Westicles: Are you puissant?
Chinnapat1231: :thumbsup_tone1:
jacek: good morning
PatrickMcGinnisII: uh oh
jacek: :innocent:
PatrickMcGinnisII: climbing night if war, man its slow
PatrickMcGinnisII: Night Of War
PatrickMcGinnisII: gheesh, didn't make it
PatrickMcGinnisII: lost 9 out of 81 matches...smh
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh well, only random bot
PatrickMcGinnisII: goodnight
Alex-1: hii
multii: hiihhihih
BrainNotFoundException: hi
BrainNotFoundException: lol
Alex-1: what new
Ordonnateur: nothing, just coding xd
multii: lol
Alex-1: are u mad
Alex-1: Ordonateur
Alex-1: :dizzy_face:
Marchete: jacek, my UCT = jacekValue + C * sqrt(log(parent visits) / visits)
Marchete: first goes in range [-1.1 .. 1.1]
Marchete: but the second goes [0.0 .. 4.53]
Marchete: these are good ranges?
Marchete: C = 1.5
Marchete: my bot hardly win any real bot
Marchete: and the eval is just reused from another bot, and tanh(score*factor)
Marchete: to be in range 1.0
Marchete: I mean, I'm doing the MCTS part, not the NN
Marchete: so I just give heuristic eval
ThinhMP: clsh of code now
ThinhMP: clash of code now
BrainNotFoundException: :ok_hand:
VinhDaDen: hello guys
jacek: Marchete where 4.53 does come form
Marchete: max value seen from
Marchete: C * sqrt(log(parent visits) / visits)
Marchete: C = 1.5 FPU=0.5
Marchete: casually the same values of your playground
jacek: ah well the exploration can go infinity theoretically
Marchete: I'm not sure it explores well
jacek: eval reused from another bot, minimax bot?
Marchete: sometimes when I try to reuse the tree I find that the enemy move is not even expanded...
Marchete: yes
Marchete: minimax
Marchete: NEW ROOOT AT BLOCK:16 INDEXNODE:925 FOUND. Visits:336/18183 = 1%
Marchete: these 336 visits are mostly because I'm forcing it at depth=1
jacek: seems odd
Marchete: these mean that the bot is completely ignoring the best move of the enemy
MysteryCoder456: print("hello world")
Marchete: like completely
jacek: what are the eval values. do you backpropagate properly
jacek: and you do proper eval for the current player?
jacek: my NN is for 1st player, so 2nd player will take the minus of it
Marchete: maybe the curr->jacekValue = (curr->playerID != n->playerID) ? -best : best;
Marchete: that's because I wanted it to be reusable for smitsimax
Marchete: smitsi-jacek-max
Marchete: I know I know
Marchete: but I can try with a forced -best always
jacek: hmm best = best value of children?
Marchete: best = max(children_value)
jacek: so parent should have -best
Marchete: yes, I'm doing that
Marchete: max(children_value)
Marchete: then parent = -max(children_value)
Marchete: curr->jacekValue = (curr->playerID != n->playerID) ? -best : best;
Marchete: if you assume playerID != child->playerID
Marchete: that is always the case on MCTS
Marchete: and I do the same action all the way up
jacek: how about putting eval first. is this good eval with good sign?
Marchete: probably not
Marchete: first move gives:
Marchete: JacekAVG = move's eval value + log(move's visits)
Marchete: i.e. "Best" score found on move 1, a -0.13
Marchete: but best JacekAVG is move 5
Marchete: I don't understand why move 1 isn't explored more if it has the best score
jacek: or move when it has small visits
jacek: 2
Marchete: yes, 3 and 4 are very similar
Marchete: I can't see why exploring is that weird
Marchete: I need to recheck the whole thing
jacek: how does it compare against minimax? at the very least it should win some of the games even if C or FPU are not optimized
Marchete: I think explore isn't working correctly, it just always goes to Depth 23
Marchete: wasn't expecting that deep
Marchete: it hardly wins a player at 80th place
jacek: actually it can go that deep
Marchete: always depth 23
jacek: but i believe you have bug somewhere, how does selection look like
Marchete: I don't have vector<> but firstchild index and childcount
Marchete: similar to Smits
Marchete: so I first recover a pointer to the first child and then do the loop
Marchete: const float CONSTANT_C = 1.5; const float CONSTANT_FPU = 0.5;
Marchete: SQRT_LOG[i] = /*SMIT_K_EXPLORATION * */sqrt(log((double)i)); INV_SQRT[i] = 1.0 / sqrt((double)i);
Marchete: SQRT_LOG and INV_SQRT are cached values
Marchete: to speed up
Marchete: it was bad pasted
Marchete: INV_SQRT[i] = 1.0 / sqrt((double)i);
Marchete: SQRT_LOG[i] = sqrt(log((double)i));
jacek: i get it. hmm i see no problem in selection
Marchete: it was the similar to those I use in other games
Marchete: I was thinking that it's a problem of magnitude between UCT formula
Marchete: if I have a low exploration value it won't explore enough
Marchete: I'll look more into it, these things are hard to tune
Marchete: most literature just says "Pick a good C"
Marchete: like, OK I get it, but that doesn't help
jacek: try uping FPU to 10, should be less blind
Marchete: OK
Marchete: in many turns the tree reuse is saying I'm reusing like 70% of the visits (so I was predicting the enemy fairly good)
Marchete: but on the next turn it goes to 1%
Marchete: like I'm not seeing the enemy at all
Marchete: your code should be like normal MCTS
Marchete: but I don't know where I'm having my bugs
actualCoderTrevor: For code golf can I submit more than once? I've never done one.
jacek: codegolf puzzle?
actualCoderTrevor: I think so. I'm doing Chuck Norris.
jacek: yes
jacek: you can submit any time, and the score will be of shortest submited code
actualCoderTrevor: Cool, that's what I thought but I wanted to be sure. Thanks again! :)
multii: hji
multii: hi
jacek: good morning
Thyl: good morning
AntiSquid: #de
jacek: :scream:
souta_1326: Is it possible to get 1st place in CoC and have my score go down?
Distilled-Water: were you on ur own
Ordonnateur: test it ? (keep your good code but remove some score optimization part and see if your score on leaderboard decrease or not)
Alex-1: hii world
souta_1326: It's already happened
Ordonnateur: well... 1) you aren't alone ;p and I read somewhere that if you stop doing CoC for a few day then your rank goes down but for the score itself...
souta_1326: that was about ten minutes ago i dont think it's from neglect
souta_1326: i play it yestarday too
Ordonnateur: Hum, quite weird. maybe your "ennemies" are quite activ ? x)
Ordonnateur: (try discord, maybe a dev will know why ^^')
souta_1326: I've noticed something
souta_1326: 0% except for me
Alex-1: can anybody help me with Coder Strike Back wood 1 to bronze
JordyH: What's your question Alex?
Alex-1: yeah it says change the thrust value with boost keyword when i do it it not works
Alex-1: JordyH
JordyH: you kmow you can only use it once?
Alex-1: yeah
Alex-1: but i cant see anywhere in the game
JordyH: it's been 5 years since the contest so I have to take a good look at my code...
Alex-1: ohh
JordyH: I see i used the boost in the first turn every game to get going
struct: you print the word boost
struct: console.out("1000 1421 BOOST")
struct: instead of 100
Alex-1: okk
Ordonnateur: before gold you can just have a speed manage with acceleration and it's good
**BrainNotFoundException slaps you around a bit with a large fishbot
ParallaxWave: :a:
Ordonnateur: next_cp(x/y) - my_pod(x/y)_speed*3 for the pos to move
Ordonnateur: and you stay at 100 power
Alex-1: :confused:
BrainNotFoundException: ok
Asat49: gghjjg
jacek: hi, a new member
LaiMo2082: Hello people! New member here
sonic1991: I cant remember how it is called in ruby. when Im checking if value is one of defined values. something like %(w s c). i dont know how it is called. Anyone ? cause o cant find it
jacek: ternary?
jacek: indexOf?
BhoO: :o
sonic1991: it creates array of strings
sonic1991: the way of creating arrays
BhoO: like group them abc first element, ..
sonic1991: its just a way of creating array
sonic1991: instead of using quotation for example
BhoO: i see, i think u love code golf
sonic1991: you know there are many useful things that make things way faster
BhoO: yeah :D
Armia_Evil: :chocolate_bar::lollipop::candy:
Ordonnateur: it is possible to get an iterator from a "int tab[]" in C++ ?
struct: begin(tab) ?
struct: What are you trying to do?
Ordonnateur: using binarySearch standard library on a tab (changing to vector cost too much ^^')
Ordonnateur: (tryed begin(tab) but it don't like it ^^')
struct: #include <iterator>
Astrobytes: sort(arr, arr + arr_size, func);
Astrobytes: At least I think that's what you're asking.
jacek: owarebytes
Astrobytes: *sort/search/whatever std method
Astrobytes: lol jacek
jacek: i dont want to search for std
Ordonnateur: I'm confused, what struct said work if I create the tab before the call but not if the tab came from a function call O_o
jacek: huh
struct: Can you show the code?
struct: Im a bit confused
Ordonnateur: the test cout work but the exist one bug on begin/end saying there is no matching to those function ><'
multii: yo
Astrobytes: binary_search(tab, tab + tab_size, k)
Astrobytes: or, y'know, use std::array
Ordonnateur: It work but I completely don't understand why lol
Astrobytes: it's a C style array, you're giving it the starting address of the memory, and the ending address. This is analogous to begin() and end()
struct: you need to include the files needed
struct: binary_search requires algorithm
Ordonnateur: (I just skipped some include yeah but that part was also working for me, the error was on the other call in the class)
struct: I think its because the function doesnt know the size of the array you are passing
struct: so it cant use the iterators
struct: Im not sure though
struct: oh wait
struct: yeap
struct: This code compiles
Alex-1: yeah it is nice
Astrobytes: so does:
struct: astro solution is better
Astrobytes: tbh I tend to keep iterators and std things for std containers only, that way I know what I'm looking at when I read my code again later
Astrobytes: I mean, I'll still use sorts and whatnot from <algorithm> but I try to keep it obvious when I'm dealing with a C-style array vs a std container
Ordonnateur: Ok, thank you for the debug struct :)
ThinhMP: clash of code nơ
ThinhMP: clash of code now
jacek: now?
Nektar24: hello kresteodymium
kresteodymium: hello @Nektar24
jacek: :thinking:
kresteodymium: why was i blocked
kresteodymium: wut did i do :(
BlaiseEbuth: (╯°□°)╯︵ ʞǝɔɐɾ
kresteodymium: what does that mean
BlaiseEbuth: You triggered the kindergarten language filter, that's all.
struct: jacek
struct: On chess for bishop moves do you just do use a lookup to generate the moves?
BlaiseEbuth: jacekノ( º _ ºノ)
struct: do you use*
jacek: hmm
jacek: no lookups
jacek: more like 'standard' bitboard approach
jacek: or classical
jacek: though i have some lookups for knight moves and king checks
struct: thanks
BlaiseEbuth: :thumbsup:
jacek: lookups... something MSmits might enjoy
BlaiseEbuth: ʞǝɔ︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ɐɾ
jacek: learning ascii art?
Pesky_typos: Sup ppl
BlaiseEbuth: ʞǝɔ ja/(^.^/)
Pesky_typos: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Smelty: o.O
BlaiseEbuth: (╯°□°)╯︵ O°o
Smelty: e
ʎʇl︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ɯS
Smelty: ʎʇlǝ︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ɯS
jacek: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Smelty: (°͡ ʖ͜ °͡ )
Smelty: hmm
**Smelty says that he is in two pieces: ʎʇl & ǝɯS
**Smelty dies from being in two pieces
ShannonNorris97: Wow, managed to figure out alpha-beta pruning, and it's amazing!
ShannonNorris97: Such a significant jump in the depths that it can handle
Astrobytes: Ah nice one :)
Astrobytes: It's a useful little algo alright
ShannonNorris97: Yeah I dedicated a bunch of time to better understand minimax and learn about alpha-beta pruning, and I found it really interesting. I think last time I looked at it I kinda rushed, so I took my time to appreciate it a bit more this time. It's so clever
ShannonNorris97: ^ after your guys recommendation to look at it
KiwiTae: MadKnight o/
KiwiTae: sup ya all :D
Astrobytes: hey kiwo
Astrobytes: ShannonNorris97: awesome, it really is worth the extra time to study it, when the concept is embedded in your mind you have a lot more freedom with it
Illedan: Yo
Astrobytes: hey Illedan
Illedan: zup?
jacek: alpha beta pruning eh
Illedan: Where?
Astrobytes: Not a lot, chat seems quiet. Just been tweaking parameters for a few hours as per usual :P
Illedan: Which game?
Astrobytes: Me? 3, BR, SR and Oware
jacek: dunno. ShannonNorris97 is it used anywhere?
Illedan: 3 games at once :D
jacek: oh someone pushed me in checkers
Astrobytes: Yep. And I'm playing morpion solitaire at the same time
PatrickMcGinnisII: tweekers :P
Astrobytes: lol, hey Patrick
jacek: jacekmax is so last week
PatrickMcGinnisII: How do ya'll stay sane? :/
jacek: stay?
Astrobytes: Who said we are?
PatrickMcGinnisII: Maybe an avatar change is in order
jacek: rotation?
struct: im still stuck in csb
KiwiTae: stuck top 10? ><
struct: I wish
struct: I need to finish my sim
Astrobytes: The changes you were making the other day didn't work then?
struct: I never finished the avx thing
PatrickMcGinnisII: One of these days I'll pick your brains about optimizations using C and Java on CG.... then we can all sit on the crazy train
struct: and no I havent
struct: it was something related to mcts
Astrobytes: ah ok
jacek: crazy train of PHP?
Astrobytes: PatrickMcGinnisII: we look forward to the day :D
jxrinnn: ok
PatrickMcGinnisII: I AM insane
PatrickMcGinnisII: :coffee:
AntiSquid: MSmits online? have question @_@
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 ping mcsmitz
Automaton2000: why do you even know the gametype. di we?
jacek: Yavalath sucks!
jacek: doesnt work? o.O
struct: really?
Astrobytes: No, he's trying to summon MSmits
struct: I see you are trying to summon him
Astrobytes: lol
jacek: maybe he uses all cores for metamcts and cant load chat
Zenoscave: Try #3: Hello cheat
Zenoscave: *chat
Zenoscave: What's the optimal yavalath move?
jacek: why, 4 4 of course
Zenoscave: Jacek ssssh it's a MSmits summon
Astrobytes: "hello cheat" :rofl:
PatrickMcGinnisII: :radioactive::mega:
jacek: sounds a good use for this template
Zenoscave: I lost my nest C4L in param-change-submit-frenzy
Zenoscave: Best**
Astrobytes: Less cheating more nest C4L bots!
Zenoscave: Astro hush, At least my keyboard doesn't duplicate keys anymore
Astrobytes: Yes, did something similar in Oware earlier :D
Astrobytes: hehehe
Zenoscave: Was anyone here for that? I think tobou would remember
Astrobytes: struct: do you remember?
Zenoscave: who's struct?
Astrobytes: tobou
Zenoscave: no that's tobou
struct: remember what?
BlaiseEbuth: Pew pew!
Zenoscave: When I couldn't type in chat because keys would get stuck and repeat constantly
Zenoscave: Blaise PEWPEW to you
BlaiseEbuth: o/
struct: no
Astrobytes: Zenoscave:
Zenoscave: ø/
Zenoscave: Provesr nothing Astrobytes
MSmits: it proves tobou is struct if they asked tobou to do it and it changed structs gith
jacek: :tada:
AntiSquid: ah mcsmitz!!
MSmits: AntiSquidz!
Astrobytes: lol, you knob :D
jacek: Zenoscave you have PR
Zenoscave: One sec will merge shortly
Zenoscave: Astro you use keybase?
Astrobytes: nope
Zenoscave: hmmm interesting. Also, I can't accept that PR. I'm not msmits
Zenoscave: is your gh name not astrobyte?
Astrobytes: ehhhh no
MSmits: Zenoscave, i know a good test
struct: zeno its what msmits said
MSmits: what is the species of your father
Astrobytes: Penguin.
MSmits: now you spoiled it
MSmits: i was trying to test zeno
Astrobytes: Oh
Astrobytes: No that's not mine
Zenoscave: interesting
Zenoscave: similar names
Smelty: o . O
jacek: oh my
struct: o.o
Zenoscave: O.O
Zenoscave: 0.1.0
ShannonNorris97: How do you guys usually settle on a suitable depth for minimax?
Astrobytes: Iterative deepening usually. IT depends.
BlaiseEbuth: (╯°□°)╯︵ ǝʌɐɔsouǝZ
jacek: iterative deepening, so it depends on time
ShannonNorris97: Oh cool, I've not heard of that before. I'll do some digging
Astrobytes: It's not complicated
jacek: you have to know time for minimax(n-1) is negligible in comparison to minimax(n)
ShannonNorris97: oh okay, so it's based on the assumption that every time minimax is run it takes the same amount of time, regardless of depth?
Astrobytes: No, that depth of n-1 is negligible time-wise compared to n
jacek: you run in loop minimax(0), minimax(1), minimax(2)... until time's up
ShannonNorris97: okay, so what does n represent in that, if not depth?
Astrobytes: n is depth
ShannonNorris97: oh I think I just got what you meant
jacek: people have problem that why instead of using minimax(6) you have to loop throught minimax(0)... minimax(5)
jacek: it may seem it wastes time, but it does not
ShannonNorris97: No that does sound interesting, so you go to whatever point you can, rather than running out of time trying to force a particular depth
Astrobytes: The beauty of iterative deepening is that you can order the moves to prioritise the best move from the n-1 depth at n depth (amongst many other things)
Zenoscave: Look into history heuristics and killer moves too
ShannonNorris97: Ah I see, I reckon I'm gonna save that one for tomorrow. But as always, I appreciate the help and I'll be sure to look into it :)
ShannonNorris97: I'll look at those too Zenoscave, thank you
Zenoscave: This is a good start
jacek: so youre normal minimax is working now?
ShannonNorris97: yeah it was doing well earlier. Made it to 80th place or something, but messed it up just now making it more complicated. Just restoring the old version now to amend it from that point. But yeah it's got alpha-beta pruning and everything and does well in the games :)
jacek: :+1:
Astrobytes: Good stuff!
PatrickMcGinnisII: or you can estimate how many nodes you have time to explore and you can stop in the middle of a certain depth without a time call. Oh god, I'm insane...but php time call is too expensive, everything is too expensive in php
TheDictator: jag suna suna lage
Zenoscave: Then don't use php
PatrickMcGinnisII: never heard that b4. :P
Astrobytes: Soon, soon Patrick, the C is calling you
PatrickMcGinnisII: yea, with a megaphone :mega: it's just a catch-22 for me...i did it for so many years
Astrobytes: And now is the time that you need to call upon those skills ;)
PatrickMcGinnisII: finished master of mayhem puzzle just now
PatrickMcGinnisII: I should post it, just for eveyone to see the insanity
PatrickMcGinnisII: and i didn't use regex
Astrobytes: potw is it?
Astrobytes: oh, just a new one
PatrickMcGinnisII: i dunno...yea new 1
Astrobytes: haven't looked at it tbh
Westicles: Well, you only used 58 dollar signs
Westicles: Pretty concise as these things go
PatrickMcGinnisII: i just counted them, yup 58
Astrobytes: Hah. PHP eh
BlaiseEbuth: :money_mouth:
PatrickMcGinnisII: how did Westicles get the exact number ? O.o
Westicles: You published it
Astrobytes: Looked at your code presumably
BlaiseEbuth: :expressionless:
PatrickMcGinnisII: but i thought you had to solve it in that lang. to see others solutions?
PatrickMcGinnisII: is it a lvl 40 thing?
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmmm
BlaiseEbuth: :grin:
Westicles: I solve everything in every language, so I see everything
Zenoscave: That's... time consuming westicles
PatrickMcGinnisII: but i don't see your solution
jacek: he cheats
PatrickMcGinnisII: is it private er sumtin
BlaiseEbuth: Yes, his bot is very busy. :rofl:
Zenoscave: how can you bot if there's no solutions yet
Zenoscave: Maybe the default answer but every lang?
BlaiseEbuth: There's, in the contribution section
Zenoscave: So every lang that someone else has done . got it
BlaiseEbuth: Not so difficult to transpile a solution in others languages
Zenoscave: Perhaps of similar paradigms
Zenoscave: I'd love to see a js -> Prolog transpiler
BlaiseEbuth: No prolog on cg
Zenoscave: true :thinking:
Westicles: Zenoscave, just system calls like this
Zenoscave: Westicles that's another approach haha
PatrickMcGinnisII: some contribution solution codes kinda suck or don't even translate well if at all
PatrickMcGinnisII: but yea a system call takes care of that i guess
MSmits: a transpiler translates source code from one language into another?
Zenoscave: yes MSmits
Zenoscave: Typescript -> JS is a transpilation
MSmits: ah ok, then i learned my new word for the day, just in time too
MSmits: it's a just in time transpiler
Zenoscave: Can tomorrow be JIT
PatrickMcGinnisII: I guess people do just submit the solution given in the contribution, but that's kinda janky
MSmits: i just did JIT
MSmits: another one
Zenoscave: AOT
MSmits: sure
Astrobytes: That's a grim way to solve a puzzle PatrickMcGinnisII
Zenoscave: or is it JAT?
Zenoscave: predictive JIT basically
MSmits: I dont know jat means steal in Dutch
Zenoscave: Just-ahead-of-time
MSmits: oh ok
Astrobytes: Defo related to stealing
jacek: AOT? anime
PatrickMcGinnisII: well, no one will say i cheat using php. :P
Zenoscave: AOT is the acronym officially according to the all-knowing Wikioedia
MSmits: seems pretty easy to do, i just take my othello counterbook and put it in a php bot :P
PatrickMcGinnisII: ok, show me..i need the help, rofl
MSmits: mmh might not work because it wont solve at ply 40+
Astrobytes: Wikioedia: Bringing wikis and wookies together
Zenoscave: Astrobytes. Do you ever miss a typo?
PatrickMcGinnisII: I've used decompilers b4, the token symbol tables suck
Astrobytes: Sometimes.
BlaiseEbuth: He is [CG]Typo
Astrobytes: I can be a little pedantic
Zenoscave: errantly ;)
jacek: Astrotybes
Zenoscave: astrotypes
PatrickMcGinnisII: don't make me logophobic
Astrobytes: AstroTypos
Astrobytes: Pedantrobytes
Zenoscave: PatrickMcGinnisII pentasyllabic is autological and autological is pentasyllabic
Astrobytes: ergo
Zenoscave: but is autological autological?
Astrobytes: By definition I think yes
Astrobytes: But this is a trap
Zenoscave: Ding. ding. ding
BlaiseEbuth: You make me crazy frog !
Zenoscave: frog?
Zenoscave: where's euler?
MSmits: do you mean he makes you a crazy frog or are you saying he is a frog that makes you crazy
Zenoscave: and he's a toad
Astrobytes: aringdingdingdingding yourself back to the fire and brimstone Beelzébuth
BlaiseEbuth: \o/
BlaiseEbuth: One has the ref
Astrobytes: I got it yep
Zenoscave: I refuse to think of axel f
Zenoscave: It haunts me
MSmits: axel foley?
MSmits: beverly hills cop?
BlaiseEbuth: Mine is better
Zenoscave: True
PatrickMcGinnisII: all your polyphallus adjuncts have made you fearful of hypertropic-hyphenation
Zenoscave: Oh yeah, PatrickMcGinnisII
Zenoscave: well.
Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth:
Astrobytes: ^best one of the lot
BlaiseEbuth: Astrobytes: This guy is so hot! I love his beard! :heart_eyes:
PatrickMcGinnisII: One of my bosses is demanding service
PatrickMcGinnisII: fk'in cat
MSmits: why do i keep clicking on this :poop:
MSmits: oww great, i was on my work account too
MSmits: so tomorrow when i watch a YT video with my students they are going to be wondering about my preferences again
Astrobytes: Could be worse, we could be posting GG Allin videos
MSmits: dont make it worse please :P
Astrobytes: I'll spare you GG doing jobbies on the stage
PatrickMcGinnisII: YT has new DUST episodes on tonight
Westicles: I'll spare you my favorite videos now, crows remove ticks
struct: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
PatrickMcGinnisII: my cats watch YT, squirrels and birds ... keeps them off the kb
Astrobytes: Hey, I actually watched those 5 videos after you posted about it Westicles. From the wallabies right?
Westicles: Yeah, those are awesome
Westicles: Had to clear my cookies, all I got after that was more tick videos and the dog ones are disgusting
Westicles: Er, more disgusting
Astrobytes: I thought it was very cool. I'm a big fan of the Corvids in general. I encourage magpies and crows to my garden with food. Just watching them stash it etc is so cool. They are ridiculously intelligent.
Astrobytes: Eh, I worked in Corfu for a year, and the biggest hedgehog I've ever seen decided to camp outside my patio door. I have never seen so many ticks.
Astrobytes: Wrapped it in a towel to pick it up and stuck it in a nearby bush. Didn't come back thankfully.
Westicles: A year in Corfu? That sounds like a great gig
Astrobytes: It was amazing
Astrobytes: Rough at times but on the whole, amazing.
BlaiseEbuth: Nap and ouzo...
Zenoscave: Did I read GG Allin
Astrobytes: 40 degrees C is a nice temperature. Being amused at naked people on the beach while you're going to work wearing a jumper at 7am and it's 30 degrees C is just worth it
Astrobytes: Yes Zenoscave
Zenoscave: Bite It You Scum
BlaiseEbuth: [CG]Allin
Astrobytes: BlaiseEbuth: siesta or beers, or coffee (frappe naturally)
BlaiseEbuth: :yum:
Astrobytes: Zenoscave: heh heh
Astrobytes: argh, GG killed the chat
Kitkat260: why
Astrobytes: ...
struct: Astro still want to try the escape this week?
Astrobytes: Yeah, why not
Astrobytes: Should be fun
Kitkat260: yeah
struct: I think its the one from the trailer
Astrobytes: Didn't see it
Kitkat260: oh
struct: care its a bit loud
KarimGehad: Hey guys could you please check my new contribution and give a me a feedback :
Astrobytes: well, the one out of all of the ones in there that we didn't do you mean struct? :)
struct: yeah :p
Astrobytes: Also I want French girls in or I'm not doing it :P
KarimGehad: 😂😂😂😂
struct: Not sure if tbali and Scarfield want to join
struct: Havent seen tbali around
Astrobytes: KarimGehad: Sorry, I don't clash so I won't comment on your contribution
KarimGehad: okkkk thank youuuu
Astrobytes: TBali was on discord, he responds to discord and forum pings, not usually in chat
Astrobytes: *webchat
struct: ah I see
Astrobytes: Scarfo should be up for it
struct: 8k registered so far
struct: on contest
Astrobytes: Which metric do they use? Signups? Actual submissions? Those who submit more than once?
struct: those who submit
struct: at least on the leaderboard
Astrobytes: Sorry, I feel a salty wave coming over me
Astrobytes: Anyway, at least the game will be cool
Astrobytes: Hopefully.
struct: maybe
Astrobytes: It better be decent otherwise I'm taking up snooker or something.
struct: snooker?
Astrobytes: pool with all the red balls and colour -wise pot scores
struct: I thought it was an expression sorry
Astrobytes: And a very large table
struct: I know what snooker is :p
Astrobytes: :D
struct: The bar I worked at had 1 snooker + 10 pool tables
Astrobytes: Nice. When I was cheffing, after work I used to frequent a bar with 10-12 snooker tables and 1 pool table :D
struct: pool is more popular here
Astrobytes: (It was a snooker club tbf)(
struct: I never played snooker though
struct: only pool
struct: I was decent at it
Astrobytes: I lie - there were 2 pool tables. Next to the bar. Snooker tables were closed off in the next room
Astrobytes: I like both. Snooker is way more heavy on tactics and strategies
struct: harder to pot too
Zenoscave: I suck at pool
Astrobytes: Always use that rest if you're struggling to make a shot, even in pool
Zenoscave: rest?
Zenoscave: the bank?
Astrobytes: The long spider
Zenoscave: oh that
Zenoscave: I just am not athletic in any fashion
Zenoscave: no hand-eye coordination
Astrobytes: Or the cross
struct: growth is exponential
Zenoscave: My coefficient is exponentially negative :P
struct: its very hard at the begining
Zenoscave: I used to play weekly for years
Zenoscave: never was good at all
struct: when you saw bad, how bad?
Astrobytes: I used to play every night. The problem was varying stages of inebriation
Zenoscave: I table scratched every game
Zenoscave: No inebriation to blame for me.
Astrobytes: The bartender also always seemed to be in the possession of some nice herbal refreshments.
Zenoscave: That's legal here, but alas, neither that.
Astrobytes: Those were some fun times I tell ya.
Astrobytes: I sound like an old man :older_man:
Zenoscave: Well. If it walks like a duck
Astrobytes: Rearrange the popular saying: off f**k you c**t cheeky :rofl:
Zenoscave: you should look into foaas
Zenoscave: :rofl:
struct: zeno are you going to join the contest?
Zenoscave: contest?
Astrobytes: hahaha I do know that one :D
struct: 8 may
Zenoscave: 6 may?
Zenoscave: yes.
struct: 6 yeah
Astrobytes: Yeah, 8th?!
struct: sorry is 6
Zenoscave: Already joined I thought
Astrobytes: Oh ffs, misinformation, fake news, LIES
struct: top 100 or delete
Astrobytes: Bottom 12 or create another account
struct: whats that?
Zenoscave: didn't want to actually link that
Zenoscave: just view it at your own leisure
struct: This is a reference to what?
Zenoscave: Just a REST API
Zenoscave: the best one
Zenoscave: and for the 100 or del
Astrobytes: I keep meaning to use it somehow and never get round to it. Perhaps soon is a good time, considering.
Zenoscave: I learned a new phrase or two from it. One being from Torvalds
Astrobytes: You have picked up a Linusism?
Zenoscave: devil's-c**t-head but in his native language
Astrobytes: ooh he's like Finnish?
Astrobytes: I think
Astrobytes: I don't know shit about Finnish. No one does. Except Finns.
Zenoscave: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Astrobytes: And Finntrolls.
Astrobytes: Oh perkeleen vittupää
Zenoscave: that'd be it.
Astrobytes: I see the Nordic thing, you could use fitta for c**t in Swedish
Zenoscave: I'm starting to realize why chat gets quiet when the two of us sign on
Astrobytes: :D
Astrobytes: I can silence the chat by myself thank you very much :P
Zenoscave: ;)
Astrobytes: You ain't wrong though :rofl:
Zenoscave: I had to check if this was world, or a PM
struct: I just code and chat at the same time
struct: I chat when I need to think
Zenoscave: Struct how'd you speak in our private chat?
Astrobytes: :grin:
struct: What do you mean?
struct: ah sorry
Zenoscave: No worries. Welcome, how goes it?
struct: mod privileges
struct: Just working on some cg stuff
Astrobytes: I just swear at the IDE and chat shit in the chat
Zenoscave: Astro how's your bot
Zenoscave: what cg stuff tobou?
struct: bot ai stuff
Astrobytes: kinda uncomfortable, my cushion just fell off my chair...
Zenoscave: that one was a reach even for me astro lol.
Scarfield: there is a new escape room? :)
Astrobytes: Bot
Astrobytes: Bottom
Astrobytes: Rear end
Zenoscave: I got it. Just still a reach
Astrobytes: Backside
struct: yes Scarfield
Astrobytes: Not a reacharound I hope
Zenoscave: Can't be arsed for that ;)
Astrobytes: Hah!
Astrobytes: Eyyy Scarfield
Astrobytes: Yes
Kitkat260: ??
Scarfield: hi hi :)
Astrobytes: Oh do one Kitkat260
Kitkat260: what
Zenoscave: an escape room
Kitkat260: yea
Kitkat260: its hard
Zenoscave: Which one are you trying?
Kitkat260: clash of code
Kitkat260: can u join
Astrobytes: Kitkat260:
Zenoscave: Astro bad mod!!!
Kitkat260: i am using my school laptop
Zenoscave: We should be welcoming newcomers no?
Astrobytes: Good mod. Kitkat here is a serial arse
Kitkat260: why
Zenoscave: So the thing between the chair and computer?
Astrobytes: Probably a Westicles troll
Zenoscave: you sure?
Kitkat260: ???
Astrobytes: He is, after all, Trollmaster Extraordinaire
Kitkat260: oh yea
Astrobytes: :rofl:
Zenoscave: Why choose go for your lang, Kitkat260?
Kitkat260: i do pyton 3
Astrobytes: phyton E is better
Kitkat260: ok
Kitkat260: thx
Zenoscave: So you don't use Go?
Zenoscave: It's an upcomming language. much more useful than Python. Not as friendly to learn though
Kitkat260: ok
Kitkat260: can u help me
Astrobytes: Og is better. IT's a little bit behind Go but it's ogdo.
Kitkat260: really
struct: sorry I dont know any languages
Astrobytes: Yes.
Kitkat260: ur confusing me
struct: I code in c++ but I barely know it
Kitkat260: :scream:
Zenoscave: hey AstroortsA. Do one ;)
Kitkat260: what bout haskell
Zenoscave: Ok def troll. No highschooler has heard of Haskel in america
struct: FoxPro
Kitkat260: ok
Scarfield: im up for the escape room btw 2-6 people
Kitkat260: yooo
Astrobytes: Venosknave: U do 1!
Astrobytes: ooooy Kitkat260
Zenoscave: Nice annegram ;)
Astrobytes: FoxPro!
struct: Anyone ever heard of it FoxPro?
Scarfield: VenusCave :thinking:
Astrobytes: Jeez FoxPro.
Zenoscave: Let's add Snobol in the mix
struct: Someone offered me a job to work with foxpro
Astrobytes: I worked in a company that STILL had a foxpro db
struct: in 2020
Astrobytes: this was only 2015-ish
Astrobytes: Legacy doesn't even touch it
struct: neither will I
Astrobytes: Honestly
Astrobytes: It's fucking TERRIBLE
Astrobytes: woops, f'ing
struct: I aint learning a language that is discontinued for over N ammount of years
Astrobytes: Yeah but you can use VISUAL foxpro :P
Zenoscave: Snobol.
struct: its also discontinued
Astrobytes: Was that ever actually used tho Zeno?
struct: Next time they will ask me if I want to use joomla
Zenoscave: Some Basic Ada stuff used Snobol for macro editing
Astrobytes: I will name and shame the company that still maintained FoxPro based stoick management software and they are called OrderWise.
Zenoscave: Had a teacher in the Defense realm during that time
Astrobytes: *stock
Kitkat260: astro
Astrobytes: turf
Zenoscave: plane
Astrobytes: field
Zenoscave: nomical
therealbeef: nomy
Zenoscave: nomicon
therealbeef: logy
Zenoscave: bytes
Astrobytes: bits
Zenoscave: I win
Astrobytes: how?
Zenoscave: I said Astrobytes
Zenoscave: that's how.
Astrobytes: :rofl:
Astrobytes: Zenosgame
Zenoscave: eye lest a gain
Kitkat260: hahahahhahhaha
Scarfield: Zeno
Zenoscave: But can it beat megaman's Pew Pew
Astrobytes: Never
Astrobytes: "eye lest a gain" ffs :P
Zenoscave: Do you ever forget what version is the IDE using and just say "f**k it let's submit"
Astrobytes: Yes.
struct: who even keep track f versions
struct: of*
Astrobytes: I do have some version control but in the heat of parameter tweaking I can be careless.
struct: i have like 20+ CSB folders in my hd
Astrobytes: Very careless.
struct: I dont know what each one is
Astrobytes: It's like mixing down a piece of music. mixdown1 - decent;
Astrobytes: mixdown2 - what
Astrobytes: mixdown3 - mixdown1withmoredecent
Zenoscave: Just a bit
struct: that is for what game?
Astrobytes: hah
Scarfield: :o
struct: I dont even think I have that many submits across cg
Zenoscave: Ocean of code.
Astrobytes: that is epic
Zenoscave: It was during the contest too
Zenoscave: haven't touched it since
Astrobytes: SERIOUS
struct: ok i have 258 submits on stc
Astrobytes: 'king hell man
Zenoscave: I was bored and jobless. What did you expect :rofl:
Kitkat260: ??
Zenoscave: CG Enhancer breaks when I open it on OOC
Astrobytes: W**king maybe? Not this! :rofl:
Kitkat260: haha
Astrobytes: On OOC struct?
struct: cvz
struct: I didnt play ooc
Astrobytes: Ah right
Astrobytes: True
Astrobytes: Have you tried it?
struct: too hard for me
Astrobytes: I know you missed the contest but it's kinda interesting
Astrobytes: Far better than that pacman shit
Zenoscave: I am the reason that contest servers set on fire usually
Astrobytes: *s**t
Astrobytes: Servercave
Zenoscave: I only had 170 on pacpac
Kitkat260: really
struct: I didnt play pacman either
struct: Ill play next contest
struct: as I played previous
Zenoscave: I was close to legend and broke smth with my "f**k it let's submit" meta
Kitkat260: nice
Zenoscave: Oi, Kitkat260.
Zenoscave: Shove it
Astrobytes: Liking that style Zeno
Zenoscave: thx Astrobytes
Kitkat260: why
Astrobytes: Do one innit
Zenoscave: s/y/ere/
Kitkat260: why should i shove it?
Zenoscave: again. s/y/ere/
Kitkat260: what?
Kitkat260: i don´t understand
Astrobytes: ta geddowdavere
Kitkat260: ftyeondj
Zenoscave: Are you for joisey Astro?
Kitkat260: ggiiwwkjlu
Kitkat260: si
Astrobytes: woops - gedahhdahvere
Kitkat260: si nor
Zenoscave: Or brooklyn?
Kitkat260: me bronx
Kitkat260: now in upstate NY
Astrobytes: Shit that does work. Think Lahndahn Englahnd
Kitkat260: now no cuss
Zenoscave: Laddy then
Kitkat260: thx
Astrobytes: so it would be gehdahdaveer?
Zenoscave: Ok It's almost dinner and I am hosting guests.
Astrobytes: I don't know, I'm Scottish.
Zenoscave: Do one Astrobytes ;) thx for the phrase
Astrobytes: You got fleas Zeno? :o
Zenoscave: because I am a dog?
Zenoscave: ruff
Astrobytes: You're welcome Zenoscave :D
Astrobytes: "I am hosting guests. "
Zenoscave: They're humans haha.
Zenoscave: Same thing as a flea for your case maybe ;)
Astrobytes: obviously they are humans! Enjoy dude. I have an appointment with a cheesy egg sandwich.
struct: I want an appointment with the creator of avx
struct: to know on what he was on
Astrobytes: Chips
Astrobytes: He was totally on chips
Astrobytes: Maybe speed too.
Astrobytes: Anyway, off for todayyy
Astrobytes: gn all
struct: gn
MrFruit: How would you solve something you have no idea about ?
Lucky30_: you dont
Zenoscave: you learn about it MrFruit
davilla: oh that's awesome
davilla: search for "optimization"
davilla: doesn't give expected result
KelvinAndHubbles: hmm... the puzzle of the week is chess?
KelvinAndHubbles: is there a way to complete it?
KelvinAndHubbles: welp, recently got a reverse CoC where there was varying amount of inputs, but no variable or input that told us how many
KelvinAndHubbles: only solved it by catching the EOF error and just reading input a bunch of times till I was sure I got it all, but still, a bit annoying
SaltNugs: Nice Kevin, my code was much longer
Mandelbort: agjdf;ljdlkdfgja
Mandelbort: dfajdfakdjf;ad
ensamblador: xd