury you have sprkrd, but mine got better from the cycling

MSmits: something to do with strengthening muscles i guess

sprkrd: I actually can do several sports, including cycling, but I had to stop doing judo. Judo was my jam

reCurse: Intimidation attempt spotted

MSmits: ahh yeah judo is hard on your body

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Wait I just realized I made a stupid mistake in my CSB code-

Astrobytes: lol

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: math.atan2 returns radians

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: not degrees

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: :?

MSmits: i started judo at 2 in diapers, stopped when I was 11

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: :/

sprkrd: reCurse :eyes:

MSmits: my first real match,i broke my collarbone

MSmits: was also my last

sprkrd: D:

KiwiTae: :joy:

KiwiTae: ush

Astrobytes: MSmits: I see the scores are evening out on D&B, near identical winrates?

MSmits: Astrobytes, i got 2 versions now

Astrobytes: :rofl: Judo defo not your bag lol

MSmits: 1 is 50% mikla, 75% vs top 5

MSmits: 1 is 40% mikla, 100% vs rest

MSmits: the one up now is the second

Astrobytes: that's the current one

Astrobytes: yeah

reCurse: The way my bot uses its king in the front lines gives me a heart attack sometimes

MSmits: well kings are harder to mate when they have a lot of room to move :P

Astrobytes: lol, likes to play edgy moves eh

sprkrd: how can you expect your subjects to follow if your king doesn't lead?

reCurse: Surrounded by 2 bishops and a knight but no problem I'll just walk over there

reCurse: *enemy

Astrobytes: hehehe


MSmits: Astrobytes my hope is to improve version 1 with a better score solver, so i will get top 5 back to near 100% and get mikla slightly above 50%

Marchete: MSmits :D

Astrobytes: Your score solver is still the negamax?

Marchete: I'm "just" 8pts below

MSmits: yes Astrobytes

MSmits: but it only starts at endgame

MSmits: and uses about 0,1 ms

MSmits: no reason to not start solving sooner

Astrobytes: I was about to recommend that

MSmits: but it's a bit complicated to code due to sacrifices and such, what to prove and what not

MSmits: prune i mean

MSmits: not prove

Astrobytes: Seems worth the extra effort

MSmits: oh, btw, there is another thing i can do to get nr 1

Astrobytes: spam

MSmits: first push up top 5 and pull down mikla with version 1

NinjaDoggy: LOL

MSmits: then do version 2, wreck everyone but mikla and become nr 1

Marchete: ezpz

NinjaDoggy: play the leaderboard ;)

Marchete: I can spam submit too

MSmits: yeah, i am relatively safe from that right now, you will hurt mikla more than me

Astrobytes: that's a wanky move though, and temporary

MSmits: yeah i would not

Marchete: 50% winrate him, 0% you

MSmits: it's because my current bot does the opposite of loopy mcts

MSmits: so it counteracts your loopyness

Marchete: :rage:

MSmits: so i win on nim

Marchete: that's my unhappy face

Marchete: I had some 35-40% winrate vs you

MSmits: yeah thats with loopy

MSmits: nim becomes useless then

Astrobytes: loopy?

MSmits: lots of little 4 loops

Marchete: lol no

MSmits: and other simple objects

Marchete: I'm timeouting

Marchete: :D

Astrobytes: Ah right

struct: msmits just make a donation to marchet paypal

struct: then you get pushed

MSmits: hehe

Marchete: yeah

Marchete: at the cost of 1 paper

MSmits: ohh

Astrobytes: :rofl:

MSmits: i notice i still get loops vs toy

MSmits: you

MSmits: so the counteracting is not working very well

MSmits: why are you timeouting

MSmits: i mean, you got to rank 3 with this bot

Marchete: I'm timeouting a lot

MSmits: yeah but why specifically against me

Marchete: I think it's from graphs

MSmits: if you time out this much in general

Marchete: timeout?

Marchete: no no

MSmits: you would not be rank 3

Marchete: it's with everybody

MSmits: but more with me

Marchete: it must be the structures

Marchete: that overlaps and pointers got wrong

Marchete: i have structs with unions

MSmits: so you do nothing with nim right?

MSmits: you basically bet everything on score solving

MSmits: ?

MSmits: which is a good bet btw, if you can force maps like this

Marchete: I try to force

MSmits: I migth need to let go of nim, or at least get rid of the sacrifice moves

Astrobytes: add nimsolver = #1

MSmits: not vs a bot like marchetes

Astrobytes: I meant Marchete

MSmits: if he improves it, he may wreck mikla

Marchete: I think nim is useful

MSmits: yeah but sacrificing costs you the game if you only rely on nim and your opponent forces loopy boards

Marchete: it depends when

MSmits: and nim requires sacrifice often

Astrobytes: Not rely on nim, a two-pronged approach

Astrobytes: *only on nim

MSmits: what you can do is detect whether nim is a good approach

MSmits: for example, if there are already a few long chains

Astrobytes: Yes, otherwise fall back

MSmits: did i mention my bot is already 3.6k lines

Astrobytes: Yes

Marchete: but it seems to me that we are always ending with 23-26, you winning

Marchete: you always do base?

MSmits: thats because when you are in control you still do have an advantage when solving

Marchete: down line?

Marchete: at start

MSmits: what do you mean base

Marchete: bottom 1

MSmits: oh that

MSmits: mikla is the reason for that

MSmits: it's like this

Marchete: ??

MSmits: when i cant nimsolve

MSmits: i dont want to simplify the board for him

MSmits: so i take the least splitting move

MSmits: so as not to divide and conquer for him

MSmits: and that happens to end up being on an edge, usually the bottom

Marchete: ahh

MSmits: then he probably wont solve either

MSmits: and if he plays a splitting move, i might be able to solve instead

MSmits: thats the idea anyway, doesnt often work

MSmits: but who cares, random line, or bottom

MSmits: i guess i can be counterbooked now :)

Marchete: I don't think so

MSmits: though, the mcts still has random

Marchete: I just do randoms

MSmits: so it's doubtful

MSmits: ohh

MSmits: i was wrong, no this is my mcts doing this

MSmits: i think it thinks chains will be longer with a long line at the bottom

MSmits: or something

MSmits: what a weird bot

MSmits: your bot isnt having it though, it just builds loops out of it :)

Marchete: I try to do loops :D

MSmits: mine isnt exactly doing loops. It just tries to minimize the controlled value. I actually eval using floodfills and a graph

MSmits: well when i do the loopy version

MSmits: it's part of my score solver

MSmits: i just copied it into my mcts eval

Marchete: but you too are too high in scores...

MSmits: what do you mean

Marchete: +8pts

MSmits: the rating?

MSmits: or in a game?

Marchete: leaderboards

MSmits: ahh, well i win on nim vs almost everyone

MSmits: and when nim doesnt work, the score solver is pretty good

MSmits: just a little sad mikla out-nims me somehow

MSmits: so we all need to make this a score solver meta :)

Marchete: this game is like playing mind games vs the enemy :D

MSmits: yeah, I like it because you can kinda recognize the strategy if you watch a lot of games

MSmits: thats not true for every board game here

reCurse: Less a game and more a math problem IMO

MSmits: reCurse true, when the meta is nim solving

MSmits: but with score solving, it becomes partially, good old negamax

MSmits: (still need some math)

jacek: nice jump in rank struct

struct: thanks, but I think I was a bit lucky

struct: still NNs feel unbeatable with a normal bot

MSmits: mostly they are yeah

MSmits: you can still have some pride when being the best non-NN bot

MSmits: who is this in BT?

struct: who?

struct: pamplemus?

MSmits: possibly

MSmits: it could also just be you

struct: ah yes its him

Default avatar.png JudgeAL:

jacek: only you can stop the fire

struct: I didnt get your question at first :p

MSmits: ahh ok

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: one more approval plz

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: only if u think its good ofc

Astrobytes: Patience is a virtue;

NinjaDoggy: wait why does pamplemus's strat look so simple ._.

struct: because it is

NinjaDoggy: just push everyone together until you solve for a win

MSmits: lol

struct: I feel like it is that

MSmits: yeah that looks really simple

MSmits: I could copy that

NinjaDoggy: and it's beating every non-NN bot ._.

MSmits: kinda shows you how hard it is to write a good eval for this game

MSmits: if a simple heuristic start can beat everyone elses

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: which game are we talkin about here?

NinjaDoggy: breakthrough


Default avatar.png JudgeAL: :thumbsup:

MSmits: though, it is of course completely possible this weird march in formation comes from a search and his eval just makes that happen

MSmits: might not be hardcoded

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: hmmm, is this game solved?

struct: I think he prunes the moves to do thi

MSmits: not this size

struct: this*

NinjaDoggy: not solved but if you watch recurse replays it might look like it is ;)

MSmits: 6x6 might be solved though

MSmits: not sure where the limit is

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: ahh I see

MSmits: we also have a connect-4 that isnt solved

MSmits: up to 8x8 is solved, but we have 9x7

struct: we also have yavalath which is solved

MSmits: i solved it for non-pie rule :P

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: dang

NinjaDoggy: oh connect four is larger :/

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: alright imma try to solve breakthrough

sprkrd: MSmits connect-4 is also solved for (2n)x7, I believe

NinjaDoggy: i was wondering why people weren't trying to play center LOL

struct: NinjaDoggy still fits in 64 bits

MSmits: sprkrd you mean by mathematical proof?

reCurse: Ugly multiplications though

sprkrd: yes, mathematical proof

MSmits: oh thats cool, I did not know that

sprkrd: maybe I got the dimensions wrong, but there was some general case (2n)x7, 7x(2n) or something like that that was solved in general

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: I feel like breakthrough should be solvable

MSmits: NinjaDoggy the reason they dont play center is mostly because of pie rule

NinjaDoggy: sorry pie rule?

jacek: or streal rule

NinjaDoggy: oh :O

MSmits: player 2 gets to steal player 1's move

jacek: s/r//

MSmits: so they play a balanced move, hopefully solved as draw

MSmits: which is second from the left or right

NinjaDoggy: ahhh makes sense, thanks

MSmits: best move without pie rule is not center btw

MSmits: it's left or right of center

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: oh what...

NinjaDoggy: that's a really nice way to balance the game :)

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: lol never thought Id be listening to connect4 opening theory

MSmits: it's the easiest way, assuming a balanced start exists

reCurse: It's lazy game design :P

jacek: we have also memes for connect 4

MSmits: well the demands put on a game to make it balanced without rules like this are quite hard

MSmits: for bot play anyways

MSmits: humans dont really care unless they play professionally high level

NinjaDoggy: it also preserves the original connect 4 gameplay

MSmits: pie rule is actually used in c4 afaik

reCurse: Or swap sides~

reCurse: This tilde sucks

MSmits: what do you mean swap sides

NinjaDoggy: good ole play as first, then play as second i assume

MSmits: but isnt that the same as pie rule?

reCurse: Nope

MSmits: mmh i am trying to grasp the difference

NinjaDoggy: no because you would play for win without account for steal

reCurse: 2 games instead of 1

NinjaDoggy: when going first

MSmits: ohh that kind of swap

MSmits: yeah but that is a worse solution for unbalanced games

jacek: but that would lead to draws

MSmits: exactly

NinjaDoggy: technically they both lead to draws right?

MSmits: with a small imbalance it's ok

NinjaDoggy: difference is the draw states might be more complex with pie rule

MSmits: not really NinjaDoggy, pie rule balances a single game

sprkrd: i prefer the kung fu chess way of balancing games


MSmits: swapping gives you two foregone conclusions that add up to a draw

MSmits: if the imbalance is big enough

NinjaDoggy: yea but fundamentally there's no difference

NinjaDoggy: it just depends on the amount of imbalance

MSmits: I think there's a fundamental difference

reCurse: There is a fundamental difference if there is no starting move with 50% winrate

reCurse: You just hope there's one

NinjaDoggy: ok true

MSmits: ok say you have a bot that is a little better and would win 55% on a balanced game

MSmits: now let it play an imbalanced game

MSmits: he always loses when he is not p1

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: alright preliminary hypothesis on my journey to solve breakthrough

NinjaDoggy: technically same arguement can be made: in the imbalanced game, the better bot might get a draw when not p1

MSmits: so on swap he'd have 50%

MSmits: instead of 55%

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: black has a forced win

NinjaDoggy: but if we assume the balanced version has a forced draw it's technically the same thing

MSmits: my point is, the game being balanced does not mean that two equally strong players always draw

NinjaDoggy: just more complexity

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: does black usually win in breakthrough currently with the bots?

MSmits: but with an imbalanced game two equally strong players *will* always draw

NinjaDoggy: doesn't it still just depend on the complexity of the game?

MSmits: if your bot is stronger, you need to be strong enough to overcome the disadvantage

MSmits: if you're only a little stronger, with swap, the advantage completely disappears

MSmits: with pie rule it does not

MSmits: yeah complexity enters into it somewhat

reCurse: Pie rule assumes there's a 50% winrate starting move

reCurse: Which I would argue is more often wrong

MSmits: a balanced one yes

MSmits: but even if not

MSmits: it's better than not having it at all

NinjaDoggy: ok so just pie rule + swap :)

reCurse: It's better to swap

MSmits: the rule can only make things better, not worse

NinjaDoggy: pie rule to make the game more balanced, swap anyways to compensate for the small imbalance

MSmits: in uttt, pie rule would have been better than swap

reCurse: Pie rule is insanely annoying to deal with

reCurse: No I disagree

MSmits: allright, best example of all: Yavalath

MSmits: I solved it for center move

MSmits: if you dont have pie rule, with swap it would be 100% draw

reCurse: Forced start with swap is better than pie with swap

MSmits: agreed

MSmits: a forced start is basically a forced pie rule

reCurse: My point is you should have solutions at least equally easy to implement better than pie rule

MSmits: instead of letting players choose a balanced move, you let the rules pick the balanced move

MSmits: so forced start is similar

reCurse: The difference is you don't have to write a different heuristic to decide if the start is balanced or not

reCurse: Which I find insanely obnoxious

MSmits: ahh but pie rule has 1 major advantage, it's a very safe thing to put into your game.

MSmits: if you're going to force a balanced start, you need to know what it is

MSmits: with pie rule, the meta will figure it out

MSmits: for you

reCurse: With swap the force doesn't need to be balanced just close enough

MSmits: lazy game design sure

reCurse: You introduced a second game

reCurse: With pie rule

reCurse: Therefore it sucks :P

MSmits: 2 games are not better than 1 ?

reCurse: Everyone loves wood league so I guess so

MSmits: you're right that our C4 would have been better with forces move 1 start

reCurse: Imagine chess960 with pie rule at start

reCurse: Not only I have to write a chess bot

reCurse: I also need to write a great first move eval

reCurse: ugh

MSmits: but yavalath is actually interesting for having various starts that work as balanced moves

MSmits: 5 out of 9

MSmits: i guess randoming them would have been cool too

MSmits: but then again you'd have to know at design time which ones they are

reCurse: You can progressively make forced random starts better when they're proven to be imbalanced

reCurse: It's seamless

reCurse: Bot makers don't have to worry about your crappy game design :P

MSmits: you mean just change the forced starts?

reCurse: Sure

reCurse: You can start with pure randoms

reCurse: You monitor games

MSmits: I guess if you warn botmakers that the start can be changed

reCurse: Weed out the imbalanced ones

reCurse: But it's always random start

reCurse: They have to assume it changes

MSmits: ohh ok

reCurse: So no break

MSmits: yes

NinjaDoggy: just use UCB1 or something ;)

MSmits: thats a nice solution reCurse

reCurse: Now we're talking NinjaDoggy

MSmits: I like it

MSmits: uttt would be so much better with this

reCurse: Yes

reCurse: Assuming you mean so much as a multiplicative ratio

reCurse: Then times zero works

MSmits: haha

MSmits: that uttt-hate :grin:

MSmits: seems like we end up agreeing at the end this time

MSmits: feels weird

MSmits: say something I dont agree with

NinjaDoggy: wait this idea is actually really cool because it extends beyond just the first move :O

MSmits: ye

MSmits: well its used in games

MSmits: i think gomoku uses it, and go I think ?

NinjaDoggy: no way Go uses it...

reCurse: Well there are some times I'm not completely wrong

MSmits: indeed

NinjaDoggy: isn't Go just balanced by komi?

MSmits: not sure, there's a ton of ways to play go

MSmits: apparently

MSmits: yeah i dont find it for go

MSmits: "ournament Gomoku has adopted the swap2 opening protocol starting in 2009. In Swap2, the first player starts by placing three stones, 2 black and 1 white, on the board. The second player then selects one of three options: play as black, play as white and place another white stone, or place two more stones, one white and one black, and let the first player choose the color"

MSmits: sounds a bit like pie rule too

MSmits: very complicated

MSmits: seems like all these x-in-a-row games have balance issues that need solutions like this

reCurse: I wish I was smart enough to understand go

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: I think everyone can understand it, but hard to get good at

NinjaDoggy: it's not about being smart it's about building intuition from a young age ;)

reCurse: Well I mean I understand the rules

reCurse: I just don't "get" it

NinjaDoggy: tune your brain NN early :P

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: lol get dem pattern recognition

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: okay, breakthrough is harder to solve than I initially thought but still doable

Drichie: Quick question. I am doing the Chuck Norris Unary puzzle. My code works fine until I'm given a % symbol. My Code reads it in as 100101, but the puzzle wants it read in as 0100101. What am I doing wrong when it comes to symbols?

struct: padding 0

NinjaDoggy: @judgeAI you really think it's solvable for 8x8?

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: yeah


struct: solved for p2

Drichie: geez didn't even notice that, thank you!

jacek: breakthrough isnt solved for 6x6. 8x8 is orders of magnitudes bigger

struct: i think its only solved up to 5x5

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: do you know if 6x4 is solved?

reCurse: No one made the breakthrough yet

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: lol

NinjaDoggy: :joy:

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: or like anyone have a link to solved versions?

NinjaDoggy: ok 6 by 6 seems relatively reasonable I suppose? since 36 choose 12 is like 1.25 billion

sprkrd: seems so

sprkrd: but the bound is more complicated than that

sprkrd: you have to consider also that some pawns may be missing

sprkrd: so it's not just arranging 12 pawns over 36 cells

NinjaDoggy: yea and that's only your pawns

NinjaDoggy: not counting opp pawns yet :P

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: so for 6X2 black has forced win

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: Im trying to build up from there

NinjaDoggy: but if you factor in invalid states, and pruning that can be done because it's 2 player game it seems possible to solve 6 by 6 with a regular machine

NinjaDoggy: oh are you trying to solve it mathematically as opposed to brute forcing?

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: yeah

sprkrd: he's doing it right

struct: This article shows 6x6


struct: with tablebase

struct: But is not solved

jacek: 6x5 5x5 3x7 solved

sprkrd: maths for the win

struct: They used 5th row tablebase for 6x6

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: oh

NinjaDoggy: anyone use endgame table in breakthrough?

struct: i dont

struct: but I check for wins from 3rd row

jacek: just some ifology

struct: with a few shifts

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: oh dang looks like second player winning for 8x8 is likely

NinjaDoggy: in general terms what does a mathematically solution even mean?

NinjaDoggy: like if a game is proven to be a draw

NinjaDoggy: but they can't extract the sequence of moves, how does that work?

sprkrd: depends on the proof

sprkrd: the proof for tic tac toe is constructive, you can extract the sequence of moves, for instance

MSmits: some proofs of this kind are super straightforward

sprkrd: but some proofs are not constructive

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: yeah could be "fully/strongly solved" or like just solved in the sense you know the outcome of a perfect game

MSmits: I can tell you that our D&B game is not solved as a draw

MSmits: i can mathematically prove this

NinjaDoggy: :O

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: wats D&B\

MSmits: 49 boxes to capture, can't tie :P

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: oh

NinjaDoggy: :joy:

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: dots and boxes?

MSmits: yeah

NinjaDoggy: good proof MSmits, thanks :)

MSmits: i think they solved checkers by a combination of opening databases, endgame databases, mathematical proof and brute search

NinjaDoggy: I like how you separate endgame databases from brute search :P

MSmits: well I guess... another brute search :)

struct: weakly solved

MSmits: weakly solved is what we mean by solved

Default avatar.png JudgeAL: so what Im hearing is brute search *3 + some math

struct: I think this is the reason why checkers tournaments start from certain positions

MSmits: might be yes

MSmits: positions that would not be reached by a solver

NinjaDoggy: i think not reached is not quite right

NinjaDoggy: but not fully solved by the solver

MSmits: not reached in the sense that an ab pruned minimax doesnt need to visit all branches

NinjaDoggy: that's more like reached, but not solved right?

NinjaDoggy: i guess it's a small semantics thing

MSmits: yes semantics i think

MSmits: btw, brute search kinda sounds like it's simple

MSmits: but what they did for checkers wasnt simple at all, it's some genius stuff in there from the little i read of it

MSmits: endgame databases are a whole corner of study alone

MSmits: especially the indexing to make them as compact as possible to fit in RAM and such

MSmits: computer limitations makes people inventive. Today's computer power makes people lazy

NinjaDoggy: true :)

MSmits: i did a little indexing stuff for oware. Gave me some headaches to do this

jacek: and then you can owned by 10 copycats

MSmits: assigning a number of a certain distribution of seeds over 12 pits

MSmits: haha yes that too

MSmits: I remember trying to overfit to robo and re curse, back when they were the only nns

MSmits: could not imagine then that the top 10 would be all NN

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Anyone here who's familiar with python willing to help me debug some code? :)

TobiasA: me pick me

TobiasA: :raised_hand:

ANONYMOUS42: wow someone is really eager to help

ANONYMOUS42: good for you

TobiasA: people with maliciously cryptic usernames are not to be trusted though

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Oki ty

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: >,>

AstroHydes: don't worry about MCU, relatively trustworthy I believe

Astrobytes: Hm, wrong window

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: xD

struct: need to find next game where I can reuse my mcts with little to no effort :p

jacek: amazons?

struct: to many moves for me

Astrobytes: lazy git :D

MSmits: it's *your* game!

MSmits: and when are you making a yavalath both while we're at it

MSmits: bot

TobiasA: ppl who name themselves anonymous make their unidentifiability their identity which make them a living paradox

TobiasA: :imp:

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: o.o

jacek: o, i can follow him

MSmits: well I just think he is a fan of MCU movies and is afraid to come out and say it

MSmits: afraid of nerd judgement

NinjaDoggy: but... isn't MCU movies pretty mainstream now?

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: O.O

jacek: i think he meant author of yavalath

MSmits: we're not mainstream here :)

Astrobytes: There's another MCU

MSmits: oh no, don't start on the x-men movies again Astrobytes

Astrobytes: No, in chat

MSmits: o

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: lol

MSmits: thanks Marchete

MSmits: gj

Marchete: :thumbsup:

jacek: hm?

Marchete: even a broken bot is useful

MSmits: he pushed me to nr 1:P

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Wow I completely reset my old code, wrote a rudimentary bot, and it's in the exact same rank as my old one after submitting

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Not sure what that says about my old one

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: =,=

MSmits: depends on your rank

MSmits: could be they're both awesome

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: 643 out of 6677... gold csb

NinjaDoggy: rudimentary bot with awesome rank :thinking:

MSmits: like that plamop... something guy

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: It's just... simulation 5 turns ahead... that's all...

MSmits: in BT

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: rip gtg

NinjaDoggy: hahaha true :P

MSmits: MaliciouslyCrypticUsername that rank is probably better than -3vel though


MSmits: yeah thats what he does

MSmits: you cracked it :)

Astrobytes: *broke through

struct: sim is quite simple too

MSmits: how do you know

struct: Because I did it pretty fast

MSmits: ohh i thought you meant the other guys sim

MSmits: sure yes, its quite simple

Astrobytes: I think it's the general case. It's not hard to sim

NinjaDoggy: can anyone help me with some pruning ideas in sokoban?


NinjaDoggy: I already solved the puzzle with basic bitboarding + BFS, but now i'm trying to think of clever pruning ideas :D

Astrobytes: don't push boxes in corners, hash states

Astrobytes: all I know :P

MSmits: hmm isnt there some way to also prune boxes on edges when there's no way to get them off the edge/

NinjaDoggy: yea I already got the hashing part

NinjaDoggy: and I have some ideas about precomputing:

NinjaDoggy: so given the position of the pusher and the position of a box

TobiasA: the only technique i know that has the word pruning in it is "alpha beta pruning"

NinjaDoggy: assume there's only that box, compute if you can push the box to a target location

NinjaDoggy: and this is precomputable in N^2(N = number of empty tiles)

MSmits: I never opened that puzzle before. another awesome piece of work by eulerscheZahl :)

TobiasA: prooning

NinjaDoggy: but can't think of anything else :(

MSmits: seems like a good thing to do

NinjaDoggy: yea it's pretty neat since computing it only takes N^2 and using it to prune is just 1 operation in the bitboard

NinjaDoggy: but it's still pretty basic since it doesn't deal with multiple boxes at all :/

MSmits: well i dont think more than 1 box is doable

MSmits: if there is a second box you're not just dealing with it as an obstacle

MSmits: it also still needs to go to its own destination

NinjaDoggy: oh I guess if i wanted, I could just extend it to add more boxes

NinjaDoggy: like precompute all arrangements of 2 boxes

NinjaDoggy: and see if both boxes can be pushed to a target

MSmits: yeah, that would give you a huge table though

NinjaDoggy: N = number of empty tiles

NinjaDoggy: storage needed would be N^(boxes+1) / 64 :P

sprkrd: you just wanted to do a shameless plug of your awesome pruning idea, didn't you :smirk:

MSmits: thats ok

NinjaDoggy: he found me out :P

sprkrd: I think yours is the best pruning idea I've heard until now

Astrobytes: :grin:

MSmits: me too

sprkrd: (the thing with just 1 box)

Astrobytes: did you test it yet?

NinjaDoggy: implementing it now

MSmits: euler needs to make a sokoban2 puzzle that needs the pruning

NinjaDoggy: was also hoping to find some golden egg someone else came up with ;)

sprkrd: I would go with that, with just 1 bot

sprkrd: that deals with corners, edges, and even other trickier positions

NinjaDoggy: yea I'll start with the 1 box and see how much it prunes

sprkrd: box*

NinjaDoggy: too used to typing bot :joy: relatable

sprkrd: yeah :joy:

Astrobytes: I end sentences with ;

NinjaDoggy: LOL :joy:

MSmits: Astrobytes switch to python and people won't notice your complete detachment from the non-coding world

Astrobytes: :rofl:

sprkrd: i'd rather see how he'd speak if he switched to Lisp

Astrobytes: ()

MSmits: with a lisp, obviously

sprkrd: (with a lisp (obviously))

MSmits: :)

MSmits: I got a request for help last night

MSmits: from someone in China

sprkrd: you have to take a plane?

Astrobytes: on CG or real life?

MSmits: but was about to sleep so couldnt help. But I think he/she was communicating through google translate

MSmits: CG

MSmits: was a nice person, but it's hard to understand through translation

MSmits: getting a general simple idea across works, kinda, but complex coding problems...

AstroHydes: How do you know they were nice then?

Astrobytes: argh

MSmits: argh what animal is that

MSmits: he/she was just super polite

Astrobytes: I was just expressing frustration at typing from my alt again, I have disabled chat on it now

MSmits: ahh ok

MSmits: i do it too

MSmits: we suck at smurfing

Astrobytes: I know eh

KiwiTae: I am worse I forgot my alt logs

Astrobytes: :rofl:

MSmits: lol

MSmits: this is fun if it happens right after you submitted your best bot on it

MSmits: it'd be up there and you cant beat it

Astrobytes: hehehe

MSmits: eh, mr CG dev, I want to report an alt account

Marchete: hmm soryy smits

Marchete: sorry*

MSmits: oww

MSmits: :(

MSmits: ah well

Marchete: your 100% vs everyone else is no more

MSmits: always the same way too, i sacrifice a box and then you win on score

Marchete: the thing is that I removed the RNG

Marchete: in that submit

Marchete: to see if I can track the bug

MSmits: oh

Marchete: so I play "heuristic"

MSmits: this is a timeout bug we're talking about right?

Marchete: anyways 57% vs mikla 30% vs you

Marchete: no problem, you are 1st again

MSmits: ah coolio

Marchete: "timeout" as overflow

Marchete: I think I go out of bounds

MSmits: of an array?

Marchete: yeah

Marchete: but as I said

MSmits: ah, should be easy to check

MSmits: cerr everywhere

Marchete: an array with multiples uses

Astrobytes: assert()

Marchete: like it can hold a graph with 5 subgraphs

MSmits: fine, do it the "professional" way, with assert :P

Marchete: or a graph with N+ subgraphs

Marchete: cerr << "A"<<endl;

Marchete: cerr << "B"<<endl;

Marchete: etc :D

MSmits: yeah!

MSmits: i tend to do cerr << "woops" << endl;

MSmits: cerr << "wtf how?" << endl;

Astrobytes: I have lots of those as well as asserts

Marchete: well, I'll see that another day

Marchete: 3rd with bugs is fine

Marchete: cya!

MSmits: very true

MSmits: gj and gn

Astrobytes: cerr << "f***"/"why"/"test"/"this is wrong" etc

MSmits: thats what i do yea

Astrobytes: later Marchete

MSmits: I've been listening to music while coding for days since we last talked about it

MSmits: same YT track

Astrobytes: and of course "wetrertewrtwert"

MSmits: i shared it here to say what sort of music i listen to and now i cant stop listening to it

Astrobytes: remind me again


Astrobytes: Oh yeah I remember

MSmits: he's really really good

Astrobytes: If I want some chill stuff I often listen to Yann Tiersen

MSmits: oh i see

MSmits: this is not just chill stuff though, it's all celtic but there's different levels of energy

MSmits: I'll check this guy out too

Astrobytes: Speaking as a Celt, it's not so much Celtic but Celtic-inspired

MSmits: ahh ok, speaking as a non-celt nor expert, I just think it's very beautiful music :0

Astrobytes: Some of it isn't too bad

MSmits: this is the one i like best, if you just want 1 track

Astrobytes: (from a Scots person that means it's alright)

MSmits: yeah, I'm just weird that i never bother to listen to music, so this is kinda new to me

MSmits: i dont like much at all

Astrobytes: Not bad. Euphoric moments.

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: it's just 1 guy behind a computer and I think he plays 1 instrument

Astrobytes: It's almost getting towards My Heart Will Go On material though

MSmits: keyboard +guitar

MSmits: ahh yes

MSmits: titanic

Astrobytes: Yes I imagine many a sample pack was used in the creation of this music

MSmits: not sure what his workflow is, but he makes his money doing this

Astrobytes: Good on him The world needs music.

MSmits: yeah. I also like all the comments under his videos. I am used to watching YT about US politics and such

MSmits: so positive, these

Astrobytes: I try not to read most of the comments on YT unless I am familiar with the channel

MSmits: sometimes i cant resist a quick look, but pretty toxic

MSmits: "My hair starts to braid itself while listening to this."

Astrobytes: The Jerry Garcia channel I'm regular on is just full of stoned hippies. It's friendlier than a friendly thing at a friendliness convention.

MSmits: haha i can imagine

Astrobytes: Great music though, and genuinely nice people.

Illedan: Hi

Astrobytes: :wave:

MSmits: hi Illedan

Illedan: Renovation takes so much time :expressionless:

MSmits: depends on what you're renovating but sure

Astrobytes: What you doing?

Illedan: Kids room

Astrobytes: Ah

MSmits: ahh ok

Astrobytes: Preparing for the next stage

MSmits: we're back to reproduction again

Illedan: :D

Illedan: So, now I got 30 min to try and fix some snake shit

Illedan: Lets go!

Illedan: Did anyone manage to get some intellisense env with this CG JS?

struct: only for pixi

struct: But it wasnt great

Illedan: -.-

struct: I used intellij I think

struct: ultimate

Illedan: Same, but JS is crap

Illedan: ah

Illedan: I use CE

Illedan: Ok, stealing everything from Euler and hope it will work in the end :)

Illedan: yoloCoder3000

Astrobytes: lol

MSmits: no need to hurry Illedan snakes shit only once every 3 days at most

Astrobytes: *at least

Astrobytes: oh wait, yeah

MSmits: apparently they can take months between shits

MSmits: poor diet imho

Astrobytes: yeah, depends what they eat

Astrobytes: Once they finish digesting their meal they shit

Illedan: hmm

MSmits: thats how shit works

Illedan: I guess I can add that to the logic

Astrobytes: But it takes a long time for sneks

MSmits: yeah

Illedan: 3 days are outside CG timelimit though

MSmits: true

Astrobytes: And they only do 1 big jobby

MSmits: better give them diarrhea

Astrobytes: We might go for a few

Astrobytes: snek will make a not smol jobby after every meal

Astrobytes: Imagine an anaconda shite after eating something big...

Astrobytes: Could take a month but you don't wanna be there

MSmits: I'm sure it would be worse if you were the one getting eaten

Astrobytes: Very possibly

MSmits: but yeah i would not want to watch you get pooped out either

MSmits: btw Illedan dont mind us, but do save this chat for the backstory

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Illedan: xd

3141948: > Imagine an anaconda shite after eating something big... 😂

Astrobytes: lol, sorry :D

Illedan: If I wasn't lazy I would make Nokia 3310 theme on this snake :P

MSmits: like euler did for minesweeper?

Astrobytes: haha you know :D

Illedan: ye

Illedan: But I'm not euler

Illedan: and I don't have time for this :P

Illedan: Wanted a quick and dirty new Optim

Illedan: yeyeye

Illedan: Astro will get a box of used diapers for putting me up for this

MSmits: priorities, right, a theme for kids room or a theme for snake

MSmits: easy choice imho

Illedan: Snake theme kids room!

MSmits: works

MSmits: also something to talk about with his/her therapist in 20 years

Astrobytes: Aw thanks man! :/

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: Snek theme for kids room would be awesome

MSmits: I like it when things go against the norm

Astrobytes: I always wanted to paint my room black so I could paint stars and nebulae on it

Astrobytes: Wasn't allowed :(

Illedan: If my kid want a pink unicorn room in a few years, I'll do it. But if I teach her right, it will be a giant NN on the wall :D

Astrobytes: hahaha, ML kindergarten is real

KiwiTae: when u find a big booboo in your code that must have been in there for 3 4 months.. shame on me lol

Astrobytes: sounds normal :)

KiwiTae: It was making my bot refusing to converge towards a static target~

Astrobytes: what game?

KiwiTae: so annoying~ 2letters for a naughty behavior heh

KiwiTae: Astrobytes real life robot hehe

Astrobytes: Aha! Much more fun :D

Astrobytes: Casual or for work?

KiwiTae: both :sunglasses: :joy:

Astrobytes: Excellent answer :)

KiwiTae: casual work u do on a sunday evenin lmao

Astrobytes: Serious though, there are loads of kits out there to play around with

Astrobytes: I mean you could actually create a nail polish drying robot! :P

KiwiTae: Astrobytes would be sooo useful :joy:

Illedan: Alright off to bed. 200 lines of untested JS code done. Hope it works when I have time to finish it :)

Illedan: bye

IlyasDirham: follow for a follow

KiwiTae: see yaaa

TobiasA: buhbye

Astrobytes: later Illedan

Astrobytes: lol KiwiTae

Default avatar.png GumChew: test

Astrobytes: segmentation fault

Default avatar.png HeroicRobot_cf06: WHY MY CODE NOT WORK: if(1+1===3)

Default avatar.png tunisian: hello

Astrobytes: Because you are trolling HeroicRobot_cf06

Default avatar.png SaifAli153: if((1+1)===3) check

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: LOL

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Automaton2000

Automaton2000: any idea what that means lol

MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: nope i don't either :shrug:

FalINTOblivion0112: seems sus

Default avatar.png phKvothe: Anyone else have it where after a couple runs, the pods quit doing the animation on screen? I still get the printouts below, but would like to see the pods in action to determine the changes i need to make

TobiasA: :raised_hand:

Wontonimo: hiya TobiasA

TobiasA: ooooiiiiiii

TobiasA: long time

Wontonimo: yeah. how's things?

Wontonimo: what browser are you using phKvothe ?

Default avatar.png phKvothe: I'm running in Chrome. Just have to refresh the screen from time to time. It seems to keep the code, so thats all good

Wontonimo: sometimes i use the share button to make the playback open in another tab. it always plays perfectly in the other tab. kinda kludgy way around it, but it works

TobiasA: it's been good

Default avatar.png phKvothe: thank you, will try that!

Wontonimo: a benefit to keeping a few old playbacks in other tabs is that you can now reference back to them to see behaviour change difference with your new code

Wontonimo: have you been working on an challenge or multi TobiasA ?

TobiasA: i've done some puzzles

TobiasA: i'm trying to fix something in csb too

Default avatar.png phKvothe: How do I tell if I'm faster? Is it the number of steps to win? I thought it might be time, but don't see that changing, however, my steps did go from 199 to 188, so that seems like it might be it. But first time doing this, so just wanted to verify.

Wontonimo: what are you playing phKvothe ?

Default avatar.png phKvothe: Coders Strike Back

Default avatar.png phKvothe: it was the listed top one for training, so just went with it

Default avatar.png phKvothe: Once I click "Test in Arena", do I do anything else? It looks like it just kicks off and plays against others automatically. Is that correct?

Wontonimo: yeah, just sit back and watch battle tv

Wontonimo: or work on you next improvement, of go make a sandwich

iBug: Security Check

Wontonimo: 4520 4743 5543 8821 pin 445

Wontonimo: does it check out iBug ?

Wontonimo: (I guess iBug is now going on a shopping spree)

iBug: My English is bad

Wontonimo: me too iBug. me too

iBug: are you from?

Wontonimo: Canada

FalINTOblivion0112: guys im working on a contribution

FalINTOblivion0112: should i make the coc ez or hard

iBug: oh I am Chinese

FalINTOblivion0112: wut

Wontonimo: iBug was talking to me

FalINTOblivion0112: oh actually I am chinese too

FalINTOblivion0112: no cap

iBug: How to learn Engish

Wontonimo: i'm assuming it's like anything else. practice. A friend of mine learns new languages by trying to take all his notes in the new language

FalINTOblivion0112: I struggled when I was first trying to learn english

Wontonimo: me too

FalINTOblivion0112: But I studied and improved quickly by reading literature

Wontonimo: i had 4 good tutors and still wasn't able to make full complete sentence until 5 years tutoring

iBug: ok thk,iam going to work

Default avatar.png LibgdxKotlinChampion: question b0ss

Wontonimo: have a good work day iBug. hope to see you online another day

iBug: I Follow you 。see you next time

FalINTOblivion0112: i follow you iBug

Wontonimo: everyone follow everyone :tada: :tada:

iBug: following too

FalINTOblivion0112: yes

iBug: have nice day:sunglasses:

FalINTOblivion0112: you too bro

Default avatar.png DeathWarrior990: hi

FalINTOblivion0112: Guys i have new contribution please view it thanks

FalINTOblivion0112: i need that for a skill tree level up lol

Default avatar.png fiefia123: xixi