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Smelty: hi world

ZuhairAbid: hey can I find my last clash of code solutions?

arubaha: you can look in your notifications for the clashes and click on them, dunno if there's a better way

UwU_HEWO: hello?

PiProductions: hi

arubaha: hi

PiProductions: :>

arubaha: uwu

Butanium: hi

Notter: Does anyone have tips for Marslander 2?

VizGhar: Notter = if else till u die :) or implement GA/SA

VizGhar: I took first path and now working on second one

darkhorse64: You can try GA on ML1. Only one parameter, easy fitness function

Alex-1: hi VizGhar

Uljahn: Notter: find the center of a landing zone, approach it maintaining the altitude when it's far (useful for the last testcase), then descend, never let the absolute angle go above 45 degrees

Alex-1: I am trying to solve Code Vs Zombie but don't get it

Alex-1: any help

darkhorse64: I have also used a GA for this one. Write a sim, discretize possible directions, always move 1000 pixels, fitness is the score

Alex-1: ?

Notter: My approach for Code vs. Zombies is very simple but it's somehow enough to complete the objective

darkhorse64: yeah, I am a bit sketchy.

darkhorse64: What goes over your head ?

Notter: Me?

darkhorse64: Alex-1

Alex-1: yeah

Notter: Oh ok

Alex-1: bro

Alex-1: i use if and else condition

Alex-1: don't get what is the problem or how to do it

darkhorse64: GA (genetic algorithm) is needed if you want to maximize your score. Does that name ring a bell ? The idea is to compute a set of moves for your player and randomly mutate the moves and see if that increases your score. You kill zombies just by moving close enough to them

HTierney703: Hello World!

Notter: Hi

Alex-1: hi

HTierney703: :worried:

Alex-1: i can't understand what to do in CodeVsZombie

HTierney703: set coordinates to 7000 5000

HTierney703: that worked for me

Alex-1: ohh let me try

Alex-1: few testcase pass

Alex-1: HTierney703

RenardFute: Alex-1 you need to kill every zombie before every human have died

HTierney703: it worked for me

SimpleNick: hello, wow notify


Alex-1: ?

HTierney703: What?

Alex-1: don't get it

HTierney703: what does "hello, wow notify" mean?

SimpleNick: site me notify

Alex-1: yeah that is a part of Codingame SimpleNick

SimpleNick: when will such a regime be introduced?

Alex-1: can you clearly say what do you want

Alex-1: SimpleNick

Alex-1: Htierney

SimpleNick: codinescape

Alex-1: yeah

Alex-1: i tried it really nice

Alex-1: SimpleNick

Alex-1: HTierney703

Alex-1: that my code


SimpleNick: will such this idea introduced?

SimpleNick: when

Alex-1: i don't know

SimpleNick: got it thanks

Alex-1: okk SImpleNick

SimpleNick: may be 1 array for height, pod marrine coordinate. we have line height = curve or zig zag, and we input height and current state pod and we matimatics next point for pod and again and again while curve line ______ and find center coordinate this line if find center line ________ we construct vector from pod to line and we have angle and pod next angle != -1 next. it route pod why us this ga sa if we have coordinate system

Alex-1: Guys are you ready for escape


SimpleNick: i dont in:slight_smile:

Alex-1: #codingescape

SimpleNick: wow grat ty very

Default avatar.png deadppol2: Hey guys I'm new to the coding world

Notter: Welcome

jacek: hello, new to the coding world

Alex-1: jacek you are not new here

jacek: oO

Default avatar.png Unnabhv: wow

Default avatar.png ahhhhhhh12345: ah my friends

HTierney703: wetty

Astrobytes: Schoolkid alert

HTierney703: what?

HTierney703: i was being sarcastic

HTierney703: no body actually calls anyone else a wetty

Astrobytes: 1. That's not sarcasm. 2. Very schoolboy. Much pupil.

HTierney703: doge meme? really?

HTierney703: are you 12?

Astrobytes: Meme-obsessed. Definitely schoolie.

Alex-1: hi Astro

Astrobytes: hii

jacek: :thinking:

HTierney703: meme-obsessed? you dont have to be meme obsessed to know how to not act dumb online

Astrobytes: Says the kid that comes on with "wetty"

HTierney703: comes on with?

Astrobytes: Comes on the chat with

HTierney703: das crazy

Astrobytes: Aren't you supposed to be coding something?

HTierney703: nah

Astrobytes: Well do one then

HTierney703: im doing a coc w/ my firends

HTierney703: and ive finished

Astrobytes: do more coc

HTierney703: bit bored of them, any puzzles u recommend

Astrobytes: Practice section, easy. If too easy, go to medium, etc

HTierney703: ok thx

HTierney703: i wont call anyone else a wetty

HTierney703: even if its ironic

Default avatar.png ahhhhhhh12345: coc

Default avatar.png ahhhhhhh12345: k

Alex-1: #clash ahhhhhhh12345

Default avatar.png Unnabhv: unmute

Default avatar.png ahhhhhhh12345: ..........................................

Default avatar.png ahhhhhhh12345: u76jythfjkdgbfjkld,mmmmmmmmmmmwrn.a\n

Astrobytes: Stop it right now or get kicked

Default avatar.png Unnabhv: dang

Default avatar.png ahhhhhhh12345: sorry, someone stole my keyboard

Alex-1: you are playing Codingescape

Astrobytes: No one stole your keyboard. Stop the spammy crap.

Default avatar.png Unnabhv: but someone did

Alex-1: yeah

HTierney703: tbf, someone did take his keyboard.

Alex-1: :smile:

HTierney703: although ur right , there shouldnt be spaming

Alex-1: you mean there is a hacker

HTierney703: no, in person, someone touched his keyboard

Alex-1: ohh he done it by itself

Default avatar.png Unnabhv: .

Default avatar.png Alejandro127: yes

HTierney703: yes

Default avatar.png ahhhhhhh12345: yes

Astrobytes: Enough of the crap.

HTierney703: sorry

HTierney703: i wont do it again

Astrobytes: Yeah, sure.

HTierney703: someone came oer and typed yes on our keyvoards

Astrobytes: Of course they did.

HTierney703: remember, we r schoolies

Astrobytes: A big boy did it and ran away.

Default avatar.png Connors.fahms: hello nerds

Default avatar.png Connors.fahms: astrobytes they werent actually that big

Default avatar.png Connors.fahms: i am your god bow down to me

HTierney703: does anyone know how to make ash move towards the nearest zombie in codersvszombies?

HTierney703: i tried putting in the zombie x and y coords but it didnt work

Default avatar.png Connors.fahms: im back i like coding and littlw girls how about you

Astrobytes: damn, beat me to it struct

Astrobytes: Anyone else want kicked or banned?

HTierney703: is there a seperate x and y coord for each zombie

HTierney703: or is it like individual

HTierney703: i dont know if im understanding it right

Astrobytes: Read the statement. Look at the inputs.

HTierney703: any help would be appreciated

HTierney703: ok thx

HTierney703: ill have another look

Astrobytes: It's somewhat self-explanatory.

HTierney703: yeah,its just a change of pace, and im not used to that sort of thing

HTierney703: thx anyway

Astrobytes: Not that different from puzzle inputs tbh

Passifi: Hellas, fellas

BlaiseEbuth: to be human?

Astrobytes: Or CoC. Just a bit more involved to solve

Astrobytes: Hi Passifi, Blaise


BlaiseEbuth: Astro :hugging:

Alex-1: hii

Astrobytes: SimpleNick: Is this the beginning of a Kandinsky painting?

BlaiseEbuth: Great SimpleNick, you can sell it for some billion

SimpleNick: i see marin this img

struct: This is mars landers?

Passifi: yesterday taught me that coding with 2 hours of sleep under your belt isn't going to be a good time. So don't try it out ;) and apparently ebay scammers are now located in great britain so watch yourself around the tea people

SimpleNick: i see mars yes like in img

struct: scammers are located everywhere

Astrobytes: 'tea people' Passifi? :rofl:

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah yeah, we know you're a haggis people Astrobytes

Astrobytes: :haggis: :bagpipes:

Astrobytes: What!

Astrobytes: Scotism.

Alex-1: :smile:

Passifi: I thought of the scots as Irn Bru People mostly

BlaiseEbuth: There's not even salt, don't be too disappointed...

Astrobytes: :D

Astrobytes: lol Passifi, I gave up haggis and Irn Bru so... I still like whisky if that counts :P

BlaiseEbuth: Scotch:3

Passifi: all is good as long as your still catholic

Astrobytes: Scotch is a misnomer

Astrobytes: Catholic? I'm atheist.

Astrobytes: Was raised as a protestant in a catholic area though :P

BlaiseEbuth: alcoholic is when you're addicted to alcohol, so catholic is when you're addicted to cats ? :thinking:

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: I can't fault that logic

BlaiseEbuth: :smile_cat:

SimpleNick: i end ascii and tryin algorithm mars lander 2 chapter

Default avatar.png Viande: AutomatonNN must be happy to hear that!

Default avatar.png Viande: hello AutomatonNN

Astrobytes: He's on holiday atm

Astrobytes: Isn't it Automaton2000

Automaton2000: you can find the link to the ide

Default avatar.png Viande: hey thanks Automaton2000

Automaton2000: do you submit a puzzle solution? my program is failing on the validator

Alex-1: anybody want to join us


VizGhar: Save escape room for when you are with close friends :)

Alex-1: why

Alex-1: VizGhar

VizGhar: You cant expect fun from people you dont know

VizGhar: and you got only one shot for each escape room right?

Alex-1: ohh

Alex-1: i got it thanks bro

Default avatar.png RustyLady_25b4: how do i close my account?

MadKnight: what does it mean?

Alex-1: you mean how to logout RustyLady_25b4

Default avatar.png RustyLady_25b4: No worries --- found it...

Alex-1: okk

Default avatar.png sultanferdiansyah: hi guys

Alex-1: whatsup bro

Default avatar.png sultanferdiansyah: may you help me? i dont understand about c#

Default avatar.png sultanferdiansyah: im just a beginner

Alex-1: go to Activities Click on learn sultanferdiansyah

Default avatar.png sultanferdiansyah: okey thank you bro, its hard to learn the c#


Alex-1: no

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: damn i cant code for sht

Alex-1: why

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: dont know lol

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: C# is pretty hard

Alex-1: what don't know

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: wait is everyone here doing the same problem?

Alex-1: nothing is hard on the earth

SimpleNick: it was 2021, Newton is still in trend

Alex-1: if you believe that you can so you do it

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: dasmn thank you for the heads up

Alex-1: sarcasticLlama

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: im stuck in a if else problem.thought i knew this stuff

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: can i add u?

Alex-1: what are you doing

Alex-1: sarcasticLlama

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: come to DMs

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Default avatar.png gdvsM:

Kitkat260: hi

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: hello

Kitkat260: hru

Default avatar.png deonel: hello

ANJACE_Z: heyyy

Kitkat260: how is everything

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: good hbu?

Kitkat260: tired but im ok


Default avatar.png MolethecoleSchool: can i get some help on the mars lander puzzle please

Westicles: consider it done

Default avatar.png AndyTM:

SimpleNick: what you see in idea in mars?

SimpleNick: i see this

KiwiTae: MolethecoleSchool episode 1?

Default avatar.png joshipulkit: how to convert binary to decimal in python3?

struct: im sure google can answer it faster


SuperSpartan17: I'm back

KiwiTae: joshipulkit int()


Alex-1: #Codingescape

Miki09: binary to decimal:int(yourbinary,2)

SuperSpartan17: How does recursion work in Java?

Astrobytes: How does recursion work in Java?

SimpleNick: nice work

SimpleNick: if i find i you link

KiwiTae: SuperSpartan17

Astrobytes: *

KiwiTae: aaah yes better lol

Astrobytes: :)

KiwiTae: o/

ANJACE_Z: can anyone help me with THe descent puzzle



CWinter703: do you have to stay to the end of the clash to get the xp?

Arkux: you can leave when you see your ranking

SimpleNick: hmm it seemed that I saw recursion in these series, revised it right now. It turned out it seemed

Kitkat260: hello

SimpleNick: hello

Default avatar.png AndyTM: hello

Kitkat260: how are you

Default avatar.png AndyTM: i´m a bit tired

Default avatar.png AndyTM: what about you?

Kitkat260: same

Kitkat260: im in school

Kitkat260: soo

Kitkat260: yea

Default avatar.png Phi999: hi

Default avatar.png AndyTM:

jacek: NN tutorial?

SuperSpartan17: On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.

ANJACE_Z: source?



Static_Language_Programmer: yo can someone solve this?

Static_Language_Programmer: it's a simple one, but i don't seem to get it :sweat_smile:


Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: guys i need help with the coders strike back

Default avatar.png Merxcury:

Default avatar.png sarcasticLlama: ty

Default avatar.png Merxcury: aajao koi free ho toh

Default avatar.png NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: Yes

DarkLord__28: yee

booalgo: english ;p

Default avatar.png NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: no, American

ThePeePeePooPooMan: ¿no español?

Default avatar.png NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: no

Default avatar.png NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: McDonalds

ThePeePeePooPooMan: good me niether

Default avatar.png NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: ok

ThePeePeePooPooMan: *either

Default avatar.png the-mysterious: how do you become moderator? thank you in advance for your response

Westicles: if they ask you and you say yes

Default avatar.png the-mysterious: OK

Default avatar.png 10ur: lul

booalgo: :nerd:

NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: bob

DarkLord__28: join #clash

NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: no

NinjaSaidABadWordOnStream: that's cringe

Default avatar.png Dante1337: can i somehow finish the clash mission if i didnt get to finish it in time ?:D

Default avatar.png dlesnoff: nope u can’t ! I had one problem i wanted to finish too. At least u can look at other’s solutions

Roxxx: Hello World! ;)

jacek: good afternoon

Default avatar.png Dante1337: sad :) but happens

jacek: Oo

WannaBeHum1n: dante1337

WannaBeHum1n: u can

WannaBeHum1n: i am kinda new here

WannaBeHum1n: but someone linked me a seach tool

WannaBeHum1n: before

WannaBeHum1n: that u can use to find the problem again


WannaBeHum1n: based on keywords/clash or not

WannaBeHum1n: yeah that is it

WannaBeHum1n: thnx sir

WannaBeHum1n: @dante1337

Default avatar.png TecBot: power of thor - easy angle - i cant do it!

KiwiTae: :/ fix it!

Default avatar.png TecBot: i dont know how

jacek: you have hints on the left

WannaBeHum1n: the savagery on this chat

WannaBeHum1n: is a huge motivator ngl

Default avatar.png TecBot: oh thanks - didnt see hints

jacek: especially coming from moderators

WannaBeHum1n: trur

WannaBeHum1n: true*

KiwiTae: :joy: TecBot don't forget to update thor coordinates each turn

KiwiTae: the laugh emoji is for WannaBeHum1n ~

Default avatar.png TecBot: Thats what i missed - stupid mistake



KiwiTae: TecBot we all did the same when we got here

Default avatar.png TecBot: just learning C# too so its a struggle with syntax

KiwiTae: WannaBeHum1n it goes pink/reddish color when your name is in it

Default avatar.png TecBot: is MS going c# or c++ for future?

WannaBeHum1n: KiwiTae

jacek: theres solution in c# in hints even

WannaBeHum1n: this pink ?

KiwiTae: yaa

WannaBeHum1n: cool

jacek: TecBot thats rather apples to oranges comparison. c++ and c# are for slightly different stuff

struct: jacek Amazons NN wheN?

jacek: is amazons on?

Static_Language_Programmer: how do i find the size of this? gets.bytes

struct: not yet, its waiting for approval

struct: I changed coordinates

struct: top left is a8 now instead of a1

Roxxx: guys in the puzzle of the week, how do you keep track of all pairs(make sure you are not counting duplicates(the ones on the same index( for example xxx) where xx would be one pair on index 0 and 1 and also another pair on index 1 and 2

jacek: is this astroboos?

struct: yes

Static_Language_Programmer: yo? someone just tell me

struct: which language?

jacek: size of what

struct: I only know c++ and barely know it

Static_Language_Programmer: lol i don't think so

Static_Language_Programmer: jacek size of (gets.bytes)

Therabidpanther: ranked 1.1k in CoC bow down guys

Static_Language_Programmer: who?

jacek: struct on 2nd league the deault ai is boss?

BlaiseEbuth: Nope

struct: yes

struct: they are both astroboss

jacek: and available on the repo eh

struct: Dont think so

jacek: or 'preview'

Static_Language_Programmer: who r u talking about @Therabidpanther ?

Roxxx: did anyone solve puzzle of the week, byte pair encoding?

jacek: ah wait you didn't expose the code

struct: no

Static_Language_Programmer: yo just someone just tell me i gtg

Therabidpanther: me

Static_Language_Programmer: size of (gets.bytes) in ruby

Static_Language_Programmer: dude :joy:

Astrobytes: yeah you won't have any trouble w/ the boss jacek, it's just to beat/draw with random

Smelty: ooh...they finally made the coding escape live

Static_Language_Programmer: @Therabidpanther I am like 805 but it's useless ig here

jacek: Astrobytes 1st!? oO

Astrobytes: Only cause I submitted when all bots were broken. It's meaningless.

Static_Language_Programmer: mr papaya is first

jacek: just like life

Smelty: hmm

Astrobytes: Potentially yes.

Smelty: what game?

Astrobytes: Amazons

Astrobytes: anyway, afk, back shortly

Static_Language_Programmer: oh my god screw y'all

jacek: oO

Static_Language_Programmer: making a man wait for like 10 fricking minutes :rolling_eyes:

Static_Language_Programmer: goddamnit

struct: I think a search engine would help you

Static_Language_Programmer: stackoverflow i am coming for u

struct: You are asking for a simple question

struct: you can search it easily

Static_Language_Programmer: i know

Static_Language_Programmer: but i am not getting the req answer

therealbeef: we are not your teacher

therealbeef: or a helpdesk

Static_Language_Programmer: i didn't say u were

Static_Language_Programmer: omg be nice people

Smelty: amaz0n?

Smelty: interesting

Static_Language_Programmer: here they go again

Smelty: :(

Smelty: I'm just curious, okay?

Static_Language_Programmer: it's alright bye :disappointed:

therealbeef: 'be nice'? you are swearing at us when we dont give you what you want

Static_Language_Programmer: bro "screw" ain't swearing

jacek: bloody hell

Therabidpanther: lmao

Static_Language_Programmer: i was just mad that y'all r were ignorinh me

Static_Language_Programmer: yeah whatevs i got the answer

Static_Language_Programmer: bye

Therabidpanther: plz dont ignore me jacek

therealbeef: that's life

Static_Language_Programmer: yeah

therealbeef: don't act entitled

Default avatar.png Ajac: I hope none of these crazy entitled people are trying to learn to program so they can get a job as a programmer

Default avatar.png Ajac: that attitude will get them fired, assuming they even last that long

King_Coda: Ajac... isn't the entire point of learning to program... is to get a job?

Default avatar.png Ajac: honestly, a lot of people just like to make things

King_Coda: I'm learning c++ c# and javascript so I can become a game developer

Default avatar.png Ajac: I doubt that's the case with those people, but I don't understand how they could end up acting that way in the first place, so idk if me doubting means anything

Therabidpanther: i cant tell if you are serious King_Coda, but a lot of people code for their own enjoyment

Westicles: Have you hung out with modern 13-year-olds? They are a messed-up bunch


King_Coda: IT's the man, the legend

King_Coda: the guy with the million troll accounts

Default avatar.png Ajac: lol, I have a little brother only a couple years older (big age gap) and he's not that bad xD

Westicles: King, I just have the one...

King_Coda: lol

King_Coda: anyways, i don't understand why you guys get angry at people trying to make a career

WannaBeHum1n: does clash of code consider the language u are using ?

Default avatar.png Ajac: it's not the career bit, it's the demanding help bit

King_Coda: ...are you talking about this website specifically

WannaBeHum1n: yes

King_Coda: ohhhhh

WannaBeHum1n: coz

King_Coda: I thought you were just saying in general

WannaBeHum1n: i am sure i did the minimum

WannaBeHum1n: yet

WannaBeHum1n: 6/8

WannaBeHum1n: all above are python

King_Coda: that would be the stupidest and boldest claim to make if you were talking about people in general

WannaBeHum1n: coda u talking to me ?

King_Coda: i thought you were saying that all people who learn how to program just to get a job as a programmer are entitled

King_Coda: But you were just talking about the people on this website who expect to get help and teached by other users are entitled

King_Coda: sorry WannaBeHum1n, i was talking to Ajac lol

King_Coda: I would like to try out that new game coding escape

King_Coda: but i'll wait for more people to get on

ZarthaxX: why?

Default avatar.png DeimosPlays: Where can I find the solutions for stuff?

Astrobytes: I ask myself that in here most days ZarthaxX

Westicles: Has it been confirmed that contests after this next one will be in the coding escape realm?

Astrobytes: Not that I'm aware of, no

ZarthaxX: :rofl:

struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Therabidpanther: ┬─┬ノ( ◕◡◕ ノ)

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: how does one actually learn on here with little to no experience

struct: very hard without experience

Therabidpanther: nearly impossible

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: where do u recommend learning lua then

BlaiseEbuth: nowhere


Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: ...

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: so then how do I learn

ZarthaxX: you cant sadly :(

Therabidpanther: i mean, there are definitely youtube videos out there, maybe some sites with resources

Therabidpanther: i use tutorialpoint for quick learning

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: how did people learn lua if u cant learn lua

BlaiseEbuth: Nobody learn lua

BlaiseEbuth: nobody know lua

SimpleNick: practical love twiks -> have fun and exp for skill up -> undersyanding -> achieve

BlaiseEbuth: lua does not exist

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: for a moderator youre not that helpful are you

Therabidpanther: roasted lol

ZarthaxX: mod position was free by the time

ZarthaxX: :D

BlaiseEbuth: I am. I'm saving you for making a very bad choice

ZarthaxX: just google lua Justin_Lowry

ZarthaxX: tutorials etc

ZarthaxX: haha :rofl:

Therabidpanther: is lua that bad? lol

SimpleNick: lua have wow subsystem

struct: You are better by learning a language with more resources available

struct: and then learn lua

SimpleNick: you are start lua in wow

Therabidpanther: ^^]

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: sorry but I cant learn from videos I have to do it myself my learning disability doesnt do well with visual stuff

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: I know javascript

Therabidpanther: have you tried following along a video before?

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: yes

SimpleNick: lua have subsystem in freebsd


BlaiseEbuth: Oh... Js... So go forth with lua. You're already lost for me...

Therabidpanther: React is GOATed

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: I know java and kotlin aswell

BlaiseEbuth: :scream:

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: I just want to learn lua

SimpleNick: hm for primmer, you have algorithm in javascript

SimpleNick: and you love this algorithm

jacek: astroapprove?

SimpleNick: replace this algorithm and pattern in lua

Astrobytes: sure, one sec jacek

struct: I dont even know 1 language...

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: In the words of ash ketchum I gotta learn them all

jacek: start with FiM++

struct: o.o, amazons already approved

jacek: amazing

struct: I got 1 notification I refresh and its approved...

Westicles: Just remember these chats when you think about letting the car drive itself

BlaiseEbuth: Oh! I see. So you start with the badest...

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: no i start with the most common

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: just like most guys start there sexual lives with the most common

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: your mother being the most common

Therabidpanther: interesting analogy

BlaiseEbuth: Yeah. But lua in the most common ?

SimpleNick: lua or haskel?:slight_smile:

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: lua is more common than others for example roblox which has probably 1 bil + concurent players is lua

WannaBeHum1n: cobol and lua

WannaBeHum1n: ftw

Therabidpanther: roblox uses lua? lol

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: so lua is pretty common

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: yes indeed it does its rbxlua

Therabidpanther: if thats so, im sure roblox has some learning material on it?

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: made by kids ye

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: and its very odd to understand there stuff

BlaiseEbuth: Wow 1/7 of the humanity is on roblox... :o

Therabidpanther: i believe it LOL

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: daily its 37 million about

jacek: how much of humanity is on minecraft

Therabidpanther: all of humanity

BlaiseEbuth: Not me. But I'm not human

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: isnt minecraft java?

Therabidpanther: do aliens also play minecraft?

Therabidpanther: I believe it is java

Default avatar.png Justin_Lowry: ur right ur not ur a mod but a pretty bad one at that

Westicles: some microsoft game the kids love

BlaiseEbuth: In fact I'm really good at using chat commands...

R3Ked: hey does anyone know how to play the escape game solo

R3Ked: i want to do it in person, not over zoom

struct: Create two accounts and invite the other one

imrel: we used to make fun on people who chatted via app while sitting next to eachother. modern times modern times

WannaBeHum1n: lol

Westicles: You took that mother insult much better than most

BlaiseEbuth: mother insult ?

R3Ked: wait but isn't there a limited amount of slots left

struct: I dont know, but is the only way to play it solo

Astrobytes: This one BlaiseEbuth:


BlaiseEbuth: I don't undestand it as an insult... For me that was "each guy's mom is its common archetype"

BlaiseEbuth: *his

Astrobytes: I don't think it was that deep tbh . . .

BlaiseEbuth: Meh... For once I left the benifice of the doubt to somebody...

Astrobytes: Well, it's not every day one witnesses a miracle :rofl:

Westicles: These kids, can't even put together a coherent insult. Sheesh

BlaiseEbuth: Anyway I don't care about insults. But I sanction the act of insulting.

Westicles: Sanction is a funny word... it can mean you approve or disapprove

SimpleNick: if me sad i playing in youtube stay crunchy Ronald Jenkees and i fell his motivation)

SimpleNick: because it fun

BlaiseEbuth: I'm not so fluent in english. ^^ let's say 'punish'

imrel: pun-ish

King_Coda: Minecraft java has about 90 million players worldwide

King_Coda: minecraft bedrock has 110 million players worldwide

WannaBeHum1n: does that include cracked minecraft ?

WannaBeHum1n: not payed for ?

King_Coda: no

WannaBeHum1n: i mean

WannaBeHum1n: wow nice

Westicles: We aren't fluent either. When a football player retires, the headline says he 'resigns'. They put the same headline when he signs a new contract

King_Coda: oooooh re-signs

King_Coda: wow i didnt see that until now

King_Coda: Westicles precense truly is enlightening

King_Coda: *presence

Astrobytes: re-sign though

King_Coda: Astrobytes, what is this joke about westicles troll accounts

Astrobytes: It goes back some time ago

Astrobytes: Don't worry about it

King_Coda: I'm just glad that I got to meet the legend that you hold so highly

Astrobytes: :smirk:

King_Coda: What, Coding escape only gives you a limited number of invitations? It says I have 20/20 invitations left

King_Coda: That's a shame

Therabidpanther: how many people are you inviting lol

Astrobytes: It's still in a somewhat-closed beta

imrel: they don't want you to get naughty

King_Coda: Personally I believe that this is the right step that codingame is taking. People who don't know much code should still be able to enjoy the site

King_Coda: I hope we see more games like this in the future

jacek: uh-oh, amazons has no tags?

Astrobytes: These approvers eh

BlaiseEbuth: Except that cgescape has nothing to do with this site, you're right.

struct: I can still edit it

struct: which tags do you want?

struct: No books

BlaiseEbuth: 5%

Astrobytes: lol, anti-booking - don't. Just in case :D

BlaiseEbuth: deforestation?

jacek: the same as othello?

BlaiseEbuth: mono-boobs-huntress

struct: Bezos?

jacek: mcts minimax, bitboarding

Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth: :rofl:

King_Coda: Jesus, 1 hour to 2 hour long coding escape campaign missions.

Astrobytes: Don't worry, the time flies

King_Coda: I mean, I know halo had long campaign missions, but this is just a collaborative point and click

struct: Oh I should change something

struct: so random vs random is always a draw

Astrobytes: No, not always

Astrobytes: Check your last battles

King_Coda: I'm gonna be part of the first testing group for the new missions

struct: I know it isnt, thats why I said I need to change :p

Astrobytes: Oh, I misread lol, my bad :D

struct: King_Coda you are testing the next contest?

King_Coda: No no struct, nothing that exciting

struct: How do you know its an escape?

King_Coda: Just the new missions for the Coding Escape game. All 4 of them

Westicles: I beta tested for the contest. It is based on the board game S'quarrels

struct: another card game?

King_Coda: Yes

Westicles: Oh whoops, I guess that was a secret. Disregard

BlaiseEbuth: :thinking:

struct: Thanks for the leak, I will start coding now

struct: jacek your win rate is ruined


struct: fix it

jacek: referee too slow, fix it

struct: probably

struct: I compare strings

struct: :D

Astrobytes: lol

Default avatar.png Tony12C: noob

struct: I feel insulted

BlaiseEbuth: You're allowed to ban him

struct: not yet

Default avatar.png Tony12C: lol why ban me

struct: :cookie:

BlaiseEbuth: Why not ?

Default avatar.png Tony12C: :grinning:

Default avatar.png Tony12C: Because u don't know the java code to ban me

BlaiseEbuth: If java was needed to ban someone I'll be so sad... :(

SimpleNick: i go to create new class:upside_down:

Smelty: o . o

Astrobytes: lol, did a darkhorse64 and made a boss that beats me

Astrobytes: Admittedly it's almost the same code

jacek: hm?

struct: he cant beat his own ai

darkhorse64: not exactly before I released the boss, I made sure that I had a better version (a faster one) but it was barely enough

Astrobytes: I didn't write a proper bot, just the boss

jacek: you could just copy paste that ~

Astrobytes: It worked fine in testing, in the wild it was less effective :P

jacek: fyi, what im using now isnt NN

jacek: good old negamax + eval

darkhorse64: nor n-tuple ?

Astrobytes: I don't see a use for n-tuples tbh... or perhaps, possibly, up to near endgame

jacek: not even n-tuple, yes

darkhorse64: I have done a bit of google search and it seems to be a game where heuristics can play a strong part

Astrobytes: Yes

Scarfield: amazons?

jacek: its a kind of that combinatorical theory games?

jacek: where last to move wins

Astrobytes: I guess n-tuples could help with forcing queens into chambers

jacek: or loses if cant move*

darkhorse64: more like space controlled heuristics

darkhorse64: space controlling

Astrobytes: Yes Scarfield

Astrobytes: And yes darkhorse64, territory control is a huge part of the game

Default avatar.png ddx: this might be a stupid question, but i cant figure out the command to use boost in c#, can anyone help, thanks

ZarthaxX: just output the string BOOST

Astrobytes: ^

ZarthaxX: it doesnt have to do with your language

Astrobytes: BoostaxX

ZarthaxX: Boostbytos

ZarthaxX: :bird:

Default avatar.png ddx: Console.WriteLine(nextCheckpointX + " " + nextCheckpointY + "BOOST");

ive done this, but it doesnt seem to work

ZarthaxX: missing the space at the end

Scarfield: " BOOST"

ZarthaxX: between the Y and BOOST

ZarthaxX: Im sorry scarfo but i won this one

ZarthaxX: (?)

Default avatar.png ddx: oh thank you so much

ZarthaxX: yw

Scarfield: my answer was slow and lazy, fair enough you win :moneybag:

ZarthaxX: i wanted a cookie, not your bag of money :(

Astrobytes: run with it!

ZarthaxX: lol :rofl:

Scarfield: :first_place:

Scarfield: its a cookie you can put around your neck ready to be eaten, nomnom

ZarthaxX: thanks! -> breaks his teeths

ZarthaxX: tooth*

Astrobytes: Or teeth

ZarthaxX: i would break multiple

Astrobytes: Teeth then

jacek: tooths

Astrobytes: tooth is singular, teeth is plural

jacek: how many points does boss have

Therabidpanther: 1

Scarfield: teoth is which ever

Astrobytes: 12.54 jacek

jacek: so close eh

Astrobytes: You're enjoying this eh

Scarfield: how many points is a jacek?

jacek: yes

struct: Okay im updating referee so it uses avx

Default avatar.png bossyboots: HELLO

jacek: avx in java?

ZarthaxX: kidding struct???¡ :rofl:

struct: Java doesnt have it?

struct: im ZarthaxX

ZarthaxX: Astrobytes i read it and wrote the opposite :DD

ZarthaxX: about the teeth i mean

ZarthaxX: so bad damn

ZarthaxX: struct ffs :D

Astrobytes: javx

struct: Even C# has avx

struct: poor java

struct: doesnt stand a chance

Kitkat260: sup


Kitkat260: anyone want to join

struct: Sorry, already solved all

Kitkat260: anyone else

Astrobytes: Nope.

jacek: oO

Kitkat260: i need 3 more players plz

Kitkat260: please

Kitkat260: :(

King_Coda: 2 more players

jacek: try discord

davilla: sorry I was just looking to see what "it" was

davilla: looks like fun but how long will it take?

Kitkat260: 1 hour

davilla: hi KitKat

davilla: I think I'd like to but I have some things to do first

Kitkat260: ok

Marchete: I have no idea how to train a damn regression NN

Marchete: 0.3 losses

jacek: adjust the weights to decreases the loss [solved]

jacek: youre doing tensorflow, it should do it for you

Marchete: wow

Marchete: it's solved!

Marchete: thanks

King_Coda: I fixed the steam pipes

Marchete: I know it decreases, from 0.9 to 0.3

Marchete: but 0.3 is a lot of loss still

Marchete: from -1 to 1 range

jacek: do you have some conflicting data

jacek: is it train or validation loss

VizGhar: Are there many players using NN here?

VizGhar: It's wonderland for me still :)

Astrobytes: Quite a few now yeah

King_Coda: I think i figured out the weird da vinci code thing on the book on the floor

Astrobytes: King_Coda: make a private room if you want to discuss

Astrobytes: And send it to your team mates

Astrobytes: Spoilers and all that

King_Coda: oh right

King_Coda: sorry

Astrobytes: Also, the voice chat is very very useful

Marchete: train loss

King_Coda: voice chat won't load for some reason

Astrobytes: I had to reconnect my mic a few times

VizGhar: use some other tool for communication

jacek: Marchete still, does it play better if trained?

Astrobytes: Zoom worked well the first times around

jacek: or skype :v

VizGhar: When working with NN you are using tensorflow with pytom mostly, or some custom implementation?

jacek: i have my own implementation. my NNs are quite simple

King_Coda: Neural Networks?

jacek: eeyup

King_Coda: I know nothing about those

Marchete: I'm using TF

Marchete: but I'm not an example

Marchete: I don't know what I'm doing

Marchete: how much time it takes to train, jacek?

VizGhar: jacek can you recommend some repo or something, where I can take a peak into someone others implementation?

Marchete: minutes, hours, days?!

VizGhar: I know theory but not much more

VizGhar: Marchete - longer - better :D

jacek: depends. i can train oware that matches my own from zero within hour

jacek: breakthrough almost a day, bandas 15 minutes

darkhorse64: One thing I do not understand about training is how to backpropagate results after a series of moves

jacek: VizGhar nah, i just found some nn xor example and translated it into c++

jacek: darkhorse64 i use mcts backpropagation :?

VizGhar: yeah. I guess I should just google for 10 minutes :D

King_Coda: does the Coding Escape video/voice chat window use a zoom extension, or is it an original app made by codingame specifically for this site?

darkhorse64: backpropagate in a NN

jacek: hm?

Marchete: :S

jacek: also, my losses at the end are in range 0.01 - 0.1

jacek: for bandas it could be about 0.09, for bt 0.04

VizGhar: noice... why not to use it with every single game?

jacek: i use nn for most board games

King_Coda: I'm asking because the voice/video chat refuses to load, and zoom doesnt work on my computer, so i thought there might be a connection

VizGhar: I need 2-3 years to get there :D

VizGhar: Hope I can get at least to legend on next contest

Marchete: inputs are [0..1] and expected score is [-1..1] right?

Astrobytes: It's a Jitsi plugin iirc King_Coda

jacek: yes, i use tanh

King_Coda: thanks Astrobytes

darkhorse64: jacek: in your n-tuple example, you know the exact outcome of a game, so you can compute an error. But, how to adapt for more complex games ?

darkhorse64: I mean there is no ground truth

jacek: darkhorse64 the target is score of best root move from mcts or 1/0/-1 if solved

jacek: i have i.e. fixed 200 iterations of mcts, use that for target, put i.e. 500000 positions into buffer and learn from buffer. then play more with improved network and repeat

MSmits: 200 seems little

VizGhar: ++

darkhorse64: At each ply, you compare target and NN eval and backpropagate ?

MSmits: it won't perform worse with more iterations will it? This is just to save time?

jacek: but it works for me

jacek: maybe more would be better but takes time

Marchete: it's a full MCTS?

Marchete: I thought you did N turns, like in normal bot play

RoboStac: MSmits - it tends to overfit if you give it too many (at least on alphazero style as the exploration factors have much less effect)

jacek: darkhorse64 like a0, during self-plays i only generate positions and their targets and put into buffer. then during learning phase i train from that buffer

MSmits: RoboStac thanks, good to know

MSmits: but i suspect this varies a lot per game

jacek: Marchete its mcts-ept

jacek: yeah, for oware i have less, for others more or less but mostly 200

Marchete: I'm too stupid for that sh*t :D

MSmits: but might as well be jacekmax or full random rollout, it doesnt matter right? As long as you get a node value

MSmits: will depend on the game what works best

jacek: well random would be too stochastic no?

MSmits: yeah i guess so

RoboStac: possibly - alphazero did 1600, muzero but they'd reduced it down to 50 by muzero

MSmits: but you could use minimax

RoboStac: though thats a slightly different architecture

jacek: yeah at first i used minimax and learned using texel tuning method on minimax score, just like they do now with nnue

MSmits: btw, when you see 200 iterations, do you mean you eval 200 nodes? Or do you eval 200 times all children of a node

MSmits: when you say

darkhorse64: Is there a reference paper/book that explain all that ?

RoboStac: the alphazero papers / pseudocode are fairly understandable compared to most papers I found

jacek: 200 iterations - selection, expansion, 'rollout', backpropagation


MSmits: ah ok, just 1 node then. I am just asking because most of the time i eval multiple nodes for 1 iteration

jacek: i dont use policy and i my net isnt convnet

jacek: MSmits on expansion i expand every children and give them eval

MSmits: ahh ok

MSmits: so you eval way more than 200 nodes

MSmits: then 200 doesn't seem so little

jacek: yeah

darkhorse64: I have skimmed google for hours but found nothing better than tons of TF without explanations. Thx for the pointers

Marchete: jacekmax is poor man's alphazero :D

MSmits: mcts ept is poor man's a0

MSmits: jacekmax is different

Marchete: not the NN part

MSmits: hmm does a0 backprop max value?

Marchete: he "sacrifices" policy

jacek: actually theyre quite interchangable, its the backprop that differs

MSmits: or average value?

Marchete: and reuse value for policy

jacek: a0 use average

MSmits: so i was right

MSmits: mcts ept is poor mans a0

jacek: who can afford policy these days when GPU are expensive :(

MSmits: when games are simple enough you may just not need it

MSmits: just like convnet

jacek: amazons has been approved, time for your new meta

MSmits: it's expensive to run right? So maybe with 50 ms, it's better to just do a mlp

MSmits: instead of convnet

SimpleNick: maybe who know where start enter point in chapter in use resource control memory, i have see my resource in GPU and PC in a real time

MSmits: not gonna do a meta mcts for amazons, not much point to it, already did one for clobber and that was fairly useless

darkhorse64: this cheat sheet is really great ! I already found many answers to my questions in the first bubble

RoboStac: policies are just extra outputs for your eval network - theres no reason it has to be much more expensive and it helps a lot

jacek: i was thinking of training policy. but at first i must understand softmax prime backpropagation. once again there are many maths but no easy readable pseudocode :(

jacek: i wish there was xor example for softmax - instead of regression it would output 2 values

MSmits: RoboStac does it help on oware also? Jacek is competitive withou tit

Marchete: but policy doesn't affect training or something?

jacek: oware has little policy. perhaps its better for games with bigger policy, because you ask NN once for the probabilities

Marchete: or how is the gradient done?

RoboStac: when I tried with / without it was much better with, but I didn't do much investigation into how much smaller I could make the NN if I removed it

RoboStac: yeah, backprop on multiple outputs was where I gave up on any interest in removing tensorflow from my workflow

MSmits: also RoboStac, oware might not be a good game to test nn methods on if you want to know what works and what doesn't. It's too simple. It may just be a good game to learn on

MSmits: the NN's on there mostly play perfectly.

SimpleNick: i think NN logic = logic transistor, and counter ijk

MSmits: with very rare mistakes

darkhorse64: Have you tried Neural Network from Scratch in Python from sentdex. He has a YT channel which is very noob friendly and use sofmax

darkhorse64: softmax

SimpleNick: nn graph)

struct: ill watch it ty

jacek: does he use libs?

darkhorse64: only numpy

SimpleNick: cascad or cpu have more million or billion transistor and have binary memory too

jacek: import nn; nn.train(); weee! we trained the network!

SimpleNick: but nn it program

darkhorse64: yeah, that sums up many sites content

Astrobytes: +1

SimpleNick: so theme NN it Schem programmers

Default avatar.png MathiasRerup-dyberg: does anyone know how long i should wait before I can play escape game?

struct: wait?

Astrobytes: Just wait until your team mates are ready then start

Default avatar.png MathiasRerup-dyberg: Yea when i sign up, i get a number

struct: ah, no idea what that numbers means sorry

Astrobytes: Number of invites?

Default avatar.png MathiasRerup-dyberg: Alright, but it sounds like u know how to start?

Default avatar.png MathiasRerup-dyberg: do i have to invite 5 friends or so?

struct: You can invite up to 5 I think

struct: only need 2 persons to start though

King_Coda: does it say 20/20 invites left?

Default avatar.png MathiasRerup-dyberg: it just as "You are current #26, invite ur friends" and then there is a link

King_Coda: huh

struct: Maybe they have a queue system now?

struct: When I registered there wasnt any of that sorry

King_Coda: yeah me neither

King_Coda: maybe #26 on the leaderboard?

Default avatar.png MathiasRerup-dyberg: i dont think so, one of my friends just got #1

King_Coda: maybe he was the first person to register, and you're the 26th?

Astrobytes: I have no idea. Ask on the discord perhaps?

Default avatar.png MathiasRerup-dyberg: yea imma ask on discord, thanks for trying anyways guys!

Astrobytes: Sorry I don't have more info

King_Coda: Yeah I have no idea what that number means

Default avatar.png MathiasRerup-dyberg: dont be, glad for the info u had

King_Coda: MathiasRerup-dyberg, let me know what you find, because I'm curious as to what that number means as well

Astrobytes: +1

King_Coda: +1?

Astrobytes: me too

King_Coda: ah, of course

Astrobytes: I agree, one more vote, etc

King_Coda: yeah yeah, makes sense

Scarfield: ++

Astrobytes: IncrementalField

Scarfield: sounds like a dangerous place

King_Coda: HTML5 is such an inefficient language

King_Coda: it takes so long just to type one thing

Astrobytes: Could be dangerous indeed.

Scarfield: DangerBites

struct: an error that occurs on debug but doesnt happen on release is safe?

Astrobytes: Pff. Obviously. Deploy immediately :P

struct: I was using nth_element(&arr[0], &arr[0] + 10, &arr[5]);

struct: on debug it doesnt work because 10 is higher than 5

struct: on release it works fine

struct: :/

Astrobytes: Err yeah. Don't do that.

Scarfield: why &arr[0], and not just arr?

struct: For me its easier to look at

Scarfield: fair enough, shouldnt 2nd argument be &arr[10] though?

struct: it wasnt on my code

struct: and it worked fine

struct: I think

SimpleNick: new 10 no?

SimpleNick: occured beacause not memory

SimpleNick: maybe you new 5

SimpleNick: and use 10

struct: _STL_VERIFY(_First <= _Last, "transposed pointer range");

struct: #if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0

struct: I think its more of a warning

Astrobytes: doesn't it just need to be nth_element(arr, arr + size, arr + nth element)

struct: Ill fix it anyways

Astrobytes: *size-1 (last element that is)

Scarfield: the arguments are (first, nth, last), what is the point of doing nth_element with nth not between first and last?

Astrobytes: heheh, sorry, I mixed those up

Astrobytes: AstroShytes

Scarfield: JobbyBytes

Astrobytes: :rofl:

Astrobytes: Better than BiteaJobby I guess

Scarfield: xD ?

Astrobytes: xD

SimpleNick: InterGalactic Byte

Astrobytes: I like it SimpleNick )

struct: ok I watched a video and now I understand nth_element

Default avatar.png Zicrix: i want to learn how to code but idk how to code

Astrobytes: Presumably the fact you don't know how to code is why you want to learn to code no? This makes your statement a little redundant.

Butanium: is that the good typo to add a json agent in test main ?

Butanium: gameRunner.addAgent("json /testMaxime.js");

Butanium: or do I need absolute path?

Scarfield: Zicrix this site is not the best place to start, if you dont know any coding at all. The fundamentals are needed, but with a few videos you can try

SimpleNick: i see tutorial too it not fact, is not always understand, it fact learning and understand new information, it complexly effect

Astrobytes: How does one get level 3 without knowing anything anyway?

VizGhar: Invite 20 friends :D

struct: I think its easier to learn how to code

struct: :D

Astrobytes: lol

VizGhar: look at his achievements... maybe they are enough for lvl 3... first levels are insanely fast

VizGhar: I got like 10 levels first day here

struct: You probably get level 10+ if you get gold on csb

Astrobytes: Is that the Lua guy from earlier I wonder?

Astrobytes: Half the chat seems to be the same people with different accounts these past few weeks

Scarfield: im part of the 5% without an alt apparently

SimpleNick: i have 1 account

Astrobytes: I have an alt

struct: I havent loged on an alt for a long time

struct: I have like 5

VizGhar: I'm bronze on CSB... didn't like it :)

Astrobytes: it's cricri10000 or something

VizGhar: maybe later

Astrobytes: I only know the nulte one

Scarfield: Nick Nulte?

struct: yes

Astrobytes: well the nick is nulte but not nick nolte

Scarfield: xD was afraid the pun would be lost

Astrobytes: That sentence pleased me.

Astrobytes: No, not lost at all :D

Astrobytes: DrollField

Scarfield: "a jester or entertainer; a buffoon." xD

Astrobytes: :rofl:

SimpleNick: GreenGoblin)

struct: This nth_element seems magic

struct: my brain cant keep up

DomiKo: it's like quick sort

struct: so all values from the left of nth will be higher?

struct: after its done

DomiKo: yeah

struct: Thanks

struct: I think I got it this time

DomiKo: np

struct: Maybe I wont need to call my teacher this time

Scarfield: i saw it used to find the median of an unsorted array ealier today

Scarfield: but when the nth is larger than last argument, i have no idea what it does?

struct: you dont need to worry

struct: just trust your code

struct: /s

Scarfield: but can i trust your code?

Scarfield: :p

Astrobytes: jacek: Friendship In Disguise

struct: Bad stuff happens probably

struct: let me check

Scarfield: " I was using nth_element(&arr[0], &arr[0] + 10, &arr[5]); " you said this ealier, i am still curious what its supposed to do? :)

struct: it still sorts but only up to the last one

struct: Im just not sure if its safe

struct: by sorting i mean it still does what it supposed to do


struct: remember last is non inclusive

struct: or w/e is the term

struct: msvc throws error though on debug mode

struct: please dont revoke my coding license

Astrobytes: what are you trying to do?

struct: it works now

jacek: puns!

struct: is just for beam search

Scarfield: but if it sorts between 1st and last, and nth is larger than last the nth would be unchanged?

struct: oh I see what you mean

Astrobytes: The element pointed at by nth is changed to whatever element would occur in that position if [first, last) were sorted.

Astrobytes: so specify the range (ie. [...) )

Astrobytes: usw

Astrobytes: or etc if you're feeling less German

Astrobytes: jacek: Friendship in Disguise tho. Have you not seen this.

Scarfield: yes astro, but when the nth is outside of the sorted range, the nth would be the same as arr[nth] no?

Scarfield: ooh, never mind, i misunderstood what it does

Astrobytes: Hmmm

jacek: Astrobytes?

jacek: oh my

Astrobytes: You hadn't seen it? A friend who's into comic books just posted it on our discord. I'm... not sure what to say

struct: Ban dont say anthing

jacek: "a friend" eh

Astrobytes: Yeah, he's into comics but not ponies, but kinda liked the crossover.

Astrobytes: Can't stand either myself

Astrobytes: "The Magic of Cybertron" is coming soon apparently :/

jacek: mlp has official comics but i havent seen this one

jacek: and transformers are silly

Astrobytes: I regard both as silly

Astrobytes: But I suppose at least the ponies have some kind of message

Astrobytes: That's all the praise you're getting from me.

Astrobytes: Only comics I was ever really into were the Dark Horse Aliens ones.

King_Coda: #ChugJugWithYou

darkhorse64: mm

darkhorse64: ?

Astrobytes: Dark Horse is a publisher darkhorse64

Astrobytes: King_Coda: wtf

jacek: dark pony?

King_Coda: what?

King_Coda: it's Chug Jug With You

Astrobytes: I don't know what that is. I'm 38, I don't give a flying jobby about Fortnite.

King_Coda: Some song that a 12 year old made I think

Astrobytes: ...

Default avatar.png Mageplate: is it only clash of code and escape room that you can play with your friends?

Astrobytes: Directly yes

Astrobytes: But you can compete in multiplayer by trying to get better placement in the leagues or whatever, better score in optim or code golf etc

orangesnowfox: I wonder if we'll ever see a competition where there's a split single player / team leaderboards, would be interesting to see

Astrobytes: Doubt that will happen but yeah

davilla: is KitKat still around?

Astrobytes: Lots of other competitions have teams of 1 or more

Astrobytes: Our resident person who goes "hi", "hi", "hello", "hru", "what" all day davilla? Why?

BlaiseEbuth: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!

Astrobytes: Hii

King_Coda: Hello!

King_Coda: hru

davilla: they wanted to do a puzzle, and I'd offered maybe later

King_Coda: i don't think they're on

Astrobytes: I suspect there may be better team mates, don't let me influence your decision however

Boogle: fortnite

King_Coda: indeed

King_Coda: what

King_Coda: #ChugJugWithYou

King_Coda: click on that Boogle

King_Coda: I need to make a graph of this chat's activity

King_Coda: it likes to just drop off randomly sometimes

Astrobytes: It's not random.

MadKnight: i'm trying to get file id on google drive using google drive api in c#, but on google i only see how to do stuff using the file id that u already have

MadKnight: guys can u help me find how to get file id on google drive by its path ?

MadKnight: Astrobytes ?


King_Coda: maybe this will help MadKnight?

MadKnight: well this is a direct http query and not a drive api library usage but...

MadKnight: why not

King_Coda: yw

MadKnight: wait what is - publicFolderId

MadKnight: i don't have the folder id


MadKnight: 404. That’s an error.

King_Coda: "4wj98k3bbQsLRuiWm-PrQlRfkrEP6lbNg?usp=sharing"

MadKnight: no i mean i don't have the folder id

King_Coda: "4wj98k3bbQsLRuiWm-PrQlRfkrEP6lbNg"

MadKnight: i only got name

King_Coda: that's your folder id

King_Coda: the folder id is in the url

MadKnight: but i don't have it

MadKnight: i wanna get it by its name using api

King_Coda: i don't think you can?

MadKnight: well rip

MadKnight: then i can just use file id instead

MadKnight: anyway

MadKnight: what are u up to King_Coda

MadKnight: ?

King_Coda: thats a lot easier than what you're trying to do

King_Coda: oh, just practicing my typing

King_Coda: typing out a bunch of stuff in HTML5

King_Coda: trying to get faster at typing when coding

MadKnight: i wanted it to receive the actual file id from path instead of hardcoding it into the code

King_Coda: yeah, with the way google makes it's stuff, that's virtually impossible

MadKnight: > just practicing my typing well it all depends on how smart u are

King_Coda: ?

MadKnight: noone thinks about that but your level of iq and all that stuff directly affects your trainability

King_Coda: Yeah it does

MadKnight: even at such basic things as typing fast

King_Coda: havent taken an iq test since i was a small child, so I don't know what my iq is

King_Coda: my typing speed currently is about 30 wpm, which is below average

MadKnight: well it won't help u

MadKnight: taking that test won't change your speed

MadKnight: we need a new science researc

MadKnight: h

MadKnight: - correlation between the best people can get their typing speed to and their iq

MadKnight: i really wanna see that

MadKnight: just for the memes

MadKnight: King_Coda i have no idea how fast 30 is

King_Coda: 30 is below average, 40-45 is average

MadKnight: do u look at the keyboard while typing ?

King_Coda: yes i do

MadKnight: well that's the problem

MadKnight: it slows u down

King_Coda: also apparently my iq is from 109 to 125

King_Coda: apparently that's above average

MadKnight: just stop looking, u gotta navigate the keyboard using touch info

King_Coda: i can do it

MadKnight: cool

King_Coda: im doing it rifht now

King_Coda: as tou can see my accuraxy decarexes

MadKnight: now practice the speed like that

MadKnight: i'm sure your speed will increase by a lot just from u not looking at kb

King_Coda: hmm, yeah i guess you might be right

MadKnight: now to actually important questions King_Coda

MadKnight: be honest

MadKnight: does my english sentence making sound very bad?

Devilzwirn: I learned 10-Finger-System, just learn that and you can do easily 60 words in a minute

MadKnight: King_Coda u code in which lang ?

King_Coda: MadKnight your english is fine

King_Coda: I code in c++ right now

MadKnight: King_Coda no i'm asking about my style how i make sentences

MadKnight: the words that i use

King_Coda: uh, no it sounds just fine

King_Coda: i dont really usually analyze peoples sentence structures while they are talking

MadKnight: i was only asking if something was so weird u noticed it without even analyzing

King_Coda: I have "very superior intelligence" according to some doctors

orangesnowfox: "some" doctors :think:

MadKnight: well y'know, like when u watch terminator 5 and u feel like something ain't right....

King_Coda: now i dont really know or care what that means, but when looking at your sentences i dont notice anything out of the ordinary

MadKnight: well have u seen T5 or T6 ?

King_Coda: "I have "very superior intelligence" according to some doctors" -> "now i dont really know or care what that means, but when looking at your sentences i dont notice anything out of the ordinary"

MadKnight: nono forget that

MadKnight: i'm just asking if u have seen these movies

King_Coda: no

MadKnight: what about T2 ?

MadKnight: it's a pretty popular movie

MadKnight: okay nvm

King_Coda: i havent watched any of the terminator movies

King_Coda: i dont really care

MadKnight: yea nvm

MadKnight: so u code in c++? do u know any other langs ?

MadKnight: i've been coding in c++ a lot


SimpleNick: Mad check this video)

MadKnight: SimpleNick stop hiding, tell us the truth

MadKnight: u are a russian?

King_Coda: oh, my typing speed is actually 50 wpm, it only slows down when I'm coding because of all the extra characters

MadKnight: SimpleNick are u Cyberpunk ?

King_Coda: I'm learning c++ rn. after that I'll learn c#, then javascript.

MadKnight: King_Coda well coding doesn't count because of all the extra chars

MadKnight: King_Coda wait why c++ and then c#? it's supposed to be c# and then c++ cmon

King_Coda: ?

King_Coda: oh

SimpleNick: Mad thank you for mcts)

MadKnight: c# is the simplified version of c++ King_Coda

SimpleNick: i understand)

MadKnight: SimpleNick are u cyberpunk

King_Coda: ohhhh

SimpleNick: :thumbsup:very nice tutorial ever:wink:

MadKnight: SimpleNick pls

MadKnight: let's go to #ru

SimpleNick: i cant

MadKnight: whyt

SimpleNick: iam a ConstantBolzman

MadKnight: dude if u get banned then u are not supposed to create more accounts to go around it

Uljahn: why am i not surprized, Automaton2000

Automaton2000: you mean what do you do with them

SimpleNick: i dont create i finded norm nickname

MadKnight: King_Coda hello from #ru

MadKnight: King_Coda let's teach u c# and then ru

SimpleNick: no i want new create i have this account and i think new puzzles in queue

SimpleNick: want not

MadKnight: SimpleNick ЛС

MadKnight: ЛС means DM if anyone wonders

Astrobytes: Oh SimpleNick is ConstantBoltzmann, I see

MadKnight: instaban ?

Astrobytes: Not done anything ban-worthy in here yet

Astrobytes: Annoying yes

AntiSquid: ban circumvention

MadKnight: tutubalin explained this

Astrobytes: He was banned from ru?

Astrobytes: Sorry I didn't see

MadKnight: u are supposed to warn him for avoiding ban

AntiSquid: i'd investigate how outrage i should be, but i am too sleepy, got to go sleep

MadKnight: yea everyone was asking me to ban him from ru

AntiSquid: Astrobytes probably banned him here if he is the guy who kept spamming to ban uljan for banning him on ru

MadKnight: and he was like - "i didn't do anything to get banned!"

AntiSquid: but if he is desperate to rejoin CG, why doesn't he shut up about who he is ?

MadKnight: he thinks he's right

MadKnight: that he wasn't supposed to get banned

MadKnight: and that it's us who are wrong

AntiSquid: at least should have kept low profile

Astrobytes: Ban seems appropriate. CG chat this past 3 weeks/month has just been/is just full of sht

Astrobytes: Not all ofc, but so much and so many of the same inane posts from the same accounts

Astrobytes: Anyway, I was on my way to bed, so gn

AntiSquid: same

AntiSquid: gn8

AntiSquid: madao you keep watch over the chat

Default avatar.png TheDrowningFish: sup gallas

Default avatar.png TheDrowningFish: fellas

MadKnight: hey

MadKnight: Automaton2000, this is some fishy guy

Automaton2000: but he didnt say using it

cegprakash: hi all

MadKnight: oh hey ceg

cegprakash: hi @MadKnight

cegprakash: I just applied casual time off in my company for the entire contest

cegprakash: last contest was ruined coz of office work

cegprakash: I don't want that to happen

MadKnight: and we got an entire week off in russia

MadKnight: the next week

cegprakash: how

MadKnight: it's multiple holidays at once in russia

MadKnight: one of them goes on different days every year

cegprakash: i forgot all the tools i used in codingame

cegprakash: like parameterfiddler

MadKnight: they nerfed everything

cegprakash: haha

MadKnight: because the servers are too weak during contests

cegprakash: but we can run it in local right

cegprakash: can't we?

MadKnight: ofc

cegprakash: like with two bots of our own versions

MadKnight: but u won't have all the enemies

Smelty: hi

MadKnight: it's not so useful to run it against your own bot cegprakash

cegprakash: oh

MadKnight: hihi Smelty

Smelty: hi

MadKnight: hi

cegprakash: last 3 contests were about lot of hidden details we need to track enemies

cegprakash: and guess him

cegprakash: lot of fog of war

cegprakash: I don't want another one of that kind :P

cegprakash: even though it's good

MadKnight: well let's go practice on some old contest cegprakash

orangesnowfox: it is good, but something 0 sum perfect information would be neat

cegprakash: I want to redo fantastic bits from scratch but I need to show a demo at work this week

MadKnight: cegprakash let's go

orangesnowfox: ... meanwhile I'm working on mars lander

MadKnight: pt2 or 3 ?

cegprakash: I'll join next week

cegprakash: u continue maddy

cegprakash: gn :)

cegprakash: it's 4AM here

MadKnight: well pt3 is not even easier than his game

cegprakash: and I'll unmute u on discord till contest ends :P

MadKnight: lol

orangesnowfox: The part 2 opt technically, but I suppose the general solution

MadKnight: oooooh i remember how it ended last time now

Smelty: h m mm m m

MadKnight: didn't go well cegprakash

Smelty: sad

MadKnight: will it go differently this time ?

MadKnight: Smelty why

Smelty: um...because it didnt go well

MadKnight: Smelty what are u talking about

MadKnight: the thing we were discussing?

MadKnight: Smelty don't worry about it

MadKnight: better tell me what u are coding right now

Smelty: o.o

Smelty: weekli puzzli

Smelty: code failing

Default avatar.png Zinger39: dog whater so freee

Default avatar.png tefvhnruhjdnf: I lost the competition

Notter: How do you get better at CoC?

ZarthaxX: CoCing

MadKnight: well u play bot programming

MadKnight: with ZarthaxX

King_Coda: "Wow, you're sending too many messages. Please don't spam the chat."

King_Coda: Just found this a few seconds ago

MoKi: l

King_Coda: You're dog water. So free. Freer than a costco sample

Notter: Wow, I just randomly got promoted to Bronze League in CSB.

PatrickMcGinnisII: OK, level 36

PatrickMcGinnisII: :tophat::third_place:

ZarthaxX: gz :)

Smelty: o . o

Smelty: im dying...

Default avatar.png Sentrome: hi i suck at python bye

Zenoscave: hey zarth

ZarthaxX: hey zeno :


ZarthaxX: howdy

Zenoscave: How's your bot

ZarthaxX: what bot

ZarthaxX: :thinking:

Smelty: hi!

Smelty: :S

Notter: Why is my generated stub flickering?

Smelty: idk

Default avatar.png yechielw: the escaping room is very fun

Default avatar.png yechielw: really like this

Smelty: yes

Alex-1: #Codingescape

Default avatar.png iknowlua: hi

Default avatar.png iknowlua: HELLO

Notter: Hi

Alex-1: hi iknowlua hi Notter

Default avatar.png iknowlua: alex you know fortnite just got free?

Default avatar.png iknowlua: im so happy

Alex-1: yeah

Alex-1: i am too

Default avatar.png easdasd: hello!!!!

Alex-1: #Codingescape he guys coingame game launch a new thing that is Coding Escape are you ready for Escape

Smelty: yep

Default avatar.png iknowlua: I LOVE COCAINE

Alex-1: Smelty

Smelty: i was part of the reveal around a month ago :)

Alex-1: hi

Smelty: hi alex

Alex-1: how are you

Smelty: good