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camshaft54: you can use this thing i made to decode the encoded text:

Westicles: if you make an encode one, everyone can use it and stop complaining :P

camshaft54: ã̴̹̙̯̙̄̓̔̐̀́̈́͜͜͝ ̴̳̳͙̻̩̙̘̙̦͖̌̅͛͒͛̃̏̚͠͠m̵̛͇̟͉͒̏̓͆̇̏̿́a̷̞̣͐̀͋͐̒̃́g̷̫̩͍͠i̴̛̫͆̈́̍͗̌̆͘͠c̸͉͚̐͜į̸̹͎͎̀̓̑̌͌̈͆͘a̴̖̮̝̯̩̖̮̭͆͂͒͆̅͜ͅn̸͖̏̾͐̚ ̷̥̏̆́̂̍͋͠n̷̨̰͈͕̯̤̬͔̊̈͒͜ę̷̛̗͈̭͉̗͍̙́̓̉́̌̄̏́v̶̧̢̛̞̺̩̩̊̄̆͋̐̅̿e̸͉̬̕ȓ̷̢̧̹͉͓̘͋̀̽͛̂͘ ̶̠̜͖̟̦̮̓͋̾͜r̶͚̄̒͒̂̐̕e̵͖͕̩̼͙̗̳̟̟̝̅v̸̹̻̟͒͊̃̇̀̐͘e̶͈̺̲̭͆̂͌͋̊̈́ą̸̨͕̙̺͕̰̱̬̈͝ͅl̸͓͎̃̾̓̆̔͐̒͝ś̶̢͉͖̻̈́̇̒ ̶̘̯̐̌͂̓̕h̸̨̭͕̗͙̑͂̋͌̓͑̍̚ͅḯ̵̧̼̠̳̤̱̞̞̗͘͝s̵̛͚̈́͌͛̎̄̏̓̔̍ ̵̪̠͔͔͎͗̕s̷͙̞̖͎̩͓̤̀̌̿̅̇̈́̂̕e̶̮͛̓c̴͈͕̠̽̽̀͘ŕ̴͉͓̹̙̟ͅe̸̥̬̍͊͊͂͌͐̍̔͝ţ̵̨̗̺̘͖̱̺̀͂̊̂̈̔̌͝ͅ

Default avatar.png IdiddidI: halo

Default avatar.png darkrai0002: hi

Mr_BlueBird: hi!

Default avatar.png darkrai0002: hru

Mr_BlueBird: >-<

Mr_BlueBird: :)

Mr_BlueBird: i applied job at google


Mr_BlueBird: *for job at google

derjack: oO

Mr_BlueBird: front end developer apply job at google,

Hunter64TheOne: #fr

Hunter64TheOne: ya des fr

Hunter64TheOne: ?

Hunter64TheOne: #fr

Mr_BlueBird: reach lvl 9 to get a job, fun fact: you can get salary as you wish

InternalErrror: I have now seen two users using Chinese characters in a python exec statement to cut code size

InternalErrror: Is this legal behaviour?

Hunter64TheOne: #fr

Mr_BlueBird: yes

InternalErrror: e.g JonathanHo used this code: exec('爬琽牡湧攬楮灵琊渽⁩湴⡴⠩⤊愽❼✪渊景爠椠楮⁲慮来⡮⤺ਠ漽琨⤊⁦潲⁩渠爨汥渨漩⤺ਠ⁩映潛橝ℽ❼✺愽慛㩪崫潛橝⭡孪⬱㩝ੰ物湴⡡⤊'.encode('utf-16be')) to cut his code size to 91 chars

Hunter64TheOne: #FR

InternalErrror: Why would this be allowed?

Mr_BlueBird: cheating

InternalErrror: This is just stupid

Hunter64TheOne: #f'r

Hunter64TheOne: #fr

Mr_BlueBird: stop man writing #fr

Hunter64TheOne: heu...?

Hunter64TheOne: iam a french

Mr_BlueBird: what?

Hunter64TheOne: ah ok

Hunter64TheOne: sorry

Mr_BlueBird: it's ok bruh

InternalErrror: And what can we do to prevent this?

Mr_BlueBird: fun fact: i am 11 and applying job for google:joy:

InternalErrror: There is no report button

Hunter64TheOne: desolate I had not understood.

Hunter64TheOne: there are French people?

Hunter64TheOne: there are French people?

Mr_BlueBird: some chinese persons use chinese to won the clash of code, but they don't what they are doing>

jnmchlmss: hi

Mr_BlueBird: hi

Mr_BlueBird: welcome, jnmchlmss

jnmchlmss: im a noob programmer who can help me

Mr_BlueBird: i can help you

Mr_BlueBird: you can learn algorithms and data structures from

jnmchlmss: om do you know about pratice easy "Soduku alidator"

Mr_BlueBird: um, no


Mr_BlueBird: click this link to learn alogrithms

jnmchlmss: ok

jnmchlmss: thx

Mr_BlueBird: or, you can solve problems after learning algorithms

JonathanHo: wait a bot followed me? :joy: didn't know that was possible

derjack: Automaton2000 w00t

Automaton2000: you need to use a library for nn

derjack: no i dont :x

Mr_BlueBird: really?

Default avatar.png Saad-py: heyo wsp guys

DaNinja: if Automaton2000 says so then it must be true

Automaton2000: why is it the same way


Mr_BlueBird: please click this link to see my contribution

IvesL: you cant force people not to use certain methods here

Mr_BlueBird: i correct it

Mr_BlueBird: people will learn more algorithms if they use bubble sort algorithm, and almost all can use built-in function for sorting people can't learn if they keep it up using built-in function

Westicles: that's like the dumbest idea ever

KiwiTae: Westicles ><


derjack: but you cant inspect into how they do it

derjack: either by bubble sort, builtin sort, or hardcoded print

derjack: there is puzzle about making sha256. people normally would use builtin solutions, so the guy changed the constants and everyone has to implement sha256-wannabe themselves

derjack: you cant do that with sorting

Westicles: He updated it to copy the previous clash I linked

[CG]Thibaud: not cool Westicles

Westicles: Yes, I agree


Mr_BlueBird: my new contribution

Mr_BlueBird: Even or Odd?

Mr_BlueBird: This one is easy, and correct

[CG]Thibaud: but why? Mr_BlueBird

Uljahn: my new contribution: print "hello world" :)

Mr_BlueBird: just for fun

[CG]Thibaud: do you think the clash pool really needs another version of this kind of super easy puzzle?

[CG]Thibaud: that's the thing, for most players, it's not fun

Mr_BlueBird: this one is easy

Mr_BlueBird: you don't like it?

Mr_BlueBird: you have to just check n is even or not

[CG]Thibaud: yeah, what's challenging or fun here?

Default avatar.png LouDelpirou: I have a question related to Asteroids easy training please. Are Asteroids able to move in depth, meaning their representation letter would change and that i will have to calculate the in-depth motion too or does that letter represents them at any given time ?

Mr_BlueBird: please approve my contribution

[CG]Thibaud: did you check the forum thread related to this puzzle LouDelpirou ? There might be the response to your question there (I didn't check)

Default avatar.png LouDelpirou: that seems like the first thing to do sorry ill check

Mr_BlueBird: how you become a moderator [CG]Thibaud?

Uljahn: :joy:

[CG]Thibaud: :grinning:

Mr_BlueBird: what happened?

[CG]Thibaud: I choose chat moderators.

Mr_BlueBird: ph

Mr_BlueBird: *oh


P4V3L14K0V: @All, I'm not sure it's best practice to post on chat, but could you review my proposed contribution for a classic puzzle:




karliso: Does 'Bit Runner 2048' has anything to do with 'Blade Runner 2049'?

Westicles: Other than the title, no

derjack: hm?

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: wassup guys how is it going

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: wow am i like a people repeller

karliso: I am gonna watch the movie.

GarethEddies: hi

GarethEddies: is this channel on discord ?

TobiasA: you username is a people repeller:innocent:

TobiasA: jk

derjack: its not discord

derjack: nor celestia

GarethEddies: but it says join us on discord above

GarethEddies: hi poopycoder, tell us about yourself

derjack: and it will open new tab

GarethEddies: fair enough, thought maybe this was connected to it

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: hello gareth

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: just finished an insane clash

derjack: all clashes are insane

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: this was an especially insane clash

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: somehow i was the only one who managed to do it

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: oh shit your 4000th

Default avatar.png PoopyCoder123: thats insane

derjack: is it good?

GarethEddies: is clash not working ?

GarethEddies: console.log wasn't working in javascript

GarethEddies: I think I realised my mistake

GarethEddies: should have just repeated the console for the new lines

Default avatar.png harryslala: hello!!!

Default avatar.png RizkySyahferi: hilih

GarethEddies: hi

Default avatar.png harryslala: hello

Default avatar.png Matt9400: Hello

Default avatar.png Matt9400: Who are you?

GarethEddies: Software dev, from Brisbane Australia, you ?

Wontonimo: Hey GarethEddies, haven't seen you in chat before

Wontonimo: How did you hear about Codingame?

GarethEddies: twitch

Wontonimo: I see you've tried the multis (the bot battles), cool!

GarethEddies: are you an admin?

Wontonimo: no

GarethEddies: ok, where are you from ?

MiyamuraIzumi: haha

Wontonimo: I'm in Canada. Ontario more specifically in a small city called Peterborough

GarethEddies: Hi Miya, whats funny ?

GarethEddies: cool

GarethEddies: love Canada

GarethEddies: the company I work for, its parent company is based in Vancouver Canada

derjack: :upside_down:

Wontonimo: I've never been to Australia. A good friend of mine moved there years ago. I've been meaning to visit

GarethEddies: CSI software, have you heard of them ?

Mr_BlueBird: hi!

Wontonimo: rings a bell, but I can't place it.

derjack: CSI enchance?

Mr_BlueBird: :(

Wontonimo: lol

GarethEddies: sorry, Toronto apparently

Wontonimo: GarethEddies has anyone told you about the -3v trick on coders strikes back ?

Wontonimo: Toronto is very close to where I live. I lived there for many years

GarethEddies: no, I have to go

Wontonimo: later

Wontonimo: Hi Mr_BlueBird

Wontonimo: why you sad?

Mr_BlueBird: by mistale

Mr_BlueBird: *mistake

Mr_BlueBird: i send it

Wontonimo: that's very sad

Default avatar.png mrq0340a: :'(

Mr_BlueBird: what happened?

struct: What did you improve in connect 4 MSmits?

Default avatar.png Xascoria: hello

derjack: oO

struct: i had a decent win rate yesterday when i fixed my bug :(

struct: I was forgetting switching current player

struct: before starting the rollout

struct: so the same player would make 2 moves in a row

struct: :)

Wontonimo: and now it looks like MSmits mined your moves and has made counter moves. 6.3 point lead

MSmits: Wontonimo nope

MSmits: It's just another 3 days of running meta mcts

Wontonimo: hehe

Wontonimo: that meta mcts is brutally good MSmits !

MSmits: I update the book every once in a while. I am only at 10% of code size capacity btw



Wontonimo: and Shaggy's power doesn't stop at 100% either

MSmits: how good a book from meta mcts is depends on how good the bot is that it is using to run games and the amount of games it has run. And also how simple the game is. C4 is pretty simple

Wontonimo: sounds like this book is going to be very good

MSmits: yeah, i was hoping to just solve the game. That would be a bigger achievement tbh. But not sure that is realistic

MSmits: all smaller sizes than this have been solved

Wontonimo: are you even considering an opening move other than 1 & 7 ?

struct: I dont think its needed

struct: He just needs to steal those

Wontonimo: or has your meta mcts pretty much determined that is the optimal

struct: His bot is strong enough


MSmits: I am focusing on move 1. But it really depends on how you define solving

MSmits: to prove that the CG version is a draw, I only need to prove move 1/7 is a draw

MSmits: that's assuming it is

MSmits: if it's not, i need to prove all starting moves are wins and losses

MSmits: and then p2 is the winner on perfect play

MSmits: due to steal

struct: ill just update my expansion

struct: I dont know what else to do for this game

MSmits: i stopped improving after day 1. Except I changed that one function with the loop thanks to you

DomiKo: ofc NN

MSmits: and removed static keywords thanks to darkhorse

struct: static in the avx thing?

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: static const

struct: maybe I was the one who told him that :)

MSmits: could be

struct: DomiKo but my bot is above current NNS

MSmits: yeah I really would not bother with NN here. You can make a great bot, but for simple games, NN is not better

Wontonimo: how are you storing the board? I was thinking __int128.

DomiKo: I'm really curious if they will improve

struct: uint64_t

Wontonimo: 2 of them?

struct: yes

MSmits: jace k and robo

MSmits: oh you mean two uint64_t

struct: robo has a big win rate vs me after I fixed my bug

Wontonimo: and how do you do shift with 2? I'm no bit twiddle expert

struct: You only need to shift 1

MSmits: i dont do anything on both boards at the same time

MSmits: you just need to know 1 player or the other

MSmits: usually the opponent, to see if he can win next turn

MSmits: well i guess you combine both boards to see which cells are occupied

MSmits: every once in a while

MSmits: but that's 1 bit op

Wontonimo: ah, so you arn't storing padding in your board

MSmits: no padding for me

Wontonimo: that's why you can fit it in 64

MSmits: exactly

MSmits: same for struct and darkhorse

MSmits: actually i havent ever used padding

Wontonimo: got it

MSmits: most of the time i need the full 64 bit

MSmits: i guess they use it for chess maybe? Or smaller games

struct: I only did padding for spring challenge

struct: but board was much smaller

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: people using padding for uttt as well I think

MSmits: there's some way to organize a TTT board to do win checks

struct: also im not really an expert on bitboards

struct: but I came up with stuff for c4 that Idont really understand

MSmits: huh

MSmits: what dont you understand?

struct: The way I update the legal moves mask

struct: Not the way I generate them

struct: That one I understand

struct: But the way I update

struct: i dont set and clear a bit

struct: I do something else

MSmits: oh

MSmits: but how did you come up with it if you dont understand

struct: trial and error

MSmits: I see

StarBoyG: woah there used to be a lot girls here

StarBoyG: what happeed

StarBoyG: happened*

Wontonimo: comments like that

Wontonimo: i'm guessing

struct: also I dont need __builtin_ctzll on my bot

struct: due to this

Wontonimo: Hey StarBoyG, don't swear at me in private chat. Not cool

struct: I kicked him :/

derjack: oO

struct: Now he is pming you ...

Wontonimo: may have been before the kick

Wontonimo: it was after my comment. whatever

struct: just ignore it I guess

Wontonimo: np

Wontonimo: thanks for chatting about the bitboard data size. Glad to hear it is possible in 64 bits, and it's got me thinking of how to handle the wrap-around issue i was having

struct: you need masks

Wontonimo: :thumbsup:

struct: I have in total 4 different masks

struct: and this is my board


Wontonimo: wild. I had mine tilted the other way, column wise instead of row wise

struct: I feel like this format should be easier

struct: also you can do


struct: to get moves

struct: and to update them is also eas

struct: easy*

struct: update mask i mean

Wontonimo: cool. it's amazing that such a simple design decision has such important implications

Wontonimo: if additional wood leagues are made, what happens to the existing bots in the current leagues?

struct: boss will be sumited to arena and then play all the batles until it stabilizes

struct: all players above will get promoted

AllYourTrees: new league for C$?

AllYourTrees: C4*

Wontonimo: so, people in wood1 may get demoted to wood2 ?

struct: no

struct: yes*

AllYourTrees: :scream:

struct: but one more league will be created

struct: so wood 2 becomes wood 3, wood 1 becomes wood 2

Default avatar.png mrq0340a: platin diamond master tho

Wontonimo: i like it! AshKetchum, more leagues plz!

derjack: how do you know

struct: I cant donate this bot

Wontonimo: Maybe we could ask Smelty, 98th to?

struct: I was expecting like a top 20 bot

darkhorse64: I think a bitboarded MC may dowell

Wontonimo: AllYourTrees, how do you feel about donating your bot?

Wontonimo: ;)

Wontonimo: 18th

darkhorse64: One caveat: multi bots cannot be kept secret

Wontonimo: :(

Wontonimo: well that's no good.

darkhorse64: I mean thare are ways (that I don't know) to leak them

darkhorse64: *there*

struct: also the people that probably know

struct: wont copy paste them

darkhorse64: I would not want my MCTS bot to be leaked. For clobber, I wrote a lousy MM bot

AllYourTrees: Wontonimo for what? sry

AllYourTrees: for the boss?? :O

Wontonimo: how about you donate your C4 bot as the Wood2 boss

AllYourTrees: what goes into donating it?

darkhorse64: Read chat above

darkhorse64: just above

MSmits: darkhorse64 you said: "multi bots cannot be kept secret"

MSmits: thats confusing

MSmits: you mean bosses

Wontonimo: idk to be honest. You'd have to share your code with someone who adds it to the multi

Wontonimo: i'm guessing

darkhorse64: MSmits: true

AllYourTrees: its a MCTS+NN :thinking:

AllYourTrees: would i still be allowed to submit other versions?

darkhorse64: Yes

MSmits: bosses should preferably not be heavy search bots and not use the full calc time, but maybe in this case that is not possible

struct: im sure if my bot uses 10ms it would still be top 10

struct: let me try

MSmits: top 10 i doubt, but top 20 sure

AllYourTrees: :shock:

Wontonimo: :and awe:

struct: ill make 100ms first turn and 10ms rest

Wontonimo: oh, i'm gonna love watching this

struct: it won vs jacek

struct: lol

struct: localy

AllYourTrees: whats your approach again struct? simd?

AllYourTrees: smart rollout mcts?

struct: yes

MSmits: darkhorse, struct and mine are mostly identical in algorithm. Only difference are implementation details

MSmits: at least that's what i get from our convo's

darkhorse64: struct top 15 at 25%

AllYourTrees: that's pretty crazy

Wontonimo: wth Struct, go easy on the other bots lol

MSmits: well in most multis bot quality goes down fast below top 5 or top 10

MSmits: most community multies i should say

derjack: why so low in oware

MSmits: me?

derjack: who else is low :v

MSmits: current version has some rps problems vs marchete

MSmits: but i am not working on it

MSmits: marchete joined the 2nd tier NN's

MSmits: agade and re curse

MSmits: my bot can generally hold its own vs those quality NNs, but I cant win 100% vs lower ranked players like they mostly can

MSmits: hard to do that with 9 params overfitted to work against strong bots

MSmits: Allright, I got 24 hrs to finish my internship report

MSmits: or I run risk of not beating the deadline if I get vaccination side effevts

MSmits: effects

Default avatar.png mrq0340a: life is a mysterious thing

MSmits: smelty is supposed to say "interesting" or "hmm" now

MSmits: guess he's not here

Default avatar.png mrq0340a: interesting

MSmits: looks like you were right struct

Wontonimo: good luck MSmits

MSmits: thanks

struct: yeah, also gl

MSmits: have to write around 2k words

MSmits: and add literature and stuff

struct: rank 5, not bad :p

MSmits: it's nice

struct: time to resubmit

Wontonimo: 37.84, that's about 2.5 points lower. I'm not exactly sure what that translates to, but my guess is a 70/30 win/loss compared to your 100ms bot.

struct: my bot is terrible against robo


Mr_BlueBird: please upvote my contribution

Mr_BlueBird: please

Mr_BlueBird: :(

Mr_BlueBird: :(

struct: stop

Wontonimo: don't spam

struct: also you need to wait

eulerscheZahl: why is your contribution more important than the 75 others pending?

eulerscheZahl: only 76 pending, that's surprisingly low

eulerscheZahl: 75 if you subtract the eternal troll vs castle

darkhorse64: The ever farming multi

Default avatar.png OrisRas: im really new to coding, what is the easier way to start to learn?

JohnCM: try reading a book on the language

JohnCM: or you could try clash of code and see other ppl's answers and learn from there


Default avatar.png OrisRas: im playing clash now but others answers are vague if i dont know what they are typing

Mr_BlueBird: here you can learn algorithms

Default avatar.png OrisRas: thanks^^

Mr_BlueBird: wlcm

eulerscheZahl: "The ever farming multi" worth more than creating a contest

struct: 11% win rate vs robo

struct: this damn NNs

eulerscheZahl: UTTT?

struct: Connect 4

Mr_BlueBird: it's hard

eulerscheZahl: i see, Oware

struct: oware is worse yeah

struct: but on connect 4 robo bot is very good vs me

Mr_BlueBird: I tried to win but lost :(

derjack: try to lose then

darkhorse64: I have got a good win rate against robo. RPS effect ...

struct: I tried to update my expansion

struct: but was getting memory errors

struct: Ill need to go back to it

Wontonimo: a well trained NN has some similarities to opening/closing book, in that the weights effectively are memorizing (hopefully generalizing) good moves. But it falls down where it hasn't memorized (or hasn't generalized well)

Marchete: are you vaccinated, MSmits?


Marchete: I'm seein that Wontonimo, my bot seems blind

Marchete: to some moves

struct: Next time is a ban BlueBird

**eulerscheZahl gets vaccinated tomorrow, hooray!

struct: grats

Wontonimo: yeah!

struct: ill have to wait a little bit longer

Marchete: Spain hasn't finished 40+ people yet...

BlaiseEbuth: You gonna be 5g-controlled by nano-bots! :scream:

Marchete: so I'm not vaccinated

struct: my age should take me like 3 months

struct: until I get called

eulerscheZahl: also struct: warn about ban, then kick. to make sure the user can still read the warning

struct: :)

darkhorse64: I am writing the bot to control you all

Marchete: I hope my 5G + magnetism shots improves my coding skills

**Marchete cross fingers

eulerscheZahl: we don't have prioritization in Germany anymore


Marchete: I'm half autistic so that's not a problem

Wontonimo: i got my 1st dose this last weekend

eulerscheZahl: "this last" is a confusing way to state it :D

BlaiseEbuth: I should probably reserve my dose before macron send it somewhere in the world...

Wontonimo: calk it up to my otherwise quirky Canadian ways

Mr_BlueBird: i am just 11, no dose for me :(

Wontonimo: *chalk*

reCurse: How is that confusing?

Mr_BlueBird: ??

Wontonimo: "This last"

eulerscheZahl: is it this weekend? last? "this last"

reCurse: Obviously previous

Mr_BlueBird: btw, am i the only person here of age 11?

reCurse: I don't see how would that make sense as the current

AntiSquid: why would you want the vax if you're that young Mr_BlueBird ? lol

Mr_BlueBird: :)

AntiSquid: kids are at lowest risk, you're better off not risking side effects

Mr_BlueBird: i am not worried

eulerscheZahl: there are a few users of similar age. not sure if any of them online here on chat right now

Mr_BlueBird: yeah!

reCurse: If you look into clashes you'll probably find more people your age

eulerscheZahl: :flame:

sprkrd: that sounded a bit backhanded :O

Mr_BlueBird: um, user 5ALID is 1 year older than me

Wontonimo: i thought skipping the lower age group was more about the development of the immune system and it not being as effective

Wontonimo: I approve your message reCurse lol

AntiSquid: there's a minimum age requirement, at least at my vax center but should be everywhere, something like 16 or you see a doctor first and you better have a guardian with you if you're a minor

Wontonimo: congrats struct on 2nd in C4

struct: thanks but I think I was a bit lucky on this submit

eulerscheZahl: yes you were

AntiSquid: what are you using struct?

eulerscheZahl: lucky that reCurse didn't try the game yet

struct: mcts solver

reCurse: Which game, c4?

struct: well i already cant beat msmits

reCurse: Meh

AntiSquid: oh alright

eulerscheZahl: 274 players already, wow

struct: euler you can make it top 10 with C# easily

eulerscheZahl: it will soon bypass dots and boxes as the most popular community game

kovi: lets push dice dual for pow...

eulerscheZahl: maybe i just don't want to, struct

eulerscheZahl: dual? Did i make a typo in the title?

sprkrd: you all really are upping its popularity, a lot of chat about c4 recently

AntiSquid: is anyone using bitboads for diel duels ?

kovi: i always make that typo lately

AntiSquid: dice *

eulerscheZahl: my #4 bot is pretty much the boss

Wontonimo: later, gotta go

struct: cya

reCurse: "Writing in golf style can help building up a bad coding habbit unacceptable in the majority job market. Don’t be too serious to win the game but lose the job."

reCurse: I laughed more than I should

struct: is that quote from CG?

reCurse: Random forum post

reCurse: I can just picture a random employee getting addicted to clashes like meth and losing job, wife, house, etc.

eulerscheZahl: reminds me of a question on CG discord: what's the difference between function X and YZ?


eulerscheZahl: Unihedron replies (without a joke I think): the first has 1 less letter

eulerscheZahl: question was not in golfing context


sprkrd: what i find most ridiculous about golfing is the creation of programming languages specifically targetting golfing

sprkrd: I'd mention one of those programming languages, but their name is as ridiculous as their intent

struct: lol

reCurse: Perl?

sprkrd: ha!

sprkrd: Yeah, Perls is kind of write it once, never read it again

sprkrd: I always try to take the chance to bash Perl, but you beat me to it this time

derjack: next time perl the bash

sprkrd: the puns

sprkrd: they never stop

sprkrd: :joy:

Default avatar.png bouchert: That reminds me. I once took a closer look at the "Advent of Code" leaderboards...

Default avatar.png bouchert: Particularly, the person who seems to regularly be at the top, "betaveros"

Default avatar.png bouchert: Clicking through to his Github page, I see he invented his own private code golf language, which he tweaks whenever he finds a solution that can't be expressed succinctly enough.

eulerscheZahl: my personal nightmare project on github:

IvesL: is the site lagging or just my problem, it seems running quite slow

Default avatar.png bouchert: I expect he's also so good at challenges partly because thinking in this language is now second nature to him, so it's literally just down to typing time, so code golf actually does get him the answers faster.

ANONYMOUS42: "if you squint, can look like extensions to the language itself." lmao

Default avatar.png bouchert: Oh dear. For people who feel C# isn't enough like Haskell

eulerscheZahl: someone at work decided to make heavy use of it

IvesL: and has clash of code been updated? i have a feel the score rises faster

Marchete: Functional? but why?

Wontonimo: because OO is dead, didn't you get the tiktok?

BlaiseEbuth: If you want to code in functional, use a real functional language... -_-

Marchete: this

reCurse: Yes because switching to a whole other language for wanting a few features makes sense

BlaiseEbuth: Oh. Yes. You're right. I forgot the universal law that force you to use a single language for a whole project...

reCurse: Not much difference if you give up the whole leverage from the code you already have

BlaiseEbuth: leverage?

reCurse: You know, you might have the entire structures laid out with the right data, objects, etc already done. Then there's a part of the problem where functional would be a good fit.

eulerscheZahl: emprise

Default avatar.png bouchert: C# has been pretty liberal about implementing the bits of functional programming it can, while not necessarily forcing you down a functional pathway if it's not the easiest way to work.

reCurse: Exactly.

Default avatar.png bouchert: Sure, it may not be as elegant or airtight as a pure functional language, but I like the flexibility.

reCurse: That's the reason it sees adoption.

eulerscheZahl: and well integrated into the rest. like working with lambdas on a list and then getting a list again with ToList()

eulerscheZahl: while that LanguageExt lib has its own collections and I still have no idea how to easily convert them back into something closer to the common libraries

BlaiseEbuth: Sure. But interfacing languages is also possible. Probably don't worth the effort for little pieces of code though...

reCurse: Take that from someone who spent years of professional work with language interop

reCurse: Don't.

BlaiseEbuth: Why?

reCurse: Neverending nightmare

BlaiseEbuth: Oh. Can you develop a little? Cause I heard the exact opposite from somebody else. So I'm curious ^^

reCurse: I'm trying to find an answer that won't start a 2 hours discussion but it's difficult

Curious: Every time someone is curious, I receive a message :))))

reCurse: The amount of friction it causes in a lot of ways is just not worth it. Maintenance, debugging, hiring, etc....

reCurse: To the point the shitty solution in the language you have is often ending up quicker and better than the perfect solution in the other language

Marchete: after reading you I agree

Marchete: the shitty solution is cost effective

Marchete: just reuse your staff

BlaiseEbuth: Hmm... I see. I can easily imagine. But the person who told me about that was so enthusiast... :)

reCurse: Well obviously I'm exaggerating for effect, not going to pretend there's never a case where it can work.

reCurse: But I'd wager I'm more often right than wrong on that one

eulerscheZahl: "just reuse your staff" as opposed to laying everyone off and starting a new round of hirings?

BlaiseEbuth: :p

reCurse: So for one I'm glad new paradigms are added even if they feel bolted on because of legacy design constraints.

reCurse: C# taught me functional can actually be useful in the real world

reCurse: And back when I did a lot of C# I'd use those features quite often

reCurse: Trying to find back an insightful article on the same subject going along the same lines. Gamedev company that started new tools in web and ended up back to qt because of that kind of friction.

reCurse: Mirrored my own experience strangely enough

BlaiseEbuth: I confess I only use functional for fun on CG and stuff... In what cases writing pieces of functional code in a non-functional project is pertinent ?

reCurse: Found it, not article but slides

reCurse: LINQ is a good example

1rre: I use functional near-exclusively unless I'm using C - there's not a lot that you can do in one domain that you can't do in the other, it just depends which you're useful

eulerscheZahl: 10 slides to read 2 sentences...

Florian_bg_love: big cock in my mouth

Florian_bg_love: i like dick

eulerscheZahl: who kicks first?

eulerscheZahl: i see

eulerscheZahl: ban, fine

darkhorse64: fresh meat for BlaiseEbuth ?

eulerscheZahl: no, the curse got it

reCurse: Not the most readable form but still, not sure the presentation is freely available

Fox_MPSI-LIV: Blaise can you come in the chat FR pls

Fox_MPSI-LIV: 1 sec

darkhorse64: yep fresh meat there too

Fox_MPSI-LIV: hey

KiwiTae: #fr

Marchete: an ad popup in developer tools :D

Marchete: lol

Marchete: slide 198

BlaiseEbuth: "js is a toy language" "node.js is a terrible ecosystem" I like this guys. :3

Charlzz.: hi

Charlzz.: nvm gtg

Default avatar.png popupro: Is it possible to test my sorting algorithm somewhere?



BlaiseEbuth: popupro : locally ?

Default avatar.png popupro: BlaiseEbuth : anywhere is fine

BlaiseEbuth: So what's the problem?

Default avatar.png popupro: well actually let me change what I said, I want to just upload the code online, change a few variables and let the website test if my code works just fine, it's my first attempt at a radix sort

Mr_BlueBird: i am telling how you can practice

BlaiseEbuth: If you coded it locally, why can't you just test it locally ?


Mr_BlueBird: click this link to practice

Mr_BlueBird: radix sort


eulerscheZahl: lots of sites where you can run your code online


eulerscheZahl: doesn't look like it used to anymore

MSmits: still works fine

eulerscheZahl: but needs login?

MSmits: I have to grade a bunch of websites made with html/css made on

Mr_BlueBird: online gdb dosen't needs login

MSmits: you need login i guess yeah

MSmits: well not to see other people's stuff if it's public

eulerscheZahl: i'm pretty sure i used without login in the past

MSmits: (which it usually is)

Mr_BlueBird: well, you need to login for saving

MSmits: well it creates a temporary repo if you dont login

eulerscheZahl: and for hosting I use heroku

MSmits: not sure if you can still do that

eulerscheZahl: once a month I get this: You have used 80% of your 550 free dyno hours for May 2021. The following steps can help you keep your app running smoothly.

eulerscheZahl: when my puzzle search gets more popular, it will be unreachable at the end of the month soon

MSmits: from people visiting?

MSmits: ah

MSmits: we'll just puzzle first half of the month

eulerscheZahl: by default your freely hosted website is offline. when someone wants to visit it, the server starts it and keeps it running until there are 30min without a request

MSmits: Oh I see

eulerscheZahl: you can keep it running for maybe 23 days straight each month. then it gets suspended and you have to pay

struct: msmits please dont resubmit

MSmits: ok not for a while then

struct: :p

MSmits: I had to turn off my meta mcts

MSmits: too hot here

eulerscheZahl: :D

eulerscheZahl: my room is hot as well :(

eulerscheZahl: i'm sweating

struct: its raining here :(

DomiKo: gz struct

MSmits: just running my endgame book for oware, it just uses 1 core and all my RAM

struct: thanks DomiKo

DomiKo: I wish it was raninig ;(

eulerscheZahl: it somewhat is. looking at the global leaderboard, i'm dropping :P

MSmits: when i turned off meta mcts, one temp sensor went from 74 C to 60 C

eulerscheZahl: I am the rain

DomiKo: euler 3rd :frowning:

struct: to many games euler

eulerscheZahl: my TODO list

eulerscheZahl: and search race

struct: if (struct) continue;

eulerscheZahl: i saw that reaction coming, sorry

DomiKo: so many games

struct: its fine lol

struct: I know you dont enjoy these type of games

MSmits: should be easy to do a standard minimax though euler and get some cp for some of these

DomiKo: copy paste MCTS and there you go

eulerscheZahl: but i'm fine with making them as I know they have fans. easier to get some players than for more complex games that take longer to create

struct: yeah, some people enjoy them

Default avatar.png ArmySG91: hello

eulerscheZahl: i know that I can get a decent rank in just 1 day. not brilliant but easy 100 CP each

struct: Also its not easy to make an original game

eulerscheZahl: i just don't feel like it

MSmits: me neither, so many games out there i havent started

PatrickMcGinnisII: This is when i get in trouble...

darkhorse64: try fireworks.

struct: after I finish connect 4 ill probably rest a bit

PatrickMcGinnisII: ^ eulerscheZahl

eulerscheZahl: I see a Sokoban video. and a "Try YouTube Kids" recommendation

MSmits: the algorithm is always right

**eulerscheZahl slaps MSmits around a bit with a large fishbot

MSmits: :grin:

struct: wow very nice PatrickMcGinnisII

struct: I dont think I can create solutions for those types of puzzles

PatrickMcGinnisII: what's the name of the puzzle with the robot and the forcefields and switches, i can't find it

PatrickMcGinnisII: ?

struct: bender 4

DomiKo: its opti

PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh yes, thankyou... I thought maybe i could put elements of the sokoban solution into bender4

TheBatMan_TM: hey guys can anyone help me with this?

Wontonimo: nice video PatrickMcGinnisII :thumbsup:

eulerscheZahl: both sokoban and Bender 4 can be solved with BFS

TheBatMan_TM: I am getting a CORS policy error, tried all the solutions online, but nothing seems to fi it

TheBatMan_TM: *fix not fi

eulerscheZahl: Bender was never meant to be hard to get 100% :(

TheBatMan_TM: can anyone help?

eulerscheZahl: and Sokoban was just because I was bored on a Sunday morning and didn't know what to do

PatrickMcGinnisII: well i get only 23%, timeouts and an infinite lopp 'cause my hash is broken

eulerscheZahl: where do you get that error TheBatMan_TM?

TheBatMan_TM: when i try to access my api (of my backend node.js server) using axios

TheBatMan_TM: eulerscheZahl Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Marchete: hmm I think I have a bug...

TheBatMan_TM: eulerscheZahl that was the error

eulerscheZahl: what's that 3000 and 5000?

Marchete: I have 27 positions and I think I'm saving from 0 to 27 score...

eulerscheZahl: this is probably the problem: different domains

eulerscheZahl: wait, even more difference

eulerscheZahl: us08 and us09

TheBatMan_TM: yeah, i tried { crossDomain: true } in the axios call but still doesn't work

TheBatMan_TM: use08 and us09?

eulerscheZahl: us, not use

TheBatMan_TM: ok what is that?

eulerscheZahl: different hosting regions. can't you just put it on the same domain?

TheBatMan_TM: creates the domains

TheBatMan_TM: when i run the servers, it opens it in those links

eulerscheZahl: ok, then let's just say I don't know, thus i'm out

TheBatMan_TM: alr

TheBatMan_TM: this might all work, if i code locally, but currently i can't lol

Wontonimo: did you make another improvement struct ? your bot is a much higher in trueskill now

struct: yes I changed 1 number

Mr_BlueBird: hola, hi!

struct: dont know if its an improvement or rps

Wontonimo: hey Mr_BlueBird, have you tried improving your Coders Strikes Back bot?

Mr_BlueBird: nah

Wontonimo: ok

Westicles: looks like the code golf recompute has started

Westicles: working its way through temperatures first

eulerscheZahl: my Scala and Swift solutions died

Westicles: ruby -e?


eulerscheZahl: just the regular language updates

Default avatar.png JS53: hi, i am new here

JakubBiskup: hello

Default avatar.png JS53: hi

Wontonimo: hey new people, try some of the bot competitions

Mr_BlueBird: Welcome, JS53

struct: join connect 4 I need the points

struct: :)

Default avatar.png HAPEEE: Hi im also new here

Wontonimo: yes, join

Mr_BlueBird: Welcome, HAPEEE

Mr_BlueBird: joined?

Mr_BlueBird: joined!

Mr_BlueBird: now next?

Westicles: Anyone know the JS 26 character encode besides dbd r and pardoin? Seems a little mysterious

Mr_BlueBird: how can i won c4?

Mr_BlueBird: c4 = connect 4

struct: connect 4

Mr_BlueBird: yea!

Westicles: seems to be something different than eval(unescape(escape...

Default avatar.png theypaidno: halo

imathwee: level 7

BlaiseEbuth: :o Almost the same level than euler! If you multiply yours by 7.8...

KiwiTae: makes us feel old

Westicles: something like eval(new Buffer("潦⡲㵩","ucs2"))

KiwiTae: u tried "潦⡲㵩".getBytes("UTF-16")?

Westicles: TypeError: "潦⡲㵩".getBytes is not a function

Smelty: lmao

KiwiTae: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Default avatar.png TeachMeSenpai: (>^.^)>

jacek: ._.

King_Coda: what the heeeeelllllllllll u say? :fearful:

Default avatar.png Brejchys: how long does it take to create a working game?

struct: with cg sdk?

AntiSquid: depends on the game regardless

Wontonimo: it takes 11, sometimes 8, to make a working game

Nerchio: yes

Coco_EC: 11 what ? bananas ?

peannut: uwu

linjoehan: 11 years!

Default avatar.png iskaa02: bananas

struct: that long?

linjoehan: if your lucky.

linjoehan: first you have to learn how to walk then talk then code.

Default avatar.png iskaa02: :stuck_out_tongue:

jacek: waka waka

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: :cherries:

opitt: :zzz:

PatrickMcGinnisII: jacek does that make me the cookie monster?

TobiasA: what does waka waka mean in your language?

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: its the pacman sound

TobiasA: oh


TobiasA: i was interpreting it in another way

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer: sometime its something shakira sings

jacek: huh

Default avatar.png General_Imaginaer:

jacek: :v

PatrickMcGinnisII: Sesame Street ... Fozzie's his shtik

TobiasA: in my country it is a slang said to someone who always moving about

TobiasA: :grin:

jacek: linjoehan hows your tetris GA? improved overnight?

struct: darkhorse passed me again :(

darkhorse64: run is far from over

struct: 10 games as p1

struct: :p

jacek: shouldnt matter. 1 or 7 are balanced eh

struct: it matters

Marchete: connect 4?

struct: yes

struct: on meta it might show 53%

struct: but with mcts it might be hard to get close to that number

struct: he wins vs p2 against me, I win as p2 against him

darkhorse64: I have the gut feeling that the initiative is important

Smelty: :( i can't even make a minimax connect 4

jacek: so, always steal balanced moves?

struct: yes

darkhorse64: yes

struct: if you steal all balanced

struct: you will probably win more

darkhorse64: :innocent:

struct: lets see if I can track the bug

struct: I have a bit of time

PatrickMcGinnisII: connect 12

darkhorse64: wow !

struct: lol

jacek: good testcase for wincheck code

MSmits: 1 or 7 is fairly balanced, but currently it seems p2 has some uncounterable branches, so it may end up being a win for p2

MSmits: but I thought this before. Could be some narrow branches that make it a draw anyways, or a win for p1 who knows. But for know looks better for p2

MSmits: for now


MSmits: this is what best play gives in my meta mcts. See how p1's best reply only has 40% WR

MSmits: doesnt get better with depth, p2 beats all branches here for now

struct: yeah

struct: this is what i meant by saying it was hard to get close to 53%

MSmits: 15 million of my 45 million games are in a branch that's never visited anymore

MSmits: this branch had a lot of value for p1

MSmits: so my 53% average is a bad estimate

MSmits: p2 took a different path that is much better

MSmits: when it found this, my bot started doing a lot better

MSmits: it's p2 reply move 3

MSmits: was doing 4 before

MSmits: anyways, you can just run games vs me as p2 and you'll see it do this move


MSmits: you can see how much better move 3 is compared to 4 and how much time my meta mcts wasted in it

struct: oh my

struct: its so bugged

struct: my new expansion :D

struct: Its trying to make opponent win

MSmits: lol

MSmits: expansion and random playout are where the creativity happens in mcts

MSmits: until it's EPT then it's expansion and eval

MSmits: unless

struct: oh my

struct: I think I have one more bug on the current submission

struct: or arena versioin

YurkovAS: is it possible to _mm512_reduce_and_epi64 but for m256i?

struct: no

struct: I do this

struct: result_mask = _mm256_or_si256(result_mask, _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(result_mask, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 3))); result_mask = _mm256_or_si256(result_mask, _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(result_mask, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1)));

return *(uint64_t*)(&result_mask);

struct: for or

YurkovAS: thanks!

struct: what are you trying to do YurkovAS?

YurkovAS: avx for c4

struct: and all elements in __m256i?

struct: but which operation are you trying to do

YurkovAS: i'm need "and" for 4 int64

YurkovAS: (board & (board << 9) & (board << 18) & (board << 27)

struct: but and 4 ints with another 4 ints?

struct: _mm256_and_si256(board, _mm256_sllv_epi64(board, first_Shift));

YurkovAS: _mm256_sllv_epi64 - shift left and you need "and" this value (4 x int64)

struct: yeah

struct: you and the current value with the shifted value

YurkovAS: struct thanks! now i'm understand

struct: np

struct: to test if any bit is set

struct: out of all 4 ints

struct: after all shifts are done

struct: you can also do this

struct: return !_mm256_testz_si256(temp, temp);

YurkovAS: :thumbsup:

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: hey everyone

Wontonimo: hello and سلام

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: و سلام مجدد

Wontonimo: sorry, i don't speak Farsi but my wife does.

Wontonimo: and, we have to keep it English here

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: it's very nice to meet u anyway xD

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: Oh I just joined the community I didn't know

Wontonimo: yeah, my bad for starting it :D

Wontonimo: hey, Welcome !

Wontonimo: what brought you here?

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: Thanks!

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: I like games a lot and codes even more

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: Combination of them? IT'S AWESOME

Wontonimo: there is lots here, there is clash of code (which you've probably already seen), and puzzles (called practice), and compete (bot battles, my favorite!)

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: I've been coding for less than a month, I think I have a long road in front of me.

ZarthaxX: and frustration

ZarthaxX: lots of that

struct: no frustrations

struct: unless you play connect 4

ZarthaxX: :P

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: xD

Wontonimo: do you know about for loops and while loops ?

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: yeah I've learned basics

Wontonimo: okay, how about data structures like lists, and hash maps (also called associative arrays)

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: not completely

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: I only know what they are, just the surface.

Wontonimo: This site may be advanced for your abilities. Feel free to stick around.

Wontonimo: do anyone have any suggestions of other sites? struct ZarthaxX ?

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: I'm not going to let my lack of ability let me down. :grin:

struct: not really, i mainly use this one

struct: Its been a long time since i had to use a begginer website

Wontonimo: i just thought one of you would remember from previous conversations, not that you've used one

Wontonimo: maybe , maybe

Wontonimo: but don't pay anyone! There are 100's of free sites with good resources

Default avatar.png ItIsSoLo: what abilities do I need for competing here?

Default avatar.png DehyDev: i a mroblox developer

Wontonimo: sorry for the long delay. you need to be patient with yourself

Wontonimo: and keep at it a little every day for a very long time

Default avatar.png joooy: b

I8achopstick: h

Wontonimo: i

KamadoTanjiro: hi

Westicles: Ha, 15 of my temperature golfs went from 100% to 0%

DaNinja: how come? system calls changed?