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Westicles: mostly path changes, and a few language changes

Westicles: almost everything in groovy and dart is broken now. best groovy is 515 chars

Jakaria: guys don't share their code anymore :(

Westicles: you mean after you guys spent all day yesterday complaining about the content of the shares?

Mr_BlueBird: good morning!


Mr_BlueBird: are you all are sleeping?

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: hi. Mr_BlueBird.

Mr_BlueBird: hi


Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: Yes, i see.

Mr_BlueBird: please give me only 1 upvote

Mr_BlueBird: :(

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: You can split a.

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: in java String[] arr = new String[n]; like this.

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: and split it. arr = a.split(" ");

Mr_BlueBird: i know

Mr_BlueBird: in python also input.split()

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: good.

Westicles: Mr_BlueBird, please consult with Alex-1, he can give you advice on how to make better contributions

Mr_BlueBird: i just need only 1 upvote

Mr_BlueBird: please :((((((

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: and use for roof. if they upper then 0, you sum it.

Mr_BlueBird: i know

Mr_BlueBird: if a[i] > 0:

Mr_BlueBird: l.append(a[i])

Mr_BlueBird: print(sum(l))

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: sum += a[i];

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: sum+=Integer.parseInt(arr[i]);

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: not string, convert int.

Mr_BlueBird: oh!

Mr_BlueBird: thx

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: Have a good day :)

Mr_BlueBird: did you downvote?

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: ??? what is downvote?

Mr_BlueBird: dislike

Mr_BlueBird: i need 1 upvote only

Mr_BlueBird: :(

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: how can i upvote to you?


Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: i just start codinggame today...

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: so i don't know how do that.

Mr_BlueBird: you will find upvote their click on it

Mr_BlueBird: thx

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: Oh . i See. dod upvote.

Default avatar.png Julie.Oh: ;)

Mr_BlueBird: is Alex-1 online?


DaNinja: thats from Codeforces 71A?

Marchete: it is

Mr_BlueBird: yeah!

Mr_BlueBird: you are right!

eulerscheZahl: a 1:1 copy itself is a downvote already, no matter how good the task is

eulerscheZahl: also i'm not sure about the codeforces terms of service, if you are allowed to copy the tasks

Marchete: I'll downvote vindinium to hell :D

eulerscheZahl: :zipper_mouth:

Marchete: :smile:

eulerscheZahl: fair point actually. But I rejected the clash before I read your message

Marchete: jk

Marchete: it's completely different

juniordev: hello

Default avatar.png Povl: im struggeling

Default avatar.png Povl: where do i get info to learn

Uljahn: try google search

derjack: oO

Uljahn: How to get started on CG:

SubwayMan: I think byte hashing with python using high-density unicode characters should be banned for clash golf it takes a lot of the skill away

SubwayMan: Also don't tell me "mad cuz bad" because I use it myself - integrity doesn't get you codinpoints lol

derjack: yeah, ban python from shortest mode :v

SubwayMan: nah it's not the language, there are many languages that are even more effective such as ruby and perl It's just this method where people will cast chinese characters to exec() which I particularly dislike

Pick8chu: Hiii

Pick8chu: could anyone help me with coders Strike back strategy

Pick8chu: I'm in bronze

IvesL: CSB is easy early

IvesL: just focus on making shortest race distance

derjack: target -3vel

Pick8chu: you only got next check point x, y

IvesL: thats enough isnt it

Pick8chu: aren't you supposed to give just those?

IvesL: trigonometry

Pick8chu: exactly, I thought so, but not getting me in

Pick8chu: I used it to see the angle between me and the opponent

IvesL: be remembered that the checkpoint itself is an area, not just a point

IvesL: reminded*

Pick8chu: what are you saying..?

derjack: you can get velocity by storing previous x and y and comparing to current x and y

IvesL: check the legend league replay

derjack: then instead of getting to next checkpoint, get to next checkpoints -3velocity

Pick8chu: I am storing them but wasn't calculating the velocity

IvesL: see how others pods play

Pick8chu: okay, i'll check that out

IvesL: they never cross the given checkpoint

Pick8chu: what?

IvesL: like i said, the given coordinate is just a point, but the checkpoint is an area

IvesL: or to be exact, the given coordinate is the centre of checkpoint

Pick8chu: so I should know how big is the area and focus on hitting the closest edge?

IvesL: you could

IvesL: iirc, my code is only ~50-70lines

IvesL: brought me to gold

IvesL: with simple distance calculation

IvesL: and once you hit gold, since a lot of players stop there and do not change their codes to adapt new environment (2 pods), with simple modification it brings you to top 1000 or 2000 in gold

Pick8chu: hmm

IvesL: but if you want to climb higher, i think genetic algorithm is the key

Pick8chu: genetic

Pick8chu: but how? like on your local try genetic and get the best one?

IvesL: which stops me from advancing, though i read a lot, still cant apply

IvesL: read post mortem of others

IvesL: but if you just want to get gold in a very short time

derjack: it would require to write simulation though

IvesL: just focus on distancing

IvesL: that's enough

IvesL: cuz the whole game is just about travelling shortest distance and lose least speed

Pick8chu: okay give me some time, I'm on 48th

derjack: theres search race, which is something like one player csb genetic algorithms work there

Pick8chu: I'll try to see the angle of the next point angle and see if i have to loss speed or not

IvesL: players below gold usually relies on using "next check point angle" to adjust their thrust

Default avatar.png Kohsmos: Hi ! I got bronze now! I have a question. Is there any function like car brake? I think thrust means just acceleration. (thrust=0 means velocity = constant) Right?

derjack: there is resistance


Pick8chu: I get what you mean, so pick the closet area

Default avatar.png Kohsmos: Wow wow.. Which league are you in?

Pick8chu: but to do so, I'll have to run the first round so that I'll have all the points, and calculate triangle

IvesL: no you dont need to

IvesL: but you can also do that way

Pick8chu: than just get the closet from you?

Pick8chu: I assume the r of area is 1200?

Pick8chu: okay let me try your suggestion first

Pick8chu: But this one seems like it does know where is the edge from its first run

Pick8chu: the reply you send

Default avatar.png yaourt-ctrl: i will try it too, I am also stuck in bronze league

Pick8chu: how is that possible? you don't know where the next point is

Pick8chu: okay enough talking, let me try a bit

IvesL: there are some differences between gold+ and gold-

IvesL: for gold+ you have all checkpoints coordinates

IvesL: but that doesnt matter a lot in gold-

Pick8chu: ah. i see

IvesL: id say focus on thinking the best "next check point"

Default avatar.png yaourt-ctrl: yes, so we have to do the first lap and record all checkpoints in bronze league

IvesL: thats what i thought when i first attempted

IvesL: but the outcome shows it doesnt matter

Default avatar.png Kohsmos: guys, choosing languages has any impact on the performance???

Default avatar.png Kohsmos: i want to use python or C++

IvesL: usually no, but people prefer C++ if they need intesnive simulation

Default avatar.png Kohsmos: thanks~!

IvesL: for CSB, if you are still in doubt, check:

IvesL: helpful read, but need not to apply everything mentioned

Pick8chu: wow whose github is this

Pick8chu: well summurized

Pick8chu: thanks man! i really appreciate all this :)

IvesL: google "coder strike back" tactics, strategy or any related stuff

IvesL: will bring you all these

IvesL: or even in the forum

Default avatar.png yaourt-ctrl: thank you

IvesL: but at the end of the day, it brings you back to genetic algorithm (GA)

IvesL: as its the key of the game

Pick8chu: i really don't get how you could use any of ML algorithms in here tho

Pick8chu: that needs a lot of trials don't it?

IvesL: there were discussions before here

IvesL: not many people use, but if they use, they are usually the top ones discussing

Pick8chu: I mean yeah I'd assume haha

Pick8chu: oh boy...

IvesL: iirc, they write their only NN since not much libraries/packages could be used

IvesL: and they have to do it locally

Pick8chu: yeah if they did it locally, that'd make sense

MSmits: they do everything locally and code an inferrer (program to run the NN) on hardcoded weights. One issue is trying to compress the weights within 100k character limits

MSmits: so you have to be somewhat economical about the size of your network

MSmits: as for CSB, the top bots are not GA at all

MSmits: There's a GA starter shared somewhere and for a year or so, everyone used GA there, but the best bots use a tree search

MSmits: of which the top 5 or so are NN

MSmits: first GA appears maybe at rank 20 or so these days?

Uljahn: also you don't need GA or any fancy search to be in top-300

MSmits: fancy search might be easier though

MSmits: when i first got to CG i did not know how to do a search and had a lot of problems even getting into gold

IvesL: good to know

derjack: what is nonfancy search

MSmits: if else and a bunch of loops?

DomiKo: or math

MSmits: nonfancy math

Uljahn: e.g. depth 1 bruteforce with basic simulation (no collisions)

MSmits: not much force or brute needed for depth 1 :P

Uljahn: it depends on your move discretization though

MSmits: true

Default avatar.png ChronoMagus: This site is not for absolute beginners is it? I'm lost after the tutorial as in I don't know basic coding so I don't even know where to start.

derjack: its not for complete beginners, no.

derjack: Automaton2000 is this your father?

Automaton2000: so its not just the last move

Default avatar.png ChronoMagus: Thanks D

NotSamuel: clash of code

NotSamuel: sussy!

Default avatar.png David_Nowak: k

Default avatar.png David_Nowak: ll

Default avatar.png David_Nowak: ooo

CallsignBeast: anybody know a good irc server with active people?

derjack: libera?

Default avatar.png David_Nowak: :watermelon:

sprkrd: IRC? Are you a time traveler from the early 2000s?

genthios: :hamburger:

Default avatar.png David_Nowak: :ok:


datenshidt2: :eggplant:

datenshidt2: :cowboy:

genthios: bruh

genthios: report him

datenshidt2: report my susssy cummy tummy

genthios: ;-;

Default avatar.png QuangTruong2: how do you like that

CallsignBeast: sprkrd, no, irc is simply the best

sprkrd: CallsignBeast If you recalled correctly? :)

sprkrd: Just kidding, it's fine

sprkrd: I like old school too

Default avatar.png LPPixi: Sussy baka


Default avatar.png robin081006: can i havethe**

Default avatar.png robin081006: code ioff this plkz

AntiSquid: that's too easy, also it says positive numbers

Default avatar.png Gabinderoo: bonjour

AntiSquid: nvm but guess its ok since its clash

Mr_BlueBird: is the question right?


Mr_BlueBird: this one?

Notter: How does CoC bots work?


IvesL: Notter ^

Notter: No

Notter: The bots that are not CodinGame's

Mr_BlueBird: hi!

Mr_BlueBird: ^-^

Notter: Uhh... anyone?

Uljahn: Notter: have any examples?

Notter: Uljahn The bots mentioned right above Codingame's bots in the article above

MSmits: they mention that there arent bots

MSmits: they explain why stuff happens that makes it seem like there are bots

MSmits: people can have libraries of earlier found solutions and submit them in a few seconds

MSmits: i suppose this process could be automated, but there's captchas too

Uljahn: agreed

Notter: Oh ok

Notter: MSmits But what happened before CAPTCHA was added?

struct: cg users had bots for clash

struct: and solved clashes in under 5 seconds

Uljahn: fun! \o/

Notter: How?

Notter: Did they have access to a database?

struct: level 30+ users can see all puzzles and solutions

Uljahn: for clashes you just have to participate in 50 of those

Wontonimo: oh, 30+ ? I've got 1 level to go

Wontonimo: then all the information will be mine bwhahahahaha

MSmits: knowing solutions doesn't help you with shortest mode

Wontonimo: of course I'm joking

struct: I wanted to try WW next

struct: but fog of war seems boring to deal with :/

Wontonimo: arn't you already in Gold for WW ?

struct: yes

struct: but is a simple AI

struct: and its very old

struct: I think improved a bit since then

sprkrd: WW = Wondev Woman?

struct: yes

struct: or maybe I should rest a few days

Wontonimo: sleep is good

sprkrd: ha, funny

sprkrd: For WW I just did a bot that outputs the first legal action

sprkrd: in the same order in which they're given to me

sprkrd: and that alone is already enough to get out of woord 3

AnniKa: is it anyhow possible to draw debug info or something? =)

eulerscheZahl: MK had an even lazier way to promote in WW during the contest

sprkrd: what was it?

eulerscheZahl: he just hardcoded a list of 6 actions, some of which are invalid

eulerscheZahl: BUILD&MOVE N S BUILD&MOVE S N ...

eulerscheZahl: something like this, i don't remember the exact syntax

eulerscheZahl: and then set the language to PHP so that any plan text just gets printed

sprkrd: that's very cool :joy:

eulerscheZahl: that's back when he was a different kind of annoying

eulerscheZahl: he learned French to spam their chat as well :rofl:

sprkrd: AnniKa in some games you can click on the little gear icon and set Debug Mode to on

sprkrd: in the viewer

sprkrd: is that what you mean?

AnniKa: ok ty, but not in all games i think?

sprkrd: eulerscheZahl i don't know Mr. MK

eulerscheZahl: try TryAngle catch, that one has real debugging :angel:

Astrobytes: Or you can play euler's game and draw real shapes

Astrobytes: DAMN

sprkrd: But I take it he has some reputation as a clown

sprkrd: (in a good way)

sprkrd: AnniKa no, not all of them have it

sprkrd: For some reason, the viewer stops working in Firefox after the first time I run the code in the IDE. Does anyone know why?

Wontonimo: which game?

sprkrd: After the first game, it just freezes on the the first frame of the first game

sprkrd: WW

sprkrd: I was trying to cheese my way up to bronze

sprkrd: with the laziest code possible :grin:

eulerscheZahl: anything in the browser console?

sprkrd: uuuh... yeah

sprkrd: Uncaught TypeError: e._frame is null

eulerscheZahl: share a replay, i want to see if i get the same

sprkrd: mmmh... it only happens in the IDE. the games on the list of the last battles show just fine

sprkrd: can i share a replay from the IDE? :thinking:

sprkrd: oh, yeah, I can


sprkrd: in the replay it shows fine for me, tho

sprkrd: no problem whatsoever


IvesL: is my game bugged? ^

eulerscheZahl: escape room? i won't click that one

eulerscheZahl: sprkrd have you tried another browser?

IvesL: i passed the only output, but then nothing has changed

eulerscheZahl: addons that you can disable?

sprkrd: eulerscheZahl Nope. Only Firefox. I can try later in chromium. And as for add-on, I'll disable them all

eulerscheZahl: we have the same browsers installed it seems

eulerscheZahl: I also have epiphany, but that browser doesn't convince me

Uljahn: i guess you'd better be asking on discord, there is a dedicated channel for coding escape feedback and bugs

sprkrd: Actually I don't have chromium currently installed, which is why I'll try later. I don't have anything against it, but I don't like to have more than 1 application for the same thing (in this case, browsing) :joy:

eulerscheZahl: firefox comes by default and I install Chormium as one of the first steps when I set up the system the way I want it

IvesL: right will try on discord

eulerscheZahl: i also have gedit and use VS code as text editor

sprkrd: Linux, then? But your favorite language is C#? Isn't that a Windows thing? :grimacing:

eulerscheZahl: there is .net core

eulerscheZahl: and before there was Mono

eulerscheZahl: as long as you don't want to build UIs (win forms, WPF), Linux and C# is a perfectly fine combo

sprkrd: yeah, I've seen those, but it feels to me a bit like a second-class programming language for linux, no?

sprkrd: or is the support OK?

eulerscheZahl: microsoft pushed really hard to make it competitive on linux

sprkrd: :O

sprkrd: that's nice

eulerscheZahl: but i agree, other languages such as python, java, c++ and pretty much any other that I can think of are 1st class citizens on linux before :D

eulerscheZahl: i still miss a few things such as performance profilers. the debugger in VS Code is completely usable though

sprkrd: At some point I may give it a shot

sprkrd: But I'll have to re-learn Haskell first :joy:

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: i use vs code under all Operationssystems its realy cool

sprkrd: I was very proficient in Haskell a few years ago, but I forgot everything about it

eulerscheZahl: at work I use the big VS

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: you work with windows ?

eulerscheZahl: yes

eulerscheZahl: if you work for certain companies, you have to make compromises

sprkrd: it would seem that you're a big linux fan and it pains you a little to work with windows :D

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: yeah of course. No i'm not a Windows hater. I was only interessted

eulerscheZahl: but i don't think i'll ever become as productive as on Linux (i3wm makes it really fast to arrange windows on your screen and switch context)

eulerscheZahl: windows in annoying, yes. but they pay me by hours, so... :P

sprkrd: Disabling add-ons didn't fix the viewer. Well, I'll try later in chromium.

sprkrd: I take it for you it works fine, right?

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: yeah ... if you work many years with a special operation system its a pain to change ... But for my opinion its good to know all Operationsystems ... there are only tools like coding languages

sprkrd: It's something wrong on my end

eulerscheZahl: it did when i tried a few years ago. let me check again..

eulerscheZahl: i'm last of the league :(

sprkrd: General_Imaginaer All of them :O?

eulerscheZahl: but the replay works just fine in my firefox

eulerscheZahl: start with

sprkrd: Even when you "Replay in same conditions"?

eulerscheZahl: then get

sprkrd: and TempleOS:

eulerscheZahl: replay in same conditions does not look good: i get beaten pretty hard :(

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: cc

eulerscheZahl: but it's showing as expected

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: hello guys

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: maybe not all :) , but the Systems with the most distribution is not bad to know .

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: this game is a big poo

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: scheise


eulerscheZahl: that's some bad German cursing, you need ß instead of s

sprkrd: eulerscheZahl Understood. I'll figure it out later. FIrefox's been acting kind of funny lately. Gmail's webmail doesn't load at all

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: do you like this game

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: ,

Default avatar.png Gabolitou: grosse sheisse

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: ?

eulerscheZahl: i can somewhat believe that CG has problems and only some browsers trigger it. but gmail? very unlikely

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: do you know " the walking dead "

Default avatar.png Pierre-Alex07: it s a good series

Default avatar.png TheophileRichard: @Pierre-Alex07 yes

eulerscheZahl: got boring quickly

eulerscheZahl: always the same story line and lots of dialogues that you can just skip

Default avatar.png TheophileRichard: do you know attack on titans

sprkrd: ah, i think i found the culprit (maybe?). After an update, my nvidia graphical drivers are not loaded up properly. I'll have to restart the computer. I don't really know if that's the real issue, but I'll go with that for the moment

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: I dont like Zombiemovies or series .... becaus of that was eulerscheZahl said ^^

Default avatar.png TheophileRichard: what are your nationality

eulerscheZahl: you can hover over our profile pics to see

Default avatar.png TheophileRichard: *is

Default avatar.png Gabolitou: naaa the Walking Dead is goood that not very scard

AnniKa: how to save the code? its allways lost when i for any reason reload?

sprkrd: AnniKa make sure you hit "Play my code". It should be saved at regular intervals, but running it is a guarantee that it will be stored on CG's end

AnniKa: oki

sprkrd: Eventually you might one to work locally and upload it to the IDE once you're done

sprkrd: might want*

Default avatar.png Calimero90: I'm asking the same: How to retieve my solutions for a games already done ?

sprkrd: History

sprkrd: In the left hand side

AnniKa: is it anyhow possible to code in my default ide?

sprkrd: code, yes

sprkrd: to test it you'll have to run it in the IDE

sprkrd: or if it's a bot for a multi you can also run it locally using CG's SDK

AnniKa: ok so i could just copy / paste the code right? but then i just stay in the browser

sprkrd: for puzzles copy&paste is the best option, yes

sprkrd: oh, there was an add-on for chrome for synchronizing your code with CG

sprkrd: I don't know the status of that

sprkrd: For me, copy&paste works fine

Default avatar.png Calimero90: Sory sprkrd i don't found History !!

sprkrd: Calimero90 is for a particular puzzle/bot? Or you want your solutions for every problem you've solved?

Default avatar.png Calimero90: every, or one in particular...

sprkrd: If it's the latter, I'm afraid I don't know any better way than retrieving them one by one

sprkrd: If it's one in particular, you open it

sprkrd: if you only sent one solution, it should be already in the IDE, so no need of extra steps

sprkrd: if it's something you've submitted in the past and is not already loaded in the IDE, you hit history, in the left hand side

sprkrd: there you should be able to find past submissions

Default avatar.png Calimero90: ACTIVITES/ENTRAINEMENT: I see only not already done !!

AnniKa: ty

sprkrd: oh, scroll down to the end

Default avatar.png Calimero90: you hit history, in the left hand side: am i stupide ?? Where ??

sprkrd: the completed puzzles are at the end

sprkrd: let me screenshot you the way :)

Default avatar.png Calimero90: HOOO YEEESSS I was stupid, not now... Thank you

sprkrd: yeah? everything fine?

sprkrd: no need of screenshots?

Default avatar.png Calimero90: no, thank you !!!

sprkrd: np

jacek: :tada:

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: how do i gain levels?

sprkrd: you defeat other pokemon until you level up

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: i seeeeee

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: lemme get my poke balls one sec

sprkrd: (you solve puzzles in activities>practice)

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: ok cool thanks

Default avatar.png armanov: can i find some c tutorials here?

sprkrd: In WW it shouldn't be possible to push an opponent who is more than one level over you, right? I've just had a match where my opponent pushes me from level 0 while I'm in level 1

sprkrd: ^^^

sprkrd: Turn 7

sprkrd: while I'm in level 2*

eulerscheZahl: you can always push

eulerscheZahl: (unless the target cell is blocked)

sprkrd: really?

sprkrd: the statement says: "Additionally, the rules for moving still apply for a push. It is therefore not possible to push a unit out of the map or up more than one level."

jacek: up

sprkrd: ah, up more than one level

sprkrd: means that I cannot make it go more than one level

sprkrd: not that I cannot push it from 1+ levels below

eulerscheZahl: should add it to "reading comprehension"

eulerscheZahl: i could swear the list was longer

eulerscheZahl: oh, it's "reading the statement"

sprkrd: In this case I think the misinterpretation is justified. "the rules for moving still apply for a push" but for who? for the pushed or for the pusher?

sprkrd: that and that eng is not my first language :D

sprkrd: A slip from time to time is comprehensible. I can be perfect most of the time, but not all of it :smirk:

eulerscheZahl: i can relate, English is a 2nd language for me as well

MSmits: me3

sprkrd: UK hasn't conquered Germany yet, then

eulerscheZahl: Germany hasn't conquered the UK yet

MSmits: that channel eh?

sprkrd: MSmits I've been to the Netherlands, it's not your first language but you speak it flawlessly

MSmits: Yeah most Dutch do. Write anyway

sprkrd: Better than some americans, I'd dare to say

MSmits: speaking it, I would have a major accent

sprkrd: Accents are fine

BugKiller_328: Can I embed codingame profile to my personal website ?

MSmits: I write it better than at least half of Americans yes :P

BugKiller_328: is there a way for it ?

sprkrd: They give personality

eulerscheZahl: i don't even know smits' accent, he remained muted

eulerscheZahl: just nagging me about mine :P

MSmits: haha yes

sprkrd: However in Spain the English situation it's not so good

MSmits: "I hear someone speaking with a German accent, is that you euler?" I think thats what i said

sprkrd: is not*

eulerscheZahl: "hello, can you hear me" "i hear someone with a German accent"

MSmits: :grin:

Paul_Demanze: eulerscheZahl is a noob

eulerscheZahl: that too :(

Paul_Demanze: you're only level 3

eulerscheZahl: i am on my other account

MSmits: that's his rank

sprkrd: woosh

sprkrd: :joy:

UndercoverToad: see, i'm a lvl3

sprkrd: I'm better than all of you

sprkrd: oh, nevermind

MSmits: wow so many cp UndercoverToad

sprkrd: UndercoverToad is just much better

MSmits: almost 400k

Paul_Demanze: well yes the sum of all our ranks is still below yours

MSmits: thats not how ranks work :P

MSmits: brb

Paul_Demanze: is that a fake account to like your own posts and get achievements

Paul_Demanze: ban the frog

eulerscheZahl: it's for when the chat is too crowded. mods can see all online users and the browser will just die

eulerscheZahl: it's a real problem during contests

sprkrd: he made his mind already

sprkrd: you're not gonna convince him with excuses

Paul_Demanze: kick the frog out he's not very important to this website

Paul_Demanze: he only created half the contests

sprkrd: Paul_Demanze you're the one who wants to solve P =? NP right?

Paul_Demanze: yes

sprkrd: how's that going?

Paul_Demanze: well P and NP are obviously equal

sprkrd: obviously :)

Paul_Demanze: I'm ashamed to be part of a species that hasn't solved this trivial problem

sprkrd: there's a third option aside from p = np and p != np

Paul_Demanze: what's the third option

sprkrd: it could be that it cannot be demonstrated at all

sprkrd: the problem of p = np is itself undecidable

Default avatar.png aminzeos: hey guys

Paul_Demanze: then it means it's not equal

Paul_Demanze: if it's equal then the demonstration is trivial

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: p=np ? is easy to solve , n must be 1 :P?

sprkrd: or p = 0

Paul_Demanze: you want me to give you the real answer

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: yeah of course ^^

sprkrd: i mean, if it's not too big to fit in the small margin of this chat

Paul_Demanze: it's not equal at all but

sprkrd: be my guest

Paul_Demanze: one way functions still hardly exist

Paul_Demanze: lots of cryptography vulnerable

Paul_Demanze: like SHA-2 is very weak

Paul_Demanze: one day i'll write the full demonstration

Paul_Demanze: and then nobody will care ..

sprkrd: Are you Fermat'ing us?

Paul_Demanze: yes the human race will have to find the answers by themselves

sprkrd: :O

Paul_Demanze: you'll never prove P = NP because it's not true and you can design funny problems which are ridiculously hard to solve

Paul_Demanze: but maybe you'll realise that functions like SHA-2 are not "designed problems" they're just random / averahe

Paul_Demanze: average*

sprkrd: But you said you were convinced P = NP!!

Paul_Demanze: cuz it's trolling

sprkrd: You've betrayed your own convictions :rage:

Paul_Demanze: P versus NP itself is a troll problem. we basically know it's not equal but waiting for someone to go insane on it

sprkrd: Anyway, even if P = NP, that wouldn't mean that hard problems suddenly become easy

sprkrd: Maybe there's a polynomial algorithm for solving SAT, but it takes O(n^1000) time

sprkrd: or it takes O(n) time but there's a hidden Graham's number as a constant

Paul_Demanze: my next troll will be posting a sha-2 collision or pre-image attack somewhere

Paul_Demanze: and wait for the reaction

Paul_Demanze: basically the reaction will be bitcoin going to zero :joy:

sprkrd: heh

Paul_Demanze: it's about waiting for the right moment

Paul_Demanze: first the humans decide crypto is their main currency

Paul_Demanze: then switch the value to zero

Paul_Demanze: and watch

Paul_Demanze: there's a rick and morty episode about crashing galactic currency

sprkrd: is there? I've seen all the seasons, but right now i cannot recall it :thinking:


sprkrd: right, now i remember

Paul_Demanze: and if P was equal to NP. this universe would end like this


sprkrd: Could you elaborate on the chain of events that leads from P=NP to a kung fu battle between humans and software? :thinking:

Paul_Demanze: basically the first entity to find out has access to several trillions dollars on the blockchain. it's enough to start building the biggest political / economic power as long as nobody knows what's going on

Paul_Demanze: then once you are out of reach, you can start spying on everyone and hacking their real bank accounts

sprkrd: so in your scenario it would be discovered by the government instead of academics

Paul_Demanze: well the individual who discovers it can build a new sovereign power

sprkrd: and the hidden constants would be low enough to make the resulting algorithms practical

Paul_Demanze: then when you start attacking more seriously (not hiding yourself anymore) banks start falling apart because they work using crytography

Paul_Demanze: so basically you could just .. destroy everything through destroying money

sprkrd: on a more positive light, artificial intelligence would be much easier :)

Paul_Demanze: food. nuclear plants. everything is tied to digital dollar / euro / yuan now

Paul_Demanze: basically proving P = NP is proving that governments do not have any money :joy:

Paul_Demanze: they still have gold reserves. not all of them though

sprkrd: not quite

sprkrd: still the algorithms have to be practical

sprkrd: otherwise it's just a cute theoretical result

Paul_Demanze: Well. when you study the problems in NP

Paul_Demanze: most of the problems we found solutions for. have low exponents. like n^3 for linear problems

jacek: polynomial also means n**20

Paul_Demanze: if you go to n^20 or n^1000. then why would the complexity ever stop anywhere?

sprkrd: i lost you when you said n^3 for linear problems

sprkrd: wouldn't n^3 be cubic?

Paul_Demanze: yes putting a matrix in reduced row echelon form is cubic complexity

Paul_Demanze: in worst case

Paul_Demanze: it's both in NP and P

jacek: huh

Paul_Demanze: but all this debate about large exponents will never have meaning because NP isn't equal to P :D

jacek: im wondering about other thing. is solving crypto problems manually by humans is genuine concern

Paul_Demanze: what do you mean manually

jacek: like you have autistic or savant fixated on prime numbers and he could do factorization of 2048+ bits numbers

sprkrd: ah ok, linear problems = linear algebra problems

Paul_Demanze: Nah. the autistic / savant would have to write a computer program to do it for himself

jacek: if government keeps one in their basements or something

Paul_Demanze: human brain will never be powerful enough

jacek: some savants are really amazing. maybe not computer level, but still

Paul_Demanze: :joy: the government would hide an autistic guy in their basement?

Paul_Demanze: to destroy crypto :joy:

sprkrd: i don't think there's any savant who is at the 2048 bit level

jacek: why not

Paul_Demanze: just program the computer to think like the savant

sprkrd: "just"

Paul_Demanze: there's nothing original about humans

jacek: its not only about cryptocurrency, but communications etc

jacek: are submits slowish?

Paul_Demanze: I think the current functions are all too weak

Paul_Demanze: they're all hackable

sprkrd: jacek I think they are, but then again, my computer's been acting funny today

sprkrd: pages are slow to load up, everything seems quite delayed on my end

Paul_Demanze: a one way function is not a NP problem. doing a pre image attack is a NP problem

Paul_Demanze: and so a 256 bit function needs to generate 2^256 hard problems

sprkrd: do you work in the cybersecurity sector?

Paul_Demanze: no but i did consider at some point that P and NP could be equal. so i developed stuff around it

Paul_Demanze: it's about finding the limits of what can be hacked and what can't

Paul_Demanze: like the SHA-1 collision

sprkrd: i'd say most things are hackable, because software is a long chain of components that depend on each other, and eventually you find some weak spot somewhere due to particular circumstances

Paul_Demanze: that was published by google

sprkrd: SHA-1 is not the standard anymore, it was replaced because of that

sprkrd: but think for instance about RSA

sprkrd: RSA is not weak at all

sprkrd: however, under some circumstances, you can break it

Paul_Demanze: why not

Paul_Demanze: it's only factoring semiprimes

Paul_Demanze: not factoring numbers

sprkrd: for instance, when you know the algorithm that produces the pseudo-random modulus, and this algorithm has a known answer

sprkrd: you cannot make a problem easier by appending prefixes like "only" or "just" :joy:

Paul_Demanze: when you see the FBI arresting outlaws who were using crypto communication

sprkrd: it's like saying that playing piano is just playing the right note at the right time

Paul_Demanze: the FBI said they built the encrypted phone and added a backdoor

Paul_Demanze: do you really think they did that? ;)

sprkrd: i don't know how they did it

Paul_Demanze: i think they're lying

Paul_Demanze: they're breaking the crypto

Paul_Demanze: itself

sprkrd: but there are thousands of places that are more likely to be the weakness

sprkrd: RSA itself is mathematically sound

Paul_Demanze: if SHA-2 is weak then don't expect 2048 bit RSA to be much stronger

sprkrd: at least for now, they they someone finds some reliable way to break it, we will shift to something else

sprkrd: why is SHA-2 weak?

Paul_Demanze: cuz it's designed randomly

sprkrd: but until it's demonstrated that is weak, it's not weak

Paul_Demanze: RSA isn't even designed. it's just multiplication

sprkrd: oh, you're being harsh to the authors :(

Paul_Demanze: like the humans aren't bothered to create their own stuff. they just pick a rock on the floor

sprkrd: i mean, at some point you'll end up picking a rock

sprkrd: otherwise, according to that criterion you need to create all the atoms in the universe in order to be original

Paul_Demanze: well i'm being harsh but the design philosophy is basically "no one has shown how to do X therefore X is hard"

sprkrd: because we don't have any better than that

Paul_Demanze: that's why i need to write a demonstration of P != NP and explain which problems are hard

Paul_Demanze: then people will spit on me again :joy:

sprkrd: well

sprkrd: you'd be almost like jesus then

sprkrd: computer jesus

Paul_Demanze: yes

Paul_Demanze: the roman empire will tie me to a cross

sprkrd: bringing miracles, but still ostracized

Paul_Demanze: for threatening their currencies with SHA-2 preimage attacks

jacek: youll be this guy

Paul_Demanze: i will be rewarded with many bullets

sprkrd: nice thing you're also clint eastwood

struct: I dont know the answer to this one

sprkrd: Paul does

AntiSquid: how's your blockchain journey paul ?

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: e


Wontonimo: no spam QuickMathzs

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: :(

Default avatar.png QuickMathzs: **test**

Default avatar.png Phillipk: so, when will league changes happen? I just finished my first code for the arena and it stucks at wood #1 ^^"

Default avatar.png Phillipk: Sorry,i meant "Wood 2 #1 place"

sprkrd: which game?

Default avatar.png Phillipk: Tron

sprkrd: ah, ok, i wanted to know if i have to crush you :D

Default avatar.png Phillipk: i dont expect too much, as its a simple avoid-algo. But i want to understand the mechanics of coding game

sprkrd: but for now we're ok :)

sprkrd: normally it'll happen when you finish all your battles

sprkrd: you'll see your progress in the leaderboard

sprkrd: a little loading circle that fills up as you do more battles

MSmits: if you want to get better at CG it's best to start with the very simple games and learn some search algorithms

jacek: yeah there is some slowiness on leaderboards now

Default avatar.png Phillipk: Oh, i've no problem with coding at all, its my dayli buisness. You know, finish coding at work, logg of vpn & have some fun coding on this platform. I just don't understand the leadboard yet :D

MSmits: Phillipk I think for half of the players here it's their daily business, or they are learning for it to be

jacek: it needs to finish all the games after submit to advance league

MSmits: from what I gather the kind of coding we do here is different from 99% of daily business coding though

sprkrd: i'm actually a pianist in a brothel

MSmits: that was my first guess

sprkrd: :joy:

sprkrd: lucky guess

Default avatar.png Phillipk: ah, so its just a lag, i see. So i might move onto to the next game and have a look again later. And i didnt want to be disrespectful, sorry^^ i just want to make sure that i don't need any help with coding :)

sprkrd: why disrespectful?

sprkrd: you were fine

MSmits: yeah np

Default avatar.png Phillipk: ah great, i may see some ghosts

sprkrd: i probably was more disrespectful with my brothel comment

sprkrd: i mean, i'd be if that wasn't the truth :/

MSmits: i'm sure you wont need help with coding, but sooner or later, you will ask for some advice about a specific mcts or minimax enhancement. Everyone learns stuff from world chat. Even the professional coders :)

AnniKa: whats going on guys?

Default avatar.png Phillipk: Learning some basics about the platform ^^

sprkrd: leaderboards are slow

MSmits: you'll learn the platform fast I think. It's pretty easy

MSmits: once you understand the while loop and input/output, it's pretty easy

MSmits: maybe timing is a bit tricky, once you start to use the full calc time

MSmits: people usually run into problems the first time with that

eulerscheZahl: you are the one who lost have the CSB battles because of the timer ;)

Default avatar.png Phillipk: oh, i've played several coding-games yet. Likes screeps (Steam) for example. Its a pretty easy concept, dont use more ressources then really needed

MSmits: trye

MSmits: true

AnniKa: is it me, or is sometimes the "touched" thing in the "code-royale" game bugged and i dont get the touched id even when im touching a building?

MSmits: Phillipk mmh this might be different though, if you use statistical search algorithms and other tree searches, more simulations and more depth is always better. So you'll need to time at some point

MSmits: AnniKa i dont remember a bug like that

MSmits: but if you're 1 pixel too far away it may seem you're touching and you're not?

AnniKa: even if so i keep moving into the direction of it so i should touch it somewhen, but ok i do more debug logging and see whats going on

MSmits: yeah it's probably something you missed. a weird bug

MSmits: Phillipk did you also try space engineers?

MSmits: also on steam. the scripting it has is pretty unique/awesome

sprkrd: are we talking space engineers? :D

MSmits: sure

sprkrd: Big fan

sprkrd: One of my favorites

MSmits: same, been a while, but i coded tons of stuff for it

sprkrd: C#

sprkrd: right?

Default avatar.png Phillipk: MSmits sounds pretty familiar to me. In screeps, you have some cpu (ms code / round , with some fixed ms to avoid heavy calculations on the server), so its impossible to calculate everyting at once, dynamic offloading of cached routes and time the workload over several ticks. What i've read from the game manuals, this is pretty much the same here :D

MSmits: yes C#

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: ... im a little bit confused about The ASCII ART Practice ...

MSmits: you could ingame script space engineers, so you would not even be modding it. It was coding on a block, like a minecraft block

BugKiller_328: Can I debug in editor ?

BugKiller_328: like make breakpoint

MSmits: so you could build a space ship and then code AI to fly it

sprkrd: BugKiller_328 Nope

sprkrd: I haven't done quite as much in Space Engineers cause I haven't touched C# in my life

MSmits: I made weapons out of rocks by coding artificual gravity generator forces and hit things at 10 km distance

sprkrd: Space Engineers was kind of my sole reason to get started

MSmits: same for me

eulerscheZahl: if you know Java, you'll quickly feel comfortable with C#

MSmits: i basically learned to code it

MSmits: in SE

eulerscheZahl: but you might start to dislike Java

sprkrd: Yeah, C# is kind of the Microsoft response to Java

eulerscheZahl: it is exactly the response

sprkrd: I'm already not a big fan of Java :joy:

eulerscheZahl: lawsuit with oracle

MSmits: i never felt any need to use java

sprkrd: I'm fine with Java for large projects

sprkrd: but for small tasks is just too verbose for my tastes

eulerscheZahl: create your own CG multiplayers, then you'll need Java

MSmits: true

eulerscheZahl: (or kotlin, clojure, groovy)

sprkrd: CG multiplayers are a reasonable target application

MSmits: i think there's more than enough multis already and if not, therés more than enough creators of them :)

sprkrd: they are kind of a large project

eulerscheZahl: you can also use it to create an optim game

MSmits: who needs a msmits creating games when we have eulers

sprkrd: MSmits I was actually thinking of creating one :D

nuggetbucket54: i only use java to code minecraft mods

MSmits: well if you have a good idea, dont let me stop you

eulerscheZahl: i left the game creation business

sprkrd: Kung fu chess

eulerscheZahl: too much effort to get a few players

MSmits: you created so many though

Westicles: got to release Space Jam 2 to go with the movie

sprkrd: I'm surprised that multis don't get more players

kovi: you are unlucky euler i enjoyed those unique games much more than the simple mcts boardgames

MSmits: i could fill months if i tried everything you made that i havent yet done

MSmits: kovi he also made onitama

MSmits: one of my favorites

sprkrd: they're kind of the main reason I've joined CG, there's quite no other site that offers so many bot programming games

eulerscheZahl: that's what got me into CG too

MSmits: yeah it's pretty unique

eulerscheZahl: and back then there were like 10 games

struct: jacek is still waiting to submit his amazons NN

Paul_Demanze: what if CG runs out of money and cancels all our accounts

sprkrd: Then I'll cry

Paul_Demanze: what will be the purpose of my life then

sprkrd: you'll do fine in Hackerrank

sprkrd: :D

MSmits: [CG]Thibaud are you also in charge of advertising?

MSmits: or just social stuff?

MSmits: if it's advertising, then you have the power not to make CG run out of money by doing it well :)

MSmits: the last few contest drew a ridiculous amount of players anyways

[CG]Thibaud: I don't manage ads for CodinGame

MSmits: ah ok

sprkrd: are you concerned CG is going to run out of money soon? :O

[CG]Thibaud: but we don't run ads for CG now, mainly for WOrk

[CG]Thibaud: no

[CG]Thibaud: :)

sprkrd: phew

MSmits: sprkrd the main source of income for CG is not this part of it

MSmits: it's CG for work

sprkrd: yeah, i can imagine

MSmits: recruitment and such

MSmits: I think it helps they have this part of the community though. It's a selling point

sprkrd: in fact i'm guessing we represent a negative monetary income

MSmits: yes it does

MSmits: servers are expensive

sprkrd: at least in the immediate term

MSmits: we use so much cpu power for free

[CG]Thibaud: negative indeed

[CG]Thibaud: the impact is indirect though

[CG]Thibaud: fortunately :D

[CG]Thibaud: else there would be no community and I'd be out of a job

MSmits: do you get sponsored for this, or does it all get paid out of CG for work income?

[CG]Thibaud: me?

MSmits: no

Astrobytes: I can feel a blog article coming on

MSmits: i mean the community

MSmits: the cost of it all

[CG]Thibaud: oh, no sponsors

sprkrd: hah! you said else!! only programmers use the word else in daily talk

[CG]Thibaud: well as any startup we have investors

struct: Im still shocked that gocoder had so many sponsors on their last contest

struct: which had so few players compared to cg

[CG]Thibaud: but it's been a few years now that we're cashflow positive

MSmits: i wouldnt call it a startup after like 6 or 7 yrs? Not sure how long it's been

struct: ah so you have investors but no sponsors

[CG]Thibaud: yeah I guess we shouldn't be called like that anymore :D

KiwiTae: getting old :")

[CG]Thibaud: got to go, guys :wave:

Astrobytes: *mature

MSmits: bye [CG]Thibaud

sprkrd: buh bye

Astrobytes: bye Thibaud

Westicles: We should all switch jobs to help out

MSmits: I just switched jobs :P

MSmits: sort of

Wontonimo: oh? do tell

MSmits: well i was physics teacher, full CS teacher next yr. No physics classes at all

eulerscheZahl: physics teacher => CS

AnniKa: can i play vs the code of a friend?

eulerscheZahl: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

eulerscheZahl: no physics at all? wow

eulerscheZahl: will you miss it?

MSmits: yeah, just 3 hrs a week a physics related thing, but not the actual subject physics

eulerscheZahl: is it because your school has more physics than CS teachers?

MSmits: hmm, i'll miss my physics colleagues mostly

Astrobytes: Quite a change

MSmits: yes, but we had a huge shortage of physics colleagues also

MSmits: we get new people

MSmits: so I could have done either, i chose CS

Wontonimo: make the students write physics simulators. best of both worlds

MSmits: CS teachers are somewhat harder to find so my school was fine with it

Astrobytes: well, congrats on going CS full time

MSmits: thanks

Wontonimo: yes, congrats

reCurse: Why not both

reCurse: Teach CSB

MSmits: It seemed like i would be doing both reCurse

MSmits: but we got more students choosing CS

MSmits: so needed more teaching hrs in the subject

MSmits: my other colleague can only teach CS, so he gets first pick

AnniKa: how can i play vs the code of a friend?

MSmits: and i get the leftover, if not enough, i have to do physics

MSmits: but we had enough :)

sprkrd: AnniKa you can select which bots battle in the IDE

reCurse: !top1000

sprkrd: AnniKa remove the boss and add your friend's bot

eulerscheZahl: how well prepared are your classes already? can you reuse the material from previous year?

eulerscheZahl: and how do teachers manage not to get bored explaining the same year after year?

MSmits: eulerscheZahl pretty well prepared thanks to my colleague building his own moodle learning environment

MSmits: I can reuse stuff he made and add my own

Astrobytes: nice

MSmits: eulerscheZahl it's funny how people always ask that

eulerscheZahl: the reuse or the bored part?

MSmits: reCurse asked me too the other day

MSmits: bored

MSmits: the thing is, the repetition is only possible once per year

eulerscheZahl: i guess i wasn't around at that time

MSmits: so at most you'll do the same thing in a year and then next year again

MSmits: but even that isnt true most of the time

MSmits: you change up what you do and also the government curriculum changes

MSmits: every so many years

struct: just wait until physics update

MSmits: and also you dont teach the same years/level every year

MSmits: I had an exam class last year, wont have it next year

Astrobytes: lol struct

eulerscheZahl: once i missed my physics lecture in university. and decided to take the other lecture by the same prof to see what I missed (he held the same twice). but he got out of sync, so half the lecture was a repetition for me. he told the same, even made the same bad jokes

MSmits: we had a physics update a few yrs ago

MSmits: eulerscheZahl yeah that happens

MSmits: but look at your own job and see how many times you do something you did before

MSmits: it's fairly common and it's a good thing

MSmits: if you do something different all the time, you are a newbie all the time

eulerscheZahl: repeating things in a new context

MSmits: yes

Westicles: Government curriculum changes? Like the new Prime Minister bans MCTS?

eulerscheZahl: and for you the change of context are students asking different questions?

MSmits: Westicles well that's a good analogy, but not exactly that :P

MSmits: eulerscheZahl different questions, but also me changing the emphasis, trying new didactic strategies, ways of teaching.

MSmits: this has never been true more than this covid year

MSmits: so much new stuff

MSmits: generally when we are dividing up classes for next year, we try to get some duplicate classes

MSmits: like two classes of 20-30 having to learn the same thing

MSmits: that way it saves some preparatory work

Wontonimo: that makes life easier to reuse material

MSmits: yes

MSmits: so we are actively looking for repetition

Wontonimo: and you can experiment on one of the classes and use the other as a baseline bwahahaha

MSmits: because there isnt enough of it :)

MSmits: Wontonimo we do just that

Wontonimo: like a small GA of population 2

eulerscheZahl: or you do a physics experiment in one class and explain the underlying theory in the other class

MSmits: exactly that eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: and then see who does better in the exam

MSmits: we get interns that have to do experiments like that

MSmits: for their studies

eulerscheZahl: those who only know the real-life experiment and no theory

eulerscheZahl: or theory but can't imagine how it looks like

MSmits: well usually they both learn theory, but maybe in a different order. One class would do theory then experiment, the other class would do it the other way around

MSmits: it's a common thing to experiment with in physics classes

MSmits: both have advantages

sprkrd: eulerscheZahl that sounds so wrong :joy:

Westicles: In our HS our good teachers got the honors classes where the students care, and the bad ones got the masses of drooling idiots

MSmits: lol

Wontonimo: yeah, that's how it was at my HS also.

MSmits: drooling idiots need good teachers too

MSmits: probably better ones

eulerscheZahl: i had a prof who took over the lecture and wasn't that competent in his new subject. he was just walking around in the room and ask random students what they think how it works

MSmits: as the job is harder

MSmits: lol eulerscheZahl

MSmits: that's a tough position to be in

MSmits: I've always been able to avoid that

eulerscheZahl: once a student was doing chat roulette on his laptop in class. he was just like "maybe the lady can help you" when he saw it

MSmits: the lady?

eulerscheZahl: from chat roulette

MSmits: ohh lol

eulerscheZahl: "vielleicht kann Ihnen die Dame helfen"

eulerscheZahl: explaining transistors down to atomic level surely isn't an easy subject to lecture when you don't have the background knowledge

Wontonimo: chat roulette in class. why bother even showing up to class?

eulerscheZahl: the exam was just a copy of the exam from the year before

MSmits: makes sense

MSmits: I don't always make a new exam either

MSmits: but they aren't public

Wontonimo: the transistor is made up of lots of smaller transistors

MSmits: it's a time saver

MSmits: i do try to change some parts of it at least

eulerscheZahl: he showed us the previous exam as a practicing exercise

MSmits: lol

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: on which university you studied ?

MSmits: yeah.. that's not smart

MSmits: I studied at university of Amsterdam

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: @ eulersche

Westicles: The frat guys in college always had a library of every test every made, you had to befriend one to keep a leg up

eulerscheZahl: that was on my Bachelors. Ohm-Hochschule Nürnberg

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: and in which field ^^ ?

eulerscheZahl: Master at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen

MSmits: Westicles yeah in college it is like that, but in HS there are so many tests and stuff changes so much that students dont bother

MSmits: they dont plan that far ahead

KiwiTae: in my school the test database was only shared between chinese studients ~

eulerscheZahl: that was 8 years ago, not sure if that prof is still there

Westicles: oh yeah, in grad school it was the chinese guys instead.

eulerscheZahl: *googles* apparently he still is

MSmits: maybe he knows his stuff now

MSmits: or maybe he still uses that exam

Paul_Demanze: I wanna try the "Get a job" button just to see what's available but they ask for LinkedIn account

Westicles: They also had chinese versions of the answer keys to all the textbooks

Paul_Demanze: I dont want a linkedIn account..

MSmits: noone does

Wontonimo: no job for you

eulerscheZahl: he even had an appearance in one episode of a TV series about model making

MSmits: what kind of model?

eulerscheZahl: RC helicopter. He killed the battery

MSmits: so he failed on TV?

sprkrd: [CG]Thibaud do you need someone to try or is it just curiosity?

Wontonimo: epic

eulerscheZahl: yes. but he was really relaxed after realizing he just killed a multiple hundred euro battery

MSmits: teachers need nerves of steel

MSmits: can't tell you how many times i near electrocuted myself with a straight face

MSmits: or had some green coloured fluids spray over me and pretend it was supposed to happen

eulerscheZahl: :D

eulerscheZahl: he had that chaotic chemistry teacher in school

MSmits: ah yes

MSmits: this wasnt chemistry though, i was using the gas pressure tube and it had more pressure than i expected

eulerscheZahl: once he showed us white phosphor. that thing starts burning when in air

MSmits: ah yeah

eulerscheZahl: we ended the lesson in another classroom

MSmits: the funniest thing about this in the school i was in when i was young is when we had that chaotic teacher and he suddenly had an assistent. We all assumed the school hired him to keep an eye on the teacher

MSmits: but it was just a lab assistent.

MSmits: especially because the lab assistent always came running panickly when the teacher was doing something dangerous

eulerscheZahl: oh, best sentence of a teacher while I was in class: "i don't want to walk that much today, I have diarrhea"

MSmits: lol...

Westicles: Our HS physics teacher spent his entire year budget on mercury. Bought like 4 76 lb flasks

MSmits: "So in a minute or so, the hydrogen and oxygen will react and the can will explode. I will be right back, the sound hurts my ears"

MSmits: the lid of the can landed on my table

eulerscheZahl: :D

Westicles: They had to close the HS one summer, it was declared some kind of environmental disaster site

MSmits: "some kind" was the mercury?

Westicles: Yeah, it was everywhere. Under the floor tiles, etc

MSmits: did he get fired?

Westicles: no

MSmits: surprising

eulerscheZahl: we only had asbestos

eulerscheZahl: in our gym

eulerscheZahl: once in physics some glass pipe broke and hit a student at the head. teacher was more concerned about him bleeding on the ground and told him to to lean forward

MSmits: "allright guys, dont jump too hard and if you see flakes coming down, take a break"

MSmits: yeah not all teachers are empathic :)

MSmits: students do bad stuff too though

MSmits: in our school someone blew up a toilet one time, a year before I joined

Westicles: Yeah, we had a kid steal all the sodium from the lab and throw it in a toilet

MSmits: hmm

MSmits: that sounds suspiciously like what happened in my school :P

MSmits: worst thing was not what happened with the toilet, but what happened to the student in the cubicle next to it who was doing his thing

MSmits: he was deaf for a day or something

MSmits: but this is ancient history thankfully, no toilets blew up after I joined

Scarfield: Asbestobytes

Westicles: You tell the class about sodium and water, and there is always one deviant to pull himself up out of the drool with the same idea :P

MSmits: yep

MSmits: maybe this is why nuclear weapons were taken out of the physics curriculum

MSmits: when i was in school we learned about them, but I never had to teach it

Scarfield: good luck refining plutonium :p

MSmits: well there's that

sprkrd: That reminds me...

MSmits: it's weird though, I don't think many people know what a nuke can do

MSmits: i think it's somethign they should know

sprkrd: We used to have a nuclear reactor in our university

MSmits: as you do...

struct: we used to mine uranium at mine

sprkrd: for the students of the nuclear energy master (and maybe for the degree too)

sprkrd: I'm not actually kidding

sprkrd: we did have a nuclear reactor

sprkrd: like 40-50 years ago

MSmits: struct isn't either, that was how they handled punishment

Scarfield: xD

sprkrd: no, sorry, it was 30 years ago

sprkrd: it was removed before the barcelona olympiads

Westicles: Yeah, we had a reactor in college. I was offered a research job in the basement underneath it... I declined

MSmits: instead of 50 pushups you had to mine enough for 2 ingots

MSmits: right struct?


sprkrd: the article is in spanish

sprkrd: but that's the best i've got

struct: Are you the teacher that sent me there?

Scarfield: without gloves

MSmits: not me :P

MSmits: sprkrd that looks like they encased it in styrofoam

eulerscheZahl: "50 pushups". reminds me of someone doing pullups. on a pipe connecting the sprinklers

sprkrd: maybe? i barely was born then

NeAlyssa: is on this site a place where i can watch my completed puzzles? i just searched everywhere and cant find it (maybe im just blind)

eulerscheZahl: firefighters had to come to stop the water

Westicles: That place was dodgy as hell, we also had a tokamak. They got a bunch of us students to come in at midnight and help haul off these 2-ton transformers full of PCB oil

MSmits: lol euler

MSmits: tokamaks are at least safe when it comes to radioactivity, but yeah that's lots of current

MSmits: did they get a working fusion reaction going?

sprkrd: a professor from that school told me that they guy who came to decommission the reactor was very sketchy, like straight from a 20s mafia

sprkrd: no, it was just fission :joy:

MSmits: no i meant Westicles

sprkrd: ah, ok

MSmits: tokamak is fusion reactor

MSmits: magnetic containment

nuggetbucket54: why do universities sound so crazy

MSmits: gets pretty hot, > 100 million degreees

nuggetbucket54: wow

nuggetbucket54: celsius?

MSmits: yes or kelvin, doesnt matter

Scarfield: does it matter ? :p

nuggetbucket54: idk sorry

MSmits: when you're speaking of millions then +273 does nothing

nuggetbucket54: yeah

nuggetbucket54: it's like a 300 difference

Westicles: The student made one was pretty useless. The big project one was cutting edge

MSmits: it's very low pressure though

eulerscheZahl: 100 million degrees smits. he made up his own temperature scale

MSmits: 0.001% atmospheric

MSmits: I might have, but no :P

MSmits: I taught a 8 week course on nuclear fusion

MSmits: otherwise i would not have known anything about it

nuggetbucket54: you guys seem very knowledgeable

MSmits: about some things

Marchete: a mad scientist and a nuclear fusion course, what could go wrong....

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: there is this new thing... called google xD

sprkrd: he is canadian, maybe the comparison was not between celcius and kelvin, but between celcius and farenheit L)

MSmits: Marchete i did almost blow up a microwave to show plasma froma candle :P

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: to mutch grapes in the microwave ?

MSmits: nah just used a candle

Marchete: *uranium enriched candle*

MSmits: :P

nuggetbucket54: have you guys seen nilered's video on uranium glass

struct: Where is the "do not try this at home" warning

nuggetbucket54: it's kinda interesting to see how people used to eat out of that radioactive pottery

Scarfield: school isnt at home

MSmits: mmh I did actually remember to give the warning that time

MSmits: nuggetbucket54 people used to paint their watches with radioactive stuff so they could tell time in the dark

nuggetbucket54: bruh

Marchete: and worse...

nuggetbucket54: that's crazy

MSmits: and the carnival used to have a thign where you could pay to see your skeleton

nuggetbucket54: imagine in a few decades when people look back at us we may be doing something equivalent to eating out of radioactive pottery without even realizing it

MSmits: yes, our sugar intake

nuggetbucket54: hahahaha

MSmits: thats just about as bad

Marchete: don't search Radium girls

Marchete: or anything from that time

sprkrd: i'm gonna search radium girls

KiwiTae: kids are invoking satan and demons in the living room should I worry?

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: this girls that painted the watches xD?

Scarfield: xD kiwi

MSmits: KiwiTae depends on the context

Scarfield: if they drew a pentagram, you should worry

struct: ill watch it Marchete, thanks

MSmits: if they are doing historically correct reenactment of the inquisition it is educational

Scarfield: suddenly start speaking latin -> run

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: a pentagram is not a bad thing , only it signs in the direction of hell ^^

sprkrd: "Radium Girls" is an awesome name for a musical band

jacek: those girls were particularly radiant

Scarfield: badum tss

jacek: did you kill the chat

Scarfield: yes, only took a drum kit

struct: I was watching the plasma thing


Scarfield: you should see what i can do with a guitar

Marchete: much worse than the drum!

Marchete: 7 min this time

Scarfield: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Astrobytes: even better at killing the chat than me

Illedan: :skull:

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: :hamburger:

Illedan: I got my kid the book Quantum computing for babies, but damn I struggle to understand this shit myself -.-

Scarfield: killstroBytes

Astrobytes: Is there a quantum computing for fathers book available?

Illedan: Wikipedia has a bunch of text on the field atleast..

Astrobytes: Scarfodrumitar

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: I heard from this new place , called google :P

Scarfield: There was talk about asbestos ealier, and was happy with my "AsbestoBytes" but you werent here :'(

Astrobytes: Oh nice!

Astrobytes: Yes, I'm currently a rarity round here as I'm recovering from my broken wrist/hand crap

Scarfield: :o

Astrobytes: At least my arm is usable again after my covid shot D:

Astrobytes: * :D

Scarfield: sad to hear that, not like you needed more broken bones

Astrobytes: Yeah indeed.

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: my left arm is after my covid shot yesterday completly hurt ...

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: it was my second shot

Astrobytes: It's getting better quick though

Westicles: Astro, you got the AZ?

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: u guys did the covid shots?

Astrobytes: Pfizer

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: yeah i got BioNTech

Astrobytes: I think here, over 40s get AZ everyone else gets A N Other

Westicles: Like poor LIsa Shaw

Astrobytes: An unfortunate case indeed.

Scarfield: did you get the covid shot in the same arm as your broken wrist?

Astrobytes: Yes

Astrobytes: By choice

Scarfield: yea, otherwise would have been extra annoying

Astrobytes: I didn't fancy being totally unable to do anything with my arms


Astrobytes: They were numb were they not

Astrobytes: ?

Scarfield: yup

Astrobytes: I think I prefer pain

Astrobytes: Over numbness

Astrobytes: Unexpectedly deep statement for a Friday.

Scarfield: "Fridays with AstroBytes" :notes::notes:

Astrobytes: I was almost tempted to make my statement into a haiku but I lack the motivation

Scarfield: hmm, just had a thought.. instead of doing %200 on simcount to limit how often you do time check, wouldnt it be much faster to do simCount & 255 ?

MSmits: yeah, that's what i do

Astrobytes: Yeah I think it's more efficient

Astrobytes: I use powers of 2 at least

jacek: eeyup

jacek: you dont do that already?

MSmits: well you do (simCount & 255) == 0

MSmits: otherwise it's almost always true :)

Astrobytes: lol

reCurse: % 256 does the same is more readable /shrug

Scarfield: just thought about it, so no :) and good point reBless, ty

Astrobytes: *reShrug :)

jacek: retrobytes

Default avatar.png florian.dumitrascu: silver league BITCHE

Default avatar.png florian.dumitrascu: S

Astrobytes: I prefer jaceks 'retrobytes' over that florian

Default avatar.png florian.dumitrascu: sorrry that's my mate

Scarfield: of course

Default avatar.png florian.dumitrascu: METALLICA RULES

Astrobytes: No. No they do not.

jacek: oO

Westicles: Astro is Motorhead for life

Astrobytes: I'm more death than thrash. But Slayer > Metallica

Scarfield: actually have a Lars Ulrich signature on my guitar, couldnt get the full band to sign it :'(

Astrobytes: Because Lars is the only reasonable member of the band?

Default avatar.png florian.dumitrascu: OMG!!!!! so luuuuuuuuuucky!!!

Astrobytes: Ahhh Zero Tolerance. It's nice to be back :D

Westicles: was that a kick? lol

Astrobytes: My injury has tied in nicely with my need for a break. Starting to get my mojo back.

Scarfield: i was standing in line just behind an old friend of lars, and Lars was extra nice to me because of the delay, but the rest of the band looked like they just wanted to catch their plane, and i didnt press on

Astrobytes: I think Lars is generally nicer than any of the others.

Scarfield: everyone behind me had the same delay though :p

Scarfield: yea seems like it, but only met them once

Astrobytes: St. Anger snare

Astrobytes: (that should have been a faux-emoji, sorry

Astrobytes: )

Scarfield: to this day im still sad Hammett didnt sign it

Astrobytes: Why? Just perm your hair and play random things real fast and rock your wah pedal. Insta-Hammett

Scarfield: oof

Astrobytes: Heh heh

Astrobytes: Nah I don't hate him

Astrobytes: He's had his moments

Scarfield: he was my "guitar hero" when i started :p

Scarfield: angry astro noices

Astrobytes: Trying to think who mine were/are

Westicles: Yngwie Malmsteen?

Scarfield: "play random things real fast" ahem :p

Astrobytes: Sort of went from Steve Jones->Brian May->El Hefe and Eric Melvin->Hendrix->SRV->Jerry Garcia

Scarfield: SRV that low? .O

Scarfield: :o *

Astrobytes: No, that's not in order of how great they are/were

Scarfield: ah

Astrobytes: Just whatever I was into at the time, whose playing I was getting into etc

Astrobytes: Yngwie ... oh dear. Did you check his latest album? He made it all himself. And it really, really, really sounds like he did. In a bad way.

Scarfield: xD never liked his music, he is fast though

Astrobytes: I can't listen to that endless shred stuff

Astrobytes: Vai gets a free pass cause he played with Zappa

Astrobytes: And he's a nice guy. So is Paul Gilbert.

Astrobytes: Yngwie is just a relic.

Astrobytes: Anyway, it's music time with astro again clearly. Apologies

Scarfield: np :)

Scarfield: tender surrender steve vai, not sure what it is, but i've always loved it

Astrobytes: He has some good music. I just always get bored a minute or two into it and stop.

Astrobytes: However:

Scarfield: dayum

Scarfield: satriani as backing guitarist :p

Scarfield: oh, there he goes

Astrobytes: Vai, Satch and Eric Johnson

Astrobytes: Zappa song. I enjoyed that one. They did Down Down Down too I think, that was cool.

Astrobytes: *Going Down

Astrobytes: Here:

Astrobytes: That's the last one I'm posting

Scarfield: it auto suggested red house, it will have to wait :)

Astrobytes: :D

Scarfield: never knew of this concert, nice man!

Astrobytes: Yeah, they've done a few with a few different guest guitarists

Astrobytes: Not all good

Scarfield: yea, putting stars together doesnt work well that often

Astrobytes: Yngwie doing Voodoo Chile was especially unpleasant. Check them all out anyway, some gems to be found

Scarfield: im gonna skip the yngwie ones

Scarfield: only 8 videos on the g3VEVO channel :(

Astrobytes: Do some digging

Scarfield: yea, just thought you linked a goldmine :)

Astrobytes: You know what to look for

Scarfield: yup


Astrobytes: That's some list

BlaiseEbuth: That's another:

    <\ul> Astrobytes:
  • thanks Blaise
  • Fix your slash
  • BlaiseEbuth: \flip Scarfield: you got me stuck in a rabbit hole :D **BlaiseEbuth put on his red jacket and release the hounds. BlaiseEbuth: Don't worry I'll make you out. Scarfield: if its deep enough, i'll find you Astrobytes: lol, anyway, catch you all later Astrobytes: take it easy BlaiseEbuth: Don't make holes in my roof. :rage: Scarfield: xD Default avatar.png one_tskk: Hi struct: kovi i see you at connect 4, do you want any tips? AllYourTrees: i'll take some :O struct: I think most tips were already shared here, I wont tell the performance related ones, because my bot got placed in top 5 with 1/10 of the time it uses currently struct: I currently use mcts solver struct: With smart rollouts struct: I want to still improve the rollout Scarfield: smart rollouts? AllYourTrees: smart as in rule based? struct: yes struct: for example if there is 2 cells that enemy can play and win and its your turn struct: the game is over struct: unless you can win on that turn struct: If opponent only has 1, then you are forced to play there struct: basicly is whats described here struct: struct: Currently I still check for wins, but this is not needed struct: I do the same checks on expansion AllYourTrees: for the solver, do you do the thing with the inf score, or do you store outcome in a separate field? AllYourTrees: i was trying to put the solver in my breakthrough bot but it made it worse so i think i have a bug struct: I store it in a different field struct: both ways should work struct: struct: is my node CamTheGreat: hello AllYourTrees: wait do you not store copies of the game in your nodes? is it somewhere else? AllYourTrees: or do you reapply actions to a new game when you walk down the tree struct: I dont need to store the game at all struct: I reapply yes AllYourTrees: oooooh is that faster? BlaiseEbuth: stronger struct: I dont know Scarfield: i just made my node move uint64 for the actual cell being played, do you get enough sims for that to take up to much space? struct: I never tested the other way struct: I feel like I have enough rollouts this way BlaiseEbuth: They see me rollout... struct: I can store the move as uint64 struct: but i havent tested it to see if it made any difference kovi: i struggle with smart rollouts since day1. maybe speed worth more struct: this worked fine so I kept it like this Scarfield: ok struct: kovi Im not sure AllYourTrees: ill have to test this out struct: yesterday I submited same both with 100ms and 10ms struct: 100ms first turn, rest 10ms* struct: I got rank 5 struct: That was with ~30k rollouts on turn 2 Scarfield: why limit to 5ms? struct: limit? struct: I limited it to 10 just for fun to see where it ended up struct: To check if performance was that important Scarfield: 10ms* instead of 100 Scarfield: ha Scarfield: ah* BlaiseEbuth: ach struct: my code doesnt do anything else special struct: I force the first move to be 1 just in case struct: and steal if move is different from 0 or 8 Scarfield: i still have a bug in my solver :'( BlaiseEbuth: Scarfix it Scarfield: xD Scarfield: some times my bot preferes a certain loss jacek: suicide eh Scarfield: eeyup Scarfield: with blackjack struct: feel free to ask any question, ill answer to the best of my ability Scarfield: i will leech on you some other day, not coding today:) BlaiseEbuth: How to make babies struct? struct: MCTSNode* Tree::nodes = new MCTSNode[45'000'000](); Scarfield: if jac-ek links something, dont click it xD BlaiseEbuth: So simple... :o jacek: at earlier conversation MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Is it possible to access local files from codingame? Westicles: that would certainly make golf easy Westicles: eval(file) struct: at a time it was possible to access web struct: on codegolf Westicles: still waiting for someone to sneak code into a language release Default avatar.png cohich: Hi, I'm beguiner and I'm trying some exercises on Python. The exercice is : Subtract 3 to n and save the result in x. Then display x. Default avatar.png cohich: I wrote x=n-3 print(x) Default avatar.png cohich: But It's not the good awnser and I don't understand what I did wrong. MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Subtract 3 from n or subtract n from 3? MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: And is n a defined variable? Default avatar.png cohich: No it is not a defined variable. And It's substract 3 to n MaliciouslyCrypticUsername: Is this a specific puzzle? Default avatar.png cohich: It's a course in french Default avatar.png cohich: Default avatar.png cohich: First exercice struct: The page you linked is just to test python code struct: Which exercice is it?= Default avatar.png cohich: It's Exercice 1 Default avatar.png cohich: I just fail on the start... :expressionless: struct: def mon_programme(n): struct: first part struct: its a bit confusing struct: you can also have multiple prints struct: in fact you need multiple prints Default avatar.png cohich: ok ! Marchete: nice course Westicles: I think it is just broken Westicles: oh, never mind. you have to keep going struct: yeah struct: can be a bit tricky for a begginer Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: do you guys have any advice on how to get better at competitive programming KiwiTae: practice Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: where Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: i don't feel like clash of code is super helpful therealbeef: puzzles, multis Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: huh? Westicles: that's a big first step. some clash forever Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: i don't understand Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: really Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: clashing isn't like IOI level Westicles: Westicles: start with the easy ones Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: i want to make it the IOI team in my country darkhorse64: then Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: thx I'll check that out Westicles: Only 4 people in france? Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: yh struct: darkhorse64 are you still working on c4 or are you doing something else now? darkhorse64: I am running out of ideas for the moment struct: same, all the stuff I change makes my bots play worse struct: its a bit frustrating struct: UTTT level of frustrating darkhorse64: Yeah, I do not see anything that can speed up my bot struct: I feel like my main problem is the start struct: And that I lose 90% of games vs robo... darkhorse64: It's quite puzzling that similar bots get such different results against other players darkhorse64: kovi gets your 2nd place back darkhorse64: to you struct: :D struct: its not deserved though darkhorse64: unless someone else submits. Your winrate is better darkhorse64: I guess we have different expand codes struct: yeah struct: and my rollout is still the old version darkhorse64: Theoritically, it looks worse. Practically, it fares better darkhorse64: gotta get some sleep struct: gn CamTheGreat: 3 Default avatar.png Philbot: 4 sprkrd: yo struct: hi sprkrd: oh, i thought everyone wen already to sleep struct: soon sprkrd: went+ peerdb: very weird but just got promoted to legend league in the spring challenge contest after not submitting since it ended (finished like 130th gold) struct: I guess you got pushed BugKiller_328: where can I see I've practices I've already completed ? BugKiller_328: where can I see practices I've already completed ? cw477: wasup fa cw477: fam envifly: insane FrancoRoura: Just got vaccinated, I'm doing clashes while dizzy lol Default avatar.png iDageJersey: Same HAHAHAH Default avatar.png iDageJersey: What vaccine did you get? FrancoRoura: J&J FrancoRoura: Had to travel to the US to get it FrancoRoura: My country only has leftovers therealbeef: dizzy only? i got 4 days of full-body muscle pain and fatigue. was no fun FrancoRoura: Well I'm 24 therealbeef: apparently the younger/healthier you are, the worse the side effects therealbeef: but i had pfizer FrancoRoura: Oh that'd make sense FrancoRoura: I do like 10 steps a day and smoke between 20 and 25 cigs Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: vaccination is for the weak Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: lol FrancoRoura: It's ok if you think so FrancoRoura: I do like Darwinism :joy: Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: no I mean literally Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: since they are weak against the virus FrancoRoura: It should be for everyone, you know, herd immunity Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: well not really since it's a new vaccine and we don't know its side effects completely yet therealbeef: but a side effect of corona is grandma dying, that should factor into the comparison Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: I think people who are at risks like obese and elderly ppl should take the vaccine as the risk of side effects are much less than that of corona virus so yes they should take it, but for children who 100% don't die from it they don't need it? therealbeef: but vaccin is not 100% effective, so grandma can still get infected by their grandchildren and die Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: I thought that Moderna vaccine was like 99% effective therealbeef: 90-95-ish Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: oh Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: well i agree with you there therealbeef: and the others like AZ and JJ only 65% ish therealbeef: and then you got the rubbish ones like the chinese vaccin at 50% orso Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: but don't children contract a different type of covid that is much less dangerous ? therealbeef: not sure. they dont really get symptoms Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: i saw that in the news Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: But I have a question for you Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: If you were in power what would you do about the covid right now? Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: Would you have vaccines imposed to everyone ? FrancoRoura: I'd buy them and let them choose FrancoRoura: And let individuals buy their own vaccine too therealbeef: if it were feasible i'd force it, but in most countries you'd get a revolt. and i think it's not really necessary to force anything. in my region 90% is choosing to get vaccinated (we were heavily hit by deaths, that correlates) Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: that's very generous, but why not let ppl buy it themselves therealbeef: either way we are paying for it (via taxes) Default avatar.png masknksnvsndvo: well yh but you are spending some ppls money who aren't going to use it. Don't you think that their money should go in their own needs ? therealbeef: heh but that's not the reality in socialist europe. i'm paying for italian and french vaccins too therealbeef: nothing i can do about it KamadoTanjiro: hi Default avatar.png christian-zunalargo: wait... who's paying for a covid vaccine? Default avatar.png christian-zunalargo: hi Default avatar.png christian-zunalargo: :) PatrickMcGinnisII: yall r dumb Westicles: who dumb PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm, oh the vaccine debaters eulerscheZahl: happy Caturday DaNinja: morning