Smelty: hmm yes everyone left
KiwiTae: o/
King_Coda: ah hello
King_Coda: and of course, good noght
Alex-1: hii
King_Coda: i'm watching the lord of the rings series this weekend
King_Coda: it's gonna be great
King_Coda: anyways, see ya and good night
Smelty: good night
Smelty: i suppose
Benthecoder: hi
Smelty: h
Smelty: i
krishnaKant: is there any platform where i can challenge 1v1 to friend
Westicles: 10m?
Lachrymosa: how do I use open() to read all inputs from CG in python3?
DCoderOP: yes @Krishna
DCoderOP: do private clash
DarkLord__28: hyyyyyyyyy
DCoderOP: op
DarkLord__28: invite sir ji
DCoderOP: Darkload join bro
DarkLord__28: invite
DCoderOP: see your private chat
DarkLord__28: okay sir
Marchete: happy caturday :smiley_cat:
Alex-1: happy caturday
Alex-1: Marchete
Alex-1: :smile:
DCoderOP: creativity OP @Marchete
jacek: happy Caturday
Alex-1: jacek same to you bro
DCoderOP: Which language are you all doing ?
DarkLord__28: java bro
DarkLord__28: wbu?
DCoderOP: Java and JS
DarkLord__28: ohh nice
DarkLord__28: btw m learning ethical hacking too
DCoderOP: C++ is everyone's fav , so it will be next
DarkLord__28: hamm
DCoderOP: Hacker spotted
DarkLord__28: lol
DCoderOP: Hack my Exams please 🤣🤣
DarkLord__28: :frowning2:
DarkLord__28: but u r already programmer
DCoderOP: my clg is OP , every nexy day, a new Exam
DarkLord__28: no need for u to hack exams
DarkLord__28: really
DCoderOP: monday is eam day
DarkLord__28: India m aisa h hota h
DarkLord__28: really
DarkLord__28: thts ehy i dnt study in India
DCoderOP: Noice
struct: hi
Alex-1: hii
VizGhar: Hmm just figured out, I've nearly reinvented wheel (simulated annealing). Even cooling down :D (just not 100% correctly)
VizGhar: Why is this algorithm so simple? I was expecting some mega bomb
Alex-1: :smile:
VizGhar: I should probably peek into NN now
struct: I never tried SA
struct: Maybe I should
struct: VizGhar where did you apply SA?
Astrobytes: Old enough not to do the equivalent of a/s/l in every online social situation.
jacek: that old eh
jacek: ok boomer
Astrobytes: :grin:
struct: Astro I finished the mcts thing yesterday
Astrobytes: Ah. Any improvements then?
struct: yes
Astrobytes: Got stats?
jacek: mcts thing?
struct: So it was on csb with smitsi
struct: detph 6 search
struct: 30000 plays of depth 6
struct: so a total of 180000
struct: Play is heavy though
struct: I cant just time the node selection phase
struct: I timed all game
struct: Normal version took 54.1ms average with 718k selections calls
struct: AVX took 43.9817ms average with same ammount of selections
struct: jacek I did selection phase of mcts with avx
Astrobytes: That's quite a speedup
Marchete: you select 8 moves at the same time?
struct: I calculate the best node child marchete
jacek: UCT in avx?
struct: yes
Astrobytes: aka the one everyone tried to get working and couldn't
struct: tbf I always have 8 childs because I didnt have a lot of time
Marchete: I don't see it
struct: it was just for test
Marchete: I thought you were expanding 8 children at the same time
Astrobytes: when is the submit then :P
struct: no
Marchete: ahhh
struct: Astro, I dont know, Im still doing the other thing
Astrobytes: Oh right, yeah
struct: I will say again, I always had 8 moves possible, no more or less, so Im not sure how good it is.
Marchete: gather is faster?
struct: It was
Astrobytes: Looks promising at least
Marchete: _mm256_setr_epi32(0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28)
Marchete: you create 3 equals
struct: does it really create it everytime?
struct: Does it not get optimized?
Marchete: maybe or maybe not
Marchete: at least that
Marchete: _mm256_i32gather_ps(&nodes[nodes[current].firstChildIndex].visits, _mm256_setr_epi32(0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28), 4))
Marchete: won't be optimized
Marchete: as array can change
Marchete: I imagine
struct: oh let me see :)
struct: Thanks
Marchete: check in godbolt
Astrobytes: ^
struct: 40 sec now
struct: so -3
struct: oh wait no
struct: its the same I think
struct: I think it would be better if I tested where selection is really where its heavy
struct: on csb its not that great to test with
struct: I benchmarked it before localy and it was also better
Marchete: what's that benchmark?
struct: It was just selection phase
struct: of calculating 8 nodes
struct: I tried also by having array of the params that the node had like float *visits = new float[1<<20]; float *score = new float[1<<20];...
struct: So I could try loadu
struct: gather used normal Node structure
struct: Node{ float visits,score...
GIPOKE: can i compress this?
GIPOKE: whats wrong with this?
GIPOKE: const r = Math.abs(t);
ConstantBolzmann: List<t1,[t1-65]>
/ \ char array
GIPOKE: what?
GIPOKE: i just want to find the absolute value of a number variable
struct: what is the value of t GIPOKE?
GIPOKE: a number
GIPOKE: any number im solving a puzzle
GIPOKE: any number from -273 to 5526
struct: Well nothing on your code is wrong
GIPOKE: here
struct: at least on the part you pasted
Astrobytes: It's because it's js
Astrobytes: That's what's wrong.
GIPOKE: it says the value of r 'is not read'
struct: because its out of scope
struct: its inside {
Astrobytes: yep
GIPOKE: but i only want to log it once
Astrobytes: and?
struct: you can declare it outisde the for loop
GIPOKE: so i have to log it outside of the for loop
struct: without being const
Astrobytes: let r = 0 or something
VizGhar: struct sorry I disappeared... I've used simple SA on A*Craft
GIPOKE: and now it says t is not defined
struct: np
GIPOKE: so i have to bring t out too?
GIPOKE: hmm ok
Astrobytes: what did you do instead of what struct posted?
GIPOKE: put const before the r
waffenSS: does anyone have a link to the solution of this problem? Divisibility of Fibonacci numbers sum
struct: nice viz ghar
Astrobytes: that's why struct said lose the const and I said let r = 0;
struct: I never tried a*craft
GIPOKE: still doesnt work
struct: the code I posted should work
GIPOKE: waffenSS i could use that too
struct: is just not the solution to the puzzle
VizGhar: You can come it with 6k solution in and hour or so
struct: you are a bit far from the solution
GIPOKE: no the r is fine
waffenSS: GIPOKE where did you get stuck?
VizGhar: But I was quite lucky with just a single bug on 300LoC in C++ hmm
GIPOKE: im doing Temperatures puzzle
GIPOKE: waffenSS at the beginning
struct: GIPOKE you need to find the number closest to 0
GIPOKE: the r is sensing line 1 of the input instead of line 2 hmm
GIPOKE: i dont see whats wrong
waffenSS: I've had no problem with the optimization i just got confused with the exact fib number im looking for
VizGhar: GIPOKE imagine you are reading only one number and its -5... what would your output be? :)
GIPOKE: are you looking at the puzzle?
multii: hi
GIPOKE: so the game input for testcase 1 is 5 1 -2 -8 4 5
GIPOKE: the one closest to zero is 1 so thats what it should output
struct: yes
struct: your current code will always print the last one
GIPOKE: i make sure to find the absolute value for each number using r
GIPOKE: ? why?
struct: But you dont do any comparison
Astrobytes: ^
GIPOKE: at the bottom i use Math.min()
Astrobytes: on one value
GIPOKE: the for loop should run 5 times?
GIPOKE: oh wait
GIPOKE: thats where it went wrong
Astrobytes: yes, so r will be 5
VizGhar: ah. I should have read that more carefully... well JS is JS :D
Astrobytes: you take the min of 5
GIPOKE: ok i know the problem but im nowhere close to the solution
GIPOKE: the things im thinking of do the exact same thing
Astrobytes: You should think about comparing the numbers while you loop over them perhaps?
Astrobytes: Try doing it by hand
struct: you read a number and compare it with the current
struct: also i forgot to mention, if anyone tries the avx thing I would like to know if it also worked, I could have something wrong on my code, but I doubt it
Astrobytes: Maybe marchete will
Astrobytes: Also zarthy
ZarthaxX: i just came here
ZarthaxX: did you see me? lol
Astrobytes: lmao, nah
struct: Yes
Astrobytes: Great timing
struct: I get a notification everytime you get on
ZarthaxX: hate u mods with your god eyes
Astrobytes: *gods with our mod eyes
ZarthaxX: very good timing
struct: And then I have a script to write a sentence that contains the word AVX
ZarthaxX: lol
ZarthaxX: :rofl:
Astrobytes: hahaha
ZarthaxX: what avx thing are you talking about
ZarthaxX: :eyes:
struct: I did selection for mcts on csb
struct: to calculate the uct
struct: I always had 8 childs per node though, it was just for a quick test I was lazy
struct: It completed the same number of plays 8-10 seconds faster
ZarthaxX: oh nice
struct: not seconds
Astrobytes: ms
ZarthaxX: still good
struct: yeah but also not a good thing to compare
ZarthaxX: so what's the problem?
struct: it was 53ms vs 43-44ms
struct: so how much %?
struct: 20% ish?
ZarthaxX: yes
struct: there is no problem ZarthaxX
orangesnowfox: tfw everyone has moved on to MCTS and my CSB is still using GA :p
Astrobytes: about that yes
Astrobytes: orangesnowfox mine too, don't worry :)
struct: Also selection is not the hotspot on that code
struct: so, it should be above 20%
ZarthaxX: okey
struct: but if I did constant amount of iterations it should not change right?
ZarthaxX: change what
ZarthaxX: idk wdym by constant amount of iterations
struct: The time the plays take
ZarthaxX: iterations of what
struct: of plays
ZarthaxX: still dont get you
struct: it was 180k plays
ZarthaxX: okey
struct: per turn
ZarthaxX: you mean run the code 180k times
ZarthaxX: it should give the same 20% gain?
struct: yeah
ZarthaxX: it should yes, as you had a good sample
orangesnowfox: hahaha... I'm currently tuning my search race, there's... I feel like it should be able to do better than it does (the best I can manage seems to be depth=8 with 10 pop, while still having at least 4k generations). "Oh, the conversation has moved on already"
struct: ZarthaxX you coding anything on cg?
ZarthaxX: nope
ZarthaxX: i wanted to do optims but well
ZarthaxX: not now
struct: save yourself for the contest
struct: I hope its 8 player game
Astrobytes: I wouldn't even enter the IDE never mind submit
struct: Maybe optimization then
orangesnowfox: 8 player sounds hard to code for... Like, nevermind the game itself, how do you handle 7 opponents?
Astrobytes: 11 day optim contest? Would be over after 2 days
struct: you dont
struct: You just pray that rng helps you
ZarthaxX: 8 players? are you crazy LMAO
ZarthaxX: looks like 4 by the colors lol
struct: I need to find those beta testers
orangesnowfox: struct: given that I'm more of a 2 player game type person...
VizGhar: I've made 8player multi. But dumped it :) 8 is too much... You need luck over everything else
struct: This is why fb is the best game
struct: Maybe I should try again
orangesnowfox: Sounds stupid, like training a neural network on white noise (only) and expecting it to have any statistically significant results...
orangesnowfox: * in the test dataset
Astrobytes: Smashed the 'pipe' testcase score on morpion solitaire today:
Astrobytes: (by hand, not a solver)
struct: Never saw this game
Astrobytes: I plan to port it to CG eventually
struct: grats btw
Astrobytes: thanks
Gaurav.: Hello World
Gaurav.: World you ok?
Gaurav.: :(
jtsimmons: World is good over here.
Gaurav.: :D
Static_Language_Programmer: shut
Static_Language_Programmer: just kidding
Gaurav.: :(
Static_Language_Programmer: jk bro chill xD
Gaurav.: haha ik
Smelty: hi
Gaurav.: hey
Smelty: o.o
jacek: scorpion solitaire, ahh from nested mcts?
CodinGamerAK: hey
IaMiNteLLIGENT: can anyone please tell me what is at the last quest?
IaMiNteLLIGENT: of clash of code
jacek: death
jacek: 3 wins in row
Roxxx: hey all :)
eulerscheZahl: help, who is this?
IaMiNteLLIGENT: oh god that is hard for me right now
IaMiNteLLIGENT: 3 wins in a row
VizGhar: Lenon
Doug: Tesla?
VizGhar: jacek :joy:
IaMiNteLLIGENT: bruh
jacek: eulerscheZahl is this legit question
eulerscheZahl: yes
jacek: any context to that image?
eulerscheZahl: weird TUM puzzle contest
PatrickMcGinnisII: eulerscheZahl Wyatt Erp?
PatrickMcGinnisII: Earp
Smelty: ,
BlaiseEbuth: TUM?
MSmits: euler!
MSmits: yay
eulerscheZahl: smits
MSmits: what are you doing these days?
eulerscheZahl: trying to keep myself somewhat fit without soccer :(
eulerscheZahl: bicycle trip if warm enough, otherwise just a walk in the park
jacek: you still have paper
MSmits: oh, i have a hometrainer bicycle thingy, did 600 kcal a few hrs ago
struct: no clues for the pic euler?
MSmits: and i chopped down two bushes
MSmits: like a boss
eulerscheZahl: probably it's nietzsche
eulerscheZahl: poor bushes :(
MSmits: have to make room for fence
eulerscheZahl: birds are building their nests inside
MSmits: nah they were vacant
MSmits: no bird squatters
jacek: not anymore
MSmits: well maybe it was their summer home
MSmits: will be surprise when they get back
struct: I think you are right, looks like this pic
Astrobytes: it's me before I shaved a few weeks ago
MSmits: cant you just take it off, seems like a fake stache
Astrobytes: that's a Thinking 'stache
MSmits: you mean it has AI ?
Astrobytes: Quite possible.
MSmits: I see
PatrickMcGinnisII: Should have known he german
Astrobytes: Hm, 2 Nietzsche references in a week. I called ZarthaxX Zarthathustra the other day
ZarthaxX: dude wtf
Astrobytes: I did
ZarthaxX: i just clicked CG tab after coming back to my house
MSmits: thats what you said last time
ZarthaxX: and you just tag me
Astrobytes: lol, we're synchronised today dude
ZarthaxX: scary asf
ZarthaxX: dad sync :D
struct: avx
Astrobytes: hahaha
ZarthaxX: stahp HAHAHA
MSmits: this is when most noobs think: "what weird corner of the internetz is this?"
Astrobytes: And regulars probably too
struct: MSmits the csb thing was 20% faster
MSmits: you mean the selection with avx?
struct: yes
MSmits: awesome
struct: But I always had 8 childs
MSmits: mmh
struct: I will test with some other game soon
MSmits: thats not typical for when i use selection
PatrickMcGinnisII: some of these convos need an .onion wrapper rofl
Astrobytes: lol
checkmunza: can i select a mode that i want?
jacek: that nietzche thing, is this Baader-Meinhof phenomenon?
struct: Only for private clashes
PatrickMcGinnisII: the weather is so nice, going to friend's pool... why am i on here?
Astrobytes: lol jacek, possibly
MSmits: because it's more fun than some pool?
MSmits: unless you're playing pool
Astrobytes: pool? He said modes not nodes :P
PatrickMcGinnisII: Gotta wash the Zarthathustra off
MSmits: i was responding to PatrickMcGinnisII :P
Astrobytes: :D
Astrobytes: I know, just thought I'd chuck it in there. Into the pool.
MSmits: aha
jacek: nodes pool?
Astrobytes: half an hour later, in comes jacek
PatrickMcGinnisII: I just finished getting the checkers minmax setup, i'll test it later but I think I can get only 40k nodes
jacek: pool is loop reversed :scream_cat:
jacek: nodes in minimax?
PatrickMcGinnisII: I started setting up a static node pool to prevent GC in php from slowing it down
MSmits: jacek, even worse, if you drop the l, you get poo!
Astrobytes: Wait a second, you store minimax nodes?
MSmits: thats weird
jacek: thats probably normal in php
PatrickMcGinnisII: I just make a board state string of 32 characters
Astrobytes: lol jacek
MSmits: but why store the nodes ?
MSmits: cant you just do the regular recursive version?
PatrickMcGinnisII: worked recently for Oware Obapa, i got 20k more board states for a depth of only 6
PatrickMcGinnisII: Php runs garbage collection and messes up the clock
Astrobytes: It's not a tree you store though
MSmits: yes but, if you do a normal minimax, there is no garbage basically
PatrickMcGinnisII: i can get 130k states in Obapa
jacek: php is garbage *
MSmits: in minimax you only have 1 state at a time
MSmits: you dont store anything
MSmits: well maybe with transpositions, but no point doing those in most cases, certainly not with php
PatrickMcGinnisII: the board state array is linear....oh I'm iterative deepening
MSmits: of course
MSmits: as you should
MSmits: still no need to store
Astrobytes: board state array? Why?
PatrickMcGinnisII: cloning classes in expensive
MSmits: dont clone anything
PatrickMcGinnisII: er objects
MSmits: oh wait
MSmits: its oware
MSmits: so yeah just keep the parent version
MSmits: to restore
jacek: did you climb in ranks in oware or checkers then?
PatrickMcGinnisII: I did gain in Oware
PatrickMcGinnisII: gained 50 spots
jacek: noice
PatrickMcGinnisII: next is checkers
PatrickMcGinnisII: could only get approx 125k states in oware
PatrickMcGinnisII: estimating 40k in checkers
PatrickMcGinnisII: yall kill me
PatrickMcGinnisII: i know it
MSmits: checkers is not much slower than oware i think?
PatrickMcGinnisII: so, yea node pool
MSmits: oware has an expensive move application
PatrickMcGinnisII: well if have to king, and you have multiple jumps
PatrickMcGinnisII: nah, oware is easy
MSmits: but that doesnt happen every time
MSmits: easy doesnt mean fast
PatrickMcGinnisII: oware is max 6 moves per depth, checkers can go up to 11 i think
MSmits: thats true but you said states
MSmits: more branching doesnt mean you can keep less states
MSmits: it just means you get less depth
PatrickMcGinnisII: i think we are thinking of states differently, its ok ... I'm just filling up more of the pool these days by using static constructs
MSmits: ah ok
Astrobytes: Your board state is a string for oware you said Patrick?
PatrickMcGinnisII: no checkers
Astrobytes: what about oware?
PatrickMcGinnisII: still using int array for oware
PatrickMcGinnisII: only 12 ints
Astrobytes: I use an array too
Astrobytes: just copy the array
PatrickMcGinnisII: but php uses a minimum of 4 bytes for each int
MSmits: ack 32 bits when you only need 5
MSmits: well maybe 6
Astrobytes: Have you tried it this way though?
PatrickMcGinnisII: yes, easy to clone/copy board for child
PatrickMcGinnisII: rzanked 71 in checkers using a 2dim array...coverting to linear string should bump me up
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, i got bored
jacek: eval the same?
MSmits: you should train a NN locally and dont even perform a search on your turn, just run the nn 1 time
MSmits: it will do better
PatrickMcGinnisII: sorry I shared my stoneage optimizations, lol
Astrobytes: lol
Astrobytes: I was trying to resist the temptation to tell you to switch to C again, but I can't. Switch to C!
Astrobytes: (for multis)
MSmits: or rust, or c++, or C# or even ja... no i cant
jacek: jacek?
MSmits: :P
PatrickMcGinnisII: lol, yes i have to rewrite bots to stay in top 500 in CP
PatrickMcGinnisII: oops, gotta dress my kid for pool, afk
Smelty: o.o
Astrobytes: cya later
MSmits: thats weird, i thought people undressed for water. Been a while for me though
MSmits: hf
Astrobytes: :smirk:
Roxxx: lol
RB8686: Anyone here ever had to use this platform for a job interview?
MSmits: not me
Roxxx: guys i'm playing coding wondev woman AI and this is the second game in a row where i'm stuck at rank 1 in wood 1 but still not advancing
MSmits: are you being interviewed
RB8686: It's pat of my job interview, a technical test
MSmits: Roxxx thats a pretty old game. Not very many active players. What are you using to solve it?
jacek: Roxxx try resubmiting to arena
Astrobytes: Thought you were doing CSB Roxxx?
jacek: nothign beats good old spam resubmits
MSmits: RB8686 ah, well just try to solve the puzzle, whatever it is
Roxxx: yeah i was doing CSB, now i took a little break to try something different without velocities xD
RB8686: Yeah which is a little worrying, I had 8 weeks of Python and can't solve a single game
MSmits: game?
MSmits: are you trying puzzles?
MSmits: like thor?
MSmits: or the descent?
MSmits: ah ok
MSmits: well it takes a while to get the hang of things
Roxxx: @MSmits, i'm using a ton of stuff if you are interested i can send you my code on Discord
MSmits: temperatures is also a good one to try
MSmits: no thats ok Roxxx, I am guessing it's mostly heuristics right? No search with simulations yt?
MSmits: yet
RB8686: I'm a cyber sec student, so I already know where to find all the solutions, but that would be cheating
MSmits: sure
RB8686: I'll try temperatures then
MSmits: try doing it testcase by testcase, no need to solve all at once
Astrobytes: Hm. There used to be an intro example on CG for Work but I can't find it RB8686
PatrickMcGinnisII: yes my kid broke her hip 2 years ago, so I like waite on her like 24-7... single father stuff.
Roxxx: @MSmits im storing all the possible moves and then chosing the unit and the move based on multiple conditions
MSmits: oh thats horrible PatrickMcGinnisII, sorry to hear that
Astrobytes: Doing puzzles should be enough
MSmits: have a daughter that need a lot of help too, but nothing physical like that
Astrobytes: That's crap Patrick. Good to know she's got an on-point dad looking after her (even if he uses PHP :P )
PatrickMcGinnisII: rofl
Roxxx: i have highest priority on the jumping to the height of 3 to get a point, if that's not avaliable then i see if i can push, and if that's not avaliable too then i move to the field with highest build possibilities
MSmits: yeah just because you use php, doesnt meant you cant be a great dad
jacek: thats kid abuse
Astrobytes: Only if you make them learn it jacek
MSmits: she might occasionally see his screen and be scarred for life
MSmits: Roxxx makes sense to do stuff like that
MSmits: good way to get out of wood
Roxxx: but im still in wood rofl
MSmits: i mean, its good to try heuristics like that
PatrickMcGinnisII: 2 more surgeries left to go still...smh my kid still has attitude.... dad sync
MSmits: you might not have hit upon the best one
Astrobytes: as jacek mentioned, since it's not that active a game it might take a couple of submits
Roxxx: @MSmits any suggestions what i should change?
MSmits: i havent gotten into wondev woman that far, but let me see what i did
Astrobytes: that sucks Patrick, great she's still got attitude though! They're supposed to have that :D
aetrnm: Hey, good afternoon
MSmits: oh seems i made silver
aetrnm: If I am creating CoC reverse, should I still write Statement and Description part?
Roxxx: @MSmits what language are you using?
MSmits: Roxxx I think I gave each action a score and just picked the best one
MSmits: my current version, which is 3 yrs old, is C#. If i were to start it seriously i would be using c++ for speed
Astrobytes: Don't think so aetrnm
Astrobytes: But I don't clash so, anyone else?
Roxxx: i have an idea, does anyone want to start building solutions for any game together in java?
Roxxx: i think i need a coding buddy to progress
aetrnm: I am only clashing, lmao
Astrobytes: jacek, help Roxxx
Astrobytes: Maybe post on discord. I know a few people occasionally do pair coding, even euler sometimes
Roxxx: @MSmits, what data structure are you using for that
Roxxx: @Astrobytes will do :)
MSmits: eh i barely understand it now, but let me paste it
jacek: huh
struct: no bitboards :scream:
MSmits: more would be giving too much away\
MSmits: i didnt even know what a bitboard was back then
jacek: ahh the big bang?
Astrobytes: WW seems annoying to bitboard
jacek: those were good times
Astrobytes: :rofl:
MSmits: lol
Smelty: :rofl:
Roxxx: @MSmits all i get from those links is "404 page not found"
Astrobytes: Really? Works fine for me
MSmits: i think your browser is protecting you from poorly written C# code
Roxxx: i tried clicking on some pastebins yesterday too, same thing
Astrobytes: Hm. Prepare to be underwhelmed!
PatrickMcGinnisII: wth
Astrobytes: I know, it's not PHP
Smelty: me cat
PatrickMcGinnisII: (abs(x-nx)<=1)&&(abs(y-ny)<=1) no?
Astrobytes: not my code... Blame Early Smits
MSmits: yeah i dont know what the guy was thinking
MSmits: early Smits I mean
PatrickMcGinnisII: lets find a way to make it confusing
MSmits: you do that :P I need to go get some food
Smelty: hmm
MSmits: ttyl
Smelty: ok
Roxxx: @Astrobytes, yeah i can read that one
Roxxx: wtf, that's all you need to get to silver?
Astrobytes: awesome
PatrickMcGinnisII: (abs(x-nx)<=>1), ok i give up
Roxxx: i might have overcomplicated it too much
Roxxx: xD
Smelty: xD
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok tacos and splish splash, cya
Astrobytes: later Patrick
Roxxx: @MSmits, thanks for your code
Astrobytes: Roxxx: well, you still need to write an eval function
Roxxx: yeah ofc
Smelty: yea
Roxxx: i did make a Cell class
Astrobytes: iirc looking at the surrounding squares and checking their heights, whether you're next to a hole etc was useful
Roxxx: but i didn't think of making an Action class
Astrobytes: Yeah, easier to score them that way
Smelty: hmm wondev women
Roxxx: if anyone wants to take a look at my code and give any constructive criticism i'd appreciate it very much
Astrobytes: MSmits will do it
Roxxx: after that i think i might have to start from scratch
Smelty: I'm looking at the input...
Smelty: oh god so many variables
Astrobytes: jacek
Astrobytes: so many variables? Have you seen code royale?
Smelty: nope..
Smelty: the yellow is killing my eyes however
Roxxx: here's my full code
Smelty: oo
Smelty: java?
Roxxx: yeah
Smelty: i see :
Smelty: I'm still kind of a noob at most of these multiplayer games :(
Smelty: interesting strategy of yours, you don't instantly move to higher stages
Astrobytes: Nothing particularly wrong there, refactoring with an added Action class would help simplify things I think
Smelty: true
ConstantBolzmann: "Hey, how am I going to solve my difficult problems? i will create many classes and attach them)"
Smelty: hmm
Astrobytes: lol, I think in this case it is justified
Smelty: yea
Smelty: dang, roxxx, you're so close to getting out of wood
Astrobytes: Did you try a resubmit Roxxx?
Smelty: o.O
MadKnight: less than 2 weeks....
Smelty: lol got sealed into a corner
Astrobytes: ...less than 2 weeks to Scottish local elections, it's true
Smelty: ...and codingame contest
Astrobytes: yeah, bad move Smelty :P
Astrobytes: And yes, I know!
Smelty: *cries in dumb*
**Smelty commits seppuku to attone
Roxxx: sorry i was cooking
Roxxx: @Astrobytes yeah i tried resubmitting
Smelty: try, try again
Smelty: after all, you're less than a single point away
Astrobytes: How much difference between you and the boss?
Smelty: boss is 30.37, roxxx is 29.31
Smelty: so really close
Astrobytes: Ah. Winrate against boss?
Smelty: i just checked leaderboard
Astrobytes: (roughly)
Smelty: idk how points are calculated :(
Roxxx: i started another arena simulation, fingers crossed
Roxxx: i made my units a bit more aggressive
Smelty: o.O
Astrobytes: click on view last battles and you can see the previous games
Roxxx: prioritizing push over everything else
Smelty: hmmm....
Astrobytes: Sometimes it's just a case of bringing the boss down a few points if he's been pushed up
Smelty: true
Smelty: just keep fightin the boss
Astrobytes: Depends on your winrate against it
Smelty: with good code
Smelty: roxxx push go brrr
Roxxx: loooool
Smelty: it does seem to work
Smelty: also consider blocking off your opponent's point generators if possible
Roxxx: how would i do that
Smelty: like if they are just farming two points and yours happens to be close, block it off
Smelty: ...idk lol
Roxxx: yeah but how would i incorporate that into my code logic
Roxxx: i think i need to start from scratch
Roxxx: with an action class and a point system for actions
Smelty: i guess
Astrobytes: Not from scratch, just refactor it
Smelty: also, I just submitted a copy-code of the one you posted so you can test your new versions against it if you wish
Roxxx: thanks
Roxxx: @Smelty, do you do java as well?
jacek: he can do copy-paste java
Roxxx: lolz
Smelty: lolll
Smelty: but yes I do some java
Smelty: :coffee:
Roxxx: @jacek, do you wanna be coding buddies at a game of your choice, i hear you do java
Smelty: o.O
Smelty: wait a sec roxxx
Smelty: my submission of your ai just went above the boss
Smelty: try resubmitting
Roxxx: ROFL
Smelty: its above by over a point wth
Roxxx: did you get promoted?
Smelty: not yet
Smelty: xD
Smelty: I think you just have to get lucky-
Astrobytes: This is what I've been trying to tell you. You just need to spam a few submits to pull down the boss in older multis
jacek: Roxxx nah, on CG im using c++ and i suck at pair programming
Smelty: in bronze now
jacek: noob
Roxxx: @Smelty, congrats! rofl
Smelty: "how to get demote"
jacek: post your own code
Smelty: I just reset the java to the originial
Smelty: and this happenned:
Smelty: send help
Roxxx: strange
Smelty: and I can't reset
Astrobytes: Did you reset with the reset button
Smelty: because it says its already reset
Smelty: yes I did
Astrobytes: refresh it?
Roxxx: type some random stuff then try to reset again
Smelty: okay
Smelty: it works now :0
Roxxx: btw @Smelty, are there any new rules in bronze?
Smelty: it says:
Smelty: You're only able to see enemy nits adjacent to one of yours."
Smelty: *units
Roxxx: right, so no major change for my code
Smelty: yep
Astrobytes: Was gonna say. Didn't think there were any headlice in WW
struct: bronze rule is fog of war
Astrobytes: (enemy nits)
Smelty: (ow)
KiwiTae: Which multi are u doing? :D
Roxxx: HOLD ON I'm above the boss, but it's still simulating
Smelty: :00000
Smelty: you got this robot
KiwiTae: can i join im bored
struct: he is doing wondev woman
KiwiTae: aah
Smelty: (wondev womAn)
Roxxx: @KiwiTae, Wondev Woman
KiwiTae: im in silver in that one i think
Smelty: p/p
Smelty: *o.o
Roxxx: I MADE IT WOOO, thanks guys
Smelty: yay
KiwiTae: gg
Roxxx: @KiwiTae, what language are you using?
KiwiTae: no clue
Roxxx: lolz
KiwiTae: i think its cpp
Smelty: hmm there's two of you
Roxxx: might be a temporary bug
KiwiTae: just trying each moves
Smelty: probably because you just promoted
KiwiTae: looks like i started sim and never finished
Smelty: interestin
KiwiTae: Smelty u change your avi!!
KiwiTae: :D
Smelty: :)
Astrobytes: It's just the transition between wood and bronze
Smelty: I think it is more realistic representation of me
jacek: :3
Smelty: p.s. I just submitted dysfuntional code to bronze and I have a 50% win rate judging from last battles xD
Roxxx: where can you see your winrate?
Smelty: I just scrolled down from last battles, and looked at the amount of wins I had compared to battles
Roxxx: aah, so approx
Smelty: yep
Astrobytes: normally on but you need to be up a few leagues
Astrobytes: Otherwise do as Smelty did
Smelty: ah, you have to be top 1000
Smelty: *above the first 1000
Smelty: so in this case, top 200 or so
Roxxx: if you are above the first 1000 then you are first? no? xD
Smelty: xD
Smelty: "Error 404. Player not found. Double check your nickname and the selected puzzle. Please note that cgstats can't find your ranking if you are above the first 1000 players. If you think cgstats should find you and this is an error, try to ask Magus."
Smelty: wait wh-
Smelty: does it mean that if my ranking is past the first 1000 I can't be found?
Roxxx: paradox
Astrobytes: Yes, Below top 1000 will not be found
Smelty: but it sa-
jacek: ask Magus
Smelty: ohhh
Astrobytes: Look, it's a French site. Some stuff translates poorly into English.
Smelty: it means if your ranking is "above" 1000
Smelty: meaning 1001 is above
KiwiTae: above in better than
Smelty: and 999 is like below
KiwiTae: maybe
**Smelty is confused af
Roxxx: i think it's just a typo, it should say below
Smelty: probably translation error than
Roxxx: then it makes sense
Smelty: its a french site
Astrobytes: Yes
Smelty: wait- I think the site is just broken right now
Smelty: recurse is definitely in top 1000 csb
Smelty: also, I'm actually 829 in wondev, so I should show up
Astrobytes: Works fine for me
Smelty: whaaat
Astrobytes: Did you select contest over multiplayer?
Smelty: yes
Smelty: wait no
Astrobytes: That's why you can't see it
Smelty: It doesn't work for both contest and multiplayer puzzle
Smelty: I just took your link and directly hit submit, same thing :(
Smelty: I think it's just glitched for me
Smelty: well. rip me
KiwiTae: typoed his name
Marchete: maybe it's the challenge
Smelty: what-?
Marchete: there can be two wonder woman in the list
Astrobytes: The site is definitely working
Smelty: I clicked the links astro gave me
Smelty: and it popped up error 404
Marchete: ahh yes
Smelty: so it probably just doesnt work for me
Marchete: 829th
Smelty: yes
Marchete: I see you on the link
Smelty: weird
Marchete: maybe you were 1000th at the time
Smelty: so it IS just me
Roxxx: yay i made it on the leaderboard
Smelty: I just clicked it agian
Smelty: and roxxx link still says 404 for me TwT
Marchete: the page shadowbanned you :D
Astrobytes: congrats Roxxx
Smelty: w-
Astrobytes: lol
Uljahn: check your adblockers
Smelty: *visibly confused*
Smelty: I don't have adblockers
Astrobytes: Yeah, probably a plugin
Smelty: welp
**Smelty gives up
Astrobytes: Turn it off and then turn it back on again.
Smelty: I mean like, I can just search them up on the leaderboard in cg
Astrobytes: Clear your cache, close browser. Restart if you like.
Smelty: hm okay
Smelty: see yall on the other side
Roxxx: Thanks!!
AntiSquid: other side of what ?
AntiSquid: of life ?
Astrobytes: His restart
AntiSquid: oh
Astrobytes: How's the Non-Aussie Aussie contest?
AntiSquid: docker system prune -a
Astrobytes: That good eh :rofl:
AntiSquid: hm might still win the team name challenge if lucky lol
AntiSquid: but don't care anymore
AntiSquid: maybe if next time they have proper C++ support (currently there's none)
Astrobytes: That was a terrible start you had though
Astrobytes: Yeah I know, fk that :)
Astrobytes: Hold out for mini-RAIC
AntiSquid: tomorrow 8 AM UK time is first submit deadline for a bot, but you only get to see how your bot works ..
Astrobytes: and CG contest ofc
Astrobytes: Weird.
AntiSquid: wednesday morning next test round and saturday morning the initial elemination round
but i am full of 12 hour shifts :D
Astrobytes: Typical lol
AntiSquid: i'll just do something else instead of trying to wrestle that shit
Astrobytes: I think it would be time better spent yeah :D
Smelty: I'm back
AntiSquid: woah
AntiSquid: hello
Smelty: hi
Smelty: astro can you send me the link again :0
Smelty: agh
Smelty: it still dont work
Astrobytes: Your browser is Magist
Smelty: perhap
AntiSquid: must be the cat at the laptop
nipun18058: input 31 and output is 5 input 32 and output is 1 how?
Smelty: hm
Smelty: let's see
Smelty: what puzzle?
nipun18058: this is reverse question
nipun18058: so i cant figure it out
Smelty: any others
Smelty: can you post all of them? :0
Smelty: it would be helpful
nipun18058: input 2147483647 and output is 31 input 1 and output is 1 input 42 and output is 3
Smelty: okay, let's see
Astrobytes: come on, asking for clash help in World chat is lame
Smelty: lol
Smelty: but gee I don't know what this pattern is
nipun18058: bruh i m not asking code ...i m just asking pattern
Gumarkamole: mb how many bits
nipun18058: me too @smelty
Astrobytes: Well yeah. . . but you know, the pattern. . . it's the solution to the problem.
AntiSquid: astro when is miniraic ? doubt i'll do it but curious
nipun18058: @astrobytes if u know the pattern then why u didn't tell me
Astrobytes: Donno yet AntiSquid, but they said it was gonna happen
struct: whats miniraic?
Smelty: also nipun
Astrobytes: Shorter RAIC
Smelty: isnt it something over 7
Smelty: or something
Smelty: after all 3/7 is 0.42
Smelty: and 1/7 is 0/1
Smelty: *0.1
nipun18058: how?....5/7 is 0.41 which is not equal to 32
Smelty: and 2147483647/7 is roughly 31
Smelty: true
nipun18058: but yeah divisible by 7 is something pattern
Smelty: 31/7 rounded up is 5
Smelty: and 32/7 idk
Smelty: welp
Astrobytes: struct: Like an early/mid year RAIC in between the main ones
nipun18058: @ Leonidfedorrussianpride whats the pattern?...i saw u got 100%
nipun18058: @smelty bin(x).count('1') this is final ans
Smelty: hmmm
Smelty: interesting
nipun18058: yes
Smelty: lololol i just wrote a coc code and it TIMED OUT
Smelty: forgot to optimize TwT
nipun18058: lol
Smelty: xD
Smelty: 0% squad
nipun18058: :joy:
struct: had no idea
struct: thanks
Smelty: :rofl:
**Smelty types some random stuff:" fjhsadhfsowq j q938jdbBKJ"
Smelty: *error: floating point variable*
**Smelty smashes keyboard: "vSJlvzshSLHVBSHVBlbshvhjvzbh"
Topazz: anyone know an easy loops challenge?
geppoz: anyone has tried the AWS Websocket service?
geppoz: seems not :D
VizGhar: Going all legend level certifications tonight! (quest map) My life is complete :D
Astrobytes: congrats VizGhar :)
VizGhar: Astrobytes are you one of 5%?
VizGhar: just curious
Astrobytes: 5% ftw baby
Astrobytes: Yeah. Just a statement of defiance is all.
Astrobytes: The explanation is complicated.
VizGhar: is there any moderator not in 5% teritory?
jacek: mk?
Astrobytes: Maybe?
Astrobytes: Don't pay it any mind though.
Astrobytes: It's not important for day-to-day CG activity :)
BlaiseEbuth: 5% pawa!
Astrobytes: /salt
DomiKo: 5% is the best team
Astrobytes: "Competition is my second name" - should help with interpreting the real meaning of that :D
Astrobytes: Also hey DomiKo
DomiKo: hey hey
BlaiseEbuth: hey. I'm a man with a plan
struct: When do they release the trailer for sc2021? I see if I can get any clue from it.
struct: I wanna see*
DomiKo: Astrobytes yeah i guess it does help
Astrobytes: :grin:
Lachrymosa: Sup CG
UnnamedCodinGamer: in search race angle input is only integers, right?
struct: yes
UnnamedCodinGamer: it takes a bit from the flexibility
UnnamedCodinGamer: I expected to handle more precise input
struct: the referee rounds it I think
struct: it should say in the description
DomiKo: yes, referee round it
Astrobytes: Yeah, it specifies in the statement which is truncated and rounded
UnnamedCodinGamer: I think the description refers to the input that you get
UnnamedCodinGamer: from the referee
struct: I think referee also updates itself
UnnamedCodinGamer: for the output it only says that you might use the expert output
UnnamedCodinGamer: angle is adjusted after the car moves according to the newly calculated angle
struct: yeah
UnnamedCodinGamer: this is for x y input
struct: I think its for all inputs
UnnamedCodinGamer: this is strange
UnnamedCodinGamer: I test locally going to the coordinates of the next checkpoint and it passes all checkpoints for 237 moves
UnnamedCodinGamer: if I only provide angle input for the same path
UnnamedCodinGamer: I do not pass everything
UnnamedCodinGamer: this means that coordinates input is more fine grained
UnnamedCodinGamer: and since it uses only integer angles they do not have the same precision
goulashsoup: Programming PHP - Mime Type Puzzle:
goulashsoup: PHP: Input should be ASCII encoced- Using fgets() gets me the line including the line-break, but stream_get_line() gets multiple lines at once.
goulashsoup: Does anyone know why that ist?
Astrobytes: It's because PHP
goulashsoup: Oh, So funny HAHA....
Astrobytes: Calm down man it's just a joke, we always rib the php'ers on here
UnnamedCodinGamer: struct, yes it is for both inputs
Astrobytes: goulashsoup: it doesn't
Astrobytes: After $FNAME = stream_get_line(STDIN, 256 + 1, "\n");// One file name per line.
Astrobytes: Do: echo($FNAME);
Astrobytes: The input is read in lines separated with "\n"
Astrobytes: Hence the last parameter of stream_get_line
Astrobytes: So you want to store every time the line is read
goulashsoup: > This function is nearly identical to fgets() except in that it allows end of line delimiters other than the standard \n, \r, and \r\n, and does not return the delimiter itself.
Astrobytes: Yes, you don't get the newline
Smelty: i.i
Astrobytes: You get the input
Astrobytes: So store that and deal with the newlines when you have to
goulashsoup: Therefor i would have thought the last parameter would NOT be necessary, rikght?
Astrobytes: No
Astrobytes: It allows delimiters other than, not just something by default
Astrobytes: And does not return the delimiter
Astrobytes: Why do you care if the last parameter is necessary anyway?
Astrobytes: It's completely separate from the problem you're attempting to solve
goulashsoup: So, it allows other delimiters, but does not handle them like fgets, so it does not return when a EOL is detected?
Astrobytes: It will not return the delimiter. EOL, EOF, tab, whatever is specified. It will return the data in between the delimiters
goulashsoup: Right, but i have the problem that line break is not detected as EOL.
goulashsoup: Or is a line break not an EOL character?
Astrobytes: "\n"
Astrobytes: works fine for me
Astrobytes: Not sure what you are doing but you just need to store what you get from $FNAME and work with that
goulashsoup: I get it, but "\n" shoudn't be necessary according to the docs. and if it isn't either their is a bug, or the doc is wrong or i misunderstood the function and how it handles different characters...
Astrobytes: delete the "\n" parameter
Astrobytes: And run the code
goulashsoup: I'll do that, THANKS !
Astrobytes: It still works
goulashsoup: OK, then it must be a code error on my site, i'll look into it...
Astrobytes: Don't worry too much about the default code unless it doesn't work, in that case there is an issue
Astrobytes: $FNAME = stream_get_line(STDIN, 256 + 1);// One file name per line.
echo($FNAME); echo("\n");
Astrobytes: works perfectly
Astrobytes: (obviously you don't need those 2 echoes but for debug purposes obvs)
goulashsoup: Thanks for your help, i come back to it later...
Astrobytes: No worries
WannaBeHum1n: anyone know the best strat in gold coders strike back I peaked at 900
Astrobytes: Get physics-y, math-y, or read and write yourself a little simulation and search algo
WannaBeHum1n: i love phisicy
Astrobytes: You can (or used to be able to) get legend with just maths/physics formulas and such
WannaBeHum1n: thnx sir
Astrobytes: But, from experience, simulation + some search algorithm is easier :D Your mileage may vary!
WannaBeHum1n: search algorithms
WannaBeHum1n: yh
WannaBeHum1n: i ll google that
Astrobytes: check the magu s article I linked, it explains fairly well the steps of a rolling horizon genetic algo
orangesnowfox: Hmm, so it isn't worthwhile in csb, but in searchrace would it be worth keeping solutions from the previous turn + new random ending?
orangesnowfox: ... I *could* just try this, instead of asking
Astrobytes: What do you mean exactly?
Astrobytes: Totally randomising the last depth of your search?
Astrobytes: Oh no, I see what you mean
Astrobytes: Haven't tried that but I don't see how it would provide much benefit?
Astrobytes: More so than CSB for sure but I think the gain would be negligible, it's not like reusing an MCTS tree
orangesnowfox: The theory is that it would allow me to use deeper depths, and still come up with decent solutions
orangesnowfox: but, I don't know until I've tried it, I guess
struct: Well the entire state would have to be equal
Uljahn: it doesn't help with the horizon effect
Astrobytes: ^^^^
orangesnowfox: mm, yeah...
orangesnowfox: And struct: the idea would be to use them as a starting position, your state *probably* won't differ by an entire unit if your sim is decently accurate
PatrickMcGinnisII: ^ ^^^ ^ I think anything over depth 9 is a waste anyways
orangesnowfox: we're still talking about search race?
PatrickMcGinnisII: could give you a prune range to go deeper in a GA, pfft ewtf do i know...I'm wet and smell like chlorine
Astrobytes: And PHP
Astrobytes: :D
struct: ah search race
struct: I thought it was csb
orangesnowfox: hahaha... Yeah, in CSB this would be more than worthless
Astrobytes: I still don't think it would provide much benefit but please do try it out!
PatrickMcGinnisII: there it is... smh astro
Astrobytes: PatrickMcGinnisII <3
orangesnowfox: yeah... I'm honestly getting to the point where I'm wondering "how are people getting the last 1.1k units of time shaved off"
AntiSquid: yes small performance boost if you keep the tree duh
Astrobytes: Well, you could just take the validators and do it offline :P
AntiSquid: search race validators are available ?
orangesnowfox: I mean, I *could* do that, but there isn't any learning involved in that
Astrobytes: On the repo yes
UnnamedCodinGamer: I thought this was the point
orangesnowfox: I'd rather have the best solution online play can do than one of the many that does offline
AntiSquid: there is !! you learn to automate stuff lol
AntiSquid: and multi-task, because you do something else meanwhile
orangesnowfox: lol, I have enough machine learning projects that I leave running in the background already
Astrobytes: Of course there is learning involved. You still code an algorithm to maximise your score
Astrobytes: Doesn't need to be ML
AntiSquid: woah, the AI overlord, what do you have running in the background apart from skynet.exe ? orangesnowfox
UnnamedCodinGamer: actually for optimization games it makes sense to be able to solve offline
orangesnowfox: Umm, "bump my GA up to 600 depth" would probably work to some degree...
orangesnowfox: AntiSquid, I was trying to teach an agent to play mario, but I think I'll have to redo that one...
AntiSquid: a good generalizing algo is hard
orangesnowfox: mhm
AntiSquid: AutomatonNN still has speech impediment
AntiSquid: ah bot is dead ? Automaton2000
orangesnowfox: lol
Automaton2000: i use an external editor
AntiSquid: did euler ban it or something ?
AntiSquid: sneaky
Astrobytes: No, NN won't start because (iirc) soem API change
Astrobytes: *some
struct: Automaton2000 was always the better one anyways
Automaton2000: they will not be synchronized with the game's turns and unexpected behaviour may occur.
AntiSquid: old Automaton2000 was better, this is a weaker dumber version
Automaton2000: the only reason for me to find a place to be
AntiSquid: yes
PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton20( • ) ( • )ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)
AntiSquid: lol
AntiSquid: convert all 0s, it has 3 nipples
PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2( • ) ( • ) ( • )ԅ(oԅ)
Astrobytes: struct: did you fix the Amazons rank issue?
struct: ah sorry, not yet
struct: ill do it now
Astrobytes: Cool, just wondering.
struct: The other thing kept me busy
Astrobytes: Of course, not an issue at all
AntiSquid: "conspiracy number search" - what a fun sounding algo :D
AntiSquid: midnight ... goodnight, i am dropping
struct: gn
PatrickMcGinnisII: :part_alternation_mark:
PatrickMcGinnisII: cya
orangesnowfox: gn squid
Astrobytes: gn squiddo
struct: Does brutaltester works with openjdk?
Astrobytes: I genuinely have no idea
orangesnowfox: re:stashing the population between turns, that has helped... a lot more than I want to admit honestly
orangesnowfox: 82.7 ->80.92 on test 1, seems to save 1 to 4 turns depending on the map, also decreases variance a lot, which is nice
Astrobytes: Interesting
orangesnowfox: ... I *do* wonder if it allows me to skip the randomization starting from the second GA turn (turn 3, I always go straight towards the first checkpoint on turn 1)
orangesnowfox: although, it would be nice if I had something to randomize the *end* of the moveset, in that case
orangesnowfox: rather than just mutate it
Astrobytes: sure, just mutate the saved one rather than randomise. End of the moveset - hmm. experiment with it
Astrobytes: Anyway, I am mega-screen-tired. Gonna watch a film and sleep
Bobbadillio: huh, just realized I got to codingame looking for homework help :D
struct: gn
orangesnowfox: Astrobytes, yeah, sleep is good
Bobbadillio: "How does MPI work?" "Here's a link!" "Wait, I'm not doing competitive programming right now, why am I on this site?!"
Astrobytes: gn struct, orangesnowfox
Bobbadillio: gn folks!
PatrickMcGinnisII: :cat:zzz
**orangesnowfox screams in random timeouts despite only using 41 of my allotted 50 ms
orangesnowfox: *sigh*
Bobbadillio: is this the fairly "standard" thing where the clock starts running at some point in your turn nobody expects?
orangesnowfox: Well, this is an optimization game, the timer is a lot looser with multis
Bobbadillio: ah, sure
struct: you should start the timer after reading the first input
orangesnowfox: I suppose that might technically help a little, but, I'm using C++ and reading all the inputs in a single cin chain...
orangesnowfox: I could at least see about disabling syncing between cstdio and C++ io
orangesnowfox: Huh, so the amount of performance I gain is dependent on depth, interesting... (I gained free perf by increasing depth, despite dropping 1ms of total search time to get the submit to work)
orangesnowfox: and by "the amount of performance I gain" I mean from the caching
Smelty: yes
Roxxx: random question is there a keyboard shortcut to properly indent the code
Roxxx: like ctrl + shift + L does in idea, and android studio
King_Coda: just watched the first two lord of the rings
King_Coda: watching #3 tomorrow
King_Coda: anyways
Smelty: hi roxxx
Roxxx: hey mate
Smelty: :0
Smelty: sorry, I don't know the answer to your question
Smelty: maybe this will help?
Roxxx: lolz no worries what's up, what are you up to
Smelty: nothing :p
Smelty: how about you
Smelty: maybe the key is shift+alt+.
Smelty: nevermind
Roxxx: alt + F4 solves everything xD
Smelty: xD
Smelty: le trolleth
Roxxx: i started coding with AntiSquid, we brainstormed for a good part of the evening, and now i'm trying to implement what we talked about
Roxxx: in Cultist Wars
Smelty: nice!
Roxxx: im about to shut down tho, pretty tired
Roxxx: and you were right, the shortcut is shift + alt + F
Roxxx: thanks for the link
Roxxx: i really missed that feature xD
Smelty: no problem :)
Roxxx: a couple of times i pased all of my code to idea just to format it, then pasted back lolz
Smelty: lol
Roxxx: well that's it for me today, off to dreamland
Roxxx: take care, cya tmrw :)
TheDrowningFish: cruising on the highway
TheDrowningFish: getting money the fly way
TheDrowningFish: but there has to be a better way
easdasd: my code is not work guys language lua: PRINT(HELLO + 123)
AidanwaskiddnappedTTV: how do i make my pod go faster
obama24: what is your favorite seggs position??????
TheDrowningFish: any is good for me
HapppyDe: @obama24 all of them