Nanosplitter: Oh my
solution.cpp: 11694 characters :laughing:
DaNinja: shortest mode? lol
XeroOl: optimal
thechampion: when does it promote you?
thechampion: im way above boss3
Smelty: there should be a countdown
brandex123: Why there's not a "longest mode"? :v
Rynappel: help its nto working
derjack: good morning
BlaiseEbuth: Pony pony run run :horse:
BlaiseEbuth: English here
PeyoakaJesus: OH NICOLAS
Switch64: I'm fluent in english in deed
Switch64: what is something that has 2 leg and that bleed : a demi-dog
ubaire: Did you heard about the claustrophibic astronaut ? He's just needed some space
Switch64: How do you put out a baby from a mixer ? With a straw *
PeyoakaJesus: my little died in a mixer it's not funny
PeyoakaJesus: brother
MadKnight: what is going on here
Switch64: How do you call a dwarf that works at the THE POST : A dwarfposter
MadKnight: calm down Switch64
Switch64: Sorry sorry we are between friends having fun in class
Switch64: it's pretty hard to be honest
MadKnight: u can just go to a private class
MadKnight: chat
MadKnight: class chat
ubaire: What does the left eye says to the right eye ? Something spells here
MadKnight: #switchchat
Jean-Paul: MadKnight is the Impostor
MadKnight: everyone click #switchchat
PeyoakaJesus: GOD BLEES YOU
Switch64: better than BlaiseEbuth
PeyoakaJesus: BEST MODO EVER
Switch64: i love you mad knight ty
ubaire: Everybody move to #switchchat to have fun w/ is
ubaire: you are a better modo than blaiseebuth
JSboss: ya he is a bit of a tyrant
BlaiseEbuth: Something to say ?
MadKnight: BlaiseTyranth
CodingCommander03: in csb will the score reset every time in test in arena ?
MadKnight: right
MadKnight: when u submit it starts all over again
CodingCommander03: okay thanks
derjack: who cares about csb
MadKnight: yea exactly
MadKnight: Automaton2000 let's play some graph games
Automaton2000: dont want to know that
Jean-Paul: MadKnight>BlaiseEbuth
MadKnight: dude u won't hurt his feelings with that
derjack: graph games? like hypersonic?
MadKnight: no that's a grid
BlaiseEbuth: A grid is peculiar graph
BlaiseEbuth: +a
MadKnight: it's about optimizing grids to the point where it's just a int128
MadKnight: and all that grid-related stuff
MadKnight: BlaiseEbuth are u not upset about our old fight anymore?
BlaiseEbuth: I will not ignore you on public chat...
MadKnight: well good enough
ubaire: Why did Mr. Hass refuse to move to France? The French are famous for not pronouncing the letter ‘H’.
MadKnight: no passive aggression Automaton2000
Automaton2000: is it possible to get that with a simple ga
MadKnight: ubaire #switchchat
VizGhar: Which puzzle/bot contest you recommend for GA?
MadKnight: single player actually
BlaiseEbuth: code vs zombie
MadKnight: and where the late moves don't depend on the early moves
MadKnight: because y'know
MadKnight: in most games if u change early moves
MadKnight: all the future moves just break
MadKnight: well CvZ not perfect but pretty good
derjack: :soccer:
Uljahn: Marslander ep.2/3 could be a good choice with simulation being easy enough, also there are some blog posts about implementing GA in marslander
MadKnight: now that's an actually good suggestion
MadKnight: Jean-Paul i hope u are not trying to get banned in here too? after #fr
MadKnight: okay cool
MadKnight: wow
MadKnight: RuthlessEbuth
MadKnight: RuthlessTyranth
BlaiseEbuth: He insult me on the chan you created for them. So he can stay there
derjack: MadBlaise
derjack: the ultimate insult
AntiSquid: oh daporan actually made it to first, it didn't look good last i checked and thought pb had a strong NN, neuman 2nd :o
BlaiseEbuth: Problem ubaire ?
MadKnight: dude #switchchat
BlaiseEbuth: Cool
Lucie-Fer: You're Belzebuth I'm Lucifer, we're bros
MadKnight: i think he's gonna ban u now
BlaiseEbuth: In fact my alt account was named Lucie Faire
Lucie-Fer: Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
VizGhar: I already have simulator for mars-lander implemented 100% correctly... I'll try to use it there
Lucie-Fer: Can smbdy help me on Power of Thor pls
MadKnight: oh that's good VizGhar
Lucie-Fer: I'm kinda stuck here
MadKnight: can u explain the problem
MadKnight: ?
VizGhar: try hint on the left Lucie-Fer or ask what exactly you need
Lucie-Fer: Thank you all for your kindness
MadKnight: no problem
MadKnight: Automaton2000 where's my CodinPoints for helping
Automaton2000: i don't know how to install it
Westicles: Happy Ambedkar Jayanti Day
MadKnight: what is even that day?
AntiSquid: ya, not even google celebrates it
jrke: indian celebrates it i mean just by wishing
jrke: he was the father of our constitution
AntiSquid: are you Indian or partially Indian Westicles ?
AntiSquid: or is your wife indian?
Westicles: No, robinhood was telling me about it
Westicles: I guess they all have the day off
Westicles: Everything I know about India is from the movie Sholay
jrke: :smiley:
VizGhar: is robinhood some kind of meme? I don't recall seeing anybody with this name here
VizGhar: but he is mentioned quite often
jrke: robinhood is codingamer remains active in indian chat as far as i know
AntiSquid: VizGhar, he made multiple accounts with similar name, got banned multiple times, keeps create new accounts
VizGhar: :D how can you get banned here ffs? And why would you come back... people are strange
Westicles: I got banned once, almost twice to be honest
jrke: i haven't banned yet
jrke: lucky :)
BlaiseEbuth: Strange Westicles... :thinking:
AntiSquid: multiple reasons, constant spam, swear words out of the blue VizGhar, repetitive messages that are completely pointless for example ... but he was also trolling a bit more than that
AntiSquid: i don't know what others ban for, might include being politically incorrect i guess, nothing i deal with though
VizGhar: :thumbsup:
jrke: i still remember i was one of the spammer during spring challenge 2020 cause i was new to coding and codingame
AntiSquid: depends what you see as spam
derjack: i never got banned o.O
AntiSquid: never too late
BlaiseEbuth: I can fix that for you.
Mil27Coder: can someone help learn js
AntiSquid: put more effort in it derjack, especially if it's an alt account which is not allowed to begin with
ErrorRazor: Mil27Coder here you go:
AntiSquid: jrke i see regulars spam too, it's more about not being obnoxious when you do it, but there are also double standards i've seen, school kids who join as a group occasionally got kicked / banned for the same thing regulars did without side-effects ...
VizGhar: I have one alt account, just for showing my students first 2-3 puzzles :P
AntiSquid: there's the argument school kids are less predictable
jrke: ohkay
AntiSquid: what were your spam messages anyway jrke ?
AntiSquid: asking questions / help isn't spam @_@
jrke: like keep asking every moment for advices
jrke: i was asking for help but very frequent messages
AntiSquid: isn't that normal if you're new?
jrke: hmmm....
AntiSquid: if it's "can i ask a question" then ... oof
AntiSquid: actually people do that a lot in real life! :D
AntiSquid: even when it's clear i am there to help them
PhamTuanMinh1: Hi
Bari: Hello
AntiSquid: hi
Matrix007: hello guys...
Matrix007: i have a doubt
Matrix007: in Horse -racing duals
Matrix007: two test cases seems to satisfy it but the third test case shows somehting totally different
Matrix007: idk where i am making the mistake:upside_down:
ErrorRazor: for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
^shouldn't the program cash when you try to access inp[N]?
ErrorRazor: unless inp[N] points to diff[0] since they're declared together, idk how that works
Matrix007: oh must crash right??....but how does it work??
Matrix007: i dont know my code:no_mouth:
ErrorRazor: Try printing inp[N] and see what's in there
Uljahn: ye, it works with i < N -1 and diff[N-1]
ErrorRazor: The sorting can be simplified btw, just do sort(inp, inp + N)
Matrix007: it prints the garbage value .....thats what messed me up in the last case
Matrix007: i just saw the hint it says to simplify the number of comparisons...
Matrix007: as it clearly defines that my logic will not work in the long run
Uljahn: the second sorting could be replaced with finding minimum i guess
ErrorRazor: I got 100% with python, so you should be good
Matrix007: i will try:thumbsup:
ErrorRazor: I never realized there was a hints button lmao
Uljahn: that button is quite rare, only 4 or 5 puzzles have it
AntiSquid: how many alts are you going to make robin_hood ? kinda boring really
derjack: why would anyone create an alt here
BlaiseEbuth: For glory !
AntiSquid: to replay lower leagues
IshaanJ: hi
Rudrigo: hello friends
Butanium: hi
ThatGuyRadnii: People smurf CodinGame?
struct: nah
ZarthaxX: struct does
struct: yes
BlaiseEbuth: HCF
struct: Finally found how to cast binary values of __m256 to __m256i
ZarthaxX: how so :P
ZarthaxX: doesnt seem hard
struct: Is there an instruction for it?
ZarthaxX: i mean they are the same registers
ZarthaxX: low level wise
pb4: struct : what does that mean ?
pb4: Are you speaking about the equivalent of a reinterpret_cast<>() ?
struct: 10.0f = 01000001001000000000000000000000
struct: binary
struct: which equals 1092616192
pb4: so that's a reinterpret cast
pb4: What's your solution ?
struct: _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(*(__m256i*)(&x))
struct: x being a __m256
pb4: wow
pb4: I think I struggled on this question some time ago
pb4: But I don't remember having that many steps in the solution
pb4: But it seems I don't use it anymore in my latest engine, I don't know where I'd find what I used
struct: So there should be a shorter way?
pb4: I might be mistaken, maybe I was using m128 at the time
struct: It converts back to __m256 though
struct: the binary equivalent is the just the *(__m256i*)(&x)
struct: But there might be a better way, im not really good with avx
pb4: I'm looking through my old engines
pb4: They were _m128
pb4: I have this somewhere
pb4: #define v4i_to_v4f(a) (_mm_castsi128_ps(a))
- define v4f_to_v4i(a) (_mm_castps_si128(a))
- define int4_to_v4i(a) (*(v4i *)&(a))
pb4: I beilieve all those are reinterpret_cast<>()
struct: you are right
struct: _mm256_castps_si256
struct: does the same :/
struct: Dont know how I missed it
struct: Thanks
pb4: I'm finding this : __m256 _mm256_castsi256_ps (__m256i a)
pb4: Yeah, other way around
struct: Thanks for the help
pb4: It's easy to miss, the search engine on the intel intrinsics guide isn't the best...
pb4: Do you use other resources when looking for intrinsics ?
struct: Only this
struct: and intel intrinsics site
ZarthaxX: wow
ZarthaxX: did you see the _mm256_castps_si256 description struct?
ZarthaxX: it's just a compiled thing as at low level its all the same hehe
pb4: Thanks !
pb4: Yeah that's the reinterpret_cast ZarthaxX :)
pb4: very different from static_cast
ZarthaxX: but that one is not for intrinsics only right?
ZarthaxX: any type of data
pb4: reinterpret_cast and static_cast are for scalar values
ZarthaxX: ah okey
ZarthaxX: never used any, thanks for that, will look it up :o
pb4: static_cast is the basic cast
struct: Now I will try again what I talked with you the last time ZarthaxX, I never managed to do it.
struct: Get index of highest value of __m256
ZarthaxX: i have code for that
ZarthaxX: :P
ZarthaxX: but not for yout type of data
ZarthaxX: talk with me on pm if you want
pb4: So it's the argmax you need ?
ZarthaxX: yes he needs that
struct: yes
pb4: Curious about your solution :)
ZarthaxX: get index of max value in a simd reg
ZarthaxX: i have the power of 2 solution here
pb4: uh ?
struct: I think he means he has 2 solutions for it
ZarthaxX: mmm
ZarthaxX: that one is for 256
ZarthaxX: short values
ZarthaxX: did you mean that struct?
ZarthaxX: SIMDreg is just a struct
ZarthaxX: i can explain it, but basically it's just taking the max between pairs, then between pairs of pairs bla bla
ZarthaxX: that's why i said the power of 2 solution
ZarthaxX: union SIMDreg{
__m128i x; __m256i y; };
ZarthaxX: struct want some explanation?
ThatGuyRadnii: Is the CodinGame Get A Job feature actually useful?
struct: ZarthaxX I think you explained it to me before
struct: on discord
Smelty: hi
ZarthaxX: and you didnt get it
ZarthaxX: :(
pb4: Didn't know that solution ZarthaxX
ZarthaxX: i need to voice chat with you lol
pb4: I have a different one
ZarthaxX: yours is simpler i guess
pb4: Nah
ZarthaxX: you are a master
ZarthaxX: oh
ZarthaxX: but did you understand mine? its hard as there isnt a context
ZarthaxX: missing some variables declarations
pb4: Same idea to permute the solutions to have only the maximum value at the end
ZarthaxX: the idea is simple
ZarthaxX: ah okey
struct: for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
struct: easy
ZarthaxX: :rofl:
pb4: but I take a mask each time
ZarthaxX: ah okey
pb4: I apply the mask twice
pb4: once to the values
pb4: once to a vector of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4....
ZarthaxX: isnt it more expensive? :thinking:
ZarthaxX: my solution was explained here
pb4: and in the end, my vector of 0, 1, 2, 3, ... contains 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... if 3 was the argmax
ZarthaxX: an example of what is happenning
ZarthaxX: ah pb4 ok
ZarthaxX: i did that broadcast for finding the index later
ZarthaxX: do you apply a mask to the vector to put the intermediate max values pb4 ?
ZarthaxX: :thinking:
Marchete: why AVX?
ZarthaxX: why not
ZarthaxX: i dont really get that question
Smelty: hi
ZarthaxX: hello
Marchete: what kind of code to use AVX?
ZarthaxX: ask struct
Marchete: I did, see "why AVX?"
groksula: i read that declarative programming is good
groksula: map instead of loops
groksula: but its way slower to run, by factor of x100s sometimes
ZarthaxX: Marchete but tag him lol
struct: if i have a __m256 should I use avx to find max value?
struct: or max value index
struct: shouldnt*
ZarthaxX: yep
ZarthaxX: it's ok
Marchete: max value inside it?
ZarthaxX: i think he is asking why do you have that m256
ZarthaxX: :P
ZarthaxX: Marchete yup
struct: yes
Marchete: what are you doing with AVX? just curious
struct: Im going back to csb
struct: to finish it
Marchete: aaargh
**Marchete runs away
struct: :(
Marchete: jk good luck
dominik-pm: man forgot the return haha
ZarthaxX: puto Marchete
Marchete: I think NN and these approaches beat the raw power of sim with AVX
struct: Yeah
struct: AVX stands no chance vs NNs
struct: at least the tops ones
struct: I mostly do this for fun
ZarthaxX: leave the optim guy alone
ZarthaxX: :C
Marchete: ok, if it's for fun and learning it's good
ZarthaxX: and bullying you sir
ZarthaxX: struct you doing it ? :thinking:
struct: Im going to try it yes
ZarthaxX: aight
ZarthaxX: tell me if you need smth
struct: thanks
Marchete: struct
Marchete: do you want code?
Marchete: I maybe have some oold ancient code
Marchete: it had GA, go figure...
struct: Well, it would save my brain
ZarthaxX: i threw him code too :(
Marchete: not a working bot
Marchete: just the sim
ZarthaxX: ah for csb
ZarthaxX: meh
struct: ah no
struct: I guess I could check
struct: I like to read others code
struct: I always learn something
Marchete: "I like to read others code" I doubt in that case
Marchete: hmm
Marchete: enjoy the pain
Marchete: play against yourself
Marchete: last line will give you the sim accuracy
Marchete: Fails/Over/Turn:0/0/413
struct: I read your pcr code
struct: wasnt that bad :p
Marchete: means no failed turns
Marchete: ahh, it's true
struct: Thanks I will check it out
Marchete: #define SIMLOG is the switch to enable the simulation test
Marchete: anyways nothing else was completed
Marchete: but sim seemed OK
struct: Same situation for me on my csb code
struct: I finished sim but never finished ai
Marchete: for ideas about AVX, better go to
Marchete: That's Agner's Fog vector class
Marchete: a very good one
Marchete: with many tricks
Marchete: STI v8 max(P8fab){return _mm256_max_ps(a,b);}
Marchete: you don't need tricks for max float
pb4: Marchete is that that parallel engine ?
pb4: 8 games in parallel ?
struct: yes pb4
Marchete: yes
Marchete: in PCR doesn't work
Marchete: it just explodes
Marchete: so many collisions that delta time drift
Marchete: unreliable
Marchete: in CSB it seems better
struct: That max is not what I really want
Marchete: ahh
struct: I want max index from a single __m256
struct: of the highest value there
struct: In csb it also did fine for me
struct: you seem to have higher average of sims though
pb4: What are you working on struct
pb4: ?
struct: csb
Smelty: ohh
Marchete: csb sim with AVX + what kind of search?
struct: I was going to try smitsi anyways, but I think the gains will be negligible
struct: I dont think there is a way to properly use it with mcts
struct: It will be all over the place
EliTheCoder: that's a lot of acronyms
pb4: struct you're making a "8 games in parallel" engine too ?
struct: yes
pb4: or an "8 times faster" engine ?
struct: 8 times parallel
struct: I already have one
struct: But never finished AI for it
pb4: 8 times parallel feels hard to use
struct: Is the "8 times faster" good?
struct: and how does it work?
pb4: "8 times faster" is obviously not really 8 times faster, but close enough
struct: So it might be even better than 8 times parallel
pb4: As for "good", it's convenient because you can use it just like a non-SIMD parallel
pb4: *engine
struct: So it makes a single game N times faster?
pb4: Yes
struct: ok, that is way more benefitial than 8 times parallel
pb4: :)
struct: Now I need to find how to do it :D
pb4: haha
pb4: Look at a normal CSB engine
pb4: Where is the bottleneck ?
struct: collisions?
pb4: more specifically ?
pb4: Finding the next collision ? Applying the collision that was found ?
struct: I think it was applying
struct: maybe not due to all the math inside next collision
struct: Well I would say its next collision
struct: You calculate it way more often
pb4: so
pb4: is slower than the double loop
pb4: ?
pb4: :)
ErrorRazor: Have you guys tried printing the inputs for all pods into error stream, then scraping replay data and teaching a neural network based on those inputs and outputs instead of using GA?
struct: So you calculate all the collisions at once?
pb4: two steps for all collisions
struct: I see
pb4: I could probably do one-step for all pod-pod collisions and a simpler step for pod-cp collisions
pb4: but I do two steps for all pod-pod AND pod-cp collisions
struct: its 10 collisions total right?
jrke: yes
pb4: Yes
jrke: 6 + 4
jrke: 6 pod and pod, 4 pod and Cp
jrke: i just discovered one of my major bug in SLCC code
jrke: the bug is in Pod and Cp collison i was taking Cp as pod with radius 600 and vx = vy =0 but forgot about its mass
Alexhasapython: :disappointed:
struct: Thanks for the tips pb4
jrke: btw way struct with evaluation update and 2-3 more changes in inorry CSB starter you gan get top legend
pb4: haha
pb4: So your pods bounced on the CP ? :)
jrke: yes in slcc i just discovered in my mind that i forgot about CP mass and bouncing
pb4: Did you use inoryy's starter ?
jrke: not now
DetoBot: Would love to see a 8 Games in Parallel Engine. #struct
BlaiseEbuth: Erf. The code in the contest report is last submitted one, not the IDE's one... Just noticed. :(
sbdm666: hello
sbdm666: hows it going bois n girls
sbdm666: :joy:
BlaiseEbuth: :thinking:
Smelty: hm
nmortfeus: sheeeesh
jacek: mhm
KelvinAndHubbles: Why does the leagues have the "Promoting in X seconds" thingy where you have to wait?
KelvinAndHubbles: Is it so you dont get promoted off of like temporary success?
AntiSquid: you mean trying to demoralize you ?
AntiSquid: nah it's just a weird feature that's all
jacek: probably something with preventing server overload?
Westicles: There is an EU law that was put in place after all those WoW players died from bladder explosions
ErrorRazor: Lmao I can't tell if that's a joke
Maxboyer: Is there any way to create a channel to discuss with some people ? (I see only World, but my collegue say he can see other channels)
ErrorRazor: If you type a hashtag like #this you can then click it to join it, but idk if there's a way to create one privately
jacek: click on some #dupa and join there
Maxboyer: found it! the Help button seem usefull afterall :D
Maxboyer: (/join [channel name])
Mr.Pepper: (/leave)
Mr.Pepper: :p
ShannonNorris97: Has anyone done Nuggets numbers who can explain the problem differently to me please? I keep looking at the goal and the test cases, but I just don't understand what the puzzle is asking
jacek: that puzzle is so last week
BlaiseEbuth: Just eat all the nuggets. No more chicken, no more problem.
ShannonNorris97: Yeah I first looked at it last week when it was puzzle of the week, but wasn't sure about it, so I've just come back to it
jacek: you dont know what to do, or you dont know how to do it
AntiSquid: is your avatar suffering from vaccine side effects?
ShannonNorris97: I don't know what the puzzle is asking. So it says it wants the maximal nuggets its impossible to get. So even on the first test case where the portion sizes are 2 and 5, the answer is 3. Why not 1? You can't get 1 nugget
jacek: it asks about maximum
jacek: you cant get 1 and 3. 3 is maximum
ShannonNorris97: That's a good point haha, so why not 6 for instance?
jacek: because 6 is 2+2+2
ShannonNorris97: Damn, just got it
ramoRJ96: anyone knows the problem about this code ?
BlaiseEbuth: Is'nt that the exact same code than this morning ?
snoyes: what happens when you run it?
ramoRJ96: BlaiseEbuth yeah it's the same but I don't yet solve the problem
ramoRJ96: snoyes the 4th test failed
ShannonNorris97: Thanks for your help Jacek, I was totally misinterpreting the question and getting mixed up with the maximum aspect of it. I think I get it now
BlaiseEbuth: I still think that eating the nuggets will be simpler...
ShannonNorris97: Yeah that's true, maybe I should just do that instead...
AntiSquid: are they MRM nuggets or fresh chicken breast nuggets?
jacek: breast :yum:
BlaiseEbuth: Perhaps it's precised in the puzzle constraints...
ShannonNorris97: Sadly not, they let us down on this one
BlaiseEbuth: I hate under-specified contributions...
snoyes: ramoRJ96 The fourth test of what? Failed in what way? What was the input? What was expected?
jacek: i think its chuck norris
AntiSquid: bruce lee
ramoRJ96: yeah it's Chuck Norris
snoyes: ramoRJ96: and what does your code produce for that test?
ramoRJ96: the expected result is different from the result found
snoyes: I kind of assumed that.
AntiSquid: and it gives an error, correct? ramoRJ96
ramoRJ96: yeah but I don't know why ?
AntiSquid: might be because the code is wrong ramoRJ96
Mr.Pepper: is there something wrong with avatar :rolling_eyes:
AntiSquid: that stickman has 2 necks
Mr.Pepper: haha
Mr.Pepper: i meant avatar of others are not showing
jacek: huh
Mr.Pepper: oh good now :)
jacek: welp, my avatar is rotated a bit
Mr.Pepper: :D
ramoRJ96: yeah okey, It's possible I'm not really good with java
AntiSquid: ramoRJ96 you could try D
jacek: you like the D dont you
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 give him what he thinks about
Automaton2000: hi all, is there a way to find out
jacek: AutomatonNN are you alright
AntiSquid: someone banned it?
AntiSquid: euler ? :thinking:
AntiSquid: bot lives matter
jacek: btw. what up with wednesdays and frogs
Mr.Pepper: wow what a relief after solving a puzzle
jacek: space maze?
Mr.Pepper: no , Scrabble :D
Mr.Pepper: i tried space maze , have to do one day
The_10x_Engineer: What problem can't be solved with something that Euler did :thinking:
AntiSquid: second answer jacek
jacek: onitama
AntiSquid: some vine thingy
Marchete: I'm trying to implement jacekmax
Marchete: "Final selection: select move according to formula: move's eval value + log(move's visits)"
Marchete: "The final selection will mostly select move with highest visits, unless the eval score of less visited move is much higher."
Marchete: The latter?
jacek: hm?
Marchete: your playground
Marchete: has these 2 sentences
jacek: the second sentence is just observation
Marchete: and the first?
Marchete: log(visits)?
Marchete: what's that?
jacek: each move has eval and visits, so the formula is eval + log(visits)
jacek: move's visits
Marchete: why log?
Marchete: it comes from some theorem or smth?
jacek: arse-pulled actually. in mcts you choose most visited move
AntiSquid: tilt theorem
jacek: in jacekmax, it will most of the time still mostly visited move
Marchete: arse-pulled :D
Marchete: ok then
jacek: but if 2 moves have visit withing the same order of magnitude, then they are roughly equal and then eval of them is more important
jacek: like 0.5 + log(20000) vs 0.6 + log(18000)
Marchete: I just did the second part
Marchete: first most visits
AntiSquid: usually called magic number, not arse pulled
Marchete: except eval of another one was 1.05 the most visits
jacek: also it was a quick & dirty countermeasure against avoiding proven loss moves
Marchete: but arse pulled can be ok too
jacek: so i dont need to do ifs to exclude them
Marchete: it's a good idea
jacek: +3 so to avoid any NaNs and infs
Marchete: I'll ask you later about how to train that thing
Marchete: I'm not very fond of NN's
AntiSquid: why Marchete ? it's like brutaltester with extra steps
AntiSquid: NNs i mean
jacek: the other way to see this final selection is too see as using lower confidence
jacek: 1 move eval 0.4 and 10000 visits, 2 move eval 0.7 and 500 visits
jacek: i would choose deeper search over shallow even if the latter shows good eval so far
Marchete: it's note clear to me what to export
Marchete: or what to train
Marchete: value I imagine
Marchete: but I'm not still there
jacek: have you seen my tic tac toe n-tuples? it trains on all possible positions and their true values -1, 0, +1
AntiSquid: it's fine tuning some weights, the weights you export ax + bx2 + cx3 + ... all x
Marchete: no
Marchete: if you use
Marchete: you seem to write a lot on chat :D
Marchete: hard to search on spdn
Marchete: also chat.pastebin isn't stored
jacek: spdn?
BlaiseEbuth: Jacek you're heeling to starboard...
Marchete: my NN are more "Tensorflowish"
Marchete: but I just did basic stuff
Marchete: like MNIST examples and things like that
Marchete: I need to replicate your tictactoe to see if it fits my code
Marchete: to reuse it in jacekmax
AntiSquid: tensorflow-ish = do it the normal way and import a model instead of writing from scratch ?
Marchete: yes
Marchete: and creating a NN model like in TF
Marchete: that's similar to "real" ML frameworks
Marchete: also AVX2 because why not
jacek: well this tic-tac-toe example is nothing more than perceptron
Marchete: but I'm dumb enough
Marchete: I don't have the knowledge to easily know how to train bots
Marchete: I mean you export N self plays
Marchete: best vs candidate
jacek: i see every evals as some kind of NN. chess material is just perceptron - a sum of chess piece values
Marchete: but what "export"?
jacek: N self plays? you mean positions?
Marchete: I imagine you did N self games, with O moves each one
Marchete: no?
jacek: you mean tic tac toe?
Marchete: I mean oware for example
Marchete: I imagine jacekmax did N depth moves per turn, and pick a best move
Marchete: but then, what?
Marchete: move + eval?
Marchete: move + win/loss?
Marchete: no idea
jacek: i train values only. so after like 1000 games you have 50000 (or more or less) positions. each position has label - the value of search tree
Marchete: as you see I'm pretty dumb
Marchete: that's like really basic NN
jacek: position - eval
jacek: when proven win = 1 and loss = -1
AntiSquid: if you didn't get it, then you're overthinking it (the weights i mean) like anyone else overthinks lots of stuff
jacek: (thats is if output of NN is tanh)
BlaiseEbuth: :persevere:
**BlaiseEbuth rotate jacek to the left.
jacek: constipations?
Marchete: position is the gamestate or a single move?
jacek: gamestate
Marchete: so tanh to limit to -1 +1
jacek: also, if not mentioned, values are always from perspective of 1st player
jacek: 2nd player would just take the negative from nn prediction
Marchete: gamestate + eval (or win/loss)
jacek: eeyup
jacek: BlaiseEbuth why rotate?
AntiSquid: blaise, that's his true face
BlaiseEbuth: You're askew... :(
AntiSquid: face angle i mean
jacek: lol, i googled askew
jacek: also, this is my subtle brain trolling. brain doesnt like subtle changes. at first i mirrored the face but no one noticed. so i had to take more extreme measures
BlaiseEbuth: I noticed the mirroring...
BlaiseEbuth: But was not disturbing
jacek: :(
AntiSquid: use pink and yellow as colors
AntiSquid: or purple and yellow ?
Marchete: why would you like to disturb people?
Marchete: that's disturbing
Illedan: What are you trying to NN Marchete?
Marchete: jacekmax
Marchete: oware
Marchete: I tried connect 4 with terrible results
jacek: i wonder what you put as input for oware
Marchete: hmm
AntiSquid: what did you use for connect 4 ?
Marchete: inputs?
Marchete: 6+6+2scores
AntiSquid: how many nodes per layer @_@
Marchete: each one for 0.04
Marchete: dunno!
Illedan: Why scores?
Marchete: why not?
BlaiseEbuth: why why ?
AntiSquid: what is 6 in connect4 ?
Marchete: not not?
Marchete: not, that's in oware
Illedan: Just more data to train when you really just want to maximize your current position
jacek: fair enough
Marchete: I'm a guetto NNer, mmkay?
jacek: guetto?
Marchete: stop questioning my networks
Marchete: undocumented/rogue/fake
Marchete: ghetto
jacek: oh
Illedan: Do you use TF?
Marchete: yes, I use TF
BlaiseEbuth: Who is he, what are his networks ?
Marchete: I mean, I can train with TF but I have no damn idea about how to do it properly
AntiSquid: just do it, don't let your dreams be dreams
Illedan: xD
jacek: "i can write but i cant read yet"
BlaiseEbuth: :3
Loth_Cat: hello people
Illedan: Marchete, go discord.
Marchete: no, people are weird there...
Marchete: jk
Illedan: :P
Illedan: :door:
jacek: discord? why not celestia
Loth_Cat: hello?
BlaiseEbuth: :wave:
Loth_Cat: how are you
BlaiseEbuth: Like a monday morning...
AntiSquid: a lot is happening on discord
Loth_Cat: I don't have discord so, what's happening
AntiSquid: wasn't talking to you
Loth_Cat: oh, sorry
jacek: oO
BlaiseEbuth: Rude
AntiSquid: it's ok, it apologized, relax
BlaiseEbuth: :D
BlaiseEbuth: "it"
AntiSquid: the chat critter
Loth_Cat: again, sorry AntiSquid if I annoyed you, I'm a curios person by nature
AntiSquid: not really, you would have to drop a long hellooooooooooooooo when nobody answered the second one
AntiSquid: so no worries
Loth_Cat: so, AntiSquid, how are you today?
BlaiseEbuth: :scream:
AntiSquid: that doesn't concern you
Loth_Cat: ok :grinning:
jacek: oh my
Westicles: Is this that FBI dude again?
Loth_Cat: is everything alright?
Loth_Cat: (you don't need to say, I'm just curios)
AntiSquid: no, we are about to go protest election results at the capitol
AntiSquid: peacefully
AntiSquid: mostly
BlaiseEbuth: The London capitol
BlaiseEbuth: For the UK elections
AntiSquid: no, nobody cares about that one
AntiSquid: murica is where it's at
Westicles: Oh, did the extremely far left party win over the extremely extremely far left party?
BlaiseEbuth: the extremely extremely far left party is a right party cause you've just done a circle right
AntiSquid: Joe Message isn't far left
Westicles: :thinking:
Smelty: :mask:
jacek: :upside_down:
AntiSquid: Automaton2000 -ban_spam
Automaton2000: but when i submit my code in the contest
Loth_Cat: soo, does anyone play any cool video games? (I'm just trying to start a conversation, nothing else)
AntiSquid: this website is full of cool video games (nothing else)
AntiSquid: did you start playing a game yet Loth_Cat ?
Loth_Cat: no yet
AntiSquid: how's your bot Loth_Cat ?
Loth_Cat: huh?
AntiSquid: which game are you playing?
Loth_Cat: what do you mean?
AntiSquid: ok play this one then :
Westicles: Why do the feds always pretend to be cats? First kitkat now this guy
AntiSquid: most feds like this game: it has no christ in xmas, thus 100% politically correct
Westicles: This has been debated at length. They took out the christ but left in the cross, so it is ok
jacek: do flintstones celebrate christmas
Loth_Cat: idk
AntiSquid: yes
Astrobytes: No. They are stones.
therealbeef: flintstones is so heretic. everyone knows the earth is only 6000 years old
AntiSquid: check the flintstones / jestsons conspiracy theories, proves they have christmas
AntiSquid: because they are both set in the future
therealbeef: ah flintstones is post-apocalypse?
AntiSquid: one of the theories yes
therealbeef: make sense
AntiSquid: the other is that jetsons are the rich people living above ground away from lowly flintstone peasants
Westicles: That explains all that Great Gazoo buisness
AntiSquid: why? gazoo is an alien
Astrobytes: When actually they were just American cartoons based on idealistic American lives?
Westicles: Gazoo built a doomsday machine
AntiSquid: oh found this :
AntiSquid: ok fun stuff
Westicles: Ha, there you go
Loth_Cat: anyone herd of little nightmares 2?
Westicles: More of a Doki Doki crowd here I think
AntiSquid: i didn't like the first one and it clearly finished the story, what would the sequel even be about ?
AntiSquid: also heard, not herd
Loth_Cat: you didn't like little nightmares?
AntiSquid: chat critter herd :thinking:
Loth_Cat: uh well, little nightmares 2 is apparently a prequel and provides a lot more story for Six also, if you don't mind me asking, what didn't you like about the first game?
AntiSquid: everything or almost everything
Loth_Cat: I see
AntiSquid: the only reason i looked into it is because it was weird
Astrobytes: Never even heard of it
Loth_Cat: the world of little nightmares is very weird
AntiSquid: and wow, now the story progresses backward? she's off the island, should go build her Tropico6 resort or something
Loth_Cat: you mean the Maw?
leojean890: Astrobytes I have just seen that you approved "ice and fire" :)
Loth_Cat: I'm pretty sure that if LN2 is a prequel, then Six wouldn't have been to the maw before this game started
Astrobytes: leojean890: Yes, it was after the SDK thing and had already been tested, it just needed approvals as the system had changed a little wrt community-made stuff
AntiSquid: that's the only community approved CG contest :D
leojean890: I've asked Blaise in the same time in #FR ^^ so I thought that you 3 validated the contest, but it's approval for the realease of a multi after the contest
AntiSquid: community approved community contest ?
Loth_Cat: imma get off now, bye
BlaiseEbuth: Violence is not an answer.
BlaiseEbuth: It's THE answer.
AntiSquid: too many deja-vu vibes from that chat critter
AntiSquid: as if i knew the critter from one of its past lives
BlaiseEbuth: Hmmm...
Astrobytes: AntiSquid: good luck with the letting agency/landlord thing. Not been on much today as I feel like shit, some cold or something
Westicles: Are colds still a thing?
Astrobytes: They never went away
AntiSquid: it snowed in oxford yesterday Westicles :D
therealbeef: icelandic ash
AntiSquid: no, it's just damn cold here
therealbeef: true, it being brittain
AntiSquid: and scots have it worse i am sure
BlaiseEbuth: With the kilt...
Westicles: Wait, can you get a cold without catching it from another person?
Astrobytes: ...
AntiSquid: only if you don't wear a mask when you're alone in your car Westicles
BlaiseEbuth: ^
Westicles: heh heh
AntiSquid: on a serious note though, YES
Astrobytes: yes what?
BlaiseEbuth: Just yes.
Astrobytes: IndyRef2?
AntiSquid: yes germs
therealbeef: germans?
BlaiseEbuth: Be like squid, say yes to the germs.
Westicles: Like if you are the last man alive but you walk around with wet hair
Astrobytes: Germs, the evil parts of seeds
therealbeef: being sexy for no use?
Astrobytes: Nah all that's bollocks Westicles
BlaiseEbuth: Last man will mostly walk around naked
therealbeef: truth
BlaiseEbuth: And so probably get a cold anyway
Astrobytes: You can affect your immune system through exposure [to the elements] but unless you've already contracted said virus this will not cause a cold.
AntiSquid: will get abducted by aliens, have a wife forged from his genes and restart civilization, they can't afford to end the galactic TV show BlaiseEbuth
BlaiseEbuth: Probably...
therealbeef: that reminds me, only 2 months until 5th season of Rick and Morty
AntiSquid: :(
AntiSquid: been waiting so long
Astrobytes: therealbeef coming with the real beef
therealbeef: got triggered by mention of galatic tv show :0
Astrobytes: I haven't actually fully caught up with s4 yet :(
Astrobytes: (I was a latecomer to the show)
AntiSquid: the train episode annoyed me to no end
**BlaiseEbuth has'nt seen a single episode...
AntiSquid: BlaiseEbuth
BlaiseEbuth: I'll watch the show... One day.
Astrobytes: heh
therealbeef: there are already several universes where you have watched the show, BlaiseEbuth
BlaiseEbuth: I'm out. Galactic Nuts to everybody.
Astrobytes: gn BlaiseEbuth
Westicles: It is just okay. I've been binging Fat Albert, now that is a great show
Astrobytes: lol "Needful Things"
**AntiSquid gasps
AntiSquid: just ok ...
Westicles: It is a little too Family Guy for me, and I can't stand that one
AntiSquid: alright, i am going to step away from the screen for a while ... will take trash out
AntiSquid: family guy ... :(
Westicles: Well, okay maybe it is more like Archer. You like it at first but then it gets really old fast
therealbeef: like bojack horseman?
Smelty: o.O
Wontonimo: Astrobytes what's s4?
therealbeef: season 4 (of Rick and Morty)
Wontonimo: anyone else having issues with search race? Is it just me or are the validation case kinda tricky?
Wontonimo: normally I don't have issue with validation tests, like super rare
Wontonimo: i get it, they are validation, but man I'm getting stuck
Wontonimo: "Contrary to CSB, the positions are truncated and not rounded to the nearest integer even if the statement says so."
Wontonimo: man, why do i put off RTFM
struct: Did you fix it Wontonimo?
struct: I had a bug where the pod would stay 1 distance away from it
Wontonimo: Really? I have that same bug
struct: whats your eval function?
Wontonimo: it does this little dance trying grind it's butt up against the checkpoint or something
struct: Try doing depth search 1 to see if you still have that bug
Wontonimo: eval is total distance covered
Wontonimo: oh
Wontonimo: no, it's good
struct: Also if you eval every depth it should fix it
struct: I also had that bug on slcc
struct: But i have number of passed checkpoints - distance to next on eval
struct: I just increase the value of number of passed checkpoints
struct: So it values it more
struct: After that I could just eval at end
Wontonimo: i think i want to rewrite it. it is different enough from CSB or SLCC because there are zero opponents or obsticals
Wontonimo: i'm currently at 96th, but it was a fluke after many submits. (hangs head in shame). I think calculating the optimal path and using annealing could produce way better results
Wontonimo: after i fix my math
struct: The game is fun
struct: Also public referee
Wontonimo: oh right ... that's another thing i fail to check regularly
Wontonimo: thanks struct, i think i'll give it another crack soon. honestly I was just about to abandon it but you got me interested again
struct: np
struct: Also a small tip
struct: Some people move the pod when they find a collision with checkpoint
struct: you dont actually need to move it
struct: Same for csb
Wontonimo: what do you mean?
struct: So on csb when you collide with a pod
struct: you move all the pods to the time of the collision
struct: then apply the bounce
struct: for the checkpoint you actually dont need to move the pods
struct: you can just increase the nextcheckpoint
struct: That code was from slcc
Wontonimo: thanks
struct: When bot completed all checkpoints
struct: I taked into account the time of collision with last checkpoint on eval
struct: I also took into account the turn
struct: Just so pod rushes the checkpoint if its the last
Wontonimo: nice, i like that last checkpoint logic!
Drew99Kt: you think doing these coding test make you better programmer?? i feel like a lot of this will never be used
struct: it improves your logic
struct: imo
Wontonimo: well practice will never make you better. you are either born with skill or you are not.
Wontonimo: like this bot
Wontonimo: not born with skil
struct: whats your checkpoint radius?
struct: 600?
Wontonimo: 598
Wontonimo: Drew99Kt i'm just messin with ya. yeah, i think for sure it stretches your abilities especially if you choose different langs and get out of your comfort zone
Drew99Kt: yeah i know. just idk did good in all my classes but still struggling doing these coding test
Wontonimo: which ones?
struct: Sometimes it takes a little of time to click
struct: People can struggle a lot at the beginning
Drew99Kt: i can code like 10 different programs using multiple tools and lanuages but these coding test making me feel dumb
Wontonimo: which one are you working on?
Wontonimo: setting reasonable expectations is super important. it isn't clash of code. some of them take me days
Drew99Kt: i dont know how to share it
Wontonimo: url?
struct: I think that is a clash
Wontonimo: ah
Wontonimo: my bad
Drew99Kt: yeah idk i just havent been focused on trying to speed code, been trying to focus on actually building stuff. guess its time to grind away at this
struct: Have you tried the puzzles?
struct: The official cg ones should be better
struct: No time constraint
Drew99Kt: trying to do this one now
Smelty: let me see...
Drew99Kt: ill check that out soon though
Smelty: I'm not allowed to see it
Smelty: try exiting the ide then sending
Smelty: um that's a replay
Smelty: But it's called search race?
Smelty: i think you timed out
Drew99Kt: yeah its called search race.
Smelty: I haven't tried it before, but I'll try it
Smelty: hmm...I think it's similar to coders strike back
Wontonimo: you can do the -3vel thing from CSB, it works well enough to score some CP
Smelty: (the expert rules are literally the same)
Wontonimo: hey Drew99Kt, CoC makes me feel stupid quite often also. Most people who have been on here a while dont do CoC
Smelty: xD same
Smelty: (also, there are so many test cases for the search race
Wontonimo: is test18 and validation18 the same?
Wontonimo: let me say that different ... is test18 the same in validation ?
Smelty: I have no idea
Smelty: I tweaked the -velocity*3 and got 100%, but..
Wontonimo: the suspense is killing me
Smelty: o.O