NotSureWhyThisWorks: Anybody had any luck with genetic algorithms in python for CSB or search race?
MadKnight: NotSureWhyThisWorks how exactly are u gonna use genetic algo for it ?
**Mr.Pepper woke up
NotSureWhyThisWorks: simulating the next n moves and using genetic algorithm to pick the best solution. Similar to what is described in the post mortems for CSB ( , , etc)
Marchete: happy caturday
jacek: happy Caturday
MadKnight: NotSureWhyThisWorks it's all actually a lot easier
MadKnight: NotSureWhyThisWorks u can just generate 10 000 random 6 depth movements and pick the best one
NotSureWhyThisWorks: MadKnight have you implemented that with python and has success? I am fairly new to this and not sure how possible it is to try lots of combinations in a short time (<50ms) with python in particular
MadKnight: NotSureWhyThisWorks u would have barely enough sims to randomize a somewhat straight movement
MadKnight: well for just 1 pod it would be better
Marchete: with python you can't
MadKnight: no u actually can
MadKnight: my bot worked nice with 600 sims
Marchete: "how possible it is to try lots of combinations in a short time (<50ms) with python in particular"
Marchete: pretty much impossible
Marchete: unless 600 sims is "lots of combinations"
MadKnight: u just need to separate pod simulation
MadKnight: and they will manage to somewhat move the right direction
MadKnight: somewhat
NotSureWhyThisWorks: so ~600 sims of completely random 6 depth movements worked well?
MadKnight: well not completely...
NotSureWhyThisWorks: the real question is did it beat the gold boss?
MadKnight: actually if u get at least 1k then it's good
jacek: opening book eh
Marchete: eeeh
Marchete: I think that your jacekmax is somehow an alphazero, you just replace the policy part for a reuse of the value one, via children
Marchete: the good thing is that the NN is smaller and simpler to train
Marchete: the bad thing is that if the game simulation is costly
Marchete: you need many sims to get the policy part (you need to simulate all children and get the NN value)
jacek: yes
jacek: my training 'framework' mostly looks like a0 one, except theres no policy
Marchete: and the MCTS should behave similarly
Marchete: I still don't know what "value" to send to train it
Marchete: I have 2 random NN weights
Marchete: so I have gamestate + value
Marchete: but what to send to the training part?
Marchete: go to endgame and backtrack -1.0 and 1.0 for winner and loser?
jacek: im using the value for root of the search
Marchete: I mean replace all gamestate values for -1.0 or 1.0?
Marchete: but the value from random weights are just sh*t
Marchete: no?
jacek: at first yes. but at very least they would be good near endgames
jacek: after a while a true values from endgames would be propagated earlier and earlier
Marchete: maybe I'd try a mixed approach
jacek: that was my issue with temporal difference learning, when you update every step. at first it seems it would adjust to random weights. but eventually it will get into more true values
Marchete: k*win/loss + (1-k)*root value
jacek: could be, that what connect4 folks did at first
Marchete: I think that could take care of short and long term
Marchete: to be honest
Marchete: I trust CG people more than those papers
Marchete: most papers are either NN with thousand of nodes
Marchete: or python code with questionable performance
Marchete: right now my jacekmax code fails at exploring
Marchete: sometimes it just go for a node and doesn't explore any other
Marchete: I need that at least the depth 1 moves are expanded and tested
jacek: oh, i didnt mention in UCT im using random [0.9,1.1] * value
Marchete: random?
Marchete: why?
jacek: randomly multiply by 0.9-1.1
jacek: so it wont be deterministic, and for training the bounds could be bigger
Marchete: ok
jacek: and apparently its good against bookers
Marchete: :)
Marchete: I'll try to fix my FPU and then I'll check how to train
Marchete: at least it can beat a random bot
jacek: oO
Marchete: Oo
jacek: hello
MangoBunchBoyRazor: heyy
yyzl: www
Coder_prabhat: heyyyyy
yyzl: port
MangoBunchBoyRazor: aight
yyzl: higaidoushou
CALLmeANIKET: python coders are script kiddies
MangoBunchBoyRazor: what about javascript?
CALLmeANIKET: javascript is the root cause for global warming
Alex-1: hi
BhoO: hi
jacek: CSS!
jacek: YMCA?
Alex-1: hi
Alex-1: there
HolyJesusYOuPervert: hello world
**Mr.Pepper want to kick a ball
struct: stop spamming
BlackCys: Please !! introduce for me , Some games is easy level
Mr.Pepper: do puzzles : p easy puzzles
multii: hi
multii: sup
BhoO: boo
shenshaoning: I don't understand how to play the "coders strike back", what's the meaming of the game?
inoryy: to finish a race faster than your opponent
jacek: oO
jacek: to finish a race, you meant to eliminate the race?
Ordonnateur: For this puzzle you have to gather all possible stack possible then choose the lowest size one or there is a trick with some instant function doing the job for me (because being easy with having some timeout managment doesn't seems normal for me xd) ? I'm trying to do it in C++ (yeah that's not the best idea xd) but either I'm blind, either it's "easy" only on specific language ^^'.
Armia_Evil: :chocolate_bar::lollipop::candy:
geppoz: Ordonnateur what do you mean?
geppoz: the string is short, max 500 char
geppoz: so even a simple search for each char should be enough
geppoz: for that dimensions an O(n²) is viable
Ordonnateur: yes 500 char but you have a lot of combination with just doing all possible case
Armia_Evil: :lollipop::candy::lollipop::candy: Ordon
geppoz: scan the next input char, then search if you can put it in an existing position or if you need to add another
geppoz: (that is my tought looking at the statement, I didn't solved yet)
Ordonnateur: This only don't work on every case
geppoz: ok, trying, let you know
Ordonnateur: because nothing say what is the "best" to keep before ending the sort (look at the cba spam for ex)
Ordonnateur: (sort -> string* mb ;p)
geppoz: well solved...
geppoz: it is easy...
geppoz: I suppose you are thinking too far... ;)
Ordonnateur: with the creation of all possible combination ?
geppoz: no need
geppoz: just examining input as he comes
geppoz: you can decide exactly where to best put every char as it comes
Yash27: hey in private clashes there's only 1 question per clash right? is there any way we can increase num of ques per game?
Uljahn: Yash27: no
Ordonnateur: How can you know if it's better to put c on b or to do 2 column when you check only the current char ? (with cbacba and cba the best choice is different so you have to check the whole thing no ?)
Uljahn: no
geppoz: put it on the stack where the top is greater, but minimum
geppoz: if there is not, then put in another stack
geppoz: *greater or equal
Ordonnateur: don't work on cba spam...
Uljahn: just put it in cbaaaa, cbbb, cc
Uljahn: ez
geppoz: give me the sequence, i give you the steps
Ordonnateur: (imagine having cbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacba)
geppoz: well maybe shorter :D
Ordonnateur: doing like uljahn show it don't print 3
geppoz: with cbacbacba you solve doing:
Uljahn: ['cbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'cbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb', 'ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'] [solved]
Ordonnateur: So the validator are too dumb to have a really logic result ? It's not supposed to be sorted like that ><'
PatrickMcGinnisII: cbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacbacba answer is 3
Uljahn: ^
MadKnight: Automaton2000 banbanbanbanban
Automaton2000: get rid of the old ones
PatrickMcGinnisII: Container Terminal isn't tower og hanoi on crack
PatrickMcGinnisII: og=of
Ordonnateur: Ah... well that was quite unexpected to end like this Uljahn ;p thx ^^'
CoderDJD: I'm not sure whether I can ask this here, still. I'm working on an open source appliction, which helps developers find contributors for their open source projects. Could someone please join in and help me out? Stack : SQL, Express GraphQL, React(tsx) and generally, for the whole project, TS.
Ordonnateur: (didn't thought there was multiple way of having the same minimal width with different case ^^')
nmortfeus: print("hello world")
kresteodymium: cout << "hello world"
jacek: syntax error
BhoO: :rofl:
BhoO: ;
PatrickMcGinnisII: die(eval(0/0));
Careeza: Hi in ghost-in-the-cell when youse INC to increase the production rate of a factory can the new production rate be higher than 3 ?
DhruvaM: heellllooo anyone for clash of code?
PatrickMcGinnisII: Automaton2000 put me out of my misery
Automaton2000: if you use some kind of random search
struct: MSmits are you here?
jacek: delete yavalath and see
BlaiseEbuth: -> #clash Ambarsariya
Ambarsariya: ok
Cicada001: hola
computermagician: can someone please teach me how to become pro at this?
BhoO: practice
computermagician: I'm new
MadKnight: well hi new
computermagician: hey there madknight
computermagician: care to teach me how to program?
MadKnight: becoming pro is actually easy u just need to play these PvP bot programming challenges for some time
computermagician: I don't know how to program though
jacek: use madmax [solved]
Cicada001: bruh i dont understand tht bot level where u hv to move from one check point to other
jacek: coders strike back?
BhoO: Detective Pikaptcha EP1 everytime time out
BhoO: :\
therealbeef: timeout can also be due to a crash
BhoO: i see
BhoO: thanx found it i think i go outside array
jacek: going outside array is illegal
BhoO: oh yeah : p
Cicada001: hellonyoone?
BhoO: o/
miny: hi
computermagician: hey which programming language is the easiest?
PatrickMcGinnisII: such a simple question
computermagician: hmm?
PatrickMcGinnisII: complex answer
PatrickMcGinnisII: depends on what u wanna do
PatrickMcGinnisII: If you just wanna jump into CG, python probably has the smallest learning curve to start. for speed use one of the C langs, , for apps etc. java maybe with a little kotlin thrown in, for web there is a variety. so there u go.
computermagician: thanks
BhoO: o/
Astrobytes: \o
PatrickMcGinnisII: Watching the news... I'm scared /n
Astrobytes: Why?
BhoO: covid ?
PatrickMcGinnisII: Big Pharm saying people need booster shots
PatrickMcGinnisII: smh
PatrickMcGinnisII: news is bad for my brain
Astrobytes: Hm. Haven't seen that here yet
Astrobytes: With the new strains it kinda figures, but they need a new vax for those. Greedy shites.
PatrickMcGinnisII: all about the $
Astrobytes: Yeah. Always.
Astrobytes: I mean don't believe the conspiracies, if they had cures for things etc we'd all be robbing banks to get them :P
PatrickMcGinnisII: Need a landfill for the 200M needles
Astrobytes: They're incinerated.
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh,ok
Astrobytes: Also a problem, but less so than landfills full of hypodermic needles :D
BlaiseEbuth: Yeah. I made good deal with the subcontracting of incinerations. :smiling_imp:
PatrickMcGinnisII: Need to buy stock in those companies
jacek: buy doges
Astrobytes: Beelzébuth right on cue
BlaiseEbuth: Business
PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm dragging my feet on night of war
jacek: huh
Astrobytes: PatrickMcGinnisII: I don't rate it tbh
Astrobytes: MSmits: :clap:
jacek: ?
PatrickMcGinnisII: I got a alpha beta setup, but I'm worried higher leagues are gonna screw it up
Astrobytes: You really don't need ab for the first leagues. They are totally pointless leagues.
PatrickMcGinnisII: did yall straight minmax?
Astrobytes: I think I hardcoded until top league.
jacek: minimax now, heuristics in lower leagues
PatrickMcGinnisII: I'm thinking about changing the eval to include a null move heuristic, never did that b4
Astrobytes: jeez dude
jacek: theres WAIT move
PatrickMcGinnisII: oh yea, i usually ignore those cause they make the tree too big...but at final action depth it should give better results
Astrobytes: You don't need a search and *definitely* don't need to start messing around with the null move heuristic.
Astrobytes: Just play to win. The bosses are ridiculously easy.
jacek: i mean null move heuristic would be pointless here if its legal action
Astrobytes: ^
PatrickMcGinnisII: brain fog, i'll make sure my minmax works
Astrobytes: I'm not convinced it's a good game tbh
jacek: oO
Astrobytes: I mean it works, and he did a good job etc. I just don't really feel it.
PatrickMcGinnisII: reminds me of the game whre you have to shoot around obstacles
PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm
PatrickMcGinnisII: ahh, cultist wars
Astrobytes: Kinda different
PatrickMcGinnisII: and Code of ice and fire
Astrobytes: That had a lot more depth to it
Astrobytes: imo
PatrickMcGinnisII: true
PatrickMcGinnisII: waas gonna switch to C++ for next contest, but I'm doing house remodel... took today off
Astrobytes: Did you sort out the wrecked property?
PatrickMcGinnisII: they screwed a satellite dish to the roof
PatrickMcGinnisII: besides them damaging every wall and door,etc. in the house
PatrickMcGinnisII: I have to put a new roof on it
WannaBeHum1n: fet tesla solar roof
PatrickMcGinnisII: so, not all the way...gonna take 5 weeks
WannaBeHum1n: get*
PatrickMcGinnisII: when I'm done Imma hafta sell house to recoop my $
WannaBeHum1n: oh
PatrickMcGinnisII: it's a rental, i don't live in it
PatrickMcGinnisII: er was a rental
PatrickMcGinnisII: people suck
WannaBeHum1n: sorry about it
WannaBeHum1n: mate
PatrickMcGinnisII: renter came to the house while I was working there this week
MadKnight: Automaton2000 stop creeping on people's houses
Automaton2000: i've been thinking about that
PatrickMcGinnisII: she wanted her security NO. She went in house and tried arguing with me, I had to call cops and have her trespassed. people suck. <3 Automaton2000
Automaton2000: not sure how it works
Astrobytes: PatrickMcGinnisII: Yes, yes they do :/
MadKnight: sounds like a story to tell in a circle of friends
MadKnight: Automaton2000 how do i get into a circle of friends ?
Automaton2000: and this is the default ai
PatrickMcGinnisII: did i miss Phillip's funeral?
jacek: was it fun
MadKnight: Automaton2000 let's keep randomly popping up in the chat to ping Automaton2000 a few times and never talk to someone else
Automaton2000: i'm looking for a job
PatrickMcGinnisII: yup i missed it
PatrickMcGinnisII: 15 years ago exactly...I was in the UK, i'm getting old
MadKnight: naaa i think u can still do it
PatrickMcGinnisII: sry going afk
MadKnight: hihi
Astrobytes: PatrickMcGinnisII: Phil's funeral was today. No one cares :P
MadKnight: kresteodymium well everyone is like that at first, but then they realize that bot programming results are much more cool
kresteodymium: are you guys in college
KelvinAndHubbles: How do people even come up with the strategies that win the leagues, is it a lot of guesswork or just very good educated guesses?
DetoBot: Read lot of books
DetoBot: diligence is the key
KelvinAndHubbles: well, no amount of reading the Star Wars books made me better at CSB :/
DetoBot: Not fairy tales
DetoBot: ;)
KelvinAndHubbles: Ahh, thats where I'm going wrong, thanks
KelvinAndHubbles: now I can finally get out of bronze
DetoBot: Great but stop torturing NNs
DetoBot: make them friends
KelvinAndHubbles: naa GANNs are my favorites, take the best Networks and kill the worst
DetoBot: :joy:
KelvinAndHubbles: altho, I use a self written algorithim for that, so that probably shows why I'm not getting very far
DetoBot: keep up the good work
DetoBot: good luck bye
KelvinAndHubbles: thank you for the advice, wise sage
DetoBot: made me look Idiot :stuck_out_tongue:
Smelty: o . o
**Smelty falls asleep
Mandelbort: lololololololololoolololo
jackthrow893: hi all