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rememberThis: Hellooo

rememberThis: how is everybody

WhaIe: if anyone wants to join a clash of code livestream:

CodeAce: Hello World

dbdr: hey martinpapa69

martinpapa69: morning

dbdr: making progress?

martinpapa69: ye it looks like. I removed like 10 different stuff from the code, that i thought to be "hacky"

dbdr: minimalism is good :)

dbdr: from the training?

martinpapa69: from the training, and now from the "core"

Default avatar.png HippocratesLlama: So I'm doing a league based challenge, my first that I've tried, and It says that I got the the ranking 1 spot but I can't see how I move on to the next higher league

Default avatar.png HippocratesLlama: Any tips?

Default avatar.png HippocratesLlama: Nevermind

Default avatar.png HippocratesLlama: I have to wait a few minutes apparently lol

Default avatar.png HippocratesLlama: Sorry P

dbdr: no problem. there should be a countdown timer at the top of the screen before promotion

Default avatar.png lawlmanx: hey guys I have problem that I am doing the exercise "Coders strike back"

Default avatar.png lawlmanx: the racing game

Default avatar.png lawlmanx: but it sometimes doesn´t even load

Default avatar.png lawlmanx: It just says the boss won

Marchete: I'd like to know what's hacky :thinking:

Default avatar.png Natjisu-Kid: so hard for newbie like me

martinpapa69: wouldn't say every stuff i removed is hacky, more like unnecessary complexity. I like my code as simple as possible. but, ye, once i get decent result, i can make a list :D

dbdr: top 2 to 5 is pure RPS I think

Marchete: :confused:

dbdr: I was #2 this morning

Marchete: indeed dbdr

Marchete: I find winrates as snowballing

Marchete: either 0% or 100%

Marchete: single initial gamestate

jacek: oh my

Marchete: rather deterministic NNs

Marchete: so RPS

Marchete: you were 1st for some time yesterday

dbdr: during a robo submit? :D

Marchete: no

dbdr: :o

dbdr: I thought at least robo was clearly better I mean he is

Marchete: he is

Marchete: spam submits, and at some point he tied and you don't



Default avatar.png devguy: do enybody can help me out

jacek: with?

Default avatar.png devguy: a puzzel with the name Temperatures

jacek: and whats the problem

Default avatar.png devguy: i cant get the second number right

jacek: and what number do you get

Default avatar.png devguy: first i need to type 1 thats good but by te second analasy i need a -5

jacek: because its closest to 0. or rather its absolute value is closest to 0

Default avatar.png devguy: but how do i swith the numbers

jacek: dont hardcode the answers. for each test case you get different numbers and you need to print the right one

Default avatar.png devguy: do you maen that i need to type te closest numer out of the optoins i get

jacek: yes

Default avatar.png devguy: thats 0

Default avatar.png devguy: end it dont work

LINDI_SHAH: what this discord is useful for


LINDI_SHAH: :nerd:

Marchete: anything I try is worse than all previous ones

MSmits: damn, I just replaced my hash table by unordered set and my bot is a factor of 3 faster :P

MSmits: i had a lossy hash table that overwrites previous results on conflict, usually thats so much faster that it doesnt matter you lose some results

MSmits: it bothers me though, that there's implementations of hash tables out there that are 2-3x faster than the std implementations

Marchete: don't you have some kind of "queue" on collisions?

Marchete: like a loop 0..4

Marchete: to check free spaces

MSmits: usually that is slower, for example when doing minimax

MSmits: at least that is my experience

MSmits: but if the hash table is not a bottleneck at all, then losing results is unacceptable

MSmits: did anyone ever convert one of those custom implementations that are faster than std, to something workable on CG?

MSmits: they're all huge projects

MSmits: but probably most of it is unnecessary

MSmits: like this:

jacek: TT?

jacek: whats wrong if unordered_map ~

Marchete: your TT is turn based? like clearing data at some point?

jacek: for minimax i clean tt at the start of my turn

MSmits: unordered map works well, but benchmarks show it to be inferior


Default avatar.png Parceni: k

Marchete: I don't know, I see a custom hashmap better

Default avatar.png Parceni: is this discord or is it something else

MSmits: something else

Marchete: imo all these libraries are huge

MSmits: yeah thats what i said, but i think you dont need most of it

Marchete: I do the simple way, take some bytes from hash to point to a big array

Marchete: from there, check up to 4 hashes

MSmits: why 4?

Marchete: or 5

Marchete: whatever

Marchete: some small loop to avoid collisions

MSmits: so does that mean the hash key leads to a maximum of 5 results?

jacek: there was some custom hashtable implementation in connect4 solver eh?

Marchete: also you can add some key to "invalidate" hashes

Marchete: as a fast way to clean up

MSmits: yeah i usually have a counter

MSmits: next search has a higher index

Marchete: and that's slower than unordered_map/set?

MSmits: no, but it's lossy

MSmits: unordered_map/set does not lose a single result

MSmits: so do the others on the benchmark i just shared

Marchete: if you are losing

MSmits: and some are 2-3 times faster than unordered map

Marchete: then either your hash is bad or you don't have enough space

MSmits: your space is never going to be used homogeneously

MSmits: even with a good hash function

MSmits: so you're always going to need more room than you actually need

Marchete: on law of big numbers

Marchete: yes

Marchete: it will be mostly homogeneous

Marchete: it's like a random()

Marchete: it should be homogeneous on the whole range

Marchete: if not

MSmits: anyways, my point was not to compare lossy hashmap to lossless

Marchete: then it's bad

MSmits: i know a lossy hashmap can minimize loss to a small amount

Marchete: lossless can imply resizing

Marchete: clears() are costly

MSmits: yes, but you can reserve

MSmits: if you know how many irems

MSmits: items

MSmits: you can guess this

Marchete: just try

martinpapa69: do you put your object directly in the hashmap/set?

Marchete: debug to see collisions

martinpapa69: like unordered_set<MyType>

Marchete: I'd say with a big size

Marchete: like 2x your expected storage

MSmits: with a big size it becomes really slow

Marchete: a loop of 5 it should have near zero collisions

MSmits: but it would need to be 5 times as big right?

Marchete: 2x

MSmits: why 2?

MSmits: i mean if you store 5 items per key

MSmits: you need 5 times the roo

MSmits: room

Marchete: no

Marchete: I'm saying

Marchete: that your hash can have collisions

MSmits: where would you store the overflow of colliding hash keys?

Marchete: so to avoid them you allow some little search

Marchete: to find the nearest free spot

Marchete: that's the 5

Marchete: it should have a formal name

MSmits: oh

MSmits: i get it now

Marchete: you can also "save" the overflow on a reserve array

Marchete: if it's that important

martinpapa69: there is a built in stuff for that, dunno if you heard about it : unordered_multiset

RoboStac: they're normally called buckets

Marchete: "buckets"

Marchete: thx :D

MSmits: buckets arent normally in a fixed size array are they?

MSmits: aren't they like a vector structur?

MSmits: or something

Marchete: you can also have that

RoboStac: it depends on the implementation

Marchete: array of buckets then vectors

Marchete: but vectors will resize

MSmits: yes, but you would need those only on collision

Marchete: I'd say prefer static

RoboStac: for a lossless map you'll always need some sort of resizeable storage for hash collisions

Marchete: and collisions should be rare

MSmits: RoboStac Marchete *nearly* solves this by doing a search for empty places in static array

MSmits: but he still has some loss i guess

RoboStac: yeah, but at some point thats lossy

RoboStac: or really slow if you don't limit the search

RoboStac: (I do the same)

MSmits: I think this depends on how much loss you can tolerate

MSmits: do you have a percentage Marchete?

MSmits: for your general use of this ?

Default avatar.png Parceni: @everyone

RoboStac: yeah - and sizes of buckets etc depends on hash collision rate / calculation times / chance of repeated lookups

RoboStac: so it's all very dependant on the exact problem

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: I am using it for D&B where a loss of 10% is apparently unacceptable.

MSmits: switching to unordered set gave me 3x speedup

Marchete: make a big array

MSmits: thats what i had

MSmits: but without the search you mention

Marchete: and if and only if you really need to be lossçless

Marchete: then add some resizeable alternative storage

Marchete: for when that little search failed

Marchete: 99% of the lookup/set will be fast

MSmits: i wonder how this will compare with unordered set

Marchete: 1% will be slow

Marchete: internally will be similar

Marchete: I imagine

RoboStac: unordered_* is usually slightly slow because the std spec places quite large restrictions on the implementation

MSmits: well thanks, I will put this on my list. Seems like a usefull skill/standard piece of code i need to have

MSmits: good to know RoboStac

RoboStac: iirc it's something to do with not invalidating pointers/iterators on changes to other parts of the map

MSmits: in other words, it's proper safe coding. Who needs that :P

MSmits: brb

VinhDaDen: i use Pascal hehe

Marchete: I feel your pain

jacek: use delphi

martinpapa69: ye, thats a rly good extension to pascal

Default avatar.png Parceni: is this discord?

Default avatar.png Parceni: what is this place

Default avatar.png Parceni: where am i

Default avatar.png Parceni: ahhhh

Default avatar.png Parceni: AHHHHH

TheViralClovers: amogus

TabulaRasa: hey, where can I find python libs available for bot challenges?

TabulaRasa: is there a wiki somewhere with a list?


TabulaRasa: nice, thanks!

codeing: holla

codeing: what does anyone thing about RNN for classification problems ?

codeing: forecast prediction

codeing: in deep learning

MSmits: weather forecast?

codeing: yeah

MSmits: go do it I'd say

codeing: hmm

codeing: cool

MSmits: could have used your NN last week when i was on vacation

MSmits: they got it wrong every day

codeing: NN mean neural network

codeing: right ?

MSmits: yes

codeing: kk

codeing: why do they get wrong ?

MSmits: because weather forecast models are inaccurate

codeing: hmm

codeing: less that 0.5 ?

codeing: right ?

codeing: than*

codeing: inaccurate like ?

MSmits: what is?

MSmits: no idea

MSmits: they say it rains and then it doesn't

MSmits: if you want to put a number to that i'd say 1/pi

codeing: cheap

codeing: 1/pi = 0.3

MSmits: kinda

codeing: what model NN did you used

MSmits: i didnt

codeing: k

codeing: deep learning pretty cool

codeing: tata, cya

dbdr: weather forecast: today will be exactly like yesterday

dbdr: it's correct at ~75%

dbdr: after years of work and multi-million $ machines, you can get to 85%

MSmits: nice

dbdr: it's more satisfying to watch a bot go to random play to expert in one hour of training :)

dbdr: *from

codeing: @dbdr, with what deep learning model you get your 85 % ?

codeing: RNN or NN ?

dbdr: not me, just what I heard about that field

codeing: k

codeing: thx

IcyStar: does anyone know if there's a way not to reload the page when an error occurs ? Because it makes me lose the current map..

AllYourTrees: for producing a hash value for C4, can you just add the two bitboards together?

MSmits: no

MSmits: I usually use:

MSmits: inline uint64_t xorshift(uint64_t x) { x ^= x >> 12; x ^= x << 25; x ^= x >> 27; return x * 0x2545F4914F6CDD1D; }

MSmits: with

MSmits: p1 ^ xorshift(p2)

MSmits: might not be the best way

AllYourTrees: :eyes:

MSmits: you'll get collisions for sure, the questionis how many

AllYourTrees: kk

Astrobytes: Why not Zobrist?

MSmits: zobrist might work I guess. Don't know how they compare

Astrobytes: Zobrist is pretty standard for a lot of board games

MSmits: I would be interested to know in what way it might be better

RoboStac: for simple gamestates like this it's probably not worth it

RoboStac: it's good when generating a hash from the full gamestate is slow

MSmits: I see

RoboStac: it's basically the same idea as nnue - do small updates every move instead of getting to the end and trying to calculate everything from scratch. Good if you need the hash every move or if it takes a long time

MSmits: yeah that makes sense, it also prevents you from taking into account things about your state that stay the same

MSmits: which makes it more efficient

MSmits: full state hash tends to take everything into account

nulte: hi

MSmits: hi

linjoehan: hi

linjoehan: how often fo you play clash of code?

nulte: never

Astrobytes: 0 clashes/year

nulte: astro I dont think you should have lost this game


Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: No shit

nulte: im still trying to find an eval, its not easy, I managed to get 70% locally but bot gets placed around same rank on leaderboard :/

Astrobytes: I'm tweaking mine, hence the daft blunders :D

nulte: my eval has range of 0.01 - -0.01, might be bugged

nulte: lol

nulte: should be 1 - -1

Astrobytes: :D

jacek: oh my

Astrobytes: lol, I have a lop-sided eval

Astrobytes: I clearly need another coffee

Astrobytes: ffs :/

Astrobytes: that is a tough top 20

nkc20: ....................

ericlovesmath: I wasn't sure, but is Google/StackOverflow during Clash of Code allowed?

jacek: :scream:

jacek: anything is allowed frankly

Alex000reid: imagine if you couldn't use stackoverflow

Shozy: don't need to imagine

Shozy: or do you mean in general couldn't use stackoverflow?

Alex000reid: lmao even for coc I need that

derjack: hmm top20 with just 1ply search (ok, with 3ply 'solver')

derjack: the policy could be something

dbdr: bt?

derjack: now resubmited to random bot

nulte: :(

derjack: :upside_down:

nulte: I read that 4 depth is optimal

nulte: for ept

dbdr: 3 depth is optimal for ept

nulte: on bt?

dbdr: now you read two contradictory statements

nulte: ...

jacek: then try 3.5 depth

dbdr: which one is true?

jacek: depends on game and your eval obviously

dbdr: right. probabilistic depth

nulte: Still need to figure eval I guess

nulte: I thought this would be a simple game to evaluate

nulte: also on ept im doing player0_score - player1_score

nulte: Is this ok?

nulte: I never did EPT before

jacek: do you propagate the eval as-is, or scale it to win/lose?

nulte: no

nulte: i propagate the eval

nulte: so if player0 had eval of 0.8 and player1 0.7 I would backpropagate 0.1

jacek: ok

nulte: Should I backpropagete 1 / -1 instead?

nulte: if score0 > score1

jacek: nah, its alright

jacek: but you may want to adjust the C exploration

Wontonimo: what game are you two working on ?

Wontonimo: breakthrough i'm guessing from the recent submit

nulte: yes bt

nulte: yeah i think the C is a bit of a problem

nulte: I run out of nodes, never happened before to me

jacek: your eval is faster than simulating the game eh

nulte: hmm I have 5M+ evals on first turn

Wontonimo: wow

nulte: maybe my eval is just bad

nulte: :D

Wontonimo: that's a lot of evals

Wontonimo: for 3x3 tictactoe with bitboard i was only getting 200k-500k evals in 100ms

Wontonimo: (mcts)

nulte: this is with ept

jacek: evals?

nulte: 8 plays

Wontonimo: in 3x3 TTT, there are only 9 plays at the start, so i think it is a pretty good apples-to-apples comparison to ept with 8 plays

nulte: wont i have problem if I change C

nulte: but i still backpropagate 1 sometimes?

Wontonimo: a low C means spending more time building depth, and high C means exploring more unvisited (possibly better) branches

Wontonimo: i don't think C changes anything other than that

nulte: I see

nulte: problem might still be on eval I guess

Wontonimo: C=0 is like greedy DFS, C=inf is like BFS, C~= (max(score)-min(score))*2 is close optimal tradeoff

Wontonimo: so if you change your scoring functions range then you will have to change C

nulte: my scoring range is [-1,1]

jacek: bad sign while backpropagating?

nulte: Dont think so

Astrobytes: Did you try scaling your eval?

nulte: scaling eval?

Astrobytes: between 0 and 1 or -1 and 1

MSmits: lol, just made my D&B bot another 10 times faster and still not enough :P

nulte: its always in -1 and 1 range

nulte: the problem is that is almost close to 0.0

MSmits: D&B is really unique in that the algorithm is so much more important than any performance consideration

MSmits: nr 1 could translate his bot to python and still wreck everyone

nulte: o.o

Marchete: maybe all games are like that...

nulte: not the game for me then

MSmits: nah, not to this extent i am sure

MSmits: D&B has a divide and conquer approach that noone else uses. You split the board into subproblems

MSmits: that's why the nr 1 is so much better and also why I am able to get such ridiculous speed increases

Marchete: chains?

MSmits: well that's part of it. But it's more about floodfilling the board. As soon as a part of the board splits off, you can solve it separately

MSmits: not the score mind you, just whomever ends up in control

Marchete: chains and chain count

Marchete: i.e. domain knowledge

MSmits: yes domain knowledge

jacek: :unamused:

Marchete: so I repeat, maybe all games are like that... just we don't know how to get the domain knowledge

MSmits: then that's the difference

MSmits: the fact that we don't

AllYourTrees: what's D&B?

Astrobytes: dots and boxes

BlaiseEbuth: Dungeons and bacon

Astrobytes: :D

Wontonimo: or you could just train some kind of artificial intelligence to learn the domain knowledge :P

MSmits: it's the only game on CG my wife knows how to play

Marchete: :point_up_2:

MSmits: Wontonimo there's a very key difference though

MSmits: a NN will never be an exact solver in this sense

Wontonimo: yeah, i'm just joking

MSmits: it will only approximate

MSmits: it's a good point though

MSmits: even if it's a joke

MSmits: this is precisely why NN's are used

Wontonimo: just making a reference to the NN crazy that's sweeping CG (that I'm really loving btw)

MSmits: because the domain knowledge is too hard to incorporate otherwise

Wontonimo: and this is why git-copilot will not take our jobs (yet)

MSmits: what is git copilot?

Wontonimo: !?!?!

MSmits: I don't fly

Astrobytes: Smits lives under a rock Wontonimo

MSmits: that too

Wontonimo: google it, watch some yt videos about it. it does autocomplete for coding

MSmits: ah VS too

Astrobytes: :grin:

Wontonimo: it is really quite futuristic

nulte: # eval breakthrough

nulte: nothing :(

Wontonimo: and can code whole functions for you just using the description and name of the function

MSmits: nice

nulte: Should I take into account pieces row positions on eval?

Astrobytes: I would advise it

nulte: im kinda lost

Astrobytes: What happened to brute-force and ignorance? :D

MSmits: a while ago VS asked me whether i wanted it to use AI to make coding suggestions (beyond intellisense). Is this like copilot?

nulte: it only gets you so far

MSmits: I said no btw... so i dont know how that works

nulte: the brute force got top 20 which is not completely bad :p

Astrobytes: This is true

Wontonimo: copilot uses openAIs GPT-3 network but instead of being trained on language, it is trained on github public repos. It is scifi, truly

MSmits: cool

MSmits: GPT-3 is language processing?

jacek: nulte hmm, the home row seems important eh

Wontonimo: it is not autocomplete or suggestion, it is auto-coding of complete functions from just a description. it can write unit tests for the function also

jacek: "ai, make me the top1 d&b bot" and itll write it?

Wontonimo: haha

Wontonimo: no

reCurse: I'll be surprised if anyone remembers it as anything but a gimmick one year from now

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: Yeah, pretty much just poc currently I think

Wontonimo: "GitHub Copilot CRUSHES Leetcode Interview Questions!"

Astrobytes: also hi :)

Wontonimo: to your point reCurse, it does require API calls to do, and so I'm guessing the cost of using it will be staggering.

reCurse: That's the least of my concerns

Wontonimo: what other concersn?

reCurse: It's kind of hard coming up with a short version but there's plenty of criticisms that I align with

AllYourTrees: aren't there licensing concerns?

AllYourTrees: like it puts code that has a license from github into your code and the original authors dont get credit

reCurse: Namely it doesn't save you any time because you either trust the code blindly, which you will pay later by having to understand and fix subtle bugs, or end up having to read it all again, which again is slower than writing it

reCurse: Writing code is the least concern while coding

reCurse: It's just a gimmick

reCurse: A very nice technical achievement but with questionable practical use

BlaiseEbuth: +100

MSmits: this is the first thing i thought when watching the video

MSmits: wait... he's checking all the code

MSmits: so...

reCurse: Those who were fearing for their jobs are either joking or ignorant

MSmits: i am also not sure what it does. These code snippets are so small that it might be like the CG clash bots

jacek: reCurse afraid of losing game developer job

Wontonimo: i can see great value of having this for junior devs who are having a mental block, which happens all too often

reCurse: No I think it's just a crutch that won't help them either

MSmits: there might be some unforeseen benefits

MSmits: when people cant find a solution they often look on stack overflow

reCurse: It's like saying there's a benefit by having those automated proofs

MSmits: the AI does that for you now

reCurse: Not really if you don't end up applying it yourself

reCurse: You don't learn anything

Wontonimo: i'd like it, just to see a different way of coding than i would. I'd certainly use it to improve my skills, just like I use pair programming to do that

Wontonimo: and i learn stuff even when pair programming with someone much more junior than i am

reCurse: The stackoverflow answer often comes with very valuable context

reCurse: I'll still take that over gpt-3

nulte: I just hope no one has to use the code I wrote

jacek: you dont blindly copy paste code from stackoverflow? :o

reCurse: I'd probably ban its usage in a workplace if up to me

Wontonimo: indeed, if it came with the context and discussion/alternatives that are in SO, that would add huge value.

MSmits: say I am trying to code something and trying to come up with a description to help copilot solve it for me

Wontonimo: i don't think it will be a silver bullet, and unless the cost to use it is near zero I think it won't get adoption at-this-time

MSmits: the effort itself is a form of rubber ducking

MSmits: once you have the description right, you might no longer need the code it provides for you

MSmits: which is useful, you can use the decription you came up with, in your code base as comments

jacek: sometimes it could give you very bad code, but fixing or even rewriting bad code seems easier than making one from scratch

jacek: like with that godwin's law

reCurse: Imagine having to do something like that with copilot

jacek: noice. its like asking your sunconciousness to create something in lucid dream

Wontonimo: it's not going to write a whole system for you. I wouldn't use it on the NN work I do, but at where I work there is a lot of dumb repetitive angular code where i see copilot would crush it

reCurse: If I have to review what's written to make sure it's actually doing what's intended I didn't save anything

reCurse: Anyway'

reCurse: !remindme 1 year

jacek: Automaton2000 are you behind the copilot?

**Wontonimo sends calendar reminder

Automaton2000: or is it because i am not good at programming

jacek: hm

Wontonimo: HAHA

Wontonimo: my last €0.02, i don't think copilot is going to change much, and i also think it is going to have a crisis of marketability/profit. It would be fun to play with and I think useful as a teaching tool for super junior coders.


Marchete: from my work: "A project is always ####, except when it doesn't"

Marchete: and I replied, then it isn't a ####

Marchete: "no no no, it is, except in some cases"

KiwiTae: :joy: Marchete makes you feel good about your motivation ><

Marchete: copilot would explode with user requeriments

Marchete: until that they they keep thinking the same

Marchete: even with counter examples of why that's a bad idea

jacek: then make ai that would know what they want

KiwiTae: its like ok google for programming lol

reCurse: True, one of the first things I turn off

KiwiTae: its gonna be handy for next cg contest, shortcutter: // i want my bot to win this game

reCurse: Reminder: First contest not to mention multiplayer or bot in advance :P

MSmits: we did have detective pikaptcha

jacek: you think its gonna be one long clash of code?

reCurse: Maybe some escape room contest shrug

reCurse: Who knows

BlaiseEbuth: :nauseated_face:

struct: another one?

reCurse: The fact they didn't copy the multiplayer contest template directly like so many others before says a lot imo

reCurse: Removing type, duration, faq, etc

struct: They did say in discord that they do not know what the next contest will be

reCurse: I'm fine with it being over actually

BlaiseEbuth: :(

jacek: youre retiring?

reCurse: Would be the smart thing to do

BlaiseEbuth: :cry:

jacek: :no_mouth:

Westicles: 500 tied winners with raffled prizes is a better way to push traffic than same old guys winning over and over

reCurse: And chess will keep that itch scratched for a while

jacek: huh

MSmits: there have been plenty of different winners over time though

MSmits: many that won only 1 time

MSmits: like closetAI, I think Robo (not sure if he won another), jolindien

reCurse: Heh used to have that contest leaderboard thing

reCurse: Most winners only won once

MSmits: yeah

reCurse: Only 7 did more than once

MSmits: there are a few guys that, when they participate have a high likelyhood of winning

MSmits: but they dont always participate and sometimes there's more than 1 of them

MSmits: like when you and pb 4 are both in, I would not predict

reCurse: Put your money on pb4, easy

MSmits: i would not put any money in

jacek: :money_with_wings:

Wontonimo: how's your newest NN doing reCurse?

Wontonimo: the one in diapers

reCurse: Trying to get him to sleep


Wontonimo: "Naptime"

Wontonimo: product innovation

jacek: any cheesy NN lately?

reCurse: Think I almost worked my magic but it's still buggy sometimes

reCurse: Crossing fingers now

jacek: kindergarten magic?

reCurse: Sleep spell

Wontonimo: aka rocking chair ?

Plantchant: tmw u get #2 in the league so you cant advance D:

Wontonimo: which league ?

Plantchant: only bronze

reCurse: Before I went MIA for 3 weeks I had a SL NN kick my ass at chess with 1k nodes, which might only indicate how terrible I am

struct: Whats SL NN?

reCurse: supervised learning

reCurse: Just took a bunch of engine games

struct: wasnt your ranking above 1.6k?

struct: elo*

jacek: and MIA?

struct: missing in action

jacek: oh

reCurse: I was still climbing on lichess when I was playing

reCurse: Almost 1.9k

jacek: SL, just like nnue guys train

reCurse: Though I'm pretty sure it was just a lucky streak

linjoehan: I'm 1.3k on and 1.5 on lichess, but thats for blitz I think I'm better at standard but I don't thave the time to test that

reCurse: That's weird, your ratings should have a bigger gap

linjoehan: 1.9 is massive man

reCurse: Not really

reCurse: 1.9 on lichess is like 1.2 on chesscom

reCurse: Or was it 1.3

struct: i think 1.3k

reCurse: Percentile wise anyway

Wontonimo: Plantchant, which multi ?

linjoehan: is that just because all the top dudes play at chess over lichess?

reCurse: Hard to do it accurately because lichess only shows distribution for last week and chesscom does alltime

reCurse: I'd tend to think lichess favors player with more skill under titled

struct: I think they use diferent rating system

reCurse: Glicko is still calibrated to have similar rating gap vs winrate if I'm not mistaken

reCurse: chesscom is very mainstream and the bigger numbers are usually on the lower ends

linjoehan: ah ok which one is closer to the one fide uses?

reCurse: Neither because it's more about the player pool than the rating system

reCurse: Your best bet is to use percentile until the top 1-2% then you're screwed

reCurse: IMHO

dbdr: what's a node in 1k nodes, reCurse?

reCurse: mcts node

reCurse: So a game state

jacek: using policy?

dbdr: aha, that's tiny then. limiting to make deterministic?

reCurse: Limiting to give me a fighting chance

reCurse: It's ruthless

dbdr: :)

jacek: youre playing chess960?

reCurse: No standard chess, that's what I have the data for anyway

jacek: oh

dbdr: do you beat the NN alone without search?

reCurse: Same framework as usual except without the RL part

reCurse: It's probably very easy at 2 nodes

reCurse: Let me try

dbdr: famous last words ;)

dbdr: I think alphazero chess NN alone was at 3000 elo. of course they have a huge net

reCurse: Yeah mine is the usual minimalist

reCurse: That's the angle I want to dig anyway

reCurse: CG-style constraints

reCurse: Not blundering so far...

reCurse: I'm surprised

jacek: you?

reCurse: lol

dbdr: I guess even inside the constraints, there must be a NN size / search speed tradeoff

reCurse: touché

reCurse: Yeah of course

reCurse: Something that doesn't seem too looked at as well which I like

jacek: usual CNN?

reCurse: Yeah conv is life

jacek: one hots are life

jacek: did you miss the cgzero craze

reCurse: ?


jacek: now 10+ oware bots are NN

reCurse: Eh...

reCurse: I don't mean to be disrespectful but I'm a bit... disappointed? Not sure.

jacek: oO

MSmits: marchete lowered the bar of entry I suppose

Wontonimo: oO also

Wontonimo: i think it's fab that marchete shared and so many people tried. it's a huge cost of entry, and this made it a lot more accessible to many

reCurse: I don't mean to diss the effort or say it's not great

reCurse: Just a very personal feeling

MSmits: I know why

MSmits: it took you a lot of effort to make everything work

MSmits: and now other people can get a jumpstart you did not get

MSmits: it's a very human response imho

reCurse: No it's not even really that

MSmits: hmm ok

reCurse: It's kind of robbing you of the reward for the effort you put?

MSmits: yours or the ones using it?

reCurse: You can't have as much motivation to get something to work if you can already see the end result

reCurse: Speaking for myself anyway

Astrobytes: Valid point

MSmits: sure, but something can be so hard to put off almost everyone

reCurse: That's why I speak for myself

reCurse: I'm sure for most it's great

MSmits: I will probably use parts of it sometime in the next few weeks

reCurse: But the presence of a solution would probably have killed my motivation if I hadn't started

Astrobytes: You'd already started though right MSmits? Prior to this

MSmits: well just getting the endgame book

MSmits: 36 seed book is on my drive

MSmits: finished

MSmits: uses like 40 GB total :P

Astrobytes: Dearie me

MSmits: still havent started on the meta mcts for 37-48, got sidetracked by D&B

MSmits: it's such a cool game :)

reCurse: Marchete if you read this don't take it the wrong way

Marchete: I don't, and I knew you thought that way

Marchete: I've heard having this conversation like 1 year ago

reCurse: Ok just making sure no hard feelings

reCurse: It's great work really

reCurse: Just makes me sad for some stupid reason :)

Marchete: don't worry

Marchete: It's OK, you are more competitive than me

reCurse: Why is 2 nodes still winning

reCurse: I'm sad now

reCurse: I'll blame lack of sleep or something

Marchete: enjoy parenthood

reCurse: Thanks

Marchete: and I mean it, even with sleep deprivation

reCurse: Oh it's 3 nodes (<=) that's why

Marchete: you'll miss those moments, they grow up FAST

jacek: 3 nodes vs 2 nodes?

reCurse: No 3 nodes is still bullying me

reCurse: Yeah that's what everyone keeps saying hehe

reCurse: Took 3 months off for that reason among others

BlaiseEbuth: Oh. There's babyCurse ! :o

Astrobytes: ah yeah, congrats man! Enjoy every moment :)

BlaiseEbuth: gg

reCurse: Thanks

Manchi_o6o7: How can I check integer overflow in C

martinpapa69: what is the operation you want to check ?

reCurse: 1 coffee > 3 nodes

Astrobytes: hehehe :)

reCurse: This is fun

reCurse: It baffles me how a small net with no search holds its own

jacek: how small though

reCurse: :zipper_mouth:

reCurse: It should fit on CG but barely

jacek: and what was the data, stockfish trainer?

reCurse: No I used CCRL

reCurse: So a few millions of engine games

reCurse: No filter

reCurse: I didn't think SL would work that well and yet

reCurse: So much stuff to try now

jacek: hmph

reCurse: ?

jacek: nothing~


reCurse: :)

Default avatar.png Xezs2774: where can i report a bug on here?

reCurse: Forum or #bug-report on discord

Astrobytes: Or triage it here beforehand

BlaiseEbuth: Yet another bug in temperature, I guess... :(

FalINTOblivion0112: hey blaiseeburth

FalINTOblivion0112: how do you optimize mean max

FalINTOblivion0112: the contest

Astrobytes: Just use True AI and make it go brrrr

nulte: AVX

BlaiseEbuth: I don't

FalINTOblivion0112: i make init

FalINTOblivion0112: and create random crap

nulte: init?

FalINTOblivion0112: i initiate classes of cars

nulte: meanmax might be one of the harder games to make a decent AI

nulte: I never tried it though

FalINTOblivion0112: yeah

FalINTOblivion0112: it is very hard actually

FalINTOblivion0112: but im doing well

Wontonimo: have you tried GA for meanmax?

FalINTOblivion0112: what is GA

reCurse: garbage algorithm

FalINTOblivion0112: yes i have

FalINTOblivion0112: that is the algorithm im using right now

FalINTOblivion0112: reapers desecrate

Wontonimo: Genetic Algorithm

Wontonimo: Genetic Algos are pretty good at many things. If you'd like some tips, let me know

Wontonimo: PM if you'd like FalINTOblivion0112

FalINTOblivion0112: thank you man

FalINTOblivion0112: but generic algorithms are decent

Wontonimo: what algo are you currently using in meanmax ?

FalINTOblivion0112: distance thing

FalINTOblivion0112: am i even using an algorithm

nulte: are you doing any multi Wontonimo?

FalINTOblivion0112: dunno man

Wontonimo: i've been lazy lately nulte. Tron and C4 are probably next and shouldn't be much work at all porting what i have in other multis

Wontonimo: i really do like what Marchete did with NNs, and it so that is also high on my list to replicate

Wontonimo: i'm curious how i'd translate that into convolution for square/hex board games

Wontonimo: within the constraints of CG

martinpapa69: you worry about the codesize constraints ?

reCurse: This meme needs to die :)

jacek: what meme

Astrobytes: lol

Astrobytes: The codesize

jacek: it will die if they get rid of codesize limit

reCurse: It seems everyone's first thought of NNs on CG is worrying about size when it's the easiest obstacle

reCurse: A bit like worrying about O3 when pragmas are available

jacek: it is a problem with one-hots. the peasant convs guys won't get it

AllYourTrees: lol

reCurse: You're just not trying enough :)

reCurse: Besides I did NNs on CG for over a year without convs

martinpapa69: I'm pretty sure tho, that there must be a better way to encode, and input your data, than one-hot encoding, in a game like oware.

reCurse: Most likely

Westicles: Is it possible to make a contribution where you penalize based on codesize?

reCurse: Yes, it's called code golf

Westicles: I don't mean clashes...

reCurse: Me neither

Westicles: Then I don't get it

reCurse: Oh my bad for some reason I thought the SDK allowed it

reCurse: Guess not

Astrobytes: 'platform limitation' I guess

Westicles: Hmm, seems like it should be possible. Something along the lines of CGFunge Prime

reCurse: Well I guess you could print the source code on first turn and have the referee somehow compile it and... :P

Astrobytes: Definitely your territory Westicles :D

Westicles: Well, it is very possible I am too dumb to figure out the SDK

MSmits: yeah it works for CGFunge, so it's possible

MSmits: look at eulers code i guess

Astrobytes: If any past experience is to be taken at value I do believe you have this down Westicles :D

Westicles: Ha, well thanks Astrobytes for the vote of confidence :P

MSmits: +1

Astrobytes: ;)

MSmits: I think I almost cracked the D&B secret

MSmits: I feel it

reCurse: You didn't use enough bass?

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: well played reCurse

MSmits: that went woosh :(

Astrobytes: You forgot to make a cut around 100hz for the kick to get through?

MSmits: still woosh

MSmits: does this have something to do with me living under a rock?

MSmits: it's not that kind of rock though


Astrobytes: MSmits:

MSmits: oo

MSmits: ack, please go back to rickrolling me instead

Astrobytes: Dude please. That is A Tune.

MSmits: giving me A headache

reCurse: ngl it's kinda meh :p

Astrobytes: I picked it as a mid-point between current DnB and emergence of DnB from jungle tbh

Astrobytes: It kicks at a rave though, trust me

reCurse: Prefer when there's more melody shrug

Astrobytes: Ah see, this is neuro stuff, you want the liquid

reCurse: ...sure

Astrobytes: No really, liquid dnb is more melodic

reCurse: If there's something giving me a headache it's music categorization

Astrobytes: There's nothing worse, I agree. Especially when it's sub-genres of genres

Astrobytes: and sometimes sub-genres of sub-genres

Astrobytes: But hey, neither you nor me made those categories

reCurse: I'll just leave that to spotify to figure out what I want to hear

Astrobytes: Check stuff on Hospital/Hospitality label, should be decent

Astrobytes: Good Looking Records, Soul:R etc

nulte: spotify sometimes finds good musics

Astrobytes: Doesn't for me. I'm a fussy f***er

reCurse: Sure thanks, just gonna say d&b not that high on my favorite genres though

nulte: not even if you pick a song and choose play from this song?

nulte: play radio*

Astrobytes: Nor mine these days, but I have a rich past history with it ;)

MSmits: I like celtic music

reCurse: Play radio kinda sucks, but when you start building a playlist with a few songs not too far from each other you get pretty good suggestions in my experience

Astrobytes: I like digging for music myself (when I have time)

Astrobytes: MSmits: which kind? Quite a few Celtic nations


MSmits: i like many of those

MSmits: they use a lot of music like that in games as well. There's a famous skyrim mod that just uses music from this composer I believe

Astrobytes: I prefer my Celtic music along the lines of (it won't rip your ears off btw):

MSmits: the music is fine. I don't need the singing though

Astrobytes: You like that Disney woman

MSmits: yeah that's one of the few where I like the singing

nulte: is the bot finally doing something

nulte: or just luck

MSmits: which bot?

nulte: mine, breakthrough

Astrobytes: I'm not sure what I did to mine tbh

MSmits: oh ok

Astrobytes: Looks good man!

nulte: thanks

nulte: I made it solve sooner

nulte: I fee like my eval still has a long way to go though

Astrobytes: That worked well either way

nulte: yeah

nulte: top 10 is close now

Astrobytes: yeah, good work :)

nulte: my goal is to beat robo bot 1 match

Astrobytes: hehehe

Astrobytes: C4 vengeance

MSmits: code a meta mcts, put in his moves, let it run for a week :P

Astrobytes: lol the SmitsiHax

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: but really, don't do that :P robo doesn't deserve it

Astrobytes: oard

Astrobytes: woops

Astrobytes: lol

Astrobytes: wrong text area

MSmits: dont paste your bot here :P

nulte: I think i might have better chances if I improve the eval

Astrobytes: no pasting lol

nulte: i only want to beat him 1 time

nulte: i dont want to take his rank

Astrobytes: Yeah yeah

Astrobytes: :P

MSmits: well considering how deterministic his bots are, beating him once, may mean beating him many times

MSmits: but beating him once is the hard part :P

Astrobytes: And the awful thing is that they'll just retrain on you and you're screwed. But this is where MSmits comes in with his Grimoires

MSmits: yeah, well that works up to a point and only in some games

Astrobytes: True

MSmits: would be really easy to do in C4, harder in BT

MSmits: I mean in C4 it's even strong, nontargeted. Just letting the algo figure it out for itself. The statespace is that small

Astrobytes: I didn't realise BT was so deep tbh

MSmits: combined with mcts being that good

MSmits: BT has way more branching than C4

Astrobytes: Yeah ofc, but strategy-wise I mean

MSmits: BT is a very pretty game imho. It makes me sad that I can't write a better bot fo rit

nulte: I hate writing eval

Astrobytes: it's a great game, I totally love and hate it

MSmits: well I like experimenting with eval features, but i hate fitting the numbers

Astrobytes: I like seeing how it changes the behaviour, you gotta pick the right features first though

MSmits: yeah and I never really succeeded at that with BT

MSmits: it seems messy because of complex interaction between pieces

MSmits: it's what I ran into when trying to eval br2k compared to eval of csb

MSmits: at least csb has some low hanging fruit when it comes to eval

Astrobytes: Yeah, br2k had me at a wall. Must get back to that at some point, was a cool game

MSmits: yeah thats why i mentioned it. It also felt like a pretty game, but I also failed at that, relatively speaking

MSmits: I got stuck right before last boss

Astrobytes: Did better than me D:

Astrobytes: * :D

nulte: im done


nulte: cya next multi

MSmits: gj!

MSmits: you beat the boss

Astrobytes: Nice sneaky win there :)

nulte: oh he didnt update his bt bot yet

nulte: he is gonna crush my dreams

MSmits: but he'll be polite and nice about it

Astrobytes: Alright I'm out fortoday, still logged in but don't expect a reply :P

Astrobytes: Goodnight/afternoon/evening everyone

Astrobytes: reCurse: Nice to see you back dude :)

MSmits: gn

nulte: gn

KiwiTae: :joy:

KiwiTae: gotta make it fancy :grimacing:

nulte: wow

nulte: very nice

nulte: Will you make it frame by frame KiwiTae?

Default avatar.png GrantSan: lol

Default avatar.png GrantSan: lol

Default avatar.png GrantSan: hold up how do you know the position of the checkpoints in coders strike back

nulte: you need to store them :/

nulte: and keep track of it I guess

nulte: Im not sure if checkpoint id is given on lower leageus

nulte: leagues*

FriendlyKh: in lower league

FriendlyKh: it automaticly change the checkpoint if the pod touch the checkpoint

FriendlyKh: but from the gold league

FriendlyKh: it gives you id of the checkpoint

FriendlyKh: so you have to change it by yourself

prINTint: can someone help me with my school project

prINTint: :confounded: plese

Wontonimo: nope, but i can help you with something on this site

prINTint: @Wontonmino no issues

prINTint: can someone help me with my school project

confounded: please

prINTint: it is simply to write source code for shopping software

nulte: im sure you can do it

Wontonimo: or if you can't, your teacher will show you afterwards