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Smelty: o.O

ZarthaxX: hi Smelty :*

eulerscheZahl: when I heard about the y2k problem, i was just worried that my favorite computer games would still run

eulerscheZahl: i was 8 at that time

ZarthaxX: first world problem haha

pmor: I was offered a lot of money when I was in college to fix y2k code. Turned it down cause I had no interest in working in COBOL

NickSaidSomethingWonderful: why i recieve no achievement or exp for completing puzzles?

NickSaidSomethingWonderful: :sweat:

klmn: Me2, no exp, no achiev

Smelty: you have to wait i think its broken atm

eulerscheZahl: it always takes a few days

eulerscheZahl: first they will run their plagiarism check to remove those players who cheated

eulerscheZahl: then shift the game to the multiplayer section and do the achievements

Smelty: ah

eulerscheZahl: this blocks other achievements as well. they are in the queue, but after the contest ones

eulerscheZahl: oh, they already gave contest points

NickSaidSomethingWonderful: ic, but it did not take this long previously

NickSaidSomethingWonderful: is it because the hard puzzles or the spring contest?

eulerscheZahl: the contest

eulerscheZahl: after a contests there's always a slowdown

NickSaidSomethingWonderful: oh, ic. Thanks

charizad: :rage:

nam4.nguyen: calm

nam4.nguyen: what belongs to you, comes to you

cegprakash: got to wood1 in Night of War.. Ppl wreck me

cegprakash: :D

jacek: Practice AI, 3D and 5% with Dice Duel :thinking:

field3: :thinking:

Tiramon: my bot has done that 8 times in a row cegprakash ;)

jacek: most of games is up and down fest

Tiramon: for mine it is just a 'he is in range ... he is dead'

MSmits: my uncle worked for IBM in 1999 and was detached to Japan to help them with the millenium problem

MSmits: I remember he had to use a keyboard overlay thingy because otherwise he couldnt use their keyboards

MSmits: really was a serious scare

Tiramon: why didn't he bring his own?

Tiramon: at least i would bring a qwertz keyboard from home :)

jrke: they didn't released multi for SC21 yet?

Tiramon: guess they will release it til end of the week, last times they were quite fast

Tiramon: early on it took a feew weeks, last contests were out in a few days up to a week

ThunderbirdOne: so, trying to get into c++ here on CG... is there some utility function somewhere that splits strings by a delimiter ?

jrke: yeah last time it released under 5-6 hours

Marchete: i got my string split from stackoverflow

Marchete: it's not like C#

ThunderbirdOne: I know, i'm kind of bothered with it :P

Marchete: why C++ btw?

Marchete: C# is competent enough

ThunderbirdOne: oh just some badges/achievements on here lol

Marchete: ahh

Marchete: ok

ThunderbirdOne: needed 1 more puzzle to level up my c++ lol

ThunderbirdOne: but it still baffles me that functions to work with strings aren't there...

ThunderbirdOne: i mean, i guess you could do it using substring over and over, but... meh :P

Tiramon: google says

cegprakash: I don't know what's wrong with my power of thro

cegprakash: Power of THor

cegprakash: I move in diagonal first

cegprakash: but I run out off energy

ThunderbirdOne: which power of thor?

cegprakash: code golf

ThunderbirdOne: ah

cegprakash: okay found the bug

cegprakash: my bad

cegprakash: I wandered off the board

cegprakash: that's what message says

ThePoisoned1: I don't understand how am i supposed to place the cargos in the problem of the week. Can someone explain me a bit how the examples works?

Default avatar.png aayux: any material for python

KiwiTae: cegprakash 700+ char? you can do better hehe

cegprakash: 384

derjack: in python?

cegprakash: :)

cegprakash: KiwiTae

cegprakash: i can still reduce :)

cegprakash: I see ppl have done with 88 chars

cegprakash: with c

cegprakash: :o

cegprakash: 336

jrke: my power of thor python is 116

Tiramon: got power of thor at 79 .. not sure in which lang ;)

Tiramon: at pyhton i'm at 114

Tiramon: oh js was the 79

cegprakash: anyone know c equivalent of cerr

Tiramon: it should be mentioned in the default code

Tiramon: To debug: fprintf(stderr, "Debug messages...\n");

jrke: default stub generated code has that thing cegprakash

Default avatar.png Jo4: @ThePoisoned1 i just bruteforced the whole thing

ThePoisoned1: :/

Default avatar.png Jo4: it is a logical solution to it

Default avatar.png Jo4: but i didnt want to think, so a bf solution by testing all combinations works as well

ThePoisoned1: but thats kinda sus

Default avatar.png Jo4: why?

ThePoisoned1: i mean the problem tells u not to sort because is inneficient

ThePoisoned1: bf shoul not be much better

Default avatar.png Jo4: im not sorting

Default avatar.png Jo4: you have to optimize it

Default avatar.png Jo4: somewaht

Default avatar.png Jo4: like not calculating combinations thats bigger than the current minimum

ThePoisoned1: i guess

ThePoisoned1: my idea was to have a list of containers and try to see if i can put the container at the begining or the end of it

ThePoisoned1: the cargo*

ThePoisoned1: if i cant place it in any

Uljahn: use stacks

ThePoisoned1: so

ThePoisoned1: u have your stack

davilla: funny you mention, my solution used sets :-P

ThePoisoned1: LIFO

ThePoisoned1: right?

ThePoisoned1: then u try to put the coming cargo somewhere and if u cant u stack it?

ThePoisoned1: i never worked with stack so idk who to use them

ThePoisoned1: :(

Uljahn: actually you can use lists just don't put elements at the beginning

ThePoisoned1: like

ThePoisoned1: only in one direction

ThePoisoned1: liek either the list is getting lower containers

ThePoisoned1: or hihger

ThePoisoned1: but not mix them?

ThePoisoned1: if i only check if the container is hihgeror equal to the last one(Ascii val)

ThePoisoned1: and if i cant put it an a new one

ThePoisoned1: the example gives me

ThePoisoned1: 1 3 3 3 4

ThePoisoned1: and its supposed to give

ThePoisoned1: 1 3 1 4 4

Manchi_o6o7: Guys, if someone can help me why I am not getting any output


Uljahn: ThePoisoned1: what if there are some stacks with hegher elements already?

davilla: You're getting 3 instead of 1 because you're being inefficient, and you're getting 3 instead of 4 because you stacked them in the wrong order.

Uljahn: *higher

davilla: I would concentrate on the latter problem first. Don't put Z on top of A, or that ship won't sail.

ThePoisoned1: like save all of the containers

ThePoisoned1: and then u check if u can put any of the remaing oens in oen spot?

ThePoisoned1: ik why the 3 instead of 1 is wrong

davilla: It's not actually necessary to save all the containers in order to solve, but it might make it easier to think about and debug.

ThePoisoned1: but why is:

Uljahn: i guess you should find the minimum stack with greater or equal last cargo, and if there are none then make a new stack

cegprakash: code cleanup has worsened the no. of characters lol

ThePoisoned1: mmmmmmm

Uljahn: i mean minimum ascii of the last element

ThePoisoned1: yeah

ThePoisoned1: but ist that like sorting

ThePoisoned1: ?

ThePoisoned1: like adding the cargoes but sorted

ThePoisoned1: i guess not realyl

davilla: You got that for input BDNIDPD

ThePoisoned1: yeah

davilla: so the first thing your code did was put D on top of B?

ThePoisoned1: yeah i guess

davilla: How are you going to load ship B, if there's a D sitting on top of it?

ThePoisoned1: liek u have

ThePoisoned1: B D N P

ThePoisoned1: u take b then d then n then p

ThePoisoned1: wait

davilla: Think of physical containers sitting on a dock. P is on top of everything. You're not getting to B.

ThePoisoned1: the cargo only has 1 door?


davilla: Think vertically.

ThePoisoned1: thats what i was missing

Marchete: that was fast

ThePoisoned1: yeah

ThePoisoned1: i thoug i coul just put the cargo from one side ant take it from teh otehr

ThePoisoned1: i was thinking it as FIFO

ThePoisoned1: and its not

ThePoisoned1: kekw

davilla: Heh, good.

Krakenus00: wuta? Is it the challenge of the week?

ThePoisoned1: yeah

Krakenus00: Oh, it's rather simple

Krakenus00: Check the tests and why do they stack containers in such manner


cegprakash: need a shorter code than that :P

Krakenus00: omg what is that

derjack: remove new lines?

cegprakash: I mean after removing new lines

cegprakash: Krakenus00 using it for power of thor code golf lol

ThePoisoned1: got it

ThePoisoned1: was just an idiot myself

Tiramon: how many chars in what lang is that cegprakash?

cegprakash: I use c Tiramon

cegprakash: U;n at 281 chars currently

Tiramon: that's not one of the default golfs .. is it?

KiwiTae: cegprakash yeah you can x<a? : instead of x<a& ?:

KiwiTae: Tiramon its his thor code prob

Tiramon: that is thor? how with out NSWE chars ...

cegprakash: don't get you KiwiTae

KiwiTae: he gets an index

KiwiTae: then read a table of str maybe

Tiramon: my c solution of thor is 152 chars long

cegprakash: I use this Tiramon char *m[8]={"SE","NE","SW","NW","E","S","W","N"}; int u[]={1,1,-1,-1,1,0,-1,0}; int v[]={1,-1,1,-1,0,1,0,-1};

Krakenus00: in C I have 124 chars

ThePoisoned1: you can check first if it need to go N or S

ThePoisoned1: then u can add E or W

ThePoisoned1: afterwards

Tiramon: you never go N anyway ...

cegprakash: never north?

cegprakash: u mean test cases are weak? :P

Tiramon: kind of

ThePoisoned1: u do in the problem itself

ThePoisoned1: not in the tests

ThePoisoned1: the actual test has north

Tiramon: in which case?

KiwiTae: d=x<a?y<b?0:y>b?1:4

Marchete: you go North now

Marchete: recheck it

cegprakash: yes there is north just checked

ThePoisoned1: in the validators

ThePoisoned1: test 2 and 4 need u to go north too

Tiramon: oh did they fix the validators?

Marchete: it was changed, yes

Tiramon: oh right

KiwiTae: y if your solution dont pass 100%now u have 0pts

Tiramon: ok then none of my thor solutions will work anymore =)

KiwiTae: you must have lost the points :p

cegprakash: for(scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&x,&y);scanf("%d",&t);x+=u[d],y+=v[d],puts(m[d])){

may be this part can be shortened?

Marchete: system("magichere");

KiwiTae: personaly i dont parse the string

Tiramon: KiwiTae my solutions are still valid, also if i would resubmit they won't work with those validators

Krakenus00: you don't need to scanf turns btw

Krakenus00: just remove it

Tiramon: intial scanf is enough right

cegprakash: no u need to read every turn

Krakenus00: nope

KiwiTae: no you dont

cegprakash: oh

cegprakash: I see this is not a multi

Tiramon: turn info in thor is pretty useless

KiwiTae: even if its a multi you got enough info

cegprakash: in multi if u don't read all the inputs the game will be messed up next turn

KiwiTae: no

KiwiTae: you just get somewhat blind

Tiramon: really stupid that there is no N testcase ...

KiwiTae: there are now no?

Krakenus00: does the code above work?

Tiramon: my northless code can still solve all testcases

KiwiTae: ><

Tiramon: but only gets 50% on validators

cegprakash: 249 now. :)

cegprakash: enough for today :)

Tiramon: hm those new validators make the task more complex ...

Krakenus00: Can't get any less than 123. I wonder how pardouin managed to solve it with only 47 chars

Krakenus00: There should be a much better algorithm

Tiramon: damn northonly was so much shorter :(

darkhorse64: I have 108 exploiting southless validators. I think Pardouin et al. are using "system" tricks

Tiramon: damn those validators are even more stupid than i thought

darkhorse64: Yeah, there should be more of them

Default avatar.png ArtLiteracyStory: this is so fun

Krakenus00: I don't even know which system commands I can use here:sweat_smile:

Default avatar.png ArtLiteracyStory: This place is awesome

Krakenus00: Yeah, it is

Default avatar.png ArtLiteracyStory: first time here

Krakenus00: I love this place much more than leetcode or hackerrank

Default avatar.png ArtLiteracyStory: never tried those other sites. I like how realtime this is

Krakenus00: I also like this rating and achievements system

Default avatar.png ArtLiteracyStory: I feel like my code shouldn't work but I won anyway in this last game lol

[CG]Thibaud: :heart:

mikmak: darkhorse64, I didn't read all the discussion, but do you mean that you don't need "S" at all (and all variant) ?

Tiramon: old validators were only SWE movement current validators are only NSE movement

Tiramon: already told thibaud so he can fix that ;)

Default avatar.png ArtLiteracyStory: I love the gamification of programming being done here

darkhorse64: However tests go south. Best is to write that works in all cases and then golf from this starting point

darkhorse64: *write something*

Westicles: I thought it was programification of gaming

Tiramon: damn with a all direction solution my thor solution has grown from 79 to 125 :sob:

Krakenus00: cheater...

Krakenus00: I have 123 without cheating

Krakenus00: But what's the point of using system? For storing variables or what?

mikmak: 115 without cheating in C.

mikmak: I just gain 2 characters in C++ by removing the W :innocent:

Westicles: LPT: Call the guy a cheater after he helps you, not before

Tiramon: thibaud will add W again ... so your W less solution will get no score

jacek: oO

Tiramon: just create a solution with all directions working ... and yes that will increase size and makes approaches more complex

jacek: validators change periodically?

mikmak: I will re-add the W then

Tiramon: no only until they validate what they should validate :)

Tiramon: thibaud thought he had all directions in the validators ... i proofed him wrong :)

Westicles: It has only been brought up like 5,000 times. Pretty sure they don't care

Default avatar.png Alihussain: hi

Tiramon: oh is that new that i start in the mp of the contest with my old code and history and in the league i was last in?

Tiramon: so no extra promotion xp if i play contest and mp :(

jacek: hmm? i promoted to gold and got 250xp

Tiramon: i only have the xp of the promotions i got in the contest

Default avatar.png Alihussain: hi

Default avatar.png Alihussain: iam new here

Tiramon: welcome Alihussain :)

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: omg, the only 1 seed at a time made me from 300 to seem to be promoted to gold?

Tiramon: yes also tested that without limit 119 everything below 5 seed was worse and only 1 seed at a time got me to a score of 126 :)

jrke: oh so multi released

Tiramon: yes they copied the contest to multi

Tiramon: with all code and leaderboards and history

jrke: happens every time tiramon

jrke: tags says minimax + graphs

Tiramon: nowaday yes ... earlier contests not

jacek: graphs... and everyone doing bitboards

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: wow rank 800 in gold by the seedcost < 1 .

KelvinAndHubbles: hit gold league during the contest, but my quest map isn't updating even now. Is there something to do for that?

jacek: what quest

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: time too add any type of look ahead. not just wired possible best move this action

KelvinAndHubbles: The "Hit gold league quest"

jacek: reach the gold league in any game?

jacek: could be you need to wait for next day

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: can you score zero when harvest a tree ?

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: SabertheLost is ending their tree life on cell 33, scoring 0

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: I thougth at least 1? (even if that is same/worse then the cost 4)

Njitram: If nutrients = 0 and the cell richness = 1.

jrke: if nutrient == 0 and richness == 0 then it can give you 0 score

KelvinAndHubbles: yea, I guess so, I don't even have CP yet for the game, so I guess it's gone take a second

jacek: you cant plant on richness 0

jacek: richness 1 gives 0 points

jrke: ^

Tiramon: still 1 score from complete is worth less than 1.33 score from suns

jrke: my bad

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: Oh, so richenesss 1 is zero? that should been 0 and -1 then...

Njitram: Read the rules carefully ;)

Codechaos: Yes, richness 1 = 0 Bonus, richness 2 = 2 Bonus, richness 3 = 4 Bonus

Marchete: nutrient 0 richness 1 ==1<1.33 not worth it

Default avatar.png SabertheLost: Yeah, so many rules that were counter intivue this time

Tiramon: nutrient 0 richness 1 == 0

Marchete: any eval on endgame should use scoreme - scoreenm

Marchete: no matter other stuff, as sun is converted by 1/3

Marchete: or 3*score + sun

Marchete: it's the same

Wontonimo: what? We don't have to resubmit into the multi for SC2021? Cool that our bot is just copied over!

Marchete: also history

MSmits: 3* score + sun is not the same as score + sun /3

Marchete: it seems a move rather than a copy

Wontonimo: oh, that's awesome

Marchete: true

Marchete: division

MSmits: well thats all i got to say about last contest, trying to forget it now :P

Marchete: but I saw some others using it

Wontonimo: yeah, the sun needs to be truncated

MSmits: i saw i still got some reasonable cp even though it was low legend result. High playercount helps!

MSmits: though still less cp than my spring 2020 result

KalamariKing: wdym cp

KalamariKing: explain

jacek: coding points

jacek: not the other cp

MSmits: decides competitive rank

MSmits: its not the most important thing, but it helps with motivation

MSmits: same as xp

Marchete: smits

Wontonimo: i'm pretty happy with my CP drop from this competition

Wontonimo: *gain

jacek: oO

jacek: oh

Marchete: can I ask you some mathematical equivalence on PUCT?

Wontonimo: (i was thinking loot drop)

MSmits: cool sure


jacek: math? :scream:

Marchete: We calculate PUCT(s, a) = Q(s, a) + U(s, a), where U is calculated as follows

Marchete: I understand it as

Marchete: PUCT = sumScoreChild/childvisits + k*Prob*sqrt(parent)/(1+childvisits)

Marchete: PUCT=sumScoreChild*(1+childvisits)+k*Prob*sqrt(parent)*childvisits ?

MSmits: the first term is correct for sure

MSmits: let me look at the second

MSmits: oh that is your question

MSmits: sec

Marchete: both

Marchete: if I understand it right

Marchete: and if it can be tweaked

MSmits: do you mean both of these are equivalent?

Marchete: in terms of selecting max PUCT

Marchete: the classic Select() from MCTS

Tiramon: great i always had a simple calculation error in my shadows affecting cells

MSmits: Marchete you multiplied both terms with childvisits and childvisits + 1 yes?

MSmits: to get from 1st version to 2nd version?

jacek: looks fishy

Marchete: both with (child)*(1+child)

MSmits: yes, i think its wrong

MSmits: because

MSmits: you compare different children

jacek: this way more childvisits means more exploration

Marchete: so denominators go away

jacek: or rather, less exploration overeall

MSmits: yes within that formula they go away

MSmits: but

MSmits: you compare many children

MSmits: and take the best PUCT

Marchete: ahh true

MSmits: they are not all multiplied by the same

Marchete: ok

Marchete: yeah, the other part

Marchete: thnx

MSmits: did you have another question about this?

Marchete: a lot!

Marchete: but the whole NN is full of questions

MSmits: well i dont know a lot about azero in general, just the basics

jacek: but NN is to provide answers

MSmits: my next step is still implementing jacek-NN

MSmits: in oware

MSmits: rest comes later

jrke: i wanna learn NN

jrke: but unable to

MSmits: do the xor example jrke

MSmits: plenty to find

Wontonimo: ha, CoC Addict achievement (100 clashes) pushed me to Level 29

MSmits: but if you want to do NN;s in a board game, practice mcts first

MSmits: nice!

MSmits: I got lvl 36 from one of the league promotions in contesr

MSmits: most of my xp is probably from solving puzzles over the summer vacations

jacek: you can get 2500 XP for "Create a community contest"

jacek: ah wait...

MSmits: lol...

KalamariKing: you should get at least a little bit of xp for coc's

MSmits: people spam them too much

KalamariKing: true

MSmits: also some people have libraries with solutions

MSmits: they just paste it in, insta win

darkhorse64: I recently read a book:"Neural Networks from scratch in Python". This book is as low level as you can get. It even goes to explain what is a derivative. The only requirement is python + numpy, no other third party librairies. Honestly, I learned a lot reading this book even though it is not geared towards gaming

KalamariKing: Wait really?

MSmits: well you can get repeats after a few 100 clashes

MSmits: this is not that common

KalamariKing: Seen a couple of those yeah

MSmits: but it happens

MSmits: good advice darkhorse64

MSmits: jrke wake up

MSmits: buy book

jrke: which book

MSmits: darkhorse64

KalamariKing: all of them

MSmits: read

jacek: darkhorse64 every NN tutorial is about bunch of derivative formulas, which they dont understand, then python import nn; nn.train(mnist). the end :unamused:

KalamariKing: or just burn through the tensorflow/pytorch manuals

KalamariKing: that's what I did

darkhorse64: After that, you'll get a better comprehension of what the xor code does (because there are some shortcuts in the code)

MSmits: some xor code examples have no bias

MSmits: and no option for more layers

MSmits: so yeah, shortcuts

MSmits: the one jacek shared was pretty good in this regard

MSmits: at least had bias and i think not too hard to extend with more layers

darkhorse64: jacek: exactly. Nearly everything I have found throws 50 lines of tensorflow or pytorch when training and you do not get a clue. This book goes not

darkhorse64: *does*

jacek: i think i managed to make simple softmax network, it seems to be consistent with what keras outputs, but it looks so simple in comparison to bunch of math mambo-jumbo softmax derivations im not sure if its correct

MSmits: it's not, I think it's mumbo jumbo

darkhorse64: the book explains softmax and its derivatives.

jacek: vs

darkhorse64: There are youtube tutorials centered on the first chapters of the book. Really amazing. They explains why use bias, what are layers, ...

MSmits: nice one jacek

Tiramon: hm fixing my shadows improved me another 500+ ranks damn why didn't i see this one line on monday morning :(

MSmits: this is why i do not return to contests

MSmits: at least not in a year or so :P

Tiramon: good point :)

jacek: oO

MSmits: think imight return to kutulu some point

jrke: - my bot learns to earn sunpoints

jrke: :grin:

darkhorse64: There are also chapters on various optimizers. Now when I read Keras code, I get some clue

MSmits: darkhorse, i am getting that read

Tiramon: jrke if he now also learns to spend them =)

MSmits: dont mind if i already know 90%, its a fun subject

MSmits: and will learn some

MSmits: ttyl, train arriving

Wontonimo: later

darkhorse64: I got more than 10% new content even if I skipped the math

Astrobytes: why skip the math? Or you know it already I guess

jacek: who needs math

Astrobytes: Well, I mean, it's pretty handy

Wontonimo: it took me about 6 months of about 10 hours a week of coding small NN until it really clicked for me. NN architecture is nothing like any other programming except maybe shader coding

Tiramon: and NN is still always different :)

jrke: is NN used just for evaluating a state?

Wontonimo: you can use it for just that if you want. you can use it to eval moves,

Wontonimo: or both

jacek: i only use it to evaluate state

Tiramon: it's complicated ...

Default avatar.png Alihussain: hi bro iam doing coding about 12 months above but my logic is not really good and i am using c++ language what should i do

Marchete: and when you try to merge all, it gets harder

Tiramon: Alihussain keep coding and improve bit by bit

Default avatar.png Alihussain: can any one help me

Wontonimo: sure

jacek: try easy puzzles first

Wontonimo: i'll dm you

darkhorse64: Yeah, I skipped the math because all of this is quite familiar. The other thing you can look at after reading the book is the binary neural network exercise on CG. This is a good starting point for implementing your own library and win a CG three years after

darkhorse64: CG contest

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: Yeah, I remember you recommended that puzzle previously

Tiramon: there is a binary nn stuff at cg?



Tiramon: yes just found it ... just didn't know

darkhorse64: I started last summer with it but I did not understand all of it because it lacks explanation. With the book, it's much more clear (but not easier to implement)

nam4.nguyen: follow Wontonimo and he will guide u so much

Wontonimo: ??

Wontonimo: thanks nam4.nguyen

Tiramon: my basic understandings of NN comes from the udacity deep reinformenent leerding i took last year was hard but helpful

Tiramon: *learning

jacek: i took part of coursera machine learning course

nam4.nguyen: especially at first :D

jacek: by ng andrew

nam4.nguyen: I know him

nam4.nguyen: oh ni

nam4.nguyen: just by his reputation

nam4.nguyen: I took a course too

Wontonimo: i did that course about 4 years ago. Super course!

KalamariKing: Are clashes not ranked or smth

Tiramon: KalamariKing CP are only recalced daily

iggy12345: they have they're own ranking

KalamariKing: In this lobby, rn, there's someone in 2kth place, I'm in 7kth place, and there are plenty in 20-40kth place

KalamariKing: This is all over the place

Tiramon: oh you mean like leagues .. no you will clash with any skill available

jacek: diversity :heart:

MSmits: book seems cool darkhorse64

MSmits: will read, 600+ pages will take a while though

jacek: beware of spoilers

jacek: its not a happy ending

darkhorse64: Actually, it took me two days because I could do some quick reading on obvious parts

MSmits: did you remember to eat, breathe and sleep in those two days?

Astrobytes: lol

Default avatar.png BrickWill68: yepp

Astrobytes: I feel you'll be able to skip some parts too MSmits

darkhorse64: barely

MSmits: probably, i might not anyway. Sometimes you recognize something, but reinforcement of knowledge is also good. Stops you from forgetting

Astrobytes: REinforcement learning eh

MSmits: sure

Astrobytes: I get ya though, can help a lot

jacek: but you may stuck on local optima

MSmits: you're stuck on one yourself jacek, when will you be doing convolution and policy ?

jacek: i might start with policy. convolution sounds too slow

MSmits: recur se just used it in contest

Marchete: conv is slow

MSmits: must be reason for that

jacek: because hes noob and cant into one hots

MSmits: lol

Marchete: but it's very useful for games with positioning

Marchete: because you can rotate etc

MSmits: like most boardgames

Marchete: and it can extract features

MSmits: wonder if its usefulf or oware, i dont think so personally

jacek: i have n-tuples for that. so no motivation for me

Marchete: but I can't understand how these N x hexboards convolve eachother

MSmits: doesnt seem too hard, just use hex filters

Marchete: I think it works better for 2D stuff

MSmits: filter with neighbors

Marchete: conv3x3 probably

jacek: 2x3x2

Marchete: on SC21

Marchete: 2x3x2?

Marchete: ahh hex

jacek: yes

Marchete: I haven't seen hex yet

Marchete: as if normal conv wasn't hard

MSmits: is it really hard, once you've gotten everything else down?

Marchete: I mean

Marchete: I tried to AVX2 it

MSmits: i guess you're mostly talking about the c++ inference part

Marchete: it was omg for me

Marchete: yes

MSmits: ahh ok

Marchete: inference with high performance

MSmits: well if i ever get there i promise to share

Marchete: if you do as simple array[]

Marchete: it's not that hard

MSmits: i see

Marchete: I'll try to retake my oware bot

Marchete: and finally convert it to a0

MSmits: seems the perfect place to start

MSmits: btw, i will be focusing on your mokka thingy. Don't go anywere the next month or 4 :P

Marchete: but so many details: input definition, model, rollout count, cpuct constant, what to export as policy, hor many games, modified MCTS for PUCT, the noise added, the learning rate, function loss, etc etc etc

darkhorse64: a0 is the next step for me but I'll start with toy games

MSmits: robo i think started with a0

jacek: toy games like onitama eh

MSmits: onitama is awesome :)

darkhorse64: connect2

jacek: back then a0 was only serious thing with nn for games

darkhorse64: or ttt

MSmits: well people used other nn stuff for csb

MSmits: not a0

MSmits: i think anyway

darkhorse64: Games for which you know the optimal strategy to cross check and debug

MSmits: it's a good idea

jacek: but connect4 is solved

jacek: no need for connect2

MSmits: does it count if i know the optimal strategy from my opening books :)

jacek: for 7x6 version?

MSmits: no i have it just for 7x9, not solved yet, but pretty much

MSmits: takes ages to finish even though its clear

MSmits: draws eh

darkhorse64: my 30+ years of programming experience tell me that it is of thee utmost importance to have good test cases to validate your code

MSmits: yep, my 10 years say the same

darkhorse64: clear draw but +3/4 against the pack chasers

jacek: for c++, the compiler finds the error. for php, the client finds the error

MSmits: darkhorse64 what do you mean

MSmits: pack chasers

jacek: stack fest?

darkhorse64: the guys in hot pursuit behind us on the lb

jrke: CG reverse sycology - eat then brew or cook then crop, SC20 then FC20 then SC21

MSmits: oh ok

MSmits: did not see

MSmits: my latest book is not on there

MSmits: I think I have a 13 million nodes based book but the 5 million is on there

darkhorse64: I wonder what you did for such a strong bot. I have smart rollouts (avoiding all losing moves)

darkhorse64: you booked C4

darkhorse64: ?

MSmits: yeah but its still best without book

MSmits: book did little

KalamariKing: when IS rank reeval

MSmits: usually just first 4-5 moves

jacek: and general book? not against someone?

MSmits: yes general

MSmits: which is why first 4-5 moves

MSmits: if counter, then 20 moves

Wontonimo: were you able to book SC2021 ?

MSmits: nah

darkhorse64: Connect 4

MSmits: didnt tr

MSmits: y

MSmits: doesnt seem likely

MSmits: btw brb, picking up daughter from school

struct: hello

AmikOwO_: bre

KalamariKing: hello str​uct

Default avatar.png Alihussain: hi

MSmits: hmmph now i want to switch my meta mcts back to connect4

MSmits: still have to parallelize that one

Wontonimo: :wave: struct

jacek: hmph

MSmits: it was doing like 5 games /s on 1 core, because the games were mostly nearly solved before they start

MSmits: with 8 cores this is gonna be crazy

jacek: :scream:

MSmits: well the game solves at ply 30 for most people

MSmits: if you build a meta mcts tree, you easily get to 20 or beyond

MSmits: so you can imagine what happens

TundraShow: すっかりコンテスト忘れてた人(期間中まったくログインしなかった) Twitterやってないと感想も共有できないのつらい

Tiramon: TundraShow in this channel plz type english

MSmits: go here #twittertalk

struct: #jp

The_xD: hi me new here

Tiramon: that happend to most of us ;)

MSmits: can you distinguish Japanese from other asian alphabets struct?

Tiramon: google translate can do that ..

MSmits: oh nvm, you just looked at flag

struct: yeah flag

MSmits: maybe he was just posting an opening book he found on twitter

MSmits: it looked like jaceks

struct: lol

Astrobytes: jacek's are chinese characters no?

MSmits: i think maybe his book is multilingual

Wontonimo: hi The_xD

Astrobytes: Japanese is quite distinguishable from Chinese

MSmits: oh I don't doubt that

MSmits: but you need to spend a few minutes to get the difference

MSmits: like the difference between a goose and a swan

MSmits: or a toad and a frog

Tiramon: or atleast know one of both ;)

MSmits: or that yeah

Wontonimo: there's a difference between a goose and a swan?

MSmits: yep

MSmits: many i guess

AntiSquid: the japanese alphabets are somewhat more "readable" than chinese :D

MSmits: Astrobytes knows, he's the expert on stuff that lives

Wontonimo: if you are kayaking and either attacks you, you'r fd

jacek: weeb language is simpler

jacek: and that was terrible opening book

Astrobytes: If you're anywhere and either attacks you you're fked

MSmits: lol

ZarthaxX: hello

MSmits: hi ZarthaxX

struct: hi

ZarthaxX: howdy all

Astrobytes: I've been chased by both but only bitten by a swan :D

Astrobytes: hey Zarthooo

MSmits: oh, I did not know you had personal experience with these

ZarthaxX: Astrobaytooooo

AntiSquid: i've been chased by a squirrel a few times, think they want nuts

Astrobytes: People use geese as guards on their property and there are loads of swans round my way


MSmits: why are you trying to sneak onto people's property Astrobytes

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: Farms and more rural properties I mean.

Astrobytes: I've only been chased when I was a kid and we were nicking apples

MSmits: aha!

MSmits: beats a farmer with a gun

Astrobytes: Oh we had those too

Astrobytes: Firing salt/pepper cartridges at your legs

Astrobytes: Bloody painful!

MSmits: I'm thinking you already won at life really, no further achievements necessary

MSmits: guns, wild animals, jeez

Wontonimo: AstroGrills

Astrobytes: Took a shortcut across a field and got chased by a herd of cows too.

MSmits: because why not

Tiramon: things i missed in life ... but won't ever miss =)

Astrobytes: And a bull jumped a fence once and chased us, managed to get over the big stone wall just in time

Astrobytes: That was the scariest tbh

Tiramon: sounds pretty scary

MSmits: no sht

Astrobytes: I could feel it's breath as I was scaling the wall

Wontonimo: i heard a farmer posted a sign on his property "Unless you can cross this field in 10sec, you wont outrun the bull"

Astrobytes: It's true!

Astrobytes: They are fking fast

Astrobytes: Thankfully the wall was right near the fence or we would have been mauled

MSmits: I only ever get attacked by my dog

MSmits: its motto is: Attack first, identify later

Astrobytes: hahaha

MSmits: not kidding :P

MSmits: have to make sure she knows it;s me

MSmits: it's a small dog, not much damage

Astrobytes: Shout before you walk in the door etc

MSmits: yea

Astrobytes: My paternal grandparents had a violent pug with no teeth.

MSmits: funny

MSmits: must have been hard to eat though

Astrobytes: It used to try and suck your hand as aggressively as it could

Astrobytes: It had some teeth but not at the front

MSmits: ahh o

MSmits: k

Astrobytes: It used to growl and huff and puff while you laughed at it.

MSmits: it's weird, my dog can go completely psycho in 1 second and become super nice in another

MSmits: predictably though

Astrobytes: Dogs for ya. Cats are the same

Astrobytes: But unpredictably.

MSmits: yeah was gonna say

MSmits: try not to pet a random cat on the street

MSmits: often it will be ok

MSmits: sometimes they will jump up and grab your neck

Astrobytes: 'Try not to' - impossible.

MSmits: lol

MSmits: we had a random cat a little ways away from the house that walked a street we had to avoid

MSmits: one time we walked through there and it hunted our dog

miszu: Good morning children. question for opening in othello. How many moves in advance do you put in your opening?

MSmits: i had to pick my dog up and carry it for like 200 m.

MSmits: before it gave up

Astrobytes: hahaha

MSmits: it literally jumped to grab our doh

MSmits: dog

Astrobytes: Yeah, seen a lot of cats tormenting dogs

MSmits: our dog is cat size, but a dog and cat of same size... no contest. Save your dog lol

Astrobytes: I've seen 'em go for bigger dogs too. Depends on the temperament/breed of the dog.

MSmits: when i was younger our house cat escaped, we found her 4 houses away on the back of a huge dogs which was whining and running around

MSmits: huge dog

Astrobytes: hahahaha

Astrobytes: that's epic

MSmits: yea, hmm first day outside, what to do

Astrobytes: My friend had a Dogo Argentino, it got a cat once. It actually jumped off a 2nd floor balcony to chase it. That did not end well.

MSmits: you cant just pull a cat off either. My mom got some serious scratches

Astrobytes: Yeah, they hang on for grim life

MSmits: yeah just leave the cat alone

MSmits: they're not just mean to dogs either

Astrobytes: All creatures great and small

MSmits: they play real dirty

MSmits: like pretend to be chill and then wait till the other cat turns around

MSmits: dogs dont do that, they dont understand this behavior

MSmits: 100% honest

Astrobytes: So true :D

MSmits: they also practice sneaking on random people, just for giggles

MSmits: you will see them following you through yards of houses

MSmits: when you pass them

Astrobytes: Stalking

MSmits: one time i walked for 15 min with a cat after me i entered my home and took a nap in front of my front door like it was waiting for me to come out and play

MSmits: it took a nap i mean

Astrobytes: Was gonna say :P

MSmits: hehe

Marchete: cat's whisperer

reCurse: This chat o.0

ill-be-waiting-outside: hi

miszu: btw reCurse congrats on winning the competition. I just noticed now you finished 1st and actually did a submission.

reCurse: Thanks

Astrobytes: hey at least we're talking :P

Alshock: @miszuI guess at first you noticed he was first and then were surprised that he submitted

reCurse: Oh not complaining, just funny to be the first thing to come to

Astrobytes: :)

jacek: :upside_down:

jacek: if your policy output is 38, that mean GROW, COMPLETE and SEED in the same cell share their visits?

reCurse: I literally coded COMPLETE as a GROW

reCurse: Because there is zero overlap

Marchete: I think it's good

reCurse: I also pruned SEED to only have one source

reCurse: So yes, policy is hex grid + 1 for wait

MSmits: oh.. i did that too

MSmits: the 1 source seed

MSmits: didnt do sht for my bot, same rank, but it seemed like a really good idea :0

reCurse: I mainly did it so the policy size does not go out of control

MSmits: in my case it was because i hardcoded seed to be the last action of my day

MSmits: so who cares which tree it comes from

reCurse: I'm still curious if there is more safe pruning to do

reCurse: I noticed my bot wasted a lot of time on seeds still

MSmits: i did grow 3 before 2 before 1

MSmits: did you do that?

reCurse: No

MSmits: seems only to matter when reacting to opponent

Wontonimo: my 1 source was randomized. i think in your PM recurs you used the largest tree

reCurse: Yeah I made it deterministic

reCurse: To give a chance for the NN to rely on something

reCurse: I guess ordering grows is 100% safe

reCurse: Not sure if that's where most of the time is wasted

MSmits: well except when reacting to opponent

reCurse: I'm fairly sure it's seeds

reCurse: What do you mean

MSmits: well if he knows you grow something to 3, he can react

MSmits: if you do it later, he cant

reCurse: Oh gotcha

MSmits: but then its more expensive... so prolly not worth it

MSmits: if you grow out of order it costs +1 sun

MSmits: considering how close top games are

Default avatar.png Vova_s: growing 3 before 2 before 1 could be a bad thing. That is when you can grow aither two trees of size 1 and 2 or one tree of size 3 in single day

MSmits: +1 sun is huge

reCurse: Well it doesn't mean you can't grow 2

reCurse: It's just you can't grow 3 after 2

reCurse: So it's ordering pruning

MSmits: Vova_s i dont mean favor growing 3

MSmits: i mean if you already know which ones you're growing on a day

MSmits: grow the big ones first

jrke: maybe even growing the tree which are less on map

jrke: saving extra sunpoint

Default avatar.png Vova_s: ah, in that case, sure, you should grow biggest tree first

MSmits: yeah, that was my point

MSmits: but the small counterpoint is that if you grow a tree to 3 first, the opponent knows which tree is going to cause more shading and use that info

tobk: I thought about that too, grow the largest first (not to end up with many half-baked trees in the last turn) or most cost-effective

MSmits: to make his own decision

MSmits: but as i said +1 sun is huge so...

Default avatar.png putibuzu: Yes. I think you have to take into account the opponent and shading

tobk: ended up growing biggest-first to play it safe (it's all pretty hard-coded), but might make it depend on the day or something

reCurse: Next time I get serious I'll write a full mcts visualization

Wontonimo: if it is the "best" decision, and the opponent is sane, then it should be done anyways

reCurse: This opaqueness is starting to drive me nuts

MSmits: I kinda have half of that in my meta mcts, but text only

reCurse: Nah text is not enough

MSmits: i mean, i can zoom up and down the tree and select nodes

KareemTheDream: how do i do this clash code thing idk how to do it

reCurse: Needs a proper UI to dig

MSmits: but they dont appear as circles and stuff

MSmits: just lists of children

Wontonimo: do you have an example image from the web of what you are thinking of for visualization

tobk: I'd just wish they'd come up with better names at least when the contests go MP. "My Neighbor Codetoro" would spring to mind...

reCurse: They used to do that

MSmits: tobk they had those before

MSmits: go 2 yrs back for this

reCurse: Switched to Season Challenge for... branding reasons?

ZarthaxX: have you seen this reCurse

reCurse: I don't know

ZarthaxX: dont know if it helps

tobk: exactly, and now it's just "[Season] Challenge [Year]" forever?

reCurse: Yeah Wontonimo check his website

reCurse: The tree example

reCurse: That's what I'm talking about

reCurse: With the game state displayed on the right

jrke: tobk you forgot Codingame at first

jrke: "Codingame [Season] Challenge [Year]"

MSmits: which website reCurse?

reCurse: Zarthax's

MSmits: oh the link

MSmits: looks cool yeah

jrke: this onw -


ZarthaxX: i think i showed you this already MSmits

jrke: one*

MSmits: yeah i remember

reCurse: I'd probably use colors to expose some information

reCurse: Like visits, score, etc

MSmits: i just wasnt sure if this was you showing me

ZarthaxX: haha :P

reCurse: And a slider to scrub through all iterations

reCurse: etc

MSmits: people show me good stuff all the time :0

MSmits: forget who shows what

ZarthaxX: gotta take notes smito

MSmits: yeah i guess so :0

ZarthaxX: ohhh the slider seems like acool idea

Wontonimo: watcha thinking ? something like dump state to file, use something else to render it like javascript in html?

MSmits: oh wow, if you're going to store iterations then the storage will be huuuuge

reCurse: I still hit the inner reflex where I stop when I think I say too much

MSmits: reCurse dont worry about sharing the visual tool ideas, these ideas are not why you win

ZarthaxX: true

Wontonimo: cuz if it's a dump to file then browse, i'd be happy to contribute to that project

reCurse: You say that but

MSmits: the actual building of them is and the ideas you get during contest

MSmits: yes but you *do* it

MSmits: others can have these ideas

reCurse: Most of the progress in whatever work I do is usually done through such tools

MSmits: of course

MSmits: but they are not particularly inventive. You're just good at building them and you actually invest time

MSmits: the inventiveness is in the bot

reCurse: Alright, fine

reCurse: I might not be competitive for a long time for all I know

reCurse: I was thinking of hosting a REST server in the C++ bot

Marchete: child?

reCurse: And using web frontend

reCurse: So you don't need storage

Astrobytes: Clever

Marchete: I'm lost, but it's ok

reCurse: I mean it feels good to share stuff

reCurse: But as I mentioned in forums

reCurse: I also get the impression when I do that I slowly sign retirement

Marchete: to be honest

reCurse: And it breaks my heart :)

Wontonimo: you'd need to keep the process running, so not good for brutal tester

ZarthaxX: no way lol

MSmits: yep, also, I tend to share more if i perform worse. I totally get shutting down on sharing when you're winning :P

Marchete: your last sentence seemed a farewell to me, recurse

Default avatar.png putibuzu: Knowing in principle how to smth is very different from actually doing it, especially when it comes to this NN stuff

reCurse: It might be, it might not, I don't know

reCurse: If it happens it won't be an official thing

reCurse: It's just gonna happen

MSmits: I sense that you think you need to make some final decision. Pb 4 retired before

MSmits: and came back

MSmits: and won some

reCurse: Not going to lie I'm nervous about it

Marchete: yeah, sometimes it's cyclic

reCurse: Don't know what to expect :)

jacek: addict reaction

Marchete: if it's about the child, it will be fine, I had mine around your age

MSmits: dont worry so much about the cg side of things. It should not feel like an obligation anyways. You've won a bunch here, noone can take that away anyway. Just come here when you have time

Wontonimo: don't psych yourself out. Admit that it is actually hard after having achieved num1 becuase the tendency is to make that now your new standard

struct: you can still have fun and not be competitive

Marchete: :D

MSmits: that last one is a bridge too far struct :P

MSmits: dont think he can do that :P

Astrobytes: I think he was subtly using the CG 5% thing

struct: yeah

MSmits: ahh ok

Astrobytes: *95%

Marchete: CoC and its random invites will always be there for you :grin:

MSmits: lol

Astrobytes: The schoolkids will always be waiting...

MSmits: find an escape room to relax in

Marchete: a hardcore escape room can be fun. I thought about it some time ago

jacek: oO

Wontonimo: i still haven't tried the escape room here

Marchete: I mean more like an optim puzzle

Marchete: having N puzzles inside, and each one gives points and give codes for other puzzles

Wontonimo: i've tried the in-person escape room thing. i suck at it

MSmits: sure, stuff like that could be ok Marchete

Marchete: I even had some of them :D

MSmits: I prefer just doing random puzzles on my own probably

MSmits: i suck at teamwork

Wontonimo: the great thing about solo work is not having to manage other peoples reaction to my frustration rage fits

KalamariKing: Exactly!

MSmits: lol

Default avatar.png ththththt: I love ma daily java

MSmits: I just become really slow and indecisive in a team

MSmits: either make me boss or let me work on my own :)

jacek: wood boss?

MSmits: sure

MSmits: i've never had a bot that became boss before :(

MSmits: i guess they dont like search bots

ZarthaxX: because you are alwaysa on top ;)

MSmits: nahh, at one time maybe

ZarthaxX: trying to cheer you up

MSmits: i know, thanks. I am ok though :)

MSmits: cant wait till i have some free time to get into the nn thing

Krakenus00: How do you get that cool contest badge as eulerscheZahl has?

MSmits: not sure what you mean

struct: search bots = more cost

MSmits: but euler has a lot of cool

Astrobytes: CG Premium Account

MSmits: wait what

ZarthaxX: oh no NNSmits

ZarthaxX: D:

Astrobytes: How does the CG Premium Account thing still reel people in?!

MSmits: ohh, he did a badge in his about page

Astrobytes: *Why

MSmits: I'm easy pickins Astrobytes

Astrobytes: :grin:

MSmits: Krakenus00 it's just his profile

Astrobytes: He embedded it there a few contests back

MSmits: you can put anything in that part

Krakenus00: Yeah, I know, but where did he get that?

MSmits: oh, good question, maybe he made it himself

MSmits: but he also has "connections"

struct: I think they emailed it on the prveious contest

Marchete: you can put images there...

Astrobytes: Yeah, that's what it was struct

MSmits: ahh ok

MSmits: it's kinda weird, i mean he did like 20 contests

MSmits: now it seems like he did 1

MSmits: he needs to make 20 badges now

Marchete: unnecessary task succesfully completed

MSmits: I'm guessing this might be euler humor though

MSmits: often i get it, but sometimes i just sense it right beyond my capabilities

Krakenus00: I've just found that badge in google, xd

MSmits: well go put it in your profile

icecream17: I just came back, and i've been promoted to gold? Any news on spring challenge?

Krakenus00: It's over

Vry: gg icecream17

Wontonimo: well, it's now a multi here

Wontonimo: keep on going!

davilla: say what? how do I go premium?

Astrobytes: lol

Nerchio: seems like its a long way to properly write a winning NN ;)

Astrobytes: Don't worry, it's just a meme

davilla: take my money!

davilla: also a meme :-P

Astrobytes: :D

Default avatar.png GlitchFox: i cant with this mars lanidng level i dont get it

Wontonimo: which one GlitchFox?

Default avatar.png GlitchFox: the level 1-fist contact(ik i get,im a noob)

TheBatMan_TM: which is the best online ide for web application development with terminal?

TheBatMan_TM: someone please respond

Astrobytes: I don't know.

Default avatar.png non5:

TheBatMan_TM: anything else?

TheBatMan_TM: except

davilla: yes

davilla: I don't know what that means

davilla: sorry, best response I got

Default avatar.png non5: aws cloud9

BeardedJotunn: Is there a rule on this site or something that you always round answers, and that you always round down? Someone asking for a distance in meters doesn't mean whole meters to me, 8.549m is in meters. But when dealing with distance rounding down definitely makes no sense, but I've seen it in a few clashes now.

Default avatar.png non5: ?

TheBatMan_TM: aws cloud9?

Default avatar.png non5: ys

TheBatMan_TM: is that free?

davilla: BeardedJotunn make a comment in feedback, it should be in the description not a rule

KalamariKing: BeardedJotunn I don't believe so, although maybe

Default avatar.png 9gress0r: it's free but you need an account

TheBatMan_TM: ohk

TheBatMan_TM: ty

Default avatar.png 9gress0r: hey, is it a bag? when i enter a loops lessons here, it opens just a blank page

Default avatar.png GlitchFox: how do you change the verical speed of the lander someone pls respond

Default avatar.png 9gress0r: what should i do

Default avatar.png GlitchFox: u refreshed?

BeardedJotunn: Alright, yeah I made a comment on that one for sure, keep doing that. Not sure I should complain on all the ones that expect you to round without telling me, because that's soooo many :P

Default avatar.png 9gress0r: yep

BeardedJotunn: Thanks!

Default avatar.png 9gress0r: there are just my progress bar

Default avatar.png 9gress0r: thats all

Default avatar.png 9gress0r: and definition of loops

jacek: mars lander 1?

Wontonimo: Hey GlitchFox, so try alternating between thrust 4 and 3 every other round

Krakenus00: GlitchFox just thrust

Krakenus00: I've completed the first level just with 0 and 4

Default avatar.png rohrokz: any java bois here?

KalamariKing: possibly

KalamariKing: why

creeperZnation4: What's up?

Krakenus00: reject Java embrace C++

creeperZnation4: Did u just wanna know how many of us are here XD

creeperZnation4: I'm convinced that C++ is just D

creeperZnation4: Ok that was a bad joke

creeperZnation4: XD

Krakenus00: I C

Krakenus00: btw

creeperZnation4: yeah?

Krakenus00: does anyone use Clojure?

creeperZnation4: Can't say I've heard of it

Krakenus00: I've never heard about it before joining CG xd

Default avatar.png rohrokz: what is it

creeperZnation4: Care to explain XD

Krakenus00: Programming language

creeperZnation4: Ah ok

Krakenus00: Oh

Krakenus00: It just a Java Lisp

KalamariKing: wdym

KalamariKing: how can a programming language have a lisp

creeperZnation4: lol XD

jacek: java html

creeperZnation4: can you mix java and html together?

creeperZnation4: like not with applets and api calls and whatnot

Krakenus00: creeperZnation4 do you mean JHTML?

Marchete: in alphazero there is a thing about temperature, but in some documents they say temp=1.0, hence not using it (because c_puct can be tweaked for that), it's right?

jacek: afair they use temp=1 for first 30 moves then temp=0 (exploit) for the rest

AllYourTrees: lol reCurse i think i found some untrained state space

AllYourTrees: is that related to your win percentage getting to high that you mentioned in your post?

reCurse: Let me check

Marchete: not on root, no?

reCurse: Starting to massively overcorrect on turn 30 o.0

reCurse: Sounds like it

Marchete: I need to review that more

reCurse: The problem with my hack is it can start doing stupid stuff

reCurse: Like cutting trees early to boost score

jacek: Marchete if youre refering to softmax temperature, its about choosing the final move

reCurse: I usually rely on the win % dropping enough so regular NN can go back and play

jacek: more exploration is done via dirichlet noise applied to root

AllYourTrees: ahhh ya

reCurse: But it could also create too much damage

reCurse: A proper solution would fix those issues, but I wasn't going to restart a training on the last day

AllYourTrees: fair

reCurse: I might try out of curiosity

reCurse: But take the next few days of a contest with a huge grain of salt

reCurse: There's leftover motivation that turns out to be unfounded soon after

reCurse: Contest adrenaline wearing off, something like that

AllYourTrees: lol i've felt that before

AllYourTrees: i haven't been able to sustain motivation outside of the contest

AllYourTrees: i always am like oh yeah i can just work on this whenever nice

AllYourTrees: and then i dont :|

reCurse: Not a bad thing

reCurse: I suspect I burned out a few times because of that

AllYourTrees: good point

Marchete: ahhhhh normalized visits

Marchete: I get it

AllYourTrees: alright see ya'll later :wave:

Marchete: no I don't lol

reCurse: :wave:

Al_ir_eza00: hello guys whats up?

Al_ir_eza00: :smiley:

Wontonimo: just chatting about the competition that just ended

Wontonimo: what up with you?

jacek: hmm this policy isnt that hard. quick & dirty hacks allowed me for a little inferior bot than mine

eulerscheZahl: nice, dice duel already approved. and once again I forgot the cover image

jacek: then who the ^&!@ approved it :rage:

jrke: jacek one of those approvals belongs to you also

jacek: :innocent:

eulerscheZahl: that's the joke

Wontonimo: that was past jace, this is present jace

Marchete: eulerscheZahl, your badge image in the profile is some kind of joke?

struct: Where is the badge for this contest, did they not email it?

eulerscheZahl: no, i really participated in that contest

Marchete: and 23 others

eulerscheZahl: nope, no badge for spring

struct: but they made one ...

jacek: this is his participation medal

eulerscheZahl: last time they sent one per email and i wasn't sure what to do with it other than that


jrke: looks great struct

eulerscheZahl: maybe they send an email without the stuff around, then I can add this to my profile too

eulerscheZahl: for the 95%

Marchete: many top 10 and you put a participation medal. Smits thought it was some kind of elaborated joke

reCurse: It is

eulerscheZahl: they didn't send be a badge for those placements ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Default avatar.png ProjectKoe257: I need some help in coders strike back

jacek: mhm

fenrir: reCurse: for the hack on value, it might be because tanh is saturing out, making every move look the same (I had an issue like that sometimes), using +/- 0.5 instead kinda work

fenrir: (in case you are using tanh for the value head)

jacek: use relu for value, then there is no losing :v

reCurse: +/- 0.5? What do you mean

fenrir: +0.5 for a win, -0.5 for a loss

reCurse: How would it help though?

fenrir: it leaves room above 0.5

reCurse: But what defines it?

jacek: oh right, how can you go above 1.0 with tanh

cegprakash: I have a feeling my eval and euler's eval is almost the same.. may be I should have increased depth and tried.. also I did similar opp prediction with only one opponent who always Grows

cegprakash: but I ended up only in gold 300 with minimax at depth 1.. I tried GA at a depth of 5 and I could reach gold 400

reCurse: I mean how would it get 0.5 to 1? It seems like it might be random

cegprakash: and it was worser than my minimax

cegprakash: I mean GA at a depth of 5 days

cegprakash: minimax at a depth of 1 frame

cegprakash: my 1 frame minimax performed better than GA at depth 5

fenrir: the NN may overestimate the value and so be a little above 0.5, but the action ranking may be valid

reCurse: Hmm

reCurse: I don't know if it's a reliable overestimation though

reCurse: Could be worth a shot

reCurse: Another idea I had is to remove the tanh past a certain value

reCurse: And also cross fingers

fenrir: when I tried qlearning, it did help

reCurse: Interesting

fenrir: the value was not accurated, but the ranking was

reCurse: Thanks for the hint

fenrir: not sure it will help but...

fenrir: you can also use a linear output, but I don't think it is better than reducing the output range with tanh

Marchete: half the range is not a lot?

fenrir: I tried 0.5 et 0.8, were similar in my tests

Marchete: ahh, ok

fenrir: but yeah 0.8 might also work well

reCurse: I think tanh helps for the vast majority of cases

Krakenus00: Yeah, now I have that cool badge

reCurse: But it's possible some contrast can be had if it starts outputting big values that are invisible after tanh

reCurse: But I really have doubts on its accuracy

fenrir: the issue is than tanh() +/- 0.5 make it near linear

reCurse: Or even its validity

fenrir: but it is better than linear as it acts a bit like a soft clip to avoid propagating large wrong value (at least in the begining)

fenrir: and cliping create the same issue, flatten everything

Chainman: Oh cool I got 3.6k codingame points from the springchallenge 2021

reCurse: Hmm

reCurse: This reminds me of soft labels

reCurse: Hmm

reCurse: Definitely potential there

cegprakash: miklla what a legend

cegprakash: used DP

cegprakash: while we were all searching

fenrir: and the gradient get killed when near +/-1

Wontonimo: something that helped with one of my NNs (not CG) was something that was called visual loss. There is this problem of using abs(signal) or sqr(signal)

fenrir: so hard to go back from it when learned a wrong value

reCurse: Yeah it's quite insightful fenrir

reCurse: Makes me think of a few things

Wontonimo: where abs(signal) gave very crisp results but everything was muted, and sqr(result) gave blurry results but high contrast. using both was magic

Wontonimo: so, perhaps you can use tanh for the crisp win/loss, but also add in a small linear signal to give some gradient

fenrir: so probably a tradeoff between easier learning but making it a bit harder to learn some value

fenrir: I mean not on the same case

Wontonimo: maybe : tanh(score) + 0.1*tanh(score/20)

reCurse: I'm just curious if it will end up having something > 0.5 translate into winning more reliably

Wontonimo: the second tanh(score/20) will give sensitivity to greater spread in winning)

Chainman: In the email they said "Mai 6-17 2021"

reCurse: Or if it will be random noise leftover from linear coefficients

fenrir: unsure, I know in my case it made learning more stable but unsure if you have a stable learning if it helps

reCurse: Like soft labeling helps with the gradient issue you mention

reCurse: Which is the same trick, use 0.9-hot encoding

reCurse: To leave some room

reCurse: But what goes above is quite undefined

reCurse: Yeah I don't know maybe it helps in other ways if not with the 'winning more' issue

fenrir: another way I would see is using a gamma (on day) even if not really needed, but maybe that will make training harder

reCurse: No clue :) Many things to try for sure

Chainman: does the rank change in multiplayer version of spring challenge 2021?

fenrir: yeah, but it's hard to be sure of the result, not sure how you trainig was reproductible, but depending in the seed, the exact learning rate scheduling, etc a lot changes

reCurse: Oh yeah tell me about it... I kind of give up making sense of what really helps vs what doesn't and rely on instinct/experience...

fenrir: yeah, if we had a server farm, then a good old grid search, otherwise...

jacek: clop :v

reCurse: It's really tough in that kind of RL setting, how long should let it train for before comparing against other agents, etc

reCurse: I kind of just reused the same run that started working and piling on it

fenrir: I had seen an article that show that the main gain of PPO was due to everything but the main PPO change

reCurse: Oh yeah I saw that

reCurse: Implementation matters :)

fenrir: yep :)

jacek: PPO?

reCurse: Was funny if not sad

fenrir: Proximal Policy Optimization

reCurse: The holy grail of OpenAI

reCurse: For Dota 2 among others

fenrir: this one I failed to have good result with it in self-play

fenrir: not sure why

reCurse: I only tried it to train a runner in CSB

reCurse: Completely destroyed all others

reCurse: In terms of training speed etc

fenrir: a runner alone ?

reCurse: Yeah

fenrir: yes that ok, but in self play I failed to have good result

reCurse: I used that as a benchmark to compare different ways

fenrir: not sure why

reCurse: Yeah self play is hard

reCurse: That's why I stuck to "how long for a good runner"

reCurse: Very quick and measurable

fenrir: ok

reCurse: I wanted to try getting it to work for self-play

reCurse: But I kind of gave up on model-free approaches

fenrir: if you do and it works for you, I would like to know (toknow that I have to look for bug in my code :))

reCurse: Hehe noted

reCurse: I just plugged my mcts nodes into a graph lib, nice snowflake

reCurse: This is getting too dangerous of a time sink

jacek: :tada:

Wontonimo: navigating 20,000 nodes should be no problem. 5 hours later...

reCurse: Can even drag nodes and it reacts with physics


reCurse: Nerding out

Chainman: what is snowflake reCurse?

reCurse: Graph layout

reCurse: Can't paste pictures in webchat and too lazy to find image hosting

jacek: eh


Chainman: I'm guessing something like this?

reCurse: A little bit yeah

reCurse: Except it looks like a literal snowflake


ClockSort: where can i find bronze (full) rules to UTTT?

ClockSort: or do i have to code a bot to find out? haha

ClockSort: @reCurse i've been enjoying your only YT videos. thanks for not deleting :D

reCurse: yw

struct: daily reminder :D

jacek: ClockSort

MSmits: ClockSort it's really really easy to get to bronze

eulerscheZahl: ClockSort always print the first legal action and you'll promote

ClockSort: not if you play random moves, apparently.

MSmits: just code something like prefer center, otherwise corner or something

ClockSort: it's crazy that isn't working

jrke: jacek bronze rules are not there i think

jrke: only 2 levels are there

ClockSort: i have to write a three-in-a-row finder maybe :(

MSmits: there are only two games jrke

Wontonimo: i thought there were only 2 levels of rules

MSmits: normal TTT and 9 board TTT (uttt)

ClockSort: wood1 and bronze?

jacek: here you go

MSmits: wood 1 and everything else

MSmits: oh lol

MSmits: I actually worked through that entire thing jacek

ClockSort: not ok @jacek, i'm not a cheater :D


struct: Might be usefull for someone

MSmits: ClockSort its not a bot

jacek: entire thing?

struct: read it all jacek

MSmits: your ntuple system

jacek: ah

MSmits: for TTT

MSmits: know what all the lines of code do :)

MSmits: thanks

ClockSort: it's a good piece of a bot

jacek: *bookmarked* not to never look at it again

MSmits: for a game where all you do is print first legal action to win :P

jacek: its bitboard, youll gonna need it later

ClockSort: i'll make a better bitboard than this

jrke: so i was right during contest that my BS needs a better eval

MSmits: make tritboard :)

LeviathanProgramming: Hey guys, if you want to win more clashes, a trick is to launch it off when it's just you and another person

LeviathanProgramming: That's what I do

LeviathanProgramming: I just start before the really good clashers join

jacek: start clash then leave :imp:

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Bonjour

ClockSort: backup strat: become really good clasher

Chainman: lol,

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Then no one wants to go against you

Wontonimo: even better

ClockSort: clash annoys me because golfing

MSmits: ye when I play clash I always think, man even golf would be more fun

jacek: you play clash? oO

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Good thing you can golf code

ClockSort: ...

MSmits: i did 50 times

MSmits: thats a lot you know

MSmits: they forced me to do it because quest map

jacek: no one 'forced' you

jacek: the gamification worked

MSmits: yeah

MSmits: they gamificated me

Krakenus00: Get gamificated

Krakenus00: Actually, it is not that bad

Krakenus00: Btw I learned Python and Ruby only to win in CoC

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Python can be a bit cheaty in some scenarios compared to other languages

Krakenus00: What about ruby with its "p" command for printing?

Krakenus00: However, I've been winning in fastest modes with C++, so Python is not that big pain in the ass

jrke: that was bit late - :(

Saphine: Happens

Saphine: :grimacing:

LeviathanProgramming: I only use JS

Saphine: Js is good

Wontonimo: I only use assembly, but usually indirectly

ClockSort: you need ruby to win golf

ClockSort: and i don't have ruby

ClockSort: therefore i don't win golf

ClockSort: i golf in JS and it hurts.

jacek: try in golf fields

struct: you need perl

jacek: all you need is love

Krakenus00: all you need is O(n log n) sorting algorithm

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Dang, I just had a clash of code that had geometry math that I didn't know because of covid rip

KalamariKing: lmao

KalamariKing: what was it I wanna see if I know

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: My geometry class did not teach us anything besides intro to sin, cos, tan

KalamariKing: was it the geometric mean coc?

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: It's just asking to find the area of a shape based on number of sides and side lengths but I don't know how to do that one rip

KalamariKing: oh rip

jacek: rip?

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Rest in peace

KalamariKing: shred

Astrobytes: *Rust In Peace

KalamariKing: *Ripped into pieces

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: I don't imagine everyone here enjoys Rust

jacek: this?

Astrobytes: It's a Megadeth album.

pmor: They must be too young to experience the tranquility of Megadeth

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Yeah thats it jacek

Astrobytes: Guess so pmor :/

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: I'm decent at math but I don't know enough of it to be good in things like that

Krakenus00: Hm, I learned that in school

Wontonimo: i know enough math to know that 2+2=5 for large enough 2s

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: I did not Krakenus rip

Krakenus00: You just need to split that polygon into triangles, find their area and multiply it by their count

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: My geometry class was 50% proofs, 40% introductory sin, cos, tan, and 50% covid online

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: More like 70-80% proofs

Wontonimo: yeah, that sounds like what my geometry hs class was like also

jacek: 50%+40%+50% = 140%, dat math

Krakenus00: Did covid really hit all your education? Cause at university I feel the same, maybe even better.

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: I'm not in uni

Krakenus00: I understand, that's why I'm asking

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: and yeah it effected it pretty badly, I learned nothing during spring semester last year and had to go most of this school year online which hurt my grades and learning a decent amount

Chainman: Can I pop out this chat, it is very uncomfortable looking at it in a thin corner of screen.

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: I do agree it is uncomfortable having to use this chat but I'm used to it cause of twitch

jacek: add ?disableChat in url

davilla: who had the math question?

Chainman: no that just removes chat,

Chainman: I want to see chat

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: he wants chat to be bigger

Astrobytes: He means pop it out into a separate window jacek. No, unfortunately.

jacek: ?makeThisChatBiggerAndPopOut

Chainman: lol

Chainman: serio?

Astrobytes: With some CSS fiddling yes

Krakenus00: Just ctrl + "+" xd

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Gotta love url queries

Chainman: That is not optimal Krakenus00

davilla: oh Kraken already answered the math question

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Yeah, what he said is pretty much what I did but it didn't work out 100% because of the fact that there were triangles and stuff as well


davilla: seems like you'd have to draw it out, even if you knew exactly what you were doing

davilla: honestly I think I would have cheated :-P

Chainman: That's a nice math problem.

Chainman: TotoZero, that's a good name

Wontonimo: if you want full window chat use the following command in $(".left-column").remove() ; $(".chat-wrapper").width("100%") ; $(".chat").width("100%") ; $(".messages").width("100%")

Wontonimo: $(".left-column").remove() ; $(".chat-wrapper").width("100%") ; $(".chat").width("100%") ; $(".messages").width("100%")

jacek: press alt+F4 to apply

Wontonimo: (woops, sorry for the double paste)

Chainman: I tried in console, didn't do anything.

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Unplug your computer to apply

davilla: try turning it off and on again

Chainman: :unamused:

Wontonimo: oh, still can't minimize screen width

Wontonimo: auto hide isn't disabled

Default avatar.png -Noam-: wtf

Default avatar.png -Noam-: HOLY F***ING SHIT

jacek: oO

Astrobytes: don't use bad language unnecessarily please

Astrobytes: Or I'll kick you

jacek: bloody hell

jacek: motyla noga

Wontonimo: trouble maker

Default avatar.png -Noam-: I'm sorry but excuse me. The example was not to add all the numbers. it was something else.

jacek: clash?

Default avatar.png -Noam-: I really don't understand what happened there

Astrobytes: cool, no probs

Astrobytes: jacek: butterfly leg?

jacek: yes

jacek: its a cursing like bloody hell

Astrobytes: haha awesome

jacek: though psiakrew would be more fit

Default avatar.png -Noam-: Hi

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: So is Astrobytes a mod or something

Astrobytes: Yes.

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: oh dang he is

solistice: I'm trying Code vs Zombies right now

solistice: it says we have <= 100ms per turn

solistice: when can I start timing?

struct: after reading first input

jacek: after first input

Astrobytes: ^

solistice: okay cool!

solistice: thanks guys

Default avatar.png SaltySodiums: yall got snap??

Default avatar.png SaltySodiums: add my snap @bigbananaboy4

Astrobytes: No.

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: No thanks

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: I don't associate myself with people with explosive tendencies when in water

Krakenus00: Oh, I made a timer for the last contest. I was calculating all the things in another thread and counting the time in main. If the time runs out, I just terminate that thread and randomize move:upside_down:

jacek: That it's all just a dream and it can't be real. Face it, you're a Nightmare's meal!

Krakenus00: I left like 5ms for terminating and randomizing

jacek: randomizing?

struct: but you only have access to 1 thread?

struct: I dont understand

Marchete: 2 threads sharing a vCPU

AllYourTrees: if you cut 1 thread into infinitely small pieces, do you end up with an infinite numbe of threads?

eulerscheZahl: :(){ :|:& };:

tobk: Nice try.

Astrobytes: Well it was an appropriate response to the thread splitting question.

eulerscheZahl: the nice try is telling you to copy it into your linux terminal

struct: doesnt work on windows :(

eulerscheZahl: with WLS?

struct: on wsl it works

eulerscheZahl: did you test it?

struct: no but I read that it works

eulerscheZahl: better make sure

Astrobytes: :D

eulerscheZahl: struct left the chat

validity-check: hi guys

Astrobytes: Hello.

struct: I removed junk from my spring challenge ended up with 600 lines

eulerscheZahl: that's as many as smits has

jacek: winter wrap up winter wrap up ~

struct: I think im going back to STC

eulerscheZahl: you won't submit anyways

tobk: I ended up with ~150 LoC (sans junk), just rules/heuristic, no sim (that's part of the junk actually...)

AllYourTrees: whats stc

Astrobytes: Smash the Code

Astrobytes: Much more meaningful name than SC2020, FC 2021, SC2021, FC2021 etc

Astrobytes: *FC2020

AntiSquid: what do we call the last one? totoro or photosynthesis ?

eulerscheZahl: for me this is the bot contest where I wrote the least code since BotG which had about 60 lines less

struct: euler I only need eval since I already have the beam coded

eulerscheZahl: spring challenge 2021

struct: I think I got the beam right this time

AllYourTrees: Branch Bomb 2021

AllYourTrees: Tree Search 2021

eulerscheZahl: you want to do beam on STC?

Astrobytes: No names any more AntiSquid. Up to you to remember.

AntiSquid: kinda lame

tobk: Codetoro!

Astrobytes: Very lame.

struct: Yes

AntiSquid: after a while you will forget which one is which

Astrobytes: I already do.

struct: Yes, i want to try beam there

AntiSquid: i got a great idea to fix it though!

Astrobytes: tobk yeah something like that would have been cool

AntiSquid: why don't we merge multis into clash puzzles ?

Astrobytes: :rofl:

eulerscheZahl: pacman is an approprate name for spring 2020

eulerscheZahl: but don't try to teach me something that makes it harder than the original name (at least I can look that one up)

Astrobytes: Or Pac2020 if they didn't want to get in trouble

AntiSquid: zelda is short for fall 2020, it's the zelda witches

eulerscheZahl: i don't even know what zelda is

AllYourTrees: isn't fall 2020 a board game too?

eulerscheZahl: except for the aunt of Sabrina


jacek: zelda is that green guy

Marchete: better try a NNç

AllYourTrees: :scream:

struct: Marchete I have no idea how to code a NN

Astrobytes: Sabrina euler :rofl:

AntiSquid: euler

Marchete: neither me

Astrobytes: Big fan were you?

jacek: import nn. nn.code() [solved]

eulerscheZahl: at times I was, yes

AntiSquid: zelda is a princess, you play a character link in the game Legend of Zelda to save the princess

AntiSquid: kinda like mario

eulerscheZahl: then Pro7 replaced it by Malcolm in the middle which I also liked

AllYourTrees: just use a nn to code another nn

Astrobytes: I think I've seen every episode of Sabrina up until late 90s, my sister was a huge fan. It was kinda funny at times.

struct: What would be the best game to try NN?

eulerscheZahl: i've seen most of them at least. not sure if all

struct: oware?

AntiSquid: oware probably

struct: bt?

Astrobytes: Oware seems to be the standard so far.

AllYourTrees: whats oware?

Astrobytes: Oware Abapa

AntiSquid: i mean which one has lowest amount of inputs ? :P

AllYourTrees: oooh


struct: cya in a few years when I have my NN ready

AllYourTrees: i was thinking breakthrough could be good too

AntiSquid: we can visit you at your retirement home to catch up on your NN struct

jacek: NN for breakthrough? i dont know...

AntiSquid: wait actually what about CSB struct ?

AntiSquid: or rather Search Race optimization

struct: i have 0 experience with it

AntiSquid: no i mean for lower input count

AntiSquid: faster to train i bet

Astrobytes: that's why people use Oware

struct: my problem is not training

AntiSquid: what is it ?


King_Coda: :ring:

Marchete: PCR NN

struct: implementing it

jfaixo: fall 2020 was the board game Century

AllYourTrees: pytorch has a really nice python interface, and you can even export the NN to something you can use in c++ with their c++ api

AntiSquid: search race : One line of 6 integers !!

so imo add the coordinates of next 2 check points on top of that and you should be able to get something working

AntiSquid: no need to take into account all CP for the NN

Astrobytes: Sim is more complex. Oware sim is a dawdle.

Astrobytes: Less to worry about.

AntiSquid: no sim

AllYourTrees: how are Code of Kutulu and Mean Max?

AntiSquid: was thinking of different approach, not of NN that gives value to a move

Astrobytes: AllYourTrees: you'll have to ask them yourself I haven't seen them for a while :P

AllYourTrees: Astrobytes :facepalm:

AntiSquid: code of kutulu you can get legend with heuristics too apparently, but sim shouldn't be too hard

AntiSquid: mean max is random but fun

AntiSquid: look at replays on the leaderboard

AntiSquid: anyways, both better than totoro imo

Astrobytes: For NN approach?!

AntiSquid: i thought he meant in general

AllYourTrees: ya in general

Astrobytes: Oh ok. Then yeah I agree. But your mileage may vary of course.

AntiSquid: i recommend kutulu out of the 2

AllYourTrees: kk ty!

eulerscheZahl: have fun with it AllYouSanity

eulerscheZahl: Your*

AllYourTrees: lolol

Astrobytes: lol

eulerscheZahl: i was hoping to see you as AllYourTriangles once :(

Astrobytes: If he goes MM it'll be AllYourWater

AllYourTrees: triangles??

eulerscheZahl: AllYourRage

Astrobytes: TryangleCatch

eulerscheZahl: rage is also mean max

Astrobytes: yep


Astrobytes: I quite liked that movie actually. Far superior to the original Mad Max movies

eulerscheZahl: 20s ad before? tab closed

AntiSquid: lol use ublock

Astrobytes: No ad here

AntiSquid: i have no ads

eulerscheZahl: i'm still chatting with firefox that i rarely use

eulerscheZahl: laggy chat is worse in chromium

eulerscheZahl: but can't open Dice Duel in Firefox, the 3D is evil

jacek: approvers should check if the game is browser friendly

AntiSquid: need 3D game that makes you think in 3D space for your bots

AntiSquid: approvers might have better pc

Astrobytes: It's approved?

eulerscheZahl: yes

eulerscheZahl: since this morning

Astrobytes: Oh nice, I didn't see it.

jacek: and it has cover

eulerscheZahl: in firefox i didn't either :rofl:

Astrobytes: lol

Astrobytes: Hm. It's only the game view that's 3D in Dice Duel isn't it?

eulerscheZahl: the dice geometry somehow is if you want to simulate

Astrobytes: Yes, I guess the transforms would be faster.

Astrobytes: We need a full on 3D multi now

eulerscheZahl: let's say it's easier to see what's going on with a 3D viewer than in 2D

Astrobytes: True.

AntiSquid: WOLF 3D

jacek: hmm in my last battles the boss has the default avatar oO

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: What are you even really supposed to do to improve in Bronze league of the pod racing game

AntiSquid: depends on your bot

AntiSquid: nobody knows what you even tried

AntiSquid: ah wait, -3*vel to next check point ! :D

struct: euler why cant you open it on firefiox?

struct: firefox*

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: I mean I don't know what you can even do to improve, they add collisions but it's not like anyones doing much to prevent colliding so it's pretty much a 50-50 regardless of your bot

eulerscheZahl: it's just extremely laggy

eulerscheZahl: maybe hardware acceleration off

eulerscheZahl: too lazy to find the setting

AntiSquid: lol it has a full landscape background

AntiSquid: how long did that take you ?

eulerscheZahl: a skybox

eulerscheZahl: took 2 or 3 weeks for the whole thing

eulerscheZahl: not in full-time of course, just some weekend or afternoon coding

jacek: Kingasasin177 target - 3*vel [solved]

eulerscheZahl: animating the rotations was painful, had a lot of rotations around the wrong axis at first

struct: if I ever manage to make a NN Ill port arimaa

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: what jacek?

AntiSquid: background is just a plain image? at first i thought it's a full 3D model too :D

eulerscheZahl: no arimaa on CG, i see

eulerscheZahl: check the bottom links

eulerscheZahl: it's 6 single images

jacek: isnt aarima copyrighted?

Astrobytes: struct was gonna do it at some point in the past iirc

eulerscheZahl: isn't Onitama too?

AntiSquid: next step add extra skyboxes in config settings to switch between them

eulerscheZahl: so far no one complained :innocent:

jacek: its alright for tutorial game

AntiSquid: isn't a lot of the stuff on CG copyrighted?

Astrobytes: The people who did last contest's board game complained. On YT at least

eulerscheZahl: link?

AntiSquid: what did they complaion about ?

Astrobytes: That's why the link and credit appeared

eulerscheZahl: interesting, didn't know

Astrobytes: It's on Guarav Sen's tut video

Astrobytes: I didn't watch the video past a quick skim as it was useless, but I read the comments

struct: you can copyright the name

struct: not the game

struct: iirc

struct: but im no lawyer

eulerscheZahl: found the comment, you are right

eulerscheZahl: i mean astro is right about the comment

AntiSquid: well change name change artwork add slightly different rules

Astrobytes: Not the pinned one, did you see the other one?

eulerscheZahl: i expanded and saw a reply

eulerscheZahl: let me scroll down and read more

AntiSquid: games copy each other all the time anyway, ever heard of how many diablo clones there are ?

Astrobytes: "@Blue Orange this is our mistake, we're very sorry about it. Now, the game is mentioned in the challenge. Thank you for a great game."

AntiSquid: just finished Path of Exile today btw

Astrobytes: In the "Side Note: That's the game idea of the board game Photosynthesis. Good game :)" comment thread

jacek: you can 'finish' it?

AntiSquid: well got to act 10

eulerscheZahl: so, let's try to port Catan next and see what happens?

AntiSquid: i mean finished act 10, don't care about it anymore lol

Astrobytes: lol

AllYourTrees: PoE is pretty crazy

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Rip only 66th in Bronze league of the pod racer

AllYourTrees: +1 to catan, or any game with trading would be cool (don't know if there already is)

Astrobytes: I'm guessing this is why they didn't go nuts asking for streamers this contest

AntiSquid: tons of little mechanics and things to do ... i skipped most content and just basically speed run with a fire mage

eulerscheZahl: the captain sonar guys where more happy about the CG contest. even wanted to provide some sprites. don't know why it didn't happen in the end. probably on too short notice

eulerscheZahl: but i can totally understand that photosynthesis wants credits

AntiSquid: can still happen after contest? &

Astrobytes: Yeah, most people are cool about ports, as long as there's a credit somewhere

AntiSquid: ya i'd want credit too if my board game wasn't that popular yet

eulerscheZahl: for Onitama one player even dropped me a private message telling me that it looks nice and he'll buy the board game

jacek: oh my

Astrobytes: that's awesome

jacek: i saw someone bought photosyntesis (or the hex board) to analyze the game

AllYourTrees: i kinda wanna buy photosynthesis haha

Astrobytes: Now demand a percentage from them

AllYourTrees: i think my fam would like the trees, they are beautiful

AllYourTrees: well i would also

eulerscheZahl: i want to buy it. and then sit there with my laptop playing against the others

AllYourTrees: :P

jacek: hm?

Astrobytes: lol

AllYourTrees: lets just play photosynthesis in a forest near you

eulerscheZahl: gabbek was working on something to play human vs bot. with Blazor so it's really easy to insert a C# bot (for coders of the realm)

Astrobytes: oh cool

jacek: blazor?

eulerscheZahl: i got to learn a bit of blazor on the job

eulerscheZahl: microsoft's web framework

eulerscheZahl: C# both server side and client side, no JS needed

eulerscheZahl: some overhead as you either keep a connection open to execute all the code on the server

AntiSquid: damn people still do their darnest to avoid JS

eulerscheZahl: or you send a dll and execute it via WebAssembly

jacek: so secure *.*

AntiSquid: but how will the interface bot and human work?

eulerscheZahl: that would have to be coded

eulerscheZahl: that's where the porting work goes

AntiSquid: and you can't request to play directly vs a bot on the leaderboard as a human

AntiSquid: which btw would be more interesting imo than the escape rooms

eulerscheZahl: you need 2 steps to play vs a C# bot: slightly modify the interaction protocol (if you don't want to run it as a separate process)

Astrobytes: So you could use a C++ dll? Or it would have to be WASM?

eulerscheZahl: and write a UI that can also forward the user interactions

eulerscheZahl: and a referee

Astrobytes: *converted to

eulerscheZahl: Blazor brings a .net runtime via WASM

eulerscheZahl: or you run the codes server-side, then it's more language agnostic (starting as a separate process)

Astrobytes: Yes, I was meaning server side

jacek: well i would like to play some games against the bots

Astrobytes: Interesting

eulerscheZahl: and the dll is at risk of decompilation

Astrobytes: Hm.

eulerscheZahl: maybe that will be my project for the coming holidays :thinking:

jacek: holidays?

eulerscheZahl: just a few public holidays

eulerscheZahl: Pfingsten, don't ask me how it's called in English

jacek: its in sunday

eulerscheZahl: something religious, didn't go to church in decades

jacek: unless you work on sundays

Astrobytes: Some post-Easter celebration iirc

eulerscheZahl: 13 May Thu Ascension Day National 23 May Sun Whit Sunday BB 24 May Mon Whit Monday

Astrobytes: Whit Sunday, yes

eulerscheZahl: and the day off on thursday results in a day off on friday too, my factory is closed

eulerscheZahl: i can work if i want. but i have to file a formal request for it

Astrobytes: Nice

raillou: helo

eulerscheZahl: not gonna happen obviously

Astrobytes: :D

AntiSquid: is it extra pay for those days if you work?

AntiSquid: here they put me automatically on annual leave so they don't pay me extra lol

eulerscheZahl: i have to burn overtime that i colelcted before

dbf: keep it for next contest :)

eulerscheZahl: i still have lots of holidays that i can take

eulerscheZahl: more than CG needs for contests these days :(

AntiSquid: take some for RAIC

eulerscheZahl: and raic is too long to take off

AntiSquid: or even gocoder !!

**eulerscheZahl slaps AntiSquid around a bit with a large fishbot

dbf: #1 in raic spend 2 weeks vacation for it

struct: just wait until they announce the 3 contesnts per year

jacek: ez exp

eulerscheZahl: i just start hating every game after 1-2 weeks, RAIC is no exception

eulerscheZahl: taking off wont result in me playing the contest

AntiSquid: why hate every game?

struct: and probably you dont gain much of an advantange for taking the days off

eulerscheZahl: there were discussions if this should be removed jacek. but also mean to those who took the effort in the past

eulerscheZahl: 3 per year?

eulerscheZahl: what are you talking about?

Astrobytes: It could be disabled and the achievement kept but that's too much work;

eulerscheZahl: 3rd is escape?

AntiSquid: they won't allow community contests ever again ? that's a bit weird


eulerscheZahl: i can make a screenshot of the badge and put it next to my FC2020 participation

AntiSquid: if someone comes up with an idea everyone likes then why excluide it

Astrobytes: Were you not present for that particular discussion?

struct: not impossible == impossible

eulerscheZahl: apparently not

struct: js returns true

eulerscheZahl: thanks struct

eulerscheZahl: i muted most discord channels so i missed it

struct: np

struct: its on sc21 channel

reCurse: AntiSquid: because they want to focus on less big events

AntiSquid: not much going on in there anyway (discord)

reCurse: I mean less events, bigger events

eulerscheZahl: i muted that one really quick

reCurse: Having more community contests undermines the main ones

reCurse: That's what I understood

reCurse: From their logic

eulerscheZahl: they gave me too much hopes on tryangle catch, i won't believe it without an official announcement

AntiSquid: sure but pacman still broke records although it was right after OOC which was quite hard and a month long

reCurse: Don't argue with me I'm just paraphrasing

AntiSquid: no i am not arguing with you

eulerscheZahl: but could have been more on PAC without OOC

eulerscheZahl: (what they said)

AntiSquid: just complaining out loud basically

Astrobytes: Did you not see that whole discussion on discord AntiSquid? I'm sure you were in it somewhere.

reCurse: I know just saying :)

AntiSquid: i saw it

AntiSquid: i can't get over it lol

Astrobytes: Fair

Astrobytes: It's a daily struggle not to be overly salty publicly.

Astrobytes: For me at least.

reCurse: I took a 1-2 month break, it helped

reCurse: Not saying you should but

reCurse: Maybe?

Astrobytes: lol

AntiSquid: i am not even trying astro :D

eulerscheZahl: i went the reCurse way

Astrobytes: I did take a couple of weeks out but not as much as you 2

jacek: you curse them?

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Dangit I got #5 this time

jacek: :+1:

AntiSquid: i am here for chat most of the time, not sure what you guys mean by time off anyway :D

Astrobytes: Any participation

Marchete: I went out of CG for months/years?

Marchete: it's no big deal

Marchete: just X and do other things

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Dang AntiSquid being #9th on the whole site

AntiSquid: other places are in general less fun, aicrowd admins frowned at me for posting some funny AI related news, i mean seriously ...

Astrobytes: You've been like a ghost up until recently Marchete :D

Marchete: connected, saw the caht

Marchete: chat

Marchete: and logout :D

Astrobytes: occasional one liner

reCurse: The chat often makes me want to ragequit, if it was always like now it wouldn't be an issue as well :P

Astrobytes: Yep.

jacek: :imp:

Marchete: :astonished:

Astrobytes: should we kick him for that?

AntiSquid: mods kick that guy

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: Oh no

Astrobytes: Thanks jacek :unamused:

eulerscheZahl: that's a sign. good night

Astrobytes: gn euler

struct: gn

jacek: did i scare him away?

Marchete: 10:04 you are late

AntiSquid: wow

AntiSquid: he usually leaves earlier right ?

Marchete: :rofl:

AntiSquid: it's just unusual


jacek: i killed the chat :(

AntiSquid: low quality troll

Default avatar.png MrFruit: What is a high quality troll :/

Lucky30_: guys is the quest map bugy?? i have past the "reach the silver league in 2 games"

Astrobytes: Lucky30_: It's a known issue, should be OK next day or 2

Lucky30_: ok great

Lucky30_: thx Astrobytes

Astrobytes: you're welcome :)

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: rip, I keep getting 15000, 400, and top 10 in Bronze league, it's literally a 50/50 at this point

jacek: keep this up robo and karliso will be detronized :tada:

Astrobytes: ?

jacek: rebless favorite game

Astrobytes: yeah I just checked UTTT, I clicked with the karliso mention eventually

Astrobytes: I also didn't notice you were top 5

DomiKo: jacekmax should be top1

Astrobytes: ntuples again?

jacek: not ntuples, just nn

Astrobytes: Nice.

Astrobytes: Suppose it doesn't really need ntuples now I think of it.

Astrobytes: Nice work anyway

jacek: thankies

Astrobytes: One day I'll do that stupid game.

Astrobytes: where in the lb was robo prior to his submit?

jacek: 5th or 6th?

RoboStac: 5th (if you don't count the cancelled submit in the middle that was good against karl but bad against rec)

jacek: and there was bigger difference between top 2

Astrobytes: Gotcha. And yeah I remember the gap

Astrobytes: I won't jinx anything by commenting on the current submit

Default avatar.png GottaDoBetter: yall i cant even pass the first ai thing

jacek: hm?

Default avatar.png GottaDoBetter: coders strike back. the race place with the 4 circles

jacek: what league

Default avatar.png GottaDoBetter: uhhh i honestly have no idea how to figure out what league i even am. i literally just started on here 5 minutes ago

Default avatar.png GottaDoBetter: so very start

cegprakash: check the variable name in the print statement

cegprakash: it's wrong

Astrobytes: Another 1 or 2 submits should do it RoboStac

cegprakash: GottaDoBetter

RoboStac: do what?

Astrobytes: Pull some of the others down

RoboStac: nah, I'm negative winrate against the ones above me

RoboStac: or equal

Astrobytes: Ah, my bad

cegprakash: or push urself with another version of ur bot :D

cegprakash: just kidding

cegprakash: GottaDoBetter print nextCheckPointX and nextCheckPointY

cegprakash: the variables are misspelt there

cegprakash: so fix the spelling

Default avatar.png GottaDoBetter: ahhh i see what you meant. thank you!

Astrobytes: ceg, come on dude. That's supposed to be a problem you have to solve.

jacek: :thinking:

cegprakash: no Astrobytes it's not fair to give a debugging challenge to a newcomer

cegprakash: this site is about writing code not debugging in a tutorial

Astrobytes: wtf is that logic

Default avatar.png CameronWatt: anyone know the best place to practice sql (for sql server prefered).

cegprakash: download mysqlworkbench and click the start server button and u can run queries there CameronWatt

cegprakash: Astrobytes as I said it's my view

cegprakash: I've seen ppl spend 3 hrs on that variable thing

cegprakash: it's not worth it

cegprakash: in my opinion

Astrobytes: download SQL Server and set up a db, practice on it

Astrobytes: cegprakash: I do understand you to a point, but I would argue that it's pretty damn useful to be able to spot a typo - especially as a newcomer

cegprakash: just imagine u learn 3 hours to write a hello world program would u try that Astrobytes

Default avatar.png CameronWatt: thx all

cegprakash: it's not the variable names are too large in c++ Astrobytes

cegprakash: if it's X and Y then it's easily debuggable

cegprakash: but how can u notice that X in checkPointX

cegprakash: sorry nextCheckPointX

cegprakash: such a huge variable name

cegprakash: is this a treasure hunt

cegprakash: or a coding tutorial

cegprakash: there is a separate section for treasure hunt called code escape

Astrobytes: cegprakash: nto being funny man, but as a kid I used to type out 2000 lines of BASIC into my Amstrad and then - syntax error on line 1567, and it's a GOTO statement. If new users can't handle an X vs a Y in a variable name then they have bigger problems coming if you ask me.

Astrobytes: *not

cegprakash: come on.. the idea of a tutorial is to make the sign up process simple

Astrobytes: Onboarding.

cegprakash: onboarding tutorial whatever

Marchete: :popcorn:

cegprakash: it's a hello world

cegprakash: and taking 3 hrs is not fair

cegprakash: several ppl quit just there

Astrobytes: Sorry but the 3 hours (in my opinion) is on them.

Astrobytes: And the quitting.

cegprakash: not if the tutorial is made right

cegprakash: and simple

Marchete: onboarding->Hints->solution

cegprakash: just click a button and the car moves hurrah how amazing does that look

Astrobytes: It's *not* an intro to programming, it's there to catch you out

cegprakash: instead the car drives like a drunk man and the user is not sure what is happening

cegprakash: he doesn't even know what he had to do

Astrobytes: CSB isn't the first thing. Onboarding puzzle is.

cegprakash: previously there used to be a submit button now that is renamed to "Test in Arena" or something

cegprakash: which I do not like as well

cegprakash: But CSB is what I recommend to ppl

Astrobytes: They don't *have* to do CSB but if they can't tell the difference between X and Y, like I said, they have bigger issues

Astrobytes: Well complain to CG about the button, not me!

Marchete: I agree with ceg, CSB is ugly for starters

Marchete: they should do a new one, simplistic

Marchete: for newcomers

Uljahn: :notebook::soccer:

jacek: :innocent:

Astrobytes: Yeah, sure, CSB shouldn't necessarily be the introductory tutorial - or should it? Different stroke for different folks. But correcting the mistake in the code is perfectly fine to me as part of an introductory tutorial.

Westicles: The problem is a new guy here 5min shouldn't be doing CSB

Westicles: But he seems happy, so it all worked out

jacek: CG isnt good for complete beginner anyway

Astrobytes: Indeed. I think the 'fix a variable name' problem highlights that.

Astrobytes: lol Uljahn, is jacek paying you for that advertising? :)

reCurse: I mean for the right price...

Westicles: Oh god, 3D ASCII art now

jacek: euler?


tobk: Considering the ridiculously high participant numbers in CSB and absymally low numbers in other game, why have ONE "beginner" MP game at all? Promote different games at different weeks/months (like puzzle of the week, but MP only and more prominent).

Astrobytes: We tried suggesting that.

Astrobytes: At least community games get puzzle of the week sometimes.

Westicles: 3D ASCII art with unicode characters! How did the french let this happen?

tobk: yes, but TBH I'd exclude those form the "beginners" rotation. But writing some tutorial popouts for the others should not be too much work. Particularly if it's only one each month.

Astrobytes: Oh yeah I agree with that

Astrobytes: Good luck making it happen

tobk: What's particularly annoying about CSB is the complete re-write needed for Gold...

Astrobytes: oh yeah.

reCurse: Preaching to the choir

tobk: (not _for_ gold, but _in_ gold)

tobk: (or was it _for_ gold? can't remember, does not matter)

Astrobytes: I can only echo reCurse here

tobk: you mean reCurse is preaching to the choir that I am preaching to the choir? :-D

Astrobytes: Dear oh dear :door:

Astrobytes: :D

reCurse: wp

Astrobytes: Pedantry has it's merits :D

Astrobytes: *its

tobk: so much for pedantry :-P

Astrobytes: No one ever said pedantry doesn't apply to ones own statements ;)

tobk: one's?

tobk: SCNR

jacek: :smirk:

Astrobytes: lmao

Astrobytes: I've outdone myself this evening

tobk: yeah, I'm off, too. see you.

Astrobytes: Didn't say I was going anywhere, just acknowledging my mega-fails :D

ZarthaxX: lol

Astrobytes: See ya later anyway

ZarthaxX: see you astro

Astrobytes: wot

tobk: (misread outdone as overdone)

ZarthaxX: gn astro


ZarthaxX: Good morning Astro

ZarthaxX: how are you doing today

Astrobytes: I am fine ZarthaxX. Thank you for asking. How are you doing today?

ZarthaxX: Im doing fine kind sir

Astrobytes: :rofl:

ZarthaxX: had my last interview and im tired

Astrobytes: ah nice. Good one?

ZarthaxX: yes

ZarthaxX: mix of grupal group and invididual

ZarthaxX: individual

Astrobytes: The interview process was?

Edrrum: heyooo

Edrrum: i'm new and wanna start coding

Edrrum: what activities do you advice me to try

ZarthaxX: this one was

Edrrum: ?

Astrobytes: Cool. Very modern approach.

Astrobytes: Edrrum: can you code at all?

Edrrum: ye a bit

Edrrum: javascript

Edrrum: HTML

Edrrum: CSS

Edrrum: and a lil bit python

Astrobytes: Stop at JS and python. Familiar with loops, conditional statements etc? Data types, basic data structures?

Edrrum: ye loops and conditional statements

Edrrum: but data structure still not

jacek: try thor or temperatures

Astrobytes: Easy puzzle section, try the ones without an author (the official CG puzzles)

Edrrum: ow okay

Edrrum: thanks ^^

jacek: or the descent

Astrobytes: Anything you don't know, look it up in your favourite search engine

jacek: bing?

Astrobytes: Or language documentation

Edrrum: ow i see

Edrrum: thanks again i will do that ^^

Astrobytes: And try to solve stuff on paper if you get stuck, before writing your solution.

Westicles: ZarthaxX, did your gf ever make those dice for euler?

ZarthaxX: no

ZarthaxX: she is busy with other models

ZarthaxX: i told her tho

ZarthaxX: she was doing it in between other things

Westicles: Ah, looks like it got released so he found some

Astrobytes: Other models eh

ZarthaxX: oh nice

jacek: eh?

ThePoisoned1: can i post here a pastebin of a problem idk why one test case doesnt work to see if someoen can help me out figure why?

ThePoisoned1: or is that not allowed

ZarthaxX: its ok

Astrobytes: ^



ThePoisoned1: im gettign a wrong output on the 6th test

ThePoisoned1: i did this this way because the normal way with que and stuff times out

ThePoisoned1: queue

Astrobytes: You can do everything in one loop iirc

Astrobytes: Testcase 6 is large dataset so it's about being efficient

ThePoisoned1: i mean i do get an output

ThePoisoned1: so mi code should be efficient enough

ThePoisoned1: but its just wrong somewhere

Westicles: Are you overrunning an int somewhere?

Astrobytes: ^

ThePoisoned1: u mean like passing the int limit?

Westicles: yeah, earnings is long but maybe some other variable?

Smelty: ole spring challenge is a game now

ThePoisoned1: doesnt look like

ThePoisoned1: i mean the problem gives you those values as imputs

ThePoisoned1: the number of posible combinations in teh cart is 173 or soemthing

Astrobytes: Java makes my head hurt.

Smelty: lol

codeing: @Smelty

Smelty: ?

codeing: sorry, java seem like cool

Astrobytes: Fix the code for ThePoisoned1, Smelty

codeing: Astrobytes

Smelty: uh....

Smelty: ok? soooooo

KelvinAndHubbles: Haven't done a lot of bot programming outside Spring challenge, UTTT, and Tron, are there any good ones to get into?

struct: There are plenty

Default avatar.png Kingasasin177: I'm in Bronze League in Coders Strike Back and it's pretty much a 3/97 to get a good score now regardless of what you do

Smelty: hmm

iggy12345: Muahahaha I finished The labyrinth

iggy12345: finally

iggy12345: ugh

iggy12345: I thought dijkstra's algorithm was easy

Smelty: hm


Smelty: interesting

iggy12345: what is that for?

Wontonimo: :wave:

iggy12345: hewoo

Wontonimo: hey iggy12345, what are you up to?

iggy12345: nm, watching southpark and working on

Wontonimo: oh yeah, i did that one.

Wontonimo: I vaguely remember it

Wontonimo: 34 lines of python

Wontonimo: what lang are you using?

iggy12345: python

Wontonimo: good luck

iggy12345: thanks fam

iggy12345: what are you up to?

Wontonimo: about to take my dog on a walk

iggy12345: sounds like fun

iggy12345: it's raining down here, otherwise I'd take my dog for a walk too lol

Wontonimo: you did pretty good on Coders Strikes Back

iggy12345: oh that's the one that I got the code from the forum lol

iggy12345: got me all the way to gold lol

iggy12345: I just wanted to see if it worked and it just kept winning

Wontonimo: looks like your current bot is dying

iggy12345: probably, I'm currently trying to get silver in another puzzle

Wontonimo: which one?

Wontonimo: you have silver in hypersonic. i haven't tried that one

struct: I want to try it soon

iggy12345: oh, I'm in bronze in hypersonic

iggy12345: had me confused for a sec

iggy12345: It's really fun

struct: you can store the board on uint128_t despite it being 13*11

Wontonimo: oh right bronze

struct: Dont ask me how, I dont know...

iggy12345: lol

Wontonimo: do you just ignore some squares?

iggy12345: probably, that's how I did it in othello

Wontonimo: i mean, you dn't need to store the non-playable squares

struct: I think they ignore the squares that are impossible

struct: which are 5*6

struct: Yeah, I understand that you can ignore

struct: but dont know how it works

struct: I havent tried a lot though

DomiKo: any questions?

Wontonimo: i have no idea either

Wontonimo: no questions from me

DomiKo: I could help I guess

struct: Well, im a beginner on bitboards

DomiKo: yes you can store board on 128bits

Wontonimo: hey DomiKo! I don't think i've ever chatted. Nice to meet you

struct: I dont understand how you can ignore cells that also have an impact on the game

DomiKo: they have impact?

DomiKo: Wontonimo hi hi

struct: Dont they block bombs explosions?

DomiKo: they do but it's much simpler

iggy12345: well, if the cells have <2^n states, then you can use less than n bits

DomiKo: you have to look at x % 2 and y % 2

Wontonimo: ah

Wontonimo: but isn't all the unpacking and packing not worth the 2 extra bytes?

DomiKo: one mask is much better than two

iggy12345: the packing and unpacking only takes a few cycles

iggy12345: and the storage efficiency often outweighs the cost

DomiKo: in hypersonic you can do a bit more complex stuff and do explode action using bitboards too

Wontonimo: right, where as the extra memory fetch takes 10-20 cycles

iggy12345: the memory fetch can take anywhere up to a few thousand cycles?

iggy12345: depending on where it's at

struct: ok im not gonna pretend I understood :p

Wontonimo: i still can't imagine an efficient unpacking bittwiddle

DomiKo: when bomb is in even row (I don't remember) then you don't need to explode bomb horizontaly

DomiKo: because you have box on left and right

ZarthaxX: nice

struct: How do people find this?

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Wontonimo: just when it gets interesting i've gotta go. Hey DomiKo, nice to meet you. Hope to see you around in the next few weeks

iggy12345: find what?

iggy12345: cya wontonimo

struct: I had to use paint for SC21

DomiKo: if you ping me I will be there I guess :sweat_smile:

ZarthaxX: struct pros

DomiKo: cya

struct: cya wontonimo

ZarthaxX: bai Wontonimo

struct: maybe when i get more invested on hs ill ask you some questions

DomiKo: :nerd:

iggy12345: I debate whether or not I should push to try and get my spring challenge into silver, or my hypersonic into silver

struct: did you also use beam domiko?

struct: on hs

DomiKo: yeah

DomiKo: but I would say that HS beam is the most interesting beam

DomiKo: that I know

struct: why?

struct: You dont have to answer if you dont want to

iggy12345: what is beam?

struct: beam search iggy12345

DomiKo: it's very tricky

struct: its a bfs but you do some pruning

struct: ah ok

DomiKo: diversity is the key

iggy12345: hmm, I'll have to look into that more

iggy12345: never heard of it

Default avatar.png ian12: hallo

struct: hi

ZarthaxX: ohhh igot to top 100 magically

ZarthaxX: wohooo

iggy12345: random question, in the aneo sponsored puzzle, do the lights have 2 states, or 3?

Default avatar.png TheMapotakes: H<

struct: grats ZarthaxX

struct: ill catch you next contest

ZarthaxX: you are top 200 struct!

ZarthaxX: nice :)

struct: thanks

struct: I have very bad contest rating

ZarthaxX: next contest wont make you catch me i think

ZarthaxX: you would need to do multis

ZarthaxX: mm

ZarthaxX: same :/

struct: i only have points from last 2 contests

struct: The others I didnt try at all

ZarthaxX: euler has 200k points and got 1st :O

ZarthaxX: ah then maybe struct

struct: nice

DomiKo: 200K :open_mouth:

struct: you have 52k points on bot programming?

struct: what are you playing

ZarthaxX: im full of points from multis that were contests

ZarthaxX: the ones i did

struct: np

ZarthaxX: havent done many multis outside contests i played

ZarthaxX: np?

struct: no problem

ZarthaxX: but why did you answer that? lol

struct: no problem ill catch you

ZarthaxX: ahhh

ZarthaxX: not if i do multis too :)

ZarthaxX: just kidding pass me

struct: nah im doing other stuff now

ZarthaxX: like?

struct: stc

ZarthaxX: AGAIN?!

struct: I never finished it

struct: I opened my ide today and read the code

ZarthaxX: premature optim is strong on you sir

ZarthaxX: :D

struct: good luck to me

struct: I dont undertand it anymore

ZarthaxX: good luck sir o/


struct: I even reused states

struct: :(

ZarthaxX: thats good

struct: its not worth


struct: I compute all possible states until depth 4

struct: for me and opp

struct: I can reuse 11155 at most on the next turn

struct: ah it goes further

struct: it doesnt stop at depth 4

struct: so it can actually reuse more states

ZarthaxX: lol

ZarthaxX: you dont even remember your code

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

micoze-stella: I completely forgot about the contest (I didn't log in at all during the period). It's hard to share my impressions 'cause I dont have account of


Default avatar.png shaima_ab: hi

micoze-stella: hi... im loser lol

Default avatar.png CameronWatt: hi... im fat lol

iggy12345: I tell bad jokes because I'm a bad joke

OBenjOne: how much does the ranking mean on this site?

Default avatar.png aresous: @OBenjOne it means everything

Default avatar.png aresous: jk xd

OBenjOne: Is is a good estimate of how good a coder you are?

OBenjOne: Haha

Default avatar.png aresous: absolutely not. it is a very broad subject. I've noticed on this site it is heavily math oriented. on codewars I have a 10x easier time.

Default avatar.png aresous: also, it depends, what particular field you're interested in

davilla: really? I thought CodeWars was more math oriented

davilla: I did Mars lander without any math, not even distance formula, other than deltas in either x or y.

davilla: certainly no trig

Default avatar.png aresous: this is from the perspective of someone whose highest math is algebra 2 and physics 1 lol

Default avatar.png aresous: I have solved many problems into the deeper end of codewars ranks and I'm struggling with the very first few questions on this site because of the math.

Default avatar.png aresous: I have a much easier time mapping arrays/objects and traversing strings than I do with very simple mathematical operations

OBenjOne: I haven't really used a ton of math here either, the most math I've used on this site was making a collision prediction program for coders strike back

OBenjOne: Just some simple 2D physics

davilla: Luckily nearly everything is tagged. Does that help you see what you're getting into?

Default avatar.png aresous: yeah none of it even says it's math heavy, I seriously think I'm just an ape. then again my max kyu completed on codewars is 4 so idk

Default avatar.png aresous: this site could just be exponentially harder than codewars

Default avatar.png aresous: or I just really suck at math l m a o

davilla: That's not too shabby. My coworkers didn't reach that.

Default avatar.png aresous: that gives me hope to find a job in web dev, thanks for sharing davilla lol

Default avatar.png aresous: i think im just going to have to go on khan academy or some other free learning website and retake maths all the way up to at least calc

davilla: Couldn't hurt. I always felt I didn't understand calculus. After graduating I went thru that class again, thinking I might teach it one day. (What else would you do with a math degree?) There's a lot of detail that you have to grind thru again, but it's a lot less intimidating the second time around.

OBenjOne: I have not taken calc yet, and none o the puzzles I have tried have been too difficult (on the math side at least) I have struggled with some programming things like BFS

davilla: To be sharp as CS you should know logarithms.

Default avatar.png aresous: haha, yeah I just did not enjoy digesting the math curriculum at my highschool as I didn't think I'd use any of it. I was wrong. what field are you in btw davilla?

davilla: at* CS = comp sci

Default avatar.png aresous: like, title at work?

Default avatar.png aresous: cause you said your coworkers never hit 4 kyu so im curious

davilla: By CS I mean the degree. My coworkers were all pretty sharp, so I don't know why they didn't rise higher. Maybe I just wanted it more than they did. I wasn't a programmer by job title.

davilla: Mathematician, slot machines.

Default avatar.png aresous: ahh okay, cool. well thanks for sharing

Battikhah: whta are things that i should learn before entering comp sci classes?

Skynse: Which python version does codingame run

Skynse: like 3.*

Chainman: I actually don't know. I haven't tried walrus operator in it yet.

Skynse: It's nice to be able to clash again

Chainman: I know it has f strings, so 3.6+

Skynse: Haven't clashed in almost 3 months

Skynse: School work

Chainman: I just discovered C++ has tuples :nerd:

MoMaT: Skynse: see this for versions ->

Skynse: Thanks

Chainman: That's cool page

Smelty: meaw