**Mr.Pepper woke up
**Smelty goes to sleep :sleeping:
Puru299792458: one doubt in bender
Puru299792458: is it a good idea to use hack when searching for loops ?
Puru299792458: or use a boolean visited array
Mr.Pepper: i got problem that test cases didn't shown when i was in reverse
Mr.Pepper: i refreshed multiple times
Smelty: that's weird
Westicles: Perhaps the Lord Thy God is displeased with you and/or your clashing
ThornFlynt: Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?
TiniMounier: Hi guys, on the batman exercice on java i try to recognize the bombDir with "if (bombDir == "UR") {System.err.println("test");}" but it never works do you know why ?
Mr.Pepper: bombdir != UR :p
TiniMounier: what ? when i print bombDir i got UR
Mr.Pepper: oh
TiniMounier: well for the second test
TiniMounier: for the first test i got DR but it didn't work either
TiniMounier: i tried adding spaces before and after UR but still the same result
Mr.Pepper: :|
TiniMounier: can you pls try to see if it's a bug from the site ?
korean_bull: Hi
korean_bull: I'm Korean Bull
Mr.Pepper: :red_circle:
TiniMounier: so it was a bug from the website ... it perfectly works with JS
DCoderOP: join clash
Stormalix: #clash
DCoderOP: join fast plz
Thyl: hi
Mr.Pepper: hey DcodeorOP use #clash
Mr.Pepper: hi
BoomFlight: hi
program_lover: guys i want to learn programming but i am very Confused
DCoderOP: join clash fast
DCoderOP: @pogram_lover go on youtube man
DCoderOP: CodeWithharry is best
Mr.Pepper: go on clash man
Darklord1234: and on u tube subs to Dcuber
Mr.Pepper: there is rubiks cube puzzle try to solve :p
Mr.Pepper: with programming
BoomFlight: Hi Darklord1234
DCoderOP: guys join clash fast
DCoderOP: 1 min left
Darklord1234: Anyone Ethical Hacker here??
DCoderOP: I know one who hacked chalkpad
BoomFlight: really?
ANJACE_Z: Hlo guyz
DCoderOP: another clash
ANJACE_Z: joined
DCoderOP: thank you
DCoderOP: starting soon
DCoderOP: let more coders join
Coder_prabhat: ok
BoomFlight: The selected clash is no longer valid. Do you want to join another clash of the same type?
BoomFlight: I can't join.
DCoderOP: starting in 2 minutes
Mr.Pepper: "/join clash"
DCoderOP: this is the link
ANJACE_Z: 1:30 min
DCoderOP: hm
BoomFlight: ok finished already
DCoderOP: join now
DCoderOP: new clash
**Mr.Pepper slaps around a bit with a large fishbot
DCoderOP: what ?
DCoderOP: #clash
BoomFlight: Why I must login again everytime when I click your link, anyone to do same with me?
BoomFlight: Every body in this link from India all , isn't it?
ANJACE_Z: mrpepper
Cure: coc
ANJACE_Z: can anyone explain the pproblem
Mr.Pepper: count the uppercase and lowercase print their absolute difference
BoomFlight: super
DCoderOP: what as absolute ?
DCoderOP: can you explain in java
DCoderOP: #clash
DCoderOP: join
Darklord1234: Dcode if i m not wrong u r the famous u tuber?
Mr.Pepper: not like that paste link in #clash
DCoderOP: where is #clash ?
Mr.Pepper: click on it
DCoderOP: ok found it
Mr.Pepper: nice
DCoderOP: u iz Piro
DCoderOP: me iz nooob
BoomFlight: Let's join again , I must to rite "Songkran festival" in Thailand. see u again bro
Mr.Pepper: :thumbsup:
Cr0z: can i join guys :p
DCoderOP: you are already in
Cr0z: not problem with it?
DCoderOP: Op CrOz
DCoderOP: Starting new
DCoderOP: #clash
Infernalryo07: is there a way to view historic clash of code games? I haven't finished the game 100% and now it's bugging me I can't find it!
DCoderOP: go to #clash and join the las for now
Mr.Pepper: Infernalryo07 click one notification icon, and click show read
DCoderOP: chaliye shuru karte hai
NicholasGew: Hi
Mr.Pepper: hey
Cr0z: hi
Uljahn: hey
Louis.: hii
Mr.Pepper: is there any way to run test cases by keyboard :p any shortcut
Louis.: i think Ctrl+Enter
Louis.: Mr.Pepper
Mr.Pepper: :) nice
Mr.Pepper: tnx
Mr.Pepper: <3
Louis.: :smile:
Mr.Pepper: thanks found that ctrl + shift + enter run every test cases
Louis.: yeah
Louis.: you are right
Louis.: Mr.Pepper
derjack: good noon
MSmits: hey derjack
MSmits: I made your ntuple thingy work, understand all the code now. Cool stuff
derjack: oO
MSmits: it's not that far from a nn
derjack: its more like perceptron really
MSmits: i think i can convert it easily to doing what the xor thing does
MSmits: the xor nn
MSmits: i wonder if it needs less weights than the ntuple
MSmits: or more
MSmits: I am guessing it needs more, because the ntuple structure makes use of the game rules
MSmits: this information needs to be baked into the network somehow, which may make it use more weights
derjack: ttt is quite hard for simple mlp network
MSmits: why is that?
derjack: in comparison to ntuple. dunno, it requires more hidden units and/or layer than i anticipated
MSmits: well, you want it to predict the game result for every possible board layout. You're expecting perfect play
MSmits: when you're doing it for oware you dont expect perfect play
MSmits: so the bar is higher for simpler games
derjack: could be
MSmits: did you mess around with function approximation? I had a thought earlier that you could easily define some complicated math function, generate a bunch of random x and make a network to predict it. That also seems like a fun learning exercise
MSmits: it's very close to the xor
derjack: i didnt
MSmits: ah ok, i do a lot of trendline fitting in excel at work for when students to physics experiments. I think I could do the same thing with a NN
MSmits: you can either fit the whole function with hundreds of weights, or pick a few parameters, say for a linear function
MSmits: the magic is really in the backpropagation, you can use that for anything
derjack: hmm but how to approximate function. nn output is sigmoid or tanh
derjack: or something else?
MSmits: hmm can you use the bias?
MSmits: it's a good question
MSmits: relu wont work
derjack: relu only for hidden
MSmits: is that always the case?
MSmits: do people use relu only for hidden layers?
derjack: dunno. but i dont see much sense using relu for output
Louis.: hi
Louis.: derjack
MSmits: well the idea is to use relu to prevent multiplication making stuff go to zero, so i guess having 1 layer use sigmoid and the rest relu seems fine
derjack: hello Louis.
Louis.: whatsup
MSmits: the positive vertical direction
derjack: hmm you can use linear (no activation at all) in the output
MSmits: you mean linear in the output and something else in a hidden layer?
MSmits: relu seems more suited for discrete functions
derjack: yes
MSmits: sounds good
derjack: you played with the nn playground. there is that spiral example
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: does it have a linear combination at the end? I dont remember
derjack: you can use many hidden layers. or less hidden layers and use x^2 and y^2 as input
derjack: i see n-tuple as adding more inputs
MSmits: yeah thats what my students experiment with
MSmits: right, if you structure the input, you do some of the "thinking" for the nn, so its job becomes easier
derjack: exactly
MSmits: thats why i dont believe its a good idea to just have a completely fixed framework where you just "plug in" a game
MSmits: you need to do some thinking, make it easier. You will need a smaller network. Better use of resources
MSmits: i guess if you have unlimited resources like those azero people, it doesnt matter much, but here on CG it does, I think
derjack: well their goal is to make 'general' ai
MSmits: yeah
MSmits: what I am saying is that should not be the goal when you're playing around on CG :)
MSmits: though some games are similar, so you can reuse much i guess
struct: Hello MSmits
struct: and jacek
derjack: who?
struct: derjack*
Mr.Pepper: both them are from poland
Mr.Pepper: : p
multi-yt76: hi
MSmits: hi
MSmits: Mr.Pepper I think they even live very near eachother
Mr.Pepper: wow
MSmits: weren't you in jacek's house the other day derjack?
derjack: oO
MSmits: sorry, i mean his pony barn, obviously
derjack: stop horsing around
AntiSquid: now you jumped the horse
derjack: fix your chess bot
BigFatDecker: ok so how do i do minmax in connect 4 challenge im lost
struct: do you already know minmax?
MSmits: you could count the number of ways you can complete 4 in a row with the current setup. As an evaluation function
MSmits: say you have 2 in a row somewhere. If it is still possible to add 2 more to get 4, then that's 1
MSmits: anyways, that's just an idea, i use mcts myself
derjack: you mean puzzle or game
MSmits: there's plenty of gith bots for C4 i bet
MSmits: look for an eval there
MSmits: or that
MSmits: gtg ttyl
struct: cya
Louis.: salut or hii
BigFatDecker: sorry im back yes i know min max just dont know how to implement it in this case
PotatoDev33: yes
KiwiTae: #clash
Coder_prabhat: #clash
BigFatDecker: can someone help with this please
mybk: Why codingame is too slow ? codingame is the only website that takes 5 min to load ! this is annoying
Kirbiby: so true
multii: lol
mybk: is it the same problem with everybody ?
Kirbiby: I guess
Kirbiby: At least me and you :p
ErrorRazor: Loading pages doesn't take long for me, only submitting code
mybk: hhh I hope they do something in the future
mybk: really ?
ErrorRazor: Yeah pages load as fast as any other website
ErrorRazor: Oh, not all pages apparently
BoomFlight: ok
struct: Which page takes 5 minutes to load?
Jumpmaster: Everything loads normal for me too
Kirbiby: Coc Page is very long to load
Kirbiby: *can* be
Mr.Pepper: when u sumbit it is slow to show the score and if i refresh it becomes good but i will lost the chat with that coc
mybk: if I open new codingame page (any page) it's too slow to load, but if I navigate from an opened page it's okay, I usually open multiple CG pages
Uljahn: could be mitm or dns issues
Mr.Pepper: :rolling_eyes: hey
T.H.: idk which AI challenge to start i'm too lazy
struct: Which type of games do you like T.H.?
struct: There are plenty of good choices
T.H.: i want csb 2
struct: a new csb?
T.H.: i havent touched csb for a year i don't think i can optimize my placement more without refactoring
struct: Have you tried smitsimax on it?
struct: csb, fb and bit runner are the only physics games I think
pb4: T.H. : CSB2 is Bit Runner
pb4: or Fantastic Bits
T.H.: i'm already 54th in fantastic bits
T.H.: 57th in csb
T.H.: i need to try smitsimax i guess
pb4: or Bit Runner :)
T.H.: by bit runner u mean bit runner 2048? only thing i can find
struct: after I finish csb I probably will revisit fb and bit runner
struct: yes T.H.
struct: Game made by pb 4 and illeda n
pb4: Yes T.H.
T.H.: pog
Astrobytes: sometime in the next 4 years then struct? ;)
struct: I see you are optimistic :D
Astrobytes: :rofl:
struct: People use GA on fb right?
Astrobytes: I think so
the-mysterious: How do you become a moderator
T.H.: by not asking for it
eulerscheZahl: warning or kick? :thinking:
eulerscheZahl: you are definitely close to the kick
jacek: isnt kick a warning?
eulerscheZahl: Warning, Kick, Ban: notify the abuser with a public warning first, then kick if necessary, then ban if necessary
eulerscheZahl: step 1 was just taken
BlaiseEbuth: Others would just have banned him...
struct: 50/50
Smelty: ^^
BlaiseEbuth: Toad is such a kind amphiban...
Marchete: first warning, toad
eulerscheZahl: i don't make the rules, I only enforce them. And rules say "warning first"
eulerscheZahl: And they say "no clash is too easy" which I why I refuse to enforce those rules anymore
BlaiseEbuth: Rules are like hearts, they're made to be broken.
eulerscheZahl: you mean like crackers
BlaiseEbuth: Na
eulerscheZahl: the Christmas crackers, not the cookies
Mr.Pepper: :rofl:
eulerscheZahl: or like Windows
Smelty: :rofl:
BlaiseEbuth: Hmm, next time I'll include an exhaustive list of breakable things
Smelty: drinking glasses, plates,
BlaiseEbuth: bones, trust, faces...
Smelty: artwork, lampshades, wine bottles,
Smelty: "bones" hOl up
eulerscheZahl: i thought i found such a list, now i'm disappointed :(
Smelty: rip
Smelty: how bout this one
eulerscheZahl: but don't break that dragonfly, it doesn't deserve that!
Smelty: :(
BlaiseEbuth: Poor little thing. :scream:
Smelty: i guess i just got fragile things not breakable thigns
BlaiseEbuth: Don't hurt animals, except humans.
Smelty: human's motto
**Smelty falls asleep
**BlaiseEbuth slaps Smelty around a bit with a large fishbot
**eulerscheZahl slaps BlaiseEbuth with a phishing bot
**Smelty jolts awake
Mr.Pepper: haha
Smelty: "fishing bot"?
Smelty: or "phishing bot"
Mr.Pepper: :rofl:
BlaiseEbuth: :thinking:
eulerscheZahl: not a typo on my side
Smelty: weird
Mr.Pepper: :o
Smelty: it always says fishbot for me
Smelty: :0 you know xkcd?
BlaiseEbuth: Who does not...
Smelty: did you read his "how to"? :0
eulerscheZahl: the book? no
Smelty: oh
Smelty: :p
eulerscheZahl: but i regularly check the latest comics
Smelty: yep, i believe he posts daily
eulerscheZahl: no, 2 or 3 a week
Smelty: hmm
eulerscheZahl: i think there is a pattern but i didn't try to decipher it
BlaiseEbuth: I don't. I just know the ones that are shared here
Smelty: okay
BlaiseEbuth: Mr.Pepper :eyes:
BlaiseEbuth: -> #xkcd thanks
eulerscheZahl: looking at go that one needs an update
Smelty: hmm
Smelty: yea
Mr.Pepper: yes Blaise i am here :wave:
BlaiseEbuth: Are you Robin ?
Mr.Pepper: no
Mr.Pepper: i am pepper
BlaiseEbuth: Make sense.
**Smelty is confused
**Mr.Pepper is going to solve a puzzle
**Smelty says bye
eulerscheZahl: he didn't write "hii", you have to watch for those tiny details
Smelty: *Smelty falls asleep from confusedness*
Smelty: oop
eulerscheZahl: confusion?
Smelty: yes, confusedness is confusion with extra steps
**Smelty falls asleep from boredness
**Mr.Pepper is fighting with bug
Smelty: hmm there should seriously be a roleplay chatroom for roleplaying or something
Smelty: #roleplay
planck6: *Hello*
Mr.Pepper: o/
**Smelty says hello
Notgoodatcoding5: Hi
Smelty: hi
Notgoodatcoding5: How are you?
Mr.Pepper: print("doog"[::-1])
actualCoderTrevor: Nice, I'll probably use that at some point in a CoC :smiley:
Mr.Pepper: haha :D
Smelty: :rofl:
Destinygang: Hey
Mr.Pepper: yo
Destinygang: what up
Destinygang: I'll be back
Mr.Pepper: :)
Smelty: :)
jacek: :upside_down:
**Smelty randomly types some code up
Smelty: oh god my new pfp looks weird in the chat
Mr.Pepper: haha
**Mr.Pepper seems the old one
Smelty: on the other hand, it's an accurate representation of how I code
Mr.Pepper: :D
**Smelty says that he/she thinks that he/she should keep it
Mr.Pepper: : p
**Mr.Pepper is covid +ve mom says don't touch laptop, going to sleep
**Smelty wishes Mr. Pepper a good sleep
JD520: hi
Smelty: hi
helenabjalkovska: hello
helenabjalkovska: how do you do the italics messages?
struct: /me
**helenabjalkovska uuuuh
helenabjalkovska: oh
helenabjalkovska: thanks
struct: euler do you know how many participants gocoder usually has?
**Smelty says "nope"
jacek: let's ask Automaton2000
Automaton2000: but it's really hard for me to start with the same code that got me to silver
AntiSquid: NN in minecraft lol :
AntiSquid: and here's a nice cake recipe:
Andriamanitra: who the fuck approves these clashes
eulerscheZahl: thienphuc, allaoua, unnamed player [solved]
Uljahn: anybody with 50 clashes played can approve i guess
eulerscheZahl: we don't want to exclude anyone
eulerscheZahl: except for contests. 2 a year is enough
Andriamanitra: maybe the solution shouldn't be visible and people actually had to solve the submission to be able to approve
BlaiseEbuth: 5% consideration
eulerscheZahl: improving the contribution process is in the backlog
cegprakash: a wild ceg appears
eulerscheZahl: no problem, enough mods online to do something about it
jacek: :thinking:
BlaiseEbuth: :smiling_imp:
Uljahn: :(
eulerscheZahl: wait, Uljahn?
eulerscheZahl: where is your circle?
struct: His circle was stored on ram
eulerscheZahl: so #ru is anarchy now?
Uljahn: yep
eulerscheZahl: i wonder if i can still rule on #de or just here
eulerscheZahl: any volunteer?
struct: I think you are mod on all channels
eulerscheZahl: at first I only was on fr and world, not on de
eulerscheZahl: that one was added to my channels later, i never could do anything on ru
struct: Im mod on ru
eulerscheZahl: huh?
eulerscheZahl: i'll go there, try to remove me
struct: I just typed there, circle shows
struct: didnt work
eulerscheZahl: told you
eulerscheZahl: and on de it was the same
struct: But badge shows?
eulerscheZahl: yes
struct: I see
struct: It works on fr
BlaiseEbuth: I can go to say heil on #de if you want ez. :3
eulerscheZahl: same for tutubalin (only mod on ru but with badge everywhere)
struct: I think testing kicking mods might not work though
eulerscheZahl: yes come to de BlaiseEbuth
eulerscheZahl: oh indeed, can't kick you here struct
jacek: and ive been kicked
eulerscheZahl: sorry, didn't expect this to be working
jacek: riiight
eulerscheZahl: on De I can kick mods
eulerscheZahl: weird
BlaiseEbuth: That's work
struct: lol
Westicles: Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein
Westicles: oops, wrong chat
BlaiseEbuth: :no_mouth:
Smelty: o.O
BlaiseEbuth: English here !
struct: if (mod && level > otherlevel)kick
struct: ez code
Smelty: .o.
BlaiseEbuth: With euler everybody gonna be kicked
**Mr.Pepper came back : p
**Smelty says hi to Mr.Pepper
**Mr.Pepper who is addicted to code didn't let him slepp
Ivan8or: dkim19375 is smelly
Ivan8or: you saw nothing
Ivan8or: nah
BlaiseEbuth: Children behave.
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 parle el france ?
Automaton2000: it turns out to be a multi
AntiSquid: thought it reacts to the language @_@
eulerscheZahl: nonsense. just some English chatting going on on #de
AntiSquid: sorry .
Smelty: there a chinese channel by any chance
eulerscheZahl: #cn
Smelty: ah thanks
Smelty: o.O
eulerscheZahl: the most active apart from this are #ru and #fr
eulerscheZahl: then there is #in with a little activity
Smelty: i see.
eulerscheZahl: channels for other languages like #de #es #jp exist but are pretty much dead
struct: on contest pt channel is a little active
struct: contests*
struct: at least it was on last challenge
AntiSquid: Westicles you can speak ger or just google translate?
Westicles: Nope, not good with languages
BlaiseEbuth: AntiSquid :,_behave.ogg
AntiSquid: explain the link BlaiseEbuth @_@
AntiSquid: it's a blank page for most part
BlaiseEbuth: It's not. Fix your browser
AntiSquid: i have adblocker
AntiSquid: might be it ?
BlaiseEbuth: Me too. Adblockers / scriptblockers/ antitracker and the site works
BlaiseEbuth: Just had to allow scripts
AntiSquid: ah see it loads and then the content gets removed even with adblock off
AntiSquid: nvm it's ghostery
BlaiseEbuth: :ghost:
jacek: wasnt ghostery sold to some company for data
struct: I think so
AntiSquid: lol
AntiSquid: says the feature to share data is opt-in ?
struct: I think it says that, but its on by default iirc
struct: I guess you can disable it
AntiSquid: hm that thing is off, but i remember some other settings where resetting themselves after each update
AntiSquid: can't find any controversial stuff on ghostery, nothing like facebook at least
AntiSquid: any link please?
AntiSquid: the purple button in the corner for number of stuff blocked used to keep showing up after i disabled it ...
Smelty: oo
eulerscheZahl: could be worse
AntiSquid: the "controversy" predates cliqz
struct: I cant recall exactly
struct: It was long ago 3+ years
eulerscheZahl: i didn't even use those addons
struct: I use ublock origin
eulerscheZahl: i use "AdBlock"
Smelty: o . o
eulerscheZahl: for no particular reason, was the first adblocker showing up when i needed one
AntiSquid: i have both ublock and ghostery
AntiSquid: and noscript extension too to disable the "please white list us, please disable your adblock" bs
eulerscheZahl: i just close those pages which complain about the adblocker
eulerscheZahl: if they don't want to give their content for free, their loss
Smelty: lol
Andriamanitra: gotta be careful with adblocks, half of them sell "approved ads" to companies
eulerscheZahl: like adblock plus did
jacek: i wouldnt mind non invasive square ads
Smelty: which is why you have MULTIPLE
Smelty: adblock
eulerscheZahl: the use of an adblocker is pure self-defense against horrible ads
Smelty: ^^
Andriamanitra: ublock origin is one i know is legit for sure, i also use privacybadger which is made by EFF but it's mostly redundant
eulerscheZahl: blinking, flashing, distracting animations that make the whole tab lag
struct: Not to mention popups
eulerscheZahl: EFF? the panopticlick creators?
Andriamanitra: electronic frontier foundation, i dunno what panopticlick is
LoneCuriosity: How come you can only see some peoples code?
eulerscheZahl: browser fingerprinting, telling you how unique you are
Andriamanitra: @LoneCuriosity sharing code is opt-in
Smelty: you only see the code if they share it
eulerscheZahl: seems it's there now
LoneCuriosity: Where can you find that option?
Smelty: at the end of a clash you can opt to share your solution
Smelty: also you can auto-share in settings
**Smelty takes a break to watch some csb battles
eulerscheZahl: isn't auto-share just for puzzles, not clashes?
Smelty: oop, my bad
Smelty: I thought he meant in general
struct: its only for puzzles yeah
USB3R: would be cool if they changed that!
AntiSquid: there is no such thing as acceptable ads @_@
AntiSquid: either i look for a product or i don't
eulerscheZahl: but i don't mind ignoring some offer that doesn't annoy me
struct: At least cg has no real ads :)
eulerscheZahl: not like i would buy it. but if anyone is willing to pay someone else for showing it to me (or hiding it from me)
eulerscheZahl: then i'm fine
AntiSquid: do you use anything to cover your browser fingerprint euler ?
eulerscheZahl: no, the test shows that it's easy to identify me
eulerscheZahl: canvas fingerprinting and webGL are both unique
Smelty: wo
struct: user agent: <0.01%
struct: lol
NewDefectus: help how do I close the chat
NewDefectus: nvm
Smelty: theres an arrow bottom right of chat
Smelty: *left
Mr.Pepper: "/leave"
**Smelty says I suck at directions
eulerscheZahl: add this to the url: ?disableChat
NewDefectus: yeah I thought that was a play button lol
Smelty: xD
Mr.Pepper: lol
eulerscheZahl: can we speedrun the chat?
Mr.Pepper: after a contest over can we see other participant's code ?
struct: no
Smelty: i don't think so
Mr.Pepper: oh
Smelty: I think some contests are made into games afterwards..?
Smelty: the public ones at least
Mr.Pepper: oh i see
**Mr.Pepper got a hit from bug (not bug from code)
AntiSquid: you can, there are livestreams / starter guides during contests :P
Mr.Pepper: :)
Mr.Pepper: bash command to show contents in hidden file : p, anyone i am just testing something
pavlot: ls -la
pavlot: more hidden_file.txt
Mr.Pepper: <3
pavlot: ?
eulerscheZahl: no, that shows the hidden files
Mr.Pepper: oh
eulerscheZahl: not the content of the hidden file
eulerscheZahl: i would still go with cat for the content
AntiSquid: cat .stuff
pavlot: but if you know name of the file and if you have rights
pavlot: you should be able to cat it?
Mr.Pepper: i just tried to get validators lol ,sorry i was just testing :rofl:
AntiSquid: which validator ?
Mr.Pepper: clash of code
AntiSquid: lol
pavlot: hehe
Destinygang: hey im bacc
Mr.Pepper: hey
eulerscheZahl: iirc i saw some solutions there when I was looking. but didn't have the permission to look inside
LoFi_Jedi: I suck at this stuff.
Destinygang: srry i was gLin so long
Smelty: hi
Astrobytes: Stick your monke back in the cage
**Smelty drifts out to sleep due to boredness..... :sleeping:
**Mr.Pepper says smelty is alway sleepy
Astrobytes: Next person who does the 'monke' gets a kick.
jacek: monk
**Smelty wakes up and starts rolling around Mr. Pepper
Astrobytes: /kick jacek
Mr.Pepper: lol :D
Smelty: very risky, jacke, verily so
Astrobytes: jacek is our fully resident troll
struct: I expected nothing else
Smelty: mr. pepper and i may or may not be missing legs and arms
Smelty: *just the arms
Mr.Pepper: :rofl:
Smelty: :rofl:
Smelty: being a blob is harder than you think....I have to roll around the keyboard just to type
Smelty: guys i'm in a clash that I approved and we all gettin 75% cuz of the crash test :rofl:
struct: you approved a faulty clash?
Mr.Pepper: lol
Smelty: no, it's a not faulty clash
Smelty: i just forgot to convert to long firs.....
struct: But do you pass testcases?
Smelty: nah, i failed the last testcase
Astrobytes: ...
struct: ah
Smelty: i made him add an almost identical test case before i approved
Mr.Pepper: is that the n*n thing :rofl:
Smelty: yep :rofl:
Smelty: AND it was reverse mode so no one knew
Smelty: I might get first place with 75%
**Smelty says: "Gotta go eat lunch, cya"
Mr.Pepper: cya
Mr.Pepper: I haven't had this much fun using other paltforms
Smelty: (also the reason i didn't check the testcases was because i was speedrunning and finished the clash in 13 seconds
Mr.Pepper: haha noticed that
struct: Do you know the shortcut to play all testcases?
Mr.Pepper: yeah
struct: Its good for clash of code
Mr.Pepper: oh sorry not for me
Mr.Pepper: lol somehow two channel created one named highschool and self taught which is in my bio
Beginner012: ldcm.ksmdlmsdfdsfsdfsfsfösdfösfsöfndlönödnsdfnsdöfsdfön ödfönödöfn lödsnfl ln ldsfökn dnfkdsffössfölsdf dfdfölmömdsf
Mr.Pepper: :rolling_eyes:
AntiSquid: why? it was trying to communicate! obviously it's having difficulties making contact!
AntiSquid: Beginner012 do you come in peace ? Automaton2000 of earth greats you
Automaton2000: but then it's just a random search
AntiSquid: greets *
kingbojo: wow
Mr.Pepper: Automaton2000 is only work in world chat ?
Automaton2000: well i would have won
Astrobytes: No, it works in #fr too
Mr.Pepper: oh ok
AntiSquid: and #de too
Mr.Pepper: :D
jacek: schmetterling!
Astrobytes: de's nuts
AntiSquid: in #de it first replied to an english sentence in english and then to a german one in german! i didn't expect it to do that
Mr.Pepper: wow
jacek: oh my
AntiSquid: astonishing
Astrobytes: Incredible.
Westicles: Hey, it called me out. I thought that honor only went to euler
Astrobytes: Nah, it will ping others too
AntiSquid: but very rarely
Astrobytes: automaton NN is programmed to ping euler
Astrobytes: mostly
AntiSquid: hardcoded? for sure :P
Astrobytes: afaik it's either hardcoded or with some bias towards
AntiSquid: there was a time when euler was pinged by new peeps all the time in chat
AntiSquid: got bad karma for being helpful somehow
Astrobytes: It only happens less now because he's not around as much!
Astrobytes: Contest time he gets pinged, PM'd, you name it :D
AntiSquid: i am one of the people who supports the cause
Illedan: Automaton2020 might ping euler if you talk about problems of my puzzle and code?
Illedan: :(
Astrobytes: 2020?
Illedan: AutomatonNN?
Illedan: oh
Illedan: stupid
Illedan: Automaton2000
Automaton2000: not sure about how to do it
Illedan: Automaton2000 might ping euler if you talk about problems of my puzzle and code?
Automaton2000: yeah, you can do the same mistake
Illedan: Meh
Astrobytes: AutomatonNN's dead for the moment
Astrobytes: Automaton2000: Make Illedan happy
Automaton2000: that one is just for fun
Illedan: Automaton2000 got some clues on my code?
Automaton2000: but how does that work in the morning
Illedan: Does not..
Astrobytes: My puzzle code is not ready for the contest Automaton2000
Automaton2000: but you said you were going to do this
Smelty: :(
Astrobytes: Anyway it's NN that pings euler with "euler is there a way to solve the problem with the contest code"
Illedan: oh
Astrobytes: "the code of the puzzle of the contest" etc
Smelty: o.O
Mr.Pepper: hey
Astrobytes: What happened to book & chill Illedan
struct: Illedan did you ever said what you used on slcc?
Astrobytes: GA
jacek: gah!
struct: thanks
Illedan: Still chillin
Illedan: Looking at number go
Illedan: And simultaneous GA
struct: simultaneous ga?
Illedan: Yeah, train all at once together
struct: o.o
struct: try it on fb
struct: if i recall you have a sim
Illedan: Sure
Astrobytes: Number go? Simultaneous? That is interesting
Illedan: I watch numbers go in my RL training
Astrobytes: :D
yukihanata: is C++ the hardest
Astrobytes: Therapeutic huh, hence the chill :sunglasses:
Illedan: Nah
Illedan: stressing to look it go slowly
Illedan: and not working always
yukihanata: which one is the easyest
Illedan: stopping, changing some params. Try again
Astrobytes: Param tuning is life tho
Illedan: Yeah
Illedan: not
Illedan: I need to automate this
Illedan: fast
struct: no patience for it
Astrobytes: :grin:
Astrobytes: GA
Astrobytes: afaik that's a valid approach
struct: GA to optimize params
Illedan: I'll have a NN to tune my NN to tune my NN which leads my GA into tuning my RL. YEAH, lets go!
Astrobytes: Param hell
jacek: hyperparam?
Illedan: ye
struct: Which game?
Illedan: No CG game yet, but I just created a new project for Oware
jacek: whats with NN and oware lately
Illedan: Very simple game
Astrobytes: Gawd, not another Oware NN :P
Illedan: 12 inputs
Illedan: shh
Illedan: I need to start somewhere
jacek: 12?
Illedan: 1 for each bowl?
jacek: no scores?
Illedan: You use more?
Illedan: Why score?
Illedan: meh
Illedan: I'll try without
Illedan: But first I need to understand python enough to extract these weights from TF -.-
jacek: msmit would like to predict how many seeds he will take
struct: Illedan maybe you can take a look into marchet framework
struct: He also uses TF
Illedan: I know
Illedan: looked at it
Astrobytes: marchet has a public framework?
Astrobytes: Oh wait yeah, I forgot
jacek: :?
Astrobytes: damn, I'm still too slow
AntiSquid: there is export weights command for any given library (TF, keras etc)
AntiSquid: or a way to display them
AntiSquid: you can code a forward prop in c++ @_@
jacek: forward is so easy
Marchete: I put a python code AntiSquid
Marchete: to export weights
Illedan: Yeah, but it didn't work in my setup :P
Marchete: and view them on jupyter notebook
Marchete: why?
Illedan: I didn't have a model..
jacek: oO
Illedan: Yeye, me and python are not good friends. Yet.
Astrobytes: You don't need to be good friends, just civil :P
Marchete: .....
Westicles: Marchete, I'm curious about your published CGFunge solution. Did you do that by hand?
Marchete: unfortunately yes
Marchete: Excel + playground
Marchete: did the other top3
Marchete: did the others have some kind of automation?
Westicles: I don't know if they've said.
Kanon: Marchete thats really nice
Smelty: o.O
Smelty: there's a typo in code gold don't panic: "an medium puzzle"
Marchete: are you going for the 1st place on CGFunge, Westicles?
Astrobytes: xevi still 1st?
Westicles: Hah, no. Too tough for me
Westicles: Was just curious if some algorithm came into play to generate... nothing seems to jump out
Smelty: interesting
AntiSquid: ping ? Marchete yes? how may i help ?
AntiSquid: sorry was busy, had to prepare food for my long shifts, don't want to buy stuff
Astrobytes: lol, was sauce-making night for me too
AntiSquid: i eyed some ready made meals on discount for a while, but then thought, ya i don't really know all the chemicals they put in there
Astrobytes: Plus they lack taste
inoryy: cool work, Marchete
AntiSquid: there are a few decent ones
Astrobytes: I try not to AntiSquid
Astrobytes: oh hey inoryy
inoryy: hello
AntiSquid: how's life?
jacek: ohai
inoryy: mostly work, not much life :)
Astrobytes: That's the UK way, COVID or not :P
AntiSquid: except the time people call off sick
jacek: but your profile says canada!?
ids: how to get job with this platform any idea
inoryy: I'm semi-joking, actually just had a 2 week staycation
inoryy: played a bunch if video games
Astrobytes: Nice
ids: thanks jacek changed to india
Astrobytes: Against your AIs? :P
inoryy: haha no
AntiSquid: you can even call off sick for stress related issues and it doesn't even have to be major if you can convince / know your doctor
Astrobytes: I jest :D Play anything decent?
inoryy: note that my profile bio now says "I teach computers", no games :P
Astrobytes: Hmmm I see it now
inoryy: couldn't stop playing Hades for awhile, really well done
jacek: do you teach them about bioengineering
inoryy: nope, though would be interested to give it a go one day
jacek: :tada:
Astrobytes: Other than looking more cartoony than Diablo 3 Hades seems decent
BigFatDecker: how would i implement minimax in this puzzle i understand the concept of minimax i just cant figure out how to implement it
Astrobytes: You have literally been asking this all day
AntiSquid: finished dungeon3 in a day after months of not playing any game
AntiSquid: i am not fond
BigFatDecker: well im still stuck
Astrobytes: I do not see the issue you're having BigFatDecker
inoryy: I was surprised how much it sucked me in, the concept is so simple that you just can't help but keep playing
jacek: you understand the concept of minimax, have you implemented it somewhere?
Astrobytes: I had the same thing with Diablo inoryy
AntiSquid: i think you just needed a change inoryy
Astrobytes: All 3
jacek: 3? :unamused:
Astrobytes: 4 isn't out yet
jacek: are you gonna play 2 remaster?
inoryy: I'll play it for sure
Astrobytes: aw hell yes
inoryy: I wasted months on d2 back in early 2000s
AntiSquid: gn8 see you some other time
Astrobytes: gn squiddy
inoryy: good night!
struct: never played any diablo game
Astrobytes: D1/2 were off the hook
Astrobytes: D3 I still loved as I'm a Diablo fanboy (a bit), but D2 was the one.
Astrobytes: Nothing will ever be quite as dark as D1 though
inoryy: yeah d3 is also nice, I do early season GR pushes every couple of seasons
Smelty: o . o
Astrobytes: I literally haven't played in over a year :(
therealbeef: code v zombies always reminds me of the cow level in D2
ids: check out my mask detecting system integrated to web. And ping if want code of it !!
Astrobytes: thereisnocowlevel
jacek: camera access?
Astrobytes: That was SC1 or SC2 cheat code?
inoryy: poweroverwhelming
ids: camera is for detecting mask its run local dont worry
Astrobytes: lol
Astrobytes: radiofreezerg
inoryy: blacksheepwall? don't remember what it did
Astrobytes: map reveal? Not sure
Astrobytes: been a loooong time
jacek: maphack?
Astrobytes: Nothing will ever beat "How'd you like my groove Daggoth? Well. Done!"
inoryy: ah right
Astrobytes: showmethemoney was gas and minerals iirc
inoryy: ah, operationcwal was another
Astrobytes: There were quite a few handy cheatcodes. They were useful for demonstrating things at LAN parties and gaming cafes
inoryy: wow I have so much useless info in my head from 20 years ago
Astrobytes: Me too mate, me too.
inoryy: yeah, that's exactly where I used them, at cafes :)
Astrobytes: Not sure if anyone on CG remembers The Playing Fields in London, was a big LAN cafe/bar for gamers
Astrobytes: Used to go there once in a while
Astrobytes: Was near Goodge Street iirc
mybk: Hello universe :D
**Smelty says:"Hello World"
jcrepes: *jcrepes sniffs the air
struct: just noticed I had a bug on slcc bounce code
Smelty: oh my
struct: move(first->time - timer); is wrong
struct: should just be first->time
struct: oh wait
Zeskos: This isnt a very good site to just learn how to code eh
struct: Its not very begginer friendly no
struct: You need a little bit of experience
Zeskos: Like first time dipping into it
Zeskos: Any recommendations on a place to go for a super noob?
struct: Which language are you learning?
Zeskos: Open to any really. Was watching a guy use perl last night and I felt like I was watching him type in hieroglyphics rofl. Python3 is most common now a days eh?
solution.cpp: perl is hieroglyphics even to people who program in perl
struct: perl is not a great choice to start yeah
struct: python is a good choice
solution.cpp: python is one of the best choices for starting
Smelty: hi
struct: Also start with simple stuff
Zeskos: Struct, is there another site like this where I can start learning the basics of Python, but task based in a sense?
struct: Do you have previous programming knowledge?
struct: Just remember that it might be a little complicated at the start
struct: Lots of new stuff
Zeskos: For sure for sure! Thank you Struct
struct: Also there are plenty of websites, but I dont really know which ones are good
struct: I havent used them in a while
Smelty: o.O
struct: You can simply search "Learn python 3" or something similar on google
Smelty: yea
BoomFlight: ok Thank you very much.
solution.cpp: there are also a ton of books on it if you are a book kind of person
Smelty: yep
Smelty: also, youtube
Astrobytes: Totally depends on how you learn best. I prefer books and exercises/challenges/etc, I like some youtube stuff for ideas or concepts.
Astrobytes: Just find a way of beginning to learn that you feel good with and run with it.
Smelty: ^ ^
struct: astro still here?
Smelty: :eyes:
struct: Ill tell him tomorrow I guess
struct: I just finished rewriting csb I think
struct: The scalar version
struct: Tomorrow is time to do it avx
Smelty: :0
Astrobytes: Kinda here, just restarted and going to bed struct
struct: Ill tell you tomorrow
struct: I still need to run a few more tests
struct: to be sure
Smelty: woaw
Astrobytes: cool
Astrobytes: ok, gn all
struct: gn
Smelty: gn
Smelty: have you submitted it? :0
struct: Smelty I just made the sim
struct: I wont submit this
Smelty: oop sorry
struct: Only when I finish avx
Smelty: m'bad :flushed:
struct: No need to apologize :p
Smelty: :p
struct: Its easier to have a working version before trying to move it to avx
Smelty: true
**Smelty slaps himself around a bit with a large fishbot
struct: o.o
Smelty: o.o
MOScody: I'm trying to include the "BOOST" function in Coders Strike Back In C#.
**Nzk herself
Smelty: MoScody yes?
struct: Console.WriteLine("8000 4500 BOOST");
Smelty: ^^
struct: shame that you can only boost 1 time :(
Smelty: or you can just do: if distance>5000 then boost
Smelty: yea, you can boost more in ccsl
Smelty: *slcc
struct: I want even more boosts
Smelty: ^^
MOScody: How do I add the BOOST keyword to make my racer use the boost?
struct: I just pasted it
Smelty: "BOOST"
Smelty: instead of the thrust
Gabriel_Msdfpsajd: i am a better coder than all of you
BoomFlight: Wow really?
struct: Well, I'm not good so I would not say its an achievement
jtsimmons: Proud of you @Gabriel_Msdfpsajd
BoomFlight: I totally agree with struct.
MOScody: I have some good news and bad news. The BOOST works, but now my racer is freaking out and drunk driving.
struct: Maybe you are outputing 2 times in the same turn?
MOScody: how so?
struct: for example
struct: if(true) cout << "x y boost" << endl;
cout << "x y 100" << endl;
struct: Both instruction would be sent to the referee
struct: THis is an usual mistakes that new players make
MOScody: yea I didn't write my code like that.
struct: Can you show me your code?
struct: I might be able to help you
struct: Console.WriteLine(nextCheckpointX + " " + nextCheckpointY + " " + thrust ); Console.WriteLine("8000 4500 BOOST");
struct: you have 2 prints
struct: Ill edit the code and send it to you
struct: I cant test the code though, the league im currently in has different inputs
MOScody: it works!
MOScody: thanks!
struct: np
Zenoscave: hey struct
Smelty: o . o
EliTheCoder: i haven't gotten a reverse mode in so long
BoomFlight: Reverse: the statement is hidden; only test cases (input + expected output) are given. You should guess what to do. The fastest to pass the tests* wins. => Cool Logic