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Default avatar.png TheBigBadMaster_164: yes, you can see previous submissions

DaNinja: in CoC?

DaNinja: I thought its not possible in CoC

ableflyer: it is possible

ableflyer: but some people won't show their code

ableflyer: even when they're like the first ones to solve it

Husoski: @TeachMeSenpai You can if you saved or can find the URL. If' it's recent, you can scroll through result notifications to get to the result screens for clashes you were in. You get to see your code, plus the code of anyone who shared.

DavidDeLord: how do you remove the discord banner at the top of this chat

TeachMeSenpai: @Husoki Thank you, kinda lame they don't save it for you.

Husoski: I think the idea is to make cheating with databases of solved clashes harder to do. (But the CG bots do exactly that!)

TeachMeSenpai: ohh that makes perfect sense

Default avatar.png Plantchant: christmas christmas time is here and christmas songs we love to hear

derjack: winter wrap up winter wrap up ~

SubwayMan: I have a test tomorrow but I just spent 2 hours on making an among us codingame puzzle. What's wrong with me

Default avatar.png Sean_70: I don't capish

Default avatar.png Sean_70: It is very difficult for I

Default avatar.png Sean_70: shish

Default avatar.png japrozs: clsah of code

Default avatar.png japrozs: clash of code

Default avatar.png A_noob_ayu: how to create private room?

Default avatar.png ie28dhcjnkLbxc: 有谁写出来了

Default avatar.png ie28dhcjnkLbxc: 大佬求带

ableflyer: @SubwayMan luckily for me i finished all my tests but for some reason school is still going till next week

SubwayMan: unforch

ViktorZafirovski: Can someone help me out with the codingame-sponsored-contest?

ViktorZafirovski: It says there should be 3 inputs every turn, but I'm seeing 5.

Westicles: Read it again

ViktorZafirovski: I did, and on the twelfth reading I figured out that I am blind

ViktorZafirovski: Or something.

ViktorZafirovski: Much obliged.

ViktorZafirovski: :D

KiwiTae: ><

ViktorZafirovski: You know how it goes. If you don't ask, you'll never see it. But you don't need to ask.

ViktorZafirovski: :|

Westicles: Input for one game turn: line 1, line 2, line 3, line 4...

ViktorZafirovski: Yeah, I got it. Now if only I can figure out a way to actually test the code. This challenge is perplexing.

ViktorZafirovski: Not the challenge itself, moreso the format.

KiwiTae: the goal is to find what to do

KiwiTae: its pretty simple once you got it

ViktorZafirovski: No, I get that, but I don't see how I'm supposed to even start.

KiwiTae: print the outputs every turn

ViktorZafirovski: For example, I can just grab the outputs, paste them in a text editor locally and go through them

KiwiTae: inputs

ViktorZafirovski: Yeah, but that feels like cheating somehow.

KiwiTae: lol

KiwiTae: nah its not

ViktorZafirovski: For some reason I feel like I should write code that will do the analysis for me and provide a solution.

ViktorZafirovski: Which would work if the "Final Score" was fed back in

ViktorZafirovski: But it isn't.

ViktorZafirovski: So... yeah, I'mma have to dump these numbers.

ableflyer: wanna check out my contribution

ViktorZafirovski: Sure, why not. But first, this challenge!

KiwiTae: ableflyer i think you can change difficulty to easy ~

ableflyer: ?

KiwiTae: its about the complexity of a clash

ableflyer: it took me 4 hours to get the solution

ableflyer: is it actually easy for you?

KiwiTae: about 3min lol

ableflyer: looks like i need way more coding training than i thought

Uljahn: :duck:

Westicles: why is the output sorted?

ableflyer: better reading

ableflyer: for better reading of info

ableflyer: ye

Westicles: ok, but does it say to do that anywhere?

ableflyer: wdym?

Westicles: I mean in the description

ableflyer: like at the solution

ableflyer: ?

ableflyer: or the goal

Westicles: I would have just printed them in order without sorting

Westicles: At any rate, agree it is probably a clash

AntiSquid: just had my 3rd COVID jab and grew an extra nipple as a bonus, i'm feeling great Automaton2000

Automaton2000: but not in my code

Westicles: Your ovaries must be full now

anantaCodes: Try taking ten jabs. You will be invincible. Maybe you can even dish out variants like pokemon cards

AntiSquid: maybe you can poke-volve at that point

Westicles: Squid, what do you think of that study on organ bio-distribution that shows it all collects in bone marrow and ovaries? Just a bunch of BS for us wingnuts?

AntiSquid: I would pay attention to everything now that people with side effects are completely ignored. As always do your own research.

derjack: :thinking:

Default avatar.png wahyuawal: hi

ableflyer: what should i do if i want to become a better programmer

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: cry

ableflyer: k

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: practise more

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: lol

ViktorZafirovski: Ableflyer, pick a language you like an an environment you like then code actual use cases.

ViktorZafirovski: Make a video game, code a calculator, pick a database and learn how to use it

ViktorZafirovski: Get comfy with a system you like.

ViktorZafirovski: Then, learn why everyone thinks that that system is shit and adapt.

Default avatar.png KP56: I would say that it depends on his current skills, if he already can create different projects, there is no need for him to practice stuff like databases etc especially if its not what he wants to do in the future.

ViktorZafirovski: That is true, if he takes a career path into account.

ViktorZafirovski: If he's just having fun... eh, doesn't really matter.

ViktorZafirovski: Ableflyer, what do you actually want to do?

ViktorZafirovski: Like, down the line

Default avatar.png KP56: For example I really enjoy graph theory and that's why I do some botting on this website :)

ViktorZafirovski: Yeah, same. None of the stuff here applies to my job.

ViktorZafirovski: But god help me, it's so entertaining.

Default avatar.png KP56: The challenges this place offers are a lot different to what I've been doing before

KiwiTae: part of my job is kindda bot programming so its spot on for me

ViktorZafirovski: I would argue that none of these challenges actually have a real life counterpart that translates *directly*

Default avatar.png KP56: Unless you are a bot developer lmao

ViktorZafirovski: But they teach you a ton of practices in between that are invaluable damn near everywhere

ViktorZafirovski: I did custom autopilot software for drones back in the day and it was significantly easier than any of the game challenges here.

Default avatar.png KP56: That depends on your role, if someone does a lot of algorithmic stuff related to graphs, some of this experience may actually come in handy.

ViktorZafirovski: Exactly. The methodologies are great.

Default avatar.png KP56: The only thing, which I don't like here is Clash of code. These challenges are way too easy and they seem more like a memorization game to me.

Default avatar.png KP56: But maybe it's just me

ViktorZafirovski: No no, you're on point.

Default avatar.png KP56: I did one yesterday, when I created this account, and it was just looping through text and outputting indexes of characters, which were capital

Default avatar.png KP56: more of a speed typing contest if you ask me

ViktorZafirovski: That's what it was like for me back in IT college

ViktorZafirovski: First year, all the exams were "palindrome this, palindrome that"

ViktorZafirovski: No joke.

ViktorZafirovski: It was hellish :)

Default avatar.png KP56: I get you

Westicles: Sounds like you guys are ready for the Horn-SAT solver

ViktorZafirovski: Oh dear god

ViktorZafirovski: This is hellish

ViktorZafirovski: What is this thing

ViktorZafirovski: †††

Default avatar.png KP56: I don't know what it means, probably because of the programming therminology I learned being in a different language

ViktorZafirovski: He's referring to a challenge here on CG

ViktorZafirovski: It's called that ^

Default avatar.png KP56: ah

ViktorZafirovski: And it's hellish.

Default avatar.png KP56: haven't checked that out

ViktorZafirovski: In formal logic, Horn-satisfiability, or Horn-SAT, is the problem of deciding whether a given Horn formula is satisfiable or unsatisfiable. Our purpose here is to code a program solving the Horn-SAT problem.

A literal is a boolean variable or its negation. For the variable X we have the positive literal X and the negative literal -X (NOT).

ViktorZafirovski: Don't

ViktorZafirovski: Hahahaha

Default avatar.png KP56: I've only solved a couple medium challenges

Default avatar.png KP56: yesterday

Default avatar.png KP56: I don't even know what "literal" means let me google it lmao

Default avatar.png KP56: oh ok i get it

Default avatar.png KP56: I may give it a try once I'm done with my move simulation in CODE vs ZOMBIES

ViktorZafirovski: Now THAT's fun

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: bruh reverse is soh ard

Default avatar.png KP56: reverse?

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: clash

derjack: hsalc

Default avatar.png KP56: i played one and it didn't seem hard

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: yes some are damn easy

Default avatar.png KP56: i had to output indexes of upper case characters in a s tring


Default avatar.png KP56: ?

relay: sup guys

Default avatar.png KP56: what about it

relay: solutioun)

relay: *

Default avatar.png KP56: you want a solution for it?

relay: +

Default avatar.png KP56: so you don't know how to solve it and you need someone else to do it for you?

relay: no i need help fo solution it

Default avatar.png BaNaNaVaN: shhh

relay: bcs i can't do it by myself

Default avatar.png KP56: what don't you understand about the challenge

relay: is it posseble?

Default avatar.png KP56: i solved it yesterday

relay: so...

Default avatar.png KP56: so it is possible

relay: *

Default avatar.png KP56: here is what i can tell you: you find a point which is the closest to coordinates 0, 0... then you look for the closest point to that one and connect these 2, if you move out of an orthant then you add a space

relay: You think, that it help me?

Default avatar.png KP56: how far are you in this challenge

relay: on star

relay: t

Default avatar.png KP56: so you dont know how to begin coding?

relay: )))

Default avatar.png KP56: first try getting the closest point to the origin

Default avatar.png KP56: here is the general formula for calculating the distance

Default avatar.png KP56:

Default avatar.png KP56: (scroll to the geometry section)

Default avatar.png KP56: it's similar to pitagoras but you need to add all lengths in other dimensions squared too

KiwiTae: its the euclidian distance, just the size of the hypersphere radius

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: hi can anyone help

Default avatar.png KP56: what's your problem?

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: when i print with else it does it wrongly

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: like

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: i do print(*x if x else 'Pangram')

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: so i print the values inside x

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: but when it prints pangram

Default avatar.png KP56: unfortunetly i don't know python D:

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: it prints it space separated as well

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: rip

KiwiTae: its normal

Uljahn: print(*x if x else 'Pangram', sep="")

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: oh wow thank you

IKEJIME: hello is there any book that you can recommend on quantum programming i trying to study it

AntiSquid: try

Default avatar.png KP56: for a second i thought it's an actual website

IKEJIME: its not a real website

derjack: no unless you observe it

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj:

Default avatar.png nickeyminasj: someone join me lol

AntiSquid: #clash nickeyminasj

kyoya34: hello


kyoya34: well well well

Hackercodehp: hello friends

MSmits: hi friendly friend

derjack: friendship is magic

MSmits: indeed

ChocolateMarmot: hi

nbp2411: hj

MiyamuraIzumi: haha

5ALID: it's winsday today, the best day ever

MiTo0o: rlly? wed kinda sucks imo

derjack: frog memes?


MiTo0o: thta does make it better

MiTo0o: u right

struct: hi

Uljahn: hi structly struct

Nekko551XD: i am just wondering one thing for puzzle two eggs shouldn't solution for 1000 be 44 tries since if its increased by 50 it takes it 20 tries to reach 1000 and then it takes it 24 tries to test numbers from 2 to 48 since 0 and 50 would already be tested

Nekko551XD: so 24+20 =44 and not 45 and 44<45

Culyssander: Hi How to find a first remote job

Nekko551XD: do you have any working experience or you are absolute beginner ?

Culyssander: This my portfolio:

Culyssander: I would like so much to find remote job... Is one of my dream.

kyoya34: helllo

Nekko551XD: did something change here solutions are available only for language you complete the puzzle in ? was it always like this

struct: no, you used to be able to see all, but that was a long time ago

Nekko551XD: OK, i started thinking i may be imagining things and that wouldn't be the best since i am still too young for it XD

Default avatar.png KP56: wat

Nekko551XD: I don't know :D

Default avatar.png Oat_Milk: waitttttttttttt theres a chat???????????????????????

Default avatar.png Oat_Milk: hi

ableflyer: am i stll banned

ableflyer: oh wait im back

Default avatar.png ZLiesPython: for what?

ableflyer: lessss gooooo

Default avatar.png ZLiesPython: What did you do

ableflyer: i got kicked from this chat cuz I posted a private clash of clans in here

ableflyer: cloash of code*

ableflyer: clash of code**

Default avatar.png ZLiesPython: Ohhh

Default avatar.png ZLiesPython: so a solution

ableflyer: no no no

ableflyer: a private clash of code

ableflyer: i din't post any solutions

KiwiTae: ableflyer you can do that in #clash

ableflyer: i did

ableflyer: i clicked the hashtag and posted it here

ableflyer: at the #clash chat

LazyMammal: Nekko551XD re: Two Egg Problem You try every 50th floor to 1000 (20 drops). Egg finally breaks at 1000. Now one egg to test floor 951..999 (49 drops). Total 69

KiwiTae: LazyMammal you can solve it in 1line

LazyMammal: I was answering Nekko's question from earlier.

KiwiTae: aaa

KiwiTae: my baddd hehe

Default avatar.png KP56: wasn't it like an hour ago?

LazyMammal: Correct answer is 45 not 69 anyway.

Wontonimo: time is meaningless on CG

Nekko551XD: does second egg need to survive?

LazyMammal: Nope. Two eggs to spend.

Nekko551XD: i will test every second floor so i tested 50 it didn't break i now test 52 if it breaks it's 51 if not i continue

LazyMammal: Every second floor only works if you still have two eggs to spend. Can't do that after going every 50th floor.

Nekko551XD: i test by 50 floors while both eggs are alive

Nekko551XD: one breaks at 1000th floor

LazyMammal: Yes, and "worst case" is it breaks at top. So one egg left.

Nekko551XD: now i am left with one egg and floors between 950 and 1000 since it survived 950 and died at 1000

LazyMammal: yep

Nekko551XD: and i dont have to test 950 and 1000 since i already know result for those 2

LazyMammal: correct

Nekko551XD: and why i cant increase height by 2 if i can spend both eggs to find result

LazyMammal: you have one egg at this point

Nekko551XD: yes and ?

LazyMammal: so you can't skip floor and still learn exact floor. you would only be "within 2"

Nekko551XD: if it breaks at 52 i know 51 was its max since 50 was survived and 52 was death

Nekko551XD: and i always know previous result so its single number

LazyMammal: We know: didn't break at 950. If we test at 952 and it breaks ... what about 951? we don't know

Nekko551XD: do you get now what i am trying to say

Nekko551XD: yea now i got it

Nekko551XD: my fault wrong misconception

Nekko551XD: thanks for explaining

LazyMammal: It's a confusing problem. No worries. Also, pro tip: you are checking fixed step up the floors but that isn't optimal.

kyoya34: hello

LazyMammal: welcome

Default avatar.png KP56: in does the mars lander lose horizontal speed too?

LazyMammal: No air friction in Mars Lander. Only gravity and engine thrust.

Default avatar.png KP56: then I had to mess the calculations up, thanks

LazyMammal: If you are making a simulation, don't forget to average acceleration when adding to velocity. Look up "Verlet integration" for reason why.

Default avatar.png KP56: it may be useful, thank you


jacek: oO

LazyMammal: That makes more sense. I actually looked at my code and I'm not doing Verlet at all. So that was a red herring !

Wontonimo: i've been daydreaming about making a verlet physics multi on CG

Wontonimo: is the Mars lander ref code available on github ?

LazyMammal: I've never found an official repo for Mars Lander.

KiwiTae: they didnt release it

KiwiTae: >< damnit im stuck in wood

Default avatar.png KP56: which game


KiwiTae: my sim is bugged when my ships go near the map border they get stuck

Wontonimo: unit tests

Default avatar.png KP56: im stuck in bronze in Coders strike back lmao

KiwiTae: arf Wontonimo you lost yout GM status :p

Default avatar.png Slam_Jammington: I still haven't bumped into anyone else who's coding in PHP lol

KiwiTae: Slam_Jammington my colleague is doing CoC in php

Default avatar.png KP56: lmao

Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: do most ppl think python is the best language

Default avatar.png Learning2CodeButIAintGotWings: python is easier than most imo, but i'm using this to brush up on my c

Andriamanitra: @masknksnvsndvo no :) python is the second best language for everything

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: there are only tools in a big tool box inside the cloud ....

Andriamanitra: and if you ask 10 people what's the best language you'll likely get at least 6 different languages :D

Default avatar.png KP56: python is a very good language as it allows you to make a lot of complicated instructions within a small amount of code lines

Default avatar.png KP56: but i wouldn't say it's the best

Default avatar.png KP56: if we take a recursive fib implementation for python and c++ for example (it's terrible do it iteratively), c++ executes the same code 25x faster than python

Default avatar.png KP56: that's because of python being terrible for recursive solutions

Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: what's the best language then Andriamanitra

Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: KP56 you make a good point

Default avatar.png Learning2CodeButIAintGotWings: i think you have to define what you think best is, easiest to implement, fastest, best graphical libraries, etc

Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: well I mean in everyday programming

Andriamanitra: @KP56 yes python has function call overhead but it's far from being terrible for recursive solutions - most of the time you can/want to memoize it anyway, deep recursion stacks are not a good thing in any language - and let's be real, language speed doesn't matter in 95% of the cases

Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: if you had to only choose 1 lanugage

Andriamanitra: if i only had to choose one i would pick python because like i said it's the second best language for everything

Default avatar.png Learning2CodeButIAintGotWings: if i had to do all my code in one language, i would probably choose python....

Default avatar.png KP56: @Andriamanitra you are right, I was just giving an example where python is a worse option

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: if i can only chosse 1 language ? i would choice assembler and would build all the languages again xD

Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: lmao

Andriamanitra: there is almost infinite amount of packages for python which is a HUGE benefit - that said i usually choose another language that fits the task at hand better

Default avatar.png KP56: i personally think python is the most universal language out of the ones ive heard about

Andriamanitra: julia (for sciencey/math/stats/plots stuff) and crystal (for command line / web apps) are my current favorites

Default avatar.png Learning2CodeButIAintGotWings: no matlab love for the science/math/plots?

Andriamanitra: julia syntax is very similar to matlab but not insane, and it's open source :p

Andriamanitra: so a no-brainer of a choice there - although i can see the appeal of the matlab ide

Wontonimo: hey KiwiTae ! That's right, I am no longer Grand, just a regular Master lol

Wontonimo: KP56 - do you want some hints for Coders Strikes Back?

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: just a regular Master ? uffff i thought this time is over ^^

KiwiTae: damn i keep boosting boss hehe

JimmyJams: anyone here ever put their shirt on backwards 4 times in a row?

Default avatar.png VicVic777: i got a java technical interview tomorrow and i can barely do the medium exercises, should i give up

KiwiTae: NO

KiwiTae: VicVic777 just go do your best , better fail the test than not showing up for it

Default avatar.png VicVic777: i'm spiralling so hard, its a junior position and it would be my first job but i can't even do DSA stuff without googling

KiwiTae: seniors google too

Default avatar.png VicVic777: “He suffers more than necessary, who suffers before it is necessary”

ill just engrain this in my head for the next hour and then get back to wrok

Wontonimo: The medium exercises here are hard VicVic777

Wontonimo: I think I used to budget two half days to solve a medium exercise (that initially looks like something I feel I could solve). Sometimes I surprise myself and get it done way faster, but it wasn't something I would count on. I haven't attempted a puzzle for a while, focusing more on bot multis now

eulerscheZahl: i would say the "hard" ones are actually medium when I compare it to other websites like codeforces

Wontonimo: I haven't used codeforces

sprkrd: is the tourist from codingame the same tourist from codeforces (2nd in the codeforces ranking)

sprkrd: ?

sprkrd: yeah, it's definitively the same person

DomiKo: yes he is

sprkrd: and he's also the 1st in top coder

sprkrd: i wonder, does he do something in his life other than competitive programming? :joy:

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: maybe its the one thing he can do

sprkrd: apparently he also plays tennis

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: but play he good tennis xD?

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: its like me , i solve puzzle here , but i am good ? i think no :P

sprkrd: the least i can say is he doesn't play tennis as well as he solve programming problems

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: maybe he is Novak Djokovic

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: or ashleigh Barty

sprkrd: i'm not a tennis connoisseur, so that went way over my head :joy:

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: I only use google xD

sprkrd: i only know Rafael Nadal and that's because he's from my country

sprkrd: otherwise I wouldn't even know about him

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: hmm on the other side he can't play the whole day tennis , he need breaks ... maybe in this time he solves coding puzzles xD

Default avatar.png KP56: imagine

jacek: meow

eulerscheZahl: to answer your question about tourist:

jacek: also, stupid euro 2020 :x

KiwiTae: my crew is tipsy :/

eulerscheZahl: euro 2020?

DomiKo: football

eulerscheZahl: oh, the euro 2021

eulerscheZahl: i'd rather play myself than watch others

DomiKo: no it's euro 2020 not 2021

DomiKo: and Poland lost last chance :(

eulerscheZahl: when was the opening match of the tournament?

kovi: sorry euler, we are going for win

eulerscheZahl: win what?

jacek: yes

kovi: germany vs. hungary

eulerscheZahl: oh right, that's today

eulerscheZahl: did it start already?

kovi: in 5mins

Marchete: don't you play football?

eulerscheZahl: yes

eulerscheZahl: but watching is meh

kovi: i know the odds of course

jacek: football? or... soccer :thinking:

Marchete: :soccer::runner:

eulerscheZahl: and they live in their own world anyways. whole country in a lockdown and they already play matches again and want spectators. why should i cheer for these egocentric millionaris?

Marchete: lockdown?

eulerscheZahl: last year

Marchete: it seems much more relaxed now

Marchete: ah

eulerscheZahl: but when we were still in the middle of it, couldn't even meet another household, they had training like normal

Marchete: lockdown is for plebs

eulerscheZahl: personally I don't care if Germany advances to the next round

eulerscheZahl: on the one hand i like those completely empty public areas during the matches

eulerscheZahl: on the other hand the earlier they drop out, the sooner the media coverage stops

Marchete: too many hands

sprkrd: only two hands :/

Marchete: :D

eulerscheZahl: and politics always uses these events to speak in some stupid ideas and turn it into a law

sprkrd: he used all his hands

Marchete: "on the one hand " I never heard that before

Marchete: just the other hand

sprkrd: that one is correct

Default avatar.png KP56: yeah

Marchete: I guess

sprkrd: sounds weird

eulerscheZahl: it's a common saying

sprkrd: to us foreigners, but is common

Default avatar.png KP56: it's also not a thing in my language, but i've heard it before

eulerscheZahl: look up "57 Sekunden Gesetz" passing a law that allows the government to sell information about citizens to companies

Default avatar.png KP56: wtf

eulerscheZahl: happened during a previous european championship

Default avatar.png KP56: WHAT

Default avatar.png KP56: what's wrong with people who made it a thing

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: what ? wait ? they sell our information ?

Marchete: "facebook": loool, I have it for free!

eulerscheZahl: and passed in just 57s, sneaky politicians

Marchete: indeed

Marchete: Spain is not different

sprkrd: spain is worse

sprkrd: btw, i'm not from Catalonia actually, Marchete, so rest easy that i won't rant about spain :D

Marchete: phew!

eulerscheZahl: Marchete lived in Mexico for a while

Marchete: a while == 14 years

eulerscheZahl: that long? :o

Marchete: I went for a couple of years

eulerscheZahl: i thought it was just for a job, a few months

Marchete: guess what? it wasn't

Marchete: nope

sprkrd: yeah, started your own cartel and everything

Marchete: :D

sprkrd: hard to come back after that

eulerscheZahl: takes a while to set that up

Marchete: exactly 14 years

eulerscheZahl: breaking bad is partially based on Marchete's life

sprkrd: Actually your original nickname was Machete

eulerscheZahl: it hated those episodes where they speak Spanish 50% of the episode

sprkrd: but it made it far to obvious who you actually are

eulerscheZahl: i get that it's more realistic and all. but i don't want to read subtitles that long

Marchete: learn spanish, ezpz

DomiKo: siesta

DomiKo: ezpz

Marchete: I can't even spell euler's name, that's my German level

eulerscheZahl: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw!

sprkrd: Yeehaw is more cowboyish

eulerscheZahl: that's speedy gonzales

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: Die schnellste Maus von Mexico !!!

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: wupps

eulerscheZahl: and from a classmate i've learned "las manos arriva. esto es un robbo"

sprkrd: I appreciate you bothered to look for the opening exclamation marks ¡¡¡

eulerscheZahl: i copied the whole thing from wikipedia

sprkrd: Ah, then you see, Yeehaw! does not come with an opening exclamation mark

sprkrd: that's because that's more of an american thing U_U

sprkrd: My german comes entirely from rammstein songs

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: can you sing a rammstein song for us :)?

eulerscheZahl: doesn't astrobytes also like Rammstein?

darkhorse64: wollt ihr das bett in flammen sehen ?

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: ^^

sprkrd: General_Imaginaer I can sing, but you won't be able to hear me

eulerscheZahl: go to discord then

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: hehe

sprkrd: maybe another day, i'm feeling a bit sad today, not quite in the mood for singing

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: thats perfect for rammstein

sprkrd: for rammstein the perfect mood is angry

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: it depends , its not only angry

sprkrd: mein herz brennt

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: yeah is a sad song , its only singed angry

eulerscheZahl: is that your mood or a quote of the song?

eulerscheZahl: if the first, you should see a doctor ASAP

sprkrd: it's just the title of the song :joy:

jacek: schmetterling :rage:

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: haha , krankenwagen !

darkhorse64: ich tu dir weh

darkhorse64: really angry, now

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: its a song about a dude that can't feel pain and must punish other people ... well you can interpret it as sad

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: punish=torture

darkhorse64: es tut mir nicht leid, yes, you can view it as a sad sog

darkhorse64: song

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: hermitcraft s8 started

sprkrd: i guess if you want a song by rammstein that is undeniable sad you have mutter and ohne dich

sprkrd: undeniably*

sprkrd: but those are more the exception rather than the rule

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: thats funny , because mutter is a war declaration xD

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: and ohne dich is about: nostalgia, desire

jacek: german language :scream:

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: mutter is about desire too ...

sprkrd: i guess i didn't get the meaning about mutter then

sprkrd: then again, german is not my forte

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: in mutter they sing about, he never had a mother ..... he sing about what he needed but never became.. and at last he sing about how mutch he hate her for that ^^

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: And that he want hurt her

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: ofcourse it is sad ... but that is the point with rammstein songs .... the most are sad backgrounds but they change this sadness in aggression

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: have sad background

AntiSquid: where's the enjoyment in that?

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: in the songs ?

sprkrd: are you asking why make sad songs instead of doing happy songs? :thinking:

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: I think the enjoyment in rammstein is .... you feel this strongness .... Its not like the other staff you can hear but it is mainstream.

AntiSquid: isn't that a completely different question ?

Default avatar.png BERNARB01: how to disable shortest mode in clash of code?

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: And a other part is ... you change the sadness in strongness

sprkrd: yeah, it was a different question, i thought maybe you were implying there's no enjoyment at all, so why bother

sprkrd: i tried to jump ahead your thought process :)

sprkrd: BERNARB01 you can't, afaik

sprkrd: you have to live with that

sprkrd: cross your fingers so the next one isn't shortest mode

AntiSquid: yes well you probably also assume the source and type of happiness

AntiSquid: for example candy shop can be considered a happy song

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: this song from 50 cent ^^ ?

AntiSquid: yes

KiwiTae: huhu looks like im bout to go bronze

KiwiTae: :joy:

Default avatar.png TRKODER: selam

Murat_Eroglu: selam

glorindel: guys it is possible to reset progres on bot programming_

glorindel: ?

KiwiTae: yes

KiwiTae: create new account

Default avatar.png ZakLad: I have no clue what the first question is even asking

Default avatar.png ZakLad: for the boss do I have to create a variable called thrust or what, I am unsure of what it wants

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: ill

Y0ursTruly: gg diego

Y0ursTruly: shortest.. i got 41 the dude got 40 ;--;

Default avatar.png giantfluffypanda: sup

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: eyo

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: eyo

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: eyo

TeachMeSenpai: doing War card game and i keep getting timed out, doing it on python. D:


Default avatar.png Harsohail: how do you increase the difficulty of the questions in the clash?

FrancoRoura: Keep winning

Default avatar.png Harsohail: what bout in a private clash?

Default avatar.png Xia_zhui: haaaa

GGGFreshy: i didnt do anything productive today

GGGFreshy: i feel sad