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MSmits: morning

Marchete: o/

alen23: laptop or pc

MSmits: dunno what o/ is, but hi there Marchete :)

Marchete: a guy waving

MSmits: :wave:

MSmits: mmh I had all easy puzzles solved 1,5 yrs ago

MSmits: now I have 55% =/

Marchete: I haven't looked puzzles since they mixed official with community ones

MSmits: oh then you're below 20% :P

MSmits: some puzzles are crap, but as long as there's the occasional gem, it's a nice timewaster on the train :)

Marchete: see this madness


Marchete: GA for hyperparameters for NN train

MSmits: yeah, i just got to that conclusion :)

MSmits: reading 1,5 page

MSmits: why is this madness?

MSmits: I knew they used GA for this

MSmits: should be right up your alley if you get to it

MSmits: but you should get something working with a poor choice of hyperparameters first

MSmits: can always optimize later

Marchete: train a trainer to train a bot

MSmits: oh yeah, the idea is weird

Marchete: you are too geek to see it as a complete insanity

MSmits: similar to meta meta mcts :P

Marchete: yeah

kovi: yeah, i was wondering why ga...why not an nn

Marchete: I was just thinking about meta MCTS

Marchete: your*

Marchete: lol kovi

MSmits: oh I think about it all the time, but why would you Marchete?

Marchete: a NN to get a better NN

MSmits: it's a little different though, meta mcts is just a tree with a subtree, that's not the same as hyperparameters. It's an extra layer, but different concept

Marchete: also these meta GA/MCTS needs some tuning...

kovi: back to reality - my impression is that we are not there yet. it is partly science, partly art

Marchete: hey that's a room for another meta!

MSmits: in nature, brains are evolved to fit the task. Small animals have smaller brains

Marchete: I wouldn't call NN "art"

MSmits: so GA is not a bad idea here

kovi: hyperparameter optimization

MSmits: evolution of the species is just hyperparamter optimization


kovi: :thumbsup:

Marchete: that's my point of view

MSmits: I am using this one

MSmits: for my talk

MSmits: doing a talk at my school about my research project for teaching AI to students

Marchete: it's funny because it's true

MSmits: yeah

Marchete: all these formal papers? stir the pile clockwise or ccw

Marchete: with tons of algebra and formulas

MSmits: it's funny that NN's are basically inspried by the brain and we understand them as well as we do the brain, which is to say quite poorly :)

MSmits: it's probably fundamental to the thing

MSmits: wasn't there research about sparsely connected NN's ?

MSmits: And NN's growing new connections?

MSmits: I think these were far more efficient, but probably even harder to get to work

Marchete: cut a brain in very thin slices

Marchete: replicate neurons and connections on a computer

Marchete: success

MSmits: lol

Marchete: I'm not joking

Marchete: I remember some scientists did with a worm

Marchete: and worked

jacek: oO

MSmits: wow really

Marchete: it was years ago

Marchete: I can't recall where I read it

Default avatar.png Best-Coder12: I was using before. My level isn't bad. but I don't fully understand here. Where can I learn coding in writing?

Marchete: maybe not a worm, but a small bug

MSmits: that puts a whole new spin on the fact that your computer can be infected with a worm

MSmits: Best-Coder12 you need to go do a python course

MSmits: probably

MSmits: this site is for players that know the basics in one language

MSmits: (or more)


MSmits: open worm project lol...

Default avatar.png Best-Coder12: Do you know a site for beginners?

MSmits: someone will know, my suggestion would be subpar I think

MSmits: at my school we have our own teaching environment which is not open to the public

jacek: also, using NN to design NN isn't new

jacek: but using it more efficiently is

MSmits: maybe this?


MSmits: this worm thing, they can copy it and make it work and they still dont know why it does :)

Chromicquanta: Hello, World!

MSmits: “And as they become more and more complex you start to have ethical questions, such as should you really turn off the computer.”

MSmits: hi Chromicquanta

MSmits: I know the answer to this

MSmits: you don't. Keep running the meta mcts. Moooaar visits!

jacek: w00t

MSmits: lol

MSmits: well steal is confusing :)

MSmits: very necessary in this game though

jacek: we don't understand neural network fully either, and they are still far from 'real' neurons. they are just matrixes and matrix operations. in other words, humans don't understand math

Default avatar.png Best-Coder12: Actually, I'm in 6th grade. teacher stopped teaching because he got angry with other students

MSmits: sounds like a pro

jacek: do you want to learn python or other language?

MSmits: python is the common place to start these days, if you have no idea, start there, otherwise anything works

MSmits: well... dont start in c++ or other old languages

Default avatar.png Best-Coder12: ı want learn phyton

MSmits: my train is arriving. ttyl. Look at Best-Coder12 or google for better places. There's no problem with doing multiple courses

Default avatar.png Best-Coder12: thanks MSmits

MSmits: np

Default avatar.png NickHoe99: :grimacing:

Default avatar.png NickHoe99: bash is the top

Default avatar.png NickHoe99: love alaBASH

derjack: oO

sprkrd: top cause of death, that is

KiwiTae: MSmits you take the train everyday? hehe

Default avatar.png cmmcmc: hi how can i learn to code

sprkrd: following tutorials and solving exercises

sprkrd: other than that:

Default avatar.png Xzoky174: never knew there was a website like that lol

Default avatar.png cmmcmc: which kind of tutorials

KalamariKing: Lot of new folk here today, eh?

KalamariKing: cmmcmc just google whatever you wanna learn. Neural networks? Google it, TensorFlow will probably show up. Basic programming? Google it, plenty will show up; w3schools, codecademy, or hell if you wanna learn python

Nerchio: or you can google youtube and watch stupid videos for a couple of hours, days or months

Nerchio: whatever floats your boat

Default avatar.png Xzoky174: I personally don't prefer videos, but it's your opinion

codin_compuder: hi

codin_compuder: hi

codin_compuder: hi

codin_compuder: hi

codin_compuder: hi

codin_compuder: hi

sprkrd: codin_compuder cease this instant

sprkrd: no spamming


codin_compuder: thats what i see

codin_compuder: also how do you get colerd text

sprkrd: you get ping'ed when someone writes your full nickname

sprkrd: like this codin_compuder

sprkrd: that makes the text red, also

Default avatar.png Xzoky174: Xzoky174

codin_compuder: sprkrd

codin_compuder: sprkrd

codin_compuder: ???

sprkrd: yeah, it works

codin_compuder: im saying sprkrd

sprkrd: only I see the red text

codin_compuder: it dosnt workkkkk

codin_compuder: oh

codin_compuder: codin_compuder

codin_compuder: v

codin_compuder: um

codin_compuder: nope

sprkrd: doesn't work for yourself

codin_compuder: ok

codin_compuder: can you send me a freind request?

Default avatar.png Ian_BG: Hello! :)

Default avatar.png Xzoky174: hi

sprkrd: no such thing, I believe. You can follow other people tho

codin_compuder: there is theres a big button on home that says freinds

codin_compuder: so there should be codin_compuder

codin_compuder: lol

codin_compuder: press play on this and everything is weird

**codin_compuder lol

**codin_compuder Xzoky174 hi

**codin_compuder slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

codin_compuder: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

**codin_compuder slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

**codin_compuder slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

codin_compuder: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

codin_compuder: slash plus slap =

**codin_compuder slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

codin_compuder: slash plus flip=

codin_compuder: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Default avatar.png Neilislive: how to learn coding i know nothing about coding

codin_compuder: do the tutoril bruh

codin_compuder: and if you now nothing start with scratch

codin_compuder: search it up

AntiSquid: ease up the spam or kick/ban

jrke: damn dbdr 1st

StevensGino: on which game jrke?

jrke: on CG

jrke: not on any multi

jrke: overall rank


StevensGino: ah, ok

StevensGino: a very long way before I become a grand master

codin_computer: ep

**codin_computer yeah

**codin_computer /+ flip =

codin_computer: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Nerchio: B

**codin_computer / + me =

codin_computer: /me

Nerchio: A

**codin_computer /+ slap =

**codin_computer slaps around a bit with a large fishbot

Nerchio: N

codin_computer: Nerchio

codin_computer: Nerchio i will b a n you

codin_computer: cause you said that to me

Nerchio: :fearful:

codin_computer: lol just kidding

**codin_computer or am i

codin_computer: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

codin_computer: :laughing:

MSmits: AntiSquid

jrke: he needs squid-theray

MSmits: therapy?

MSmits: squid rays?

struct: hi

MSmits: hi struct

struct: had so many bugs on mcts

struct: took me a while to code it this time

MSmits: what did?

MSmits: uttt?

struct: It will be used in uttt yes

MSmits: ah ok

struct: But I just did it for ttt

struct: its easier to debug

struct: I can just reuse it anyways

MSmits: definitely

struct: Now I need to try and add solver

MSmits: yeah, it's not super difficult

struct: Before I was doing rollout

struct: and always returning 1

struct: if a player won

MSmits: sure

struct: not a good idea :D

struct: I need to return 1 or -1

MSmits: ah yes

struct: based on the player

MSmits: btw, it's easier to backpropagate from first to last move

MSmits: which is actually forward propagate i guess

struct: easier?

MSmits: yeah, because the starting sign is then the same

MSmits: every time

MSmits: you need to flip signs when backpropagating and depending on who was last to move its a +1 or -1

MSmits: if you start at the beginning the sign is always the same

struct: ah I see

MSmits: i keep my selected nodes in an array

MSmits: and just start from the first

struct: yeah I do that too

Marchete: damn python, is slow af

struct: I also had a bug where I used Node& node = nodes[N]

struct: instead of Node* node = &nodes[N]

MSmits: depends on what you do with it Marchete, but generally yes :P

Marchete: pretty much everything

struct: then if i did node = other node at the first example

Marchete: like reading and processing files

struct: it would chance the node values

Marchete: I'm trying to average samples, but is so slow

MSmits: both of those can change node values

MSmits: depending on how you use the reference or pointer

MSmits: why average Marchete?

MSmits: also is this with numpy or without?

Marchete: input -> sum(policy)/N sum(value)/N

Marchete: it just dies

Marchete: like 5 min per file

MSmits: this is without numpy?

MSmits: also how many items

Marchete: as I'm using a dict, yes

MSmits: eh dict is always gonna be slow

MSmits: even in other languages

Marchete: probably I'll need to get some numpy magic

MSmits: it's hash based

Marchete: yeah, I'm sure that C++ also will take 5 min per 40MB file

MSmits: c++ will also be very slow, probably not 5 min

MSmits: dictionary lookups are horrible

Marchete: unordered_map?

MSmits: it's equivalent to unordered map.

MSmits: yues

MSmits: I replaced my unordered map by an index function that used 12 array lookups and many operations and it was still faster

Marchete: I don't know how to average in numpy

MSmits: (in my endgame book generator)

Marchete: like input , average_policy, average_value


Wontonimo: np.mean isn't it for averaging?

Marchete: I have no idea

MSmits: should not be hard, try the functions they provide with some unit tests

MSmits: i am no numpy guru, but i wouldnt worry about something as basic as sum or average :)


MSmits: I think when they made jacek moderator, they accidentally told him the job description was to always provide the correct meme to go with conversations

derjack: when did they made jacek moderator

MSmits: didnt they?

Wontonimo: i like that joke

MSmits: it's good

Wontonimo: "it's easier to backpropagate from first to last move" - this would have saved me quite a lot of debugging but would also require me to create a new forward pass datastructure

MSmits: why

Wontonimo: i have to admit that i've made the error of passing the wrong data

Wontonimo: with the wrong sign, like you said

MSmits: why use any data structure besides an array of node pointers?

Wontonimo: that's it. not more than that

MSmits: ah ok, saves you from having parent references in the node and all that

MSmits: pointers are huge

Wontonimo: right. that's a good idea

MSmits: i can fit an entire oware or onitama game state in 1 pointer :P

Wontonimo: +100

MSmits: well with oware it also needs the score separately, but the point stands :)

Wontonimo: and i can still reverse the list, as the "mcts-solver" is trivial when going in reverse

Wontonimo: well, not "trivial" but certainly easier

MSmits: why include the solver in the discussion? My solver doesnt use this list

MSmits: should it? I never thought about that

MSmits: wait no

MSmits: it does use the list

MSmits: in reverse even

MSmits: i was confused for a sec

Wontonimo: oh good, i thought i was missing something important about the solver

MSmits: no, you use the same list, if it's a won node, parent is lost, if it's lost or draw, you check all siblings

MSmits: if one of them is unfinished, you break out, otherwise you take the best result and negate for parent

MSmits: it's reverse minimax

MSmits: more or less

Wontonimo: i have a backprop function for non-solver, and a backpropInfinity which does what it sounds like until it finds the case you are talking about then just calls backprop to finish the job

MSmits: i dont like the infinity thing. Thats how they do it in the solver paper

derjack: reverse minimax? like maximin?

MSmits: but you need a separate thing for draws

MSmits: and if you use a separate thing, you may as well just have a flag for everything

Wontonimo: hmm, maybe I'm missing that. I should take another look

MSmits: i use -1, 0, 1, 2 for loss, draw, win, unfinished

MSmits: jacek uses a flag for unfinished

MSmits: and sets value to 0 for draws i think]

Wontonimo: backpropInfinity is only called if tree expansion is at a terminal board configuration, otherwise just backprop

MSmits: yeah thats how the paper does it

MSmits: did you use that pseudo code?

Wontonimo: unfinished?

MSmits: unfinished game

MSmits: not solved

MSmits: or finished = solved

MSmits: poor choice of words prolly

derjack: my node has bool if its solved ~

MSmits: yeah thats what i meant

MSmits: and it has +inf and -inf and 0 for value right?

Wontonimo: gotcha. no, i didn't use the pseudo code of the paper. read it, thought about it, left it for a day, drew it out from memory so that I understood it, coded it my own way

MSmits: it's equivalent to what i do, just the normal uct with an extra flag needed for solving

derjack: yes, but for jacekmax its +inf-rounds and -inf+rounds

MSmits: to win sooner

Wontonimo: that's my usual MO

MSmits: and lose later

derjack: MO?

Default avatar.png Srijandev: oh

MSmits: Wontonimo i tried to use the paper, it made my head hurt even though i sort of got it. Then coded it completely differently

Wontonimo: method of operation : read paper, sleep on it, try to implement it from memory on another day to test understanding

MSmits: wasnt it recursive also?

MSmits: I just while looped it

MSmits: i try not to use recursion when a simple while loop suffices

Wontonimo: the only loop i have that is extra from just backprop is to look at the children

MSmits: yeah same

MSmits: i meant the pseudo code

Wontonimo: no recursion! that's crazytown

MSmits: i think its recursive

MSmits: anyways, train arriving, ttyl :)

Wontonimo: i made a point to not look at the pseudo code in that paper

Wontonimo: ttyl

MSmits: btw when i say train arriving, i mean i am in it and getting off of it

Wontonimo: derjack , just realized I wasn't clear : MO = method of operation

Uljahn: modus operandi

Wontonimo: and i don't actually use infinity. It's 1e10 or something like that.

Wontonimo: oh, getting all latin and fancy. yes, indeed you are correct Uljahn

derjack: oh my

Wontonimo: oh my?

Uljahn: o.m.

Default avatar.png SAomeCoder: hi

derjack: ohai

Default avatar.png den_lakeev: guys, can i train model with Regression without transoforming object columns to float ones?

Wontonimo: yes

viwlife: Hi

Default avatar.png yassir58: hi

MSmits: what a question den_lakeev

AllYourTrees: for UTTT, is there a good way to choose a square when you have access to the whole board?

AllYourTrees: good way as in simple rule based

struct: make the move that forces the opponent to play on that board

AllYourTrees: interesting, ty

reCurse: Not sure anyone knows why, but if you leave vanilla MCTS forever on those positions it tends to favor that move

AllYourTrees: reCurse how much time did you spend tuning hyperparameters on your NN + MCTS implementation?

reCurse: shrug

MSmits: wait AllYourTrees, did you mean access to all empty squares of the full 81 board?

AllYourTrees: MSmits i just meant when you get a free play

AllYourTrees: so i guess that includes first move?

MSmits: yes they misunderstood you

MSmits: a free move is just normal mcts, with a lot of options

MSmits: often it's a good idea to win a miniboard with the free move

MSmits: but not always

AllYourTrees: yeah i'm trying to figure out how to make the number of actions max 9 instead of 81, but i can't think of how to get free play to only have 9 choices

reCurse: At this point I'm just glad I'm reading chess stuff so my chance of relapse is minimal

MSmits: AllYourTrees can you explain why it's important to you to have max 9 options?

reCurse: MCTS node allocation optimization I would bet

MSmits: is this because you are storing moves in a fixed size array on your node?

MSmits: yes

MSmits: thats my assumption

reCurse: You can always select board first then move

reCurse: Both fit in 9

reCurse: Not that I recommend the approach

reCurse: Just an idea

MSmits: yeah, that works... i agree there are better ways

AllYourTrees: yeah and also i've been trying to do some NN stuff and i think having a policy with only 9 outputs that get used always is better than 81 outputs that only 1/9th of them get used every turn

MSmits: hmm

reCurse: My intuition would tend to disagree with that

reCurse: Useless comment sorry

reCurse: I wouldn't know how to explain it

AllYourTrees: haha no worries

reCurse: And I get sick of my own rambling trying to

AllYourTrees: maybe because the way the 9 smaller ones are layed out matters?

AllYourTrees: like doing center square in center vs top left will probably be different?

MSmits: yeah will be different

reCurse: It will have to differentiate the context anyway

reCurse: So neuralpower will be lost

MSmits: but this question is really hard to answer without knowing your input structure and the rest of your network

MSmits: i think

AllYourTrees: fair

MSmits: a similar question is whether to use one-hot for input, or multiple possible values per input

darkhorse64: Actually, it's because one hot encoding leads to faster inference engine. It looks also more suitable for training

AllYourTrees: so far i have one hot with a couple of planes

MSmits: planes?

AllYourTrees: 1 plane = 9x9

AllYourTrees: so input is 5x9x9

MSmits: I see

MSmits: did you make a nn for CG before AllYourTrees?

AllYourTrees: nope this is all local still

reCurse: One-hot is better if there is discontinuity in your value

MSmits: because from what i hear uttt is not the easiest place to start if you want to reach a high rank

AllYourTrees: well i work with NNs at work

AllYourTrees: yeah maybe i should switch to the connect 4... it seems like it is struggling on UTTT so far

MSmits: reCurse like oware? It may not seem to have a discontinuity, but it has special values like having 0, 1 or 2 seeds, or being able to go round with 12+

MSmits: robo and jacek both use one hot

reCurse: I suspect there might be a discontinuity provoked by the number of affected squares

MSmits: right

kovi: discontinuity comes from constant cg forum interrupts

doritosxxx: Hello. Is it possible to copy permalink to my clash of code leaderboard position?

reCurse: Forums are alive?

kovi: my mistake, chat

MSmits: oh yeah, it interrupts a lot

reCurse: Ah, yes true

MSmits: hey, I'll be around 60-70% CS teacher next year, from only 4 hrs a week this year

struct: Dont think so doritosxxx

reCurse: Random thought MSmits

reCurse: I often get annoyed at the same basic questions repeatedly asked in chat

MSmits: yup

reCurse: But as a teacher are you immune to that? Is that a requirement for the job?

MSmits: hmm

doritosxxx: that's a pity :(

doritosxxx: thank you

MSmits: if my mood is bad and I am annoyed with the particular students in that class, it might be annoying yes. If they're a good class and ask in good faith it's fine

MSmits: patience is a requirement anyways

AllYourTrees: how long have you been a teacher for MSmits?

MSmits: the misconception about teaching is that it's the same every year, but much is different. I prefer if it was more the same actually

struct: just make those students play botg

MSmits: AllYourTrees 15 years

reCurse: Isn't the material mostly the same, and the beginners questions too? How is it different?

AllYourTrees: wow nice! did you always know you wanted to be a teacher? how did you end up teaching?

reCurse: I guess I do have that misconception, just wondering why

MSmits: if I always teach 5th year physics of one particular level then yes

MSmits: and even then the curriculum does change

MSmits: but I get different age ranges

MSmits: and thats physics

MSmits: CS changes way more rapidly

reCurse: Ok so you mix it up on purpose. I remember teachers mostly always giving the same kind of classes for years.

reCurse: Well some of them anyway

MSmits: well that's actually nice sometims, because it saves a lot of time

MSmits: i can use the powerpoint from last year

MSmits: oh and another thing. If you only explain something once or twice a year, it takes a loooong time before it gets repetitive

MSmits: because a year is a long cycle

reCurse: brb

MSmits: there's also always new colleagues, new ideas for how to teach. Project-based education. The school is always changing

MSmits: Older colleagues have trouble keeping up. They dont have trouble getting bored.

Default avatar.png ge_pet: hello!

MSmits: hi ge_pet

MSmits: for me personally. I enjoy teaching most when I get to explain very complicated stuff. I don't enjoy teaching the basics as much.

kovi: interesting msmits, thx for sharing

MSmits: np, teaching is very different experience depending on the subject you teach also

MSmits: CS and physics are different, but teaching French is even more different

jacek: seems chat history has been hacked

struct: o.o

jacek: the wiki(?)

KalamariKing: jacek wdym hacked


KalamariKing: what is that supposed to be

KalamariKing: codingame wiki?

jacek: eeyup

jacek: and link to chat history

reCurse: Where everything you said here is graciously kept forever to be used against you in a future court of law

KalamariKing: wait fr? including dms?

KalamariKing: you can't leave me hanging here

reCurse: Part of me wants to say "including DMs" to watch the reaction

KalamariKing: So that's a no, ok I needed the chat history, someone was being... rude... and I needed proof for a mod

KalamariKing: Shame

jacek: im never rude, i just say what it is

KalamariKing: No, no, it wasn't you

KalamariKing: Someone in dms

jacek: phew

KalamariKing: Wow this page is slow

KalamariKing: Makes exploring hard :/

KalamariKing: How long has this page been nonsense

jacek: since they switched to php :v

KalamariKing: Do they know how the php is getting poisoned

KalamariKing: conflicting intermediate edits?

Default avatar.png Jelafo: Hi everyone, can anyone tell me whether there are draws in UTTT (i.e. is this considered a draw: ?

Default avatar.png Jelafo: The game statement does not seem to cover that case

KalamariKing: first off uttt looks amazing

KalamariKing: second off lemme read the rules

struct: yes this is a draw

struct: you have the same number of miniboards as the opponent

cw477: woohoo im getting them interviews linedup

cw477: feelsgoodman

KalamariKing: Why would it be beneficial to play a different tile when a win is available

struct: a miniboard win?

KalamariKing: Yeah

struct: or a complete win?

KalamariKing: A miniboard win

struct: because it can help opponent

Default avatar.png Jelafo: Okay thanks, i would have expected it to be a draw as well. If i look at the game in "last games" it shows as a win for the first plaer though... At least it looks like ti to me.

struct: its a win if you have more miniboards won

KalamariKing: Jelafo check if both players are 1st, even though only one is 'highlighted'

Default avatar.png Jelafo: Ah, you are right,! Great, thanks!

Default avatar.png Jelafo: I did only look at the highlighting

MSmits: KalamariKing often when you win a board, it's gives the opponent an advantage. MCTS bots do smart stuff. If your bot can win with a certain square, the opponent will tend to make the board that this sends him to, is a good board for him to play on

MSmits: so often you're trading wins

MSmits: or postponing winning a board, because the alternative is better

MSmits: however, it does seem to help a bit if you favor winning mini-boards in the random rollout

MSmits: but the gain is marginal

Butanium: having hard time debugging my power 4 MCTS

Butanium: it's soooo frustrating

MSmits: power 4?

Butanium: *connect 4

MSmits: o

MSmits: mcts is hard to debug

MSmits: i think it's mostly hard because you code a lot at once and then hope it works. Not much room for unit testing

Butanium: yup

Butanium: at least I know which parts break

Butanium: but not why

MSmits: which language?


Butanium: ocaml

Butanium: at least I have this debug things

MSmits: ahh ok

Butanium: And at turn it tries to replace

Butanium: ;-;

MSmits: i have no idea what ocaml is

Butanium: *turn 2

Butanium: functionnal language which also has an imperative part

MSmits: oh, sounds cool

Butanium: yup !

darkhorse64: sloow too

MSmits: well yeah, it's gonna be slow

Butanium: is 63 000 playouts bad?

MSmits: if you want to be fast, I guess c, c++ and rust are your only options?

MSmits: in how much time Butanium?

Butanium: 90 ms

MSmits: what is a playout exactly?

MSmits: how do you define it

Butanium: random simulation until endgame

Butanium: when I create a new node

MSmits: hmm, how many simulations do you do after you expand once

MSmits: just 1?

Butanium: only one

Butanium: yes

MSmits: then that's actually quite good

Butanium: nice !

MSmits: surprises me

darkhorse64: ^

Butanium: Now I just have to make it works after turn 1

Butanium: x)

MSmits: I think most players with c++ dont get much higher than that

MSmits: the top players do get 2x that

Butanium: I don't store any arrays for state

Butanium: just action

MSmits: yeah thats fine

Butanium: and I undo them will retropropagation

Butanium: *while

MSmits: oh, you can do that, but if you go 10 deep, a simple copy from the root state is faster

MSmits: faster than 10 undo's

MSmits: I memcpy it

Butanium: I see

MSmits: in minimax you go 1 step back

Butanium: I may try to change that because my error comes from my undo function x)

MSmits: in mcts, you go all the way back to root

jacek: suddenly this puzzle of the week becomes popular

geppoz: uhm, in connect4 a state can be in 128bits, 2 longs, copying should be faster that any aritm/logic operation

PatrickMcGinnisII: oh its connect4

MSmits: ohh wait... I think i got confused Butanium, i said 67000 is not bad, but thats for uttt

MSmits: it's a bit worse for connect4 i think

PatrickMcGinnisII: i been working on clobber, similar setup

MSmits: but still not bad for an obscure (to me) fp/imp language

MSmits: clobber is cool, but it's hard to get a handle on with mcts. It seems the first few moves are very random

PatrickMcGinnisII: php can do depth1 90k nodes ... most can, add all the move finders,etc. and his nodecnt is gonna be 10% of that

MSmits: some comparisons between ocaml and c++. Dunno how much it is worth:

PatrickMcGinnisII: MSmits yes, i use depth 2 minmax until i get to last 4 tokens, then full sim to the endgame and its still too slow and I lose

MSmits: oh, you might be better off just using if else

jacek: clobber is kinda all or nothing

MSmits: yeah it's a bit like D&B

Butanium: I think rust compiler MSmits was initially wrote in ocaml

MSmits: ohh, rust is comparable to c++

aCat: this cat want to learn rust!

aCat: (I tell this myself after every contest)

aCat: but finally I started reading books ;p

MSmits: ocaml seems mostly faster than java

MSmits: wait no

MSmits: for some kinds of programs it is

MSmits: aCat well i guess since CG bench is no longer a thing, more rust doesnt hurt :)

aCat: what connection between rust nd benchmark you see?

jrke: i haven't tried bench till now

jrke: any link?


MSmits: aCat rust is different in IDE

MSmits: so it times out

reCurse: Not true since I forced their hand :P

MSmits: apparently

aCat: yeah

MSmits: what'd you do reCurse?

aCat: I was pretty sure it's release everywhere

jacek: banned rust? :heart:

reCurse: Abused debug mode to highlight the issue during FC20

aCat: ^^'

MSmits: oh

reCurse: Sometimes it's the only way to get things fixed

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: but you dont even use rust :P

reCurse: Yeah, you can use rust to send some information about debug state to your c++ bot

reCurse: Stuff like that

MSmits: oh, you went into fancy mode for this

reCurse: Then maybe you decide to only use 1ms to simulate debug mode

reCurse: All hypothetical

MSmits: good job

jrke: jeez finally pytorch got installed in my laptop after 2 days of hard work

jrke: :rolling_eyes:

aCat: everyone after nns now :(

geppoz: :D

Nerchio: not me

Nerchio: yet.

geppoz: at least we learning something ;)

aCat: hi ;]

jacek: oO

reCurse: Sorry? :P

aCat: :P

aCat: I will hve to myself one day

aCat: but I still not like them too much

aCat: I mean always prefer evo because I can code everything myself no need to use some huge fancy framerowks

aCat: with 1000 magic options

jacek: you can code NNs yourself ~

reCurse: I coded everything myself for NNs for over a year before that

Default avatar.png Akshat01: can anyone tell me how can we see previous question we have attempted in clash of code

Default avatar.png Akshat01: question only

reCurse: Then I just leverage framework when I felt comfortable enough with training concepts

aCat: good way recurse

aCat: long and hard ;p

MSmits: i tried recurses way for a week

MSmits: got something working, then moved to framework :P

MSmits: no patience for coding my own libraries for the complex stuff

reCurse: Maybe you just groked backpropagation much faster than I did

reCurse: Also not over a year of coding, clarifying :P

MSmits: well i assume you also coded convolution and such yourself

reCurse: Yes

jacek: and yet you were saying there were errors in my method :unamused:

MSmits: see thats all the stuff i skipped :)

reCurse: Thanks for reminding my failings

MSmits: jacek does this

Butanium: can I timeout due to out of memory?

MSmits: though, he hasnt reminded me over a week about that time i paid for a paper

jacek: like i do for paying for paper

jacek: ahh

MSmits: :P

jacek: Butanium yes

Butanium: First player (Butanium): Timeout!

jacek: timeout could be crash

Butanium: will I have something else than that if that's the case?

jacek: MSmits dont worry, you were young, inexperienced

MSmits: true

MSmits: and they needed the money?

MSmits: Butanium just try to measure time at various places in your bot, maybe you're measuring wrong or something

Butanium: No I think it's memory

MSmits: how much are you using

MSmits: you get around 8--

MSmits: 800

Butanium: By setting the time limit at 1 ms I do 11 turns

Butanium: otherwise 2

MSmits: i am not sure how the number of turns depends on the time you said

Butanium: I'm creating less node

MSmits: oh you mean you crash after 11

Butanium: so less memory

Butanium: yes

MSmits: ahhh

Butanium: I tried to keep the tree between turns

MSmits: so, do you use object pools?

Butanium: in ocaml that's a recursive type

PatrickMcGinnisII: connect 4 data that's interesting

MSmits: no, i meant object pools as in giant arrays of reusable nodes

Butanium: no

MSmits: it usually makes the bot faster if you do

MSmits: so that you dont get the garbage collector doing a lot of work for you

Default avatar.png Anonyman: hi, i'm having an issue defining a class in here (i'm coding in python), the program outputs "invalid syntax at not in a function on line 10" (10 is the line number of the __init__ of my class)


MSmits: I have a 25 million sized node array or something and when i need an index to a different node, i use the array index

Butanium: paste your code here

Butanium: oh I see MSmits

MSmits: when you get to the end of the pool

MSmits: you go back to beginning

Default avatar.png Anonyman: I paste my code here ?

MSmits: you either reset the tree, or risk overwriting nodes still in use

Butanium: at Anonyman

MSmits: you can paste here and it will autopastebin, if it works, sometimes it doesnt

MSmits: what i do, almost always, is check whether i have X nodes left in the pool at the beginning of a turn, if it's less than X, i throw away the tree

MSmits: some games you never need to reset

MSmits: some games you need to reset more than once

Default avatar.png Anonyman:

MSmits: but no memory issues

PatrickMcGinnisII: AntiSquid I'm not a PY guy, but i think your missing an import

PatrickMcGinnisII: sry AntiSquid

PatrickMcGinnisII: i meant Anonyman

RoboStac: types go before the value (eg pos:int = 0)

Default avatar.png Anonyman: thanks for your help PatrickMcGinnisll but i'm not sure about that, because i don't use anything other than sys

PatrickMcGinnisII: ah sys handles stderr, ok

PatrickMcGinnisII: see i leaned something

PatrickMcGinnisII: RoboStac got u back

jacek: Anonyman def __init__(self, name: str, pos: int=0, turns: int=0, prison: bool=False):

Default avatar.png Anonyman: thanks

Default avatar.png Anonyman: i wouldn't have found this stupid mistake

Default avatar.png Anonyman: in french we don't say thank you but "grosse bises sur tes fesses" and it's bioutifoule

reCurse: o.0

jacek: BlaiseEbuth is that true?

Butanium: lol

Butanium: that's a *hot* thanks

Default avatar.png Anonyman: ;)

Default avatar.png mariushx: hello; does anybody know the theme used in the ide ?

jacek: dark :v

Default avatar.png mariushx: it is a visual studio modified dark theme

struct: it is visual studio dark


BlaiseEbuth: Hmm?

jacek: mHm

Default avatar.png mariushx: on vscode it might be; i was asking for visual studio IDE; i didn't mention, i know

Default avatar.png mariushx: i will probably edit the dark theme; thanks

struct: my visual studio theme looks the same as the one on cg ide

Default avatar.png mariushx: strange

Manchi_o6o7: what is the best C IDE

jacek: notepad.exe

Default avatar.png mariushx: CLion is a good one

olaf_surgut: Hi

Default avatar.png mariushx: hello

jacek: ohai

olaf_surgut: someone know if in CvZ shooter teleport to the the target or he is moving with some velocity?

olaf_surgut: i want to know because it affects simulation a lot

jacek: it moves up to 1000 units per turn

olaf_surgut: shooter is "sliding" or teleporting?

Scarfield: teleporting

Scarfield: instant movement for all entities to target pos, or nearest pos within their range

olaf_surgut: lol, i was calculating shortest distance between two moving objects, and looking for bug. visualization really confused me but i love this game

Default avatar.png Manevilus: hi :)

MSmits: olaf_surgut cool... this method is how CG calculates passing a checkpoint btw

MSmits: so if you get there, you could use this if you want

MSmits: except checkpoint doesnt move, but... you get the idea

Sandoramix: hey guys i've got a problem with "Lumen" excercice. When i submit the code, it says that one test is failed because it might be hardcoded. So what does it means by hardcoded? :P

MSmits: (in coders strikes back, sry)

MSmits: it means you knew the answer

MSmits: and just gave it

MSmits: without using code to solve the problem

Sandoramix: oh

Sandoramix: strange

MSmits: its a possibility, it's not accusing you

Sandoramix: i think i didn't do that tho : |

Scarfield: puzzles can detect that :o

MSmits: but this is also what would happen if you hardcoded the testcases

MSmits: your solution is not generalized enough to deal with all cases

Sandoramix: actually it is, so i'm a little disappointed

MSmits: let me look at my lumen solution sec, this was one of my python practice puzzles

Sandoramix: yeah i used python too

jacek: no timeouts?

Sandoramix: no

Sandoramix: firstly i thought it was beacause of use of classes, so i removed them, but it still gives me the fail

MSmits: eh not sure if i can help you. I have no idea what i did. Solution is 30 lines and part of it is:

MSmits: for i in range(n):

MSmits: sooo... i dont know what i did :P

KiwiTae: so many loops

MSmits: want me to send it to you Sandoramix?

Scarfield: recursive nesting

Scarfield: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

KiwiTae: MSmits looks like i did the same ><

Sandoramix: yeah, if you tell me how to :)

jacek: nestfield

Sandoramix: can i just copy paste it here?

MSmits: sec

Scarfield: made a quick and dirty connect 4 yesterday. thought i would improve it today, and somewhere i hid a bug i cannot find :'(

MSmits: i would not share a hard puzzle solution, but you say you solved it

except for a small thing and this a really easy puzzle, so i will pm my solution

Scarfield: :scream:

MSmits: i remember thinking how easy it was when i solved it :P

Scarfield: UTTT is not a hard puzzle either :innocent:

MSmits: Sandoramix i cant pm you for some reason

MSmits: do i need to follow him?

KiwiTae: smth like that

MSmits: aww fine

Scarfield: to pm you need to follow each other

MSmits: really?

MSmits: wiw

jacek: no

Scarfield: no?

MSmits: people spam me though

jacek: click on chat

MSmits: and i dont follow them

Scarfield: im noob then

jacek: click on nick avatar on chat

MSmits: oh i was clicking on profile pic

MSmits: but you need to click the name

Scarfield: you forgot to click my name and paste UTTT solution :p


jacek: oops, it meant to be pm

Scarfield: xD

jacek: ah well enjoy your legend

Default avatar.png mariushx: what you call that ? chinese programming ?

Scarfield: C朞

Scarfield: its a way to compress code, since there is a 100k char limit on code size in CG

KiwiTae: anyway to encode bytes in utf32?

jacek: dunno but they would count more than 1 char

KiwiTae: :(

Default avatar.png mariushx: what would be the use for that ?

KiwiTae: more weights

KiwiTae: ><

jacek: bigger NN in code

Default avatar.png densch: hey, has someone here done the beach volleyball thing before?

Westicles: densch, yes

Default avatar.png densch: I am wondering about which way to solve this is intended. like I could go ahead and plg in every possible beachx value into a time function and looks for which one the time is the snmallest. and be a physics geek, do some derivative stuff and find a formula for the perfect beach x. and jsut make it a one liner.

but guess I'll go the part where I cycle thorugh every possible x , looking for the perfect one :Ö-)

Westicles: One guy solved it in O(1) by deriving the formula, but most just do binary search.

Default avatar.png densch: I'll just try through every possible x value, using the perfect formula would feel too cheap :-)

geppoz: yes I did

geppoz: it is a 4° equation

Westicles: and there's the one guy :)

Default avatar.png densch: But I wanna be the Guy! :'O

geppoz: equ4thGrade(1,0,-(X*X/2+(hL-kW)/d),(hL+kW)*X/d,(X*X/4-(hL-kW)/d)*X*X/4)

geppoz: that are the coefficient of the equation

geppoz: *5 coefficients

Default avatar.png densch: wow, that looks ugly :-)

Default avatar.png dakkshnand: hello

Default avatar.png densch: hi

Default avatar.png densch: huh, it timed out for the forth test case :-D

Westicles: yeah, that's where the binary search comes in

Default avatar.png densch: hm, what was binary search again? :-)

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png densch: jk :-D

Default avatar.png densch: but I gotta rethink my concept now. currently I jsut go through the different x values by a simple for loop

MSmits: keep a maximum and minimum value of where the target can be and choose the middle

MSmits: thats all it is

MSmits: if it's 2D, keep them for both x and y

MSmits: jump to the middle for either

Smelty: interesting

MSmits: i heard binary search and just assumed batman

MSmits: might be way off here

jacek: batary search?

MSmits: sure why not

MSmits: buttery search


MSmits: :)

Smelty: battery search

Default avatar.png densch: but what then if I have the middle? kick the one of the 3 x values (left one , middle, right one) where the corresponding time is the biggest?

jacek: top10 in search race :tada:

aCat: :+1:

darkhorse64: GA/SA ?

darkhorse64: I am quite bored to tweak magic numbers

jacek: GA

jacek: i tweaked my 'eval' and it did gave me boost

darkhorse64: #15 now but I am stuck. My eval is the most simple you can imagine ("progress along the path"). May be it's not smart enough

Manchi_o6o7: Guys, need some Python help. I want to plot a real time graph, where I know the x coordinate of the graph, but my y coordinate should the intensity of the pixel where I hover with my mouse. Hope you understand my question.

Manchi_o6o7: For example, if the color is (255,255,255) then the y coordinate should be bigger

AntiSquid: matplotlib

AntiSquid: just googled:

AntiSquid: seaborn and bokeh are quite interesting in regards to coloring ...

AntiSquid: but where do you use any of that on CG Manchi_o6o7 ? :D

mapapin: Hi, at what time do CG points update?

Astrobytes: 1 or 2am French time I believe

mapapin: Thx :)

cw477: sup mah bros

Default avatar.png densch: this site sure is fun. jsut solved the sudoku puzzle, quite enjoyable stuff :-)

Rachelonline: :grin:

Lucky30_: any chance this contribution can get unapproved? you can win with a 4 characters code

Lucky30_: thx in advance

Lucky30_: the clash result with a 4char code:

Lucky30_: good night

Dazzle_me: because why not?

JimmyJams: dude, what is codingame's website ok?

Dazzle_me: you have to brave to send 0% test solution to get 100% validators

JimmyJams: I have at least 100 errors in my console from the site

PatrickMcGinnisII: JimmyJams yup, I've told people ... it's not exactly w3c compliant

Dazzle_me: :P

Dazzle_me: a lot of things could be improved but seems like nobody cares

PatrickMcGinnisII: They've added a bunch of stuff since I started on here ... there's a bunch of open css holes, but I guess they are a pain in the butt to close with all the json/js running rampant

PatrickMcGinnisII: *shrug*

PatrickMcGinnisII: visit the forum and drop solutions

JimmyJams: there 750 errors in my chrome console lol, I wouldn't even know where to begin

PatrickMcGinnisII: half of them are probably 'bad image so and so : ' errors

PatrickMcGinnisII: see if you can do a sidechannel vid card hack thru chat ... i think it's possible

PatrickMcGinnisII: i don't use chrome

JimmyJams: there's no way to seek out specific kinds of clashes like a reverse clash right?

Smelty: unless you do private clashes, no

Default avatar.png GeorgCantor: Hi, everyone. Bored biomed teacher here looking for something interesting and came upon this site... trying to figure it all out!

PatrickMcGinnisII: Welcome fellow USA

Default avatar.png GeorgCantor: :)

PatrickMcGinnisII: North East South West?

**PatrickMcGinnisII is a Fla boy

Default avatar.png GeorgCantor: Midwest. You?

PatrickMcGinnisII: well it's 10:21pm here. Gotta hit the bed. Pick a puzzle and glhf

Default avatar.png GeorgCantor: K. Only 9:22 where I am. Thanks!

PatrickMcGinnisII: or compete

PatrickMcGinnisII: heh

Default avatar.png GeorgCantor: Heh. Gotta figure out what I'm doing first.

JimmyJams: join reverse clash if you're looking for one:

Default avatar.png 1rre: Oof I stayed up late Unfortunately my C memory management is just as bad as it was

Default avatar.png vovka42rus: jimmy neytron?

Default avatar.png 1rre: does anyone have experience with a program hanging on calloc? I searched around but all I can find is something from 2004 which I don't think applies in my case

Default avatar.png vovka42rus: нет

PatrickMcGinnisII: post code 1rre

Default avatar.png 1rre: I mean there's a lot of code & it's a bit janky, but this is where the issue is:

Default avatar.png 1rre:

nuggetbucket54: jimmy neutron has such a nice haircut

nuggetbucket54: it's like donkey kong's

Default avatar.png 1rre: I've gone through & made sure there's no memory leaks, but the issue is only when there's a lot of calls to that function - it could just be timing out but I'd be fairly surprised given it's C

nuggetbucket54: okay but jimmy neutron is hot

PatrickMcGinnisII: sometimes calloc only has a small buffer

PatrickMcGinnisII: depends on compiler options

PatrickMcGinnisII: put a free(dest->items); before it and rretest

Default avatar.png 1rre: Weirdly maybe the issue isn't the calloc even though it hangs there, it still hangs even if I assign a 8 item array in the struct instead of a pointer

Default avatar.png 1rre: I get double free - I initially thought it was because dest->items could be uninitialised but even if I set that to 0 for new items & free it for old ones it's the same

PatrickMcGinnisII: while(*c++);

PatrickMcGinnisII: infinite loop

Default avatar.png 1rre: yes are you dissing my c

Default avatar.png 1rre: it's not

Default avatar.png 1rre: it's classic C - the pointer is incremented after the value is taken so it's basically a "foreach char in a string" thing

Default avatar.png 1rre: I know it's pretty janky though

Default avatar.png 1rre: I've been doing too much code golf haha

PatrickMcGinnisII: it's an infinite loop

Default avatar.png 1rre: I think I'm gonna go to bed now though

Default avatar.png 1rre: I promise you it's not

Default avatar.png 1rre: Or actually after being so confident

Default avatar.png 1rre: I think in my tiredness I got it mixed up with something else oops

Default avatar.png 1rre: oh no I just forgot to set the fprintf to stderr

PatrickMcGinnisII: You should just split the string into an array, then do what you have to

PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, glhf, i super tired too

Default avatar.png 1rre: Yeah it's not an infinite loop it's cool

Default avatar.png 1rre: if I do: while(*c++) {fprintf(stderr,"%c",*c);} I get: ISH�HOPPED_STRAWBERRIES�CE_CREAM�allocated ISH�CE_CREAM�LUEBERRIES�allocated ISH�CE_CREAM�LUEBERRIES�HOPPED_STRAWBERRIES

Default avatar.png 1rre: it's mangled I know but that's because it's not meant to be read

PatrickMcGinnisII: so it goes until a 0 is reached

PatrickMcGinnisII: i get it

Default avatar.png 1rre: Yeah

PatrickMcGinnisII: well at first i thought you had a variable scope issue with dest

Default avatar.png 1rre: idk seems unlikely, I think I really need some sleep for more important things though aha

PatrickMcGinnisII: can count=0?

PatrickMcGinnisII: find a better way to split the string

PatrickMcGinnisII: gl, i'm out