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Default avatar.png ClashCode2501: I have learnt python but want to learn application

Thelegendkillers: Hola!!

Miki09: hi

Default avatar.png Ledunce: hi

Thelegendkillers: alguien habla español?

Thelegendkillers: oh soy el unico latino aquí?

Default avatar.png jE8448: hYY

pr0ti[-_]st: hi

pr0ti[-_]st: good puzzle

pr0ti[-_]st: I had to think

pr0ti[-_]st: :grinning:

Default avatar.png Ordonnateur: I feel cheated making 100% on the week puzzle not managing the add between more than 2 values (case that need to be managed for the test case tho ^^').

JSboss: ne soy latino pero hablo poquito de la idioma

JSboss: oh that was a few hours ago nvm

BlaiseEbuth: Jet lag...

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: I am Robin_Hood

AntiSquid: is that a ban request ?

MSmits: you can't ban robin hood just because he is socialist. Be politically neutral!

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: hey i created a contribution

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: i use full my mind

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: can anybody want to view it or no AntiSquid it is not a ban request

davilla: oh, I just commented. don't worry, it'll get noticed

Manchi_o6o7: someone who could help me with a scanf problem. It only reads my input once in a loop.


Greanleaf: link = 404?

davilla: I can't read what you posted, seems to be a problem


davilla: better, thanks

davilla: which puzzle is this for?

davilla: or can you describe the issue?

davilla: it looks to me like it should loop n times, you say it's not?

Manchi_o6o7: I found the mistake... It has nothing to do with scanf and the loop. The string gets 5 letters, so the array size should be defined to 6, because of the \0

Manchi_o6o7: I forgot it...

Manchi_o6o7: Sorry guys

davilla: no worries, good debugging

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: what do you want in my contribution davilla

davilla: nothing, I was just making a comment about the math

Default avatar.png DJ-ALOK: okk

HDnox: yo, anybody knows how the score of clash code is calculated ? ?

HDnox: nevermind

Mohamed_Kharrat: percentage solved first, time to solve second. as for the shortest mode its shortest first, time comes second

VizGhar: Hey guys. Long time no see :) any breaking (braking) changes since january?

Puru299792458: Hi

Puru299792458: only 95 characters :scream:

PatrickMcGinnisII: Happy Easter

VizGhar: :D happy easter for you too

VizGhar: hey Puru299792458 for shortest you have to change language... Go is nogo

Puru299792458: :sweat_smile:

VizGhar: I use kotlin by default, ruby for shortest, since i can google 15 minutes straight

Puru299792458: I got to learn ruby then :smiley:

AntiSquid: DJ-ALOK solve mine, i solve yours

AntiSquid: actually your's isn't visible lol can't test at all

AntiSquid: did he already get banned again? :D

Puru299792458: do we get banned also ?

Puru299792458: I'm using since start april, don't have much idea about it

AntiSquid: probably if you claim to be robin hood (the user)

Puru299792458: aah ..... :d

AntiSquid: he's special, you're not so my guess is no you don't get a ban

Puru299792458: I'm solving don't panic

Puru299792458: episode 1

Puru299792458: but its really panicking

AntiSquid: you can do it!

Scarfield: Stay calm And take the elevator

VizGhar: you got this

VizGhar: One way to solve the puzzle is to read forum first. or if you struggle

Manchi_o6o7: Is someone capable of helping me with binary files in C

DaNinja: fopen(path,"rb");

Default avatar.png raghvagr221: hey matews

Default avatar.png raghvagr221: wass up

Default avatar.png raghvagr221: cout<<

Default avatar.png raghvagr221: lol

Default avatar.png raghvagr221: wtf

Default avatar.png raghvagr221: tyf

Default avatar.png raghvagr221: wbu

HDnox: clashCode:


BlaiseEbuth: #clash

HDnox: I don't get it

HDnox: #clash

BlaiseEbuth: Get what

VizGhar: click on it, maybe youll figure it out

HDnox: 2 4 6 : 12 1 3 5: -9 8 10 9 7: 2

HDnox: reverse mode in clash code

HDnox: what's the relation

BlaiseEbuth: If I give you the answer you gimme your points ?

LionMask: hii BlaiseEbuth

DaNinja: +even -odd

HDnox: I lost

HDnox: :p

HDnox: just I was wondering

HDnox: :p

BlaiseEbuth: DaNinja you stole my points ! :rage:

HDnox: thanks anyway ;)

DaNinja: $$$

BlaiseEbuth: Hi Robihood

BlaiseEbuth: +n

Default avatar.png Another_option: Guys, hello

Default avatar.png Another_option: I have a question, if I was classhing, can I return to the question and submit my new solution just to check if it works

Murat_Eroglu: you cant

BlaiseEbuth: Not on CG, but you can use

BlaiseEbuth: Hello toad btw, and sry for the ping... :3

Default avatar.png waht_x: ..

Scarfield: this doesnt ping i think(?)

BlaiseEbuth: Of course it does.


BlaiseEbuth: I don't count the times I summoned euler on Fr... ^^

Scarfield: weird, was sure adding chars in beginning or end to a nick wouldnt ping them


Scarfield: i have called stru_ct: el struc_to to not ping him for ages xD

Scarfield: without the "_" obviously

BlaiseEbuth: You pinged him each time :3

Scarfield: so much for trying to not be annoying

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: guys can i ask you something ?

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: it's a problem

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor:

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: okey, sry

Default avatar.png Darklord1234: i m noob can u help me guyz

djsapsan: you won't believe me. In chess i mate opponent with random moves!

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor:

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: You need to reconstruct a sentence by concatenating various inputs. To do so, you need to use this rule :

AntiSquid: hi, is there anyone here who wants to ask question?

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: yeah me

Scarfield: xD

Default avatar.png ErrorRazor: Pastebin is broken :(

AntiSquid: k thanks that's all i wanted to know FleshgodApocalypse

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: why ?

Manchi_o6o7: Guys. How can I read one per one byte from a binary file, till EOF. In C :/

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: it is forbbiden to ask here ?

Nanosplitter: (Just ask the question instead of asking to ask the question)

Manchi_o6o7: c=getc isn't working properly

AntiSquid: no, am i forbidden to ask who wants to ask?

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: no

AntiSquid: cool so we can be best friends then

Scarfield: no FleshgodApocalypse of course not, but just ask your question from the start, no need to ask for help without stating what you need help with :)

Puru299792458: :joy:

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: it's just i am new here , and i don't know the rules quit well

Puru299792458: no rules i guess

Puru299792458: just ask questions and be kind :D

AntiSquid: Automaton2000 what are the rules of codingame ?

Automaton2000: time to learn new things

PatrickMcGinnisII: keep you questions under 32-bits please. :P

Nanosplitter: Good answer Automaton2000

Puru299792458: and only ascii characters :P

Automaton2000: oh yes i see it

AntiSquid: FleshgodApocalypse what's your question anyway? be specific

Manchi_o6o7: Can someone help me with this

Nanosplitter: Automaton2000 Can you help them with their general problem?

Automaton2000: Nanosplitter are you a girl?


Nanosplitter: Oof

Scarfield: xD

AntiSquid: Darklord1234 what's your question Automaton2000 will help

Automaton2000: still i don't know anything about that

Manchi_o6o7: I commented the line. It only reads 4 bytes, not the whole binary file.

Nanosplitter: Hahaha

AntiSquid: doing free answer giveaway

AntiSquid: which puzzle is that Manchi_o6o7

Manchi_o6o7: it is not a puzzle

AntiSquid: ok what are you trying to achieve?

tarapitha: Manchi_0607, how do you call the getc?

Scarfield: line 33 lacks {} after if no(?)

AntiSquid: it's tucked in ^

AntiSquid: hidden

Manchi_o6o7: I am trying to read from a binary fail, the fails contains DEFGHKRKEKRK etc. Some string.

Manchi_o6o7: But it only return the four first chars

Manchi_o6o7: DEFG for example

Default avatar.png FleshgodApocalypse: Antisquid thx m8,no need. now i think i've got the general idea behind what i was about to ask

PatrickMcGinnisII: Manchi_o6o7 check your file encoding. Open file in a hex editor, you'll prolly find a 0, which is reading as an EOF instead of an extended or non-UTF8 charset

PatrickMcGinnisII: Reading a single byte is kinda dumb, maybe think about a stream

Manchi_o6o7: i am trying to do it

Manchi_o6o7: with fread

AntiSquid: ifstream input( "C:\\Final.gif", fstream::binary );

AntiSquid: shouldn't it be something like that ?

Manchi_o6o7: but then I get just one character

AntiSquid: with fread put it in a while loop

AntiSquid: no ?

Manchi_o6o7: while(fread(&c,sizeof(c),1,in)){


Manchi_o6o7: like this :/

AntiSquid: oh right, sorry code is a bit ugly

Manchi_o6o7: I have no idea how to fix it. Because I don't know how mucb bytes I should read.

AntiSquid: i didn't use C that much see if this helps

Manchi_o6o7: still having trouble

tarapitha: Just an idea, could you try %02X instead of %c in printf?

tarapitha: Maybe the file contains something that blocks output.

Husoski: @manchi most C compilers for x86 have signed chars, so a 0xFF char reads as -1 when converted to int. That's the same as EOF. Use feof() to test for end of file

Husoski: Also, you can use fsetpos() and ftell() to find the length of a file you have opened for binary ('rb') access.

Husoski: oops make that fseek(), not fsetpos().

Manchi_o6o7: it constantly prints only four letters

Manchi_o6o7: I think it is a eof for some reason

PatrickMcGinnisII: test if the fread is successful instead

PatrickMcGinnisII: while(fread(&data,1,1,in) {}

Manchi_o6o7: data is type of char? same thing

Manchi_o6o7: only four bytes

PatrickMcGinnisII: you cast c to an int, which is correct when testing for an eof

PatrickMcGinnisII: cast c back to char when printing maybe printf("%c", (char)c);

Default avatar.png tegaroh01: ...

Manchi_o6o7: it is definitely a probelm with some EOF

Manchi_o6o7: same thing

Manchi_o6o7: only first four letters

PatrickMcGinnisII: check the hex value of the 5th byte in the file you are trying to's probably 0 or FF....extended codes for /0 /r /n, etc. are probably in the file... I'm no help, been 30 years since i fought with fgetc.

Manchi_o6o7: the problem is fwrite...

PatrickMcGinnisII: UTF encoded files can have 1 to 4 bytes long

Manchi_o6o7: it only writes the first four bytes

PatrickMcGinnisII: omg

PatrickMcGinnisII: that's not the line you commented

PatrickMcGinnisII: use sizeof(unos)

jacek: oO

PatrickMcGinnisII: sizeof(sifra) is always 4's a pointer

jacek: isnt pointer 8 bytes for 64bit systems

PatrickMcGinnisII: depends on compiler

Manchi_o6o7: it should be strlen....

Manchi_o6o7: It works finally guys

Manchi_o6o7: sizeof changed to strlen....

AntiSquid: i don't understand what you're doing a basic check for EOF should be enough

PatrickMcGinnisII: smh, i need a nap

JSboss: same

Puru299792458: anyone doing cp on cf

Default avatar.png Chompien: no

Default avatar.png kresteodymium: me @Puru

JerWhatIsCode: As a begginer, I'm curios how much I'm learning in the practice puzzles can benefit me in real-life. Same question with CoC.

solution.cpp: the coding knowledge and problem solving skills will benefit you in any area in the real world

VizGhar: but you won't need to compute factorial of n-th fibonacci number in real-life coding ;)

JerWhatIsCode: I understand there's obviously some degree of problem solving training, but all the CoC that focus on converting to ASC and hexadecimal to write strings backwars (or what not). Like, is this concepts actually implemented with a sort of frequency or it's more an arbitrary puzzle?

solution.cpp: No the puzzles are pretty arbitrary, the concepts such as loops & etc are used

Uljahn: CoCs are supposed to be solved in under 5 minutes just for fun, there is no much depth in it

JerWhatIsCode: Cool, thanks for all the inputs

Uljahn: you can try more mature tasks like multiplayer bot AI games or optimisations

JerWhatIsCode: I've currently got a dissertation to write so I'm momentarily alright with the simpler games, just was curious how much benefit I might be getting out of them.

JerWhatIsCode: I figured it was probably mostly problem solving exercises that were arbitrary but wanted to check what others thought

JSboss: IMO a big benefit of CoC is to branch out your knowledge of other languages through viewing how others complete the same tasks while optimizing different things (speed, shortness, insight)

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: I am eat food yes

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: yes eyes

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: read think know

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: thatssss what hessdd readdddds reds

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: cguadhfj

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: nope this

JSboss: codechamp101 shh

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: orkinapors

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: shh mork?

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: morK?

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: MORK?

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: him knows

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: redas

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: HECK

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: :thumbsdown:

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: :thumbsup:

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: shy

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: mo shy

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: no shy

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: strong bull

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: Hey7 asojdf

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: Hey7 asoj

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: Hey7 asoj

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: Hey7 asoj

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: Hey7 asoj

Default avatar.png CodeChamp101: Hey7 asoj

Illedan: Please stop spamming

struct: grats on 1st place Illedan

Illedan: 7 days left

Illedan: But I'm happy :D

struct: sim is similar to csb right?

Illedan: yeah

struct: I might try it then

struct: NN?

Illedan: Nah

struct: ok

struct: I dont want to ask the search

struct: Just wanted to know if it was NN

Illedan: Wouldn't tell anyway :P

Default avatar.png Heldenkrieger01: :smiley:

Default avatar.png PhoenixDB: Bit late to throw my 2 cents into this, but for me one real world benefit of CoC and fibbonachi or factorial style questions is that they are also the sort of questions that will come up in a job interview

struct: Im sure there are some

Default avatar.png tchar: yeah we all know how non real world job interviews are

therealbeef: first place in what illedan?


therealbeef: ah i never saw that one on the webpage

ZarthaxX: Illedan are you eligible for prize?

ZarthaxX: hi btw

Default avatar.png OneToothMan: oops lol accidently closed the chatr

JSboss: hello world

PatrickMcGinnisII: huh, Sofia Labs Challenge, story is in California, but not open to U.S. coders, rofl

PatrickMcGinnisII: 3 player CSB w/ multiple boosts...okay

therealbeef: yeah, trying a lame port :P

PatrickMcGinnisII: no shield, shouldn't be hard

therealbeef: hadn't even built in shield yet ;-)

therealbeef: my csb bot is just a lame port of search race

orangesnowfox: ... my search race is just a lame port of my csb

therealbeef: that's why i beat you there ;)

orangesnowfox: lol

PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm, dunno where referee is ... it prolly has the bumping physics calculations

PatrickMcGinnisII: probably the same as csb

orangesnowfox: So... Via the power of chessprogramming wiki, and a longtime friend, my onitama now does depth 7, and this wins me... like, a few extra games

PatrickMcGinnisII: so, boosting your enemy off the best path might be a good idea

PatrickMcGinnisII: hmm, gtg, glhf...illed

struct: hi ZarthaxX

struct: Im also not sure if this time the prizes are for europe or only france

AntiSquid: oh varying number of boosts ...

struct: I wonder if this game needed mirror matches

struct: I havent played to know if the starting position of the pods has any impact

AntiSquid: oh damn a bit more headache porting my bot than i initially thought

therealbeef: you mean it's a port ;)

AntiSquid: no angle ?

therealbeef: nope

therealbeef: insta turn

AntiSquid: does angle not matter ?

struct: I think you can thrust any direction

struct: So no angle needed

AntiSquid: lol hm now i got to think it through a bit @_@

struct: why?

AntiSquid: because angles matter in csb

AntiSquid: now i need to remove stuff related to them

struct: -3vx ezpz

AntiSquid: this rare your company thing keep popping up @_@

AntiSquid: what rating should i give ?

AntiSquid: and it asks for a bio too now? i thought i had one

struct: rating?

AntiSquid: add a company to your profile i am sure you'll get a the request on the main page to rate it afterwards

struct: ah

struct: Maybe they use this information for cg work

AntiSquid: or to snitch you out if you say anything wrong ! :O

AntiSquid: /j

AntiSquid: because i already told them at my work what i wanted to tell them, snitching wouldn't matter

struct: When im not happy i usually just tell them

AntiSquid: ya depends, you can't always say what's on your mind at any company, depends on the people

struct: Do you know if the prizes are only eligible for French residents?

AntiSquid: no, but whatever ? i mean are you competing for prizes?

struct: no

struct: I see strong players

therealbeef: you can say whats on your mind at least once, guaranteed

struct: pb 4 is there so no chance for us

AntiSquid: top 3 = be super hardcore tryhard or stay out if you don't play for fun

AntiSquid: you can always call them and tell them any time if you care therealbeef :D

struct: time allowed is 100ms

struct: more than csb :D

AntiSquid: express your feelings and emotions in a passionate way

AntiSquid: is it 100ms for first turn too ?

struct: I think its 1000

struct: Havent checked

AntiSquid: i just wanted to do some random troll submit so not bothering with it anymore

AntiSquid: wait ! OMG ! Automaton2000 let's submit in D !!

Automaton2000: maybe i should look it up

AntiSquid: yes

struct: I wonder what is good in this gmae

struct: game*

struct: its very strange

struct: The instant direction changes

AntiSquid: ya now that i think about it, it might be slightly more complicated than csb

AntiSquid: i mean for csb your angle options are limited to -18 to 18

struct: Well there is no shield

struct: and only 1 pod

struct: So I dont think sooo

AntiSquid: so here you have a larger range to pick from

struct: so*

AntiSquid: 360 angles as opposed to 37

struct: 37*37

struct: Still

struct: I dont think its fair to compare them

struct: Completely different games

AntiSquid: no not completely different

AntiSquid: the similarities are HUGE

struct: I wonder how csb would be if it had these parameters

struct: Like no angle restrictions

struct: and more boosts

AntiSquid: and lazors

AntiSquid: oh max speed 100

DaNinja: wonder is the boost speed still 650?

therealbeef: i wonder if insta turn with max speed 200 would be more interesting

AntiSquid: the will of the D

AntiSquid: got my bot in there

AntiSquid: that's enough developing

AntiSquid: got to save energy for the official contest

struct: oh

struct: didnt see the new artwork

struct: Anyways I guess ill try this mini contest

struct: Havent been on cg much lately

therealbeef: antisquid your bots cant keep track of its next checkpoint it seems

therealbeef: *bot

AntiSquid: oh well

AntiSquid: submit a ticket

therealbeef: blame it on the D?

AntiSquid: will get my crew to fix it

struct: will probably just get added to the backlog

AntiSquid: ok fixt i think

AntiSquid: was because i just wrote up the entire thing in few seconds to submit some random crap, was aiming for last "nextcheckpoint" in the input :D

AntiSquid: doesn't change my rank lol .. you made me waste my time

Astrobytes: struct: can you resubmit Amazons to contribs please?

struct: done

Astrobytes: Ah thanks. I've not been around much either

Astrobytes: Not on chat at least

Default avatar.png MattW92: pepehands, I was doing the asteroids weekly thing and had it all working up until the last one

why does it need floor to begin with, isn't it just essentually adding the difference between the initial position and second position to get the final position?

Astrobytes: Anyway, I suppose I should sleep. gn all

struct: gn

AntiSquid: gn

struct: im not sure why MattW92

AntiSquid: oh i thought you wrote that long text ... i confuse your avatar with the default one :blush:

Notter: How do you make the lightbulb appear?

Default avatar.png MattW92: Ah, the problem itself is set up really weird

there's t1, t2 and t3 but the output is expecting each like at t3 so it's kinda of confusing

Default avatar.png MattW92: t1, t2 and t3 as inputs and has t3 as an output too*

Default avatar.png AayushAsthana: shee

AntiSquid: she what?

TheRaz: hello fuckers

Nanosplitter: bruh